#Lucky you's
saltygilmores · 8 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls- Season 2, Episode 22 (Last Episode of the Season). "I Can't Get Started" Part 2
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How about you don't and just say you did. I have a better idea, instead you can walk right off a pier.
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Ah, good old fashioned American politics. It’s a sad state of affairs to think that if he ran for office, Crusty would likely get elected in a landslide. Especially if you know all about this actor’s sketchy political and personal views (I am aware that he’s actually Canadian, but it matters not. He's trash). Lorelai invites Crusty to Sookie's rehearsal dinner, because having her parents at the wedding isn’t going to be hellish enough. Also I guess she’s trolling for some D after Dean abandoned her. Crusty will have to scratch (and cause) that itch.
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When I think of fun, I think of Dean and Crusty!
I’d like it made clear that they’re discussing a wedding rehearsal dinner and not the wedding itself. A rehearsal dinner is intended for the people…in the wedding party…to rehearse for the wedding. It’s not an open invitation for Crustyburgers who are trying to bang one of the bridesmaids. Lorelai just invited him without Sookie’s permission, claiming she'd be thrilled to have him there, which means a lot. You could invite some ruthless dictator to her wedding and Sookie would be all "Teehee, the more the merrier!" Dean also has no reason to be attending the rehearsal dinner of his girlfriend’s mother’s coworker. Anyway. Swell. They make their own rules in The Hollow.
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WHEEE! I love a good minor inconsistency especially when they happen within the same episode! WHEEE! We know there won't be 1,000 people in attendance at that wedding. The population of Stars Hollow is like, 26.
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Uh oh. Lore's sloshed. That means she's nice and loose and vulnerable and Crusty is about to pounce. Gross.
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Crusty needs to "step outside for some air" and wants Lore to join him. Have you no shame?
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GAGGGG. You held in your vomit during Balcony Boinking, now try not to blow chunks at Wedding Reharsal Porch Porking (I assume. They seem to like porking in fresh air). Lorelai just can't put her finger on why Crusty is suddenly so nice and Around. Huh. I could never guess what he's after.
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"Sherry had a big business trip planned and before she left we had a talk. We tried to come up with some answers. and couldn't think of anything so she left and we took time apart to think." Okay? The hell does that even mean? It's not supposed to make sense because it's all made up bullshit and he knows that Lorelai in her sloshed state isn't going to question it. Then bam, he's back in her pants once more. I guess seeing the turmoil brewing in his relationship, Crusty's solution was to take advantage of Lorelai and then knock Sherry up.
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Well, well, if it isn't the Nauseating Crusty-Boinking Lorelai Pot calling the Nauseating Crusty-Boinking Sherry Kettle black.
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Oh okay, so they're going to pork AT the wedding then?
Back at home the next day, Rory recieves a pitiful incoming call from Paris, who is having pre-election day jitters and decided the first person she should call was the one most near and dear to her heart. Her vice president. Her soul mate. I mean. Her running mate.
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That was beautiful and gay I could cry.
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It just seems very off putting to present the news that your daughter's father and stepmother are breaking up to her in the same gleeful manner you'd reserve for something you read in a trashy tabloid. Like Sherry & Crusty are some celebrity couple of 2002, not your kid's shitty father and creepy girlfriend. I googled "Celebrity Couples that broke up in 2002" but got nothing. However, I found something more entertaining. Here ya go: 20 Celebrity Couples You Forgot Dated in 2002 "Guess who's in the process of breaking up?! Sandra Bullock & Ryan Gosling! I mean...your father and his girlfriend! Your shitty father can't keep a plant alive no less a relationship, isn't that amusing? Sure would suck if he reproduced a second time eh?" Two more Sherry Nuggets: Please watch the episode titled "It Should Have Been Lorelai" (or read my breakdown) if you forgot what a creepwad Sherry actually is. And what Lorelai once said about her:
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"Wow, but they were so...TOGETHER!" is the highest compliment you could give to one of Crusty's Crustacean-Ships. I mean relation-shits. I mean relationships. It sure sounds like Rory was rooting for you guys.
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This kid is too smart for her own good.
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Oh my god, I LOVE this top. Michel has just worked 6 hours over time and is asking Lorelai nicely to let him clock out. She is not having it. Ya'll, I've got three numbers on speed dial during this episode: Some kind of medical board in Connecticut for the grave HIPAA violations going on in that orthopedist's office, the fire marshal for the supposed 1,000 people attending this wedding, and the Connecticut Labor Board to look into Lorelai Gilmore and what the hell is going on over at the Independence Inn.
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Proper response to this managerial dictator/HR Nightmare. You better pay my boy Michel his due overtime, Miss Leaves Work To Pick Out Coffins for Diner Guy.
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SOCIAL DISTANCING!!!! LEAVE ROOM FOR JESUS!!!! I'm quite concerned how she's about to swap spit with Crusty and she has not questioned this Sherry breakup bullshit that he fed her less than 24 hours ago... like...at all. Whatsoever.
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Mmm, Welp. That's just about enough of these Gilmore Freaks for one day.
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tanjir0se · 9 days
Disclaimer these are just a small sampling of some possible writer traits I’ve noticed either in myself or in fics I read. Also consider a rb for sample size !
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wroniec · 9 months
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cadaverkeys · 24 days
You really can always tell if someone has read Homestuck. And no it's not just in the way they draw or the music they listen to or the references they make. Homestucks are genealogically, neurologically, aesthetically, and dialectically distinct from all other people. Homestuck is basically like a type of extremely powerful spore or perhaps radiation that makes someone different in diverse yet identifiable ways when given long term exposure. Basically.
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zoe-oneesama · 3 months
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Eager, isn’t she.
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gl1tchxr · 7 months
reminder that i am doing tumblr trick or treating on halloween! come to my door (askbox) and say trick or treat and i'll give you something!! (a png) please reblog if you are turning on your porchlight (opening your askbox) this halloween
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
The leftism/anticapitalism leaving people's bodies the zeptosecond you imply that disabled people who aren't "productive" still matter in society and need to be treated like intrinsic equals who have a place in this world:
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i vote that next year instead of reading Dracula we do a Jeeves & Wooster Book Club. those two never got the rabid tumblr shipping fandom they deserved (disqualified for the sheer technicality of being published a century too soon). we must correct this injustice
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its-kinda-snowy · 8 months
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The lack of more medieval era idiots is frankly criminal if you ask me
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dateamonster · 27 days
"top ten movies about Girlhood" whose girlhood? whose girlhood? what kind of girl are these movies about? answer quickly.
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you-makestedehappy · 7 months
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𝒾𝓉'𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝑔𝓁𝑜𝓇𝓎. 𝒾𝓉'𝓈 𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝒷𝑒𝓁𝑜𝓃𝑔𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝑜 𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔.
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s-lycopersicum · 1 month
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mobius-m-mobius · 27 days
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#there are two types of actors 😂💖
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chinelacanta · 2 months
i like to think that ever since they met it was mutually ON SIGHT bullying <3
they’re both losers (said with love)
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morganbritton132 · 5 months
Eddie posts a Tiktok like, “If you are interest in someone, do not tell my husband. Steve is the worst person to tell. All he does is judge you and then criticize them.
Steve, off camera: That’s not true.
Eddie: It is true! Grant just - Grant, can I tell people this? …Cool - Grant just told us that him and his ex-wife have been talking about getting back together. And that’s great! A normal person would say ‘that’s great, man.’
Eddie: Not Steve. Steve’s response was ‘the ex that can’t cook for shit or the one with the big tits?’
Steve: It’s a valid question!
Eddie: Stevie, baby. When Robin told you she was a lesbian, the first thing you did was criticize the girl she had a crush on
Steve: Yeah, because she was a dud
Eddie: And when I told I loved for the first time, you winced at me like I was making a bad decision. You asked ‘why?’
Eddie: And i didn’t even say it first! You already said it a week before!!
Steve: I just think that you should have standards
Eddie: I do!
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Fuck fuck everything for fuck damned pissing hell's sake one of my students has used ChatGPT
I wish to commit an act that will in future be referred to by its date
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