#Lucue Lucas
jamiebamberdaily · 1 year
Feels like we’ve been waiting so long for this & finally it’s here! Check out our first look at Jamie as Harry King in the trailer for Cannes Confidential! 💙 And it looks as brilliant as we thought it would be!
Reminder that the series premieres on Mon 26th June with 2 episodes - who else is excited? 💙🙌🏻
{credit/source - Acorn TV}
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mod-doodles · 1 year
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The Sydcarmy + Lucus parallels
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currymanganese · 3 months
The Bear is a super deconstructed Shakespearean pastoral comedy
Carmy fleeing his dysfunctional family for his mental health's sake, and moving to New York gives Orlando from As You Like It fleeing for his life to the Forest of Arden - unlike Orlando, he has not just one, but two Older Brother figures in Mikey and Richie, one that pushes him away - before reconciling from Beyond the grave, and the other that's still alive that gives him a hard time at times and wants to clean his annoying little brother's clock - in a milder version of Orlando's older brother wanting to kill him, but eventually reconciling with him after Orlando saves his brother's life; Carmy using the restaurant's float to bail Richie out of jail in Braciole, anyone?
While in New York, unbeknownst to him Carmy wins the favour of a fair maiden, but not with his fighting skills, like Orlando, (God didn't bless him in that regard after all) but with his cooking prowess, said maiden doesn't exactly tell him the reason burgeoning fondness and for her respect for him, but, Like Rosalind, she sings his praises anyway in their first meeting. Orlando is dumbstruck by Rosalind's beauty and forgets how to talk, Carmy forgets that he already spoke to Sydney on the phone and she makes him forget what UPS was.
Misunderstandings and foibles and false and farcical romantic interests pursue Rosalind as they do Sydney and Carmy, while Rosalind teaches boyish and inexperienced Orlando how to woo her while in the guise of another; Sydney demands that Carmy defines his relationship with Claire, and to stop being so shitty towards her.
There are separations over misunderstandings, Orlando fails to rendezvous with headstrong and impatient Rosalind in her stipulated manner, and at her stipulated time, but Rosalind returns to her love Orlando, after hearing of his near death experience, and finally reveals her true self to him. 'Green' and 'impatient' Sydney, who Carmy has yet to allow having the honour of a dish of her own being placed on the menu, returns to The Beef after quitting in the disaster that was Review; after lovesick
Carmy dissociates and causes a grease fire. He reached out to Sydney before making his peace with his brother.
to his joy, Sydney accepts a starry-eyed Carmy's business proposal.
By story's end relationship spares are paired off and what began in tears of sorrow, the death of Orlando's father, Carmy's brother, and Sydney's own mother before, ultimately ends in wedded bliss and happy connubial tears...
The Bear is a Love Story, but only if you know what to look for.
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yannaryartside · 11 months
SydCarmy vs Lucus
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This is a long one. Is about the series's themes on pursuing the arts, and the reasons that this ships work as symbolism for it.
When thinking about the reasons Marcus and Sydney were not going to work out (as far as we can see), I read a comment saying: "they are not on the same level" and the more I thought about it, I realized it not only meant they are not equal in culinary expertise, but they also have different ways to "live" their path in the culinary arts, almost opposite philosophies about it. And all of it is explained in their conversations with their (possible) romantic interest. 
When you enter a path in the arts, any part, at some point, you will have to make decisions about how you are going to transit this path because there are very different ways to live a creative life, to make money out of it, and how feel fulfilled about it. Many people will enter their path with an idea of what success looks like, probably modeled after an artist that you admired, the desire for your art to be recognized as good, or as "the best," or even to disrupt what came before you. Shortly, art philosophy is how you value your path in the arts: What makes it good art? What point of your career is gonna bring you satisfaction? What guides you to it?
They both want to be "the best," their definition of it equals stars, reviews, magazine interviews, and restaurant numbers. The creative impulse is only as valuable as is booming, and a chef is only as good as the size of their kitchen.
They both want exterior recognition and aspire to a big audience, and their satisfaction in their craft depends on that; what makes their unbearable jobs worth it somehow is if "people loved the food." They both have wounds and bonds formed around food and love making people happy with the food, but they have selected a perspective of what "the best" is and is an ambition they run almost blindly to. You can think the burger place on your block has the best food in the world. There are cooks utterly content with that, but the Michelling stars are telling otherwise.
Of course, this is the most tangible way to measure success in arts, the singer with the most loved songs, the book with the most readers. Quality is supposed to be evident by popularity, and they want it, decorated with the prize of succeding in such a competitive industry. They have tried to win the culinary rat race and have regrets about it.
Carmy (motivated by the rejection and abandonment from his brother) worked his ass to unhealthy levels to climb the culinary ladder, living to best everybody around him and run the best restaurant on the planet (which, if we believe his monologue, only took two fucking years). Sydney is presented to us as somebody with equal creative powers, intelligence, and instincts as Carmy, which is particularly obvious in their brainstorming sessions. But she hasn't been offered the same opportunities. Her previous bosses described her as "incredibly talented, impatient, and green." and one friend told her as "always trying to be the best." There is much to say about how her impatience may sabotage her ambitions. Still, it may be because she fears getting stuck, labeled, or never recognized by her talents.
These two have 3 things they prioritize in their art paths:
Creative expression+people love the food
Exterior recognition based on the industry standards (stars and big kitchens)
A rat race (sense of urgency) and your ability to play on it.
What makes your food the "best" is comparing it to everyone else and "winning" in a particular category. 
Not to mention, they are both deeply aware of the logistics and money sides of the restaurant life. It is not like they don't value inspiration, but their ambition is the defining force behind said inspiration. 
Luca was introduced to us as someone who was "trying to keep up with Carmy, who was much better than him," the same way the audience feels Marcus is someone trying to impress and keep up with Syd. Luca knows the culinary world, has traveled, and has a privileged position making high-end desserts (possibly in a place with stars). He is the Carmy to Marcus's Sydney. 
Btw, there are some crazy parallels here too:
Marcus and Sydney have a wound/fear related to their mothers.
Luca and Carmy have strained relationships with their siblings (Luca has a sister he cannot find).
Both Carmy and Sydney got into cooking because of early childhood passion
Marcus and Luca got into it by "chance," discovering a passion that they never expected to love this much or be good at.
Mentor x student relationship.
Back to Marcus and Lucas's perspective of art. Notice how Carmy was trapped in a sense of urgency environment, with many people working for him, in NYC, a chaotic city; while Luca seems to work entirely by himself, in a pretty chill environment, in a rather peaceful city. Luca and Marcus thrive on this environment, which is about thought and delicacy, unlike the "efficient, fast run kitchen" Carmy and Sydney established.
Marcus had no philosophy about his craft because he was barely starting. Still, he adopts Luca's philosophy, which has 3 parts:
You may never be the best. Some artists have to let go of the idea of being "the best." There is a lot to say about this. But I want to express this using an example of the craft that I aspire to get into: writing. A friend once told me that some books are not meant to reach millions because they have a very specific audience, and what makes them good is how "memorable they are." More of it, some artists are never recognized in their times. The industry may not be made for them, or it may be just luck. Limiting the value of art by the industry standard is depriving the world of art that needs to be more exploratory, spontaneous, or just free. 
Since industry validation may not be available to you, instead of "being the best" against others, you can decide, "My only competition is me from yesterday." This perspective is super important because it gives you something to aspire to, ensures your creative growth, and allows reinvention.
It is not about skill but being open to the world, yourself, and other people. It is not about fancy techniques or recognition but about being inspired. 
To Luca and now Marcus, the creative process is as good as is honest, and a chef is as good as the effort he puts into it. The "self-exploration" and the recognition of the people surrounding him allowed Marcus to create his desserts: The Copenhagen sundae, for his ultimate school (and Luca), "Mum's" honey bun, Sidney's donut (the first one in believing in him and when he recognized his dreams), and "The Michael" the one that put him to make bread, and the tribute that needs to be made.
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thedarkmongoose · 10 months
Title: Love of the Game (Part 2)
Pairing: Luca/Marcus (The Bear TV 2022)
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51598489/chapters/130782010
Rating: Mature
Summary: Part 2: Luca visits Marcus in Chicago and gets swept up in the world of The Bear.
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directionerplusgleek · 4 months
Marcus has something to tell his mother. Even if he isn't sure she can hear him.
Submission for Pride Month Bingo - Coming Out
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Definitely don't expect to get bingo, but love having some inspiration!!
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localsoulsalesman · 2 years
I feel like I'm Joyce with how I act
"Will, I know you really like Mike, but that Lucas boy you're friends with is very sweet and I-"
I just want my boy to be happy with all the angst he has to deal with 😭😭
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cringespace · 1 year
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stevemother · 2 years
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Byler fight scene analysis pt. #2(Will's POV)
throughout the entire season we can already tell that Will is pretty annoyed with everyone in his group and is worried that things will never be the same. and he had tried to fight that thought so had tried his hardest to engage the party in thing they used to do like, dnd. but of course, they didn't take his actions seriously with caused him to lash out at his friends. when he was about to leave mike caught up with will, telling him that they just weren't in the mood. which Will finally told mike how annoyed he was that all they wanted to do was talk about their girlfriends, which Mike took full offence and told Will, "It's not my fault you don't like girls!" and when those hurtful words were said, Will could not believe mike, his oldest and most trusted and loved friend had just told him that; he felt himself just crumble. Mike knows Will has been bullied for this exact same reason his whole life by the kids at school and his own father. which would make it hurt the most knowing that his best friend was doing the same at the moment. when he got to Castle Byers, he broke down crying. looking at the photos of him and the group. he was so upset with himself, El, Mike. when Mike and Lucas got to castle byers to apologize to Will, the fight had long been over, and they had to focus on the upside down. Will and mike never bring this fight up because no good memories could come from it.
I hope you liked this but if you didn't, this is just what I think. have a good day/night. :)
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cakerybakery · 2 years
This willow movie is like lord of the rings if the ring was a baby and unwilling hobbits seems to make up most of the cast so far
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 86
Part 1 Part 85
Eddie’s going to come out of this whole thing with a bald patch. He can’t stop pulling at the ends of his hair, feeling the sharp tug on his roots, the snap of the few hairs that can’t withstand the onslaught.
They’re all just sitting here, resting on their laurels like Steve isn’t slipping further away with every wasted second.  
There’s enough frenetic energy running through Eddie to make him want to get out of the van, pace the length of the Byers driveway like a tiger in a cage. But Steve’s bound and blindfolded in the van, and the thought of taking his eyes off what little he can see of Steve’s face makes bile rise in his throat.
There’s not much else for his stomach to dredge up. He can’t remember the last time any of them ate.
So, he sits on his heels. And he waits, feet going numb beneath the weight of his thighs.
This is all becoming horribly familiar. They’re even at the Byers house again, Eddie losing his mind by inches, Steve gone.
It’s not fair. Even through all of this, no one’s priority is ever Steve, first. Steve, only. Even when it should be. No one except Eddie. 
Will’s still curled into his side, looking up at Steve with that same desperate need, though. So maybe it’s not just him. They’re an island of three, always.
Eddie can live with that, will gladly subsist only to give these two his devout devotions. If Steve will just come back to them.
Eddie’s ready to scoop up Baby Byers in one arm, Steve in the other, and flee state lines if it means he gets to keep them.
Mama Byers likes him too much to let the kidnapping charges stick.
But Steve’s still gone, even as he sits placidly in front of them. So, he waits like a good boy. 
For Carol fucking Perkins of all people. It’s like the Upside-Down is determined to scoop up all his sworn enemies and drag them into the clusterfuck right alongside him. First Nancy, now Carol. What’s next? Billy fucking Hargrove? Where does it all end?
Eddie yanks his hair again, feels a few more hairs snap. He drops them on the floor of the van, mind spinning off into DNA, and fingerprints, and all the things the shady government spooks could pin on him with those few loose hairs.
He pulls out a few more.
Barb’s usually an annoyingly safe and slow driver, but she must have hauled ass because her tires are skidding into the driveway well before he would have expected her to be. She stops abruptly enough that gravel kicks up around her car, tires digging grooves into the dirt beneath it.
The kids tumble out of the backseat, dirty but intact. Eddie can’t help the way his eyes stray from Mike, to Lucas, to Max, to Dustin, cataloging each of the rips and smudges along their bodies, looking for scrapes and injuries underneath.
The knee of Mike’s jeans is suspiciously ripped and bloody, like he’d taken a tumble on cement, but everyone else looks fine.
When Carol slides out, she looks decidedly less fine. Her preppy outfit’s streaked with dirt and grim, her usual blow-out hair-do caked with something suspiciously dark and viscus. Most damningly, she’s got a baseball bat clutched in her manicured hand, ready to take a swing, and are those nails? Is that blood on them?
Whatever it is, it’s not human. It’s so dark, it’s almost black, even in the overcast light of the afternoon.
Barb’s less disheveled, but there’s a smudge of the black liquid on her glasses, like it’d splattered across her face, and she’d only partially cleaned it up.
It’s seeing it there, that makes it click. It’s the same color as the Demogorgon’s blood had been when it had been painted across Steve’s face that time they’d thought it was a good idea to trap one.  
Will jumps out, running up to Mike, and Dustin, and Lucus. It’s another reenactment of last year, the reunion just as fierce and life-affirming. Even if this time it’s only been a couple days since they last saw each other. Near death experiences will do that to a kid. Even Max gets pulled into the mess, arms around backs, heads tucked into shoulders.
Eddie barely sees it, too focused on Barb’s glasses, brain making connections between black blood, and Demogorgon’s and Demo-dogs, and the way the soldiers had screamed beneath the earth as they’d left them to die.
Eddie follows Will out of the van. He’s pulled into his own hug, Barb’s arms warm and shaking as they wrap around him. His hands hang down awkwardly, trapped by his sides by her hold. She drops him but stays huddled close.
“I’m never going to get used to this,” she sighs, eyes trained on the kids all surrounded together, all talking at the same time, clearly trying to fill in Will whose bemusement only grows on his face.
Eddie laughs, sharp and unhinged before he clamps his lips together to cut it off. “You don’t know the half of it,” he says. He can feel Steve in the van, still, wants to turn back and get him in his sights again.
Perkins steps in his path before he can. “Monsters, Munson?” she demands. Up close, Eddie can see the way her fingers are white around the baseball bat, the way the blood’s congealing around the rusted nails. Even at five foot nothing, she paints an imposing figure with that clutched in her hand. “You were all hiding fucking monsters?”
Eddie grimaces. “You told her?” he murmurs out of the corner of his mouth to Barb. 
Perkins rolls her eyes, clearly having heard him. “She kind of had to when those fucking things cornered us!” 
He’s getting really tired of so many of the things in his life having to be classified as ‘things.’ Still, he can picture their gaping maws, the way they’d open up like flowers in bloom just from the horror peeking out behind the indignation in Perkins face. This is going to upset Steve when he gets back.
“Why the hell were you even there?” Eddie demands, pointing a finger in her face. He drops it when the hand holding the bat shakes, bringing it closer to his hand.
“Blame that one!” she snarls, pointing at Dustin like he’s gum on the bottom of her shoe. “I could’ve gone my whole life without seeing one of those fucking whatever-dogs!” 
“Same,” Barb murmurs, shriveling up with disgust. 
Perkins doesn’t even look her way, but she still stands shoulder to shoulder, somehow made into a united front within a day. Eddie shouldn’t be surprised: the Upside-Down makes for surprising bedfellows. 
He’d done the same thing, trapped in a hell dimension with Steve Harrington of all people. Steve Harrington who’d made him laugh, and shared his bed, and saved his life. Steve Harrington who’s bleeding out of himself to make room for something else.
“Where is Steve anyway?” Perkins asks, like she could hear his train of thought. “He’s got a lot of explaining to do.”
Eddie can’t help the way his gaze darts toward Steve. It’s like asking someone not to look at a shooting star darting across the sky, or a lighthouse in a storm, or a compass pointing your way home. He can’t help it, and maybe Perkins can’t help the way she storms over to the van, either. 
“What the fuck?” she says, less a question than an exclamation of shock as she takes in Steve’s state.
Eddie knows what she’s seeing – her friend’s washed-out face, obscured by Wayne’s flannel, and Will’s headphones, tied tightly by every seatbelt Wayne could reach without moving Steve. He knows what conclusions she’s drawing in her twisted little head as she rushes into the van and knee walks over to her reported best friend.
Eddie’s “wait, no!” is drowned out by similar sentiments from Will and Wayne and Mama Byers. None of it makes a difference. It’s too late.
“Steve?” Perkins says, and there’s the sound of her bat thunking into the ground, and then an ominous rustling. Eddie doesn’t wait to see what happens next. He bolts to the van, Wayne right behind him. “Are you okay? What’s going on?”
She sounds desperate enough that Eddie can’t even blame her for what she’s done. But that doesn’t change the fact that Steve’s dull eyes are uncovered, and he’s looking past all of them, through the open door and out onto the street. The flannel and headphones are both discarded on the floor as Perkins clutches on Steve’s shoulders, shaking him like that will get him to meet her eyes. 
Steve’s been here dozens of times, sitting passenger side in Eddie’s van and drumming his fingers on the dashboard 
“Code fucking red!” Eddie calls, head shaking at the force of his yell. “They know where we are!”
Wayne sighs, long and heavy the way he does when he’s sinking into his armchair after a long shift. All the kids are shouting over each other, demanding answers to questions Eddie can’t even hear. Perkins is staring at him like he’s insane, but Barb’s drooping where she stands. She’s been in this long enough to know what a code red means, even if she’s lacking all the necessary context.
Wayne straightens, back cracking as he claps once to get everyone to shut up. “Kids in the house!” he calls, talking louder when the inevitable protests come from that corner of the driveway. “Now!”
Wayne doesn’t yell, ever. Hearing his voice raise, angry and loud, makes Eddie flinch back, shoulder hitting Perkins where she’s kneeling. It does the job, though. The kids scurry into the house while Wayne surveys the remaining group of four, eyes skipping over Steve’s blinking eyes. 
“You any good with that bat?” Wayne asks.
Perkins eyebrow is furrowed, but she opens her mouth to answer. Barb beats her to it. “I’m better.”
Wayne picks it up from the ground and hands it over to her. They all know by now that she knows better than to mislead them at a time like this. Barb clutches it between her hands, straight-backed and feet planted, like she’s ready to swing. 
“Joyce, go stay with the kids.” 
Mama Byers shuffles her feet, looking back at her house, but doesn’t leave. “Shouldn’t we stay together?”
“We can’t untie Harrington here,” Wayne replies. “And there’s no time to go somewhere else.”
As if to punctuate his point, there’s a familiar hungry growl, pettering off into a howl. The howl echoes off the walls of the sky, cutting in and out. Static. Reverb. The Upside-Down is calling and Eddie doesn’t want to pick up the phone.
Mama Byers runs, full tilt toward the house. Eddie hopes she makes it, can’t see her past the lip of the open door of the van. He hopes she’s got a gun in there, hopes she hands out butcher knives to too-small fingers and they all stand back-to-back-to-back. He hopes None of those things make it past Barb’s bat.
Wayne rushes to the glove compartment, limping on his bad hip with his haste as he digs around. He comes out with a gun, polished and sleek, and clearly one of the dead soldiers. Eddie hopes it’s loaded. 
He stands behind Barb, blocking the open door with his body, gun raised and pointing toward the staticky sound of dogs growling. 
“Close the door, Ed.” He doesn’t turn away from the threat, even as he says, “Love you.”
Eddie hiccups, something wretched and sharp boiling out of him. He wants to stand at his Uncle’s side, but his hands are fleshy and empty. Perkins is hyperventilating behind him and Steve’s not saying anything at all.
He closes the door.
He crouches in front of them both, blocking the closed door, ready to play a fleshy, second door should the first one fail. 
There’s the sound of a gunshot, the wet thwack of a nail-covered bat meeting malleable flesh, then glass shattering all around him.
He raises his hand and closes his eyes reflexively as it rains down onto his face, into his hair. Something cold and meaty lands on his lap. 
He opens his eyes.
It’s just like he imagined: paws and tail and hairless body. A petaled mouth that droops open, razor-sharp teeth glinting threateningly even in death. 
He pushes it off, scrambling back and away from the dead thing that still somehow looks like it wants to kill him, heedless of the broken glass making mincemeat of his palms.  
Eddie backs into Perkins, tries to keep crawling away until she grabs his shoulder, squeezes hard as she peers over his shoulder into the silence of the day. 
He can see Wayne, still standing, Barb at his side, gorey bat raised. Had they won? A bat and a gun, and they’d won?
But, then there’s a new face, peering up through the broken window. Her eyes are solemn, but she smiles when she meets his eyes, short curls atop her head bobbing as she waves at him.
Part 87
Taglist: @deany-baby @estrellami-1 @altocumulustranslucidus @evillittleguy @carlprocastinator1000 @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @lunabyrd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @manda-panda-monium @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @ive-been-bamboozled @harringrieve @grimmfitzz @is-emily-real @dontstealmycake @angeldreamsoffanfic @a-couchpotato @5ammi90 @mac-attack19 @genderless-spoon @kas-eddie-munson @louismeds @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @pansexuality-activated @ellietheasexylibrarian @nebulainajar @mightbeasleep @neonfruitbowl @beth--b @silenzioperso @best-selling-show @v3lv3tf0x @bookworm0690 @paintsplatteredandimperfect @wonderland-girl143-blog @nerdsconquerall @sharingisntkaren @canmargesimpson @bananahoneycomb
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fluffvstheworld · 10 months
Can you write Lucus lee or Todd Ingram being comforted by a male!reader? Maybe about Lucus's acting career or Todd's whole situation with Wallace I'm actually so gay for them and I just wanna give em a big ol hug🤧🤧🤧
A/n: anon i completely understand, they both deserve all the hugs they can get ;o;
Note: Although no pronouns are used, it was written in mind for a male reader
Lucas Lee and Todd Ingram Comforting Headcanons
Lucas Lee
The Hollywood star’s career was officially over
After fumbling with the one movie that offered him a job and his agent bailing on him, Lucas had nowhere to go
He had no money to go back to his home, nor the money to even keep it
So he called the only place nearby he knew that could help him
Which just so happened to be you
As soon as he called to ask if he could stay and explained what happened, he didn’t even need to step foot in a direction before you skidded your car to stop before him
Not much was said on the car ride back, just a little thank you until you pulled up to your home and helped him with his bags and skateboard
When you both set his stuff down on the spot beside the guest bed, that's when you noticed that the situation seemed to hit him
Lucas is not one to get super sad about situations that he gets into, he can easily turn a negative into a positive in a heartbeat. His demeanor seemed to be more disappointed, whether that be in himself or just with the situation as a whole
So you sit yourself beside him on the bed and gave him a hug
It took him a bit to realize what you were doing, but it seemed to cheer him up almost instantly, returning it tenfold.
"You can stay here as long as you'd like"
"Thank you."
Todd Ingram
Todd's heart was shattered after Wallace's rejection
Yes he's used to flings and such with women, Envy being no better than him, but unlike any of them he felt a genuine connection to the boy
He found out so much about himself through Wallace, and now that was gone
So as soon as you heard the about the news after making your way to the set, you quickly ran to check up on him in his trailer
And oh, how much of a mess he was
As soon as you knocked on the door, it weakly opened to the man himself eating nacho fries with stains lining his face and shirt
He went so far as to break veganism because of the heartbreak, and that enough told you how hurt he was
As soon as he shuts the door behind you, you set the bucket he held aside and gave him a hug
The blonde instantly melts into your embrace and reciprocates it, sniffling a bit as he holds onto you
As you slowly try to release the hug to guide him to the couch, he only brings you in closer
It's when his sniffles and silent hiccups relax into little sniffs do you dare to talk a little
"...You wanna talk about it?"
As you guide him to the couch and sit him down, the boy just seems to want to cling to you more
He explains the situation to you exasperatedly, explaining how good it felt to be with someone he felt understood him
It took a long time for him to stop before he pulls back
"Thank you.. for listening."
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friendofthesharks · 6 days
SFTH Incorrect Quotes (DND Edition)
In honor of me finally finishing the DND streams
Ashen: Maybe the real treasure was the memories we made along the way.
Daemys: I almost died.
Ashen: That was my favorite memory.
Falmouth: Do it scared. Do it vaguely uncomfortable. Do it mysteriously damp.
Lucas: Why would you think any of this was a good idea?!?
Daemys: Probably because I’m a dangerous criminal with a long history of violence.
Daemys: I don’t know how you keep forgetting that.
Ashen: I’ve only had Ellory for a day and a half but if anything happened to her I would kill everyone in this room and then myself
Daemys: We all have our demons
Lucas, grabbing Ashen: This one’s mine!
Windsmuth: What scares you the most?
Lucus: Monsters.
Ashen: Ellory getting hurt.
Daemys: The unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding us all towards an inevitable death.
Falmouth: Daemys.
Lucus: I love murder mysteries.
Ashen, trying to impress him: I’ve been a suspect in four murder cases.
Ashen: What do you want for breakfast?
Falmouth, dehydrated: I WISH TO DEVOUR THE UNBORN.
Lucas: He wants eggs.
Ashen: “Become a parent,” they said
*Explosion noises, screams increase in volume*
Ashen: “It’ll be fun,” they said
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currymanganese · 11 months
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: The Bear (TV 2022) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sydney Adamu/Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Luca/Marcus (The Bear TV 2022) Characters: Sydney Adamu, Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto, Natalie "Sugar" Berzatto, Pete (The Bear TV 2022), Marcus (The Bear TV 2022), Uncle Jimmy "Cicero" (The Bear TV 2022), Tina (The Bear TV 2022), Ebraheim (The Bear TV 2022), Gary "Sweeps" Woods, Tina Marrero, Richard "Richie" Jerimovich, Manny (The Bear TV 2022), Angel (The Bear TV 2022), Neil Fak, Connor (The Bear TV 2022), Luca (The Bear TV 2022) Additional Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Developing Relationship, Developing Friendships, Pre-Relationship, Eventual Romance, Eventual Happy Ending, Angst with a Happy Ending, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Smut, Swearing, songs play an important role in this fic but you don't have to listen to the music to enjoy it, they're like flavour enhancers if you get the musical references though, Songfic, eventual romantic comedy, Mental Health Issues, Miscommunication, Romantic Soulmates, Not Beta Read, Child Neglect, Childhood Trauma, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Original Character Death(s), Original Character(s), Parentification, Wakes & Funerals, Therapy, Terminal Illnesses, Background Luca/Marcus, Background Relationships, Slow Burn Series: Part 1 of Songs In The Key of Life (Chronological Order) Summary:
After the heartache and disappointment of the events of Friends and Family night, Syd and Carmy gradually salvage their fractured relationship, and then some.
Chapter 7, my take on Marcus' mom's funeral is up. 🕊
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yannaryartside · 5 months
I want to talk about Marcus's mom
and the time of her death
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So, there is this beautiful yet heartbreaking detail about the timing in which Marcus lost his mom.
Marcus mentions to Luca that his mother has already exceeded the estimated life expectancy for her illness.
Right before Marcus travels to Copenhagen, he tells his mom how excited he is about this opportunity to learn (one of his idols in Carmen's cookbook worked (or is) in Copenhagen); he is also looking forward to proving himself in creating original desserts. We know this is the first job he has felt passionate about, and we have followed his journey into curiosity, improving his skills and making this "his thing."
In the momment he leaves the room, we see his mom opening her eyes, and she looks into the darkness, as she is thiking, observing...
This moment made me so sad because it seemed like Marcus was just seconds away from a proper goodbye before the trip. But then I thought that she likely heard him; she heard her son explain all these new things in his life that he is excited about. She knows he has found his passion and purpose, and that passion is allowing him to grow and know other countries and expand his horizons...man. That is all a parent ever dreams for their child, along with happiness.
Let me emphasize this, we see her wake, taking this information in. And the last thing we know about her is that she died on the opening day. Marcus receives the message while hanging the sign Luca sent him after reading his note and smiling joyfully. She died the day his son had all the pieces in place for a fulfilling life: a passion, a promising career, a possible romantic companion that inspires and values him #lucus forever
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All of that is heartbreaking in its own right, but in the context of her surviving her illness more time than was expected, it is like the show is telling us his mom was trying to hold on until she knew Marcus was going to be all right.
Oh fuck you, Storer; I am gonna be crying internally about this all day.
Credits: first image image by @aeaeaexxzd, the rest by thedarkmongoose
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thedarkmongoose · 10 months
Title: Love of the Game
Pairing: Luca/Marcus (The Bear TV 2022)
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51598489
Rating: Mature
Summary: Marcus and Luca bond over food, sneakers, and Michael Jordan while Marcus is staging in Copenhagen.
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