#Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
"it's me. it's your sam." is the gayest line in cinematic history, actually.
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cammitchell · 2 years
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Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
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markushasadeathwish · 21 days
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mads-weasley · 2 years
By Your Side
Aragorn x Reader
A/N: Hey y'all! This is my first ever Lord of the Rings fic so I hope you like it! I do not own any rights to these characters!
Summary: Aragorn and (y/n) keep their feelings hidden until the battle at Helm's Deep makes them realize how important the time they have is.
Warnings: mentions of war, blood, death, fluff, gore? idk
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Helm's Deep was overwhelmed with frantic people trying to prepare for the battle ahead of them. The Uruk-Hai were on their way, and much needed to be done. After rounding up the able-bodied men, the remaining members of the fellowship began getting themselves ready for war.
(Y/n), one of the last remaining Dúndain and the 10th member of the fellowship was sharpening her sword in the armory when Aragorn silently entered. He decided to watch her, leaning against a wall out of sight. When he almost encountered death a few days before, the only thing that kept him going was her face in his mind, reminding him he couldn't give up.
Over their journey, he had unexpectedly fallen for the young (y/h/c). Her kindness, beauty, and amazing personality drew him in, and her skills in battle were the nail in the coffin for him. He knew he loved her from the moment they fought the Uruk-Hai the day they lost Boromir.
"I thought you were gone," she said softly, sheathing her new blade.
With a sigh, he stepped out from his hiding place. "Me, as well."
Her eyes raked his frame, studying his ruggedly handsome appearance as if it might be the last she'd see it. Her world had shattered when they'd assumed him dead, and now that he was here, all she wanted to do was tell him how she felt. Snapping out of her trance, she grabbed chainmail from the rack, sliding it on quickly.
"10,000? Are there really that many?" She asked uncertainly as she peered into his icy blues.
Aragorn walked closer, stopping directly in front of her. "Yes. Isengard has emptied."
With a slow nod, she reached for her jerkin, but he beat her to it. Giving him a look of confusion, she tried to gently take it from him.
"Let me help you. Please." He pleaded, eyes soft.
He held it out in front of him, allowing her to slide each arm through it. After it was on, she turned to face him, her eyes never leaving his as he slowly tied the jerkin together. She tried to not let their close proximity get to her, but she could feel the warmth of his touch through the mail she wore.
When he got to the top tie, (y/n) gave in and placed her hand atop his. Aragorn's face lifted, realizing they were merely inches apart. His eyes flickered to her lips, and his heart began to race when she did the same.
Both leaned in slowly, but just before their lips met, Gimli's loud voice could be heard from the stairwell.
"I shall beat you this time, elf." He announces with a chuckle.
Quickly backing away, (y/n) grabbed her belt and sword off the table as she muttered, "I-I've got to go make sure the men are ready," refusing to meet his eyes.
The woman couldn't stop the pounding of her heart as she bounded up the stairs, passing Gimli and Legolas without a second glance. Aragorn watched her figure disappear, cursing under his breath. At that moment, he vowed to share his feelings with her if they survived the coming battle.
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Atop the wall, overlooking the hordes of Orks marching towards the great city, (y/n) stood beside Gimli, and found herself thinking back on the moment she shared with Aragorn hours earlier. She chewed on the inside of her lip, deep in thought. Having caught on to the woman's anxious habit, Gimli gently reached up and took her hand, causing her to look at the dwarf.
"Don't worry, lass. We'll be alright as long as we've got each other's backs." He said, staring up at the darkening sky.
Sighing, she ran her free hand down her face. "I'm not worried about the battle...well-I am, but..."
Gimli smiled softly, suddenly understanding. "Does yer worry have to do with a certain Ranger?"
(Y/n) didn't respond, only taking another deep breath as a blush crept up her neck.
He chuckled at her attempt to ignore him. "I knew it. Don't ya worry, (y/n), my lips are sealed."
"I know how I feel towards him, but-"
"But what?" the dwarf asked.
"I don't know, Gimli. Perhaps I am scared of where it might go."
"You are one of the most fearless warriors I know. Do not let something like love scare you, lass. Yes, it can be uncertain in the beginning, but it is completely worth the jump."
Looking at the dwarf, a small smile appeared on her lips. "Thank you, friend."
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Hours later, Sauron's army could be seen in all of its terrible glory. The remaining fellowship members stood on the wall once again, surrounded by Elven archers. As the enemy got within a hundred feet of the wall, rain began to fall, soaking their armor and chilling them to the bone. (Y/n)'s mind drifted but was snapped back to focus at the sound of Aragorn's voice speaking elvish.
"Show them no mercy, for you shall receive none."
A loud roar was heard, and Gimli began to hop, trying to see over the wall in front of him.
"What's happening out there?!" He asks Legolas, continuing to jump.
The elf suppressed a smirk. "Shall I describe it to you?" Gimli looked up as he continued. "Or would you like me to find you a box?"
Gimli stared at him for a few seconds before breaking out in a laugh, and soon the other two joined in. Their fit of laughter was interrupted as Aragorn appeared to (y/n)'s right, gently tugging her towards him to speak privately. She tried to ignore the sensation of his touch as she allowed him to lead her a few feet away from Gimli and Legolas.
"Here," he said softly, handing her a beautiful and lightweight elvish blade. "I know your sword was destroyed when we fought against the wargs on our journey here."
She took it from him, inspecting its craftsmanship. "It's beautiful. Thank you," she whispered looking at it in awe.
"Look, (y/n/n)," Aragorn started, placing his hand on her upper arm. "Be careful, please. I know you are more than capable of defending yourself, but I don't know what I would do if something happened to you."
His touch, along with his loving words sent warmth through her body. (Y/n) reached up with her free hand and cupped the underside of his jaw, causing his eyes to flutter shut at her touch.
"You as well. We have much to discuss after this."
Aragorn's grey-blue eyes shot open, a small smile finding its way onto his face. "Yes, we do."
He moved closer, leaning his forehead on hers as they simply took in the presence of the other. (Y/n) could feel her heart racing from both fear and excitement, but she just closed her eyes, relishing his touch. Both knew this could be the last time they'd be this close and didn't want to pull away.
Another Orc horn sounded in the distance, and Aragorn pulled back slightly, cupping her cheeks. "Be safe. I shall see you after the battle."
Planting a soft kiss on her forehead, he backed up and focused back on being a leader. He unsheathed his sword as the Uruk-Hai began beating their weapons against the ground.
By the time (y/n) got back to her position beside Legolas and Gimli, one singular arrow had been released, embedding itself in an Orc's neck. There was silence until Aragorn's voice broke through.
"Hold!" He yelled, trying to reign in his frustration.
Within seconds, the Orc's body collapsed, and with a shrill battle cry, their commander ordered them to march.
The battle for Helm's Deep had begun.
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The battle was raging around (y/n) as she kicked an Uruk off a ladder, sending him to his doom. Hearing the war cry from another, she spun around, blocking its strike that was aimed at her head. With a quick slash to its legs, she brought it to its knees before taking its head with her new sword.
Glancing up at the rest of the wall, she sighed in relief to see Aragorn driving his sword through an Uruk's abdomen. She watched as something caught his eye from the ground before his attention turned towards her. Making eye contact, she could see the worry on his face from their distance. He started running towards the woman, yelling elvish.
"Bring him down, Legolas!" He cried, looking down at the Uruk with the sparking torch.
Following his line of vision, (y/n) cursed under her breath when she saw where it was headed: straight for her position on the wall.
She wanted to go to Aragorn, but she had to try and get everyone near her to safety first. "Everyone get back! Move!"
As she shoved men away from the area, she glanced down to see an arrow land in the Uruk's shoulder, but it did not stop.
Aragorn's voice pierced the air again. "Kill him!"
Slicing through multiple Uruk coming over the wall, the woman ran one through with her sword, throwing a dagger at another, hitting it square in the chest.
"Kill him!"
Another arrow in the opposite shoulder had no effect on the creature, and right before it dove towards the wall, (y/n) heard Aragorn call her name. Meeting his eyes as he ran towards her, she smiled softly just before a loud boom filled the air and everything went black.
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Ringing. That's all that filled (y/n)'s senses. Her body ached seemingly everywhere as she opened her eyes. Vision swimming, she flipped over onto her back, struggling to breathe. When the movement made a splash, she became aware she was laying in a pool of water.
She lazily glanced up and saw the wall high above her. She then realized she had fallen from the top, and sat up slightly to look at the damage the bomb caused.
She was dazed, but when she saw the large part of the wall missing, her mind cleared instantly.
Glancing at her surroundings, her heart dropped when she saw Aragorn's unmoving figure in the distance. She wobbly stood to her feet and she was so focused on getting to the lord that she didn't notice the Uruks gaining behind her.
"(Y/n)!" A voice shouted from above. Spinning around, she looked up in time to see Gimli jump off the remaining wall, landing on a group of Orcs that were mere feet from her.
She rushed towards the dwarf, ready to fight the hoard with him. Thankfully her sword hadn't landed far from her, so she picked it up and began slashing at the Uruks. The water came to just below the woman's knees, making it hard for her to move.
They were soon outnumbered, and Gimli was kicked down into the water. Trying to get to him, (y/n) became distracted and didn't see the large shield coming her way. It roughly made contact with her chest, sending her down into the water with a splash as she gasped for air.
The Uruks continued to advance and she struggled to stay above water as they stepped on and over her to get deeper into the fortress. Everything sounded muffled to (y/n), whose lungs began to burn from being deprived of much-needed oxygen.
Just as darkness was about to overtake her, a strong hand grabbed her by the front of her jerkin, pulling her up out of the water. She gasped for air as her rescuer called her name, placing their hands on either side of her face.
Coughing and sputtering, she looked up to see Aragorn with worry etched on his face.
"Are you alright?" He asked softly, eyeing around them for any Uruks that slipped through the elves.
(Y/n) nodded slowly as she got used to the familiar feeling of air in her lungs.
He began scanning her body, looking for any obvious sign of injury. When he pulled his right hand away from her cheek, a sticky crimson substance coated it.
"You're bleeding," he said, panicked.
Finally getting her full composure back, she shook her head and smiled softly before looking back at the battle. "I am a warrior. A little blood won't hurt me. We still have a battle to fight, Aragorn."
He tucked a stray piece of her blood-stained hair behind her ear. "Be cautious. We still need to have our talk after this."
"I can't wait, my lord."
(Y/n) found her sword and began walking back into the fray as he did the same.
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"Fall back!"
At the order, (y/n) followed her friends into the throne room. They quickly barricaded the door with whatever they could find as Aragorn spoke to King Théodan.
Before they knew it, the remaining leaders were mounting up to ride out into the Uruk-Hai. (Y/n) looked to her right at Aragorn, who was already staring back at her. The reality of the situation hit her suddenly, and she fought the tears that filled her eyes.
"If this is it, my King, it has been an honor fighting beside you," she whispered, leaning over to kiss his cheek gently.
As he opened his mouth to reply, the doors were opened, and Theoden led them out into the chaos. After fighting their way to the bridge, Aragorn lost sight of her (y/h/c) hair as they rode toward the horde of Orcs. When he saw the Rohirrim come charging down the hill, he sighed in relief, hoping that everything would be over soon.
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When the sounds of orcs finally died out and the battle ended, there was one thing on the Ranger's mind: (y/n). His heart was beating out of his chest as he rode by each dead body on the battlefield. He kept an eye on any flashes of her (y/h/c) hair, trying to keep his composure.
After searching the battlefield, he didn't see her anywhere. He didn't know if he should feel more worried or relieved, but what he did know was that he had to find her. Rushing through the fortress to the throne room, he burst through the doors.
"Has anyone seen Lady (y/n)?" he questioned loudly.
Before anyone could answer, a flash of (y/h/c) caught his eye, and he let out a shaky sigh as he looked her way.
She quickly looked over at Aragorn with ab unreadable look which soon turned into a radiant smile that filled his body with warmth. The young woman was covered with dirt, sweat, and blood, but she still looked beautiful.
Without wasting another second, he quickly marched over to her and cupped her face, pulling her into a long overdue kiss. She immediately reciprocated the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck as she pulled him closer.
Pulling away, she rested her forehead against his, slightly out of breath. She was about to speak but was interrupted by the voice of Gimli from behind them
"Aye, lad, it took you long enough!"
The pair looked at each other quickly before breaking into laughter as they embraced, ignoring the aching of their bodies.
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Soon everything settled, leaving (y/n) and Aragorn a moment alone.
"Alone at last," she whispered, caressing his cheek lovingly. "I believe we have something we need to discuss, my lord."
A smirk appeared on his face as he snaked his arms around her waist, pulling her body closer to his. "I believe we do."
"I cannot-"
"You are-"
They both started at the same time. Smiling softly, she gestured for him to go ahead.
"I have never been able to imagine myself as King, but when I met you, I could. I could because I saw you beside me. I love you, (y/n)."
She slowly tugged him down, connecting their lips softly. Parting, he searched her face for a reply as he spoke quietly. "What does that mean?"
"It means I love you, too."
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gmaybe666 · 2 months
reading ‘the two towers’ and the gigolas moments … ‘you would die before your stroke fell’ ‘’you shall sit behind me, friend gimli’ ‘gimli was lifted up behind his friend and he clung to him’ AWWWH
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redpool · 2 months
The way I see it, if I don't witness it, it didn't happen, therefore Haldir is very much alive and is living out his life, happy and safe.
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hikuleo-archive · 2 years
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“It’s the beards.” ⇢Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
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oldgamemags · 1 year
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EGM #157, August 2002 - Preview of 'Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers'.
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mikey-64 · 11 months
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Old old picture, but Gil-Galad from Lord of the Rings. I was bummed he was cut from the movie, but I think his design was pretty awesome. I do really love the scene of the of the war of the last alliance. You can see Elrond right by his side.
I'm thinking about redo'ing this one, I still love the idea.
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streets-in-paradise · 9 months
Has anyone thought on this paralel before? Or is it just me overthinking lotr and chucky too much?
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quasar1967 · 10 months
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Starlog #314-317
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parttimesarah · 1 year
Literally had this moment on discord when my friends and I were doing a marathon of all the extended editions with one friend who hadn’t seen any of them…
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sonseulsoleil · 1 year
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so I started reading The Two Towers
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ceaselesslyinlove · 9 months
for my fellow lord of the rings nerds, radio city music hall is selling tickets now for the two towers with a live orchestra 😎 🎶
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f4nta5y-f4n · 10 months
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(I also got fallout New Vegas but it doesn't really fit this blog hsjbskbskbsk)
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