#Spanish translation
milolovesbmc · 1 year
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Spanish Production Boyf Riends (Nov ios)!!!!
I had to draw them because the Spanish production deserves at least a tiny amount of love, even if it's unofficial!! So there goes!!
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babylon-crashing · 5 months
“La una era la otra/ y la muchacha era ninguna” ~ Federico Garcia Lorca
I am petty. Splintered bones, skirt of green
fire, the skulls of all my foes hung around
my neck. I am mean, ravenously mean:
a hog's head worth. The ribs over my wound
are all bent outwards. That which was dwelling
within woke hungry. Decades go by. Greed?
A glint. A hint. It's never gone. Growing
the way greed grows without logic or need,
until it wakes. Wakey-wakey, monster.
You mean, pretty cocksucker. Here's my hog
sticking knife, pretty-pretty. Damnation
of queens. All that can curl closed my finger
opens. Grey greed blue hue greenish fog smog
kiss. Mist's kiss of flesh. Wet smack of toxin.
The Garcia Lorca quote comes from a longer trippy poem, Casida de las Palomas Obscuras (Song of the Dark Doves) where the roots of this poem started, only to head off in a different direction by line 2. Inspiration can be a surreal beast, I suppose.
Por las ramas del laurel van dos palomas oscuras. La una era el sol, la otra la luna. «Vecinitas» les dije, «¿dónde está mi sepultura?» «En mi cola» dijo el sol. "En mi garganta» dijo la luna. Y yo que estaba caminando con la tierra por la cintura vi dos águilas de nieve y una muchacha desnuda. La una era la otra y la muchacha era ninguna. «Aguilitas» les dije, «¿dónde está mi sepultura?» «"En mi cola» dijo el sol. «En mi garganta» dijo la luna. Por las ramas del laurel vi dos palomas desnudas. La una era la otra y las dos eran ninguna.
In the laurel tree's branches I saw two dark doves. One was the Sun, the other the Moon. “Little neighbors,” I said, “Where is my grave?” “In my tail,” said the Sun. “In my throat,” said the Moon. And I, who was walking with the earth round my waist, saw two snow-white eagles and a naked girl. One was the other and the girl was neither. “Little eagles,” I said: “Where is my grave?” “In my tail,” said the Sun. “In my throat,” said the Moon. In the laurel tree branches I saw two naked doves. One was the other and both were neither.
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nikailustracion · 3 months
Scylla Spanish translation subs!
I really don't know if anyone is interested in these, but I wanted to post this one aswell because I love it so much.
Like I said in the previous post, I have the others aswell, so if there's enough interest, let me know and I'll gladly post them
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massivedreamer · 1 year
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kaleidescope-main · 1 year
Do you need help writing for Spanish Speaking characters?
This account has been dead for a while now. But let's try this anyway.
Hi! I'm Kaleidescope, also known as Kay. I've seen a lot of writers struggling with using Google translate for writing fics that involve Spanish speaking characters like Miguel O'Hara, Namor, Javier Peña, and so on.
I'm here to offer my help. I've been a native Spanish speaker since birth (I was literally born screaming mamá) and I can help with translating anything you wanna write so that it makes sense.
Just send me an ask or a DM if you are interested. I will never ask for anything in return, I just really wanna help people avoid using the awkward, horribly translated shit show that Google comes up with sometimes.
So ya! Lemme know if you have something you want me to translate!! 😊
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ssjdebusk · 4 months
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Spanish translator back at it again with the bi!dean truth
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Una Carta Para Tí
RESUMEN: Azul escribe una carta a tí. NÚMERO DE PALABRAS: ~500
AVISOS: Spoilers para el tercero libro de Twisted Wonderland, a Azul habla de como no le gusta a sí mismo cuando era niño, Azul piensa demasiado, en general el aviso mayor es el trasfondo de Azul. NOTAS DEL AUTOR: No hablo español fluidamente, y por eso creo que este no es muy bueno... Por favor, dime si hay errores. Yo escribí este en tres idiomas (español, inglés, y japonés) y espero que todos son buenos. Si puedes leer más de uno de estos idiomas, por favor leelo! Voy a estar agradecido jaja. Por supuesto escribí de Azul. Él es mi favorito. No sé qué pronombres debo usar (quería este ser género neutral, pero cuando traté de usar "e" (como elle), no sabía qué hacer siguiente… Y aquí estamos. Yo aprecio consejos. Yo usé Wordreference para las palabras y Google Translate para chequear (y no he escrito nada en español por... tres meses?). Voy a estar sorprendido si no hay errores. Español (este!) - Inglés - Japonés
© kazumiwrites - todos los derechos reservados; por favor, no robe, edite, copie, republice (etc) mis obras sin mi explícito permiso.
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Querido prefecto,
Yo siempre luchía.
Todos los días, una voz en mi cabeza me decía que yo era feo. Que yo solo era un pulpo feo.
No podía hacer nada.
Yo siempre quería sonreír honradamente. Quería divertirme con Jade y Floyd.
Pero las voces en mi mente me hacía pensar demasiado.
¿De verdad Estés mi amigo?
¿Puedes pensar de mí como una persona diferente, aunque veía a mí cuando yo era niño?
Yo sé que no puedes decirlo.
Porque yo solo era un tritón que quería ser humano.
Yo era una persona horrible que no podía aceptar a mi mismo.
Jamás voy a ser humano.
Este era un hecho que no podía cambiar.
Yo creía que he aceptado esas palabras, pero no podía.
No quiero ser un tritón otra vez.
Quiero ser humano por siempre.
No quiero ser eso pulpo feo y gordo otra vez.
Y… Quería piernas humanas. Piernas humanas auténticas. Piernas que podía obtener sin beber nada o hacer un contrato. Piernas que podía caminar, correr, jugar, y bailar con. Que podía hacer cualquier cosa con.
¿Por qué? ¿Por qué nací como un pulpo, y no como un humano?
Me sentía como eso toda de mi vida.
Todo cambió cuando tú llegaste.
Cuando conocí a tí para el primero vez, no sabía de qué pensar.
¿Un mundo diferente? No puede ser. ¿Estás bromeando?
Yo pensé esto, y era cauteloso de tí.
Pero… Después del incidente de mi Overblot, tú estés simpático a mi para un razón que no podía explicar.
¿Cómo podías ser tan simpático a mí? Yo casi te mato. ¿Estés loco?
Yo te decía esto muchos veces, pero no me escuchabas, y continuabas pasar tiempo conmigo.
Floyd y Jade se burlaban de mí, pero siempre me defendías. ¿Recuerdes?
Aquella vez, me sentía muy feliz de verdad.
Pensaba que no eres un persona mala.
Y de repente… Me di cuenta que yo me enamoraba.
Al principio, estaba sorprendido que yo podía sentir como eso.
Pero yo estaba más sorprendido cuando me dijiste que tú también te enamoraba.
Si dices algo como eso, voy a amarte más, ¿entiendes? Porque nadie solía decir palabras como eso a mí.
Tú eres una persona muy importante para mí. No quiero vivir en un mundo sin tí.
Entonces… ¿Quieres quedarte aquí conmigo?
Yo sé que probablemente tienes aspiraciones, una familia, y una buena vida en tu mundo. Pero, si puedes dejarte a todas estas cosas y quedarte conmigo… Voy a sentirme eufórico.
Yo entiendo si no te gusta este mundo, y si solo quieres volver a su casa. Solo creí que debo decir esto a tí. Quizás soy codicioso para pedir esto de tí.
No tiene importancia que escoges porque voy a amarte por siempre.
Con amor, Azul Ashengrotto
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¡Me encanta leer sus comentarios! Por favor, escríbalo.
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dailysonadowfanfics · 2 months
Reading every single Sonadow Fanfic (Ao3): 44/4.642
Title: Perdiendo la Carrera (Losing the race)
Author: CoraGhost (Original author: Skyblaze)
Website: Ao3 (Fanfiction.net)
Published: 14.05.2016 (05.12.2006)
Word Count: 522 words (493 words)
Suited for minors? Yes
Warnings: No
Smut? No
Finished? Yes
Characters: Sonic the Hedgehog, Shadow the Hedgehog, Amy Rose
Ships: Sonic/Shadow onesided Amy/Sonic
Author Tags: Español | Spanish, Sonadow - Freeform, Amy pierde, Sonic y Shadow, One Shot, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Author Summary: Un pequeño one-shot de Sonadow contado desde la perspectiva de Amy. Todos debemos crecer algún día. (TRADUCCIÓN)
My summary: This is a Spanish translation. The original is on fanfiction.net.
A fic from Amys pov. Shadow is hurt and Sonic brings him to Amy where they both watch over him.
You can read it here
Or here the original
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endormiscat · 1 year
The Spanish translation of Outer Wilds
...is a weird case. On some parts, the translation is solid and sounds natural. On some places the word choice is specially tasteful. But on others it suffers from glaring issues, as if machine-translating or doing a blind replacement from a bilingual dictionary, or even, some untranslated lines here and there. This is specially heartbreaking because, as I later found out, there’s a lovely article from Mobius about how they approached the translation to other languages very carefully (this being a game so text-heavy and all), and described one example from each target language of the challenges they found when translating the game... But interestingly, there is no mention of any challenge with Spanish, even though most of the challenges described for other languages apply to Spanish as well.
So, now that I have finished the main game, I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands. (Also, since I’m not being paid for this, unlike the poor schmuck at Lionbridge who seemed to be crunched tf out of their ass, I can take some liberties, like including emerging gender neutral pronouns like the developers truly intended.)
Making a cut here for spoilers since I’ll be discussing names and their narrative meaning.
Since I actually did the whole playthrough with a friend watching me through Discord, we’ve been extensively discussing about potential changes to some names, and the hardest one to agree on was a possible new localization for Brittle Hollow’s name.
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This is not a word that evokes “empty on the inside.” Specifically, this is the word used for “the opposite of a hill”, which, yes, it’s also called a hollow in English, but I think it’s clear from context that this is not the meaning in the planet’s name.
So at first I took inspiration from KH’s Hollow Bastion, localized as “Bastión Hueco”, which always sounded very impactful (positive) for me, despite (or because of) its simplicity. On the other hand, “Hueco Frágil” didn’t sound euphonic to me, so I tried to evoke “brittleness” through the visuals of crystal or glass, and went for “Hueco Vítreo.” I also initially thought (wrongly) that the name couldn’t possibly refer to the fact that the planet was breaking down, since it only started doing so “recently” (from the Protagonist’s point of view), that the Nomai couldn’t have been calling it that, and it was just a wordplay from the devs; but I later realized that the name was probably given by the Hearthians and that the Nomai translations localize the name into Hearthian as such.
Then my friend suggested “Vacuo Frágil”, swapping Hollow with Void. Which goes hard af not gonna lie
There’s also the possibility of mixing both ideas and getting “Vacuo Vítreo” (it even alliterates! But that could create the expectation of making all nouns alliterate and I don’t think I can fulfill that), or a fourth secret option in “Hueco Cristalino” or “Vacuo Cristalino.”
So, poll time!
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adhd-languages · 1 year
Hey! If anyone wants anything translated Spanish-English or vice versa, send me a message or ask!
I’m by no means a professional but it’s also free so just keep that in mind.
Hola! Si hay alguien que quiera algo traducido (Inglés a español o viceversa), envíeme un mensaje o ask.
No soy profesional de ninguna manera jaja. Pero es gratis. Así que no se queje.
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milolovesbmc · 1 year
So I'm guessing not a lot of people on Tumblr are aware of this (considering the majority of the bmc fandom has English as their first/only language) but there's a Latin Spanish production of BMC! You can find it on YouTube! I haven't seen anyone talk about it so as someone who has Spanish as one of their first languages (and is absolutely in love with this musical) I thought I would!!
(Also, it was uploaded by someone outside of the production(?) 10 months ago, so I'm not sure when it was done)
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Here's a screenshot from More Than Survive!! (Sorry about the low quality/blurriness)
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nikailustracion · 3 months
Thunderbringer Spanish translation subs!
Sooo actually I have many of these, because my mom loves musicals but doesn't speak English so I translate these for her. However I never posted them because there's probably a few around already. Even so, this time I thought, meh, why not, so here it is in case anyone wants it. Maybe I'll post other Epic spanish translation vids, if people want them
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Django!!! -幻惑のジャンゴ-
[from This is NOT Greatest Site, translated by Cayce]
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Album: Razzle Dazzle 2010.10.13 Ariola Japan
Django!!! –Django the Dazzler– Lyrics: Imai Hisashi Music: Imai Hisashi
Love is a blind old standard Like a glass slipper masquerade Ah, for you he’s playing a rhapsody
Thrills in in your temples, it’s illegal Golden melancholy luxury Ah, night razzle-dazzling romancer
Welcome into the dream world, a mysterious fantasy With his brilliance, he’ll mesmerize you, magician Django
Miracle skills, he’s excellent The gods don’t notice him, he’s overlooked Ah, the bastard’s a trickster
Moulin Rouge aventure, moonlit night, my lost little kitten1 And now he's stealing into your heart while you can’t even see him
You’re my lovely angel French can-can peek-a-boo2 Baby, baby, snap your fingers BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
You’re my lonely Venus Close your eyes now 1.2.3 Count to three, just count to three now BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
And he’s there-and-gone, changeable, never the same in the daylight He’s a daredevil, hurricane, lightning speed, you’ll never catch him
Welcome into the dream world, a mysterious fantasy With his brilliance, he’ll mesmerize you, magician Django
It’s a tempting pitfall When you fall in, peek-a-boo! Baby, baby, snap your fingers BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
It’s a tempting pitfall When you fall in, 1.2.3 Count to three, just count to three now BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
You’re my lovely angel French can-can peek-a-boo Baby, baby, snap your fingers BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
You’re my lonely Venus Close your eyes now 1.2.3 Count to three, just count to three now BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
You’re my lovely angel French can-can peek-a-boo Baby, baby, snap your fingers BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
You’re my lonely Venus Close your eyes now 1.2.3 Count to three, just count to three now BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
Django! …… Django!
Note: This song is a tribute to the legendary Gypsy jazz guitarist Django Reinhart. Django, born in 1910 in Belgium, was of Roma (Gypsy) ethnicity and grew up in Romani camps near Paris. A catastrophic fire left his leg and the fourth and fifth fingers of his left hand partially paralyzed, but undaunted, he learned to play guitar without having to use the damaged fingers. He became deeply inspired by Louis Armstrong and jazz in general, and formed a jazz quintet with violinist Stephane Grappelli called "Quintette du Hot Club de France," that became a legendary jazz band. Many of Django's songs became jazz standards and he is now regarded as one of the most influential jazz guitarists of all time. He was also famous for being extremely unpredictable and doing things like showing up to concerts without equipment, or skipping the concerts altogether to sleep late or take walks on the beach.
1) The Moulin Rouge is a world famous Parisian cabaret. It was built in the late 1800's in Paris and is still in operation today. In the early 1900's it was one of the centers of the Parisian underground, where it fostered such artists as chanteuse Edith Piaf and painter Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. It was also the birthplace of the striptease.
2) The French can-can was the signature dance of the Moulin Rouge. It started out as an erotic dance that courtesans used to solicit customers; during the high kicks they would reveal their stockings, legs, and sometimes naughty bits as well. Over time as the reputation of the Moulin Rouge improved, the French can-can developed into a more mature dance form. Toulouse-Lautrec created many posters advertising the Moulin Rouge and many of them featured images of women doing the can-can.
You can sing this translation with the original melody, too! And if I do say so myself, the lyrics to this one fit really well :) Also before anyone tries to accuse me of taking too much artistic license: yes, "mekurumeku" really, really literally means "razzle dazzle."
NOTE: The Spanish translation is a re-translation of the English translation by Cayce. Cayce has only a marginal familiarity with Spanish, so the quality of this translation is unvetted, but Spanish-speaking fans, enjoy.
Django!!! – Django el Encandilador- Letra: Imai Hisashi Música: Imai Hisashi Traducción: Natalia H.
El amor es un ciego viejo estándar Como una máscara liberadora de vidrio Ah, el toca una rapsodia para ti.
La emoción está en tu temple, esto es ilegal Un lujo de dorada melancolía Ah, un romántico nocturno emborrachado y encandilado
Bienvenido al mundo de ensueño, una fantasía misteriosa Con su brillantez, él te hipnotizará, el mago Django
Habilidades milagrosas, es excelente Los dioses no lo notan, lo miran en menos Ah, el bastardo es un tramposo
Aventura de Moulin Rouge, noche iluminada por la luna, mi pequeño gato perdido Y ahora se está robando tu corazón mientras ni siquiera lo puedes ver
Eres mi amado ángel Can-can Francés, las escondidas (2) Baby, baby, has sonar tus dedos BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
Eres mi amada Venus Cierra tus ojos ahora 1.2.3 Cuenta hasta tres, sólo cuenta hasta tres ahora BOBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
Y él aparece y desaparece, cambia, nunca es el mismo a la luz del día Es un temerario, huracán, a la velocidad de la luz, nunca lo atraparás
Bienvenido al mundo de ensueño, una misteriosa fantasía Con su brillantez, él te hipnotizará, el mago Django
Es una trampa tentadora Cuando tu caes, las escondidas! Baby, baby, has sonar tus dedos BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
Es una trampa tentadora Cuando caes, 1.2.3 Cuenta hasta tres, sólo cuenta hasta tres ahora BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
NOTA: Esta canción es un tributo al legendario guitarrista de jazz gitano Django Reinhart. Django, nacido en 1910 en Bélgica, era de Roma (gitano) y creció en campos Romani cerca de París. Un incendia catastrófico dejó su pierna y cuarto y quinto dedo de su mano izquierda parcialmente paralizados, pero impertérrito, aprendió a tocar guitarra sin tener que usar sus dedos dañados. Se inspiró profundamente por Louis Armstrong y el jazz en general, y formó un quinteto de jazz con el violinista Stephane Grappelli llamado “Quintette du Hot Club de France”, que se convirtió en una banda de jazz legendaria. Muchas de las canciones de Django se volvieron estándar para el jazz y ahora es referido como uno de los guitarristas de jazz más influyente de todos los tiempos. También fue famoso por ser extremadamente impredecible y hacer cosas como llegar a los conciertos sin equipo, o saltarse conciertos para dormir hasta tarde o caminar en la playa.
(1) El Moulin Rouge es un famoso cabaret Parisino. Fue construido a finales del 1800s en Paris y sigue en operación hasta el día de hoy. A principios del 1900 fue uno de los centros del bajo mundo Parisino, donde fomentó a artistas tales como la cantante Edith Piaf y el pintor Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Fue también el lugar en donde nació el striptease.
(2) El can-can Francés fue el baile simbólico del Moulin Rouge. Empezó como un baile erótico que las cortesanas usaban para obtener clientes; durante las patadas altas solían revelar sus medias, piernas, y algunas veces otras partes igual. Con el paso del tiempo la reputación del Moulin Rouge mejoró, el can-can Francés se desarrolló en una forma de baile más madura. Toulouce-Lautrec creó muchos posters promocionando el Moulin Rouge y muchos de ellos tenían imágenes de mujeres bailando can-can.
También puedes cantar esta traducción (en inglés) con la melodía original!
Django!!! -幻惑のジャンゴ- 作詞:今井寿 作曲:今井寿
恋は盲目 スタンダード グラスの靴で マスカレード Ah 君のためのラプソディー
スリル コメカミ 非合法 金の憂鬱 LUXURY Ah目眩ク夜 ROMANCER
WELCOME 夢の世界へ 謎めく FANTASY 鮮やかさ クギヅケさ 幻惑師–magician- Django
奇跡のスキル EXCELLENT 髪が見落とす ノーマーク Ah ヤツは トリックスター
ムーランルージュ アヴェヌチュール 月夜 迷い猫 貴女のハートに スルリ 忍び込む
孤独のVenus 目を閉じて 1.2.3 Just a 3つ数えろ BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
変幻自在 神出鬼没 白昼常々 大胆不敵 疾風迅雷 電光石火
WELCOME 夢の世界へ 謎めく FANTASY 鮮やかさ クギヅケさ 幻惑師–magician- Django
誘惑の罠 仕掛けたら PEEK-A-BOO Baby 指を鳴らせ BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
誘惑の罠 仕掛けたら 1.2.3 Just a 3つ数えろ BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
孤独のVenus 目を閉じて 1.2.3 Just a 3つ数えろ BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
孤独のVenus 目を閉じて 1.2.3 Just a 3つ数えろ BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
Django!!! –Genwaku no Django- Lyrics: Imai Hisashi Music: Imai Hisashi
Koi wa moumoku sutandaado gurasu no kutsu de masukareedo Ah kimi no tame no rapusodii
Suriru komekami higouhou kin no yuu’utsu LUXURY Ah mekurumeku yoru ROMANCER
WELCOME yume no sekai e nazomeku FANTASY Azayaka sa kugizuke sa magician Django
Kiseki no sukiru EXCELLENT kami ga miotosu noomaaku Ah yatsu wa torikkusutaa
Muuran ruuju avenchuuru tsukiyo mayoineko Anata no haato ni sururi shinobikomu
Miwaku no ANGEL furenchi kan kan PEEK-A-BOO Baby yubi wo narase BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
Kodoku no Venus me wo tojite 1.2.3 Just a mittsu kazoero BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
Hengen jizai shinshutsu kibotsu hakuchuu doudou Daitan futeki shippuu jinrai denkou sekka
WELCOME yume no sekai e nazomeku FANTASY Azayaka sa kugizuke sa magician Django
Yuuwaku no wana shikaketara PEEK-A-BOO Baby yubi wo narase BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
Yuuwaku no wana shikaketara 1.2.3 Just a mittsu kazoero BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
Miwaku no ANGEL furenchi kan kan PEEK-A-BOO Baby yubi wo narase BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO Django!
Kodoku no Venus me wo tojite 1.2.3 Just a mittsu kazoero BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
Miwaku no ANGEL furenchi kan kan PEEK-A-BOO Baby yubi wo narase BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
Kodoku no Venus me wo tojite 1.2.3 Just a mittsu kazoero BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO
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lamiataxis · 1 year
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Mansión blanca
White mansion
🇪🇸 Diáfana mansión para pequeña familia pudiente, con dos grandes dormitorios y un tercero escondido junto a una sala de brujería en el sótano.
🇬🇧 Diaphanous mansion for a small rich family, with two big bedrooms and a third one hidden with a sorcery room in the basement.
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El 1er piso se compone de salón, comedor, cocina, 2 baños, sala de música, sala-bar de fumar y lavandería.
The 1st floor includes living and dining rooms, kitchen, 2 baths, music hall, bar and laundry room.
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El 2º piso incluye los 2 dormitorios, uno con baño y vestidor, y el otro con puerta secreta, otro baño común, biblioteca, estudio y sala de estar.
The 2nd floor includes 2 bedrooms, one with bath and dressing room, the other with secret door, another common bath, library, study and sitting room.
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La azotea está conformada por un paseo en que se encuentran un observatorio y dos estudios.
The rooftop contains a garden, two studies and an observatory.
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Finalmente, el sótano secreto contiene una sala de brujería y sus correspondientes dormitorio y baño.
Finally, the hidden basement contains a sorcery room with its bedroom and bathroom.
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Does anyone know a good website to use for English to Spanish translation for writing? I'm not able to pay anyone to check my translation, and I don't have anyone I know who is fluent enough to do it. I'm working on a character who's bilingual and I really want to avoid the usual method. He switches around a lot and I'm trying to learn to make sure I'm accurate enough, but I'd like a more vetted source.
This is what I've used so far and it seems accurate but I want opinions: https://www.spanishdict.com/translation
This is what I gave it: If I die today my life was well lived
And this was what it translated: Si muero hoy, mi vida fue bien vivida
It broke down the words and showed the sentence structure, so it looks accurate enough to me to do what little I need it to, but from anyone who speaks/reads Spanish, please let me know if it's stilted or weird. This is writing for a fic I eventually want to make into a book, so I'm really striving to make it readable. Or at least passable for a tumbler post. Please give me any feedback!!!
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rqgnarok · 1 year
help me and my parents pay for college! (writing commissions)
i really hate having to do this but i wouldn’t if i had any more options left, hi! my name is leo, and i’m currently in my third semester of college as a psych major in méxico. me and my family have always had financial difficulties but lately things have taken a turn for the worse and i’m in desperate need of financial aid to help pay for my next semester. 
my dad runs a self made business that’s been struggling well before the pandemic and he got sick a couple of years ago with nephrotic syndrome- in remission now, but its still a hit to us financially. my mom had to find work when things got tight, but as the last of four children, i’m having a really hard time getting through my college education.
writing comissions are open for fanfiction, oc work, and poetry, as you can see in this post here. i can also work as an english/spanish translator, editor, and beta reader. here’s a link to my ao3 if you wanna see examples of my work, along with my masterlist here on tumblr, though i haven’t written much for this site in a little bit.
i also wanna link up my ko-fi account in case any of you can help me out- any kind of support is so greatly appreciated and thanked profusely. 
thank you so so much for reading and sharing, i appreciate you all very much.
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