#Lord Debling x you
It Was Enchanting to Meet You
Lord Debling x Fem reader
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Lord Alfred Debling x female Bridgerton reader
Synopsis - You’re the second eldest Bridgerton daughter, being forced by your brother to finally debut. You believed the ordeal would be terrible, that was until you meet the handsome Lord Debling, the handsome stranger soon captivates your mind and heart.
Warnings- fluff, period drama, feelings, very small amount of angst, confessions, great sibling relationships, suggestive themes but no smut. Still 18+ though please.
Word count- 4.7K
Today was the day, the day you were coming out into society, you’d put it off long enough. Being that you were only a year younger than your elder sister Daphne, and a year older than Eloise who were both already out. But your mother hadn’t pushed you and for that you were thankful, your eldest sibling Anthony though was another story. He had all but told you enough was a enough, and even though he would not ever force you to take a husband, you needed to be out in society despite your disagreement with it.
He did not want the great Bridgerton name tarnished, with people starting to talk of the strange girl in the family who did not conform to society’s norm, who did not like social situations, a girl who spent her time fencing, reading and horseback riding. You were a free spirit, one who preferred the wind in her hair, rather than constricted dresses, dancing and polite conversation.
So now just having turned 20 you were being launched into the world around you. This brings you back to today, your mother was flapping making sure both you and Francesca looked perfect, creamy white gowns adorning your bodies, lace perfectly placed, your dress was accentuated with gold floral embroidery and tiny puff sleeves. You adjusted your long white gloves once more before exiting your room, “Ah y/n there you are my love, have you seen your sister I can’t find her anywhere, she is not in her room!” Your mother Violet frets, she’s looking pale and exhausted. “Calm down mother, I’m sure she is about, I can hear music are you sure you haven’t checked it is not her playing?” You ask.
“Oh! No I have not, come, we shall go check together.” She replies, gently grasping your wrist and tugging you down the staircase In search of your sister, you are sure she only holds onto you so she cannot loose you too.
Walking into the drawing room you find it was indeed Francesca playing the piano forte, your mother breathing a big sigh of relief, she is also dressed ready to go. “Well then my children let’s get going shall we?” She asks as she ushers us all out to the carriages, turning to you and Francesca she says “You both look so beautiful!” Voice full of emotion. “Thank you mother” you both say in unison, she nods before you all enter the carriage and head off to the queens palace.
The whole thing went by in a blur, you walked down the aisle, bowed to the queen then exited out to the side, you’d all entered out into a garden party where people were mingling happily. Your brother Colin who had just returned from travels, was boasting to the young ladies, causing them to fawn over him. Penelope Featherington sadly watching from the sidelines, you were very aware of how she felt for your brother, being the same age you had spent many moments together. Although you wouldn’t call her a close friend, it saddened you to see her aways watching him with such hopeful but sad eyes.
You decided she could do with a distraction so you made your way over to her, “Hey Pen, how are you? I haven’t seen you about the house recently?” You ask, she jumps, obviously you’d caught her very much deep in thought. “My goodness y/n you scared me” she gasps hand on her chest, “Sorry Pen, we were both on our own so I thought I’d come talk with you” you explain. Her face softens then “Of course, you can always come talk to me, I know how hard this must all be for you” she replies her face now sympathetic. “Yes, I do so hate public attention, but alas my brother thought it was necessary” you sigh, nodding Penelope gave you a look of understanding, “We must all be pushed out into society sooner or later, I was just 17 when my mother decided I needed to be out. And look over three years later and I’m still just sat here with no suitor prospects, I wish I could find a husband” she groans, “What? Why? You’ve never seemed too interested before?” You ask.
With a sigh she turns to you “In all honesty I need my privacy, and I just cannot stand living with my family any longer, at least your family is supportive and kind, mine can be just awful” she complains. You nod, you understand, her family have always been difficult especially her mother! “Well then Pen I hope you find a kind, loyal man to be your husband this season, you deserve some happiness” you tell her in earnest. “Thank you y/n, you do too, whatever that is for you, you deserve happiness too” she says as she walks off, leaving you once more to your thoughts.
Would you find happiness? What was happiness to you anyways?
That evening you were attending your very first ball, nerves settled deep within your stomach. There would be many people attending Lady Danbury’s ball, and you were hoping to quietly blend into the crowds, not causing any reason to warrant any unwanted attention. Anthony had insisted on you being present, he had also given you a list of people he had chosen for your to converse with.
Your dress though, that you had chosen for yourself, it was a deep maroon, corseted down to your waist, it then flared out into a subtle A line ballgown. It had thick off the shoulders straps, sparkling embroidery and a skirt that swished as you moved. You wanted something that felt more freeing, compared to the tight empire line gowns that were the norm. Giving yourself a last once over you sighed, although you looked like a princess, you felt absolutely ridiculous.
Entering the party was as equally nerve wrecking as bowing to the queen this morning, walking down the steps after your brothers and sisters you felt all eyes shift to you, you held your head hire and floated down with all the grace you could muster, it must have worked because once you’d reached the bottom all eyes were still glued to you. Your mother came rushing to meet you, “You did well, you entered as gracefully as a swan” she gushed, you rolled your eyes at her enthusiasm, “Well mother my plan is to not cause any unwanted attention, I don’t want them thinking I am some wild animal that cannot be tamed” you sassed back. Tutting she guided you through the crowds to meet some new people, what you hadn’t noticed though, were a pair of very entranced blue eyes belonging to the one Lord Alfred Debling watching your entrance.
“Who is she?” Lord Debling asked Lady Danbury, “That would be Miss Y/N Bridgerton, second eldest daughter of the Bridgerton family” Lady Danbury answered. “I see” he replies eyes still watching you intently, Lady Danbury smirks knowingly, “I may also add, she only debuted this morning so from what I gather she is very much on the market, so to speak” she smiled. “Is that so?” He asks eyes still enchanted by you. The pair hadn’t noticed Cressida Cowper Joining them, not until she spoke up causing them to both jump slightly, “I’ve heard she’s a strange girl” she abruptly interrupts, “And where have you heard that Miss Cowper?” Asks Lady Danbury, her voice full of exasperation.
“Well I’ve heard she prefers the outdoors over social gatherings, she rides her horse bareback at some speed I may add, I’ve seen it myself. When I’ve called on Eloise this summer she’s either sprinting through the country on her horse or she has her nose in some weird book” she explains amusedly. “I don’t see how that makes her strange, but rather it makes her unique” Lord Debling affirms, “Well also” Cressida stutters out trying to find something more vexing to say about you, “Ah she also fences, she sword fights with her brothers, isn’t it incredibly odd, incorrect even for a young lady to sword fight?” She points out. “I dare say! Does she really?” He asks Lady Danbury, “Yes I believe she does” Danbury replies, the smug look is soon wiped off Cressida’s face though when he turns back to Lady Danbury, “That is incredibly impressive, what a young lady she is! I will go introduce myself” and with that he leaves in search of you.
He finds you over by the drinks helping yourself to one before retreating to the corner, “Miss Bridgerton? Are you quite alright? You appear to be hiding in the corner” he asks. You bow quickly “Lord Debling, I’m quite well thank you, just not one for large social gathering's” you answer honestly. “Ah, no me either actually, I prefer to be outdoors” he responds. You smile up at him shyly “I do too” you agree, “Riding Percy gives me much more joy than this” you continue, choking on his drink Lord Debling gasps “I beg your pardon you what?”, “Percy, he’s my horse, a Suffolk punch, my brother Anthony bought him for me for my birthday a few years back, I most enjoy riding him through the countryside, where it’s nice and quiet” you explain,
“Oh of course, I heard from Lady Danbury that you enjoy riding, he conveys, cheeks bright red now from his misunderstanding. “Lady Danbury spoke of me? To you?” You ask confused, “Umm yes, I happened to ask after you” he admits, you offer him a smile “I see and what else did she happen to say about me?” You question teasingly causing him to smirk, “Nothing much else, just that this was your first season” he stutters out now feeling very put on the spot, “Oh yes well I put it off as long as I possibly could, but my brother is forcing me to try this year” you confirm, “Is it so very bad?” He asks, teasing smile on his lips, “Well maybe not as bad as I had made it out to be in my head” you admit.
“Well then, would you care to dance?” He offers, hand outstretched towards you. “Yeah ok, why not, in the name of trying new things of course” you smile, “Of course” he repeats, clearly amused by you. He walks you out to the dance floor as everyone lines up, ready for the dance to begin. As the music plays he spins you around the dance floor, your eyes never leaving one another’s, its almost as if there’s static energy between you, your hearts pounding in your chest, you can tell everyone is watching you both, but in that moment all you can see is him.
“Is that your daughter Violet, dancing with Lord Debling?” One of the mothers asks, “Yes” your mother laughs, “I dare say it is” her face is lit up at the way your both staring at each other, thoughts of Daphne and Simon’s first dance entering her mind. This looked very promising, she thought you’d be the hardest to convince to give this whole ordeal a try, but you were entranced by the man before you, and it was Francesca who had made a rather hastily exit home already.
Lady Danbury joins your mother, “He asked about her you know, the second she entered the room” she tells your mother, knowing smirk still plastered on her face, “Did he?” Your mother asks, “Yes, he seemed very much intrigued by her, maybe we’ve made a match already” she implies, “Maybe…….. I will speak to my daughter once we are home” you mother decides. Nodding in agreement Lady Danbury takes her leave.
Once your dance comes to an end you bow and move to walk away, thinking he would have other young ladies to dance with, a soft grip of your hand causes you to turn, coming face to face with Lord Debling once more, “May I call on your tomorrow?” He asks, “Yes you may” you give a curt nod before leaving with your family.
This night had gone much better than expected, you thought to yourself whilst laying in bed, you felt excited to see what else was to come.
The next day you’d woken up early, to get yourself dressed for your sword fighting lesson, hoping you’d have time to freshen up before anyone had any callers, you smile to yourself at the thought of seeing Lord Debling again today. Bounding down the stairs you met your instructor Henry, “Good morning Miss Bridgerton, are you ready?” He asks, “Yes I am” you affirm, “Very good, although I don’t see how you need any more lessons now, I’ve taught you everything I know, and you have mastered it all”, you grin “Why thank you Henry, but I can tell you why I need my lessons” you reply, “And why is that Miss Bridgerton?” He asks, “Because I enjoy them” you laugh as you get into position.
Your two eldest brothers had joined you now, you were currently practicing against Benedict, completely loosing track of time. “Why do you encourage this Anthony?” Your mother asks, “Well dear mother I think it’s good that a lady knows how to defend herself, no one will ever mess with our little y/n now will they?” He questions playfully, rolling her eyes she waves him off as she leaves the room.
“Ha! I win again! Really Benedict are you even trying?” You goad, sweaty and exhausted he gives you the are you kidding look, “Yes dear sister unfortunately I am!” He grumbles, Anthony snorts out a laugh “Well I dare say these lessons are paying off, you have quite the talent” he praises you, “Thank you brother” you smile. Just then one of your maids enter the room, “Someone’s here to see you Miss” she announces, realisation hits you! Oh no Lord Debling has arrived and your still in your fencing clothes.
Walking in he smiles at you, you bow nervously before rambling out, “I’m very sorry I lost track of time my lord, please excuse me for a moment while I go change”, “Nonsense don’t worry about it, I’d love to see you in action” he answers, “Really!?” You ask surprised, he nods in response, you look to Anthony motioning for him to come join you, but he puts his hands up in surrender, “Oh no, watching Benedict loose all credibility was quite enough for one day, I will go find my wife, as I promised her a walk this morning.” He replies, “I’ll spar with you” Lord Debling offers, “Oh I couldn’t ask that of you my Lord” you hastily reply, “You’re not asking, I’m offering” he affirms before removing his jacket and placing on Benedict’s fencing armour.
Anthony lets out a laugh, “Perfect” he announces, before turning to Lord Debling “Don’t let her win, she will know. She is incredibly able” he confirms before leaving to find his wife. “Well are you ready then?” Debling asks you, “Yes, quite ready” you smirk back. As the two of you spar the static energy returns from last night, you fall into an effortless rhythm against one another, he fights well, there is technique and power to his moves, but you are just too quick for him, eventually knocking the sword from his hands and pointing yours to his chest in victory,
“I say! You are rather good at this aren’t you” he laughs, “Yeah I think it’s because I enjoy it so much” you agree.
“You Miss Bridgerton are an incredibly rare flower indeed” he says, “Thanks” you reply warm blush adorning your cheeks, “Will you save me a dance at tonight’s party?” He asks. “Yes of course” you reply maybe a little too hastily, “Well then, until tonight” he offers placing a delicate kiss to your knuckles. Before leaving he looks back towards you once more, giving you the most endearing smile.
You were very much looking forward to seeing him again tonight.
Over the next few weeks the two of you became much more acquainted with one another, you danced together at every party, usually more than once, you took chaperoned strolls together in the park and your family had also invited him over a couple of times for dinner.
You’d learnt much about him, his love for animals and wildlife, the fact he didn’t eat meat, all his adventure and conservation ideas, you’d become completely enamoured with this man, It appeared he also was with you too.
Today you were both taking a stroll in the park, the sun was warm and the smell of blossoms filled the spring air. Your maid was walking a few steps behind you, keeping a watchful eye. “Beautiful day is it not?” You ask him cheerfully, enjoying the sunshine on your skin. “Yes it is, but I can see something much more beautiful” he replies watching you carefully, you turn your head to hide your reddening cheeks. “Will you be attending the garden party tomorrow? I hear there will be a new form of transport being showcased” you ask, “Yes I believe I will be attending” he responds while smiling at you, grinning up at him you offer a nod in response.
“Well I bid you farewell Lord Debling, I have promised to help my mother this afternoon, I will see you tomorrow?” You offer, “Yes I shall see you tomorrow, good afternoon Miss Bridgerton” he replies. You spare him one last glance, before you walk off with your maid.
It was the day of the garden party and you were stood looking at the enormous ballon in awe, was that really supposed to be able to carry people through the sky? “Quite spectacular isn’t it?” Lord Deblings voice cut through your thoughts causing you to jump, “My Lord, you gave me a fright!” You gasped, “I am sorry, that was not my intention” he responds “That’s ok, it is spectacular yes, although I do worry how it’s supposed to transport people” you reply.
“Yes quite, but I suppose only time will tell, are you well Miss Bridgerton?” He asks, “Yes, thank you my Lord I am very well” you affirm, “Good” he nods.
As the afternoon goes on Penelope, Eloise and Cressida join in your conversation, Cressida going out of her way to try and impress Lord Debling, not even caring how desperate and contrary it makes her appear. Penelope spends the whole time staring at Colin and Eloise is pretty much rolling her eyes at everybody’s antics. Cressida continues to laugh at something he said, almost hanging off his arm, causing a pit of jealousy to stir in your stomach.
You turn your attention once again to the large ballon, which is now rocking very unstably in the wind, creaking and groaning as the ropes loosen. Just as they snap your brothers are rushing over to pull them back, using as much strength as they can muster to pull the thing back into place. All you can do is watch in terror as they lose control and the ship comes hurtling towards you, it all happens so quick, one miniute you’re watching terrified, the next you’re on the floor Lord Deblings body shielding you.
“Are you quite alright?” He asks gazing into your eyes, “Yes all thanks to you”. He carefully traces his fingertips down the side of your jaw, you watch him with wide eyes, wanting nothing more than to lean in and kiss him. Someone loudly clears their throat behind you, you both jump apart, turning to see Cressida and Eloise watching you both.
Lord Debling jumps up before offering you a hand up too, “What luck you were there to save my sister, thank you my Lord” Eloise states, “Of course, it was nothing” he replies before walking off.
“What was that y/n?” Eloise gasps, “I hardly know” you reply, completely shocked yourself.
That very evening you arrived at the ball still very much in shock, more so by Lord Deblings behaviour than nearly being squashed by the heavy ballon. Your mother currently had you making small talk with every eligible Lord in the room, “Mother is this really necessary?” You grumbled as you made your way over to yet another man, “Yes my darling daughter it is, until Lord Debling actually proposes you must keep your options open” she insists, “But Anthony said I do not have to marry this season, only that I must be out in society” you ask confused.
“Yes I know my sweet girl, but every year you’re on the market the less desirable you become, now make haste” she commands, you roll your eyes at her as she drags you through the crowd, “Lady Bridgerton, Miss Bridgerton, how nice to see you both” Lord Cambell greets, “Lord Cambell, lovely to see you again” you reply with a very forced smile. “Would you have any space left on your card to include a dance with me?” He asks, you stutter before your mother replies on your behalf, “My daughter would be delighted”, you resentfully offer your wrist and card for him to write his name on, before bowing and leaving to find some corner to hide in.
After no empty corner is found you retreat to the gardens in hope of some peace, leaning against the cold stone of the house you close your eyes, taking a deep breath. “Miss Bridgerton you should not be out here alone” Lord Deblings voice causes you to jump, “My goodness my Lord! Must you always startle me so.” You gasp, “Sorry I never intend too” he replies in earnest, “But you really shouldn’t be out here alone” he repeats as he steps closer, “Yes I know, but I need a minute to breathe, it’s awfully stuffy in there, and my mother is being a nuisance….” You trail off, voice stuttering as he steps closer once more, “By nuisance you mean by parading you around the room, like a prized animal?” He smirks, “Yes” you stammer, feeling more breathless than before if that was at all possible.
He carefully moves a piece of hair from your face, “Do you not wish for the attention of the Lords here tonight Miss Bridgerton?” He asks, “No, not from those ones anyways” you whisper, then in a flash his mouth meets yours, it’s passionate and gentle, it’s fire but also calm. Your fingers grasp his jacket as you pull him in closer, moulding your body to his own, his fingers move from your face to your neck, tilting your face to give him better access. His other hand grasps your thigh as he pulls it over his hip, grounding down into you causing a low whimper from your lips, moving from your mouth he kisses down your neck, nipping at your sweet spot, your hands slide into his hair as you grind into his hips once more.
Your movement causes him to gasp before quickly pulling himself away from you, leaving you a breathless mess. “I shouldn’t have done that” he worries, “My Lord?” You ask confused and worried, “I shouldn’t have put you in that position I am so very sorry” he repeats and your heart sinks, was he going to reject you now? Were you about to loose all credibility? Sensing your despair he quickly comforts you, “What I mean to say is that shouldn’t have happened before I asked for your hand, I do not wish to dishonour you, if you will have me and your brother agrees to it, I would very much like to make you my wife” he confirms, “Really?” You ask.
“Yes really, I am quite enamoured with you my dearest y/n, I came here to the Ton to seek out a wife, I thought I could find a match of convenience, one where I could travel and my wife would happily stay at home managing my estate. I did not think love was in the cards for me, I believed that my work would take up too much space in my heart for that, but then I met you, and my goodness did you change everything” he explains.
“Is this a confession of love my Lord?” You ask still very much breathless.
“It is yes, I didn’t come here to seek it which makes this as much a surprise to me as it is to yourself” he replies.
“I love you too” you admit, which causes his handsome face to light up, “I too did not believe this would happen, when my brother asked me to debut this season, I admit I hated the very idea, but I’m so very glad I did as it lead me to you” You confess.
“Well then my love, I believe I have a question to ask your brother” he replies, his hand seeking to find your own, grasping his with yours you reply “I suppose you do”. He gives you one last kiss on your cheek before heading inside to seek out your brother. You are still stood against the house, breaths still racing as you trace your lips with your fingertips, the tingling of his kisses still present.
Upon entering your home that evening Anthony stops you “Y/N may I speak with you a moment?” He asks, “Yea of course brother what is it?”
“Lord Debling has asked for my permission to propose to you, he says he has the deepest of feelings for you and he wishes you to be his wife, I know him to be a very kind man, one who obviously wouldn’t ever hurt an animal or a woman, he has a great estate and great prospects, so if it’s what you want I will agree to it at once, but I told him I had to talk with my sister first” he explains.
You smile knowing how deeply your family cares for each other, this is something you will never take for granted. “Truth is brother, I love him very much, I didn’t think it were possible to find someone I could fall for so deeply, but here we are” you reply.
“Very well then I shall give him my permission” Anthony affirms. You walk over and give him a chaste kiss to the cheek, “Thank you brother” you respond, he nods giving your shoulder an affectionate squeeze before wandering off.
You were going to be married! Not only that to a man you love, you felt such happiness in that moment your chest could burst.
The next morning whilst reading your maid walked in announcing Lord Debling was here to see you, you nod at her to let him in.
“Hello my love, are you well this morning?” He asks as he enters the room.
“I am quite well my Lord thank you” you smile.
“Please call me Alfred, such formalities feel no longer necessary”
“Very well Alfred, but then you must call me y/n so we are on equal terms” you reply.
He laughs, “Of course, my dearest y/n, so I’m guessing it’s no secret to as why I am here?” He asks.
“Well I have an idea, but I will need you to clarify” you respond with wit.
“Very well Miss y/n Bridgerton” he begins before getting down on one knee, “You have bewitched my heart, and I’m asking if you will do me the extraordinary honour of becoming my wife?”
Walking towards him you kneel down in front of him, reaching out and tracing his stubbled cheek, “Yes Alfred, I will marry you” you gush before moving in and placing your lips against his, in a sweet soft kiss.
Just then all your family enter the room offering congratulations, you thank them all but your eyes never leave his, as you think to yourself yes you believe this will be a very happy marriage indeed.
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peachpitfics · 4 months
Out of the Woods
Fandom: Bridgerton
Summary: As Lord and Lady Debling, you are headed back to your estate to spend time together in seclusion before your new husband has to leave for his next research endeavour.
Length: 3.3k
Pairing:  Lord Alfred Debling x fem!reader
Content Warnings: fingering, public sex, penetrative sex, vaginal sex, breeding/impregnation.
Bridgerton master list (tag list)
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Lord Debling’s estate was several days away by carriage, but that was no matter, you had each other to get to know along the way. There had only been your family present at the wedding, and a few of Alfreds close friends and colleagues. It was suspected by yourself and your family that perhaps you would not be meeting the Lords family at all.
The wedding night had been more than you had dreamed of, and while he had explicitly claimed he was not looking for love, you could see the beginnings of something forming between you. Your new husband was gentle and kind, with the softest touch – your mother had warned you on your wedding day that men took their pleasures with their wives that evening. But she was wrong, Lord Debling allayed all your fears, quelled your nerves, and held you tightly all night.
“Are you excited to see the manor?” Lord Debling reached over to you, sitting next to him, and clasped his hand around yours. His touch never seemed out of place or uncomfortable.
“Yes, of course I am Alfred” You replied, looking out the window to see if it was getting nearer. In the distance, a sprawling manor, snugly built into a valley, was surrounded by overgrown trees and vines. It looked peaceful. His thumb stroked the top of your hand in fondness, excited to see you so alit.
The manor had wide, deep blue double doors and tall windows, you were sure this home would be filled with a lot of light. The service staff of the house all stood outside to greet you, their own excitement bubbling over. Alfred appeared to be friendly with each member of staff, shaking hands and even offering his head housekeeper a warm hug upon arrival.
“Is this your lovely bride then, my Lord?” The middle-aged woman asked, beaming at you.
“So, it is. I’d like you all to get acquainted with Lady Y/n – My travels begin in a weeks’ time, and I will be leaving her ladyship in charge of the entire estate” Alfred placed a firm hand at the small of your back and pulled you into him.
Clambering up the front steps, Alfred began giving you the grand tour of your new home. The study, the library, the master bedroom and even the nursery – something in you was not expecting there to be a full nursey set up no meters from where you were sleeping. But it did excite you, the thought of children running around the manor to keep you busy while Alfred was away. It was your favourite room in the manor.
Leading you back to the sitting room at the front of the house, he held both your hands in his, “If you could eat anything for supper tonight, what might it be?” Alfred asked excitedly.
His question took you by surprise. You had taken on your husband’s lifestyle as soon as he asked for your hand.
“I would greatly appreciate fresh bread,” Your mouth began watering, “And eggs! Perhaps also some jam” You blushed, thinking about the insane request you just made.
Alfred laughed heartily, “Of course, I should hope we will not be having the jam and eggs together” He prayed, scooping you up into his arms and laying you on the settee by the window. It would not have mattered what size you were, Alfreds strength was clear and effortless. Even without a love match, you felt adored. Every interaction seemed romantic.
You spent the evening in the dining room, speaking about your lives back and forth, picking at bread and cheese the cook had sent out after you kept on at the table well after the meal was finished. It was nice, getting to know someone on this level.
There was a lull in the conversation, you could tell your husband wanted to ask you something.
“Y/n, the housekeepers have prepared a room for you across the hall from the master bedroom,” He swallowed, “However, you are welcome to sleep with me. The choice is yours, of course, and I will bare no ill will, whatever you choose”. Alfred was so very well spoken, even if he was trying not to choke on the words from nervousness.
You thought about it for a moment. You would have plenty of time to be alone with your thoughts. Sleeping separately would create an unintentional divide and even damage your chances of falling in love. The decision felt simple to you.
“I should like to sleep in the master bedroom” You flashed him a delicate smile.
“I would like that, very much” He replied, an uncontrollably grateful smile glistening in his eyes. You could see it when he looked at you, this glint of hope, right in the centre of his luminous blue iris. “Shall we go to bed then?” Alfred stood, holding out his hand to escort you up the stairs.
Lying together in bed, unsure of what was considered appropriate, you kept your fingers woven together, hands planted on your stomach. You felt him roll onto his side to face you in the dark, so you matched him, getting a little closer.
“I apologise for my introspection; I do not know how to act” Alfred whispered to you.
“I have not been married before. I know how to run a house, keep things going… But I have never been a wife before, I do not know either” You reassured him he was not the only one feeling a little lost.
“I am sure we will get used to being together” Alfred reached out, squeezing your arm in solidarity, “I think I should like sharing a bed with you. I wish to speak to you tomorrow on some matters only husband and wife should discuss. However, my lady, I am so very tired from travelling and I must sleep” He sighed, drifting forward in the blackness to press his warm lips into yours. Shivers of excitement raced down your body as you spun around and slid into his arms, the both of you falling asleep in minutes.
Alfred invited you to breakfast the following day, your heart pounded as you made your way to the dining room, wondering what he wanted to speak to you about. Breakfast was quiet, there was an apprehensive tenseness in his shoulders and the way he picked prudently at his eggs.
“I am of the impression you are feeling less than confident about what you must discuss with me today, Alfred. I want you to know that I will listen to what you have to say with respect and consideration” You tried to reassure him.
His face upturned, “I am pleased to hear it. The questions I have are easy enough to ask, but I do struggle with beginning the conversation, without appearing too direct” He cleared his throat with a soft chuckle.
“Do not concern yourself, simply ask the questions you would like answered and I will do my best” You nodded once, putting down your fork and straightening your dress.
“Alright,” Alfred shuffled uncomfortably, “I would like to discuss the possibility of an heir. I know that I am going to be away for some time, and I will be leaving you to care for the estate. I wish to have children, and I know that your mama had said that you were also committed to little ones. Is that true?” The words tumbled from him in a heap.
“Of course, my mother would never have lied about my desires. I have always wanted children, as long as I can remember I have dreamed of being a mother” You beamed. Alfred seemed relieved in hearing this, and you felt the same similar alleviation.
“Thank goodness,” Alfred sighed happily, “Is this something you would like to achieve before I am to go away? I understand that I would miss the first several years of our first child’s life, but if it would make you happy, I would be agreeable to trying.”
Your face could not hide the stretch of your smile at all. Nothing would have made you happier; you had fretted over this conversation, your mind telling you that there was no way Alfred would want children, considering his endeavors. It seemed you could not be more wrong, and with every passing moment between you, love bloomed further in your heart.
“I think a picnic, this afternoon, in my favourite spot!” Alfred rubbed his hands together excitedly. You nodded fervently, clawing to spend more time with him before he left.
The cook prepared a picnic basket, with wine and bread, cheese, and fruits. There was a blanket inside also. You assumed this was something he did often, even alone, as the picnic basket was quite worn. The basket hung on his left forearm, his other hand clasped in yours as he led you out the kitchen door, and across the field.
“Tis not a far way to walk” He remarked, making sure you had comfortable shoes on anyhow. You squeezed his hand, silently thanking him for caring enough to check.
The grass was long and unkept, the trees and thicket were dense. Alfred liked to keep and observe nature exactly how it was. He enjoyed watching the birds and the foxes evade each other at the edge of the bramble. If the housekeeper found a snake or a toad, she always found him to remove it properly. Nothing in his natural habitat worried him much, hardly even the spiders, webs woven tightly between slight gaps on your journey.
Getting closer and closer to your destination, you could hear it. The sweet somber trickling of water. A crooked, clear stream, in the middle of this jungle of dour giants, solidified statues of spirits long gone. Every step you took felt ancient, the hollowness of your chest, uneasy in such unfamiliar territory. Yet there was Alfred, more at home here than in the manor. Watching him was like watching a child play outdoors, sheer wonder and interest on his face in the unexplored.
Under the shade of a willow, in the grass by the stream, Alfred spread the blanket out, sitting down in a homely manner. The way he looked up at you, angelic, his eyes beckoning you to him, his hand outstretched, begging you to trust him. Before even thinking about it, your body had moved you towards him, curling your legs behind you, nestling into his side.
“Does it worry you, being out here?” He asked softly.
“I do not think worry is the correct word. I appreciate how comfortable you are here, it is strange to me” You blinked up at him, “This is potentially one of the most beautiful places I have ever been in my life” You hummed, watching the water creep over the rocks in front of you gently.
“I am glad you think so” Alfred fiddled with leaves in his left hand, the other wrapped around you. His hand rested on your plump hip, his fingers stretching back and forth, grasping on a little. It was like he was assessing how he could grab onto you, the thought of which thrilled you a little. You reached your hand up and combed your fingers through his beard. These were firsts for the both of you – you did not expect the texture to be so cushy and light, it fascinated you. Alfred’s hair was so light and neat, well taken care of. He closed his eyes as you stroked his face, a gentle smile took hold and a little pink tinge glowed on his cheeks.
The movement of your hand stopped only when you were properly hypnotized by his facial expression. Alfred opened his eyes when it dawned on him that you were simply staring, an infatuated gleam reflected in your own eyes.
“Shall we have something to eat?” Alfred asked.
“Please” You gave your head a slight shake, breaking free of your trance.
Your husband served you a small plate of bread, cheese, and fruit, he poured the wine and passed a glass to you. You thought about how content you were, picnicking with your husband. You sat cross legged across from each other now, the conversation light, the food, delicious. Alfred watched on as you tried your best to eat your lunch like a lady. Biting into fresh raspberries, juice dribbling down your chin, a droplet falling onto your chest. Without hesitation, Alfreds thumb met your chin, swiping another droplet off with his finger and bringing it to his mouth sensually.
Suddenly his icy blue eyes deepened, a scorching claim sparked. You had made love once before, on your wedding night, out of obligation. It had been slightly uncomfortable and more educational than recreational. Then, he had been calm and gentle, it felt like he separated himself and his genuine desire. Now, this look in his eye, ignited something candescent in your lower stomach.
Alfred lunged forward, his lips colliding with yours in a ravenous fashion. You both gasped for air at the slightest of breaks in your osculation, Alfred’s hands finding their way to your hips, dragging you forward to sit in his lap. He was tall, even sitting, he had to bend down to kiss you. His thick fingers, and wide palms, threaded their way through your hair, taking hold of you. The dainty kisses he placed along your jawline felt lovesick, his moans were carnal, and still thoroughly shy. Your hips instinctually ground into his, feeling how hard he was beneath his breeches under you.
Reaching between you, your hand slid down the length of him through his pants, hopeless yearning surging through you, you could barely contain yourself. This was the first time you felt like a wife, with her husband. Alfreds head hushed backwards, gasps leaving his lips. His eyes seemed to roll around in his head, sedate with pleasure.
“My lady” Alfred groaned, swallowing, “Are you certain? Here?” He asked breathlessly.
“Yes, I am sure” You had never felt so safe and so vulnerable in your life.
Alfred began stripping off clothing from his upper half, his eye contact surer suddenly. You observed, afraid blinking meant you would miss something. His chest was solid, bulky. His shoulders broad, his collar bones defined. Your hands rushed to his bare chest, fingers playing in his light brown, blonde chest hair that neatly trickled down his belly and into his pants. It had been dark on your wedding night, very low candlelight, whereas now, in the middle of the day, you could see every detail.
His hands moved from your hair and pulled your hands from his crotch, maintaining your gaze as his fingers danced exploratively down your inner thigh, towards the apex of your thighs. Your lips parted ever so slightly, fearful pleasure pooling in sweet wetness between your legs.
Alfred leaned forward, his lips hardly touching yours, “It will be okay” He whispered into you. He had not touched you like this before. His pointer finger delved between your lips, exotic excitement contorting your face as his finger brushed against your clitoris for the first time. Your knees wanted to clench together, stopped by his other hand, holding your legs apart for him as you sat on his legs. Switching to his thumb, stroking upward, Alfreds pleased expression, complacence seemed to ooze from every pore as your moans overtook the sounds of nature surrounding.
This was what you had been craving, this intimacy with your husband. His fingers flicked, circled, and tapped in just the right spots, his breathy kisses were the only encouragement you needed, he sent you right into a shockingly continuous climax. The sounds you made were loud, uncontrollable moans that echoed off the dense trees around you. The longer he caressed you there, the many more ripples of this exquisite feeling you felt.
“You are very easy to please, my lady” Alfred moaned softly into your mouth, his tongue flicking over yours, his teeth holding your lower lip captive.
“Perhaps you just know me better than you think” You sighed in glorious resign. You reached down, unbuttoning his breeches, his blue eyes widening and willing.  Planting your hands on each of his shoulders, you pushed him to the picnic blanket, sliding your legs either side of his as he laid down. Stuffing your own anxiety down, you reached into his trousers and freed his erection. You inspected it first, not having seen it in this light before. This was your first time holding it in your hands, your first time touching different parts of him. You felt you should have guessed the size of it would seem gargantuan to you, with the width of his shoulders and how tall he was. It only made sense that proportionally, he was large in your hands and extremely hard. It intrigued you, and you promised yourself, that in a more comfortable location, you would explore him further. For right now, you just wanted to make him feel as he made you.
Up under your dress, your hand wrapped around his length, you placed him at your entrance as you hovered over him. Alfreds hands rested steadily on your hips, ready to help guide you down. Sinking down onto the first inch of him, you yelped in pleasant surprise, pausing for a moment to allow your body to adjust.
“You are so beautiful” Alfreds fingers brushed against your cheek, your mouth opening as you lowered yourself down another few inches. There were not many times before now that Alfred had truly complimented you, but this felt the most real. It felt the truest.
Your skin met his, you moved gently, the size of him effectively widening this part of your body. His elegant face looked up at you, nodding as his hips started meeting your movements in a more consistent rhythm. Everything felt tight, and yet free, Alfreds continuous thrusts were masterful. His hands flicked up under your dress, his fingers sinking into that divot in your hips where he had felt earlier.
“I imagined this would be the perfect place to hold you” He groaned, pressing you down into him. Every motion was deliberate, fueled by necessary, propulsive demand. Unbridled lust loomed underneath you, Alfred became unrestrained, idly sinful; pulling you forward, finally getting to kiss you as you bounced back to his thrust.
“Al- Alfred! Oh my god!” You screamed, his deepest maneuver yet sending you spinning.
“I want fill you y/n” Alfred moaned, losing control of his facial expressions.
Each powerful thrust felt deeper than the last, the raw insatiable need exuding from Alfred felt primitive and tawdry. Alfred cursed towards the heavens, his grip on your fleshy hips tighter than before. Each thrust more aggressive, more depraved, his mindless hunger for you tarnishing his gentlemanly sensibilities. Alfred finally reached his own supernal culmination, pressing into you a final few times before pulling you down to his side. Alfred's strong arms stretched around you and pulled you into him, his kiss a celebration of the acts you had performed together.
You snuggled up together on the picnic blanket, peaceful and mutually satisfied. Alfreds arms felt secure, and you realized you were already well and truly in love with him.
“Alfred,” You sighed sleepily.
“Mmm?” Alfred mumbled in response.
“I love you” You curled into him in an almost feline nature.
Alfreds body did not go rigid as you expected. Instead, he kind of relaxed into you more.
“I must admit, I did not expect to fall in love when we made this match,” Alfred articulated softly, “But I am enjoying it… Falling in love with you” Alfred rolled his head to the side, pressing a kiss onto your temple. “How thrilling it is to think we might have just created our first born”.
You finished your afternoon, drifting in and out of serene sleep beneath the swaying willow, the sound of trickling water and birds chirping, the only disturbance for miles.
Tag list: @cringycat24 // @blckbarbiedoll // @freyagallileaevans // @junkie05 // @rosabeetroot // @flamewriterr //
If you would like to be tagged in Bridgerton fanfiction written by me in the future, please let me know!
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iguana-eyanna · 3 months
To Miss Laurant... Pt. 1
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Pairing: Lord Alfred Debling x Reader
Summary: What happens when two souls who had not found love find it within each other?
a/n: okay a bit late on watching bridgerton (don't come at me please) but I feel like Debling is a well written character and would love to see him more so mwUAH! I also wanted to give the reader a name so the last name is Laurant.
"There, one of my greatest works!" Madame Delacroix said as she finished the hem of your dress.
You admire the beading by your sleeves and how it flows by the end of your gown, which was also adorned by a cape.
"It's just us, Genevieve. You can lose the accent" You said, looking back at your childhood friend.
"Oi. I have to keep appearances, you'll never know who'd walk in those doors." She said in her regular voice. You both laugh as if you two haven't seen each other since your family moved to the Americas. You then became a traveling performer, singing for the largest of crowds and now back home to sing for the biggest event.
"I still can't believe you're back home, and performing for the queen no less. Are you nervous?" She asks.
You press your hand on your stomach, feeling the butterflies.
"Very. I never sang for royalty before. I thank Lady Danbury for opening her home to me for my stay and offering counsel on how to approach her majesty."
"Well, the bachelor's will swoon by your talent, wit, and beauty for tonight." Madame Delacroix, she said, kneeling by the end of your dress to fix a hem.
"I'm afraid that's where you lose me Gen. I faced too many heartbreak in my life, sometimes I don't believe in the words I am singing."
Genevieve tsks at you and rises up, placing her hands by your shoulders.
"You shan't forsaken your passion for love. Who knows, maybe you shall meet a certain suitor tonight."
"Perhaps..." You said, looking back at the mirror, unsure that you believe in the feeling.
"My Lord, welcome back home." an older man said, offering his assistance to Lord Debling.
"Only temporary Buford, I do wish things do recover." Lord Debling replied, as he looks down at his cane.
Upon his mission to save a rare mammal during an unforgiving snowstorm, Lord Debling lost his footing on a weak stone by the side of a cliff and fell 20 feet down. It was remarkable that he survived the fall, but he broke his leg and he had scars around his face and torso from the turbulent fall.
His crew helped him find the nearest physician and was told he must return home to recover for the sake of his health. With much dismay, he returned back to Mayfair, hoping he could leave to complete his mission.
"Yes sir, a speedy recovery you shall have." Buford replied as he helped the Lord get into his carriage.
They rode off to the estate, where Lord Debling looks outward to the town. He accidentally made eye contact with a few townspeople and they began to whisper. The Lord whipped the small curtain closed and inhaled, catching his breath.
"Your return has spread quickly here, they've said you've cheated death." Buford said with caution.
"What I've cheated on was my mission. If I'm not back by the end of this season, the creatures would not survive the rest of the winter." Lord Debling said.
"Of course sir, my apologies. If you like, I can provide on the latest news since your last visit."
"I suppose that wouldn't hurt."
"Well, the queen is having a ball at the palace. You did also receive an invitation."
"I do not wish to entertain anyone for the matter, Buford." the tired Lord replies.
"If I may speak freely, you have not been seen in ages, my Lord. I believe some live entertainment shall lift your spirits momentarily."
The Lord ponders for a moment.
"Well, I guess I shall use my night wisely. Thank you for your counsel, Buford. Live entertainment you said?"
"Yes, a singer. She's an accomplished musician who's toured around the Americas, Asia, and Europe. I have her flyer here." Buford offered a folded paper to the Lord.
Alfred Danbury looks fondly, reading out loud your last name.
"Are you familiar with her?" Buford asks.
Lord Debling shakes his head no as he folds back the paper.
"No, I'm afraid not." He replied as opens back the window, looking outward.
As the night arrived, Lord Debling felt like he was out of practice around the high society. People often shared condolescences on his accident and women would near him, they're faces would be etched with pity.
He wanted to crawl out of his skin and be in the confinement of his home. It was like the walls of the room was closing in and rushed out as fast as he could. He slowly took off his coat and vest, leaving on his white button shirt.
He managed to get by the gardens and sat down, hissing as the ache in his leg was acting up. He drops his clothes and cane to the side and tends his knee, closing his eyes.
"Are you alright?" a soft spoken voice is heard.
He opens his eyes and faces you, as you sat in your plain dress by the quiet fountain that were etched with baby angels.
"I wish I could stop hearing that." He grumbles to himself.
"I'm sorry for asking." You said, huffing as you turned away.
Lord Debling felt horrible as he straightens up as best he could.
"Forgive my manners, all night I've been consoled and pitied for. I do not wish to feel like a wounded creature." He says, showing his cane.
You turn your head towards him again. You bow your head, understanding.
"It's alright, my apologies for striking a sour chord."
Lord Debling couldn't help but laugh and cracked a smile, a manner he has not done since his accident. He offers you a seat by him and you obliged.
"What is a maiden as yourself outside for?" He asks.
You struggle to find the right words and looked at him with kind eyes.
"This is my first ball, I was afraid I'd make a fool of myself."
"It's impossible, I do not know you well but you carry yourself with such poise." Lord Debling says.
You couldn't help chuckle, not believing his words.
"We must not let fear get to us tonight. Life is too short to squabble in the mist of doubt."
Lord Debling was beguiled of your wisdom.
"Well said, miss..." he trailed on, not getting your name.
You were about to reply till the bell tower rang.
"Oh no, I'm late!" You said, grabbing your dress and quickly running off.
"But wait, I don't know your name!" Lord Debling said, getting up.
You turned towards him, screaming out your name.
"What is yours so I may remember?"
He was about to say his title, but he stopped. You seemed so free from high society, he didn't know who you were or what your ranking was. He just saw you for, well you.
"Alfred!" He yelled back.
"We shall meet again, Alfred." You said, before running off.
Lord Debling placed his hand on his heart, feeling it race like gazelles.
He had kept his heart from ever loving something more than protecting the innocence of wildlife, and yet, you ran away and he longed for your presence once more.
He placed his outer garments, grabbed his cane and walked with purpose back at the ball, trying to find you in the sea of people. Soon, the floor cleared and an announcer walked on the platform.
"Our dearest guests, we have brought you a special talent for tonight. As she prepares to travel to the pacific this summer, she has graced us with her voice for this season. I present to you, Miss Laurant!"
Everyone cheered and a figure slowly walked onto the platform, with an almost glowing dress that illuminated more by the lights. She looked outward to the crowd, afraid with those memorizing eyes.
That's when Lord Debling knew it was you.
You looked upward to the queen, as she gave you grim look of disappointment. You looked away and tried to find peace in your stirring mind. That's when you made eye contact with a familiar face.
He shook his head to you, almost indicating that you had enough courage to go on.
You straighten upward and faced the orchestra by the side and you began to sing.
Lord Debling stood like a statue. Your voice captivated his ears like a songbird, and he was too afraid to move in fear you would stop.
You didn't leave your gaze on Alfred, as he was your anchor through the storm that filled your head with dread. For once in your life, you begun to understand the words you've sung about love. Something ignited you, and it was proven as there was a roar of applause that was for your performance.
You look back at the queen and she nodded in approval, smiling contently. You bow in her presence and left the platform.
The orchestra resumed the delightful tune of dance as you were congratulated by the court. Lady Danbury walked up to you, beaming with pride.
"My dear, I understood you've sung for a living but I underestimated that voice. Do not let me doubt you again." She says lively.
"Oh, you're too kind, Lady Danbury. It is you I have to share gratitude for. Thank you for having me into your home."
"Anytime, my dear. I also bring good news, her majesty is requesting a private audience with you during your stay here."
Your mouth dropped into an 'O' and you hugged Lady Danbury, then a split second letting go as you straighten yourself.
"Apologies, but this news has elated my mood of late. Thank you." You said, as Lady Danbury just gave you a beaming smile.
She was about to say something until something caught her eye. "It seems you have made an impression to a particular someone."
You don't understand what she's saying until you see Alfred, now dressed formally. He walks towards you two and bows his head.
"Lady Danbury, it's a pleasure to see you tonight. Miss Laurant, I did not expect you were tonight's performance."
"You two know each other?" Lady Danbury asks.
"Br-Briefly. We exchanged words by the garden." You said, confused as you thought Alfred was a footman of sort, but dressed similar to those in the court.
"I was blown away by your performance tonight, Miss Laurant. Perhaps when I am in the best of health, I can escort you to the dance floor sometime."
"Lord Debling, I thought you never dance at balls." Lady Danbury teases making him chuckle.
"Lord?" You ask, your eyes wide.
"I am sorry if I did not share my title at the time-" Lord Debling tried to explain but you took a step back.
"Lady Danbury, I must rest before meeting her majesty this week. Thank you both for your kind words, but I must go." You bowed before you left them in confusion.
"Did I offend her honor? I did not know my title would have her leave." Lord Debling asks, feeling as if he'd hurt you.
Lady Danbury could see his sincere features and tried consoling him.
"It is not you, my Lord. Before Miss Laurant came back to London, she has told me she has had a troubled past. It appears you may have reminded her of something that she can't escape."
Lord Debling could only look at the direction where you left, wondering if you were alright.
Soon, you hailed a carriage and traveled to Lady Danbury's residence. You sank by the wall and began to cry, holding yourself for some comfort.
You thought Alfred was like you, free from title and expectations. You thought that maybe, you could love him.
But you can't give your heart to a Lord,
not again.
To be continued...
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shinyruby · 3 months
“Any introvert would’ve LOVED Lord Debling.”
Penelope IS an introvert and she didn’t love Lord Debling.
Sure, some introverts would love the solitude Debling would have provided, but idk why so many people think all introverts would forego loving relationships for the sake of solitude.
We don’t like being around a lot of people, and we do value alone time, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want connection with other people or even that we want to be alone all the time.
Now Francesca and John? THAT’s a great match for an introvert. They clearly have a connection, love being around each other AND they’re able to give each other the solitude they need.
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beastsovrevelation · 4 months
Alright, sit down.
What if Cressida married Debling, a man who's poised to give his wife control of his Estate, so he can dedicate himself to his hobbies? Then, Eloise marries Phillip, a man also poised to give his wife control of his Estate, so he can dedicate himself to his hobbies? And, both know that like themselves, their wives are free to be with their true love, in their case each other.
Everyone gets children, too, of course. Everyone's happy.
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vocallywritten · 4 months
People who think Lord Debling was the better choice for Penelope are just Portia Featherington alt accounts. Colin wasn't the only one putting up a front this season. Maybe people don't pick up on it as easily because Penelope also has the Whistledown thing going on as a more obvious through line to the overall theme of the season.
But Penelope, from the moment she decides to make herself over and find a husband, is trying to be someone she is not just as much as Colin is.
Penelope is a romantic. She is starved for love in every aspect of her life, especially after her falling out with Eloise.
She says so herself to Debling that she enjoys reading romances because they give her hope for a better life. All Penelope truly wants is love, and that desire is also the greatest source of pain for her because she does not believe she will ever have it. That she is even worthy of it.
So yes, Lord Debling was kind, and even charming. He had money, and a title, and in many ways he was the smartest match Penelope could ever hope to make.
But he did not love her, and explicitly told her that he was unsure he ever could.
Penelope spent the first part of the season talking a big game about finding a smart match. A match that would get her out of her mother's house and also give her the freedom she required to conduct her Whistledown business. Her needs are utilitarian and she believes she cannot be too picky and probably thought herself capable of marrying the first halfway decent man who showed an interest.
Only when she is confronted with the reality of this "ideal match", her first instinct is not to feel pleased with her success. If she had truly wanted to marry Lord Debling, she would not have been so hesitant when he asked her mother's permission. Instead, Penelope tells her mother that she "hasn't told him yes yet." That she is unsure if she WANTS to say yes.
Because when Lord Debling was discussing the possibility of marriage with her, Penelope only had eyes for Colin. And that, dear reader, is because Penelope is still a romantic. She cannot help it. And that is why she is so hesitant about Lord Debling's possible proposal.
Penelope is not the extreme pragmatist her mother is and while her mother sees the title, the money, and above all the security that marrying Debling will bring, she is blind to the truth of the situation. That the life Debling offers would be empty and lonely to a woman who longs for love and connection.
To say that Penelope should have chosen Debling is to fundamentally misunderstand her character. For all that she is ambitious and, yes, even pragmatic in her own way, she is also an idealist. She wants to believe in love, in the possibility of a better future. If she were to accept Debling's proposal, she would end up even more alone than before, even more cut off from the love she so desperately wants.
I have a theory that Penelope was never going to actually accept Debling's proposal after he admitted that he would probably never grow to love her. I think that was the final nail in the coffin for her. I'm pretty sure that the only thing that made her run after him to try to fix things was the fact that she was so annoyed with Colin that she was motivated mostly by spite. And even if she did accept him, I think she would have experienced some pretty severe cold feet very quickly.
Because, again, PENELOPE IS A ROMANTIC. She longs for love and romance. I've seen some people act like Penelope should have accepted Debling because she 1) should have been grateful to be noticed at all (ew) 2) she should have been smart and gone with the "smart match" 3) they hate Colin. These people are just Portia Featherington in disguise, I swear. Not a romantic bone in their body. This show is a ROMANCE not a gritty period drama. Choosing your heart over logic, or over what society tells you to do is a staple of the genre.
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sirena-de-lunas · 4 months
i know the second half will focus on whistledown and colin’s writing but i expected more soft moments. moments where he battles with himself bc that’s penelope - that’s pen - his childhood friend, the girl who lived across the street, his sister’s once best friend, his good friend. moments where he tries to test out if he actually does like her or if he’s simply afraid to lose her companionship. where he has her examine his healing hand to see if her touch still affects him. where he dances with her and for a moment he holds her a little closer and wonders if he imagines her eyes darting to look at his mouth. where he writes and writes and writes bc he’s good with words but she has made a mess of him. moments where he reads Emma and throws it across the room bc what utter nonsense “if i loved you less i might be able to talk about it more” - if you love someone one must declare it assuredly, reverently, and loudly. moments where he recognizes he’s always looked at her with this gentle fondness, always needed her reassurance and kind words, and the idea she will give them to another hurts. i wanted moments where he finds himself stopping to rationalize his actions until one moment in the middle of an argument it all just spills out of him like a dropped ink well. i wanted her hesitancy and fear and anger and disdain. i wanted her to cut him at his knees as he had done to her knowingly and unknowingly throughout the years. the denial of loving him, the fear that he is brash and impulsive like he was with marina, the self-preservation of running away. i wanted the push and pull of colin not knowing if he should risk losing their friendship if she does not feel the same yet feeling he will lose her either way - either to lord debling or to his own obliviousness. i wanted the moment he realizes he needs her in his life and he does not want to regret letting his final opportunity slip away. the quiet yearning of having no guarantees but so many hopes. the sadness of thinking you realized you found your person just as they rip you out of their heart. the pain of losing someone you didn’t know you had until they left and took your heart with them.
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easybrainrot34 · 4 months
✈️ Colin Bridgerton Headcanons ✈️
This was requested by this lovely anon!! This is my first request so thank you for writing in! It would’ve come out sooner, but i currently have a mean tooth infection, nevertheless, the show must go on! Heads up, third one is a hint of spice. Hope u enjoy☺️
Characters mentioned : Gregory, Anthony, Benedict, Daphne, Edmund, Violet, Penelope, Debling, and Eloise
🎻= regency era
🧳= modern au
🧳🎻= either
Ps my request r open :)
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🧳🎻 I think he has a very realistic view on his brothers. I think he use to blindly look up to them just bc they were his older brothers, but as time has passed he definitely sees and recognizes that they both have some decent flaws. However, he really wants Gregory to look up to him the most. I don’t think he would ever admit it to anyone, but i feel like he could think a little higher of himself (not in a bad way at all) therefor he thinks he’s led the best example for how a man should be to Gregory.
🧳🎻 He gives off shy kid vibes. Like between the ages of 4-10 he was pretty shy only having like two friends. I feel like Ben specifically found this a little concerning bc he didn’t want him to have issues in school and life in general, so together they worked really hard on getting him to not only have more confidence in himself but actually practiced having convos. I also feel like once he got to the “interested in dating people” age Daphne and Ben tried their best to tech him to talk aka flirt with people.
🧳 (Lil spicy) Had a hoe phase in college. People are always shocked about how high his body count is (20+) but he was never a douche bag to anyone he’s hooked up with. I feel like when Anthony and Benedict found out on one of the weekly boys nights they have, Ben was proud and Anthony was a little shook. Anthony made him swear up and down he always wore a condom and then congratulated him lol.
🧳 Staying on the college root, he definitely gives off world history major vibes. He def was a foreign exchange student in high school (secondary school for the brit’s out there lol) and studied a couple semesters abroad in college. Specifically went to France in high school, then America, Italy, Spain, and India in college. He also makes it a point to travel every summer. I feel like he would definitely end up as a teacher of some sort tho. Like he’s definitely the cool history teacher everyone loves. Also hes definitely that teacher that gets side tracked easily if u ask him about his time abroad.
🧳 Definitely has more girl friends than guy friends, but not super imbalanced. He just gives was invited to the girls night out vibes. (I have a headcanon that i already wrote that i would definitely add Colin too). He definitely has his Boyz™️ that he hangs with all the time, but he knows they can be a little much, so i feel like when he wants to be social but have a relaxed time he hangs with the girlies. Idk colin just gives friends with everyone vibes.
🧳 I think Colin has diagnosed anxiety, and once he learned that he became more educated and aware of mental health. I feel like he started getting panic attacks shortly after Edmund died (he was 12 yrs old if i did my math right lol) but didn’t want anyone to worry about him so he just kinda dealt with it and kinda got to a point where he thought it was normal. It came up randomly in a convo with Daphne, Ben, and Violet that he gets them but at this point he didn’t get what the big deal was. I feel like these 3 took it seriously and once he got diagnosed he put work into researching how to understand mental health issues more.
🧳🎻 He LOVES to plan dates. His go to is always dinner at a nice restaurant then a show of some kind. Play, musical, movie out, doesn’t really matter to him. He enjoys a night in, sure, but what he really loves is showing you off. He’s proud to have you as his (not in a possessive creepy way, in a sweet way) and wants to show you off.
🧳 Colin is a little bit of a jealous type. We see it in the show when Pen is being courted by Debling. However, i feel like when he’s in a relationship, he completely trust his partner. If he sees someone flirting with you he will let them flirt but he will definitely swoop in with a little hey babe and a forehead kiss lol. If someone try’s to flirt with him tho, he will just start gushing about his amazing partner. I’m talking putting out the Lock Screen and going “ya look how cute WE are”. Once y’all are married tho he NEVER takes off the wedding ring.
🧳 I feel like he has a decent following on Insta and TikTok 😂😂😂. Not like influencer numbers but like 6k on instagram and 9k on TikTok. He definitely post all his travel stuff on Insta and does like little OOTDs on TikTok. Colin gives very much “gives a fuck about how he looks” vibes so i feel like he knows the fashion trends on TikTok. His “aesthetic” is like hipster mixed with old money (bc he is in fact, old money lol). Also yes, he recognizes he gets thirst comments and will play into just a little, but once hes taken he would comment “ my partner thinks so too :)”
🧳 Colin has secret tattoos. Like his friends know but he didn’t tell his family for a minute bc he knows it would become a thing lol. They r all small and in places he can cover up (shoulder, thigh, and one on his wrist he covers up with his watch) but one day he got a little careless at the beach and let them show. I feel like Violet had a “what did u do to your beautiful body??!!” mom moment, Anthony was pissed bc he didn’t tell him, Ben laughed his ass off, and Eloise congratulated him on doing something “actually risky” for once. I feel like after the initial shock everyone really likes them and he goes out and gets more in public places.
! Bonus One !
He still sleeps with his childhood stuffed animal lmfao like it’s a cute little elephant his mom and dad got him. He has had to do many repairs on it over the years lol
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ispridestillasin · 4 months
So I decided to watch a bit of Bridgerton with my mother, which I'm not really interested in (I don't really like period pieces unless it's a fanfic for a ship I like) but it's a show she enjoys so I sometimes catch her watching it and join her, and literally the only takeaway from the stuff I've seen with her is that Colin, Lord Debling, and Penelope should have all been poly
#guys listen a lot of shit could have been solved if they had just been poly (says local poly relationship writer & enjoyer)#i know polin is like the Ship this season from what i've seen when i lightly check out the bridgerton fandom#but i really enjoyed the chemistry between penelope & debling. they were cute.#that scene where he asked in a roundabout way how to propose to her. it was sweet. also the way he stuttered was really cute.#i also imagined colin & debling together in a world where polyamory & queer relationships weren't frowned upon#and i think they would be cute. he & colin would have a fun dynamic because debling's similair to pen but also he still very different#and i think that seeing colin being oblivious about liking him would be cute#it would definitely add to the drama if violet didn't really understand that colin was into both pen & debling at first. but when she does.#she spends the entire time with her head in her hands because her son is so bad at recognizing his feelings.#i just think the two would be really cute if the time period wasn't. you know. very unaccepting of queer relationships.#bridgerton#penelope featherington#colin bridgerton#lord debling#alfred debling#polin#colin x penelope#pebling#penelope x lord debling#colin x penelope x lord debling#colin x lord debling#god i think i'm the only one adding to that tag. if not creating it. oh well.#please don't bother interacting with this post if you're just going to say that polin is superior or whatever. literally just block me dude#yuri's thoughts & rambles#bridgerton season 3#bridgerton spoilers#this literally might be the only time i even use the bridgerton tag
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imgondeletedis · 4 months
i just finished s3 pt1 of bridgerton (i had exams' season and i was taking my time) and oh my god???????? I AM SO FUCKING UGH????? I AM MINDBLOWN, HAPPY, NERVOUS, MAD, JEALOUS, EVERYTHING‼️‼️ my mind is blank i cant process it all, shonda fucking rhimes did it again y'all- omg also spoilers coming guys⚠️⚠️❗❗
everything about this season drives me insane, POLIN AAAAA LIKE AJSKWKWKSOEOWKWi love my babies sm, the angst between eloise and pen????☹️☹️☹️ i miss my babies, and the freaking manwhore (benedict) cheating on me with that widow🙄🙄 (she's literally so fine and so real im so jealous lmao) AND JOHN AND FRANCESCA OMG MY BABIES I AM NOT PREPARED FOR THE HEARTBREAK. also the lack of kathony???🤨🤨. overall i cant wait for pt2 and how's pen gonna tell colin ab lady whisledown in the show omg???😭😭 that's it thanks for listening to my tedtalk.
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stardustxreverie · 4 months
What the hell happened here?
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peachpitfics · 4 months
Bridgerton Masterlist
Updated as of 7/6/2024
Welcome to the Hall of Bridgerton! Something about season three has been utterly inspiring as of late and I find myself actually writing again.
These fics are written by me. If any links aren't working, please do let me know! All works are 18+, unless specified.
🥵 = Smut                          ✨ = Fluff                       🥺 = Angst
(tag list)
Penelope Featherington x Colin Bridgerton fics:
Delicate 🥵 ↳ Colin Bridgerton has finally admitted his feelings, to himself and to his future wife, Penelope Featherington. After a wild ride in the carriage on the way home from the Ball, Colin invites his love inside.
Benedict Bridgerton fics:
Guilty as sin 🥵 ↳ Benedict Bridgerton asks you to accompany him to his private studio, to show you some of the art he's been working on. You find a little more than you were expecting.
Cruel Summer 🥵 ↳ Following your romp with Benedict Bridgerton in his art studio, he asked your brother for your hand! Now you're on your honeymoon, and you're getting a little bored, posing for him. A lady must find ways to amuse herself!
Wildest Dreams 🥵 Part Two 🥵🥺 | Part Three 🥵✨ ↳ Your Father has betrothed you to his eldest, most despicable friend. You confide in your closest friend, Benedict Bridgerton, that you wish your first time could be with somebody else, somebody you liked.
Anthony Bridgerton fics:
Don't Blame Me 🥵 ↳ Daphne Bridgerton is your closest childhood friend, her eldest brother, Anthony, is the love of your life. After avoiding each other for years, you both finally lose control.
Lord Alfred Debling fics:
Out of the Woods 🥵 ↳ As Lord and Lady Debling, you are headed back to your estate to spend your time together in seclusion before your new husband has to leave for his next research endeavour.
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iguana-eyanna · 2 months
To Miss Laurant... Pt. 2
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Pairing: Lord Alfred Debling x Reader
Summary: What happens when two souls who had not found love find it within each other?
a/n: mentions of past relationships and health issues
The Lord, Alfred Debling, has been the topic of the season since his arrival. Surprisingly, he has been found in the town's square, wandering upon his thoughts. Fair ladies often try to catch his gaze with a flutter of the fan or a flirtatious smile. Their efforts, undoubtedly, had gone unnoticed as he tries to catch someone else's gaze.
It has been three days since he has seen you. His brief interaction with you has blazed a fire to his thawing heart. He thought he didn't had enough room in his life to love another, but maybe you were the person that can show him that he's wrong.
Now, he was walking aimlessly on a path nearby the cafe he'd always heard of. As he looked in the display, he was overcome with his emotions as he saw you. You were talking with Lady Danbury as you smiled brightly at something she had said as you both joined in laughter. You turned your head mindlessly and accidentally made eye contact with Lord Debling.
Suddenly, the solemn lord felt his heart fasten. His breath got caught in his throat. He quickens his step and leaned by the wall, inhaling through his nose as he closed his eyes. Why, after all this time of yearning your presence, did he feel like he was drowning in quicksand?
"Lord Debling?"
He opens his eyes to see you, concerned for his well being. He looked around and saw that some passerby's staring at him as well.
He gulps with a parched throat, trying to muster a sentence.
"I'm- Pardon me I was-"
You were about to hold his hand, but caught yourself from such action, knowing that all eyes are on the two of you.
"Lady Danbury is extending her invitation to join us for tea."
Your voice was ever so gentle, like a soft breeze through the countryside. He nods gently and you guide him inside. Lady Danbury arises from her chair and gives the same courtesy to the Lord.
"Lord Debling, always a pleasure for your accompiment."
Alfred smiles as he bows his head. "Thank you for your inivation. My apologies if I caught some unwanted attention."
"Nonsense. I believe you are still weary from your latest expeditions." Lady Danbury says.
"You travel?" You ask as you all settled by the table.
"I rescue wildlife, it's been a fulfilling mission I've dedicated my life for. I prefer not to eat meat."
"That's very noble of you, Lord Debling." You said, admired of his passion.
He gives you a soft smile as he holds your gaze a while longer. Lady Danbury notices what is happening and breaks the silence.
"Oh, how foolish of me. I realized that I will be hosting a dinner party by the end of this week. I must plan accordingly. Lord Debling, would you have the honor of taking Miss Laurant around the towns square in my absence?"
The two of you are shocked by her request but the lord nods.
"Of course Lady Danbury. I'll have her return to your estate before nightfall."
She smiles and gets up, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder and leaves the two of you.
Once you are alone, the two of you make eye contact again.
"I forget Lady Danbury can be so... straightforward." Lord Debling says.
You smirk, shaking your head.
"She insisted for me to stay with her longer than anticipated, especially since I've been considering to stay in Mayfair."
"You are?" He asks, hopefully.
"I am still unsure. There are... some obstacles that I may face along the way." You said, your tone sounding troubled.
"How so?" Lord Debling asks.
You were about to answer, but you decided against it. Lord Debling notices your uneasiness and leans forward.
"I apologize if I offended you at the ball. I haven't been myself of late since my accident."
"No, you have nothing to apologize for, my lord-"
"Please, it's just Alfred." He says, almost in a whisper, placing his hand on top of yours. He realizes what he has down and takes his palm away.
You shyly take yours away, blushing to yourself.
"Like you, I've faced tribulations on my travels. It has been hardsome to find people to trust along the way."
With enough courage, Alfred speaks up.
"I may not understand what you have gone through, but know that I am here as someone to listen."
Your hardened heart begins to soften as you hear the sincerity of his tone, knowing he meant every word.
From then on, the two of you were inseparable. Alfred had taken you around the town's square as promised, walking through the gardens or admiring paintings at museums. He even admired how you even admired a street performer playing music.
As you two caught a carriage to drive to the Danbury estate for the dinner party, Alfred begins asking about how you began to love music.
"I moved to Paris when I was a child. My family lived near an opera house and I could hear the singing of angels throughout the night. I picked up how to sing in french along the way and auditioned for a small theater. They had me sing every night and soon I became well known in the city. Afterwards, I was requested to sing in different countries and villages. I've seen so many wondrous things, I wouldn't have traded it for anything in the world."
"That is remarkable. Your family must be proud."
You give a small smile. "Yes, they are. Your family must be too with your expeditions."
Alfred couldn't help but exhale through his nose, shaking his head.
"Unfortunately, my family and I never saw eye to eye on my vocations. They rather have me stationed at my family's estate, to continue a legacy. But my duties held elsewhere. I never got to see them again. You were fortunate to have your parents support your dreams."
You bow your head in solemnity.
"I'm sorry to hear... and yes, I am very fortunate. Family is the one thing that I hold dear to my heart."
Lord Debling remains in silence, as he unfortunately never felt the love of a family ever in his life.
Soon, you arrived to the manor as you were greeted by Lady Danbury. Light festivities began before the dinner as you were drinking and talking with Lord Debling. You felt at ease with his company and Lady Danbury smiled at you two.
Lady Danbury walks to you both a few of her company. "Ah, Miss Laurant, allow me to introduce you to Lady Bridgerton and her daughter."
The youngest woman of the girl went up to you, smiling widely and her eyes bright.
"Lady Laurant, it is a pleasure to meet you! I went to your last performance and I was astounded, I wish I had an awe striking voice as you-"
"Hyacinth dear, breathe." Her mother jested, smiling at her daughter's enthusiasm. She looks up to you as you couldn't help but smile.
"Apologies, when I mentioned you will be in attendance for Lady Danbury's dinner, my daughter insisted she join me tonight."
"Oh, it is alright! It is lovely to meet you Hyacinth. If you like, I will be performing at the opera house by the end of this month and would love to have you there alongside your mother."
Hyacinth gleamed with joy as she smiled widely. Lord Debling looks at you lovingly, as he saw how kind hearted you truly are.
"Thank you! Thank you!" She hugged you tightly. You were shocked, but you returned the embrace.
"Now Hyacinth, why don't I share our gratitude with Miss Laurant?" Her mother said kindly as Hyacinth waived goodbye and ran off.
"Thank you for the invitation. I am sure this would be a moment she would not forget." The mother said, leaving with Lady Danbury as they talked.
"That was very kind of you to do that." Lord Debling says.
"It was the least I could do. Every child should experience life to the fullest."
You look up to see your friend in a quiet state. Since your talk of family, Alfred has been different of late. You were about to ask if he was alright until a bell rang, indicating it was time to eat dinner.
Soon, the dinner table was food of delicious foods and laughter. You were sat between Alfred and the Bridgertons and talked to Hyacinth who looked like she was over the moon. Alfred, again, was beaming at how you interacted with everyone. Your generosity and kindness lifted his mood since coming back home, and thought it could be a sign that maybe he wants you more than a friend.
Later, a servant went up to Lady Danbury with a silver tray, whispering something in her ear.
"Miss Laurant, a letter has arrived from you all the way from France." She announced.
You froze a bit until you got up from your seat and retrieved the enclosed envelope.
"May I be excused?" You ask.
Lady Danbury nods her head as you leave with haste outside.
"Oh, is everything alright?" Lady Bridgerton asks.
Lady Danbury tries to disguise her worriment for you.
"I am sure she will be just fine."
Lord Debling couldn't help but worry for you. He arises from his seat, excusing himself to find you.
He went towards the back of the estate, not finding you until he heard faint cries. Alfred strains his head and found you on a bench crying as you grabbed the letter in a fist.
"Miss Laurant?" He asks softly.
"Please, leave me be." You forced yourself to say as it was hard to breathe.
Alfred kneels in front of you as best he can and gently held your hand.
"I can't bear to leave you like this."
You open your eyes and see Alfred worried for your state. He cradles one hand with the side of your cheek, trying to wipe away your tears.
"What's wrong?" He asks quietly.
"Alfred... I can't- I can't tell you. You won't- understand."
Alfred looks down and sees the letter in your hand. You flinch, not letting him reach it but he doesn't move.
"I want you to trust that I would never judge your secrets."
"How can I be sure?" You half sneered, feeling your walls building high.
"Because I will tell you what I hold secret too." He says.
Your face softens as Alfred sighs, as he sat by you.
"I lost my footing by a cliff side on my last quest. The terrain was slippery but I persisted on to rescue a rare creature that has been targeted for hunting. I was so close to saving it, but I felt myself falling to my death. I felt like the world was swallowing me whole. My men found me with my leg twisted and I was unresponsive. I later woke up a day later, feeling immense pain in my legs. Then a doctor came in to my tent and said I'd be able to walk within a month's time but... there was bruising around my hips. There was a possible fracture that he could not repair and said I am infertile."
You look over at Alfred who seemed so sad after admitting the truth he held so close to his chest. He wiped his nose and squinted, trying to delay the tears that begun to form.
"I was born in a family where love wasn't an option. It was always honor and duty. I never wished for that on any child... or a child of mine. And I thought my travels would be content, but realizing that I could never have a family... I never thought it would hurt me more than it should. That's why I've closed myself off from the world."
You look at him then back to your note which you crumbled.
"Five years ago, I was beginning to gain recognition as I moved closer to the city in Paris. I met a Lord who came to one of my performances. He swept me off my feet and begun to court me. He gave all of these promises that my family would never have to suffer poverty and he'd support us. He said he married me. We joined together before our wedding, but I was left alone by the alter. He left a letter, saying that he took what he wanted and never wanted to marry a woman of no status. As he fled Paris by boat, a terrible storm came and he was lost at sea. Word spread he was presumed dead and that's how I knew that there was nothing I could do. He may have took everything from me but he left something behind."
"What was it?" Alfred asks.
You look over your shoulder where you see Alfred's sincere eyes.
"A son."
Alfred remains silent.
"I know having a child before wedlock is frowned upon. If you wish to leave... I understand."
You thought he would curse you or storm without saying goodbye. But he looks at you that look he gives you and leaned forward.
"What is your son's name?"
You turn towards him, taken back.
You offer the letter to Alfred and he begins to read it word for word.
"You wanted to bring him to England."
You nod your head.
"My parents have taken care of him as I left Paris. He was only 2 when I gave him to my mother and father. I promised that I would give him a life he deserves. I wanted to raise enough money to move them all here. But my parents said that they don't want to. People may raise suspicions of Stephen's parentage, they didn't want to bear him the shame that I carry."
"Nonsense. You've protected him at all costs, you've sacrificed everything!" He stormed up.
You stood up too, calming him.
"Please, not so loud." You warned, grazing your fingers on his soft lips.
The two of you froze, realizing how close in proximity you two were.
"Why do you care so much? Any man would run for the hills if they heard my dilemma."
He shakes his head in disagreement.
"Is it a crime that I care for you? A woman as yourself doesn't need to fight alone."
That's when you took a step back, hearing his words clearly.
"What do you mean a woman as myself?" You ask, your voice cracking.
Alfred realizes what he had said.
"No, I didn't mean anything by it." He said, reaching out for your hand but you step back.
"Yes you did. I didn't admit the most deepest part of myself to be ridiculed from a so called friend." You said, turning away.
"Miss Laurant, I do not think you were weak. You are far from it." He said, trying to keep up with you.
"Then what am I to you, Alfred?" You spun around, facing him with your face red with anger.
Alfred crushes his lips toward you and held you close to his chest. You were stunned at first, then you melted into his embrace as your hands laid flat against his broad chest. His heart was beating faster than any mane he has seen trollop.
Once you two parted, you look at him, astounded.
There were so many things to say, but so little time. You had to find a way to bring your family to Mayfair, or travel back to Paris to see your son again. You turned around, leaving Lord Debling alone again.
His heart sank as the kiss you two shared still hung onto his lips. He tasted hints of honey from it.
Alfred knows he upset you. He left in a hurry and flagged down his carriage. Alfred was still recovering from his wounds but he knew someone who has traveled as much as him and help him on his quest.
"Where to, Lord Debling?" The coachmen asks.
Lord Debling looks back at the estate where you left him and faced away. He had to make things right with you, and that's by reuniting you with your family.
"Take me to Colin Bridgerton's estate please."
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mschievousx · 4 months
now and then | b.b.
pairing: benedict bridgerton x ofc, anthony bridgerton x ofc (platonic)
summary: loraine silva always knew she was not normal. she loves unusual things. she loves her father's guns, horses, boxing, climbing a tree, falling from a tree, engineering, astronomy... oh, and a man eleven years older.
series masterlist
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v. five: lonely in your company
the young silva did not expect this at all. yes, lady whistledown wrote about quite a lengthy chat that the viscountess silva had with a certain son of the renowned pathologist, sir astley cooper, yesterday. but, for the rest of the gentlemen to flock her now? she was aghast.
while we have so far seen how she loves being in the bridgertons' companies and how she openly enjoy the things she finds fun, it is also as open she shows her distaste to the rest of the population—probably better that we haven't seen that part yet.
"i heard you like chocolates, lady silva."
"i believe we share the same interest in mechanical science."
"we have quite the collection of guns ourselves, my lady."
"a convention in astronomy is happening in the near future. if i may be so bold to have your presence when the time comes?"
honestly, she liked the last offer—had the man been fifteen years younger. it would have not mattered to her though, if only it was benedict.
the men continued to force their offers on her face. a man pulls another to the back to have his turn. a man pushed his bouquet forward. a man yelled his offer from the back. a man—
"excuse me, gentlemen. may i have a moment with the lady?"
a woman's voice stood out from the clamor, causing the men to turn and giving a space for her to take a hold of the younger one.
the ladies did not wait for the men's responses as they easily linked arms and walked away. although they could not do anything seeing as causing a scene in the queen's presence is not to everyone's benefit, they did groaned and cursed that a viscountess got away from their grasps.
"i cannot thank you enough for that, lady arnold."
loraine spoke gratefulness, her mood still marred from the encounter.
"you know there is no need for that. you act like we do not know each other." the widowed woman warmly smiled at her as she gave a squeeze on the silva's shoulder.
"i am simply grateful," she insisted, followed by a scoff, "i talk to another man and the rest of them think they could."
lady arnold chuckled at her stubborness, "i see, you still have not stopped using your father to fend off possible suitors?"
"i fend them off with anything i can. a gun, if i must."
the older woman said an immediate shush as if on reflex, something akin to a fear of being heard about using guns on suitors—although she herself would love to do so, "do you carry?"
"oh, no. the regular size is too heavy and bulky to conceal in a dress." raine said with clear annoyance that she could not carry one conveniently, "i am currently working on a smaller one."
do note that she already finished one.
at the mention of her creating a smaller version just simply because she would like to hide one made her look staggered at the young one, "and yet, you refuse to join the discussion inside."
lady silva moaned in displeasure, "i already went in. all he talks about is the principle of circular motion."
while interesting at first read, it gets boring mean you have understood it. the concept itself is significant, no doubt, in explaining various natural as well as mechanical sciences. however, she simply did not feel up to it today.
"that and i hate balloons."
lady arnold laughed at her honesty, bidding farewell to her as she continues to the dome. raine walks by herself, trying to find the bridgertons. while she did have other friends, she was not as keen to spend time with them as she did with the said family.
and so, she strolled until she found something interesting. eloise, cressida, and penelope; all surrounding the poor man.
"what do we have here?" she mouthed to eloise from the side of lord debling and penelope.
as the bridgerton girl shrugged and gestured nothing to her, the rest of the group noticed her arrival.
"ah, lady silva." the man greeted with a hidden familiarity.
"lord debling." raine tightly smiled at him in return.
miss cowper turned to the young girl, "loraine, you are an enjoyer of science just like lord debling, are you not?"
"oh, cressida," she began with a chuckle. she does not mean any offense to her though. while the said woman was indeed quite ill-natured, so was she. therefore, she is not one to judge the other, "you would be surprised by the amount of different sciences there are."
lord debling turned back to the cowper, "we do not share the same interest."
"we despise each other." raine nodded to that reassuringly, causing the man to look at her with seriousness.
"i do not despise you."
"your loss," the young silva shrugged with a hint of jest, "i despise you."
"such a strong word, my lady."
"i am petty like that." she giggled, lightly tapping the arm of the man in a friendly manner as she continued.
"do continue your conversation. i apologise for the intrusion."
raine stepped back with a smile and neared eloise, "where is your brother?"
"i did not see him. i thought he is with you?" she asked back, trying to look around herself too to catch a glimpse of her brother.
good thing she was looking around though because she had enough time to grab the other girl by the hand as the extraordinary balloon started to fly their way.
penelope, however, was stunned on their place. lord debling did not think twice to cover the girl for safety. while they did not agree with the science, she would give him points for that act.
raine turned to the men pulling the balloon, seeing colin upfront. such a personality he is embracing now, she thought. another bridgerton stole her attention though, because just meters away, benedict can be seen rubbing his palms as if in pain from pulling the ties.
she turned to eloise to bid farewell, thinking to go to him. however, as she turned back to where he was, he was now rushing to walk away.
her confusion was interrupted when cressida suddenly yelped in pain. catching on to her hidden agenda, raine rolled her eyes.
"ugh, i really hate balloons."
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
after the incident, they all went home, likely to also prepare for the ball this evening. she went with the bridgertons to their home, not wanting to disturb her father for whatever work he's doing again.
the girl grumbled as she laid down on their couch, completely not listening to whatever conversation the family was having. everyone was doing something—gregory and hyacinth eating biscuits and quarreling, francesca playing the piano, colin reading and benedict sketching, and violet and eloise talking.
raine groaned once again before speaking on her own, "my father is so busy. it is almost like he is not here at all."
she continued to stare at the ceiling, only looking at the family after a prolonged silence of whatever they were doing. lady bridgerton was staring at her lovingly as eloise added, "and when he is away, you keep on saying you want him to go home already."
raine feigned ignorance to what she said, acting like she did not say that at all—which she did say, by the way, quite a lot too.
"ben," she called for the man across who seems to be ignoring the entire happenings in the drawing room.
"hmm," he replied with a hum, intent on his sketch.
"will you marry me so that someone will be with me when father leaves again?" she said as she sit up about to go to him.
"no," he replied, looking up from the pad and to her briefly before standing up himself, "i will be painting in my room."
he turned away after bidding farewell to everyone, the sound of his footsteps slowly fading. violet and eloise turned to raine after that, confusion clear on their faces as if asking what happened.
honestly, she is asking the same thing.
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
her second ball—to be honest, balls are not as fun as the ton made it out to be. with the exception of what seems to be a men's club inside, there is nothing much in it.
"the surgeon from yesterday said he will be writing you a letter." she turned to see astley cooper, looking more dashing in a ball's fit, and still lacking greetings.
she smiled at what he said, "are they really going to study my suggestion?"
"of course, your points were quite strong. why do you seem to be doubting yourself now?"
she shrugged as she placed her glass down, "i was brazen yesterday. i am not feeling like it now."
letting out a sigh, she lifted her glass again and took quite a sip with a new resolution, "well, they better do because i have already boasted to my father that i made an expert pause and think about my ideas."
he chuckled at her changing moods in just five seconds, "oh, he shall prepare to be more proud then."
"lady silva, may i have this dance?" she turned to her right, only to see the brother of who she's waiting for.
"anthony, i told you. i am not going to dance with you first."
the viscount stood straight again, slowly retracting his hand, "you have not danced yet tonight?"
she let out a small groan at the reminder, "should i have?"
he chuckled, crossing his arms as if in deep thinking before chuckling again, "you are so obsessed with him. it is just a dance. he was already your first ever dance."
raine stopped the glass she was about to drink midway. she narrowed her eyes pointedly to the older man, the latter rolling his eyes, "okay, fine."
"viscountess silva, you are needed." a footman called for the lady, gaining the attention of the pair. his voice carried seriousness, yet that is not enough to reveal what it could be about. they all spoke monotonously during working hours.
she tapped anthony's arm before walking across the room, swiftly dodging the ton.
"lady silva."
a soldier strictly acknowledged the young lady. the man was sweating considerably as he pulled a letter from his pocket. he passed it to the girl in front of him without any word.
as raine took hold of the letter, small red stains are noticeable as well as the lack of seal. she opened to see the contents of it written in a hasty manner. her eyes flew from word to word, line to line. the lack of greetings, the lack of complimentary close.
she was not sure if this was done in jest—she would like it to be. however, upon observing the man in front of her now, his hand is visibly shaking. and so, she shut her eyes closed, crumbling part of the paper on her grip.
"morgan," he answered with no mention of his rank. perhaps, this is his way of being sympathetic to the silva in front of him. perhaps, offering himself as a fellow person rather than a soldier would offer comfort.
"tell me where they are, morgan." she stared directly in his eyes, voice now void of the festivities behind her.
"i cannot tell."
"oh, you surely can." her volume starting to increase, sarcasm, anger, fear, and grief mixed.
"my lady, i am under strict command to not tell you their whereabouts." he did not break his eye contact, believing it as a form of respect to the girl.
she stepped forward, grasping her concealed small gun inside her dress out as she start to scream, "tell me or i will—"
"raine," a man grabbed her, pushing the gun down before anyone can wander their eyes on it. he swiftly took and pocketed it on his own. he turned to the young one, putting both palms on her cheek as if to call for her, "raine."
anthony crossed the hall as fast as he could after noticing her crumbling the paper, excusing himself from mr. cooper who conversed with him after she left. he was not the best man when it comes to emotion, but he knows anger like an old friend. and raine? she was rarely angry. she despises everything on a daily basis, but never with rage. and so, he knew something was wrong—very wrong.
he looked at her directly in the eyes, seemingly finding her behind it as he whispered, "there is a lot of people present. the ton is here."
"i do not give a hell about them. where is my father?!" he pushed the viscount away, freeing from his grasp but he reached again instantly, as if knowing how to deal with her already.
"darling, do not yell," he spoke in the same warm voice, "what happened?"
"papa has been shot," her voice broke upon saying it out aloud, just as her tears from her eyes, "in the shoulder and chest!"
raine nearly dropped down, if anthony did not pull her to him in time. although they were outside, the ball is still quite crowded. they could not let this go out. they could not let people see and know of this.
"i—" the viscount could not find the right words to say at the moment, he himself now feeling the panic akin to what he has experienced before.
sergeant morgan informed them of raphael's orders, him being the second-in-command of the currently incapacitated general, "colonel montague has ordered to have you stay in the ball. this is surrounded by our men, and the people responsible are less likely to attack a crowded event."
anthony nodded to acknowledge what the soldier said as raine is starting to lose herself, muttering on her own, "papa was shot."
while the general has certainly been shot before, this is possibly the most fatal. raphael knew that the girl would prefer the exact information, even in grievous situations. she hates when people feel the need to protect her from the truth.
and so, that is what the colonel wrote. he mentioned his state in all its actuality. general has been shot four times, once in the shoulder and thrice on the chest, sternum to left. he is bleeding heavily and is currently unconscious. we will be going on another quarters. i ask you stay at the ball. after, be with major thorpe at all times.
she pushed the viscount once again and turned back to the ball inside, "le—leave me be."
before anthony could take a hold of her, she already has entered inside. forcing to assist the girl would only raise suspicions now. she walked slowly, eyes darting from point to point as if looking for something. good thing it is a ball, and people will brush off her actions as a bit intoxicated—which could not be farther from the truth.
"where's...." she whispered to herself, not knowing that she is saying it out aloud, "where is... benedict?"
raine turned and turned, left and right, but she could not find even his shadow in the dance floor or within the hall. so, she continued to walk aimlessly, only to find who she's looking for at the bottom of the stairs, with a familiar lady conversing with him from a few steps higher. her mind was wandering. she did not understand a thing anymore.
"i need to go," she muttered to no one in particular, turning to a corner where a staircase leading to another wing can be seen.
she gripped the bannister, anthony in tow, seeing his wife in conversation with his mother. he gestured for kate to come to them, offering a smile to not raise worry before disappearing from view.
raine continues to find her way to the balcony, breaths already starting to be more noticeably heavy. fortunately, the place was vacated with no other person in sight. she dragged her feet and found comfort on the corner between the wall and a balustrade, sitting down with her knees on her chest.
"an—anthony," she began after a few gasps of air, the said man leaning closer as he crouched in front of her too.
"papa... papa was shot." the young girl reiterated in disbelief and grief. she left first for the ball as armand told his daughter he had some things to work for a bit with raphael. they were supposed to arrive late in the ball.
they were supposed to arrive on the ball.
he continues to comfort her, saying that her father's going to be well. he is a general, after all. the viscountess bridgerton reaches them with a smile, but it is immediately changed with a confuse and worried one when she sees what's happening.
anthony turned to her in a rushed manner, "kate, get my brother."
she knew better than to ask why. kate has always been a smart woman. she does not know, but she understands. and so, she nodded at him and turned on her heel in a hurry.
"you... will not find him. he—he is..." the girl whimpered. she cannot even see anything, her eyes blurried intensely as she fights to hold on to herself, "with lady..."
anthony caressed her hair before leaning his forehead to hers, speaking with the smallest and most serene voice he could, "shh, it's okay, raine. i am here. you can do—"
there were so many things happening all at once. she could not focus. she could not hold on to this for any longer.
"an..." she began, her words dying in the middle as she gasps and gasps, "tony...? i cannot... i cannot hear."
the fear started to settle in more to her. she cannot even hear her own voice. she hears nothing but the beat of her heart, irregularly fast.
she fumbled, trying to find his hands, and as soon as she did, raine squeezed it tightly.
"tony, i'm..."
she does not even know if she was able to say the following words. she has thought of it before, but more strongly now. she is thinking of it now, and she hopes that the thought counts.
"i need him."
taglist: @aadu2173 @imgondeletedis @pumkiinpasties @rebleforkicks
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theworldofotps · 4 months
Painting (Drabble)
Pairing: Lord Debling x Reader Word Count: 743 Description: Y/n is struggling with a painting when she recieves some much needed help.
So, I have never written fanfiction for Bridgerton before but after watching the first half of season 3 and meeting Lord Debling I couldn't help myself. I'm also very nervous to post this because it's a bit out of my comfort zone but I hope you enjoy anyway.
Dedicated to: @madhatterbri who encouraged me to write this, helped form the plot and is overall one of the best. I appreciate you so much thank you! (I haven't added my normal tag list since those are usually just for wrestling. If you'd like to be added to a tag list of anything I write besides wrestling let me know!) __________ Y/n let out a soft huff as she wiped her forehead with the back of her hand, staring at the canvas in front of her. She’d spent the last two hours trying to paint a bird from the book set on a stool in front of her. This was a painting she just didn’t want to mess up on but the more she stared at it the worse it seemed to look.
“Is everything alright m’lady?”
“Yes Ruth, just having a bit of difficulty getting these colors to work and blend the way that I wish them too.”
“Please let me know when you are ready, and I shall draw the bath for you.”
“Thank you, Ruth.”
Watching the maid leave, Y/n turns back towards her painting and examines the book once more. Adjusting the apron she wore over her dress to keep from ruining it, she dipped into her paints again. More time passed and her frustrations only grew as the colors started running and made the bird look like a mess.
Dropping the paintbrush in the pot of water she hung her head in defeat, deciding to just start all over again. Not having heard the door open she nearly jumped, feeling a pair of arms wrapping around her before a chuckle sounded in her ear.
“Sorry to startle you love I thought you heard me enter.”
“That’s alright my lord I just was focusing on something else.”
Alfred glanced around to be sure they were alone before pressing a soft kiss to her neck.
“Tell me what’s the matter.”
“I’m trying to paint this bird and all of my colors keep running I’ve spent hours on it but alas to no avail.”
Remaining silently as his eyes drifted over the canvas in front of them, since they had began courting he was trying to take interest in her hobbies. When he found out she had a love for painting much like his mother, it was one he quickly did his best to learn all he could about it.
“Allow me to offer my assistance to you.”
Grabbing her hand gently together they picked up the brush, the sparks of electricity she felt as they moved together dipping into her paint pallet. She could barely concentrate at the feel of him pressed against her back. When the brush touched the canvas, she let out a soft laugh.
“What is it brining you such joy my dear?”
“Your beard tickles my cheek.”
Y/n spoke softly as his own smile grew to match hers the two talking in soft whispers as he helped her fix the once ruined picture.
“What do you think?”
“It looks so much better thank you for your help now we both must sign it.”
She said pointing to the feather quill and pot of ink sat on the desk a few feet away from them, Alfred reached over grabbing the quill. Signing the name Debling then placing the quill in her hand so she could sign her last name.
Placing it back in the ink pot Y/n slowly turned to face him their eyes meeting hers lighting up as his softened.
“Miss. Y/n  I know this may come forth as a bit forward but may I kiss you?”
He asked a slight nervous quiver to his voice if you listened close enough she remained silently causing him to clear in throat. The last thing he wanted was for her to feel pressured into anything. After a moment her smile grew as she leaned closer to him their lips brushing in the softest touch before a knock on the door sent them apart. Composing themselves she turned to see Ruth entering one more.
“Excuse me miss but your mother is looking for you.”
“Thank you, Ruth please tell her, that I will be right there.”
Ruth nodded, leaving them alone again y/n sighing softly she turned back to Alfred who gently touched her cheek.
“I must be going as it is rather late, I shall call upon you tomorrow afternoon would that be alright?”
“Yes, I would enjoy that very much my lord.”
The pair left the room and y/n saw him to the front entrance, his fingers once more touching her cheek in a bid farewell. Watching him leave she sighed her arms wrapping around herself, the thought of his arms around her caused her face to heat up. Turning, she went off in search of her mother.
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hocuspocusbabyy · 4 months
A case of you: Eloise x Cressida. 🦢🕊️
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Warning: Semi public sex? Resentment, internalised homophobia and self hate.
Pairing: Eloise Bridgerton x Cressida Cowper.
Description: Eloise and Cressida spend some time in the stables after a long winter apart.
Eloise lets her head rest against the walnut panelling. It was already late, maybe even early at this point. Yet the hours continued to draw on, unrelenting in their usual tiresome manner. She was very much over the situation. Watching Cressida meticulously brush her horse, the only sounds in the stable being the repercussions of a dandy brush dragging through hair before slapping against the blonde's palm.
“Must you insist on ignoring me?” Eloise gives her best pout, the book in her hand doing little to sooth her irritation as her question is met again with silence. “You’d rather I die of boredom? Before I get an opportunity to die of something more interesting? Maybe dehydration? What do you think?” Again silent, the blonde merely hummed a response, far too focused on the beast before her.
Her natural curls resting upon her shoulders as she worked, such an ethereal grace surly out of place in a room known to house after birth and manure. Both of which seemingly burned at the brunette's nose as she sighed again.
Reaching up Eloise grasped her nose tightly, welcoming the ease of breathing through her mouth to avoid the stench. “Even asphyxiation would be a welcome addition.” She mumbled as a piece of hay stuck itself upon her lip.
“I didn’t realise you found regular conversation with me so tedious.” Cressida mumbled, an unamused lilt to her voice as she gently tossed the brush into a bear by bucket. Stepping back with an infuriating grace, the blonde finally turned to see Eloise.
“Conversation by definition requires talking.” The brunette slumped upon a straw stack, arms folded as she huffed in response.
“Did you enjoy the journey?” Cressida asks after a minute. Eloise arrived that morning to enjoy the summer in the country with her family. Lord Debling had just so happened to have had the same idea for his new wife. Sending her off for the summer while we is away… yet again.
"Jesus Cress," Eloise moaned, raising on her elbows to view the other woman. “Why do you always do that?” The Bridgerton questioned after a moment, pleasantries could wait. This conversation had to happen now or the entire weekend would become considerably less bearable.
“Do what?” Cressida demanded as though Eloise were the most irritating thing to ever speak aloud.
“Employ pleasantries to avoid talking to me. We’ve barely spoken since last season.”
“We’ve spoken.”
“Pleasantries at the dinner table, or passing commentary at balls hardly count as speaking Ms Cowper.”
Cowper-Debling Eloise thought as the words left her mouth.
“And what is it you’d like me to say?” The blonde argued, busing herself with sweeping the stall. Eloise always found it odd how willingly Cressida took to stable work. A woman who wouldn’t even consider cooking for herself so a home with manual labour. Insisting on hacking her own horses and shooing away any staff that had offered to help.
“Maybe we could start with why you’ve been avoiding me?”
“I’ve not been avoiding you.” Cressida laughed as though the idea of someone like her avoiding anyone would be laughable. “You’ve simply been preoccupied with Phillip, clearly it’s dulling your brain if you feel it necessary to ask me irritating questions so incessantly.” The blonde coming forward to lift a stack of straw into the staff.
“Hey.” Eloise frowned, reaching forward to yank the stack back towards her, the binding strings dinging into the flesh of her fingers as she forced the other woman to look at her. Refusing to let go of the straw without a real answer. Her free hand raising up to grasp the blondes chin. Eloise’s thumb hard upon the dimpled skin, her forefinger sweeping gently beneath Cressida’s jaw, “Sulk all you want Cress, but it doesn’t mean you get to talk so lowly to me.” Silence follows, seeping through their skin emitting its own harsh resonance.
“We’re getting old” the blonde huffed, her shoulder pressed firmly against the wall as she allowed the stack fall upon the ground with a thud. “And yet you’re not less annoying”
“What was that?” The brunette barked, a frown prominent on her crow-like features as her nails scratched at the blonde's neck.
“I said.” Cressida started tugging her face away from the other woman, “That you are still damn well annoying, you’d think in all the years stuck spending summer here together, we’d have found a way to rectify that.” She looked at her for moments longer than she necessarily intended to, the angled shot of the other being drawing her attention more than she’d like to admit.
Even after fifthteen years of studying that face, she had yet to discover every hairline fracture, map out every freckle or indention - as time always seemed to obscure things, in a matter of moments a space which she had been so sure of, could be completely different. This was one of things Cressida found so infuriating about the human face, nothing seemed permanent enough - yet with this one in particular she didn’t seem to mind so much, for what great honour it was to experience the ever changing countenance of Eloise Bridgerton… soon to be Crane.
“If you dislike me so, why don’t you leave?” The brunette mumbled into the pregnant pause. Her gaze fell down, her offending hand finding rest within her lap.
“I never said that your annoyance was to my disliking.” Cressida mumbled snatching the brunette's hand into her own, barely missing the smirk which befell Eloise’s face. Their fingers meld together, not yet clasped but merely moving against one another.
Eloise took note of the many rings that decorated the other woman, how they shadowed her bones, her perfectly nimble hands. It always struck her how something so delicate could belong to such strength.
“Then why is my possible marriage such a displeasure to you? You yourself are married and Lord Debling seems a fine Husband.” Eloise argued, her crown lowered to capture the gaze of the other woman.
“I think that maybe I just hate the fact he’s going to see you naked.” Cressida started almost nonchalantly, rolling her neck to the side to scratch the side of it - a nervous habit that didn’t go unnoticed.
Eloise smiled despite herself, surely there were worse reasons to be mad at someone. True it was hardly Phillip’s fault, though she doubted he wasn’t proxy to the matter, bowing her head leaning closer to Cressida.
"When was the last time you let someone touch you?"
Eloise’s eyes would have widened at the blonde's abrupt question, but they were slammed shut as the taller woman bit down on her neck "Cress" She spat out as a shade of red crept up her face from her chest.
Cressida chuckled, pulling back to look at her and shook her head, "Was it me? Lou?" she asked again, "Are you still mine? Or did you let someone else have you, while I was gone?"
Eloise looked down at the ground, she really didn't want to answer that question. She shrugged her shoulders before looking back up at Cressida, pouting similar to a scolded child.
"Just you."
"Huh-h" The taller woman replied. She continued to stare at Eloise, squinting her eyes in thought while she contemplated. "Are you mine, sweet girl?" She asked abruptly, allowing the built-up jealousy of months alone to consume her. Then just for a moment, all she could think about was the pain, the unknown, the wanting, waiting... she wanted Eloise to feel it too.
Biting down hard on the brunettes lip, her hand scratched the back of her neck
"Always," Eloise mumbled, before grasping Cressida’s hips pulling her down, straddling her over the hay bales- their mouths disconnecting with a pop. A sharp intake of breath alongside a hand under her chin informed Eloise that she was in fact bleeding. Her lip plump, salted, and slit two ways filling her mouth with a familiar coppery taste.
Looking up to meet the perfectly harsh gaze that despite her tone shone with tears.
"Damn." The blonde mumbled, dragging her thumb across her bottom lip, her eyes forced on the task at hand as she examined her handy work. A mixture of pleasure and undeniable guilt flooded her. Sitting up towards the brunette in the first sign of gentleness since they'd reunited, Cressida tenderly kissed the shorter woman’s throbbing lip as if a quiet apology. Her fists now wound tightly at her sides, as if she was scared by her own capabilities to cause harm.
There's my girl, Eloise thought for a second beneath all that hate and anger her love was still in there. But she needed this Eloise knew it, Cressida needed something to control. The blonde's whole world was crumbling, and if Eloise’s willingness, her submission, could help her with that - then that's exactly what she'd do.
She'd let Cressida Cowper use her until she was mere skin and bone, for there are far graver punishments in this world.
A guilty look struck across her face, Eloise couldn't decide what hurt her more, that look or her silence. Soon she reached out, her hand resting upon the blondes enclosed fist until it softened and their fingers became interlaced.
"It's okay darling" Eloise reassured gently resting her forehead against the blondes, "it's just a little blood, not like it hasn't happened before."
Cressida grimaced at that - she was right it had happened before, in moments of passion or hurry; but never in anger - Cressida had never intentionally hurt her.
"God you're even more beautiful than I remembered," Cressida whispered. A sodden hum to her voice as she finally allowed her hand to grace the span of the younger Bridgertons face. Not a single imperfection in its wake, the harsh swell of her lips only alienated her doe eyes more. As though animated, encapsulated by history.
Cressida found herself wishing for a pen, any means of replication. She’d draw her likeness upon the world and rain fury down upon anyone who dared touch it.
The younger woman gripped the blonde's hips despite herself, this how it feels to burn alive she thought.
How was it even possible that after all this time she seemed to have this effect on her?
Cressida had changed, yes, her hair was different - shorter. Her skin had untimely wrinkles that danced across her forehead - still Her Cress, she mused. As a hand edged out to rest upon the blondes cheek, a thumb grazed under her eye to remove any fallen tears she could see – like a painter perfecting a painting.
"Cress...I..." She moved toward her then, closing her eyes, but Eloise pulled away. "I-I-I'm sorry," she stuttered, she'd crossed the line. As though judgement had been switched back on, they were reminded of the situation beyond how much Cressida needed to feel in control of something again, beyond the blatant need to touch one another.
"No, I'm sorry," she insisted. "I just got caught up in the moment."
She'd never seen Cressida look embarrassed before and she hated being the one that caused it. She asked herself why she had backed away. This amazing, beautiful woman was standing in front of her and she had rejected her. For the past 12 months all she had wanted was to be right where she was at that moment.
The pair noticed that hands were still grasped tightly together. But neither could bear to push the other away. Eloise met Cressida’s gaze as the blonde lifted their enclosed hands to her lips and kissed them - a silent promise, a pact, acknowledging that out of everyone on this planet Eloise still trusted her. Cressida could have sworn she felt the brunette shiver at the motion, but that was neither here nor there because she kissed her.
Her lips were soft but strong. Eloise could feel her taking control again. She pulled her in closer allowing Eloise to straddle her more comfortably. She kissed down her neck, gently sucking and nipping at the sensitive skin there. Eloise felt her throat vibrate as she let out an involuntary moan.
"Don't leave me."
The words had slipped out of her mouth before she could stop herself. Cressida blinked back her tears, the wound in her heart she had tried so hard to heal had opened up again.
"Never," Eloise promised, her voice barely audible.
The blonde shook her head weakly, and her hand moved towards her but she changed her mind as it dropped to her side.
"But I did, Lou," she said, her voice hoarse. "I left."
She sniffled her legs swinging a little off the stack, and Eloise leaned over her. dabbing away the tears on her cheeks gently with her lips. Cressida could feel her fingers shaking as she cupped her face almost absent-mindedly and she let her. It had been so long since she had been this close to her.
"I'll make it up to you. I promise"
"Darling I don't think—-"
“Stop talking,” Cressida snaps as she roughly tugs Eloise’s dress up around their joined waists. Snatching at the front of her dress, still the spill of her cleavage came into view. Simply bypassing the snagged material as she pulled the ties away.
“You’re being awfully coercive,” she scolds without any malice. As Cressida nails dragged up along the flesh of her thighs. Tiny spirals of electricity sounded beneath the skin, as the brunette buckled forward.
Transfixed by Cressida sucking her thumb into her mouth. She hooks it over her bottom teeth. She ran the pad of her thumb along the rims of bone, each indentation an example of Cressida’s life, both with and without her. Every word spoken, each kiss revived, consumption in its entirety. Eloise couldn’t help but wish to be swallowed whole as Cressida’s tounge swirled against her knuckle.
“Is it working?” Cressida whispered, rising to sit up with Eloise in her lap. The thumb slipped from her mouth with a deafening pop.
Kissing, felt like coming up for air, finding rest after a long journey, coming home. Their kisses, messy and unrestrained, a rare and thin line between benevolence and delirium.
Eloise lets her hand run down the neckline of Cressida’s shirt, she often opted for less form clothing and gowns where she could. Far away from the beratment of the ton… of her family. She plants a kiss on her collarbone, counting each notch in her bones as her tongue dove within it. Eloise had no reason to hurry; worship was not a timely thing, every step of her day, each roll of her tongue was in sentiment, in prayer to one Cressida Cowper.
“Don’t,” Cressida says upon hearing Eloise moan. She never did quite understand how she’d ever become so lucky as to be loved by thee Eloise Bridgerton. She often found herself recoiling from the blessing, not harsh, not final, but unpredictable. Cressida had hurt Eloise more times then she’d like to admit. From being her first kiss their fourteenth summer, playing weddings in their youth and laying with her before all others.
She did not mean to continue running away, she’d never strayed from her though. Cressida was Eloise’s for every waking moment of their lives, even when they didn’t talk, even when they hated one another. Eloise Bridgerton and Cressida Cowper belonged to each other. In the cruellest, most maddening way.
Cressida and Eloise were always walking towards each other, no matter the path they were taking.
She guides Eloise’s face back to kissing her. A silent beg for not to be so gentle, she didn’t not wish to be worshipped tonight, she wished to be broken.
Eloise could no longer control the way her body yearned for solid ground. Her hips grinding down upon Cressida’s stomach, in brash unforgiving motions.
The blonde lifted her right leg to support her back. Her hands fall upon her lover's hips and she guides her down clenching her stomach to supply more pressure. A series of breathy sounds pooling between Eloise’s lips. With every movement, her cheeks grew into a glossy shade of pink, spreading rosacea throughout her body.
She opens her eyes and Cressida is looking at her open mouth. Perfectly plush and warm, she longed to feel them upon her skin. But this wasn’t about her, this was about Eloise.
This is everything she’s ever wanted.
“Oh my...” Eloise gasped, falling forward as a deft finger traced the heat between her legs, pushing Cressida down with her.
Eloise’s train of thought was cut off, the two of them turned to the door as the sound of approaching footsteps silenced them.
"Did you lock the gate?” Cressida asked her frantically, pushing Eloise to her feet. Pulling down their skirts.
"What gate?” Clutching at where the broken ties pooled at her breasts, began to push her towards the back of the stable, hoping whoever it was would not come in. It wasn't a big room and they did not have a lot of options.
"Get in!" she ordered gesturing towards the horse stall, and Eloise stared at her in confusion.
"What-in there?" She asked incredulously, pointing at the water troff.
Cressia rolled her eyes as she pushed her into the stall, hearing her groan as her leg hit the side of the door as it bolted shut. She mumbled an apology as she squeezed in with her, her hands firm upon her hips. Their breathing turned shallow, waiting to see if the footsteps would pass.
"This is the worst place you could have picked for us to hide in." Eloise started stretching up to peek through the metal bars, Cressida’s body falling to press her into the stall door. She stifled a gasp when she heard the doorknob being turned. The blonde's face found home within her hair, gently shushing her, nose pressed up to the brunette's ear.
Eloise began to think up a million excuses of what she'd say if they got caught.
"Would you stop moving? I can't concentrate!" she hissed. Cressida was offended by that. Her hands snaking down the press her pelvis into an Eloise from behind. They melted together, a seeming flow of limbs.
"I'm sorry to hear that but it's cramped in here, if you haven't noticed, and my leg hurts from standing like this!" She argued in a hushed tone. When Elise turned her head back towards Cressida, her nose bumped into the blondes, she teasingly flicked it up against her own before nuzzling in.
"You’re spectacular.” The brunette mumbled, her lips bumping along Cressida’s with each syllable. As though skimming stone across a lake. The promise of sinking imminent and shortening. “I love—-“
Before she could continue, Cressida had closed the gap between them, her lip brushing against hers ever so lightly. Drawn out and soothing, like draining bath water.
They'd forgotten that there was someone trying to get inside. Her fingers ran through Eloise’s hair as she drowned in her soft touch.
She craved this for 12 months.
Her entire life.
"I still hate you." Eloise supplied watching Cressida as she cared a hand through her tousled hair lovingly. Pulling at her baby hairs, before kissing her forehead.
"I know" the blonde nodded. "This doesn't change anything." Cressida latched on, her eyes fixed on the feeling of Eloise’s fingers upon her scalp.
"I know that too," Eloise replied through a sly smirk that crept up her face this time as she leaned up to kiss the other woman, willing Cressida to understand her.
The stable door was suddenly thrown open and they quickly broke away-
"Eloise? Cressida? What are you two doing in here?"
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