#Lumins uses speaking ability
Not the greatest, but going! Will try not to disappear for too long again too, but no promises!
How have you been, tho??
It’s nice to hear from you again ^_^
I’ve been doing alright! 👍
Visited a cabane à sucre (idk what the English word for it is)
Re-drew a drawing I didn’t like & it look better, so I’m happy about that!
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lilacgaby · 13 days
title: awaken.
pairing: barbarian!bakugo x goddess!reader,
you've been asleep all this time, who knew a barbarian would be the one to awaken you?
(extended ver of this)
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as katsuki wandered through the never ending forest, he let the words of the elders ring through his head. "you'll never be anything more than a placeholder for the next king."
he set off, destined to prove himself, show that he was worth more than any of them could predict. his father was worried and heartbroken at his sudden departure, but his mother understood that he'd need to do this now, or he'd never forgive himself.
the first thing he did as he set off was to secure food for the night. he eyed a group of hogs, all large and heavy, perfect for feeding him throughout the night. he grabbed the bow out of his satchel and aimed it at the largest one, which landed perfectly in his target's head. he couldn't help but to let out a celebratory laugh as it fell to the ground, making the hogs around it scurry off into the forest.
that seemed to be the last of his luck for the day. he now wished he chose a different day to set off, as the rains and winds were heavy, it was impossible to set up camp in the forest as it was. suddenly, through the curtains of heavy greenery, he saw an abandoned structure. he'd prefer anything to the harsh conditions mother nature set out on him now, so he cut through the vines as he made his way into the structure.
it was grand inside, he thought. he couldn't see very well thanks to the darkness brought on by the rains, but from what he could see it must have been a place of high regard in its peak.
he lit a torch, carrying it as he continued on into the structure. he determined it had been a church in its old days, long forgotten due to.. well he didn't figure that part out yet.
he bumped into a object that resembled a bench, besides the old candle wax, fresh leaves, and golden statutes he saw littering it. he made a mental note to take those with him as he organized his things onto the bench.
he laid his wine down first, a treat he'd enjoy on the way back to his kingdom. next, he laid down his clothes he planned to change into. though he was a barbarian, and by nature they did not wear many clothes, katsuki knew the trip would require such clothing, so he brought the best.
his next item was the huge hog he'd caught earlier. he lugged it on to the bench-like object, thinking of how it was a perfect spot to gut and prepare it for his meal later on. speaking of his cooking, he made sure to bring only the finest oils to cook in. he set it down next to the hog, satisfied with his array of items, he'd slumped against the bench, closed his eyes and sighed.
when he opened it again, he saw the shadow of a person moving behind him. alarmed, he readied his other weapon he always kept on his side, his blade welded by his mother.
though, his blade was dropped out of his hand at the sight. his jaw went slack, eyes wide, and the sudden urge to worship overcame him as he finally saw who was behind him.
a gorgeous.. deity? who glowed with an luminous essence, who adorned pointed ears, heavy amounts of gold, a silk dress that encapsulated your body, and an unreadable expression as you sifted through his items.
the ability to speak was taken from him, he felt as if he was at your mercy, and he was. he was on his knees before he could process it.
your hands glided through the items he had placed on the bench, after you finished looking through the group, you finally spared him a glance.
"your gifts are of high value," you spoke, your voice royal, with an unimaginable presence. "i'm not as powerful as i used to be, my temple and followers were lost to time, my memory faded from the minds of the new." you sauntered over to him now, becoming eye-level with him.
he'd never felt so unworthy.
"i have not much i can give you or do for you, so what would you like from me?"
his ability to speak finalky returned, his mind though, remained blank, so he answered with the only thing on his blank mind:
"your hand."
he immediately rescinded back, never feeling so unnerved and unknowing as he did in this moment. "i- it was an unreasonable request! you-- it's beneath y-"
"that's acceptable. i will go with you, barbarian."
he was shocked as you accepted, though he wouldn't dare question your judgement. "katsuki." he blurted out. "please call me katsuki."
"i will marry you, if it's what you desire katsuki."
his eyes shot open. "yes. i-- it's what i'd like."
"you may call me [name] then." he clutched his heart, he wasn't sure if he was dreaming, but if he was he'd never want it to end.
"alright.. [name]." you smiled at the hesitance in his voice, and waved his worries off with a smile.
"shall we head out then?"
"we can't, the weather is horrible."
"what weather? it's sunny as normal." surely enough, as he turned around the weather had returned to a calm, warm day. the harsh winds and rains no longer present, replaced by the mundane weather.
"i-- i suppose you're correct." he gathered his supplies, even getting your permission to take the things he had on your alter, as he learned it was, back with you two. he slung his satchel behind his back and turned to you.
you held out your hand, and after he placed a chaste kiss on it, he carried you in his arms. the journey back was a blur to him, the burning in his feet nonexistent as he focused on the feeling of his skin on yours, the feeling of his hands on your body.
you arrived sooner then expected. internally, katsuki was excited. not only did he manage to revitalize a goddess, but he'd marry her. he was ecstatic not only at the prospect of beating this into the elders' faces, but to be yours for his eternity.
as he burst back into the conference room, the elders were shocked to see him back so soon. the smug expressions they would've gotten were wiped off the second they noticed you in his arms.
even they, from their distance at their cabinets, could sense the raw presence you had.
"prince bakugo, what is the meaning of this?"
"i've brought to you undeserving folks my wife."
the table of elders all collectively choked at the revelation. "wife? but we've yet to go through the proper trails and period of compatibility. that woman isn't even a barbarian."
"you're right, she's above all of you. she's a deity, and i've earned her hand in marriage. i want my wedding planned for next week, make it fit for a god."
"a deity you say?" the elder's felt like their eyes were about to burst out their sockets. "but--"
they heard nothing as he walked away from the room, you still in his arms. as you eyed the new, strange innovations and buildings around you, katsuki clutched you closer to his chest.
he set you onto a bed, the feeling of silk under your hands one that was foreign, as you hadn't been awakened for over a century.
he knelt in front of you, taking off one of his necklaces, and wordlessly asking for permission to set it on you.
you didn't know this, but this was sacred to the barbarians, presenting one's necklace to another was like talking a piece of your soul and entrusting them with it.
he looked at the sight of you, his ruby necklace with the teeth of the beasts he slayed contrasting severely to the gold you adorned, and he smiled.
you felt your heart go into a knot at the sight of him, he held your hand as he suddenly made a vow to you.
"i vow to be your greatest worshipper. even if i am not the last, i will set a standard that will long exceed my lifespan.
for you are my wife now, and i'll cherish you as long as i may live."
you smiled softly, reaching out to him to hold his other hand. "you've already become my most interesting worshipper, that i'm certain of."
as the two of you basked in each others presence, other gods were smiling upon you two as well.
unbeknownst to you, zeus, a god who had favored you since your birth, had set off the storm on bakugo, leading him to your alter.
not like it was what you were pondering at the moment anyway, as you caressed and embraced your soon to be husband, who you were already planning to turn into a god alongside you.
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brokebonewritings · 7 months
Moonlight Lovers
Gale Dekarios x Fem! Reader
Tags: 18+, Fluff, Smut, Domestic Bliss
Summary: You and Gale spend a lust filled evening together. One of the many shortly after returning to Waterdeep and getting married.
Word Count: 1.9K
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"The moon is a beautiful sight tonight, isn't it."
You jump as the husky voice appears to suddenly, but you turn around knowing that it's your husband. Gale leans in the doorway of the balcony as you stand at the rail looking up at the stars. You smile as you watch him walk to you, placing a kiss at the temple of your head.
As the cool breeze ruffled your hair, you closed your eyes and leaned into Gale's touch. His presence was a comforting anchor amidst the vastness of the night sky. Together, you both gazed at the luminous moon, its ethereal glow casting a soft radiance over the world below.
It seemed as if time stood still in that moment. The worries and troubles that had plagued you throughout the day melted away. You often sought solace in the late hours of the night, finding solace in the gentle dance between darkness and light.
Lost in your own thoughts, you whispered, "Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to touch the moon."
Gale chuckled softly, his warm breath tickling your ear. "Oh darling, if only we could reach out and grasp it. But sometimes, it's the beauty of things just beyond our reach that enthralls us the most."
You turned to look at Gale, his eyes shimmering with a mixture of longing and wonder. There was a distant look in his gaze, as if he were envisioning making it a reality. It was one of the many reasons you fell in love with him - his ability to see the extraordinary in the ordinary.
Lost in the allure of the night, you both continued to stand there. One of his hands holding your waist, as the other grips the rail. The world around you fell away as you found yourselves drifting into a shared reverie.
Suddenly a shooting star streaked across the sky, drawing a gasp of wonder from you. It was as if the universe was responding to your unspoken desires, affirming that there was indeed still magic left in this world.
"You've bewitched me, truly, you are even more stunning than the moon." Gale whispered, his voice barely audible over the gentle rustling of the wind. "I would give anything to make your dreams come true."
You turned to face him, your heart swelling with love for this man who cherished every ounce of your being. "And I, you," you replied, a tender smile gracing your lips.
He leans in and nuzzles your jawline with his nose. Peppering your skin with light kisses. As Goosebumps prickle your skin, you feel an electric current surge through your veins.
In that moment, you both knew that the moon was not the only thing that held irresistible allure in the night sky. The depth of your love for each other seemed to transcend the earthly realm, reaching heights that only the stars could fathom.
Gale's lips find yours, and the world around you dissolves into a sea of passion and desire. In each kiss, there is an unspoken promise of forever, a pledge to explore the wonders of life together.
"Do you ever regret what we have done?" You ask, the question comes suddenly and without warning. This causes him to stop his shower of his kisses.
Gale pulls back slightly, his eyes searching yours for any sign of doubt or hesitation. His hand gently brushes against your cheek as he speaks, his voice filled with sincerity.
"Regret? Never," he murmurs, his gaze unwavering. "Every step we've taken, every choice we've made, has led us to this moment. And in this moment, I am the happiest man alive."
"I don't regret it either," you reply softly, your fingers intertwining with Gale's. "All those risks we took, all those obstacles we overcame, they were worth it to be here—to be with you."
His face softens, his eyes reflecting a profound sense of gratitude. "To be with you," he echoes, his voice filled with an overwhelming tenderness. "There is nothing in this world I would trade for the love we share."
You're quick to turn and jump in his arms. You wrap your legs around his waist as he holds you against the railing. Kissing him with full passion, you let your love and desire consume you both.
"You really are going to be the death of me, aren't you?"
"I might be but I think you've got me in a bind here, Mr. Dekarios."
"How so?"
Biting at his lower lip, and pulling ever so lightly. You hear him groan at the sensation. "Because my body, and soul are forever yours."
Gale's eyes darken with desire as he holds you tighter, his hands roaming over your body. "And mine, my love, belongs to you," he whispers huskily, his voice filled with an intoxicating mix of passion and adoration.
Without breaking eye contact, Gale carries you across the threshold into the bedroom. You had forgotten just how strong your husband was. When he approached the bed, he laid you down gently before climbing above you.
His eyes burn with a hunger that matches your own, igniting a fire within your veins. As he hovers above you, you feel the weight of his desire pressing against your body, a tantalizing promise of the passion to come.
With a feather-light touch, his fingertips trace the contours of your face, leaving a trail of fiery sensations in their wake. His lips meet yours in a searing kiss, an explosion of longing and need.
Clothing becomes an unnecessary barrier as he undresses you with gentle urgency. After freeing your breasts from the night shirt you were wearing, he gently kisses around your nipple before taking it into his mouth.
You arch your back, your chest rising and falling with each labored breath. The sensation is exquisite. Gale's hands continue to explore every inch of your body, leaving you panting with need.
"I need you," you whisper, your voice barely above a whisper.
Gale's eyes lock onto yours, the desire within them burning hotter than any flame. He leans down, his lips finding yours once more. This kiss is more intense, more desperate than any you've shared before.
His hands continue to roam over your body, his fingers tracing the curves of your hips, the dip of your waist. You feel yourself melting into him, your body responding to his touch with a yearning that threatens to consume you both.
As he presses you into the mattress, he lowers his head, his lips finding the sensitive skin of your neck. You can't help but moan, your body trembling with pleasure.
His fingers trail along your inner thigh, the anticipation building with every stroke. You let out a soft whimper, your body begging for more.
Finally, he reaches the apex of your desire, his fingers lightly caressing your most sensitive spot. You cry out, your hips bucking against his hand in a desperate attempt to find release.
Gale smiles, his eyes filled with lust. "You're mine, always." he growls, his voice low.
And with that promise, he slides two fingers inside you. You gasp as your body adjusts to the overwhelming invasion. Your hand grips his forearm, nails digging into his flash as he begins to pump his digits into you.
Your body trembles, and your mind is hazy with desire. You can feel him watching you, his gaze makes your heart race even faster.
His fingers continue pushing deeper, stretching you wide as he adds a third.
"Please," you whimper. "Please, I need more."
Gale responds by replacing his fingers with his mouth, his tongue lapping at the delicate folds of your core. The need for release consumes you completely. He knows just what to do, just how to make you come undone.
His tongue keeps searching, delving deeper, threatening to pull you into the abyss of ecstasy. Your body is aflame, your heart pounding against your ribs.
"Gale, I swear to you, if you do not take me right this instant, you will become a widower." You pant through your moans.
At the sound of your plea, Gale removes his mouth from your core and positions himself between your legs. "Come now, we can't have that now can we?"
You feel the swollen head of his erection brush against your entrance. As he pushes in, you gasp, your body stretching to accommodate him. You feel his warmth enveloping you, and you can't help but whimper at the sensation.
He begins to move, his hips swaying in a rhythm that matches the pounding of your heart. Each thrust sends waves of pleasure coursing through you, and your nails digging into his back.
He pulls almost all the way out, leaving only the head of his erection inside you, and then thrusts in deep once more. Your eyes meet, and he leans down, his lips brushing against yours as he continues to move inside you.
You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer and the sensation becomes exhilarating. You feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, the pleasure building with every thrust.
"I need you to tell me where to come." He says, his voice hoarse with desire.
Moaning loudly, you respond "Please, Inside me. Come inside me."
"You want me to fill you?" He grunts, as he thrusts in you. "Want to feel my seed spill inside of you." 
"Yes! Gale, fuck yes!" You scream.
His eyes glint with hunger, and he obliges, increasing the pace and depth of his thrusts. You gasp, your head thrown back in pleasure as he continues to fuck you relentlessly.
"So fucking tight," he growls in your ear, his breath hot against your skin. "You're going to make me come"
You reach up, your nails raking across his back, and grimace as you feel his hand cup one of your breasts. His fingers toy with your sensitive nipple, his thumb brushing against it in circles that send shivers down your spine.
Body screaming for release, you know it's close. You arch your back and beg him to keep going. With each thrust you feel his hips hitting against your clit. Your walls begin to clench around him, and you feel yourself tightening, ready to release.
Just when you think you can't take any more, Gale groans and thrusts deeper, harder, driving you over the edge. With a loud cry, you explode around him. Body shaking with pleasure.
His own seed begins to spill into you, filling you completely. As you continue to pant, your body still trembling with the aftershocks of your orgasm, Gale's thrusts slow and then stop.
He collapses onto you, his weight heavy but comforting, as his heart beats wildly against your chest in sync with yours. 
You both lie there, spent and breathless, your bodies melded together as one. The sweat from the exertion mingles with the remnants of your passion, leaving your skin glistening in the dim light of the room.
Gently, Gale lifts himself off you, his gaze never leaving yours. He kisses you tenderly, his lips soft and warm against yours, and you can taste the remnants of your lovemaking on his tongue.
As he pulls away, he looks down at your now-swollen lips, a satisfied grin spreading across his face. "That was incredible," he whispers, "You are incredible."
"As are you." You say, gently caressing his face.
Gale pulls up the covers and wraps you in his arms, his body still warm from the passion that just ensued. As he holds you close, your bodies still panting heavily from the exertion, you can help but marvel at the connection you share.
You close your eyes, feeling Gale's heartbeat against your cheek. "I love you more than anything,"
Gale responds with a sigh, "And I, you."
The words linger in the air as you both drift off, your bodies still entwined, and the promise of more passion to come.
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luimagines · 7 months
I wanna write a story, but it would be weird to write so here it is:
(Warning: swearing)
A reader who can speak to the dead, can see spirits. They chat often with the villains because they hang around them often, and often ask the reader to tell the Links messages.
The reader collects cursed items, having the strange ability to quell the corrupting powers (for example, they can use Majora's Mask with no negative effect). So they have like cursed knives, Majora, a few shards of the mirror of twilight glued together (I know it's impossible but let me dreeeeaaam-), that kind of stuff.
So like, something like this would happen:
»»————- ★ ————-««
Reader walks up to Four, listening to thr whispers of their spirit friend, Vaati. He had asked to give a message to Link, 'The short one that looks like a f*cked up kinstone', and Reader was too kind to say no. They always knew that spirits that lingered often suffered in pain. Maybe it would help Vaati pass on?
"Hey, Four." Reader said, and Four turned.
"Oh, hello, Reader. Do you need something?"
"I have a message for you." They said, eyes glowing a dim blue, like a luminous stone. "Vaati said 'You're a loser, no maidens?'"
Four passed, a mix of confusion and horror on his face. "I'm sorry, WHO told me WHAT?!"
»»————- ★ ————-««
Reader held Majora in their hands, staring into the great yellow eyes, invested in its whispers. A cough pulled them out of their trance, and Time sat next to it, giving a caughtous glance at the mask. "You seem enamored with that thing."
"I do. . . don't i?" Reader said wistfully. They sighed. "Do you know what it's like. . . seeing the dead? Hearing their woes and being able to do. . . anything? It's painful, watching them suffer."
"Why do you keep it, of you know it's story?" Time asked, frowning. Reader sighed, running a hand on their head.
"You probably wouldn't understand." They explained. "Spirits are more complex than a dungeon clever could be. . . this one has taken a liking to me. . . or. . at least is trying to control me."
Time stiffened. "I've worn it, Majora. He always throws a fit when I do because he cannot invade my mind." Reader explained, turning back to Time and pointing at the marks under their eyes. "These marks are like the ones you have. Proof of my power over it."
Time huffed and Reader suddenly snapped their head back to the mask, eyes glowing blue. Time watched them nod to it, and slowly turn back to Time, eyes still glowing creepily as they slowly asked "He wants to know if you've become a mask salesman too. . ."
»»————- ★ ————-««
"You've lost someone important to you. . . haven't you?" Reader asked Legend on night. He was on watch duty, and the others were asleep. He glared at Reader.
"What?" Legend asked, sounding offended.
"I don't mean to insult!" Reader said quickly. "It's just. . ." Their eyes turned blue, as they looked next to him. The familiar humming of a tune oh so forgien yet familiar to their ears clwas heard only by them, sung by the spirit next to Legend in the pretty blue dress and red hair. "I can see her. . . Was she close to you?"
Legend froze. "What the hell are you talking about? Is this some kind of sick joke?!"
Sensing and watching him grow angry, Reader gave a sympathetic smile. "She likes to hum a pretty tune, you know. as if she is trying tell you it's okay. She can't speak, sadly."
He continued to glare, about combust until they began to him the tune. That tune which he missed of so dearly. The tune he'd trade EVERYTHING he own To be around again.
Reader continued to hum the tune, closing their eyes and doing their best to match the woman's tune when she felt Legend shaking next to them. They stopped and opened their eyes to see him shaking, head in his hands.
"D-dont stop" He said, his voice breaking and shaking. Reader nodded and continued, and his shaking voice started to sing the lyrics softly, leaning into Reader. They wrapped their arms around them, providing some warmth, to comfort the tired, broken, hero, that the lady in blue could not anymore. . .
»»————- ★ ————-««
Either blunt as a dull butter knife or extremely creepy, or comforting. No inbetween. They've got three looks. And That's IT.
Thats all. Thanks for comeing to my Ted talk
I mean.... this could be a pretty decent story if you chose to write it out.
Thank you for sending this in.
This would be like... every Link's worst nightmare. The idea that the people who taunted them and nearly destroyed everything they held dear is still dissing them from the beyond? Horrendous.
They will never be free.
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yestrday · 1 year
Thinking about Dain being a cousin of the twins, like, he comes to their home once in a blue moon, but when he is in town he will surely invite mc to a night out or for some hanging around; and mc may accept because he is a breath of fresh air, specially with the whole academy being after them.
Of course, Dain may or not harbor the same feelings as their peers, but they don’t need to know that just yet :)!
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dainsleif who was a graduate of your academy too, praised for intelligence and good looks. there's no doubt he's a cousin of the twins, with that same shimmery blonde hair and their knack for academics.
after graduating, he got into a university a city over, so he barely sees his cousins anymore. aether speaks fondly of him, talking about how cool and mysterious he is. ("he's so cool, [y. name], i swear! he's got this aura that just makes you... respect.") lumine thinks highly of him too, but she tends to nitpick his flaws more than aether does. ("oh please, he might look cool, but he can barely hold a conversation without making it awkward. he's not really all that.")
dainsleif who shows up at their house impromptu for a visit. you happen to be there too, and you stare wide-eyed at the man whose face you've only seen on picture frames. he stares back at you too, because he doesn't exactly know how to act in front of a stranger.
as he stays in the city, he sees how people of your academy tend to... gravitate towards you. like, literally. after accidentally bumping into you at the grocery, he can see at least five boys from your school lurking around the corners. from that day on, he's offered to escort you whenever you're running tasks outside.
he used to just spend breaks in his dorms, but he finds himself coming back to his hometown these days. his visits come and go, sometimes he'd show up at weekends, sometimes radio silence, but he delights at the opportunity that breaks provide him with. even at his uni, he's worried sick about that little harem of yours. with him by your side, he can at least protect you even outside your school grounds.
he listens to your worries, pushes the cart while you do your groceries, covers your head with an umbrella, keep you close when walking the streets at night... everything to let you know that you will always have him to rely on. not those pesky brats who're too unhinged and obsessed without any care for your feelings. not those brats who get to spend every day and every hour with you at school, who irritate him so much his head boils at the thought of this injustice.
"sometimes i wish i were more like you," you sigh to dainsleif one day. you see it catches dain off by surprise, his eyes wide but flattered at the confession, before they slant into saddened crescents. he turns away from you, facing the gray sky.
"believe me," dain mutters. "you wouldn't want that."
"humble as always. your abilities aren't something to brush off like that."
"... not like that." he looks conflicted as he watches you carefully. his clothes ruffle and fly in the wind, complementing the troubled look in his eye. "there are thoughts within me that... i cannot suppress. thoughts that scare me to even think about. things about myself that i never knew eventually coming to life. it's horrible."
"'cause you're guilty?"
a forlorn sigh. "... because i'm not the man i wish you'd have in the end."
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lemonpils · 2 months
You Can Take It - Scaramouche x Lumine +18 NSFW
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Authors Note: THIS IS SCARAMOUCHE, NOT WANDERER LMAO, this is before he was redeemed n shit lol. no tickling this time, just smut!! enjoy dom!scara btw
Summary: The fatui had finally caught Lumine, whilst she was chained up, a certain harbinger finds her and has a little fun. MINORS DNI PLS
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She had been chained down for what seemed like hours, her arms above her head, legs spread to each corner of the table. She was still in shock, wondering how this all had happened...
How did this happen?
Lumine, in short, bit off more than she could chew.
The adventurers guild had requested help in finding a missing person, a young boy, blonde. And no, it wasn't Aether. Lumine had went to speak with the person that posted the advert, it was a young girl, the boys sister.
So naturally she felt her pain, and wanted to help in any way she could, the young girl explained that her brother wandered off down a trail near Chinju Forrest, she told Lumine that there was a Fatui camp near that specific trail. Lumine cursed to herself, the fatui had always been up Lumine's ass when it came to helping the people of Teyvat, and the fact that it was a young boy who had gone missing only made her anger build.
So there she was, sword in hand, walking down said trail as she looked for any signs to what had happened. She followed the freshest footprints she could see, and saw that they veered off the trail, down to the water.
"Shit." She thought, could he have drowned?
She hurried down to the water, looking for blood, pieces of clothing, anything. It was then that she saw something, a person. He was small, blonde. A sigh of relief washed over her as she approached him, though the expression on the boys face wasn't anything to what she was expecting, it was a fearful look, he seemed to be looking right at her.
"Did you get lost? Your sister has been looking for you sweetie." She spoke kindly, though his face made her worry.
The boy didn't speak, his expression lingered once more, she studied his eyes, and at that moment she realized...
The boy wasn't looking at her.
He was looking behind her.
She swiftly turned around, making eye contact to who ever was standing behind her. She only caught a glimpse before a syringe was injected into her arm, causing her vision to grow fuzzy, and her knees to buckle. She fell onto the sand, able to make out the mask of a fatui pyro agent as her eyes closed.
Now, where were we? Ah, yes.
She had been struggling in the chains, using any elemental power she could, but there was no budge. It seemed they had been preparing for her, the chains were immune to her abilities, shit.
Her arms tried to yank down, but the chains kept her taught and spread as she squirmed. She was almost about to call for 'help' when she heard footsteps walking towards the doorway of the room.
"Fuck, oh god, who's coming..?" She thought.
A voiced pierced her ears as the stranger spoke, though, it was no stranger, she knew exactly who it was.
"Well, look what we have here." It was none other than Lumine's least favorite pain in the ass, Scaramouche. He walked over to the table where she was bound, her milky skin glistening under the one lightbulb that hung in the middle of the room. His fingers reached towards her, but before he could even make contact-
"Don't fucking touch me." She snipped.
He smiled, that sadistic little smile. "Don't act like you don't love it."
She gulped, a tint of pink hitting her cheeks as he called her out, for some reason, this guy always made her lose her cool, made her feel- smaller, did she like it?
Yea, probably.
And he knew that, all too well. Scaramouche was anything but stupid, he noticed whenever they had their disputes that she would fumble her words, and that she let her eyes wander. He knew that there was something more to it, maybe this was a good time to test that theory?
"I'd ask how you ended up getting caught, but I dont really care." He chuckled. "All I care about now, is what I'm going to do next." He flashed that signature smile, that smile that sent tingles up her spine.
"You're sick."
"And you adore it." He nipped back, making her blush in defeat.
"Let's state the facts Lumine, you're stuck, you lost. You cant be for sure that you'll get out, so why not accept it and join the winners?" His voiced was laced with something, something lustful.
It made her quiver as his breath hit her neck, since when did his face get so close?
"I wont submit to your little game." Her voice was shaky, oh how that turned him on.
He chuckled, "I knew you wouldn't back down so easily, maybe I need to convince you then." Lumines heart sank, thoughts raced through her mind as she kept her eyes on him.
She felt a hand grab just above her knee, where her boots ended and her bare skin began. She whimpered. "Scara- dont fucking touch me- nHh!" His hand moved up, taking a handful of her thigh.
"Lumine, you need to learn when to shut up." His eyes were drinking her figure up as he spoke. Something about his tone caused her to stop speaking, hmm, weird.
Lumine let a moan slip out as Scaramouche massaged her inner thighs, caressing her silky skin. "My, what embarrassing noises you're making, you dont like this do you?" He smirked as her face reddened, only proving his point more.
She liked it, fuck that, she loved it.
"S-Scara... wait-" She felt his hands travel under her dress, resting on her hips as his face was still lingering above hers, the eye contact was maddening. "Dont speak." He ordered.
It was if she was finally realizing her own fantasies, and how this man made her feel, she felt dirty, she felt sleazy, but yet so, so turned on.
Her mouth closed as she nodded, a smile appearing on his face. "Glad you understand your place." His hands traveled up her dress, tracing the undersides of her breasts, he admired the softness of her skin with his fingers, and how she reacted to the smallest of grazes.
"Mmhh! Nhh.." High pitched moans seeped out like smoke, echoing through the room. "Oh? Did I find a spot?" He smiled, bringing his fingers up to pinch her nipples, which were already hard. "GhH-!"
She arched her back, only for his hands to meet her hips and slam her back onto the table. "Keep still, dont fucking move."
She nodded, and dissolved into moans once more as he began pinching and tweaking her nipples from under her dress, watching as she fought the urge to arch and squirm. "Look at you, this must suck huh? Unable to move, unable to stop me, and I just get to play with you till my hearts content. But, who am I to say that you dont fucking love it?" He chuckled, a whimper seeped out as she knew he was right.
His hands pulled out from her dress, but were soon back on her as he ripped said dress apart, straight down the middle, revealing everything. She shuddered as the cold air met her skin, leaving tingles in its trace. The tingers were suddenly replaced with a warm wet sensation on her chest.
His mouth had met her right breast as he sucked on her nipple, while his hand toyed with her left one. Lumine moaned hard, she threw her head back to help process the sensations.
"That's it, writhe in pleasure." He said between sucks, pinching her left nipple a bit harder.
"Scara-! Please- fuck..!" She moaned, followed by a hand meeting her throat, not pressing too tight yet. "Please what?" He eyed her.
She gulped, tears pricking her eyes.
"P-Please... Dont make me wait..." She whimpered, she wanted to feel him.
He scoffed, tightening his grip on her neck as she choked in pleasure. "Who the fuck do you think you are, making demands?" His free hand moved down, tracing along the line of her panties. "You dont get to make the decisions, as long as you're on that table." He glared, his fingers traveling beneath her underwear as he spoke.
"Do you understand?"
She moaned as two fingers brushed against her wetness, tracing the outside of her folds as she moaned. "Hhh-!" She gasped, feeling them massage and toy with the outside, barely giving her what she craved so dearly. His eyes kept their gaze on her pussy, and how it quivered when he teased it so lightly.
"What a slut, you're already soaked, see?" He held up his two fingers, already coated in a layer of her juices. She looked to see, but it was too late as she inhaled sharply as the same two fingers slipped into her entrance, not moving just yet.
"Hmm, you're looser than I'd thought you be, you must be really into this huh? What a pathetic slut."
Fuck that turned her on.
She moaned as his fingers began pumping slowly, he pulled them all the way out only for him to push them back in. He kept a smooth pace, watching for her reactions. "Mhh-! Ah..! Fuck-!" The slowness of the speed was killing her, she wanted him to make her cry, maybe she was a slut, she didn't mind if it was for him though.
His pace began quickening, he pumped faster as his slender fingers felt her walls, and how they let him in so easily. "Mm, you like that? You like me fucking you with my fingers? Tell me Lumine, tell me you crave my touch like a fucking drug." He sped up, placing his thumb onto her throbbing clit as he began massaging it.
"I love it-! Fuck! Your touch- mhh! I crave it! Please-!" She moaned through her words as she obeyed, she had never felt so defeated, but in the best way possible. Scaramouche smirked as she spoke, never letting up the pace.
His fingers curled, finding that soft spongey place that made her almost weep. "Scara-! Please- fuck!" She pleaded through her moans. His pace, the never ending feeling of his fingers pumping into her, massaging into that soft spot, his thumb vigorously flicking against her clit, it was all so much.
"Please what? Please go faster? Harder? Use your words whore."
He scoffed, the hand that held her throat finally let go as it traveled to her chest, tweaking her nipples once more.
"Nhg-! Please- fuck..! Break- please! I need a break!" She pleaded, though her moans and body language told a different story.
His gaze was cold but sadistic, the words he spoke after almost made her cum immediately.
"Hmm, nah. You can take it." He torturously massaged into her aching G-spot, watching the tears spill down her cheeks as his thumb kept its place on her clit. He watched as she whimpered, her body almost begging for release.
"Archons-! Fuck... I cant- hhh!" Her voice was shaky and full of pleasure, knowing full well that he wouldn't let her cum so easily. "What's wrong? Dont tell me you're already done." He smirked, his face closing down on hers as his fingers worked away. "Scara please- oh fuck..! I cant- Im gonna cum-" Her words were cut off as the hand that was on her chest slapped over her mouth.
"If you cum without my say, Ill make you orgasm so many times you wont even be able to fucking think. Am I understood, slut?" He spoke with a certainty that almost terrified her. She nodded as his fingers continued to pump into her, on the verge of becoming numb with pleasure. "Good." His hand pulled off of her mouth, allowing her to take a large inhale before moaning loudly once more.
All Lumine could feel was the overwhelming pleasure of Scaramouche's skilled hands, how they so effortlessly fingered her cunt and forced her to buck her hips, how his thumb only had to gently massage into her clit to make her cry in ecstasy. She was well aware he was turned on by her suffering, and that she was turned on from his torture.
He took in her expression, her cheeks were stained with tears and her eyes were puffy from crying. He loved it, though he thought he would strike a deal, not without him having some fun first.
He paused his hands for a moment, giving her a small breather. "How's this, if you can last without cumming for thirty seconds, I'll give you the orgasm you so desperately crave, sound good slut?" He smirked, he was planning something.
She nodded, unable to speak as her voice was only able to produce whines and whimpers.
"Alright, lets begin."
At first, he just began fingering her again, two inside, his thumb on her clit. She moaned hard, followed by a sharp inhale, she suddenly felt something strange, it seemed to come from his fingertips. Wait, was that...
Scaramouch chuckled as he began sending little shocks through the tips of his fingers, zapping her throbbing clit and her soft spongey insides. Lumine screamed in pleasure.
"Fuck-! Nhh! Ah-! Scara- please! Ahh!" At this point she was sobbing, the overstimulation was too much, her hips bucked and her back arched, the torturous sensations continued their onslaught.
"Twenty seconds left." He said bluntly.
A pained moan escaped her as she nodded, trying her hardest to keep the build up inside. She wailed in pleasure as he focused the shocks on her clit, the sadistic bastard...
He watched her fight through it, and how she looked so fucking hot writhing in agony.
"Ten seconds."
She moaned hard as he continued the onslaught, somewhat impressed with her ability to stay so strong. He increased the shocks during the last five seconds, watching her scream.
"Times up, now cum for me slut." He smiled devilishly.
And with that, Scaramouche fingered her cunt through her climax, watching it spew out between his fingers as he moaned in overstimulation.
She gasped for air as she felt his fingers finally pull out from her, dripping with her cum. "My, quite the mess you've made." He shoved his fingers into her mouth, making her taste herself.
"Better clean them up then."
Her mouth closed around his fingers, feeling her own essence drip down her throat. He pulled his fingers out, enjoying the messy sight before him.
"You did better than I thought." He smiled.
"...thanks." She said with a hoarse voice.
It was then that his lips met hers, a tender sloppy kiss ending the night.
He pulled back, walking to her wrists and unchaining them, as well as her legs, he watched her instinctively curl up into a ball, probably sore from being chained up for a few hours. He thew her a spare set of clothes from a chest in the corner, speaking more softly then before.
"The room is going to be unmonitored for another few hours, once you leave, I'm going to say you escaped, understood?" His hand cupped her face.
"...huh? You're letting me go?"
He scoffed, "What, surprised slut?"
She pushed her hair back, taking in his expression. "Somewhat, I didn't really think you would-" She was stopped as he kissed her again, pushing back onto the table.
"God you talk too much, are you going to fucking leave? Or am I going to have to make you orgasm again." He scowled, but his eyes were much sweeter than normal.
"I will, but..." She pulled him into another kiss.
"...in a bit."
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ofliterarynature · 4 months
TBR TAKEDOWN: Week 1 (June 2)
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TLDR: I have too many unread books, and I’m asking tumblr to help me downsize. Pick one or none, we are keeping it simple and friendly! Book descriptions below the cut, see my pinned post for more info. Comments and questions welcome!
A collection of blue covers to start us off!
The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo
Tbh I’ve kind of given up on Bardugo at this point, especially the grishaverse, but I like myths/folktales.
Love speaks in flowers. Truth requires thorns.
Travel to a world of dark bargains struck by moonlight, of haunted towns and hungry woods, of talking beasts and gingerbread golems, where a young mermaid's voice can summon deadly storms and where a river might do a lovestruck boy's bidding but only for a terrible price.
Inspired by myth, fairy tale, and folklore, #1 New York Times—bestselling author Leigh Bardugo has crafted a deliciously atmospheric collection of short stories filled with betrayals, revenge, sacrifice, and love.
Perfect for new readers and dedicated fans, these tales will transport you to lands both familiar and strange—to a fully realized world of dangerous magic that millions have visited through the novels of the Grishaverse.
When I’m Gone Look for Me in the East by Quan Barry
I really enjoyed the author’s first book! I admit I’m less drawn to this one based just on the description, but not uninterested. The most recent addition to my shelves this week.
From the acclaimed author of We Ride Upon Sticks comes a luminous novel that moves across a windswept Mongolia, as estranged twin brothers make a journey of duty, conflict, and renewed understanding.
Tasked with finding the reincarnation of a great lama—a spiritual teacher who may have been born anywhere in the vast Mongolian landscape—the young monk Chuluun sets out with his identical twin, Mun, who has rejected the monastic life they once shared. Their relationship will be tested on this journey through their homeland as each possesses the ability to hear the other’s thoughts.
Proving once again that she is a writer of immense range and imagination, Quan Barry carries us across a terrain as unforgiving as it is beautiful and culturally varied, from the western Altai mountains to the eerie starkness of the Gobi Desert to the ancient capital of Chinggis Khaan. As their country stretches before them, questions of faith—along with more earthly matters of love and brotherhood—haunt the twins.
Are our lives our own, or do we belong to something larger? When I’m Gone, Look for Me in the East is a stunningly far-flung examination of our individual struggle to retain our convictions and discover meaning in a fast-changing world, as well as a meditation on accepting what simply is.
The Assassin’s Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke
I don’t know? I’ve had these for so long. But it’s got sailing ships, pirates, and assassins, so…
Ananna of the Tanarau abandons ship when her parents try to marry her off to an allying pirate clan: she wants to captain her own boat, not serve as second-in-command to her handsome yet clueless fiance. But her escape has dire consequences when she learns the scorned clan has sent an assassin after her. And when the assassin, Naji, finally catches up with her, things get even worse. Ananna inadvertently triggers a nasty curse -- with a life-altering result. Now Ananna and Naji are forced to become uneasy allies as they work together to break the curse and return their lives back to normal. Or at least as normal as the lives of a pirate and an assassin can be.
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rayetherna · 10 months
Reached my boiling point after Fontaine AQ & all the consumed fan content, and decided to dive into my dream-based post-canon/ canon divergent dragon!Aether AU, in which the Traveler "unlocks" himself a dragon form through [4.2 AQ spoilers]. So I snatched a liner to not get "stuck" in sketches, and found him during work breaks ^^
Think of this AU as taking place after the final (successful) war with Celestia, in which Aether participated in the form of that huge eldritch gentleman from the last sketch page. Also, most of my Genshin content revolves/will revolve around my polyamorous Kaeya/Aether/Ajax (Kaetherajax) OTP in any dynamic. Although "my" Aether is far more on a leading side, a "connecting link", and an anchor for Ajax and Kaeya - all three ultimately being a secret safe space for each other.
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So wth did this come from:
I once had a dream about Aether being stuck in the dragon form in a different world xD He looked similar to a dragon OC of mine, as if he +- belonged to the same species but with his own quirks. In the dream he looked somewhere in-between the "condensed" (was also a liiiiittle bit bigger than that) and "uncondensed" versions. The twins found themselves in a "classy fantasy" world with different branches of magic, and Aether turned out to be a metamorph-healer. They helped to alleviate this world's global crisis, but a fragment of something connected with the local "dark side of the force" got lodged in Aether's chest, seized control over him and forced him to slip away in an unknown direction, stuck in the form of a dragon. Lumine and the local Chaeya set off to search for him - and succeeded! He almost R.I.P.ed them, but came to his senses in time. Most memorable moments:
Aether's appearance - he had three eyes, and when he was under control of the shard, the right and third eyes were just rolled back white, while the left had multiple pupils, similar to a demon from my bw pict attached. But he was overall incredibly creepy in this "possessed" state.
When Aether began to struggle for control, he moved like... I don't know how to describe it, but it was SO fucked up - it was clear from the movements that two entities were fighting for the "seat at the helm", and the body looked like a marionet at times. The closest I can think of is the monkey boss from Sekiro in its headless phase, when it does plunge attacks and forward dashes with a sword x'DDD The sight was absolutely chilling.
When Aether "surfaced" and allowed Lumi, Kaeya and Ajax to get their hands almost elbow-deep into his chest and try to pull out the shard. But while it was budging, it was burning their hands almost to the bone, even despite Lumi's healing and the combo of water-ice cooling from Cheya. In the end it tossed them all aside by some sort of shockwave - so Aether dove into his own wound while he was still "lucid", and ripped the shard out with his own teeth, for Lumine to destroy it.
And the last but not the least was the most hilarious scene of licking the wounds of the companions - Aether was capable of healing almost any damage but in such a strange way, 'cause dragon incarnation enhanced all the abilities, but something about its "composition" influenced "magic conductivity" xDD He carefully used Kaya's palm as an example for what he had in mind (he had a hard time speaking in this form). Kaeya immediately bared Childe's nasty wound (on his side) from Aether's claws, and Childe was instantly alarmed for the most ridiculous reasons:
Сhilde: Nononono wait - he's her brother, right? A human! Another very human man licking me! How is that okay?! Kaeya: ... Do you HAVE to make things even more awkward than they are? Lumine: does a discreet eyeroll
Turns out it was very much okay, but there was one very awkwardly fluffed up Aether licking the wounds of a tomato-grade red Childe, who was hiding his face in his hands.
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empresskadia · 3 months
Round 7 because it's Bungie's favorite number. This is the final roster for my little series of brain rotting thoughts. Speaking of brain rot, I finished the Cole Protocol so it's why one of our final Spartans made the list. Consider this one a birthday present, and I wish you a very happy birthday. Hear me out:
It's well known that Linda-058 has a tendency to fire from unorthodox positions - oftentimes hooking herself to an unassuming spot for the perfect shot. It was only with you, her partner, that she would use this for evil. One time, she slowly dropped from one of her spots suspend by a rope around and her ankle and waited to see how long it would take you to notice that she was dangling upside-down behind you. When she got bored, she tapped your shoulder and scared the soul out of you, quietly laughing as she swung back and forth after you pushed her. She made up for it by kissing you, one of her hands delicately placed over your cheek.
Kelly-087 wants to have all the cheesy movie dates with you. Maybe it's because of all those romantic comedy movies she's secretly watched (Do NOT tell Fred. She'll never live it down.) but those dates have been something that, for the longest time, she could only dream of. A part of her never thought she'd get to see the day where someone could look at her like she held their heart in the palm of her hand, but that was before she met you. Now she gets those dates she always wanted, even if they're modified. A picnic in the woods on a stealth operation. Stargazing together during a warm summer evening on a battlefield. A dinner date at a diner at the mess hall. A quiet drive with you in a Warthog. The small taste of normalcy that completes her. You complete her
Prior to meeting you, Cal-141 had never feared her own strength. Her strength was a weapon, capable of lifting even the heaviest of military applications or crushing her enemies. It was only when she fell in love with you that she feared it. She wanted to hold your hand or hug you but was terrified of hurting you. She'd never forgive herself if she did. It was only when you, ever luminous you, reassured her that you trusted her, that you didn't think she would hurt you on purpose, that she felt comfortable enough to try. When she finally hugged you of her own accord, she had never felt so loved as you held her tight.
Even before the pellet was removed, Kai-125 always had a sort of fondness for you. She couldn't explain it, not then, but she was drawn to you. Your laughter was music, your smile blinding, yet she could not truly appreciate it until she got to be free of her pellet. The feeling in her chest, the warmth in her core when she got you to laugh or smile that blazing smile? It made her feel alive. Human. And she'd never tire of it.
If you found yourself lucky enough to be dating Alice-130, then congratulations! It probably took a lot of bonding, trust building, and patience (and probably a few losses in the ring.) Alice prides herself on her combat ability and acts cold-hearted, but in truth, her heart was yours. She won't admit it but she's softer with you than evergone else. Of course, she'll still say that the sparring matches were to test your mettle but it's mostly her way of having an excuse to spend time with you. If you manage to land a hit on her or, somehow, take her down to the mat? Hearts in her eyes!
You have no idea how Adriana-111 took a liking to you, but she did. Honestly, Grey Team was starting to feel less like an assignment and more like a small family to you. Yet, out of all them, Adriana was the one you spent the most time with. And you didn't know why. Perhaps she enjoyed the moments of prolonged peaceful quiet you shared? Was it the small talk you shared while cleaning weapons together, where she tried to teach you how to assemble her rifle? The fierce competitions at the range where you tried to one-up each other? Or was it moments like this, spent with her team as you shared a meal you made for them while you tried to show her how to hold hands? Where you tried to show Jai a neat little knife trick you learned? Or when you also tried to show Michael how to jailbreak his PDA? You didn't know. But her hand gently held yours, rubbing your knuckles like you did hers.
It's rare, but sometimes Sarah Palmer will make trips to your quarters if her schedule has kept her so busy that she hasn't seen you in a very long period of time. She'll feel bad because she only has seen you in official capacity but not personal capacity. Your schedules just never seem to line up sometimes. So, expect her to come to your quarters with a bag of burgers from the mess and a nervous smile. She'll give you a very tender kiss and then exhaustively, and a little bit dramatically, collapse on your bed. The Spartan Commander will share a few laughs, an unhealthy dinner, and some gossip with you before, finally, falling asleep in your arms. She'll pretend that she forgot to set her alarm in the morning so she could sneak put of your room before anyone saw her, but it'd be a lie. She didn't want to leave - so, she'll just have to sneak out instead.
I’M SCREAMING, OMG, THANK YOU! I received this while at dinner and minorly choked on my drink BUT YOU INCLUDED ADRIANA AND I ADORE HER
I also just finished the Cole Protocol and Grey team did not disappoint. I seriously love their banter with one another. Also I’m heartbroken this is the end of the brain rotting thoughts. I adored all of them and they’re my favorite to go back and read through. Thank you so much for sending these in and taking me on this journey with you <333
Linda is 100% a little shit with her partner. I think they would bring out a side to her that she didn’t really acknowledged, but finds herself having fun with you.
Dfvjkdnflv KELLY. I’m screaming! Kelly wants to experience everything that was taken from her. She loves her Spartans but apart of her thinks that she was cheated out on a normal life, granted she wouldn’t changed becoming a spartan if given the opportunity. But now with her partner in her life, it feels like a puzzle piece has fallen into place.
Cal! I’m crying, that’s so sweet. When she first hugs her partner, she feels almost overwhelmed with feelings, it feels right.
And sweet Kai, I love this troupe of her already being affected by her future partner before the pellet removal
Alice loves sparring with her partner, or taking them on dates in a tank she was given stole
You are giving me ideas for a short series over here!! And potentially a new oc. BUT ADRIANA. Heart eyes right now for her. I’M SCREAMING, CRYING, CHOKING, THROWING UP. AND YOU INCLUDED ALL OF GREY TEAM IN THIS,A AHHHHHAHJENF
SARAH IS A CUTIE. No matter how long she’s been with her partner, Sarah will get nervous butterflies every now and again, it’s something she’s unable to stop herself for doing and always lectures herself for. However the moment she sees her partner, she hopes the feeling never stops.
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themanirealityshifter · 5 months
🧚‍♂️✨🌿🍂🍄Magical Forest DR Script🍄🍂🌿✨🧚‍♂️
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ • }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
• [ First Name: Cosmo ] • • [ Middle Name: None ] • • [ Last Name: None ] • • [ Species: Fairy ] • • [ Age: 120 ] •
• [ Pronouns: He/It/Xe/They ] • • [ Gender Identity: Genderfluid Genderflux Enby TransGuy ] • • [ Romantic Orientation: Aromantic ] • • [ Sexual Orientation: Myrsexual (Neurosexual, Nebulasexual, and Merosexual) ] • • [ Other Orientation(s): Ambiamorous; Homoalterous; Omniqueerplatonic; Panexteramo; Pansensual; Panaesthetic ] •
• [ Parent(s): None ] • • [ Sibling(s): None ] • • [ Other Family Member(s): None ] • • [ Partner(s): Darcy ] • • [ Best Friend(s): None ] • • [ Friend(s): Everyone ] •
• [ Description: Human-sized fairy; 7’0”; Dark brown horns that curve downwards; Huge wings that look like luna moth wings; Pale fair skin; Clear skin; Oval face; Lean, masculine/muscular body; Brown eyes; Round spectacles; Pointed ears; Top and bottom surgery scars ] • • [ Style: Shirts and trousers made of silks spun by Fire Spiders and leaves woven by beavers; Silver, casual armor pieces made by Centaurs; Necklaces, earrings, and rings made of stars and the finest jewels, gifted to me by the Centaurs and Dwarves; A necklace of a half moon ] • • [ Personality: Same as in my CR ] • • [ Abilities (natural and learned): Elemental Manipulation; Potion-making; Antidote-making ] •
• [ Personal Items: Several Potions for wounds, stomachaches, headaches, and other illnesses; A small painting of Darcy ] • • [ Extra: Hate does not exist; War does not exist; Humans do not exist; Everything is 100% peaceful and harmonious; There are no enemies; Every magical being is immortal; I am immortal; No one dies; There is nothing to give anybody, myself included, any type of emotional, verbal, physical, or psychological trauma; Darcy and I both are expert climbers and know how to make medicinal potions; Darcy and I both speak every language and can communicate with animals; There is no such thing as transphobia, homophobia, acephobia, arophobia, queerphobia, sexism, racism, etc.; Darcy and I both cannot and do not grow bored of being in the forest, although we can become bored; Darcy and I both know how to weave baskets, bracelets, and necklace cords; Darcy and mine’s wings glow in the dark; Darcy and I can’t get bug bites, poison ivy, poison oak, etc.; It never gets too hot, but every plant, flower, tree, etc. that needs hot weather in CR can survive and thrive without that heat in this DR; Nothing dies or goes away and can thrive and strive when winter comes; All wildlife are friendly to Darcy and I ] •
• [ Our Place (Mine’s and Darcy’s) ] •
Darcy and I live in a gigantic tree. It’s not by the ground, but a little more than half way up. There is one bed, a side table, a couch, a “kitchen”, and an art area. The furniture is made from sturdy branches and vines, and moss and leaves as cushioning. Nothing rots. Darcy hung up tons of strings of dried glowing mushrooms, so there’s always light in there. There’s also tons of glass jars of immortal fireflies, too, so that adds light. Plus, we also have a few giant luminous mushrooms growing in there, either from the walls or in pots. We have several plants in pots all over, most of them sitting on the sturdy mushroom caps growing from the walls. It’s covered in moss and ferns, and we have to trim it often. The art area is a small corner that is splattered with paint and pollen. The paint is made from ground leaves, petals, and roots. Darcy mostly makes the paint since it’s his expertise. We have lots of shelves that we nailed into the walls using some handmade nails made by the Dwarves. We keep dried foods, canned foods (in jars), and our knickknacks on them, as well as the natural luminous mushrooms that grow out of the walls everywhere. 
• [ Magical Beings That Live In The Forest ] •
• [ Wood Nymphs: ancient, beautiful and youthful tree women, who keep the forest flourishing and who like to dance with the Fauns ] •
• [ Fauns: half human, half goat people, who enjoy playing musical instruments such as flutes and harps, and dancing around bonfires at night, and collecting honey and berries ] •
• [ Centaurs: half human, half horse beings who are incredibly intelligent and are master astronomers ] •
• [ Dwarves: short fat people, who always have beards, and are very good with gems and mining ] •
• [ Fairies: small to human-sized horned and winged beings who are known to be mischievous and are expert climbers and potion masters ] •
• [ Giants: gigantic people who live in caves or under particularly large trees and by very large pools of water, they are incredibly good at fishing and are very friendly ] •
• [ Orphinki (an original creature made by me!!!): small beautiful dragon-like creatures who are usually wise and live in hammocks in most trees ] •
• [ Dragons: giant lizard-like creatures with wings and venomous spit, they are gorgeous and shiny and sweet and nice and are known to be lovable and gentle to all ] •
• [ Water Nymphs: ancient, beautiful elegant water women who love to dance with the water fairies and spirits ] •
• [ The Four Spirits: water, fire, earth, and wind are the four spirits, and they’re friendly little curious things that are everywhere and nowhere at the same time, sometimes they transform into a specific form, but most times they are simply there in the water or in the fire or in the ground or in the wind ] •
• [ Griffins: half bird, half lion beings that love swooping around under the trees and herding flocks of birds ] •
• [ Mermaids: half human, half fish people who live in the many pools in the forest, they sing beautifully and love to braid water nymphs’ hair ] •
• [ Wisps: glowing beings that mimic the forms of others, they’re friendly and curious little creatures that are as ancient as the Earth and know far more many things than you may realize, usually they take the form of stags or rabbits, but when they are interacting with someone specifically, they’ll usually mimic them ] •
• [ Pixies: tiny, mischievous fairy-like beings, who are all purple, indigo, and dark blue, they are known to play pranks and gang up with dwarves and fauns for a game of fun ] •
• [ Elves: tall, elegant and beautiful human-like immortal people, with long curving horns coming from their heads and pointed ears, they usually wear either silks and jewels, or leaves, moss, and acorn jewelry ] •
• [ Flying Horses: large, beautiful horses with huge feather wings, come in all colors, and are known to be very friendly, they love flying in between trees and searching for a nice clearing to lay and roll in, Elves usually are seen riding or befriending them ] •
• [ + More ] •
• [ Some Wildlife ] •
White-tail deer
Honey Bees
Insects of all kinds 
+ tons more
• [ General Description of The Forest ] •
• [ An endless forest, full of magical beings, underground caves, clear water pools, huge to tiny trees, and animals of all kinds, all living in peace together, totally harmonious. ] •
• [ Me in this DR (Picrew Form) ] •
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cherubchoirs · 1 year
One thing that comes to my mind is overtime Fallen!Gabriel coming to terms with his slow transformation and more hellish traits, maybe abandoning his swords at times and just claws at what comes in his and V1's way. Or maybe even him falling into despair after these instances happen and V1 bringing him back to reality idk all my thoughts are jumbled and *incomprehensible sputtering noises* ILOVETHATSDHITOH MYGOD
YES YOU GET IT.....gabriel's fall is a quick process initially - he dies, from the remains of his light burning out or in a final stand against v1 to resolve what little he can in the time he has left, but he doesn't fade into nothingness like he believes he should. he is brought back in the depths of treachery greatly disoriented but instinctively understanding his cosmic position, the punishment seeming swift and fully realized upon his resurrection - he is torn from all the other angels, feeling mentally and physically isolated in a way he has never known, his body is racked in the cold even from within and his wings are ruined so that he may never aspire to heaven again. this is what falling feels like, this is what it looks, and he believes the process to be complete as it gives him more than enough to grieve. but his halo is still intact, still fully luminous if not slightly dimmed compared to the other archangels, and only when it starts to crack and fall away does he realize he was mistaken.
upon waking in his tomb, gabriel doesn't have any weapons - his swords aren't with him and he can't summon any light to use his spear or axes. however, he's far too confused and pissed off to really notice too much - this fight is basically meant to play out much like a prime soul, where gabriel is using the sheer brute force of his body to relentlessly engage v1 (although i do imagine he tries, through habit, to call his weapons to him...and when he can't, it just enrages him. he self-enrages lol) he gets brought back to his senses with enough pummeling though, having to consciously now accept that his death resulted in his fall instead and then forced to acknowledge several punishments in quick succession with a clearer head. no flying, no teleporting, no light to aid him, and total isolation of the self. he despairs QUITE loudly for awhile but, like i mentioned in my last post about gabriel, he is now a character moved to action and since he has more time, he must learn to use it. gabriel had just been mourning the work he would leave undone so he wants to find a way to bear this weight...and perhaps action will keep him occupied. and he'll need weapons for that.
so v1 (gleefully) helps him steal from his own tomb, needing to wrench his swords free now buried into bodies of flawless marble in a way that sees them break. they are heaven-tempered blades and so gabriel knows they shatter by design to show the fallen angel that he has no claim to them anymore, at least not in their perfect state, but he knows too he needs to work with what he's given. no free passes ever again. and so he learns to fight entirely on his feet with broken swords, fresh anguish snapping at his heels but kept at bay by his natural inclination as a warrior, v1's now constant presence (as well as how they learn to fight together rather than against one another), and the ultimate peace he has with his decision. he did what was right, and he wishes to accept the outcome as it is, something he can manage to maintain until his halo starts to crumble. it sets into motion the true decay of his heavenly traits and the acquiring of demonic ones which he, being pretty much ignorant of fallen angels, had no idea to expect.
the horns on his helmet grow significantly and his nails fully sharpen to take shape into claws while he increasingly loses his ability to speak in the holy tongue, the words twisting themselves in his throat and making him sick until he can say them no more. his swords begin to burn in his hands while his still instinctive calls to the divine light start to instead attract massive amounts of hell energy to him through prayer now made infernal. and with all of this, he begins to forget himself in battle. his body, once airy and ethereal despite being solid, is growing hard, his own flesh like cold marble and just as difficult to pierce regardless of armor, allowing him a recklessness he would have never considered before. and so, in expedience, in anger, in something that's feeling increasingly natural, he abandons his weapons and tears into husks, machines, (other?) demons with horns and claws, and he revels in the visceral feel of it. he distinctly senses how he rends their flesh or their parts without the distance of a blade and he sees each time how v1 darts in to soak up the blood he spills, euphoric in the moment of abandon but horrified when it ends. his swords lay cast aside and the traits he has agonized over, that have caused renewed despair and that he has, quietly, tried to vainly and pointlessly pray over, are becoming a part of him. they are his new self, and something in him is accepting them.
he absolutely does fall apart more than once over the idea and over the inevitable, that he will become this no matter how he resists. but v1 understands his fear, all of it in its own way - it's error-riddled, its software is corrupted beyond recognizability and if humanity had ever seen it in such a state, it would have been destroyed. but this is itself, this is what it is now and what it now wants to be despite how terrifying it once was to know that it was warping far from the model it was meant to be. but humans aren't here anymore and neither is god. they make themselves now. which. probably also initially hits gabriel hard with how pointed it is, but he's much more accepting of truth than he once was and still, despite everything, he wouldn't have changed the choices he made that got him here.
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Chapter 4
Warnings/Chapter Index
Next chapter
PSA: I just realized that when I copy/paste into tumblr from AO3 it didn’t take in my italics so I’m gonna be re-editing chapters for a while since our main girl is having some inner thoughts and I need to show those 🫶
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“Seize them.”
The dark haired male in front of you, who you still had yet to know the name of, took out a cellphone and quickly typed in a number. Yet, you still felt that icy gaze in your direction, even if you wouldn't meet it, and shuddered slightly in discomfort. However, you did look after feeling a slight prod, only to see Machi, who was holding some sort of glowing string, almost like luminescent spider silk.
So, that's her nen ability... Fitting.
You realized what her nudge meant and immediately complied, moving your arms around your torso without a fuss. With almost superhuman speed, your wrists were bound behind your back, just as the two boys were. It was a strange feeling; if you didn't move, it almost felt as though your hands were being held together by air alone, but the invisible thread tightened with every small movement or sign of struggle, almost like a Chinese finger trap. It made you wonder what else she could do with them.
The woman in question spoke up once the three of you were restrained. "Shouldn't we just get rid of the boys here?"
"No. I have faith in your instincts." Dammit. "If they're connected to the chain user somehow, we should keep them alive, along with her."
"My instincts aren't all that trustworthy."
"Hey, can I ask you something?" The five of you all looked down at Gon, who actually looked quite perturbed despite the current situation. His eyes flitted in your direction for a millisecond before coming back to the Troupe members. "How can you kill people who have nothing to do with you?"
His question, one of the questions that you had stayed up late pondering, made your heart palpitate. A single tear slipped down your cheek, blending into the heavy rain, but that was it. Yes, you were in pain and terrified, but you could mourn your family once more when everyone was safe. Instead, you focused on the ever-growing admiration for the child next to you. It was a wonder he was able to end up in such life-threatening situations and still look danger right in its ugly eyes for the sake of his friend, especially when all you could seem to do was freeze.
Lightning flashed. The visibility of your captors dimmed when the nearest street light exploded, turning them into shadow monsters on the street. Their leader stepped forward to get a better look at the boy, gray eyes meeting brown as the two males launched into a staring match.
"You have a lot of hostility for someone who's just surrendered." He turned his face towards the sky. Rain started to flow freely through his hair, slipping down his jawline and onto his neck. "Perhaps because they've nothing to do with us? No. On second thought, it's not that simple. My motives are unimportant now. I don't like speaking of them. But surprisingly enough, or just as I suspected, the reason's the key to understanding myself."
What is he talking about?
Another sharp bang of thunder made you jump slightly, which unfortunately re-earned the attention of the leader. Turning his neck again to face you, the man seemed to be thinking something over, although you didn't keep eye contact long enough to notice.
Finally, he gave a small nod forward. "Let's go."
So you began to walk.
Their boss led the group with you and the boys compact in the middle, sandwiched between Shizuku and Machi.
The night was cold and you were guessing it would be long as well. The sky above you was a deep navy that almost swallowed up the otherwise luminous moon. It was peaking from the holes throughout dark, angry clouds. Thankfully, the thunder and lightning sequences weren't frequent, allowing for an almost peaceful environment. Maybe in another city you would have snuggled up in bed with a television show or book, listening to the calming weather outside your window.
The rhythmic sound of footsteps kept you at a soft pace together.
Tip tap tip tap
Soon, they even started to fuse together with the pitter patter of the rain surrounding you.
Tip tap tip tap
Keeping your eyes glued to the shoes in front of you, the world around you almost seemed to float away as you drifted deeper and deeper into the ocean-like land of your imagination. You didn't even want to leave, just stay here like a puppet and let your feet continue to guide you, not having to worry about what would come next.
Unfortunately, the soft noises of rain and footsteps were hypnotizing enough to completely drown out what their leader said next.
Your walking came to an abrupt stop as you rammed into whatever was blocking your path, falling back on the ground from the lack of balance with your arms being tied being you. In an attempt to catch yourself, the soft palms of your hands skid across the pavement, creating tiny, red cuts on their surface.
You ignore the two grunts from behind you, which were most likely from the boys being restrained or just surprised, and looked forward.
Then quickly looked back down.
The man had turned around and was staring at you sprawled on the concrete. However, instead of the emotionless, unbothered expression he had seemed to use before, he was smiling. It wasn't sinister or disingenuous, just a tiny smile that almost seemed polite or maybe amused.
"My apologies. I thought you heard me."
Instead of answering, you simply continued staring at the rough ground, ignoring the sting on your hands that began to grow stronger.
Someone, who you correctly guessed to be Machi, firmly grabbed your arm and lifted you to your feet. Their boss had pulled out a cellphone, probably the reasoning for the sudden stop.
"Alright. We'll be waiting in the lobby of the hotel." Turning it off, he faced the rest of you. "Looks like they found out the chain user's identity."
To your right, both of the boys gasped, but you didn't dare make a sound, fearful that if you opened your mouth everyone would hear how loud your heart was beating through your throat.
"That just leaves three more." He turned from the other troupe members to you and the boys. "Let's go."
Then, to your surprise, he held out a hand in your direction.
For a split second, you thought he was going to hit you and flinched away from his direction. But the male didn't move, simply watched to see what you would do next. Your eyes darted from his outstretched palm to his face, which was still seemingly neutral, but now had the essence of a disgustingly charming smile bleeding through.
That's when you finally realized what was going on and turned around to see Machi and Shizuku holding Gon and Killua by their arms in a way that almost looked natural, at least to the outward public, a simple strategy to avoid prying as eyes you got into much more crowded territory.
Don't freak out.
Taking a small breath through your nose and facing the front again, you stepped forward and lifted your arm to make enough room in between it and your waist, still not meeting those dark eyes. His hand gently snaked under your left elbow, softly grabbing it with one hand and resting the other in his jacket's pocket. He then pulled you just a little closer, eliminating the space you had tried so hard to create. A sharp gasp escaped your throat as he did so.
He hummed in satisfaction at your reaction before starting to walk again, giving the nod for his recruits to follow.
You thought his clasp would've made your skin crawl, but it seemed easier since no direct contact was made with your bare skin, the thin fabric of your right sleeve creating a barrier. It wasn't even the same sickly way you had felt with Hisoka’s hand wrapped around your neck. Then, it was like you were tainted, exposed to the same disease that had wiped out almost the entirety of the Kurta clan. This time, it was mostly just fear and guilt, a hot and steaming pile in the bottom of your stomach that did nothing to sooth your trembling.
Expensive cars zoomed past you, their bright, white lights illuminating your path and creating shadows on the pavement behind you.
You wanted to scream and call for help, but you couldn't.
More people would just end up killed.
And who knew if they would even answer?
So you just continued moving forward, attempting to keep in pace with the man's quick strides and dreading whatever would happen next.
Eventually, your party made its way to what you guessed was the Beitacle hotel, a large white building not dissimilar to the lodging Kurapika and you had found.
Your shoes clacked across the tile, which was the warm color of redwood tree bark. Compared to outside, the lobby seemed pleasant and cozy despite its higher modern interior. There also wasn't many people there, a fact which you ultimately decided was a positive.
Out of the few, however, one caught your eye.
Rain water dripped from your hair onto the already shining floor as you were led into the center of the room and positioned around a large, black marble column. You stood in between Machi and the leader, who had fortunately released his hold on your arm. Gon and Killua were still restrained, standing in front of the pink haired girl with Shizuku to the side of everyone.
Your eyes kept wanting to unconsciously flick towards the person of interest, needing to continuously affirm that he was there, but you kept them forward and locked on the wall in front of you. You wondered if Gon and Killua had noticed him as well.
That was answered in seconds.
"Oh come on! Don't you know what time it is?"
Everyone, including their boss turned to see Leorio throw his newspaper on the table, face scrunched up in anger.
"Idiot! It's the Beitacle Hotel! How many damn time do I have to repeat myself? Well?" The Paladinknight trademarked tic was starting to form on the side of his forehead as he continued to scream into the phone.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Gon look up in surprise, his aura spiking in excitement.
Leorio seemed to notice this too.
"Hmm? What are you looking at, kid? Huh?"
Shizuku's voice sounded from your side. "Should I kill him?"
"Ignore him. Look the other way."
She followed her boss's orders and turned back.
However, Leorio was making it extremely hard not to be looked at.
"What? You think this is a show? Scram!" He was now glaring at some random businessmen inhabiting the lobby before turning back to his beatle phone. "Look. With failure like you working for me, my future's about to get real dark."
Leorio, you are amazing.
"Listen. I'm gonna close my eyes, just this once. One more mistake and you're fired!"
I love you. Please marry Kurapika when this is all over.
"You better get over to the hotel by seven o'clock sharp. Do you hear me?"
Based on the other emotional waves coming from in front of you, Gon and Killua had received the message as well.
Seven o'clock.
Darkness for cover.
Anything else we need to know?
The radio so fortunately placed in front of Leorio seemed to answer your question.
"Okay, it's time for our last song. This request comes from Kichouu."
alright then, three more minutes!
Music echoed through the room, but you could only focus on the bronze clock a few feet above the 'help' desk.
"Everybody made it here."
"Hey. What's this? You boys got caught again?"
Crap crap crap crap crap
Pakunoda and Kortopi, a small humanoid being with one eye poking out from a mop of grey hair, followed Nobunaga into the room.
The latter let out a sharp chuckle. "Okay. I get it. You changed your minds and decided to join us, right?"
"Look, we didn't know anything about your bounty. It was canceled, wasn't it?" Killua asked. "We just found out about it."
"You were stalking us and you screwed up again, huh? You kids never learn. I guess this must be fate at work."
Two more minutes.
"Well, let's be friends, okay?"
"Fat chance!"
"Hmm?" Nobunaga seemed surprised by Killua's answer, but ultimately pulled back and looked up to his boss. "I see you've apprehended the lady too. Have you found anything from her?"
"Nothing." That same, cold voice stated. "Has she spoken before?"
"Mhm." Nobunaga nodded. "She actually gave me some attitude when I tried arm wrestling the kid."
"Oh, really?" The man tilted his head then knelt forward to meet your gaze. "She won't even look at me."
This works.
Just as he entered your line of vision, you made a big show of closing your eyes, hoping Gon and Killua would catch on.
"Oh wow, guess you're right. Must be scared shitless. She doesn't even wanna take a glance at your face!"
"I don't blame her." Killuas voice sounded from below you. "To be perfectly honest, I don't even wanna look at any of you!"
Perfect. Now we won't seem suspicious when we close our eyes.
"Yeah, me neither!"
Although you couldn't see it, Nobunaga let out another deep-throated chuckle. "What do you think, boss. These boys have got some guts, don't they? Their nerve reminds me of Uvo."
Instead of him answering, you heard Machi's voice.
"They're just little kids. They don't even know enough to be afraid. Even if the girl is 'scared shitless,' that just proves she isn't stupid. Now, describe the chain user to us."
"First things first. Why don't you check them once again Paku."
"Okay then. What should I ask?"
"Ask them, 'what are you hiding?'"
Damn, that's a good question. Straight to the point, but she can learn all kinds of information.
"And the girl?"
"If the boys don't know anything, we'll leave them here. But we're taking her back to the hideout for further questioning."
You heard a small grunt of agreement from Pakunoda, then the grainy voice of the radio dj from across the room.
"Well folks, there's only one minutes left in this week's broadcast."
One minute.
"Checking again won't do anything. If you want answers, I suggest asking someone you haven't questioned already." You replied.
"Oh, so she does speak. Here I was thinking you might have lost your voice."
His response sent another shiver down your spine. Even though you couldn't see, you could almost feel the scan of his eyes on your skin.
"It's no use anyway." Another tiny grunt at Killua's statement, this time of surprise. "Your ability. It lets you draw memories out of whoever you touch, doesn't it? Well, we're not hiding anything. And even if you-"
"I'll find out soon enough, so just be quiet."
"Even if we did know something, we'd hide it from you. It's not that hard. We'll think about some-"
Another sound shut Gon up.
"You boys seem confused. I extract the purest images that are beneath your consciousness. I'm not browsing through the surface thoughts you create. My questions are specifically designed to stimulate your memory. They're brought to the surface the same way a stone tossed into a pond stirs up sediment, the original memories are clean and processed. I simply scoop them up. Deceiving me is impossible."
"Tune in next week. This is JFN, and it's now 7:00 pm."
Here we go.
"It's time to ask my question."
Come on...
"What are you hiding?"
Pakunoda gasped as the clock sounded off, signaling the nineteenth hour of the day. Although it was faint, the click of the lights turning off could also be heard, everything starting to grow darker through your eyelids. Within a second, you opened your eyes to see Killua out of his restraints and kicking Pakunoda in the lower jaw. You and Gon pushed away from the wall, hoping to free yourselves as well.
With a sharp tug from behind, your body went flying back into the column. Apparently, Gon had been caught by the strings again as well.
Among the chaos, you watched Killua's fingernails elongating, ready to kill. However, based off her aura and position, Machi was also getting prepared for an attach.
"Killua, stop!"
But you were too late once again.
The small hand, which would've easily sliced through any regular human abdomen, was now lodged in between the woman's stomach muscles. In a moment of surprise, the white haired boy froze as Machi made a grab for his body. You knocked Killua to safety with an instinctive kick of your boot, but felt a strong grip on your torso. The woman pulled your body into hers and tightened the grip she already had on your strings before wrapping her arms around you.
"You're mine."
"Behind you!"
Gon barely had a second to look before his ankles were grabbed by Nobunaga.
"Well, it was a good shot, I'll give you that."
Killua seemed to have run into Pakunoda as well and now was being constrained, showcasing your attempted escape's final failure.
Nobunaga nodded as he surveyed the three of you, before harshly jerking his head to the left. You didn't realize why until your adjusted eyes caught the sharp object that was hurling in his direction, barely whizzing past his face. The unknown object rammed into the wall behind him, lodging itself into the stone with a tiny crack. "It came from the entrance!"
"So, that guy was working with them then?"
"Forget him!" He waved Shizuku off at the mention of Leorio. "We still have the two kids and the woman, right? Our eyes will adjust shortly."
"You're right." Moonlight reflecting off the glass door glistened in Shizuku's glasses as she looked around. "But wait, where did the boss go?"
"The boss is gone."
And they were right.
You, the boys, and a few members were still standing in the lobby, but their leader wasn't among them.
"Shizuku, hold this one."
Nobunaga passed Gon off like an object, not even bothering to turn the poor boy right side up. He was now in the hands of another, but was still hanging upside down by his ankles like an uncooked ham. It was almost comical.
"Are you okay, Paku?"
The woman was gripping the left side of her face as she turned to look at Machi. "He broke my left hand and a molar."
"We underestimated them." Nobunaga growled and walked over to the wall, grabbing the knife wedged there, along with what looked like a piece of scrap paper.
"You're not gonna believe this, but these kids-"
"Wait!" The blonde raised an eyebrow as the man cut her off, but he still seemed to be deeply preoccupied by whatever was on that piece of paper. "Pakunoda, it's for you."
She took the note, eyes glazing over whatever was written on it. Whatever was on it allowed you to see her emotions spike and her heart increase. A small tear ran even down the side of her face, falling onto the parchment and staining it a melancholy gray. You could tell her mind was running wild, although with what you weren't sure.
She didn't even notice when her name was called until the third time.
Finally, she looked up, beginning to open her mouth before Nobunaga cut her off once more.
"Don't say a word from here in out. Got it?" He ordered. "Machi, you just focus on your nen threads. Since he left us a message, he'll probably try to contact us again soon. Until he does, these three are our hostages."
He grabbed a phone and pulled it up to his ear. After a minute, you could hear the faint response from the other end.
"Just hurry up, Phinks! Somebody has captured the boss!"
It seems so odd.
Kurapika has captured the Phantom Troupe's boss.
What now?
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Cherry Gender: Female Background: Cherry's species are a distant descendant of the ancient Tannin Luminous and Cerebral branch species, crossed with a different dragon race native to the Eastern Continent. The Ancient Tannin did not have Elemental powers but had adaptations based on the element they were influenced by. Cherry is a former noble whose family holdings were lost during a recent uprising. Unlike most of her fellow nobles she sided with the rebels, in most part due to having a close relationship with one rebel in particular. She’s often credited with keeping members of her cell from fighting and was responsible for some of the more daring tactics during the war. After the revolution she helped restructure the government, and her love feel like he belongs, eventually marrying him. Personality: Cherry is free spirited and doesn’t hesitate to speak her mind. She is very playful and quite mischievous. It’s easy for her to get people to like, but she does have a certain venom and sass to her that she rarely shows, though may let out a glimpse to potential rivals who she perceives as trying to steal her husband. Strengths: Reliable, Loyal, free spirited Weaknesses: Jealous, non-confrontational, very free spirited Powers: Dream breath, Dream weaving Stats Stamina: 6/10 She doesn’t use her powers as much as she should. Thus her stamina has weakened quite a bit. Control: 9/10 She hasn’t quite reached the full potential of a Somna dragon but her ability to manipulate dreams is magnificent. Intelligence: 8/10 She has a good education and good understanding of social situations. However she’s not exactly quick to learn and can be a bit dense at times. Combat Ability: 3/10 Without backup she is terrible in a fight. The only reason she’s not lower I due to her dream breath being very good in combat and she has the good sense to avoid it.
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The Daughter of A Siren.
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Just an in between that I felt needed to be outside of part four.
LET'S face it, when it comes to men, us women are desperate to know exactly how we can get what we want and at the same time appear irresistible.
Have you ever wondered how Hollywood superstar Angelie Jolie has the power to make most men go weak at the knees?
Or how movie femme fatale Marilyn Monroe got her "luminous quality"?
You have to be distinguished from other women. Have the ability to make men pursue you without even trying. It’s in your voice. It’s in the way you dress. It’s how you move.
That’s what it takes to be a siren.
A siren is essentially a feminine woman who plays on her damsel-esque energy to seduce. Her power lies in the fact that she makes men feel powerful, although she’s the one in power. Women, on the other hand, want to be her, but fear their sexual energy could never compare. Many men have destroyed themselves because of the siren.
A man is often secretly oppressed by the role he has to play, by always having to be responsible, in control, and rational. The siren is the ultimate male fantasy figure because she offers a total release from the limitations of his life. In her presence, which is always heightened and sexually charged, the male feels transported to a realm of pure pleasure. In a world where women are often too timid to protect such an image, learn to take control of the man libido by embodying his fantasy.
Carmella Love was that woman.
the femme fatale whose smoldering style and countless relationships made her an icon. She was a vocalist turned actress. A woman who sings with enchanting sweetness. Carmella was the purest example of a siren. Think of Carmella and certain images instantly come to mind: the pouty lips, slightly parted; the sleepy, bedroom eyes of 1950s film stars; the curly hair; and that voice, breathy, like she just woke up and can't wait for you to join her in bed. Carmella conjures up sex and – simultaneously – misery, thanks to the way her troubled personal life has been pored over from the moment she became a movie star.
A deeply traumatised and lonely woman, in love with movies and the idea of love, but desperately crippled with daddy issues that infect every single relationship she develops. the victim narrative, and the absolute essence of feminine, sexual glamour and irresistibility. There is also a mystery to Carmella, something elusive. life was one of extreme lows and extraordinary highs. She became an actress after she was already a successful singer. Carmella’s mystery is not that of her ascent, but of the extreme contradictions of her life. She was a generational talent, a movie star with undeniable charisma, charm, fantastic comedic timing and an aggressive earnestness about her that was as disarming as it was captivating…
“The American Dream is a term that is often used but also often misunderstood. It isn't really about becoming rich or famous. It is about things much simpler and more fundamental than that.”
"I don’t want to make money, I just want to be wonderful."
"I don’t mind living in a man’s world as long as I can be a woman in it."
"It’s all make believe, isn’t it?"
She never really did it for the money. Carmella had a real passion for performing for others. She revels in enjoying her senses and the pleasure she can bring as well as pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable to society. She’s confident and exotic, and she knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to speak her mind. She didn’t seek confirmation from men that she was attractive, rather having an innate understanding within herself that she is attractive and desirable.
Carmella moved from Baltimore to The Big Apple at the age of sixteen after her mother committed suicide. Her father had left them when Carmella was two days old and remarried to a woman in Virginia. Carmella found a job at Macy’s as a cashier during the day to cover her rent at her Harlem apartment and at night she would sing at a leather club in the 1980s for extra spending money to pay for studio time.
As the 1970s gave way to the ‘80s, New York City’s party scene entered a ferociously inventive period characterized by its incredible creativity, intensity and hybridity. New York City drove the music scene forward as remixers and producers entered into a mutant period that brought together disco, rhythm and blues, funk, rap, punk, no wave, new wave and dub into an undeniably heady mixture of sound seemingly beyond categorization. Much of the music released during the 1980-83 period didn’t have a name. Nobody seemed to care.
Carmella loved it all. She would sing at a popular nightclub in Manhattan and take to the dance floor. She found the fun in the mundane, enticing men without trying, like it was as easy as taking a breath, and the ability to bring out a heightened masculine feeling in those she came in contact with. Despite what she’d been through, she tried to enjoy life as much as she could.
During her nights out, she would always run into an attractively energetic and enthusiastic girl around her age named Felicity. Felicity Jones was a glamorous, ambitious, top advertising executive in New York. They quickly became great friends and after a period of time, Felicity’s older brother, Damion, took interest in Carmella. What man wouldn’t? She was gorgeous and it was easy to succumb to her.
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Carmella had many unsuccessful relationships with men that she couldn’t stray away from. She just wanted to be loved. Her extensive dating history followed her well into her breakthrough career as an actress and with the fame came the gossip-mongers. As her good friend and photographer, Sam Davidson, who himself was rumored to be her lover, once said, "If Carmella slept with every guy that claims he was with her, she would have never had time to make any movies."
The 90s rolled around and Carmella was in her mid 30s when she finally took interest in Damion. It happened unexpectedly, and definitely not how Felicity would have wanted it to be. Felicity hated her brother Damion. He was an abusive, narcissistic man who often cheated on his then wife. Felicity tried to warn Carmella about her brother and why it would be a terrible idea to get involved with him, but Carmella was irrevocably in love with him.
Felicity lived in fear that Carmella would find out about the kinds of things her brother got involved in, things that could risk her life if she’d find out. Soon, Carmella began to grow jealous of Damion’s wife and how secretive he was whenever she’d ask him about his whereabouts. Their affair was one that Damion fought to keep hidden, and they bickered often about it. Damion would raise his hand to Carmella to ‘keep her in line’ and she would have to conceal her black eye with a pound of makeup the next day for a shoot.
As if things couldn’t get any worse, Damion decides to leave Carmella. She fell into depression and became a pain to work with on set because her personal life began to merge with her professional one. She picked up a drinking habit and would abuse prescription drugs. It was a cry for help and also a way to cope with the stress that came with fame. She dated men here and there to help fill the void in her life but she only wanted Damion.
After rehab and therapy for almost a year, Carmella reunited with Damion when he’d contacted her. He confided in her about his rocky marriage, and over time they rekindled their affair. Carmella kept it from Felicity as long as she could, but the unexpected pregnancy would be hard to conceal. Carmella didn’t feel as if her being pregnant was a burden. She hoped that it would bring them together and as delusional as it may seem, she wanted to become his wife.
Sadly, Damion abandoned her again and wanted nothing to do with Carmella when his wife began to suspect he was creeping around on her. Felicity soon found out about her pregnancy and urged Carmella not to tell Damion. Damion would stop at nothing to ruin Carmella’s life if he found out and Carmella refused to have an abortion. She’d always wanted a child of her own, and after trying for years in previous relationships, she finally had her miracle baby. True to her word, Carmella didn’t tell Damion about her pregnancy, even growing to resent him for the way he treated her. Apparently, his image was more important than Carmella’s feelings.
Carmella purchased a stunning colonial home in Buffalo, New York where she planned to have a water birth and a Doula to provide physical and emotional support. After press tours for her box office hit, she decided to take a long break away from the spotlight to raise her child. Carmella wanted the sex of her baby to be a surprise, and only Felicity knew what the sex was so she planned to decorate her nursery for the big reveal. Carmella finally gave birth in July of 1994 to a beautiful baby girl. She named her Adena; after her late mother who committed suicide.
Carmella made sure her daughter was set for life. She’d prepared a will with her attorney and legally arranged her financial accounts, property, and personal and medical information in such a way that trusted people in her life can handle her estate and affairs with as little inconvenience as possible when she passed away or become incapacitated. Carmella never had a relationship with her family, so the only person she trusted to take care of Adena if something ever happened to her, was Felicity. She appointed Felicity as Adena’s legal guardian.
Adena was a scholarly, active child. Whatever she found interest in, Carmella would support. She enjoyed dancing, singing, gymnastics, Capoeira, archery, and playing the piano. Adena had her mother’s siren eyes and lips and her father’s mocha complexion and nose. She’d sometimes look at her daughter and wish that she’d known who her father was. After seven years, Carmella would soon find out the dark truth about Damion.
A mysterious invitation arrived on her doorstep on the eve of Halloween after picking her daughter up from private school. They were both enjoying a scoop of vanilla ice cream while strolling along the cobblestone walk-way of their home when Carmella stopped, noticing a red box with a perfectly tied satin ribbon. She picked up the box and kept it away from Adena, instructing her to get started on her homework in the dining room and she’d join her.
In her kitchen, Carmella inspected the box carefully before undoing the neat bow. She slowly opened the box, afraid that she’d find something grotesque like a severed finger. When she finally opened the box, she found a black and red masquerade mask with a black feather and black crystals. She noticed an invitation in the box with a luxury black background and golden details. Reading the fancy script, she wondered who The Court of Aje were, and why they would be sending her an invitation.
And the anonymous note.
Someone wanted her to go to whatever this Halloween party was and the entire mystery of it all intrigued her. Carmella had plans with Adena earlier that day to take her to the pumpkin patch. She could ask her babysitter to watch Adena for the evening while she went. She’d have to find a dress to wear and seeing that it was last minute, Carmella hoped she could find something appropriate to wear for a masquerade ball.
And she's going to have to come up with a secret name.
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“Oh!? Miss Love! Are you okay?”
Carmella sauntered into her kitchen, disheveled and in distress, ignoring the babysitter’s concerns. Felicity walked in soon after, just as distraught, and when she’d noticed the babysitter, she quickly assured her that everything was okay and she could go home for the evening. While Felicity walked the teenage girl to the door, she informed her that Adena was fast asleep for the night after being read a chapter of her favorite bedtime story; The Princess Bride.
Felicity closed and secured the door, checking out of one of the windows on the front door to make sure she’d left. Felicity rushed back to the kitchen to find it empty, and when she walked through the open patio doors to the back yard near the lagoon pool, she found Carmella sitting by the edge of the pool, staring down into the blue waters, the glow from the pool lights illuminating what looked like tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Carmella?” Felicity lifted the bottom of her green gown, and sat next to her best friend, “Hey…hey, sister…it’s okay…it’s gonna be alright. I’m just glad you’re safe.”
Felicity rubbed soothing circles on Carmella’s back.
“I can’t believe that’s what he gets involved in. And I wonder who sent that invitation…they must have wanted me to get killed that night. If it weren’t for you being there to have my back, I would have probably died…thank you.”
Felicity looked out beyond the yard with hard eyes.
“I hate him. I hate my father for even allowing us to get involved with The Stevens family. Those people are horrible. They’ve been horrible to my family since as early as the 20s.”
Carmella turned to Felicity with glossy eyes.
“…So, my family used to be as big as The Stevens’ are. Although we came from new money, we were just as well-respected as them. We had each other's backs…shared businesses together…it was as if we were a second family,” Felicity took a deep breath in before continuing, “That all came crashing down when one of my great uncles was accused of sexually assaulting a member of The Stevens Family. A teenage girl. He was wrongfully accused and my family were banished from ever doing business with them. They dragged our name through the dirt so bad that our family had to change our name…from King, to Jones.”
Carmella gave Felicity a puzzled look, “So, why does your family still interact with The Stevens family? Shouldn’t you feel…angry?”
Felicity shakes her head, “Oh…we are. But what can you do? They are powerful, Carmella. More powerful than any white man. They have the police, FBI, DA, government, and Mayor in their back pocket. Of course, being a prestigious black family, you have your fair share of white people trying to bring you down…but nothing can break The Stevens family. They made sure of that…”
Carmella exhaled a shaky breath, “So, they can just get away with murdering people?!”
“Yes,” Felicity sadly admitted,“And I wish you hadn’t gone there, Carmella. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if something happens to you. Please, promise me, you’ll leave New York behind and just start over. You have the money, I will always be here for you. I’ve seen what they’ve done to people…and I’m wrapped up in this mess with no way to escape—”
“Then come with me,” Carmella grabbed Felicity’s hands tightly, “Let’s go to London. Remember how we always talked about moving there? Just the three of us, Felicity? Adena would love it. She always gets so excited with the post cards you’d send her, and the pictures of yourself lounging in your beautiful apartments in Notting Hill…”
Felicity smiled softly at Carmella, bringing her hand up to stroke stray curls from her eyes. They stared at each other deeply, Felicity fighting the urge to press her lips against Carmella’s. She’d loved Carmella since the moment she’d laid eyes on her. To see that she fell in love with her brother, it broke her heart. But, despite that, she still cared deeply for Carmella. She’d always feel that way. Carmella leaned in and pressed her lips against Felicity’s lips softly, lingering there for a moment, eyes closed and allowing the safety of her being there with her to envelope her.
“I love you, Felicity…”
Felicity blinked back tears and pulled Carmella into a tight hug, pressing her nose into her hair, inhaling her sweet scent.
“I love you too, girl…always.”
They both separated and turned towards a sleepy Adena rubbing her right eye while carrying her large care bear. She’s wearing a nightgown with Disney princesses all over it and her favorite fluffy pink slippers. Her waist length curls are pulled back into a low ponytail with the hairs frizzy from not wearing a scarf.
“Come here, pretty girl…” Felicity held out her arms.
Adena walked over to her aunt and her mother and Felicity sat her in her lap while playing in her hair. Carmella stroked her puffy cheek that reminded her of a cute chipmunk while Adena gave her a sleepy smile.
“Did you have a good time with your babysitter today?”
“Yes. Mommy, were you crying?”
Adena touched Carmella’s cheek with her tiny hand. Carmella reached for her daughter’s hand and brought it to her lips.
“Mommy is okay. Listen, why don’t we drink some hot cocoa to help you get some sleep?” Carmella said.
“And I’ll read one more chapter of The Princess Bride,” Felicity added.
Adena nodded her head rapidly with a tired smile before Felicity carefully stood up with Adena in her arms and followed Carmella back inside of the house.
Felicity didn’t know that would be the last time she would see Carmella alive.
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The following week…
Felicity was summoned by her brother one cold evening in November. She walked the darkened hall with thick, carpeted floors within his home until she found him pacing the large, oval-shaped room with clenched fists and rageful eyes. He came to an abrupt stop when he’d spotted Felicity standing there with a stony expression and folded arms. Damion’s sinister eyes peered behind her and with a tick of his chin his henchmen that had guided Felicity to her brother's office disappeared and shut both polished oak doors.
Felicity watched her brother with an untrustworthy gaze, wondering what he’d called her there for. She’d just flown back in from Chicago after meeting some people there to do business. With his arms crossed behind his back like an evil villain, Damion walked up to Felicity, staring down at his sister with anger and resentment. Felicity’s emotions mirrored his, and she didn’t show any fear towards her brother. A slow, sly smirk appeared on his face at her courage.
“You have a lot of explaining to do, Felicity,” Damion spoke with a deep baritone, “Did you think I wouldn’t figure it all out?”
Felicity quirked an arched brow, “Figure what out?”
“Felicity…let’s not play games here. The Halloween ball…what was Carmella doing there?”
Worry showed in Felicity’s eyes and she was too late to hide it from her brother.
“She was never supposed to know about that, Felicity. You…you allowed her to walk in there and see what happens…you know what has to be done when you invite the unwelcomed, correct?”
Felicity stared unblinking at her brother but her lip trembled. Damion cupped her chin aggressively to make her look at him closer.
“…They suffer the consequences.”
Felicity pushed Damion away from her and he barely moved.
“What did you do…WHAT DID YOU DO?!!!!!” Felicity yelled.
“I made a statement. I did what needed to be done…Joseph,”
Felicity turned icy eyes onto Joseph Stevens who seemed to materialize from the shadows. His handsome, dimpled smile and unblemished umber skin came into view when he joined Damion’s side.
“You…you son of a bitch!!!!”
Damion caught Felicity by her narrow wrist before she could smack the taste out of Joseph's mouth.
“Get off of me, Damion!” Felicity screamed.
“You brought this on yourself, Felicity. Now, if it were my choice, I’d have you killed…just like we did that beautiful seductress. You betrayed us. How are we supposed to trust you when you do something like this?” Joseph spoke darkly.
“No,” Felicity’s knees buckled, “What did you do to her!!!!!!!”
“It will be on the news by tomorrow morning I fear,” Damion whispered ghoulishly, “Such a beautiful, talented woman gone too soon…”
“She said she received an anonymous invite! Whoever did it set her up! Why don’t you punish them?! She didn’t know anything before going to the ball! How could you?! How could you Damion?!” Felicity wailed.
“We don’t know who sent the invite.” Joseph admitted.
Felicity turned her teary eyes onto her brother who hadn’t responded. She had an inkling that he knew who had done it and was covering for them.
“This situation could get out of hand, Felicity. Powerful people attend this ball every year. If word got out that they are involved in this type of activity…all will be lost,” Joseph stated carefully, “This was an attempt to tarnish our name. Whoever did this, was jealous of Carmella, and also willing to bring my family down.”
Felicity kept her cold eyes on her brother, but he didn’t break character.
“Did you question Maxine, Damion? Your wife?”
“Maxine knows nothing about The Court of Aje. And if she did, she wouldn’t be safe from our wrath either. Maybe you let slip about the ball to Carmella yourself—”
“Then, it remains a mystery…” Joseph said.
“Until then, we’ve decided to revoke your involvement with The Court of Aje, Felicity, and you will be watched from here on out. If we find out that anyone else knows about this…I won’t hesitate to kill you.”
Felicity felt as if a boulder had crushed her. She couldn’t believe her brother had said that to her. Not even the hurt in her eyes made him realize how evil he is towards her. She had to get away. All she could think about beyond the ringing in her ears is little Adena discovering her mother’s dead body, or worse…
“I won’t say anything. And why would I? So you can kill someone else and get away with it?” Felicity said with a shaky voice.
Damion’s jaw tightened at her words and Joseph Stevens watched her storm out the doors. She rushed out of his home and raced over to Carmella’s home. Tears blurred her vision when she charged through the doors, calling out for Carmella. She searched the entire basement, then worked her way to the main level and couldn’t find her. She wasn’t out at the pool either.
“Carmella! Adena!” Felicity shouted.
Her footsteps bounded up the stairs and all she could see beyond the darkness of the hallway was a dim light from her master bathroom. Carmella took leisurely steps into Carmella’s room that looked rather ordinary, but when she’d made it past her bed, she found the carpet soaked with pinkish bath water. The door was left ajar, but the sound of running water grew louder as Felicity pushed open the door….
Slipping on the linoleum floor, feet splashing in bloody water, Felicity ran to the jacuzzi bathtub, screams bouncing off of the walls like a chilling echo. She got down on her knees and turned off the faucet, too distraught to believe the state of her friend. She looked pale. Her wrists were slit and she was lying in a bloody bath. Her eyes were open and they looked empty. Felicity forced her eyes away, shaking, unable to get the image of her dead eyes out of her mind. All she could do was try and remember the light that had occupied those bewitching eyes.
“Adena?!!!!” Felicity looked around the bathroom, but there was no sight of her, “ADENAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!”
She left Carmella’s body to search for Adena. Feet heavy, Felicity combed Carmella’s room, even searched beneath her bed, when she made it inside of Adena’s room, she checked beneath her canopy bed and the closet. Just when she was about to leave, Felicity looked towards the corner of her room where a pile of Adena’s stuffed animals were. Felicity walked over, crouching down, and when she peeked over a tall giraffe, she spotted Adena in the fetal position, shaking with fear.
“Hey, pretty girl…it’s Auntie…”
Adena sat up slowly, and when Felicity noticed blood stains on her night shirt, she broke down crying.
“Is—is mommy dead?” Adena questioned with a soft-spoken voice.
Felicity felt her throat close up as she watched tears stream down Adena’s youthful face. Felicity sighed heavily, letting her head drop. Adena could hold the heartbreak no longer and she fell to the floor in a disheveled heap as her grief poured out in a flood of uncontrollable tears.
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lallouette · 4 months
I saw The Outsiders musical last week and I’ve listened to the cast album a few times since it came out on Wednesday, and it’s so interesting how I’m still chewing on it. I’ve had the privilege of seeing a bunch of Broadway shows recently. One was just kind of bad and I forgot about it immediately. One was perfect, luminous, no notes, I gushed about it to everyone I know (Merry We Roll Along). This is the one I have the most thoughts about. It emotionally devastated me and a lot of aspects of it were really well done. Other aspects of it. . . I have thoughts about? Here are my not-entirely-sober, rambly thoughts about this show, beneath the cut bc this is gonna get long and no one asked for this (also spoiler warning just in case): 
-I was able to buy into it, but it took me some time to get there. The first little bit had me skeptical. By the time they were at the drive in (fourth song) I was like, okay, I’m definitely down with this. The book also has a lot of exposition up front, but it’s a LOT of exposition in the show.
-I was wondering how they were going to handle profanity, given that the book has a lot of “he swore” and the movie is very tame on that front. They say fuck multiple times, which is. Very much warranted given the situations that they’re in but it did surprise me a little!!! Also somebody makes a reference to eating pussy in like the second song which was WILD
-I think they did really well with the character of Johnny, acting, directing, and writing wise. My greatest fear is that they would Tiny Tim or Beth Littlewomen him, given that he is quite literally Too Good For This Sinful World. But I actually think he felt more like a fully realized person than in the movie. Sky-Lakota Lynch did a great job of looking haunted not just with his face but with his whole body. He was always pacing or fidgeting or something, and that nervous energy worked for me. And then of course he’s very, very still. And the contrast is very upsetting. Also they put him in sunrise colors 🥲
-Speaking of Johnny and Ponyboy, they’re very gay in this. I never really got that vibe in the book or movie (probably because I was 11 and didn’t even know I was gay yet), but here they’re close in a particular way that reminds me of certain friendships I had before I came out. Fantasizing about running away and making a home with your Extra Special Best Friend is the gayest thing I can possibly imagine. There’s a DIFFERENT song that I have dubbed 2 bros chilling in a hot tub because they are gazing into each other’s eyes singing about how they’ll never leave each other, HANDS CLASPED OVER THE KNIFE THAT JOHNNY USED TO KILL SOMEONE TO SAVE PONY, but they are sitting as far apart as physically possible. If the intent was to make it look less like they were going to kiss then they failed. 
-I went in knowing what they did with Dally’s death. And it works bc Dally in this is a completely different character. He feels much older, closer to Darry’s age, and he’s less loose-cannon-dangerous and more paternal toward Johnny and Pony. While book!Dally’s death is a final fuck-you to the world, this Dally is much more calculated about it. Thematically, do I think they should have changed the manner of his death? No. I think they should have engaged with the source material head-on, even if that scene is bound to take on different connotations now. Also Ponyboy has a monologue after Dally’s death that should have been cut down if not cut, make us sit with that 
-Joshua Boone, who plays Dally, is FANTASTIC. His performance of “Little Brother” (breakdown song after Johnny dies) is so much more intense than what’s on the cast album. I want to see him in les mis, which is high praise from me. Beautiful voice, wonderful ability to sustain notes while also sounding like his world has just been ripped out from under him. 
-they did cool stuff with lights and projections every time Ponyboy gets concussed! (Which is alarmingly often). The whole using lights/sound/projections to make the audience feel what the character is feeling reminded me of Curious Incident of the Dog In the Nighttime, as did the framing device at times. 
-the choreography/staging is amazing. The church fire! The rain! The whole thing taking place in the lot!!! I could have watched 10 more minutes of the rumble. 
-some of the lyrics are a little questionable. Love the book scenes! Love the music (I’m always here for a guitar-y folk ballad). But like. There is a scene where they dip into this almost recitative thing to describe how they just killed someone and I’m like ??? There’s so much dialogue in this musical, why is this not just dialogue. The songs are definitely strongest when they’re expressing inner thoughts/emotions instead of trying to advance plot. 
-The Stay Gold song WORKS. Musical theater is truly the best visual medium for letters bc you can have the person who wrote it come out and harmonize with the person reading it and UGH. Now that I’ve seen it staged it makes me so much more emotional 
-the way I’m tempted to go rush it so I can see it again. The brainworms are so real 
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asksidon · 1 year
POV: Sidon is comforting you (Y/N) after a rough job interview ((somewhat self-indulgent prompt here but hey maybe it can help someone else too)) | | comfort and fluff, and a touch of romance | |
You’ve been trying to hold it together. Sidon is splashing happily in the lake, and the cool spring breeze feels good in your skin and hair. The stars are bright, and the luminous stones give the clearing around you a lovely glow. But you just want to cry. You keep thinking about that stupid interview and some of the ways you think you messed up.
After asking you if you want to ride on his back, and your refusal, Sidon glides out of the water and into the air. After swimming several laps, he pops out and places a Hyrule bass next to you. It’s still alive and flipping around; it makes you squeal and squirm away. Sidon chuckles and flings it back in the water. He was just trying to get your attention with it, but now he’s certain that something is bothering you. He lays down on his back next to you, his expressive eyes focused on your face in concern.
“I’m sorry,” you say, “I guess I just have a lot on my mind.”
“Did your interview not go well? Tell me, Y/N. I want to know everything. I knew something was amiss from how quiet you’ve been.”
You shake your head as tears well in your eyes. You hate how easily the emotions come to the surface when you try to be strong. As much as you want to think about something else, you just can’t. “I felt so stupid,” you confess. “Some of the answers, I knew, but I got so nervous and forgot that I know what I know. Does that even make any sense?”
“Yes.” Sidon places his hand on top of yours on the grass. After a silence, he asks, “Is it possible that you’ve done better than you believe? Sometimes I think you can be much too hard on yourself.”
“I don’t know. Maybe.” So much was riding on this interview. “I felt like such a failure. I spent so much time preparing and made such an effort even to get the interview, and now it all feels like a waste.”
“I’m sure it wasn’t.” Sidon exhales audibly and looks up at the stars. “Some of these Hylian traditions boggle the mind. To think one would judge your entire ability to do something based on your ability to speak well about it just seems . . . Well. I don’t wish to offend. But all I can say is, if I selected my guard based on how well they talk about their swordsmanship, I’d probably be dead by now.”
“Can I just stay in the Domain forever? I’ll work for you. I can cook, and clean, and generally just be there for moral support and conversation. And the occasional dirty joke. Kind of like I am now, but it could be more official.” You look over at him, though you aren’t being completely serious. You want to have your own life and know you should. But you can’t resist his ability to comfort you.
“Fine by me.” Sidon grins, showing off his pointed, perfectly white teeth and pulls you on top of him. As you rest your head on his chest, he wraps you in his strong arms and squeezes you. He’s still got droplets of lake water all over him, but you don’t mind. “What should my interview questions be? Hmm . . . What’s the one the Hylians always use — ah, yes. Why do you want to work for me, Y/N?”
You smile, feeling your good humor coming back to you. “Well, I guess because you’re very handsome. And you smell good.” You press your nose to his shoulder. He smells like sea water and grass, and oak, and cedar. He smells like a warrior and a prince, and you want to lose yourself in him in the best way.
“Good answers. You’re hired. Can you start right away?”
“Mmm, I think that works. That was an awfully short interview, though. Are you sure?” You pick up your head to look at him.
“Shh, best not to question the management. Just go with it,” he teases you, kissing your nose.
You rest on him a while, content to just be there. Talking about things made you feel better than you thought it would. Sometimes you remember a cringe thing you said in the interview and rehash it to him while he strokes your hair and listens intently. But he always reassures you.
“These little performances we have to put on in life are so silly, aren’t they?” he thinks aloud. “Look at how beautiful this night is, Y/N. I want you to sit up and actually look at it. Take it all in.”
You feel reluctant to move from the comfort of him, but you do. You see the way that the luminous stone and the stars seem to almost twinkle in unison, winking at you as though they hold the universe’s secrets. It strikes you in a way that it didn’t earlier when you were lost in your thoughts of failure, stuck in the past.
“I think it helps to remember what’s real,” he says. “I love you, Y/N. No matter what.”
“I’ll remember.” You nod, feeling the tears coming on again but for a completely different reason this time.
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