#Lucifer didn’t bow down to humanity but Castiel was the one to fall in love with humanity…
ishades · 2 years
I think I’ll always be a little bit obsessed with the Dean and Cas parallels like they really set so much up…
#Questioning God and questioning John Winchester…#it’s the same thing isn’t it?#Sam and Uriel’s insistence that their way is the best way#and Cas and Dean desperately trying to follow their fathers’ will.#You and I we’re brothers at least tell me the truth! Don’t I mean anything to you?#There’s a reason Castiel bears witness to Sam’s murder#and why he’s there to experience first hand the horror#of his brothers betrayal in full.#He’s the witness! We hear about hearing witness to things#all the time but do we ever actually consider what that means?#‘Someone who sees something amazing or important’#the responsibility of that is enough to break a man and eventually it does several times over!#He’s a tragic character because he is the one who questions#who doubts…#Anna is the first angel after Lucifer after this point#in season 4#who has free will who doesn’t cow down to higher authority.#But subtextually Castiel is the first angel we ever see who doubts!#Lucifer didn’t bow down to humanity but Castiel was the one to fall in love with humanity…#He loves Uriel as Dean loves Sam but that love is a love born out of#sacrifice and the abject misery of the masses.#‘Help me spread the word’ Uriel tells him. ‘We need to take Lilith down.’ Sam insists.#Uncaring of the blood they shed. They’re prideful#they lash out at the Fathers who have slighted them and use their brothers dependency to their advantage.#I’m not saying the love isn’t there that it’s suddenly left but it’s become twisted and gnarled.#Dean and Castiel were taught that in order to love you must fear and#Sam and Uriel watched the ones they loved tear themselves apart to an audience of one.#You cannot exist without shame! Sam growing up an outcast because of the demon blood and because of his Father’s work#and Uriel watching his father fall from Grace. Isnt it interesting?#Isn’t it something that with the context of angels in Supernatural Sam is the first character to fall?
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finaledenialist · 4 years
@samwinchestersleftshoe, @theselfhatingangelofthursday, @theangelwiththewormstache; ugh you seemed interested in the idea so... tagging you. 
This is the one fix-it where Dean isn’t actually in Heaven, y’all. 
Something was off.
Dean kept driving and driving and he felt like he was drunk. Drugged. His head was clouded and he felt... Unconscious. Something. Was. Wrong.
He stopped the car and went outside. It was quiet. Too quiet.
What was even this place? How did he got here? The barn, vampires, pain, Sam was crying. Right, he was dead. But... Something about this place. Something just wasn't right.
There was the Roadhouse. And Bobby. Okay, but... He was in heaven before. There was Ash in the Roadhouse. And Ellen and Jo should be there, too. So... Why no one was there? This place felt...
Just empty. Too empty. There he was, he, and the impala, and the road and some forest. Basically the middle of nowhere. And Bobby. But Bobby was in his very own heaven, he knew that. So... What the hell?
Something was clearly wrong and he started to get more and more nervous and suspicious and this only assured him he wasn't in heaven. He had to admit to himself he was getting scared and if he was sure of one thing - this wasn't how heaven was supposed to feel like.
Think. Think.
Okay. According to the old rules he wasn't supposed to get to heaven at all, but Jack was the new boss, so maybe that rule has changed. And this clearly wasn't hell. And no, this was not purgatory either. But if it was heaven... Why it was so... Empty? How long was he driving anyway? How far did he get? The road seemed endless and... Pointless. Where was he even going?
Something just didn't add up. Axis Mundi, that's what it was called, he remembered. The road. But that road lead to his good memories, to the people he loved, and this one? This one seemed to go on and on forever, with no one and nothing in sight. Just the trees on both sides of the road. On and on. He was alone. Where was everyone?
After a few minutes he decided to keep driving. He felt he was too far gone to go back to the roadhouse and was willing to give this place one more shot. He drove for what seemed another forever and he was just about to stop when he saw it. Something's changed. The road was taking a huge turn and he saw it. At first only a glimpse, between the trees. It was a lake. And then the mountains on the other side of it.
And he recognized it immediately. And he was terrified. Something was deeply, deeply wrong, he could feel it but not quite name. He stopped the car and looked at the scenery in front of him. It was haunting him in his nightmares, until it was replaced by another one.
This was the place where Cas died 3 years ago, right after Jack was born. Maybe this was hell after all.
And suddenly the memory hit him. Running back from the apocalypse world, to the portal, faster and faster, and then they were back, and he turned around and Cas was just standing there; and then there was light everywhere and Cas was no longer standing, he was lying in the mud and Lucifer was smiling; and then Dean was carrying Cas' body to the house and after locking himself up with Cas he cried, cried, cried and cried for so long he didn't notice when night turned into day and he had no strength left in him to do anything. He felt dead inside. He heard Sam's voice from the distance but he didn't care at first or at all. After forever passed and he managed to somehow numb his whole being with every ounce of alcohol he found in the house; he stood up, looked at Cas, gently caressed his face and he knew he shouldn't be doing this, he knew, salt and burn, salt and burn, but he couldn't. He reached for Cas' tie and he carefully took it off. He stared at Cas' face as he hid the tie in his inside pocket. Bowing down and pressing a kiss to Cas' forehead felt way too natural.
Dean blinked. What on earth was going on? This was clearly one of the worst moments of his life. So why was he reliving it?
Because you couldn't save him and it was your fault, something whispered.
'No', Dean mouthed, but the the memory hit him again. And again. And again. He was completely confused and shaking; he wanted to run but he couldn't really move it was like... It kind of felt like a dream. Like a nightmare you thought you woke up from but it turned out to be a dream within a dream and... And suddenly the scenery changed.
They were in the bunker. It was night, Sam and Jack were already asleep but he and Cas stayed in the kitchen, talking, about god knows what. Dean's focus was purely on wrinkles on Cas' nose while he was smiling and laughing at some dumb stuff he just said. The beer kept flowing, and he was so happy. He knew, right there. After all this time he finally knew. The 'I love you, Cas' almost escaped his mouth a couple of times that evening, but he butchered it in his throat every time. Cas was an angel after all, and he was just a human. He tried to focus on the moment and be happy but the regret came in waves. It was so simple, Dean. And the moment was perfect. Not only this moment, the whisper was here again.
The wave of memories hit him without a warning. He and Cas in a car. Multiple times. He and Cas in the bunker's kitchen. Countless evenings. Countless possibilities.
And then there was Cas saying 'Because the one thing I want... Is the one thing I know I can't have'. A knife into his heart would've hurt less.
'You can't stay Cas', he heard himself saying, and there was Cas, newly human, sitting there, just back from the dead, and all the hope was fading from his eyes when the realization of Dean's words got to him. Dean was heartbroken, but Sam... He had to, he had no other choice, he kept telling himself, but he knew it wasn't true, it was making the easy choice, for once, and the cost was Castiel.
Well, at least now he was sure it was not heaven. He felt cold and scared and he didn't know what other memory is he going to relive next but then he heard it.
This was coming from the Outside.
'Dean?! DEAN!'
And all of a sudden it was darkness. And then it was like someone turned on the night lamp. Warm, soft light was surrounding him. He was laying on... Well it wasn't ground. It was nothing. He blinked a couple of times.
'Dean what are you doing here?', he couldn't believe it, but it was Cas, hand on his shoulder, waking him up from all these nightmare memories he just relieved over and over again.
'What... What is going on', Dean managed to say, confused. There was just... Darkness. No, not darkness, he knew darkness. It was nothingness. And yet it was loud. 'Where... Where are we?', he asked, trying to stand up.
'Dean, this is the Empty', Castiel explained, 'and you really shouldn't be here'. He looked scared.
'The Empty?', Dean felt barely conscious, 'But how? Cas... Cas, I-'
'You shouldn't be here', Cas said again and looked around nervously, and suddenly the nothingness around them started shaking. It felt like and earthquake, but well, there was no earth. But there was a scream. Very long and high-pitched. And in the corner of his eye Dean caught a glimpse of... Something. He recognized it immediately, this was the black thing that took Cas, right after... Right After.
'Wait.', he said, 'Isn't this place exclusive for angels and demons?', he managed to form a coherent thought.
'Yes',  familiar voice spoke. Dean turned around to see no one other than Meg, standing right in front of him. He opened his mouth to say something but she was faster 'It was. It is. Seems like your boy Jack screwed up some rules. Omnipotent', she chuckled, 'but still confused, I see'.
'It seems', she continued, 'That you, Dean Winchester, died too many times and were too many things in your life to fit a certain label', she laughed, 'And you ended up here'.
Dean was confused. But Cas was standing right beside him and that was all that mattered.
'You know what, actually', she said, 'How about we make a deal.'
'No deals', Cas stepped forward, 'We are done.'
'Since your Jack exploded here, everything is like on fire', The Empty continued, unbothered, 'But the true beginning of my problems was always you, Clarence', she smiled, 'I just want to sleep. At this point I don't care about anything else. I thought I could make it. But with both of you here? No. Not a chance. I am too old to believe that.'
Dean and Cas looked at each other.
'So what then?’, Cas squinted his eyes.
‘I want both of you out of here. And I want you to do me a god damn favour and not die for the next 50 years so I can put everyone back to sleep.’ 
‘This doesn’t sound like a deal’, Dean started, ‘This sounds like a damn gift and those aren’t free in my experience’.
‘If one of you dies and comes here I am just going to release everyone out of here. And I mean everyone. Every demon you killed. Every angel you killed. And they are going to be pissed. Jack made it loud, almost everyone is awake. I want to put them to sleep. But you two troublemakers’, she smiles, ‘Get out of here. I can’t deal with both of you and everyone else at the same time’.
‘You’re just going to yeet us out of here? Back to earth?’, if someone asked Dean what was happening he wouldn’t be able to give an answer. 
‘Yeah. There is a catch though.’
‘Knew it.’, Cas rolled his eyes. 
‘Your grace, Castiel. You’re going back as a human this time’.
Dean looked at Cas, not knowing what to say. Cas looked suspicious.
‘What do you need my grace for?’, he finally asked.
‘Well it made all the angels fall from heaven once, right? I think I can use it to put them back to sleep’, The Empty shrugged, ‘You can give it away or I can take it away from you, the choice is yours.’
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kickingitwithkirk · 4 years
Regina Coeli, Regina Infernum
Pairing: Boyking!Sam Winchester x Reader x Knightofhell!Dean Winchester
Prompt: If you really wanna try it, experiment on me *Sense-Taste
Word Count: 3213
Warnings: 18+ cursing, dirty talk, flirting m/m f/m, kissing m/m m/f, oral m/f giving/receiving, p/v, p/a, dp m/f/m, grace/blood consumption, mentions of death/killing, wincest(kissing only)
**Blasphemy for content- if you are offended by religious tenets or altering of religious tenets please skip this story.
A/N: This is the original version I wrote for #bees5Ksenseschallange before realizing it was way over the max word limit. I’m linking the toned down other version too.
Edited version
Please drop me a comment, it’s appreciated.
A/N II: Latin terms: Puer Rex Infernum-boy king of hell. Regina Coeli- queen of heaven, Regina Infernum-queen of hell. Yeah, my Latin sucks
Divider: created by @writeyourmindaway​​ -I flipped original version for story.
*no beta, all mistakes are mine
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Sam entered the room without acknowledging his council walked straight to his throne throwing himself onto it.
“Get out.” He said flatly. They looked at each other confused. “Sir, you summoned us here...” The demon exploded in a cloud of fire and smoke before finishing.
“Do I have to repeat myself?” Sam kept his voice level as he raised his left hand and placed his thumb against his middle finger ready to snap the rest of these sycophants out of existence.
Bowing deeply his subordinates back out of the room as fast as possible.
“What crawled up your ass and died today Sammy?” A disembodied voice inquired from a dark corner.
“Watch your mouth or you can get the hell out too Dean.” Sam says abrasively, not in the mood for his brother.
“Hey, I’m just concerned about you. That’s the fourth time this week you’ve called in the council and blew someone up.”
Sam tipped his head back, closing his eyes against the throbbing pain he felt. He barely hears the soughing of Dean's jeans coming towards him.
When he was human, Dean generally was loud on a regular basis unless they were hunting. As a demon, his brother can move so silently even the hell hounds, with their superior auditory senses, can’t detect him.
Dean stops next to his beautiful brother studying him. The strain of ruling hell by himself was showing the longer he sat upon this throne alone.
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It had been over five decades since the Demon Curing Ritual had rendered Dean’s restraints useless allowing him to escape. After using a sigil to dispatch Castiel, he hunted Sam mercilessly throughout the bunker before knocking him out with that hammer.
Dean hauled his brother back to the dungeon and after securing him to the chair raided the infirmary searching for the blood transfusion equipment. He ignored a pleading Sam, finally begging to allow him finish the cure.
“Dean, I love you.”
He paused.
Dean’s green eyes shined with all the love he had always felt for his little brother, even before he was born saying, ”I love you too Sammy, but I like the disease,” proceeds to infuse him, pumping tainted blood until he couldn’t pass any more from his body, then sat back and waited.
The bunker's warding burned and its steel reinforced walls groaned from the pressure of an unseen power radiating outwards from the dungeon.
Receiving multiple calls of a strange glow the fire department arrived to find the multistory bunker reduced to nothing but smoldering rubble. When interviewed, the police chief decreed it to be a structure failure and the final resting place of its only known occupants, the eccentric Campbell brothers.
The inferno regions of the Underlands paled in comparison to the ferocity of the Winchester brothers as they stormed the Citadels hallowed halls.
Sam embraced his rightful place as the Puer Rex Infernum with his brother, The Knight of Hell, at his side for eternity.
Long live the Boy King of Hell.
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Dean had been standing in front of him staring for nearly an half hour when Sam's sarcasm surfaced, “Take a picture, it'll last longer,” finally opening his onyx eyes. Dean knew he was physically in pain, Sam never wore those eyes otherwise when they were alone.
“What you need..”
“You made it obvious what you think I need Dean, they didn’t help.”
“How many did you get through?” His curiosity peaked.
“All of them.” Sam's voice was strangely dissociated.
Dean blinked in surprise, “You fucked all of them?”
“Fuck and drained, including the guards watching them.”
“Damn Sammy, I’m proud of you!” Dean couldn’t contain his elation, even after all these years, of his brother embracing this life.
Before giving in to their dark sides, Sam was his complete opposite when it came to sex. His encounters were few and far between, preferring, unlike Dean, to have a connection, not just a roll in the hay.
Sam should have been flying high on demon blood topped off by all that pussy and cock, but it was having the opposite effect. He was utterly melancholy.
Dean reached out and gently cupped his cheek, running a calloused thumb over his surprisingly soft, pink lips. Sam’s eyes shifted back to their engaging multi colored hues, softening with the forbidden love for his brother he’s always felt as he gazed at Dean.
Giving into temptation Dean leaned down to taste those lips, whispering against them, “Don’t worry baby brother, I’ll find what you need to stop your pain.”
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Dean slammed the heavy ornate door of his private rooms having wasted his time on another fruitless, dead end pursuit. It had been nearly a year since he started his search with nothing to show for it but disappointment and a trail of corpses.
“You look like you need a drink.” A gruff voice called out from his bedroom.
Sam had negotiated a truce between Heaven and Hell shortly after taking over. Many of the stipulations we’re only known to the parties directly involved there was one specific item made public.
Someone was chosen to reside in the other's domain as a diplomatic hostage, anything happens to them, the truce was void and all out war would ensue on Earth.
Castiel was the obvious choice for Heaven, believing his close relationship with the brothers could be exploited. He was also granted the ability to freely go between Heaven, Hell and Earth.
What Heaven didn’t expect was his continued loyalty to the Winchesters after they became demons, informing his angelic brethren he refused to be a spy, saying he was neutral like Swedish fish.
Sam’s choice was controversial. He eventually convinced Heaven it was in their best interest for The Cage to be interred there. If it’s corrupted inhabitants were to escape, well, they’d be Heaven's problem to deal with.
Sam then eradicated all of Lucifer’s remaining followers, permitting Dean a public display of what would happen to those who challenged his reign.
Dean walked in to find the angel on his bed, casually reclining against the large headboard reading an ancient scroll.
“What are you doing in my bed Cas?”
“Waiting on you Dean.”
Dean’s talented tongue peaked out as he toed off his boots and climbed up onto the bed, crawling across to straddle the angels thighs leaning towards him, “Should've sent for me…” Castiel placed a firm hand in the middle of Dean’s chest halting him.
“I’m not here for that and have no intention of fornicating with you.”
“Come on, play with me Cas, you know you’re dying to know what it’s like to have a big cock deep down your throat,” Dean, using his whiskey roughened tone, blinks slowly as his sexy, makes women instantly wet smile graced his plush lips, “or would you prefer I slip it up that tight ass of yours, help you release those pent up frustrations? If you really wanna try it, experiment on me.”
“You're trying to provoke me only because you are frustrated,” Dean’s expression turned frosty, “but I have found information that will lead us to what you’ve been searching for,” Castiel holds up the scroll for him to read.
Dean takes the scroll from him frowning, “What language is this shit?” He asked, sliding off Cas onto the bed.
“An obscure form of an unpronounceable language. It has taken me the better part of the year and I called in several favors to gain access to Metatron. After persuading him to translate what he could of it, I have now obtained the location of the Regina Coeli.”
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“The Queen of Heaven? You want me to take the Virgin Mary as my consort!”
Incredulousness was written on Sam’s face as he looked between Dean and Cas as they sat across from him in his private receiving room.
“I can just see it Sammy, you and the blessed mother. Damn, if we weren’t already in hell.” Dean smarted off, earning “It’s Sam,” and bitchface #127 in response.
Castiel released a long-suffering sigh at his friend's inappropriateness.
“No Sam, I was not referring to her nor the ancient sky goddesses erroneously given the illustrious title,” Cas points to a nondescript illustration of a woman seated upon the throne of Heaven, “I am referring to the one true queen God himself chose to rule over all of his domains in his stead.”
“Chuck's firstborn was an Archangel girl? What’d she do to piss off dear old dad, take the family car without permission for a joyride?” Dean's joke falls flat.
“The translation was vague on the specifics but she is not an Archangel, more of a composite, created from the Light and the Darkness. The rumors indicate she took the Darkness’s side in a disagreement between them. God banished her here as punishment with the stipulation that only a descendant of the First Ones of Father can lay a claim for consort and make her their queen.”
“First Ones? I thought those were the Archangels,” Dean asked, giving Cas a confused look.
“According to the eldest demons Lucifer did try on more than one occasion. Obviously, he was not the one nor any of the other rulers that followed.”
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Traveling into the labyrinth beneath the Citadel, Castiel led them through an ancient part of the Underlands neither brother knew existed and stopped in front of a nondescript wall.
Dean cocked his head to the side scrutinizing it, “Fandamntastic wall Cas.”
“Yes, it is.” The Angel replied and walked through it.
Dean reached out his hand coming into contact with the solid surface, “The fuck?”
Castiel’s upper torso reappeared, “Coming Sam?”
Sam shrugs and stepping forward is pulled in. He finds himself in a large catacomb, torches placed statically around to illuminate it. He turns to ask Cas where they are and stops.
In the center sits a raised, polished, black marble obelisk.
Sam stands in front of it studying the carved inscriptions in the same language as the scroll. “It’s a nice piece of marble Cas.” He comments unimpressed.
Castiel did something strange. He smiled at Sam, a full on grinning like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland smile.
Sam’s ingrained hunter’s instincts kick in before his eyes shift to their onyx color, using his demonic powers to scan the area around them searching for an immediate threat but encounters something unexpected.
“I have been waiting a long time for you.”
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Sam found himself standing in an expanse of pure white, it’s vastness of nothing surrounding him. There is the barest of sounds behind him and in what was empty space seconds ago now sits two high backed thrones. One is from illustration on the scroll, the other his. Sam wonders how he missed the fact they were matching except for color.
Drawing up to his imposing height ready to defend himself he walks towards them cautiously. Sensing no imminent danger Sam takes a seat upon his and waits for what is to happen next.
Sam's eyes snapped towards a subtle sound of feathers rustling beside him. On the throne sits a woman staring at him.
“Are you the Regina Coeli?” Sam inquires in awe that she isn’t anything like he imagined.
Slowly blinking Y/C/E, she nods once.
“Why did you bring me here?” Sam gestures to the empty space surrounding them.
“It was necessary, I have no other way of communicating otherwise.”
Sam cocked his head unable to figure out how she is projecting her thoughts to him.
Long ago he learned how to shield himself from others when one of the late Princes of Hell tried using a telepath to oust him from the throne. It had taken ages for the cleaners to remove all the bits left after Dean eviscerated them.
She dropped her chin given him a coy smile, “It is because you were made for me.”
“What do you mean made for you? I don’t understand.”
“The one who can claim me as consort is descended from the First Ones of Father and that is you.”
“The First Ones were the Archangels.”
“The Archangels were created from The Nothing. The First Ones of Father were created on Earth.”
“The First Ones...you mean Adam and Eve?”
“Adam and Lilith.”
“They didn’t have any children before God cast Lilith out as a demon.”
“Yes, they did. You and your brother are their descendants.”
“We’re descended from Cain and Abel...”
“Who were Lilith’s offspring, not Eve. It is why those directly descended from her were marked for the Apocalypse.”
Sam ponders this information a while, yet another piece of the puzzle that was their lives clicking into place.
“Lilith possessed free will, unlike Eve. It was passed on to her descendants as punishment.”
“And has led you here to me.”
“What's your name? I can’t just call you Regina Coeli.”
“Father gave me no name like his son’s, he only called me daughter.” She told him sounding sad, “what name do you like?”
“You want me to give you a name?” She nodded eagerly waiting for his answer. Sam looked at her contemplatively never having had a favorite female name, the only one that truly mattered in his life was Dean.
“I’ll call you Y/N.”
She stood up and moved to stand in front of Sam.
“Before you commit to this, know that this is a symbiotic relationship, you won’t need to feed on demon blood anymore, we’ll feed off each other.”
Y/N produces a knife more delicate than Ruby’s and runs it across her wrist leaking some of her grace, and offering it to Sam, he takes her arm and sucks on the wound briefly.
“But there’s one stipulation....”
“Whatever it is you can have it.” Sam breaths out, his body craving more than just a taste of her grace.
“All domains are mine, including the Underlands, as decreed by Father.”
Sam's eyes shifted onyx with displeasure, “Hell is my domain and I don’t play well with others who try to subvert me.”
Y/N smiled mischievously and climbed onto his lap, “I freely give it to you but remember, the others are mine and I don’t play well either. Do you agree to my terms?” she retorts in a dark, cheeky manner. Sam picks up her long braid, playing with the trailing silver ribbons tied around its end.
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Sam and Y/N stepped through the wall to find a relieved Dean and pissed off Castiel, who took his leave.
As they traveled back to the Citadel Dean couldn’t take his eyes off of Y/N. This would have normally angered Sam but she had informed him even though they were technically demons, Dean was still his soulmate so she could bond with him too if Sam wished.
After introducing her to the court, who insisted their bonding was completed in front of a witness, they retreated to Sam’s private chambers.
Dean moved in front of her, caressing her cheek and licked his plush lips, “She looks so sweet Sammy.”
Sam hums in agreement moving behind her drawing her flush against him and kissing along her neck asks, “You wanna taste Y/N Dean,” as he grips the material around her waist and lifts her dress upwards, slowly unveiling her body to his brother. Dean’s eyes dilate with hunger as it teasingly travels upward, revealing she is nude under it.
“Lift your arms,” Sam tells her and pulls it completely off, dropping it and resting his chin on Y/N’s shoulder and starts playing with her nipples as she wraps her arms behind his neck for balance, spreading her legs to give Dean access between them.
Dean dropped to his knees and looking to Sam for permission, runs his tongue over her outer lips, tasting that she’s already wet before parting them, making her quiver with pleasure.
“Dean loves the taste of pussy, he could eat you out for hours. Would you like that Y/N?” Sam moaned at her response, “He will later,” reaching down gripped his brother's short hair tugging him back roughly, “it’s my turn now.”
Sam laid back on his bed high on her grace as Y/N straddles him, pinning his arms down next to his head and leaned in brushing her lips across his in a tender kiss.
“Keep your hands to yourself till I’m done with you.”
She kissed down the long line of his neck pausing below his tattoo to tease his left nipple with her tongue before biting down making him shiver in pleasure. Sam’s cock hardened even more as her lips, light as the dusting of a feather, traversed downwards over his abs halting at the v of his hips and gripping his cock in her hand dipped the tip of her tongue into his slit, tasting precum pearling out before taking just the head into her mouth sucking on it, her tongue over moving in random patterns over the sensitive nerves underneath it.
Sam groaned in pleasure feeling the sweetest sting of the blade along the crease of his leg, his hot blood pulsating to the surface. He watched as she released his cock, lowering her head and, without breaking eye contact, licked along the flowing wound, tasting his deliciously tainted blood.
Y/N continuously moved her hands over every bit of his skin she could reach while nursing at the wound. Sam started feeling light headed from being drained but at the same time euphoric with desire as he unabatedly cums on his stomach.
Dean, writhing in his seat observing them, presses down on his cock to deny himself cumming watches Y/N using her tongue to clean Sam’s spending's as he’s still spurting.
Resting her head on his hip Y/N asks Sam something making him smile, “Y/N wants to know if I will allow you to join us now,” his eyes telling Dean to hurry the hell up and get naked.
He strips in record time, climbs on the enormous bed straddling him behind Y/N, teasingly rubbing his cock through her folds. “How do you want us sweetheart? You want Sammy’s unrelenting cock pounding this scrumptious pussy and me down your throat?” Dean strokes her throat, “How about both us in your tight cunt, ravaging it together?” He trailed his left hand down Y/N’s torso and inserted two of his thick fingers in her feeling her clenching.
“Or maybe prefer me here,” tapping his cock head against her tight little hole before slipping his dripping tip in past the tight ring of muscle making her jolt then quiver with pleasure as she pushes back till he’s fully seated in her.
“That’s it, get nice and stretched out on my cock,” Dean bit his lip moaning as she worked herself up and down on him, “ ‘cause once Sammy’s been in here, you’ll know it for a long time.
Sam, unwilling to wait any longer, grabs his self and pushes in next to Dean’s thick fingers, ramming his massive cock into her drenched cunt, forcing her to stretch around him and not stopping until he was balls deep in her. Y/N gasped silently, overwhelmed by the sensations she hadn’t felt in millennia.
“Easy there tiger, we have eternity to play with our new toy.”
Forever tags: @donnaintx
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mattzerella-sticks · 4 years
Checkmate (Castiel-centric, Chuck & Cas, Castiel/Dean Winchester coda to 15x17 “Unity” and 15x18 “Despair, 1.9k)
ao3 link
Billie saves Jack from suffering a fatal end from her plan, and knowing Jack was safe gave Cas space to focus on his own troubles. Nearly losing his son again... revelations from Chuck... choices Dean made, were set on, until Sam broke through at the last minute - too close - they all were...
It was too much. Cas needed to digest these roiling experiences away from faces it hurt to look at. Except he stumbles exactly where Chuck wants him. After countless times praying for guidance, Chuck finally decides now is perfect for a long-awaited heart-to-heart.
           Cas abandoned the others once Billie disappeared, not even waiting for her form to fade before striding away. Stomps up each step, ignoring Dean’s calls as he races from their home. Into fresher air aboveground. Being an angel, Cas was inexperienced with breathing. Yet, instinctually, Cas gasps for breath once he breaks free.
           Hunched over the outdoor railing, Cas’s vision blurs. Darkness encroaching at a pace that makes him shiver. “That’s not…” he hisses, sinking lower, crouching. “It’s not real. It can’t… there’s a deal. They were very clear –“
           “C’mon Castiel, you should know by now…” A familiar voice breaks through static, Cas’s grip tightening on the rusted rail. “This close to the end, anything goes.”
           Cas turns his head, meeting Chuck’s deriding glare. “You’re still here?”
           “I’m everywhere Castiel,” he mocks, arms spread wide and head tilted backwards. Laughing, “I’m God.”
           Briefly, Cas considers shouting. Alerting the others that Chuck hadn’t gone far, nearer than they figured. Except Chuck’s head lolls around once more, clearly expecting Cas to do exactly that. His jaw tenses, Cas rising on shaky legs. “What do you want?”
           “Loaded question. I want a lot of things… Amara’s power – but I got that.” His eyes flicker, blue and black, before fading into their regular hazel. “This world to end… close. I could wait fifty more years but let’s speed it up, honestly. You and your family to suffer…” He grins, advancing towards him. “How is Jack doing?”
           “He’s fine,” Cas tells Chuck, “but you already know that. Don’t you?”
           “Then why ask?” Cas glares at his creator, mustering enough fury that he trembles from an entirely new reason. “Did you stick around only to gloat? Is that what it takes to get you to show up?”
           “Oh Castiel…” Chuck grabs his chin, pinching it. Sparks jumping off his finger pads and searing his skin, Cas wincing when Chuck doesn’t let go. “You’re not bitter that I never returned your calls, right?”
           Chest aching, Cas tamps down that hurt. Accustomed to doing so. “But you received them?”
           “I hear each and everyone.”
           “And you do nothing.”
           “I only help those that deserve it.” He shoves Cas away, spinning on his heel. Gestures around them, “No one on this Earth – in this universe – deserves it. Ungrateful sacks of filth and – and mud. Imperfect, flawed…”
           “Beautiful.” Cas defends them on instinct, stepping forward. “Humanity might be all of that, but it doesn’t make them any less deserving of life. Of a second chance.”
           “Humanity…” He laughs again, to a joke Cas must have missed. Wiping a false tear, Chuck leers at him, “Really? Does humanity deserve a second chance? Is it even a second chance anymore?” Then, with a disturbing amount of severity laced through his voice. “How many more chances are you going to give Dean?”
           Chuck’s hand rests over his heart, closing the distance between blinks. Claws at Cas’s chest, clutching onto him. Cas stares above his creator’s head, resolutely not giving Chuck what he wants. Hiding sadness and longing they both can feel rippling across their bodies, warmth abnormal given this cooler climate.
           “You’re always giving so much of yourself to him,” Chuck whispers, prodding. Breath felt as he rasped in his ear. “Isn’t it tiring? Disappointing he doesn’t do the same?”
           Cas swallows the immediate thoughts that emerge. Those traitorous voices expressing similar sentiment, nasally and grating like them. His shadowed future. He answers, instead, with, “I will always do whatever it takes to keep my family safe.”
           Groaning, Chuck knocks his head against Cas’s shoulder. Repeatedly, harder and harder. Each swing whacking at his cool façade. “Love!” he bemoans, “Your love for humans, your love for him. How I hate – why does it all come down to Dean.” His hand trails upwards, snaking over Cas’s tie. Chuck steps backwards, dragging Cas along. Forcing him onto his knees. “Sam, I get. They’re brothers… sentimentality. They’ve been through the wringer longer than every other Earth, of course it’d be harder breaking that. Too mature, set in their routines… And Amara, she was finding herself. Dean was a passing fancy – entertainment, nothing more. But you…” Bending, Chuck presses his face onto Cas’s. Close enough he sees lightning flashing within his pupils. “Your little defect, your crush… this is all your fault.”
           “I…” Chuck’s eyes glow, his throat seizing as this greater being chokes him. Cas fights past it, coughing. “It’s… yours.”
           “No, it’s not. Really.” He stops, dropping him. Cas scrabbles into a crouch, warily observing Chuck circle. Arm raised defensively; angel blade prepped in case of another attack. Useless, given the comparison of power, but he refuses to sit and accept his death. Not like this. Luckily rather than smite Cas, Chuck wastes time prattling. “I tied everything up in a neat, little bow. Sure… took longer to get there, edits and rewrites of course, but the story was done. Brothers battle, one dies, close the book and move on. Raphael was supposed to raze this stage for the next show… until someone called for an encore.”
           Cas startles, guard slipping momentarily. “Wait… you wanted Raphael to restart the apocalypse?”
           “Yes!” Chuck yells, thunder booming in the distance. “It should have been Michael! But what do I find when I check in? Sam back, Dean hunting again, and you balancing an angelic civil war while pining for a man who was better off without you.”
           Those reminders threaten Cas, like tentacles rising from dark ocean waters ready to drag him under. Deeper into his past mistakes. Cas grounds himself, scraping the dirt. Feels it. “My part was done,” he challenges, “Over. Lucifer blew me into tiny particles. Untraceable. You brought me back.”
           “Because how else would I have gotten Dean out of that damned cemetery!” Chuck kicks a rock. It rockets through the sky. “If I’d left him there alone, he’d be as good as dead. Where’s the satisfaction in that? All you had to do was dust Dean off and send him on his way. Couldn’t even do something simple without screwing it up!”
           Cas glares at his creator, shouldering the burden of his disappointment, straining under its massive weight. He does not fall, however. “And all the other times?” he asks. He’s not sure if he wants to hear his answer. Worse, that indecision is a damned lie.
           Chuck grins. His simple act knocking Cas onto his rear, overwhelmed by its cruelty. “And let you off the hook for beating this dead horse? Not a chance. If the Leviathans blew you up, you’d never suffer through the fallout from betraying Dean – the man you did everything for. A hero’s sacrifice, staying behind in Purgatory? For penance? You don’t decide your fate – I do! And it was perfect. Hope, Castiel. All that hope you had… for Jack, a better world, a chance to raise a kid alongside the others. Experience those wonders, find a new purpose – dashed with a simple knife through your chest. The last thing you saw being Dean as his heart shattered, and he broke. That playing on a loop while you slumber for infinity in the Empty – now that was an ending!”
           As an angel, Cas doesn’t sleep. Can’t dream and cannot have nightmares. In moments of peace, sitting alone in his room at night. Bathed in darkness… that memory strikes. Quick, cutting in its ruthless appearance. Sets him to his feet, light on and blade drawn. Watching shadows shrink in their retreat.
           Chuck continues, angrier by the second. “You would have stayed there too, this time. Dean, Dean prayed. Every night that I would bring you back. Instant voicemail.” Cas frowns, distracted from past trauma by this new information. Dean never sharing this. “Except I was too focused on your demise I wrote myself into another problem – again, because of you!”
           “You just… you make me so mad! Castiel, you gotta – you gotta understand, I mean…” Chuck wipes at his cheek, palm lingering there while their gazes meet. “You’re an angel. A – uh… a simple worker bee. A drone. I’m the queen! You shouldn’t be able to do this, it’s – what is it about you? Was it this world – did I… help me make it make sense!”
           Righteous fury seizing, oozing out the cracks of his very being, Cas stands. “You want to know what happened?” he says, seething, “I finally saw what was important. Grand battles, ultimate power… they’re all meaningless if you are alone. Unloved. My time here has taught me…” Those words feel awkward on his tongue, incorrect. He switches, answering honestly. “Dean showed me that.”
           “He sure did show that…” Chuck huffs, rocking on his heels. Smugly enjoying Cas’s defiance. “It sure didn’t include you.”
           Chuck twists his hand in the wound. The very reason Cas fled, Dean’s statement ringing in his head. ‘I’d trade all of them for the chance to kill Chuck.’ Their heated, silent exchange during that brief pause. Communicating as best they could. Still, Dean gave into his fears. Chomped at the bit Chuck dangled. Choosing what Cas prayed he’d never.
           All for nothing.
           “Is that why you’re here?” Cas asks, “kill me one last time? Take me off the board because I’m not important to the story?”
           “How I wish that were true, Castiel. How I wish that were true.” He steeples his fingers, drifting into the surrounding forest. “You’ve got a part to play in this. Something big. A set up for the final battle… that’ll bring all the pieces I need onto the board.”
           “Except for me?”
           “I’ve learned from my first draft,” he says, “not to let surprises derail the story I want to write. You, you… you are nothing but surprising.”
           Cas scowls, fists balled at his sides. “And you being here? Sharing this with me? Is that part of your story?”
           Chuckling, Chuck wags his finger from side to side. “Let’s just say I’m… making things up as I go along.” Cas stiffens, hearing his own words used against him. “Wanted one last chat with you before you drown back in that slimehole.”
           “So it’s soon?” Chuck’s lips thin, stretched closed. Restraint crumbles, Cas leaping forward. “Tell me what you’ve planned -!”
           He’s thrown onto his back, a hand around his neck. Chuck expressionless while he struggles, looking almost bored. “Nothing, Castiel,” he says, “I have nothing planned.”
           “Liar!” he hisses, “You said that I –“
           Chuck talks over him, “It’s the truth! I didn’t plan anything… the only one to blame is you, Castiel. Like always, you are the architect of your own misery.” Cas freezes, body rebelling. Flames of hatred snuffed with a cold breeze. “Not like anything I could’ve written would have sticked anyway, we both know this. But your deal… I didn’t make you do that. You have no one to blame for your doom but yourself.” He releases Cas, wiping his hands on his pants. Sneering at Cas like he was garbage, but smaller. Gum Chuck wiped off his shirt, but worse. A bug under a magnifying glass while the sun shone brightly above, except more pitiful. “It’ll be nice to sit back and enjoy for once… so put on a good show, Cas. Really push Dean into doing something dumb and suicidal when you’re gone. Sell it! Make it count – it’ll be your last.”
           Chuck vanishes, leaving Cas there. On the ground, physically. Mentally, spiritually, he’s adrift in the unknown. Floating towards an ending he always knew waited for him. An ending that he chose.
           Or did he? If every other option was stolen from him, was it truly his choice? Cas certainly wouldn’t pick this. Years from now, after his loved ones have shuffled off, at peace with a life well lived – that’s the ending he would write. Being welcomed into his perfect heaven with gentle green eyes, freckles, and a dimpled smile.
           He stays like that for longer than he realized. Sam finds him, asks if he’s okay.
           Cas lies because, like with the Empty, it’s the only choice he has.
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
6x10: Caged Heat
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Meet Crowley, King of Hell
Crowley is busy torturing...himself? Nope, it’s an Alpha Shifter. He informs Crowley that when he dies, he goes to Purgatory. Crowley wants more information. 
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Crowley’s holding a bunch of baby shifters for leverage on information about Purgatory’s location. The shifter won’t budge so Crowley chops his head off. 
At night, the Winchesters arrive at a factory to drop off one rugaru to a couple of demons. Dean asks about Crowley but they’re not on the Need to Know list. 
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Dean and Sam head back to their hide-a-way home. Dean is done dealing with demons, but Sam points out they don’t have any other plan. Dean wonders if Sam wants his soul back. Sam points out that he’s working for Crowley. Dean walks off to get some booze and when he turns to talk to Sam some more, Sam’s gone. He pulls his gun and wanders to a side room, where he finds Sam passed out on the floor. A demon comes behind Dean and knocks him out too. 
Cut to the boys tied up and Meg walking into the room. 
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She’s looking for Crowley. She holds a knife to Dean’s neck for information when Sam laughs (much to Dean’s stress) and realizes that she can’t kill them. She’s running from Crowley. Sam tells her that they’ll work with her to find Crowley but they want the first stab at him before she finishes him off. 
Once free, Dean is angry and asks Sam what the heck he’s doing making a deal with the demon that killed Ellen and Jo. Sam says they need her. Ah, soulless Sam is always the pragmatist. Sam assures Dean that they will kill Meg and her minions the first chance they get-- they’re bringing insurance. 
Later, Sam is outside, praying to Castiel. Cas doesn’t appear. He then starts describing the plot to Raiders. That Biblical artifact thirsty boy is there in a heartbeat. Sam wants Cas’s help but Cas is in the middle of things upstairs. Sam threatens to kill Cas if he doesn’t help them. 
Ahem, let’s all pause at Cas’s retort and bask in the pure BAMF energy.
“Will you...boy?”
Sam does get Cas to come back to their place.
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Dean is surprised (ok, but like dude, if you really wanted him to show, why didn’t you pray? We’ve already seen him show when you pray to him. You don’t have a profound bond for nothing.)
Cas performs a locating spell, but it doesn’t work. They head to the Campbell bunker of knowledge and Samuel finds them. Dean demands to know where Crowley is. Samuel isn’t talking. Dean then asks Cas to leave (which kinda blows my season 15 brain ---they have so much more to go through to be a real family.) Dean asks Samuel what Crowley has on him. He pulls out a picture of Mary and tells them that Crowley is going to bring her back if he helps him. Dean tells him that it’s a path he doesn’t want to go down --this is how the bad guy gets them every time….AGGHh, Chuck!!! Dean also uses the word Achilles heal again (ahem.) Also, they will find another way. Samuel kicks them out.
Later, the brothers are busy working on research while Cas indulges in his favorite pastime: watching porn TV. 
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He’s very confused. Dude’s been watching humanity for eons but he’s clueless AF. Dean is appalled that he’s watching porn without him in front of them. 
Samuel arrives and is disturbed by their group activities. He has the location where they drop the monsters they’ve been collecting. The monsters never leave. 
Team Free Will meet up with Meg and her gang.
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Meg hopelessly flirts with Cas. Then they get down to the business of tracking Crowley. Sam demands her knife and then proceeds to kill one of her demon buddies. He was justified though and they all know it. 
Sam loads up on weaponry, while Dean spends some quality time (awkward silences) with Cas. Cas is glum. He expresses doubt about their plan to get Sam’s soul back. Cas describes the likely situation in the cage: Lucifer and Michael have been using Sam’s soul as a toy. 
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Cas projects a future of madness and trauma on an ensouled Sam. Dean chooses to glibly ignore this because he has utter faith that with Cas’s help, they can do anything. (Crying noise) In the shadows, Sam overhears everything. 
Outside Crowley’s compound, the team starts their assault. The side door is unlocked, making it laughably easy to get in. The Winchesters smell a trap! The interior is lined with cells, many of them occupied by monsters - dead or alive. A djinn from an earlier episode pleads for help. Crowley’s got some kinda reach, alright!
In the distant hallways, a hellhound snarls. The camera zooms in on poor, traumatized Dean.
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Everybody runs for it, and a demon falls to the hound. Meg is 100% done with the high death rate of demons in the Winchesters’ company and tries to smoke out. She opens her mouth to no avail - Crowley’s warded the place in such a way that it keeps demons firmly attached to their meatsuits. She’s in this for the (hopefully) long haul. Sam hands her Ruby’s knife so she can kill hellhounds, but Meg turns it down. The Winchesters will need that to kill Crowley. She’s got another plan. 
But first, uh, she has ANOTHER another plan?
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Meg kisses Cas, her hands sliding under his trench coat in a way that we have definitely not ever pictured doing in any way. Nope. 
He spins her around and pins Meg to the wall in a way that we have definitely not ever pictured Cas doing in any way. Nope.
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“I learned it from the pizza man,” Cas tells a stunned Meg. 
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Meg shakes it off and hoists Cas’s blade, purloined from his coat. (What did she do, snake her arm down his sleeve? Lol) She’ll fight off the hounds with that instead. She slashes at the hound while the others move on. 
A bright light flashes suddenly, and Cas disappears just as Samuel pulls his hand away from an angel banishing sigil. Samuel, you giant bag of dicks! He betrayed the Winchesters to resurrect Mary. Crowley and his demons swan in and gain control of Sam and Dean. 
The Winchesters are tossed into cells. Meg, injured but victorious after her fight with the hounds, gets attacked by a demon possessing Christian Campbell. 
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Samuel stops by Dean’s cell to explain himself, and Dean bitterly reprimands him for his betrayal. Samuel insists that Mary’s his blood, and Dean and Sam aren’t close enough to count. “What exactly are you supposed to be to me?” Samuel asks, further cementing my hatred of his character. 
Dean looks up and his MASK OF REVENGE is clearly pulled over his face. “I’ll tell you who I am. I’m the guy you never wanna see again.” CHILLS. He promises revenge on Samuel. 
Samuel walks away from his little confessional moment, and two demons arrive to drag Dean away. 
Meg, meanwhile, has been stripped of her clothing for sOMe ReaSoN. The only things covering her up are the warded bands pinning her to a torture table. I. Just. Why? Why, show? (Excuse me while I glare directly at Robert Singer from across many, many miles.) To Meg’s credit, she looks like she’s ready to do some cool murder (I’ll help). Demon!Christian starts to torture her. 
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Sam chews a hole in his own arm while he waits in his cell, which is not disturbing AT ALL. DAMN, soulless Sam! Dean arrives in Crowley’s interrogation room, and it’s full of bloody bays and intestines. SO unsanitary. The demons chuck two monsters in with him. It’s to be a cage match, I see! 
When demons arrive to grab Sam, they find that they’re trapped in his cell. Sam grins with a bloody mouth at the demon trap he scrawled on the ceiling with his own blood. I mean…GROSS but mad props all the same. 
Meg continues to get tortured when Dean creeps up and kills Demon!Christian. He frees Meg and they start operation, GET CROWLEY. Sam and Dean lure Crowley in with a fire alarm and trap him in a demon trap. (This one’s spray painted, thank goodness.) 
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Sam demands his soul back from Crowley, but ye olde King of Hell refuses. He can’t get into the cage to rescue Sam’s soul. Crowley questions WHY Sam would want his soul back, after all his soft marshmallowy center is surely enduring in the pit. Dean hands Ruby’s knife to Meg and she heads into the demon trap to kill Crowley. 
Crowley proves why he’s the reigning King (or at least how he’s stayed alive for so long) by tackling Meg and flinging the demon knife up into the ceiling to split apart the devil’s trap. Things are looking bad for our heroes when Cas flaps in. “Castiel,” Crowley smiles. “Haven’t seen you all season.” Cas presents a bag of bones and informs the room that he’s found Crowley’s skeleton. 
Crowley bows to the threat and lets the Winchesters go. When he admits that he really, really can’t save Sam’s soul, Cas burns the bones. It’s…DRAMATIC.
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Outside, Cas confesses that the battle in Heaven is going poorly but that there’s nothing the Winchesters can do to help.
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“I wish circumstances were different. Much of the time I would rather be here,” Cas confesses. CAS! Dean forgives him and Sam gives Cas one more mission before he flaps off to Heaven: destroy the monsters locked up in Crowley’s prison. Cas flaps off (and into my spin-off show, SAD ANGEL ASSASSIN). Dean promises Sam that they’ll figure out another way to get his soul, but Sam argues against any plans at restoration. He’d rather be functioning and soulless, thank you very much. Sam walks away, leaving Dean shouting fruitlessly after him.
I Learned it from the Quote-za Man:
Remember when we used to gank demons?
Okay, officially over the foreplay. Satisfy me, or I please myself
Hugs and puppies all around
I can’t believe you fell for that. That was the plot of Raiders, idiot
If the pizza man truly loves this babysitter, why does he keep slapping her rear? 
This what you boys do, sit around watching pornos with angels?
I learned that from the pizza man
I’ll tell you who I am. I’m the guy you never wanna see again
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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huntertales · 5 years
Part Four: Hush Little Baby, Don’t You Cry. (Sacrifice S08E023)
Episode Summary: With Crowley poised to undo all the good they’ve ever done as hunters; Sam, Dean and the reader find themselves cornered. But with Kevin’s help, the Winchesters and the reader bound into one last play against the king of hell. However everything comes with a cost. What must the three sacrifice to seal the gates of hell for good? Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Warning: ANGST, religious undertones, mentions of blood. mentions/symptoms of miscarriage. (If any of this makes you uncomfortable/triggering, please do not read. Also probably not medically accurate as I possibly could have been.) Word Count: 7,524.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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Completing the angel trials turned out to be less difficult than Dean was expecting them to be when he agreed to be apart of this. It took all of you months and endless hard work to get you where you were tonight, completing the final stage up locking hell up for good. Cas had taken care of the first trial which turned out to be killing a nephilim—an offspring of an angel and human. The second one involved tracking down a cherub and stealing its bow. It took a few hours of scoping out a bar Cas and Metatron had been at previously been at before the angel was taken. Dean excepted the love birds to be a female vendor Gail and the male owner. It seemed pretty standard. Turned out she was the matchmaker they were looking for. She hit Dwight and his regular customer Rod with the arrow of love. 
You would have gushed over the sight of Dwight and Rod falling in the kind of love that was slow and sweet, blossoming over time into the men falling madly head over heels in love with each other. You were always sentimental about things like this. To Dean it felt like the first five minutes of every porno he had seen if he was being honest. But they weren’t just two people struck with love at first sight. They were a match made in heaven, struck by cupid’s bow. Soulmates. And the only person who could do that was a cherub was Gail. Cas was ready to kill the other angel for her bow, not wanting to waste any more time than he had, but Dean didn’t think things needed to always end so violently. Sometimes talking helped. Not all angels were dicks. Gail gladly handed over her bow when Dean explained why they wanted it in the first place. Turned out she wanted to fix heaven much as Cas did.
While the two of them were working, Kevin had been doing exactly as he was told, diligently translating the tablet and trying to figure out more about these angel trials he had never heard of before until today. While he found exactly what he was looking for, something didn’t add up to what he was reading. Kevin spent months learning the word of God, figuring out what every symbol sketched into the stone meant. Kevin wondered why he couldn’t find anything about the trials Dean had told him about after he called to see how much progress the kid was making. Kevin slowly paced around the library with the tablet in his hands and his phone sitting on the table with the call on speaker.
“I think I found the angel trials,” Kevin said, giving the older man an update he had been hoping to hear. “but I don’t see anything about a nephilim or a cupid’s bow or anything like that.”
“Oh, come on, Kev! We’re on the one-yard line here.” Dean tried to keep the kid focused, long enough for him to figure out the third trial before anymore time could run out. 
“Okay, and I should have mentioned this six months ago, but the sports metaphors—you want to motivate me, magic cards, ‘Skyrim,’ Aziz Ansari.” Kevin was sick and tired of hearing the pep talk that didn’t appeal to the type of person that he was. He tried giving Dean some bullet points to work off and understand what could help keep him focused, the older man was lost after hearing a name of some actor he had never heard of before until tonight. 
Dean kept walking as he continued on the conversation with Kevin about trying to find any trace of the things him and Cas had been doing tonight. The angel found himself stopping in his tracks when he heard a familiar sound of ruffling feathers, and the feeling of another presence of his kind. He turned around to see someone that was a traitor to him. She was the one who took Metatron, who poked around in Cas’ head and told him to find the angel tablet. She was the reason why he wanted to lock up heaven for good. Naomi stood several feet away from her fellow brother. She raised her arms in a defeated motion, doing everything in her power to let him understand she wasn’t here on bad intentions.
“I’m not here to fight you, Castiel.” Naomi explained to the angel. Dean found himself halting in his tracks when he heard a familiar voice speak up from behind him. He looked over his shoulder to see it was the same angel who had pulled Cas out from purgatory and sent him down a spiraling path. But she was also the one who helped Bobby into heaven. And warned the Winchesters about the way to get to hell when you were completing the second trial. “Not anymore.” 
“Where is Metatron?” Cas questioned the angel as he took a few steps towards her.
“He told you he was going to fix heaven, didn’t he? Murdering a nephilim, cutting off a cupid’s bow—it’s a lie. All of it.” Naomi dropped a twist nobody was expecting to hear. From her past behavior it would be likely for neither Dean or Cas to believe her, so she backed up her claim with proof. “I’ve been in his head.”
“You’ve been in all our heads.” Cas said. “That’s the problem.”
“No, Castiel, you’re wrong.” Naomi defended herself against her brother’s judgement.
“This is what you do. You twist things.” Cas shook his head. Her little games wasn’t going to work on him anymore. Not like how they did before. Because it cost him too much and ruined the trust once again of the people he cared about the most. The angel never wanted to go down that path again. “I’m trying to fix heaven. Metatron is trying to fix heaven.”
“Metatron isn’t trying to fix anything. He’s trying to break it—an act of revenge for driving him away.” Naomi corrected the angel. She wasn’t lying about the things she was saying. Because she had no reason to. Cas and herself were in danger of falling to Metatron’s plan. Dean found himself curious as to what Naomi was saying, despite Cas’ warning to ignore her. Naomi hadn’t steered him wrong yet. He wanted to at least hear what she had to say before making any final judgements. “Expel all angels from heaven, just as God cast out Lucifer.“
“Cast you out where?” Dean asked her. “Hell?”
“Here. Thousands of us, walking the earth.” Naomi explained. Castiel was tired of hearing the blatant lies coming out from his sister’s mouth. He charged forward with the angel blade with every intention of doing something he should have months ago. Dean found himself starting to believe the other angel. He managed to grab ahold of Cas before he could kill her. The older Winchester gave the woman a serious expression, giving her one last opportunity to defend herself. Dean could see the regret in Naomi’s face at the choices she had made over the past several months. Because it wasn’t what her kind was made to do. Her brothers and sisters were supposed to be selfless. Caring. Instead they turned into monsters, greedy with their own purpose. “Our mission was to protect what God created. I don’t know when we forgot that.”
Naomi carried no such hatred to you or the Winchesters, despite the reputation you carried over the years. The three of you had done more with your lives than any of her siblings had since the creation of human. Angels did nothing more than sit back and watch as the world fell apart around them, letting humans slaughter and torture one another for the most barbaric reasons. You always tried to do something to fix it, make the world feel a little less bleak. Naomi couldn’t sit back anymore. She needed to do the right thing before one of Metatron’s plans were put into action.
“I want nothing more than to see you shut the gates of hell, but I told you that you could trust me. If Y/N completes those trials,” Naomi explained the last bit of information Metatron failed to tell them when they met each other. The consequences of your hard work if you cured Crowley. The perfect twist nobody expected. “she is going to die.”
You were going to die...Those words began to slowly process in his head, wanting to make sure he just heard was correct. He felt his breathing had stopped for a split second when they finally did. And at the same time it was like someone had sucker punched him right in the stomach, knocking the rest of the air out of his lungs. This couldn’t be happening. His heart began to beat fast, to the point he feared it might beat out of his chest. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“I saw it in Metatron’s head.” Naomi explained to him how she knew. “It was always God’s intention—the ultimate sacrifice.” 
For a moment there was a part of you that might not have reached that point. Until you had a revelation of sorts. Naomi told the story about the night Dean remembered from three months ago, a little while after you completed the first trial and broke the news that he was going to be a father. You had been so excited for motherhood, you were practically glowing. You were set on the idea that everything was going to be okay. Every part of you was ready for the new chapter in your life with Dean. Until you took a case shortly after breaking the news and taking on the responsibility of the trials. It started off with a witch who messed with your heads by casting a spell that made you relive every bad memory buried deep in your mind. For you, the spell had a different effect on you. It caused all of your inner demons to come out and mess with your head, creating a hallucination that felt real to you. The next case you took didn’t help your anxious mind. It made it worse. 
Your happiness shifted into regret. Suddenly you were worried about if you having this baby was a good idea. Everyone you loved ended up dead. You and Sam were born on the path of destruction. And Dean had created a monster of his own. All signs pointed that this wasn’t going to end well. You needed some guidance. A voice of reason to tell you that what you were doing was the right thing. Naomi explained that the night Dean prayed to Cas, you went to church and prayed to God. You were scared and vulnerable. Desperate to hear from anyone that what you were doing was the right thing. If you couldn’t hear from God directly, someone who has spent their entire life to Him would be the next best thing.
The priest you talked to that night was the same one you met two and a half months later in some hotel in Colorado. You didn’t make the connection at the time because of the effects of the trials. The ones that you were ready to quit for good. But Metatron couldn’t have that. He took two people who were at their most vulnerable and used their own grief against them. He tricked you into completing the trials because you thought it was the only shot at redemption. Your only chance at being like the rest of the human population—a child of God. 
“You know what really hurts the most? It’s the fact that Lucifer made me. The most evil thing out there created me. I felt so alone. Isolated.”
You were desperate not to let history repeat itself. You would do just about anything to make sure you and the baby were okay. “I’m the only of my kind. And there was no changing that. But I don’t feel like that anymore. Because these trials…they’re purifying us.” 
Dean felt his heart drop into his stomach when he realized what you meant by the words you said in the hallway, leading him to find Metatron. You were tricked into believing all the effects of the trials was some kind of way to cure you from any trace of demon left in your system. Even though it had been gone for all these years. You thought there was still somehow a piece of it still hooked into your body. The fear grew into some kind of paranoia you would do anything to achieve. The inner peace you always wanted. To make sure there wasn’t a chance your child would come out the same way. So you could be like everyone else. So you didn’t feel alone anymore.
Cas got himself wrapped up in the angel trials for the same exact reason you had. Because he wanted to fix everything after doing so much damage. The both of you were the perfect puppets for Metatron to manipulate. 
Naomi would do anything in her power for such a thing not to happen. Because she knew it was more than just your life on the line if you were to complete the demon trials. “As for you, Castiel, I beg of you, stop this path. Metatron has been neutralized.” She told her fellow sibling. All she could do at this point was to make him understand that she didn’t want any more tension between the both of them. She wanted things back the way it used to be. Cas had proven that he wanted the same as well. “If you want back in, truly, I will listen.”
The angel spoke her peace, now it was time for those who had power in this situation to take proper action. She vanished from sight not a second later. Dean brought the phone back to his ear, continuing the conversation he had going with Kevin. He felt like his head was spinning, his mind going in every wrong direction. “Hey, right now, talk to me. Is she lying?”
“I don’t know.” Kevin admitted. 
“Well, find out!” Dean barked out the command, ending the phone call right after.
“She’s lying.” Cas tried to reassure the man before he could think himself into a frenzy about your well being. He could only presume Naomi said all of those things to scare them. Dean didn’t know who to trust, or what to believe. All he cared about was getting back to you before it was too late.
“Take me to her.” Dean ordered. The angel tried to calm him down from the irrational fear put in his head, but there was nothing Cas could say that was going to change his mind. Not with your lives on the line. “Take me to her!”
+ + + 
This was the moment you had been waiting for the past six months. Maybe your entire life. You were one step closer to achieving the goal you had been working so hard towards. You had put your literal blood, sweat and tears into completing these trials. Proving to everyone, God, even yourself that you were capable of doing something good. You were finally going to be able to put your demons to rest. Every single one that taunted you for the past thirty-two years. Azazel. Lilith. Alistar. Ruby. Even Lucifer himself. Every single one of them ruined your life in some kind of way, pulled on your strings to do exactly what they wanted. This was your way of cutting the cord. You weren’t their puppet anymore. 
You weren't going to let them take away the people you loved. Twist your own desires and guilt to their own advantage. Make you into nothing more than a pet they can torture, trick you into thinking they were one of the good guys. And most important of all, you were your own person. You didn't care if he was your creator. You weren't his property. A toy he could play and pull apart, dress you up into whatever kind of sick creature he wanted. Make you into someone that he lost. Once you completed this ritual, you were clean. You were going to be free.
“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus, spiritus, hanc animam redintergra, lustra.”
You weren’t doing this just for yourself. You were doing this to continue on your father’s work, the legacy he worked so hard for. The one he gave his life to complete. And gave him life back to give you a chance at a normal life. However it happened. You chanted the same ritual he had fifty five years ago with the intention of changing the world and make it a safer place. You tossed the book back over to the pew and lifted up the demon knife, ready to use it for the last time. You placed the blade against your skin and slowly sliced open your palm, drawing up blood to the surface. You inhaled a shaky breath when you noticed your arms began to glow once more. And the pain returned before. This time was more intense, worse than anything you might had  experienced before in your life. But you reminded yourself it was part of the process.
You walked over to rowley with your arm outstretched, ready to slap your blood palm against his mouth and feed him the last droplets for your blood. You were so close. You didn’t think of the possibility that someone might disrupt you at the very last second. 
The sounds of the church doors bursting open made you jumped at the unexpected intrusion. You thought it was Abbadon ready to go another round with you. Instead it was Dean. You stared at him with a confused expression at his entrance, wondering to yourself why he looked like here had rushed to get here. Maybe it was because he wanted to witness the final moment himself. That wasn’t the case from the words that came rushing out of his mouth. 
“Y/N, stop!” Dean shouted at you. You stared at him with a baffled sort of look. Why would he tell you to do such a thing? You were close. So close to just finishing this and being done with it all for good. “Easy there, okay? Just take it easy. We got a slight change in plans.” 
“What? What’s going on?” You questioned him. “Where’s Cas?!”
“Metatron lied.” Dean explained to you, breaking the news to you. You continued to stare at him with a confused expression, all of the things he was saying weren’t making any sense. But he knew what he was about to tell you surely would. “You finish this trial, you’re dead, Y/N.”   
You listened to the information that was given to you, something that should be setting off warning bells in your head. Dean watched as your expression began to slowly shift as the news began to process in your mind from what he just said. The consequences of your actions if you went through with this. It wouldn't just harm you, but the creature growing inside of you. Sam wasn't sure what he should've done in this moment. Pull you away from Crowley so you didn't do anything stupid? You stared at Dean, letting him watch as the ends of your lips slightly twitched into a smile. Like it wasn't that big of a deal.
“Of course. It all makes so much sense.” You whispered to yourself. “Unless one is reborn again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” 
Dean wasn’t quite familiar with the bible, but he would bet everything in the world that the words he heard come out of your mouth was exactly that. "Y/N, look at me." Dean's the command made you do exactly that. He felt a sense of guilt from what he was about to do, he could see the hope in your eyes. Like what you were doing was the right thing. Only it was leading you to your death. But you didn't understand it the way he was trying to tell you. "You remember a priest named Father Marv? The priest you talked to three months ago?"
You furrowed your brow slightly from the name, “How do you know about that?”
“The exact same reason why I know you need to stop this. And why you felt like you were the only one who could do these trials. Y/N, it's not your duty. It never was. All those things the priest told you wasn't true. It was Metatron. He was Father Marv." Dean explained to you. From the sound of his voice, Dean was begging for you to understand before you could do something you would regret. "God didn't tell you. Metatron was behind all of this. He tricked you into carrying on with the trials."
"No. No, you don't get it. Don't you see? It's all part of the plan. Everything, and I mean everything has led me to this point. You expect me to stop when I'm so close?" You stared at the man with a look of disbelief from what he was asking of you. He didn't get it. You didn't know what you had to say for him to understand like the way you had. "Look at him, Dean, Look at him! Look at how close we are! Other people will die if I don't finish!"
"Think about it. Think about what we know, huh? We never trusted angels before. So why are we starting now?" Dean asked you. You scoffed at his thinking, his close mindedness. But it wasn't just that he was worried about. "All of this isn't a waste. Rememberer what we learned. Pulling souls from hell, curing demons, hell, ganking a hellhound! We have enough knowledge on our side to turn the tide here.”
“You don’t understand. I need  to finish this, Dean.” You were pleading with him now in some kind of attempt to make him understand the words that were coming out of your mouth. But you knew Dean wouldn’t crack without some kind of proof. And you had exactly that. You reached a hand inside your shirt to pull out something the boys hadn’t seen in over four years. The amulet Dean wore every single day. It was a gift Sam had given to him one Christmas. The exact same one you watched Dean throw away after the trail to God went cold and you were told flat out He didn’t care. You kept onto it because you still kept out hope. Like you always did. “I brought it with me to the church that night. I don’t know why. I didn’t think it was going to work. But, guys, it worked. I felt it. And like Cas said—”
“It burns hot in God’s presence.” Dean finished the piece of information he remembered. You found yourself smiling in some kind of relief at what you heard him say, thinking this was his way of finally understanding it all. He learned everything now. Why you had been acting so strange over the past few months, why everything happened to the three of you over this past year. It was for this exact moment. But Dean couldn't view it like you had. All he could do was give you a saddened look from how gullible you were. "Sweetheart, come on. Think about this. It was just a trick. I mean, why would God, after all these years, poke his head out and help you?"
It took all of five seconds for Dean to realize that what he just said was the wrong response. You found yourself staring at him like he just slapped you right across the face. “Why do you do this to me?” You asked him in a quiet, deadly serious tone of voice. You felt your jaw clench as you stared at him with a cold, darkening expression. Dean could see there was more you were trying to hold back for the moment. You exhaled a shaky breath as your eyes began to fill up with tears. He hit a nerve in you. “Why do you always have to make things so...miserable? Like good things can’t happen to us?”
"Come on, Y/N. Don’t twist this around into something that it’s not." Dean tried to defend himself and get out of the corner you were backing him into. But you weren't going to let him brush this off like he did like every other time he said something wrong. "You know that’s not what I meant—"
“No That’s exactly what you meant. Because you always have to turn these things around and make them about yourself. You're so broken inside you think everything has to end in some kind of bloody massacre. I mean, when I told you I was pregnant you walked out on me, Dean. You were set on the idea of leaving me here to raise this kid on my own because you don’t think you were going to be good enough. You thought it was going to end miserably like everything else in your life. But it's not. And I'm trying to tell you, but you won't listen to me!” You weren’t exactly sure what was coming out of your mouth at this point. Maybe it was the delirium setting in. You were just tired. Tired of biting your tongue. Pretending like his past actions against you and the people he called family were just things that didn’t matter once you made up. 
“You’re right, okay? I look at things one sided. I’m a little messed up. And I’m still beating myself up for what I did to you. But...Y/N, I’m listening to you. And I’m trying to tell you this is the wrong move. You can’t do this. I mean, when we ever take the easy way out?” Dean tried to talk you down, make you understand that what you were about to do was a mistake. He even tried to crack a smile in some kind of attempt to ease the tension. It didn’t work. “I know this isn’t what we set on. But for the first time in forever we have a fighting chance against these bastard. We can make sure this kid has a safer than we have ever had. But if you do this, it's not just your life you're throwing away. And I don't want you to do that. I need you. Sammy and I need you.” 
"I believe you." Dean felt the weight on his chest liften just enough for him to inhale a breath at the three words that came out of your mouth. But the conversation kept spiraling downwards. He was losing you more and more. "You need us, Dean. But you don't trust us like you do. You never have. I mean, maybe you trust me a little more than Sam... but even then, you still keep me at arm’s length. Like you need to make sure we do the right thing. You told us that!” 
Dean winced at the hard reality you were forcing him to face. He knew there wasn’t much that he could say to make you feel better. “Y/N, come on. Focus.”
“I am focused. More than I have been in my entire life. For the first time in forever I know what I’m doing is the right thing. Do you know how good that feels? To know that you’re changing the world for the better? Better than anything. Do you want to know the real reason why I went to church that night? What I confessed in there?” You asked the boys, pointing to the confessional where you had been just eight and a half hours ago. Down on your knees, admitting every sin you had committed since you were born. Speaking to someone they thought had abandoned you long ago. It was so many things. Things you thought you would never get the chance to ask receive forgiveness from. You inhaled a deep breath, trying your hardest not to let yourself fall apart. "Do you want to know what my greatest sin was? It was how many times I you guys down. Hell, the whole world. I can't do that. I can't keep carrying around this burden on my shoulders like…every decision I make is the wrong one.” 
You looked away before either one of the boys could try and give you that sympathetic, pathetic puppy dog stare. They didn't understand the burdens you carried around every single day. Not even Sam. "I'm tired of feeling like this. I'm a bad person. I always was. But I'm trying to change that. I swear." You admitted to them, the two people you cared for more than anything in this world. More than your own life. You stared at them with a defeated expression on your face. "I just want to be good. I don't know what else to do."
You knew it was just more than that. It was layers upon layers of fear you had been accumulating over the past six months from what you were about to do. Bringing another life into this world. You carried the fear that this baby's life was going to end the same way. You saw it happen to people you tried to escape. Those who tried to raise their kids to know about all the evil out in the world and fight it. It wasn't good enough. All of it ended the same way. This was the only way of getting everything you ever wanted. If Dean didn’t let you do this, you were going to watch all your hard work crash and burn. 
"All I contribute to life is by ruining things. I kill everyone I love. I killed my parents. I let Bobby die. I let you two down. I mean, look at how the both of you turned out after I left. "Sam abandoned this life for some woman. He let you rot in Purgatory for a whole year. And when you came back you were so messed up. You had no desire to tell us that you befriended a vampire. You both were so screwed up. I thought I was gonna lose the only family I have left.” You whispered out the last part of your sentence, showing them the fear you had carried around for those few shaky months. You could feel hot tears starting to roll down your cheeks as you let out a muffled sob. “I don’t want to go through that again. I don’t want that burden on me. Do you have any idea what that feels to watch you two—”
"Hold on, hold on!" Dean cut you off before you could talk yourself down even farther and dig yourself into a pit you would never be able to get yourself out of. You were always the one who told him that he was worthy of happiness. You always made Sam feel like he was a good person. You tried your hardest to look for the good in people. It broke Dean's heart to see that you couldn't see the good in yourself. "You seriously think that? Because none of it—none of it—is true. We need you in our lives because of what we did when you were gone. The only reason why we're still together is because of you. It was you who kick us in the ass and told us what was important. You have constantly told us what family means. Hell, you're the glue that keeps us from falling apart."
Dean hoped there was some kind of chance his words might have some kind of effect on you and snap you out of this desperate mindset before it was too late. But you kept staring at him with this look in your eye, the fear he couldn’t take away that you had since you were a little girl. This curse you thought you had of hurting people.  You thought the worst was going to happen to your child. You could hear what Dean was saying, but from the look on your face, none of it was sinking in. Dean wasn’t going to give up. Because you never did on him. 
“I killed Benny to save you. Sam left Amelia to be with you. And I’m willing to let this bastard and all the sons of bitches that killed my mom and your parents walk because of you. Because you’re not a monster. You never were.” Dean confessed his true feelings. He was laying it all out on the table for you to understand how he really felt about you. How much pain you would leave behind if you finished these trials. "I never cared what or who you were. I never looked at you any different when I found out those things about you. Because when I look at you...all I see is the woman I love. The woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. And most importantly, the mother of my child.”
Dean would do anything to make you see the way he did. He would say anything to snap you out of this way of thinking. Something in him died when you left him last year. He never wanted to feel like that again. Because, if he knew anything, you and him were meant to be together. He wasn't going to let anything stand in his way. Especially not when the both of you created something together. A new life. “I don’t give a rat’s ass if this kid comes out with three arms and six eyes. It’s ours, Y/N. I will love them as much as I love you and Sammy. I need you to see that. I’m begging you. But if you do this...you’re not going to be reborn. Nothing good is coming to come of this. You're going to die, Y/N. And the baby will too." 
You felt the words hit you like a freight train, the reality you had been ignoring for months had hit you after trying to deny it for so long. You stared straight into Dean’s eyes to see that he wasn’t lying. He was pleading with you to understand the damage you were putting on your body. And the little creature growing inside of you, depending on you to keep them safe. You felt a terrified sob escape your throat as you dropped the knife to the ground before you could make a grave mistake. It was in that moment you realize what you were doing. What you were nearly about to inflict on your child. 
“You will be a good mother, Y/N. And you are a good person." Dean reassured you for the last time. "But you need to give yourself the chance to prove it to yourself."
You were ready to do that. You knew out of anything in this world the one person you could trust was the boys. The three of you fought a little too much. You disagreed on things. And maybe you told your fair share of lies. But when it came down to it, push comes to shove, they would never make something about serious about this. Dean wouldn’t let you hurt yourself. Part of you knew he was telling you the truth. If you didn’t listen to him something bad was going to happen. It always did. "How do I stop?"
"Just let it go, sweetheart." Dean made it sound so easy. He had no idea what kind of things you had been putting your body through over the past several hours. How these trials had been messing with your head for months now.
“I can’t. It's in me, Dean. You don’t know what this feels like.” You whispered. You felt yourself beginning to panic at what damage you might have inflicted on the baby as you felt more tears roll down your cheeks. “I’m sorry. I-I should’ve known.” 
“Hey, listen, we will figure it out, okay, just like we always do. Right, Sammy?” Dean felt himself starting to feel the boulder on his chest finally start to shift off, just enough to let him breathe a little easier. You willingly outstretched your palm to let him wrap a clean bandana around your palm to clot the wound for now. He didn’t care what he had to do in order to make you all right again. All he cared about this entire time was for your safety. You stood there looking scared from what you were about to do, your body shaking to your very core. Dean pulled you into a tight hug, wanting to reassure you that everything was going to be okay. “Come on. Let it go, okay? Let it go, sweetheart.” 
And you did just that. You melted into the embrace of Dean’s arms wrapped around your body, pressing you close to him as you rested your head against his chest. It was a small reminder about it how he made you feel safe. And loved. You shut your eyes and let go of all the things you had been holding onto. The guilt of feeling as if these trials were your burden to solve. Your existence wasn’t a mistake. You weren’t a monster. Most important of all you weren’t going to turn into your mother. You were your own person. You had accomplished so much over these past several years. If you were anything, you were a fighter. And your child would be as well. 
They were going to grow up happy and safe. You were going to make sure of that. Because that’s all a parent could hope for their child to be. It’s what John and Mary, your parents, even Bobby fought for. It was for you and the boys to be happy.
You slowly opened your eyes when you noticed the pain in your body was starting to slowly disappear. You looked at your arms that were wrapped around Dean's body to see the glow that had appeared was slowly starting to fade.You pulled back to see Dean’s advice was doing the trick. He softly grabbed a hold of your wrists and watched as your skin began to slowly go back to normal. As if it never happened in the first place. You found yourself letting out a sigh of relief. You slowly looked over at each of the boys, a smile began forming at the ends of your lips. This was the moment you had been waiting for. It wasn’t what you expected, but it was one that fit your lifestyle. The one that you deserved. 
You could feel yourself starting to calm down as your body began to stop shaking like a leaf. You looked over at Sam when you realized the poor man had been through the ringer himself. He was witness to all of this. Seeing you carry on the trials, watching over you to make sure you were all right. He had no idea he might have let you die. You reached out to grab his hand to comfort him, but before you could, you felt something hit you out of nowhere. 
You felt a loud groan of pain escape your mouth at the unexpected sharp pain hit you out of nowhere. You felt your knees buckle underneath you, forcing you to stumble your way to the ground. You managed to land on your hands and knees before you fell on your face. You bit your bottom lip at the agonizing pain you had felt before in your lower back side had grown increasingly worse. It felt like someone was stabbing you. You dug your nails into the wood as you pushed away Sam who tried to help you up. You felt yourself letting out a cry of pain from another wave of pain. You shut your eyes as you tried to battle through it all. For a moment you had no clue what was going on. Until you felt it. A warm and wet sensation spreading across your jeans. Almost like you had accidentally wet yourself. 
"Y/N? Y/N?!" You could hear Dean calling out your name in a frantic tone as he dropped down to his knees from what he just saw You couldn't move from how bad the pain was. "Talk to me, sweetheart. Come on. What's wrong?"
"It hurts." You whimpered out. You could feel more tears brimming in your eyes as you felt the wetness in your jeans grow worse. You shut your eyes as you tried to battle through it all. For a moment you had no clue what was going on. Until you saw it. That small little stain, it stuck out like a sore thumb. You hoped, prayed, begged for anyone out there that it wasn’t what you thought it was. But in the back of your mind you knew. It was blood. You felt yourself whisper six words you thought you still had three more months left before you had to say them. “I think my water just broke.” 
The brothers felt heart stop altogether when he heard you speak those words. In that moment it seemed like time stopped. Dean froze in his spot as he tried to understand what you just said. It wasn't possible. It couldn't be. He was expecting those words to come when you were too round to fit into any more into the clothes you were going to buy in the upcoming months. When you had grown ansty see the person you had been creating. It was supposed to be three months from now, probably in the middle of the night when the both of you were trying to sleep in your own bed. Comfortable, safe. Not here. On this church floor.  You still had three months to go. You were far away from reaching this point. 
You let out another groan of pain when another pain hit you out of nowhere, more intense this time. You reached out and grabbed ahold of Dean's hand, squeezing it so hard you thought you were going to break his bones. You broke him out of his concentration, reminding him of the fact that you might be having his child right now. 
Dean handled stressful situations like this with almost a little too creepy of calmness. He knew Sam had the keys to the Impala, he would be in charge of driving. Screw the king of hell. Crowley wasn't going anywhere. Dean softly shushed you when he scooped you up into his arms so he could carry you. Sam bolted out first like a bat out of hell, his brother following behind as he tried to move quick as he could, without putting you into pain than you already were.
“I got you, sweetheart. You’re gonna be just fine.” Dean reassured you. He was ready to say just about anything to make sure you were all right. You managed to make to the church and the Impala before you felt the pain was too much to handle anymore. You felt yourself slipping out from Dean's embrace and sank down to the muddy ground. You wrapped your arms around your stomach as you sat there, writhing in pain. "Y/N? Y/N?!"
You were too engrossed into the pain to hear Dean’s desperate shouting to try and make you focus. He didn’t know what the hell was going on. But he knew it was more. He found himself calling out Cas’ name, the angel who had left him to fix heaven. If only he knew the person he trusted was about to stab him in the back. The angel’s name fell on deaf ears. Because what all of you witnessed was the other shoe dropping. The next worst possible thing that could happen tonight just did. 
You opened your eyes when you heard something in the near distance fall into the lake with a loud splash. You noticed both of the brothers were looking up to the night sky. You slowly glanced up for yourself, catching a glimpse of a sight you had never seen before. It looked like the entire sky lit up with shooting stars. While it might have appeared breathtaking, it wasn’t. It was the sight of something Cas was supposed to stop. Dean felt overwhelmed when he realized what was going on. What Naomi had warned them about.
“Dean, what’s going on?” Sam asked his brother. “What’s happening?”
“Angels.” His older brother whispered. “They’re falling.” 
This wasn’t happening. It couldn’t be. You never felt so confused and scared in your entire life until this very moment. You felt yourself unable to hold back a scream when the pain hit you more intense, and the reality of the situation was hitting you. You reached out to grab both of the brothers' hands and squeezed them hard as you could. You did that for long as your body would let you. Until you couldn’t hold on anymore.
Rewrite Taglist:
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His Angel (Sam X Reader Imagine Story) REQUESTED
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AUTHOR NOTE: This story was requested by one of my Instagram follows, ( __aury__05__ ). The story idea is this. I take no credit for it, I just wrote it for them. This story takes place in sorta AU season 5 timeline. So that I could get it the story to work out right. Help you like it!
Summary (story idea): Y/N was made by god, she was a weapon. So if something went wrong she was there to help. But when Lucifer opposes the humans he made her forget everything and have a normal life on earth. That’s until she meets the Winchesters in a bar. What happens when she developed feelings for the younger Winchester. (Sam is adorable)
You were the only female archangel made by God, and you were a force to be reckoned with. In much of the lore, you are known as God’s weapon. You were the one in charge of training all the warrior angels. When you weren’t training the angels, you were always spending time with your older brother Lucifer. You admired your older brother. He was the angel of light and he was truly beautiful, but things changed after you and your brothers helped lock your Aunt Amara away.
You were angry with your father for giving your brother the mark, every being in Heaven knew the mark changed who wore it into something darker. Lucifer’s light darkened, but he seemed to still be the big brother you loved. Then your father created what he called the world. At first, you and your big brother would sneak down and just look around amazed at everything your father placed in the world. Plants and animals. You would listen intently as Lucifer talked with such love about the different types of plants and creatures.
Then that darkest day in Heaven came. You father had created creatures he called humans. At first, you were excited to see how your brother would talk about these new creatures, but his reaction to them was not the same as it was with other things your father created.
When your father told you and all the other angels you had to bow down before these humans and love them more than him, Lucifer refused. He told his father these new creatures were murderous. You father made your other big brother Micheal cast Lucifer away, but not before you went to him. You couldn’t imagine being in Heaven without being by your big brother’s side. Lucifer hugged you and told you he would fix it so it didn’t hurt you so much.
Your eyes flew open. You had that bizarre dream again. How many people dream of being an angel, and being close with the devil himself. It was an odd dream, but you’ve become use to it. You crawl out of bed, do your usual morning routine, and threw on a hoodie, jeans, and sneakers. You didn’t do much, but lay around your apartment, around seven you decided to head to the local bar. You climb onto one of the stools and order a beer. You had been there maybe about half an hour when someone sat beside you. “Hello,” a gentle, but strong voice said. You look over to see what had to be the cutest guy you had ever seen. His short brown hair curled on his forehead, bringing out his hazel-gray eyes. His smile was enough to take your breath away.
“Um, hi,” you greeted back suddenly feeling a little shy.
“My name’s Sam,” he introduced, “and I’m so so sorry to bother you, but my brother threatened to drag me over here if I didn’t come and say hello myself,”.
“Why would he do that?” you asked looking at Sam. Noticing the light shade of pink on his cheeks.
“Well since the moment you walked in I noticed how pretty you are and I couldn’t help but keep glancing at you,”. You smiled holding out your hand.
“I’m Y/N,” you said as he shook your hand.
“That’s a pretty name, Y/N,” he said slowly, “sounds like an angel’s name,” you blushed. You soon found yourself falling into easy conversation with Sam, and by the time the night ended you had given him your number.
You and Sam had been dating for four years. It hasn’t always been easy. He let this demon named Ruby make him think she was on his side, but all she really did was get him hooked on demon blood and trick him into killing a demon named Lilith and freeing the devil himself from his cage. You and the brothers now found yourselves in Carthage, Missouri being ushered into a house where Lucifer waited. You were being dragged to the room by a demon as you could hear Sam and someone else talking.
“Found her outside,” the demon said pushing you in the room. Lucifer got a strange look on his face.
“Y/N?” he said looking like he didn’t understand something, “is it really you?”. You just stood there confused. Why was he acting like you knew each other? He snapped his fingers and you two were somewhere different alone. You started to panic and backed away.
“Please just leave me alone,” you said.
“Y/N, please,” he said, “I would never hurt you, little sister,”.
“Sister?” you asked confused still freaked out.
“Y/N do you not remember?” he asked.
“Remember what?” you found yourself backed up against a wall as Lucifer walked over to you.
“Please little sister,” he said in such a soft tone you almost didn’t hear him, “don’t be afraid,”. He touched his hand to your forehead and suddenly everything rushed back. Everything from your true life as an angel. When he let go you opened your eyes. Tears started to form.
“Lucifer?” you said, “brother?”. He hugged you close and your tears fell.
“It’s ok little sister,” he said petting your hair, “please don’t cry,”.
“I know you have to do this Lucifer,” you said, “but I can’t help you. I’m,”
“In love with Sam Winchester,” he finished.
“I’m so sorry big brother,” you sniffled, “but I will always love you,”.
“Father should be punished for all this,” he stated, “everything will work in his way I’m sure,”. Your brother pulled away enough to look at you, “your happiness means so much to me Y/N,” he kissed your forehead. He snapped his fingers and you and the boys were back in your motel room. Sam rushed to you.
“Are you ok Y/N?” he asked. You looked at him as fresh tears spilled from your eyes. He pulled you close and softly rubbed your back.
“Did he hurt you?” Sam asked.
“He would never hurt me,” you said, “he’s my big brother,”. That caused both brothers eyes to widen as Castiel zapped in.
“Y/N,” he said shock in his voice, “you’re an archangel?”. You explained everything to them.
“No wonder I never knew, “ Castiel said, “she was cloaked,”.
“I’ll leave now,” you got up heading for the door when Sam gently grabbed your hand.
“Why are you leaving?” Sam asked.
“Archangel’s are monsters to you right?” you asked.
“Y/N, you are not a monster,” he said pulling you into a hug.
“I'm not?” you asked looking up at him.
“No, you’re an angel,” He said caressing you’re cheek, “you’re my angel,”. You smiled as he pulled you tighter to him and kissed the top of you’re head.
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The Beginning (Prologue)
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A/N: I decided to write a fanfiction about an Archangel. There aren’t many fanfictions with angels and I’m sorry it isn't an x reader. Also, I am sorry if my writing isn't the best and that some characters seem OOC. I try, I try
Chapter Summary: Ariel is created and  Lucifer falls.
Character(s): Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, Castiel, Gadreel, Ariel
Warnings: Third Person POV, Angst, fluff if you squint hard enough.
Word count: 2,521
“Boys, Come to my throne room, I have an important announcement,” God commanded, his voice booming all throughout heaven and the universe.
Lucifer and Gabriel glanced at one another, unsure of what could be so important at this exact moment. Lucifer and Gabriel stood up from their seats in the lounge room, walking past the observation room. The observation room allowed the Archangels as well as God to watch black holes and galaxies. It was deemed “Michael’s thinking space.” In his opinion, it was quiet, undisturbed and all of the colors were extraordinary. Michael stayed seated, watching a comet tear through a cloudburst of gas.
“Hey bro, let’s go. Y’know how he gets when we are late.” Lucifer nudged his brother, pulling him back into reality. Gabriel offered his older brothers a soft smile, before flying to his father’s throne room. Gabriel’s true form was as bright as the sun, his wings golden. He stood proudly in his designated spot, wings unfurled.
“Hello, Gabriel.”
“Hello, Father.”
One by One all of the boys were standing in front of their creator, wings unfurled. God’s white light overshone the boys’, creating a soft blue glow of ambiance. “Hello, Lucifer.” He greeted his favorite with a smile before turning to the others. “Michael, Raphael.” He nodded as he said their names.
“What is wrong father?” Michael asked, genuinely concerned.
A burst of red light flashed through God’s throne room, casting an eerie glow. It hovered in front of his throne before another burst of light came, wings unfurling revealing three sets of big beautiful red wings.
The boys all stared in confusion. Did he seriously create another archangel? Was four not enough? Maybe he wanted something different. Michael’s brows furrowed as he stared into the light but soon his face relaxed as his eyes were met with cold blue ones. Michael white-knuckled his lance, unsure of how he felt about a female archangel. Things would certainly change and he didn’t know if it was for the better or worse.
“Say hello to the Archangel Ariel. She will be your sister. Treat her with respect.” God commanded, and with that, he left to work on his new ‘Project’.
The four stared at the new addition, all wary of her true form. She was small but powerful for certain but soft in her own way. What should they even say? ‘Hey welcome to the family? He’s never around’ No that was stupid. ‘Hey come here often?’ No that was dumb. The tension in the air grew thick before finally, Lucifer cut it.
“Hello, Ariel. Your wings are… uhh, beautiful I am-” Lucifer spoke slowly, his older brother interrupting him. “I am Michael,” He puffed his chest, flapping his strong, white wings while flashing her his grace charged irises. Lucifer rolled his eyes and stepped down from his pedestal, walking slowly toward his new sibling.
“Ignore his flexing, I am Lucifer...” He bowed as he spoke, his wings draping at his sides, mimicking his motions. “He likes to show off. ” He whispered shouted, purposely wanting Michael to hear.
The other boys stayed put on their pedestals, watching their second eldest brother interact with their youngest sibling. They were intrigued but not enough to move, in fear of how she might react to all of them bombarding her with introductions. They let Lucifer take the lead.
“That’s Raphael, He keeps to himself but overall will warm up to you. Don't worry.” He gestured toward the figure with dark gray wings.
“And… that’s Gabriel. He likes to joke around so watch your wings!” Lucifer snickered, casting Michael a side-eye as he remembered the time Gabriel made Michael’s wings purple. He adjusted himself, giving his pale pink wings one good flap before turning to face all his male siblings.
“Michael will show you around, Father needs me,” Lucifer spoke with a deep tone, one with uncertainty. He disappeared with the sound of flapping wings.
“Michael…” She spoke softly, his name rolling off her tongue. The sound of her voice was intoxicating, it reminded Michael of stars being born, the beauty in supernovas. He gazed intently with furrowed brows, anticipating her next words.
The female brought her hand to her chest, “Ariel…” She said with a breathy tone, uncertainty in her tone. She seemed confused, flustered and overwhelmed. She glanced behind her watching as she stretched her red and white wings, flexing. Ariel closed her eyes, blinking hard before opening them again. Her soft, pink, grace charged irises burrowing deep into Michael’s skull.
Several billion years later, Ariel laid in the garden, watching as the clouds passed by. ‘Ariel’ A gruff voice echoed in her head, someone must be praying. ‘Ariel, come home.’ His words were spoken with urgency, meaning something horrible was happening. “Castiel…” She prayed, acknowledging his prayer whilst bringing herself to her feet.
Ariel avoided heaven as much as she could, trying to avoid her brothers arguing, the hate and jealousy, it was too much for her. When she could, she came to earth tending to the dying trees and flowers, watching the animals that were until she was needed.
When Castiel was created, her view changed. He was more awkward than other angels but was tough when needed to be. He was feared, respected, a soldier but he also held a tiny bit of compassion in him. When life first came into being, the gray fish heaving itself up on the beach, she stood next to him, him occasionally glancing at her
with a warm smile.
With a strong flap of her wings, she appeared next to her younger brother, observing what has unraveled in front of them. All of the angels stood in rows, by rank. The Archangels, Seraphim then soldier angels and so on. Ariel took her place beside her three brothers, specifically next to Lucifer. Her wings twitched as she watched Michael take ahold of Gadreel, the gatekeeper of The Garden.
“Gadreel?” Ariel spoke with soft tenderness, concern laced in her voice. “Brother, why are you arresting him? What has he done? Nothing. Let him be.” She snapped at her eldest brother, cutting in front of him. She glanced at Gadreel with weary eyes, trying to read his eyes but they were full of guilt.
Ariel slowly stepped back as she saw the wrath in Michael’s eyes, bringing her hand to her chest. Of course, she was furious also, but Michael was older, stronger.
“Step aside, little one.” Michael sneered, trying his best to not knock her aside as he rushed past her with a weakened Gadreel.
Gadreel kept his eyes on the ground as he couldn’t look at her, the Guardian Angel of Nature in the eyes. He shouldn’t have trusted Lucifer, not after the last fight Lucifer and Michael had, but his words were so convincing.
Michael made his way in front of God’s throne, awaiting his orders.
“Gadreel,” God spoke, his voice boomed all throughout heaven, fear arising in all of the angels.
“You have failed your duties in Guarding the Garden of Eden. You defied my direct orders in not only letting one Archangel sneak in but two! One of the two Angels have not harmed my creation but the other… I have no choice but to imprison you for the rest of eternity for your…mistake as you’d like to call it.” God spoke with hate laced in his voice, it wasn’t at all subtle.
Michael grabbed Gadreel by his throat before dragging him off to prison. But that was just the beginning of everything. All the Angels stood before their creator, shaken to their core at his wrath.
Ariel looked at the scene before her with wide eyes, her wings close to her back. She knew what was next, she had to face punishment.
Michael returned, standing next to the Creator’s throne with his lance in hand. He gripped the wood tight, his eyes fixed on his little sister and younger brother.
“Ariel, Lucifer!” God shouted, causing Ariel to flinch at her name. She glanced up at her older brother, fear painting her face. Lucifer slightly glanced at his little sister, watching her freeze with fear. It wasn’t like Ariel to freeze, she was a fearsome warrior, a vengeful guardian angel that could smite anyone with a thought. Lucifer felt sorry for her, she wasn’t the one in trouble, he was.
His fingers softly brushed against hers, gaining her attention. Ariel quickly intertwined their fingers, tightly holding onto her elder brother. Together, they walked forward and stood before the Lord.
“Ariel, do not touch him. I will not allow him to corrupt anything else.” God glared at their hands. His once most favorited son is now his most despised. “NOW.” He commanded and with a wave of his hand, he sent Lucifer crashing to the ground.
“How dare you? How dare you stand before me, holding hands with your sister as if you hold any compassion? You were to love my creation…” God stared at the floor, troubled.
“Ariel, next time I command, listen. Come stand next to Michael and your brothers.” He spoke.
Lucifer pleaded, looking up at his father with wide eyes, “"Father, I can't. These human beings are flawed. Murderous!" he bellowed, looking over to his sister for assistance. “Ariel, Little one, Join me, please. Tell father how flawed they are, they murder, rape, pillage. They do not deserve such love!” He gripped Ariel’s satin dress, preventing her from leaving his side.
Michael took a step forward with his hand out before he stopped himself from continuing any further. He furrowed his eyebrows, guilt written on his face. His wings were tight against his back as he heard his brother plead. What Lucifer said was true, but father’s rules came before everything else...even family.
“Micah! Tell him, Join me! Stand by my side. Brother!” Lucifer shouted, pulling him out of his shaken state. Michael’s eyes met his little brother’s. He didn’t want to watch any further, he couldn’t. He closed his eyes, blinking hard before opening them again.
Gabriel stood beside Raphael, his eyes filled with sadness. A brother he once loved now corrupted. He closed his eyes as he couldn’t watch any longer. Raphael stood on the left side of the throne, face stoic.
“Enough!” God shouted, waving his hand once more, sending his son flying towards the opposite end of the room. He snapped his fingers, Ariel appearing beside Michael and before anything else could happen she took Michael’s hand in hers.
“You rebel against me, grow jealous of my creation. You leave me no choice, Lucifer. You will be cast out of heaven.” God commanded, standing up from his throne and making his way towards the center of the mass room. He snapped his fingers a swirling hole appearing in the white tile, growing in size.
Gusts of wind blew past Ariel’s face, sending her dress flapping in the wind. She furrowed her brows, tears forming in her eyes.
“Luci…” She prayed silently, pleading for him to listen. “Luci, I love you…” She closed her eyes as she prayed, gripping Michael’s hand tighter.
Lucifer looked up to see her holding hands with Michael but praying to him. A smile crept across his face as he heard her say I love you. He stood proudly, knowing what was bound to happen now. He kept the smile on his face as he walked toward his father, proud to show the other Angels the man they are worshipping. Someone who would cast out their own son because he couldn’t worship and serve puny hairless apes.
“Let this be an example of what could happen to you…” God spoke slowly as he made his way to his throne. “Michael, cast him out.” He commanded.
Ariel’s eyes shot open at his words. “No…” She whispered but it was loud enough for everyone to hear. “Not Michael…that is not right, Father please be reasonable-” Her words were cut off, her voice gone. She looked up at her father, his hand in a fist.
Silently, Michael prayed to her, ‘It will be alright.’ He let go of her hand, making his way to his fallen brother. Michael with his lance swirled it in his hands before aiming it at his young brother. He lunged at Lucifer, not to hurt him but to put fear into him and so he did.
Lucifer slowly walked around his brother, making his way to the giant whirlpool of darkness. “Remember me..” He muttered, looking at Ariel then at his father. He sneered as he turned to face his ‘brother’.
Michael raised his hand, the sky opening up to reveal a bright, white light. “I, Archangel Michael, on behalf of the Lord...cast the Archangel Lucifer out of heaven!” He immediately brought his hand down, smiting his brother and sending him careening down the hole.
“Lucifer has fallen!” He bellowed, his voice cracking as he said his brother’s name.
After Lucifer’s fall, things changed.
Soon after Lucifer’s fall, horrible things followed. The corruption of man.
She stood with Castiel when the Tower of Babel fell, Cain & Abel, Sodom, and Gomorrah, Demons, Lilith, Knights of Hell. God had no choice but to create The Cage with over 600 seals.
Millions of years later, Gabriel had disappeared, he went to earth one day and then vanished. That left Ariel alone with a now hardened Michael and a power-driven Raphael.
Then after Gabriel, God left. He claimed that heaven had the three of them to command the host, that they didn’t need him. He was wrong.
There was a prophecy written eons ago. A tale of two boys, two vessels who would start the apocalypse and bring on the end of God’s creation. Most angels were trying to prevent the end, but others like the Seraphim Zachariah, they wanted the world to end. Ariel would be sent down to hell, along with Castiel to save Dean Winchester and stop the apocalypse.
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rebelminxy · 4 years
Too Bright to See, Too Loud to Hear (Chapter 5)
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Pairing: Sam Winchester x Dina (OFC)
Word Count: 4765
Rating: Teen
Warnings: A death happens, angst,
Square Filled: Ishim
A/N: This series is meant for my squares for @heavenandhellbingo​. I have been putting my all into it and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have been writing it. Please like, repost and comment on anything you would like to say about it and seriously hope you have a great time reading this. Ratings will depend on what is in each chapter so please read the warnings before continuing. Images are not mine, they were found on Google and Pinterest.
Series Masterlist
Bingo Masterlist
“How many more dead?” Castiel asked Inias.
“By the reports, three more garrisons have gone down while dealing with Lucifer and his army.”
Castiel flips the table he was sitting at, the anger rising through him.
“What is father waiting for?!”
“We don’t know, he just continues to send in, one garrison after another. The angels are now questioning his motives.”
“It’s not just the angels,” Dean interrupted as he entered the room with Sam. “Our men are questioning my father’s motives as to making us wait to fight back. We’ve gotten reports of many villages and towns being overrun because he isn’t sending enough defense out to protect.”
“Both our fathers are making things difficult,” Castiel replied. “Any of this coming to the ears of my sister?”
“No, Dumah is keeping her busy enough with the whole pregnancy issues.”
“Why is it their main priority to have my sister carry your child when we have angels and humans dying?”
“Don’t know, but we need to find out soon, because, at this point, Lucifer will gain the upper hand on us,” Dean answered.
“I will call upon a fellow friend named Ishim, who is currently here on Earth dealing with a hoard of demons just south from here. If he can get away, maybe we will get the information we need.”
“Why can’t you go to him?” Dean asked.
“I was commanded to stay by my sister’s side at all times by our brothers and I will not break that command.”
“Alright then, so how will you get to this friend of yours?”
“I will send Inias to retrieve him.”
“Then I will go with him,” Dean stated, crossing his arms over his chest.
“No, we need you here in case an attack happens,” Sam insisted.
“Inias can’t go by himself and the rest of the garrison can’t go with him since we will need as many angels here in case we do get attacked.”
“Then send some of your men, your best men to accompany me,” Inias interjected. “It is only a week's ride there and back. With four of your men, we should be able to reach him and bring him back safely.”
“Then it’s settled. Four of my men will go with you and best try to make that less than a week. We need you all here safe and sound.”
Inias nodded to Dean, bowing as the brothers left the room. Sam walked beside Dean, his mind circling over the one question everyone has really been asking.
“They have plans with that baby, Sam,” Dean spoke out loud. “I don’t know what but with how adamant they are about you two having a child, it’s just too suspicious.”
“You don’t think that maybe the mix of an angel and a human can make something powerful?” Sam asked, stopping in his tracks.
“I mean…” Dean began but paused as he thought about it.
“A child that is conceived by a human and angel is called a Nephilim,” Castiel interrupted from behind them. “And yes that would be a powerful child, but my sister is no mere angel. As an archangel, her powers expand more than a normal angel. So yes, your child would be a very powerful being.”
“And you think they have plans with that child?”
“I don’t want to even think my father would use my sister in such a way, but then it wouldn’t surprise me either. So yes.”
“But why didn’t she just marry our father? Sadly, our father would have already had his way with her on her first night here,” Dean said, his forehead wrinkled with worry.
“But the child would have no chance to the throne unless Sam here gave up his rights as well or died. Our father insisted on Sam to be Dina’s husband because then the child would have direct rights to the throne.”
“But if your father influences the child once it’s older…” Sam began.
“He would wait until you were all buried and dead. I didn’t think of it before until you both told me how pushy Dumah was about my sister begin with child. But this might be a power play on my father’s behalf. That child would outlive you both and then my father can manipulate his way to control of the Earth, with his own grandson on the throne.”
Sam and Dean looked at each other with worry.
“So either Lucifer takes control or your father does, either way, humanity is screwed,” Dean exclaimed.
“I am sorry, but I must agree with you. But, the good news is, Dina wouldn’t allow such a thing to happen. She knows our father and has always been the silent viewer in the corner, so she would never allow him to manipulate her child.”
“Are you positive she would fight tooth and nail for our child to never fall into King Chuck’s hands?” Sam asked.
“I am positive,” Castiel affirmed. “My sister would rather give up her chance to have a child rather than let it be manipulated by our father.”
“Maybe that should become a choice if all this means what we think it is,” Dean muttered his eyes on Sam.
Sam stood there, his mind flying through everything they spoke about. He always wanted children, at least one boy, and one girl. But now, if their fathers were doing what they were thinking, then his child could become more of a threat than a blessing. Sam swallowed his worry, knowing that he had to have a cold mind for what he was thinking of doing.
“You two make sure you get that Ishiml friend of yours here, alive. We need to find out what exactly is going on here. I will handle Dina.”
“You cannot tell my sister she is being used by our father! It will break her heart even more if she finds out she is a pawn in all this!”
“I won’t tell her the exact details, but I will try to put a thought in her head that maybe she needs to question Dumah why all the pressure. She will eventually have to know the truth, maybe it would be best if we get her to doubt all this.”
“Why do you want her to have any doubt?” Castiel pressured.
“Because one night, she told me that she had hope that your father would find a way to forgive Lucifer and that then we would have peace,” Sam clarified, looking between Dean and Castiel. “She truly believes your father has good intentions for this alliance when by the looks of it, he doesn’t. We need her to question things so she can see the truth with her own eyes.”
Castiel’s brow furrowed with worry, Sam knowing what the angel was thinking.
“ I know it will hurt her, to know the brother and father she loves are one in the same, seeking power. But if she realizes the truth, then maybe then we can keep her safe and make sure she isn’t a pawn anymore.��
“You’re right,” Castiel agreed. “I don’t want to hurt my sister, but if this is the only way for her to remove her blinds, then maybe we have no other choice.”
“So, you two focus on our man, and I will deal with Dina. Maybe once she questions things, she can find a way to get rid of Dumah once and for all.”
The brothers and Castiel agreed on it and went their separate ways. Dean and Castiel went on to find the four men that would accompany Inias while Sam went in search of Dina, hoping Dumah wasn’t nearby.
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Sam finally found Dina in his room, sitting on his bed while reading a book. She looked up at him and jumped up, holding the book to her chest.
“Sorry, umm, Dumah was wanting to do some magical treatment and I just…”
“It’s alright. You know you are welcomed here anytime.”
Dina smiled at Sam, her eyes glowing a bit as she flipped the book back open. Sam walked over to her and cleared his throat, catching her attention again.
“Is everything alright, Sam?” she asked, her almond-shaped eyes wide with curiosity.
“Everything is fine,” he replied, sitting next to her on the bed. “I just wanted to ask you if Dumah has given you a reason as to why our fathers are pushing for us to have a child already?”
“She won’t say, chalks it up to the whole consummating the marriage and it would be a grand benefit.”
“Oh, well,” Sam said as he cleared his throat. “Maybe you should ask her exactly why they are pushing for a child. I mean, my father isn’t going to die anytime soon and even when I take the throne, we would still have time to…”
“I know you think my father is trying to use us to gain control over Earth.”
Sam coughed in shock at her bluntness, wondering if Dumah’s unemotional attitude was rubbing off her. Sam looked at Dina as she closed the book and placed it on her lap. She looked up at him and gave him a weak smile.
“You should really keep your private conversations in private and not so close to the library where I spend most of my time in.”
Sam wanted to slap himself for not realizing where they held that conversation. 
“I’m sorry, Dina. But you must understand…”
“I understand, Sam. And I won’t argue with you.”
He glanced at her in confusion, wondering why she wasn’t arguing back.
“I’m not surprised my father would use me in such a way. He never really cared for me, created me only for entertainment purposes after my Aunt, the Darkness disappeared. I’ve told you, he would lock me away whenever he didn’t want to deal with me, was against my taking a body. My brothers had to defend me many times whenever he got angry and wanted to take it out on someone.”
“But he never…” Sam began, hoping for a no.
“Thankfully no, he never did hurt me, not psychically anyways. And, I grew a wall when it came to his hurtful words.”
“But, you are always so positive and hopeful, what changed?”
“Well, the talk you had. I realized that no matter what I hoped for, it won’t happen with a father like mine. So, I assumed your conversation was to get me to agree not to have a child?”
“I...yes.” Sam sighed in defeat.
“What if,” she continued. “We paid someone, human, of course, to carry our child? Obviously, the child wouldn’t be mine, but I would still love it as if my blood was coursing through its veins.”
“You would be willing to let me be with another woman so she may have a child of mine?”
“I mean, you want a child, and I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have one. Seeing Rachael with Joseph and how happy she was during her time with Benjamin in her womb, it did make me curious. But, it’s either I risk having one to then find my father manipulating them for his benefit OR we find someone else to carry out the deed for us and we welcome the baby with open arms.
Sam sighed, wishing this wasn’t an actual conversation.
“We agreed to be friends until our marriage ended, so as your friend and wife, I am saying that I would be alright for you to lay with another woman, place a child in her to then let us raise it, together.”
Sam watched as the glow in her eyes from earlier fade away as she smiled up at him. He knew she was not ok with the idea, the furrow of her brow and the slight tremble in her hand gave it away. But she also understood the situation and was willing to sacrifice her chance of becoming a mother for his sake. Have him birth a child not with her, to then have her raise it as its mother. It was asking a lot from her, but it seemed she was willing to go with it.
Sam couldn’t help it when he pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly.
“We will think about it when the time comes. But can we agree that right now, a child would not be a good idea?” he asked gently.
Dina nodded her head against his chest, never moving away from his arms. Sam didn’t want to let her go, because right now she had many thoughts rolling in her head. And at that moment, she really needed her friend.
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Two weeks had gone by since Inias and the men left to get Ishim. Sam, Dean, and Castiel were nervous at how a supposedly one week most trip took longer than planned. Dina was extremely nervous about her friend, sometimes thinking about the worst possible ideas. Sam did his best to keep her calm, distracting her with trips to the library, telling her stories of his time with Jessica and even before she came into his life. He told her about his mother, who died when he was just fifteen.
“She was pregnant with her third child, a baby girl or boy. But during one of her riding outings, the horse went frantic and threw her off, hurting her and killing the baby. It drove her into deep despair, losing the baby. She locked herself away, not even wanting to see our father.”
Sam looked up to the sky, the memory of his father begging for entrance at Mary’s door as he sat in the gardens with Dina. They had gone outside for a shared lunch, Dina growing frantic when her brother told her Inias still hadn’t arrived.
“Hard to believe but our father loved our mother dearly. He would have died for her if given the chance. I guess losing her made him turn cold.”
“What happened once she locked herself away? I mean, she had you and Dean.”
“She forgot about us really. Her sadness made her focus on just the child she lost. In her fit, she stopped eating and stayed in her room, slowly dying from malnutrition. Her ladies in waiting tried to get her to eat, but they never could convince her otherwise.”
“I’m so sorry, Sam.”
“Don’t be. She is long gone and yes, we do miss her, but at least she is at peace. Maybe one day if you ever go back, you can look for her and see what a wonderful woman she was.”
“I can imagine so, having two wonderful sons like you and Dean.”
Sam looked over at Dina as she buttered a piece of bread. He couldn’t help but notice how her dark hair shined in the sun, the blue strands more prominent. He watched as the soft breeze blew through her hair, revealing her beauty, her purple eyes glowing. She looked up at him and smiled, handing him a piece of buttered bread. He took it and smiled back at her, enjoying her company greatly.
Sam looked up to see some guards running along the wall that surrounded the castle, heading to the front.
“We need to get you inside now,” Sam pushed as he grabbed Dina by the hand, tugging her behind him as they ran inside the castle. 
There was so much commotion going on inside, Sam had to dodge through guards to guide Dina to the stairwell to the rooms.
“I need to get you into your room so I can go find out with Dean what’s going on.”
“No, Sam, what if it’s Inias!”
“What if it’s not?”
Dina pulled her hand away from Sam’s grip, stopping him in his tracks. He turned to face her and saw the look of determination on her face, her eyes still glowing.  
“I want to go with you. I promise to stay inside the castle but at least let me stand by the doorway.”
“Dina…” Sam began.
“I promise, any sign of danger, I run to my room, no looking back.”
Sam groaned as he rolled his eyes, wanting to argue back. But over her time here, he had learned that she was a determined woman. And once she had made up her mind, she was set.
“The moment I say run, you run.”
Dina nodded her head in agreement and followed Sam as he made his way to the front. They reached the castle’s doorway where Dean and Castiel stood, watching as the men and angels preparing to defend. Castiel noticed his sister standing next to Sam and gave them an annoyed look.
“She should be in her room, safe,” Castiel demanded.
“She promised to run that way when I tell her to,” Sam replied, wrapping an arm around her waist to keep her close to his side.
Castiel grunted and turned his focus back to the gate. Once everyone was in their post, Dean motioned for the guard to open the gate. As the gates slowly opened, Dean gave the signal to wait, watching as Castiel scanned the grand crowd making its way in.
“Those are angels, wounded angels,” Castiel clarified before rushing forward.
“THEY ARE OF US! HELP THE WOUNDED!” Dean yelled out in command.
The soldiers rushed to help those entering, finding many human men, women and children in the crowd. Castiel and his angels rushed to heal the angels they knew. Sam immediately joined Dean as they tried to keep everything as organized as possible. It was until the gates closed that they realized that they had about an entire village or two on the grounds. As Sam helped with some wounded, he kept his eyes on Dina, who joined her brother with the rest of the angels to help heal wounds. Throughout the confusion, Dean pulled Sam aside, saying Castiel found Inias and his friend. Dean clarified that they were inside the castle with Dina since she was healing Ishim.
Sam and Dean made their way inside, leaving certain ranked guards in charge of dealing with the wounded and hungry outside. Once inside, they followed the screams of pain to find Castiel and Inias watching Dina heal a wounded angel that laid on the dining table. The wounded angel screamed out each time Dina moved him just a bit, letting them know he was in real pain.
“Will he survive?” Dean asked.
“He will, once Dina is done with him.”
“I don’t think I can heal him,” Dina whispered, her hands gliding over Ishim’s body. “His wounds aren’t healing at all, and his internal wounds are worse.”
“What do you mean…” Castiel started to ask.
“The Lance of Michael,” Ishim stuttered out before screaming.
“How?” Dina asked as she looked up at Castiel.
“He keeps it under lock and key…” Castiel muttered.
“Ok, what are you two talking about?” Dean demanded.
“If what Ishim says is correct, then he doesn’t have much time left,” Castiel said to Dina, ignoring Dean.
“Then we have to get the information out of him as soon as possible,” Dina replied as she moved to the end of the table to Ishim’s head.
“What are you two talking about?!” Sam yelled out.
“The Lance of Michael is a lance our brother made when Lucifer was banished. A plan B if Lucifer ever attempted to take over the Heavens,” Castiel explained. “It is a powerful weapon that our brother keeps tucked away. If an angel is hurt by it, they get poisoned and unfortunately it has no cure.” 
“So he’s dying?” Dean asked.
“Yes, but Dina will enter his mind and see if she can slow down the poisoning of his body just long enough so we can talk to him.”
At that moment, Dina began to speak in Enochian, her voice barely a whisper. Her hands glowed on each side of Ishim’s head, her eyes glowing a bright white. Ishim fell into a deep sleep as she spoke, and after a few seconds, Ishim woke up in a gasp, taking in his surroundings.
“Where am I?” he asked through his coughs.
“You are in the Winchester’s castle,” Castiel responded, moving closer. “Ishim, what happened? Last we knew, you and your garrison were going only to hold back a hoard of demons.”
“My garrison? Where are they?”
“Relax, Ishim, your garrison is outside being tended to,” Castiel comforted.
“He lost his entire garrison,” Inias whispered to Sam and Dean. “The angels we found with him were of other garrisons that lost their leaders that ran to him. They were helping the humans escape while Ishim and his garrison dealt with the enemy.”
Sam looked between Ishim and Dina, noticing Dina breathing heavily. He moved closer to her, about to place his hands on her shoulders when Castiel yelled at him.
“Don’t break her focus! We need as much information as possible!”
“But she is struggling! She may not be strong enough!”
“She will hold her own Sam!” Castiel growled back at him, turning his focus back to Ishim. “Ishim, we need to know what happened? How did the Lance of Michael get into the enemy’s hands?”
“We...we were fighting demons. We were winning,” Ishim huffed, his breathing heavy. “Then, there she stood, eyes black as night, with the lance.”
Ishim coughed, blood escaping his lips as Dina struggled by him. Ishim laid back and looked at Castiel, the look of surrender there.
“Lucifer has sent his Knights out, Abaddon as the lead. Someone stole the lance for Lucifer so that Abaddon can use it against us. Destroy the portal, that is their goal. With that weapon, Abaddon has everything to kill us all and win this war for her master.”
“Do you know who stole the lance? Ishim hold on, we will find a way to save you!” Castiel exclaimed.
“There is no way to save me, what’s done is done. Protect our soldiers and do what you must to end this war. The portal, that is what Lucifer seeks, so destroy it!”
With those words, Ishim coughed out more blood, coughing until taking his last breath. Dina removed her hands from Ishim when he went still on the table. She fell back into Sam’s arms, breathing heavily and sweating as Castiel stared down at Ishim. The room was silent as they took it all in.
“Inias,” Castiel spoke up suddenly, not turning from the body. “Alert the rest of the soldiers of Ishim’s passing. Tell them we will go into mourning for the next two days and to rest up because once mourning is done, we need to find out exactly how Lucifer got his hands on the lance.”
“As you command, Castiel,” Inias replied with a bow before leaving the room.
The silence was unbearable in the room, Castiel still hadn’t moved from his spot. It was when Dina groaned that he finally broke from his spell, moving to her side.
“Forgive me, sister,” Castiel begged as Dean joined them behind. “I shouldn’t have let you push yourself, you aren’t used to using your powers in such a way.”
“As long as you got what you needed, it was worth it,” Dina huffed as she laid comfortably in Sam’s arms. “Is he…”
“He is gone, but now we know who is behind the grand attacks and how. Now, all we need to find out is how that lance left Heaven and into Abaddon’s hands.”
Dina only nodded her head, her eyes flickering between Ishim’s body to her brother. Sam quietly said he was taking Dina to her room to rest, Castiel agreeing it was for the best. Sam pulled Dina into his arms and lifted her up, pulling her body to his chest as one of her arms went behind his neck. He cradled her head in the crook of his neck as he climbed up the stairs to their private hall. Instead of taking her to her room, he slipped into his, slowly making his way to his bed and dropping her their softly. She crawled up to his pillows, grabbing one to hug it as Sam started the fireplace to warm up the room. Once the fire was settled, he turned to see Dina’s mind lost, her eyes glowing from the firelight.
“Are you ok, Dina?” Sam asked as he walked over to her, careful not to scare her with his movements.
“That is the first time I see an angel died,” she whispered, her gaze never leaving the flames. 
“There was nothing you could do by what Castiel told us.”
“But he still died, and all because of my brothers’ greed.”
Sam went quiet as he sat on the edge of the bed, knowing that she was finally realizing the reality of things.
“My brother sent someone to steal a weapon that could harm his own family. How many angels have lost their lives to that weapon? And how many more humans have to suffer before he realizes what he is doing is wrong?”
Sam watched as the tears broke free, falling down her soft cheeks. Her eyes flickered towards Sam as if begging him for help.
“What if my brother can’t be saved? Sam, what if the only answer to this is killing him?”
Sam began to make shushing sounds, climbing into bed next to her. He wrapped her in his arms, holding her tightly against his body as she cried, he whimpers muffled by his chest. He caressed the top of her head and down her back, doing this repeatedly hoping it would give her some kind of comfort.
“Let’s not talk about that just yet. For now, I want you to rest, sleep if you think it will help.”
“Please don’t leave me Sam,” she whimpered into his chest.
“I won’t ever leave,” he whispered back, kissing the top of her head.
It was the first time he ever showed any affection for her, and he couldn’t help but agree on how right she felt in his arms. He didn’t want to think what his mind was telling him, but he knew that in the morning, he had to realize that maybe, just maybe, he was growing some bit of affection to her. He just didn’t know how much at that moment. All he cared about, as she closed her eyes and her breathing went slow and soft, was that Dina stayed safe and that she no longer would feel pain ever again.
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In the deepest parts of Hell sat Lucifer on his throne, watching as the souls his army had recently retrieved walk past him, chains dragging from their wrists and ankles. He sat there admiring the work his demons have done so far when his trusted second in command came in. Crowley bowed to his king, demanding everyone clear out the room. Once everyone was gone, Crowley turned to Lucifer, concern written on his face.
“What is wrong this time, Crowley?” Lucifer asked in annoyance.
“Abaddon comes back with the news that she spotted one of Castiel’s soldiers today during the fight with Ishim. She was able to wound Ishim and kill his garrison, but Inias took Ishim and the rest of the survivors to Winchester castle.”
Lucifer straightened up in his seat, eyes growing wide.
“Winchester castle you say?”
“Yes, and we found out from a captured human that your father has already sent various weapons to the castle with a promise of many more garrisons.”
“Even with all the weapons of Heaven, they won’t be able to kill the hoard. Any news about my sister?”
“She saw your sister there standing alongside Prince Samuel. It seems they are somewhat comfortable around each other. Abaddon noticed how the Prince kept your sister extremely close to his side.”
Lucifer’s eyes turned red at the knowledge.
“Abaddon was going to attempt to take your sister. But she didn’t make a move since she was alone, instead came back with confirmation of the knowledge we received from the captured humans.”
“Sickens me that the bastard of my father married my precious sister off to that useless human. How much longer until my weapon is ready?! I need it soon to save her from the hands of those Winchesters!”
“The weapon should be ready any day now. Its incubator is giving signs of it almost being done.”
“Good, once we have my weapon, we need to make sure it's strong enough to blow through and get me to my father to destroy him. Then, I will save my sister from the hands of those humans.”
“Understandable sire,” Crowley said as he bowed. “I will continue to make sure your weapon is ready in time.”
Lucifer waved toward Crowley, shooing him off. He sat back down on his throne, his mind whirling with the news of his baby sister on Earth, and married to a lowly Winchester.
“I will have you by my side dear sister, safe and sound where you belong,” Lucifer muttered to himself as his eyes turned red in rage.
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writingarchangels · 5 years
Hail the King (Nickifer)
Pairing: Nick/Lucifer
Characters: Nick, Lucifer, Castiel, Sam, Dean & Chuck
Word count: 1.5K (first chapter)
Total word count: WIP
Triggers: Dark fic, mild gore, blood, Nick has a hammer, major character death, (smut in a later chapter), loads of death and destruction - I think I got all now? Let’s just say that this is darker than canon and not for those faint by heart
Spoiler warnings: s14e19 Jack in the Box & s14e20 Moriah
Written for the ‘Dark!AU’ square of the Lucifer Bingo (the entire story, more or less) & the ‘Nick’ square of the Swan Song Bingo. A later chapter will be used for the ‘Wing Kink’ square of the Lucifer Bingo.
I also made an artwork to go by my story :) Added at the bottom
Mod tags: @swansongbingo @spnluciferbingo
Also this story WILL NOT be continued on Tumblr. I don’t post full stories on Tumblr. If you like to follow this story, subscribe to it on AO3 - I will add a link at the very bottom of this.
Rising from the fires of Hell with dark promises of death and vengeance, Nick sets out on a mission to burn down the world and bring his beloved angel back to his side.
Crowned the King of Hell and belonging to a new and powerful species, he faces down his enemies in order to archive his goals.
They had never seen anything like him before. Even the most skilled demon didn’t know how to handle him, and they groveled before this man who had lost all and didn’t know fear. Out of all the damned souls on the racks, he didn’t scream, he didn’t cry, he didn’t beg… he was just quiet with this feral smile on his face and eyes burning with unspoken promises of destruction and death. Every single demon in Hell knew that when he turned… he would bring a whole storm with him of the likes that no one had ever seen before.
He would force the world down upon his knees, the demons knew deep within their cursed beings. And they couldn’t wait for that moment to come.
Already they had begun to whisper his name amongst each other, whispers about the still crownless king of the fallen men. They spoke of his ruthlessness and his bloodlust, how he stood up against the Winchester’s and led them when no one else would while still being a mortal man, and how close he was to Lucifer and all remembered his willingness to bring him back - the Great Archangel who was the Father of All.
It wasn’t a secret that demons weren’t fond of humanity. But this one? Lucifer made him perfect.
And what a demon he would become, everyone knew.
It’s time.
Time was fluid in Hell. An hour became days. Days turned into weeks, which became months and then years. Years until he turned and said goodbye to the last shreds of his humanity.
Nick’s hands balled into fists and a smile slowly formed on his lips as he felt the last of his soul burn away and turn into smoke and ashes. The newly created demon tilted up his head and breathed in deep as the screams of Hell rose up all around him. The scent of sulfur and ashes strong. Once he had been the tortured, and then he became the torturer. Looking up at the poor soul strapped up before him, he carelessly tossed his tools towards a demon standing close-by. He had better things to do and something to take care of. The demon gave him a wide-eyed look, bowing her head and stepping back when realizing what had happened.
Walking through the halls of Hell, all demons watched him go silently, following him almost doubtfully yet with a certain purpose to their steps. No one stopped him or asked any questions when Nick went towards the throne room.
He stopped right in front of the throne and took a second to look down at it before he swiftly turned around to face the demons who had followed him. Hundreds, perhaps even more. And they all looked up at him with their faces full of a dark hunger and expectation. “No one would object, would they?” Nick asked them. He didn’t yell yet his voice was heard all around the room. As he expected, no one spoke up and so Nick slowly sat down in the throne. The throne which had once belonged to Lucifer, Nick’s beloved.
Then his eyes flashed for the first time since he got turned and a murmur rose up from the room; rising and falling like the waves of the treacherous sea. For Nick’s demonic eyes weren’t like any seen before.
They were a demon black like the darkest abyss that stole away the light, yet his pupils glowed a fiery red much like Lucifer’s once did. And around the red was a circle of an icy blue, burning like cold angelic fire.
Lucifer’s influence went beyond perfecting Nick’s personality, it had touched his soul in ways no one would expect. Lucifer had some of Nick’s soul, and Nick always had some of Lucifer’s grace in him; they were bound together. When the fires of Hell burned away Nick’s soul, the angelic grace stayed untouched and instead fused together with the demonic energies, which created something new… something better.
Nick became part demon… and part Archangel.
And then, as if on cue, all of Hell sunk down on its knees and bowed before its new King. A king who was crowned in the blood and fire of the damned.
“So,” the Nephalem on the throne spoke with a smirk, “shall we begin?”
The countries of the world fell one by one as the demons raised Hell on Earth. Being a Nephalem, Nick had opened the Gates to Hell rather easily. He opened all of them and allowed Hell to come pouring out, he emptied the pits, unleashed the Croatoan virus upon an unsuspecting world, and even managed to bend the Shedim to his will; allowing them to devour and slaughter as they pleased. The world didn’t stand a chance.
As a human, Nick was a nobody. He used to be bullied, neglected and beaten. Now it was his time to strike back and make them pay. But his demons had to obey one rule. One rule only.
“Stay clear of the Winchester’s.”
Nick wanted to be the one to claim their lives. He wanted to be the one to watch all the hope leave their eyes and crush their skulls in his bare hands. He wanted to take everything away from them, everything they ever cared about. He wanted to have them watch on as he destroyed the very world they loved so much. They should feel the despair and helplessness at being unable to stop anything - Nick wanted to completely shatter them beyond repair.
And he knew just the way to do that.
Having chosen a nice place to carry out the next step of his plan, the Nephalem nodded his head and summoned his powers. He had no more need of summoning circles or rituals… he could simply will it into existence and it would happen. This time was no exception.
Castiel appeared out of nowhere, right in front of him, looking as confused as it could get. “Hello, Castiel,” Nick casually greeted him as if speaking to an old friend.
The angel looked up, startled, but his expression quickly turned to horror when his eyes fell on the entity before him. At his otherworldliness… and the raw power coming off him. “Nick?” He tried. The Nephalem smirked in confirmation. “No, that cannot be. You died!” And then he noticed their surroundings; the mutilated bodies of all ages scattered around them, laid down to - ironically enough - form a Devil’s Trap. The horror and agony were still clear to see on their expressions, and then he saw the blood which covered Nick head-to-toe, the bloodied hammer laying by his feet, and he knew who had done this.
Nick clicked his tongue, shaking his head oh so slowly. “Oh Castiel,” he said, sounding almost pitiful, “you should know more than anyone that no one ever truly stays dead. I went to Hell… and became King.” His eyes flashed to their unusual coloring and he showed the Seraphim his immense wings; they were black-leathered like a bat’s, stealing away the light, yet the wing arms were covered in a pink plumage; the feathers fluffy and sparkling, and the top of his wings was covered in sleek and strong feathers.
Castiel looked horrified. “What are you?” He blurted out, taking a step back from the winged being with the eyes that unnerved him more than anything. As an angel, Castiel had seen many wars and battles, yet from all the terrors he had faced… nothing petrified him like Nick now did.
“Something new,” Nick shrugged, folding up his wings again as his eyes turned back to their usual blue. “Half-Archangel, half-demon. The demons call me a Nephalem, if it helps any.”
“That’s impossible.”
“Clearly it is not, or I wouldn’t be here,” Nick replied, placing his hands in the pockets of his military jacket the demons gave him. Castiel took that moment to jump forward and stab Nick with the angel blade he always carried around.
Just for the blade to shatter when it as much as touched Nick’s skin. The Nephalem arched up a single eyebrow. “You should have known that wouldn’t have worked,” he said. “I am not an angel, Castiel. I am something more.”
“What do you want from me?” The Seraphim asked, stepping back even further. Nick could sense his fear, and he enjoyed every second of it.
Nick held up his hand and played with his lips as he stared the scared angel down. “You are a message. To the Winchester’s,” he told him. Castiel’s face paled when reality settled in and he turned around, planning on running away, but Nick reappeared in front of him with a flutter of his mighty wings. “You cannot run from me with those clipped wings of yours,” he said, “don’t worry. I will keep you recognizable enough.”
Snapping his fingers once, Castiel’s grace exploded within his body in a burst of light. And then the angel dropped dead. Kneeling before him, Nick ripped open his trench coat and shirt and went to work, carving a message into his flesh for the Winchester’s to see with an angel blade he whisked into existence, right before he sends Castiel’s body off to appear right in front of them.  
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An artwork of Nephalem!Nick. Took me 3 hours with IbisPaint X and the total layer count is 25. I’m pretty proud of it :) I love his eyes and the design of those wings XD
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I got bored so I made a bonus artwork lol This is like an anatomy sketch-thingy of Nick’s wings? I quite like them. This one took me about an hour, maybe?
Fun fact: Nick originally wasn’t supposed to be a Nephalem in this story - just some kind of demon XD But I don’t think my story quite wanted that and then this happened :’) It got a life of its own, man
Tag list: @luciferstempest @gabrielsbackbitches @jgvfhl @staycejo1 @blakechaos08 @qslucid @i-miss-balthazar @franthehorsegir
Asked to be tagged for this specific fic: @humongouscandycoffee (if you wish to stay on my tag list, just ask :)
(I’m too lazy to add my Bingo cards. So deal with it)
AO3 link to continue reading
So far it’s only the first chapter tho. But more is coming pretty soon
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flashfuture · 5 years
A Gray Day in Purgatory
Prompt: An episode you think best depicts their relationship. (Used all ten minutes of purgatory screen time as inspiration) 
I was thinking about whose perspective I wanted to right in but the theme here is what does the ship mean to me. I knew right away purgatory was where mine was taking place. So who better than Benny Lafitte my narrator. So here we go onto the story under the tab.
Benny Lafitte died a long time ago and then he got his head chopped off by his so-called family. He belongs in purgatory with all the other monster sons of bitches running around here in their eternal damnation. Doesn’t mean he don’t get real fucking sick of it. 
He hears the stories the rumors. Way back when little Eve was thrown down here for her sins. God gave her an escape hatch, the leviathans never let her through. Course probably never happened God wasn’t a thing, he wouldn’t have made such a terrible monster. Benny would love to jump back into the real world kill his old man, avenge his Andrea. 
He’s been hearing some new rumors lately, a human and an angel crashed landed in this hellhole. Now Benny doesn’t believe the whole angel bit no matter what his running mates are telling him. Ain’t no such thing as an angel just what lives in the bible. 
Benny watches his teammate, Florian french revolutionists he may have been, he is not a good fighter he has the brains. His lover Pablo old Mexican royalty from the Spanish invader days. Benny rolls with them nothing interesting most days just chopping away. They were both older than him but so dumb you wouldn’t guess it. 
But he sits back and watches something shove Florian against a tree. Pablo is on his way back to them he can hear it. But this man must be that so called angel. Very pretty smells something fresh even if he is covered in dirt. Heart pounding steadily pumping that so called angelic blood. Sharp jaw, stubble, green eyes like a pretty gem. He’s got a presence alright he is commanding the forest like he owns it. 
“Where’s the angel” is growled out of those pretty lips and Benny is taken aback. 
“You must be the human,” Florian growls and he put it together faster than Benny. This man can not be a regular human but Florian’s head is gone and Pablo comes seconds too late. 
This newcomer is tackled and Benny watches the struggle. If this really is a human than he can bring Benny out of this hell. He rushes forward and sees the betrayal and shock in Pablo’s eyes but he swings. Better off dead than moping over Florian for the rest of his undead life. 
Benny learns very quickly that this newcomer is indeed a flesh and blood human. He is, however, one stubborn mean son of a bitch. Benny also learns his name is Dean. 
“What’s your angel's name?” Benny asks as they settle down for the night. He’s met with a piercing green gaze and lips curled in anger. 
“You don’t gotta know he’s my angel we’re gonna get him and get out” Dean growls hands curling tighter over Florian’s blade. 
Dean isn’t looking to play nice or make friends that much is overly apparent to Benny. So he raises his hands and rolls over. Dean grunts and does the same. Clearly, he forgets what Benny is because Benny hears Dean’s whispers as if he was shouting them in Benny’s ears. 
“Dear Castiel whos ass art around here somewhere. Get your feathered ass over here. I got a way out now dude and if anyone is gonna know about an escape hatch made by god” Dean trails off and sighs. “Whatever” he finishes it with and Benny purses his lips. 
Never took Dean for the religious type but that was no regular choir boy prayer. No Dean was praying to his angel, his angel Castiel. Benny has never heard of no Castiel. But then again all he ever heard was Lucifer. Benny has gone and got himself stuck with a crazy human because there ain’t no such thing as angels he is as sure of that as he is that the gray morning will come in purgatory. What he wouldn’t give to feel the sun again. 
Dean is relentless in his search and nothing Benny says seems to be convincing him otherwise. Dean stops whispering his prayers realizes the futility of that. He doesn’t even wait for Benny to pretend to fall asleep. Benny would sure like it if he did, it is too raw to see those hard eyes raw with emotion as he prays to his so called angel. 
“What is your Castiel even the angel of” Benny drawls staring at his human huh wonder when he started thinking of Dean like that. 
Dean flinches at that and opens his mouth and shuts it again. “Don’t use his name” Dean snarls. 
“What do I call your pet then hmm? Cas, Cassie, feathers?” Benny begins listing. 
“None of those Castiel is his name. Cas is for family, Cassie is for his siblings, and he ain’t my damn pet” Dean snarls with that rage only priests can manage up Benny knows that for sure. Wonder who else gets to call that angel Cas if the guys' siblings were not family. 
“Didn’t take you for a religious follower brother” Benny decides on finally. 
“Cas? I’d follow him anywhere” Dean says and looks at his bloody hands with wide eyes like he just noticed them. “You call him, angel you don’t get no other title” Dean snaps and sighs. 
“Alright brother I’ll back off,” Benny says and goes to stand. 
“Thursday” Dean mutters and Benny stares at him. “Castiel is the angel of Thursday’s the fourth day,” Dean says clearing his throat. 
Benny smirks and nods before sitting down beside Dean again. He is lost in his thoughts and Benny is content to be silent for the rest of the night. If angels were real Dean deserves something better than the angel of Thursday, nothing interesting happens on Thursdays. 
Benny follows him and sighs as Dean tortures monster after monster growing more desperate every time to find his angel. And then they’re told the stream up north. 
Benny tries to make Dean rest for the night but his human presses Florian’s knife to his throat and demands they keep going. Benny concedes he’s starting to think he’d follow Dean anywhere. This so called angel doesn’t deserve any of Dean let alone his faith. 
The grey breaks through the black and they come over a ridge. Dean sprints forward yelling out Cas. The man in the trench coat in kneeling but Benny hears loud and clear in a voice like gravel, “Dean.”
The man stands and Benny is off to the side. Dean hugs him tight and arms don’t raise to meet the first act of affection Benny has seen give. Does this man not realize how lucky he is to have Dean. 
He tries once again to make Dean give up on his quest to bring this man who calls himself an angel with them. Dean won’t relent and this angel gives in. Benny is starting to wonder who is following who. 
They walk in silence Dean who would trudge ahead head swiveling eyes wild is slower paced with Castiel. Eyes glued to him a slight smile on his face. Well, Benny could have never understood how much Dean loves his angel until he watched Dean hug him tight and demand he come home. 
They are jumped by a goddamn rugaru nasty little bastards. Weapons go up and Benny watches it speed towards them when it collides forehead to Castiel’s hand. Benny has to look away and sees Dean with a bowed head already as a blinding light shines through the forest. The rugaru looks burnt like a husk and Dean slides right back up to Castiel.
He starts chatting Castiel up about grace usage and being connected to the home base all the way in purgatory. Castiel starts mumbling nonsense about heaven being aligned in some ways with Heaven and Hell despite common human perceptions and he just keeps going. 
Benny is kind of awed by it the energy in the air. Castiel really is an angel. He just used bestowed by God's power to wipe out a monster with no effort. Dean wasn’t shocked he was well aware of exactly what he fell in love with.
Benny is shocked by it all of course. This angel has some blue eyes but they’re swirling with some otherworldly Benny feels like a flea under that gaze how Dean can stand it he don’t care to know. His skin is pale that's for sure but Benny passes by him and touches his hand. Even covered in dirt there is no sweat, skin cold to the touch. He can hear clearly ain’t no heart pumping the blood is dead. But it smells pure like something ain’t never lived. He can hear the angel ain’t breathin’ like he got no reason to. 
Benny was a fool to think Dean could have ever been an angel. Dean shines like the sun something you look to for life because he is alive he is thriving in purgatory. No Castiel looks out of place so holy the world seems to have color where he is standing. A shine in a blue-white tint. Dean is drawn to it they’re drawn to each other. Moths to flames. Dean, while the prettiest, nastiest, most righteous son of a bitch Benny has ever met, is not an angel. Castiel with his stone-cold persona, his voice that invokes attention, and that power radiating off him he is a lot bigger than that body he is in and everybody knows it. 
Strong too Dean almost fell right into a river with a siren calling but Castiel picked him up around the waist and the water spit the siren out onto the land his eyes glowing. She curses and spits but Benny cuts her head off. Dean stops his futile struggles and seems to relax back against his angel before Castiel lets him go. 
Dean starts to laugh when they settle down for the night. He speaks of his brother of his home and Benny realizes Dean was never his human. Dean ain’t following Castiel and Castiel ain’t following Dean. They’re walking side by side and this Sam kid is right there with them or he will be when they get out. Castiel keeps up his instance that he will not be able to pass through. Benny wishes it would get through Dean’s very thick and stubborn skull. 
It only seems to anger Dean when the angel mentions leaving. He clings and he rants and he yells. Benny is sick of the bickering and the angel does not like nor trust him he could not be less subtle. Dean doesn’t seem to care about that. But Benny makes a comment about Cas slowing them down and Dean threatens him. 
Benny sighs again as Dean says they’ll take Castiel if it kills all three of them. “And if it doesn’t work” the angel begins again, holy mother mary he is worse than Dean. 
“Then I will track Crowley’s ass down and I will use Benny’s blood and I will rip that portal to purgatory back open to pull you out” Dean snaps and turns eyes wild. 
“Dean the leviathan, I already” Castiel begins. 
“I will do whatever it takes to bring you home with me so you better hope it works” Dean interrupts and grabs Castiel by the trench coat. “Because Sammy is probably up there planning something dumb and I wouldn’t be half surprised if one of your million siblings is planning a prison break” Dean smirks and the angel winces at the mention of his siblings. 
Benny thinks about Andrea and his love falls short. He can see in front of him a couple that will last the ages, stories will be and have been told about the hunter and his angel. Two souls connected even if that angel don’t have no soul he glows bright enough.
Benny was sure they were in love, of course, watching Dean kiss his angel like they were sealing a deal made it clear to him. Dean was resolute in his goal to drag Castiel’s ass home with him. To Dean’s brother which Benny thinks that three for them is family. Not a crowd but the Winchester’s which just so happened to include an angel. 
They see the portal and Benny has this fear that Dean will lob off his head or Castiel will smite him. But Dean promises him trust Benny has earned and he nods to Castiel and then nothing. 
Benny wakes up in his grave and Dean hands him a blood bag. He sighs and breathes in real air and looks up at real stars. “Where’s the angel?” he asks and watches Dean’s smile die and his eyes fill with tears. 
“H-uh, Cas didn’t make it” he whispers head down words held down by grief. Benny don’t believe that they were tops an hour from the portal. Maybe it really didn’t work for angels. 
Dean clears his throat and Benny is watching a grieving man try and smile. “Dean I know it is hard to lose someone so special to you” Benny begins. 
“Not the first time I’ve lost Cas. Let it go Benny” Dean says shaking his head and moving on from the topic. Benny knows for certain that Dean is never moving on. Benny has never been so sure of two peoples love for each other as watching those two fight back to back, talk and bicker, sit in silence always connected. He heard Dean’s prayers and he watched Castiel hold Dean close while he slept. 
He knows Dean isn’t going to give up on his angel ever. Benny also knows Castiel ain’t no delicate flower no way that angel is dead and staying away from Dean. Castiel, he’ll be back and Benny knows it will be straight back to Dean. 
One way or another Dean and Castiel are made for each other and they’re going to be together. 
allshipscreationchallenge|Rainbow820 ↳ Prompt: An episode you think best depicts their relationship. Again I used all the purgatory screen time here. There was not full episodes worth. 
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thewriterwithnoplan · 5 years
The Huntress From Hell (Part 9)
Summary: Luci Samael Morningstar daughter of Lucifer and the angel Azrael . Marked as the heiress of hell, Luci might be in a smidge of trouble when she falls into an alternate universe. Here demons run rampant and angels aren’t so high and mighty. With monsters lurking around every corner she needs to turn tail and get the hell out of there. If only. Pairing: Supernatural x OC x Lucifer (Fox) Word Count: 1712 Warnings: None.
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“What is it you desire?”
Alastair froze, wriggled around and then withered. He bit his lip, blood pouring down his chin. A minute passed. Another. And another. When five minutes passed, Luci huffed taking a handful of salt and jamming it into his lips. Try keeping it shut now dumbass.
"Come on, you know you want to tell me. Come on I can keep a secret."
"I want to be king of hell."
Luci gave a delighted grin. King of hell? Impossible and they both knew it. But the soul - no matter how twisted - wanted what it wanted. Or was that the heart? She never could remember those stupid human sayings.
"Well how are you supposed to do that with the angels on your ass?" Luci lent forward. "How about we strike a deal? You tell me who's killing the angels and I can turn a blind eye. You can go off in pursuit of your dream."
He stared blankly even as his lips formed the mesmerised words, "It's not a demon. We have no idea who it is."
Luci snorted, turning to leave the room. Castiel stood watching her through the doorway. Sending a quiet thank you, toward the demon. She may like her own universes type of demon better but she understood that they were kin. Pushing past the trench coat wearing angel and into the other room she perched onto the edge of the table.
"Demons were not involved," Was all she said, pulling a handkerchief from her pocket and scraping the dried blood from her face and hands. "Can I go now?"
"No, you're wrong." Castiel rumbled, "You didn't even pick up a weapon, he lied to you."
"People cannot lie to me, not unless they were made by god for a reason." She concentrated on the blood, picking at the flakes. "Take Uriel, he would tell me the truth because he is just a messenger of god. Sam and Dean's parents were matched, they were forced into existence, as I see it. Made for gods purpose and so they could just as easily lie to you as to me."
"What are you?"
A silver blade slid from his coat. The twin to those Tarlen and Yaras had carried. For a brief moment she was back in that warehouse, staring down a pair of angels. Uriel wandered through the doorway, taking up a defensive position at the sight of the blade. Taking a step toward the harsher of the two angels she grinned. Angling herself so his blade touched the centre of her chest. An almost feral smirk curled the corners of her lips. Twisting her face.
"Who are you?" Castiel once again asked.
"Here, I am simply Luci the Huntress." She turned slightly, the blade chilling her skin. "In my own universe-"
"You're why Yaras and Tarlen never returned," Uriel pressed hard enough to slice through the thin fabric of her shirt.
"They went after me and mine," She hissed. "There is nothing I have if not family. So you angels need to leave us well enough alone. That now means the Winchesters."
The blade pressed harder. She was reminded of when times were simpler. When her father was only just becoming a consultant for the LAPD. When she first met Chloe Decker and Trixie. Long, long ago. And she realised that for the first time in millennia she regretted something. Setting down roots here had been her greatest pitfall. For she would have to chose, the Winchesters or the Deckstars - as they were called at the station.
But Luci was not just some creature for these angels to pen.  No, Luci was the creature. She was the flame of heaven and the light of hell. She was a light bringer and Morningstar. She was a Decker, a Winchester. She was Luci Samuel Morningstar and she had a heart with wings and horns. She was part devil, part angel, part demon, part god.
"I am a flame," She whispered to herself. "And I will not go out."
The angels stared, as they should. For she was all things good and evil. She was heaven and hell, a holy sin. She was the holy flame and there was no one like her, not in heaven or hell, not on earth, not in this universe or any other. Fire. Fire. Fire.
Angels were sculpted from marble in the silver city, demons forged in the bowels of hell, humans hewn from stone. She had done all of those. She had been created in heaven and burnt deep in hells pits, then despite all that she'd stood again and carved a new place for herself in the world. Flame of heaven, Light of hell and Huntress of earth.
"Do it," She whispered. "Kill me, here and now. I don't know where I'll go, but I'll be back because heaven could not tame me and hell could not contain me. Just know that when I come back it will not be to help. I did not come here to do a favour, I came to pay a debt and I did. Come for me or mine again and you will not find I am merciful."
"Yours?" Uriel snarled. "Last I checked it was Castiel who's hand print marked the eldest Winchester."
"Unto each soul thy claims, thee shall place a mark. Three lines of the holy language, one for love, one for repent, the last a warning unto thy enemies." Luci breathed. "Hic amor, Vellem, Non enim potest conteram illud. [I'm sorry for this love I wanted; For it can do not but destroy]."
The metal doors crashed open. Sam and Dean took in the scene, growing angrier by the second. The angels had the nerve to demand the eldest help, to take their adopted family member and then put her at blade point? Dean clenched his fist around Ruby's demon blade. The only thing separating him from the angels was Sam's arm as he held his brother back.
The room stayed silent, a quiet showdown as they stared each other down. The Winchesters glaring at the two soldiers of god, who returned the hard look. Though half-heartedly on Castiel's behalf. The huntress standing awkwardly between the two blades. The confidence drained from her as the boys continued to stare.
Easily. Luci could smite these two celestial disgraces easily. But with the boys here? She wasn't so sure they could hold their own against angels. Especially with a toothpick like Ruby's blade. And she didn't want the brothers anywhere near Uriel. Because if he'd done those terrible things in her universe then here-
"Holy hell," Luci breathed. "Uriel. Uriel, look at me! What do you desire more then anything in the world?"
"To raise our brother, Lucifer." The angel whispered, in a trance. He turned to Castle, still glossy eyed and continued, "You do remember him? How strong he was? How beautiful? And he didn't bow to humanity. He was punished for defending us. Now, if you want to believe in something, Cas, believe in him."
"You were behind the killings?" Cas lunged at the other angel. "Were you gonna kill the whole garrison?"
Uriel grinned, not a Morningstar smirk, not the type that could draw someone in. No, this smile was the type you ran from, the type you shielded your loved ones from. And that's exactly what Luci did. As the crazed celestial punched Castiel into the wall, Luci went for the Winchesters.
There were no two words in any universe that Luci hated more than; Too late. But those were the only two that she could think in that moment. The moment Uriel ripped a support beam from the roof and it came crumbling down. Luci launched herself and managed only to tackle Sam.
The pair gaped at each other for a moment before scrambling up and throwing rubble around. Looking, looking, looking for the eldest Winchester. Until- A hand. Sam grabbed it as Luci pushed the metal and stone from Dean's form. So quickly that none in the room realised that the Huntress was lifting things far too heavy for average humans.
"Go," Sam grunted to the girl as he hefted his brother over his shoulder. "Stop them from doing something worse."
Luci clambered over the collapsed ceiling. Pausing for a moment to gape at the angels grappling at each other. Uriel gained the upper hand, rolling his brother onto his back and slamming his fist into Castiel's face. Once. Twice. Thrice. His back turned to her. Luci approached until she could hear Uriel's harsh growls.
"There is no will-" Punch. "No wrath-" Punch. "No God."
Luci drew Nightbane. She clenched her fist around the hilt of the blade until her knuckles where white. The huntress drew her breath in slowly and held the blade against the angels back. Uriel rose up again, fist ready to hit the trench coat wearing angel below. Luci found herself with tears in the corners of her eyes as she too drew back. Azrael's blade slid through, Uriel's back for the second time at the hands of Luci Morningstar.
"I didn't see that coming," The man whispered as he fell to the ground, eyes ablaze. A sob tore from Luci's throat, the tears escaping as she fell to her knees beside him. Azrael's blade, still coated in blood clattered to the floor.
"I'm sorry."
Castiel stood behind her. The pair watched as two wings etched themselves into the warehouse floor. Luci wondered if they'd wash away with time or if this place was eternally marked with her deed. She wondered if it'd become easier with time, to kill even those who did wrong.
She looked at her hands, stained in blood. "What have I done?"
"You did many angels a great service today," Castiel assured weakly.
Luci looked up at him through glassy eyes. Standing she took Nightbane and stalked into  the room where Alastair still hung from the mangled metal frame. She watched over her shoulder as Castiel picked Uriel up and disappeared. Alastair looked at her curiously, gritting out a few questions and an endless flow of insults. Staring blankly at the demon Luci reached for the holy water, drenching him in it.
"Now you're going to tell me everything you know about Lucifer."
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goldenchained-blog · 5 years
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It always did something to Lucifer, those moments. WHEN HIS SIBLINGS PRAYED TO HIM, when he could hear their voices in his head all over again, when it didn’t feel like he had DESTROYED all of their hopes to be a family, when it didn’t feel like each one of them despised him, and HATED HIM with all that they had. But there was something more when it was his FAVORITE siblings praying to him. MICHAEL, RAPHAEL, GABRIEL. He was certain deep down that everyone thought they were the huge favorites, that they were the only ones LUCIFER loved with all of his heart, that they were the only ones he could still feel for after all of these years.
But there was more to it.
He remembered the clashing of the short BLACK wings opposed to his pure white ones up in Heaven, or down there, walking along the ocean. He remembered it all, all of the good moments, all of the times they had spoke to each other for the TREES, the animals, the FISH. The plan, the unknown, and everything he had taught him. 
And he remembered when he had taken on the mark. 
The ANGER, and how many times he had snapped at his little brother whom he had always tried to protect. THE FEAR, the pain he had felt himself from doing so. Bow down to humanity, and when he had refused to do so, he remembered feeling his disappointed eyes on him. That he had left before he fell, and how much it had hurt him to know he hadn’t fought for him when he got thrown in the cage. NOTHING else but pain, nothing else but losing his family.
CASTIEL was one of the angels he loved the most. He was the angel he had always stood by, and unlike what Lucifer had said multiple times, HELEL felt his heart breaking at the bare thought of him falling, just like he did.
It was all those thoughts that came back in his mind when he had heard this prayer, when he had heard this broken voice talk to him. And not without willing to, Lucifer had appeared in front of him, in front of his brother. Usually, seeing him as hurt and as broken as now would’ve got him some pleasure. But it was different here. HE DIDN’T WANT TO HURT HIM MORE. But he couldn’t let anything show.
So a snort at the sight, he crossed his arms. “CASTIEL. You called?”
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 8x23: “Sacrifice”
THE ROAD SO FAR: Kicking ass, taking names. Dean got out of Purgatory. Sam hit a dog. Kevin discovered the way to close the Gates of Hell forever. Abaddon is in the wind. Naomi mind-controlled Cas. The trials are “purifying” Sam. Metatron. Crowley is putting the Winchesters in a difficult place. What will they do now?
(Set to the show’s official/unofficial theme song.)
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Aww Jody!
Roderick. Crowley used his human middle name as an alias.
Why must I always be reminded of what Jody went through?
Man, Jody was just trying to get back on the dating scene. She didn’t deserve to almost die.
“You have less than one minute before a very dear, attractive, and slightly tipsy friend of yours snuffs it.”
“Call it off, Crowley.”
“Because it's over, you son of a bitch. We want to deal.”
Did the Winchesters already have their plan?
“First, I need to hear two little words -- I surrender.”
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The show never let us hear Dean say “I surrender”. Good.
Nice location.
“You hid the Demon Tablet underneath the devil? Seriously?”
Sam looking like a real supermodel.
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“All right, listen, this is a secret lair. You understand me? No keggers.” Kevin’s our next guest in the Bunker.
Houston, Texas. (Aaayyyy, my hometown!)
“What was he like?”
“Who? Oh. God? Mm, pretty much like you'd expect. Larger-than-life, gruff, bit of a sexist. But fair -- eminently fair.”
Hmm. I’d say that’s a good description.
The second “angel trial”: retrieve Cupid’s bow.
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:Cas didn’t want to kill again.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota. 
At Bobby’s old scrapyard. (I bet it was Crowley’s idea to meet up here.)
There’s Bobby’s car. :( (Isn’t there any way they can take it with them and have it at the Bunker?)
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“You know why I always defeat you? It's your humanity. It's a built-in handicap.“ Huh, didn’t Soulless Sam say something similar?
Who’s plan was this?
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“Sooner or later, you're gonna have to face it -- you're ours. Which means that your demon ass is going to be a mortal ass pretty damn quick.”
“What's he mouthing on about?”
“You're the third trial, Crowley.”
“Would you say that you're looking for, uh, a partner in crime... ...or, uh, someone who's into nurse role-play and light domination?”
“Brother, it's 10:00 a.m. on a Tuesday.”
I love Cas.
(Okay, but tell me that doesn’t describe Destiel. Partners in crime, where one is into nurse role-play, Cas, and light domination, Dean.)
“Stop. Please, Castiel, don't make this any worse. Please.”
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“How you feeling?”
“Honestly, for the first time in a long time, it feels like we're gonna win. I'm good.”
“You ever, uh -- you ever done the ‘forgive me, father’ before?”
“Well, once, when we were kids.”
What did Sam say back then?
“I have no clue what to say now.”
“Well, I mean, I could give you suggestions if you want.”
“O-okay. Yeah, sure.”
“All right. Well, I'm just spit-balling here, but if I were you, uh... Ruby, killing Lilith, letting Lucifer out, losing your soul, not looking for me when I went to Purgatory--”
Yeah Sam, you got a list.
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“Well, that was you.”
“...Carry on.”
We won’t get to see Dean’s confessional until S10, I think.
“Okay, um...if anybody's listening, here goes.” I would’ve liked to have seen Sam’s confession.
Cas has come to Dean for help.
Metatron, meet Naomi.
Who would’ve known that between these two evils, Naomi was the lesser one?
"Of the blessings set before you, make your choice and be content." I do like that.
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“Metatron, the guy who was full-on crazy, cat-lady-hoarder angel yesterday -- now he wants to save Heaven?”
“Yes, he wants to. But I'm the only one in who can. I can't fail, Dean, not on this one. I need your help.”
NOOO. What did I say about being the “only one” being shady??
“Now, if anybody needs a chaperone while doing the heavy lifting, it's Sam.” Of course that’s when Sam had to walk in.  
“Start the injections now. If I'm not back in eight hours, finish it, no questions, no hesitation.”
The third trial has officially begun.
“According to your own words this morning...this is not what I do. It's what I did. You told me I was out, Dean.”
“There is no out. Only duty.” Damn, Cas.
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“...until the day you cease to exist, and then another Prophet takes your place.”
I love that Cas has to add that technicality.
Owww, Crowley! That hurt me.
He got a good amount of blood too.
Oh, we ‘bout to get it!!
“Your, uh, buddy over there thinks you saved his life.” AWW. Cas probably went over and healed him after the angels had left.
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This could’ve been one of the last times Dean and Cas have a conversation...and it’s about whether Cas might die soon.
“So this is it? E.T. goes home.” You know damn well Cas doesn’t understand pop culture.
Gail, our Cupid.
“Damn, that's sweet.” “ Damn, that's sweet.”
There it was.
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"Nice to Be with You” by Gallery.
Dean’s just in total awe.
I’m so proud my hometown is canonically the location of that scene.
Crowley would be singing that song. “Changes” by David Bowie.
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“Hello, boys.”
Ouch. There went Sam.
“Give us your bow.” Slow your roll, Cas.
“Talk first, stab later.”
“Do you know what I find the most shocking about time-traveling through a closet and landing in the year 2013? Somebody thought it was a good idea to make you the King of Hell.”
“Right now, you and I are gonna talk about regime change.”
Burned Abaddon to a crisp. Good job, Sam.
Cas acquires cupid’s bow.
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“...to sit at God's feet, to be asked to write down his word? The ache I felt when he was gone, telling myself, "Father's left, but look what he's left us -- paradise." But you and your Archangels couldn't leave well enough alone. You ran me from my home. Did you really think you could do all of that to me and there'd be no payback?”
Naomi ain’t buying it...but she seems to have figured out what he’s really up to.
Oh, is this the scene with Crowley?
It is!
“We just shared a foxhole, you and I. We beat back the Tet Offensive, outrun the --the Rape of Nanking together! And still you're gonna do me like this?! Aah! Aah! ‘Band of Brothers’? ‘The Pacific’? None of this means anything to you? All those motels, you never once watched HBO, not once? ‘Girls’? You're my Marnie, Moose. A-and Hannah -- she just --she needs to be loved. She deserves it.”
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Wow. Fine acting form Mark Sheppard there.
“Would it be possible, Moose...I'd like...to ask you a-a favor, Sam. Earlier, when you were confessing back there...what did you say? I only ask because, given my history...it raises the question... Where do I start...to even look for forgiveness?” Mark Sheppard is truly doing a great job.
Human!Crowley was wonderful.
“Come on, Kev! We're on the one-yard line here.”
“Okay, a-and I should have mentioned this six months ago, but the sports metaphors -- y-you want to motivate me, "Magic" cards, "Skyrim," Aziz Ansari.”
“What? Yeah, I don't know what those words mean.”
“Metatron isn't trying to fix anything. He's trying to break it -- an act of revenge for driving him away.”
“Break it how?”
“Expel all Angels from Heaven, just as God cast out Lucifer.”
“Cast you out? To where? Hell?”
“Here. Thousands of us, walking the Earth.”
Naomi’s telling the truth.
Dean can stop a powerful warrior with one touch.
“If Sam completes those trials, he is going to die.” Oh dear.
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“I will listen.”
“Dean, I'm not wrong. I'm going to fix my home.” I’m not sure which I consider more painful: that Cas was wrong, or that Cas still considered heaven his home.
Now knowing that Naomi’s still alive, it’s kinda obvious that a drill to the head wouldn’t have killed her and she was just catatonic here.
“She told you I lied, didn't she? You should've listened to the bitch.” Metatron, you asshole.
“What's going on? Where's Cas?!”
“Metatron lied. You finish this trial, you're dead, Sam.”
That one little word shattered my heart.
“These were never trials, Castiel. This is a spell. And what I'm taking from you now -- your essence, your Grace -- is the last piece.”
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The moment that changed Cas forever.
“Think about it. Think about what we know, huh? Pulling souls from Hell, curing demons, hell, ganking a Hellhound! We have enough knowledge on our side to turn the tide here.” 2 of these 3 things will come back. They’ll work a case that involves killing a hellhound in S12, and even sooner than that, they’ll cure demon!Dean.
“You want to know what I confessed in there? What my greatest sin was? It was how many times I let you down. I can't do that again. What happens when you've decided I can't be trusted again?”
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(So Sam was jealous of Cas?)
“Hold on, hold on! You seriously think that? Because none of it -- none of it -- is true. Listen, man, I know we've had our disagreements, okay? Hell, I know I've said some junk that set you back on your heels. But, Sammy...come on. I killed Benny to save you. I'm willing to let this bastard and all the sons of bitches that killed mom walk because of you. Don't you dare think that there is anything, past or present, that I would put in front of you! It has never been like that, ever! I need you to see that. I'm begging you.”
Dean loves his little kid brother very much, and it is the backbone of this show.
“Hey, listen,we will figure it out, okay, just like we always do. Come on.”
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“Castiel?! Where the hell are you?” Cas can’t come to the phone right now.
And where the hell was Kevin gonna go??
What a tragic and beautiful shot.
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“Angels. They’re falling.”
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Prompt 3 of @sdavid09 Daily Writing Challenge
Never cross the King of Hell... (Angst fic)
Crowley stared at bleeding and unconscious form of Rosa, swallowing hard, seeing the blood pooling out and unable to tell whether or not she was alive or dead.  This had not gone how it was supposed to and now there was a good chance that she was going to die because of his foolishness.
He fought back to his feet, licking his lips and trying carefully to not let it show that he was worried, but failing.
“Pathetic,” The demon growled.  “Is this truly what the King of Hell has taken on his arm?  A little human that can’t even take a hit?”
Rosa groaned and Crowley wanted to tell her to be still, to not let on that she was still somewhat okay, but it was already too late, the demon marching over and stepping hard on her hand, making her scream.
Crowley fought with himself, wanting nothing more than to put an end to the demon hurting her, but whatever magic this demon had dug up, it was preventing it.
“Doesn’t feel good to be powerless does it?”  The demon growled.  “Much like most of us experience and then shit’s like you make it so much worse.”
“You don’t think I went through the same thing?”  Crowley asked.  “I just fought my way to the top, something that most of you lot seem to be too afraid to do.”
“Well, I’m doing it now.” The demon trod down hard again, making another scream leave Rosa, even as she tried to hold the bleeding wound on her chest.  “Bow down to me Crowley and I will make it stop.”
Crowley scoffed. “You’ve got to be kidding right? I bow to no one, and especially someone who offers such a poor excuse for a deal, it’s rather pathetic really.”
The demon drew a gun. “So be it then.”
There wasn’t one gunshot, but two, the demon staggering before his gun went off, your scream loud as the bullet hit your chest.  Crowley, shocked, didn’t have a chance to move as Sam, Dean and Castiel hurried in.
Castiel hurried over to you, ignoring the blood and lifting you up enough that your head could rest on his arm.
“Cassie…”  You gasped, your chest rising and falling rapidly.
“Easy Rosie, we’ll get you through this.”  He said quietly.
Crowley held himself steady, despite wanting to shove Castiel out of the way.  “You can heal her, right?”
Castiel glances up at Crowley.  “She can heal herself in a moment.”
Crowley didn’t understand and about to say so when he saw what Castiel pulled out of his coat.  He stared at the glowing vial and stood in solid denial even as Castiel pulled the top off and held it to Rosa’s mouth, the grace reacting immediately.
He couldn’t believe this, of all the things that could’ve happened, this was last on his mind.
Rosa’s body arched as the grace took hold and Castiel hurried away from her, Sam and Dean now watching, Crowley standing there stunned.  She struggled up, the wounds on her body slowly healing as the lights around them began to flicker, Sam and Dean covering their eyes a little as she began to glow, the shadow of wings appearing on the wall.
Castiel was there before she could collapse, helping her up and supporting her.  “Are you alright sister?”
Rosa was breathing hard, sweat dripping from her brow.  “That…hurts.”
Castiel frowned.  “It has been a long time for you, I can’t imagine what it’s like.”
“I should be…”  She shudders.  “Okay in a moment.”
He keeps a grip on her. “You’ll be okay Rosangel, we can get you through this.”
Rosa smiles.  “I haven’t heard that name in a long time.” As she looks up, she meets Crowley’s eye and her smile falters.
It was all Crowley needed, his eyes narrowing.  “Did you ever plan on telling me this love?”
She flinches.  “In all fairness Crowley, I never even dreamed of getting my grace back.”
“You’re a bloody angel!” Crowley yelled.  “What part of that made you think it was alright to do this to me?”
“Crowley please,” Rosa spoke quietly, aware of the looks of the others.  “Now is not the time and I promise that this does not change anything.”
“Oh, you know bloody well is does Rosa.”  He snarled and then he was gone, making Rosa sigh.
“I need to go after him.” She said, straightening up, but still holding onto Castiel.
“Rosie, you can’t.” Castiel said quickly.  “You need to let yourself recover.”
She blanches.  “If I don’t, then Crowley is going to be intent on hating me and nothing I say will change it.  I need to deal with this now.”
Drawing in a deep breath, she vanishes, going after Crowley.
Dean and Sam frown at each other.  “Did we miss something?”
Rosa staggers slightly as she gets into Hell, even just this trip taking a lot out of her and making her lean on the wall for support.  “Crowley?”
Crowley tensed from his position at a table, pouring himself a drink.  “What are you doing here Rosa?”
“What do you think?” She grunts.  “Coming to talk to you.”
He faces her, the worry passing over his expression quickly until he hides it.  “We have nothing to talk about, that’s why I left.”
“Don’t be daft.”  She manages to sit in a nearby chair, sinking into it, still looking weaker than what she should.  “I know you’ve been with angel’s before, you’ve told me that yourself.”
Crowley’s jaw twitches. “As a one of thing, not a whole, long term-whatever this is.”
Rosa raises an eyebrow. “What?  You’d prefer I’d be human and watch me slowly dwindle away in years until I die then go who knows where?”
“Yes.”  He said flatly.  “It would be a lot less complicated.”
“Don’t give me that Crowley.”  She said. “You know as well as I do it would so much more complicated.  If a human ended up in Hell, they’d be tortured until they were turned into a demon themselves, then things still wouldn’t be the same.  If a human went to Heaven, then they would be inaccessible to you and, chances are, you’d both continue to exist in perpetual misery. You’re seriously going to tell me that this isn’t easier?”
Crowley glared at her. “No.”  He takes a drink.  “How the Hell would I explain this to other demon’s Rosa? Oh, sorry, Rosangel.”
“Rosangel is a name from long ago and one I’d much rather forget.”  Rosa said quietly.  “As for the question, you tell them that you have an angel on your side that won’t hesitate to smite any bastard that so much comes near their king.”
For a moment, it looked like this would work, that Crowley would see reason, but he shakes his head. “Rosa, as much as that is tempting, I cannot see it working.”
She tips her chin up. “You said you love me Crowley, no matter what, just as I am the same with you.  Being an angel doesn’t, and hasn’t, changed that.”
“It has for me,” He said quietly, his expression blank.  “So get out before I make you.”
Rosa stands, not breaking eye contact, fury and hurt bubbling just under the surface.  “Fine.  Be like that. Go back to your misery, maybe wallow in it for a while.  If you come back then I may forgive you, but only if you ask nicely.”
With the sound of wings, she vanished, leaving Crowley staring at where she’d been, his hand shaking. He knew it was the right thing, if anyone had found out that an angel and demon were together, breaking whatever silent agreement was between the two, they’d be hunted until they were killed.
No, this was definitely better for the both of them.  He swallowed. So why didn’t he feel any better about it?
 Rosa was now a regular traveller with Castiel, much to Crowley’s annoyance, and it was hard to send any comment her way with Castiel glaring at him, not that it stopped Crowley, but it would’ve been nicer if he wasn’t so suspicious.
Rosa, for her part, actually remained civil, much to Crowley’s surprise, and although it wasn’t the same as what they once had, Crowley at least thought that maybe they could keep working together.
Then, Lucifer re-entered the picture.
Crowley was less than pleased, even more so when he found out that Rosa had had to go on the run, every demon at Lucifer’s command ordered to hunt her down, to the ends of the earth if necessary.  The only thing that gave Crowley hope, was that he knew that she was resourceful, not to mention, she knew about a few of his own little hideaway’s, having trusted her enough to tell her.
But he still couldn’t have expected what happened.
Lucifer had him at the end of the line, had been torturing him non-stop and Crowley knew that the end was coming and that, no matter what he’d thought of, had no way out of it.
This was going to be it.
And Lucifer was laughing at him.
Any moment now, Lucifer would deliver that final blow and there’d be nothing that Crowley could do about it.
So he accepted it. Watched Lucifer and expected every blow to be his last.
Then the room filled with light and Lucifer was blasted away from him.  A pair of hands make quick work of the chains and soon healed him as he blinked, Rosa looking terrified, but she still smiled.
“Hope I’m not too late.” She said, getting him to his feet.
“Better late than never love, trust me.”  Crowley grunts, holding her as he steadied himself.
“You would rather,” They both looked up as Lucifer got back to his feet.  “Pick a demon over your own brother?”
“Putting it kindly, yes.” Rosa stood in front of Crowley.  “At least my demon knows where he stands and isn’t constantly vying for daddy’s attention.”
Lucifer’s eyes shifted red as he growled.  “Oh, I’ve been waiting for this Rosangel, you’ve been a very naughty angel that’s been a thorn in my side for too long.”
Rosa held an angel blade tightly in her hand.  “I enjoy being a thorn, means I can ward off all the arsehole’s that come my way.”
Crowley stared at the back of Rosa, frozen to the spot.
Crowley, go.
He was torn more than he had ever been, pain almost gripping his chest as he fought to both survive and to make sure that she was going to survive too.
Lucifer moved fast, but Rosa had been training, she’d been ready, getting out of her brother’s reach and swiping in with the blade, which hurt him, but would never be enough to kill him.
She meets Crowley’s eye for just a moment.
Love, go.
Crowley blinked, having just enough time to see Lucifer move again before he vanished, appearing in the bunker, Sam, Dean and Castiel jumping at his arrival, even though he had little idea how he got here himself.
He felt it, felt the blade, felt the life go, and if wasn’t for the fact that he was numb, he would’ve crumbled.  Instead, despite questions being thrown his way, Crowley moved to their whiskey cabinet, grabbing a glass and pouring a generous amount.
For a long time, he was silent, everything seeming to take it’s time as it sunk in, even though he didn’t want to believe it.  The connection, that momentary connection they shared, had lasted just long enough for him to know, and now he was left with nothing.
Castiel was the first one to break through his thoughts.  “Rosa is gone isn’t she?”
Crowley looked up, his expression pained, but he lets nothing else show as he nods.
He doesn’t care for Sam and Dean suddenly talking again, nor Castiel offering words of condolence, instead he sits and drinks.
Things eventually seemed to come back into focus and he managed to help the Winchester’s and Castiel with whatever they were doing, his mind set on his own task when they mentioned getting Lucifer back to the cage.
He couldn’t get off that easily.  He wouldn’t let him get off that easily.
One day, after they were close to Lucifer and things were calm, Castiel asked Crowley about Rosa, but Crowley said he was fine, there was nothing else to it and the angel had more important things to worry about than the feelings of a demon, which he assured were non existent.
Castiel’s look said he knew better, but Crowley didn’t care.
Hell eventually reclaimed, Lucifer right where he wanted him to be, Crowley found himself alone in the throne room, staring at his throne, drink in hand.
It was a long moment before he felt the wetness on his cheeks, causing him to wipe the tears away and look at it on the back of his hand, his expression turning to one of disgust. The problem was, was that the tears then wouldn’t stop, no matter how many times he wiped them away, his hands shaking with anger, the glass shattering against the wall as he very openly started to weep, the doors to the throne room slamming shut so that no one could walk in on him like this.
For the briefest of moments, Crowley thought that a gentle hand had rested on his shoulder, only to find it empty when he reached for it, making him screw his face up, still trying to get a handle on all the emotion, the thing that he was meant to have kicked but knew that he never had.
He kept going back to that moment, to those few seconds that they had shared something beyond a physical bond, something that had left him so shaken he was no longer sure what he was doing in the world, that connection saying more than what their words together ever would.
“My demon,” and “Love, go.” Would play over and over again in his head, torturing him, making it all feel like a broken record.
Crowley had no idea how long he wept for, how long he stood or simply just broke things to try and get rid of it, the emotion, but as soon as he heard the whistling from the room next door, his eyes burned red.
There was only one reason why Rosa was gone, and that bastard was now in the next room, whistling, like nothing was wrong.  Crowley straightened, breathing hard, not letting his eyes shift back as he stormed towards the room.
Lucifer was not going to get out of this easily and Crowley was going to make sure that every demon in Hell heard what he was going to do to him.  He was going to ensure that that angel knew who the rightful King of Hell was, and that he, or his love, should never have been messed with.
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caedynscorner · 6 years
Angel With a Shotgun
A/N: So i think this is kinda shit, but figured i’d post it anyway. Let me know if you like it! Minor spoilers ahead if you aren’t caught up with the show! Set during 13:18. 
I’m an angel with a shotgun, fighting till the wars won.
I don’t care if heaven won’t take me back.
I’ll throw away my faith babe, just to keep you safe.
Don’t you know you’re everything I have?”
With a flutter of wings, Gabriel was gone. Castiel and Sam staring at the spot where he had been standing in astonishment. I rushed off toward the door, Cas yelling my name. I thundered up the stairs, momentarily catching Sam’s confused look. I had never run after anyone, and certainly never left without telling Sam. Cas caught me as soon as I had gotten out the door.
“Finley! Stop! What are you doing?” I turned to look at him, stopping him in his tracks.
“I’m going after Gabe. I have to do this. He’s scared, and-and hurt. Even if you are too blind to see it.” Cas rolled his eyes.
“He’s a dick Finley. I don’t understand why you keep chasing after our brother like this. And the Winchester’s still don’t know about you, do they?” he asked accusingly.
“Don’t you dare tell them what I am Castiel. I am going after Gabriel and you cannot stop me. I’ll be back soon, cover for me? Please Cas. Do this for me?” I pleaded.
“Tell them then. Tell them what you are.” I shook my head.
“I can’t do that. I can’t tell them. I’ve been keeping this secret for three years now. Don’t make this harder than it is. They won’t trust me if I tell them!”
“Then that’s your fault. Tell them the truth, and I will lie to Sam this once.” I sighed in defeat, I needed to get to Gabe and I knew Cas wouldn’t give in.
“Fine. I’ll tell them when I get back.” Cas nodded, and I flew off, following Gabriel’s trail. He hadn’t gotten far, only about a mile away, into a patch of woods. I landed beside him, crumpled on the ground. I cocked my head to the side.
“Did you seriously fall out of the sky? Or did Dad strike you down?” I asked. He scoffed.
“Dad doesn’t give a damn about me. Obviously.” I lowered myself down to his level, him flinching away.
“Ah, that’s why you left. You juiced up all right and smited Asmodeus, but you’re still afraid. That’s why you ran off instead of helping the only humans you seem to care for.” Gabriel cowered away from me. I could see right through him, what Sam and even Cas hadn’t seen. Sure, Gabe had gotten his grace back, but he was still terrified.
“Sure, you’re a dick, we all know that Gabe. But you’re scared. And that’s normal. What you went through, all of this trauma is normal.”
“Not for an Archangel,” he pouted. I finally sat down beside him, and he flinched away again. I gently reached for his hand but thought better of it and pulled away. Gabriel had always had a soft spot for me. I was the youngest angel, and one of the only girls. I had always been closest to Gabriel. His tricks always entertained me, and he loved how easily he could make me laugh.
“Baby sister, you fell so early. You cared for humanity so much, you had always cared for them the way Dad did. You always tried to fix things. In Heaven, on Earth. But the one thing you can’t fix, is me.” I rolled my eyes, “You followed Lucifer. Caring for humans was your sin.”
“Do not compare me to Lucifer. That asshat is nothing like me. I followed Cas. He fell to save Dean. I fell to save Sam. Castiel can’t save both of them. Someone needed to save Sam.” He rolled his eyes.
“Exactly. You try to fix everything. Some broken things can’t be fixed.” I grabbed his hand suddenly, feeling him try to jerk away, but I held steady.
“You know, even Castiel doesn’t like you. Sam wants to. He wants to trust you.”
“A poor decision honestly.” He said sarcastically. I glared at him. d
“Can you drop the act for like two seconds? What happened to the Gabriel that I grew up with? The one who would tell stories to the younger angels and play tricks on us all? What happened?”
“He died. About seven years ago. I broke to pieces when I fell to help save the world from Lucifer. It was supposed to be the Archangels job, but we all failed. Michael died, I ran away. I failed.” He finally dropped the bravado surrounding him, and held my gaze steady for the first time, his eyes tinted the blue light of an Archangel.
           Even with his grace restored, he was still broken. The thing about the angels were that we had to heal after we fell. Cas and I had the Winchesters. Cas directly, me indirectly. Gabriel had healed quickly, but then Asmodeus had broken him again. His body was still intact, but his mind wasn’t.
“You’re scared Gabriel. Still a dick, but at least this is a little bit warranted with what happened to you. You suffered major trauma, but so have the Winchester’s and Cas. They can help you. We both know Asmodeus can come back. He a Prince of Hell for Dad’s sake. But the Winchester’s can protect you.” Gabe rolled his eyes.
“The Winchester’s won’t help me now.”
“You’re right, they won’t. And that’s your fault. But they still need your grace, and we both know Dean won’t stop until he gets it.” Gabriel dropped my hand and looked at me, terrified.
“No one will ever take my grace again.” He growled.
“Oh my God Gabe. Taking your grace doesn’t have to hurt. Do you know how many times I’ve given up my grace to save Castiel’s ass? It won’t hurt if you give it willingly,” he shied away from me, “I’m not saying I’m gonna take it from you. But we are going to need it, need you. Sam wasn’t lying when he said we need you. But, go run off like you always do. I’ll keep your little secret. Just come back to us, please?” He sighed and stood up, I followed. He looked angry at me for a second, and then he smiled.
“For you, little sister, anything. I’ll be back, I promise.” He kissed my head and flew off. I sighed, feeling my phone vibrate. I figured it was Sam, probably calling me back to the bunker. I flew to the end of our road, slowly trudging back to the bunker door. Sam was outside, waiting for me.
“Dean’s back. He’s pissed, but we’re more worried about you now. Cas said you had something to tell us?” he phrased it like a question, watching me nervously. I gulped and nodded my head.
           I was standing in front of the boys, Cas watching me encouraging. I knew if I told them, I would lose their trust. But hopefully not for long. I had hidden my grace from everyone, almost to the point where I forgot I was an angel sometimes, especially when I was hunting. It took Cas awhile to realize what I was. Just like it took the Winchesters five years to figure out Chuck was God.
“So, it’ll just be easier to show you. I know I should have told you a long time ago, and I apologize in advance, and I know that I’ll probably lose your trust, but, understand that I hid this to protect myself.” I closed my eyes and let my wings unfurl, the brothers gasping at the shadows of my wings on the bunker walls.
“You’re-you’re an angel,” Dean sputtered out. I opened my eyes, Dean looking at me in amazement. Sam wouldn’t meet my eyes.
“Yes. I’m so sorry I hid it all from you. And that I had dragged Cas into hiding it too.” Dean’s eyes flashed to Cas, who looked ashamed.
“Why? Why would you hide this? How did you hide this?”
“The same way Chuck did. I hid my wings, and angles have this particular magic that makes it hard for humans to see them for what they really are. It was safer that way. I wouldn’t be tracked or attacked. I wouldn’t bring any more monsters after you two.” Dean smiled softly, but before he could say anything else, Sam got up and left. We had all watched in silence as he left the bunker, slamming the door shut behind him. I sunk down into a chair.
“I knew I’d lose everything,” I mumbled. Sam and I had always been the closest, and I was madly in love with him. Dean smiled.
“You didn’t lose him, you will never lose him. Just give him a little bit.” I nodded and stalked off to my room.
           I quickly took a shower and changed into jeans and a flannel shirt. I pulled my wavy blonde hair back in two braids and pulled on a pair of brown, knee high boots. I slipped on Dean’s green jacket, the green color coming out in my greenish blue eyes. I slipped a blade into my boot and grabbed my bag. I shuffled my wings, flying to the nearest bar, the one that fronted a pack of werewolves, the same ones that had been killing people in the woods around the bunker, the same pack we had been hunting.
Of course, Sam would be here. He’s looking for a fight. I thought angrily. Sam was sitting at a booth in the back of the room, his long curly brown hair hiding his face, head bowed over a half empty mug of beer. I moved toward him, walking almost silently, but he still looked up as I neared, pain flashing behind his hazel eyes. He looked back down as I sat across from him.
“Sam, I’m sorry. I know I should have told you when I met ya’ll. But I was just trying to protect myself.”
“I know,” he said gruffly, “That’s what makes it worse. You didn’t trust us to protect you.” I laughed lightly.
“I never needed your protection. I’m an angel Sammy. I can protect myself. I fell to Earth to save you. Castiel can’t handle both you and Dean. Chuck sent me down, same as Cas. I came too late though. You had already been saved by Cas, plenty of times. I pretended to be a hunter, and you and Dean graciously brought me into the bunker. I can never repay you.” He finally looked at me, nervously.
“I fell around the time you sacrificed yourself to stop the Apocalypse. I didn’t hear anything about you for a few years, until one day, Cas found me. He told me everything and from then on, we both worked to keep you safe. I stayed in New York for a while, before following you down to a hunt, where you finally met me.” I had tracked the Winchesters down to Nashville, claiming I had followed the werewolf pack down there. When in reality, I was following Sam.
“I’m sorry I lied this entire time,” I mumbled, looking at my hands.
“You told us you had lost your brother. I’m guessing you weren’t really lying?” he asked. I shook my head.
“No. I was talking about Gabriel. He had always been my favorite brother, and me his favorite. I fell right after Gabe supposedly died. I never knew he was alive. I was just as surprised as you.” Sam nodded slowly.
“Seems like he tricked everyone.” I laughed lightly. “Why do I have an angel? I thought I was Lucifer’s vessel? Just another one of Hell’s pawns. I’m just the person with demon blood in my veins.”
“Sam stop,” I said, cutting him off, “Either one of you could have been Lucifer or Michaels vessels. Azazael chose you for some twisted reason or another. But that shouldn’t matter. You are beyond special. You have both heaven and hell in your veins. And no matter what, you deserve saving. You deserve to be saved. You have done so much good for this world, and if Chuck wanted you in heaven, he would’ve stopped sending angels after your ass a long time ago.” Sam finally laughed, a half smile crossing his lips.
“I love you Sammy. More than I should,” I mumbled. His eyes widened in shock.
“You-you… Love me?” I looked up at him.
“Of course, I do. More than you’ll ever know.”
“Try me,” he smirked, “I love you too. I always have.”
           Suddenly, the werewolves came out, snarling “Winchester” in our direction. Sam glanced over at me, I had brought a backpack with a shotgun in it. I pulled it out carefully, resting it on my lap. We both watched the wolves carefully, waiting for them to attack. The bar was mostly empty, save for us, the bartender, and two men sitting at the bar. I was waiting for the wolves to attack. Sam and I looked over at each other, just as the first wolf bared his fangs at one of the men. The bartender screamed, and I pulled the shotgun on the wolves.
“Winchester. Didn’t realize you had two pet angels,” the first wolf growled. I rolled my eyes.
“Sorry, not a pet.” I growled back. I glanced back at Sam who was rushing the bartender out of the room.
“You know little angel. You’re on our turf. We have every right to kill you and the Winchester. If you kill us now, the pack will come after you. There will be war,” the wolf growled. His claws extended, and he swiped across my cheeks, before I could move out of the way. I screamed out, Sam rushing back toward me, the second wolf wrapping his arm around Sam’s neck, cutting off his breath.
“If you want a war, bring it on!” I yelled, pulling the trigger, the bullet slamming right into the first wolfs chest. The other pulled his arm tighter, threatening me with Sam. I flew behind him, whacking him on the back of the head, Sam gasping for breath as he fell out of the wolfs grasp. Before the wolf could even say anything, I had fired off a shot. I watched the wolf fall onto the floor. I felt Sam’s hand raising my face to look at him.
“He got you?” I nodded.
“I’m fine Sammy. Give it a few minutes, it’ll heal. Are you okay?” He smiled.
“I’m fine. My own angel. I really have my own angel?” he asked, “And one who kicks ass too.”
“I’m an angel with a shotgun. And I promise to always protect you.” Sam smiled bashfully.
“And I will always protect you too.” He leaned down and kissed me, just as the first of the sirens pulled up to the bar. I jerked away and grabbed Sam’s hand, flying both of us back to the bunker. I set him down gently, watching him sway a bit before regaining his balance.
“Badass angel. I can get used to this.” He smirked and pulled me to him again, kissing me gently.
“You know the wolf threatened war, right?”
“Let them try.” I smiled too, kissing him again. No matter what happened, we’d be safe, and knowing the Winchester’s war of some kind never seemed far away. 
“They say before you start a war, you better know what you’re fighting for. Well baby you are all that I adore. If love is what you need. A soldier I will be.” 
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