#Lucian x Elain
a-court-of-fireheart · 2 months
i feel like i can’t reblog lucien x elain stuff because 1) even though they’re mates, they’re not together so it’s not canon and most importantly 2) I WANT HER TO BE WITH AZRIEL and that’s also not canon so 3) i can’t do it, sorry
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bunnyshideawayy · 6 months
i think the way male characters interact with each other over a woman says a lot about how they view said woman.
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it’s clear here Rhysand is worried not only about the political ramifications but also personal ramifications Azriel’s clear LUSTING after Elain will cause.
its stated and made obvious multiple times throughout this chapter that Az is sexually attracted to Elain….and that’s it. His lust and desire and ENTITLEMENT is made so clear that Rhysand has to step in and reprimand him before it blows up in everyone’s face.
Elain is obviously infatuated with him, and Azriel is playing off of that to sleep with her and then what? he literally doesn’t know because he’s so blinded by lust and jealousy that his brothers have mates he cannot see past getting Elain naked. i believe it’s perfectly implied here he only sees Elian as a challenge, and should he ever get the chance to actually sleep with her he will no longer be equally as infatuated. He won’t even admit to himself he’s not over Mor.
I’m just pointing this out as many people seem to have skipped half of his chapter after seeing the word “arousal” and running with it. if you actually read the chapter as it is written it’s actually pretty gross to see people justifying Azriel’s behavior and mindset.
I personally don’t really care who Elain ends up with, if i wrote the story she’d stay single and living her best life baking and gardening and volunteering in the community but alas this is a romance at the end of the day. but i will not ignore clear implications from the story, Az sees her as a sexual pursuit. i can’t wait to see how the next acotar will play out and if gwyn will receive the necklace / wear it as it would prove to the readers and Elain my point was correct, hopefully not though the “OW” trope is so icky to me, but as i said it would add to my point. If Az truly liked Elain for Elain he wouldn’t back down from her or from Rhys (although this seems to be a problem for both Az and Cass) and he wouldn’t give this necklace he meant FOR* Elain to another woman on some random whim. I could go on and on but i’m so tired of seeing shippers justify and ignore this bs. Az shouldn’t be near any woman as long as he’s got this jealous and entitled mindset- Gwyn or Elain or whoever yall ship him with.
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poems-to-read · 7 months
Elain deserves Lucien, he is a great male and I think he will be the best partner for her. not just because they both look alike, but because he has a good attitude, a more mature mindset and is a good lover.
she deserves that in a partner
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Don’t be fooled.
Prediction: Both will happen in the book. There is no story if both aren’t explored. Could be any endgame. CALM THE FUCK DOWN… both of you.
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exhaustedpotat0 · 10 months
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Characters: Lucien Vanserra x Elain Archeron
On the way to talk to the lord of the Night court, Lucien sees his mate Elain struggling to put garland close to the top of the tree
A/N: wanting to try something and I saw someone comment so I decided to write for them!
Walking down the streets of Velaris, Lucien spots the house of wind in all its glory.
Upon entering the home of Nesta, Cassian, and his mate. He sees that the home has been decorated with glittery garland all around and a tree next to the fire place, far away enough that it doesn’t cause a fire, and Elain on a stool next to the tree trying to put a green garland around the tree.
“This is quite wood work Elain” Lucien said to his mate. Accidentally startling the woman. Elain starts to wobble on the stool and starts to fall over.
Quickly getting ready to catch Elain, Lucien braces for Elains impact with his body. He starts to feel bad for scaring her. Lucien catches Elain, makes sure that she is stable on her feet before letting go of her.
“T-Thank you,” Elain says shyly with a blush in her cheeks from embarrassing herself “Your welcome.”
“I like what you did with the decorating, it is very festive.” Lucien says looking around the house of wind, admiring Elain’s decorations.
“If you’re looking for the high lord, he is not here.” Reading Lucien’s mind.
“Oh thank you for letting me know,” Lucien starts to walk away before Elain opens her mouth.
“Since you’re here, would you mind helping me put the garland around the tree? As you saw earlier I’m not quite tall enough to reach the top and put it around the tree.” Elain looks away again, feeling bad for asking for help.
Lucien takes the garland from Elains hand gently to not scare her away, as he was taking the garland their hands brush up against each other making the bond in flutter.
Before they know it, Lucien has helped Elain with putting things up high so earlier accident doesn’t happen again.
A/N: i hope you enjoy and please let me know if there are any mistakes
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magggg202 · 2 years
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Me anytime Ianthe or Tamlin are in a Scene
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queenofterrasen418 · 4 months
Cruel Fates (Part 1)
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Pairing: Azriel x f!Reader
Summary: Azriel is your mate but only you know it. You are very aware that he has eyes for someone else and thus you decide not to hide it forever. After all, what could go wrong right?
Warnings: Pure angst
Part 2 | Part 3
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He was looking at her again. The only time he didn’t look at her was to update Rhysand on his last mission. You tried your best not to look at him but somehow your eyes wandered back to him like a moth drawn to flame.
The meeting finished and everyone left except for you and Rhysand. 
“How long do you plan to continue this?” he asked, worry coated his words.
“I don’t know, as long it takes.” your gaze was focused on the golden sunlight that poured from his window
“From what I see it looks like forever.” he placed a hand on her shoulder, “And forever is a long time, Y/N”
“What do you think I can do?” you said finally looking at him. You wished ignoring the feeling long enough would make it disappear.
“He’ll want to know. Tell him, we all saw what happened to Feyre and me” Rhys was the only person you told about this. He was the older brother you could confide in anytime.
“Feyre wasn’t in love with someone else.” At this point, you were not sure if you were trying to convince him or yourself.
“Azriel is your mate.”
“And he thinks the cauldron made a mistake with Lucian and Elain. He thinks Elain should be his mate. Not me. He barely looks at me that way Rhys.”
Rhys shook his head and sighed.
“I don’t know why we are having the same conversation for the hundredth time. I told you before and I'll tell you again, I am not going to say anything to Azriel. If I do it’ll ruin everything I already have with him.”
“I know have you at least tried to hint at him?”
“No. And I won’t besides Elain is happy when she is with him and that makes Feyre happy. I can’t do that to her Rhys. She has enough to worry about already.”
Rhys just looked at you as if you were some weird puzzle.
“Both of us know those are just partial reasons. You can’t bring yourself to tell him but my question is why."
He held my stare as he repeated, "why Y/N?”
You let out an exasperated sigh, “Because I am afraid he won’t like me. I am afraid yet another person who I like will tell me that they don’t see me the same way. I am tired of this, Rhys. Unless he realizes I can’t do anything. Maybe the cauldron was indeed mistaken.” 
With that, you just walked out of the room.
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Next part
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marvelsmylife · 7 months
Can you feel my heart breaking?
Pairing: Azriel x reader 
Plot: what happens when the male you’re meant to be with is pining over someone else.
A/n my first angsty Azriel one shot. I did not make this an anti-elain story. I love her and will never write a story where she's being mean to anyone. My girl just wants to take care of her garden in peace. I’m contemplating making a part two to this. Let me know if you’d be interested in a part two.
ACOTAR Masterlist
Part Two
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There was nothing worse than watching your mate pine after someone else. Granted, Azriel has no idea that you are their mate. Still, it pained you to watch as your mate followed another female around and made sure she was ok instead of you.
The worst part was that Elain was oblivious to Azriel’s feelings towards her or that you were Azriel’s mate. She treated you with nothing but kindness, making it harder to hate her because she was innocent in all of this. 
Someone who did know about Azriel being your mate was Rhysand. He sympathized with your situation because he was in your position before with Feyre and Tamlin. He was also grateful that you didn’t hold anger towards Elain for the situation you were in. 
Rhysand tried everything he could to keep Azriel away from Elain for your sake, and you thought maybe one of these days, the bond would finally snap on his end. 
That changed one night when you overheard Azriel questioning the cauldron for making Lucian Elain’s mate. You felt your heart break at his words because that meant he’d probably deny your mating bond when it finally snapped into place for him.
The following day, you asked Rhysand if you could be sent to the day court for a while. While he was initially opposed to it, he reluctantly agreed because he knew you had family in the day court and that Helion would treat you right over there. “Yes, you may go. I’ll contact Helion and work everything out,” Rhysand sent you a weak smile: “Just promised me you’ll come back to us. You know you’re like a sister to me. I don’t want to lose you too”.
“Of course, I’ll come back. I just really need to get away for a bit. You’ll never lose me. Unfortunately for you, you’re stuck with me for life,” you replied.
Rhysand let out a soft chuckle before giving you a brief hug and letting you go so you could start packing.
It took Rhysand two days to contact Helion and inform him that you were headed to the day court. Helion told Rhysand you were welcome to stay with him and was excited for your arrival. 
Throughout those two days, you spent it packing and giving individual goodbyes to your friends. Each time, they would question your reason for leaving. Not wanting to lie to your friends, you told them about Azriel being your mate and not being able to be around him when he was hung up on someone else. They understood your situation, and instead of trying to convince you to stay, they wished you luck on your new adventure.
The one goodbye that took you by surprise was Elain. Tears formed in her eyes when you revealed you were leaving: “I know I never said this to you before, but I considered you one of my best friends here. I don’t know what I’m going to do without you.”
Shocked expression appeared on everyone’s faces at Elain’s confession. Mostly because by now everyone but Azriel knew you were his mate, and they knew how much it hurt you to see him pining over the woman who just called you her best friend. “Everything is going to be ok; you’re going to be ok,” you replied, giving her a tight hug: “And if anything, you can always visit me, or I’ll visit you if you’d like.”
“I will be sure to take you up on the offer,” Elain responded and pulled away.
Azriel was the last one you said goodbye to and for you, it was the hardest one, mostly because he was your mate. “Please take care of yourself Azriel. Don’t stretch yourself thin. That means it's ok saying no to Rhysand's requests from time to time,” you teased at the end causing Rhysand to playfully roll his eyes at you.
“Don’t worry, I will,” Azriel promised; his hazel eyes scanned your face and noticed hurt and sadness in your eyes: “Are you ok? You know you don’t have to go?”
You tried your hardest to keep it together as you replied: “I’m fine. I want this, I’m just going to miss all of you, but I’m especially you.” 
A surge of confidence flowed through you and before you could process what you were doing, you hugged Azriel. This was the first time you’d ever hugged him and yet the moment you hugged him, Azriel felt complete.
But just as Azriel was getting comfortable with your embrace, you pulled away and placed a kiss on his cheek: “Take care Az.”
Azriel felt as if someone knocked the wind out of him as soon as you walked away and got into the carriage Helion had sent out for you. It took him a few seconds to realize it was the mating bond snapping into place for him.
“She’s my mate,” Azriel fell to his knees as he finally felt the mating bond he so desperately wanted to feel for the past five hundred years: “Y/n is my mate, and now she’s gone.”
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A Flower With Petals of Flame: Part four (Eris x Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of trauma, not descriptive.
Part Three
Part five
Tag list: Open
Rhysand STILL hasn't shown up to Y/N's annoyance, but she's keeping herself busy by helping Tamlin out, who may, (Or may not?) be changing for the better.
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 I chuckled as Tamlin grumbled about hating the way the paint smelled.
“Would you rather have unpainted walls?”  I teased, and he shot me a half grin.
“I really do appreciate you helping out Y/N.  I never would have imagined that this place could ever look… normal again.”
I shrugged.  “I was bored, and anyway, you need to work on getting your people back.”  I said, a bit of a smile on my face.
The more I worked, the less I thought about why my brother hadn’t come yet, or what he would be like when he did.
“I really mean it, Thank you.”  He said, his eyes glittering with the life that had come back into them some time in my stay here.
He walked out, and I paused my painting for a moment.
Eris had said Elain had a vision of the dead coming back to life, as I had.  There were three of us.  The only problem is that they have no idea who we are.
Apparently, Tamlin didn’t know any of this because he had stopped going to the gatherings of the high lords.
One of which was coming up in the next few weeks.
If Rhysand didn’t show up by then…
Well whatever happens is his own damn fault.
“I got the paint!”  Lucian said, dragging in a new bucket.
I grinned at the green stains on his overalls, and the way his hair fell in front of his face.  He looked boyish in a way.
Just for kicks, I flicked a little paint his way, not too worried about getting it on the protected floor.
He scoffed, grinning and looking up at me through red lashes with a mischievous glint in his eye.
“No-”  I warned with a grin before he dunked his hand in his bucket, flinging paint all over me.
I laughed, and we kept flinging paint on eachother, darting away, until I had a brilliant idea.
I grabbed my bucket and threw the contents at him. He winnowed out of the way, and I let out a laugh-
Until I saw the other red haired male that was now dripping with paint.
Eris gaped at the green paint now covering his suit, looking up at me for an explanation.
I tried to hold back my laughter, letting out a single snort.
He started to grin, his eyes narrowing.  “Oh, you’re going to pay for that pet.”
I let out a single screech as I turned, running down the halls with Eris in hot pursuit.  I managed to make it out to the garden, careful not to trample the newly planted rose bushes.
A minute later, he caught me, tackling my body to the ground, getting me covered in paint as he did so.
I turned around to see Eris’s body on top of mine, caging me in as he grinned down at me, happy and playful.
“I missed this.”  I whispered, letting out a giggle.
His smile shifted into something softer.  “I missed you.”
I blushed heavily, and he made to get off of me, plopping down right next to me, sitting cross legged.
Sitting with him, I nudged him with my shoulder.  “So, how’s life been treating you?”  I asked softly, knowing what type of things he had gone through before.
He shrugged, his smile dropping.  “The same.  I mean, my fathers still around.  If anything, he’s gotten worse.”
He looks down at me, wiping his paint covered hand on the grass before pushing some loose strands of hair from my face.  “What about you?  What’s being dead like?”
I pause, stiffening up a bit.
Eris and I had always told eachother everything, and I mean everything.
“It’s a… You know how you told me everyone knew about Velaris now?”  I asked, and he nodded, listening intently.  “It’s like that.  Not one can know what it is or isn’t, otherwise the Asteri might find it and…”  I paused, not sure how to continue.
“What are Asteri?”  Eris asked, and I smiled, knowing he was helping me out.
“They look like us, but they eat dead souls, and keep them from going to the afterlife intact.  They aren’t gone after the Asteri get to them, but it sometimes feels like they might as well be.”
He nodded,  and I could see the gears churning in his head.  “Well, if they interfere with the dead so much, is it possible that’s why you’re here?”
I latched my hands into the grass, trying not to think on the horrible memories that started to surface.  “If it had been the Asteri, they wouldn’t have sent me here, they would have brought me to them.”
He tilted his head in question, his orange eyes sparkling in the setting sun, his lips slightly parted in worry.
But I couldn’t talk about this one.  Not yet.
“I knew them for a time.  Not nice people.”  I sum up, looking away.
He bit his lip, and I wondered what he was thinking about.
I didn’t have to wonder for long.
“Do you still have your wings?”  He asked, and I couldn’t help but flinch back a bit.
I had learned the hard way that if your wings are cut off in your life, you would not have them in the life after.
Or apparently if you were brought back to life.
I shook my head silently, and I could see the look in his eye, he had some sort of idea.
Tired, and knowing I had to get the rest of the paint done before I could really rest, I forced myself to my feet, heading off back into The Manor.
He was quick to follow, and to lighten the mood, I spoke with a teasing tone, “Hey, at least you don’t have to worry about getting your clothes dirty while you paint now.”
He arched his brow.  “I’m painting?”
I grinned, giving him the round puppy dog eyes, “I mean, don’t you want to help me?”
He groaned, even though he was smiling.  “How could I ever say no to you?”
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ive had some people ask me when x character is gonna be showing up SO i decided made a list of all the remaining matchups and when they're scheduled to be posted!! all of these are in this blog's queue right now --
April 24:
ryme vs lucian vs georgia vs professor elm
mallow vs saguaro vs kabu vs marley vs roy
mela vs grant vs lisia vs emerald
olympia vs bianca vs chrysa vs molayne
April 25:
charon vs agatha vs raihan vs tyme vs zisu
blaine vs trevor vs arven vs nanu
cheryl vs ritchie vs steven vs serena vs scott
shelly vs sordward & shielbert vs tucker vs professor kukui
April 26:
candice vs sonia vs eri vs quillon
crasher wake vs leaf vs bugsy vs hop
elio vs lt surge vs volo vs opal
wikstrom vs iscan vs professor cerise vs katy
April 27:
chili vs marnie vs danika vs sidney
greta vs adaman vs lucas vs allister
selene vs flint vs cynthia vs gaeric
elaine vs byron vs liko vs wulfric
April 28:
bede vs juliana vs fantina vs stephan
faba vs roark vs may vs professor turo
lian vs noland vs matori vs siebold
dendra vs sorrel vs cheren vs alexa vs kamado
April 29:
kris vs bea vs sophocles vs nate
chase vs professor sada vs flannery vs peonia
winona vs drake vs barry vs AZ
volkner vs jasmine vs cogita vs salvatore
April 30:
miriam vs matt vs piers vs professor laventon vs gardenia
clay vs alain vs thorton vs glacia vs max
brycen vs ren vs green vs ethan
ortega vs palina vs samson oak vs morty
(end of round one)
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highlady-sorcha · 1 year
A Beastly Drive (Lucien x Elain)
The candle burned low on the corner of Lucien’s desk, but he forced himself to keep writing. This missive didn’t truly need to be done and given over to Rhys for another week- possibly more. But, Elain would be home at any moment now, and he couldn’t face her. 
To his delight, when he needed to be home today in his own office, she had spent the day at the River House with her sisters. Spring was officially dawning in the night court, and the High Lord and Lady had essentially given the grounds of their grand new estate over to his mate to landscape at her pleasure. She spent nearly every waking moment there, coming home smelling of freshly turned earth and sun soaked sweat. 
A growl escaped Lucian’s throat at the thought, his cock perking up immediately, sending deep throbs into the pit of his stomach and down the inside of his legs. The feeling so harsh that his breath came quicker, in small pants that parted his lips. 
In no uncertain terms did he desire Elain, he wanted her more than air, than water or food. But she was so… fragile. Only months ago had he won her over, and she accepted their bond. Their romance had been fast and furious then, that bond drawing Elain to him, and through that allowing her to truly love him for the whole male he was. 
But then, she got sick. Nothing major, a stomach bug of sorts that had her in their bed, and a strange rash that had broken out on her chest and over her rib cage. Once Madja had visited, she had narrowed the problem down quickly enough. Elain was having an allergic reaction, and to something that she was consistently consuming since the bug wasn’t going away. There was only one thing that fit the bill: her contraceptive tea. 
Elain had stopped drinking it that evening, avoiding her normal steaming mug before they settled into bed that night. By the next morning, the rash was nearly gone, except for the few welts that she had scratched open, and she felt infinitely better. 
Other things had changed though, too. Maybe it was just his knowing that now there was nothing stopping her from carrying a child. Maybe it was something subtle that had changed in her scent, below his level of detection. It could have only been the fact that it was spring and nearly every other animal was in rut- but Lucien was going insane with the need to lay Elain down and fuck her until he knew in no uncertain terms that she carried his child. 
Thinking back over the last few days had his cock straining at his pants. He groaned and shifted, trying to reduce the pressure. Finally, he gave up and dropped his quill back onto the desk top. It bounced a few times, splattering black ink over the missive and onto the surrounding golden oak. 
Lucien leaned back in his stiff desk chair, the carved wood back unforgiving. He rolled up the sleeves of his linen shirt, shoving them past his elbows. His hands nearly shook as he reached for the fly of his green corduroy pants. He undid the button, pulled on the zipper and-
“Lucien?” A voice like warm honey dripping off a freshly baked biscuit murmured his name from the door of his office. His heart pounded a nearly predatory cadence, like the wild drumming of Calanmai. Biting his lip though, He pulled his fly back up and fumbled with the button at the waistband of his pants. 
“Yes dear? Is everything alright?” He asked, trying to force his voice back to normality.
His beautiful mate stood in the door to his office. She was dressed in a pale pink linen gown whose sleeves slouched over her shoulder, revealing the full view of her beautiful neck and chest with just a hint of her full bosom. The skin revealed was tinged a faint pink with a soft sunburn beginning to set. Freckles dotted the creamy expanse. A floppy sunhat was clutched in one hand and he could see from his seat the dirt caked underneath her nails. She was natural, part of the earth… and the hunger that lived beneath his skin, constantly craving her since she stopped her tea…it positively writhed. 
“I- I just came to see you. We haven’t spent much time together recently.”
Lucien waved her concern away, trying to laugh casually. 
“I’ve just been so busy, you know how it is.” 
Elain lifted one eyebrow, pursing her pretty pink lips. Her gray blue eyes roved up and down her mate’s body. They flicked to his crotch after a moment and lingered a breath longer than they had elsewhere. She met his eye and then stepped fully into the room, closing the door behind her. She leaned against the gold oak paneling. The toasty yellow light cast by the lamps placed around the room caught on highlights in her hair, and danced along the curves of her body. 
“Lucien, dear, I don’t know how stupid you think I am, but cut it out.” She said sweetly. Lucien’s fake smile fell, his face getting stuck somewhere between confusion and shock. “If you’re going to have an affair, I expect you to just tell me. It took a lot for me to accept our mating bond,” Elain paused and swallowed, her eyes were rimmed in silver. “It took a lot. A lot of trust, of lot of time and a leap of faith. And even though it was hard work, I fell in love with you, truly. You at least owe me honesty, if not faithfulness.”
She held up a hand, and Lucien fell silent. A tear tracked its way down her round cheek. Lucien hungered to lick it off her skin.  “I love you dearly, Lucien, and I thought that if you didn’t love me in the same way, you at least had respect for me. Having a secret affair tells me otherwise.”
 She choked around the last few words.  Lucien let silence rest between them for a few moments. His mind was moving a mile a minute. Had he been that withdrawn from her? Was he that terrible of a mate and husband, that he gave the impression of adultery when trying to protect her from himself? 
The male took a deep breath to calm the emotions rolling around in his chest.  “Can I speak?” He asked, finally. His voice even.
“Go ahead, you’ve heard my side.” She said. 
Tears ran openly over her cheeks and dripped off her chin. As Lucien watched, one ran down the crease of her cleavage and disappeared. Lucien let a pant escape his lips at the sight.  Restraint had his legs shaking as he slowly stood from his chair.  
“Elain, I can promise you, on my life, on any life that you ask, that I am not having an affair. Since you were Made, since the moment you stepped from the cauldron as one of the fae- there was no other female besides you. There never could be. Before we accepted our bond, I tried once or twice, just to get my mind off of you. It never worked, I couldn’t do it. It’s only been you, and always will be.” 
He took a few steps toward her, he kept his hands folded behind his back, not trusting himself to not reach out to her, hold her close and show her just all the ways he loved her so deeply. 
 Elain’s tears had stopped flowing as quickly. She sniffled and looked him up and down before holding his russet gaze. He watched her search for truth in his remaining eye, and he tugged at the bond, that golden thread that would tie them together for all time to come. 
 “Then- then why have you been sneaking around? What have I done?” She finally asked. 
Lucien sighed. Did he tell her the truth? Would she find him disgusting? Elain stared at the male expectantly. 
“Because…. It’s not your fault, it’s me, and-“ 
Elain snorted. “That’s what they all say. It’s never the other person.” She rolled her eyes before fixing him back in her tear stained gaze.  Lucien snarled softly.
 “Just listen to me.. It really isn’t about you, it’s.. it’s rutting season and- and as soon as you stopped taking that tea, your scent changed and I just can’t- I can’t control myself. I don’t want to hurt you, so I just, I just stayed away.” He stumbled through an explanation he felt hardly made sense. But thinking around the throbbing in the pit of his stomach was growing harder the longer she was close. 
Elain wiped the tears from her face, looking him up and down again. The devastation that had twisted her soft features was gone. Instead, a sort of sweet smirk turned her mouth. 
 “So, you haven’t been having an affair? Instead, you’ve been so horny that you hid from me.” 
The spunk that the rest of the world rarely saw nearly set Lucien on fire. 
 “I, um. I don’t think you understa-“
“Oh I understand.” She said slyly. 
Elain stepped towards Lucien, slinging her sunhat to the floor as she did so. Gracefully, she came to stand toe to toe with him. Despite the significant difference in their heights, she smirked up at him like she was in fact the one that held the upper hand in that moment. 
“I understand that the big scary fox can hardly control himself, so he becomes afraid of his mate.” 
Lucien’s mouth fell open. He knew well the fire that she hid from the world. It was like a secret that they shared between the two of them. But this? She wasn’t ready to play with an animal in rut. His need to hold her down and breed her like a wild beast wasn’t something he would subject his sweet Elain to. 
 She reached for the still open button of his pants, but Lucien’s hand shot out and grabbed her wrist, harder than he had intended to. His cock begged for her touch, pressing so hard against the zipper of his pants he was afraid the shape would be bruised into the flesh there. 
“Elain,” he said softly, almost begging. “It- it’s not that simple, rut isn’t just being horny for you,” his cock throbbed painfully, tearing a soft moan from his throat. “Although gods know I’m aching for you, my flower.” 
Elain drew her plump lower lip between her teeth and stepped closer to him, not fighting to free her wrist. She was so close that a deep breath would have her barely contained breasts pushing against his chest. 
“Then tell me. Why isn’t it that simple?” she breathed. 
Her eyes were hooded, a lusty heat burning low in their lashed, steely blue expanses.  Lucien allowed himself to place his hands on her hips, gripping her tightly. He leaned down to meet her face, and placed a soft kiss on the very tip of her nose. A pale pink flush was left in his wake. 
“Rut..” He began, fighting his instincts to show rather than tell her. “Rut is when fae males…. Come into season. It doesn’t come very often, for some males more than others…” he trailed off. 
Breathing in the scent of his mate.  She smelled of everything ripe, fertile. Fresh fruit growing fat on sun warmed vines, newly tilled soil waiting for seed, just opened buds on flower stems. Her body was ready to accept him and what it could give her.  A primal part of her felt that realization in the same heartbeat he did. Lucien could feel it in the way her breath hitched, her lips parted to allow her breathing to come easier. 
“And?” She asked, hurrying him on when the male could have lived in that moment forever. 
Lucien growled softly before speaking. His voice low and husky. “When we’re in rut, we’re extremely fertile. Since we don’t… produce heirs very often, it’s meant to give us an opening where we’re guaranteed to carry on the next generation. When we go into rut, we need to breed. The urge to fall on our mates and just…. Fuck like animals is near impossible to resist. And then if we do go to bed with them…”
His cock throbbed hard and fast. Just seeing Elain naked might be enough to send him over the edge, have him finishing in his pants. Not that five minutes later he wouldn’t be ready to go again. And again, and again. 
“And if you go to bed with them?”
 Elain’s question was hardly more than a sigh.  Lucien groaned, and let the leash on his hunger slip, just the slightest. He pulled Elain against him, grinding her against his hard length. The scent of her arousal, honeyed and sweet, cloying and thick in the air exploded around them. 
Lucien bowed his head and captured his mate’s mouth with his lips. She tasted like spring, mother nature embodied. He kissed her hard and fast, his tongue bursting into her mouth and exploring every inch of her. Elain, as always, gave as good as she got. Her tongue met his and wrestled around the inside of her mouth. Their lips were a frenzy of teeth, nibbling on the opposite’s lip.  Elain lifted one leg, wrapping it around Lucian’s thigh. He groaned into his mate’s mouth and gripped her thigh, holding it to his hip. With his other hand, he rucked up her long skirts so at the front they sat at her waist. She ground against him, seeking any little bit of friction she could find. Even through the fabric of his pants, she was hot and needy. 
Just before his leash on civility rushed completely out of his hands, Lucien clamped down on it. He pulled away from Elain. She mewled in protest, her eyes half closed. Lucien felt precum wet the inside of his clothing at the sight of her swollen lips, begging for his mouth. 
“Elain,” he panted. “Elain, while I’m in rut, if I go to bed with you, you’re almost guaranteed to get pregnant. You need to know this before I can do anything with you.”
He spoke every word clearly, shutting out all of the sensations clanging through him at the same time. She needed to understand this. He wasn’t just horny, this wasn’t just his typical want and need for her body- this was something much different. Something much wilder that was out of his control. Something that had serious consequences. 
Lucien chewed the inside of his lip, preparing himself to let Elain go. He would never blame her. Childbirth, even for the fae was dangerous and unpredictable. After all she had seen her younger sister go through bringing their nephew into the world, Lucien would never ask his bride to bear a child if she didn’t want. 
Elain opened her eyes wider, a serious look washing through them, chasing away the unbridled lust from moments before. A warmth filled them, the gentle kindness that had held Lucien’s heart from the first moment he saw her.
“If I go to bed with you now, I’ll get pregnant?” She asked simply. Her eyes roved his scarred face, searching for truth and any lies hidden beneath. 
Lucien nodded. “Yes, my flower. I can almost guarantee it.” 
Elaine’s face stretched into a wide smile before she drew her lower lip between her teeth. With one finger, she touched the plane of his chest above his heart. Although still covered by his cream colored linen shirt, Lucien felt the heat of her even in such a minute contact. 
She traced a line from his heart, up his neck and to his lips, where she cupped his jaw and pulled her mate down to her level. Most of Lucien’s long red hair was tied into a tail at the nape of his neck, but it had worked loose throughout the day. Elain nestled her face into his fiery locks and nuzzled the curve of his ear. 
“Then all the more reason to fuck me, Fox.” She murmured into her mate’s ear. “I want you to hold me down and put your baby in me. Breed me like a gods damned animal.” 
A moan ripped from Lucien’s throat as his leash on civility was completely torn away from him. His mouth again crashed against hers as he scooped her up with both hands on her ass. 
Elain gasped in delight as he took a few heavy steps with her in his arms before slamming them against the wall. There, his lips broke from Elain’s, but before she could complain this time, he planted rough kisses down her neck. Marking and biting as he went. His mate whimpered and writhed against him. 
Her skin was salty with the taste of her sweat that had begun to leak from her pores. He savored the taste of it on his lips, slipping over his tongue and hanging somewhere in the back of his throat. When he reached her cleavage, Lucien at first buried his face in his mate’s breasts. The supple skin there welcoming him home like an old friend. 
Needing to see and feel and taste more of her, Lucien rammed one leg up between his mates own, so that his knee met the wall behind her, and Elaine’s weight rested there. With his hands free, Lucien looked up only long enough to see his mate’s head thrown back in ecstasy, her lips parted as her breath shivered between her wet, swollen lips. He caught the front of her dress in one hand and ripped it clean down the front of the bodice. The soft cotton gown fell  to Elaine’s waist, baring her breasts before her mate. 
Immediately, her rosy pink nipples tightened as the cool air of the room swirled around them. Lucien wasted only a breath or two admiring them before diving in. He took one nipple in his mouth and sucked hard, swirling the tip of his tongue around the hardened bud.
Elain let out a low moan, and grabbed Lucien’s head, tangling her fingers in his hair as he worked at her. He palmed his mate’s other breast. Groaning at their perfection. Just the perfect size to fit in his hand, to play with and enjoy. The skin of the bud that he playfully nipped with his teeth was sweet, like Elain had been doused with just the thinnest coating of powdered sugar. 
Lucien worked his hands lower as he enjoyed Elain’s breasts. Every whimper that slipped from her rosy lips, every painful tug on his fiery hair went straight to his cock. He could feel the front of his pants growing damper with precum. He needed her, and soon.
He slid his hands from his mate’s breasts and caressed her sides, enjoying the soft curves of her. The dip of her waist and the gentle slope of her hips. When his hands reached her hips where the bunched, dress with its torn bodice hung, he deftly picked her up just high enough to slip the garment under her ass and let it fall down her legs. 
The soft cotton slipped to the floor, and Lucien pulled back. His Elain was perched on his knee completely naked. Her face was heated with desire, a bright flush that ran from the apples of her cheeks, down her marked neck and covering the tops of her breasts where it danced with the gentle freckles spattered there. Elain’s legs were spread on either side of his knee, and realizing that he’d let her go for the moment, she whined before grinding into the muscle over the top of his thigh. 
Lucien chuckled, enjoying the sight. He grabbed her hips again and kissed her briefly before playfully biting her lip.
“Someone is awful horny for their mate.” Lucien growled, trailing kisses over her jaw to her ear. 
“Yes baby, I just want you inside me,” Elain gasped, grinding harder against his leg. 
Lucien chuckled again, deeply, and guided her hips through the motions of her pleasure, watching her desperately try to find her release. 
His thumbs glided over the smooth skin of her belly, and the thought of what tonight would do to her nearly brought Lucien to his knees. 
“You want me inside you little flower? You just want me inside you to fill you with my cock until I can pump you full of cum?” 
Her head was still thrown back against the wall, her eyes closed, but Elain nodded furiously. 
“Yes- please… please just lay me down and fuck me, use me until you can’t get any more cum out of your massive cock. I want you to fill me as much as you can. 
Lucien groaned. Reluctantly, he tore one hand away from his mate to fumble with his shirt. Finally catching the hem of it, in one smooth motion he tore it off over his head and threw it to the floor. He replaced his hand on her hip and continued grinding her into his knee. 
“Such a desperate little flower. Who knew such a sweet and innocent little creature had such a filthy mouth. That my pretty little mate would want to be bred over and over like an animal.” He nipped her ear. 
Elain whined loudly, raising her head back up. She opened her eyes, but the Elain he had fallen in love with was gone. Nowhere in those steely blue eyes was the demure little gardener he loved on a daily basis. No, staring back at him was a wild creature. Something feral, with only her basest needs and desires in mind. 
“Just fuck me Lucien, please just fuck me.” Gone was the whimpering. Lucien’s mate had given him a command. 
His body, whether commanded solely by her words, or the mating bond between them, followed her demands before he could process them. 
Lucien kissed her again roughly, a clash of lips and teeth before wrenching himself away and throwing Elain over his shoulder. 
He was going to fuck her, but he was going to fuck her in a place where he could lay her down and enjoy her like the feast to his senses that she was. 
Lucien threw open his office door. It slammed so hard into the wall next to it that the door nearly bounced back and hit him. Ignoring it, Lucien marched out of the room and down the golden marble hall. His footsteps echoed around them. When a servant peeked out of a room to his side, he snarled at her. She shrunk back in fear, and Lucien made a mental note to go back and apologize. Eventually anyways, he had better things to do right now. 
Finally Lucien slung open the door to their room and kicked it closed behind them. Fae lights glowed to life around the room and a gentle fire began to crackle in the hearth. He walked over to their canopied bed and threw her down onto her back on the mattress. The gold and orange and red of the quilt crumpled around her, seeming to outline her soft form. 
Her eyes were wide open now, her lips parted seductively. She drew her feet up onto the bed and parted her legs, making way for her mate. 
Lucien growled at the sight, baring his teeth at her dripping wet pinkness. Bared for him, only him. His hands shook as he reached for the zipper at his waist. Thankfully, the button above it was still undone, otherwise he might have ripped them in his desperation.
Finally, fabric slid to the floor and his cock sprang free. Elain gasped at the sight of it. Not that she hadn’t seen him bared and hard plenty of times before. But never had he needed her so badly as he needed her tonight. 
Enjoying the wide eyed look on her face, Lucien smirked and fisted his cock, letting his hand run up and down the gleaming length of himself, groaning at the sensation. 
“Is this what you want, my little flower? You want my cock?” 
Elain nodded, reaching down between her legs with one delicate hand. 
Lucien chuckled and stepped forward to the bed, out of his pants. Still stroking the length of himself, he caught his mate’s hand before it could dip into her glistening folds. 
He clicked his tongue in mock disdain. “Now, now, now, little flower. Did I say you could touch yourself?” 
She whimpered and twisted her wrist in his grip, while petulantly shaking her head. 
“That’s right,” Lucien snarled. “I’m the only one that gets to touch your sweet little pussy tonight. Do you understand me?” A dangerous beast spoke those words. Not Lucien. The thing that prowled under his skin tonight had taken hold. There was no going back. 
Still holding her wrist, Lucien leaned forward and ran the head of his cock up and down over her entrance. Enough pressure that her hips bucked, looking for more, but not enough to enter her.��
“You just want me so badly, don’t you my little flower? Your body needs to be bred by your mate’s fat cock.” 
Elain started to nod, to bed again, when Lucien took his hand away and slammed home. Lucien filled her in one long stroke. Elain screamed in surprise and delight, twisting her arm out of her mate’s grip to fist the blanket under her. 
Lucien pulled back out of her, nearly leaving her altogether before thrusting back into her. He could feel Elain’s soaking walls already clenching him, ready to milk every last drop of seed from him. Lucien leaned forward, pushing his mate back further onto the bed so he could mount himself over her. 
Over and over again, he pounded home. At first he watched her face, nearly slack with pleasure before he buried his face in her breasts, sucking, nipping, playing. It wasn’t long before he felt his balls begin to tighten, threatening to spill at any moment. Shifting his weight into the very point of one elbow, he gripped Elain’s face with one hand. Hard enough, her eyes opened and met his. 
“Elain, baby, I’m about to cum….” He panted, barely holding back. “Are you sure?” Lucien gasped the last words. He didn’t know if he could, but if Elain decided now that she didn’t want a baby, that she wasn’t ready, he would do everything he could to walk away. 
A feral smile cracked her features. 
“Come in me, my Fox. I want to walk around with a swollen belly and everyone know that you fucked me and fucked me good. I want everyone to know exactly who I belong to.” 
Elaine’s words slithered down to his belly, and a heartbeat later, Lucien exploded into his mate with a mighty roar. Seconds later, Elain chased her own pleasure, falling over the edge with him. 
Lucien’s pace slowed until he stopped, easing his mate through the last waves of her pleasure. When her body stilled, Lucien gathered her against him. He pulled Elain tightly to his chest, and tenderly kissed her forehead. 
Neither spoke. There weren’t hardly words that would suffice in that moment from either one. Lucien knew well what he had done to his mate- what she had agreed to, allowed him to do. A simple thanks or show of graciousness wasn’t enough. Not now. 
Eventually, Lucien pulled himself from Elain’s warm embrace and stood. Although still laid crookedly, half on the bed, she dozed in the warmth cast by the dancing fire several feet away. 
He smiled down at her. Elain was simply beautiful- no one could deny it. But for him, there was an entire depth of a person that she never showed the world, a person reserved only for him. Looking down at the soft length of her, love swelled so large in Lucien’s chest that he thought he might burst. 
Turning from her, he walked to the bathroom where he found a few rags, and splashed cool water in his face. Glancing out of the small window festooned with golden curtains that was placed above the sink, early fireflies danced in the night. They weaved among the stalks and stems of newly blossomed flowers his mate had lovingly planted. It was the first night that he had noticed them, and since Elain had stopped taking her contraceptive tea, there had been plenty of long nights for him to watch. 
Suddenly, he could see himself out there in his mate’s gardens. He pictured himself dressed for warm weather, diving for the small bugs as a little boy ran after him waving an empty jar up and down. Elain was curled up in a blanket on the back porch. A steaming mug of tea was clutched in her hands, and she waved as the red headed little boy hollered to her. 
Lucien smiled broadly, shaking himself out of the dream. He found himself saying a silent prayer as he dried his hands on the towel. 
In the bedroom, Elaine’s breathing was deep and even. Lucien bent to kiss her cheek before scooping her into his arms. He rounded the side of the bed and laid her down, tucking her under the covers. The rags he laid on her bedside table, knowing she’d probably want to clean herself up when she stirred. 
Careful not to wake her, Lucien climbed in beside his mate and pulled her against him. She mumbled something in her dreams and curled into his chest, resting her head against the cup of his shoulder. Her lips pressed softly against his pectoral. 
Lucien pressed his face against the top of her head. And right as he began to join his mate in the land of dreams, he could have sworn her scent shifted, just the slightest bit. 
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nikethestatue · 7 months
Why do you think the fandom has become so divided? I mean I’m it it for elriel but if elucian happened I wouldn’t be devastated or anything and I’d still read the book. I don’t get how all this name calling, lack of reading comprehension my ship is better because of x y z even came about? Was it around before the 3rd ship entered the race or do you think it has more to do with the amount of time people have had to get so fully invested in a ship theyve lost all sense of civility. The thing with reading comprehension when it comes to yet to be written narratives is that it’s somewhat retrospective. Meaning if it turns out you were right u comprehended the txt correctly but if your wrong you didn’t. But this isn’t black and white because an author can drop storyline’s, change original storyline’s, retcon already canon events, have continuity errors etc and you interpreted it right but the author decided to take the storyline away from the original plan. But at present as far as I can tell the only things we know for certain because it was stated in actual canon is A) that elain and Lucian have a mate bond (wether this turns out to be a true mate bond or the work of a corrupt cauldron or something is yet to be determined) B) that elain is uncomfortable around lucian and isn’t open to the bond at present (altho obviously this could change if sjm wants to write that story) C) elains and azriels characters have a lot of interactions and there on page storyline’s are entwined with each other (he’s protective of her, her seeks her out, he didn’t hesitate to rescue her, truth teller all the stuff that came up in the bonus chapter etc etc etc) and this means something and D) Elain and Azriel are indeed attracted to each, but it was not stated in canon that he only thinks of her sexually, contrary to what some people say, there wasn’t enough on page information to make concrete claims like that (wether any of this will go on to mean something more is also yet to be determined) That’s why theories and txt analysis is suppose to be fun but it also needs to lean into canon, which is completely different than a headcanon which brings me to Gwynriel. There is absolutely and I can’t state this enough no canon evidence of gwynriel (wether they go on to be a canon couple once again is yet to be determined) but at the moment all “evidence” of this ship is based of of individual interpretation that has no actual canon backing. Thinking 2 people would be better together doesn’t make something canon, so this ship to me is a crack ship. I will say I think part of the reason the gwynriel ship is so present in social media is because the elucians decided to support that ship because it suited their narrative not because they actually think or care if they become a couple or not so it’s like 2 ships against one. If you took all the eluciens out of the equation I think the gwynriel ship fandom would be a lot smaller.
I think ACOSF happened.
It was a divisive book, needlessly so. It pitted the IC against Nesta and then Nesta with her 'found family' formed almost this separate narrative and a separate unit of girlbosses. And instead of unity, you have division in the fandom. Half of the fandom are older, Feysand-centric readers and then the rest are newer, Nesta-centric readers, who can pin all their hopes and dreams on Gwyn, who is single, straight, pretty and spunky. She is not some vision-seeing weirdo who likes flowers and cream buns. No! Gwyn is your generic, uncomplicated, easily digestible Miss Awesome. Nesta is mated and odd and too tormented, while Emerie would've been okayish, but now she seems to be no longer straight and she's got those ungainly clipped wings. (Let's not kid ourselves, there is plenty of misogyny and racism in this fandom). SO that leaves Gwyn and the last available batboy, who also had a monster cock apparently, the ubiquitous shadows and who is handsome and mysterious.
The relationship between the sisters isnt really resolved at the end of the book. It's fashionable to hate Elain even harder, because she was 'mean to Nesta' and because she is 'mean to Lucien'. So obviously such a revolting character cannot be paired with the handsome Azriel. But who can? Gwyn! Uncomplicated Gwyn, whom you are not allowed to critique in any fashion because .... SA!
And from there on, I think it just grew and grew.
Yes, there is no basis for the Gwynriel ship. But you dont need a basis, you just need access to others via social media, do a lot of posturing as an 'expert', highlight some random passages from the books, creating vague connections. and BOOM! you got a ship. And yes, the viciousness came with Gwynriels, who began acting like they were experts themselves and who descended on anyone who argued like a swarm of bees. They hounded numerous artists off platforms, others refused to even entertain the idea of painting Elriel art, they attacked people on every platform, they doxxed, they berated and insulted. 2021 was a crazy year.
Now they are all gone because they don't give a shit anymore. Other things came about that are more interesting.
The newer Gwynriels arent as psychotic or nasty. They'll argue, which is their right, but like they won't set your grandma on fire over Gwynriel. First Gen Gwynriels were something else. But so many people left the fandom in 21-22 because of the negativity, older fans, who were not into all of this.
There were a ton of Elriels, I remember, in 21-22 on here. Now, there is like me. And a few others, newer ones. From the OG group, there might be 10 left? Sad really, but it is what it is.
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bunnyshideawayy · 7 months
just to cause drama i think for the next acotar book SJM should set up this huge love triangle between Lucian, Elain, and Az then Elain runs away to the spring court to get away where she either kills or falls in love with tamiln and becomes lady of the spring court while lucian and az are sent to get her back but end up falling in love with each other and decide to move to the continent together. the end. that would honestly be better than watching this fandom rip itself apart over ship wars!!
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positivelyruined · 3 months
Please send all your small writing requests for drabbles over to @thehighlordofspring for Tamlin, @enchantedelain for Elain and @therosehunter for Feyre.
Writing drabbles helps me when I can’t seem to get out of a block or just am generally bored and would like to explore an idea! There are tons of prompts reblogged on all of these blogs to help with ideas.
If you have ideas you’d like to see featuring these characters or of them alone — send an ask! It may take a while, it may not get written, but there is a good chance it will! My brain cannot stop writing.
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My accepted ship list currently:
Tamlin x OC
Tamgwyn (Tamlin / Gwyneth)
Tamsand (I will be very picky about these)
Feyeltamcien (Feyre/Tamlin + Elain/ Lucien + Lucien / Tamlin)
Feycian (Feyre + Lucian, as friends)
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secondsineternity · 2 years
Requests are currently open!
Currently Focused On: Katsuki Bakugo, Din Djarin, Steve Harrington, Anthony Lockwood, Eddie Munson, Matt Murdock (send in a request for any of these characters and it will be completed faster!)
Ace Attorney: Athena Cykes, Simon Blackquill, Nahyuta Sahdmahdi, Franziska von Karma
A Court of Thorns and Roses: Elain Archeron, Feyre Archeron, Nesta Archeron, Amren, Azriel, Cassian, Emerie, Gwyneth, Helion, Morrigan, Rhysand, Tamlin, Tarquin, Eris Vanserra, Lucian Vanserra
Camp Half-Blood: Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Percy Jackson, Leo Valdez
Castlevania: Alucard, Charlotte Aulin, Trevor Belmont, Sypha Belnades, Jonathan Morris
Crescent City: Hunt Athalar, Lidia Cervos, Ruhn Danaan, Declan Emmett, Danika Fendyr, Tristan Flynn, Ithan Holstrom, Tharion Ketos, Bryce Quinlan
Death Note: L Lawliet, Mihael “Mello” Keehl
Demon Slayer: Hashibira Inosuke, Kyojuro Rengoku
Doctor Who: The Doctor (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Fugitive), The Master (Gomez & Dhawan), Mel Bush, Jo Grant, Grace Holloway, Martha Jones, Yasmin Khan, Dan Lewis, Ace McShane, Donna Noble, Clara Oswald, Amy Pond, Bill Potts, Liz Shaw, Sarah Jane Smith, River Song, Rose Tyler, Rory Williams
Fate, The Winx Saga: Aisha, Beatrix, Flora, Terra Harvey, Musa, Bloom Peters, Riven, Sky, Stella
Haikyuu!!: Keiji Akaashi, Asahi Azumane, Kotaro Bokuto, Chikara Ennoshita, Lev Haiba, Hajime Iwaizume, Tobio Kageyama, Shinsuke Kita, Kendaro Kyotani, Yu Nishinoya, Kiyomi Sakusa, Tendo Satori, Daichi Sawamura, Kiyoko Shimizu, Koshi Sugawara, Rintaro Suna, Ryunosuke Tanaka, Yuji Terushima, Kei Tsukishima, Keishin Ukai, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Hitoka Yachi, Tadashi Yamaguchi
Jujutsu Kaisen: Satoru Gojo, Toge Inunaki, Kento Nanami, Maki Zen’in
Keeper of the Lost Cities: Dex Dizznee, Sophie Foster, Keefe Sencen, Linh Song, Tam Song, Biana Vacker, Fitz Vacker
The Legend of Zelda: Link, Zelda
Lockwood & Co.: Lucy Carlyle, George Cubbins/George Karim, Anthony Lockwood
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Ajak, Liz Allan, Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter, Katy Chen, Carol Danvers, Layla El-Faouly, Jane Foster, Gamora, Agatha Harkness, Jessica Jones, Scott Lang, Darcy Lewis, Maya Lopez, Mantis, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Karli Morgenthau, Matt Murdock, Namor, Nebula, Hela Odinsdottir, Sylvie Odinsdottir, Loki Odinson, Thor Odinson, Peter Parker (Any), Pepper Potts, Peter Quill, Monica Rambeau, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Sersi, Marc Spector/Steven Grant, Gwen Stacy, Tony Stark, Ava Starr, Stephen Strange, Thena, Joaquin Torres, T’Challa Udaku, Shuri Udaku, Valkyrie, Hope Van Dyne, Vision, Jennifer Walters, Michelle “MJ” Jones Watson, Sam Wilson, Shang-Chi Xu, Xialing Xu
My Hero Academia: Shota Aizawa, Tamaki Amajiki, Mina Ashido, Tsuyu Asui, Katsuki Bakugo, Jin Bubagawara, Nejire Hado, Tenya Iida, Kyoka Jirou, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Atsuhiro Sako, Hanta Sero, Tomura Shigaraki, Hitoshi Shinso, Mezo Shoji, Keigo Takami, Shoto Todoroki, Toya Todoroki, Himiko Toga, Mirio Togata, Fumikage Tokoyami, Ochako Uraraka, Toshinori Yagi, Momo Yaoyorozu, Hizashi Yamada
Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swann, Will Turner
Shatter Me: Kenji Kishimoto, Aaron Warner
Spy X Family: Agent Twilight (“Loid Forger”), Yor Briar
Star Wars: Cassian Andor, Poe Dameron, Din Djarin, Cara Dune, Armitage Hux, Bo-Katan Kryze, Fennec Shand
Stranger Things: Robin Buckley, Jonathan Byers, Joyce Byers, Chrissy Cunningham, Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Nancy Wheeler
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Donatello, Casey Jones, Leonardo, Michelangelo, April O’Neal, Raphael
Throne of Glass: Aedion Ashryver, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, Gavriel Ashryver, Manon Blackbeak-Crochan, Lysandra Ennar, Nesryn Faliq, Dorian Havilliard, Elide Lochan, Fenrys Moonbeam, Lorcan Salvaterre, Yrene Towers, Chaol Westfall, Rowan Whitethorn
Twisted Wonderland: Leona Kingscholar, Jamil Viper
The Umbrella Academy: Number One / Luther Hargreeves, Number Two / Diego Hargreeves, Number Three / Allison Hargreeves, Number Four / Klaus Hargreeves, Number Five, Number Six / Ben Hargreeves, Number Seven / Viktor Hargreeves, Number Five / Sloane Hargreeves
Vampire Academy: Adrian Ivashkov, Dimitri Belikov, Lissa Dragomir, Rose Hathaway, Sydney Sage
Wednesday: Wednesday Addams, Tyler Galpin, Enid Sinclair, Xavier Thorpe, Larissa Weems
Wizarding World: Lorenzo Berkshire, Sirius Black, Lily Evans, Ominis Gaunt, Hermione Granger, Queenie Goldstein, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Remus Lupin, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, James Potter, Mattheo Riddle, Sebastian Sallow, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley
a character in italics is a favorite to write for. taking a break from strikethroughed fandoms. list is subject to change.
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tovelarisdreams · 3 years
Let’s talk about SJM “formula” for couples in ACOTAR
First, let’s talk about the rule of three!
I already have a different post for that, but the important thing to mention here is: The rule still applies to the female protagonists (theory here ) but our main focus here will be in the second and third LI!
So we all agree that the first trilogy tells us Feyre’s story, right ?
Ok! Then, we all agree that Feyre second love interest is Tamlin. And her third is Rhysand.
Throughout the series, we see a dispute over Feyre.
With her being with Tamlin for the first book, then leaving for the night court and slowly falling for Rhys in the second book.
So here we have, for the first trilogy: Tamlin x Feyre x Rhys
For Nesta story, we have the new ACOSF book. That when sjm develop her character and her LI, as a sub plot.
Obviously, her story is more rushed than Feyre. And that reflects in her love interest.
In Nesta’s book, i see that “dispute” between Eris and Cassian.
Eris shows clear interest in Nesta, and even ask her hand in marriage for Rhys. Nesta, for a second, thinks about marrying him because she feels that she deserves someone like him. Which makes Cassian really angry, obviously.
Some of u could question Eris being one of her love interest. And that is totally fair. Some people would include the Velaris men as her second LI!
But because of the marriage proposal and the interest he shows for her at solstice , I would include Eris on that list.
So in ACOSF, we have: Eris x Nesta x Cassian
Now, it’s almost certain that the next book will be about Elain’s story! There are a lot of theories and proof about this.
When we talk about Elain, we already had, since the end of ACOMAF, the mating bond between her and Lucian.
In ACOMAF, we see her starting to have interactions with Azriel too. And throughout the original trilogy, Sjm brings many scenes between then. In ACOSF, we see it reaching the almost kiss in the extra cap.
Now, I will not go into details and theories of which one she will end up with. That not the point of this post.
The point is:
Like her sisters, Elain will also have to LI “fighting” for her in her book. We already see the start of that on Azriel extra POV. And, if we take a closer look, even before that. When Azriel takes Elain to meet the garden in ACOWAR, and Lucian snarls at him.
In conclusion, in Elain’s book, we will have: Lucian x Elain x Azriel
My point in this theory is that the “dispute” always revolves around the woman in ACOTAR.
The males aren’t usually the center of the dispute. And usually do not have two ships in the book. At least, that what it looks like if we take the other books as a reference!
So I think we can be pretty sure that next book will be: Elriel x Elucian
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