planet-gay-comic · 1 year
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Love and Friendship. Roman Baths: A Meeting Place for Leisure and Sport
Roman baths in ancient Rome were public facilities that were visited by people of all social classes and walks of life. They were a place for socializing, relaxation, and personal hygiene.
The Romans had a relatively liberal attitude towards sexuality. Same-sex relationships were not prohibited, and they were often accepted. In some cases, they were even seen as positive.
In Roman baths, there were sometimes sexual encounters between men. This often happened between men of the same social status. However, it was also common for men from different social classes to have sexual relationships with each other.
Young men often went to the baths together to socialize, exercise, and relax. It was not uncommon for young men to be naked together in the baths. This was seen as a sign of camaraderie and friendship.
There is also evidence to suggest that there were occasional sexual encounters between young men in Roman baths. However, this did not always happen. In some cases, the young men were simply friends who were spending time together.
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If your girl isn’t your bestfriend what’s the point
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fixquotes · 9 months
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"Do not just look at your boyfriend as just a boyfriend. Look at him as a friend, too"
- Vanessa Hudgens
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serene-simmer · 10 months
Love & Friendship
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(Lot is not my build and unfortunately I can't remember who the lot is by)
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melisaariel91 · 3 months
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¿Qué haces si toda tu vida, tu familia, tu hogar, todo cuánto te pertenece, es masacrado frente a tus ojos?
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Erin siempre deseó cambiar de vida, pero nunca a través de una matanza tal salvaje como la que vivió la noche del cumpleaños de su hermana Granne.
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La invasión de los Otomanos al Imperio húngaro fue un hecho que marcó el rumbo de ese país, dividiendo territorios e independizado otros; un hecho llevado a cabo con asesinatos, asaltos y violencia.
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Erin experimentará la caída de su reino aquella noche, su patria partida en pedazos y solo queda sobrevivir. Aquel ataque nocturno dio inicio a la peor pesadilla imaginable y se grabaría en su mente para siempre.
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relationshipg2uide · 3 months
How To Be Friends Before Dating: Best Friends To Lovers
Explore the joy of transitioning from best friends to lovers! This guide explains the advantages of basing a relationship on friendship, provides advice for managing the change, and presents real-life examples. Learn how to be friends before dating and develop a lasting relationship!
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francesduncan · 5 months
Lady Susan is a nightmare, dressed like a daydream
"There is exquisite pleasure in subduing an insolent spirit, in making a person pre-determined to dislike, acknowledge one's superiority.”
- Jane Austen, Lady Susan
Lady Susan is a character we love to hate but you can't fault her logic. There is pleasure in making those who dislike us admire, respect or at least acknowledge you're better than them at something. True, not many of us do it quite so intentionally or maliciously as she does.
"I have seen this dangerous creature... She is really excessively pretty... I have seldom seen so lovely a woman as Lady Susan. She is delicately fair, with fine grey eyes and dark eyelashes; and from her appearance one would not suppose her more than five and twenty, though she must in fact be ten years older. I was certainly not disposed to admire her, though always hearing she was beautiful; but I cannot help feeling that she possesses an uncommon union of symmetry, brilliancy, and grace. Her address to me was so gentle, frank, and even affectionate, that, if I had not known how much she has always disliked me... and that we had never met before, I should have imagined her an attached friend."
- Jane Austen, Lady Susan, Letter 6
Lady Susan runs on the philosophy of keep your friends close and your enemies closer, so long as they're of use to you. The Vernon's can currently give her a home so they make that list.
Pippa pointed out that it sounds like Mrs Vernon is discovering her same sex attraction. It's surprising Amme didn't also mention it when we discussed Letter 6 especially as she pointed out Catherine's attraction to Isabella. (Extended versions of Pippa and Amme's Lady Susan episodes are available on Ko-Fi.) It's a good point, Mrs Vernon gives a lengthy and detailed description - I even cut a few bits.
Underneath her beauty and charm (daydream) is a callous, manipulative, revengeful centre (nightmare). She's probably studied her Shakespeare (actually she would make a great Lady Macbeth).
"Look Like Th’ Innocent Flower, But Be The Serpent Under ‘T”
- Shakespeare, Macbeth Act 1, Scene 5
Blank Space is a tongue in cheek response to the media's portrayal of Taylor Swift as an unstable man eater. Many of the lyrics could be about Lady Susan; she views love as a game, everyone's heard rumours about her, she's excellent at appearing to be someone's ideal and is well aware she'll leave the men behind her scarred.
If you'd like to discuss Austen with me you can book a Read With Me session
Video and audio from Love and Friendship
Music from Blank Space (TV) by Taylor Swift
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160 Best Family and Friends Captions to Celebrate Unforgettable Memories
Explore 160 family and friends captions for celebrating life's unforgettable moments together. #CherishEveryMemory
Introduction In the tapestry of life, the threads of family and friends intertwine to create a fabric rich with warmth, color, and strength. “160 Best Family and Friends Captions to Celebrate Unforgettable Memories” is a curated collection designed to encapsulate the essence of these invaluable relationships. Within these pages, you will find a reservoir of words that resonate with the joy,…
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korean-travel-helper · 11 months
Pepero Day: A Sweet Celebration of Love and Friendship
Discover Pepero Day, Korea's sweetest celebration! 🍫❤️ Held on November 11th, this charming tradition involves exchanging Pepero sticks to express affection and friendship. This video explores how this unique day, akin to Valentine's Day, became a cultural phenomenon among young Koreans, featuring creative gifts and heartfelt gestures. Join us in uncovering the joy and excitement of Pepero Day! 
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ravikugupta · 1 year
Summary of "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho
Introduction: “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho is a timeless and enchanting tale that follows the journey of a young shepherd named Santiago as he embarks on a quest for his personal legend. Through vivid storytelling and philosophical insights, Coelho explores the themes of following one’s dreams, finding one’s purpose, and embracing the journey of self-discovery. This summary explores the key…
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planet-gay-comic · 1 year
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The last Kiss before the Battle
In ancient Greece, homosexuality was not taboo. In fact, it was sometimes even encouraged. The Greeks believed that male love made warriors stronger and more determined.
The Sacred Band of Thebes, also known as the Theban Sacred Band, was a notable military unit in the 4th century BC. This elite unit consisted of 150 warriors, all of whom were members of the noble class. Under the leadership of Epaminondas, a brilliant Theban general, the Sacred Band was trained to be a formidable fighting force. It was also known for its openness towards homosexuality.
Its fame is primarily based on its outstanding performance in the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC. In this historic conflict, they managed to defeat the then-powerful Spartans. Epaminondas encouraged his men in this decisive battle with inspiring words: "We will either defeat the Spartans today or die in battle." These words are testament to the determination and courage that characterized the Sacred Band.
Another significant moment in its history took place in the Battle of Mantinea in 362 BC. Here, Pelopidas, who was leading the Sacred Band at the time, is said to have encouraged his men with the words: "We are the best warriors in Greece, and we will fight for our freedom today." This commitment to freedom and self-belief helped to solidify the unit's legendary reputation.
At the time of the Sacred Band and the Battles of Leuctra and Mantinea, homosexuality was viewed differently in Greek society than it is today. In fact, it was sometimes even encouraged, especially among the Spartans, who believed that love between men enhanced their fighting prowess. In ancient times, Greek culture was known for its acceptance and openness towards same-sex relationships. This cultural aspect allowed such love relationships, like the one between the two lovers, to be lived in a certain way freely, without the social stigmas that arose later in history.
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swatmark · 1 year
Intercessions for Acts 11:19-end and John 15:12-17
The Church of Christ Lord, we pray for your Church worldwide. May it spread your word and love to all corners of the earth, crossing language, culture, and national boundaries. Strengthen us in times of difficulty and persecution, and help us to remain steadfast in our faith. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Creation, human society, the Sovereign and those in authority We pray for the…
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wilfredogarrigo · 2 years
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#felizmonday #buenosdías #newweeknewstart #celebrating #loveandfriendship https://www.instagram.com/p/ComoMatLUNs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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serene-simmer · 11 months
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Mercedes (or Sissy as I call her) is my best friend, and she's pretty amazing. She had a bit of a rough start, and when she came to live with us, she was pretty reserved. She'd told me that she didn't want to get attached to us and then have to leave again. After a full year of living with us, she finally started to open up, and my parents had already been planning to adopt her. That day was one of the best memories I have because we were all gathered in the living room when my parents asked Mercedes if she would like to join our family officially. I'd never seen my sister cry up until that point, so I was worried when she started crying really hard. She hugged our parents and said yes! It seemed like it took forever before the papers went through, but before long, she was finally an official part of our family
She's pretty amazing, and I will never stop bragging about her. In high school, she was the captain of the cheer-team and valedictorian. She's such a people person and super outgoing, which is the complete opposite of me. Most of my friends I met through her, and she always made sure I was right by her side enjoying high school. Which included prom because there was no way I could have won Prom Queen at our Senior prom without her. If she tells it, she'll say it was my winning personality that inspired people to vote for me (a lie in my opinion, lol!)
Senior prom was actually a blast! I went with Luca Valentine, who was actually an exchange student living with my best friend Bucky. Luca was really handsome with brown hair and deep brown eyes and the cutest smile. It was safe to say that I have a bit of a crush on him, and I was pretty excited when he asked me to prom. While winning Prom Queen was surreal, it was made even more so when Bucky was announced at Prom King. Looking back, I think that's when issues started between Rylee (Bucky's girlfriend) and myself. She was pouty and whining the whole night and pissed at me, but I just ignored her.
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directdilse88 · 2 years
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Important message, don’t ignore it ❤️🙏🏻 #direct_dilse_88 #friendship #bewithyourfriends #friendinneedisafriendindeed #bff #bffgoals #loveandfriendship https://www.instagram.com/p/CoZFA0jyIpU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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onyxhph · 2 years
Celebrating Love: The Joy of Spending Valentine's Day with Friends
Valentine's Day is a special occasion that is typically associated with couples, love, and romance. However, it can also be a day to celebrate happiness, joy, and friendship with those who matter the most. While spending Valentine's Day with family can be enjoyable, spending it with friends can be even more special and memorable.
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For starters, friends can provide a sense of comfort and familiarity that you may not always find with family members. Friends have likely been with you through many ups and downs, and they know you better than anyone else. They share similar interests and values, making it easier to connect and have fun.
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Furthermore, friends can provide an escape from the formalities and obligations of family gatherings. With friends, you can relax and let loose, without the pressure of conforming to a particular social norm. This can make the celebration feel more spontaneous and enjoyable.
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Spending Valentine's Day with friends can also offer a chance to create new memories and experiences. You can try new activities, such as cooking a meal together, watching a movie, or going out for a fun night on the town. These experiences can help build deeper bonds between friends and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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In conclusion, while spending Valentine's Day with family can be a wonderful experience, spending it with friends can be even more meaningful and memorable. With friends, you can have a comfortable, relaxed and fun-filled day, creating new memories and experiencing new things together. So, this Valentine's Day, take the time to appreciate and celebrate the friends in your life who bring happiness and joy to your life every day.
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