#Lord Winters AU
sku11kidz · 7 months
can we have some Lord Winters HC?
your fic has me curious about your version of him
Lord Winters :}
Clearly I’m not the only person who made a Lord Winters AU
Stuff for me under cut
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>Ethan had Rose taken from him by Miranda instead of Chris
>Ethan goes to save Rose but Miranda makes a deal with him and is like “If you join me, I’ll let you have Rose”
>Spoiler Alert: Miranda kills Rose trying to save Eva and now Ethan is stuck with the lords
>Oh yeah…Mia is dead :( Miranda killed her as a threat to Ethan
Okay backstory done :)
>The protag is Reader for the time being
>Reader is (again) a child
>He lives in a large house (like the one under)
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more resident evil warrior cats!!
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prahacat · 10 months
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first snow
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lovelywingsart · 4 months
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'It's not like I'm walkin' alone into the valley of the shadow of death Stand beside one another, cause it ain't over yet I'd be willing to bet that if we don't back down You and I'll be the ones that are holding the crown in the end
When it's over, we can say well done But not yet cause it's only begun So pick up and follow me, we're the only ones To fight this thing until we've won
We drive on and don't look back It doesn't mean we can't learn from our past And all the things that we might've done wrong We could've been doing this all along
Everybody with your fist raised high Let me hear your battle cry tonight Stand beside or step aside We're on the frontline'
'Frontline' - Pillar
POV You're Miranda about to get your shit absolutely fucking wrecked by a human and 4 pissed off mutants
A massive and very important scene in the Survival AU, where the unthinkable come together to defeat a common enemy-
The Lords and Ethan band together to fight Mother Miranda, ultimately winning their freedom and new life.
A story that could- and should- have been, giving the families a chance to survive.
//Finally, about 50 fucking hours later, this is DONE. IT'S COMPLETE.//
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50 fucking hours.
I started crying once I finished it, because I realized that THIS is what I will be showing Neil and Maggie.
THIS is what I've spent so much time on.
THIS is probable the thing I will ever be the most proud of.
Literally any and all shares are so appreciated, I desperately do not want this to flop and will share it so many times if I have to.
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delicatebarness · 3 months
winters widow | chapter iv
Summary: The journey to the capital brings tests that bring our lord and lady closer which results in Lord James giving her his word.
Warning: Arranged Marriage. Storm/Severe Weather. Emotional Distress.
Word Count: 1096
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A/N: These two have my heart. - Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as mine. - B
Winter’s Widow: @lanabuckybarnes | @sapphirebarnes | @sebastians-love | @mrsnikstan | @learisa | @railmesebstan | @mishkatelwarriorgoddess | @barnesxstan | @ghalouha | @mrsstuckyboo | @g-nobody
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick
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On the sixth day of the journey, Lord James, the bannermen, and yourself neared the borders of the neighboring land. Suddenly, a storm swept across the plains, rain lashing down and turning the ground into a quagmire. 
Tents were hastily pitched as everyone sought shelter from the downpour. Huddled under a small canopy with Lord James and a few of his closest advisors, the tension in the air was thick as the storm raged. Illuminating the worried looks of the soldiers and servants, the lightning split the sky, and thunder drummed. 
You couldn’t help but feel a sense of closeness in the discomfort of the situation as you weathered the storm with Lord James. 
“I don’t like the look of this weather,” one of the advisors muttered, their gaze fixed on the sheets of rain outside. 
“It will pass,” Lord James reassured before turning to you, speaking with a hint of concern. “Are you holding up alright, Lady Romanoff?” 
Despite the unease settling in your stomach, you offered a reassuring smile as you nodded. “I’m fine, my lord. It’s just a bit of rain.” 
He glanced down at you, a flicker of something passed through his eyes before he placed another layer of pelt around your shoulders. “Stay wrapped. We’ll resume the journey as soon as it lets up.” 
As the storm continued, raging around you, you felt Lord James’ presence closer to you. His breath was warm against your ear. “Have no fear,” he spoke firmly, his voice steady. “This storm is no stranger. I was born amidst such tempests.” 
Resonating deeply within you, his words carried a weight of resilience. Looking at him in the dim light from the flickering torches, you swore you saw a glimpse of the man behind the titles. His expression softened slightly as he met your gaze. 
“You’ve faced many trials,” you acknowledged, your voice audible to only Lord James over the howling wind.
A faint smile touched his lips. “And, I have survived them all.” 
Hours passed in comfortable silence, only broken by the occasional clap of thunder. Leaving behind a soggy landscape, the storm began to subside. Albeit at a slow pace, the decision was made to press on with cautious optimism due to the muddied roads.
Still guarded, the aftermath of the storm mirrored the newfound shift in your relationship with Lord James as you rode alongside him again. 
The sun hung high in the skin, a golden hue over the hills as your entourage continued the journey south. Riding alongside Lord James, Honeybreeze and Alpine trotted gracefully in tandem. The days grew warmer, and a gentle breeze carried the familiar scent of wildflowers through the air. 
Glancing over at Lord James, you noticed his jaw set in determination as his eyes scanned the horizon. His focus mirrored his reputation as the White Wolf. Clearing his throat, he jolted you out of your trance.
Realizing your eyes were locked onto his side profile, you averted your gaze and offered a sheepish smile. “My apologies, my lord,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
He glanced over at you briefly, amusement in his eyes before he returned his focus ahead, “No harm done, Lady Romanoff,” there was a hint of a smile in his reply. “Just keep your attention on the road ahead as we enter more contested lands.” 
You nodded, grateful for his understanding. Turning your focus back to the road stretching ahead, the landscape shifted around you. 
“Tell me about your sisters,” Lord James prompted, his voice carrying above the rhythmic sound of hooves against the dirt. 
You faced him, a curious expression on your face. He caught you off guard with his inquiry, but you welcomed the opportunity to share a piece of your world with him.
A smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you began telling him about your sisters. Lord James listened intently, a thoughtful look in his eyes as he took in the details of your sisters’ strengths and characters. Bridging the gap between you both, the conversation flowed easily between you. 
As the weeks wore on, the relentless pace began to take its toll as the sun was high overhead. There was a growing weariness in your limbs. Honeybreeze’s usually smooth gait seemed to jar your bones. 
Ever vigilant, Lord James noticed your discomfort. Concern flickering in his gaze as he looked at you, the furrow between his brows deepened. “Lady Romanoff,” he began in a gentle tone. “You appear fatigued. Perhaps riding in the carriage would be best.” 
Shaking your head, you forced a smile. “Just a bit tired, my lord. I’m fine, I can remain here, with Honeybreeze and yourself.” 
His gaze didn’t waver. “I appreciate your desire to ride,” he admitted. “But, I worry about your safety, I would feel more at ease if you traveled in the carriage for a while.” 
You hesitated, his genuine concern tore into your steadfast decision. Your gaze moved down to Honeybreeze. Just say you were about to respond, Lord James continued, his voice gentle yet persuasive. 
“I promise you,” he continued. “I will keep Honeybreeze close to me. She will receive the best care and attention. You have my word… my lady.” 
Resonating with sincerity, his words made it difficult to refute his earnest pleas. Gazing into his eyes, you saw a depth of concern in the ocean color, touching you deeply– a concern that went beyond his obligation.
You relented with a small nod after a moment of internal struggle. “As you wish, my lord,” you acquiesced quietly. “I shall travel by carriage for a while.” 
Relief flickered across Lord James’ features. “Thank you,” he said sincerely, offering an appreciative smile. “Your decision will serve us both well.” 
As you dismounted Honeybreeze, he signaled for the carriage to be prepared. You gave Honeybreeze a reassuring pat before climbing into the waiting vehicle.
Through the window, you watched cautiously as Lord James took the reins of Honeybreeze. He gently guided her alongside Alpine, true to his word, he kept her close. 
You settled onto the cushioned seat, a surprising sense of relief as it offered a respite from the constant jostling. 
As the procession moved forward, the gentle sway of the carriage lulled you into a state of relaxation. Resting your head against the window, you noticed occasional glances from Lord James toward the carriage.
Closing your eyes, you allowed yourself a moment of rest. You were comforted by the knowledge that your lord– your future husband, was looking out and protecting both you and Honeybreeze.
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k-0re · 8 months
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lord mia au by @/capteye_ on twitter
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kinaesthetiqueer · 5 days
it feels better biting down.
ah. seems like you're interrupting... something. maybe just close the door and back away slowly? at the very least, nora seems fine.
still frames, ID, and notes under the cut!
[video ID: a three second looping video depicting Weiss biting Nora's neck. Nora, a pale young woman with neck-length spiky orange hair and freckles, has her back to the viewer, pressed up against a wooden crate. she twists her neck to look over her shoulder, one teal-blue eye is visible, as well as a light blush on her face. she wears a black vest with her hammer emblem in blue on the back, her metal neck brace, and a white muscle shirt. these have been partially undone and pushed to her right shoulder to bare her neck. Weiss, a paler, blushing young woman with bright blue eyes, and white bangs and a long ponytail, clings to Nora. She buries her right hand in Nora's hair, tugging her head at its awkward angle. With her left hand, she pushes Nora's clothes away from her neck. Weiss has her upper fangs in Nora's neck, the wounds from which have soaked her skin and clothes in blood. Weiss' body from the neck down is almost completely hidden behind Nora, with only one red earring and the red inner collar of her bolero jacket visible. Both Nora and Weiss' gazes are locked on the viewer; their expressions are shy and irritated respectively. a dark filter with a stripe of light on them suggests a door has been opened to reveal them. while the image is mostly fixed/static, two elements are animated: 1) various sparks of pink lightning dance around Nora and 2) Weiss' eyes glow and fade from her natural blue eyes to a bright, almost white color. end ID]
some still frames
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pose referenced
as always, when i draw something and post it this far ahead (this is volume 2), i'm always going to leave out some spoilers. consider this a heavily idealized/romanticized memory of a series canon scene. one guess for whose memory it is. when we get to this point in v2, i will happily reveal the spot the difference answers between this and the written scene. maybe i'll comm someone to draw an accurate redo of it...
anyways! i'm very happy with this piece :3 it revived all my ssvau brainworms that had taken a hit because of Life and also reset my 'if i don't get to this scene chronologically i will perish' goalpost as well! because the first bite was a major milestone. this is the next milestone. and i, for one, cannot wait! ヾ(•ω•`)o
her pulse in my throat will be back next wednesday!
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residentdogvile · 7 months
Wintersberg Family Photo
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Quite the chaotic family unit. I think despite Karl's relationship to Ethan he'll always be the crazy Uncle figure.
Don't ask me how dogs managed to take a selfie
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sh-haashi · 2 years
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billy-cockblock · 3 months
Re venom au Ethan brain dump time. Re7 and 8 are the only ones I’ve seen full play throughs of, so if anyone wants to help me with Leon characterization on my other post, I would appreciate it.
After Shadows of Rose, Ethan’s kinda out of it in the megamycete. His consciousness is recovering from Miranda’s attack, he’s weakened from giving his powers to Rose, and the megamycete as a whole took a big hit from Miranda’s death. He’s stuck fading in and out while he rests, but gets a rude awakening when there’s a flurry of activity.
The stratum of the mindscape have dissolved, multiple consciousness coming together to will the mold they’re stored in to move. He tries to look outward, see what they’re doing, and all he hears is pained screaming. (“HOLY SHIT IS THE MEGAMYCETE TRYING TO TAKE OVER A GUY”)
He spreads his (surprisingly strong) influence over the mindscape, dragging the clawing consciousnesses away from the driver’s seat, flinging them back, and creating a stratum between him and them to keep them away from their apparent new host (since when could he do that?)
He slots himself in at the controls and sees what the damage is. Mold wrapping around brain and nerves, pull that back; mold spreading across skin, let’s hide that; now where to put the megamycete main body where it won’t rub up against organs uncomfortably? Well, there’s a kinda healed over space around the spine and ribs he find it easy to curl up in, and it gives him easy access to his nervous system so he can talk to this guy!
Right, he needs to talk to this guy, who’s lying on the floor, breathing heavily, and if he feels from his nervous system right, absolutely panicking.
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sodiumpentothol · 3 months
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Watched some third person RE7 gameplay to see the funny animations, talked with @canelablutegel about it a bit and joked about a headless Ethan AU before she told me to turn it into a Lord Ethan AU so uh here we are
It's just a dumb doodle, definitely won't be writing anything for this considering that Mold Ethan already lives rent free in my head but I might draw shit for this AU later ghhhh
Idea behind his design was that he's trying too hard to cling to his humanity and ended up becoming too human in the process. Hands represent humanity and trying to grasp that humanity (as hands are one thing that sets us as humans apart from other organisms), the hand mutations are where Ethan got his shit fucked up in RE7 (not counting the leg since that can be avoided)
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 years
AU idea/ fic prompt for Shadow of Rose DLC.
Where as well as Michael other people write to Rose some of them seem to be arguing with each other she thinks there are 5 and gives them each names Michel and another one seem to bicker and Rose thinks they may be flirting the other voice that flirts with Michael and tells her about her weapons and upgrades them for her as well as giving explosives with really upsets Michael. Another one just tells her their idiots complains about what they’ve done to the first house and helps her find secret passages. Another one is very quiet but in the doll house guides her through and tells her the creatures weaknesses. Another one sends heling items and tells her about the creatures and weak spots.
In the end not only Ethan shows up but also the 4 lords (though they look more like they did as humans) all of them have been trapped here as well and with Ethan have been figuring out how to defeat Miranda and protect Rose.
Just all the lords being there as well.
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godlizzza · 10 months
Chapter 7 of my gothic danbert au is (finally) up!
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zara-gozas-blog · 9 months
Siberian Health
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Two paternal brothers, but different health
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mumbledramblings · 1 year
Winter King: *long monologue about the despair that comes with being unable to move on*
Vash: Oof, yeah I totally get that oomfie
Winter King: None of those words existed the last time I spoke to a human.
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delicatebarness · 2 months
winters widow | chapter vii
Summary: The journey back to Winter's Reach causes a distance to grow between Lord James and Little Lady.
Warning: Arranged Marriage.
Word Count: 1766
Spotify Playlist | Pinterest Board | Support: Ko-FI
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A/N: Ah, the first mention of the dragons and their riders. - Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as mine. - B
Winter’s Widow: @lanabuckybarnes | @sapphirebarnes | @sebastians-love | @mrsnikstan | @learisa | @railmesebstan | @mishkatelwarriorgoddess | @barnesxstan | @ghalouha | @mrsstuckyboo | @g-nobody| @mishidrish
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick | @sapphirebarnes | @rach2602 | @thetorturedbuckydepartment
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Lord James prepared to depart Brooklyn, and you began the long journey back to Winter’s Reach. The memories of the celebrations were still fresh, but there was excitement and anticipation about returning to your new home– and your upcoming wedding. However, as you looked at Lord James, you could see he was distant once again. 
As the gates of Brooklyn faded into the distance, you settled into the comfort of the carriage with Lord James. The plush seats and gentle sway of the carriage provided a gentle respite for the long journey ahead. You were brimming with enthusiasm about your upcoming wedding and could not contain your excitement. 
Sitting across from Lord James, you assumed he was simply tired from the festivities as his complexion paled and dark circle appeared under his eyes. He did not mention any discomfort. 
“I cannot believe our wedding will only be in a short few months!” you exclaimed, unable to hide the excitement. “I was wondering about the flowers for the ceremony. Do you prefer roses or lilies?” 
Lord James glanced at you, his expression uninterested. “Whatever you decide will be appropriate,” he replied, his voice neutral. 
A pang of disappointment pricked at your excitement, yet you took Lord James’ response in stride. Undeterred, you pressed on, eager to share your thoughts, and hoped to engage him further. 
“I was thinking we could have both roses and lilies,” you continued. “Roses for love and passion, and lilies for purity and devotion. Don’t you think that would be a beautiful combination, my lord?” 
He nodded slightly, gaze drifting out of the carriage window. “A combination would be suitable.” 
You leaned forward, his slight acknowledgment encouraging you. Your words began tumbling out in an eager rush. “And of course, the decorations! Our families’ banners and crests, intertwine and symbolize the unity of our houses. It will be such a magnificent sight, do you agree?” 
Shifting slightly in his seat, he remained guarded. “Unity is important,” he replied, curtly. 
For a moment, you faltered, sending his reluctance to engage in the conversation. Yet, your excitement for the wedding persisted, and you couldn’t help but share your dreams for the ceremony. 
“I’ve been thinking about the music as well,” you said. “Perhaps a melodic composition that reflects the union of our houses? Something that resonates with both our families’ histories.” 
Lord James nodded again, his gaze still distant. “That sounds appropriate.” 
Despite Lord James’ guarded responses, you continued to share your vision for the wedding ceremony. As the journey back to Winter’s Reach continued, you described every detail of the festivities you had been envisioning still a young girl.
His patience wore thin, his stoic facade cracking ever so slightly. “Perhaps we could discuss this at another time,” he interjected as you began discussing your vows, his tone edging with frustration. 
You paused, noticing the tension in his voice and the weariness in his eyes. A pang of guilt crept into your heart as you realized you had been overwhelming him with your excitement. But, before you could apologize, Lord James continued, his voice now laced with irritation and fatigue.
“Please, forgive me,” he said, his words measured. “I appreciate your enthusiasm for the wedding preparations, but I find myself preoccupied with other matters at the moment.” 
A wave of embarrassment coursed through you, a flush of heat rising to your cheeks. You had been so caught up in your own dreams and plans that you hadn’t considered Lord James’ perspective or his feelings about the arranged marriage. 
“I… I am sorry, my lord,” you stammered, chastened. “I didn’t mean to impose my thoughts on you.” 
His expression softened marginally as he sighed. “It’s understandable. This marriage, while necessary for our houses, weighs heavily on me. I hope you can understand.” 
You nodded, the reality of your situation settled heavily as a mix of empathy and sympathy for Lord James crashed over you. The weight of duty and expectation was now palpable in the carriage. 
“I do understand,” you replied quietly. “I will set the wedding planning aside.” 
A flicker of gratitude in his eyes as Lord James nodded in acknowledgment. 
A subdued atmosphere clouded the journey back to Winter’s Reach. You found yourself spending most of the journey in the quiet contemplation within the confines of the carriage, since the conversation about your wedding. Lord James had opted to return to horseback, seeking solace in the rhythm of Alpine’s hooves against the road. 
Winter’s Reach gradually emerged on the horizon, the familiar turrets and battlements signaling the end of the journey. While you were relieved to return, the arrival was bittersweet with the weight of unspoken tension between you and Lord James hanging in the air. 
Stepping out of the carriage, you were greeted by familiar faces of servants hurrying to unlock luggage, and stewards stepping forward to welcome Lord James back to his seat of power.
“Welcome home, my lord,” a steward greeted, bowing respectfully.
“Thank you,” Lord James replied with a nod, his expression unreadable.
You lingered by the carriage, glancing occasionally every so often at Lord James as he conversed with the steward. Hesitating to approach, now unsure of how to bridge the distance that had grown between you. 
As the flurry of activity began to settle, Lord James turned his attention toward you. His expression softened slightly, but the weight of responsibility still clouded his features. 
“You must be tired from the journey,” he said, gesturing toward the entrance of the Reach. “Please, come inside and rest.” 
Grateful for the gesture, you nodded and followed him into the Reach. The halls had not changed in the last two months you were away. Still, the walls were cold and unwelcoming. 
The servants guided you to your quarters, where you were left to settle in. The room was spacious and furnished beautifully, but yet it still felt foreign– a stark contrast to the warmth and familiarity of your childhood home. Sitting by the window, you gazed out at the sprawling landscape of Winter’s Reach, lost in thought.
Hours turned into days, and you found yourself avoiding Lord James whenever possible. Focusing on familiarizing yourself with the Reach and its surroundings, you continued to connect with the staff and relearn the rhythms of your new home. 
Lord James, meanwhile, seemed preoccupied with his duties. The few interactions you had were polite but distant, the tension that arose throughout the journey a constant presence. 
One afternoon, you wandered down to the sables. The smell of hay and soft sounds of the horses was comforting, and a reminder of simpler times. Taking it upon yourself, you decided to help the sable hands with their tasks, eager to immerse yourself in something tangible, 
As you brushed down one of the horses, a sense of peace washed over you. The rhythmic motion of the brush and gentle nickers of the horses provided a welcomed distraction from your thoughts. However, your tranquility was abruptly interrupted by the familiar voices and footsteps approaching. 
Your heart skipped a beat, recognizing Lord James’ voice. Instinctively, you ducked behind a stack of hay bales. You crouched there, not wanting to face him just yet as he entered the stable with one of his trusted advisors. 
“And, what of House Stark?” Lord James said, his voice heavy with concern.
“They have been amassing troops near the northern borders,” the advisor replied. “Their intentions are unclear, but it is crucial for us to remain vigilant.” 
“I know,” Lord James sighed. “But this is an added burden. We must ensure our defenses are strong and our alliances secure.” 
The advisor hesitated before speaking again, sighing. “My lord, perhaps it would be wise to consider bringing the dragon for extra support. The mere presence of such a creature could deter any aggressive moves by the Starks.” 
“No,” he said firmly. “I will not have her out there fighting if it comes to that.” 
“I understand, my lord,” the advisor bowed his head in understanding. “We will find other ways to bolster our defenses.” 
“Prepare our men and increase the patrols,” Lord James instructed. “We must be ready for whatever Lord Anthony might attempt.” 
“Of course, my lord,” the advisor said. “I will see to it immediately.” The advisor bowed once more before turning on his heel and leaving the stables. His footsteps echoed, fading as he moved out of earshot. 
Lord James remained still for a moment, his gaze fixed on the entryway. Then, he sighed deeply before taking a step forward. He paused as he reached the entryway, his voice lowering as if he were speaking to himself. 
“I know you’re hiding,” he said softly, his gaze moving to the stable grounds. “You’ve been avoiding me since we returned.” 
Your breath caught in your throat. Remaining perfectly still, you hoped he wouldn’t find you/ Yet, the gentleness in his voice, broke the usual tension that had marked your recent interactions. 
“I never wanted this distance between us,” he continued, his tone filled with regret. “There are so many burdens to bear, but I don’t want you to think you’re one of them.” 
A lump began to form in your throat as you listened, there was a sincerity in his voice that pierced through your apprehension. You emerged slowly from behind the hay bales, brushing the stray pieces from your dress. Lord James turned to face you, his gaze softened as it met yours. 
“Forgive me, my lord, I did not mean to eavesdrop,” you said quietly, stepping closer. “I just… I did not want to add to the pressure.” 
Lord James closed the distance between you, worry and tenderness filling his gaze. “You could never add to the pressure,” he replied gently, his fingers reaching out to brush a stray strand from your braid behind your ear. “It is the thought of you being unhappy that burdens me.” 
For a moment, a silence fell between you. The stable became charged with a tension that neither of you knew how to break.
“Do you wish to wed me solely due to our families' arrangement, or—?" your voice wavered uncertainly.
Without a word, Lord James silenced your question, leaning in he captured your lips in a tender yet fervent kiss. The warmth of his lips against yours contrasted sharply with the cold air of Winter's Reach. It spoke volumes that words could never convey.
When he finally pulled back, the blue in his eyes bored into yours with a newfound intensity. "Does that answer your question, my lady?" he softly whispered, leaving you breathless and flushed.
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