#I will continue to clown even after the series ends like just fucking watch me
fangirlinglikeabus · 11 months
i finished blake's 7 two days ago, here are my totally unsolicited thoughts on 'blake'
god i think killing blake really and utterly broke avon. if only blake had stuck around for rumours of death, then he’d KNOW about avon’s trust issues and wouldn’t have tried to test him (or maybe he would because it seems he ALSO has trust issues at this point. love these fucked up little guys)
is it morbid to say that while i sorta got avon/blake it didn’t really click for me until that moment where avon shot him? avon's taste in women AND men works out terribly for him. it's equality
jenna’s death didn’t happen onscreen, therefore it didn’t happen <3 i pretend i do not see
i love the way gareth thomas delivers that line about her taking out the ships when she blew herself up tho. like blake doesn’t even have space to mourn one of his closest allies anymore, he just gets the grim satisfaction of knowing at least she did something against the federation with her death
vila fighting back and disarming his opponent only after dayna got shot is like,,,BRUTAL especially considering he’s the one who brings up cally in this episode. i truly do believe he cares about all his crew mates so much under that veneer of cowardice and being the clown, and while i don't think he was ever seriously going to betray them in that moment, i can't help but read into how immediately his attack follows on from dayna getting hurt
speaking of brutal moments. slave says tarrant’s name and it’s so sweet but it’s also what blake at least claims gave tarrant away to him...can’t have any nice moments in this series
soolin my darling underdeveloped queen...you can see all throughout that she’s really not happy about returning ‘home’ and then she gets shot? on the planet she lost her childhood to? for a cause I’m not sure she ever really believed in?
(i do like that dayna is the one who asks her more when she’s talking about her past. they seem very close by this point and that’s a nice illustration of that)
the gunshots continuing in place of the credits music until the names of all the main characters have appeared...yeah. like i know there was a Plan in place should there have been a series 5 but i’m honestly happy things ended here, tragic though it may have been.
blake’s 7 is often a show that’s so good i wish it was better - such great characters who don’t always get utilised to their full potential (the NUMBER of cally possession episodes...get a new plot!), moments of drama that don’t always get their full consequences followed through on, an entire series where the main characters frequently seemed to lack any sense of urgency or drive but which also had my beloved rumours of death in it, ben steed episodes which frankly have nothing much to redeem them - but my god, what an ending. and i really do love this wretched, tragic little show with all my heart even with all of its irritations. time to buy the box set and watch it five billion times!
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Therapy? In The Final Season of  The 100??
It’s more likely then any of us ever thought??????
Spoilers of course for the 100 7.07
Dr. Eric Jackson said “is anyone going to treat Literally Everyone for the trauma we go through” and had to wait seven seasons before giving up and doing it himself. I fucking love him and I Adore that Madi is getting therapy and that they are CONFRONTING WHAT HAPPENED TO A LITERAL CHILD. Jax read one (1) psychology book and decided he was now a licensed therapist and you know what? good for him. 
Someone....let me at Madi’s wardrobe. Babe looks like she rolled up fresh out of Amity from the Divergent movies and like...killing it but What was the inspiration. I am So Happy she gets to play soccer and have therapy sessions and just be a regular kid for what is apparently, the first time in her entire life. I Miss her and Clarke and i wish Clarke was here to see Madi starting to flourish because that dynamic has been pushed So Far to the side this season and I just miss them. I Love that they finally addressed how fucked up it was putting the flame in Madi’s head i seriously love love love it. yes it was necessary but it was also extremely traumatic and not something a child should have to go through and I’m so happy they talked about it (for at least a moment anyway)
Lindsey Morgan and her team said You get to deal with trauma, and you get to deal with trauma, and you - . No but for real, I was pleasantly surprised with the things that got addressed this episode- The flame, Octavia beating up Bellamy, the beginning of Becho. Not as good as Bardo lore but we take what we can get.
(Also shout out to Ms. Morgan for an incredible directorial debut, what a talented queen) 
I Loved Octavia saying outright how fucked up it was that she beat up her brother It’s been 84 years too many seasons of waiting for it, her growth this season? Incredible. That being said, literally What The Fuck was that comforting scene between her and Echo I’m. “You’re my family too” bitch Where. I understand Octavia trying to comfort someone she knows her brother cares for, and I know that Octavia saw how lost and angry Echo was, and this is just my own thoughts but probably recognized something in Echo that was reminiscent of her when she lost Lincoln, at least in her eyes, but it came out of no where?? These two have Never had a good relationship and while part of it is obviously Octavia’s growth the scene felt a little stilted. 
So. Echo. First thing right off the bat (as always, this should literally be the expectation but for the people in the back) THE ACTORS ARE NOT THEIR CHARACTERS, THEY ARE REAL PEOPLE, AND PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GODS LEARN TO SEPARATE THE TWO. I have so much respect for all the actors and crew who are trying their absolute best and making this show something I look forward to watching.
I had Such high hopes for Echo. And honestly the tiny little rat part of my brain that never lets things go still wants to hope for a satisfying end to the spy’s story. I Want her to reach a point where she can look at herself with clear eyes, and come through to the other side. I Want her to have happy ending where she understands that though loyalty is admirable, there has to be more in your life, that you cannot dedicate yourself to one person entirely. The realistic part of my brain that has watched this fucking show for years knows better. Tasya Teles is doing an excellent job of Echo’s continuing downward spiral, 10/10 choices. But all the lighting and framing and crazy intense gaze do Not bode well for Echo’s sanity and her carving the Azgeda marks into her face was I think the point of “no return”. Which makes me sad, to see this end for the character, but it is a path I can see Echo going down, as much as it sucks.
“We got shaved Bellamy but at what cost” makes me cackle but honestly, I liked the Ring flashback. Setting aside how late it is to be Doing ring flashbacks, I think it was a Very interesting look at Becho. Echo on the ring is so cute sorry not sorry, like I Love seeing that girl happy. Her and Bellamy’s little banter reminded me of their earliest dynamic which I enjoyed seeing because I do think those characters have an interesting relationship. Also, Bellamy using his own experiences of the dangers of blind loyalty to try and help Echo, love to see it but her “it’s not real” right before he kissed her...the implications. They knew what they were doing and I think it was a needed perspective into their relationship because we have barely anything except for people saying things about it which is Not The Same Thing.
Moving On! HOLY SHIT Y’ALL HOPE AND DIYOZA I FUCKING LOVE THEM THE ACTRESSES WERE INCREDIBLE, THE DYNAMIC WAS AMAZING, BEST STORYLINE OF THE  EPISODE BY FAR. I seriously just Loved watching their scenes, their relationship is So Good and I loved them trying to figure out the new dynamics they have to work through and the way they don’t really know how to act around each other in the beginning but at their core they’re still mother and daughter and Hope’s broken “they took my mommy” almost had me in tears seriously These Two Y’all. 
Hope thinks of Dev as her father...I’m soft :’)
I’m tired of Nikki. That’s literally all I want to say about her this episode like I’m so tired of the Sanctum storylines and I just do Not care about her little revenge plot. Nelson joining her side is stupid but he was in a very emotional place at the moment so I Guess. 
Emori tried So Hard to make things better on Sanctum and I want to give her all the things it’s what she deserves what a queen. (Luisa d’Oliveira an actual goddess I’m so happy she got a chance to shine this episode). Memori consistently being cute and domestic af love that for them, seriously these two fit so well together “ besides, you’ve been worshiping me for years” when I tell y’all I screamed. Also I’m not like, super convinced about the Emori is pregnant theory and don’t really know how I feel about it but “maybe it’s the palace life giving you that glow” was a...weird choice of words. 
Sheihedea shut up forever challenge. Seriously why does anyone let him speak?? The bitch is so dramatic when he starts going on his “I can give you want you want” speech just walk away from him?? Like what’s the bitch going to do start yelling after you?? And let everyone know how desperate he is to get people on his side and also that he only has one real strategy of getting people on his side?? I think the fuck not. Honestly though, he has one (1) method of getting people on his side and it’s psychoanalyzing them while they play chess which goes on ForEVER btw (like this post w h o o p s) i’m so tired of him. Murphy calling him on his misogyny was certainly a highlight of the episode though, good for him.
And Finally, that ending though. Wow I’m super shocked that the shepard is Bill Cadogan. What a surprise. Never saw it coming. I thin the ‘plot twist’ still worked ish mostly because everyone fucking forgot about his existence but idk it was what I expected and I just Don’t Care? You have crystal giants outside and you want me to care about some musty ass white man who’s been in the freezer for thousands of years?  
I genuinely thought (because I’m a dumbass) for half a second that the old dude in the freezer coffin was Bellamy because I though Anders was going to do some dramatic reveal of where he was stashing our king and the rage I felt in that split second when I thought they really had the audacity to do that. But no it was just Another Plot we get to explore :)))))
ALRIGHT CLOWNS YOU MADE IT TO THE END SO. HOW ABOUT THAT BELLARKE CRUMB WE GOT. Can’t believe I Still can’t retire my clown makeup, please just Give Them A Break. Ms. Morgan really did that though, the framing close up of Clarke, the Bellarke theme in the background, all the other characters looking right at Clarke as she breaks on the inside ( and holy shit kudos to Ms. Eliza Jane for that scene, the sheer heartbreak and almost feral desperation in one expression was Everything). I know I said I love parallel’s and who does parallels better then them but I feel like the “they do this every year” audio, just let them be together for more then Five minutes without some new crisis blease. 
Next episode will be a prequel (?) set up (?) which will be...interesting. Going to be real honest I don’t really care about the premise but Becca scenes are always a plus. More of the Diyoza women please, Clarke and Octavia deserve to have a (better) moment grieving over Bellamy together thanks, let Miller say more lines, and p l e a s e let Bellamy and Clarke be on screen together soon I miss them. 
Friendship ended with Gabriel now Levitt is my only friend
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 313: Deku VS Lady Nagant
Previously on BnHA: Hawks’s super-hot badass murder senpai Lady Nagant showed up to fire a cupid’s arrow into my heart, and a bunch of literal bullets into my son. Deku was all “oh shit it’s Hawks’s super-hot badass murder senpai, what do I do, let me think back to Hawks’s advice for a sec.” Flashback!Hawks was all “anyway Deku so if my super-hot badass murder senpai ever shows up you’re basically screwed so you’d better abscond the fuck out of there.” Present!Deku was all “lol idek why I flashed back to that conversation since I’m just going to do the exact opposite of what Hawks said” and charged directly toward Nagant because WHY NOT. Overhaul was all “waah I need to get back to my boss who I put in a coma out of love” and Nagant was all “jesus christ why did I even bring you here” and had a flashback to AFO who was all “ILU NAGANT IMMA GIVE YOU AN EXTRA QUIRK SO PLEASE CAPTURE DEKU FOR ME PLEASE AND THANKS” and yeah. Shit is all over the place right now and I love it.
Today on BnHA: All Might gets attacked by a pair of discount assassins and is all “Call an ambulance! ...BUT NOT FOR ME” and it’s really badass but also I really wish he would stop tempting fate like this. Lady Nagant is all “[casually flies around town shooting shit]” and I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t read an entire chapter of just that. Deku is all, “[gets shot (≥_<)]” and releases a giant Smokescreen which prompts En to show up. En is all, “( •᷄⌓•᷅ ) (⌣̀ Δ⌣́) ( •̀_•́ )σ (¬、¬) (눈_눈)” which I consider to be a high point of both the chapter and of my life. The chapter ends with Deku using the Third’s quirk to launch a bunch of random objects at Nagant so that he can jump up and grab her arm all sneaky-like, and I’m sure this is going to prompt another week’s worth of discourse that I don’t care about at all, but fuck it, I’m having a good time.
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you named your car??
you named it Hercules??
I love you so much??
please marry me you giant fucking dork???
lmao speaking of huge fucking dorks
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who the fuck are you clowns. la dee da we’re gonna murder All Might with our synchronized spear attack!! I mean... they’re clearly trying their best... maybe I should just be nice and politely hype them up like All Might is so clearly trying to do
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like okay, but we all agree that this is actually the least intimidating attack any of us has ever seen, right?? these guys zipped up their hoodies all serious-like and are trying to attack All Might and Hercules with their Walmart tiki torches, but just, no?? right?? like the only way this could possibly be effective is if they were trying to kill All Might with secondhand embarrassment
“those are assassins” this is a VERY generous assessment, All Might
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[slaps roof of car] this baby can fit so many weaponized festive backyard lighting solutions in it
and yet, even after watching this with my own two eyes, I still can’t take these dudes seriously. idek what it is. anyways r.i.p. Hercules, I loved you a lot but I guess you weren’t actually a very good armored car were you
omg they didn’t know it was All Might??
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okay 1) for a moment there I was like “oh hey maybe they’re not so bad after all” but then a moment later it was like “ah nope, they are.” like, that was an interesting .06 second emotional journey there. anyways 2) All Might you have my permission to kick their asses for this disrespect, and 3) anyone else all of a sudden getting “wouldn’t this be an interesting time for Stain to suddenly show up” vibes?? no?? just me???
(ETA: hmm tbh I’ve still got those vibes and they haven’t gone away lol. Stain?? you out there buddy?? do you want to be cool for just once in your life. ball’s in your court pal.)
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omg he’s shouting at them about how much Deku has suffered lmao and they’re just like falling over from being scolded
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so they have absolutely no idea what he’s talking about though, right? “SIR THIS IS A WENDY’S” well whatever, you killed his pet car so he’s in a bad mood now
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(ETA: also, the more I look at this panel, the more I’m just like, why the hell would you phrase it like that though, sob. way to doubly tempt fate?? are you trying to give Horikoshi a challenge??)
and now back to Deku who is randomly bouncing around the city and narrating it to himself just in case he was confused about why he was doing this
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who are you talking to Deku. but thanks we appreciate it
man you gotta love that overconfidence. the smartest guy in the world warned you away from this lady, so SURE, LET’S RUN RIGHT UP TO HER. “I APPRECIATE YOUR INPUT, FLASHBACK!HAWKS, BUT I’LL TAKE IT FROM HERE” well okay then!!
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I think it would be funny if RHA.com put little Buzzfeed-style polls in between the chapter pages so they could survey people at random intervals as they read their way through the chapter. like, you finish this page and then there’s a little poll there asking “do you think Deku’s plan of catching up to Lady Nagant and finding out where Shigaraki is will work?”, and you click “no” just like everyone else and then nod as the results show that 97% of your fellow readers also picked “no”, and you chuckle to yourself wondering how many of the 3% accidentally clicked on the wrong option by mistake, and then you keep on reading
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update: Deku’s plan not really working out. sources tell me my boy has been fucking shot. this is an ongoing story and we will keep you posted with the latest developments as they come in
wait what
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feel free to explain to the rest of us what all of this “UNLESS...” and “THAT POSSIBILITY...” shit means anytime, Deku
oh lol did he realize she could fly??
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BREAKING NEWS UPDATE, CNN’s John King reports that Deku is still fucked. eyewitness reports now coming in that Nagant is doing no-look shots and basically not even giving a fuck. sources described her mannerisms and expression as “sexy, but in like an effortless sort of way.” we will continue to bring you the latest
so now there’s basically an entire page of Deku being all “ah fuck so she’s basically closing in and she could already hit me with impossible accuracy even from Far Away, so if that’s the case then her being Up Close is probably going to be even worse!” making good use of that Big Hero Brain there, Deku
so now what, you’re doing some kind of spiraling kick thing?? how is that going to help
oh lol he’s using Smokescreen to create some cover. aww, good for you Deku you named one of your Smokescreen attacks
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seriously, AFO?? you basically told her what Deku’s exact strategy was going to be but then couldn’t be assed to drop that little, small, barely notable piece of knowledge that Deku is rocking multiple quirks?? is it supposed to be a secret or something?? you dropped the ball here man
damn this is getting intense now
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(ETA: the way En is poking Deku’s head in that first panel is fucking sending me, I love this guy so much omg.)
well then what are you planning, Deku?? I’m actually really curious!! I am genuinely starting to be invested in this fight scene not only in the “wanting to see who wins and how that impacts the plot” sense, but also in the “wanting to see how it happens because the choreography and strategy is actually pretty cool” sense, which honestly hasn’t happened for quite a while now! this is fun
anyway so what’s up Deku, are you going to use another quirk?? I’ve been speculating that he hasn’t actually unlocked the last two yet (since Two and Three didn’t exactly seem convinced when we last saw them), but maybe I’m about to be proven wrong
(ETA: well he clearly has Three’s obviously, but Two’s is still MIA, and that’s the one I am of course the most curious about. that’s the one we’re all curious about, let’s be real.)
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(ETA: so yeah, after thinking on it, I’m not gonna say “please no Deku discourse on my blog” this week, but I probably will ignore any discourse that does come my way though, just because I don’t have much interest in getting involved in what would probably be a pretty repetitive discussion. like, I can just sum up my opinions (which is what they are) here instead. in fact here they are lol:
1) I like the SIXQUIRKS and I like seeing Deku be a badass.
2) I also don’t think Deku is too OP. more like he’s exactly as OP as he needs to be at the moment, given that we’re approaching the end of the series. I expect the other kids will also be pretty damn OP when we see them fight again. we’re just at that point now where they’re all badasses (as well they should be; they’ve grown a lot and they deserve it). it’s just that Deku’s the one we’re getting to see right now.
3) of course I miss Kacchan and the others, but for me this vibes much closer to the MVA arc where even though I missed them, I was still having a blast (as opposed to the dark days of the Basement arc where I was pretty much losing it lol). like, even though Kacchan’s my favorite, I still love Deku a lot and this arc has been amazing for him getting to shine on his own (for like the first time, really).
4) y’all know I love the OFA plot and I’ve never been shy about that lol. I like all of the Vestiges a lot. Banjou and his over the top personality; En and his “guy you thought would be serious and :| all the time but is actually hyper-animated and ALL OVER THE PLACE” energy; Shiro who actually is a :| sort of guy lol; Three who I still expect will be fleshed out in a more detailed flashback at some point; and of course Two, who, well. you know what I think about him lol. Bakuverse is still on the table and I’m still hyped. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we still have yet to see Two actually talk to Deku (as opposed to talking to the other Vestiges while Deku is distracted). did he lend him his power yet?? or is he still holding out?? either way it’s definitely going to be a Big Thing when it finally happens and I can’t wait to see it.
5) Lady Nagant is Everything and just because Deku grabbed her arm doesn’t mean the fight is over yet lol. Overhaul hasn’t come into play yet either. not to mention that even if the fight is over, the “where do we go from here” part still has me excited either way. her connection to Hawks and the HPSC is very intriguing and we’ve barely touched on that as of yet; she definitely has more of a role to play in this.
6) last but not least, I feel like every week the discussion is all about how much focus Deku’s getting, and how OP he is or isn’t, and OFA this and OFA that, but meanwhile I’m actually so invested in the character development here though?? the way Deku has distanced himself from everyone (except for the Vestiges, because of course they’re already dead so it’s not like they can die again lol)?? the way he’s pushing himself far too hard and we can see the shadows in and under his eyes, and the fact that he never smiles, and even All Might has remarked on how he isn’t taking care of himself at all?? the fact that he’s so single-mindedly obsessed with focused on stopping AFO?? the fact that he’s still the same sweet old Deku despite everything and was so kind to that fox lady with the umbrella, but there was also something so sad about that scene because it felt like a reminder of the type of hero that he wants to be, but that he’s not allowed to be right now?? because the stakes are too high and the world is falling apart?? and he feels like he’s the only one who can do something about it?? and that he has to be?? and that he is putting so much pressure on himself right now, and it’s absolutely too much pressure for any one person to bear, and I feel like no one is fucking talking about this lol goddammit.
anyway so yeah. I have feels about this, and every week that slow-burn angst is getting more and more intense behind the scenes, and I feel like it’s all going to hit a breaking point eventually. sooner rather than later. it really feels like a mirror of Katsuki’s post-Kamino arc. where all that angst was just churning below the surface for like twenty chapters and then it finally was like “okay it’s time” and it all came bursting out and we got the best five chapters of the fucking series (in my admittedly biased estimation lol).
basically, I know that most of fandom is billing this as either the “villain hunt” arc or the “solo Deku SIXQUIRKS fighting arc” or whatever. but for me, it’s always been and still is the Deku Angst arc lol. the cool fights are a sexy bonus (the worldbuilding less so because even though it’s interesting to see society at such a low point, it’s also very depressing and gets old pretty fast), but for me the thing that’s really keeping me engaged chapter after chapter is seeing Deku like we’ve never seen him before. seeing him all quiet and withdrawn and brooding and focused on AFO, AFO, AFO, and seeing that “he just doesn’t take himself into account” mentality taken to extremes. I am invested in that. I’m soaking up that angst each and every week, and I’m invested in seeing what comes of it. it’s a big picture thing. week to week this arc might just seem like a bunch of villain fight scenes, sure. but Deku’s emotional journey is the thread that’s going to carry this arc through from beginning to end, and for that I’m willing to be patient.
anyway that turned into a BIG OL’ RANT there but yeah! so those are my thoughts on the disk horse as it currently stands. and like I said, I’m open to discussion, but tbh I will probably just wind up repeating these same talking points endlessly so just a fair warning lol.)
anyway so Three says Deku has yet to use his quirk at ALL but now he’s trying to combine it with another quirk?? damn. also please check out En’s face here you guys
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En launching a sneak attack up my favorite character list by the sheer power of his expressions alone. he really knows how to make the most of his screentime
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at this point the 3% from that hypothetical poll earlier are starting to feel prettttty damn smug, I’ll bet. well shit
what in the fuck
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?? so like releasing his chi or whatnot?? isn’t that basically just like base OFA all over again?? also Deku did you seriously just apologize to Gran’s cape
update: Nagant has turned her eyeball into a gun
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hm. hmmmmmmm. ...okay yep, still somehow sexy
anyway so she’s just floating up there building suspense, as one does. lord I sure hope she has good reflexes because something tells me she’s going to need them
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but without the cape and the hood how will you continue to look like an enigmatic badass. you really can’t. which means we might finally be moving on from the wandering nomad part of this arc, stay tuned
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I hope he went full Kacchan with the dialogue there. his face sure looks like it lol. popped out of a building all mad fdskljlkj omg
well this was fun, shit. I still have basically no idea what Three’s quirk does though lol. like, can he use it to charge up objects with kinetic energy or something?? but then what was all of that talk about combining it with one of the other quirks?? or was that just because he was using Smokescreen at the same time??
(ETA: having seen and read an additional half-dozen explanations of Three’s quirk, I can say with confidence that I still have basically no idea what it is or does.)
anyway so!! Deku is a badasssssss but something tells me not to count Nagant out just yet even so. also I really enjoy seeing Deku flip out on people like he doesn’t have a fucking hole in his torso because it reminds me of A CERTAIN SOMEONE and I always love to see him channeling that feral energy; I feel like it’s been a while
anyways good luck to you both!! I truly wish that both of you could win. but if not, then maybe you can at least become friends instead. you have so much in common, you both can fly and have multiple quirks and you’re both badasses, and plus it would just be really funny to see the look on Hawks’s face lmao
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softholand · 3 years
cherry flavored kisses - t.h
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pairing: tom holland x youtuber!reader
summary: tom and harrison try to do your makeup while answering questions to know ‘who knows you better’
warnings: swearing, a lot of dialogue
words: 3.2k
a/n: this is absolutely not my favorite writing, but i still quite like it so, here you go!! lol i really hope you guys enjoy it, i love writing this series (can we call it that?) and i have so many ideas for it :)) please, let me know if you like it and want more of these <33 i think that’s it for now, enjoy!!
Another day, another video to film. This time you weren’t alone though, you had your boyfriend Tom and one of your other best friends Harrison with you, to film a video you had been dying to.
You were finishing setting up your camera to start recording when you felt two strong arms wrap around your torso. “Tom, stop! I have to finish this!” You chuckled, already knowing the owner of those arms. “Couldn’t resist, you look good from the back.” Before the warning, Tom swatted your ass, causing you to let out a muffled scream, which got the attention of Harrison, who was previously on his phone.
“C’mon, you guys will seriously keep flirting with each other during the whole video?” Harrison huffed, tossing his phone away. “No, we’re not!” You assured your blonde friend, but Tom had a different idea. “Speak for yourself, love!” He smirked, happy to annoy his friend. Rolling his eyes, Harrison said, “I already regret accepting this!”
Once your equipment was ready, you called Tom and Harrison, who got settled in your bed, with you between the two. “You guys ready? Did you turn off your phones?” You asked, not wanting to have anything getting in the way of your filming. When both boys assured you they had, you relaxed, pressing the small record button on the remote on your hand.
“Hi everyone, welcome back to my channel! Today I have two very special guests here with me. On my right side we have Tom Holland and on my left, Harrison Osterfield. I don’t think you’ve ever been officially to my channel before, Haz?” You asked Harrison, to which he responded, “No, I don’t think so! Hello everyone!” He said, flashing the camera an smile.
“Well, you guys are already familiar with Tom, so he doesn’t need any more introductions.” You sassed, laughing at his offended face. “Rude!” He said, before giving the camera a little wave. “Hi guys, it’s me again, Tom! I know, I know you guys have been dying to see me again, what can I say?” Your boyfriend let it out, taking complete control of your video.
“Okay, that’s enough, movie star! Can we actually start the video now?” You asked, Tom, letting out a laugh. “Yeah, yeah! Go ahead!” He rolled his eyes to the camera, but you could feel the small kick he gave your foot, wanting to make sure you knew it was all a joke. You smiled, and before you could say anything else, Harrison came through.
“What is the video about, by the way? ‘Cause, I don’t know if you guys know but we have absolutely no idea what we’re doing here.” The blonde said, pointing to Tom and himself. “Yes, they have actually no idea why they’re here.” You laughed, being met with worried looks from both of the boys. “I didn’t like that laugh,” Harrison exclaimed, being followed by Tom. “Should we be scared?” Asked your boyfriend, but you quickly shrugged them off.
“No, just shut up and let me tell them, and you, what you’d be doing. On today’s video...” you said, before getting the makeup box you had put together for this video, which was hiding under your bed. “You are going to be doing my makeup!” You exclaimed, laughing at the boy's surprised reactions.
“Haven’t you realized I’m not wearing any?” You asked, pointing to your bare face. “No! You know you look beautiful anyway, love!” Tom cooed, making your cheeks grow red. “Oh, shut up!” You rolled your eyes, flashing him a smile.
“I don’t like this!” Haz let it out, inspecting some of your makeup products. “Isn’t it fun?” You smirked, making him roll his blue eyes. “You’re kidding, right? How am I supposed to do this?” The blonde huffed. “Actually, this is a test to know if you watch my videos, cause you’ll have to recreate one of my looks.”
Tom and Harrison shared a look that could only be translated by the word fear. “You do makeup-related videos?” Tom asked, completely oblivious. “It was not a proper makeup tutorial, it was more like a get ready with me.” You smiled, trying to ease both of the boys' nerves. “Well, clearly you both haven’t been watching my videos, so it’s your fault you have no idea what to do.” You sassed, putting your tongue out.
“We’re fucked, mate!” Your boyfriend chuckled. “Don’t swear on my videos, Thomas!” You scolded him, slapping his arm. “Okay, so I’m gonna show a picture of the look you have to recreate but that’s the only help I’ll give. You can’t ask me anything related to makeup during the video, got it?” You questioned, to which they nodded. “Also…” before you could finish your sentence, Tom added, “There’s more?”
“Yeah, I’m going to be asking you questions about me while you do my makeup, to know which one of you knows me better.” You squealed, feeling the excitement in your veins. The boys didn’t seem to be so happy, especially Harrison, who claimed this was not fair, since Tom was your boyfriend, therefore know more about you.
“We’ve been friends for forever, Harrison! I bet there’s stuff you know that Tom doesn’t.” You said, getting an offended reaction from Tom. “Hey!” He protested, to which you rolled your eyes. “Can we start now, please? We’ve been here for 10 minutes already.” You pleaded, getting them to finally agree.
“Okay, where do you guys wanna start?” You asked, being met with confused glances. After a couple of seconds, you heard “Foundation!” and “Primer!”, all at once. “Yeah, primer! That’s exactly what I said!” Tom tried to cover it up but Harrison wasn’t having it. “Fuck off, Tom! I said it first!” Swatting the blonde's arm, you went back to scolding, “I told you two not to swear!”
While the boys started to choose between your selection of products, you took back your phone that was currently sitting on the bed, with the selfie you took with the look they had to recreate. “While you guys start on my face, I’ll ask the first question. What do I like more: sweet or salty food?” You asked, closing your eyes for Harrison to apply the primer on half of your face.
“Sweet!” Tom answered, squeezing some of your favorite primers on his hand, before applying it to your face. “Yeah, you’re like an ant. Always looking for crumbs of sugar.” Harrison responded, making you chuckle. “True, I have a very sweet tooth.” You smiled, before going to the next question. “What is one of my biggest fears?”
While they looked for a foundation, they answered, again at the same time. Tom said spiders, while Harrison said, clowns. “I mean, you’re both right! But if I had to choose it would probably be clowns.” You said, laughing at Harrison's little victory dance. “C’mon, you can even look at a spider, love. You always call me to get rid of them.” Tom protested. “Well, yes but I would rather have to kill a spider than a clown.” You tried to reason but ended up making the three of you burst out laughing.
When you finally recovered from your fit of laughter, the boys started with their foundation choices. “Wait, you only put your skin tone foundations here, right?” Tom asked, still trying to find the perfect one. “Yeah, I’m not that evil.” You laughed. “Can I use this to apply it?” Harrison asked, holding one of your beauty blenders. “What did I say, Haz? No makeup-related questions.” You smirked, hearing him groan.
“God, I hope this works!” By your side, Tom started spreading some of the foundations he had placed on the back of his hand. “Okay, next question! Am I an early bird or a night owl?” Harrison was quicker than Tom this time, “Night owl! She just doesn’t sleep. It’s ridiculous!” He complained, to which you scoffed. “I do sleep, but I’d rather stay awake until 3 am than having to wake up at 6 am.” You reasoned.
“Just admitted, love! You stay up ‘cause we have lots of fun in bed.” Tom winked, making your face grow red, and Harrison gag. “Seriously, Tom?! Ugh, disgusting!” The blonde exclaimed while you tried your best to calm your nerves. “You did not just say that!” Tom only shrugged, laughing at both of your faces.
“Moving on, what was the most embarrassing moment in my life? Oh no, I already regret that!” You said, scared about the answers you were gonna get. Tom laughed while trying very hard to blend your foundation with an eyeshadow brush. Great.
“The time you slipped and fell into the water fountain.” You instantly cringed, remembering the moment vividly in your head. “God, I hate that I told guys that!” You let out a groan, asking for Harrison’s answer. “I was gonna say when you walked in your underwear without realizing Tom was doing an Instagram live, but that's pretty good too.” Harrison laughed, making you blush at his words. “Oh my god, I had completely forgotten that!” You exclaimed, joining your friends in laughter.
“It’s okay, babe! You looked really good.” Tom stated, pecking your lips. You blushed, still getting flustered by his compliments. “Thank you!” Smiling, you kissed him back, before checking your face in one of your blushes to see how they were doing. “That’s actually not bad, good job, guys!” You high-fived them, laughing at their smug faces.
“What’s next, then?” You waited for an answer, which came from Tom this time. “Concealer?” He was so unsure of his answer that it ended up sounding more like a question. “I don’t know, is it?” You shrugged, glancing at Harrison. “I think so, all I know is after concealer, you have to contour,” Harrison stated, taking you by surprise.
“By your shocked reaction, I think we’re right.” Tom laughed, you and Harrison quickly joining him. “Okay, while you guys do that, I’m gonna ask some other questions. Ready?” When they both nodded, you continued. “What is my favorite time of the year?” Tom immediately answered, afraid Harrison would say it first. “Autumn!” Your boyfriend proudly said, while your friend's answer was “Christmas!”
“I do love Christmas but my favorite has to be autumn, it’s just the perfect temperature and the trees are all orange. It's beautiful! So, point for Tom!” Tom smirked, making Harrison roll his eyes. “Next one, what am I allergic to?” You asked, and that was the only question you weren’t sure they had the answer for.
Harrison looked at you as if that would give him the answer. “You don’t have any allergies.” He stated, to which you shook your head. “I have one.” At that, he stopped applying the concealer to your face, totally focused on his next answer. “I have no idea, Uhm, pollen?” The blonde tried, but he was wrong.
“Walnuts, she’s allergic to walnuts!” Tom triumphantly exclaimed, knowing he was right. “Realy?” Harrison asked, to which you nodded. “I had no idea, you know how dangerous that was? I could give you something with walnuts and kill you?” He inquired, making you laugh. “I wasn’t going to die, Haz! It just gives me bad itches.” You clarified, watching him nod.
When the boys moved on from concealing to contouring your face, that was when things started to go south. Tom chose a colorway too dark for your skin tone, while Harrison put so much on your face turned orange. “I’ll give you guys one tip, just ‘cause I don’t wanna look like a clown at the end of this video.” You told them, before explaining they could go back to the concealer to clean the mess they made.
Once everything seemed good, they moved on to blush and highlighters, and you to your next question. “How many tattoos do I have?” You waited for the answers, while the boys kept painting your face. “Two, your star sign on your finger, and a butterfly on your ankle you did when you were 16 and regret it since then.” Harrison proudly said, making you wince at his words. “Ouch, you didn’t have to go that hard, Haz!” You smirked, looking expectantly at your boyfriend.
“What’s your answer, Tom?” Taking a break from your face, he cleared his throat before answering. “Three, the two Harrison said and a rose on your hip.” The brunette smiled knowing that, once again, he was the only one right. “Another point to Tom!” You exclaimed while Harrison looked at you like you had two heads.
“See? I said this game wasn’t fair! How could I know you have a tattoo on your hip?” The blonde protested, making your roll your eyes. “That’s not an excuse! The tattoo is visible when I wear a bikini, Haz!” You tried to reason, but clearly, he wasn’t having it. “Oh, sorry I don’t pay closer attention to your body!” Harrison mocked, sticking his tongue out when you flipped him off.
“The rose is my favorite one,” Tom stated, a smile wide on his face. “I wonder why!” Harrison exclaimed, and this time, it was Tom who flipped him off. “Okay, you guys finished with the skin, then?” You inquired, taking another look at yourself in the mirror. Overall, it wasn’t bad. There were a couple of patches here and there where they messed up the contour but, to your surprise, it actually looked decent.
“Now, you guys are lucky I chose a look with no eyeshadow.” You stated, getting excited about the next part. “But you’ll have to put false lashes on.” You smirked, knowing what was to come. “And you call that lucky?” Harrison inquired, making you laugh. “C’mon, it’s not that hard! Here, I’ll show you how to do it.” Taking the lashes from the box, you started to show them how to apply the glue and carefully place the falsies the closest to your real lashes as possible.
“God, I’m sweating!” Tom breathed, making you laugh. “I’ll close my eyes for you to apply, ok?” The boys nodded, and once your eyes were closed, you could hear their nervous breathing at each side of your face, making you chuckle. “This is stressing me out massively. You’re buying dinner tonight for making us go through this.” Your blonde friend sighed. “Oh, shut up! I do this every day!” You flipped him off, still unmoving.
Once you felt they stopped moving, you asked if you could open your eyes. Deciding to do a little prank, you pretended to open them, only for it to be stuck. “Oh my god, I think you guys glued my eyes shut!” You cried, already dying to watch his reactions. “What? We could do that?” Tom exclaimed, completely freaked out. “y/n, look at me!” Harrison asked, and you felt his hands going to your eyes.
“It hurts!” You whined, “trying” to get your eyes open. “Fuck, what do we do now?” Tom practically yelled, making you laugh, which obviously confused them. Opening your eyes, you saw two shocked faces, staring with wide eyes, right back at you. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I had to!” You laughed, feeling tears starting to form in your eyes.
“I can’t believe you did this!” Tom breathed, while Harrison shoved you harshly, absolutely pissed. “You fucking asshole! I’m never filming with you again!” He stated while you tried hard to recover from your fit of laughter. “I’m sorry!” You apologized, doing your best puppy dog eyes for them.
“My hands are shaking!” Tom informed, showing his hands that were in fact, shaking. “Baby, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know you’d believe it.” You said, guilt coating your words this time. Tom assured you it was okay, even saying he did find the prank kinda funny in the end. Harrison did not agree with your boyfriend, pretending to be mad for the rest of the video, even though the corners of his mouth gave him away.
Seeing you guys were filming for about forty-five minutes already, you decided to not even check the boy's work with the lashes, going straight to the last question, while they applied lipstick. “Okay, so here’s the final question, what is my body count?” You smirked, Tom’s expression completely shifting.
“Seriously? That is the question?” He inquired, raising his eyebrows. “Hey, they suggested the question.” You defended yourself, pointing to the recording camera. “I’ll go first then, let me see…” Your blonde friend said while pretending to count with both of his hands, over and over again. “Fuck off!” You flipped him off, watching his smirk grow in size.
“I’m kidding! But uhm, I would say five?!” Raising your eyebrows, you nodded, before turning back to Tom. “What’s your answer, sir?” You playfully asked. “Six, the answer is six!” He rolled his eyes, annoyed with the question. “Oh, shit! I’m so stupid! I forgot to count Tom!” Harrison face palmed himself, making you burst out laughing.
“Yeah, sorry to break this to you, mate but we already banged,” Tom smirked, shooting you a wink. “Tom!” You scolded him, while Harrison pretended to gag. “Gross! I didn’t need the image of my two best friends fucking in my head.” Harrison exclaimed, making your cheeks grow red. “Okay, that’s enough! Are you guys finished with the makeup?” You quickly asked, dying to change the subject. “Yeah, yeah!” Harrison murmured, while Tom smirked.
Taking your blush, you finally checked yourself in the mirror to see the finished look. “Oh my god, it actually looks good, guys! Good job!” You exclaimed, shamelessly fixing your lashes. “Well, I’m not gonna be the one judging who did it better, so now it’s with you guys. Who do you think did better, Tom or Harrison?” You asked, showing both sides of your face to the camera.
“About the questions, I’m pretty sure Tom won.” You stated, much to Harrison’s dismay. “Of course he did!” The blonde rolled his eyes, making you laugh. “Good luck next time, mate!” Tom teased, a smirk sitting proudly on his face. “Stop it, you two! Now say goodbye before I finally end this almost hour-long video.” You groaned, dreading the moment you’d have to edit the video.
“Bye everyone, thank you for watching! Please, vote for me!” Tom smiled, giving the camera an adorable little wave. “Mate, you already won the questionnaire, let me have this one,” Harrison whined, sounding like a child. When he said goodbye, you finished your outro, before finally stopping recording.
“We did it! Thank you, guys! It was a little chaotic but you did a great job.” You smiled proudly. “Of course, anything for my girl,” Tom stated, getting up from his spot on the bed, stopping right by your side. With both hands on your hips, he closes the distance between you, landing a soft kiss on your lips. “Okay, I had enough of you two for today. Bye!” Harison exclaimed, before also getting up, leaving your bedroom.
“Why do you taste like cherry?” Tom asked as soon as he let go of your lips. “Oh, it’s probably the lipgloss. It’s cherry-flavored!” You explained, asking if he liked it since his eyes kept trailed to your lips. “Hum, I love it!” Your boyfriend smiled, and this time it was you who closed the distance, giving him another one of your cherry-flavored kisses.
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funny story (that’s actually not funny at all): the water fountain part it’s based on true events 🥲 lmao
tagging: @stuckonspidey @bi-writes @duskholland @screamholland @missnxthingg @wazzupmrstark @peeterparkr @veryholland @cali-holland @mrs-hollandstan @uglypastels @storybookholland @bi-lmg @spideyspeaches @sinisterspidey @rosyparkers @hollandswife @sunshine96love
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cafedanslanuit · 3 years
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chapter guide | prev. chapter | next chapter
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✖   —   chapter summary: Now that Zeke has explained what truly happened with Yelena, all your troubles have finally ended. Except that now you need to start avoiding Porco. However, things change once you overhear a conversation in the woman's bathroom.
✖   —   pairing: porco/reader & zeke/reader
✖   —   chapter tags/warnings: college au, descriptions of panic attacks, lots of self-doubt, gaslighting, hurt/comfort, fluff, referenced cheating. 
✖   —   a/n: i have posted the playlist that goes with this series! click here to check this post <3
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chapter three: me and my husband
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Porco looked at his cellphone, an ill sensation filling up his stomach as he read over and over your last messages. For the past few days, he had been trying to reach out to you but he had been rejected every time.
He knew something wrong was going on the moment you said you couldn’t make it to his lacrosse game. Ever since you became friends, you hadn’t missed a single game. He had once seen you finishing an essay on your phone and sending it while you were sitting on the bleachers, excited for the game to begin. He had seen you falling asleep on his shoulder during a party after a game, too tired from studying for a test that you took earlier.
Porco sighed. He wished he could find any other reason to explain your behaviour but the only one that came to his mind was his late night confession to you. He shouldn’t have told you he loved you. Now you were avoiding him and his feelings and he was scared he had lost your friendship completely.
He put the phone on his back pocket and grabbed his keys, heading to the parking lot. After getting into his car, he turned on the radio and drove out of the campus, entering the main highway of the city. He wasn’t sure where he was heading to, but all he knew is that he wanted to stop thinking about you, the moment he thought you had shared and the dry messages that followed.
He had really fucked it up.
 Sitting on your faculty’s corridor floor, you looked over at the texts Porco had been sending you the past week. It physically pained you to be so curt with someone that meant so much to you. Porco had always been there for you, even in the times you had told him you really didn’t need him. He cared when you got sick, when you were sad and also when you wanted company to crash a party on campus. You two had been inseparable since the day you met and he was already acquaintances with Annie and Armin due to all the time he had spent at your place.
This was the right thing to do, you told yourself one more time, closing your Instagram. You were taking the right decision. Porco had fallen in love with you and then had tried to make you think your boyfriend had cheated on you. If Zeke hadn’t pointed that out for you, you probably wouldn’t have noticed until it was too late. Truly, you were lucky Zeke had been understanding about the whole situation and had forgiven you for not trusting in him.
Porco wasn’t a bad person. You knew in your heart he wasn’t. But you had been wrong to trust he had your best interest in his mind.
That’s what didn’t make sense. Why had Porco, sweet and caring Porco had suddenly decided to put you against Zeke only just because he had caught feelings for you? The Porco you knew wouldn’t have done that. If he truly only wanted to drive you away from Zeke, he would have let you kiss him the night he spent with you. He would have taken the opportunity, right? So, why didn’t he?
Your head started hurting.
Your thumb ghosted over Porco’s contact on your phone, wondering whether to call him or not. You missed him dearly and knew that if you asked him to be honest, he would. There were countless moments in the past where he had been honest with you, from the time he confessed to accidentally stepping on your foundation powder and the time he opened up about his father’s death.
He’ll say anything to make you doubt your relationship with me.
Zeke’s voice resonated in your ears and you bit your tongue. He was right. You needed to remember Porco was trying to put you against your boyfriend.
Before you could think of a counterargument, you shot a quick text to Zeke. Yes. A day with your boyfriend would help you keep your mind busy.
“wanna hang out later? <3”
You watched intently, a small smile on your face as the three dots twinkled on your screen. Zeke’s answer came a few seconds later.
“Can’t. Exam tomorrow :(“
He then sent you a picture of a couple of books over a table that you recognized as the university’s library. He also had the tumbler you had given him a couple of months ago, filled with straight black coffee if you had to take a guess.
“:(( okaaaay, good luck on your exam, love u!”
You put your phone away and sighed. You missed Zeke too. The few days after you had confronted him about the time you thought you saw Yelena and him kissing, he had showered you with love. You had spent the weekend at his place wearing nothing but an old t-shirt of his and making love several times a day. You snuggled to him on the couch as he watched an old documentary and playfully took the cigar from his lips and took a puff yourself. ‘Ladies like you shouldn’t smoke,’ he had said playfully as he took it back from your lips and then pressed a kiss on your temple.
Nevertheless, the short honeymoon phase after you made up had come to an end. You knew it was going to happen, but now your body and heart were craving more of him and his classes were taking all his time. If it wasn’t an exam it was a group project or a study session and even if you knew seniors had it way harder than you, you missed him. Missed his beard scratching your neck, his strong cologne and his deep chuckle whenever you managed to make him smile.
Maybe you could walk around the mall. You still had some birthday money and you could treat yourself a little. Maybe a new body cream or a pair of cute underwear from Victoria Secret to surprise your boyfriend after he was done with his classes. Yes, a shopping trip was exactly what you needed to stop thinking so much. Smiling, you walked to the bathroom of your faculty, just a quick detour to freshen up before you got into your car. 
You looked at yourself in the mirror and took out your lipstick, fixing it carefully.
“I fucking hate her.”
You turned around as you saw three girls entering the bathroom. They stood by your side, none of them seeming to notice your presence. One of them fixing her hair, another was looking down at her phone, eyebrows knitted together and mumbling more and more curses and the last one just leaned against the bathroom stalls, arms crossed against her chest as she watched the other two.
“We did tell you she wasn’t meant to be trusted,” she reminded the girl with the phone. When she raised her head, you recognized her as Pieck, one of Porco’s close friends, who you had seen around at a lot of parties and on many of his Instagram photos.
“How is that helping me?” Pieck asked icily.
“I’m just saying, Yelena is shady. Telling you all that crap about only being able to open up with you— and for what? For her to post photo after photo of her fuckboy?” the girl in front of the mirror said. “Like, nobody needs to know you’re getting it at the library, why post about it? Literally, nobody cares.”
“She’s not worth it,” the other girl interjected. 
“She really isn’t, babe. And Zeke isn’t even that hot,” her friend continued with a mocking laugh. “The one that looks like a clown is her, not you. Just let it go.”
“He truly is a bad case of the monkey face,” Pieck agreed with a snort. “Men like that are what keep me a lesbian.”
“Hi Pieck,” you greeted her. For the first time, Pieck looked your way and widened her eyes, recognizing you in an instant.
“Hey,” she said in an apologetic voice. “I— I’m sorry. Shouldn’t have said that.”
You faked a chuckle. “It’s okay. I just wanted to say you shouldn’t worry about them, Yelena is—”
“Yeah, yeah, we both shouldn’t worry. You’re probably trying to move on and ignore them too,” Pieck sighed and then pursed her lips in discomfort. “But I know you were Zeke’s girlfriend for a while, it’s normal you don’t want to hear about who he’s fucking now—”
“Zeke and I are still together,” you interrupted her.
Pieck’s face fell at your words. She looked at her friends, who were also looking at each other with an indecipherable expression. Your furrowed your eyebrows, confused as to why they were sharing those glances. Why would they think you weren’t with Zeke? Sure, you hadn’t posted photos with him lately but that didn’t mean you weren’t together anymore.
“I’ll catch up with you in a bit,” Pieck said softly to her friends. They nodded and said they would be by the cafeteria before leaving. Once they went away, Pieck closed the bathroom door and walked to you again.
“Why— why would you think we’re not together?” you insisted, your voice trembling more than you would have wanted.
“Yelena and Zeke are fucking,” she sentenced in a soft voice. You shook your head.
“I know that’s what it looks like but Yelena likes women,” you said. “You— I mean you guys were dating or something, right? You know she’s a lesbian, she’s just pretending to have something with Zeke so her parents back off for a while.”
Pieck’s silence was deafening.
“Right?” you pushed. “It’s cool because she’s a lesbian and—”
“Yelena is bisexual.”
You paused, blinking as you tried to understand. After a few seconds, you shook your head.
“She’s not.”
“The reason we’re not dating anymore is because I saw her fucking Zeke at a party,” she explained.
“No,” you said, and shook your head once more. “No, because if it happened at a party then someone would have seen them. Someone would have noticed, there would have been rumours, I would have  known . Pieck, someone would have told me, Reiner, Marcel, Porco—”
“They weren’t there. Almost everyone was a senior.”
“Then you! You would have told me,” you cried. “You’re telling me you saw my boyfriend fucking someone else and didn’t tell me!? Pieck—!”
“I thought you weren’t together anymore!” she defended herself. “What was I supposed to think when every single one of his friends at that shitty apartment knew he was fucking her in the bedroom and they all acted like it was a normal thing to do? I see all these photos of both of them and…” she continued, shaking her phone. “Of course I think he’s not with you anymore! Yelena is uploading pictures as she rests her legs on his lap, about their movie dates at his place and you want me to think she has a girlfriend!?”
Tears started falling from your eyes as she spoke. You sniffled, trying to compose yourself but you could feel every muscle of your body shaking.
“Does Porco know?” you asked in a whisper.
“I know you two are best friends since high school. You— you had to tell him. If this was real, if this happened, you had to tell Porco,” you reasoned. “So tell me, Pieck, does Porco know?” you insisted, raising your voice, hating the way it cracked at the end.
Pieck shook her head. “I told him Yelena cheated on me, didn’t tell him with who.”
“Because he told me not to date Yelena, said she wasn’t a good person. I didn’t want to prove Porco right, you know him,” Pieck said with a small shrug.
You nodded idly, your eyes lost. No. It didn’t make sense, it didn’t— even if it did. It did make sense but it  couldn’t make sense. Because if Pieck was right, if Yelena and Zeke were—
“Give me a date,” you whispered.
“When was this?”
“I don’t— Two weeks ago?”
“I need to know the exact date, Pieck.”
“Girl, I don’t remember exactly, I—”
“Give me a date, Pieck!” you sobbed, raising your voice. She sighed and nodded, taking out her phone.
You watched as Pieck went through her messages with Yelena, scrolling up as she tried to remember the date. Your breath was hitching, inhaling more than you were exhaling but you didn’t care. You wanted to know when it was. Pieck was going to tell you it happened on a date where he was with you. She was going to say it happened one of the nights you and Zeke stayed the weekend at his place and then you would know she’s lying. Yes, that was going to happen. She would tumble over her own lie and this nightmare would be over.
“March 31st,” Pieck murmured. “I kept texting her, asking where she was before I went to look for her,” she reminisced, before showing you her phone.
                                                                                           lena where are u
                                          why are my friends saying you’re with zeke rn
                                                                                         yelena answer me
                                                                                    fuck u i’m going there
                                                FUCK YOU YELENA YOURE THE WORST
                                                                  PIECE OF SHIT IVE EVER MET
                                                                            REALLY???? ZEKE?????
                                                                           HOPE YOU GET HERPES
                                                                                 I FUCKING HATE YOU
babe, i’m sorry
can we talk?
A bitter taste crept inside your mouth as you took out your phone and went through yours and Zeke’s messages, looking desperately for the date. It was the weekend you spent together. It had to be. The memories of Zeke’s kitchen calendar that said April were lying to you. It had to be March. Or maybe he changed the calendar because he was with you on March 31st.
You scrolled up until March and went to read the messages exchanged on that day.
Good morning! I know it’s really early
But I want to see you today <3
Meet me at the tennis court?
                                                                                  sure, i’ll take an uber :)
Silent sobs escaped your mouth as your phone started shaking in your trembling hands. Pieck whispered apologies and you wanted nothing more than to tell her to shut up, that it wasn’t her fault, that she wasn’t the one that swore she wanted to marry you and then went to fuck someone else at a party, not caring if he was seen or not.
But it wasn’t true. Zeke said it was just a ruse, that Yelena just wanted to hide her queerness, that they were just good friends. He said so. Pieck had to be lying, she had to be. She was just messing with you, lying to see how much you could believe her. Because Zeke wouldn’t do that, you were the one he trusted, you were the one he was going to marry, you—
Pieck was still holding her phone in front of you.
With the very same date.
And Yelena admitting her crime.
But it couldn't be right. There had to be a mistake because Zeke loved you. He loved you and he had told you about his family, he had taken you to meet his grandparents, he promised he hadn’t kissed Yelena that night, he—
Had he not kissed her?
Was it only a movie night?
No, it hadn’t.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Pieck’s voice sounded far, your lips parted as you tried to gasp for air. You lifted your head and saw her lips moving but you couldn’t hear any sound but your heart beating out of your chest. Tingles started creeping on your fingers and without you being able to do anything to prevent it, you dropped your phone on the bathroom floor.
Why didn’t it make a sound?
Why were your fingers numb?
You lifted your head and Pieck was gone. Dismissing her sudden disappearance, you crouched down and picked your phone. You winced at the huge crack on your screen and slid your finger several times over it until you could press on Zeke’s contact and call him.
As his phone rang, you pressed your back on the wall, slowly sinking until you were sitting on the floor.
“Baby, I told you I was studying for this test, I can’t—”
“I know about you and Yelena,” you said in a broken voice. You heard him let out an annoyed sigh on the other line.
“Didn’t we talk about this already? I told you she’s not—”
“I know about the party. The day we played baseball and— that same night you went to a party and fucked her,” you sobbed. You wiped the tears on your face with the back of your hand. “Zeke, tell me it’s a lie, tell me you didn’t do this, please,  please  tell me you didn’t really fuck Yelena,” you begged. “Please.”
“You know what? Get some help. Like, psychological help. This isn’t normal.”
The silence after Zeke hung up choked you. Your chest rose up and down as you sobbed uncontrollably. Your brain was screaming. Loudly. ‘Make it stop,’ you told yourself. ‘Get it together. Make it stop.’
Make it stop.
                         Make it stop.
                                                 Make it stop.
                                                                         Make it stop.
                                                                                                 Make it stop.
 It’s a lie.
                                                                                                  Make it stop.
He lied to you.
He fucked her.
                                                                                                 Please, stop.
He lied.
                                                                                              I can’t breathe.
When you woke up, Porco was there.
Your head felt heavy as you tried to sit up, rubbing your eyes. A quick look around let you know you were in your apartment but you weren’t sure as to  how , or why your friend was there, his phone on his lap and his eyes looking at you filled with worry.
He whispered your name as if his voice could hurt you. “How are you feeling?”
“What are you doing here?” you asked groggily. You noticed your throat was hurting as well. “What hour is it?” you mumbled as you palmed your jean pockets looking for your phone. You found it hidden between two pillows and pressed the power button, trying to see if you had any unread messages.
“Pieck called me,” Porco explained. “And it’s eight and a half.”
Pieck. Pieck with her friends in the bathroom, Pieck with the text messages. Everything came back to you in a second and you couldn’t help but wince at the way your head hurt.
“How are you feeling?” he insisted. You took a deep breath. The small movement made you realize how much the muscles of your back were hurting along with your arms. You licked your lips, hating how dry they felt against your tongue.
“I broke my phone.”
Porco furrowed his eyebrows. “What?”
“I— I dropped it. There’s a crack on the screen.”
He nodded slowly and looked down at his shoes, his forearms resting on his knees. You could almost listen to his loud thoughts, one coming after another inside his head. Porco sighed and turned his head back to you.
“Want me to get it fixed? Marcel knows a guy, I’m sure he can get it done by tomorrow.”
“No, it’s okay. It’s working just fine,” you said, passing your thumb over the crack. “No need to change it.”
Porco watched your eyes get lost on the dark screen and tightened his lips. He had the urge to throw your phone out of your window, make you understand you had to leave it, that it wasn’t good for you, that you didn’t need it, that you didn’t need  him —
Instead, he nodded.
“What happened?” you asked.
Porco paused, deliberating his words before speaking. “Pieck called and told me what you guys talked about and that… you didn’t take it well. She said you were crying and— that you had a panic attack, so she left the bathroom to look for help. She found Armin and he was the one that helped you regain your breath. Once you settle down, he called Annie to tell her what happened and she picked you up. When I got here you were already asleep on the couch, Annie said it was okay if I waited here.”
“I… don’t remember much,” you confessed with a grimace. “I don’t remember Armin helping me out. I— I do remember what Pieck and I talked about, though. Wish I could forget it instead,” you snorted. 
“Wanna talk about it?”
You shook your head.  Ouch . Why did every muscle of your body hurt so much?
“Wanna watch some shitty reality TV?” he offered. He didn’t miss the way a small smile appeared on your face.
In a matter of minutes, Porco had gone into your room and brought your laptop, and started looking for the show on Netflix. He put your laptop on his thighs and let you crawl by his side, your head resting against his shoulder.
“Wish they had Ink Master,” you sighed, as the intro of Netflix’s newest reality show played on your screen.
“We both know Netflix doesn’t have good shows.”
You snorted. “Black Mirror is good.”
“And yet we’re watching The Circle,” Porco teased you.
“Weren’t you the one that binged Season 1 on one night and then asked me to do the same so you could rant?” you reminded him with a playful tone.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replied nonchalantly, making you chuckle.
What followed next was a comfortable silence. One episode went by and Porco made no attempts to stop it from automatically playing the second episode. You snuggled closer, the fabric of his green jacket feeling nice against your cheek. How long had it been since you felt so much peace with someone else by your side?
In any other situation, you would be commenting on it, pressing pause just to bitch and rant about the contestants or make quick runs to the kitchen. But Porco was sitting still, his eyes fixed on the screen and his arms crossed in front of his chest. He was trying to comfort you the best way he could, knowing any words would fail, he aimed to create a safe space for you and not force you to behave normally when you both knew better than to completely ignore what had happened earlier.
Right. Zeke.
You felt your eyes watering and bit the inside of your cheek to prevent them from falling down. Focusing on your breath, you inhaled and exhaled rhythmically until the knot in your throat seemed to loosen up. Your feelings towards Zeke were confusing, a part of you wanting to run, look for him and demand an explanation. Another part of you wanted to face with, punch his stupid little face until you got tired and leave him on the floor. And another, maybe a bigger part of you wanted him to cradle you in his strong arms, kiss your temple and scratch your skin with his beard as he whispered sweet nothings to you.
You swallowed. Maybe Zeke was right. Maybe you did need psychological help.
Could you trust his words if he were to provide another explanation? Could you ever trust in him again? Most of all, could you trust yourself? Many voices had different opinions inside your head, yet they all agreed on something.
You were miserable.
“Every time I’m not with him, I’m anxious,” you mumbled, the words leaving your mouth before you thought them over. Porco moved his hand to pause the show, but you gestured to him not to. “And when he’s with me…” you continued, “I feel like I’m drowning.”
Your voice cracked at the end. Porco’s hand twitched, not sure what to do next. Should he hold you, put an arm around your shoulder to comfort you? Should he not move a muscle until you were done? Should he offer a word of comfort? He turned his head to you and noticed tears were silently streaming down your face.
“If Zeke was in front of me right now and told me Pieck lied her ass off, even after all the proof she showed me today… I would believe him. I would,” you sobbed. “And I hate myself so much for it. I’m so tired of this, I’m so tired of loving him, Pock.”
Porco’s hand cupped your head, his fingers gently caressing your hair. You snuggled closer to him, his perfume soothing the pain inside your heart and his gentle gesture comforting you. That was the magic Porco had. You knew he wasn’t always good with his words and most of the time he preferred to show rather than tell and boy, did he do a spectacular good job at showing you how much he cared.
He was there. Even after you had been ignoring him for over two weeks, he was here with his green jacket and his earthy-scented perfume ready to hold you if you needed him. And you did. You could never think of a moment where you wouldn’t want him to be there with you. 
You wiped your face with the back of your hand and reluctantly pulled away from his touch, turning on your seat so you were facing him. You paused your show and put a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Thank you,” you said, biting down your bottom lip. “For being here and waiting until I woke up. I— I’ve been such a bad friend to you,” you sighed. “I’m so sorry, I just—”
Porco shook his head. “No. I’m sorry for what I said the night I stayed here.”
“No, you don’t need to— I mean— I wasn’t mad about it,” you fumbled with your words, feeling your cheeks heat up.
“I don’t know,” Porco shrugged. “Felt like I made you uncomfortable.”
“You didn’t,” you assured him. “Thank you for staying with me that night. I really didn’t want to be alone.”
“I just— Can I say something else? Promise this is the last time I talk about it.” You nodded. “I didn’t love you the first time I met you,” he blurted, shrugging. “I mean, it’s not like I saw you and caught feelings— first time I saw you you were drunk off your ass at Reiner’s party. I was your friend first. Still am, nothing will change that. And honestly? I wouldn’t be surprised if my feelings went away,” he chuckled. “Who knows. Might finally meet someone else and fall for them.”
“Yeah, maybe you’ll meet someone,” you agreed with a strained smile.
“Whatever happens, know that before anything else, I’m your friend,” Porco said, golden eyes setting on yours. “And that will never change. You’re stuck with me.”
“And you’re stuck with me.”
“See any other reason why I’m watching a shitty reality show on a Tuesday night?”
At this, you hit Porco with one of the pillows, square on his face. You couldn’t help but laugh at his stunned face.
“You’re  so  fucked,” he said, putting the laptop on the coffee table in front of him.
You took this as a sign to run, the ache in your muscles forgotten at the back of your head as you tried to dodge the pillows Porco was throwing at you. Your legs weren’t weak anymore, as you quickly jumped to avoid the furniture and picked up one of the pillows to throw it back at him. Your heart was no longer aching, but jumping as you cackled when Porco tripped and fell. Even if your eyes were watering again, this time was due to the excessive laughter. And yes, your breath was hitching but it was thanks to Porco chasing you around the living room.
You let yourself fall on the floor next to Porco, the coldness of the floor soothing your skin as he dramatically held his knee against his chest like an injured soccer player. You turned your head to him, smiling at his antics as he filled your heart with happiness once  more.
Maybe that had been his power all along.
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fijiangecko · 4 years
The Gr8King
Camboy!Oikawa Tooru x Fem!Reader
+9k words
MDI, Explicit, Smut, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers
Read it on AO3 here
Finding an apartment for college was one of the hardest things you’d ever done. Searching endlessly through ads, you ciphered through countless creeps and dingy houses that were not up to code. Up until the second to last week of summer break, you had no where to stay, but a friend of yours from high school said that he knew a guy looking for a roommate within your price range. 
Thanking him a million times, you met up with Tooru Oikawa the next day at a coffee shop and got acquainted. You found him charming, and something clicked between you two immediately, a spark if you would.
Two days after you met him, you were moving in. And very quickly after that you met his best friend; the three musketeers were together at last. Hajime, Tooru and yourself were always together and you all got along extremely well. 
You were a middle ground between the two, somewhere between the lines of rude and flirtatious, but it made for some fun nights out. Hajime and yourself are even better friends than Tooru and you, but both of you agree that it’s because of the mutual “hatred”. He became your best friend in a matter of weeks, and people often assumed you were a couple. Every time, it was quickly denied as either of you stated that you would rather shoot yourselves than hook up with one another.
Fast forward almost a year later, and the three of you are sitting on the couch, watching some shit alien documentary Oikawa put on in the background.
“Do you think we should buy a bigger TV, Y/N-chan?” Tooru asks you while shoveling some noodles in his mouth.
“Dude, it’s fine. I mean if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it? Plus, I don’t have the kinda cash for that at the moment.” You stand up, stretching slightly while reaching out to Iwaizumi, seeing as his bowl is empty. “Unless you wanna pitch in?” Laughing softly, he places the bowl in your hand and shakes his head.
“No chance in hell I’m helping you losers buy a bigger television for your apartment.”
“Well that was uncalled for…” Oikawa quietly mumbles. “But! I think I’m just gonna buy a new one. You don’t have to worry about the money or anything. Think of it as our one year anniversary gift!” He wiggles his eyebrows and bumps his elbow into Iwa’s side as you roll your eyes and walk to the kitchen. You’re just glad that you make it to the sink before he can see the bright red on your face.
You weren’t sure when this started, but whenever Tooru teased you, a rush of blood would flow through your system. You’ve known each other for years at this point, and nothing like this has ever happened. You’ve noticed that he’s been building more muscle, almost like he’s glowing. You’re unsure, but not upset.
“How the fuck can you afford that? You’re at practice all the time, and you don’t have a job.” You turn around after washing the dishes, leaning into the counter as you speak. 
The two men quickly share a glance before Oikawa speaks. “I have my ways.” The flirtatious tone in his voice lures you in, wanting for the subject to change, and you give in to the pretty boy's ways.
“Whatever Flattykawa.” He sticks out his lip and pouts as you insult him. “I’m gonna turn in for the night, I have an eight thirty lecture and I still have to meet with a TA beforehand.” A yawn escapes your mouth as Hajime stands up from the couch, making his way to you and wrapping his rather large arms around your frame. The man has always been a walking space heater, and you place your arms around him. He rubs his hands on your back before saying goodnight and walking back to the couch. Tooru is still pouting, head turned to look out of the window as he sees his best friend hug his crush. The slight twinge of jealousy lasts for a brief moment, going away as he whispers a brief goodnight to you as well.
A week or so has passed since that night, and things are still the same between yourself and Oikawa. He did end up buying a new t.v., and you got the “old” one for your room. Not only that, but he’s been receiving packages all the time. Almost everyday he gets something shipped to the apartment, and you can’t help but wonder where the fuck all of this money is coming from.
It’s none of your business Y/N. If Tooru’s rich, then there’s nothing you can say about that. He’s just a little luckier than you are, with money, talent and looks he’s practically got no issues… Your thoughts run on and on as you sit at the bar, distracted from the homework on your laptop screen. It’s roughly seven or eight at night on a Monday night, meaning Oikawa’s home since it’s his day off. He doesn’t like being bugged when doing work of any kind, and tends to stay in his room until he’s finished doing whatever it is he’s doing. It was an agreement you both made when you first moved in to learn each other's boundaries and respect privacy at all times.
Your phone dinged on the other side of the counter, and you quickly picked it up to look at the notification. At the same time, Tooru walks through his bedroom door and into the kitchen. His unruly hair was even more disheveled than usual, and his shirt was nowhere to be seen. It’s a rather common occurrence for him to be shirtless, but it’s been happening more and more. Unaware of your gaze, he continued looking for a snack like nothing mattered. You glanced at him quite a few times, admiring the light viel of sweat covering his chest and the soft breaths as he took a few deep inhales.
Not taking any chances of being caught, you went back to checking your phone and saw a text from the group chat you had with a couple of gal pals. They were asking about going to brunch tomorrow and you quickly responded that you were down to clown before placing the phone back on the counter.
“What’s up Tooru?” Your eyes settled back on his frame as he turned to you, a smile grazing his lips. He liked it when you called him by his first name. Not that he’d tell you, but he thought it was cute that you only called him that when you two were alone.
“Nothing much Y/N. Looking for something sweet to eat…”
“Hmm, if I recall you’re the one who ate the last of the rice krispy treats.” You cocked your eyebrow, smirking at his over exaggerated reaction.
“And?” He placed his hand over his heart, “Just because I ate one of your rice krispies treats, and it happened to be the last one doesn’t mean I don’t deserve something sweet.”
“Riiiight, so by one do you mean five? Because I did take the trash out of your room the other day, and there just so happened to be some more wrappers in your bin.”
“Y/N. I would never, and when I say this, I mean never eat all of your snacks. I can’t believe you would accuse me of such a thing.” Oikawa sassed you back, feigning innocence.
“Mhm.” You hopped out of your seat and walked to your room. 
“Where are you going?” He calls out, a little dumbfounded that you up and left.
“Hold your panties dude, I’ll be back.” He crosses his arms and leans into the counter as he waits for a few seconds. He can hear your footsteps coming back to the kitchen only a minute or so later, and suddenly a chocolate bar comes flying at him. It hits him square in the chest, but he catches it as it falls.
His lips stretch out into a genuine smile, looking between you and the chocolate. “I love you Y/N,” Tooru says in a sing-song voice, but rips open the wrapper as he speaks. Once again, his words cause a sudden blush to cover your face and you practically run over to your laptop to use it as cover.
“Whatever Tooru.” He chuckles while getting something to drink, and you see that the group chat has popped off during your short encounter. Decisions had been made in a small amount of time, but now you have plans tomorrow.
“What’s got you so happy?” He says, mouth full.
“Oh, just going out with some friends tomorrow. Haven’t seen them in a while so it’ll be fun.” You don’t bother looking up as you type.
“So I won’t be getting a breakfast special?”
“Are you saying you like burnt toast and crispy eggs?” A soft laugh fills the space when Tooru throws the wrapper in the trash. He pads over to the living area and plops down onto the couch. 
“Vegging out for the rest of the night?” You call from the kitchen, still engrossed in the group chat.
“I think so. I’m all caught up with everything and a new episode of that alien series came out yesterday.” A hum in affirmation leaves your lips before sitting down next to him.
The rest of the night is quiet as Tooru watches his show and you text your girlfriends, both of you content with being next to one another in comfortable silence.
“So Y/N”, one of the girls smacks her lips once she places her champagne glass on the table, “You and Oikawa together yet?”
A blush erupts over your skin, and wanting to hide you start to shield your face into your shoulder. “No,” you mumble while the girls laugh at your reaction. They’re some of the only people, mind Hajime, that know about your crush. It hasn’t been that long since you’ve developed these feelings, but it’s starting to have an affect on your dynamic with him.
“Well,” another one of your friends starts, “I think you should hop on it girl. He’s fine as fuck, and I can’t help but imagine what he can do with that body-”
“Alright!” Your best friend breaks up the conversation, seeing you get more uncomfortable by the moment. “We don’t need to talk about Oikawa’s anything right now, but I am curious about him buying new things for your guys’ apartment all the time.”
“I don’t know guys. I think he’s just rich, or something,” you shovel some of your food into your mouth, speaking in between bites. The girls look around at each other and shrug it off.
“Maybe he’s got a side business.”
“Or he’s a sugar baby!” They all laugh, minus you who takes the idea seriously. 
Maybe he has a sugar mommy or daddy… I mean, he’s got the looks and personality… You pick at the food on your plate as they continue their conversation.
“I would kill to be a sugar baby,” one of them whined, “Then I could sit around and do whatever I wanted.”
“You mean you could sit around and watch porn,” your best friend interjects. Silence fills the space before another round of laughter erupts from the table.
“Okay, but hear me out…” Another girl whispers under the hollers that can be heard across the restaurant. “I started watching this camboy the other week and it’s really hot.”
“Oh, like the guys who jack off on stream?” They sip out of their champagne glasses.
“Yeah, but when you donate money you can request or get things out of it. The guy I’ve been watching has been doing stuff with some vibrators lately, and I can’t get enough.”
“So,” you look up at them all, placing your fork down, “there’s just this whole category of porn where people do what you want.” They all turn and nod, almost eagerly.
“Did you not know about this Y/N?”
“I mean,” you could feel the heat rise on your face again, “I’ve heard of people jacking off on streams, but I didn’t know it was that popular…” Some of them laugh softly at the notion, but others try to explain further.
“You know, you might like it. I can send you the guy's username I’ve been watching. He streams every Monday for sure, and a few other times during the week. I’ll just text you.” She winks and the rest of the morning is just catching up with everyone.
Over the course of the past few days, your curiosity grew about cam culture and what it entailed. It’s been over a year since your last relationship and it has taken a toll on your sex drive. You aren’t about one night stands or friends with benefits, so you just stick to watching, listening and reading porn when you need to get off, and as the days went by you needed the release.
Making sure your room was locked, you opened your phone and searched through the texts to find your friends suggestion.
“Gr8King”, you whisper to yourself while typing the name into the search bar. The livestream pops into frame and the man is fully clad in a slutty maid outfit, teasing his own nipples with his fingers while he speaks ever so softly into the mic. His head is above the screen, allowing you to only see his mid and lower body down to his calves. He’s lean and toned, and you can feel your own arousal growing at the sight.  The notification tones going off every few seconds, hundreds of people donating and thousands watching as he moves a hand slowly down his torso, grabbing the hem of the skirt.
“Should we move on to something more,” he moves closer to the mic, breathing softly and talking in a deeper tone, “sensual?” The vibrations from his voice cause chills to run down your spine. You run a hand over your clothed sex, dying for friction while clenching your thighs.
The skirt comes off, falling to the ground and it leaves him bare on screen. He wasn’t wearing anything underneath it, and his cock is already getting hard. The tip is red, leaking with precum as he moves his hand up the shaft, rubbing the head with his thumb and smearing the liquid around.
Messages increase from the viewers, begging him to do something more, but he stays in his position. “I can’t do anything until the masters say I can,” he whines. Never in your life did you think that you would have a thing for guys in maid outfits, but what was left of the outfit and him calling the audience “master” fueled your curiosity.
That’s when you realize the small animations on screen. Based on the donations, there’s a vibrator going on and anytime someone donates they can change it, and if they exceed a certain amount they get called “master” for the night. More people donate, rapidly changing the speed and he bucks his hips into his fist, moaning breathlessly. “Not- not so much,” he releases his hand except for the pointer finger, running it with a feathery touch from the head to the base. A larger notification shows on screen, a “master” donating a rather large sum of money. Once again, the chat waits in anticipation to see what he’ll do next.
“Looks like master wants me to fuck my dirty little fleshlight while the vibrator gets turned up all the way.” He turns to find what’s necessary, and you stare at the screen, biting your lip.
Am I really enjoying this that much? Your eyes are glued to the screen, waiting in anticipation for what’s about to happen. He returns to the frame, toys in hand and resumes the broadcast.
“How could I deny my masters when they’ve given me so much? I need to be a good boy for them..” he purrs into the mic, teasing the head of his cock on the entrance of the clear fleshlight. The vibrator goes to max, and he shoves the toy down his length, moaning viciously.
Embarrassment floods your system as you listen to this random person whisper sinful things into your ear as he reaches his peak. It’s definitely foreign to you, but the throbbing between your legs makes you want to watch more.
Watching the “Gr8King’s” streams becomes almost routine over the next few weeks. You convince yourself that it’s healthy for you to jack off whenever he streams, but deep down you know it’s just an excuse to stare at some guy guy's body while he talks dirty. In fact, this past week you’ve found yourself wanting to donate for the first time, but you don’t have money to just throw around willy nilly so you just lurk.
The stream boots up, this week being just a normal show where he takes suggestions from any amount. You settle into bed, getting prepared for the night’s activities while listening to the voice call you pet names like “cutie”, “gorgeous” and countless others.
It was a stressful week full of work and school, so you decide to take the time now to really let loose and let him guide you to your climax. He talks about nothing in particular, but does as his audience wants while moaning and playing with himself, leaving you panting on your bed, waiting to release at the same time.
Taking all the time in the world, he edges himself multiple times. You can barely hear his words as you desperately try to keep up, but you can feel the knot grow even further in your lower body. After teasing for almost fifteen minutes, he starts to whimper, begging the audience for relief. The way he speaks into the mic is weirdly familiar, just a few phrases here and there catch you off guard, almost as if you know him. This feeling is quickly washed away from the growing knot in your stomach. The audience give into his pleas immediately and you feel the shock waves of pleasure wrack your body. The high washes over and you pant to regain composure. After lying on the bed for a few seconds, you lazily get up and wash up very quickly before hearing a short growl come from your stomach.
Making something quick, you watch some TikToks on the couch as you eat, too entranced by the memes to see Tooru walk out of his room. Once again, he is shirtless, but he spots you on the couch before entering the kitchen.
He slows his pace to admire your flushed skin and glow as you laugh. His heart beats quickly, and he targets the fridge. You can hear him in the next room over, but you don’t bother to call his name, figuring he would join you shortly.
A few moments later, you hear his bedroom door shut and you’re left alone. “What the fuck?” You check the date on your phone, making sure it’s Monday. He usually watches his alien show with me on Monday’s since we can hang out… With a frown, you turn on the t.v. The newest episode plays out as you mindlessly scroll, wondering what was wrong with him.
Two days later, you finish watching a stream, taking longer than usual to clean up and head back out to the living room, wanting to clean some before Hajime comes over. Much to your surprise, it’s being worked on by Tooru, who’s wearing a muscle tank top and some running shorts. He’s panting quietly as he bends to pick up various pieces of trash, but it leaves you stunned.
When did he get so buff? You peered at his abs and pecs through the large slits on the sides of his shirt, but he turns and catches you staring.
“What’s up, Y/N-chan?” He’s got a sly smirk plastered over his face. Your reaction is involuntary heat takes over your body. Without saying anything, you turn and go back to the safehaven of your room.
Tooru is also stunned over your movements, expecting some kind of sassy retort. Then his phone dings in his pocket. Still freaked out over what happened, he checks his messages and sees you’ve texted the group chat you both have with Iwaizumi.
[I think I’m sick, so you guys have fun tonight <3] His brow furrows; now he’s just confused.
“The fuck did you say to her man?” Hajime shoves a piece of sushi into his mouth, talking between chews. Tooru and himself sat at the counter, talking over some movie that all three of you were supposed to watch.
“I made a joke about her staring at me since I was wearing workout clothes, but I thought she was gonna just punch me or something.” He places the chopsticks down on his plate and tries to think. A light goes off in his head, Hajme can see that, but the look is quickly replaced with one of defeat.
“Imayormaynothavebeenavoidingherforthepastfewdays.” All at once, Oikawa speaks in a rushed and hushed sentence, hoping his best friend caught on.
“Excuse me: what.” There’s no playful tone in the air. Hajime popped that balloon and glares daggers into that thick skull of Oikawa’s.
“I,” he plays with his hands, “may or may not have been avoiding her over the past few days.” The first go around was quieter, but Iwa hears it more clearly, finally understanding what’s going on.
“You’re a fucking moron, you know that right?” Hajime places his utensils down, “I’m not going to get in between whatever’s going on here, but you both need to figure shit out. You can’t just avoid her all of the sudden. Not that she’s said anything to me, but she might be going through something and having one of her best friends just avoiding her out of the blue might not be the best thing for her.” Oikawa’s eyes widen at the words of wisdom. He makes a mental note for later, and the night goes on with the two men watching Godzilla for the 100th time.
Monday afternoon rolls around, and Tooru walks through the door of the apartment, finished with his classes. You’re making some tea to get some homework done, and he marches into the kitchen, raiding the pantry and fridge.
“You okay man?” Your brow pops up in concern. He didn’t have practice today, so why was he acting like this?
“Huh?” He turns with some food stuffed in his mouth. After swallowing, he answers, “Yeah, I’m good. Just wanted to talk with some friends on chat tonight so I wanted to eat quickly.” Hesitantly, you nod, returning to your laptop on the counter. What you couldn’t see was how his heart rate picked up after seeing you in the kitchen. He’s been wanting to confront you about his sudden absence in your life, but everytime he sees you he gets extremely nervous and bolts.
Tooru finishes up with whatever, and practically runs to his room, slamming the door. He scolds himself quietly behind the closed door for not saying anything to you.
Rude. You focus on homework for another thirty minutes or so and check the time, knowing that your weekly ritual is gonna be starting in the next fifteen minutes or so. Packing everything up, you move into the bedroom, checking the lock on the door for the thousandth time before settling down.
In minutes, “Gr8King” appears on screen, this time in a sports uniform. He starts out like normal, teasing the audience with his voice, running his hands along his body as countless people donate and chat in real time.
Just as he’s about to take his jersey off, a notification dings somewhere off camera and he tenses. “Excuse me cuties,” in a rush, he moves out of frame, slightly knocking his camera from it’s normal setup.
In the background, you spot a poster on a wall that’s eerily familiar. It’s light blue, with a man jumping high, arms reaching back as he prepares to attack. A net is settled before him as a volleyball is high in the air. There’s words in a foriegn language, except for the large letters at the bottom of the poster: “Argentina”.
This causes you to stop what you’re doing. You’re not entirely sure why, but the poster pokes and prods at the back of your mind. It’s a thorn you didn’t know you had.
Why does this guy have an Argentinian volleyball poster? The live stream continues in the background while your eyes haze over. Why does this bug you so much? It’s not like I know the dude, but he did seem familiar in a sense...
That’s the last piece. Everything falls into place as you hastily slam the laptop close. Your breaths are heavy as you finally understand. He’s not fucking rich, he’s a fucking camboy! Your fingers run themselves through your hair over and over as your brain tries to process what’s happening. 
I’ve been watching Tooru fuck himself for weeks and had no idea. I was watching the guy I’m crushing over please himself for thousands of people, and he’s just down the hall. What the fuck. You try to stop fidgeting, but your anxiety starts to spike.
“Maybe it’s not him. Maybe this is just a weird fucking coincidence that some streamer has the same schedule as Tooru and the same volleyball poster,” legs pacing around the room, you try to rationalize the situation. Talking out loud helps you realize what’s happening, but you speak quietly to ensure he won’t be able to hear you. Your heart is hammering in its cage, the rapid beating making you dizzy.
Before making any hasty decisions, you walk out into the kitchen and grab a glass of water. “Maybe it’s just a coincidence…” You pull out your phone, turning the sound all the way down and go back to the stream. You don’t actively watch, bouncing your leg as you lean on the counter, and wait for it to end.
You realize it might be a while, and you creep through the hallway, wary of the floorboards that creak and press your face onto his door, listening as closely as possible. Very softly, you can hear moans and grunts, but no actual words. Maybe he’s just working out...
The stream is still playing on your phone, but you return to the kitchen. Not much later, it ends and you wait patiently, timing everything from when it ends. Preemptively, you fill an extra glass with water and set it down. Five minutes pass, and Tooru walks out of his room, sweaty and shirtless. He turns the corner, taking the glass with a small thanks before going to the living room.
The timing makes sense. If he’s the Gr8King than it would make a lot of sense...
[Hajime we need to talk] you type and send before returning to your room, avoiding Tooru. He notices your disappearance and frowns, debating on fetching you. He misses the time you two used to spend together, and he scolds himself further for not bringing it up.
Taking a deep breath, he tells himself to “man up” and sends, [hey, i'm here for you if you need me :)]. He presses his lips into a line before hitting send and placing the phone on the couch next to him.
“So what’s up? Not to be rude but you never wanna go to the juice bar…” Hajme laughs lightly, hiding how nervous he is to be meeting up with you.
“I need to ask you something,” you sip the green smoothie, smacking your lips in disgust at the flavor. “And I need you to be honest with me.” Making eye contact, you set the cup down on the table.
“Y/N you’re freaking me out,” he meets your eyes and clenches his jaw.
“Well,” the blush rises in your cheeks, “I always joke about where Oikawa gets his money,” Hajime tightens his grip on his own cup, but remains silent. “I thought it was weird that he got packages all the time when he was either at home or at practice. Then I realized when he was at home, he’d lock himself in his room.” Your face is bright red and you take a deep breath in. “A friend of mine suggested something to me a few weeks back, and when I looked into it I saw something I don’t think I should have.” You look up at the ceiling, avoiding Iwa’s strong gaze. You don’t say anything, trying to think of a way to ask in the least embarrassing way possible.
“What is it Y/N?” He speaks with a small voice.
“Istooruacamboy?” You whisper, still looking up. Hajime’s face also breaks out into a blush, but he chuckles at the events. His chuckles grow into full on laughter as he buckles over and you’re stunned into silence. This continues for a few minutes until he calms himself down, wiping a few tears from his eyes while he looks up to you.
“I can’t believe you found out by watching him.” Some would say it’s impossible, but your face turned two shades darker as you slap him on the chest.
“Fucking asshole! You fucking knew, didn’t you?!” You punch him in the bicep for good measure as you scold him. His laughter is brought back while sipping on the rest of his drink.
“He started after the first semester of school, just trying new things. He told me it was interesting to him, and I said I wanted no part. He hated working at that sports store, you know that, and when he started to get popular there was no going back.” You sit silently, letting him explain. “I hope you don’t think that he’s like, sex crazed or anything… He’s just doing it for the money as far as I know and he likes being able to work from home.” He smiles, acknowledging his friends work but finishes his drink in silence, waiting for a response.
“I don’t think any different of him,” you shake your head and begrudgingly take another sip. “I just- It’s hard for me to take in? I think? Like, I wanna be supportive for him, and I’d like to think that I am but that doesn’t change that I want to be more.” Hajmie nods in affirmation, already knowing that you have feelings for your mutual best friend.
“I'm gonna keep saying it, just tell him. Tooru’s a good guy, and you two deserve each other.” You bite your lip and keep silent. “But first you should tell him that you know about the cam stuff.” Iwa is nonchalant about it all, and grabs your cup, finishing off the drink.
You sit on the couch, bouncing your leg but keeping an eye on the package that sits on your lap. It was something for him, but you don’t open it. You just sit there, eye’s on the door, waiting for him to get home from practice.
This is a stupid fucking idea, I should just go back to my room. Your leg bounces faster, and the anxiety bubbles in your stomach. You have no idea what’s gonna happen when he steps through that door, but you were set on telling him tonight.
Just then, the sound of keys entering the lock draws you away from your thoughts, the handle jiggling slightly before it turns and Tooru steps through. He’s dressed in sweats and a tee, hair damp from a shower and a gym bag hanging from his shoulder. He kicks his shoes off and enters the living area, setting the bag down without noticing that you’re watching his every move. Moving into the kitchen, he still doesn’t acknowledge that you’re there as he grabs a glass of water and walks back down the hallway to his room.
“Tooru!” You don’t know what you’re doing, but you need to get this over with. He stops his movements, and pulls an earbud from his left, looking at you with concern.
“Yeah?” He’s unsure what’s causing your outburst, but then he notices the package sitting in your lap, hands softly grasping it to keep its place in your lap. A wave of panic settles down his spine as he slowly spins around and walks to the couch, taking a seat on the other side from you. His eyes are glued to the package, but he notices that it isn’t open.
“I have something I wanted to tell you,” you start softly, placing the cardboard box between you both. He gently sets the glass of water on the glass coffee table and folds his fingers together, settling them on his lap.
“And what’s that?” He’s still shaken, but looks into your eyes.
Your heart starts to pound. What if this is a mistake? He looks like he’s about to throw up. Shaking the doubt from your head, you take a deep breath and hold your gaze. “I know what you do.”
His head cocks to the side, taking in your words. “I’m sorry Y/N, but what does that mean?” He hopes you aren’t alluding to what he thinks you’re getting at. 
Another deep breath and you start again, “I know why you spend so much time in your room.”
Tooru’s face flushes with color, the pink hue finding its way onto his skin and he laughs anxiously at your words. “I don’t think I follow.” He’s trying to change the subject, hellbent on finding a way out of this. “Are you saying you know that I masterbate Y/N?” He’s trying to tease you, hoping this conversation would stop and you would hand him his package and be on your way.
Cue your face turning red, but you huff in annoyance, throwing the box at him. “Yeah, if you mean that you’re streaming it.” He catches it and looks at you, eyes are blown wide, and he realizes this is the worst timeline to be alive in. You, on the other hand, are annoyed that you had to say it out loud and stand up, folding your arms and staring him down. “I don’t care, but I wish you would’ve said something to me. As your roommate and your best friend,” ouch, that hurt, “it would’ve been nice to know.”
With that, you march into the kitchen, looking for a way to cool off, but a pair of arms sneak around your waist as you rummage through the freezer.
“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything,” he mumbles into your hair. The close contact wasn’t abnormal, but it never felt like this. Your body heats up when his breath hits your skin, but you remain in your place. “I just- I didn’t know how you would react and Hajime kept telling me to talk to you about it, but I always get too nervous to bring it up.”
You spin around, his arms still on your hips, and watch his face carefully. He looks concerned still, but there’s a small pleading in his look. “And why were you nervous?”
Tooru’s face turns a shade darker, “It’s just weird, I guess. You’re one of the only girls in my life that I'm kinda serious about I didn’t wanna loose you if you thought that I just thought about sex all the time.”
Was that a confession? Your head starts to spin when he realizes what just happened.
“I MEAN, uh, you’re one of the only girls that I consider a big part of my life, you know?” He’s frantic and stumbling over his words, but you stay absolutely still. His grip on your hips loosens, he wants to run into his room but sticks it out to see what you do.
Instead, you surprise him by nuzzling yourself further into his neck. “You’re very important to me too, Tooru.” Your voice is soft, and muffled against his neck but he smiles into your head, living in the moment. He wraps his arms around your frame, squeezing you tight against his firm chest. 
“I’m kinda serious about you too…” The statement was almost lost to the hum of the a.c. unit, but Tooru caught your words and he stiffened up. You stay exactly as you are, praying to whatever god is out there that this all works out in your favor.
It takes a few seconds for him to come back to earth, realizing how hot your face is against his skin, but once he regains consciousness he chuckles. The vibrations ripple through your body, as you both remain in one another's arms. Your first thought was that he was laughing at you, and the panic settles under your skin. He can feel you start to pull away, but tightens his grip on your body, effectively trapping you in this position.
“Iwa-chan’s right, we are idiots.” Everything is so confusing. Does he like me back? Is this a joke? What does Hajime have to do with any of this? Countless thoughts along these lines run through your head, and Tooru knows this. “We’ve both been pining over each other for months.”
His words process with high speeds as you pull back. He had loosened his grasp, but his hands remained on your sides as you both stared into each other's eyes. You search his for answers, while Tooru finds comfort in yours. 
He laughs breathlessly once he can see your body relax, and he dips down to meet your lips. Tooru’s movements are fluid, moving both hands up to your jaw while tilting his head. You gasp once his soft lips meet yours. They taste like his dumb chapstick that he carries around everywhere. 
Tooru takes it slow, moving at your pace while humming into the kiss. Pulling back after a few seconds, you lean forward to catch his lips before he detaches himself. Rubbing a thumb on your cheekbone, he flashes the most brilliant smile. In the year you’ve known him, this is the most genuine and beautiful thing you’ve ever seen him do, and you can see it in his eyes.
“Y/N,” his voice is ever so soft, gliding in the air from his lips to your ears. Tooru’s eyes hold nothing but adoration in them as you stare into each other's eyes. “I don’t want to be serious with anyone but you.”
The bright blush returns to your cheeks, the warmth between your two bodies rising exponentially. His thumb doesn’t stop moving across your cheekbones. He's in total bliss as nothing in the world could matter more than what was happening at this moment in your shared apartment.
You smile up at him and grab onto his hand that's stroking your face, and just hold it closer to your skin. After a light squeeze, you both shift positions to hug once more, Tooru's arms latching around your waist and yours around his neck.
"Thank you," he states, the world muffled from your hair as he has lodged himself in the crook of your neck.
"For what?" You mumble back, rubbing an arm up and down his neck.
A deep chuckle causes your body to rumble, and a soft breath cascades down your neck before he pressed feathery kisses behind your ear. They're lighter than air, but you can sense he's holding back a bit. "For not being upset with me, for putting up with me, for accepting me, for everything." His whispers are woven into your skin, goosebumps rising up and down your spine as he speaks.
You push yourself further into his chest, a silent affirmation that everything is okay and will be okay. He smiles as he continues to press his lips to your neck, humming in the silence.
After a few minutes more of embracing one another Tooru pulls away, hands grazing your hips as he stares deeply into your eyes. His chocolate iris’ swirl with several emotions as you take in the vulnerability. You have only known Tooru as the charming, flamboyant character he puts on around almost everyone else. Maybe once or twice in your year of living with him have you seen this side of him, in which he offers himself as he is, not as who he wants to be perceived as.
Tooru presses a quick kiss to your lips and puts some pressure on your hips, signalling he wants to move. You both relocate to the couch, where he traps you in his arms and lap.
“I’m curious,” you reposition to look up at him, but he chuckles at your wide and curious eyes. “How did you find out about my streams?” A teasing grin makes its way on to his lips and your brain short circuits.
“Uh.. about that…” You purse your lips, looking anywhere but him, embarrassed of the insinuation of your actions.
Tooru breath fans against your neck, his face dipping down into that crook once more while letting out a low laugh. Sparks fly between you two when his lips brush your ear. He whispers, “You’ve watched me, haven’t you?”
With lightning speed, you snap your face to match his, but he’s quick to recover the initial shock with a deep kiss. He cranes his neck to further the kiss, pulling at your bottom lip with his own. Still startled by his teasing, you give in easily to his antics and within seconds his tongue has entered your mouth.
A low growl escapes him all while you succumb to his movements. His hand snakes up your side, settling itself on your rib below your breast. Tooru rubs his thumb in that spot, but you are lost in his taste to feel his hand.
You start to move in sync with him, moving together and letting each other take the reigns. Oikawa adores your feisty spirit, and when it starts to show through your movements, it only excites him more. You explore his mouth with your tongue, and suck on his lower lip as he slowly moves his hand back down your sides to cup your ass.
Now that you’re in control of your actions, you feel his hand stop right above your butt, almost as if he’s asking permission, but you grab a hold of his wrist and shove it down. That hand lets go of his arm and down to the hem of his shirt. A few fingers make contact with his toned stomach, and he shivers at the cold sensation.
“Impatient much?” Tooru repositions you so you’re straddling him. You don’t break off the kiss and place your hands on either side of his face, the tips of his hair tickling your fingertips. His large hands grasp under your thighs as he hoists the both of you up and off of the couch. Hastily he moves down the hall and into your room, busting through the door and gently he places you down on the edge of your mattress.
You pull away, breathless and stare into his eyes once more. The tension in the room is thick, but warm and comforting. He smiles at the look in your eyes, knowing that you’re in no way anxious of what’s about to happen.
“Are you sure about this Y/N? We don’t have to do anything before the first date.” His smile is intoxicating, and he doesn’t want to pressure you in any way.
“I want you Tooru, I’m good,” this time you rub a thumb across his cheekbone in reassurance. Smiles on both of your faces, he dips back down to capture your lips and push you onto your back.
Your mattress is firm underneath you, the bed frame shifting under the weight of two people. The cold sheets scrunch under your back contrasting the warm embrace of Oikawa as he dips down on top of you, running a hand through your hair.
“Do you trust me?” He speaks while hovering over your body. You push yourself up to meet his lips, giving him a quick peck on the side of his mouth. “I’ll take that as a yes then.” You laugh and lay back down, pulling the front of his shirt to pull him down with you.
Tooru laughs into the kiss, pressing his chest into your own. All of his kisses are electrifying, the spark runs up and down your spine while you both like with one another.
You take the next step and tug at the hem of his shirt while wrapping your legs around his lower half. His skin raises in temperature but he follows suit, practically tearing the fabric off of himself. You watch Tooru get shirtless and fully take in his figure.
It's not like you haven't seen him like this, but this is the first time you've ever actually took a good, long look at Oikawa's figure (knowing it was him, at least). He works out regularly for volleyball and maintains a good diet, and it shows. His chest is firm when you place a hand on it, and his abs create a valley down his stomach.
As you feel him up and down, Tooru stares at your face as it scrunches curiously. "Like what you see cutie? It shouldn't be anything new."
You blush but smack his chest in retaliation. A low laugh escapes his lips, but he sneaks a hand to the bottom of your shirt, poking a few fingers into your stomach in a wordless question of what to do. You squirm in your position and he helps remove your shirt.
Arms cover your chest instantly as you realize you're wearing one of your older bras that isn't the most flattering thing on the planet.
Noticing the shift in tone, Tooru gently unfolds your arms. "None of that Y/N." You don't put up any resistance as he speaks sweet and salty worlds into your ear. His hands are coarse and rough, calloused from years of training but he untouched you with a softness, almost as if he was handling a dove.
He kisses your neck making his way down your chest while reaching underneath you, unclasping the bra and throwing it onto the floor.
With your breasts exposed, Oikawa pins your arms on either side and continues down your clavicle, down through the valley between your chest. You whimper when he suddenly takes one of your nipples into his mouth, gently biting and sucking of the soft bud.
Instinctually you squeeze your thighs together, but he stands between them and he hums into your breast, knowing you're starting to grow impatient. Tooru's other hand moves to the opposite breast, kneading it in his palm.
A soft moan escapes your lips and you roll your hips into his, shock waves of pleasure wrack your body while your cunt starts to throb.
Oikawa moves further down your stomach, reaching the button of your pants. He peers up at you, pupils dilated and hungry. You nod and lift your hips while he removes both the pants and panties you were wearing.
He stands at the edge of the bed, removing the rest of his clothes and let's his cock spring free. It's red at the tip, which reaches up to his abs from being hard.
Tooru’s hips meet yours, laying his long cock over your bare stomach while rubbing soft circles into your thighs. “Look at how deep I’m gonna be inside of you cutie.” A quiet whimper leaves your lips, wrapping your legs around his waist in a silent plea. His eyes burn into your skin.
“Tooru, please…” The desperation in your voice only spurs him on as he drinks you in, lying bare, begging for him. It’s everything he’s ever wanted, and his dick hardens further at the sound of your voice. 
A switch flips in his brain once you swirl your hips, and a smirk pulls at his lips. He leans forward, pressing his body into your, getting dangerously close to your ear and fanning hot breath over your skin. Chills erupt from the sensation and make their way across your body, causing a whimper to involuntarily escape your mouth when his hot skin presses into your cold chest. “What do you want, Y/N?” Tooru’s voice is quiet, but the vibrations from his words have an effect on your body you thought wasn’t possible. He presses feathery kisses into the sweet skin on your neck, causing you to tilt your head.
“I want-” Your voice is breathless as you search for words. “I want you to-” Suddenly, he slips his dick in between your folds, slowly moving his hips up and down, getting himself ready with your slick. The electricity of his movements force a moan through your throat, Oikawa relishing in the sound of your voice as he uses his thumb moves to apply pressure on your clit.
Still breathing hot air onto your neck, he mumbles, “You want me to fuck you, is that it?” Your eyes shut as a thousand tiny confirmations leave your body, physical and not. He revels in the moment, realizing the control you both have over each other. He can’t help wanting more of you, all of you. Your aura is intoxicating, and Tooru feels drunk off of your presence. 
“Please.” He continues grinding his length down your folds. “Just fuck me already.” Your voice is raspy, pleading for movement, connection, anything. Arms folding around his neck, you grind harder into his cock while he continues to rub the sensitive bud.
“So impatient.” His voice is dark, sultry and enticing. It draws you in, leaving you stunned and you can’t think straight anymore. “I bet you’ve wanted this. Watching me stream, you got to see all of me little cutie,” Tooru readjusts himself, placing the tip at your entrance, drawing circles with it. “Now I get to see all of you.” 
He slowly pushes forward, letting his dick get sucked in to you as you cry out at the contact. Oikawa starts to lose himself at the feeling of your pussy when it twitches. His eyes never leave the sight of his cock disappearing into you.
You take a moment to breath as his hips lay flush with yours, but you take action and raise your hips. He hisses at the movement, not expecting you to set the pace so quickly.
Snapping out of it as you move your hips back, Tooru moans loudly and grabs one hip and leans over you, placing his other hand next to your face. His face gets inches in front of yours, matching your movements and leans in to take your lips once more.
His hips move back and forth, building up speed through both of you ravenous moans and whimpers. Through the sounds and movements, you feel his cock penetrate you with endless force, as if it fits perfectly inside of you.
You moan his name as Tooru pounds into you, scratching at his back from the waves of pleasure. Feeling you clench around him almost teasingly, the hand on your hip moves to your clit, and Oikawa starts to rub circles.
"Fuck Tooru!" You press your nails harder into his skin and he growls at the sensation. You can feel yourself getting close, the knot building larger with every second.
He pulls back from your lips and looks at your face. Your eyebrows are scrunched and your eyes are shut. The way his hips move is better than you could’ve imagined, even more sexual than his streams. Oikawa shifts his position to hit you deeper, his dick just barely hitting your cervix.
"I'm close," you mumble from bruised lips. He can’t hold himself back much longer and his thrusts become erratic. Tooru plants his lips on your ear, speaking a thousand words to you which you’re unable to hear. His thrusts and deep and fill you to the brim. The pleasure becomes too much for you to be able to focus and with one thrust you tense and the knot snaps.
He moans your name loudly when he feels your walls clench down on him. Swiftly, Tooru pulls out and finishes on your stomach, white ropes decorating your soft skin.
His head is still next to yours, but you’re both panting. It takes a few seconds for both of you to come back to your senses, but he prys himself up and off of you, looking down on his work. “You’re gorgeous Y/N, just fucking stunning.” He admires your glowing form while you stare at him, a smile adorning your features.
Oikawa moves first, placing another soft kiss to your lips before going to the bathroom for a warm towel. You lay in bed, just thinking about everything. How did I get here? You never thought that watching camboy porn would ever lead to you getting with the guy you’ve wanted for a while now, but if it works out then it works out you guess.
He returns a few moments later and cleans you up, throwing the rag with the rest of your clothes and climbs into the sheets, maneuvering you onto his chest where he cuddles you and runs a hand through your hair.
You close your eyes, breathing onto his bare chest and take in the beat of silence. You can’t see it, but Tooru looks down at you and smiles. You’re finally his. He can finally hold you in his arms and give you all the love he thinks you deserve. His heart swells at the notion, and makes a mental note to thank Iwaizumi later in general since he feels in a giving mood.
Oikawa feels your breath even out, your chest rising and falling in a slow pattern. Your senses are drifting from you, but you’re able to make out a few things before you pass out. Tooru places a kiss on the crown of your head, pressing his lips into your hair and he whispers something before you completely fall asleep.
“I love you Y/N.”
322 notes · View notes
kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 years
The Voyage So Far: Water Seven
east blue (1 | 2) || alabasta (1 | 2) || skypiea || water 7 || enies lobby || thriller bark || paramount war (1 | 2) || fishman island || punk hazard || dressrosa (1 | 2) || whole cake island || wano (1 | 2)
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i’ve mentioned several times before that the davy back fight is one of my least favorite arcs, mostly because i found it very dragging and tedious when i was reading it, but there are a couple things i really like in it, and, perhaps unsurprisingly, most of them have to do with zoro. i really like his moment here with chopper, and it also showcases his ability to act as more of an authority figure to the crew, which is something that makes a substantial return after enies lobby with the matter of usopp’s return. 
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zoro and sanji’s match in the davy back fight is far and away my favorite part of the entire arc. it’s just really fun.
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like i said, this arc isn’t a favorite of mine, but i do definitely understand why it’s important to the saga and greater story in a couple different ways. one of them is that it’s just an easy, lighthearted detour that both gives the audience a chance to breathe and the strawhats a chance to showcase just how much they love each other and work well together- which turns into a fucking sledgehammer to the skull in the next arc when that unity is directly threatened. and the other reason this arc is important...
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...is because of aokiji.
aokiji’s introductory scene is a brutal showcase of absolute power, and a very clear reminder that the strawhats are still very much little fish in a very, very big pond. all of the strawhats are impacted by this to some degree- it’s how badly they get curb-stomped here that leads luffy to come up with his gears as a way of closing the huge power gap he’s just learned about.
most important, though, are robin and usopp. for robin, this is a stark reminder of the fact that the government will never stop hunting her down; for usopp, who’s less obvious, it’s the seeds of the full-blown inferiority crisis that will later explode with the news about merry. both of their arcs throughout water 7 and enies lobby, essentially the twin emotional backbones of the saga, start right here.
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i really like that the other strawhats all fell asleep waiting for robin and luffy to wake up. it calls back to them doing the same when nami was sick before drum, and also it’s just so fucking sweet. 
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water seven is my favorite island, full stop. if i was going to live anywhere in one piece’s world, i’d want to live on water seven. it’s just so creatively designed and visually great, with the canals and the tiered city and the massive fountain in the middle. the supporting cast are still one of my favorites, and the culture feels very real and authentic. i just love water seven a lot.
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i just said it but it bears repeating- the water seven supporting cast is really good. iceburg, the galley-la shipwrights, franky and his family, kokoro and chimney are all really memorable, and most of them are really likable, too- and cp9, with all their eccentricities, fit in perfectly. water seven’s cast is very interconnected, as well, and their relationships all feel very believable.
all of which, of course, only makes the later treachery hurt all the more.
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the atmosphere of water seven is really, really well done. the bad starts slow, with the news that merry is unfixable, and then continues into an accelerating downwards spiral of hopelessness: usopp and luffy’s fight and usopp leaving the crew, robin’s seeming betrayal, the assassination attempt on iceburg, the city and galley-la turning on them as a result, and the agua laguna- it just gets worse and worse and worse.
and then, after they’ve been stomped down about as far as they can go and come out alive anyways, they pick themselves back up again and go to save their friend, because that’s what the strawhat pirates do.
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i just really like getting to see these four going feral on the franky family, it’s one of my favorite scenes in this whole arc. in general, i tend to love the moments where luffy specifically gets properly angry, and we get a lot of them in this arc. 
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even though the fight between luffy and usopp is genuinely very tense and  fast-paced and would probably be exciting if it were any other two characters fighting, it never really feels anything other than melancholy. i think that’s a testament to just how good oda is at setting the mood of the scene. it’s made very clear, especially through the reactions of the other characters- merry ‘crying’ is fucking heartbreaking- that this is nothing less than a tragedy. 
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i think it’s kind of interesting we aren’t shown franky’s face until about halfway into water seven. prior to this, we’re given pretty much only reasons to hate him, with his theft of the strawhats’ money and the franky family beating usopp to shit. but just after this point is when we start getting our first humanizing and sympathetic moments for him, starting when he gets worried and a little frantic when he hears about the attempt on iceburg’s life.
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i just really, really like the way some of these water seven action sequences are depicted. they feel very tense and desperate, which matches the general mood of this part of the arc perfectly.
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this panel of usopp working on merry always reminds me of the shots of the klabautermann doing the same during skypiea. i’m not sure if it’s even intentional, honestly, but it’s an extra little bit of heartbreak either way.
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one piece has a lot of amazing spreads, but this might be one of my favorites for sheer impact. cp9, watching as the city they’ve lived and worked in for years burns down in a fire they set, satisfied by a job well done. it’s almost all in black and white with very little grey, which creates some fantastic contrast, and their pitch-black silhouettes against the nighttime inferno are just striking. 
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this entire scene between usopp and franky, as usopp works on the merry and franky gives him advice and tries to make him see its hopeless and they kind of awkwardly, accidentally bond, is probably my favorite in the whole of water seven. it was also the scene that singlehandedly made me love franky as a character.
they have a really good, really enjoyable dynamic, and at the same time the conflict between them is real and understandable, and brought about because they’re both trying to do the right thing.
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tom’s workers are one of my favorite little groups of characters in the whole of one piece’s story, and they deserve more appreciation. they’re family!! a little family of broken pieces who worked together to build something really, really amazing. and they still care about each other in the present, even though they got shattered apart so badly and none of them ever really recovered. 
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this is a tremendously under-appreciated chopper moment. not only did he carry two full-grown men out of a fire, he even managed to get zoro’s sword and iceburg’s hamster. extremely cool of him.
this is also the exact moment the strawhats’ collective luck begins to turn: chopper saves the day, and nami learns that robin did what she did to protect them, and sanji gets aboard the sea train, and from there it’s a no-brakes train from their very lowest low straight to the triumph at enies lobby.
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i love all the shenanigans sanji gets up to with the sea train, i think the whole sequence is absolutely one of his shining moments. it’s always a delight to see sanji get up to Sneaky Bastard Bullshit, and the whole thing is just so fun, which is a dearly needed breath of fresh air after how relentless this arc has been until this point.
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robin’s little smile when thinking of luffy and when she joined the strawhats... :( i’ve noticed it’s a recurring trend for strawhats who try to leave the crew to flash back to when they joined as they do. usopp has it earlier this same arc just before leaving, and sanji does it in whole cake island in the sanji vs. luffy chapter. 
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i really like how much everyone comes together at the end of water seven leading into enies lobby. after how fractured and fraught things have been throughout the arc, both within and without the strawhat crew, it’s great to see them not only all united again for a common goal, but with a huge group of allies at their backs. 
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these three are SUCH a hilarious team, and i would love to see them work together again like this sometime. they’re literally just clowning on the marines all the way up the train, it’s fantastic. 
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factually i understand sanji’s aversion to fighting with his hands and his fighting style is very unique and cool and also meaningful to him because he learned from zeff, and also if i remember right it’s implied he learned how to swordfight from the vinsmokes which makes it very reasonable he would want absolutely nothing to do with that skillset 
but speaking purely in terms of stupid idiot lizard brain i think sanji should fight with knives more
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this is another of my absolute favorite spreads, and i think what makes it for me is the casual confidence- luffy tells zoro to cut the train, and zoro does, both of them with no doubts at all about zoro’s ability to do so. it really goes to show how far they’ve come from back in east blue when zoro couldn’t even cut luffy out of a metal cage.
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there’s something very impactful about the fact that of all the strawhats, robin gets this speech from usopp. usopp, who’s had the worst falling-out with luffy in the series to date, is the one who tells robin: you haven’t left the crew yet, you can’t leave the crew yet, luffy is coming to get you. believe in him. 
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franky’s “existing is not a crime” line is one of the most memorable and iconic lines from this entire saga, and for good reason. it sums up one of the main themes of not just this arc but also the series as a whole- the very same idea will come up again for ace during marineford, and in law’s backstory as well. it’s never a crime to just exist, and people should not never be persecuted for their blood or heritage. one piece doesn’t fuck around with its theming, it really doesn’t. 
to be continued next time, with enies lobby!
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ateezmakemeweep · 4 years
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you’re the one that i want (part 18)
word count: 5k
angst (tw: abuse)
(part 17) (series masterlist)
tag list: @chogiout ; @psshwa ; @yeocult ; @seongghwaa ; @cherryeonii ; @chaoticbanqtan ; @8teenee ; @nczenniez ; @atinyarmyx1 ; @mingtopiaa ; @chubsluda ; @joongiebug ; @mochibabycakes ; @jisungity ; @skz-on-my-mind ; @nlost21 ; @myonlyaurora ; @closer-stars ; @kuaenam3g ; @byungaji ; @floweryjh ; @joeycheungg ; @lostscenarios ; @atinyxtopia ; @sanisms ; @kpopnightingale ; @simpforhyunjin ; @89staytinyzen21 ; @lokicaramel ; @hwaxbum ; @sakura-uji ; @songsoomin ; @toffee-hwa ; @deobitiful ; @hyunjeansuniverse ; @clown-teez ; @i-know-you-know-lee-know ; @tiny-whatsername ; @fairieofeternity ; @yixing-jaehyun ; @sleepyseonghwa ; @revehosh ; @atletino ; 
if you thought your hangover was gonna be the worst part of your saturday, you were sadly mistaken. because you hadn’t accounted for the emotional turmoil you’d be in over seonghwa, remembering how you could barely rip yourself away from him when you saw san run outside looking for you. 
the blonde had all but snatched you away from the boy and gave him a nasty look, his ex friend looking at him with a defeated look in his eye before leaving you two alone. 
“what happened?” he asked quietly, his small hands on your face wiping at your tears. you shake your head as the salty wetness leaks from your eyes, shaking your head before collapsing against him.
“can we please just leave? i can’t be here anymore.”
san takes your hands in his, looking over at the squeak of the door and stiffening when he sees wooyoung; their eyes meet and san can’t help but think back to the conversation he ran from, the black haired boy pulling him into a spare room so he could talk to him in private. 
but it was always in private and san was getting sick of it. he knew he didn’t want his friends knowing about how...in depth their relationship was and he was okay with that; if he wasn’t ready for them to know, that was fine, he understood. but to hide their friendship? something completely pure that everyone knew was a thing since they were kids?
he listened to the excuse that they would know, that they would see their lingering gazes or subtle touches and find out what changed in both of them that summer. but san pushed the boy away and cursed at him, being grabbed back roughly which led to a screaming match that ended very similarly to yours. 
“me either,” he says to you, pressing a kiss to your head before walking you guys down the block to wait for your uber. 
you slept at san’s house and you both now attempted to get down a stack of pancakes as you regretfully filled each other in on what the hell happened last night. 
“well, so much for not taking their shit,” san whined, a tiny snort leaving your mouth before your eyes widen in realization. 
“oh, my god, hyunjin! i feel so bad, i didn’t say goodbye to him.”
“he asked me for your number but i...didn’t know if you’d want that so i told him  i’d talk to you first.” 
you let out a sigh, feeling a tugging at your heart because you liked him. he was sweet and funny and it was just a bonus that he was so fucking handsome. but you weren’t good for him right now and he definitely deserved better. someone more attentive and not so hung up their stupid summer love. 
“thank you,” you tell san softly, smiling as you lean against him on the couch. “but i don’t think that’d be a good idea right now.” the blonde nods his head knowingly, stretching out on the couch before patting his lap. 
“let’s spend your first day hungover right,” he said, making you giggle as you settled your head on him. he laid the blanket out over you and played with your hair as you watched a movie marathon, his gentle touches lulling you to sleep before you woke a few hours later.
you felt a bit better but still had a lingering headache, the walk home from san’s house making the pounding in your temples resurface. 
and then, as if today couldn’t make you feel any worse, your parents car in the driveway made your heart sink and stomach twist anxiously; what were they doing home? they weren’t supposed to be back until tomorrow afternoon. 
and the second they see you stumble in with your clothes from last night in hand and san’s sweatpants and sweatshirt, it begins. their questioning and shaming and harsh words, asking you where the fuck you were last night and if you were whoring around while living under their roof.
“i was with san, my coworker.”
you mentioned him once or twice at dinner but are sure they don’t remember; your mom had been in unusually good spirits that night, talking your ear off and smiling at you. 
but today’s reaction is very different, a snide laugh as she asks if he’s your new boyfriend now; “moved on from your beach boy it seems,” she says snidely. 
your eyebrows pull together, swallowing the need to defend yourself because it won’t even matter and you’re tired. you’re just so tired of everyone and everything today, wanting nothing more than to lay in your bed and fall asleep again. 
you shrug your shoulders and bow your head, attempting to walk past them. but your dad has other ideas, grabbing your arm roughly and pushing you against the wall. your head bounces off the white paint and you wince at the pain, a quiet “ow,” causing him to scoff. 
“your mother was talking to you, don’t be disrespectful.” don’t be disrespectful, he says, after bashing your head into the wall. 
“i don’t know what she wants me to say.”
“how ‘bout telling us about what you did last night,” she hums lowly, standing next to your dad in a way that makes you feel completely ganged up on. 
because even though you always are, it’s really bad right now. the obvious irritation between them about to be taken out on you, something about the look in their eyes making you very unsettled.
“i told you i was with my friend,” you say quietly, completely submissive and exhausted at the idea of conflict.
but her eyebrow raises at the same time your dad rolls his eyes, watching you carefully as he looks down at your clothes in your hand. “why are you in his clothes? did you sleep there?”
you bite the inside of your cheek, looking down at the floor and hearing your mom throw her head back in laughter. “oh, y/n...” she says mockingly, your body flinching away when she reaches out to stroke your hair. “what has happened to you? sneaking out with boys when your parents are out.” 
and then suddenly, you fall to your knees as she tugs the strand harshly. you let out a cry and wonder why the fuck they’re doing this to you. why they always feel the need to hurt you and make you feel horrible. 
why did they have a child? did they just wanna feel powerful, see how much they could disrespect and neglect another human being?
“i- i didn’t do anything bad.”
and even though you were just yanked down to the floor, you dad grabs your arm roughly and pulls you up. your wrist nearly snaps as he yells in your face, asking if that’s the case, why do you seem hungover right now?
your skin turns even more pale and he shakes his head, his hold on your wrist tightening to the point where tears prick your eyes.
“you’re hurting me,” you whimper out. 
you feel like you say that a lot these days but no one ever seems to care. they just keep hurting you, his hand yanking you away from your mom before a prompt slap across your face. 
“we didn’t think you’d do this if we went away but here you go, proving us wrong and betraying our trust.” 
a tear rolls down your cheek and it only appears to infuriate him more. he goes to slap you again but you quickly move away, cracking your head into the corner of the wall and letting out a loud yelp.
your hand flies to your head where you know is gonna bruise, but your dad rips it away again. his hand gets tighter and tighter around your wrist to the point where you think he’s about to fracture it, whimpering out for him to please please stop. 
“we won’t warn you again, y/n,” he growls lowly, something painfully shifting in your wrist and making you cry out again. “don’t give us fucking trouble and we won’t have to do this.” 
you meet his gaze and see nothing but anger and rage and disgust looking back at you, getting shoved away from him and falling onto your butt in the dark hallway. your parents loom over you in a way that makes you think they’re gonna continue their assault on you, kick or slap you some more and really make you regret doing this. 
but they only look at you before walking into the kitchen unbothered, panic stirring in your chest before you scurry backward into your room. you close and lock your door before resting your head against it, silencing your cries into your knees.
you drown out the sound of your parents screaming and yelling at each other, jumping when harsh banging and insults are shouted through your door. calling you all sorts of names and cursing at you like you can even hear them through your pounding ears.
you feel a bump forming on your head, making the throbbing ache in your temples ten times worse. you try to move your wrist but wince at the sharp pain that rushes through it, trying to breathe through your ragged cries and sobs.
you can’t do this anymore. 
you can’t keep walking on eggshells and dealing with these outbursts that leave you battered and bruised and hurting. can’t keep making excuses for them that you were in the wrong and deserved some sort of punishment. that because this happened, they might not hit or yell at you for the next few days.
your phone buzzing in your pocket causes you to jump, your heart soaring at the idea of seonghwa’s name popping up right now; he saved you last time from them so maybe he’ll do it again. 
but it’s san asking if you got home okay attached with a selfie of him on his couch with a pout. you can only send him a heart back before moving to seonghwa’s name, your shaky fingers typing out a message to him. 
but then as you stare at the three pathetic words, you can’t find it in yourself to send it. instead, you throw your phone across the room and bury your face in your arms. because if you told him clear as day in words that you needed him and he ignored it, you don’t think you’d ever recover.
it’d make your desperate attempts to calm your breathing even more difficult.
but it feels as if you can’t breathe even into the next day, not once leaving your room to eat or get a drink of water; you only pee once and that’s when you take a drink from the faucet, splashing cold water on your face and wincing at the bruise on your head and deep, red markings on your swollen wrist. 
and even though you spend most of that sunday sleeping, you can’t find it in yourself to go to school on monday. 
you woke up and couldn’t imagine dealing with anything, schoolwork or teachers or avoiding seonghwa. you text san that you won’t be in school but will be there for your shift at 3:30, knowing you’ll have to be out of the house to not tip off your parents. 
because you think if they catch you in another lie, they’ll make your throbbing head and wrist feels ten times worse. 
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“jesus christ, y/n, were you running like 20 miles an hour when you hit into the cabinet?” 
you knew it was cliche but you had to think of something. 
because the egg on your head looked as bad as it felt and you knew san was gonna question it. so a breathy little laugh left your mouth as you shrugged, redness creeping on your face as you easily lie to san about being clumsy. 
“there’s clumsy and then there’s reckless, y/n, let me get you a-”
“san,” you hear a familiar voice growl. and it’s at that moment your head snaps up and you see seonghwa’s face fall, looking over you before his eyes widen when he sees your head.
“where were you?” he demands as he walks toward you, not even noticing san’s hands on you as panic sets in on his body. what happened to your head? that bump hadn’t been there when he saw you two days ago. 
he knew something was wrong when he didn’t see you in homeroom. he felt it in the pit of his stomach and his mind hadn’t stopped racing since then, becoming even more frantic when he saw san sitting alone at lunch. 
he couldn’t explain why but the memory of seeing you with your parents swarmed his mind, the look of fear in your eyes and the way your dad was so quick to jump up and tower over you in your aunt’s backyard.
"i know she's your sister so i'm not implying anything," he said bluntly over the table, the cup of chamomile tea she always offers him but he rarely drinks next to him. "but she's so scared to go back to them and i...do they hit her?"
"they're assholes, seonghwa, i'll be the first to tell you...but i don't think they would physically harm her." 
he held on to your aunt’s words all day but right now, they’re no longer comforting him. not with that way you’re practically shaking under his gaze and how that bump appears to just grow bigger and bigger. 
“i...i wasn’t feeling good this morning.”
his eyebrows pull together and he moves closer, reaching out to take your face in his hand. you hold your breath as he turns your head to the side, assesing your face carefully as tears prick your eyes because this is too much. he can’t find out, he can’t see you break down and finally admit what’s been haunting you since the day you were born. 
“does this have something to do with it?” 
your eyes apprehensively meet his and you swallow nervously at the look in them, blazing with hot determination and it’s then you realize there’s no getting out of this. that he feels something is wrong, the same way he was always so in tune with how you felt and read you so well. 
you’re saved by the ding of an oven in the back room, the cookies san put in twenty minutes ago needing to be taken out to cool. it’s the perfect excuse to rip your face away from seonghwa and shake your head, mumbling to san that you’ll get them before leaving the boys. 
seonghwa waits until the door closes to look at his old friend, the blonde looking at him with an unreadable expression. 
“what did she say happened?” 
san purses his lips to the side, biting the inside of his cheek before reluctantly speaking; he can tell the boy is frantic and plagued with worry. he’d been like that at lunch too, he noticed, bouncing his leg or rocking anxiously in a way he knows he does when he’s unsettled. 
“she walked into a cabinet.”
seonghwa rolls his eyes as he lets out a groan, his hand falling into a fist so he doesn’t punch the counter and make san angry; but holy fuck, is he serious? is he really buying that?
“do you actually fucking believe that?” he snaps, san’s face immediately pulling into confusion; why wouldn’t he?
“why the hell wouldn’t i?” he questions, looking at seonghwa who’s gotten considerably more anger and agitated. 
but it’s then the boy realizes you probably didn’t tell him about your parents.
about how they treat you and how many problems you have with them. he hasn’t seen the way they look at you or act around you, doesn’t have this overwhelming inclination that they did that to you, something that’s about to make him lose his shit if it’s true.
“seonghwa? why wouldn’t i? why would she...why would she lie?”
seonghwa bites the inside of his cheek before the door swings open, your eyes meeting his before you place the plate of cookies down. you can feel the tension in the air, san’s eyes on seonghwa while his are on you. 
“can i talk to you outside for a second?” seonghwa asks you quietly, your eyes widening as a lump forms in your throat. you get unnerved when instead of butting in, san only looks between you and him with curious eyes. 
you look at seonghwa and shake your head, feeling tears burn the back of your eyes. “i don’t think that’s a good idea, i have to do this-”
“i’ll do it,” san says, something about seonghwa’s words and intensity making him, surprisingly, side with the boy who’s hurt you so much. because he can see clear as day the concern and desperation in his gaze. you snap your head to look at the blonde and his gaze softens, attempting to give you courage through his eyes. 
you let out a sigh of defeat before walking out from behind the counter, you and seonghwa’s arms bumping as he opens the door for you. you lean your shoulder against the glass window with your head casted down, your eyes focusing on the scuffs in seonghwa’s shoes. 
he allows the silence for a few seconds before softly calling your name, a shaky exhale leaving your mouth before you look at him.
“what happened?” 
you press your lips together so you don’t cry out, begging the tears not to fall as you shake your head. “nothing, i walked into a cabinet.” 
seonghwa’s jaw tightens as he looks away from you, air blowing from his nose as he lets out a scoff. 
“what did i say about lying to me?”
you can’t even find it in you to say something snarky or roll your eyes, looking up at him with glossy eyes. “i’m not lying,” you say quietly, your lower lip wobbling and eyes becoming wet. 
his eyes soften as his eyes roam your face, taking a step closer as he takes your face in his hands. “then why are you about to cry?”
“i’m not,” you snap, moving your face out of his hold before you step back. “always seems to happen when you’re around though.” his eyes narrow at the way you turn defensive, knowing while there’s truth to your words, that’s not what this is about. 
there’s something more tugging behind your eyes, backing away from him and dropping your gaze because he knows the power you both hold over each other is too much.
“i won’t deny that, baby, and i’m sorry but that’s not it,” he says, reaching out to tug you closer to him. a breathy sigh leaves your mouth as you feel your resolve breaking, his eyes on you too much because you just want to melt into his soft touch. 
but if you do that, you’ll break completely today. and it’s already all too much for you. 
“please tell me what happened,” he says quietly against your head. “remember what i said? whenever you needed me, i’d be there?” 
you can’t help but laugh as you pull yourself away from him because that’s not fucking fair in the slightest.
“did you just remember that? where was that memory months ago, seonghwa?” 
he licks at his lips anxiously, knowing that you have a point. but this is completely different. this is a matter of you being harmed and that’s something he cannot stand. 
“this is different and we both know that, y/n,” he says quietly, his hand raising to touch the bump on your head again; but you move away before he can make contact with you.
“can you only be the one that hurts me?” you suddenly snap, not even realizing the words as his hypocrisy irks your broken spirit. but that sounds like an admission of some kind to him, his dark eyes flaring as he walks closer to you.
“so someone did hurt you,” his deep voice, your teary eyes rolling as you move away from him. 
“of course that’s what you got out of that,” you laugh out humorlessly, shaking your head before your eyebrows pull together. “yes, seonghwa. someone did hurt me. a cabinet.” 
he lets out a huff as he tries to reign in his anger, his jaw clenching at the way you snap at him. 
“baby, i know you’re mad and i get that. but you need to fucking stop-”
“you need to fucking stop,” you yelp, your voice breaking as the tears behind your eyes surface and voice wobbles. “you...can’t keep doing this. why can’t you just leave me alone? i...we said we were done and it was going well so why all the sudden are you-”
“who. hurt you,” he asks, stepping forward and taking your face in his hands. his thumbs rub over your wet skin before he reaches up to the bump on your head, wincing as a quiet whimper leaves your mouth. 
“tell me. talk to me, baby.”
your lower lip wobbles at the softly spoken tone of his voice, setting off every memory in your brain from when he’d sound like that in your bed. with the sun streaming through your open balcony doors as his breath tickled your neck. or quietly spoken into your salty skin on the moonlit beach.
when it seemed as if you two would never have to face anything that bad and could just kiss and laugh in the sun or behind closed doors.
“please stop,” you whisper quietly, shaking your head as you’re smacked back and forth with anger and sadness and defeat. “it doesn’t matter.”
“how can you say that?” he growls lowly in your ear, anger ripping through him. 
how could you really think it doesn’t matter when he’s here ready to kill the person who did that (even though he already has a good idea of who it was). he holds your wavering gaze before letting out a sigh, his thumb caressing your face softly in a way that makes your chest feel heavier. 
“tell me, y/n. don’t lie to me. you know it never fucking worked.”
except it did, you think. it did work and you need it to keep working. but you feel yourself breaking down because of him too and you’re not sure how much longer you can put it off.
your tongue peeks out to lick over your lips anxiously, shaking your head at him.
“i can’t,” you say quietly, voice barely above a whisper. 
he tightens his hold on your face, desperate and pleading as he breaths out your name. you can’t tear your gaze away from him no matter how much you want too, feeling your eyes grow more and more wet.
“seonghwa, it’s not-”
“hey, you creep! why do you keep following her?” 
both your heads snap back, your eyebrows pulling together when you see two girls standing outside the cafe. and it’s not until she stalks forward and her friend grabs her hand that you recognize the both of them from the party.
“jojo, you can’t just-”
“she was cornered by him and crying last time,” the girl says, looking over you with concern in her eyes. “we just wanted croissants and now we have to-”
“i’m not cornering her, i’m trying to talk to her,” seonghwa snaps, this abrasive girl’s timing absolutely fucking terrible. “so why don’t you mind your business?”
“why don’t i mind my business when i see an asshole like you constantly in this girl’s face?” she snaps back, her friend’s desperate pleas telling her to stop. you even try to tell her it’s okay before seonghwa growls again, his hands dropping from your face as he asks who she is to say that shit. 
“seonghwa, it’s fine, she’s just trying to-”
“what’s going on?”
the four of you look at san whose blonde head is poking outside the door, the tension in the air thick. he’d been watching you both closely through the window before he noticed you two snap your heads away from one another, a dark and irritated look crossing seonghwa’s face he knew was not a good sign.
“this asshole is harassing her again!” 
“this asshole knows her, unlike you,” seonghwa argues back, “so seems like you’re the fucking creep.” 
your hand grabs his arm to pull him closer to you, his head snapping back and face immediately softening when he sees the tears in your eyes, knowing the last thing you want right now is more conflict .
“oh really? because it seems like-”
“it’s fine, she’s okay,” san softly assures the girl. “he was just leaving anyway. y/n has to get back to work.” seonghwa looks at the blonde who immediately shakes his head, a stern look in his eye that actually causes him to sigh. 
seonghwa looks down at you again, frowning at the sad look on your face. he wipes at your face with his thumb before lifting your chin. “we’ll talk more tomorrow, okay?” and because you know you probably don’t have a choice, you let out a sigh and nod your head. 
it takes him a few seconds to pull himself away from you, the bump on your head and sadness in your eyes making his stomach knot. he gives the mouthy girl a dirty look before thanking san quietly, the two girls not saying a word until seonghwa’s a few feet away. 
“jojo! you have to stop doing this,” the smaller girl says, smacking her friend in the arm before turning her gaze to you. “i am so so sorry. she knows no boundaries and she’s only trying to help but-”
“it’s okay,” you laugh out humorlessly, shaking your head as you wipe at your face in embarrassment. “he really was just talking to me. but i...i do tend to cry in his presence.”
“well thats sucky of him,” jojo says. a small smile coveing your face as you nod, moving your gaze to the san. “i’m sorry,” you say softly. but the blonde only shakes his head and opens the door wider, ushering you three in with dimply smile on display. 
“did you guys say you wanted croissants?” you ask the girls, both of them nodding guiltily. you smile softly as you prepare them and san rings them up, the three of them talking quietly. 
“so they just told me they saw you and seonghwa at the party too?” 
“yeah,” you say, plopping down the two plates with a sigh. “when he had me pinned against the wall insisting he loves me.”
“now that,” jojo says, croissant raised to her mouth with her eyebrows raised, “sounds interesting.”
“oh jesus christ, jo, please learn to respect boundaries,” the other girl says, smiling dismissively as she’s about pull them away. but then something in you causes you to speak again, maybe because you’ve never had girls to ask their opinions on and they seem like the best option you could get. 
“i know you barely know me and this might be weird,” you find yourself saying,  “but it’d be nice to get another perspective from someone who isn’t....him,” you say, turning around to see san stealing his 4th cookie from the jar. 
“please!” jojo squeals, pulling up two chairs to the counter as her friend politely nods; she’s more shy and reserved but open nonetheless, introducing herself as bo-ra and insisting you don’t have to delve into your personal information despite the way her friend has inserted herself into it twice now. 
you giggle softly, your sad spirit oddly lifting in the presence of these two strangers. but there’s something comforting about them, interested in the perspective of two girls who you also know will have two very different thoughts. 
“so let’s hear it!” jojo says excitedly, plopping down in her seat not at all prepared for the story she was about to get. 
a story of summer love and a budding relationship, where you two truly opened up and let each other in. where it seemed as if maybe two months was enough time to fall in love, if the look in your eye or smile on your face as you retold it wasn’t a good enough indication.
san watched with a frown as you recounted the memories, your voice twinged with amusement as you told them about surfing before your eyes turned teary, explaining how the days counting down till the time you had to leave were miserable. how sad and heartbroken and upset you were that you’d no longer be together.
“so you could only imagine my surprise when i saw him in my homeroom,” you tell them, jojo and bo-ra clutching onto one another, two more croissants gone. 
“shut up!” jojo squeals, “that’s crazy!”
“there are so many other places you could’ve moved!”
“i know,” you say with a small smile before it quickly falls off your face. “but you would’ve thought he never saw me in his life. he just...completely avoided me.” and getting through the past few months with him was a whole lot harder and sadder to hear, hurt laced in your tone that makes san rub your back gently.
“and i get it, i do, i came out of nowhere and probably shocked him. but...for him to act like that? why...it makes me feel like he lied the whole summer.”
“exactly!” jojo says. “and like what’s the big deal? he has to keep up some stupid fake image? that’s literally sick of him. what the fuck?”
“there could be more to it, jo, only they really-”
you smile sadly as you shrug your shoulders, looking at bo-ra who’s biting down on her lip. “be honest,” you tell her quietly, seeing the hesitation on her face. “i blurted all of this out after knowing you for five minutes because i wanted girl’s opinions.”
“well we’re friends now, that’s for sure,” she giggles. “but i don’t know. it’s definitely not right what’s he’s doing obviously and he doesn’t deserve for you to forgive him so easily. but i will say that he probably prepared himself for leaving you more than you know. he probably came home and had already checked out of his emotions and seeing you again caught you him off guard.”
you bite the inside of your cheek as you nod your head. 
“even so, though, he shouldn’t treat her like this. he knows she’s upset and he’s so easily avoiding her,” jojo says. but san only lets out a snort and shakes his head. 
“definitely not easily. if he’s not watching her, he’s begging her to talk and listen to him. it’s obvious to everyone he likes her but when it comes time to admit it, he’s a-”
“stupid teenage boy. and admitting it is what matters so he’s really dropping the ball,” jojo says. and all three of you can agree with that, nodding your head with a sigh. 
“yeah. i don’t know,” you sigh out. “because i really do...care about him. and i know he cares about me too. he was just so... good, you know, and i miss him even though i see him everyday.”
it’s a sentiment that you’ve thought about all too much these past few weeks, how you see the same face and hear the same voice and have your body react to him the same way but still miss him. miss his smile and soft touch and sweet words that without fail made you feel better. 
“maybe tomorrow, without interruption, you can get it all out in the open. for good,” bo-ra suggests. “no more back and forth. really get everything out and tell him you guys have to come to a decision. either forget about everything for good, for real this time, or be with each other again.”
(part 19)
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jae-daddy · 4 years
Duff (2)
jaebum au series 
one / three
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pairing: jaebum x reader genre: angst, smut, cheating plot: you are the duff, and guys use you to get close to your bestfriend, turns out jaebum was no exception. but as time goes on the tension between you and your bestfriend’s unoffical boyfriend grows a/n: turns out its a series huehuehue hope y'all enjoy it <3 not edited
No matter how many times you walked into Heather’s penthouse you were always blown away by the view of that day. The sky was never the same, and each and every time you walked through the doors, the city was a painted in a different light. But as much as the view took your breath away, the male sitting on the couch made your blood boil. 
“Don’t you have a home, Jaebum?” You sneered at the boyfriend of three weeks putting his feet on the three thousand dollar coffee table as if he owned the place. 
“Always a pleasure, aren’t you, love?” He smiled at you cocking his head to the side. You rolled your eyes before placing your bag on the floor and walking in front of him, making him move his feet of the table. 
“Where’s Heather?” You fell into your designated armchair as you scanned the apartment. “She said she would be here.”
Jaebum decided to more annoying then usual and didn’t answer you. He took his phone out and began playing some old song. You swore your eyes were fully white in rage as you closed your eyes and took a deep breath trying to calm yourself down. 
And failing. 
You leaned towards the beautiful man who smirked at you, you were sure you looked animalistic with your teeth barred, but you didn’t care. You were going end him, kill him. 
“Listen here, you little shit-”
“Oh my, y/n!” A soft gentle voice saved the now fully grinning man. “Have you been waiting for long? I’m sorry.” 
She took a deep a breath in, before letting it out, exhausted. 
“You know traffic.”
You nodded, getting up and walking towards her. You gave Jaebum one last glare before you followed into her room. 
“You won’t believe what I found today!” She giggled as she rammaged through the bags she carried with her. “I would have absolutely loved this for me, but they didn’t have my size.” 
She gave you a small frown, before pulling out a lovely silk deep red dress. “But they had it in one of your sizes. You know how the trend in rich people is stravation these days, it’s so hard to find dresses in my size. But lucky for you, the bigger sizes are always available.”
Heather wasn’t mean. She wasn’t a bitch. At least she didn’t try to be those things. It just comes across that way. She doesn’t realise what she is saying because she never did need to have a filter. She was surrounded with people who didn’t see this as rude or mean, but as character and wit. And people who did find it upsetting weren’t in a position to really tell her how she sounded to the rest of the world. 
You bit your lip as you stared at her, making her gasp. 
“I did it again, didn’t I?” She frowned, her shoulders falling. She was trying to have a filter and that was enough for you. 
“It’s okay,” you shook your head, before giving her a toothy grin. “This dress is stunning!” You gave her a grateful smile as you ran your hands through the softness. 
“I promise to wear it next time.” 
“You can wear it today!” She smiled before doing a little jiggle. “One of JB’s friends has a club opening downtown tonight, and you are coming.”
You sucked in air through your teeth as you pretended to be in pain from the thought of missing this event. 
“I actually have a really important meeting in two days-”
“Stop lying, I know you.” She shot you a blank stare, as she began taking of her clothes and walking into the bathroom. “If you do have a meeting in two days the work for it would’ve finished a week ago, and if not, then you’re just lying.”
“Nerd!” Jaebum called from somewhere in the apartment. 
You growled before looking at Heather in angered confusion. 
“Does he not have a home?!” You said loudly so he could hear you. Heather just shook her head, as she put on her pink robe. 
“Of course he does,” she clipped her hair up. “And you’re coming so get ready, I’ll be out in a jiffy.” 
You were about to object but the door was closed before you could. You sighed as you stared at the dress in defeat. 
“You’re wearing that?” Jaebum croaked out as you walked out of Heather’s room ready with your makeup, hair and outfit done. You shot him an annoyed glare in return, before opening the fridge. 
You sighed at the abundance of kombucha, and reached for the can of coke in the bottom row. You turned to find Jaebum staring at you with a weird look. 
“What?” You snapped. “Do you want one?” 
He shook his head no before looking away, his throat bobbing nervously. 
“Weirdo,” you muttered, as you opened your can and gulped a big chug. 
“You know there are glasses, right?” 
“You know you can shut up, right?” You gave him a fuck you smile before walking past him. 
“So you’re really wearing that?” He asked, watching you struggling to sit down. It was a gorgeous dress, and you had to admit it did look good on you, but it was a bit on a tighter side, especially in the decolletage. 
“Yes, why?” you looked at the boy, and instantly looked away as your cheeks flamed. 
Just because he turned out to be like every other boy and clung on to the next best thing in a matter of seconds, did not make him any less physically attractive. 
The way his dark trousled hair was pushed up, the way his jacket tightened around his arms as he crossed them. The pinkness of his lips, and the lip ring that you could not help but wonder how it would feel against your tongue. He was standing so causally, but the tightness on his face, and darkness in his eyes were enough to make you flame up. 
“Isn’t it-”
“A bit too comfortable?” You bit back before he could continue, “Yes, and this is the bigger size.” Your brows shot up as you nodded, as if to say I know, ridiculous. 
 It looked as if he was hesitating to say something for a moment. 
“I think-”
“How do I look?” Heather walked out in a dark green bodycon looking absolutely banging. She walked over and kissed Jaebum’s cheek. 
“Nice.” Jaebum smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes, and seemed rather awkward. His eyes skipped over to you; you looked away feeling uncomfortable. 
“Let’s go,” Heather spoke cheerily, breaking the silence that settled in the penthouse. 
As you got up, you felt his eyes on you. 
You knew you shouldn’t, you knew it was bad. 
But you looked up and met his eyes. 
Your body was instantly on fire. 
He didn’t walk after Heather, he stood there walking you walk closer to him. Your eyes didn’t leave him, and even though everything in your body was telling you to look away you couldn’t. 
You finally walked past him and took your eyes off him and trained it on the door that Heather had walked out off. 
“And you,” Jaebum whispered, his body so close to you, you felt his breath tickle the back of your neck, “look absolutely ravishing.” 
Tingles ignited in your core making you slightly press your legs together, as your chest heaved. 
Bloody hell. You hated him. 
The dark liqour burned your throat as you took another sip and scanned the club you ended up in tonight. You couldn’t lie, this club was pretty amazing. It was well planned, and the design and lighting of the place was inviting, playful and classy all at once. 
“I can’t tell if you’re actually an alcoholic or just like torture,” Jaebum commented from beside you. You turned towards him ready to bite back, but were taken aback by how stunning he looked. The lights in this club really did favour him alot. 
“Shouldn’t you be grinding on my bestfriend?” You asked instead, as you looked for Heather.
“Someone’s already beat me to it,” you heard him mutter, as you found your friend laughing and leaning back against another guy. You frowned at that, Jaebum was much better looking than that clown. 
“And you’re okay with that?” You asked, being careful, incase he was hurt. You didn’t know if Heather was having a play around with Jaebum or whether it was serious, and didn’t want to promise in her stead. But something about the way Jaebum had said that made your heart sink slightly. 
He shrugged before taking a sip of his drink, “it’s none of my business.” 
You groaned internally. He was such a melodramatic king. 
“Hey guys!” Heather came up to the table you and Jaebum were sitting at. “You guys are so boring,” she pouted in proper tipsy Heather style. “Why don’t you guys dance? Have fun kids.” 
She took Jaebum’s glass emptied it, before heading out to the same guy who welcomed her with open arms and probably a hard dick. 
You glared at him when his eyes met yours and he instantly looked away. 
“JB!” A voice yelled from behind you, you turned to find a handsome guy in a very expensive looking suit. “My man, you made it!” 
He hugged Jaebum who looked as if he wanted to get far away from here. You chuckled at his pained expression. 
“Thanks for the invite, Bam,” Jaebum smiled. “You really turned the place around. It looks great!” 
Bam shrugged, before shifting his attention to you. His eyes took you in, and his smile widened. 
“Hi,” he held your hand bringing it to his lips. You turned to look at Jaebum with a humoured smile. “My friends call me Bam, but you can call me Bambam.”
Your eyebrows rose, as a giggle left you. 
“It’s so good you have to say it twice.” 
This time you laughed, taking your hand back. 
He was an actual literal clown. 
“I can’t believe you used a children’s movie as a pick up line.”
Bambam gasped as he looked at Jaebum. “Who is this uncultured lady calling animated films children’s movies?” 
“That’s on you Bambam,” Jaebum rose his hands up. “We told you that pick up line was ridiculious.” 
Bambam looked at you with playful eyes instead, “You’re lucky you’re so goodlooking. Otherwise this conversation would’ve been long over.”
“Oh, lucky me,” you rolled your eyes, smiling. “I’m y/n, by the way. This place is amazing! The design is immaculate.” 
“Thank you, all done by me,” Bambam put a hand to his chest and took a little bow. 
Jaebum tried to ask Bambam something, but Bambam didn’t look away from you. He cut off Jaebum and asked, “So, you two are a thing?”
“No,” you answered, letting out a chuckle. “I don’t think you could even call us friends.”
You felt Jaebum’s eyes on you, but you ignored him. 
“Are you seeing anyone?” Bambam asked, taking a step closer. 
“Much to my displeasure, I have no choice but to see people with this sight of mine,” Jaebum straight up snorted at your horrible attempt at humour, while Bambam smirked at you. “But if you’re asking romantically, then no.”
“Good,” Bambam said, and you gulped, before looking away nervously. “How about Friday-”
“You party poopers!” Heather giggled before banging her hands on the table. “All of you on the dance floor right, now.” 
She took your hand and dragged you away from the pair. You turned back and saw Bambam follow, with a sulken Jaebum trailing behind slowly. 
Heather placed her hands on your waist, making your sway with the music. You gave in deciding fighting it won’t get you anywhere. She turned around, and leaned against you, making you laugh as she moved against you. You turned around, both of bodies moving fluently in slut. 
You laughed as she reached back and slapped your ass, before pressing her front against you. 
“He’s cute,” she breathed into your ear. You looked up and saw Bambam studying you both. 
“Is he?” you replied, before hissing. “I don’t know, he’s not my type.” 
“Claim him before I make him mine,” she pushed you against him. Bambam grabbed you, and you instantly wanted to get away. 
It didn’t last long though. 
“Who is she?” Bambam asked leaning into your ear. You followed his gaze that was looking at Heather hungrily. 
“She’s Heather, my friend.” You answered, wanting to escape more than ever. You knew what was happening, it had happened so many times already that you were already dissociating from your body. 
“You don’t mind?” He asked, biting his lip as he looked at you. 
You shook your head, atleast he asked. 
“Thanks, babe,” he winked at you.
He moved past you before you could tell him that her and Jaebum were together. You turned to find Heather and Bambam already dancing together. You searched for Jaebum but couldn’t find him anywhere. 
You turned, bumping into someone. 
“Oh sorry,” you said softly before looking up, and finding Jaebum. You didn’t like the way he was looking at you. 
“I’m going to catch some fresh air,” you pushed past him, and walked out of the club. Instead of walking out onto the street, you turned and walked towards the stairways leadnig up. 
You needed to be alone. Actually, alone. Not surrounded by strangers on a cold late street. 
You let out a deep breath as you finally made it to the rooftop. It was much higher than you had expected and were pretty winded up, but you didn’t mind. There was no one here, and the view just made it much better. 
But that didn’t last long. 
You heard footsteps behind you, and even without turning you could tell it was him. The way your body began heating up from his stare, the sounds of his footsteps, you could tell it was him. 
“What are you doing here?” You called out, without turning back. “Don’t you have a friend to seperate from your girlfriend?”
“If I didn’t know any better,” he replied, his steps slowling down. “You sound a tad bit jealous.”
“Oh please,” you rolled your eyes as you turned away from the littering city lights. “He was not my type. It’s better he went away himself.” 
Jaebum stared at you with another one of those intense looks. He looked at you as if he could see you clearer than anything else in the world. He looked at you as if he had solved a puzzle and was now inspecting every piece carefully. He looked at you like you were the only thing he has ever looked at. 
You tore your eyes away, your cheeks burning again. 
“How did you know it was me?” He asked, licking his lips. Jaebum placed his forearms on the railing, and some dangerous part of you imagined you between his arms. Between him and the railing. Your dress hitched, your breathe heavy moaning his name as he rammed into you. 
You turned around, and pressed your legs together. 
“It was your goddamn tap dancing shoes,” you lied, making him laugh. 
“These shoes cost this much just so it doesn’t sound like that,” he looked over at you, and you smiled back despite yourself. 
You bit your lip and looked away, as imagines of his mouth on your skin scorched your mind. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, and you shivered slightly. 
“I told you, Jae,” you breathed annoyed. “He was not my type.”
“And what if he was?” 
You were. 
“What would you do then?” His dark eyes peered into yours. You didn’t know if it was him, you didn’t know if it was you, but the distance between you lessened. 
Your dress hitched at your thighs as your body pressed against Jaebum’s. 
His minty breath laced with liqour brushed your lips, and you savoured its warmth. You wanted to feel it all over your body. 
Your eyes flashed to the lip ring and you once again imagined it between your lips. 
Jaebum was your type. He was most definately you type, and you let him chose her. 
“If anyone was my type,” you lifted your gaze to stare into his. His dark eyes shown with something, and you hoped it was understanding. He was your type, you had wanted him, but he had chose her. “He wouldn’t chose her.”
He had chosen her. 
“He would be an incredible fool to do that,” he didn’t move away from you, but he didn’t move in closer. 
You stayed for a moment, calming your body from crashing into his. 
You snorted in distaste before chuckling and moving away. You stared at the city lights one more time before turning back towards the building. 
Jaebum remained there, his body turned towards the lights, but his mind some place else. His knuckles white by his side, his body tight. 
You smirked at him over your shoulder. 
Jaebum looked over his shoulder when he heard your heels stop halfway to the door. 
“You fool.” You scoffed, before walking away. 
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dprwolfgang · 3 years
Sin Ti // Angel Reyes ft. Dominic Lee Part 2
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Angel Reyes x Solana Losa (OC) 
Dominic Lee (OC) x Solana Losa
This took a bit of a 360 turn.A lil angst, a lil drama and because I couldn’t stop typing once I started...there’s a part 3 to this but it’ll come out after Ez’s part drops. Angel is a bit of an asshole, Dominic is a bit smug and Solana is no longer the woman Angel thought she was or maybe she’d always been that way?
Enjoy! Feedback is welcomed and please reblog, like y’all don’t understand how much that means to creators on here.
Four months later
Angel stared at the ultrasound pictures laid out on his coffee table. It has been a total of seven months since everything blew up in his face and to say he wasn’t coping well was an understatement. Angel had reverted to his shallow fuck- anything- with- a -pulse self with everyone walking on eggshells around him. Even as he sat staring at the pictures, there was a woman in his bed fast asleep.
Angel had tried talking to Solana but she had Vega playing bodyguard and Angel knew better than to mess with Vega because even though she could handle herself, her big brother Rio was another story by himself. He had no idea when Solana had left Santo Padre but he knew that his heart had left right along with her.
This was the second set of ultrasound pictures he’d gotten and if he was being honest, they were the only thing giving him hope that Solana would come back to him.
Adelita had shown up out of the blue, caught him in a rather compromising position and then proceeded to tell him that the baby had died. He didn’t know whether to believe her or not because Potter had told him something completely different including the fact that her baby was a Reyes. Maybe Solana had lied to him but he could see past that and forgive her because she’d done the same for him numerous times.
If only she would just come home.
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Solana smiled as she took in the scene before her, it had been a year and six months since she had left Santo Padre and quite honestly she didn’t feel like going back. Her uncle had told her that it was best for her to stay on the other side for a bit while things blew over but what was supposed to be five months had become more.
In that time she’d given birth to a healthy baby girl who she had named Cataleya Marísol Reyes. She had also met a man who made her feel love and happiness to an extent she didn’t think was possible. Sol had come to realize that while she had love for Angel, she was no longer in love with him. She had given so much of herself to Angel without the same effort being reciprocated that she didn’t know what to do with herself when she got a man who did.
Dominic Lee was the man Bishop had entrusted his niece’s safety to while she was on the other side. Their families had a long history and Bishop knew that if anyone would keep her and her baby safe it would be the Lee’s. The Lee’s were an immigrant family from China, how they ended up in Santo Padre, Bishop didn’t have a clue but Dominic’s grandfather was the first Asian man to be a part of the Santo Padre charter. His father, much like Ez, had a lot of book and street smarts. He had gotten into a school on the other side, started a successful business and would occasionally help the charters getting shipments in and out of Mexico.
Dominic had continued his father's legacy in both aspects of business and as much as Bishop respected and cared for Angel, he never liked the relationship that had bloomed between him and Sol. He had warned her on numerous occasions that even if Angel cared about her it would end in heartbreak. Seeing his niece happy was the only thing that mattered most to Bishop and if that meant encouraging Dominic to make a move on Solana…then maybe that's exactly what he did.
"So…you and Dominic? How'd that happen?" Vega questions as they both look on at Dominic, Ez and Rio playing with baby Leya who already had them all wrapped around her little fingers.
"Honestly V, I don't fucking know. It feels like it all happened so fast, like one minute he's showing me to the guest room and the next he's rearranging my insides cause my hormones were off the wall. He makes it easy…"
Vega gives her a look that says to elaborate what she was talking about because Vega had always thought that her best friend would forever  be whipped for Ignacio.
"I never have to question whether he loves me because it shows in everything he does. I never have to ask him to make time for me, to take me out or to treat Leya the way he does but he does it anyways because that's the kind of person he is. I'm not saying he's perfect, neither am I but we're imperfectly perfect for each other, I don't know what it is but he just makes me feel whole." she smiles looking at the man who had managed to steal her heart in more ways than one over the past eleven months.
Vega smiles at the way her best friend glows and even though she's still hesitant on Dominic, she can tell that he makes Solana happy. She wasn't Angel's biggest fan but a part of her had hoped that maybe they could work things out if Angel would just get his shit together. She didn't send him all those pictures for nothing but Angel never got the clue and never came around asking for the information that she would've eventually given to him after pulling his leg a little bit first. Instead, the asshole had chosen to fuck his way through Vicky's girls and even had a run in with Adelita that Ez had briefly mentioned.
"What are you going to do about Angel? You know he's not going to be happy."
"Yo Stanford, we gotta go." Angel's voice sounds from outside the front door followed by a series of knocks.
"Speak of devil." Vega mumbles as she gets up to open the door.
Solana had moved to where Dominic and Rio were playing with Leya out of Angel's view. Ez went to grab his keys and kutte as Vega dealt with Angel. Solana wasn't ready to face him yet, she knew she'd have to sooner or later. She sees Angel's figure rush pass Vega and Ez before the bathroom door slams. Still tucked away in the corner of Vega's living room, she prays Angel just leaves as soon as he's done in the bathroom but those prayers fall on deaf ears as Leya screams out loudly just as he's walking by. Solana quickly takes her from Rio trying to calm her down but it's too late as Angel rounds the corner with Ez and Vega hot on his tail.
"What the fuck?" Angel looks around at everyone before him before settling on Ez. "So this what we doing now?"
"Angel, don't blow this out of proportion. They only got here today, nobody's hiding anything from your dumbass. If I find out you put your hands on my man the moment y'all leave from here, I won't hesitate to take my switch to your dick asshole. Now get out before Bishop calls." Vega speaks up trying to diffuse the situation.
Cataleya refused to stop screaming so Solana stands in an attempt to get her outside for some fresh air only for Angel to grab onto her upper arm. Rio sits back watching the shit storm unfold before him. Dominic is on his feet the moment Angel reaches for Sol and grabs onto her. He knew exactly who Angel was, they had never met personally but from everything Solana and Bishop had mentioned he had developed quite a dislike for the man.
"Suéltame Ignacio.”
“We need to talk.” Angel says pulling her closer to him.
“I know you heard her say to let go. I’d let go if I were you.” Dominic says stepping into their space. The edge in his voice told Sol that this wouldn’t end well for Angel if he kept pushing his boundaries.
“Who the fuck is this clown?” Angel questions looking around the room. Vega shakes her head because honestly, could he get anymore stupid?
It took a lot to piss Dominic off but when it came to the things or people he cared deeply for, it's like a switch flipped inside him. Angel grapping onto his woman and refusing to let go while she held on to their daughter  was something he refused to sit by idly and watch. Cataleya may not have been his child biologically but she was his nonetheless and he'd protect her at all costs even if it meant from her own father.
"He's my fiancé." Sol grits out glaring at Angel who drops her hand like he's been burned. She hands Leya to Vega asking her to take her for a walk, both Ez and Rio following behind her. Dominic takes his previous seat because the look in Solana's eyes told him she could handle the situation and that he didn't need to intervene at the moment.
"What the hell is your problem?" she questions poking at Angel's chest.
"You're the one who left and then show up here a year and a half later with another man who's apparently raising MY child! You don't get to ask me what's wrong with me when something is clearly fucking wrong with you. I thought I knew you Sol but it's clear that I don't." Angel spits out at her.
"I gave you six months to get your shit together Ignacio, you didn't. I gave you all of me for fifteen years and you didn't give two fucks because you got comfortable. What, you thought that if you kept slanging me dick I'd stick around? Everything I said to you that night you decided you wanted to believe some woman you'd been fucking over me, I meant it. Everything I said to you that night in the hospital, I meant it. I still gave you six months hoping you'd take the fucking hint and come sort shit out but fucking your way through Vicky's girls was way more important than being there the night your daughter was born. So much more important that you signed away your rights as her father over a fucking phone call while you were deep in one of those bitches hungover and high out your fucking mind. You don't get to tell me something is wrong with me when you can't get your shit together Angel. You're the one who fucked us up, you made your decision and I made mine. I have love for you and I'll forever be thankful that you gave me that amazing baby girl but that's it Angel."
It hurt, Angel couldn't lie and say that it didn't. The look in her eyes told him a lot but also a little at the same time. She was no longer the woman he knew. He could no longer read her emotions but that one look in her eyes told him that she was permanently done with him. He didn't remember the phone call she was referring to but he wondered just how fucked up he was for fucking up not one but two of his kids lives. They'd never know him, he'd never get to watch them grow and it's simply because he was selfish and wanted to have his cake and eat it too. He had everything with Sol, he was happy and so was she even if they didn't have a label but shit changed when he met Adelita.
"I was under the influence, how the fuck does that count as me signing my rights away? I already lost one child, I'm not losing another. My child will not call that clown dad." he says pointing over to Dominic.
"You might be her father biologically but that's not what it says on paper and until you get your shit together, you won't be coming anywhere near my daughter." Dominic states smugly. He wasn't on her birth certificate yet but he knew that shit would knock Angel of his high horse a bit.
"The fuck are you even doing here? This doesn't concern you." Angel says pointing between him and Sol. "As far as I'm concerned,you're just a rebound fuck. Sooner or later she's gonna come right back where she belongs and I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your skull."
Dominic stands and walks over to the both of them. "And yet still…I'm the one who put a ring on her finger and the one your daughter's gonna call dad. I already won,thanks to you." he smirks before turning to Solana and presses a kiss to her cheek. "I'll be outside, don't hesitate to break his nose if he gets out of line."
Angel waits for Dominic to exit the front door before he speaks. "Are you seriously going to marry him?"
"Why querida? And don't tell me it's because you love him."
"Loving him is not the only reason why I agreed to marry him Angel."
"Then why?!" he shouts. "Did you even love me or was that all a lie just like you lied about Adelita's baby not being mine?" Once again Angel isn't expecting the slap that he collects as soon as he finishes his sentence.
"I'm a lot of things but a liar isn't one of them and you know it Ignacio. I get it, you're looking for someone to blame but I refuse to let you use me as your punching bag. Get your shit together before you lose everyone around you the way you did with me. Potter may have told you that Adelita's baby is a Reyes but that baby is not your Angel and it's not Ez's so don't even go there. Don't look at me like that either."
"Then which Reyes is it huh? My pops?"
"That's not my story to tell but what I'll say is, once the truth comes to light…you're gonna look back and regret this very moment. I guess love really does make you blind. Look what it did to me." she chuckles lightly. "you never loved me Angel, you loved the thought of me because I was easily accessible to you. That man out there," she points towards the front door walking closer to Angel leaning in close to his ear. "…he loves me unconditionally, always puts my daughter and I first. I never have to question where his loyalty lies  and while we've had our unpretty moments…I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your skull the next time you threaten my husband." Solana pats his cheek and fixes his kutte before picking her baby bag up and walking to the front door where she stops and turns to look at him.
"Don't make me your enemy Ignacio."
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| good in bed |     [chapter 3]
pairing; non-idol!chan x reader
this chapter’s notes; oral(both receiving), face riding, minor hair pulling 😳and some minor angst🥴 we are almost at the finish line for this mini-series~ thank you for everyone who’s been interested in it~ 💕💕💕💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - x
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“Don’t you trust me?”
“Chan the last time you said that, Seokmin had to get stitches.”
Chan rolls his eyes at you, hands on the wheel of his car. He hadn’t said exactly where he was taking you for your little picnic because, as he said, “it was a surprise” so you had hesitantly got into his car when he had picked you up about 30 minutes ago.
“Seokmin-hyung only had to get stitches because he thought belly-flopping onto the beer pong table was a good idea and he cracked his skull open.”
“Yeah, but you were the one who gave him that suggestion!”
“I said it’d be funny! I didn’t know we were gonna have to take him to the urgent care!”
You laugh along with him, glad that whatever weird mood Chan was in the last time you’d seen him seemed to be gone. It was still weird to you that he’d left without saying anything but you’d figured it was just something really important that he had to take care of.
The two of you had kept talking throughout the entire car ride, watching as the sun slowly set along the horizon. You were slowly exiting the city from what you could tell; the skyscrapers and highrises becoming small in the rear view mirror. It was Chan’s idea to have a picnic closer to sunset to which you had agreed to, packing a warm blanket for when the sun eventually went down.
“As long as neither of us end up in urgent care again, I really don’t care where you take me, Chan.”
“See, now, you can’t say shit like that cause we’ll end up at a clown convention and then you’re gonna be really pissed.”
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The whole thing feels… romantic to say the least.
Chan takes you to an area with grassy hills and close to little city lights to obstruct your views of the sky. “I figured we can do some star-gazing out here later which is why I suggested we go closer to sunset.”
“Oh… Chan, that’s--”
“Soonyoung-hyung’s really been on my ass lately cause I fucked up at practice a few times so I was thinkin’ like, ‘we need to get away from the city’, you know?”
You nod, pushing your thoughts away as you help him set up. He had even brought some fake candles and some wine to help set the mood. And although neither of you had said it was a date, it definitely feels like one. Chan holds your hand, feeds you first and even wraps a blanket around you once he notices you shivering a little bit.
“Can I ask you a question?” Chan peers up at you after taking a bite of his food. “Yeah?”
“This is cute and all but… we won’t get… like, ‘hills have eyes’ crazies out here will we?” He chokes on his food, eyes as wide as saucers at your question as he rushes to swallow before he replies.
“No! I mean, I don’t think so? There’s not really a yelp page for open grassy hills outside the city though.”
“Okay I just…”
“Are you scared?”
“Not really? Just… curious. There’s like nobody out here except for us and a few houses that we passed, so, y’know.”
“Aww, is the baby scared? I’ll protect you!” Chan sends you a killer smile that sends your heart racing almost immediately. You smile back, averting your eyes quickly as you take in the fresh air. There was still the tiniest bit of sunlight left, your eyes sliding shut as you enjoy the last bit of warmth before the cool night breeze took over.
Chan watches you, committing the image of you glowing in the sunset to memory. “Wow…”
“Nothing, you’re just… beautiful is all. Like, the way the sun is hitting you right now makes you look like a goddess.”
Your brain goes haywire momentarily, rebooting as you tuck a stray hair behind your ear.
“Don’t say stuff like that!”
“Why not? Haven’t I said weirder things in bed?” You bite the inside of your cheek. Yeah, he’d said really possessive things and even jealous things in bed but the two of you were in a mood then. This time there was nothing prompting him to say any of that and it was really fucking with your brain. “Yeah I… guess.” Taking a sip of your cup of wine, you swallow down your feelings as best as you can.
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, eating the food that Chan had packed and enjoying each other’s company until the sun had gone down completely. You take notice of the stars, watching them as you tug the blanket around yourself tighter. “Cold?”
“A little bit…” He finishes off his food, tidying up and putting the containers away in the bag he’d brought before filling his and your cup of wine. You wonder what he’s doing when he gets up from across you and places his cup next to yours on the blanket. But he slots himself behind you, caging you in between his legs and he wraps his arms around you to keep you warm.
“Is this okay?”
You hate the way Chan gets you to blush so easily. And you hate the way your crush on him grows every single time. There was definitely a fine line between being friends with benefits and actually dating Chan that you felt like had already gotten crossed a long time ago. But, simultaneously, you also didn’t know how Chan felt at all. You knew Chan was usually very vocal about his feelings and the two of you had even confided in each other through relationships and breakups. Hell, even one night stands were a topic of conversation with him on multiple occasions. But this was just weird to you now.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
“You’ve had this… faraway look in your eyes today, that’s all. Like, you laugh at my jokes ‘n stuff but then you look kinda sad after.” Chan’s voice is soft and warm; his lips kissing the crown of your head before he nuzzles into your neck. “You can tell me anything you know. It’s always a judgement free zone when you’re with me.”
“I know, Chan. Sorry, just… life’s been kinda weird lately I guess. But I’m not sure I’m ready to talk about it yet? You know what I mean?”
Chan hums, kissing the column of your neck. “Yeah, I feel you. But you wanna know somethin’?”
“Wouldn’t it be romantic to fuck under the stars?” There was the word. Romantic.
“I mean… yeah?”
“That’s also kinda why I took you out here, I thought maybe we could? The atmosphere is nice and there’s nobody really around so…” Fuck it.
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“Fu--Fuck, Chan…”
You tangle your hands into his hair, grinding down onto his face. You weren’t sure if face-riding was considered romantic but you also didn’t really care the second Chan’s tongue dips into your pussy. His hands grip your thighs, keeping you in place as his tongue licks stripes from your clit to your hole, licking up your wetness. You don’t really know how long it’s been since he started or if anyone can hear you out in the open but if there’s one thing, you’re definitely glad you wore clothes that were easy to get out of.
“God, your mouth is so good!” You untangle a hand, reaching back and gliding it down his torso until it rests over his cock straining against his jeans. You squeeze him through the material as he moans against your folds, drawing circles on your clit in harsh motions as his own hips thrust up into your palm. You can feel your orgasm already building; grinding down onto Chan’s tongue harder. The two of you continue like that for a little while longer until Chan taps on your thigh.
Thinking something is wrong, you lift yourself off of him, watching as he licks your wetness from his lips.
“I could eat you out for hours, but if you’re gonna cum, it’s gonna be on my dick.” You nod, helping him strip down until he’s as bare as you are. “Chan if we get in trouble for this…”
“We won’t! I promise. There’s nobody around here for at least half a mile or something.”
You take his word for it, pushing him down onto the blanket. He watches as you slot yourself between his legs, wrapping a hand around his cock and smearing the precum all over the head and shaft. You slowly lean in, kitten licking at his cock before you wrap your lips around him.
“Ugh, fuck!”
This time it’s Chan that tangles a hand through your hair, guiding your mouth down onto his cock slowly. He resists the urge to fuck your throat open, deep breaths and groans on his lips as he does so. You let him control the pace, bobbing your head up and down with his guidance.
There’s a few times when you deep throat him where you feel his soft and romantic side chipping away slowly; the hand tangled in your hair gripping tighter as he holds you on his cock. And it happens a few more times before Chan completely pulls you off of him by your hair, a bead of sweat trickling down his temple.
“You’re such a little minx, did you know that?”
You smile up at him, a thread of spit still linking your lips to his cock. “You’re the one who suggested we have sex out here so I mean...” There’s a chuckle on his lips as he lets go of your hair, smoothing it back down before he lays on his back again. “Wanna ride me?”
You take a moment to shimmy on top of him; his hands immediately finding purchase on your hips. He helps guide you, watching as you position yourself over his cock. You sink down on him slowly at first, getting about a third of the way before you think ‘screw it’ and sheath him completely inside of you.
It knocks the breath out of Chan in an instant as you giggle above him. “Jesus, slow down!”
“I’m tryna enjoy the mood here! And you look pretty sitting on my dick like this. The stars around you… If you looked pretty in the sunlight earlier, now you just look ethereal with the stars surrounding you and basking you in the moonlight.”
You hate it here. You really really do.
“Oh… thanks” He nods up at you, a cute smile on his face. “You don’t have to thank me for that.”
Choosing to ignore his last statement, you start riding him, alternating between swiveling your hips and grinding down onto him. The curve of his cock inside of you is enough to hit your g-spot; whines spilling from your lips as you chase your high.
Chan can tell when you start to get a bit tired as he plants his feet firmly onto the ground and thrusts up into you.“Ugh, Chan…”
He pauses for a second, his hands on your hips caressing your skin. “Something wrong?”
“No, just… you feel really nice…”
“You too, baby.”
You brace yourself on his torso as you ride him, the sound of your moans mix with his in the quiet moonlight.
Lifting your hands off of his torso, you snake your left hand up your torso, playing with your breasts and pinching your nipples while your other hand slides down to rub at your clit. The sensations have your toes curling and whimpering Chan’s name. He can feel the way you tighten up around his cock, finding it harder to thrust up into you. “Fuck, you’re so close, baby, I can feel you getting so tight.” 
“Wanna cum together?” 
“Mmhmm...” Chan helps guide your hips, licking his lips while he watches you touch yourself. “You’re so pretty... Lemme see you cum, baby.” He whispers words of praise, urging you to cum as his hands continue to caress your skin. You grind down onto him harder when you feel the tension in your lower abdomen about to snap. And when you cum on his cock, he follows suit, your name spilling from his lips the entire time the two of your ride out your orgasms. 
And when you start to come down from your high, you can’t help but slump forward onto his chest, his arms wrapping around you protectively as you catch your breath. 
“Fuck, baby, that was... intense.” 
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The two of you stay in that position a while longer; Chan admiring the stars above you as you enjoy his warmth and listen to his heartbeat. There’s words on your tongue you want to say but you keep it to yourself for now. 
“This is nice and romantic and all, but d’you think we should get going?”
His voice breaks you out of your thoughts, nodding slightly against his chest. 
It takes you two a while to clean up and get dressed, lugging all of your things back to his car. Chan doesn’t say a word to you the entire time, and you don’t really make an effort to either. 
He opens your side of the car, letting you in before he slides into the driver’s seat and starts the ride home. It’s pleasant for most of the ride back; the radio filling up most of the silence until you realize that the two of you are almost back to your place. And the thoughts on your mind from earlier come back at full force. 
“Hey, Chan?”
“What are we?” He turns onto the street where your complex is, hands tightening around the wheel unbeknownst to you. There’s an awkward silence even when the car stops in front of your place, Chan turning off the gas as he sits in his seat, unsure of what to say. 
“I don’t know.” 
“You don’t know?” 
“I... I don’t know how I feel right now. I don’t know what’s right...” 
“Okay... I understand. That’s fine.” 
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You lay in bed tossing and turning all night regardless. You knew you’d probably have to stop this soon, you just didn’t know when. And yes, while you liked Chan, he still seemed confused and unsure if he wanted to take this to a different level or if he wanted to stay as friends with benefits. You could respect that. There was no real reason to be mad at Chan so you tried to not be.
There was a fine line that the two of you knew you’d crossed, that was obvious. And it was only fair that the two of you were most likely equally as confused as the other so you try to let it go, telling yourself you’ll try to clear the air with him tomorrow or something, if he doesn’t do it first. You wanted him to say something but you, too, weren’t really saying much. The two of you were both skirting around the topic so there was really nobody to blame. You shrug in bed, letting all your feelings go in hopes of finally getting some sleep.
But your phone rings next to you in the midst of your thoughts, tired eyes blinded by the sudden light as you check to see who it is. 
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You feel yourself heating up, a blush forming on your cheeks as you stare at your phone screen. You didn’t want to push him for more, but damn, he’d definitely gotten your attention now.
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wri0thesley · 3 years
a lot more ppl sent me very lovely messages and i don’t want to spam dashes OR ignore them so i’m replying to them in a batch below the read more!:
jellyluchi said: idk what those anons are on but I'm really glad you're writing for a different media I don't see a lot of jjk content so seeing it on my dash is great! plus it's your blog so you should be able to able to write whatever you want! you're not betraying anyone for writing stuff you like
tysm sid!!! i love jojo and i will probably not be abandoning it but people forget i’ve been here for FOUR YEARS (!) and i’m one of very few blogs still around. like. people don’t even remember the blogs that were popular when i was still writing :(. i’m just excited to have a new interest!!! <3 
Anonymous said: Nat: la squadra posts 24/7 Anon: you're basically abandoning the jojo fandom relinquish your card No but seriously, people are allowed to focus on other types of media, especially if the current fandom is waning. Not saying more people are leaving the JoJo fandom than staying, but that it's had to make do with the available content. I'd say more people (inside and outside the fandom) are more familiar with the anime, and Golden Wind ended 1-2 years ago. I'm sure once Stone Ocean comes out, the fandom will go wild again. Either way, I don't mind what you post, I just like seeing you talk so passionately
gosh it’s been so long since VA, huh? i’m still here, still working on stuff - my inspiration for jojo has just waned a little! i still love talking to you all about my husbands and your husbands. a lot of my friends are into jjk now too which means that i have people to bounce ideas off in a way i don’t as much for jojo! i’m sure when SO starts i’ll come crawling back but for now let me have a little fun! <3  also i really do still not shut up about la squadra dfbvnkjdfgn. i’ve been saying to myself i’ll publish one jojo thing and one jjk thing a day and it’s been going really well so far! 
mix-senpai said: I like to assume that the anons who say that stupid shit to you is always the same little gremlin who apparently has nothing better to do. I know you don't want people to openly riot over these anons, but honestly? You're one of the sweetest, and most friendly and accepting person I personally have ever met, so color me baffled to find that clowns like that anon would have the nerve to give you such a nasty attitude and be so rude for no reason. Like, hello? They're not the boss around here- it's not their blog it's yours to post whatever you please, they have zero say on the matter and they just have to deal with it. Keep doing you. Keep being your lovely self. And just keep doing whatever makes you happy, okay?
i block them as much as i can but i dont think it works very well fgnkjbng. as a whole i delete a lot of mean messages but honestly i’ve been expecting this one for a while which is why i bothered replying to it! tysm friend! <3
Anonymous said: 1. you still enjoy and write for jojo, you didn’t “abandon” anyone. and even if you did lose interest in jojo, that isn’t really your fault. people lose interest in things. 2. it’s YOUR blog. youre allowed to post, write, and simp over whoever you please from whatever fandom. i like jojo and jujutsu kaisen, but i also stay because i just generally like reading what you say and post because i like you, not just because i like what you can provide for me. you deserve to have followers that feel the same way, aka not that anon
the use of words like ABANDON and BETRAYAL is so funny to me honestly, this is just a thirstposting blog it’s not that deep fgbnkjgfn. thank you so much friend!! i’m glad so many people at least seem to like both, it makes me feel less bad! <3 
Anonymous said: are you seriously getting shit on just because you have interests other than jjba??? lmao how the fuck does that anon survive on tumblr 😂😂😂 one of the blogs i followed for, like, gravity falls content or something several years ago, who has since shifted their focus to posting content from numerous other fandoms, ended up putting monsterfucker content on my dash the other day because that’s just what they’re interested in right now apparently! and you know what i said about it? abso-fucking-lutely nothing because it is not my business to dictate the content they post on their blog, and if they ever start posting stuff that’s a dealbreaker for me, then i’ll just leave quietly and leave them to their business. a content creator that you followed for a certain type of content deciding to change what fandom they produce content for is not a “betrayal” or whatever, it’s just them being a human fucking person on the other side of the screen! anyway, i just wanna tell you that your writing slaps, i hope people continue to recognize that your writing slaps no matter WHAT fandom you write for, and i hope you have a fantastic time writing your funky lil heart out for jjk 💓
honestly some anons in my inboxes have WILD takes. i follow so many ppl who arent into jojo anymore but i consider them MY FRIENDS AND I LOVE THEM. i just want them to be happy! and if ppl arent happy with my content there is an unfollow button RIGHT THERE!!
Anonymous said: That anon saying they feel betrayed either copy and pasted their message or something because a few other blogs that used to be JJBA only, then branched out to multi fandom stuff, got the same if not similar messages.
yes! like i said earlier, i’ve been expecting this message for a while bc i’ve seen a lot of my mutual writer friends get it. as a whole, i delete a lot of mean messages instead of replying, but i felt like this one might come up again so i wanted to nip in the bud so to speak! <3 
Anonymous said: honestly, nat after over a year of being stuck inside and not being able to see my friends or do very much, it honestly just feels NICE to be excited about something with other people! i will ALWAYS love jojo but thank you so much for turning me on to jjk!! my partner and i were also in kind of an anime rut and hadn't watched a new series together in months but we are both enjoying it immensely 💖
AHH i hope you are the same anon who messaged me about it before because i am so happy that you are enjoying it!!! i convinced haz to watch jjk too and now we’re both having a very good time (she just got up to date with the manga!). it’s so nice sharing things you care about with people!
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rudysrings · 5 years
Okay but if you’re still taking requests how bout one w Jeff wittek w the whole billboard thing w Todd and Natalie but instead it’s Jeff x y/n and David accidentally exposes their relationship and maybe have y/n be the drunk texted since Jeff doesn’t drink 👀 I hope that made sense lol.
A/N: I’m totally still taking requests :) This is one of the best ones I’ve seen yet… thanks for the awesome idea and hope you enjoy! 
David had finally gotten his filming done for Monday’s vlog and was currently editing. As usual, it had involved several extreme events, some of which ended up with Jeff covered in crow feathers. Hence, Jeff was in the shower. 
David noticed Jeff’s phone light up where he had tossed it on the couch. He noticed that the contact was not just Y/N, but it had a tongue and red heart emoji next to it. (As well as the squatting monkey looking creepily over to the side and a clown, but David figured that was a joke.) On some weird impulse, David tried out Nerf’s birthday and found that it worked as Jeff’s pass code. A wide, scheming grin spread across David’s face as he read what you had sent Jeff. In essence, you were asking him to pick you up, but the way you asked made it obvious that you were wasted. 
Giggling, David took a screenshot and sent it to his own phone, deleting any evidence before Jeff came back. When Jeff picked up his phone, flopping down on the couch to scroll through it, David continued editing, looking for a reaction in his peripheral.
Jeff’s eyebrows furrowed, before he chuckled softly. He got up, grabbing his jacket and keys. He was halfway out the door, before he called out, as if it was an after thought, “Gotta go feed Nerf, David.”
Sure you do.
Jeff found you at the bar you often frequented on karaoke and trivia nights, today being the former. You were singing some god-awful rendition of a Katy Perry song, clearly drunk off your ass. Jeff smiled, walking over to the stage.
He gulped as he realized he could see up your miniskirt if he wanted to, not that he would. His eyes were hooded as he took in your halter top and the thin belt you wore over your hips. That fucking belt. You didn’t even need it. It rested on your bare skin, but you loved the way it made you feel all the same, not to mention the way it drove Jeff crazy. He wanted nothing more than to grab onto it, or even bite the sliver of skin it hid. Maybe you would let him another day.
Your eyes lit up with an elated smile as you saw your boyfriend of only a few weeks, pointing to him as you swayed your hips. 
“ ‘Cause baby you’re a FIIIIIIIIIIIreewOOOOOork!”
Jeff was forced to watch, completely smitten, as you finished off the song with drunken splendor.
Once you were done, Jeff couldn’t help but notice the sleazy looks and overenthusiastic cheers and applause you were getting. It was karaoke night, for Chrissake, he thought.
Giggling, you let yourself fall into Jeff’s arms. He held you tightly, helping you down from the stage, struggling with his self-control as he took in the now familiar smell of your body wash and realized that your top was backless, his hand meeting the smooth skin of your back, making him shudder. 
You sighed into his ear, furthering his lustful haze. “Hey, Jeffrey. You came…”
Jeff had his arm around your waist, and yours around him as he guided you to the exit. “ ‘Course I came, doll,” he whispered into your hair.
Once you got outside, he led you to his car. Jeff backed you up against the door. He looked at you for a moment, and it seemed to you that he was fighting an internal battle.
You eyed his lips, which were full and red from him biting them during your performance. “Can I kiss you?” 
“I thought you’d never ask…” Finally, you heard him curse under his breath and bring his hand up to the back of your head, the other to your waist, pulling your lower half against him. His mouth covered yours completely, his tongue slipping into to stroke yours. You gasped at the sudden entrance, grabbing at his hair and tugging, eliciting sinful noises from him. 
You slid your hands down his neck, gripping his collar and trying to bring him closer. His lips trailed away from yours, down to your collarbone where he forcefully placed kisses.
In the mean time, you softly kissed his neck, trying not to leave any marks, but couldn’t help yourself from nipping at him, soothing the abused skin with your tongue immediately after.
A catcall from a passing stranger brought the two of you to your senses and you pulled apart. Jeff’s hands remained at your hips and he leaned his forehead on yours, catching his breath. 
“Wheree’d that come srom Jeffrey?” You slurred.
Jeff shook his head at your state, chuckling. “I hope I haven’t overstepped. It’s this fucking belt, doll.” He fingered it, and you let out a bubbly laugh at the ticklish feeling. 
You’re phone dinged with a message and you pulled it out, seeing that it was David. “He wants help editing.”
Jeff shook his head. “You’re in no state to drive to David’s right now.” He sighed. “And I can’t drive you, because I just left him saying I had to feed Nerf.” He slumped his head onto your shoulder. “Fuck, I wish we could just tell everyone.”
You played with the hair at his neck and said, “We will. Just not right now?”
Out of respect for you, he nodded against your skin. “Just ignore the text and say you were asleep if he asks tomorrow. I’m driving you home.”
Jeff wouldn’t meet your eyes. You pulled his chin up and despite your intoxicated state, managed to say convincingly, “Dontchyu ever doubt how I feel about you, Jeffrey. I don’t wanna hide you. I wanna celebrate us when iss right, ya feel me?”
Jeff smiled, bending slightly to nudge your nose with his. “Fuckin’ right I feel you. You’re fuckin’ adorable.”
David really took Erin’s idea of putting the texts up on a billboard seriously. Within a couple of days, he had it up in Hollywood and was inviting everyone to come see it. He invited you and Jeff at the same time, along with Todd, Ilya, Jason, Zane, and Carly.
You were confused as to why you were in the middle of a random street of Hollywood, but with David, you never knew what to expect. You shot a look at Jeff, who had his arm around Todd, as if to say What the fuck is going on.
Jeff simply shrugged, biting his lip as he looked you up and down, telling you subtly that he really liked what you were wearing. You had on a romper that had really low sleeves, so your lacy underwear was clearly visible. You checked him out too, your arm looped in Carly’s, fluttering your eyelashes dramatically and smiling, fanning yourself subtly as joke, to show him how much you liked his current outfit, a sleeveless shirt and joggers. When David asked you guys to turn around, you turned while smiling, but your jaw immediately dropped as you saw a giant billboard with your smiling face on it, beside it, a series of texts. As you began to recognize the messages, your heart dropped to your stomach.
“No,” You whispered.
Y/N: Jeeeefffreyyyy
karaoke nigh
i miss you
i hate that i can’t show you how much
akchually maybe i can… if you come pick me up, then maybe i can show you just how much i miss you l8r 2nite?
or not… if u don’t want that then that’s cool 2 :)
i dranked too muhc
“You muthafucka…” Jeff was smiling for the camera but it didn’t reach his eyes. He pulled you into him, tucking you into his chest. 
You pushed him away, accusation in your eyes. “Why would you send him that, Jeff?” You asked low, so that the others wouldn’t hear.
Jeff flinched. You always called him Jeffrey. Though he hated it at first, it had grown on him. He shook his head. “What? No…I didn’t…” He looked over at David. “How tha fuck d’you get that, ay?”
David giggled. “You were in the shower when you got the texts, bro!”
The others had gone quiet.
Feeling humiliated beyond belief, you began walking away from everyone, pulling your car keys out.
A/N: I think I might make a part two to this… sorry it got really steamy. I didn’t mean for it to happen but it just did i guess. Let me know if anyone would read a second part?
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ningningxx · 4 years
blueming - choi beomgyu
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summary: pre relationship au! m/n is a tired college student that falls in love so easily. beomgyu is the cute barista that he falls for.
word count: 3k
now playing: blueming – iu & i’m so pretty - nature
notes: first in a series
m/n stumbles into his least favorite coffee shop exhausted, with a migraine, clutching an ice pack, and a gloomy disposition, wondering why everyone is so happy. it's not his fault, honestly it's not.
it's minju's.
she dragged him out last night to go shopping, which ended in disaster. he tripped over jewelry laying on the floor, got pushed into a wall and got slapped in the face, hard. not only that, but he got awoken by freaking justin bieber of all things and the starbucks across the street from his study hall is closed, and now he has to run all the way across to the other side of campus just to get a cup of freaking coffee.
wait, he also got knocked out after being hit by a trombone at orchestra practice.
he's internally yelling at minju in his mind before deciding to actually let her know how he feels via a strongly worded text message (she'll probably be fuming that he woke her from her sleep but he's too angry to care) just as he reached the front counter. still pounding away at his phone, he grunts out his order, dropping the exact amount of money for his venti-frappucino-with-three-espresso-shots. yeah, he's definitely not having the best morning.
"sorry, could you repeat that?"
m/n looks up, ready to glare viciously and direct his bad mood at the barista who obviously pays no attention... but instead gapes at him because the barista is actually really cute and damn maybe he's already got a crush. and, oh shit, he's the guy who minju tutors sometimes on weekends.
the barista (beomgyu, m/n remembers) stands there with an uncomfortable smile, awkwardly standing there behind the counter. (m/n would be lying if he said that wasn't one of the cutest things he's ever seen.) "your order?"
m/n gapes a little more before regaining his composure, a polite smile gracing his features. "yeah - right, sorry. um, a venti frappuccino with three espresso shots." he pushes the coins forward, waiting awkwardly.
beomgyu smiles again, this time an actual smile gracing his features (m/n will never admit that he swooned a little), appearing amused if anything. "right," he quickly scooped the change up before yelling behind him. "yein! large frap, three shots!" he registers m/n's change and hands m/n his drink. "thanks for coming to golden swirls! have a great day, m/n-ssi."
m/n blushes because beomgyu actually knows his name and he may or may not be screaming inside because of it. someone behind him coughs, interrupting his inner emotions and m/n is so glad that he's not in high school because he so has a schoolgirl crush.
"thanks- i'll be going-" m/n runs out of the door before he could embarrass himself further, almost dropping his coffee as he goes and accidentally knocking his laptop bag that's swung over his shoulder into the wall outside. he looks at beomgyu through the large window, watching how he serves the next customer before quickly heading off towards his next class.
not even ten seconds later, he's managed to almost break his laptop, spill his coffee over a random stranger and he just wants the ground to swallow him up. his patience has run thin and he finds himself swearing because of how awful this one morning has gone. fuck today, fuck his life, just fuck
most of the time, m/n's lucky to have minju in his life. they share an apartment together with minju running a home business as a pastry chef, she helps him with all of his assignments and they've known each other forever. but today, he really hopes that he has awoken her from her sleep (he doesn't want anything horrible to happen to her, he loves her too much) because it's her fault that he's injured. (maybe not completely her fault, not that he'll ever admit it.)
after getting back to the apartment and telling her of his god-forsaken awful day, she has the audacity to laugh.
she laughs so hard that she ends up falling off the couch, her makeup smudging which he's sure she'll be upset about. he doesn't really appreciate that she's laughing and he thinks that maybe he should take photos or a video because she laughs like a horse on crack. he chooses the third option which is attempting to make her spontaneously combust with the power of his glare.
"what the actual fuck." if anything, she laughs even harder and starts rolling around on the floor. he grabs a nearby throw pillow and launches it at her.
(she retaliates, flipping the couch over and them sitting on his back, she tries suffocating him with a surprisingly lethal fluffy cushion.)
after she stops attempting to strangle him and they put their living room back to the original state, they return to their previous conversation. but he immediately wishes that she's still attempting to murder him, because she is smirking. (he's so going to be antagonized for another week)
"so what basically happened, is that you publicly humiliated yourself in front of a cute guy and now you've turned into a weeping willow." she almost bursts out laughing again after her summary, instead pinching his cheek.
m/n immediately recoils, covering his face with another throw cushion. "yes, thank you for reminding me of the possibly most embarassing period of my life."
"you could've been worse. you could've spilled coffee on him, you could've fallen flat on your face as soon as you walked through the door." she laughed while he blushes even harder than he thought possible. (leave it to minju to bring up previous events.)
"i hate you," he manages to squeak out from underneath the pillow, curling in on himself.
"i love you too," she pats his head affectionately. "now i'll order some chinese food and we'll spend the whole night watching cheesy rom-coms while i try to cheer you up with some horrible puns and jokes."
(m/n cracks a smile because he honestly couldn't ask for a better best friend.)
after finally managing to finish his music assignment and edit another three essays as well as helping minju with baking cupcakes, m/n skypes kangmin. kangmin (the same person who chose to go in china instead of staying in seoul, the traitor) has been the third member of their group ever since the beginning of elementary as well as the exact reason for m/n's sexuality crisis. (which may or may not have included a temporary relationship and a lot of making out.)
it's not like m/n can hold it against him, but of course he still wonders why all of his friends have to be so damn good looking and adorable.
kangmin, unsurprisingly, doesn't answer the phone the first time but the second time yejin had picked up the call. yejin was the last member of their group and was the most creative and independent of the bunch. she was the first person that m/n had met that he loved within the first five minutes of meeting. of course, sometimes she was over-dramatic and hyperactive but it didn't really matter, she was still one of his best friends.
"hey m/n!" yejin smiled, flashing her pearly whites. "kangmin is currently busy working on that huge programming or digital project that he got a week ago."
yejin faces the camera towards kangmin, showing him with his head in buried in his hands. there were papers strewn all over the desk while his computer was closed. she subtly takes a picture of his distress before tapping him on the shoulder. kangmin's head snaps, a grimace present until his eyes lands on m/n's face appearing.
"m/n!" kangmin yelled, snatching his phone off yejin. ignoring her rude remark, he positions the phone in a way that both yejin and himself appear on the screen while still being close enough to hear. "sorry, i love you but this stupid piece of code is giving the biggest trouble ever and i just can't take it anymore."
he groans dramatically in his hands while yejin rolls her eyes at him, patting his head fondly.
"you'll be fine." she coos at him, rubbing his hair affectionately. "what's up m/n?"
"i may or may not have met someone..." m/n trails off, laughing at their reactions. yejin starts clapping excitedly and squealing while kangmin's head snaps up with a bright smile on his face.
"who is it? it's not that creepy guy in orchestra is it? if it is, you could do so much better.." yejin rants, not stopping even when kangmin covers her mouth with his hand.
"and i may or may not have also embarassed myself in front of him." yejin shuts up straight away, both her and kangmin starting to giggle.
"how bad was it?" kangmin inquires, a cheeky glint in his eye. "falling-flat-on-your-face-bad or peeing-your-pants-because-you're-so-nervous-bad?"
"maybe worse,"
more stares.
"it was clown-at-kangmin’s-eighth-birthday-bad."
long story short, kangmin’s parents had hired the wrong person and accidentally hired a drug dealer who tried to convince the kids that the cocaine he brought was sherbet. 
kangmin’s parents were mortified at the time but kangmin continues to tell the story whenever he gets the chance.
m/n eventually ends the call because yejin and kangmin are laughing so hard at him and, god, why does everything with him have to be so complicated and embarassing? (he may also have rejected the next two calls, accidentally)
minju, being the absolutely amazing best friend that she is, is so much more helpful than his other two friends. meaning that since she's already laughed at him, she's moved on to the point where she decides that she's going to be a helpful friend.
(m/n shudders at the thought. last time minju decided she was going to be a 'helpful friend', he ended up in the hospital for two weeks and failed two assignments.)
unfortunately, minju turns out to be his only option to call when he sees beomgyu again at the shop.
"please, please, please, come here right now. starbucks is closed, beomgyu's on shift and i need someone here to make sure i don't embarass myself."
turns out, this is the one time that minju isn't available.
"you should've asked me before. i'm too busy. i've got to juggle six different pastry orders and they all have to be done in a couple of hours because i'm catering for a wedding."
well, fuck. m/n looks inside the coffee shop again, noticing that this time beomgyu is looking back at him. beomgyu smiles and waves, while he leans against a broom. m/n can't help but smile back, pocketing his phone and walking through the door.
as soon as he's in the door, he sees the broom that beomgyu is leaning on slips and makes him fall over. he rushes over to beomgyu quickly, helping him back up. beomgyu blushes a bright red while m/n helps him back over to the counter despite being told numerous times that he's fine.
"seriously m/n-ssi, i'm fine." beomgyu giggles. he fucking giggles and suddenly there's a hand on his arm and somehow all the oxygen has left his lungs and why is it so suddenly hot?
"are you sure?" m/n asks again, checking for any injuries. beomgyu nods again, walking awkwardly back behind the counter.
"venti frap, three shots right?" beomgyu's eyes shine, a small blush coating his cheeks. m/n nods, handing over his coins.
beomgyu scoops them up but accidentally drops a few on the ground. after all the coins are picked up, yein suddenly appears by his side with a coffee in her hand.
"smooth move, casanova," she nudges him playfully, before handing the coffee to m/n. beomgyu blushes brightly, moving over to start cleaning the counter.
"thanks, i guess." m/n says awkwardly. "i'll see you later, yeah?"
he runs out the door, waving to them as he goes. he's a few metres away from the coffee shop before he does a happy dance because he didn't embarass himself in front of beomgyu.
(this doesn't erase his bad luck however. he manages to keep his coffee intact, but someone else spilled their coffee on him, he got attacked by a rabid cat and chased by a group of dogs on the way home.)
the next time m/n sees beomgyu, it's in the comfort of his own home.
but that doesn't mean, he's ready to face his crush.
m/n's woken up by minju's banshee scream, her high pitched tone filling his entire room. he wishes his first instinct was to cover his own ears but no, his first instinct is to get up and make sure the bathroom door is closed. (every time minju screams, the large mirror in their bathroom 'mysteriously' breaks. and the money that pays for it 'mysteriously' comes out of his own wallet.)
he walks into the living room and he knows he looks like a mess.
his hair is strewn everywhere, making him look like he just got zapped with lightning. he's wearing a plain white shirt but he's only one inside while the other half is wrapped around his shoulder, exposing his lower body. he's also wearing his rainbow briefs while he's got kittens on his socks.
m/n's barely got his other arm in the shirt before he hears a cough behind, where he's met with beomgyu's blushing face.
beomgyu looks like he's trying so hard to look away, he's got his face hidden behind one of his books but his eyes are visible at the top, (it certainly has nothing to do with the way his nose starts to bleed a little) while minju doesn't look much better herself.
she hadn't bothered to brush away her bangs and instead was trying to pour herself a cup of coffee, a large yawn escaping her lips.
"we, meaning me, wants you to make us breakfast," minju speaks like she doesn't know that she just embarrassed m/n in front of his crush. (to her credit, she probably doesn't. she occasionally leaves their apartment half naked because of her tired stupor.)
"uh, r-right." m/n stutters, running back to his room, locking gazes with beomgyu before his door swings shut.
minju eyes him weirdly as he goes. (usually he'd yell at her to stop being lazy and do it herself but he seemed to be too stunned to do anything. she'd have to bring beomgyu around more often.)
"is he okay, minju?" beomgyu puts the book down.
"he'll be fine," minju yawns again, wrinkling her nose. "i've already accomplished my duty as a best friend by bringing you here." she ignored beomgyu's questioning gaze, bringing her mug to her lips.
m/n walks out of his room, looking more presentable but also looking like he was going to cut a bitch. (in every case, minju.)
"give me that," m/n swiped minju's mug from her hands, taking a deep gulp of her bitter coffee. he ignored minju's scathing remark and turned to beomgyu, unstartled. "will pancakes be okay, beomgyu-ssi?" his voice took a much softer tone than when he spoke to minju.
"yes please, and i'd rather you'd just call me beomgyu, m/n-ssi." beomgyu smiled.
"then i would insist that you'd do the same, beomgyu-ah." m/n smiled, shooing minju out of his kitchen and getting the ingredients out.
minju huffs and takes a seat next to beomgyu, crossing her arms.
"are you ready to carry on, beomgyu-ah?" minju asks, wiping her face with a wet wipe.
"gimme a sec," beomgyu rests his head on his arms as he watches m/n move around in the kitchen.
m/n's got his headphones in his ears as he hums delightfully, flipping pancakes with ease. he dances his way around the kitchen, pulling out syrup and strawberries and eating utensils, preparing breakfast with a soft smile on his face.
beomgyu can't help but watch the other male with a dumb smile on his face, not looking away even when there's a steaming hot plate of pancakes in front of him.
"i hope you like them," m/n smiles, taking out his left headphone. he fucking smiles at beomgyu, who feels his entire being heat up. (beomgyu tries to ignore the way his heart pitter-patters in his chest. that traitor.)
when beomgyu takes a bite, he moans in delight. m/n pretends to not notice, shoveling his food in his mouth. (his blush totally does not give him away.)
"so m/n-ah," minju starts, taking back her mug and refilling it. "when's your next class?"
"i'm free today. my chemistry professor called in sick so he just emailed everybody their latest assignments. i'm going to die." m/n cringed, taking a sip of his water.
"i bet physics is looking pretty good right now, huh?" minju had a triumphant look on her face.
"people who take physics usually don't have a life, or friends." m/n flicked her forehead, distracting her long enough to steal her coffee again. "no offense, beomgyu-ah."
"none taken, m/n-ah." beomgyu shrugged his shoulders. "what do you study?"
"i'm making my life hard by majoring in dance with a minor in chemistry." m/n put his two thumbs, his entire being oozing with sarcasm. "commuting to two different campuses four times a week, what fun."
"that's like me!" beomgyu's eyes were a little wider. "i'm a vocal major with a minor in physics. moving between the two campuses is such a pain."
"does that mean you know soobin-hyung? i think he's a vocal major as well?" m/n asks.
"bunny-hyung?" beomgyu's eyes glaze over in realization. "he takes care of me, you know, being one year older. does that mean you're friends with yeonjun-hyung? he still owes me twenty dollars."
"soobin-hyung owes me fifty!" m/n almost yells. "but it's okay because he buys me lunch every other day."
"oh my god, they're perfect for each other." beomgyu rolls his eyes, stabbing his pancake with his fork.
"they're disgusting. i hate seeing them meet up, like they haven't seen each in a million years when in reality it's been like four hours." m/n agrees, wrinkling his nose.
minju looks between the two males, wondering how they could be so oblivious towards one another.
"they're idiots. idiots who hopelessly crush on each other." minju complained under her breath. she held up her phone, pretending to use it as a mirror, only to snap a pic of m/n and beomgyu interacting with each other, bright smiles on both of their faces.
m/n briefly looked at her, a weird look on his face.
"you'll thank me later." she smiled innocently, tapping her phone with a wink.
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YGO! Questionnaire
Tagged by @cipher-wise
Pleasantly surprised to be in one of these, so let’s go
Favorite series: *Gestures to icon* Is it any surprise I’ll be picking GX? I love GX with all my heart and soul. The story’s pacing is very good and never feels like it’s dragging its feet to get to where it’s going, most duels are over in less than a full episode with the longest one being three, there are so many good characters to get invested in, and this boy right here is your protagonist.
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Look at him blow kisses to the audience after beating Crowler, how could anyone not love Jaden Yuki? I care him so much. Even the filler episodes in GX are pretty fun to watch most of the time, and it’s the good kind of filler that may not advance the plot much or at all, but it’ll give you plenty of good memories to take with you. Who could possibly forget the eggwich thief? Not to mention the soundtrack fucking slaps.
Favorite protagonist: I mean...
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Yeah it’s Jaden. GX hooked me immediately when I started watching it because of how much I loved this boy. He’s that perfect mix of cocky and sweet when it comes to dueling because he’s confident in his own abilities, but he never stops having fun and being amazed at what his opponent can do, he cares about all of his friends and does his best to help them with their problems, he’s kind to strangers, and he has exactly half a brain cell. 
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I feel the gif speaks for itself, but Jaden’s dialogue when he turns around here is “I’m such a sucker for things like this! I’ll help you, ma’am!” Dorothy says “No, you’ll be late... Don’t you have a test today?” And Jaden replies with “Who cares if I’m late? I couldn’t leave a lady in trouble!” Jaden Yuki is my absolute favorite protagonist.
Favorite rival: Oh man is that a tough one. Am I allowed to pick two? It’s a hard call to make between this dumb edgy bitch-
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And this dumb gay bitch
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Honestly they’re tied for favorite rival in my book. I absolutely loved Chazz when I watched GX, and I thought his arc about breaking through his inferiority/superiority complex and learning to accept loss as a part of life without letting it define him was wonderfully written, and seeing him grow as a person throughout the show just made me feel happy for him. Shark... I really thought I wasn’t going to end up liking Shark at first, but god he just gets so much better as Zexal goes on, starting out as this mean spirited middle school bully in episode one, and slowly ending up as Yuma’s boyfriend closest friend. It’s incredible to look back at how Shark acts when he’s first introduced and compare it to... season 3, I think it was, where just hearing the words “Yuma’s in danger” is enough to send him running to his rival’s side. Chazz and Shark. They are my favorites.
Favorite BFF: Him
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Crow Hogan is an absolute treasure and he was my favorite part about watching 5Ds. This little bird man first gets introduced by stealing cards for his kids and clowning on Sector Security, and he’s a source of so much good throughout the show. Excellent best friend (technically brother but I’m counting him), wonderful father, 10/10 person all around. Plus the fact that the only thing stopping him from berating his bitchass brother even more was Yusei having to literally pick him up and pull him away is definitely extra points in my book. What a powerful little bird. His only weakness is people that are taller than him, which is unfortunately most people.
Favorite GFF:
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Yuzu. Have I actually watched Arc V yet? No, but I’m still picking Yuzu for my number one here. Tea and Tori are just awful characters, I’m neutral towards Alexis, and Akiza... Did have potential to be something interesting on her own, despite how uncomfortable she made me in seasons 1-2 of 5Ds, but her relevance is alllll downhill from there. I’ve seen one clip of Yuzu yelling at a man eating pie and calling him a 100th rate duelist, and that was all I needed to know she would be my favorite. (Clip here) 
Favorite villain: Oh boy
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The fuckin carrot is my favorite villain, and I say this as someone who fully believes he didn’t deserve to be in the last episode. Vector did some fucked up shit in his day, and he only continued to do fucked up shit in Yuma’s day, but I have to say he was pretty effective when it came down to his goals. He got things done and went right for what he wanted by taking direct action to seize Don Thousand’s power, and he manipulated Yuma perfectly by preying on his kind nature and love for Astral to use him to further his goals. 
...Plus I mean just look at his subbed dialogue God he’s such a slut. Evil slutty alien.
Tl;dr Vector was a horrible horrible person, but he was a good villain, and he was so entertaining whenever he was on screen that it was impossible not to like him. Still kinda wish he got what he deserved though, and what he deserved definitely wasn’t another chance.
Speaking of Don Thousand though, can we talk about how unfairly pretty he is? If I had to pick a runner up villain in terms of looks alone, it would definitely be him.
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God it was not fair how pretty the big bad of Zexal was. He’s fucking gorgeous, and in my opinion, the best looking villain at the very least.
Favorite card: *Sweats in Duel Links* Favorite? There’s so many cards out there to pick from, but since I’ve already broken the rules with my two favorite rivals, I’ll be picking two of each card type: Spells, traps, and monsters. One for the aesthetic, and one for how often I make use of it.
First up, the Aesthetics group
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What can I say, Vampiric Koala is such a cutie, Dwimmered Path has some really pretty card art, and Rainbow Life is an eternal flex on any heteros I may encounter while playing Duel Links. Nothing better than a gay trap card.
Now for usability
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Dragon Knight of Creation is suuuper helpful in any dragon themed deck and has a permanent slot in my decks for Mokuba and Kaiba, PoG is always a fun way to boost up weak monsters to ridiculous heights, and Dark Bribe just lets you block your opponent like “Okay I know you wanna hurt me but I will let you draw another card if you do not do that thing”, and they can’t refuse you.
Favorite episode: I’ll be copying cipher’s format here and picking one for each series, but this will still only total out to five for me since I’ve yet to watch past Zexal ^^; Soon I’ll get to Arc V! One day...
Season 0: Episode 16:  Turnabout by a Hair's Breadth - The White-Robed Crisis I’m a sucker for my son Joey, and this was a good Joey episode about him and his sister, plus it was nice seeing that doctor get what he deserved :) Duel Monsters: Season 5, episode 12-14:  The Deciding Match for Duel King - Yugi vs. Leon/Golden Castle of Stromberg/KC Grand Prix Ends  Probably a weird batch of episodes to pick, I know, but a lot of DM was kinda forgettable to me, and these are some of the few episodes I do recall. I just... really felt for Leon’s situation, and I wanted good things for that boy. I care him. GX: Season 3, episode 34: Dark Fusion! Inferno Wing!! Jim. Jim Jim Jimmmmm. This was the episode that finally made me understand why saviorshipping was a thing because it hits you with all these memories Jim has of Jaden and shows how they bonded before all this Dark World shit happened, and the whole thing was very emotional. 5Ds: Season 4, episode 2-3:  Recollections, Entrusted with a Friend's Dying Wish God Crow, my precious bird son. I really liked the backstory they gave him, despite how much it hurt. It was probably the best character development he got in the whole of 5Ds, and let you see a side to him you probably wouldn’t expect. I loved watching him get his justice. Zexal II: Season 2, episode 5-6:  Alito the Silent Fighter - Reunion of the Passionate Duelists!/ Be Revived! The Duelist Soul That Transcends Life!! I picked these episodes for Nistro and Nistro alone. He was one of my absolute favorites in Zexal, and seeing how well he and Dextra were doing was good for the soul. Just look at this good lion man right here.
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Look at him!!!
Favorite decks to use: Elemental Heroes, Aromages, Red Eyes, Six Samurai, and Crystal Beasts.
Fusion, Ritual, Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum, or Link: I’m a simple girl, I love fusion/tributes for how easy they are, but synchro can be pretty fun, too
Years in fandom: ??? Even I don’t know the answer to this one, friends. I used to be in the fandom when I was in middle school, wrote/read a few fanfics here and there, but then I fell out of it for... Well I’m 22 now and only got back into things 6 months ago? I started rewatching the abridged series of Duel Monsters in March, and from there I just wanted to consume actual Yugioh content and never went back.
Who am I tagging: @finding-fallen-petals @dizziedaikonn​ @chazzaroo​ Go wild y’all
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Hola Mishamigos! It’s Friday and I am here with more nonsense from my SPN rewatch - dudes, we are all SLEEPING on Season 11, in both good and bad ways.  There is so much in just the first trifecta of “Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire;” “Form and Void;” and “Bad Seed” (since “Baby” deserves her own analysis) -  so come relive my rewatch with me.  This is a summary of some things that stood out for me (few are analysis, most are clowning; basically this is a pared down live tweet - you’re welcome/I'm sorry); copy/paste from the script is included with my own emphasis:
-There’s lots more to this episode, but really this is the most important and relevant part (also it’s too soon and I am offended, damaged, attacked and hurt) -
DEAN: Yeah, whoa. All right, take -- take it easy, okay?  (gesturing to the deputy’s wound) Bad guys?
JENNA: Rebar. I sought cover. I fell.
***LIKE EXCUSE ME, but what in the actual fuck.  Did they just decide to pull that from the episode four years later to emotionally traumatize us in the subsequent rewatches? I know it’s probably coincidence but my sad soul has not recovered *enough* for rebar’s first SPN appearance to be right now in this moment when I am blissfully 5 entire seasons away from the dead end in the road.
- The only other important part of this episode - when Dean takes the call from Cas privately first before putting it on speaker for Sam, and something about this exchange is so endearing-
(Dean’s phone rings) 
DEAN: Where the hell are you, Cas?
(The scene flips between Sam and Dean at the hospital, and Castiel in the woods.)
CASTIEL: I'm...I'm okay.
DEAN: You don't sound okay.
CASTIEL: Dean, I am fine. Besides, what I have, you can't help me.
DEAN: What do you mean, what you have?
CASTIEL: Just please tell Sam -- Rowena escaped with the Book of the Damned and the codex.
DEAN: Okay, forget Rowena. Where are you?
CASTIEL: Now, you tell me -- the Mark . . .
DEAN: Oh, really? You're worried about me after everything that I’ve --
CASTIEL: Dean, is it gone?
DEAN: Yes. I'm good. I mean, I'm not great.
CASTIEL: Makes two of us.  (Dean puts Cas on speakerphone) This is good news.
SAM: Hey, Cas.
***It’s just so poignant that Dean wanted privacy for the first minutes of that call, probably because he is still haunted about the beating he gave Cas in 10 and *other things,* and Cas is literally being torn apart by Rowena’s curse but he only cares about Dean getting rid of the Mark, and the world is ending but Dean only cares about Cas and where he is -  honestly this scene - I’m - 
***Further thoughts on the Animal Curse/Cas/Dean below under 11x03
(love the Genesis call back to this verse in the title - “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.”)
-speaking of emotional trauma, this fucking shit again -
JENNA: Yeah. I pretty much grew up here. Learned to ride my bike down the road. Had my first kiss at that blue house over there. Lost my virginity up there (pointing to different house).
DEAN: I'll bet blue house was pissed.
JENNA: She was. (handing Amara to Dean) Do you mind?
***This frustrated/disappointed/angered/saddened me to NO END despite already knowing that it happens constantly on the show, because what was the reason?! Did they have to point out that she had a female love interest for this brief moment just to turn her evil and kill her off?  There was no need to include this detail.  It’s either blatant homophobia or willful ignorance (so also blatant homophobia) that this is what representation means.  I won’t go on because obviously we are aware of this and much has already been said/written about it, but still, fuck this.
-we meet Billie and there is more “FORESHADOWING”-
QUEEN IS SINGING “OH DEATH” aka Death’s entrance song from Season 5 and I am BLOWN AWAY by this almost as much as her amazing voice - like did they know at this point she would become the new Death season later? DID THEY KNOW? I need answers.
Seriously, go listen to it immediately; bask in its glory:
We also get our first mention of the Empty, so that’s cute that they referenced both Dean’s and Cas’s Season 15 ‘demises’ in the same episode (it’s not cute really and I am crying again now) ->
BILLIE: You and Dean . . . Dying and coming back again and again. The old death thought it was funny. But now there's one hard, fast rule in this universe. What lives . . . dies. So the next time you or your brother bite it, well, you're not going to Heaven . . . Or Hell. One of us -- and, Lord, I hope it's me -- we're gonna make a mistake and toss you out into the Empty. And nothing comes back from that. I know you're dying. I can feel it. You're unclean in the biblical sense. So I'll be seeing you again, Sam . . . Seeing you real soon. Name's Billie, by the way.
-another reason for me to continue denying the flaming trash heap that they tried to call the series finale-
Sam is dying here because he has been infected by the Darkness-vein-animal-exploding-people-plague so he goes to pray about it 
SAM: So . . . I know it's been a long time, but . . . Dean and I, we've -- we've been through a lot of bad. But this is different. This is my fault, and I don't know how to fix it. And if I have to die, I've made my peace with that, but . . . Please. Dean deserves better. Dean deserves a life. There are people out there, good people, who are going to suffer because of me, and I am not asking you to clean up my mess. Hell, I don't even know if you're out there, but . . . If you are . . . And if you can hear me, I, um . . . We need your help, God. We need to know there's hope. We need a sign.
**DABB WROTE THIS F-ING EPISODE.  How are you going to write Dean deserves a life here to just do what you did Dabb.  Don’t get me started on my feelings about this scene in the dark depths of my finale-denying soul.   DEAN DESERVES BETTER INDEED, SEASON 11 SAM. 
To rub salt in this particular wound, they show us THE cutest scenes of Dean with this damn baby so we can have feelings about how great of a parent he could be (also I ADORE that whenever Jared, Jensen, or Misha have scenes in later seasons with young children/babies it is SO clear they slip into their own natural dad mode without even noticing it; these guys just all seem like excellent fathers and it makes me mushy) and even Crowley picks up on that shit and makes his little ex-boyfriend joke (after Demon Dean and most of season 10 there is no way I will ever NOT believe that Crowley and Dean did not take a tumble; I will take no criticism):
CROWLEY: The child likes you. No surprise, really. You're very maternal.
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Speaking of King Jackles, next comes the episode he directed ->
BAD SEED [11x03]
-Cas/Dean parallels with the Attack Dog Spell/Mark of Cain-
This arc appears in the 10 finale and then runs through the first three episodes, culminating in this one.  Despite it hurting my heart to see our angel so bloody eyed and feral, I LOVED this parallel; it’s truly brilliant - Cas’s reaction to the attack dog spell is such a mirror to the way Dean dealt with the Mark most of 10.  It’s also beautiful that Dean is the only one that can pull Cas from the spell’s control at the end of this episode; that alley scene between the two of them in 11x02 is so tender and sweet.  I like to think this brought an entire new layer of depth to their connection, because no one truly understood how Dean felt under the influence of the Mark until now (someone write a fan fic about this exchange!!!!!!) I *love* this journey for them (please say that sentence in Alexis Rose in your head).  Bonus that  the episode containing my most favorite of *domestic* phone calls with Dean and Cas follows this one, and also Dean’s SHORT SHORTS follow because now he is just walking around the bunker in short shorts while Cas is there and I maintain this is because of this new level of closeness.  As previously stated I ACCEPT NO criticism.
***I just saw something posted by @watchthebeesandfish​ back in 2015 when digging around the internet re: this episode - that this was the first time both Dean/Cas had seen each other as “themselves” since that heart wrenching bridge scene in 9x10, when Dean walks away from Sam/Cas after the Gadreel possession reveal (he goes on to take the Mark of Cain in the following episode, and has it the rest of the season through season 10 finale). That is brilliant and accurate and I BOW DOWN in humility to that parallel.  I now love this scene a billion times more. *single [wo]man tear*   Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this little trip down memory lane, thanks as always for getting through my rambling,  and HAPPY FACE CUPPING FOREVER.
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