#Loved the Lexa mention thank you Murphy I miss her
Therapy? In The Final Season of  The 100??
It’s more likely then any of us ever thought??????
Spoilers of course for the 100 7.07
Dr. Eric Jackson said “is anyone going to treat Literally Everyone for the trauma we go through” and had to wait seven seasons before giving up and doing it himself. I fucking love him and I Adore that Madi is getting therapy and that they are CONFRONTING WHAT HAPPENED TO A LITERAL CHILD. Jax read one (1) psychology book and decided he was now a licensed therapist and you know what? good for him. 
Someone....let me at Madi’s wardrobe. Babe looks like she rolled up fresh out of Amity from the Divergent movies and like...killing it but What was the inspiration. I am So Happy she gets to play soccer and have therapy sessions and just be a regular kid for what is apparently, the first time in her entire life. I Miss her and Clarke and i wish Clarke was here to see Madi starting to flourish because that dynamic has been pushed So Far to the side this season and I just miss them. I Love that they finally addressed how fucked up it was putting the flame in Madi’s head i seriously love love love it. yes it was necessary but it was also extremely traumatic and not something a child should have to go through and I’m so happy they talked about it (for at least a moment anyway)
Lindsey Morgan and her team said You get to deal with trauma, and you get to deal with trauma, and you - . No but for real, I was pleasantly surprised with the things that got addressed this episode- The flame, Octavia beating up Bellamy, the beginning of Becho. Not as good as Bardo lore but we take what we can get.
(Also shout out to Ms. Morgan for an incredible directorial debut, what a talented queen) 
I Loved Octavia saying outright how fucked up it was that she beat up her brother It’s been 84 years too many seasons of waiting for it, her growth this season? Incredible. That being said, literally What The Fuck was that comforting scene between her and Echo I’m. “You’re my family too” bitch Where. I understand Octavia trying to comfort someone she knows her brother cares for, and I know that Octavia saw how lost and angry Echo was, and this is just my own thoughts but probably recognized something in Echo that was reminiscent of her when she lost Lincoln, at least in her eyes, but it came out of no where?? These two have Never had a good relationship and while part of it is obviously Octavia’s growth the scene felt a little stilted. 
So. Echo. First thing right off the bat (as always, this should literally be the expectation but for the people in the back) THE ACTORS ARE NOT THEIR CHARACTERS, THEY ARE REAL PEOPLE, AND PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GODS LEARN TO SEPARATE THE TWO. I have so much respect for all the actors and crew who are trying their absolute best and making this show something I look forward to watching.
I had Such high hopes for Echo. And honestly the tiny little rat part of my brain that never lets things go still wants to hope for a satisfying end to the spy’s story. I Want her to reach a point where she can look at herself with clear eyes, and come through to the other side. I Want her to have happy ending where she understands that though loyalty is admirable, there has to be more in your life, that you cannot dedicate yourself to one person entirely. The realistic part of my brain that has watched this fucking show for years knows better. Tasya Teles is doing an excellent job of Echo’s continuing downward spiral, 10/10 choices. But all the lighting and framing and crazy intense gaze do Not bode well for Echo’s sanity and her carving the Azgeda marks into her face was I think the point of “no return”. Which makes me sad, to see this end for the character, but it is a path I can see Echo going down, as much as it sucks.
“We got shaved Bellamy but at what cost” makes me cackle but honestly, I liked the Ring flashback. Setting aside how late it is to be Doing ring flashbacks, I think it was a Very interesting look at Becho. Echo on the ring is so cute sorry not sorry, like I Love seeing that girl happy. Her and Bellamy’s little banter reminded me of their earliest dynamic which I enjoyed seeing because I do think those characters have an interesting relationship. Also, Bellamy using his own experiences of the dangers of blind loyalty to try and help Echo, love to see it but her “it’s not real” right before he kissed her...the implications. They knew what they were doing and I think it was a needed perspective into their relationship because we have barely anything except for people saying things about it which is Not The Same Thing.
Moving On! HOLY SHIT Y’ALL HOPE AND DIYOZA I FUCKING LOVE THEM THE ACTRESSES WERE INCREDIBLE, THE DYNAMIC WAS AMAZING, BEST STORYLINE OF THE  EPISODE BY FAR. I seriously just Loved watching their scenes, their relationship is So Good and I loved them trying to figure out the new dynamics they have to work through and the way they don’t really know how to act around each other in the beginning but at their core they’re still mother and daughter and Hope’s broken “they took my mommy” almost had me in tears seriously These Two Y’all. 
Hope thinks of Dev as her father...I’m soft :’)
I’m tired of Nikki. That’s literally all I want to say about her this episode like I’m so tired of the Sanctum storylines and I just do Not care about her little revenge plot. Nelson joining her side is stupid but he was in a very emotional place at the moment so I Guess. 
Emori tried So Hard to make things better on Sanctum and I want to give her all the things it’s what she deserves what a queen. (Luisa d’Oliveira an actual goddess I’m so happy she got a chance to shine this episode). Memori consistently being cute and domestic af love that for them, seriously these two fit so well together “ besides, you’ve been worshiping me for years” when I tell y’all I screamed. Also I’m not like, super convinced about the Emori is pregnant theory and don’t really know how I feel about it but “maybe it’s the palace life giving you that glow” was a...weird choice of words. 
Sheihedea shut up forever challenge. Seriously why does anyone let him speak?? The bitch is so dramatic when he starts going on his “I can give you want you want” speech just walk away from him?? Like what’s the bitch going to do start yelling after you?? And let everyone know how desperate he is to get people on his side and also that he only has one real strategy of getting people on his side?? I think the fuck not. Honestly though, he has one (1) method of getting people on his side and it’s psychoanalyzing them while they play chess which goes on ForEVER btw (like this post w h o o p s) i’m so tired of him. Murphy calling him on his misogyny was certainly a highlight of the episode though, good for him.
And Finally, that ending though. Wow I’m super shocked that the shepard is Bill Cadogan. What a surprise. Never saw it coming. I thin the ‘plot twist’ still worked ish mostly because everyone fucking forgot about his existence but idk it was what I expected and I just Don’t Care? You have crystal giants outside and you want me to care about some musty ass white man who’s been in the freezer for thousands of years?  
I genuinely thought (because I’m a dumbass) for half a second that the old dude in the freezer coffin was Bellamy because I though Anders was going to do some dramatic reveal of where he was stashing our king and the rage I felt in that split second when I thought they really had the audacity to do that. But no it was just Another Plot we get to explore :)))))
ALRIGHT CLOWNS YOU MADE IT TO THE END SO. HOW ABOUT THAT BELLARKE CRUMB WE GOT. Can’t believe I Still can’t retire my clown makeup, please just Give Them A Break. Ms. Morgan really did that though, the framing close up of Clarke, the Bellarke theme in the background, all the other characters looking right at Clarke as she breaks on the inside ( and holy shit kudos to Ms. Eliza Jane for that scene, the sheer heartbreak and almost feral desperation in one expression was Everything). I know I said I love parallel’s and who does parallels better then them but I feel like the “they do this every year” audio, just let them be together for more then Five minutes without some new crisis blease. 
Next episode will be a prequel (?) set up (?) which will be...interesting. Going to be real honest I don’t really care about the premise but Becca scenes are always a plus. More of the Diyoza women please, Clarke and Octavia deserve to have a (better) moment grieving over Bellamy together thanks, let Miller say more lines, and p l e a s e let Bellamy and Clarke be on screen together soon I miss them. 
Friendship ended with Gabriel now Levitt is my only friend
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bellarkx · 4 years
Hello i wrote an ending that we actually deserved with bellamy closure. This is my first time writing fic for this ship so hope i did them justice. Enjoy 🤍
When Clarke arrives at Sanctum, she’s greeted only by Picasso. She rummages through the palace, the farmhouse, looking for any signs of human life. She knows she won’t find any— there was never any person who even came close to committing as many atrocities as Clarke has. And to those who come close, well, they’re already dead.
She finally gives up and goes back to the throne room. She slumps against the wall, sinking to the floor with Picasso at her side. Her eyes follow the ground to the spot she was last time she was on the planet, and a pang aches in her chest.
The blood is gone. She’s assuming they took him to Nakara. She heard that the planet was a graveyard— Gabriel had mentioned it in passing.
“Picasso, stay. I’ll be right back,” she scratches the dog behind the ears and puts on the helmet. She takes a deep breath and punches in the code for the ice planet.
Nothing much has changed since she last left Nakara. The cold air bites at her cheeks immediately when she takes her helmet off, but it doesn’t bother her. She won’t be long.
“Bellamy, if you’re somewhere on this planet, if you can hear me…” she starts, feeling a lump unwillingly form at the back of her throat. “You were right about transcendence… You just wanted peace— I’m glad everyone got that, and I hope you did, too.”
She bites the inside of her cheek, letting her tears fall into the fresh snow. “I killed you. I killed you and you didn’t deserve that. You saved me from death— brought me back to life— and that’s how I repaid you. I understand why I failed the test. But you— you would have passed it. I know you would have.”
“I don’t deserve forgiveness. I know that. Even if you can somehow hear me, I want you to know I’m not asking for forgiveness. I’m just here to say I’m sorry. I’m paying the price for it now, aren’t I? The only human left in the universe,” she laughs bitterly. “There’s part of me that wishes we ran away when you asked me to. Maybe we would have been incinerated by Praimfaiya, but I know we would’ve been happy. We could’ve been so happy, Bell,” her lip quivers as she shakes her head. “But I don’t regret anything. I wouldn’t have met Madi.”
“You know, I don’t think I ever told you just how much I loved you. Finn knew, Lexa knew… But you? God, Bell. I loved you so much. And you never knew. That’s one of my biggest mistakes— never letting you just how much I loved you.”
She’s unsure if she’s shivering due to the cold, or if it’s just her body responding to the raw emotions pulsing through her blood. She kneels to the ground, letting her fingers brush the snow.
The last of her tears fall as she takes one deep breath.
“In peace, may you leave this shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels, until our final journey to the ground. May we meet again.”
Picasso’s gold fur disappears down the ravine, out of sight from Clarke. Earth is green and lush again, free to breathe without the threat of human corruption.
“Picasso, come!”
She follows the brief flashes of gold through the forest until it clears, revealing the shoreline of a vast lake. The air is clean, water is clear, and she can even hear the singing of birds in the distance.
Then, she sees them.
Her friends.
Her heart jumps.
The first to hug her is Raven, then Murphy. One by one, she embraces them, tears threatening her eyes.
“But you transcended,” Clarke says in disbelief, tears threatening her eyes.
“They told us transcendence is a choice, Clarke,” Raven says, holding her hands firmly. “And we chose to live.”
She gives her a shaky smile before they finally envelop her in a group hug, and, god, she’s so relieved that she isn’t alone. Not again.
But even though she feels the love from her friends, it’s bittersweet. There’s no hope for humanity. Life is supposed to be more than survival, but she can’t help but wonder if that’s true when every person she’s ever loved is no longer in her reach. For the first time, she’s not sure what to live for. Her friends share different bonds to each other than she ever had. Different types of connections. Familial, romantic. There’s a piece of her missing without Bellamy, without Madi. All that was left of her family— gone, because of her.
“I know you never felt like we were family, but we are now,” Murphy whispers low in her ear. She doesn’t know how he knows exactly what she’s thinking, but she accepts it. “We’re all we’ve got to live for now, Clarke. Humanity be damned.”
She lets out a weak laugh, ignoring the ache in her chest. “Thanks, cockroach.”
Her friends release her from the hug, a mess of limbs untangling in her periphery, except for Octavia, who lingers by her side.
“Madi’s not in pain anymore. She wanted to stay… She likes the peace,” Octavia reassures her, rubbing her back lovingly. “She was the key to transcendence and she made her choice. She wanted me to tell you that she loves you, Clarke.”
Clarke nods, devastated, but she understands. “Thank you— for everything, Octavia.”
“You know, I didn’t see Bellamy there,” Octavia says, eyes dropping to the ground. “He was right about everything. It doesn’t seem fair that he never got to transcend,” her tone is wistful, somber. “I just hope that he’s proud of me, wherever he is.”
Clarke hugs her again, this time longer, feeling the weight of her friend’s words fall on her shoulders. She makes a mental note to take Octavia to Nakara to say a proper goodbye just like she had. Then, they can make a proper memorial.
She can accept Madi’s choice, knowing that she’s happy, but she never gave Bellamy the opportunity, and that’s something she has to live with forever. She knows one day she’s going to have to stop the guilt from consuming her, but she has the rest of her life to learn.
When they part, she sees a speck in the distance coming towards them from the horizon. Her first instinct is to draw her gun, but she doesn’t have one.
Instead, she squints her eyes and looks on, until finally the object comes into focus, and suddenly, her knees buckle, voice caught in her throat.
Her legs carry her forward until finally she sees him— all of him, clean shaven, curls wild atop his head, pretty freckles like stars on his skin, brown eyes warm and beautiful. This doesn’t feel real.
In his arms, she heaves a sob, trying to catch her breath like her lungs are fighting for air. He tightens his hold on her, letting her cry into the crook of his neck. She has so many questions, but for now, she decides at this moment that she wants to stay in his embrace forever, even if he isn’t real.
“You’re not real, are you?” she sobs, burying her face into his skin.
For what feels like forever, he just holds her, gently rocking her against his body. He breaks apart eventually, wiping her tears with the pads of his thumbs. “Look at me, Clarke.”
The warmth in his eyes confuses her. She wants to confess everything— everything she said on Nakara, every damn thing she radio’d him for six years. Like time is running out.
“It’s okay, I forgive you,” he whispers.
“I don’t understand, Bellamy,” she shakes her head, “I don’t deserve forgiveness, especially from you.”
“I have every right in the world to be mad at you,” he admits. “But I choose forgiveness. I choose you, Clarke.”
This time, she musters a smile of relief, tears streaming down her cheeks as she throws her arms around his neck.
She inhales his smell, and her heart aches. She can’t remember the last time she felt this happy, and she's desperate to cling onto this feeling for as long as she can. “Please let this be real. I love you, Bell, I can’t let you go again.”
His lips meet her temple, and his voice, deep and full of trust, promises her one thing.
“I’m not going anywhere. Can’t get rid of me that easily, not this time.”
She can feel the quirk of his smile press against her skin, and for the first time in a long time, she starts to feel like everything’s going to be alright.
Behind them, Octavia’s voice breaks up their reunion, and Clarke’s heart soars because that means Bellamy really is real.
Finally, there is peace.
“Welcome home.”
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travllingbunny · 4 years
The 100: 7x10 A Little Sacrifice
After The Flock - the show’s weakest episode in a long time - and an unfortunate hiatus after that episode, A Little Sacrifice helped get season 7 back on track. It’s one of the best episodes of the season: it was exciting, things finally happened - a lot, we got a big revelation about what the endgame is likely to be all about, there were fights, an attempted mass murder/genocide (what would a season of The 100 be without those?), some really good character work, and the first major death of the season. 
Yes, Charmaine Diyoza was not a main character. but after being introduced as a villain in season 5, she has grown into one of the most memorable and interesting characters on the show - in large part due to Ivana Miličević’s charismatic performance - with a complex and morally ambiguous characterization and backstory (which I really hope to maybe learn more about one day in the prequel flashbacks? Please?). She has been one of my favorite characters since season 5, and I loved her development and her relationship with Octavia, her mother/daughter relationship between her and Hope, her past fights to protect “expendable” prisoners and her S7 attempts to find peace and renounce violence, and hope (!) that at least her daughter will get to have a different and better life where she wouldn’t need to resort to it.  She became a (not so little) sacrifice for the better future we saw her dreaming of in season 5 in that conversation with Kane - maybe that dream is something we will see the new generations live in the series finale?
The one thing I wasn’t too happy about (I was OK with the lack of Bellamy cliffhanger since we got him in the promo for 7x11 right afterwards) was that Clarke did not have any more screentime than in the other recent episodes. But, especially on rewatch, she had some great subtle little moments.
You know what is not subtle? Sheidheda. He’s finding new ways to be completely OTT. This time he can finally stop pretending to be Russell, so he gets a makeover, more in tune with the...interesting Grounder fashion styles, chews the scenery even more, and then - thanks to Madi - he loses an eye (just as he did during his original lifetime), getting closer to his season 6 Emperor-like look, though he’s missing a cloak this time. He also doesn’t have enough facial hair to twirl his moustache, but he actually hisses at one point. This part of the episode was, this time, really fun and intense, including a really good fight scene and some really emotional and important moments for Indra, Madi and Murphy, but doesn’t need much analysis and doesn’t require attention on rewatch.
I’m still not sure how/if these two storylines will connect. But I can see a thematic connection of sorts: Sheidheda is the embodiment of the worst parts of the Grounder culture, with the worship of violence and power and killing all those who oppose you; and not just that - he’s all egotism taken to the extreme, the kind of “wild beast” as Anders would despise, but in this case, he would actually have good reasons to. On the other hand, we have the Disciples with their sterile white rooms, order and the propaganda of the abnegation of self in the favor of the collective, and dreaming of “transcendence” instead of trying to get back to the “old ways”. But they really come off as two sides of the same coin: both ideologies are about worship of and subjugation to a leader, both believe violence is the solution, and both are against love and see it as a danger.
Brand new opening titles - these opens start with a shot of Sanctum and end with the Bardo Stone Room with the Anomaly Stone - and guess what makes a cameo near the end of the credits? That’s right, Earth. I was starting to think that any return to Earth won’t happen, but now I’m not so sure.
The episode opens with the immediate aftermath of Shady’s massacre of the Faithful. We see Madi’s friend Rex (that’s his name according to the credits) - the Sanctum boy who offered Madi’s other friend, the null boy, to play soccer - mourning someone, probably his mother. This scene had to be there so we’d feel some sympathy and sadness over the deaths of the Faithful rather than just be relieved they’re (mostly) gone. One of the wounded ones is Jeremiah, the same guy who developed deep gratitude for Murphy for saving his son. Although the Faithful have been very annoying, I do feel a tinge of sympathy for this guy, who’s so clueless that he never understood he had any agency in what happened to his son and seemed really convinced it was all about the will of the “gods”. He now asks Murphy to take care of his son when he dies, but Murphy insists he will not let Jeremiah die. (Trey, the annoying a-hole who was brainwashing Jordan, and used to act as the leader of the Faithful, is credited in the episode but I didn’t see him anywhere - so I have no idea if he’s among the dead, or he survived and was in a deleted scene.)  
Madi has a really nice mini arc in this episode. She already had PTSD from her experience and possession by Sheidheda in season 6, so she is absolutely terrified when she learns he is back, and when he threatens her in a really creepy way. Excellent acting by Lola. Later, after being comforted by Murphy and joining the survivors,she shows strength in comforting Rex for his loss; and in the end, overcomes her fears and risks her life to save Indra.
Not that it matters, but Sheidheda’s real name is Malachi. (I’m still gonna keep calling him Shady.) We learn that when he recites the lineage - the names and clans of all the previous Commanders, which we know from S3 is a Grounder custom for a new Commander to do. Of course, we only get to hear some of the names in the middle (a couple of random Commanders called Maffei kom Boudalankru - the Rock Line and Kemji kom Trishanakru) and the end, when he mentions Lexa and Madi. The show wasn’t going to spoil the prequel by revealing the names of early Commanders,
The fight itself was really intense and maybe the best Grounder-style duel in the show (yes, I prefer it to the 3x04 one, which involved too much showmanship to look as a real death match). Shady is obviously going to be there for a while and things aren’t going to get so easily resolved, so he wins and is about to kill Indra - who refuses to kneel to save her own life - but just as he’s about to kill her, Madi finds the courage to come as the Big Damn Hero at the crucial moment, pluck out Shady’s eye and save Indra’s life. But then as he is about to kill Madi, Indra decides to (metaphorically, since she’s lying and about to pass out) kneel in order to save Madi’s life. Indra’s arc with Shady has come full circle: this may finally make her understand her mother’s choice and realize she was unfair to her. She grew up blaming her mother for agreeing to kneel to Sheidheda and considering her “weak”. The battle had been lost, her father was already dead, and her mother made the best possible decision and wasn’t just saving herself but her daughter, too. Otherwise, as we see in this episode, Shady would have ordered the daughter to be killed, too, after the mother - as he thinks children of the people he killed should also be eliminated so they couldn’t pose a threat and seek revenge.
That last order even shocked Knight, who may be having some second thoughts about the awesomeness of “Sangedakru’s greatest champion” (but this doesn’t mean he won’t keep obeying him). Penn and the other Trikru guy we know, who are loyal to Indra, reluctantly knelt when Indra asked them to.  
Madi, Rex and the other Faithful (including Jeremiah, who has indeed survived) have gone into hiding with Murphy and Emori - and hiding at the abandoned reactor. We didn’t see Jackson, but i’m sure he’s there. (Sachin is a guest star and must skip some episodes he’s not really needed in.) So now we’re finally reached the part of this storyline where Shady is in power and our heroes are the resistance. And Murphy is now, with Emori, a part of a power couple protecting these people and taking care of them (who would’ve expected that back in season 1?) - much like we’ve seen Clarke and Bellamy do over the seasons - even though most of the same people resented them for being fake Primes just a few hours earlier. Maybe they’re finally starting to get a clue and feel respect and gratitude to people who are trying to save them just because it’s a decent humane thing to do, rather than for being self-proclaimed “gods” who participated in their murder, oppression and exploitation.
After 4 episodes, Clarke, Raven and Miller finally left the Stone Room! Yay! Jordan and Niylah stayed in it, and as it turns out, Jordan has a much more important and interesting role to play by reading the Anomaly Stone, while Niylah’s role in S7 has been to be exposition machine for Grounder history and have bad one-liners while Miller has the good ones. I’m glad there was no prolonged “OMG are they really brainwashed and on their side?” misunderstanding, as Clarke and the rest of the group, after learning about MCap from Gabriel, quickly realized that Octavia, Echo and Diyoza are only pretending, since they haven’t blown the secret that Clarke doesn’t have the Flame.
Speaking of one-liners, Miller’s “Get the flock out of here” really made me laugh out loud.
Callie is known as the Pramfleimkepa - the First Flamekeeper - which should mean she was never a Commander (I imagine that would supersede the position of the Flamekeeper or at least be as worthy of mention). I was afraid for a moment that Niylah had given the game away when she told Cadogan that - but fortunately, he didn’t understand what it meant, as he never knew that Becca called ALIE 2.0 “the Flame”.
Gabriel and Cadogan have a long conversation over dinner (or breakfast or lunch of whatever) about Earth before the bombs and Cadogan’s beliefs. The two of them are one of the few remaining humans who knew life before the apocalypse. (After Diyoza’s death in this episode, the only other people left from that time are the Eligius prisoners in Sanctum.) But while Cadogan is chronologically ‘older’ than Gabriel, as he was a Millennial, while Gabriel was born a couple of decades later, and because Cadogan has technically been alive for thousands of years on Bardo - Cadogan spent most of that time in cryo (same as Diyoza and the other prisoners). Gabriel is the real Old Man - at least 260 years old, having lived and experienced all those years. We learn a bit more about Gabriel’s background - that his family were from Colombia and his grandmother was poor, making him a “self-made man” - another contrast between him and the love of his life Josephine (which makes their season 6 parallel to Clarke/Bellamy even more perfect). Gabriel is the go-to-guy this season for having conversations about the worship of false gods and trying to challenge the Disciples’ beliefs. Cadogan, again, denies that he’s a cult leader (sure), reveals he doesn’t believe in God, and claims he doesn’t consider himself one (he sure doesn’t mind being treated like one, though). Instead, he claims his purpose is for everyone to “transcend” and become like gods - though he doesn’t really explain what that would consist of, and he also doesn’t offer any explanations as to why there is supposed to be a “Last War” and who the enemy in that was is supposed to be. Seven episodes have gone by with the characters talking to the Disciples, and no one has ever asked that question: who is the enemy? I guess they don’t even know that, they just think that, when they type in the code, they will learn who the enemy is and the war will begin, for... reasons? He also adds some BS about “this life” being unimportant compared to afterlife. (Now, to be clear - I actually do believe in the afterlife in general (though I don’t know in which form), but I really, really hate it when religions make the afterlife the focus and treat the life we actually know and are sure we have as less important, use it as an excuse to teach people to accept any sort of crap in their lives and not ask for more instead of living their lives to the fullest and trying to build something worthwhile in this life.) Gabriel is less than impressed with Cadogan, and challenges him by pointing out that “You can’t fight a war for the soul of the human race with an inhuman army” and that a life without love, individuality or freedom is pretty worthless, but Cadogan has the afterlife as a ready excuse, even though that doesn’t really answer the question.
The most important revelation that we finally get in this episode is that Cadogan has most likely mistranslated and completely misunderstood the ancient Bardoan text that he’s based his entire belief system on. And his mistake was in large part due to confirmation bias - he saw what he wanted to see, even though the idea of ending wars and violence by starting and fighting a war is absurd. (Niylah, for once, has a good line, when she points out that every major war is supposed to be the “last” but it never is.) Jordan’s interpretation - that it is really about a test that the species needs to pass - makes a lot more sense. Not a literal test - I really can’t imagine the show introducing some kind of godlike “higher beings” - but, I think, something that will require the characters to use all their strength and moral sense and all the experience they’ve had and wisdom they may have gained, to find the best solution to save the human race and rebuild the civilization, hopefully into something better (and it’s really not too hard being better than the mess of tribalism and constant wars and conflicts we’ve seen on the show). I don’t know what this will be, but the words “the orb becomes like a star” make me thing of a natural phenomenon. 
It’s also cool that it was knowledge of the Korean language that helped Jordan decipher the text - proving how helpful it is to be familiar with multiple languages and cultures and how much it expands one’s way of thinking. Do Disciples speak any languages other than English? They seem to foster cultural uniformity, so probably not. (it’s also confirmed now that Monty was half-Korean on his father’s side - Chris Larkin is Korean, but the actress who played his mother, Donna Yamamoto, is Japanese, so I assume Monty is half-Japanese.)
If you doubted that 7x09 flashbacks were a waste of screentime, we get a confirmation early on that Echo has just been pretending to be loyal to the Disciples, while plotting revenge all the time, when she kills a Disciple and saves Hope from being sent to Skyring. This plot could have continued straight from 7x07, when Echo’s Azgeda ritual was strongly hinting that she’s out for revenge. (And yes, the writing in 7x09 was just  that clunky as I feared - of course that Chekhov’s WMD that Levitt mentioned for no reason would be used in the very next episode for someone to try to kill all the Disciples in another Mount Weather parallel.)
A tiny bit of info about the Disciples - a Disciple addressed Hope as “Seeker Diyoza”. I don’t know if that’s a title for those trying to reach Level 1 or something else.
Hope, with her usual anger and impulsiveness, reminiscent of how Octavia used to be once, and her naive black and white views, is all for revenge-genocide, too, in spite of Octavia’s and Diyoza’s disagreement. Her mother tries to, again, teach her the lesson she tried to in 7x07, that she should turn to love instead of violence and killing (which carries a lot more weight when it comes from someone like Charmaine Diyoza rather than a hippy): “I know what it's like to kill innocent people for a cause, and I promise you, it's not gonna fill that hole in your heart. Only we can do that.” But Hope retorts that “There are no innocent people here”, echoing Nikki’s words to Nelson that “There are no innocent people at the end of the world”. It’s not that Hope doesn’t have a point that everyone in Bardo is a part of the society that’s been kidnapping and torturing her family and that stole her childhood, but collective responsibility is a concept that only works in terms of moral responsibility, not as an excuse to commit genocide because you’ve decided that everyone in the other group is evil and the “enemy” and deserves death. Some people have compared it to Maya saying “None of us is innocent”, but I don’t think this comparison works, because that line changes the meaning entirely depending on whether you are holding yourself and your society morally accountable for its failings and complicity in crimes against humanity, or if you’re using it against others, in order to justify hate and commit crimes against humanity.
Even though neither Clarke nor Octavia had huge screentime in this episode and may not have done anything big (like Diyoza sacrificing herself and saving everyone, or Jordan figuring everything out), they had some wonderful, subtle little moments that spoke volumes:
I loved the hug between Clarke and Octavia - where Clarke said her condolences to Octavia and then Octavia said them back, letting Clarke know she knew what Bellamy meant to her and that she is grieving just as much. (”I’m sorry, Octavia” - “So am I”)
Raven and Miller exchanged a wordless look - probably because of how awkward it was for Miller to see Octavia again. Although these 4 people all go back to season 1 (and it was the first time in a while they were in the same room), for Miller it’s been just a few weeks since she was Blodreina and he was her follower, and the last time they saw each other (in season 6), he yelled at her that he’s not following her orders anymore - which was about him struggling with his guilt and seeing her as an embodiment of it. But for Octavia, it’s been over 10 years and a huge character development, which Miller doesn’t know about. But they had no time to go over it - instead, she just hugged him and asked him to hug her back, and he did.
When the group went to find Levitt - still tied up and bloody after Echo had tortured him and killed two Disciples in front of him to force him to tell her about Gem9, the WMD that can destroy everyone on Bardo (he must be really traumatized one - Clarke obviously immediately realized what was going on when she saw Octavia come to check on Levitt, going by the look on her face, and her look when she turned to go and the others went after her, while Octavia was still there -as if saying "I realize you need a moment with this guy, but don't wait too long". Although Levitt looked disappointed and shocked that Octavia didn’t untie him, she was really doing what was the most reasonable way to try to protect everyone - the priority was to stop Echo from killing all the Disciples, which would include Levitt, but also to stop Levitt from alerting Anders, which he would’ve done, because Octavia also wanted to save Echo and her people. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t  care for Levitt, but she’s not the 17 year old girl who’d go: “I just met you but you’re immediately the most important person to me and I’m going to prioritize you over everyone I know”.
 And then we get to the final and most dramatic scene of the episode...  Echo’s attempt to commit genocide out of revenge, while Octavia, Clarke and Raven tried to talk her down.
Octavia tried to reach Echo by, again, talking about their shared grief over Bellamy, as she did in 7x07, but again, it did not work - because Octavia and Echo, and Clarke and Echo, are different people, who grieve in different ways and think and act in different ways. It doesn’t mean that any of them are grieving more or less than another one - but their responses are very different. Octavia - this mature Octavia who is more able to empathize with others and doesn’t react with impulsive violence as she used to -  responded by trying to reach out to others who were also grieving for Bellamy, Echo and Clarke, and validating their grief, too. Clarke reacted - after the initial shock and grief - by sucking it up, as she does, in order to take care of the others, and focusing on saving the people Bellamy loved, telling Raven “We do this for him” and focusing on saving Octavia and Echo. Echo, on the other hand, reacted destructively and violently and by killing people for revenge and then plotting genocide as revenge for 3 months. This is the only way she knows how to process grief - she’s never known a different way, as I’m sure Azgeda weren’t known for compassion and sharing feelings. When Bellamy was grieving Clarke in season 6, she asked him “When do we attack?”, because that’s what she expected him to do, too. She’s also lost because she hasn’t lost just a boyfriend, but a leader and anchor in her new post-Praimfaya life, and because she had made saving Bellamy her mission she was waiting to fulfill during the 5 years on Skyring. If she had carried out her plan, I’m not sure she’d know what to do with herself. (I don’t know what it says about the mindset of us, humans of 2020, that so many fans have decided that Echo’s way of grieving is the superior one and the one that shows that she loves Bellamy the best. It certainly doesn’t show anything good.)
Octavia’s next argument - that there are many good people on Bardo she’d be killing - was even less successful, as Echo threw her relationship with Levitt back in her face, pointing out that he stole her memories, talking of him as one of their enemies, and then even saying: "Way to honor your brother's memory!" Echo came off as very judgmental here, and more than bit hypocritical - after all , she personally almost killed Octavia twice, and Bellamy started trusting her and dating her on the Ring, after she had given them both far less reason to trust her than Levitt did. Levitt actually took a risk and was helping her against Anders just out of his feelings for Octavia, while Echo only helped Bellamy and others after she was exiled and had to in order to survive. She seems to value forgiveness only when it’s others forgiving her (”Who knows more about forgiveness than us?”), even though she never expected them to and was a bit shocked that they did.
Clarke then tried to use her standard “This is not who you are” plea, but it didn’t work with Echo, since Clarke doesn’t really know Echo, and the words felt empty. There really is very little reason for Clarke to think this is not who Echo is, except for her tendency to assume Echo must have changed for the better because she’s Bellamy’s girlfriend and Bellamy loves her (see their conversation in 5x12). Clarke also tried to use her own experience - as she did with Raven earlier in the season - telling Echo that “a choice like this” would haunt her forever (of course Clarke would bring up MW, it always goes back to MW for her), but Echo rejected that comparison and, for a moment, channeled me by pointing out that Clarke’s motivations were to save her people, while Echo’s are purely revenge. Which was, however, a strange argument in context - pointing out that Clarke’s reasons were much better and she had no choice but to kill all of the Mountain Men or let them kill all of her friends and family, while Echo wasn’t achieving anything good and could just save all her people and not take revenge on the Disciples. But Echo seemed to be telling Clarke that they different, and she cannot assume that Echo will feel the same way about mass murder Clarke does.
Then Clarke finally brought up Bellamy, pointing out that he would not want a genocide to be committed in his memory. I don’t know how anyone who’s watched the show for 6 seasons could disagree with Clarke. But Echo did. What’s more, she yelled  "You have no idea what Bellamy wanted!" in a really angry, resentful way. It felt personal. I don’t know if Echo has felt romantic jealousy of Clarke over Bellamy - she has sure kept it close to her chest - but it certainly felt like some kind of possessiveness, like resenting the idea that Clarke was as close or closer to Bellamy and knew him better. In any case, this was a moment of extreme dramatic irony - because we know (and really, Echo should know as well)  that Echo is the one who doesn’t seem to know, or is simply ignoring, what Bellamy would have wanted and who he was. And she should know. She was there when he talked down Riley from killing Roan, telling him “War made me a murderer, don’t let it do it to you too”, she was there when Bellamy refused to kill 283 prisoners in cryo sleep and said “Clarke didn’t die for us to go back and make the same mistakes”. And she was there when Bellamy was grieving Clarke but decided not to take revenge for her death - not even by killing the man who murdered her, Russell - but to try to honor her memory by doing what she would want and surviving and keeping their people alive. Which directly contradicts Echo’s statement that Bellamy would be doing the same she is if one of them (Clarke, Octavia or her) were killed. Does she really not know him? Most of the time they spent together were in a time of peace and boredom with just 7 people on the Ring. She seems to be projecting her own ideas and views and character into him. 
Then Raven went on to agree with Clarke (but Echo did not resent her for saying it), pointing out how Bellamy has grown and changed and that the post-season 3 Bellamy certainly would never do that. I was slightly annoyed when she said that Bellamy of season 3 may do that - but to be fair, she did say, “maybe”. Now, season 1 or season 3 Bellamy was certainly angrier and more prone to black and white thinking when it came to enemies, and he may very well have agreed to kill all of the adult Disciples if he thought they were likely to be a threat to his people (which is what he did when he agreed to help Pike kill Lexa’s army), but he sure wouldn’t agree to kill any of them just for revenge, or to kill children and non-combatants (the one time he did it was MW, when he and Clarke knew there was no other way to protect their people from being horrifically killed, and he hated it and was haunted by it then). Nevertheless, that’s a minor thing as the point of Raven’s speech was the way Bellamy has grown and developed. Echo hasn’t really changed, certainly not as much as Bellamy wanted to think in S5. Is there still time for her to change?
In the end, love did save the day - but it wasn’t Echo’s love for Bellamy, it was her non-romantic love for Raven and Raven’s for her. Raven calling her a sister only helped pave the way - but she had to actually threaten to stay there and force Echo to choose between killing Raven and giving up her revenge, for Echo to finally stand down. The fact she did shows that maybe there’s still hope for her to change and give up revenge and violence for things like friendship.
 But then Anders had to appear and ruin everything, He could have just tried to arrest the group, rather than threatening them and giving them speeches about how he despises them for being “beasts raised in the wild”. (I’ve wondered many times since 7x05 is Anders is supposed to be smart or a complete dumbass. He was definitely a dumbass.)
Diyoza took charge, as the most experienced and tactical one, and almost.  And then Hope was again being her impulsive, angry, out of control self - Anders is always the person most likely to set her off - killing Anders (which I wouldn’t mind) but then also making her own attempt to commit genocide. (It’s funny that the four Disciples just froze and did nothing while all of that was happening.)
What happened then was both a heroic sacrifice and one of the best and most heroic death scenes on the show, a fitting ending for Charmaine Diyoza (even a visually beautiful death in a creepy way, as Diyoza turned into a crystal statue), with her final message to her daughter to be “better” than her in the future - and a heartbreaking loss for Hope, who has just been punished by the narrative/fate for her devotion to violence and hate and attempt at genocide, by causing her own mother’s death. She was obsessed with revenge for her lost childhood and the fact her mother was taken from her - instead of focusing on the future and what she still had. I’m sure that Hope will survive to the end of the series, and will have to question herself and change. She still has Aunty O to help her and be her family.
As we’re approaching the endgame, the show here made an obvious point about violence, hatred and revenge and having to give up those things - not for Anders’ unemotional duty to the collective, but for love and compassion/
Rating: 8.5/10
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float-me-now · 4 years
Comments on 7x07 let’s go bitcheeees!
WRITTEN BY: Miranda Kwok DIRECTED BY: Lindsey Morgan
Miranda Kwok is the same writer who wrote 4x09 (DNR) and 5x09 (Sic Semper Tyrannis) aka two of my favourite episodes, but also 6x08 (The Old Man And The Anomaly) which may be one of my least favourites episodes ever so yeah, I didn’t really know what to expect, but for what concerns the writing, I think it had some pretty good moments.
Lindsay absolutely SLAYED. I'm so proud of her, this ep was so good from the acting/directing point of view, she deserves all the praise she’s getting and more. Loved the lighting in the Sheidheda/Murphy scenes and the transitions!! 
The beginning kinda gave me season 5 vibes. Emori and everyone else doing things and Murphy being once again left out of it and without a precise function. 
"She got to go looking for our friends while we're stuck here babysitting fanatics" thank you Murphy for summarizing my take on this storyline.
I can't believe Emori mentioned fucking hell to Murphy to talk him into joining the ceremony when he didn't want to. She literally played with his biggest fear and you can see the moment she mentions it, he freezes. 
“You’ve been worshiping me for years” must be one of the cringiest lines ever in the history of the show. Worst thing is, it’s coming from the person who treated him like shit for a whole season (yes guys, season 5 actually happened).
The scene with Madi and Jackson was very cute. Kinda weird because we're not used to see characters discuss their feelings and process stuff, but nice. Poor Jackson should be the one getting therapy tho lol.
Also, I don't recall Madi being that scared of being Commander in season 5, but it's been a year since I've watched it so my memory might be failing me.
And after Jerry, here's Russ! 😂 Murphy and his nicknames!!
"No rush. It's not as if lives depend on it" okay but Sheidheda kills me,  what a character.
The Becho scene on the ring was so nice and profound and it really adds depth to their relationship. Echo’s take on loyalty and fearing that she'll lose the family she gained on the Ring brings a whole new intensity to seasons 5-7.
Octavia regrets beating Bellamy after Lincoln's death OMG and that scene with Echo was just *chef's kiss*
"That's dishes young lady"  😂 I died, I legit died.
Murphy remembering Lexa OMG and his whole head to head with Sheidheda trying to outsmart him was absolutely great. JR and Richard killed it. Great atmosphere, great dialogues, great actors. Damn.
I was NOT expecting McCreary to pop up into Diyoza and Hope's conversation! I thought they would just overlook him as per usual! And Hope wanted to know everything about him JeSus.
OmG the “Sachin” part!! What a wonderful tribute to Sachin! Holy shit but cut poor Nelson some damn slack. 
From a strategic point of view, Emori's idea was bad right from the start and it only served to create the occasion for Nikki to go wild in a place full of people. Seriously, I appreciate Emori's intention to unify Sanctum but a party is a piss poor idea given how tense the situation is AND the missing guns.
All in all, I liked this episode and I’m looking forward to some good ol’ nuclear apocalypse in 7x08
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queenandherknight · 5 years
The 100 season 7
since I know we shouldn’t be relying on JRoth giving us quality content (remember the time he said he loved the ending of GOT season 8???) I guess it’s time for the fanfic writers to start writing a season 7 fanfic where we get:
- lots of meaningful conversations instead of rushing the action all the frickin time 
- happy Clarke
- happy Bellamy
- BELLARKE conversation
- BELLARKE addressing how much they mean to each other
- BELLARKE reminiscing the beginning of their relationship (from enemies to friends to lovers) and how far they’ve gone
- domestic BELLARKE where they cuddle by the fire / make each other tea or sth
- the end of Becho, preferably ASAP / a breakup where Echo acknowledges that Bellamy will always be her family but she knows he loves Clarke and she doesn’t want him to miss out on true love 
- less war /  the characters finally finding a safe haven and building their houses and starting families etc. 
- Murphy ApoLOgiZinG to Clarke
- Raven ApoLOgiZinG to Clarke
- Raven finally shutting the fuck up (I have no idea why everyone likes her so much, she’s smart alright but her high horse has been annoying me for 6 years straight)
- Delinquents showing Clarke some fucking respect and thanking her for saving their asses all the time and taking care of them from the moment they touched the groUND
- addressing the fact that Clarke has tried to commit suicide multiple times throughout the last two seasons
- Bellamy and Clarke finally getting THE FUCKING DRINK which they DESERVE
- RADIO CALLS (either Clarke telling us what was in the radio calls or us actually HEARING THEM, like the fuck, it’s got such a potential. Hasn’t your mother taught you that being wasteful is a bad thing, JRoth??)
- quitting the Lexa BS (come on, she was there for like a season or something and their relationship was extremely badly written, I never even bought it. LGBT community deserves better representation tbf)
- LINCOLN - remember when Octavia said he was her home? it would be nice if by the end of the series we got some throwback to that or a simple acknowledgement that Octavia still carries his memory in her heart
- building some kind of a tribute to their dead friends, especially Monty and HARPER 
- yeah, about Harper : JRoth should really stop missing out her name whenever she should be mentioned
- some brother / sister time between Madi and Jordan
- some father / daughter quality time between Madi and Bellamy
okay, feel free to add your ideas because for now that’s all I got (but there is surely more)
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girlobsessed21 · 5 years
The 100 - 6x04: The face behind the glass review and predictions.
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Before we get into the specifics, I’m a little scared of the rehashing of old narratives that comes to surface in this episode especially. Not sure how I feel about all the parallels. In my trailer analysis, I did point out the fact that it does not seem that much different than previous seasons: There are no good guys, we kill them so that we can live and blah, blah, blah. Even so, I’m interested and invested to see what types of unique twists and turns this story will throw at us. Jason Rothenberg, you better not disappoint.
The face behind the glass written by Charmaine DeGrate and directed by Tim Scanlan, who is known for directing the sex scenes on the show. Dead giveaway. Not my favorite so far, but a lot of things happened that has me excited for the rest of the season.
Is there a better way to open an episode than Diyoza joking with her unborn child? It’s no secret she’s in my top 5 favorite characters and keeps climbing the charts. So, the Sanctumites offer her a deal: Save Rose and we’ll take care of your baby, which she takes, to offer her child a life and it’s something to do other than trying to survive. But in known Diyoza fashion on condition of a gun and a bike. 
Then, Simone begs Russel to cancel naming day on account of spies inside the compund. They’ve already been deprived of three primes (Kaylee’s family) and Rose. Pushing them towards extinction at an alarming rate and it once again becomes obvious that Clarke will become Josephine, yet I’m now intrigued by Madi. The cultish way in which these people worship the primes are uncanny and wayward. But then again all cults are weird. I don’t believe in the divinity of the primes either.
Russel disagrees by saying: “If we cancel, Gabriel wins.” Last week I thought that Gabriel will be brought back to life in one of the hosts, but I think there’s something else going on there. It’s clear now that Gabriel and his children are against the revival of the primes, bringing about the question: How has he survived all these years?
Priya and Jordan share some sweet intimate moments where he tells her he feels guilty for becoming another taunting face behind the glass. Which was necessary to show he’s still grieving his parents even while having fun. Her referral to this line later before she becomes a prime is crucial though, meaning there might be a possibility for her to come back.
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The four pillars of Sanctum: Repent, Renew, Rejoice, Rebirth. Accentuating rebirth very literally. We know from episode two that Russel Lightbourne does not believe in God, but by killing a person for no reason other than so that someone you love can live is playing god in the cruelest way imaginable.
Embracing their traditions, Clarke decides to repent for her sins. She tries to apologize to Raven who won’t have any of it and compares her to Octavia. For me, the biggest difference between Clarke and Octavia is the remorse she feels. She knows what she did was wrong and she’s trying to make up for it. Therefore she deserves forgiveness. I wonder how Raven will react to Clarke’s death? 
Gabriel? Who the f#@k are Gabriel and his children?
As I said earlier, the old man is definitely Gabriel. We don’t know if he’s dead or alive. It can’t be that he lives within a computer because then his existence would be known. 
My guess is the split within Sanctum came recently (using the term loosely). Gabriel had to be one of the 12 primes since he came with them and his blood was also altered. Meaning his conscience was also transferred into a host. He was against the hostile takeover of innocent bodies and decided to rebel by saving the hosts. 
If this happened sixty odd years ago, Gabriel could still be alive somewhere (perhaps in hiding due to a failed conviction) and old. Very, very old. I’m not sure whether his followers are literally his children or just those that have sided with him, but either way, they want to continue his cause. Which they’ve clearly lost sight of. Save the hosts, don’t kill them.
Or this anomaly they mentioned somehow extends life, only it’s dangerous. Who knows, I’m a bit boggled here.
Xavier purposefully left his bag out to save Octavia and Rose. I’m sure I’ve seen this before. Right, Lincoln kidnapped her and saved her simultaneously. I know this is such a retelling of their story, but I loved Linctavia and thus cannot help boarding this ship.
Another season one throwback to Bellamy and Charlotte. But I think I’ve voiced my concerns about these. Poor, poor Rose. That scene was heartbreaking. 
Boy oh boy Bellarke and their romances
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Clarke apologizes to Bellamy and states her reasons even though Bellamy has already forgiven her because he would be a hypocrite not to. And they share what has now become known as a Bellarke hug since it’s all these idiots can ever do.
Clarke hooks up with Cillian (who turns out to be the spy) within two seconds, now I’m not sure about you, but I rolled my eyes. Oh, cute, Clarke has yet another lover added to her long list of previous ones. Finn, Niyalah, Lexa, and Bellamy always on the side. I’m glad it’s a guy though to showcase that she is indeed bisexual and not gay. Bisexuality really needs some appreciation.
No one can tell if Bellamy was only upset with the party as he stated or Clarke having fun with some random dude. Most will say it’s the former and it probably is, yet it’s filmed in a different way. Why did they put him in this scene in the first place? 
When he sees her having fun, he smiles, he’s happy for her. Then the doctor’s all over her and all of a sudden his attitude changes. I don’t want to read too much into it since I had to watch it like six times to draw this conclusion.
He’s hurt and grieving over a lot of things, especially his sister and then he witnesses his “platonic soulmate” in the arms of another man. She’s always known exactly how to get him to open up, what to say to make him feel better and even though he knows he’s not allowed to feel that way, he’s jealous, he realizes he still needs her. 
And that spurs the single tear and his fight with Echo. He even spares another glance over his shoulder when she asks what’s wrong. Or was that just random? Because once he’s calmed down he apologizes to his girlfriend and comforts her when she tells him her backstory after six years of being lied to.
I felt for Echo, her life wasn’t easy, but none of their lives were. Honestly, I just can’t find Becho’s connection. Even though I try, because at some point we have to accept the fact that this is possibly a long term pairing. I’ve made my peace, I’ll ignore them. Give Echo an individual storyline and I might just start liking her more. 
A Red Queen and a terrorist walk into a bar
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First of all, I have to show my gratitude for the glimpses of Octavia’s humanity. She’s in there and she’s slowly swimming to the top. That thorned rose is blossoming once again, thank you, Bellamy, for your part in this.
This is a weapon of mass destruction if I’ve ever seen one. A pregnant terrorist and a former evil queen. Yes, this is what I’m talking about. I might just write fanfiction about it.
“The devils of earth become the heroes of Sanctum.” They’re set out to kill Gabriel, but I doubt that will occur. From all I’ve heard, he’s good. Enhanced by Cillian’s words: “There are two sides to every story.” So, they will most likely join forces against Sanctum in some way. Hopefully not blowing up another planet. Please do something interesting here.
Okay, my first take on Josephine Ada Lightbourne was very wrong. To me, she seemed smart, funny and confident. Now she looks like the devil in disguise (No pun intended.) 
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Reverting back to my earlier assumption about Delilah/Priya. It’s evident that Delilah no longer exists within her body which sets Jordan on edge. But that small statement along with knowing the mind of the host is erased but the brain is unharmed propels me to believe they can come back. Somehow. Hopefully.
Simone says, “I’ll prep for insertion, you clear the host.” Did that mean Clarke’s mind might be stored in some device too? They must have a way of extracting consciousness to transfer it to a host. Thus Clarke Griffin’s mind will be backed up somewhere as well. Not for too long before it’s disposed of, I’m sure.
Come on Madi (Lexa and Becca), Bellamy, Abby, Jordan, Raven, Murphy. You have to figure this out and bring her back before its too late. I refuse to believe Princess Clarke is dead. If she is, my mind is blown in a bullet to the brain kind of way. 
One scenario is that Josephine will have to give forth a ruse of being Clarke and willingly accept the “honor” of becoming a prime. She’s been indulging in all their other conventions, why not this one, right? But Jordan now knows what happened to Delilah, so they will try to stop her. Most likely Madi or Bellamy will notice a difference within her.
The dangerous alternative will be for Josephine to simply embrace her new host by saying they brought her to life after Cillian murdered her. Sanctumites, you have no idea how much Clarke’s people care about her. This might even sway those currently mad at her for an investigation.
A few last things
Russel does feel bad about what he’s doing, but so did Dante Wallace.
Raven and Wick (Sorry the other mechanic) what is that? Five minutes after Shaw’s death. Or was it only the motorcycle. Why does this show give us seedlings of relationships that will have no chance of growing?
Is Shadeheda Cadogen and what will he bring to the table?
Madi tasting her first cookie was awesome!
I missed Murphy this episode. His presence is required at all times.
What will happen to Niylah on the ship? And when will Indra make her appearance?
Will Russel and Simone find out that Abby knows how to create nightblood? 
Let me know what you think.
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Lexa’s Dancing Again
For @queen-of-arda it’s been an honor being your secret Santa, even if the entire endeavor was a little bit of a mess. Happy holidays kiddo! Sorry I’m a little late! En mochof @slakgedakru for editing some of that trig! I love you all!
Pairings: Echo/Raven, Clarke/Lexa, and there’s a couple others but they’re either barely mentioned or brotps
Canon divergent at 3x07 probs, idk it doesn’t matter, it takes place a couple years in the future or something don’t question it
Summary: A winter solstice festival dance where Echo is useless, Lexa is hopeless, Clarke is clueless, and Raven is just oblivious. (I've never written Echo or Raven in this capacity before so please be kind)
“I’m still surprised Roan gave you the night off,” Echo didn’t look away from the dance floor as the person sat beside her.
She rolled her eyes, something she never would’ve done just years ago, “I’m still surprised you harbor a grudge.”
Raven’s voice tightened, “You cancelled on me because he told you to.” Echo fought the urge to roll her eyes again, instead taking a sip of her sweet wine. Raven held her hand out and Echo passed it to her. Raven hadn’t talked to her since the incident nearly a month ago, but still expected more than her fair share of alcohol. “I’m assuming you brought this?” Raven passed it back.
“Did you think I wouldn’t find out what Monty and Jasper had planned?” Raven shook her head in mock contempt making Echo struggle to keep her own smile off her face.
“They’re incredibly immature.”
“The flask is hidden in your brace.”
Monty and Harper waltzed passed, off tempo and grinning as they tried to step on each other’s feet. The officials around them watched with confusion, though Echo noticed some of the children dancing with a little more of the reckless abandon attributed to the skaikru couple.
“I didn’t know he and Clarke were friends,” Raven nodded to Roan and Clarke, her king’s pained expression as Clarke stepped on his feet.
“They remained in touch after he kidnapped her and she tried to poison his mother.”
Raven snorted, “Sounds like how Clarke makes friends.”
The slow song faded out and Clarke and Roan shared a parting hug before Clarke spotted them and wandered over. “How is everyone?” She collapsed beside Raven and grabbed a cup of wine from a passing servant.
“Octavia’s with Ilian, Bellamy’s getting wasted with Murphy, Jasper’s trying to get with some lake clan chick -”
“Boat clan,” Echo cut in and Raven nodded.
“Right, right, and we just saw Monty and Harper, and let’s see - who else?”
“Miller and Jackson?” Clarke asked.
“I think Miller’s on Kane tonight and Jacksons moping with Bell and Murphy,” Raven said and Echo tuned them out, instinctually seeking out Roan again. She was off tonight but she wasn’t fool enough to think there was ever a time she didn’t have to be on her guard. She spotted Kane talking with Abby, a blush painting Abby’s face as the band began to play another slow song.
“I’m going to the bathroom,” Clarke announced, Echo glanced over, perhaps she had noticed her wayword mother attempting to bed the chancellor of the thirteenth clan. But instead the girl’s gaze was focused elsewhere, on an exit to the dance hall swinging shut. Raven took a swig out of her flask.
“Have fun.”
Echo’s brow furrowed, often this announcement preceded a group expedition, but Raven hadn’t even bothered asking for an invite. Perhaps Clarke was allowing them time alone? She watched Raven, who now refused to make eye contact with her and Clarke left the table.
“Would you like to dance?” Echo attempted, her heart beating faster than it did on her first hunt.
“Nah,” Raven took another swig of her flask, “Legs not good for much nowadays.”
Echo nodded and stood, her duty lay with her king anyway and she found him talking among some broadleaf dignitaries. She swerved through volatile dancers and made her way closer watching with some admiration as he held court, discussing trade deals and borders, endlessly charming and swift. The mindless politics filled her head with noise, enough to block out the sounds of music and cheer the winter solstice dance so often brought. Indra appeared at his side, muttering something and Roan found her eyes across the group. He nodded his head at the back door and she began striding for it.
“My apologies, I must attend to this,” she heard him say to group gathered. She slipped into the hallway and he found her, stiffened, awaiting orders. “I gave you the night off. Why were you still guarding me?”
“Moba, haihefa,” I’m sorry king, she bowed her head.
“That wasn’t an answer.” She didn’t respond and he sighed, his body heaving with it. “Indra requires your assistance. The commander is missing and they wish to find and retrieve her without raising any alarms. They require a spy.”
“Trikru nou gada loufa op, ai azhefa?” Trikru don’t have spies, my king?
“Hon em daun ekkou, nou dat ai klin nodotaim,” Find her Echo, don’t question me again, he strode back into the ball room and she glared at the ground. A wild goose chase no doubt, an easy way to get rid of her.
She searched the obvious places first. The bathroom was empty, Clarke probably back by now in the main hall reacting to her mother’s new pick of men. Echo was sorry to be missing it. She wandered through the library, remembering Raven cursing Lexa for hoarding her old world scrolls. She even snuck into the fleimkepa temple, despite her every instinct to avoid it, and sent up a prayer of apology before sneaking out again. She found Lexa’s room and study, both empty of the commander, and at last returned to the hall to ask Clarke if she had any ideas. Raven found her first.
“Have you seen Clarke? She never came back and I’m getting worried.”
Echo narrowed her eyes and dragged Raven outside, “Heda is missing too.”
Raven’s mouth pressed into a thin line, “You think it’s Titus? Emerson?”
The song finished and the band began to play another slow song, “Is this the fifth in a row?”
“What?” Raven blinked at her and Echo rolled her eyes.
“I know where they are.”
She marched them to the ambassador’s hall where the music could still be heard through the floorboards and Echo peeked through the cracked door, Raven following her lead.
Lexa’s head lay on Clarke’s shoulder, both held the other’s waist with one hand and interlocked their fingers with the other. Lexa had her eyes closed and Clarke looked like she was murmuring something. Echo scowled. Clarke was singing.
Lexa had her eyes closed, looking so peaceful she might’ve been asleep and Clarke’s cheek pressed against her forehead. The song began to fade into yet another slow song, no doubt at the commander’s order and their sway paused.
“Leksa?” Lexa hummed, eyes still closed. “Ai hod yu in.”
Lexa’s eyes opened, blinking, she drew away and Clarke’s face filled with a weakness and vulnerability. “Clarke -” Clarke drew away, and Echo pulled Raven back now, giving her a look as the girl attempted to stand her ground. “I love you too.” Raven glanced back at the scene, the two now locked in a kiss and Echo took the opportunity to get her off balance and dragged her out and back to the elevators. Indra found them as soon as they stepped out.
Echo shrugged, “She is discussing something with Wanheda,” Raven snorted, “it was not my place to intrude.” Indra narrowed her eyes and put a hand on her dagger but let Echo pass her without much trouble. She found her old seat, Raven finding hers. “I did not know they were involved.”
“I knew she was seeing someone but - yeah. I guess it’s my fault for her not thinking she could trust me though.” Raven looked around for her flask and Echo watched her. Wondered what else this girl blamed herself for.
“It’s hard to trust in this life, but the only one who will be punished for not doing so is you.”
Raven met her eyes, “it hasn’t always worked out for me.”
“What? Trust? Relationships?”
“Yes,” Raven’s voice choked up and Echo’s jaw tightened and she inched closer, “I don’t want to get hurt again.”
“Honesty doesn’t always have to be painful, it can be freeing.”
“You’re a spy. What would you know about honesty?” Raven looked away and Echo placed a hand over Raven’s, brushing a finger over her callouses until Raven met her eyes.
“I’ve never lied to you,” she moved closer, Raven’s breath hitched. “But let’s start with a dance.”
“We should go back soon,” Lexa muttered and Clarke groaned. She kissed Clarke’s cheek, “Thank you for running away with me.”
“Well it wasn’t easy,” Clarke swiped some hair away from Lexa’s face, brushing them behind delicate ears, “I think Raven’s suspicious.” Lexa leant into the touch in a way that made Clarke melt, “I’ll run away with you any time, Lexa.”
It wasn’t a promise either of them could keep but they pretended, letting the bliss close their eyes, warmth coming over them in droves. Clarke grinned into sweet, softer than feather, kisses.
They pulled away with a sigh, “I’ll leave first.” Clarke squeezed Lexa’s hand and Lexa pulled Clarke’s up to her lips and kissed the knuckles.
“May we meet again, Clarke.”
Clarke smiled, moving her hand to cup Lexa’s hand and kissing her again. “We will.” Lexa smiled as they pulled away and Clarke left, riding the elevator down, still riding the warmth in her chest from her time with Lexa. She came back to the dance hall, taking her old seat looking around for someone she recognized, her mom maybe, last she seen Kane wanted a private conversation with her about something. Or maybe Raven, she figured the girl would either get wasted with Bellamy and Murphy or get wasted alone as she typically did at these things.
Instead she found her dancing, limping and tripping and laughing, and laughing. Raven was letting out peals of laughter and her partner looked like she was just trying to keep up.
“She looks happy,” Clarke jumped, noticing Octavia for the first time.
“Oh yeah, I didn’t think she and Echo were…”
“Did you -”
“No. But I guess it proves it then.” Clarke looked at Octavia, the painfully stoic face not giving an ounce of emotion away, “it’s possible to find a second love.”
Harper and Raven were hooting at each other as the tempo finally picked up in the music and more people joined the dance floor. Echo was holding Raven back from a fistfight and Monty looked afraid for his life as Harper, stumbling around, cussed Raven out. Jasper and the floukru girl Clarke had thrown at him were making their way onto the dancefloor and Jasper didn’t look like he had taken a sip of alcohol that night. Hell even her mom was… was dancing with… A grin lit up Clarke’s face. Her mom smiling bigger than she was and Clarke knew Kane would take care of her. They deserved it after everything.
Lexa walked back in and met her eyes, “Indra told me she hasn’t even been to one of these since Costia died,” Octavia said. Clarke looked back at her, “I don’t think I’ve seen you this happy since Finn. Maybe not even then.” She stood, “I’m glad you two found each other.” Lexa was still watching her and if Raven could date a grounder that betrayed them so could she.
She made her way over and Lexa smiled.
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chasholidays · 7 years
Could you please do a Bellarke Broadway!AU where the 100 are in Legally Blonde, perhaps with jokes about or mentions of the "oh, oh, oh, oh, OH! much better" line from "So Much Better."
Clarke is used to being cast as the dumb blonde in things, so she’ll admit that Legally Blonde is a refreshing change of pace. The role still really isn’t her—she’s always been pretty hyper-focused on academics and isn’t particularly great with style or fashion—but that’s why it’s acting. She’s not supposed to be playing herself.
Which is why the casting of the male leads is so fucking annoying.
“I told you not to date actors,” is Raven’s questionably valid take.
“You told me that after we found out Finn was cheating on you with me. And before you fucked Bellamy.”
“I fucked him, I didn’t date him.”
“I haven’t done either.”
“And if you never do, you guys will never break up, and you’ll never be awkwardly cast as his love interest years later.”
“Life hack,” says Clarke, putting her head down on the bar. “At least Bellamy’s Emmett. I’d have a lot of trouble acting like dumping him for Finn was a good choice.”
“Yeah, Finn makes a way better fraternity douchebag. You had to know this was a possibility,” she adds. “You and Bellamy went to the audition together.”
“I knew about Bellamy, not Finn.”
Raven shrugs. “The theater world is pretty small, even here. Another good reason to not date actors.”
“Thanks, I’ll go back in time and unfuck Finn.”
“You say that like a joke, but I know you would.”
“Wouldn’t you?”
To her surprise, Raven actually thinks it over. “Probably not. Sucks that this is going to be awkward for you, but I’m better off without him. And so are you.”
“So you’re just telling me I shouldn’t fuck Bellamy.”
That necessitates another pause. “I think if you fuck Bellamy, you should probably make sure it’s for keeps.”
“No one can ever be sure of that.”
“As sure as you can be. And, honestly, I’m pretty sure if you and Bellamy broke up, one of you would leave town and no one would survive, so maybe it’s a moot point.”
Clarke raises her head to glare at Raven. “So, your final advice is that I shouldn’t date actors, but it’s too late to not date Finn, and dating Bellamy is probably a separate issue, so–”
“Don’t fall for any more actors,” she says. “Two is your hard limit.”
“Probably anyone in the business,” she muses. “Lexa wasn’t an actress, but she’s still a minefield.”
“Jesus. Maybe you just shouldn’t date.”
“I haven’t been. I just have a stupid crush on my stupid roommate, and we’re finally in the same show and playing the romantic leads. So–”
“So get on that,” Raven says. “Seriously, you’re already in way too deep, you might as well let life imitate art. Also, you need to get laid and he’s great at it.” She shrugs. “I guess, yeah, without time travel, I’m not sure what to tell you. If you can’t go back in time, not fuck Finn, and not get a crush on Bellamy, you’re basically screwed, so you might as well have fun.”
“Good pep talk.” But it actually does help, because she is going to have fun. She and Bellamy have been in a couple of shows together, but never with roles this large, and never working together so closely. And she likes most of the rest of the cast, Finn aside.
It probably is going to be fun.
“Cheers,” says Raven, and they drink to it.
“So, you going to be okay with this?” Bellamy asks. They’re on their way to their first rehearsal, and it’s nice to be walking with him. Their schedules are always a nightmare, and she never feels like she gets as much time with him as she wants. So at least until the end of this show, they get to be on the same nightmare schedule.
“Which part?”
“All of it, I guess. Your ex playing your ex? Me playing your love interest? Murphy being there?”
“I’m looking forward to his interpretation of gay and European,” she teases. “Definitely not going to be offensive.”
“Yeah, that should be fun.” His expression sobers. “Really, though.”
“Really? I’m an actress. I’m used to pretending.”
“You’re going to have to pretend too little with Finn and too much with me,” he says, making her smile.
“What’s too much? You’re a way better love interest than Finn would be.” There’s a little color on his neck, and she can’t help teasing him a little more. “No one would ever believe I’d pick him over you, even if he wasn’t a dick. In the show.”
“In the show, sure.” He wets his lips. “I just don’t want things to be weird.”
“So, you’re worried it’s going to be weird, but you don’t want to admit it, so you’re pretending to be worried about me?”
“I know I’m going to be fine,” he says.
“Yeah? Why?”
“Because I’m way more professional than you are, obviously,” he teases, and she rolls her eyes. “Seriously? Because you’re basically nothing like Elle Woods. It’s not going to be hard to remember she’s not you. Emmett’s a lot less of a stretch for me. And Finn’s–”
“Raven’s the one he dumped for another girl, not me. It’s not that similar. And you’re way cooler than Emmett.” She bumps her shoulder against his. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to get confused and fall in love with you.”
It would be impossible, since that ship has already sailed, but Bellamy doesn’t know that, so he just smiles.
“Yeah, that was the real worry.”
“I think we’re going to have fun.” Every time she says it, it feels more true. It’s a fun musical, her friends are there, she’s the lead. This is all good. Finn’s not going to ruin it. It’s been a few years, and the whole thing was definitely worse for Raven than it was for her. And, again, it’s not like he’s her love interest. “Come on, we get to work together again. That’s awesome.”
“It is. But–if it gets weird, let me know.”
“Will do,” she says. “You too.”
He offers his hand and they shake on it, and he holds the door open for her, and she finds herself smiling.
This is going to be good.
Clarke’s last gig was an off-Broadway adaptation of Tess of the D'Urbervilles, which was, she has to say, a mistake on basically every level. The show was a tonal disaster, the cast was mixed at best, and the reviews were merciless. Clarke emerged relatively unscathed because she did her best with the material, but it wasn’t a particularly fun set to be on. There was a lot of resume updating and drinking and hoping the show wouldn’t ruin them.
Legally Blonde is a big improvement. Even aside from Bellamy, it’s a much more fun show with a much stronger book. She and Finn have an awkward past, but he starts by apologizing for what happened before, and he has a girlfriend now, which obviously doesn’t mean he can’t hit on her again, but at least this time, he’s being upfront about it. And he doesn’t seem to show any sign of wanting to hit on her. He’s totally professional, which is better than she was expecting, and everyone else is cool.
And then, there’s Bellamy.
Clarke ended up as Bellamy’s roommate basically by chance; she knew him by reputation, had seen him in a few shows. She’d heard he was kind of a dick, but not intolerable, and when she heard he was looking for someone to move in because his former roommate got married to his boyfriend, she figured she could do worse.
Falling in love with him had been completely unexpected, but impossible to avoid, and she’d thought she was used to it. He’s always been attractive and interesting, and he’s always been good on set too, dedicated and serious, with just enough of a sense of humor about himself to keep him popular. Clarke tends to go a little too far to the other side, but they compliment each other well, the natural leaders of the set, setting the tone for everyone else.
It’s good, great even. She can’t remember the last time she had so much fun, and every day, getting something with Bellamy feels more possible.
Which is probably why she misses the Niylah thing entirely.
She likes Niylah, of course. She’s playing Vivienne and doing a good job, and she’s cool and fun to hang out with. They’re flirty, but Clarke doesn’t quite notice that. She’s found that theater people tend to be flirty, and she’s genuinely not trying to be an asshole with it. They’re all a little flirty, regardless of sexual orientation, but flirting a little with a lesbian she’s not interested is pretty different from flirting with Murphy or Roma. She knows they’re not interested.
So Bellamy’s the one who has to ask, “Anything going on with you and Niylah?” and the question takes her a second to process.
“What do you mean?”
“I think she thinks you’re cute.”
“I am cute,” she says, and he rolls his eyes. “Cute, like–”
“Cute like I think she wants to date you. Or at least, uh, run lines one-on-one.”
She snorts. “You’re thirty-five, Bellamy. You can just say have sex.”
“Maybe she doesn’t like casual hookups. I’m just saying, I think she’s serious. I didn’t think you’d noticed.”
“Raven said I should stop fucking actors,” she says, without thinking.
He doesn’t react. “Any particular reason?”
“It’s worked for her so now she thinks everyone should do it.”
“Guess that makes sense. I’m not saying you should go out with her. Just thought you might be interested. But if you’re done with actors—“
“I never said I was listening to her. Just taking the suggestion under consideration. But I wasn’t really—I thought me and Niylah were just fooling around.”
“I think she was doing the I’m just joking but I’d fuck you if you asked thing.”
“Good to know. I’ll step it back.”
“Probably good, yeah.” He clears his throat, like he’s gearing up for something important. “So, is it just actors, or no dating anyone in theater? How limited are your options here?”
Her heart skips a beat, even though he’s not really saying anything huge. “Like I said, I’m not actually ruling out actors. Some actors probably make good relationships.”
“And that’s like ninety percent of the people you know.” He nods. “Glad to hear you’re not totally writing us off.”
It doesn’t have to mean anything, but it’s very encouraging. “No,” she agrees. “Definitely not.”
It’s Murphy who suggests the contest, so it’s possible Clarke will owe him forever, but she’d rather not think about that. A life debt to John Murphy is a terrifying prospect.
“You know,” he says, when they’re out celebrating the first week of shows, “Clarke’s good and all, but I don’t think she’s putting her all into that fake orgasm bit.”
“What are you, the director?” Bellamy asks, and Murphy rolls his eyes.
“Don’t be bitter just because you wish you knew what her real orgasms sound like for comparison.”
It’s not the first time someone has implied she and Bellamy are into each other, and it won’t be the last. That’s another important part of cast trash talk.
So she says, “We live together. I’m pretty sure he knows. What’s wrong with my orgasm bit?”
“I just think you could put more into it.”
“There are kids in the audience,” says Bellamy, not unreasonably. “She’s not doing porn.”
“Classy, PG fake orgasm,” she agrees. “Appropriate for all ages. Is there a reason we’re talking about this?”
“I think I could do better. And I want to prove it.”
Clarke laughs. “Of course you do.”
“I just think everyone deserves a chance to try that one out if they want to.”
Clarke holds her hand out. “Go ahead. I won’t stop you.”
Of course, it’s a thing. Murphy starts, but almost everyone wants a chance, and Clarke gets progressively drunker and giddier until she says, “Okay, but I’ve never really put my all into it.”
“No?” asks Harper.
“No. So let me just—“
Everyone whoops, and then she’s standing on a stool, a little unsteadily, belting out the setup lines before switching into the chorus of building ohs. It is, if she does say so herself, a very convincing performance, and she’s rewarded with a chorus of cheers and wolf whistles.
Murphy helps her down, to her surprise, and she looks around for Bellamy only to find he’s nowhere in sight.
Sobering up fast, she checks the bar and the pool table, and then ducks outside to see him leaning against the wall, warm air puffing out of his mouth like cigarette smoke. It’s a very moody, tortured look.
“Hey, what happened?”
“Nothing. Just not really into that.”
She joins him against the wall, frowning. “Which part?”
“I hate that song.”
“Really? Why?”
He huffs. “It’s annoying.”
“Try again.”
“It’s stupid.”
“The song or the reason?”
“You don’t want to know.”
“I do.”
He sighs. “Murphy was fucking with me. He knows I, uh—Jesus, Clarke, everyone knows I have a thing for you. I knew Niylah was interested because she asked if we were actually together. And I know it’s not like—just because it’s not much of a fake orgasm doesn’t mean it’s not distracting.”
Her jaw drops; she’s too shocked by the admission to actually even get the much more important issue in there. “Wait, you seriously think that song is hot?”
“That’s your takeaway?” he asks.
“Just one of them. Raven told me not to date actors because I was starring in a show with my ex and the guy I like now, and that wouldn’t happen again if I stopped dating actors. So, you know, I have a thing for you too, but seriously, that song just isn’t—“
He laughs, leans down to brush his mouth against hers. They do kiss in the show, but show kissing is always different. This is something new, just the two of them, just his lips and his hand on her jaw and the beating of her own heart.
“I’m into basically every fucking thing you do, but I didn’t need to hear you doing your best orgasm impression.”
“Not when you could just take me home and give me my best orgasm.”
He laughs and leans in to kiss her again. “Yeah. That sounds a lot better.“ He rests his forehead on hers. "You think we need to say goodbye?”
She smiles. “I think they’ll figure it out.”
It is, after all, kind of a gimme.
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Middle finger || John Murphy
Song: Bohnes - Middle Finger Summary: From prisoners on Arc, to prisoners on Earth. And what now? Pairing: Eventual Murphy x reader Warnings: mentions of death, some swear words A/N: You don't even know how much I love this, geez ❤ _______________________________________________________ Tenth day on earth. They started to give everything for those who was willing to 'breake the chain' and give nothing for people who tried to live with Arc rules. They called Bellamy 'a lider'. I knew he was good person in general, I knew him back there, but now I didn't regonise him anymore. This wasn't my friend, who tried to help everyone. Now he became a dictator. I was looking at the people surrounding Bellamy. They were the 'rebelious' ones. I snorted quietly. Bell was the only one here who knew me and why I was locked up on Arc. His people were looking at me whispering to each other. They were curious, I could tell. But I was still looking at them with anger in my eyes, not caring if someone'd come to me and ask or just beat the shit out of me. I was furious. How could Bell let it happen. Our generation was broken and he was breaking us more and more. - Hey, don't look at him like that - I heard next to me. I looked at the boy who sat next to me. I regonised him as a Murphy, Bell's right hand. I frowned and tried to move to the side, so he wouldn't be so close. He let me. And then, without even looking at me, he handed me a stick with piece of a meat on it. I looked at him confused. - I won't let you take that off - I gestured at my wrist. Murphy shrugged. - Just take it - he sighed. I didn't move, I didn't trust him. He rolled his eyes, grabbed my hand and forced me to take the food. I was looking at him, waiting for him to call someone to take off my wristband, because I took the meat. But nothing happened. - You know, you should eat it, not stare at me like I'm alien or some shit - he snorted, looking at me for a second. Finally I nodded and took first bite. I saw from the corner of my eye that Murphy smiled slightly. From this day he was almost always next to me. We lived through some crazy shit, like the war with grounders, constant fights in our camp. They tried to hang him, they banished him and I became their prisoner, because I wanted to run after him. And when he returned, he tried to kill everyone who tried to kill him in the first place. They didn't let me scream to him, they didn't let me see or run to him. - Where is [Y/N]?! - I heard his scream from the dropship, where he was trying to kill Bellamy. Bell's friend was holding me in place, the other had his hand over my mouth. But I bit him suddenly. He let my mouth go for long enough for me. - MURPHY! - I yelled as loud as I could. Boy who had previously his hand over my mouth, hit me in the stomach. - Give me the girl! Maybe she will rescue your perfect Bellamy! - I heard Murphy from the inside. Clark walked up to me and looked me in the eyes. - Please, try help him - she whispered. After few minutes I was in the dropship, door closed again. I gasped at the sign of Bellamy with belt around his neck. Murphy raised his arm with gun in my direction. We looked at each other, me without any fear, him without any emotions in his eyes. - I missed you - I whispered. - Why didn't you try to find me? - he asked, not lowering a gun. - Leave her alone, Murphy. She was my prisoner. I couldn't let her go and die because of the grounders! - Shut up - Murphy pulled at the belt. Bell gasped slightly, but he still could breath. - So even this was your fault, Bellamy? I'm glad she didn't run after me, I don't want her to get hurt, but you were the reason they banished me... - Murphy, don't kill him, please - I whispered as he pulled at the belt one more time. - Why? - I know how is it. They want your death, so you kill them and the problem is gone. No, it's not like that. I don't want you to feel what I felt, okay? - I managed to say louder. I was still looking at him. - What are you talking about? - he asked me. He let go a little bit of the belt, so Bell could breath again. I looked to the side. - [Y/N], why did they send you here? - Doesn't matter... In that moment the door opened. Clark and the rest ran inside. They caught Murphy and locked him on the top floor of the dropship. And after that I couldn't see him even for a second. After some time the rest of the Arc came down to us. And they immediately started to give orders, they locked up every human that didn't want to listen them. And they went to another war with grounders. I was so done with their shit. They całe here, when we almost learned how to live here and the destroyed it. They tried to lock us up, because we knew nothing, because we were kids. And after some time I snapped. Some few years older boy was yelling at me, because he apparently knew better how to hunt here. So I hit him right in his perfect, arcish teeth. Then someone remembered why I was here. They decided I was dangerous. Bellamy tried to help me, Clark and the rest of what left of the 100 kids, they tried to cut the bullshit. But they couldn't. Older people apparently knew everything and were wiser than anyone. They pulled me into the room. My eyes met Murphy's shocked ones. I let the 'guard' snap the 'cuffs' on my wrists and then he left, leaving me alone with Murphy. - Why are you here? - he asked. I looked at him and smiled widely. - I punched the guard in the teeth, because hhe thought I don't know shit about hunting here. Murphy snorted. We often sat just in silence. We could also talk for hours. But I wanted to hug him. Or leave him, so he could never find out about my crime. - Why they sent you on Earth? - he asked. I looked away. He tried few more times, but I immediately was turning almost mute. But he didn't stop. He tried. I had other plans and I had to focus on them. Bellamy walked into the cell and looked at me. - Everything's okay with you and Clarke? - I asked him as I asked everytime he came into view. And he finally smiled and nodded. I grinned. - Him and Griffin? What the hell? - Shhh, Murphy. We don't want to tell anyone, right? - I winked at him. And I turned toward Bell. - When will we announce this? - Tomorrow evening - he said with a small smile. I nodded. - Nice. Bellamy tied me up few inches from Murphy, just like I asked him. - What's with Clark and Bellamy? - Murphy asked me that night. And I explained him everything in really quiet whisper. He listened with his eyes wide open. And eventually he smiled, then laughed and let his head hit the metal wall. - You are insane. I think I know why they lock you up on the Arc. I smiled weakly. - No, you don't. Bellamy came to us that evening. He looked at Murphy and I nodded. Then the show started. Bell let me and Murphy go, he gave us the last four guns he had left. And as we ran out of the metal can, I thought I took a wrong turn and ran straight into hell. Everyone was screaming, from fear, pain or anger. Few things were burning, people were running in deffirent directions. And then I spotted Pike. And Jaha. I turned to the Bell and smiled at him. I turned toward the Murphy, grabbed his face and pressed my lips to his. - Let's start a riot! - I yelled, so everyone could hear me. I heard grounders standing behind the gates. I gave signal to Clark and she opened the last thing that was in their way. I ran straight toward the Pike. He and few 'his boys' were surrounded by our people, by the teenagers that 'didn't knew shit'. I aimed the gun at him and smiled widely. - So. You tried to be this older-so-wiser man. You tried to lock the stupid teenagers, who lived through some shit. You tried to tie us up. - Don't listen to her. She's a criminal! - Pike yelled. I shook my head. - No, they don't have to 'listen' to me. I'm not their queen or any of this shit. They are here just because we know what will be better for us - I walked closer to him. - Our generation had enough, so we're putting our middle fingers up. - Listen... - No, you are listening to me now - I cut him off. - We're done with being your slaves. We can be whoever we want and we are free now. - You teamed up with the enemy! - some boy yelled from behind. - Grounders are our family now. Clark and Lexa are together, I hope forever, so they came to help us - I smiled widely and looked around. Of all the Arc people just Abby and Mark were with us and just them weren't tied up. - Now we can have peace we deserve. Because you thought we're too weak to break free. After all of this we went through you still though we're weak. You're funny Pike. - And what? You're going to kill us, just like you killed your parents? - he snorted, looking at the people who were standing behind me. But after a second he opened his eyes wider. - You see, Pike. We won't kill you, even if I want to hurt you so much. Now you'll be out prisoners - I smiled. - And they knew what I did. They knew that my parents tried to kill me too. So, Pike. As you see. Being honest is important - I winked at him. - You can tie them up now. I know you want - I turned toward my people. Grounders were standing behind them to help if someone tried to run away. I walked through them and stood face to face with Murphy. - So, this is your crime - he said, his face emotionless for a second. I nodded, ready to hear he didn't want to see me again. But he just looked at the ground and smiled. Then he looked at the night sky. - Thank you. You saved us all. - All I did was dragging Clark and Bell into this, and punching some douche. That's all. - Okay, then you saved me - he finally looked at me with a smile. I smiled back and threw my guns to the ground, before throwing my arms around his neck. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me like his life depended on it. Maybe it did.
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the100imagine · 8 years
Imagine: Follow The Leader.
Requested by Anon. Includes: Clarke Griffin x Reader Request: * idk if you would be interested but you should write some Clarke x reader imagines!! they seem very few and far between in the fandom, not sure why. Bonus points if the reader is a leader of their people alongside Clarke. Thank you!!
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Note: I love Clarke Griffin and I would gladly go to war for her. Not sure if you meant a Grounder leader or a Sky Person leader, but I went with Grounder, hope that's okay.
I've changed the ideas for this so many times. But I think I like this one more bc the new Commander is a mix of Lexa and someone who was very open about themselves, idk I just like the character.
Ending could have been better? 
    Gaia, the young Flamekeeper, stood in front of you with a smile. You had successfully finished the ascension and recited the lineage of past Commanders. Clarke stood off to the side with a few of the Sky People, a shy smile on her face when you glanced over at her with a small raise of your eyebrows, trying not to grin. The Grounders knew that, although you weren't in the Conclave with the other Nightbloods, Lexa's spirit still chose wisely.
    Some, if not all, of the people in the room, were shocked when you offered your hand to Gaia to shake, thanking her. She stuttered a reply, a small blush on her face as she stepped back, bowing to you, allowing some of those from your own clan to step forward, placing a few of Lexa's old Commander uniform pieces on you before you walked over to the chair she once used to sit in, facing the people in the room.
    "Ai laik Heda, and the Coalition between the—now—fourteen clans—" You looked to some of your people then over to Clarke. "Still stands, in commemoration of your previous Commander, Leksa kom Trikru." You nodded your head before you sat down on the chair, the rest of the people in the room lowered to their knees as a sign of respect, including King Roan and the Ice Nation people.
    You nodded your head and they stood, bowing their heads before they left the room, leaving only a few of your people and the Sky People. You stood back up when Clarke came over to you with a grin on her face. You walked down the few steps to meet with her. She placed her hands on your arms while you placed yours on her elbows, smiling widely at her.
    "Was that too cheesy and overdone?" You asked.
    Clarke shook her head. "No, it was perfect."
    You continued to smile at her, almost forgetting that anyone else was in the room with you until Kane cleared his throat, offering his hand out for you to shake. "If I may, Commander," he started. You reluctantly let go of Clarke and grabbed his hand, shaking it, just as enthusiastically as he did. "I just want to thank you, for honouring Lexa and the Coalition. After Ontari and the Ice Nation—"
    "It was my pleasure, Kane," you interrupted, "I know I wasn't here for the Conclave when she made the initiates swear loyalty to your people, but I hope you know that I swear by it now. Even more so now that Lexa's spirit is within me."
    Kane opened his mouth to reply, but seemed rather stunned and thrown off. He shook your hand and smiled instead.
    "No harm will come to your people," you informed him.
    "Our people," he correctly proudly.
    "Our people," you repeated. "You are all welcome to stay here for as long as you need, I'm sure you are all tired."
    Abby stepped forward and held Kane's arm, lightly pushing him towards the door, you watched with a smile on your face. Bellamy nodded his head at you before walking out as well. Lastly, Indra and Octavia offered you a smile and a nod before they walked out, beginning a conversation. When two of your people, outside the room, closed the doors, you turned back to Clarke.
    "I don't think I can thank you enough."
    "You don't need to, Clarke." You shook your head. "I'm just glad that this went well." Clarke looked down with a smile before she pulled you into a hug, your arms went around her waist, resting your chin on your shoulder. "Look at us, a couple of leaders."
    "I'm not really a—"
    "You helped lead your people since the moment you arrived on Earth, give yourself some credit, Clarke." You pulled away from her with a light smile.
    "I think I'm going to rest up, I'll talk to you later," she told you before walking over to the doors.
    You had been going over a few plans to help bring order back to Polis, with a few of your people, when a knock on the door caught your attention. "Who is it? And what do you want?" You turned your head to see Murphy standing there, unsure if he was overstepping any boundaries. The doors closed behind him as you walked over to your chair, standing in front of it.
    "I've come to ask a question," he started.
    You placed your hands out in front of you waiting for him to continue. "Well, what is it?"
    You watched him as he swallowed. "Are Frikdreina allowed here?"
    "Mutants?" You crossed your arms, watching him closely.
    Murphy nodded, glancing behind him. "Yeah."
    "Emori, you can come in here," you called out to her. From behind the door, Emori walked in, heading straight to Murphy's side.
    "I know I shouldn't be in here but—"
    "My mother was a Frikdreina," you told them. "She was cast out of our clan, along with my father—he refused to leave her side, claiming his love was stronger than the view other people had for him and my mother. When she died and I was old enough to understand, my father brought us back to our clan. He taught me how to fight. To be a good leader. He taught me to understand that everyone on Earth is fighting for the same thing; survival. He made me swear that when I became Heda that I would honour my mother and allow Frikdreina to live as everyone else. My father is dead. Here I am, as Heda. I have yet to break a vow I made to him." You looked at Emori throughout your speech.
    "You are welcome to stay here in Polis." You nodded before looking at Murphy. "You are free to stay here in the tower if you wish. I understand that your people are not always welcoming to you as they should be."
    "Are you sure?" Emori asked hesitantly.
    You offered her a smile. "I don't see you or Frikdreina as anything other than human. You are still Grounders, you are just a little bit different, which isn't a bad thing. You are not a stain in the bloodline like most people seem to think, you're adapted." You nodded before waving them off.
    Once they left the room you walked back over to the table, where a few members of your clan waited, to continue going over plans.
    It was near the end of the day when you left the throne room. As you stepped out, you nodded your head to the guards, allowing them to leave for the day, not seeing the need for them to guard an empty room. You watched them leave to your left before you turned right, planning on heading to your room for the night. Clarke was a walking down the corridor, when she caught up to you she held her hands on your upper arms, without thinking about it, your hands rested on her elbows again, waiting for her to talk.
    "I thought I'd accompany you to your room." She sent you a smile.
    You smiled back, shaking your head lightly with a laugh. "There is no need for that, Clarke. But I accept anyway."
    Clarke's shy smile widened as you both began to walk to your room, side-by-side, your shoulders brushing against one another. Some of the broken windows allowed cold air to sweep onto the floor you were both on. You noticed Clarke shiver and step closer to you, even if that was practically impossible.
    "Cold?" You asked with a smirk. She opened her mouth to respond, but you cut her off, knowing she'd more than likely stutter a reply, "I'll make sure the fireplace is lit."
    "I'm still not used to the weather here on Earth," she told you, shrugging.
    You hummed. "We are up higher than usual, so, it's colder anyway than what it would be if we were outside."
    Clarke nodded her head as two guards opened your bedroom door, closing it behind the two of you once Clarke and yourself walked in. You walked over to one of your tables and took off the Commander uniform, leaving you in the clothes you were wearing underneath your armour. You would get dressed later but you walked over to the fireplace and lit a match after sorting out the wood to burn. Clarke moved to sit on your bed, brushing her hand across the fur blankets.
    "You miss her, don't you?" You asked gently when you stood up, leaving against the fireplace mantle.
    Clarke nodded her head. "But she's not really gone. She's in you." You offered her a kind smile, slowly walking over to her.
    "But that's not really the same, is it? I know you'd prefer it if she were still here. I sometimes do," you admitted, letting out a small sigh.
    "I'm sure she'd be proud that you were her successor." She nodded. "I miss her, but I can't go back and change the past. Besides, I'm glad that you're here with me. I'm glad that the Flame chose you."
    "You don't think it made a mistake?"
    Clarke shook her head. "When Lexa told us about your clan, she told us that she wasn't the Commander, but rather you were. She understood that you were the best possible leader for your people, not even she could compare. She mentioned that you had gone through a few rough times, but you were able to keep the peace and resolve the issues quickly. Her spirit knew you were the right choice. Her spirit didn't make a mistake."
    "I'm surprised she even remembered my clan," you spoke quietly.
    "Can I ask you something?"
    You looked at her and nodded. "Of course."
    "Why wasn't she the Commander of your clan?"
    "My clan wasn't one that contributed much to the Coalition. We would have been dead weight if she took us on. She only visited a few times, each time she did my people would kindly decline her offer of joining. Sometimes, I think that because we weren't a large clan, the others forgot we even existed. We never had a war, only a few civil disputes. Although, I think it was because the amount of Frikdreina that came from our bloodlines. Mutants weren't accepted in Polis, they definitely wouldn't have been accepted into the Coalition. When I became Heda of my clan I allowed them to stay, I don't understand why they shouldn't have equal rights as the rest of us."
    "I understand." She nodded, taking in all that you told her. "I think that coming from a Nightblood, your acceptance towards Frikdreina makes you more respected."
    "Some of the ambassadors don't agree."
    "They'll learn. Just like they learned that blood must not have blood." Clarke slowly, and gently, slipped her hand into yours.
    "I'm not the only leader that has made an impact on their people," you told her. "As the leader of Skaikru, you have shown them that their old way of life wasn't one that united them together." Clarke bit her lip with a smile. "In my eyes, that makes me respect you even more." You nodded.
    A small laugh bubbled from Clarke's throat as she recited what you said to her earlier, "Look at us, a couple of leaders."
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moonaskingtostay · 7 years
Rules: List your top ten episodes of The 100. Then, tag five or so people to do the same!
Tagged by @parapluiepliant
Oh boy this is going to be difficult ...
1. Blood must Have Blood Part 2 (2.16)
Look this episode is perfect. It’s the culmination of a very intense season, it’s emotional, it’s suspenseful, it changes our two leads forever because of the decision they have to make in the end, it’s thought-provoking, and it’s the 100 at its best. The first time I saw this episode I was physically anxious the entire time, that’s how invested I was in the episode, and it’s what made me a fan of the show. And that Knocking on Heaven’s Door scene ... *screams internally*
2. Spacewalker (2.08)
I’m not a Finn fan. I don’t hate him, like it’s pretty common in the fandom, but I mostly think of him as a kind of a bland character with occasional moments of brilliance in season 1. Like many fans, I’m fiercely protective of Clarke and Raven, and I think he’ll forever be the boy who hurt them in my mind. Still, this episode was a magnificient send-off for the character, and it gave us wonderful scenes between him and Raven while also changing Clarke forever. 
3. Nevermore (3.11)
I love bottle episodes. And this one fucking delivered. It was really harsh on our main characters. For Clarke and Bellamy obviously, who had to face through Raven’s taunts the super shitty things they did in the past, but it was also relentless for Jasper and Monty. It was brilliant writing (I will miss Kim Shumway A LOT even if her episode this season was kinda weak) and Lindsey Morgan’s performance made it fucking epic.
4. Hakeldama (3.05)
It’s a great episode, and it offers an interesting development for two key characters : Lexa and Bellamy. When Lexa was ruthless and antagonistic in season 2, we see in the episode Clarke reaching her and convincing her that blood doesn’t have to be spilled and that the grounders can change their very violent ways (RANT MODE ON : I’m side-eyeing a little bit Roan this season when he keeps saying Lexa taught Clarke how to be a better leader/treat her people AND the grounder equally because NO Clarke taught Lexa that, thank you very much, I loved Lexa and I have nothing against the writers trying to celebrate the character and her impact in the universe they created but there’s no need to distort the facts to achieve that RANT MODE OFF). 
But it’s also a very jarring episode for Bellamy who kinda digs a hole in hell for himself and pretty much suffers through the opposite development of Lexa : when in season 2 he was basically Captain America, there he just lets his anger and his pain do the thinking for him. It’s heartbreaking to watch a character you love spiral into darkness but it’s also kinda fascinating. But the real selling point of this episode is The Fight : it’s beautiful, relentless, angsty, wonderfully acted and to this day it remains in my opinion the best scene between Clarke and Bellamy. Hell probably one of the best scenes in the entire show. It’s raw and the best the show can offer. 
I also adore this episode for the face Kane makes when Jaha tries to tell him about the City of Light. SO BEAUTIFUL.
5. Murphy’s Law (1.04)  
Not necessarily the strongest episode on my list (but the first half of season 1 was uneven) but it’s an episode that means a lot to me because it sort of changed to way I was looking at the show and my thoughts about it. I honestly started watching the 100 after the Lesbian Batsignal, aka the kiss scene between Clarke & Lexa that was all over my dash. I was expecting a cheesy teen drama in a post-apocalyptic setting and ... well basically I was only in it for the pretty girls kissing. Then this episode happened and punched me in the face and told me I was an idiot and that this show had A LOT to offer. It was shocking but not gratuitous, set the tone and basically yelled at you OH YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO HAVE FUN WATCHING OUR SHOW WELL THINK AGAIN MOTHERFUCKER AND TAKE ALL THE FEELS. After this episode, I was hooked. 
6. Gimme Shelter (4.07)
It’s a slightly uneventful episode but it gives us a lot of beautiful, quiet moments between the characters and let them shine. Emori, Clarke, Abby, Kane and Bellamy are at their best there, their interactions are heavy and meaningful and the writing is subtle and intense. The best this season, so far.
7. Unity Day (1.09)
I’m very fond of this episode mostly because it made me aware of the potential in terms of world building for the show the first time I saw it. Season 1 was very much about adaptation and survival, and even flirted with the survival horror genre when the characters interacted with the grounders. Introducing Anya and that amazing negociation scene between her and Clarke on the bridge basically told the viewers that there was a lot of story potential behind our main character’s enemies and that their world was way bigger than we thought. This episode is also Clarke’s first steps in her role of leader, as in political leader, and it’s really important for the character and her future evolution on the show.
8. We Will Rise (4.06)
Overall I think season 4 has been slightly underwhelming so far. Not bad or anything, and we get some amazing character stuff, so I’m not complaining, but before this episode we had lots of strong episodes that never completely managed to impress me. The Tinder Box nearly did it, especially with its fantastic final sequence, but the Riley stuff dragged down an otherwise great episode. So We Will Rise happens and it’s action packed, makes the character move in different directions : Kane retakes his place as chancellor, Clarke joins her mother on Team Science, Bellamy starts to do some serious thinking about his relationship with his sister, hell even Jaha and Octavia start to evolve. This episode felt exciting when I first watched it and it made me feel great about the potential for the rest of the season. 
9. Thirteen (3.07)
It’s a polarizing episode. Because Lexa. And ... ok, I loved Lexa, truthfully, and I loved her relationship with Clarke, like I said earlier, they’re the reason I started watching the 100. Was I sad that she died ? Yes. Was I angry ? Meh ... not really. Of all the LGBT characters killed off by the TV gods, I think Lexa’s death is very low on my pissed-off-meter. Her character was well developed, her death served a purpose (literally nothing in the second half of season 3 can happen without her death) and let’s be real, she would have never become a regular on the show due to ADC’s schedule. I get why people were angry, and I’m glad it was discussed heavily on social medias etc (I would have prefered a more civil tone in these discussions but ... oh well it’s fandom). 
But regardless of what you think of her death, Thirteen was a great episode in terms of world building and storytelling. We have amazing scenes with Becca, answers as to how the world ended, the nature of the Commander, and just tons of fantastic ideas and new information. The episode gave us also an interesting scene between Clarke and O, showing a new side of Octavia ‘Speak with My Fist’ Blake who tries to manipulate Clarke and appeal to her emotions and shows that’s she’s way smarter and sneakier than she allows herself to be (that side of her showed up again this season when she started her assassin shtick. More of that for Octavia in the future maybe ? It’s interesting). So yeah, great episode, that I think people overlook because of the Lexa drama.
10. Bodyguard of Lies (2.14)
A very solid episode but what makes it go on my top episodes list is the kiss between Clarke and Lexa. Their interactions were really intense in this episode, all the stuff with Clarke and Octavia was brilliant, and it’s the episode that made me start watching the show. Also, I don’t care if you shipped Clarke and Lexa or not, if you thought their love story was interesting or bad, the pairing healthy or unhealthy, etc, the fact is that it mattered. It mattered to have the main character on a CW show be bisexual, and fall in love for another girl. It changed the show and it was amazing.
Special Mentions : Perverse Instantiation Part 1 (3.15) : action-packed, intense, and wonderfully crafted, Echoes (4.01) : a very solid start for season 4, too bad the stuff following was a little bit underwhelming, and Human Trials (2.05) : for that massacre scene with Finn at the end, CHILLS.
I tag @rashaka, @butterfly-and-hurricanes, @novalian, @mego42, @falafel14
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