#Luz got him those shirts
whisperwillyou · 2 years
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Breaks my year long hiatus on Tumblr to project my queer identity onto my newest blorbo
Plus a bunch of miscellaneous bonus drawings that I’ve done
Guess who my favorites are. They’re simblings ;w;
Also manifesting AroAce Hunter for the upcoming episodes, cause if I have to watch Hunter be in a romance with my own two eyes I fear I may die.
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You'll Be Okay Kid, I Swear
Darius barely lifted his gaze enough to see that it was not in fact some insufferable fellow teacher teetering at the threshold to his room but a student, although not one of his own. He recognised him though, the mop of blond hair and black face mask not quite clicking into place until he saw the shiny silver badge pinned to his shirt.
Head boy. That was it.
"Can I help you?" Darius drawled out, his disinterest evident in his tone.
"Um. Well, uh, I can't do this French assignment and Luz has you for Spanish and she told me to come to you-"
(Human Au where legendary lawyer turned French and Spanish teacher Darius Deamonne (no he doesn't know how he made that career change either) becomes attached to a blond traumatised student who is absolutely awful at languages.)
I wrote most of this in one sitting after reading Mon Horrible Chéri by ghostrat on ao3 and getting really attached to the idea of a teacher Au, so here we are!!!
I have ideas for more chapters, but right now this is all I got. Hope you enjoy!!
Darius's head was pounding, the scratch of his pen ticking, circling and underlining never-ending lines of I woke up, I brushed my teeth, I ate my breakfast  not aiding his headache in the slightest. His fault for assigning three paragraphs from every student, he supposed.
A hesitant knock on his classroom door sent his train of thought grinding to a halt, being replaced with a haphazard tornado of insults for whatever colleague thought it appropriate to bother him after hours.
"You can come in."
Darius barely lifted his gaze enough to see that it was not in fact some insufferable fellow teacher teetering at the threshold to his room but a student, although not one of his own. He recognised him though, the mop of blond hair and black face mask not quite clicking into place until he saw the shiny silver badge pinned to his shirt. Head boy. That was it.
"Can I help you?" Darius drawled out, his disinterest evident in his tone.
"Um. Well, uh, I can't do this French assignment and Luz has you for Spanish and she told me to come to you-"
Ah yes. Luz Noceda, 2C, third row. He liked her mother, the woman knew how to pick a good bottle of wine (he thought fondly of the bottle of Pinot Noir he received after Luz got a perfect exam result last Christmas).
Darius refocused his attention back to the student in front of him, and the well thumbed sheet of paper in his hands.
"I'm not a tutor."
The boy's face dropped as he began fidgeting with the corners of the page.
"Right. Yes, I know that, it's just- well if I fail another foreign language exam I can't be Head Boy anymore a-and if I lose my position my uncle-"
Darius noted the way the kid picked at the seams of his jumper, his face ashen with dread in a manner he had seen many times before in his students the morning of exams, although this kid in particular looked like he might crumble into a thousand pieces at the drop of a pin. He was studying the floor as though if he looked hard enough, it would swallow him whole.
Christ almighty. He sighed, shuffling the pages off the table and held out a hand expectantly. He wasn't going to finish grading all of those now anyway.
The kid shifted his gaze to Darius's outstretched arm, staring at it like a deer in headlights for perhaps a second too long before snapping out of it and handing him the assignment.
Darius examined the paper for a second, immediately recognising Mrs Hallsted's illegible handwriting. The old bat still hadn't figured out the printer, instead continuing writing out 20 worksheets by hand.
Beneath the other French teacher's scrawled instructions, it was clear the student had written, crossed out and rewritten his answers about fifty times, explaining the paper's condition and rendering it unusable.
Pulling out a fresh sheet from a drawer in his desk, Darius picked up his pen and began writing the assignment title and date in impeccable cursive, pausing for a second when he remembered he had forgotten a rather crucial detail.
"What's your name?
Darius resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
"Hunter what?"
"Oh, uh, Hunter Wittebane."
Wittebane. Hm. The name was familiar, and not from the boy it was attached to. No, Darius felt like he had heard that name before, in a past life. He shrugged it off, adding Hunter Wittebane to the top of the page.
"Right, so this all looks fairly manageable, if a bit cryptic. Where are you getting caught?"
Hunter leaned over the desk, his brow furrowing as he attempted to read the paper upside-down. Darius waved a hand over his shoulder, indicating for Hunter to move behind the desk. He followed suit, pointing hesitantly at the first question, the letters barely distinguishable from eachother in Mrs Hallsted's poor penmanship.
"I didn't know how to format the answer."
Clicking his tongue, Darius rewrote the question again, explaining as he went.
"So since the question is asking for an account, you can leave out the name, date, address etc," he began, tapping a crossed out scribble on Hunter's page with the end of his pen. "What you'll need to start with is a general statement, remember you're trying to show off your ability to understand tone as well as your grasp on the language."
Hunter nodded, taking it all in as Darius described the difference between formal and informal vocabulary in clear detail.
"You should be able to figure this all out with a good set of notes, Mrs Hallsted did give you some, right?"
"Yes, she did, I don't really understand them though."
Darius nodded, reaching into his desk drawer to retrieve a fresh set of notes. Pulling out a highlighter, he gestured for Hunter's attention and started marking out sections of text.
"This is all stuff I recommend just rote learning, it's not ideal but you're better off just having it memorised. Here," Darius continued, circling a title in purple highlighter, "are the grammatical rules, and the exceptions which again, I would just learn off."
He noticed Hunter nodding along in the corner of his eye, his eyes gleaming with new-found understanding. The clear explanations were definitely doing something for his demeanour, his fingertips tapping on the desk in excitement rather than anxiety.
"These are just examples of formats, and here's just a worksheet if you need it when you're studying. The front is all short refresher questions and the back has the complicated stuff that needs lengthy answers," Darius finished, stapling the pages together and handing them to Hunter with a flourish. "Is that okay?"
Taking the notes from his hands, Hunter did one last flick through before nodding again, his thank you muffled by the face mask.
Darius waved him out, satisfied smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Oh and Hunter?"
The student in question paused in the doorway, eyebrow raised in confusion.
"Tell me how you got on, when you get the chance?"
Hunter's expression changed, a lopsided smile forming under his mask from the way his eyes crinkled. He gave one last awkward wave before disappearing into the hall, leaving Darius to the pile of papers on his desk, which he was debating putting off just one more day.
Take none of the advice I wrote here to heart by the way, I made all of it up on the spot.
This was mostly written to lament about my hatred for French and unclear instructions but instead now we have my first ever published Dadrius fic!!!!!
If you liked it please let me know, I am but a simple lad that needs constant attention or I explode/j
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i saw the collection of art displayed at the gallery nucleus event and ive been obsessed with these two pictures since so here are some details i noticed:
luz and eda are both wearing that grudgeby jacket, obviously.
Eda’s jacket has a patch on the left elbow when eda is wearing it. this was shown in the show as well. luz’s left elbow isn’t shown but we can assume the patch is still there.
luz, however, has a patch on her right elbow, which was where she tore the sleeve during the belos fight in king’s tide. we can assume hunter probably patched it up.
lilith and eda seem to have discovered their fashion taste in their teens and stuck with it to this day. lilith is in a similar long skirt and boots to what she wears in the show, and eda has the spiky/torn style dress look. guess she later decided to wear similar shoes to lilith though.
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speaking of shoes though raine honey what are you wearing,,,, are those ,,,shoelaces tied around your socks??? that can’t be comfortable or easy to get on/off,,,was this a fashion trend in their time???
gus’s shirt looks like it was two different shirts sewn into one shirt. i assume hunter did that for him too
gus is also still wearing two watches on one wrist and probably wearing the third on his other. boi’s got drip
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vee’s got an anklet. I wonder if this is an allusion to the ring on her tail in her basilisk form?
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luz has the portal key and a king-shaped keychain on her belt. does that mean they’ll end the show with her having a new portal so she can live in both worlds? that seems to be what the show is building towards
amity’s hair faded in season 3 and her roots were growing back but i think in here she redyed her hair to be a bright pink like before? i definitely don’t see her roots anymore. similarly i think willow has just been consistently dyeing that green streak
darius’s cape looks a lot like the golden guard’s. or just the emperor coven’s cape in general. his boots also look like the standard issue EC uniform ones. in fact, his whole outfit looks like a more casual emperor coven uniform. this adds fuel to my theory that he was being mentored by the golden guard to join the emperor’s coven, and when his mentor died, it shattered his trust in the EC which led to him joining the abomination coven instead. (why else would you get one of the top ranking officials of the emperor coven to mentor you, if not to join the coven itself?)
lilith and vee both have cute stylized backpacks and perry has a fanny pack, all of them shaped like demons. vee’s backpack is shaped like her (with a matching hoodie i think?), and because of the visible stitches, i will once again assume hunter made it for her. i will assume hunter did everything sewing-related for the hexsquad. love is stored in the hunter sewing project
in contrast to lilith, perry, and vee, alador’s bag is plain and practical. idk what this says about the characterization of these four but im sure it says something
everyone in the old hexsquad has their own style but alador is in his hexside uniform. again, very practical but he doesn’t seem to care enough about appearance (or hygiene considering he’s covered in abomination goo) to pursue anything beyond practicality
eda’s knee is scraped up. while this and the bandage on her face are probably supposed to indicate that she gets up to trouble a lot id like to think it’s also referencing the pain sharing spell she and lilith did in that scene of them as kids
hunter DEFINITELY did not dress himself those shoes are way too snazzy. darius sees him trying to leave the house in socks and sandals and has an aneurysm
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ppl mentioned how willow’s wearing an emerald entrails shirt but also! she has painted nails! i’d like to think amity painted them for her. first amity does her braids and now she paints her nails she is rekindling their friendship one makeover at a time
hunter wears glasses now. i guess after like 8 head injuries, a possession, and two eye color changes he’d have some trouble with his eyesight.
willow has discovered novelty glasses. she seems to be seeing fine so i assume they’re also prescription glasses, which is harder to get in cool shapes. did they get those in the human world or did the boiling isles already have them? or better, after the show they introduce the concept of novelty glasses to the boiling isles. i’d like to think gus gets his dad a pair in that scenario. and eda gets raine a pair
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hunter’s jacket has so many references on it to his new family i- 🥺 🥺 🥺 he has a wing patch for flapjack, an abomination with a ponytail for darius, a king patch for king (let them interact in the rest of season 3!!! please!!!), what seems to be the badge eda gives people for leaving their covens, and a flower probably for willow. seemingly no patches for luz, gus, amity, or vee. or the emerald entrails. though he could have more patches on the front of his jacket.
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trans hunter real
luz’s hairstyle with the front bangs swept back looks a lot like eda’s hairstyle but curlier. probably just the widow’s peak though
hunter is still rocking that mullet. i know even if they change his hair in a later episode they won’t spoil it in the art here. still even though i know why hunter didn’t want long hair i liked his longer hair + hair skrungly design better than his short hair design
the new hexsquad is dressed in a significantly more human style than the old hexsquad. seeing how luz has a portal key (idk if its real or just a charm), amity retouched her roots, and hunter has a jacket of patches referencing his 86 adopted family members, i would assume this shot of them is post-canon. guess luz takes her friends on another trip to the thrift store
(i know this specific scene where the new and old hexsquad check each other out is impossible temporally within canon what i mean is the hexsquad’s look is most likely something they’ll whip up post canon than during canon)
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willows pants have similar flowers on it as the flower patch on hunter’s jacket. the vine design and stitching around the flowers probably mean that they just came with a flower design when willow got it. however i headcanon that willow got hunter a bunch of flower shaped patches and he put one on his jacket. but later willow got a pair of those fashionably ripped jeans and left them somewhere where hunter found it. and when willow gets back hunter has used the rest of his his flower patches to patch up the rips in willows pants and sewed some stitching around the patches to make them look prettier. because he doesn’t understand why someone would wear ripped jeans on purpose. it’s like that one textpost with luz except it’s with willow. she can’t even be mad at him.
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space-owl · 1 year
Okay time to finally talk about the boiling isles/The Titan/Kings Dad!
And why I love him and hes been a character of the show the whole time.
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We first really "meet" the titan when Eda shows us the beauty of the boiling isles at the start of the show
Just a dead carcass, right? Thats how it seems at first but over the show we learn that the titan is magic! That the magic around Luz comes from the Titan! Now here is where the Titans character first really shines. He gives Luz the spell! And literally gives her a clue to make the connection!
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Now we think that this just happened randomly because she really listened to the nature. But since we now know that the Titan was actually there, seeing and listening to everything, this was a choice he made! Notice how Luz saw the light glyph in the sky after she spoke directly to the Titan.
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Luz: "youre supposed to teach me magic...."
And afterwards it starts to snow, revealing the glyph to Luz!
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Afterwards in more episodes, and especially in season two we learn that the habitants of the boiling islands worship the titan. The question of course is if they always did this in the first place or if Philip was the one who convinced them that the titan is some sort of god. I think they always kind of worshipped the titan since it was important for Philip to earn the islanders trust and so he used an already established deity that was wroshipped by the witches.
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Witch on screen: "he says he can talk to the Titan!"
Witches on the island constantly refer to the Titan like we do refer to god when we express worry or doubt or if we just wonder what is going on. ("Oh my Titan" "For Titans sake" "In the Titans name" etc)
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And those graffiti. Sure they were most likely added to be jokes. But those jokes only work because it is established before that the witches of the islands see the Titan as a god!
Also see how Eda and Lilith react when they find out King is a titan!
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Lilith: "I cant believe that all this time you had a titan under your roof! - GASP - Ive eaten ice cream with a god!"
The Titan didnt choose to be worshipped. But he chose to tell Luz the glyphs and how and where to find them. And he chose to not tell Philip about them!
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Philip: "Took years to find them. Almost as if the world wanted to hide them from me."
Another instance that showed or hinted at that the Titan was still there, alive and watching out for King was when the wind gently brushed the swing he was sitting on in "Clouds on the horizons"
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And - of course - something that got kinda overlooked by all of us, the GIGANT still beating heart in the throne room!
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But we also learn that Titans themselves were crazy powerful. So powerful that they were the only ones who were strong enough against the collectors powers! Their blood is literally the cause of Luz being able to cast magic in the first place! Because of them and well because of the boiling isles Titan things from the human world wash up there constantly. Because they create those rifts.
So what did we learn? We learnt that the Titan is a big being that was crazy powerful and was worshipped by the witches on the boling isles. We also learnt that he has sort of a character of his own and may or may not be still around.
And THEN..... we actually meet the guy!
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Basically in his pyjamas, what he is wearing is also basically merch from the show. The "bad girl coven" shirt and the glyph sweatpants. Thats something any nerd from the show would want to wear. He has a dad bod and the first thing he does is making a joke to Luz about himself. Yes he is wise and does give Luz a lot of advice and her crazy powers, showing that he is very powerful even when he is trapped in the inbetween. But he never considers himself better than Luz or anyone else on the isles. He is very down to earth!
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Also the reveal that they dont take gender that serious but is totally fine with the title "dad" cuz thats what King has been calling him the whole time. All while he chuckles!
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The Titan: "What? Have you been drinking Edas home brewed apple blood?"
When Luz presents them the idea that she "might just be as bad as Belos" he immediately asks her if shes serious about that in a joking manner.
And, of course, the cherry on top for all of this, is the one direct message they could send to their child. The only thing The Titan could EVER tell directly to King! And what is it?
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King: "... I loaf you...? I loaf you!"
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King: "... Oh hahaha! BREAD pun!"
Its a DAD joke! And King loves it!
I think none of us really knew who the Titan was and if hed ever show up ever on screen. (Honestly I myself thought its more likely that we would see Evylin and Caleb.) But whatever our idea from the Titan mightve been, Im sure no one of us thought it would be like this. The Titan turned out to be just some guy. Just a being that happend to slip into all of this mess. I think we can all learn from that that some things arent as big as they seem (literally.)
This reveal was awesome and I love that the show took this route with him.
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wsdwriting · 11 days
little snippet of writing for these guys \o/ if you’d like, listen to Susie Save Your Love by Allie X to hear the song that inspired this bit!!
(go here for character information)
reblogs appreciated \o/!!
Luz wakes up with a piercing headache, and curled around someone. She squirms—pulling herself in closer and pressing her face more firmly against the other person. Tries desperately to block out the light leaking through her eyelids. 
Her movement wakes them, though. They stretch, before laughing softly and running a hand through her hair. 
“Good morning, Luz.” Comes Amalia’s amused voice. 
Luz freezes. Tries to run through her memories to figure out what events led her to here—except she can’t recall anything. Stupid alcohol. 
She pulls away, braving the sunlit room. 
“‘Morning.” She mutters, throwing an arm over her eyes. 
“Let me get the curtains.” 
The bed dips and creaks as Amalia leaves it. Luz listens to the sound of curtains being tugged tightly closed, and removes her arm to probably the darkest they’ll get during the day in a room like this. 
Amalia flops back onto the bed, crawling under the covers. Her hair is messy, and she still hasn’t taken her makeup off from last light, and she looks beautiful. 
And Luz really shouldn’t be having those thoughts even if both of them are single. 
But… then again… they also spent the night together. And she’s wearing one of Luz’s shirts. 
“Um…” As much as she’s almost too nervous to ask, she has to know. “Did we…?”
“Luz!” Amalia exclaims, sounding a little scandalised. But before Luz can panic too much, she laughs. “No, no. You were much too drunk, anyway. I just drove you home, and you got clingy.”
Embarrassing, but probably less of a mess than fucking her friend. 
“Ah.” She tugs the covers up to hide her face a little. “Sorry…”
“It’s fine—I don’t mind.” Amalia smiles. “I wouldn’t have signed myself up as designated driver if I did.”
“True, true.”
“There’s water and painkillers on the bedside table, by the way.”
Luz turns so fast she flares up her nausea and has to take a second to recover. Amalia does not manage to cover her laugh. Not that Luz thinks she was particularly trying to. 
“You’re a life saver, Pedra.” Luz declares, quickly swallowing down the painkillers. 
“It’s nothing.” But Luz can tell she’s pleased. “I just figured since I was already here… oh, and by the way”—she plucks a small piece of paper from her bedside table—“you got someone’s number.”
“Oh, man…” Unsurprising, even though she’s been trying not to do that recently. “Do you remember who’s it is?”
“Not really.” Amalia looks over the paper like it’ll help her remember. “She was bald, I think. And pretty butch. I don’t know, I wasn’t paying much attention—too focused on getting you home, you know?” 
Luz tries to conjure the memories to mind and fails miserably. 
“What should I do with it?” Amalia asks, leaning to the side to dangle it over where Luz knows her rubbish bin by the desk is. “Put it with the others?”
They’ve gone through this whole post-club song and dance before—even if Amalia has never actually stayed the night. Luz throws away almost every number she gets, but that’s usually because she was just flirting to get free drinks. 
This time she can’t remember what happened. It could’ve been someone she really hit it off with—like Amalia. And even if it truly is like what happened with Amalia and she just gets a new friend, that’s a good thing, too. 
“No, no, I… I’ll think about it.”
“You’ll… think about it?” Amalia raises her eyebrows.
“I just want to see if I remember more, you know?” Then she groans. “Besides—I, um… I need a rebound after that last guy.”
“I thought you were over him.”
“I am! Miguel even made sure I deleted his number because they’ve seen what happens if I don’t. Just…” She sighs. “It’ll be easier with someone else, you know? So I can stop thinking about him entirely.”
Amalia opens her mouth likes she’s going to say something. Then she seems to think better of it and leans back to the bed, depositing the paper on the bedside table again. 
“If you’re sure.” She settles on. 
“Well… I guess I am… Maybe I’ll get some memories back after breakfast and decide to chuck it, anyway.” Luz says, laughing a little. “But we exchanged numbers at a club. So you never know, right?” 
“Right.” Amalia climbs out of bed, and heads to the door. “Wait here, I’ll go make breakfast.” 
“You’re my saviour, Pedra!” Luz calls after her. 
She doesn’t get a response, but figures Amalia was already too far away to bother. So, she curls up in the blankets again, content to catch a few more minutes of sleep before breakfast is ready.
hope you enjoyed \o/!! this is set kind of like… towards the end of the start section I would say. if you have any questions about the story feel free to send them in \o/!!
(also let me know if you want to be on a taglist for this writing!!)
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starsfic · 9 months
when telling of the events of final battle when luz got to the part of how she met titan the reactions was what she expected
"...you met the Titan."
Hunter, Willow, and Gus's words washed over Luz. A hand, chilled from years of messing with abomination goo, slid into hers. She turned her head to see Amity's smile. "I told you," she said, with such an easy confidence that Luz couldn't help but blink. "You always find a way in everyone's hearts."
"What was he like?" Hunter asked before her mind could dissolve into fluster. His brows were furrowed together, something between a bright smile and a deep frown on his face. Made sense, he had lived for years with a guy who had claimed to be able to talk to the Titan. Now Luz had actually done that. "The Titan, I mean."
"He..." How to explain them? Luz still wasn't even sure what to say, even though something in her, something that had hollowed when her dad had passed, had hollowed out again. "...They looked like what I imagined King to look like when he gets older." Amity snorted and the noise gave her confidence. The Titan was a part of her family now, even if she only knew him personally for about five minutes. "I mean, he was really cool, but in that kinda old grandpa way, you know?"
Hunter's face blanked. "Huh."
"I mean, he was wearing one of Eda's Bad Girl Coven shirts and these really comfy glyph-patterned sweats. I mean, he got super huge at the end of it, but most of the time he looked like an lazy dad." She could easily imagine them sprawled over the couch, snoring away. "And now I really want those pants-"
"I'll make them for you," Hunter said.
"Should be relatively safe, since..." Willow's smile broke. "Oh. Oh, Luz, the glyphs..."
Luz held up her hand. "It's fine." Not right now, it wasn't, but it would be, eventually. "I got Stringbean and I got Hunter." She patted her new brother's hand until he held it out. "We'll figure something out."
The gift from the Titan had worn out, but their love?
Luz could still feel that, in that hollow space next to her heart.
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lampmanliveblogs · 4 months
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”…King? Oh wow, I know I said ’See you in heaven, one day,’ but I didn’t figure it’d be this soon. And I gotta say, I knew the day would come, but it is still so weird to see you taller than me.” -Luz right now, probably
Nah, it’s the Titan of course! In the flesh, or, uh… in the spirit I guess, since his body is left in the Demon Realm, being possessed by Philip Phungi and all that.
Right of the bat, I notice that he’s got that Hooty worm thingy coming out of his right eye (our left). His right eye is also the one that started glowing when Philip started possessing his body.
Philip… is the worm.
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There he is, in all his majestic glory.
The beard. The worm.The wings (which I guess King will start growing one day…). The casual wear: a dressing gown over a Bad Girl Coven shirt (don’t tell Eda about this or we’ll never hear the end of it), the sweatpants with glowing glyphs on them (aw man, I wish I had a pair of sweatpants with glowing magical symbols on them…). The dad bod.
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I’ve only known this guy for like…forty seconds, and I already love him. I love the fatherly vibes he gives off. Appropriate, of course, not just because of his role as a bringer of life to those that live on his decaying body, but it’s also appropriate because we’re at the low point of the episode. We just watched Luz die, Eda, King, & The Collector just watched Luz die, the Boiling Isles are being overrun and slowly torn apart… we need a comforting voice in the darkest hour.
Oh, and something about how Luz’ father is dead and now that she died she got to meet this sort of father figure… something about that, definitely.
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”I think King said it best once; ’I am both king and queen, best of both things.’ But ’dad’ works fine.”*
We stan an asexually reproducing king/queen/both things.
(… do people still say ”stan?”)
I mean, I’m assuming this means titans reproduce asexually. And I just wanna say that as an asexually reproductive organism myself, I appreciate this representation.
Secondly, this also tells us that Titan here knows a good deal of the goings ons in the realm of those still living. And his omniscience is arguable better than mine, because I sure as Demon Realm can’t remember when King said that.
(*I looked it up. Turns out King said that in Enchanting Grom Fright, when he nabbed the Grom Queen crown Luz dropped on the floor after she got back home.)
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kittiwittebane · 11 months
Based off @avatarmerida idea for a Huntlow prompt. [here]
“Are you guys ready to get on the bus?” Luz asked. Gus nodded, drawing a spell circle. Everybody’s ears became round.
“Human ears, check!” he smiled.
Willow giggled. “I got the snacks, like always.”
Hunter nodded, being overly self-conscious about his choice in clothing, Amity’s earlier comment still stinging.
“What in the name of Titan are you wearing!?” Amity’s disgusted face was not easily mistaken. Hunter went red with embarrassment.
“I-” he started.
“Amity, stop being so rude he looks fine!” Willow jumped to his defence. Amity rolled her eyes.
“Fine, huh?” she asked. Willow went red. “Shut up, Amity.” she mumbled, crossing her arms. “It’s not like that.”
Hunter smiled at the memory.
“Alright then, let’s go!” Luz exclaimed.
The group waited at the bus stop and when the bus arrived, they realised it was crowded. Not a little bit, not full seats, it was full. Like a bunch of grapes. There was a small spot where there were seats but Gus sat on one, AMity and Luz sat on the other, leaving Vee, Hunter and Willow to stand. Vee had made sure she was tall enough to reach the handles just in case, and Hunter was just tall in general. Willow however? Short. Second shortest of the group. The logical thing to do was let Amity take the place of Willow, as she was taller, but before that could happen, the bus jerked forwards, Willow’s first instinct to grab the closest thing. That ‘thing’ was Hunter. She grabbed his lower torso and stabilised herself. Hunter looked downwards, his face flushing red as realisation hit him. It took her a hot minute, but Willow then also realised. Her face was painted with a red hue, the thought of what they must look like to everyone else already driving her mad. But while Hunter was focused on how close they were, Willow was secretly admiring the muscle under his shirt. She wished she wasn’t. It felt wrong. The thought felt wrong, not his muscles. Once the bus arrived they got off, and had an awkward forcefield around them for the rest of the day. This seemed to happen a lot, eventually becoming their regular routine. One time, the bus came to such an abrupt stop that Willow went face first into Hunter’s body, to which he caught her, her arms around his body, his hand to her waist. They nearly missed their stop, if Gus hadn't snapped them out of their trance. That also happened to be the time someone commented.
“Aww, you two are such a cute couple!” an old woman next to them smiled at them. While both of them went red, Willow responded.
“Thank you.” Willow smiled kindly, hoping Hunter wouldn’t object. She liked the way they were referred to as a couple. The old woman nodded at them.
“You two care so much about each other, you remind me of me and my husband and our kids too.”
Willow’s face grew progressively redder and her voice became awkward. “Mhm, thank you so much.”
Her and Hunter? Compared to a married couple? With KIDS? Just the sheer thought sent Willow’s heart and mind into overdrive. Hunter had stopped working at ‘you two’.
“GUYS THE BUS IS GONNA LEAVE!” Gus smacked Willow’s arm.
She recoiled into Hunter and playfully mocked Gus. “Ok, ok! Geez.”
Hunter noticed that this time, the bus didn’t seem to be as crowded. There were clearly enough seats. The whole back row was vacant, apart from one man. He saw that they came as a group and offered that Hunter and Willow could sit where he was. They politely declined but he seemed determined to make them sit together. Eventually, they gave in and sat down. Both were seeming less enthusiastic, which Gus noticed.
Those idiots. Gus thought. He spread himself out across the seats, urging Luz and Amity, and Vee to do the same. They all did and suddenly it became quite crowded.
“Hey Hunter, can you and Willow sit a lot closer? It's getting squishy and hot up here.” Both gladly obliged, Hunter leaning into and putting his arms around her, neither going to mention how roomy it was up there.
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gh0--st · 6 months
Summary: When feeling scared about Luz, King sneaks away to see Eda in the night. She helps make him feel a little better.
Characters: Eda(ler) King(lee)
This is a tickle fic. If you aren't into those, I won't recommend reading this.
Havent written in a while so this'll might just be a short comfort fic
King couldn't sleep. He trembled in his bed, the Collector fast asleep beside him, muttering words with a happy smile. His thoughts whirled with Luz. He remembered that look on her face when he shot them through the portal.
He had started regretting that decision a while ago. What if he blasted them too hard, and they got hurt? What if something had gone wrong, like the portal collapsing?
King sat up, giving a glance at the sleeping Collector before quietly sneaking out the room. He walked through The Archives, his paws taking him to where all the coven heads were.
He stared at them before slipping through the broken part of the gate. He walked and found the little camp Eda and Lilith had been staying. Lilith was fast asleep, clinging to a pillow with Hooty's face on it. He knew she missed the weird house demon. Maybe he could convince the Collector to do something with him.
Eda was awake, sitting by the fire and staring into it with an empty gaze. But as she looked up, her face softened, and she gave a smile, "Hey kiddo, why are you awake?"
King was quiet, walking up and climbing into her lap. Eda frowned a bit. If King had snuck here in the night, she knew something had to be wrong.
Eda sighed and kissed his horns, "You could get in trouble for being here, King." The Collector didn't like when King wandered off without him.
King shook his head, "I don't care." He spoke quietly. He gave his mom a teary glance, clinging to her shirt. Eda seemed to instantly know what was wrong now, "You thinking about Luz?"
King gave a nod, and Eda sighed, "Yeah, me too. It's hard not to miss her.. silly face." King looked into the fire, "What if she doesn't come back? Or- what if she does and she gets turned into a puppet?" He didn't know which sounded worse. Never seeing his sister again or only seeing her as a lifeless doll.
Eda sighed and began to scratch Kings belly gently, earning a few tiny giggles out of him. It was nice to hear his laugh, so she continued. Her touch was gentle, not wanting to overdo it in his current emotional state.
He squirmed around happily in her lap, still giving giggles as she tickled his belly softly. She kissed his skull, chuckling as he grabbed onto her wrist but didn't stop her. After a while, she could see he was getting exhausted.
She stopped her movements and hugged him, kissing his skull once more before setting him down, "Go back to bed, kiddo." King nodded and began to walk away before stopping,
"I love you."
Eda stared, trying not to be overwhelmed by tears of fear and love for her kid.
"I love you, too."
And with that, King went back to his bed, feeling a little lighter than before.
Haha sillys
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TOH characters as incorrect quotes + y/n
Hello! How are you doing today :) hope you're doing well!
I may or may not have changed certain words like God to Titan, and prom to grom, but yeah
Here are some quotes (that i used on a generating thingamajig on Google called perchance.org incorrect quotes)
Hunter: hey, y/n, what do you think it would be like if we had kids?
Y/n: What would it be like? Inconvenient, mostly
Hunter: No, i mean, what would they be like, the kids? You ever think about it?
Y/n: Can't really say i have.
Hunter: You know, for someone as eccentric as yourself, you can be boring as fuck sometimes
Y/n: Sorry, Hunter. For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl. Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringing up anybody
Y/n: I'm proud to identify as morosexual. I'm attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Someone asked me what the Spanish word for "tortilla" was once, and now I dream of kissing the under the moonlight.
Hunter: What kind of animal is the Pink Panther?
Y/n, already taking off their clothes: God, Hunter, you're so fucking stupid.
Gus: Willow, can I ask you a question?
Willow: You just did.
Gus: Okay, can I ask you two questions?
Willow: You just did.
Willow: You just did.
Gus: When?!
Willow: Just now.
Luz & Gus in the back of Y/n's car: MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!
Willow: We have food at home.
Y/n: *pulls into the McDonald's drivethrough*
Luz & Gus: YAYYYYYY!
Y/n: *orders one black coffee and leaves*
Luz: So... who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon?
Hunter: We're chopsticks!
Luz: Well... that's cute!
Luz: Does that mean you two snuggle together perfectly?
Y/n: No, it means that if you take the other away, the only thing the other is good for is stabbing.
Hunter: I’m this close to falling in love with Y/n.
Luz: Your fingertips are touching.
Hunter: Exactly.
Luz: *finds a note* Hmm, whats this?
Hunter: Hey, that's mine! *tries to grab it*
Luz: Aww, it's a love note for Y/n?
Hunter: No-
Luz: *opens it*
Luz: I can't read this.
Gus: Do you ever feel bugs on you when really there’s nothing there?
Luz: Those are the ghosts of the bugs you killed before.
Gus: *sobs*
Willow: You fucking scared him, you idiot.
Luz: What time is it?
Y/n: I don’t know, pass me that saxaphone and we’ll find out
Y/n: *BLASTS the saxaphone*
Y/n: It’s 2 am
Y/n: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt.
Hunter: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
Hunter: My future partner must be brave, strong intelligent, successful and organized
Y/n: *steps on a caterpillar and proceedes to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely.*
Hunter: That one. I want that one
Luz: You know, Hunter gives Y/n flowers everyday, i wish you'd do that to
Amity: Okay.
Amity: *gives Y/n flowers*
Y/n: ???
Amity: I don't know, I'm confused as well
Luz: Hey Hunter, wanna third wheel on my date with Amity tomorrow?
Hunter: sure
Luz: Y/n! Wanna third wheel on my date with Amity tomorrow?
Y/n: sure
Luz: Great! I've always wanted to go on a double date!
Hunter & Y/n: ...
Amity: Luz...
Hunter: I wanna be with you for the rest of my life.
Y/n: Damn, that sounds like a marriage proposal.
Hunter, getting down on one knee: that's 'cause it is.
Hunter: If i say i love you, will you say it back?
Y/n: Yes.
Hunter: I love you
Y/n: It back
Luz: why is hunter crying face-down on the floor?
Luz: That's ridiculous, Amity doesn't have a crush on me.
Hunter: Yes she does
Y/n: Yes she does
Amity: Yes i do
Hunter: sapnu puaS
Y/n: What??
Y/n: What language is that.
Hunter: Turn your phone 180 degrees
*y/n has blocked your number*
Luz: Okay! Let’s play Kiss Marry Kill!
Luz: First who would you kill?
*Amity points at Y/n*
*Gus points at Y/n*
*Willow points at Y/n*
Y/n: *shrugs* I would kill me too.
Luz: *visiting the squad* Hello, I just came to-
Luz: *sees Willow shoving Gus into the washing machine while Amity records and Y/n watches*
Luz: *retreating* Something suddenly came up.
Y/n: This food is too hot... I can't eat it
Hunter: You're very hot, and i still eat you
Everyone at the table: *silence*
Vee: One dinner... I just want ONE DINNER!
Luz: *about Hunter and Y/n* They make a cute couple huh.
Amity: They certainly are standing next to each other.
Hunter: Well, Y/n and i finally did it!
The rest of the squad: *gasps, shocked expressions, etc.*
Hunter: That's right... We kissed!
Hunter: Where are you going?
Y/n: To get MYSELF a gift cause somebody didn't get me one!
Hunter: I told you I did! It's coming here on Friday!
Luz, knowing full well that Hunter gave Y/n and engagement ring: *eating popcorn*
Amity: I sleep with a gun under my pillow.
Luz: I sleep with a knife.
Hunter: Both of you are pathetic.
Amity: Oh yeah? What do you sleep with?
Hunter: Y/n.
Luz: Do you love Y/n?
Hunter: Yeah, I do.
Luz: Amity! I told you I knew it! You owe me 100 bucks!
Amity: We all love Y/n. You should've asked if they were IN love with them.
Hunter: I thought that was implied.
Amity: ...
Luz: ...
Hunter, looking straight at Luz: Congrats Luz, you just won 100 bucks.
Y/n: I love you.
Hunter: I love you too. I've waited so long to hear you say that.
*Y/n and Hunter kiss passionately*
Luz, to Amity: You owe me 20 dollars.
Amity: Why would anyone want to harm Luz?
Vee: Maybe because they met her?
Luz: So, what is Y/n to you?
Hunter: The reason I wake up every morning.
Luz: ...That’s adorable.
Y/n earlier that morning, barging into Hunter′s room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!
Luz, bursting into the room: You two are having sex!
Y/n, not looking up from their book: Really? Hunter, why didn’t you tell me? I would have put my book down.
Luz: That shirt looks great, Y/n.
Y/n: Thanks.
Luz: But I bet it would look even better on Hunter's floor.
Hunter: Are you hitting on Y/n... for me?
Y/n: How do you know how to kiss? Like who teaches you?
Hunter: Well it’s actually a class, but unfortunately it’s full right now.
Hunter: Would you like me to tutor you?
Luz: That was smooth.
Lilith: ....Thou shalt not marry each other, for thy art both sinful...
Hunter: I just wanna fucking marry Y/n!!
*Y/n rushes by with an armful of water bottles*
Hooty: What's going on?
Lilith: Y/n wouldn't drink water.
Hooty: ...And?
Lilith: And I asked them how fast they could chug an entire bottle.
Y/n: I'm in love with you
Hunter: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork.
Y/n: I know
Hunter: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
Amity: Why is Y/n crying on the floor?
Luz: They're drunk
Amity: And?
Luz: They saw a picture of Hunter's spouse.
Amity: But they're Hunter's spouse
Luz: I know.
Hunter: Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box.
Gus: Did Y/n say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'?
Y/n: The stars are so beautiful...
Hunter: They're just gigant balls of gas.
Y/n: You know what, if you're just going ruin this, then-
Hunter: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you.
Y/n: Oh...
Y/n: *Holds us a sign that says "Grom?" outside Hunter's window.
Gus: OH my Titan, Yes!
Y/n: *Yelling up* No, tell Hunter!
Gus: Hunter! I'm going to grom with your lover!
Amity: Who do we know that has handcuffs?
Y/n: Well Hunter and I-
Hunter: *elbows Y/n*
Y/n: ...wouldn't know.
God damn, i finally finished this, took me long enough, and for any of you tat sent request's just so you know i am trying to write all of them, it's just taking me a while, plus i have no motivation ;-;
Anyway, ba-bye!
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piss-pumpkin · 2 years
Tea time (golden guard x reader)
[Wholesome fluff + Dadrius + ratio]
1.3k words
established relationship :)
It had been what, four months? Four months of dating Hunter. The former golden guard, one of the heroes and saviors of the boiling isles, the man himself. Who was shockingly down to earth and insecure for all his titles. But that wasn’t why you were scared.
”Oh don’t worry, you’ll be fine.” Hunter waved his hand in dismissal, his eyes looking to the side. “He likes Luz and when they first met he thought she was feral.”
”Yeah but Luz is… Luz,” you said. “And the circumstances were different, he had to like her.” 
Hunter took your hand and gave it a light squeeze as you started to walk. The two of you were going to the castle, most of which had been repurposed after Belos’s dethroning. One part stayed the same though. 
Gravel crunched under your feet, “Like Luz was an ally in a trying time, and she’s Eda’s kid, you know? Darius had no choice. Plus she wasn’t your partner, he’d be more critical of me then her.”
Hunter pursed his lips, looking over at your unimpressed and anxious eyes. “Okay, but because of those things he never got to know her, so their relationship wasn’t that deep.” 
You grumbled. You grew closer to the castle, where Hunters new uncle still lived in his tower. You closed the space between you and Hunter, purposely bumping into him. He stumbled off the path for a moment before recovering, and playfully shoving you back with his elbow, still holding your hand. “Y/n, you’ll do fine. And if you don’t…” he laughed for a moment, “Darius didn’t even like me in the beginning, so first impressions clearly aren’t a big deal to him.”
“Hmm,” you mumbled. You silently chewed your lips to relieve nervous energy. It was like your blood was lightning, you felt positively static. Darius had to like you. It was weird that you hadn’t met him until now. If only you’d done this earlier, then it wouldn’t have had such build up. The former coven leader was a busy man. 
“Okay, remind me again, about what to do, how to act” You swung your hand in his as you walked. “I can only get so far with my effortless wit and charm.”
Hunter chuckled, “Your wit and charm is crazy though, it’s all you need.” He swung his hand too, feeding the wide arc of the motion. 
The castle was in front of you now. Not long now. 
“Quickly, just like give me some hints like, how would my energy be, should I talk any different, like sound fancier, or something?” 
You were just in front of the gate now. You had stopped walking without noticing, you feet refusing to cross the threshold. You wiped your free hand on your shirt, just now noticing it had grown sweaty. 
Hunter looked down as you did it, and took the hand in his own. Smiling, he lifted both hands up so they were between you, with your fingers laced together. “Y/n, chill out. He wants to meet you.” 
“I could be an adapted and improved me though if you’d give me some tips.” 
He scrunched up his face, “No none of that.”
You sighed. “Okay, but-“
”But nothing, Y/n.” His tone was soft, and he was almost murmuring. “You’re pretty great, okay? You’ll do fine.”
Your face felt hot, and you didn’t have any response. Instead of speaking, you head butted him gently on the chest. 
Hunter laughed, and you looked up to see a warm smile on his lips. He hummed, “So, you ready?” 
You moved closer to him, into his chest. You could feel him lightly exhale as he wrapped his arms around you. For a glorified pice of wood, he sure was warm. And for an absolute goblin, he smelled nice, comforting even. Or maybe you just liked him, and you were bias. You nodded, feeling the soft fabric of his sweater on your cheeks as you did. He gently pushed you off so he could see your face, and cupped your cheeks in his hands. 
You sighed, “Fine, yeah, let’s go.”
He grinned, “It’s gone be great.”
Entering the castle you felt even more intimidated. You had dressed nice for the occasion, but the intricate carved stone walls made you feel like you should be dressed like royalty. That’s what would suit this place. You looked over at Hunter, walking beside you. He wasn’t dressed fancy. In fact you noticed he was wearing his dumbass home sewed wolf shirt once he took off his sweater. Despite its silliness you found it oddly endearing how proud he was of making that. 
The two of you were approaching the door to Darius’s quarters and your palms were sweaty. Hunter looked over at you one more time before knocking on the door.
As he raised his fist  and pulled back to knock, the door swung open. 
“Hunter, you’re late, it’s like you don’t want me to meet them,” Darius said, exasperated. “Come in, come in your two.”
You stiffly obliged. The former coven head had an air of judgement and confidence. Hunter walked in behind you, arms crossed at his chest, “Hey, we’re on time!”
Darius led you to the dining room. It was small, given the size of the castle, but none the less decorated with gold and purple fabrics and antiques. Every item in your sight was the type you’d be afraid to touch for fear of damaging valuables. Even the chairs looked intricately carved. 
Darius stopped, and held a gloved hand out for you to shake. His tone quickly shifted from exasperated to friendly. “Glad to finally meet you, Y/n. Hunter has told me so much, sit down.”
You smiled and nodded, pulling out a chair. Hunter followed and did the same beside you.
Darius sat across from you, and looked to Hunter. “Little prince, could you go to the kitchen and fetch our tea?” 
He pursed his lips and scrunched his brow, “Alright then.” He squinted at Darius briefly before standing up to leave.
Once he was through the doorway, Darius leaned forward in his elbows. “You know I’m honestly surprised he found a partner that knows how to dress, maybe you’ll be a good influence on him.”
You laughed lightly into your hand. “What do you mean, he’s just so quirky.”
Darius grimaced, “Yes that’s for sure. But anyway I am glad to finally meet you. Hunter does not shut up about you sometimes.”
”I can only assume he’s been saying weird shit.”
He leaned his head on his hand, and looked to the doorway. ”You could say that.” He looked back at you, and smiled warmly, “But I can tell you make him really happy.”
You felt your face grow warm, and your lips involuntarily curve into a smile. You stuttered, “Y-yeah, I do try to…”
Hunter walked in balancing three cups of tea on his arms. “Y/n, you like mint right?” 
“Uh- yeah, mint is good.” Hunter nodded and set down the small cup in front of you, and sat beside you. 
You left with Hunter a few hours later, all the tension from self having melted as the evening went on. 
You held his hand tightly as you walked along the path, now darkened. You wore a bright smile that cut through the night though. 
Hunter couldn’t see your face completely, but could sense your happiness. “I take it that went well?”
“I’m a fan of him.”
Hunter chuckled, ”Yeah, I think he’s a big fan of you too.”
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stuckonmain · 1 year
Gettin' the Band Back Together (Pt.22)
TOH Hunter/Golden Guard x reader
 Masks and Bets part twenty-two.
Series Masterlist
  Sometimes life is weird.
  My life is a really weird one, personally, but you know how that goes- it’s all in the territory of being a grimwalker with a contrived backstory that the author made up back in middle school. I’m used to it.
  I think it’s funny really, at this point- because after all the shit I’ve dealt with, I wasn’t even there when Collector finally understood the meaning of friendship. I wasn’t there when Raine Whispers got possessed by Belos. I wasn’t there when Luz saved the day, no…I…was in the puppet room.
  Well, the archive house, technically. But…I was there.
  Because Lilith was there.
  I sighed. Lilith wasn’t the only one there- there were so many people, old classmates, old friends, maybe, innocent people…
  “This isn’t fair, Lulu.” I said aloud, sitting cross-legged on the floor. It was one of those rare times when I could wear my own clothes- a simple black tunic and lace up boots- and it made an astronomical difference. So much comfier than the heart covered monstrosity Collecter thought I should don.
  “Titan, all I wanted was to be a normal kid.” I laughed, running a hand through my hair. 
  I was monologuing to the empty people, naturally (You can take the witch outta the theater, but good luck taking the theater outta the witch), which was…a fun new habit.
  “It’s just…so unfair that I was the only one who was freaking willing to steal Belos’s stupid things. Why’d Collector havta like me? I’m horrible! I tried to bite them when we first met in person!” I complained. “But then again…I guess that worked great for Hunter n’ I, huh?” I chuckled. “I probably tried to bite him too back when we first met. I dunno. I was twelve or eleven or something, seems possible.”
  (It was easier to monologue about these silly lighthearted things, y’know?)
  (Meant I wasn’t thinking about the reality I had somehow found myself in, which was always nice.)
  I sighed again, looking up at the ceiling.
  The ceiling was sparklier than usual…
  “Well that’s pretty weird…” I mumbled, expecting Collector to pop out or something. It was all celestial and sparkly like his portals-
  A figure began to emerge from the glimmering ceiling. There they were.
  That wasn’t The Collector, and they definitely weren't emerging- more like falling. 
  Purple hair, gold-brown eyes, pale skin- that was…
 “What the Titan-” I squeaked, jumping back from where Amity Blight had ungracefully landed. 
  She was puppet-ified too, and dressed in some weird costume. Fuck.
  If they were all back…how? Maybe I was dreaming-
  Soft features and gorgeous hair. Willow. Tan skin and curly hair and- round ears! A human I didn’t recognize. 
  “Uhhm…shit.” I mumbled, staring at the porcelain-like sheen on their skin. I swallowed, and cast a quick spell circle- summoning a pile of pillows. 
  Cool cool. My friends who had disappeared into the human realm were caught by The Titandammed Collector. THUD! THUD! THUD!
  Dark skin and small stature. Gus. Tan skin and dark hair. Another unrecognized human. Fair skin and long blond hair, and a shirt with creatures I didn’t recognize-
  I winced and took an unsteady step towards his unconscious, puppet-ified body. 
  “Damn…” His face was streaked with a brand new scar.
  “Well this isn’t quite how I wanted our reunion to go.” I said softly.
  It was okay, it was fine- this was fixable! I’d just- I’d beg Collector to free them all! Yeah, that’d…probably not work great…uh…
  “Luz!” I yelped on instinct- but the final puppet had (S/C) skin and (H/C) hair streaked with grey…
  “You’re not Luz.” I said.
  The puppet did not respond nor give me any exposition.
  “Typical.” I grumbled. These stories can never be easy for me, huh?
  I sighed, sitting on the pillows. 
  As per usual, I was back to waiting. Maybe King would be able to help me…
  Amity’s hand was…moving.
  Tracing a circle in the dust on the ground…
  Oh- those glyphs! Luz’s glyphs!
  I feverishly tried to remember what the glyphs looked like.
  Sorta like…like a person in a cloak…
  A circle, a line, a triangle, more lines…and…
  “Ha! Light glyph, babeeey!” I grinned weakly, tapping it to life.
  It floated off the ground in a glowing orb of light, and Amity’s followed after it.
  “Oh my gosh. It worked!” Amity grinned.
  Wait what.
  “(Y/N)?” she said, eyes widening. 
  “How the hell did you de-puppet-ify yourself, Amity Blight?” I said , staring at her.
  “(Y/N), you’re okay! ...where are we?”
  “These must be the Archives.” Willow said, rubbing her eyes as she stood up.
  Gus rose, looking around. “Camila! Lane, Leo!” 
  “Wha- huh?” the (H/C) haired human grunted, standing up slowly, but I wasn’t really paying attention to him.
  “Hey Hunter.” I said, watching him blink his eyes open.
  “(Y/N).” he whispered.
  “You’re quite the sight for sore eyes, Goldie.” I grinned, holding out my hand to help him up.
  He ignored the hand, choosing instead to bowl me over in a hug.
  “(Y/N).” he exclaimed, grinning. “I missed you so much.”   I hugged him back, squeezing tightly. “You’re- you’re here. Titan, I can’t believe you’re really here…”
  “I am so sorry.” he said solemnly, voice cracking. 
  “No- no, no- jeez Hunter, I’m the one who’s sorry…I can’t even imagine how worried you guys must’ve been, all alone in the human realm!” I said, pulling away a bit to look at him. “Your hair’s longer now.” I observed.
  “Yeah…and you’re…um…sadder looking?” he said slowly.
  “Damn, okay, rude. I’m only a little bit more traumatized, it’s fine.” I teased, ruffling his hair.
  He flinched, and I quickly drew my hand back. “Sorry.” I said softly.
  He swallowed and touched his hair. “Um…no, you’re good…I just…I wanna haircut, that’s all.” He shrugged almost casually, but I had a feeling there was a story there- one that I didn’t need to know unless he told me.
  And it struck me how he’d been through things in the past few months that I might never know about. 
  Judging by his new scars…he had been through a whole lot.
  “I can’t believe it’s been so long since I last saw you.” I whispered, tracing the scar on his arm.
  He nodded, squeezing my hand. “I can. It felt like you were gone forever (Y/N), I was so- I was so scared.” He looked beach up at me, and I noticed then that his eyes were different.
  “Your eyes are brown.” I said. Maybe this was all just a weird lucid dream.
  …Nah. Dreams were never this vivid. And while I briefly entertained the idea of it being a Collector-induced illusion, I doubted he was that cruel- like it or not, the kid liked me. And much to my chagrin, I didn’t hate him anymore.
  “Yeah.” said Hunter, looking away. “Like- like Flapjack’s.”
  It was then that I noticed the fact that Flapjack was not there.
  “Oh.” I said, squeezing his hand. 
  “Yeah.” he repeated, voice breaking. “I- I’ll tell you later-”
  “Hey guys…where��s Luz?” Amity said, eyebrows knit together as she stepped in front of me.
  “Uhm…I was actually about to ask you that.” I winced.
  “Well this isn’t ideal.” said the (H/C) human.
  The familiar looking (H/C) human.
  “Oh my Titan.” I whispered, squeezing Hunter’s hand, and the human turned to me, eyes widening like mine were. “You’re…you’re-”
  Hunter coughed, stepping between us. “Oh, right. Uhm…(Y/N), this is Leo, once called Nico Bryony. Leo, this is (Y/N), your long lost…child…sibling?”
  “Jesus, that sounds wrong.” Nic- Leo winced.
  “Yeah.” I said, staring at him. “It does. Hunter has a way with words.”
  Hunter nodded proudly before realizing it was sarcasm, shooting me a look of betrayal.
  “So…you’re Lilith’s mysterious ex-boyfriend?” I said dumbly, and Leo shook his head.
  “You also have a way with words.” He snorted.
  “It’s a talent.” I said softly.
  “So this is Hunter’s (Y/N)?” said the woman who looked like Luz, smiling weakly.
  “Oh- hi!”
  “(Y/N), Camila Noceda. Camila, (Y/N) (L/N) Clawthorne.” Amity said quickly, waving back and forth. Now back to Luz-”
  “Wait wait but I wanna meet (Y/N)-” said the final human adult, the tall woman with short black hair, but Amity shook her head hard, shooting her a glare.
  “-Okay then!” the woman squeaked.
  “Wait can we go back to the part where you’re alive, sir?!” I exclaimed.
  “Nah, The Audience already knows- we’ll just explain it offscreen.” Hunter said, patting me on the shoulder.
 “Wait, I thought I was the only one allowed to break the fourth wall-” I started to say, but a loud rumbling sound cut me off. 
  I stared at the source of the sound, eyes widening. The ceiling was breaking into some very anxiety inducing hairline cracks- 
  Nope, scratch that, they were definitely worse than that.
  A chunk of ceiling hit the ground right next to Hunter, and he yelped, teleporting both of us a few feet away. Well that was certainly a development.
  Amity narrowed her eyes, casting a quick protection spell that-
  Uhm…didn’t work.
  “What's wrong with my magic?” Amity panicked, trying and failing to get the abomination goo to rise.
  Camila stepped forwards. “Can't you tell? You're exhausted. You all are! None of you have gotten rest in days.”
  I raised my hand. “I have.”
  Hunter glared at me.
  “Okay maybe I haven’t.” I muttered, lowering my hand.
  Willow frowned. “But what can we do? We can't leave everyone like this.”
  “And what about Luz?” Hunter added worriedly.
  Camila smiled, putting an arm around Amity’s shoulders. “Luz is a Noceda. You know what that means? It means she's way too stubborn to let any of this get her down.” I tried to ignore the flicker of doubt behind her eyes- Luz had to be okay. Hell, Leo was here, and if that could happen, then it follows that it must also be entirely possible for Luz to be okay…hopefully…
  Camila sighed softly, letting go of Amity. “She'll be okay.” 
  And yet despite the fact that there were tears in Camila’s eyes, I fully believed her. Luz was so so tough, she had to be okay.
  The human woman who’s name I still didn’t know patted Camila on the shoulder, and Camila gave a watery smile.
   “In the meantime,” Camila continued, wiping her eyes dry and speaking with an even more palpable confidence, "I think I know how we can help, even without your magic.” She took out a notebook and pencil.
  Ohhhh. Glyphs!
  I grinned. 
  Time to start drawing.
Author's note: Sorry for the short chapter- this just seemed like the most natural cutoff! 
Also the title is a Phineas and Ferb reference for some reason and I am not sorry
Also I wanna invite a cool girl to see Asteroid City and you guys should peer pressure me into doing so
I probably need it
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bornspellcaster · 1 year
Little Firefly - 2
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(When the time pool closes before she reaches it and Luz finds herself hopelessly stuck in ancient times, an incident forces her to work together with her enemy to ensure their survival. In the midst of it, Luz learns there may be more than meets the eye to the frigid Puritan, and discovers the real secret to saving The Boiling Isles may just lie in reuniting an estranged family…)    
Chapter 2 - Guilty Conscience
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If there was one thing that was apparent immediately as the two wayward companions traveled, it was that they seemed to love, or at least were inclined to turn absolutely everything into an argument. This included who should fish for their dinner, where to fish for their dinner, and the best method to go about fishing for their dinner.
“Really? You’re going to weave nets out of those vines?” Philip drawled. “Those aren’t strong enough, and you aren’t even tying them properly. Any fish, especially ghost flippers, will just pass right through the holes.”
“Ghost flippers?” The usual scowl she wore interacting with the other human was replaced with a look of intrigue and excitement. For what reason Philip had no idea. Ghost flippers were easily some of the most annoying fish he’d ever had the displeasure of coming across.
“Yes, it’s a certain type of white fish that resembles the catfish of our world. Only their defense mechanism is disappearing. They can only do that in the water however. Pull them up in time and you’ve got them. But they can still pass through those holes,” he told her sourly. “They aren’t small enough.”
Luz looked off into the sparkling waters with a serene gaze. “Man, sometimes I forget how amazing The Boiling Isles is…”
Philip scoffed derisively and snatched the net from the teenager, weaving the spaces tighter and redoing some knots. “You have some twisted definition of the word ‘amazing’, child,” he told her, all but slamming the homemade net back into the water and watching it sink below the adjacent surface. 
“You really don’t find any of this stuff…interesting? Amazing? Cool?”  She watched the water curiously. “I mean how can you not, on…some level?”
Surprisingly, her tone seemed to hold less judgment and annoyance and more genuine confusion that anyone could look around this (hell) and not find some beauty.
“I don’t.” Anymore. “It’s a curse is what it is.” Philip stumbled onto one of the rocks lining the small river bank they’d come across, and grimaced as he tried to straighten his bad leg.
Luz jerked the ties of the castaway net when she noted it seemed to jiggle, only to look disheartened at pulling up nothing. She looked so excited at first he almost felt bad for her. So overzealous to try to make something work out, only for it to fall apart before your eyes. What was that like, he wondered…..
“I didn’t catch the ghost flippers. But I did catch these other cool looking red ones.” Luz held up the net where a red fish, spined with bulbous, wide green eyes and jagged pectoral fins, thrashed about.
“Luz, those are fire snappers,” Philip said flatly, almost laughing as the angry creature blew a defiant stream of flames at her and nearly scorched her shirt. “If your aim is to roast yourself for dinner, then by all means.”
“Could you NOT be so condescending for once?” she snapped.
“I could, but it wouldn’t be nearly as fun.” 
Luz furiously turned away from the man and grit her teeth together so tightly she was certain she felt and heard a small snap. Man was so frustrating to deal with he had her injuring herself now, just to try and handle him…
“Whatever. So these fish are inedible then?” Luz tossed down the net of tangled creatures, hating to see them writhe about and attempting to suck in mouthfuls to struggle and breathe. Philip, as expected, seemed to have zero qualms with harming the creature and Luz yelped, jumping in surprise as a straight blade flung down like an arrow from his hand and pinned the creature to the ground. Its flailing stopped almost instantaneously.
“No, they’re edible, but only if you remove the lava pouch. Or else you’re in for a terrible, scorching shock if you don’t,” he told her plainly. He ripped the cartilage from the flesh and discarded it into the fire they were stoking.
“Lava pouch, that is so cool,” Luz grinned. Philip raised an eyebrow at her.
“It is in fact, the literal opposite of ‘cool’, child.” It was his turn to get annoyed when she snickered at him. ��Does ‘cool’ mean something else in your time, or what?”
“Just eat your fish, you colonial boomer.”
“What does THAT mean?!”
She’d eaten chivo picante with more heat than that fish, but several times Luz, to her great amusement, had caught Philip panting his way through every new bite of this lava fish. His face was about the color of it as well, twin trails of tears on his cheeks from the snapper. Luz wasn’t even breaking a sweat.
“It’s good, but it could use some hot sauce.” Philip looked at her like she was insane. Mostly she was just messing with him. She didn’t really want hot sauce.
They chewed in silence for a few minutes, but Luz was never that good with awkward, prolonged silences, even if it was with someone she didn’t necessarily like. At all. “Is this the kind of stuff you usually eat?”
“Sometimes. For the most part I scavenge and hunt what I can find,” he told her, tossing the empty fish bones into a nearby bush, and licking the remnants of the fish oil from his fingers. “I find berries, and vegetables. Options are abysmally limited for humans in this dreadful world,” he said bitterly. “…But I will admit to having found some things that don’t taste entirely disgusting,” he said quietly. “…Snapping berries are my favorite fruit.”
Luz lit right up. “Dude, same here! I don’t like that you have to mash them so they’ll stop snapping at you though. I just feel bad doing so.”
“I feel empowered.”
Her smile fell. “You would.”
Silence went on again for a few minutes, but it felt too tense and awkward. “So when is the last time you’ve had anything home cooked? Like a meal or anything?”
The mood shifted instantly. Luz felt an uncomfortable chill crawling up her back and sensed somehow she might have irked a nerve in the man. His posture seemed to go more frigid, as if he was considering answering and how to go about answering.
“…About five years ago,” he finally responded, when she was sure he’d give her the silent treatment the rest of the night. “When I didn’t live alone.”
“What happened to them, did you sacrifice them too?” Luz scoffed a bit. In hindsight, maybe she should have checked herself, but she was still so angry and embittered with the events of today and how he’d treated her.
A blindsiding pang of anguish that flickered in Philip’s eyes made her immediately bite down on her tongue and want to apologize, but he cut her down before her mouth opened.
“It’s late. It’s time for bed.” He carelessly splashed down water onto the fire, with enough powerful force it sprayed her face.
Neither of them spoke the rest of the night.
“Pip, we can’t keep going through this. You can’t throw a fit every time I spend time with Evelyn!”
He’d always had problems with his anger, ever since he was small. It manifested much worse once their parents passed and they were more free to show their emotions without the fear of impending discipline. He would destroy things in their cabin, but more often than not turned harm onto himself.
“I love you more than anything, Evelyn cares about you, Reidun does! Varuka! Eleanor! And you haven’t even given your new palisman a chance…”
He’d always told his brother that he hurt himself so he didn’t harm others, but…Philip hadn’t remembered to do that on that day. The second worst day of his life. Anger got so much harder to control when it was magically charged. He’d felt the engravings on his forearms pulsate and throb.
He’d never wanted to control it, that’s what scared him still to this day. He didn’t want to stop being angry. He didn’t want to listen to them when they told him to calm down, that they could talk this out. He didn’t want to ‘talk things out’ or be talked down to, and babied. He wanted his big brother to suffer the way he had, left alone in a town he fit in less than this world.
“You need to make an effort to get along with Evelyn! You need to stop making cruel remarks about her, and about our child!”
He was his brother’s best friend, his brother, his first kid. Not that little half breed!
“You need to GROW UP!”
It was too late to stop himself by the time he realized what he was doing. What he had done. He heard Evelyn scream as he’d slowly backed up, blue eyes wide with horror as he trembled.
“What have you done?!”
Blood coated his fingers. Sinful. Soiling. Staining. It wouldn’t get off him. He didn’t get a chance to stammer out an apology. A scalding pain sent him to the ground the same time Caleb dropped. Evelyn’s magic.
“Leave!” she cried, already bending over Caleb and trying to stop the bleeding. “Leave and don’t come back!”
This is where the memory always traversed different nightmare scenarios, through alternate endings. Sometimes it would happen as it had in the past, for him to run off somewhere secluded and wail and wail until no tears were left. Sometimes he would run until he’d reached the cliff face, where he’d plunge himself down to the boiling seas below. On rare occurrences, Caleb would catch up to him or find him some time later, a weeping mess. He’d take him back to the Clawthornes, softly rubbing his back the way he always used to.
….He hated that ending the most, actually. There was nothing worse than false hope.
It was the chosen one that night it seemed, because Luz was standing over him when he opened his tired, and horrifyingly moist eyes.
“…You were whimpering out in your sleep,” she said softly. He groaned in pain as he sat up with difficulty. “It isn’t even dawn yet.”
Philip’s heart was thundering in his chest. What was he whimpering? What names had he called out? He waited for the blasted girl to start needling him with questions, but Luz surprisingly didn’t…
“Hey, look at the sky.”
Philip rubbed the crust from his eyes and gazed skyward in curiosity. The sky looked like a dark purple wash of watercolor, with abnormal light purple clouds dotted across it, and stars glittering throughout.
“It’s pretty, huh?”
His lip curled derisively. “The clouds are a repulsive purple. And I see nothing that resembles Earth’s constellations.”
“That’s because there aren’t any,” Luz said, sounding a bit more irritated now. “It’s…The Boiling Isles version of constellations! But aren’t they super mesmerizing? I mean…they’re stars! Stars are stars.”
To his credit he refrained from any further bigoted remarks. Maybe he was too tired for them. He leaned back a bit as he gazed into the night again. “It’s interesting how this place has any stars,” he mused. “I suppose at the very least, it’s under the same universe as home.”
Ah maybe they were making some progress.
“Or it’s just meant to be cloying and trick you, like any ‘nice’ looking parts of this hellscape.”
Or maybe not. Luz rolled her eyes heavily. “Yeah, so what did you dream about?”
He stiffened again and she chose her words more carefully, less she scared him off. “I don’t quite remember,” he told her with a shrug. “You know, it’s just one of those dreams where you wake up and you can’t recall much. Apologies for waking you.” It was the first apology he’d given her. …Too bad it was meant to divert her.
“Yeah it’s fine, but we probably should get back to sleep,” Luz sighed as she started back to a mossy spot she’d found and cushioned with her jacket. “Dawn will be here before you know it and then you have to get me home!”
“I’m aware,” Philip snarked back as he limped to his own nesting place near the still smoldering fire pit. “The library should be able to give us some information on time pools. It’s just the next town over.”
She was just about to lay down when he spoke again, and…in a strange, strangled tone.
"It was the pain, you know."
She turned back to him and immediately Philip directed his gaze back to the abnormal sky. His eyes screamed lies and for once Luz wasn't angry at them. "You…uh, you spoke about me whimpering? It was my leg." He stretched it out with a dry smirk, but…it was fragile.
Philip didn't like the look in her eyes, but if she was planning on calling out the bluff, she never did. "Right. Of course! I figured. Anyway, go sleep it off."
He pulled his brother's jacket close and rolled over into his nesting spot.
Luz tucked herself onto her side. Through her own homesick tears, whimpering that soon drifted from Philip had her wondering again who the heck this Caleb was.
He hadn’t gotten much more sleep, which was common after one of his nightmares of the past. He couldn’t risk seeing that face again. Those once kind hazel eyes that had held love for him and only him, and the feel of those soothing arms that always tucked him close into an embrace. The soft cadence of his voice as he’d pacify his tears with a lullaby.
No, Philip knew if he endured that again before he got a chance to rebuild his proverbial walls, his composure would be in danger. In front of Luz! He was still humiliated about the night and having to lie and say he was crying about his leg.
Better a weak pain threshold…than weakness of the heart.
Mostly, the exhausted man stayed awake until he finally saw the first rays of light cast, and morning dew to wet the red grass.
 Then with his good leg, he kicked Luz awake.
“Wake up.”
“What was that for?!”
“Do you wish to reach the library or not?” Philip drawled. “I’d prefer we get there before noon. I want to check the market and see if I can get some healing wards for this leg. The pain is killing me.”
“Didn’t seem too bad when you were kicking me,” Luz muttered crossly as she rubbed the crust from her eyes and glared at him.
“Eat the rest of the fish and pack up,” he told her. “Pull up your hood when we are out and about, to  cover your ears. Don’t ask.”
Luz picked at the dried morsels of fish and nibbled the remaining pieces from the bones. “So how did you sleep?” she wondered casually. A bit too casually perhaps, because Philip turned back and cast her a harsh glare.
“What’s it to you?” he snapped. The child was taken aback.
“Geez, nothing,” she snapped back. “Sorry for trying to be friendly.” She angrily slipped on her shoes and socks, still dusty from the cave collapse and mounted their stonesleeper.
Why did he have to be such an asshole at every turn? Any attempt to be friendly had been rebuffed, and he didn’t even deserve kindness to begin with—least of all from her! He was the reason she and her aunt were almost eaten. He was the reason she almost died in a cave! He was the reason she was trapped now, so far from home, so far from Eda and King and Amity…everyone she loved. He was the reason for all of it!
She wanted to scream at him, wanted to tear at his stupid and smelly beard, wanted to shove him into a patch of venom snatchers, and yet as she looked back at the quiet, empty and listless man, she found everything dying on her tongue.
What had to happen to a person to make them so miserable like this? To have them out here alone, in a cave? Luz’s mind drifted back to the night before. Did he even remember it, the way he cried out in his sleep? Begged for someone named Caleb? Cried out in distress ‘please no…’ And the whisper that stuck with her the most, ‘I’m so sorry…’
They came to a clearing eventually after following a long road that twisted off the lower part of the pelvis. ‘Baby BonesBorough’, as Luz called it. The markets were bustling with activity already, witches and demons alike laying out their local produce for the day, and various objects to be traded or sold.
“Ugh, it’s already so busy already,” Philip shuddered in horror at the lively activity. He began to limp down the path, but he turned when out of the side of his peripheral, he saw a large stony foot come down. He glared sharply at Luz and…Pancake. “What do you think you’re doing?!” he demanded of the teenager. “You cannot just bring the monster along with us!”
“Why not?!” She pouted back.
“We’re going into a market and a giant beast flattening the locals might draw some unwanted attention!”
“Oh come on, he can be careful!”
“I said no.”
Pancake definitely drew some eyes, but you didn’t look twice at a giant rock dragon carrying two people in The Boiling Isles. They just appeared like any citizen riding their mount around town really. 
Philip still wasn’t looking at Luz. She rolled her eyes.
“You’re still angry at me?”
“Putting my journal in a tree until I gave in was exceedingly childish.”
“Not my fault you’re too injured to climb.”
Before he could retort anything, Luz gasped. She gently jerked Pancake to a stop by clicking the heels of her shoes against his rough ribs, and she hopped off the creature. “Race you there!”
“Is that meant to be some sort of sick joke?”
It was still as grand as it was in present time, if a bit less modernized, specifically the stone steps that led upwards to the front doors. They were fenced with Deadwardian balusters, ones similar to Lilith’s historic diagram—carved and painted in a beautiful ivory.
Luz pushed open the large creaking doors and looked around. Without so many alcoves and smaller subsections, and structured differently, it somehow seemed even larger than it already was! She took in all the subtle, tiny differences. There were more abstract shelves of ornaments and dripping candles. Where the ‘manga’ section once was, a beautiful ornate fireplace replaced it. The shape of the brass was made to look like fangs.
“This is so much cooler than how it looks in my time,” Luz said, awestruck. Philip hardly looked as enthused.
“I disagree,” he deadpanned, limping into the door after a moment. “I will say this much though, the literature here can be intriguing. Frankly I find the literature of our world to be quite….boring,” he scoffed. A momentary, unexpected sparkle came to his blue eyes. Excited. Almost…childish.
“Ah, I did happen to read a bit about the creation of The Boiling Isles! Much as I detest this hell, I must admit I’m fascinated by how it’s come to be. The premystic period….” He trailed off and his face dusted an embarrassed pink when the girl smirked at him, teasing and almost playful in nature.
“Philip Wittebane, are you a secret history nerd?” She laughed as he went scarlet.
“D-don’t be stupid!” he scoffed, turning away from her. “Find your stupid time pool information and let’s get out of here before your stonesleeper starts eating the townspeople.”
Luz giggled as she approached the database near the door. It was a huge book in leather bindings, floating above the pedestal that held it in a mystical glow. “Geez, it would take literal months to go through this.”
“I don’t have the patience to be stuck with you for months,” Philip drawled and stood in front of the book. He cleared his throat, hands folded behind his back in his typical snobby air. “Show me all books with information about time pools.”
Luz watched in wonderment as the pages began to flip, and landed on one slightly yellowed page with a….single scrawl. “There is really only one book?” She tried not to show the deep twisting panic turning in her gut. “Heh…well, that’s good, right? At least it means we won’t be here for hours combing through information!”
“I think I’ve come across that book before. I know where it is.” Philip hobbled over to a shelf nearby, where there was a blue hard covered book labeled ‘Magical Anomalies.’
The teenager leafed through it after sitting in one of the chairs. Philip was contemplating taking a seat as well, but after the chair blinked at him, he firmly decided against it. “So….what’s it say?” He watched a crestfallen expression cross the girl’s face, and it deepened with every second, and every word scanned.
“Coagulated titan’s blood…mixing with the algae of the Boiling Sea…creates holes in time—thi—this is all stuff I already know!” Luz spluttered. “But how can I create one?! I don’t have the device Lilith made, or the blood! That’s what I need to know!”
She got up, so suddenly in fact the momentum of her shove nearly sent the chair on its side. It was glaring now, but Philip ignored it and followed her.
“Excuse me!” Luz approached the librarian. He was a long reptilian creature with the same ribbon-like wings as Malphas, and a flaxen haired beard. He was probably an ancestor. “Where can I find more information on time pools??”
“Time pools?” The creature blinked. “That’s all we have on those. Some folks don’t even believe those be existing!”
“Well they do exist!” Luz cried. “I need more information please. Can you tell me where there’s another library nearby?”
“You won’t find much information on those even at other libraries, young maiden.”
Philip cautiously approached the teenager. She was staring off into the distance with wide and unblinking eyes. He felt the distress coming off her in palpable waves. “Luz, you…have far more information in your time. The capabilities of titan’s blood are still being explored. It’s a powerful substance with the potential for far more than just travel, but…this is all newer information.”
She turned to him. “But I already know all of this!” Her voice cracked.
Philip’s voice softened. “Luz…” He sighed as she ran towards the door.
He quietly made his way outside and tried to ignore that nagging pit of sympathy when he heard soft sniffles arise from the cat hooded figure bundled with her knees to her chest on the stone steps. He should just leave her there. 
He could do so without a guilty conscience, right? It’s not like he hadn’t done all he could to get her home. He told her he’d find a place with information. It was hardly his fault the pathetic institution had almost nothing in its archive on time pools!
He should continue onward, she’d figure it out….but he had made a promise to this child. It didn’t feel right just leaving the girl, in tears, alone on a library’s porch. He wondered at what point he’d started to worry about doing the right thing…
Philip stood there in the shadows for a moment longer, sure the girl had sensed his presence already. It was difficult searching for the right words. Normally he always had plenty enough to say, but he wasn’t used to searching for tact when he spoke. …Kindness.
“…It is unfortunate the library didn’t have more information.” She didn’t look up. She shuffled so she was turned away from him. He sat beside her, undaunted. “I wish I could be more helpful to you.”
“Yeah right,” she sniffled.
“I’m being sincere,” he pressed, trying not to sound irritated. It wasn’t as if he could blame the child for her skepticism. “I thought if any place could help it was the library.”
“…I’m never going to see my family again,” Luz’s chest spasmed, trying not to sob. “I-I don’t know where to go to find titan’s blood, and evidently I don’t know how to make a freaking door! I mean, the last door I made collapsed after taking me to some weird realm that was neither here or our world!”
Philip winced. “Well-“
“And it’s all your fault!” Luz shouted as she stood. She needed to channel her anger somewhere, and the man that held her back from leaving this timeline and tried to get her killed seemed like the morally perfect target. “You’re why I’m STUCK HERE!”
Philip winced harder, his panicked cerulean eyes darting around when he realized people were staring at them, gazes perking up from behind their canopies and vending carts. “Luz, just calm down-“
“NO!” she shouted. “Don’t tell me to calm down! If it weren’t for you, I’d be safe at home! If I hadn’t come here to meet a huge JERK and help him find this stupid ‘collector’-“
Suddenly, Philip’s eyes lit up like a currently uninvented lightbulb. “The Collector, that’s it!” Luz barely had time to react before his arm was over her mouth, letting off a muffled squeak as she was hoisted against him. She found her face pressed into his jacket and she muffled angry curses in Spanish.
Philip looked back at a couple people still looking at him and laughed nervously. “Don’t mind my….daughter! She’s cranky, didn’t sleep last night, I just need to get her home for a nap! Or feed her………toast!” He sprinted off before anyone could question further, back through the path they’d come.
She’d kicked and snarled, but frankly, the witchlet had been so flabbergasted by the sudden move and wording she hadn’t done much to try and get away. “How old do you think I am?! Cranky?! Get me down for a nap?!” Luz snapped as he finally set her down. “Geez, you know nothing about teenagers! You better friggin explain why you just did that before I kick you right where the sun don’t shine!”
He scoffed. “Well you sure seem cranky-”
“EXPLANATION, my dude.”
The excitement on Philip’s face perplexed her as he pulled off his satchel. He laughed. “The Collector! My titan, in all of that chaos with the rockslide I’d completely forgotten!  We still have The Collector!”
Luz’s almond shaped eyes widened and she matched his glee within moments. “We do?!” She stared at the sparkling crescent stone and laughed as well. “We do! Wait, why did you just snatch me up and race out of there like you planned on abducting me?”
“Because you were screaming about a highly valued magical artifact in a marketplace of strangers?”
She shrugged and followed him back through the path where they’d come from. They found a rocky alcove hidden from view. “Do you think the collector can summon me a portal? Or make me a door?“
“Truthfully I’m unsure,” Philip admitted as he looked at the reflective surface. “The only thing I’m aware of is that The Collector holds a great deal of power. Power in fact, on a cosmic scale. There shouldn't be anything it can’t do. I think.”
“You don’t even know?” she deadpanned, already feeling her hope waning on this.
“Well I certainly know more about it than you!” Philip scoffed. He brushed his hand along the reflective surface and Luz watched ethereal ripples swirl along the now glowing moon.
“Whoa…” Both stepped back as a solar pattern suddenly formed beneath their feet, so large in fact that the symbol of the sun in the very middle was the same size as them, and blinking a discerning smile up at them. A cosmic burst of stars in baby pinks and periwinkles formed along the outer edge of the circle. It was so mystifying that even Philip seemed mesmerized.
However, if they expected some all knowing being, towering like a dragon in a long flowing, sagely robe to emerge from the stone….they were, to say the least, dumbfounded when all that seemed to emerge was a tiny silhouette that was just…a bit smaller than the child.
“….What.”  In the span of three seconds, Philip had gone from being admittedly impressed by the display, to being probably the most underwhelmed he had ever been in his life.
Luz felt far more excitement and perhaps trepidation. She knew well enough to know never to underestimate The Boiling Isles in absolutely anything—large or small, innocent or sinister. ….She couldn’t help it though, as the little thing stood there with a dopey smile. “…Ay que lindo.”
(Whew that got wordy! After a lot of considering I’ve decided the rough length of this fic is going to be around 15-20 chapters. Longer than I intended, but I actually have a clear ending point in mind as well as the main plot points. And a question a reviewer asked actually made me think up a whole new ending for this that I really enjoy. 
Chapter lengths will always really vary. You could get 7 pages or you could get 24! So hope you’re prepared for that. I also thought it would be really fun to include the chapter titles and drop them below as well as a view ��vague’ and ‘potentially misdirecting’ synopsis like the episodes always did, for a couple of them.
Next chapter has a lot planned as it’s very important, so hope you’re prepared for something likely longer than this! Also this fic now has an official banner made by my dear friend @talk-to-the-glyph​ (which will be included in every chapter and in fact is going to be integral into the story itself!
Chapter 3 - Heartfelt Calligraphy - Philip and Luz need to kill time when it rains
Chapter 4 - The Real Disease - An unexpected development forces Philip to make an ultimatum
Chapter 5 - If I Stay - Luz experiences confusing revelations
Chapter 6 - Mend What’s Been Lost - 
Chapter 7 - A God Fearing Minister - 
Chapter 8 - Attitude Adjustment - 
Chapter 9 - Falling Stars - 
Chapter 10 - Parenting 101 - 
Chapter 11 - The Celestial Wing
Chapter 12 -  Luciérnaga - 
Chapter 13 -  The Magic Of Words - 
Chapter 14 - Shifting Paradox - 
Chapter 15 - Gilded Gold And Silk Robes - )
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puckishpal · 4 months
Putting my writing hat back in the ring!
I went on a hiatus from my writing for nearly a year. But I am finally in a place where I feel comfortable enough to write again! I have many incomplete projects that I still feel passion for, so hopefully I can start posting them soon.
What's to come? None of them have official titles yet, but here is a current word count for them and a small sneak peak of (nearly) each fic! Below will be Danganronpa and The Owl House (including my Human AU). I also have Naruto fanfic ideas, however those have yet been started.
Link to my AO3
Stardew Valley inspired, Farmer Taka centric - Total words so far: 4.8k
“I’m kind of, like, clairvoyant.” the man shrugged, though Taka highly doubted the statement. “I had a feeling your fate was intertwined with mine the moment you stepped on the bus, dude! I’m Yasuhiro Hagakure, but since we’re going to be neighbors you can call me Hiro. Pleasure, my guy!”
The driver- Hiro, as they had just been introduced, stuck out a hand towards Taka, his eyes were still glued on the road. Taka took it firmly, a smile on his face. “It is lovely to meet your acquaintance, Hiro. My name is Kiyotaka Ishi–” he hesitated, mouth left open like a fish and hand gripping a bit tighter on the other. “Ishido. However, you may refer to me as Kiyotaka.”
“Right on.” Hiro took his hand back, not questioning Taka’s momentary panic. “We should be pulling up to the bus stop soon. I can show you where the mayor is and he’ll take it from there. Chill dude, but real stern.”
Leon and Mondo centric - Is Kiyotaka Ishimaru cheating on Mondo?! - Total words so far: will be rewritten, so no sneak peak for this one!
Single Father Taka centric - Ishimondo - Total words so far: 11.7k
“Hold the fuck up,” Fuyuhiko paced the living room along side Taka, hands behind his back and eyes staring at the ground. “so you’re saying you had sex with some random bitch when you were out doing what- the fuck- ever, and now you have a Goddamn baby?”
“Yes, Kuzuryu. That is quite literally what I told you, disregarding your distasteful words.”
“Now’s not the time to be smart with me, Ishimaru. There’s a baby in your house, and its mother is nowhere to be found. What are you going to do with it?”
Taka huffed and bit his lip, picking at his fingernails. He was making his cuticles bleed, but he could hardly put in the effort to care, “I would appreciate it if you stopped calling her an ‘it’.”
“Ishimaru!” Fuyuhiko stopped his pacing to grab the front of Taka’s shirt, making him look down at the short man, “Stop harping at me! What are you going to do with the Goddamn baby?!”
The Owl House
He's a Bit of a Fixer Upper inspired, Huntlow - Total words so far: 1.1k
“No,” Amity crossed her arms, “I’m being honest. Hunter,” her voice got lower, as if trying to keep what she’s about to say a secret, “uses the bathroom in the woods, Willow. Isn’t that gross to you?”
Willow frowned and shifted her eyes towards Vee, as if trying to think about a situation that Amity might know that from. When realization hit her, her eyes creased amusingly, “Amity, all boys pee in the woods. Gus does it all the time, too. I’m pretty sure they’ve gone together before.”
“I used to, too!” Luz announced as she came back, having heard Willow in the hallway, “When you gotta go, you gotta go!”
Luz sat back down next to Amity, who wanted to gag, “You can’t be serious, that’s so disgusting.”
Her girlfriend wrapped an arm around Amity’s shoulder, “I don’t do it anymore, but there’s nothing wrong with Hunter peeing in the woods.”
“Can we stop saying the word pee, please?!”
My human AU
How Lumity got together, once upon a time - Total words so far: 1.4k
Luz, the ever perfect tattoo apprentice to Eda Clawthorne, a well known (famous, Luz always says, even if it might be infamously so based on her rather anarchist personality) artist all across the coastal county, agreed to watching the Clawthorne-Whispers family dog today so that they could have a grand ol’ time at the carnival.
“I’ll go the second day.” Luz had said, waving off Eda’s question on if Luz would be able to make it. “No big deal! It’ll still be there!”
Well, yes, the carnival will still be there. But Amity would not be.
“Vee.” Luz whined, sitting up on her knees and interlocking her own fingers together to plead with her twin. Vee sighed and put a hand on her hip, cocking her knee out to watch the groveling comfortably. “It’s for love.”
“What about my lovelife?” Vee argued, raising an eyebrow with challenge. “You think Masha’s going to give me another shot if I blow this off a third time?”
The previously teased birthday celebration for Hunter - Total words so far: 2.7k
“Steve sounds cool.” Willow commented, letting Hunter know that she was there, and she was listening to him.
“He was.” Hunter agreed. “I hadn’t seen him in years. I think he moved back home, I don’t know.”
“Have you tried to reach back out?” Willow asked, suppressing the yawn that wanted to leave her mouth. She didn’t want him to see that she was tired, not yet. “What’s his last name? Maybe he has a Facebook.”
Hunter stared at his bedsheets for a few moments, thinking so hard that Willow was sure that there was smoke coming out of his ears that weren't visible through the phone camera. “I… can’t recall.”
“Really?” Willow teased, a smirk spreading across her face, “but you remember everything.”
Hunter didn’t smile back, which felt like a weight on Willow’s stomach. Okay, so this wasn’t a good moment to mess with him. Maybe he was more vulnerable than she thought right now. She wished she could take it back, “I don’t remember a lot from back then.”
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mistyfoxxy · 2 years
Also a prompt behind the Sun hats off pic . Hunter getting chased by bees
Sun Hats Off!
Everyone turned their attention to the girl who had slammed the door open and yelled. She wore her normal outfit with yellow shirt and green coat along with a large hat on her head and water spray bottle in hand.
"What is it Willow?" Gus asked seated next to Hunter. Hunter has been rambling on about something he had saw earlier and now clenched his hands into fists, a slight blush tinted his face.
“I found bees in the garden!”
“You don’t think that’s cool? Look at this angel right here!” Willow stated as she held clover out in her hands. Clover fluttered it’s wings in delight at the praise. “They’re like tinier versions!”
“That’s cool Willow. Don’t they have stingers though?” Gus added.
“ They look a lot like Clover so I’m sure. I’m actually working on the garden right now. I saw one land on a flower. Does anyone want to come and look at them with me?”
Luz smiled at the plant witch as she leaned her head on Amity’s shoulder. “Sorry Willow. Me and bees have never gotten along with the exception of that sweet little angel Clover. I got stung once as a kid… I keep my distance now.” Luz stated deeply.
“I’m going to take Luz’s word on that.” Amity said as she hugged Luz closer and smiled.
“I’m helping Camila cook lunch in a second”
“Oh, I’ll go.” Gus replied.
“Ok great!” Willow replied before turning to look at the still quiet and pink tinted Hunter. “What about you Hunter? Wanna hang out with us?” She smiled teasingly.
His face turned redder as he smiled back at her and nodded his head. “Hehe yeah, sure.”
Gus and Willow shared a knowing smile.
“So that’s the nest?” Hunter asked dumbfounded at the yellow hive thing.
“I think so.” Willow replied, placing a hand on Hunter’s shoulder and leaning her head against his arm for a split second.
He immediately tensed up and breathed a little faster.
“Oh!” Willow exclaimed and pulled away slightly and gave her most teasing smirk. “You look like you’re burning up! Looks like you need this hat more than me.”
Hunter seemed to snap out of the spell and replied worriedly, “no no you can keep the hat im fine!”
Willow tugged the large sun hat off her head and swiftly placed it on his. Letting her hands linger on either side to keep his gaze. “I’m good. Don’t want your pretty face to get sunburnt! I’m used to gardening and being in the sun a lot. Remember what happened when we went on those water raft things?” She giggled.
“I forgot to put sunscreen on.” He muttered.
“Noooo you said you didn’t need it! That you were in evincible.” Gus corrected from behind them.
Willow quickly removed her hands from the sides of Hunters face that had somehow unconscious traveled down to cup his burning cheeks.
Hunter jerked back and rubbed the back of his neck. “Ok. I didn’t realize it would be that bad.”
Gus smirked. “Anyways... what do you think that nest is made out of?” He wondered out loud as he stared up at it.
“I’d love to know too. Or what they look like inside! I heard they make honey in them!” The plant witch replied in awe.
Hunter stared up at it in thought. Maybe…
“Ooh! I almost forgot! Look at these flowers I found. I haven’t seen any like them so far. But i have read so much about them! I want you to take a picture of me next to them please for the scrapbook!” She exclaimed to Gus and pulled him along expectantly.
When Hunter didn’t follow, Willow called out. “You coming Hunter?”
“Yeah, yeah! Just a second!” He replied without taking his eyes of the hive.
“Okayyy… we’ll we’ll be right over by the bush over there. We’re gonna snap a quick picture.”
Flapjack chirped in confusion as Hunter grabbed hold to one of the branches started to climb the tree. "Willow wants to know what it looks like inside. So imma see if i can look and then ill get the camera and take a picture for her." He stated confidently.
The closer he got he noticed the few bees around him began to grow in numbers. Flapjack chirped anxiously.
"Heh... just a little closer. Nice bees!" Hunter gulped.
Willow placed herself in front of the bush and held one hand with the bottle in front of the flowers. Clover atop her head and a smile on her face.
"Say demons are hairy!"
"Demons are hairy!"
Willow jerked her head around to see Hunter being chased by a swarm of bees. Oh no.
She quickly summoned a large flower and a wall of vines between Hunter and the swarm. The bees seemed to debate for a second on what they should do and settled for attacking the large flower.
Hunter gasped and breathed heavily as he crawled away and stopped at Willow's feet. He then curled into a ball and covered his face with the hat out of shame.
Willow squated down next to him and Gus did the same. "You ok bud?" Gus asked.
He didn't reply.
Willow tried. "They're gone Hunter. I don't think they were gonna kill you. Did you get too close to their nest?"
"I.. yeah."
"Did any of them sting you?"
"Does it burn worse then a sun burn in a small place if so?"
Gus and Willow shared a look. "Probably. I'm going to go call Camila on the house phone thing and see if that's it."
Willow nodded. "Yeah. And get some apple juice too please."
"Ok. I'll be right back." Gus stated as he leapt towards the house.
Willow then lay down beside him and face the hiding boy. She gently pulled the hat up and smiled at the wide eyed boy. "You ok?"
He nodded slowly. Holding one of his hands against his chest.
"Did it sting you hand?"
"Can i see?"
Hunter nodded again and slowly sat up. Willow followed suit.
He stretched his hand out to her and she winced at the sight. There was a small red dot surrounded by pink swelling. "Oh that looks bad."
"It doesn't feel as bad as it looks" He lied.
"Trynna act tough around me, huh?"
"Wha- no! I-It really doesn't hurt that bad!"
The witch giggled. "Ok ok. I believe you. I'm sure you have a good pain tolerance after..." She trailed off. She didn't know how to quite finish the sentence without bringing up the past. She didn't want that.
"Yeah. It's true. You have to be the best and brightest after all." Hunter teased to bring the smile back to her face. And it worked.
"What were you doing so close to the hive anyways?"
"Oh... I was trying to see what it looked like inside so i could tell you about it."
Willow smiled at the thoughtfulness of this boy. Titan he would be the death of her.
"You're such a nerd, Hunter. But I like that though."
Hunter looked taken aback before the blush crept to his face again. He then turned towards the bush and picked a flower.
He held the pink aster out to the plant witch and attempted his calmest smile. "Well I think your really pretty." He mumbled.
As soon as the words left his mouth he gasped and stood up quickly dropping the flower in front of her. "Uh. I mean. Uh. I got to go!"
Willow sat stunned at the words that she had heard. He called her pretty... she then looked down at the flower. She wondered if he knew just what they stood for.
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lollytea · 2 years
Omg Lolly the first 6 minutes were uploaded in better quality by someone and include a few extra seconds where all new outfits except Luz's are on screen (presumably this shot comes after the intro montage but was cut before it for some reason?!)
I have a hunch you'll like Willow's new look :D
Head full!!!! Thoughts many!!!!!
(Okay there's been another leak situation today but we're not gonna talk about all that here. I'm not sure if that quick second after the montage counts but I think it's alright to show since its not spoilery and we all kinda knew what the new outfits would be anyway. But just to be safe I'll put it under the cut.)
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Willow flowy cardigan real!!! Its so pretty!!!! Thank god that shirt is a yellow rather than orange, that's so much nicer. I was iffy about the look before but now that I think about, she's really giving off autumn-vibes with this colour palette. Fitting. I think my least favourite part is the little leaf on her shirt (Willow has been playing animal crossing :D!!) is navy. Its throwing me off for some reason. But that's not a huge thing. Overall girl is DRESSIN. Love you Willow.
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She's a shutterbug now!! That's adorable!!! Love the idea of Willow using photography as an outlet. Snapping shots of her friends and the palismen to express how much she loves them and pinning them by her bedside. Taking pics of human realm plants and wildlife and sunsets and rain and whatever else she finds beautiful and saving them to show her dads when she gets home.
Also...I have a strong feeling this is gonna be plot relevant...Willow's gonna snap a pic and there's gonna be something Weird in the background, I know it.
(Also we got those drawings they did of their families in high def and I just...she wrote "We're fine, Willow!" next to her dads. I wanna cry. Little Miss "not if I never look down" strikes again.)
ANYWAY there's other stuff to talk about here.
Unsurprisingly Amity looks FANTASTIC!! I love her outfit so SO much. She's such a fashion queen. Gus too oh my god!!! I love his jacket and his bracelets and he's wearing the little amplifier thingie as an earring!!! We love him!!!!
GOOD AFTERNOON TO HUNTER'S PANTS. This outfit was shown in the concept art for the panel and it mentioned that he sewed the patches into the knees himself. Sewing Hunter real. This puts the image in my head of Camila buying some extra clothes for the kids and she gets Hunter some ripped jeans cuz she's like "I'm pretty sure that's what teens are into right now." And Hunter grits a smile about it but he fucking hates them ("why the FUCK would they sell pre-ripped pants??") and takes it upon himself to fix the issue.
I love that Vee is here and helping in the portal process. I knew she'd be present this season but I didn't expect her to have such an active role in the kids efforts to get back home. But of course she's helping!! It's been months and they've bonded!!! Those are her friends!!!
It's so cute how the kids have clearly personalised the old shack to make into their own little hangout spot. The plants, the fairy lights, the pictures, the mirror the corkboard, the cooler, the attempts at wallpaper, the beanbag, even a fucking BASKETBALL HOOP. This is their place. It's absolutely for very serious portal constructing and plotting but they've clearly had a lot of fun over the months here.
Little bed for the palismen 🥺
Also...Flapjack keeps pecking at the floorboards. He was doing it in the montage too. There Is Something Under There and It Belongs To Caleb.
Anyway one shot. Yet so much to say. I love them all so much.
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