#Luna Obscura
i-lavabean · 3 months
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Iomene and Oscar
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Who is Arlo Black if not Luna Lovegood's gothic horror cousin
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gothmusiclatinamerica · 6 months
"Luna Impaciente" by Lima, Peru-based goth and post-punk act Something Obscura off of 2023 EP Arder
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rafaelmartinez67 · 2 years
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dragunova · 1 year
Winter Lantern are such a good band
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rottenraccoons · 2 months
Hello! I have a potential idea/request. I named my character Luna when I first played. I did Cirrus's route first, knowing nothing about him. I thought it was a wonderful coincidence that I'd named my character "Luna" and that Cirrus is a priest of the Lunar God. Is there any chance he could have some special dialog in his route if we name our character Luna? 🥺👉👈
I get where you're coming from, nonny, but in that way lies only madness. If we offered a pre-made list of names and let players pick from that, letting the characters comment on the player's name would be easy and fun because we could control the kinds of names in play. But we have thousands of players and based on a survey we did a while ago, the majority of them use a custom name at least some of the time. If we did one name, we'd want to do as many names as possible. The scope would be immense.
I do see where you're coming from, nonny! Having a lunar/celestial name in Cirrus' route feels pretty apropos and a comment from him would make sense, but on our end it would be buckets of extra work for a pretty small payout. In a game with a more limited scope (one love interest vs. four, a list of possible names vs. player inputting names), it could be pretty fun! But for Obscura, it's not something we're considering.
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circuscarnage · 1 year
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“Woe, is me.”
Woe is my protagonist stand in for the Obscura VN. Although I do love the name Vesper, Woe suits her a lot better.
Before coming to the marketplace Woe worked in a morgue. She took pride in her work, but has now found herself at death’s doorstep. Quite ironic, wouldn’t you agree?
Now her life is in fates hands, looking for Luna Ichor to cure her ailment. Even so, she has still manged to keep her good humour, although it’s hard to say whether or not it’s a coping mechanism. 
Thanks to @rottenraccoons​ for the Obscura template!
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letra-vagabunda · 2 days
"Ven a mí, ahora que nadie nos ve, ahora que lo verde de este maléfico jardín entró en la austeridad anónima de una noche de verano. Ven a mí: si vienes, las estrellas seguirán siéndolo, la luna no se cambiará con colores ultrajantes ni habrá metamorfosis dañinas. Nadie verá que tú vienes a mí. Ni siquiera yo, pues yo ya estoy muy lejos, yo ya estoy en otro mundo, amándote con una furia que no imaginas. Ven a mí si quieres salvarte de mi locura y de mi rabia, ten piedad de ti y ven a mí. Nadie lo sabrá, ni siquiera yo, pues yo estoy vagando por las calles de otra ciudad, vestida de mendiga vieja, acoplando tus nombres a canciones obscuras que son como puñales para fijar mi delirio. Mi sangre, mi se-xo, mi sagrada manía de creerme yo, mi porvenir inmutable, mi pasado que viene, mi atrio donde muero cada noche. Oh ven, nada ni nadie lo sabrán nunca. Aun cuando yo no lo quiera ven. Aun cuando yo te odio y te abandone, ven y tómame a la fuerza".
-Alejandra Pizarnik, Diarios
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theink-stainedfolk · 1 month
WIP Title Tag
Thank you @drchenquill for tagging me💕. I have a lot of wips with bullshit names because I just decided it just to remember the story because I keep ✨ forgetting✨. Please don't judge me 😭🙏.
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIP.
Rebel's Crown
Contigo Obscura
The Veil of Allegiance
Identity's Gambit
Tracing 'M'
Fragile Feelings
Ruler of the North
Lost Wasp
Penna Luna
Sunshine & Rainbows
Trees of the Wretched
Snakes and Servants
Sakurai's Magic Shop
Brave Hearts.
House Of CARDS
You Are Surrounded
Hate Me With Love
All The Lifetimes
Wish You Were Here
With Wildflowers In Our Hands
Enter The Killer
At My Command
Seasons Of Love series
Paint My Life
When Life Gives You Lemony
Sparks In The Dark
Prince Consort
Angels of Death
You Killed Me Once
The Eyes Of The Devil
The Life Of A Fanfic Writer
Bad Love
The Traitor Librarian
A Monster Within
Not Me
Me & My Broken Heart
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justaduckarts · 1 year
How did Eclipse and Sun react to Moon's transition? And was Pluto ever notified?
This itched something in my brain, so here's a short lil drabble.
TW: Deadnaming (not intentionally), Dysphoria mentions
Nervous didn't cover it. Moon stood before the mirror, adjusting and readjusting his cap. Smoothing his tunic and turning this way and that to ensure the chest binding was secure.
The flatness of his chest brought him more relief- more joy than he could have ever imagined.
It was like he was meeting himself for the first time as he stood there. No more silken gowns. No more 'lovely young lady'. No more Mona. Just Moon. His truest self.
"Is my handsome son almost ready?" Luna propped herself in the doorway, a hand on her hip. Moon looked up at his mother and fidgeted.
"Forgive me... I just... What if the others don't like it?" He spoke so quietly. His throat was sore from pushing to deepen his voice. To sound less... Like Mona.
Luna gently cupped her son's face.
"My son, if your friends cannot support you and love you as Moon? They are not worthy of you." She kissed his forehead. "But I sincerely doubt Sunny and dear Clipsy would ever be anything less than supportive."
Moon nodded, sighing softly.
"I know, mother. I just..." Moon looked into the mirror.
"I understand," Luna wrapped an arm around him, "sometimes, it's difficult to quiet our uncertainties. I assure you, I'll be there every step of the way."
The two shared smiles. Moon couldn't be more grateful for his mother. His rock. Someone he knew would encourage him no matter how silly or strange the endeavor.
Glancing in the mirror one last time, Moon took in his appearance.
"Look at that," Luna's smile brightened, "my wonderful son. You're already such a fine young man."
Young man.
It felt right. It felt nice.
No more days of throwing all of his clothes on the floor or hiding in oversized sweaters or avoiding looking at the stranger in the mirror.
At least, he hoped.
"Mona!" Sun came striding up to greet his old friend, only to be caught by the bicep. Obscura dragged Sun back to her side and began frantically whispering at him.
Moon felt his heart pounding.
He'd spent the whole summer cooped up in the tower studying. He'd only seen Sun for the Solstice Celebration, and at that time he'd still been going out as Mona.
But he'd been Moon for months, and he hadn't been prepared to hear his old name again.
A gentle hand settled on Moon's shoulder. He glanced up at his mother. She smiled at him, confident and cool-headed as ever.
"Hello, boys!" Luna waved, "and Obscura. A vision, as ever."
"Oh, you," Obscura chuckled. She guided Eclipse and a now sheepish looking Sun across the entryway and they stopped at the temple's front step.
"Are we waiting on Solaris?" Luna glanced around for the radiant king. Obscura's smile faded. Eclipse crossed his arms- and Luna noted his second pair were noticeably absent again. She frowned.
"No, he's not attending. But let's not worry about him," Obscura's eyes glowed even through her dark veil, "why don't we go ahead and have lunch in the garden?"
"Sounds lovely. Oh, but first," Luna gently nudged Moon forward, "Obscura, Sun, Eclipse. I'd like you to meet my son, Moon."
Shyly, Moon waved at Sun and Eclipse.
Sun took a step forward, extending a hand. He grinned, showing off that chipped tooth of his. A battle scar from one of his sparring matches with Eclipse.
"It's nice to meet you, Moon."
Tears pricked the edges of Moon's vision as he shook the hand of his longtime friend. Finally being seen as himself by the world for the first time.
"Likewise," Moon said quietly, voice nearly cracking. He smiled. Sun released his hand.
"We're happy to have you, Moon," Obscura gently patted his shoulder, "you are such a fine young man, I'm so proud of you."
Eclipse moved towards Moon and Moon yelped as he was suddenly lifted off the ground.
"Who knew the Star Mother would bless us with another brother?" Eclipse squeezed Moon. The smaller god laughed, patting Eclipse's back.
The fledgling god of darkness was still young, but already so big. He was well on his way to being as impressive as Obscura someday.
After a few more hugs, the group was finally on their way to the garden. Once they entered, the smell of daisies and fresh cut grass washed over them.
Seated on a large blanket near the statue of the previous sun god was Pluto and her mother. Terra was absent, likely holed up in the forge as usual.
Pluto shot up like she'd been bitten and darted across the garden, unconcerned about the ends of her dress growing grass-stained.
"Moon!" She slammed into the meek blue fledgling god with such force that they both tipped onto the grass.
"Pluto," Moon wheezed, "hi."
Giggling, the lavender-skinned girl sat up. All around the two, soft pink flowers began to bloom. A show of Pluto's enthusiasm.
"I finally get to see you! Look at you, a whole new man." Pluto got to her feet, dragging Moon with her.
"And you're the same brute as ever," Moon stuck his tongue out at her. Pluto responded by sticking her own tongue out, crossing her arms.
"A man now and still can't stop me from bowling you over?" She taunted.
"Please, not even Obscura could stop your dragon-strength." Moon rolled his eyes, "you're going to kill someone by accident."
Pluto gasped, "I'd never!"
"Pluto, where are your manners?" Ursa set a hand on her wily daughter's shoulder, smiling at Luna and Obscura. The lesser spring goddess was so much shorter than the greater gods. Shorter now than her own daughter, not that that ever deterred Ursa from scolding Pluto when it was needed.
"Hm?" Pluto looked at her mother, then back at the other goddesses. "...Oh! Stars above, sorry! It's nice to see you, Luna, Obscura." Pluto bowed her head.
"That's quite alright," Obscura waved off Pluto's worries, "we're all friends, there's no need to be so formal."
"Oh, I know," Ursa sighed, "but that's still no reason to be running around-
"Ursa," Luna took the hands of the lilac goddess, "let them be children a little longer."
As the three goddesses began to chat about parenthood, responsibility, and other nonsense that teens don't really care about, Pluto turned to the gaggle of boys around her.
"Tag?" She grinned.
Sun's blue eyes shone with excitement. Eclipse was already backing away from the group, intent on a head start.
"You are so on," Sun bounced, "I'm not losing this time!"
"Ha! We'll see about that," Pluto put her hands on her hips.
Moon couldn't help but laugh, too.
He'd been so nervous, but things felt so normal.
No, they were better than normal.
Because now he was finally feeling like himself. And his friends, his family, still loved him. They loved Moon.
And Mona could be laid to rest.
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𝖂𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕷𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖓 – ℜ𝔢𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔫 𝔒𝔣 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔗𝔶𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔢
Umbrae Obscurae A Luna Allatae / 2022
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corestrikefan2653 · 15 days
We're Back!
It's been nearly 5 months since the Pro League Elimination tournament. A lot has happened since then! It's up to me to catch you all up to speed! Here we go!
After winning the tournament, Demon Drive went on a worldwide tour! X tagged along as their bouncer. They all had an amazing time! Being dubbed the greatest corestrike players of all time really helps with ticket sales.
Rasmus, Kazan, and Nao further devoted themselves to Clarion Corp. They've all been hard at work for quite some time. A few announcements reveal that they're rapidly increasing their Omega energy studies.
Atlas went back to his lab to push his own technology even further.
Juno was finally enrolled in school. So she and Luna had their hands full with school. Especially since I heard that the pair gets into a lot of trouble.
Without her team, Asher has been doing every odd job she can find to support her family.
Zentaro is right behind her. He's also trying to raise money to bring his parents over.
Ai.Mi still plays corestrike as a free agent. She's still really good!
Finii is trying to get famous any way she can. TV appearances. Youtube videos. Livestreams. It's hard NOT to see her!
Rune has been focusing on his connection with Obscura. He's trying to gain control over it. I hear he's making good progress!
Era spent months searching for Kai. Eventually, she finally found him in hotel 700 miles away. He spent a whole 2 months recovering. But he's thankfully better now. Kai may not have been the nicest striker, but I'm glad he's okay.
Me and Dubu haven't stopped striking. Even without Estelle. She went back to focusing on her modeling career. But, we have a new third member: Drek'ar! Since his team kinda also disbanded, he joined ours! And I thought I was intense! Drek'ar is unstoppable on the arena. The three of us are gonna make a name for ourselves.
Throughout all of this, we've managed to stay connected. All of us. We chat regularly online. And we all play corestrike together, despite where all our lives have taken us.
Sure, it may be the off-season. Sure, the game isn't receiving new content often. Sure, corestrike may no longer be the primary focus for everyone now. But we're still here. We're still together. And that extends to our fans. Thank you all so much for staying with us through thick and thin. It's you that keeps this fanbase alive. Your love. Your devotion. Your passion. It's worth more than any title or trophy. From the bottom of all our hearts, thank you Omega Strikers community. Here's to many more adventures in the future. And remember:
Go Strike!
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babylon-crashing · 1 month
“La una era la otra/ y la muchacha era ninguna” ~ Federico Garcia Lorca
I am petty. Splintered bones, skirt of green
fire, the skulls of all my foes hung around
my neck. I am mean, ravenously mean:
a hog's head worth. The ribs over my wound
are all bent outwards. That which was dwelling
within woke hungry. Decades go by. Greed?
A glint. A hint. It's never gone. Growing
the way greed grows without logic or need,
until it wakes. Wakey-wakey, monster.
You mean, pretty cocksucker. Here's my hog
sticking knife, pretty-pretty. Damnation
of queens. All that can curl closed my finger
opens. Grey greed blue hue greenish fog smog
kiss. Mist's kiss of flesh. Wet smack of toxin.
The Garcia Lorca quote comes from a longer trippy poem, Casida de las Palomas Obscuras (Song of the Dark Doves) where the roots of this poem started, only to head off in a different direction by line 2. Inspiration can be a surreal beast, I suppose.
Por las ramas del laurel van dos palomas oscuras. La una era el sol, la otra la luna. «Vecinitas» les dije, «¿dónde está mi sepultura?» «En mi cola» dijo el sol. "En mi garganta» dijo la luna. Y yo que estaba caminando con la tierra por la cintura vi dos águilas de nieve y una muchacha desnuda. La una era la otra y la muchacha era ninguna. «Aguilitas» les dije, «¿dónde está mi sepultura?» «"En mi cola» dijo el sol. «En mi garganta» dijo la luna. Por las ramas del laurel vi dos palomas desnudas. La una era la otra y las dos eran ninguna.
In the laurel tree's branches I saw two dark doves. One was the Sun, the other the Moon. “Little neighbors,” I said, “Where is my grave?” “In my tail,” said the Sun. “In my throat,” said the Moon. And I, who was walking with the earth round my waist, saw two snow-white eagles and a naked girl. One was the other and the girl was neither. “Little eagles,” I said: “Where is my grave?” “In my tail,” said the Sun. “In my throat,” said the Moon. In the laurel tree branches I saw two naked doves. One was the other and both were neither.
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nyaruelle-adoptables · 6 months
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(gonna try out designing some pony adopts~ ^-^) shares appreciated! | Base by: Nyaruelle (me)
Luna Obscura Status: [SOLD] Belongs to @/berrycult Price: USD$35
Will receive: 1 Files (Unwatermarked transparent PNG file) Add-ons: USD$5 for a basic reference sheet
Accepting Paypal or invoice payment | DM for purchase! First come first served!
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ineffable-masquerade · 11 months
omega strikers characters: who does and doesn't have ADHD?
Imma tell u who I think does and doesn't have ADHD in omega strikers. This is based off my dumbass opinion so don't take things I say seriously tho if u do disagree plz tell me what u think
Julliete: Yeah she definitely has ADHD. Hyperfixating on corestrike that much must be due to something
Kai: The fact that his secondary is literally just a speed boost makes me think he doesn't like waiting, so I'm going to say probably.
Estelle: Probably does not have ADHD. Very patient and doesn't hyperfixate on anything.
Dubu: Unknown. He is a hamster. Non human or oni characters cannot be described with human mental disorders.
Atlas: Probably the only character who would not be distracted by a butterfly besides maybe Estelle or octavia who would probably be distracted by how pretty it looks rather than the fact that it's moving. The only character that has zero chance of having ADHD.
Drek'ar: Unknown due to not being a human or oni. Again, see dubu for explanation.
Juno: Unknown. She is a literal mass of slime. See dubu for explanation
Rune: Used to have ADHD before being possessed by a demon from obscura. Kinda messed with his brain a little.
X: Probably brags about the fact that he has several mental disorders, most definitely has ADHD.
Era: She likes butterflies. I feel like I don't have to explain further. She definitely has ADHD.
Luna: C'mon, you know the answer.
Ai.Mi: She was born from ADHD. Molded by it. She comes from the very fabric that is ADHD. She is ADHD cuz she is internet.
Asher: Neurotypical people don't just go gambling without reading the laws and win enough that you get reported to the police, likely has ADHD.
Zentaro: Does not have ADHD. He's just a calm, collected, and cool kid with a sword.
Rasmus: Unknown. Serious exposure to omega probably altered his mind a lot, so I'd say the omega exposure gave him ADHD or worsened ADHD that he already had. He is very tunnel-visioned on his experiments and would probably confuse a butterfly for a cup of coffee if he was thirsty enough.
Vyce: Oddly enough I don't think she has ADHD. Just cuz she likes rock and has a very energetic personality, she doesn't really seem like she has it due to being able to focus on stuff and not really hyperfixating on anything. Side note: Though she probably does drink a lot and has likely kissed the entire adult female portion of the cast at least twice. Maybe has kissed X on accident once.
Octavia: This bitch screams ADHD. Constantly on social media and burning bridges to close people in her life just to pursue something she takes extreme interest in? I am 110% sure that she has ADHD.
Finii: A kid who is bored all the time? Hyper obsesses over bunnies as you can see from her outfit? Literally became a magician just so that she wouldn't be bored all the time? This kid needs some medication imo, definitely has ADHD and her parents need to realize that.
anyways das it I tried to go in order of the characters from memory but i probably messed up somewhere before Ai.Mi and after Drek'ar. lmk your thoughts on this if u see this plz
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Random Omega Strikers head cannons I posses (Part two!! 🥹🥹!!)
Since AiMi and Zentaro don’t have a home (at least I don’t think they do) they just spend the night at whoever they faced off in a core strike match during the day (the only exception to this rule is Rasmus, since they don’t trust the guy 😒)
Kai once got a plastic plant from Rasmus, but he thought it was a real one, so he spend four months watering said plant until Rasmus himself told him it was fake
Estelle lives in one of those expensive penthouse apartments at the very tip of buildings. She also drives one of those sports cars that has those retractable roofs
X is really good a cooking, especially at barbecuing
Octavia either spends like 2 hours in the kitchen trying to make the meal she is going to eat as perfect as possible or she gets all her energy from instant noodles and there is no in between
Kai gives all the old clothes that don’t fit him anymore to Zentaro
Octavia made a deal with minor deites In Oder to get Vyce her guitar (this one is more of a joke, but seriously. Vyce slams that guitar constantly on the ground and it still hasn’t broken yet. How?😭😭😭)
Atlas sometimes stays up so late to work on his little experiments that Luna has to remind him to go to sleep by shooting a rocket inside of his room/lab.
Rune technically never plays just dance alone because when nobody else is there to play with him, obscura magically becomes the second player.
AiMi spits out “data balls” much like a normal cat spits out hair balls. The only reason she does this is to mess with people. She sometimes also uses them as projectiles
Drek’ar and Juno both enjoy sharing their little Alien customs (kind of like starfire from teen titans)
Era keeps her nail polish collection on a really high shelf and one time X came over and accidentally knocked all those nail polishes off the shelf. It was not a happy day
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