#Lou and Deb
blackacre13 · 1 year
can you please continue the teacher/student au?
Part 39 is here: Part FORTY below!
“Well,” a deep voice laughed on the line. “It’s not a date night so this isn’t about the best spot for a whiskey and you refuse to take my advice on women so what do I owe the pleasure?”
Lou raised an eyebrow, but she was grinning. The brunette swatted her, but Lou had already caught sight of her blushing cheeks.
“Danny,” she hissed, through gritted teeth. “I need your help.”
“So you’ve called the superior Ocean. I’m afraid I’ll need to hear you—“
“Cut the shit,” Debbie sighed, looking at Lou with eyes full of worry. “I need your help. I need my big brother.”
“I can be at your place in twenty.”
“I fucked up,” Debbie whispered, falling against the blonde as Lou cradled her, combing through her hair. “He can ruin my life, but I won’t let him ruin hers.”
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Siblings were fascinating to Lou. Especially when you could observe them at once. And entertaining, when you only knew one of them and had to take that one’s word when they described the one who you didn’t know.
The only things that Lou knew about Danny Ocean included the fact that he was attached to the hip to someone she thought Debbie had called Rusty? But that couldn’t be correct for a grown ass man. She also knew that Debbie’s initial date with her, that allegedly hadn’t truly been a date at all, but a TA welcome dinner, and the drink recommendation had also come from the older sibling. And now as Debbie opened the front door to let him in, the older Ocean immediately scooping her into a bear hug, him shooting a wink over his sister’s head at Lou, she could see his hair and eyes matched Debbie’s.
She expected Debbie to push him off with an eye-roll and a mention of getting back to business, but she clung to her brother, savoring the embrace for a long time until he spoke over her head.
“She’s not usually much of a higher,” he smirked, but he kissed her forehead before he let her go, just in time for Debbie to smack his shoulder and call him an oaf. “So this is the famous Ms. Miller. Sorry Debs has you under her spell, kid.”
Lou wasn’t sure how to respond, but Debbie was closing the door and rushing to her side immediately as if she had to defend the blonde’s honor, her hand sliding into Lou’s.
“You can cut the big brother teasing shit. This is bad,” Debbie sighed. “And whatever cradle robbing, does she call you professor in bed shit you’re planning on spewing, you can just skip. I meant it. This is big. And Lou—Lou is—“
“I know, Strawdebby,” Danny smiled, ruffling her hair before he took a seat in Debbie’s arm chair, carefully moving the stack of graded papers that currently sat there in a heap and placing them on the coffee table.
Lou tucked the nickname away for later.
“And it really is a pleasure to meet you, Lou. Sorry you got dragged into all this Becker shit when you should be partying and having fun every night. Best years of your life, right?” Danny grinned.
Debbie was pulling Lou towards the couch, sorry evident on her face.
“You think Dr. Ocean lets her TA have fun every night?” Lou grinned. She immediately regretted calling her Dr. Ocean. It was just habit when it came to separating their professional and personal relationship. But Debbie had already hinted at the name/power dynamic jokes and she didn’t want Debbie to think she was giving Danny permission to crack jokes at either of their expenses.
Regardless, he didn’t take the bait. He knew the stakes were too high.
“Tell everything,” he said instead, his face sincere. Lou and Debbie went over their history over the past few months. From Lou’s first class to her interview to her welcome dinner and beyond. Thankfully, leaving out any details that a big brother would find unsavory and would absolutely make Lou turn purple.
Debbie was practically shaking by the time they were done, and wordlessly, Lou swept her closer, letting her rest her head on Lou’s shoulder as Lou traced circles with her finger on the brunette’s slacks.
“You love her,” Danny spoke softly. It wasn’t a tease. In fact, it looked like awe and pride.
“No shit, Sherlock,” Debbie rolled her eyes. But her guard was down. Especially with Lou cradling her for support.
“Hold onto this one, Deb,” Danny smiled, his eyes traveling over to Lou. She supposed he wasn’t used to seeing Debbie this vulnerable or soft. “She’s good for you.”
“That’s the plan, Danny,” she sighed. “That’s why I need you. All the Claude bullshit. I don’t give a fuck about tenure or career or my courseload—“
“Debs,” Lou protested softly, but she waved the thought away.
“This is about her. Protecting her future,” Debbie whispered. “I love her.”
“I love you,” Debbie spoke turning to the blonde. “I hope you know I do. But as much as I love you and I love us, nothing is worth jeopardizing your future.”
Lou wanted to say that Debbie was her future. Because she was. But she also knew that both of them wanted her to keep pursuing her dreams. She knew Debbie wanted the world for her.
“Don’t even get me started about this Becker prick,” Danny grumbled. “I knew he was trouble from the start.”
“Well, what’s done is done,” Debbie hissed. “I hate that he’s a part of my history and that there’s only so much I can control in the present. But I’ll be damned if he destroys Lou’s future.”
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kittynomore · 8 months
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dannie has acquired new babies
Teb au by @alicat54c
The eldest brother by @debb987
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debb987 · 8 months
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feral babies upon ye
Rad looks up when he hears a hissy screech coming from the ceiling. He doesn't have more than a second to process what's falling before something small and very angry falls.
Right at his face.
He closes his eyes on reflex, more startled than hurt by tiny claws and little sharp teeth. His scales are too thick for skin to be pierced.
He feels a pebble? A chirping pebble? Land somewhere in the space between neck and shell, right behind his head. Another tiny on a shoulder, even if it doesn't stay put for long, little clawed feet running from one shoulder to the next before it takes refuge along with the chirping pebble, right in the pocket shell.
A larger weight is on his shell, he hears the sound of a scratched shell as the creature tries to escale up his scutes to reach the others.
Churring to reassure the tots (because the sounds are definitely turtle) he slowly raises an arm to carefully pry the hissy one away from his face— PFFF THE EYES!
Raph chuckles and craddles the angry tot to his chest, hoping that being close to the sound will call him down. The larger tot has reached his neck now, a tiny arm reaching forward as if to ask for the hissy one to be handed over.
Rad lays down on the floor, letting the tots decide what they want to do as he continues to churr reassuringly.
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pasquines · 1 year
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padfootprongslet · 2 years
why ship debbie/lou when you can ship debbie/tammy? tammy, who is being stalked backwards while she plays with her wedding ring, by debbie, who calls her tam tam.
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sapphicforsarahh · 6 months
best hands ive ever seen pt.2
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ship: loubbie x fem!reader
word count: 695+
warnings: none, mention of sex but none (yet)
synopsis: You finally learn what Lou and Debbie want with you.
part 1
After what seemed like the longest car ride, you eventually reached wherever these women were taking you. “Let’s go honey,” Lou taps your leg and urges you to get out. You do as you’re told and stand next to the car, waiting for the other women to guide you where you needed to be. Debbie smiles at you at walks towards an old building, which looks like it should be abandoned. “Is this where you’re taking me?”, you ask nervously. Lou chuckles, “don’t worry, its much nicer inside.”
Lou tosses Debbie the keys and waits for her to open the door, then you take a look inside. A massive loft, covered with expensive furniture, shelves stacked with records and racks cluttered with fur coats and empty hangers. “Do you guys live here?”, you ask, still inspecting the place. “Well, not so much anymore, it’s pretty much just where we plan,” Debbie explains, throwing the keys on a nearby table. “Plan?”, you question, sitting down on the sofa. “We should probably explain,” Lou sits down on the chair in front of you, Debbie adjacent. “Lou and I have been doing this for years, getting away with stealing and making millions from it. And Lou happened to find you, a girl with good hands,” Debbie explained, Lou nodding along with her. “Basically, we’re asking you if you’d want to be in the next heist?”, Lou asked bluntly.
You were shocked to say the least. That’s definitely the last thing that you were expecting from these two women. “I, uh. I’m not sure what to say,” you laugh out. “Well?” Lou teases, leaning forward, placing both her hands on your knees. You blush, obviously, and look at Debbie, hoping for some sort of support, but she just cocks her head and raises a brow. “S-sure,” you answer, unconfidently.
"Please doing business with you," Debbie shakes your hand. It was just now that the two women realised they never caught your name. "Oh, I'm Y/N by the way," you said, as if reading their mind.
Over the coming days, you learn their body language and how they spoke to eachother. Lou was extremely flirty with everyone that she saw, apparently, and Debbie was there to apologise for her. You also noticed how much more intense the flirting had became. Both women teased with you and gave eachother a smirk.
One night, after the rest of the group had went home and Debbie had went to bed, it was only you and Lou up. She had poured you a whiskey with ice, however she had it neat. Her leg propped up on the table in front of you both, one hand held her glass, the other entertaining a lighter. "So, Y/N," Lou begins, her low voice helps to accentuate her accent. You turn her attention to you and also prop your foot on the table. "Are you single? Any lady we should be aware of," Lou jokes, sipping her whiskey and raising a brow.
You blush and hesitate to answer, Lou grows impatient. "So?", she pries. "Well, no. It's a bit complicated," you say quietly, almost embarrassed. Lou only hums in response, waiting for you to continue. "I've never really had a thing for girls my age," you practically stutter out. Lou's smirk was plastered across her face. "You have a thing for older women honey?", her lighter is soon thrown on the table and she moves closer to you.
Nervously, you clear your throat before answering, "you could say that." The older woman clearly notices the tension rising between you and decides to see how far she can go. "So, Debs and I, we've been talking," her veiny hand is palming your knee. You nod, thinking that it's better not to speak. "Would you be interested in joining us? In the bedroom?" Lou asks a bit too casually.
So many thoughts are going through your head. The main one being: yes. All you could do at that moment is nod. Lou simply hums before downing the rest of her whiskey, giving you a quick kiss to the forehead before whispering in your ear, "Stay the night, we have a spare room."
Taglist: @mllkw33ds @isle-of-earle @chillinftladygaga @cordeliaswife @angelick1sses @gmtsu @thenazwife @ladysc @midnightlove30 @blanchettlovebot @bellasbaxters
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
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musicalcastingideas · 5 months
Dropout Does The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
So my theory about overlap of Dropout and Team Starkid seems to be accurate, and people seemed to like my Dropout does Nerdy Prudes Must Die post, so I'm back for another. Same method and criteria as my previous post, you can go see that if you want to know what they are. Also, I have previously done a similar list with Internet Personalities that included a handful of Dropout people, but I'm gonna try to make this one different.
Also spoilers for potentially anything in the Hatchetfield verse
Paul: Ross Bryant
Ross is a great straight man (in the comedy sense, I don't know his sexuality) while being very funny in his own right, and I think, while Paul has a lot of his own funny moments, it's very important that his character is also the more normal guy reacting to the madness around him. Also, he would slay the Jekyll and Hyde homage that is Let it Out.
Emma : Siobhan Thompson
I think one of the essential parts of Emma's character is an underlying exhaustion with the world, and that is very Adaine Abernant and Ruby Rocks, so I think Siobhan would embody that very well.
Charlotte: Vic Michaelis
I don't think I've ever heard them do a transatlantic accent before, but I just have this gut feeling they'd be so good at it.
Ted: Ify Nwadiwe
While I do genuinely think Ify would be great in the part, if I'm being fully honest, this casting is because I (despite my better judgment) find Ted Spankoffski hot, so casting arguably the hottest man in Dropout in this part makes me seem less damaged for being attracted to the self-proclaimed sleazeball. Also him and Vic seem like they would be great playing off each other.
Bill: Brian "Murph" Murphy
He just has "refuses to drink during the apocalypse so he can be the DD" energy.
Mr Davidson: Brian David Gilbert
Since I'm splitting up all the parts, this basically turns Mr Davidson into a Princess Track where the actor just shows up, sings about desire and being choked while he jerks off, but laments how he can never achieve his dreams, and then pretty much leaves, and I don't know why, but that seems right up BDG's alley.
Melissa: Lisa Gilroy
Lisa Gilroy seems nice, but also kinda scares me, and those are the correct vibes for Melissa (#heymelissacore)
Sam: Jacob Wysoki
My only concern about this casting is that he'd go SO HARD in You Tied Up My Heart that he would keep breaking the handcuffs and/or chair, but that's fine, it would be worth it.
Nora: Katie Marovitch
The "Decaf?" parts of Cup of Roasted Coffee already sounds a bit like her TBH.
Zoey: Rehka Shankar
I feel like Zoey is such an underrated, funny side character in the show (I know she's a very small part, but like every line she has is a banger) and I feel like Rehka is a very underrated performer, so this is a good match.
Greenpeace Girl: Persephone Valentine
Making up the Save the Sea Turtles campaign is such a Sam Nightengale move, and also she would eat up Lah Dee Dah Dah Day.
Alice: Surena Marie
She's got a bit of a baby face (I thought she was like 25) and I think she would handle the change from Alice to Hivemind Alice really well.
Deb: Emily Axford
I'm definitely not just casting this because I want Emily to be my protective and caring girlfriend...
Professor Hidgens: Josh Ruben
I don't have an explanation for this one, this is vibes alone.
General MacNamara: Brennan Lee Mulligan
"Wear a Watch" and a song highlighting how the hivemind is essentially fascist and using the military to destroy any resistance to their regime is so Brennan core.
Homeless Man: Ally Beardlsey
I just feel like this is the part they'd want.
Dan Reynolds: Lou Wilson
Icons play Icons.
Donna: Aabria Iyengar
Icons play Icons
Hard Cuts:
Jacob Wysoki as Ted
Mike Trapp as Paul
Emily Axford as Emma
Jess Ross as Charlotte
Lily Du as Zoey
Grant O'Brien as Professor Hidgens
Grant O'Brien as Ted
Ally Beardlsey as Ted
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min-kit · 5 months
so idk if this means anything but the 911 official ig just followed lou along with deb, declan and bryan?
that is interesting! it may mean something, it may not. Idk what their following is like (i rarely go on IG as it is) so I don't know if it's usual for them to follow every guest star or how it works, but it is interesting to note! and if anyone has more insight, feel free to give their input!
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The first round of preparations are finally complete, and that means the first round of the Classic Sapphic Ships bracket is almost ready to go! I'll be preparing the polls today and tomorrow to hopefully go live on Friday, and voting time for at least the first two rounds will run for a week. Check out the FAQ in the meantime, and feel free to send over any additional questions as well!
The full list of Round 1 Match Ups is under the cut!
Right side:
Franky/Bridget (Wentworth) vs Regina/Emma (Once Upon a Time)
Watson/Moriarity (Elementary) vs Lucy/Amy (DEBS)
Gina/Rosa (Brooklyn 99) vs Debbie/Lou (Ocean's 8)
Jo/Blair (The Facts of Life) vs Peyton/Brooke (One Tree Hill)
Piper/Alex (Orange is the New Black) vs Bering/Wells (Warehouse 13)
Xena/Gabrielle (Xena: Warrior Princess) vs Trini/Kimberly (Power Rangers 2017)
Ripley/Annalee (Alien) vs Annalise/Tegan (How to Get Away With Murder)
Susan/Talia (Babylon 5) vs Chessy/Meredith (The Parent Trap)
Ann/Anne (Gentleman Jack) vs Scully/Reyes (X-Files)
Cat/Kara (Supergirl) vs Olivia/Natalia (Guiding Light)
Nikki/Helen (Bad Girls) vs Ola/Lily (Sex Education)
13/Cameron (House MD) vs Sara/Catherine (CSI)
Delphine/Cosima (Orphan Black) vs Emily/JJ (Criminal Minds)
B'elanna/Seven (Star Trek) vs Rachel/Quinn (UnReal)
Emily/Alison (Pretty Little Liars) vs Beca/Chloe (Pitch Perfect)
Carol/Maria (Captain Marvel) vs Raven/Abby (The 100)
Left side:
Grace/Frankie (Grace & Frankie) vs Shaw/Root (Person of Interest)
Callie/Arizona (Grey's Anatomy) vs Stef/Lena (The Fosters)
Eve/Mazikeen (Lucifer) vs Luce/Rachel (Imagine Me & You)
Tara/Pam (True Blood) vs Ally/Ling (Ally McBeal)
Alex/Olivia (Law and Order SVU) vs Miranda/Andy (The Devil Wears Prada)
Samantha/Janet (Stargate SG-1) vs Nomi/Amanita/Sense8)
Willow/Tara (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs 13/Yasmin (Doctor Who)
Sharon/Brenda (The Closer) vs Kalinda/Alicia (The Good Wife)
Max/Anne (Black Flag) vs Petra/Jane (Jane the Virgin)
Eleanor/Tahani (The Good Place) vs Kelly/Yorkie (Black Mirror)
Rory/Paris (Gilmore Girls) vs Aneela/Kendry (Killjoys)
Quinn/Rachel (Glee) vs Jane/Maura (Rizzoli & Isles)
Nico/Karolina (Runaways) vs Serena/Bernie (Holby City)
Laura/Danny (Carmilla) vs Peggy/Angie (Agent Carter)
Hecate/Pippa (The Worst Witch) vs Bobbie/Chrisjen (The Expanse)
Bo/Lauren (Lost Girl) vs Bette/Tina (The L Word)
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playlist for the eleventh of april twenty twenty-four
Bruce Springsteen - Rosalita (Come Out And Play)
The Rolling Stones - Miss You
Dolly Parton - Wrecking Ball
Syd Barrett - Terrapin
David Bowie - The Jean Genie
T. Rex - Jeepster
Björk - Hyper-Ballad
John Lennon - Instant Karma
Shihad - Deb's Night Out
The Velvet Underground - New Age
Elton John - Honky Cat
David Bowie - Breaking Glass
The Rolling Stones - Faraway Eyes
The Smile - Open the Floodgates
Lou Reed & David Bowie - Hop Frog
Pink Floyd - The Show Must Go On
X-Ray Spex - Warrior In Woolworths
Nick Lowe - 36 Inches High
Staple Singers - (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay
The Beths - I'm Not Getting Excited
Bob Dylan - The Mighty Quinn (Quinn The Eskimo)
Boy George - My Sweet Lord
Teenage Fanclub - Personality Crisis
Meat Puppets - Unexplained
The Long, Strange Drive Home — East FM 88.1 107.1
@michaelatkinsprescott | Linktree
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blackacre13 · 1 year
loubbie having wild rough sex with a strap then realizing how good they are at it even if they’re in their 50s already lmao this is silly but like it goes something like “how are we in our 50s?” or whatever fits
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“It was not,” Debbie snorted, her face turning red with laughter as Lou shook her head.
“I shit you not. Right in the dishwasher.”
“Next to Dani’s pink sippy cup?”
“I’m not a monster,” Lou rolled her eyes. “I’d never put it next to her favorite  one. It was next to the green one.”
“You’ve lost it, Miller,” the brunette grinned. “Now get over here. No more delays.”
“First off, it’s the most efficient way to clean them both,” the blonde pointed out, crawling onto the bed. “Second, you’re the one who asked me to find the bigger one.”
Lou sat the dildo down on the night table, the base suctioning to the surface with a bubble-like sound. “Now are you gonna kiss the hell out of me, Ocean, or not?”
“Get over here,” Debbie smirked, pulling the blonde in closer and wrapping her arms around her neck as she tugged her up along the bed and laid Lou flat against her.
“I thought you’d never ask, Mrs. Miller,” the blonde murmured, nails raking down Debbie’s chest as their lips meant until Lou was drifting down her wife, running her lips over her breasts, sucking at her nipples, biting her way down her stomach, making a detour to nip at her thighs before circling back to Debbie’s simmering heat to swirl her tongue through Debbie’s pooling arousal.
“Fuck, I love when Tammy takes the kids for the night,” Debbie moaned.
Lou looked up at Debbie from between her legs, arching an eyebrow before she wiped Debbie’s slickness off her lips with the back of her hand pointedly.
“Please don’t use your ex’s name and the word love in the same sentence, especially while my tongue is inside you.”
“She’s your ex too,” Debbie exhaled, pushing Lou’s head back down as the blonde laughed against her, grazing her clit maybe a little too hard with her teeth as Debbie cried out. “Was merely grateful for her as a babysitter precisely so I could have your tongue inside me.”
Lou bit down on her thigh before she looked up again. “Then clearly, I’m not doing enough to get your mind off of the kids,” she smirked, blindly grabbing at the dildo before plunging it into Debbie without warning, the brunette letting out a deep moan as her nails dug into Lou’s neck.
“Jesus, Fuck, Lou.”
“Had to shut you up,” Lou hissed, pumping the dildo in and out as Debbie groaned, cursing and grabbing at the blonde, biting down on her shoulder after reaching an entirely new level of loud to keep from going completely shrill. “Still thinking about anything else?”
“Just…your strap,” Debbie panted.
“Just the strap?” Lou asked, her rhythms stopping with the dildo just outside of Debbie, the tip brushing against her teasingly.
“And you…only you…Fuck!” Debbie moaned, Lou plunging the dildo all the way inside her. Hard. As Debbie fell over the edge, clinging to the blonde.
“Not bad,” Lou spoke aloud, an hour or so later, her finger running along Debbie’s exposed spine, tracing over her skin softly as Debbie let out a sleepy hum of agreement. “Glad to know we’ve still got game.”
“Strap game,” Debbie chuckled.
“That’s all mine, love.”
“Takes two to tango, Miller.”
“Also takes two for the finale,” Lou giggled, tugging at a fistful of Debbie’s hair to catch an additional moan from her partner before Debbie rolled over with a lazy smile.
“You get the Chinese and I get the ice cream?” Debbie asked.
“Just let me throw on some boxers.”
“Don’t,” Debbie grinned, watching the blonde stand up, walking towards the bathroom before placing a kiss on Debbie’s forehead. “Did you ever think we’d still be up to our same antics in our fifties?”
“Honey, you just wait until we hit our sixties,” Lou winked.
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kittynomore · 7 months
Asking some AU comp competitors & supporters:
- Are there any AUs you weren't familiar with that have recently caught your attention, or that you would like to learn more about?
- What are some AUs/fanworks that you enjoy, and would encourage more people to go check out? (Doesn't have to be in the comp!)
DEB(different eldest brother)! its @alicat54c's brain child that i took and made designs for!! its a au for TEB(the eldest brother) by @debb987
both stories are highly recommended! you'll need to start blind and get punched by all the sweet, cute and adorableness and angst both has to offer! both dive deep into the characters and really gets into clear details on their motivations and hopes and dreams. I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH! snapper lou au is basically a teb au with nini(ghost) @amevello-blue thrown in for funsies. All are highly recomemded!!
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444namesplus · 1 year
abl aci acr age aid aki ala all als alt ami ana ann ant ape arc are arm ato aun aur aut avi awa axi bab bac bai bak bal ban bar bas bat bea bec bee bel ben bes bet bia bik bil bin bir bit ble blo blu boa bod boi bol bom bon boo bor bos bot bou bow bra bre bro buc bul bum bur bus but buz caf cag cak cal cam can cap car cas cav cel cen cha che chi cho cit cla cli clu coa coc cod coi cok col com con coo cop cor cos cou cov cra cre cro cub cul cur cut dal dam dar das dat daw day dea deb dec dee del dem den des dia dic die dir dis div doc doe dol dom don doo dos dov dow dra dre dro dru dua duc duf duk dul dum dus dut eac ear eas eat ech edg edi els env epi eur eve evi exa exi exp eye fac fad fai fak fal fam far fas fat fea fee fel fil fin fir fis fiv fla fle fli flo flu foa foi fol fon foo for fou fre fro fuc fue ful fun fur fus gai gal gam gan gat gav gaz gea gen gif gil gir giv gla gle glo glu goa goe gol gon goo gor gow gra gre gri gro gul gur hai hal han har hat hau hav haw hea hee hei hel her hid hig hik hil hin hir hol hom hoo hop hor hos hou hug hul hun hur hyp ico ide idl ido inc inf int iri iro isl ite jac jai jak jan jav jaz jea jee jil joe joh joi jok jos jum jun jur jus kee kem ken kep kha kic kil kin kir kis kit kne kni kno koh kyl lac lad lai lak lam lan las lat lav law laz lea lef len les lev lie lif lik lil lim lin lio lis liv loa loc lof log lon loo lor los lou lov luc lum lun lur lus mad mai mak mal mam man mar mas mat may maz mea mee meg mel mem men mer mes mic mik mil min mis moc mod mol mon moo mor mos mov muc mus myt nai nam nav nea nec nee nes new nex nic nin nod non noo nor nos not nov nud nut oat obe odd odo oka onc onl ont ope ora ott our ova ove pac pag pai pal pap par pas pat pea pec pee pes pic pie pik pil pin pip pit pla ple plo plu poe pol pon poo pop por pos pou pra pre pro pul pum pun pur pus qui rac rag rai ram ran rap rar ras rat rav rea ree rel ren res ric rid rin rio rip ris rit roa roc rod rol roo rop ros rub rud rui rul rus rut sac saf sag sai sak sal sam san sav sca sco sea see sel sem sen sep sex sha she shi sho shu sic sid sig sil sin sit siz ski sla sli slo sna sno soa sod sof soi sol som son soo sor sou spa spi spo spu sta ste sti sto suc sui sun sur swa swi tac tai tak tal tan tap tas tax tea tec tee tel ten ter tes tex tha the thi tho thu tic tid tie til tim tin tir tob tol tom ton too top tor tos tou tow tra tre tri tro tru tub tuc tun tur twi typ ugl uni upo urg use vai var vas vei ver ves vet vic vie vin vis voi vot wad wag wai wak wal wan war was wat wav way wea wee wel wen wer wes wha whe whi who wid wif wil win wip wir wis wit wok wol woo wor wra yan yar yea you yua zer zin zon zoo
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sapphicforsarahh · 7 months
best hands i've ever seen
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ship: loubbie x fem!reader
word count: 800+
warnings: dom!loubbie x sub!reader, no smut (yet), dom and sub themes, sexting
synopsis: debbie and lou are looking for a new crew mate for the newest heist plan, that's when you catch their eye.
A/N: let me know what you think of this and whether you'd like a second part!
"Deb, I'm telling you, this girl has some of the best hands I've seen," she whispers to her wife. Both of them watch as you perform magic tricks to people who are stupid enough to fall for them. "Look, watch this," Lou leans forwards from her chair and watches you attentively. Your hands cleverly moved to show the participants correct cards. As they looked at their friends in shock and awe, you confidently slip the gold engagement ring, decorated with a diamond, off this woman's finger and secretively slip it into your pocket, without a single one of them realising.
"Not too bad," Debbie agrees and Lou smirks in return. "A pretty girl too," Lou adds, Debbie hums in agreement. After the bystanders had walked off, it was just you left with Debbie and Lou in the distance. "What do you say Deb?", Lou tries to convince Debbie to consider you, knowing their could be other benefits of having you on the team. "Sure," Debbie says a bit more easily than Lou would've thought. Without another word, Debbie stands up, Lou quick to follow her and the couple begin to approach you.
You're sitting on your bucket, counting your previously 'earned' dollars when you hear an Australian voice grab your attention. "Hey, can I hel-", you look up to see the older couple. Jesus, were they beautiful. All the thoughts in your head disappeared and you somehow managed to mumble out, "is there anything I can do for you ladies?". Debbie chuckles out, "we've got a charmer here."
One of the women stood with a dark, grey trench coat that pretty much hid her entirely black outfit, but still managed for her stiletto heels to stick out. The other, a blonde, stood taller with a sophisticated yet sexy leopard print coat. The dark, green lapels of her blazer were peeking through and you noticed her chest and hands were complimented by stacks of jewellery, most likely 24 carat gold.
"Me and my wife here noticed how skillful you are with your hands," Debbie started, taking off her shades and looking down at you with alluring deep, brown eyes. "We were wondering, if you could help us with something?" Lou added, also taking off her sunglasses, her eyes juxtaposed with her wife, as she met your gaze with light, blue ones.
You clear your throat with anxiousness, wondering what these women had proposed to you. "Uh, what is it?", you finally plucked up the courage to ask. "Come with us sweetheart, we'll explain everything," Lou said, placing her fingertips on your chin, making the power dynamic even greater.
You nod obediently, not wanting to upset these clearly powerful women. Debbie and Lou stand to the side whilst they watch you collect your things. "She's obedient isn't she," Lou chuckled, grabbing onto the lower of her wife's back. "Always a good thing, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Debbie looks at her wife with a raised brow, knowing her full intentions with this girl. As Lou was going to answer, you walked over with your bag on your back and ready to follow these women to wherever they were taking you.
"Let's get going, I bet you're eager to find out what we want, aren't you sweet girl?", Lou teases, walking forward and placing her hand on your back. "Yeah," you managed to squeak out, before the the two women pushed you into the taxi. Debbie sat in the front, whilst Lou got in the back with you. You tried to distract yourself by looking outside the window but you just couldn't concentrate on anything else apart from the insanely good-looking blonde next to you. Finally, you decide to stare at your feet and choose that as the safest option. The sound of Lou's ruffling coat caught your attention but you didn't look up. She took her phone from her pocket and looked at the notification from Debbie.
| Debbie: finish what you were going to say earlier love x.
You silently watch Lou smirk and quickly text back:
| Lou: i was going to say she’d be a good toy x.
she listened to every word we said without questioning it, we could break her in no time x.
Your eyes widened in shock at how these two women were talking about you. I mean would you really want that? Maybe you would!
| Debbie: good call baby, we'll discuss when we're back home x speaking of, i need you to take care of me once we're back i need you so badly honey x
You really try hard to hold back any reaction to the obvious sexting that's occurring in the back of this taxi, and it must've worked because all you hear is a small groan from Lou before she put her phone away.
Taglist: @mllkw33ds @isle-of-earle @chillinftladygaga @cordeliaswife @angelick1sses @gmtsu @thenazwife @ladysc @midnightlove30 @blanchettlovebot
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
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musicalcastingideas · 6 months
Internet Personalities Do The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
The rules I am setting for myself:
No one who has already been in a musical set in the Hatchetfield universe
The actors will be portraying the same characters the actors did in the original (so the person cast as Zoey would also play Alice, etc)
This is not like "influencer" internet personalities, I'm pulling more from like, Dropout people, ex-buzzfeed, internet comedians, etc.
Also if you don't see a name of a side character, assume I just forgot their name, I'm writing this as I think of it so I don't forget my ideas.
Paul: Shane Madej
The famous skeptic, playing a man forced to believe AND think of the implications? Plus, we know he can sing, thanks to Puppet History.
Emma: Jen (from Fundie Fridays)
I love Jen, and their vibes are just absolutely perfect for Emma. They have that "I've worked customer service jobs long enough that I have lost the ability to feel anything but contempt for mankind" vibe that Emma has.
Charlotte/Nora/Deb: Aabria Iyengar
She's such a talented performer, I could see her absolutely nailing Charlotte's sweet naivete, and then fucking annihilating Join Us (And Die)
Ted Spankoffski/Homeless Man/ (he is) Dan Reynolds: Grant O'Brien
The Heel of Dropout, Grant excels at playing the asshole, so who better to fill the role of everyone's favourite douchebag?
Mr Davidson/Sam/ Man In A Hurry/Sargent MacNamara: Zac Oyama
I'm not factoring in the ability to hit Jeff Blim's ungodly high notes, but acting wise, Zac is absolutely perfect. For Sargent MacNamara, we have Zac being amazing as the Skipper in A Starstruck Odessey, and the rest of the characters are weird little guys with something in their brains so... I won't say more so as to not spoil Starstruck but, those who know, know. Basically, make Zac Oyama all the weird little guys 2026.
Professor Hidgens/Hot Chocolate Boy: Keith Habersburger
He would absolutely DEVOUR Show Stopping Number. You cannot convince me otherwise.
Alice/Zoe/ Greenpeace Girl: Emily Axford
She's incredibly charming, versatile, snarky and thanks to Dimension 20 Fantasy High, we know she's excellent at playing a rebellious teen.
Bill: Brennan Lee Mulligan
I want to see Brennan and Emily do the scene with Bill and Alice in the school. It will make me sob my eyeballs out but they would destroy it.
Backup choices/Hard cuts:
Ally Beardsley as Paul
Reason they were cut: They are too cool.
Lou Wilson as Ted:
While he would kill this part, he's too hot
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moonymiller · 2 years
Okay, this theory is not mine but I saw it when doing deep research on Oceans 8 — Lou's tattoo of the chemical thing for ethonal may add more to her character. At the beginning of the movie, she says that she is interested in brain surgery and doesn't drink alcohol throughout the entire movie, even when Deb's and the other women are drinking. The minor detail that may or may not be intentional is impressive.
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