#Lousy Carter
jonathanmoya1955 · 2 months
Lousy Carter: Blackboard Bungle
Magnolia Pictures MOVIE INFO: In LOUSY CARTER, David Krumholtz (OPPENHEIMER) stars as a ne’er-do-well literature professor adrift on a soulless college campus who learns he only has six months to live. With the clock ticking, will he change his ways? Probably not. REVIEW: Magnolia Pictures Lousy Carter is a comedy with a cruel hum- a feel bad satire. It doesn’t give a shit if you lke it or…
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lefilmdujour · 4 months
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Lousy Carter / Bob Byington / USA / 2023
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thefixisin · 7 months
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statoprecario · 1 year
Lousy Carter
David Krumholtz Cosa succede nella testa di una persona quando gli vengono diagnosticati solo sei mesi di vita? È quello che accade a Lousy Carter, docente di letteratura all’università con un corso monografico su Il grande Gatsby di Fitzgerald. Carter non ha una vita semplice: separato dalla moglie e vittima di un rapporto quantomeno conflittuale con la madre, insegna senza entusiasmo un libro…
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"didn’t want to pour a glass for myself and leave you hanging." from face to peggy or diana (idk if you ended up adding her, but i support it nonetheless)
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More specter than human. That is how Peggy feels most days. She tactfully manages to slip beneath the radar in a male operated world. So to be noticed, by a handsome stranger none-the-less, renders her off her guard. Scarlet painted lips part, a gracious reply warming her throat. "That's quite chivalrous of you. Thank you." While she might turn down such advances, something about this man intrigued her. Her porcelain hand outstretches, clutching the champagne glass almost impossibly tight, so that he may fill it. She might have had a stronger preference for tea or coffee, but alas, it was not that kind of establishment.
An unresolved question stirs within her. Before Carter can think to dam it up for the sake of his kind gesture, she speaks. "Do I know you from somewhere?" Her oaken orbs remain grounded upon his features, carefully analyzing every inch in order to try and swallow down a sensation of familiarity.
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the-lord-of-time · 2 months
I can’t even take ONE (1) lousy vacation to see my mom and stepdad before you recruit half my camp??!! Lay off my siblings, ya jerk!
—Kat Carter, @cabinseventheaterchick
I don’t even have that many Demeter kids yet!
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kimkimberhelen · 2 months
I can't promise this will be my last rant regarding the current political fuckery, but it could be. There was an opportunity post-debate for the Democratic Party leadership and politicos to be rational and level-headed. One could acknowledge that Biden had a lousy night while also having his back, defending his accomplishments, and moving on to focus on the horrors of Donald Trump.
Instead, panic was chosen. Now, the press is always going to do its thing regarding Democrats, but the party itself could have stayed strong. Since the debate, Biden has had multiple interviews, rallies, and press conferences, discussing very complex issues with thoughtfulness and nuance. This was in the constant face of ageism and ableism. Whatever bleeding occurred could have been easily stemmed, but for whatever, Democratic 'leadership' is committed to this bizarre death-by-a-thousand-cuts strategy.
Some of this is complicated. Big money donors like Hollywood scumbag George Clooney are essentially withholding the big bucks from the party until Democrats oust Biden. This is essentially extortion, and it's trying to subvert what the voters decided during the 2024 Democratic primaries, where voters such as myself partook in the democratic process by casting our votes for Biden.
Biden was technically the only candidate during the primaries, but some voters chose not to vote, and some protest voted as was their right. Biden still won. Now, it seems as though that doesn't matter. I said before that if the party had all these alleged concerns about Biden for a while, they had multiple opportunities leading up to the debate to take care of business, but they did not do this.
Telling Biden all day, every day, to drop out with no real plan but 'someone better' is absolutely insane, and people touting Kamala Harris as an alternative don't seem to realize she's already on the ticket and actively governing.
The stupidity is embarrassing. And the way Democratic leadership has conducted itself these past three weeks has been a total disgrace by showing zero backbone in the face of adversity, acting as if election day was tomorrow when it's only fucking July.
If Joe Biden is replaced, the new and shiny toy will not be treated any better by the media or Republicans. They will get the same treatment as Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Kerry, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Michael Dukakis, Walter Mondale, and Jimmy Carter.
As you can see, the vast majority of these candidates did not win.
I guess the question going forward is if a replacement happens, will the Democratic Party stand by its candidate when the inevitable political curveball happens, or will it plunge into another doom spiral and declare all is lost?
We shall see.
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freddie-77-ao3 · 5 months
random facts about random riordanverse characters from my characters doc:
percy jackson: thalia once dyed his hair neon green (which, he has black hair, so no clue how) and it lasted for two weeks before washing out entirely
thalia grace: actually very close to will solace. he treated her when she first woke up, and reminded her of jason. she's basically a big sister now. she threatened nico about him.
nico di angelo: got so nervous about asking will out he accidentally asked in chinese, before reverting to welsh, and then latin. finally, he stutters it out in a mix of greek, italian, and english (luckily will understands all three). unfortunately, will responds in sign language for some reason??? nico doesn't know sign language.
meg mccaffrey: meg has a horrendous obsession with gatorade. like. she won't drink water, it's gatorade or nothing. apollo is SO concerned because he doesn't know what gatorade is and also it looks VERY unnatural.
leo valdez: not only can he cook tacos, he knows how to make tamales. actually, while on the argo ii, he and percy made most of the food. this man can COOK.
will solace: has a habit of always carrying pens around with him (both as a way of keeping close to michael, who collected pens before his death, and just bc he's in the infirmary so much) and he clicks them ALL THE TIME as a fidget. people forcibly take them from him sometimes.
Annabeth Chase: she's autistic and so is her dad. part of why they have so much trouble having a good relationship with each other. they both have really black and white thinking styles.
Calypso: she's like 7 feet tall.
Magnus Chase: he really likes the chronicles of narnia series. when he was a kid, he dressed up like the lion for three halloweens in a row. his favorite is the lion the witch and the wardrobe.
Alex Fierro: felines are easier than canines in regards to shapeshifting.
Sadie Kane: she likes strawberry ribena the best
Carter Kane: he wants to grow his hair out. when he's in his twenties, he does. sadie helps him braid it.
Clarisse La Rue: after her mission in ttc, she's extremely claustrophobic.
Piper McLean: the reason she was so against feminine stuff in TLH is because she was so sexualized by the media when she was girly. so she openly rejected it.
Travis Stoll: makes oddly specific t-shirts about what happens at camp. like, “I defeated the greek personification of time this summer and all i got was this lousy tee shirt.”
Connor Stoll: isn't dyslexic. loves reading.
Katie Gardner: she drops out of college after her first semester. it just wasn't for her. she owns a flower shop called petal to the metal, where she says "have a punk rock day" to all her customers.
clovis: he doesn't actually need to sleep 24/7, he just doesn't want to interact with people.
Cecil Markowitz: a threesome baby. no, really. he's 25% his mum, 25% his dad, and 50% hermes. he-- he has a lot of questions and no answers, and that's probably for the better.
Lou Ellen Blackstone: she's black, and usually keeps her hair in braids. before alabaster torrington defected he did it (he's white, learned just for her), and after, beckendorf did her hair.
Zoe Nightshade: she's regenerating. she was a titaness, she'll be back.
Lee Fletcher: he dropped out of high school. it wasn't for him. got his GED and took college classes on the side til he died, but personally modern schooling wasn't really for him.
Rachel Dare: when she turns 21 and gains access to her trust fund, she immediately donates the entire thing.
Hazel Levesque: definitely the person who always has a cardigan/sweater for you to use if you get cold.
Frank Zhang: goes back and finds his grandmother after HoO
Jason Grace: jiper was comphet. he's gay.
Reyna: didn't actually join the hunt. i don't think that really is a natural character ending? she is ace though.
Grover: turns out pan passing his spirit on to grover actually made grover a god?? yeah grover didn't realise for //years//
juniper: fought in the battle of manhattan. she just brought a couple of her berries with her.
Chris Rodriguez: following going insane and becoming sane again, he develops anorexia to regain his sense of control over his life.
Drew Tanaka: she's actually aro-ace.
Malcolm Pace: in an effort to always be prepared he sleeps in jeans and street clothes, and always has a bag of supplies on him.
Ellis Wakefield: is from somalia. his first language is somali. he speaks somali, english, arabic, and greek.
Mitchell: went to military school for a bit. has a habit of calling people sir/ma'am after every sentence now.
michael yew: has the gift of prophecy, knew going into manhattan that he was going to die.
miranda gardiner: summer only camper, takes over counselor during the summer (katie doesn't want it. also she's vietnamese. i know thats two facts i just think it's important.
sherman yang: he has two dads. his mortal dad's name is jeff. sherman sees him like, one week every two months? jeff lives in seattle.
jake mason: he's got a fish named bubbles. he says it's because harley wanted to name it. he lies.
silena beauregard: summer only camper, she volunteers at a domestic abuse shelter during the year, and hopes to go into social work.
charles beckendorf: he was 16 when he died, but had finished HS work 2 years early. had been accepted to MIT. he wouldn't have gone, anyway, because of the expense, too far from camp, but-- it had been a nice dream
Nyssa Barrera: she's a year round camper, and always been mad that taking care of harley fell to her.
Lacy: physically disabled. she's got JRA, and is in a wheelchair part time.
Harley: really likes unsweetened cheerios.
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docgold13 · 1 year
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Profiles in Villainy
The Team Rocket Trio
Team Rocket (also known as the Rocket Gang) is a villainous organization that endeavors to capture, experiment upon and exploit Pokémon for the purposes of gaining power and wealth.  The operation is based in the Kanto and Johto regions and is run by its vile and scheming overboss, Giovanni.
The Team Rocket Trio, consisting Jessie, James and the talking Pokémon Meowth, are agents of the Rocket Gang tasked with abducting a particularly powerful Pikachu from the young Pokémon trainer, Ask Ketchum.  
Although clever, resourceful and creative, the threesome have never been able to capture Pikachu, usually due to mishaps, bumbling and just plain lousy luck. Not that it had deterred them as the three continue to come up with complicated (often harebrained) schemes to get their hands on Pikachu.  
Jessie sees herself as the leader of the squad.  She is a vain and ambitious young woman.  Her mother had also been a member of the Rocket Game, but was lost during a mission resulting Jessie having to live in foster care for much of her childhood.  She sublimated her feelings of loss and deprivation into a drive to win and at any and all costs.  Although she often acts haughty and conceded, Jessie harbors a great deal of sadness and insecurity.  She is a shrewd tactician and demanding leader.  
James is Jessie’s partner and best friend.  He came from a wealthy family where his every action and activity was controlled by his overbearing parents and governesses.  He was betrothed at a young age to the daughter of another wealthy family and was planning on marrying her until he saw that she was just as mean and controlling as his parents.  As such, he ran away, leaving behind everything and joining a criminal bicycle gang in Sunnytown.  
Sometime thereafter, James was recruited into the Rocket Gang and partnered with Jessie.  Although the two came from very different backgrounds, the pair got along extremely well.  James is a master of disguise; his soft features and lithe frame enables him to disguise himself as a girl in a very convincing fashion.  
Meowth, meanwhile, is an especially clever Pokémon who taught himself to speak because a Persian he was in love with appeared to prefer the company of humans.  Meowth had previously been the personal assistant to Giovanni yet his recurrent clumsiness resulted in his being demoted and reassigned as a partner to Jessie and James.  
Meowth is far and away the smartest member of the trio.  In that he is a Pokémon, however, Jessie and James rarely pay heed to his warnings regarding how a plan is sure to go awry.  
The nefarious intentions of the Rocket Gang notwithstanding, The Team Rocket Trio are not truly villainous souls; they have even often showed moments of honor and compassion.  The three just want to be valued and feel like they belong and they do not share the malevolent attitudes of Giovanni.
Actresses Akiko Hiramatsu and Megumi Hayashibara provided the voice for Jessie in the anime series (with Rachael Lillis and Michele Knotz voicing the character in the English dub); whereas actor Shin-ichiro Miki voices James in the anime (with Ted Lewis and Carter Cathcart voicing the character in the English dub); and Inuko Inuyama voices Meowth (with Nathan Price and Maddie Blaustein voicing the character in the English dub).
Team Rocket first appeared in the second episode of the original Pokémon anime, airing on April 8th, 1997.
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carter-harris · 4 months
closed starter: @gwenxmoreno
where: mr. & mrs. harris' home
Carter didn't visit his parents often anymore because he already saw his father on the daily to be in meetings and what not, and he didn't see his mother much anymore because... well, sometimes it was hard seeing her sick. He felt selfish for it sometimes but it was hard. Navigating feelings was hard and life was hard. Carter was aware that Gwen would sometimes visit their mom because Rhett had told him about it, but he hadn't expected to see her there at the same time he was. As Carter was walking down the stairs, he paused when he saw her, his heart stuttering a little bit, mostly out of nerves. "What are you doing here?" His greeting was a bit cold, but it was because Carter was lousy at being anything other than a jerk.
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finitepeace · 6 months
january-march reads: stevetony
stony I've read in the past three months
How to Date a Superhero Without Even Trying by sabrecmc | based on a prompt from a Tumblr Anon, it's 2am and Tony drunk dials his ex. He gets Captain America instead. (Warning for attempted non-con that is most definitely interrupted.)
Ripple Effect (post-IW time travel fix it) by sabrecmc | After the events of Infinity War, Steve is sent back in time on a desperate mission to find the Tesseract. Instead, he meets up with 21-year old Tony, still reeling from his parents' deaths. Who, naturally, tries to climb Steve like a tree. Somehow, this fixes everything.
(Restricted) While Everyone's Lost (The Battle Is Won) by jukeboxhound | E, 6.9k words | Steve closes his eyes in 1945 and wakes up in 2012. Well. They certainly didn’t put that on the recruiting poster.
The Future by InesStarkDowney | T, 1.6k words | After the whole Germany thing, Peter is quick to spend a lot of time with his mentor, Tony Stark. And despite feeling and acting like a fanboy over his mentor, Peter is quick to find several things that he wasn't aware about Tony, simply because it's not public knowledge, like: Tony Stark is a very sad man. Peter wants to change that.
You can make this figure with your hips by haemodye | E, 6.2k words | Tony wakes up with a screaming headache, years into the future, where almost everyone he loves is dead.
Bless The Broken Road by PinkEasterEggs | G, 104k words | In 1950, Peter Carter goes missing. In 2005, a boy who looks exactly like Peggy Carter and Steve Roger's kidnapped son is found. Tony doesn't even hesitate (okay, he may have hesitated a little) to take the boy under his wing.
the steve rogers rating system by meidui | G, 866 words | Tony has an internalised Steve Rogers rating system, but it’s not standardised. It’s also not a foolproof system because Steve behaves in ways that crash it all the time.
Kingdom of Iron, Kingdom of Clay [unfinished] by WhenasInSilks | E, 9.9k words | Tony isn't pining. He can’t afford to--doesn't have space for it in his head. It's hard enough just to do his job while wading through the murky waters of post-Accords international politics, and Steve Rogers? He’s a liability, in more ways than one. That's why Tony laid down the law at the end of their last, ill-conceived encounter. “Take care of yourself, Cap. Stay the fuck out of my life.” If only Steve weren’t so lousy at following orders (aka the one where Steve and Tony have a conversation, and then another conversation, and then bang things out in a hotel. There's a lot more nuance, world building, character detail, emotional turmoil, etc. but, like. In a nutshell. part of a series)
ends of the earth by meidui | T, 2k words | “We have a new deal,” Tony interrupts. “From now on, you feel like you messed up, you come home to me. You come home to New York and we figure it out together. If you’re on this cross country road trip and living on a farm because you like it, fine, I’ll come out and visit. But if you’re out here because you’re sorry, I’ve got some bad news for you, buddy. Not even you could fix the entire world.”
A Teddy Bear Named Steve by nightwalker | G, 2.6k words | While cleaning out the attic, Tony finds some old friends he thought long lost.
capsize by killaidanturner | T, 4.4 k words | For the first time Steve sees Peggy in Tony, he always thought it was Howard, the showman, but all along it’s been Peggy and the way that she had her shoulders pulled just a little bit back to make her appear taller.
Life After You by ashinan | G, 2.5k words | Steve knew Peggy had a life after the war. He just didn't think it included telling stories to a young Tony Stark.
Fairy Godmother by Amuly (restricted) | T, 5.1k words | Auntie Peggy has been telling Tony stories about Captain America his whole life. Only problem is, the real thing just about measures up to the stories. Which means, of course, that Aunt Peg has to go to work, because an Aunt's work is never done.
I never knew how much I would lose by percy (shittyspacedads) | T 583 words | It's Peggy Carter's funeral, in the middle of a civil war. And she was very important to both Tony and Steve.
Trying to Bridge Dark Water by sororexitium | T, 4,9k words | Peggy was ninety-one years old and trying to bridge the gap between the then and the now. Steve and Tony were good at making that difficult.
Celestial Navigation by sabremc podfic version by cookiemom607 | original text version
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breakingdawnpt2 · 2 months
What are you editorial gripes with Long Legs?
spoilers obviously
God ok so like I’m stupid and not good with words but like like all the nun shit with her mother needed to be completely cut. I feel like the nun imagery was extremely forced and existed simply to suit the marketing strategy? Also I would cut anything that textually confirms the existence of the Devil and that he’s the one killing families and girls through evil dolls with evil orb brains? The dark cloud in Lee’s room sprouting devil horns was way too much I just don’t find the Devil scary sorry it would have been much scarier if it was never explained how some guy was entering these peoples houses and killing them without leaving any evidence he was ever there at all. Some fucked up guy acting in the name of Satan is 1000x more effective than showing me a lousy cartoon devil that requires heavy suspension of disbelief as a not spiritually or religiously inclined viewer. and IF it was absolutely necessary that the mom was threatened and had to agree to be his accomplice in order to save Lee’s life, a lottttt more emphasis should have been put on the looming threat of her letting that motherfucker live in their basement and be anywhere near her daughter. I needed like a repressed memory of Longlegs brushing little Lee’s hair like a doll or some shit to emphasize how close her mother allowed him to get to her child in order to save her life, how the work of the devil is something her mother has ALWAYS feared (have you been saying your prayers Lee?) and because of that fear she obeys a minion of a force she is too meek to overcome
From an editing standpoint the sequence where Lee wakes up in the basement and climbs upstairs to a ringing phone it’s like, genuinely confusing and not well executed. It took me until I left the theatre to realize he had been living under her house? Maybe I’m just stupid but it should have been more apparent and the stakes of that fact should have been more dire. I also don’t know why there’s a sequence of cuts to random rooms in the house when the phone is ringing right in front of her. If you want to do a bunch of cuts to random rooms in the house that’s fine!!!!! But give us a reason to be looking, put the phone across the house and design the soundscape around where the phone is in relation to each room shot. Don’t pull the audiences attention away to shit that doesn’t matter when suspense is your most powerful weapon. Speaking of suspense,
DON’T SHOW HIS FACE SO EARLY oh my god for a movie with like an actual Make You Forget Childhood Trauma Orb you would think they could resist showing the audience the guy whose face our perspective character has been repressing until she meets him herself?
Ummm and with all that shit cut we would have spent more time with our characters. I didn’t need to find out so early that Lee’s birthday is the 14th, nor Ruby’s for that matter. I wanted to know more about Lee’s beliefs and memories and motivations I wanted to know more about Longlegs and his workshop and his motivations and establish a connection between him and Lee which makes us fear for her life even after he’s been caught. Have Carter reckon with a person who commits unfathomably evil acts in service of a greater power he doesn’t even believe in, have him see the evil enter his home with his own two eyes and test his un-faith. He wasn’t really a character he was a plot device to give us a family to care about lol
Well anyway maybe I should have chosen screenwriter in that poll idk that’s like most of it. I think it’s a good two thirds of a movie! Up until her mother walks onscreen in a fucking nun costume but then that puts the whole thing under a microscope for me and I can’t not see all the ways it could have been done better if the focus hadn’t been entirely on creating provocative images but had also been on creating a meaningful (and scary!) context around those images. The opening scene with Longlegs and the part where Lee’s partner gets shot in the face point blank were pretty good tho. I liked the shit where he leaves the birthday card in her house but I also don’t feel she should have been given the answer so fast. The performances were great and Cage made me laugh whether or not that was the intent. Alright bye
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Grim : *is causing chaos in the cafeteria again*
Ace : *sighs* "Man, we need to stop him."
Deuce : *nods* "True. Yuu, can you do something ?"
Yuuki : *ignores them* "Sir, do you have anything with meat ?"
Deuce : "Yuu, please. Grim only listens to you."
Staff ghost : "Yes." *starts to list the dishes*
Ace : "... Did the ghost also ignore us ?"
Yuuki : "I'll take the one with the habanero."
Ghost : "Got it." *hands Yuu his dish."
Yuuki : "Thank-" *something from Grim's direction fells inside the dish*
Yuuki : "..."
Ace and Deuce : "Oh ! Shit !"
Grim : "I'm sorry ! Don't make me sleep outside !" *runs toward Yuu*
Upper classman : "Ha ! Look at-"
Upper classmen : "Wha-"
Upper classmen : *runs away*
A little far away
Carter : "Wow ! Ace and Deuce weren't joking when they say Yuu is scary."
Riddle : "... Was I like that before my overblot ?"
Trey : "No. If you were like that, all the 1st years would be dead. Well, even during your overblot, you weren't this scary."
Riddle : "Thanks the Sevens then."
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redrikki · 1 year
Disability Pride Masterpost
July is Disability Awareness Month. Here is a master list of my stories featuring and focusing on characters with disabilities.
Agent Carter
Cheer Up, Get Out of Bed - Jack had opened up to Peggy Carter and all he got was this lousy concussion. Tag to 1.06. (Jack Thompson, Daniel Sousa) [features amputee character] warning: ableist language
Take Good Care of Yourself - Post Season 2 finale, three people who visited Jack Thompson in the hospital and one who never made it. (Jack Thompson, Daniel Sousa, Peggy Carter, Rose Roberts, Dottie Underwood) [features amputee character]
A Modest Proposal - The mess with Vernon Masters has left Daniel’s office short staffed, but he has some replacements in mind. (Daniel Sousa, Edwin Jarvis) [focus on amputee character]
Avatar: The Last Airbender & Legend of Korra
Gather Up Every Wayward Lock - The girls do their hair. (Katara, Azula, Toph) [focus on blind character]
Chips and Blocks - Lin called Toph ‘Chif’ for years before some well-meaning busybody taught her to say 'Mom’ instead. Toph isn’t sure what kind of mom she is, but she knows which kind she doesn’t want to be. (Toph, Lin, Poppy) [focus on blind character]
Leaves on the Wind - Korra’s spirit gives some advice to the next Avatar. (Korra, OC) [focus on characters with chronic illness]
Downton Abbey
The Hedgehog’s Dilemma - Thomas Barrow’s daemon is a hedgehog and you best mind his spikes. Five warnings, four relationships and one revelation. (Thomas Barrow, Sarah O’Brien, Duke of Crowburrough, Edward Courtney, Jimmy Kent) [features blind character]
The Dragon Prince (Cartoon)
The Language of Bees - Bees talk by dancing too. (Ezran, Amaya) [features deaf character]
The Broken Earth Series - N.K. Jemisin
Seismic Shift - Schaffa tells himself he will stop if Eitz says no. This one will be allowed to say no. The boy says nothing at all. (Schaffa/Eitz) [focus on character with chronic pain] WARNING: Child sexual abuse
Star Wars 
Prequels Era
Bridal Carry - On Naboo, it’s tradition for the groom to carry the bride to their marriage bed. With Anakin’s new prosthetic, it’s more difficult than it sounds. (Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker) [features amputee character]
Nothing to Write Home About - WIP. A month after losing his wife, Cliegg Lars decides to write to her son. Anakin Skywalker gets the pen pal he never knew he needed. (Cliegg Lars, Anakin Skywalker) [focus on amputee characters]
Lightning Rod - Anakin gets electrocuted…again. It probably says something bad about his life that he’s getting used to it. (Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi) [focus on amputee character]
Ahsoka the Vampire Slayer - BTvS fusion. Ahsoka is the Chosen One, the Slayer. The one girl in all the world with the power to fight the forces of darkness, or at least she was until she died. She got better, but now there’s a new Slayer in town and things with her Watcher are strained at best. Add in a bunch of zombie mind control bugs and Ahsoka’s week could be going better. (Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Luminara Undulli, Barriss Offee) [featuring amputee character]
Rebels Era
Chicken Soup for the Jedi Soul - Four meals Kanan made for his crew and one he made for himself. (Kanan Jarrus, Ghost Crew) [focus on blind character]
A Distraction - Kanan’s been blinded. There’s nothing Hera can do to fix it so Chopper gives her something she can. (Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, Chopper) [featuring blind character]
Graffiti on the Walls of the Heartland - Three works of art Sabine made for crew members and one she made for herself. (Sabine Wren, Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, Chopper) [featuring blind character]
Then My Hair’s Too Short - Apparently, Ezra had a new hair cut. That’s fine, it’s his head after all. Kanan just wished he had mentioned it. (Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger) [focus on blind character]
The Blind Beggar - When Ezra objects to Kanan taking point on a mission, Kanan decides its time they had a talk. (Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, Ghost Crew) [focus on blind character]
Rebel Moments - Short stories from the Rebels era. (Ghost Crew) [focus on blind character]
Original Trilogy
After the Funeral - Han offers Luke some unexpected support after the funeral of the guy who tortured him. (Luke Skywalker, Han Solo) [focus on amputee character]
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stuckybingo · 2 years
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Stucky Bingo Round-Up #15 (January 15th - 21st)
Don’t forget to fill out the submission form to be a part of the round-ups and to get your bingo badges!
Stucky Bingo January 2023 Round Robin by Politzania, Sivan325, j_snow_writes, buckybarnesdeservestobehappy, cherriontop, TrinityDay Square filled: Adopting a Pet Ao3 rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Established Relationship, adopting a pet, Tooth-Rotting Fluff Summary: Steve still didn’t think that actually adopting a cat was a good idea. After all, with the kind of jobs they had, they could get called away at a moment’s notice and be gone for who knew how long -- and who would take care of it in the meanwhile? Steve had mentioned the problem to Sharon, who not only was less than sympathetic but made the situation worse by waiting until Bucky was in earshot to say, “Hey, I think Nick’s cat had kittens. You guys should adopt one of them!” Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
I Wanna Live in the Hidden Parts of Your Skin by voylitscope Square filled: G3 - Claiming Ao3 rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: porn with feelings, canon divergence, fluff and smut, friends to lovers, romance Summary: Sometimes, Steve looks at Bucky across the floor of their apartment or in the middle of the sidewalk, and it's not goddamn fair how good Bucky looks. It's not fair how Steve, who's spent his whole life fighting with his lungs for air and his heart for a steady beat, sometimes looks at Bucky and his breath and pulse are wrong for reasons that aren't his lousy health at all. And ever since the day with the purple ink, Steve can't stop thinking about people being canvases, like the models at that exhibit. Steve keeps thinking that Bucky'd be the most stunning canvas a guy could ever ask for. (Or: Steve and Bucky discover a kink in 1940. They find a reason to come back to it 80 years later. ) Format: Long oneshot (over 5000 words)
Don't interrupt a bride on her wedding day by Angelicalslayer Square filled: G4 - Oblivious to lovers Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Weddings, Friendship, Strangers to Lovers, Romantic Fluff Summary: Wedding days should be filled with kisses and declarations of undying love. Just not to the bride when you aren't getting married to her. Or: Steve confesses his love to his long-time best friend, but ends up finding it a different way than he expected. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
Hanukkah by Sivan325 Square filled: N3 - Free Square Ao3 rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: pre-war, Jewish Buck Barnes, Orphan Steve Rogers Summary: Steve watched as James’s dad lit the shammash, and then turned to ask him, “Would you like to light the first candle?” Format: Short oneshot (300 - 1000 words)
Since you are, everything that was is now something new: chapter one by endlesstwanted Square filled: B3 - Crack Ao3 rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Recreational Drug Use, Light Angst Major tags: Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Developing Relationship, Bucky Barnes Recovering Summary: Snippets on how to be wooed by two super soldiers, a guide by Sharon Carter. Step one: feelings exposure. Format: Short oneshot (300 - 1000 words)
Dear Bucky by Laevateinn Square filled: I5 - Letters Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Canonical Character Death, In which I mean this is set between Avengers and CATWS Major tags: platonic or romantic, Sad, Angst, Cemetery, moodboard Summary: Today I discovered a band I’m sure you would have loved. It’s called PostModern Jukebox. Funny name, right? It was a recommendation from Natasha. You know Natasha, I told you about her before. Format: Short oneshot (300 - 1000 words)
Cat + Mistletoe = Disaster by Laevateinn Square filled: Adopted square Dec - Mistletoe Ao3 rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Fluff, Alpine, College AU, Mistletoe, cat shenanigans, banter Summary: Steve and Bucky had only been Alpine’s parents for a few weeks, but she was already giving them grey hair. Format: Short oneshot (300 - 1000 words)
I Know You Don't Think I Can Do This by singthebeginningofmoana Square filled: O3 - Looking After Each Other Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply, talk of fighting Major tags: Mild Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Captain America: The First Avenger Summary: Bucky comes to Steve's aid during a fight. Steve is too stubborn to be grateful. Format: Short oneshot (300 - 1000 words)
Since you are, everything that was is now something new. Chapter 2: Space sharing by endlesstwanted Square filled: G2 - New York Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: On the Run, Trust, Sharing a Bed Summary: Sharon welcomes Bucky and Steve to her old place in New York while they're on the run. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
Fragments by @Andrea1717 Square filled: G4 - Link: Frottage Ao3 rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Alternative Universe - Canon Divergence, Explicit Sexual Content, Memories Summary: Bucky collects more and more memories of his past life. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
Into this night I wander (It's morning that I dread) by hanitrash Square filled: G3 - Red Skull Ao3 rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/non-con, Tentacle Monster Red Skull, non-con, oviposition Major tags: bottom steve, steve is having a Very Bad Time, hurt no comfort, steve whump Summary: Steve gets captured by HYDRA and learns more about Johann Schmidt than he ever wanted to know Format: Short oneshot (300 - 1000 words)
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Indulge your ‘80s fantasies with two softcore classics produced by Harry Alan Towers (99 Women, Franco’s Count Dracula): In Black Venus, former Miss Bahamas Josephine Jacqueline Jones (Love Circles) leads a sumptuous orgy of Victorian lust co-starring Florence Guérin (Faceless), Karin Schubert (Black Emanuelle), Helga Liné (Black Candles) and Profumo Affair temptress Mandy Rice-Davies. Drive-in goddess Tiffany Bolling (The Candy Snatchers) stars in Ecstasy – also known as Love Scenes – as a Hollywood actress caught between reel passion and her own erotic hungers that include Britt Ekland, Julie Newmar, Monique Gabrielle and Jack Carter. As a Bonus, Austrian centerfold Sonja Martin (Red Heat, Emmanuelle IV) stars in Melody of Passion from director Hubert Frank (Vanessa), with all three features scanned in 2K from their original negatives.
ECSTASY (1984) 
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: Region-Free 
Rating: Unrated 
Duration: 90 Minutes 
Audio: English DTS-HD MA 2.0 Mono with Optional English Subtitles
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1) 
Director: Bud Towsend 
Cast: Franc Luz, Tiffany Bolling, Julie Newmar, Jack Carter, Britt Ekland, Daniel Pilon 
In the Playboy Channel produced Ecstasy (1984) (aka Love Scenes) up and coming director Peter Binnes (Franc Luz, Ghost Town) has just won a critics choice award, and looking to cash-on this windfall her tries to get a new erotic thriller, penned by Belinda (Julie Newmar, Catwoman from the 60's Batman TV series!), into production, but his cigar-chompin' producer Sidney (Jack Carter, Alligator) says that no studio wants to finance an erotic film without some star power. Luckily Peter's wife Val (Tiffany Bolling, Kingdom of the Spiders) is a renowned actress, but she's never done nudity in film before. After some prompting from her hubby, as well as some reinforcement from a photographer friend Annie (Britt Ekland, The Wicker Man) she agrees to do the film, but with reservations. 
Problems soon arise when the leading man in the erotic thriller, Rick (Daniel Pilon, Scanners III - The Takeover), who well-known for being a hand-on lothario ends up unexpectedly igniting Val's libido, and she embarssingly climaxes while film is rolling during their first filmed hook-up. This very real moment of passion exacerbates Val's mundane faked-orgasm sex life with her director-husband.  Conflicted by her attraction to her co-star Val worries that her married life is on the rocks, but the self-obsessed Peter is too consumed with making his film to worry too much about his wife's concerns. This is a fun lightweight bit of softcore erotica that is heavy on the daytime soap opera drama vibes, but does feature some titillating softcore nudity, and it's capably directed by Bus Townsend (Nightmare In Wax). The film is less tawdry that I would have liked, and is lousy with sax-heavy score, but plenty entertaining, and getting an eyefull of drive-in goddess Tiffany Bolling (Candy Snatchers, Bonnie's Kids) nude is always a pleasure, and both Ekland and Newmar seem to be having a blast in their non-nude roles,  
Special Features:
- Trailer (50 sec) 
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: Region-Free 
Rating: Unrated 
Duration: 95 Minutes 
Audio: English, French, German DTS-HD MA 2.0 Mono with Optional English Subtitles 
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.66:1) 
Director: Claude Mulot
Cast: José Antonio Ceinos, Josephine Jacqueline Jones, Florence Guérin, Emiliano Redondo
Another Playboy Channel produced slice of erotica, Black Venus (1984) directed by Claude Mulot (The Blood Rose), is a Victorian era set erotic film that begins with penniless sculptor Armand (José Antonio Ceinos, Leonor) meeting the gorgeouse Venus (Josephine Jacqueline Jones, Christina). Entranced by her beauty she becomes his muse and lover, and he sets about sculpting a statue of her likeness. With no source of income from his artwork Venus begins working as a model at a fashion house, but the attention she draws and the money she makes proves to be a blow to his ego, he drowns his sorrows in drinks, and Venus ends up leaving him, embarking on sexual adventures with a horny wealthy couple, but growing tired of being exploited by others, she teams-up with Louise (Florence Guérin, Faceless) to work at a brothel, until Armand, no longer tortured, returns to reclaim his muse.
Black Venus has some solid period set production value, conjuring the Victorian era convincingly for a low-budget film, it's attractively lensed, and is well-acted, not to mention chock full of nudity and actual erotic scenes that are a turn on. This one also has a bookend scenes of an older gent (Emiliano Redondo, The People Who Own The Dark), who is turned on by being a voyeur, touring a brothel down a secret hallway that allows him to peep through two-way mirrors to witness the sexy cosplay shenanigans happening inside themed rooms where people indulge in fantasies involving pirates, slaves, and kings.  
Special Features:
- Trailer
Label: Severin Films
Region Code: Region-Free 
Rating: Unrated 
Duration: 91 Minutes 
Audio: English or German DTS-HD MA 2.0 Mono with Optional English Subtitles
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.66:1) 
Director: Hubert Frank
Cast: Sonja Martin, Montse Bayo, Marina Oroza, Klaus Münster, Martin Garrido
The final titillating softcore delight is Hubert Frank's Melody of Passion (aka La chica que cayó del Cielo) German gal Betty (Sonja Martin, Emmanuelle IV) is notified that she has inherited a family castle in Spain. Arriving there she finds the castle and learns from the lawyer handling the estate, Don Cervantes, that it might be haunted and more trouble than it's worth, and insists that she should sell it to him sight unseen. Now this guy has reasons for wanting the castle, in that he is partnered with a madame and they are running a profitable high-class brothel within it's stone walls!
This is certainly the most offbeat of the bunch this Austrian-Spanish co-production throws a little bit of everything into the mix. We get the expected softcore delights, plentiful nudity, some nice atmosphere, plus a robbery, high-speed car chase, Gothic horror elements and quite a bit more. The tone is uneven to say the least but the unexpected camp-factor and exploitation entertainment quotients are through the roof, making this wild slice of Euro-rotica the best of the bunch in my estimation. 
Audio/Video: All three films make their North American Blu-ray debuts from Severin Films on region-Free Blu-ray presented in 1080p HD widescreen. Both Black Venus and Melody of Passion are framed in 1.66:1 while Ecstasy gets 1.85:1. These are advertised as being scanned in 2K from the original negatives, and they look pretty terrific. Film grain is unmolested and organic, colors and skin tones look natural throughout. Audi comes by way of uncompressed DTS-HD MA Mono with optional English subtitles.  Ecstasy gets uncompressed English while Melody of Passions has both German and English audio options, with Black Venus sporting English, German, and French audio options. All the tracks are clean and free of issues, a bit limited in range, but clean and well-balanced. Extras are anemic, we only get trailers for Black Venus and Ecstasy, so that is a disappointing, I would have loved commentary tracks on these, but the HD upgrades are appreciated and blow away the previous DVD editions. The three disc release arrives in a black keepcase with a single sides sleeve of artwork, inside a flipper tray houses the three films on separate discs with separate artworks. 
If you're looking to indulge in some vintage ‘80s softcore fantasies Severin has you covered with this titillating triple-threat collection. The extras are slim but the A/V is wonderful, and the erotic delights are plentiful. The three films are handsomely produced for what they are and look fantastic in HD. The films range from horny melodrama, to sleazy Victorian debauchery, and bonkers 80's raunchiness - it's a wonderful assortment of vintage erotica that all lovers of softcore should have on their shelf. 
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