#México won
respectthepetty · 2 years
México won.
México is eliminated.
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Don't speak to me
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theowlwrites · 4 months
Shall we dance? // Bailamos?
Melissa Schemmenti x F!Reader
Cariño: Term of endearment, can be translated as honey/ dear/ darling.
~Just want to clarify that I love Mexican and Italian culture. 🫶🏽
Warnings: no physical description of reader, it is mention that her nationality is Mexican en 2 occasions, consumption of alcohol. Angst, fluff, and a little smut at the end?
Summary: Reader is the new Spanish teacher at Abbott, she goes to a celebration of 5 de Mayo at Barb’s house, were things turn interesting with Melissa.
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“Come on!” Janine was trying for the hundred time to convince you to go to this little get together at Barbara's house “It will be fun!”
Today was 5 de Mayo, and for some reason, in the States, they celebrated it. You have nothing against it, but back in México it goes like any other normal day. Despite that, seeing all the decorations with Mexican themes made you miss your home.
“I've already told you” You close the folder you were working on a look at her “I can't go, I already made some other plans”
The truth was that you didn't have any plans, you just don't feel part of the teacher group just yet. You are the new Spanish teacher at Abbot, just entered this year. Everyone has been nice to you, especially Janine and Jacob. You also have a good relationship with Gregory, but you aren´t really close. When it came to the older teachers, you have no issue talking to Barbara, she is really nice, she sometimes even asks you to help her with her Spanish. But Melissa, she was a different story, she isn´t exactly mean, but she likes to make clear that she preferred anything Italian over Spanish, and that Italian cuisine was better than the Mexican. You never argue, mostly because Melissa intimidates you, but not for the reason she intimidates the other younger teachers, but because you have the biggest crush on her.
So going to this 5 de Mayo party to Barbara's house looks like the perfect place for Melissa to tell you over and over again how Italians do it better. Not really something you are looking forward to.
“Leave the booze to me Barb, I know a guy that can get me the best tequila” At that moment Melissa and Barbara were entering the teacher’s room, interrupting you and Janine.
Barb looks directly to you, ignoring Melissa “Oh good, I was looking for you dear” She takes a sit next to you. “Please can you take care of the music? Maybe you can play some Spanish bangers in that Walkman of yours” She meant your Spotify. All eyes were on you know, making you feel the pressure. “You are coming… right?”
“You know Barbara… I… I don´t think I can make it, I have to...” You were avoiding looking at her, you couldn´t lie to her face, actually you couldn´t lie to anyone’s face, you were a terrible liar.
“Okay, what is it?” Melissa´s voice came from behind you, then she walked to your side and took a sit in front of you. “Why don´t you want to spend time with us?”  She had her glasses over her head, leaving a few strands of hair free next to her face, she was raising an eyebrow. She was looking hot.
“It´s not that” Your voice comes out weaker that you expected. “I don´t know, it makes me feel a little… homesick, I guess” It wasn´t entirely a lie, but you couldn´t tell the redhead that she makes you nervous to the point of almost forgetting how to speak English.
“Oh darling” You felt Barbs arm wrap your shoulders. Melissa was still looking at you, but this time with more gentle eyes that before “I can imagine how you feel, but I think this could do you good. You can show us a little bit more of your traditions, I would love to hear about that”
“Yeah girl… we can get to know each other a little bit more” Melissa winked and eye at you, which made your heart beat faster.
With a big sigh, you finally agree “Okay then, I´ll be there at five o´clock”
“You won´t regret it, amigo!” Janine says
“Amiga… with an a” You laugh.
“See you at five o clock then, dear. Don´t forget the music.” Barbara smiles, pleased that she convinced you to go and leaves the room with Janine. Leaving you with Melissa, who was still looking at you.
She stood up and grab her bag, carrying it on her shoulder. “See you soon… cariño” You were so glad that Melissa left immediately after saying those words, otherwise, she would have noticed how your face turned red as a tomato.
Later that day you were at home, putting together a playlist of spanish music. You added some ballads, some more mariachi music, and algo some dancing music, like salsa, cumbia and some bachata, just for fun.
At 5:15 pm you were standing outside Barbara´s house, you have already knocked twice and nobody answered. Maybe you had the location wrong, so you decided to call Janine, but just as you were going to press the call button, a voice from behind called you.
“Hey, cariño, it´s over here” Melissa was standing next to her car on the sidewalk, holding some bags that you assumed contained the tequila bottles. “This way”
You followed her to the back of the house, everyone was there, at the patio. No one was inside the house, that’s way nobody heard you knocking.
“Look what I found in your front door Barb” Melissa was referring to you, as she went straight to the table to settle the bottles. All eyes went to you, for second time in the day. Everyone was there already, with the exception of Ava, that preferred to stay at home watching Desperate Housewives than “going to that lame party” (her words). 
“I forgot to tell you we will be at the back. Anway, I´m very glad you came. You bring the music?” 
“Of course,” You proceed to connect you phone to the speaker and start reproducing your playlist.
“Now this is a fiesta!” Said Janine while trying to dance at the bit of one song.
You were standing next to the speaker, watching everyone enjoy the party. Barbara has offered you a plate of mini taquitos, that were actually really good. It was probably the music, the Mexican decoration and even the taquitos that made you feel nostalgic, so your mind started wondering through your childhood memories. All those parties with your family, how your father had taught you to dance in those parties, how you mom food tasted. You were so immersed in you thought that didn´t notice when the redhead went to stand right next to you.
“Penny for your thoughts” Her voice snapping you out from your own mind.
“I was just remembering some childhood stuff, that all” You didn’t dare to look at her eyes. And she noticed it, actually she had always notice it, how you would avoid looking directly at her. She always took those moments as opportunities to look at you with more detail. Melissa hadn´t admitted this to anyone, not even Barbara. but she thinks that you are very beautiful, she´s intrigued by you. She likes it when you speak Spanish, you make everything sound better. But she has no idea how to approach those feelings, so she decides to keep her distance too, by not being the nicest or most accessible teacher at Abott.   She wanted that to change, and she was going to start working in that today. 
“You know… I sometimes feel nostalgic of my home as well.” She drank from the plastic cup she was holding. “I have always lived in Philly, but I don´t see my family as often anymore, and we haven´t had a reunion or a party in so long… I miss that” You looked at Melissa. She was actually telling you something personal, without sarcasm. “But of course, it must be harder for you, being away from your country” She then looked you in the eyes.
“It´s not too bad” You were actually looking at Melissa´s eyes, for mor than 1 second, for the first time, and God they were beautiful, just as her. “I visit them once a year, and they sometimes come visit” There was a silence, both of you looking at everyone else enjoying the party.
“Would you like a paloma?” Melissa asked, with a mischievous grin.
“That´s what you are having?” She nodded. “Yeah, please”
Melissa served you a paloma (soda with tequila), and from that moment you never parted her side. Both of you kept talking, laughing, at some point you teaching her some Spanish, and she teaching you some Italian. It was probably the booze, but you started feeling how Melissa was getting more comfortable around you. She was being handsy, placing her hand around your arm, sometimes over your hand, and some other times around your waist. Soon she started leaning against you, caressing your hair, holding your waist longer. She was flirting. Neither of you were drunk drunk, you were still perfectly conscious and in you five senses, which made you very anxious but excited about this sudden change in Melissa´s attitude.
It was already 9:00 pm, Janine, Gregory and Jacob had already left, tomorrow was school day. Barbara, Melissa and you were sitting around the folding table in the middle of the patio. Your music still playing. The three of you has stop drinking like an hour ago, to sober up, and were just chatting. And even without the effects of the alcohol, Melissa was still being nice to you, maybe a little less handsy, but still very friendly.
Barbara excuse herself to go to the bathroom. A comfortable silence between Melissa and you, when a salsa began to play at the background.
“God, I love that salsa, I used to dance it all the times at parties, with anyone, even alone, I just wanted to dance it” You smile as you remember. Unconsciously you closed your eyes and started moving in your chair, humming the song. Unaware of the way Melissa was looking at you.
“Shall we dance?” You snap your eyes open. She offers you her hand to you, already standing up next to you.
“Bailamos?” She repeats, and this time you nodded. She holds her hand until you are standing next to her. She places her free hand on your waist, keeping you close to her, while her other hand holds yours at the level of her face. And you start dancing.
It´s a slow salsa, so it is easy to dance, but you have the feeling that even if it was a faster rhythm, Melissa would dance like if she had done it all her life.
You feel Melissa´s eyes on you, she´s smiling. She moves her arm, so it surrounds your waist. The sudden closeness makes you lose your balance a little, Melissa holds you tighter, preventing you for falling. You both laugh.
Her face inches away from yours, her eyes going from your eyes to your lips. She caressed your cheek with her other hand, and pulls you closer, closing the space between you.
The kiss is sweet, slow. You both take your time to feel it, you enjoy it. Your arms around Melissa´s neck, keeping her close to you. Soon the kiss turns a little more heated, Melissa´s tongue asking for permission to pass your lips, to which you happily submit.
You still can taste a little bit the alcohol from earlier, and you taste the sweetness of Melissa.  Really there is no other way to describe it, it feels and taste sweet to be kissing her like this.
You break the kiss until you realize you need to take a breath, but not breaking the embrace. You are still so close to each other Melissa can basically fell how your heart is beating fast.
“I never thought Italians were this good at salsa dancing” That´s all you said, making Melissa laugh.
“We are good at everything darling, but you do it amazing yourself, cariño, give yourself some credit.” She kissed you again. “Let me drive you home.” Melisas whispered to your ear, you just nodded.
You both said goodbye to Barbara, not without offering to help her clean, to which she refused. Once inside Melisa´s car she couldn’t stop eyeing you, she kept a hand in your thigh. You couldn’t stop looking at her either, and honestly, if it wasn´t for the seatbelt, you would be on top of her long time ago.
You arrive home, Melissa opens your door, helping you out. And before she could say anything, you were kissing her. This time was passionate, full of desire and lust. Melissa was against the car, her hands on your hips. You were leaning on her, your hand on her hair.
“Come inside, please” You didn’t mean to sound do needy, but you couldn´t hide it.
“I would absolutely love it cariño, but tomorrow is school day, and I need another change if clothes. I just wanted to make sure you arrive safe and sound.” She was keeping her hands on your hips, but this time with a stronger grip, trying to create a little more space between you tow.
“Please” You took Melissa´s hands away from your hips, letting you lean to her once again. “Por favor” (please) You whispered to her ear. Now her arms were surrounding you shole waist. You started kissing her earlobe, descending to her neck. Melissa was in a trance. “Te necesito” (I need you)
“You are making this very difficult for me, cariño” Now it was Melissa´s voice the one that came out shaky, which made you feel proud.
“It doesn´t have to be difficult, you can just come in”.
“Let´s make a deal, hon… I promise that tomorrow I will be here, with a bottle of wine, and we can do whatever you want, but you have to promise to speak I little more Spanish to my ear, deal?” That mischievous grin was back on Melissa´s face, and you loved it.
“¿Te gusta cuando hablo español?” (Do you like when I speak Spanish?) You said as innocent as you could.
“I have no idea of what you just said, but keep doing that you will pay the price tomorrow”
“Trato… deal” You agreed. She kissed you once again, this time keeping it less heated and shorter. You took a few steps away from Melissa, trying to pull yourself together, and trying to ignore you soaked underwear. If Melissa wasn´t going to spend this night with you, you had some plans before going to bed, and as if she could read your mind, she added…
“Oh, and cariño… don´t touch yourself tonight, It will make tomorrow more fun” She winked her eye to you. It wasn’t a question; it was an order. “You can do that for me, right hon?” You really wanted to release all this tension tonight, but you couldn´t say no to Melissa.
“I promise” you said
“Good girl” She went inside her car. “See you tomorrow cariño, sleep tight” She left, leaving you horny as hell.
God, you couldn’t wait for tomorrow…
Okay, so this idea pop into my mind while I was watching Shall we dance?, I really love that movie, and I love Lisa’s character. 🥹
Hope you like it, and let me know if you want a second part 🫣
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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María Félix (Doña Barbara, La Mujer sin Alma, Rio Escondido, La Cucaracha)—Maria Felix is still possibly the most well-known Mexican film actress. She turned down multiple-roles in Hollywood and a contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer in order to take roles in Mexico, France, and Argentine throughout the 1940s, 50s, 60s. She was so famous and so respected as a dramatic actress that she inspired painters, novelists and poets in their own art--she was painted by Diego Rivera, Jose Orozco, Bridget Tichenor. The novelist Carlos Fuentes used her as inspiration for his protagonist in Zona Sagrada. She inspired an entire collection by Hermes. In the late 1960s Cartier made her a custom collection of reptile themed jewels. She considered herself to be powerful challenger of morality and femininity in Mexico & worldwide--she routinely played powerful women in roles with challenging moral choices and free sexuality. But even still, years after he death, she is celebrated with Google Doodles, and appearances in the movie Coco, and holidays for the anniversary of her death.
Marie Doro (Lost and Won)—I had never heard of this woman before the prelims a couple of weeks ago, but oh my GOD I have not been able to stop thinking about her since. Look at her!! She was often typecast as delicate, fragile types on stage and screen, but in real life she was "intelligent, an expert on Shakespeare and Elizabethan poetry, and possessed a penetrating humor and a sometimes acid wit"(!!!!) and known for bringing vibrancy and intelligence to all of her roles. Unfortunately most of her films have been lost, but she was considered a highly sought-after lead actress through the '20s, at which point she retired from acting. In her later years, she went back to school, taking university courses in theology, physics, metaphysics, and philosophy. She was also reportedly close friends with Maude Adams and Mercedes de Acosta, both known for their lesbian relationships, which has led some (me) (but also others) to speculate that she may have been lesbian or bi herself. She has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame! She was Charlie Chaplin's first love! She was so beautiful??? I want her to recite poetry for me while we picnic in the park.
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
María Félix:
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She's Thee Hot Vintage Movie Woman of México. She's absolutely gorgeous and always looks like she's about to step on you. you WILL be thankful if she does.
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"María Félix is a woman -- such a woman -- with the audacity to defy the ideas machos have constructed of what a woman should be. She's free like the wind, she disperses the clouds, or illuminates them with the lightning flash of her gaze." - Octavio Paz
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María Félix is one of the most iconic actresses of the Golden Era of Mexican Cinema. La Doña, as she was lovingly nicknamed, only had one son, and when her first marriage ended in divorce her ex-husband stole her only child, so she vowed that one day she’d be more influential than her ex and she’d get her son back. AND SHE DID! María Félix rejected a Hollywood acting role to start her acting career in Mexico on her own terms with El Peñón de las Ánimas (The Rock of Souls) starring alongside actor, and future third husband, Jorge Negrete. She quickly rose to incredible heights both in Mexico and abroad, later on rejecting a Hollywood starring role (Duel in the Sun) as she was already committed to the movie Enamorada at the planned filming time. Of this snubbing she said, quote: “I will never regret saying no to Hollywood, because my career in Europe was focused in [high] quality cinema. [My] india* roles are made in my country, and [my] queen roles are abroad.” (Translator notes: here the “india” role means interpreting a lower-class Mexican woman, usually thought of indigenous/native/mixed descent —which she had interpreted and reinvented throughout her acting career in Mexico— and what abroad was typically considered the Mexican woman stereotype, with the braids, long simple skirts, and sandals. This also references the expectation of her possibly helping Hollywood in perpetuating this stereotype for American audiences that lack the cultural and historical contexts of this type of role which would undermine her own efforts against this type of Mexican stereotypes while working in Europe) She was considered one of the most beautiful women in the world of her time by international magazines like Life, París Match, and Esquire, and was a muse to a vast number of songwriters (including her second husband Agustin Lara,), artists, designers, and writers. Muralist Diego Rivera described her as “a monstrously perfect being. She’s an exemplary being that drives all other human beings to put as much effort as possible to be like her”. Playwriter Jean Cocteau, who worked with her in the Spanish film La Corona Negra (The Black Crown) said the following about her, “María, that woman is so beautiful it hurts”. Haute Couture houses like Dior, Givenchy, Yves Saint Laurent, Balenciaga, Hérmes, among others, designed and dressed her throughout her life. She died on her birthday, April 8, 2002, at 88 years old, in Mexico City. She was celebrated by a parade from her home to the Fine Arts Palace in the the city’s Historic Downtown, where a multitude of people paid tribute to her. Her filmography includes 47 movies from 1942 until 1970, and only two television acting roles in 1970. She has 2 music albums, one recorded with her second husband, Agustín Lara, in 1964 titled La Voz de María y la inspiración de Agustín «The voice of María and the inspiration of Augustín», and her solo album Enamorada «In Love» in 1998. Her bespoke Cartier jewelry is exhibited alongside Elizabeth Taylor’s, Grace Kelly’s and Gloria Swanson’s. In 2018, Film Director Martin Scorsese presented a restored and remastered version of her film Enamorada in the Cannes Classics section of the Cannes Festival and Google dedicated a doodle for her 104th birthday. On august 2023 Barbie added her doll to the Tribute Collection.
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Marie Doro:
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Unfortunately nearly all of Marie Doro’s movies are lost, and I don’t know a lot about her, but as soon as I came across Marie for the first time, I fell in love with her. The early Edwardian era is my favourite decade for fashion, and Marie wears it all so well! In every photo she looks like an angel made out of porcelain, too perfect to be real. She was Charlie Chaplin’s first love, and he remained in love with her for years after their first encounter, and let’s be honest, who can blame him? He said about her in his biography:
‘She was so devastatingly beautiful that I resented her. I resented her delicate, pouting lips, her regular white teeth, her adorable chin, her raven hair and dark brown eyes. But, oh God, she was beautiful! It was love at first sight. At the theatre I would time the moment that she left her dressing room so as to meet her on the stairs and gulp 'good-evening.' When I met Marie Doro again, it was like the second act of a romantic play. After we were introduced I said: 'But we've met before. You broke my heart. I was silently in love with you.' Marie, looking as beautiful as ever, said: “How thrilling”.
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Doro retired from filmmaking in the 1920s and became very reclusive after that, so unfortunately there’s hardly any footage of her to watch. I feel sad that more people don’t know who Marie Doro is, because she’s very important to me.
Linked gifset to see Marie in action
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taroicantwait · 9 days
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México briize we won again
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crossdreamers · 10 months
Social media influencer Wendy Guevara made history Sunday when she became the first transgender woman to win a Mexican reality TV series. Guevara was a contestant on "La casa de los famosos México" ("The Celebrity House Mexico"), the Mexican adaptation of "Celebrity Big Brother" produced by TelevisaUnivision.
LGBTQ Nation reports that thousands took to the streets in Mexico to celebrate Wendy Guevara:
The celebration shut down streets in the capital city as LGBTQ+ people danced alongside fans in several neighborhoods. Dozens of other cities also saw hundreds of people take to town squares to demonstrate support for the popular social media influencer.
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coochiequeens · 7 months
Finally I'm able share some good news
Wild festivals, exquisite fruit-bowls and unusually realistic renderings of motherhood and female friendship – not to mention a glimpse of Lady Hamilton as an enthusiastic follower of Bacchus – will go on show in Madrid on Tuesday as one of the country’s most famous galleries seeks to spike the patriarchal canon of art history with a new, and avowedly feminist, exhibition.
The show at the Thyssen-Bornemisza – called simply Maestras (Women Masters) – uses almost 100 paintings, lithographs and sculptures to show how female artists from the late 16th to the early 20th centuries won recognition in their own lifetimes, only to find their works forgotten, erased or consigned to dusty storerooms.
Organised into eight chronological sections that reflect artistic and social changes, Maestras also explores how female artists, gallerists and patrons worked together to create and celebrate art while living and working in the grip and gaze of sexist, and often misogynistic, societies.
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Elizabeth Sparhawk-Jones, The Shoe Shop, 1911. Photograph: Elyse Allen/© Art Resource, New York Scala, Florence
Seventeenth-century works by Artemisia Gentileschi, Fede Galizia and Elisabetta Sirani give way to still lifes of fruit and flowers before the exhibition moves to portraits – including Élisabeth Louise Vigeé Le Brun’s Lady Hamilton as a Bacchante – and then to Orientalism, depictions of working women, images of maternity, sisterhood and, finally, to images of female emancipation.
Among the show’s early exhibits is one of Gentileschi’s anguished studies of Susanna and the Elders, while the later pieces include Mary Cassatt’s bleary-eyed Breakfast in Bed and Maruja Mallo’s playful Fair pictures.
“This exhibition speaks positively of that other half of art history,” said the exhibition’s curator, the art historian and critic Rocío de la Villa.
“For a long time, the feminist history of art has been beset by all the handicaps and obstacles that had been put in the path of female creators. For example, they couldn’t access the same artistic training that their male colleagues could. They generally lived in an extremely patriarchal system that denied them their rights and in which their signatures had no legal value.”
There were, however, “certain moments and certain places” in which conditions were more favourable to female artists, and the show aims to offer “a series of windows through which we can see a mutual understanding and a camaraderie between artists, gallery owners and patrons”.
It also reminds visitors that some talented women caught the eye of European royal courts, and that some had husbands who helped them in the studio – or even looked after their children – because they knew that their wives’ gifts far exceeded their own.
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Mary Cassatt, Breakfast in Bed, 1897. Photograph: The Huntington Library, Art Museum
Guillermo Solana, the artistic director of the Thyssen-Bornemisza, said Maestras was another example of the museum’s continuing commitment to feminism, education and addressing the prejudices of the past.
“I’d promised myself that I wouldn’t do any mansplaining today but I can’t help it when it comes to explaining what I’ve learned from the process of doing this exhibition, because I’ve learned a lot,” he told journalists on Monday morning.
“The first thing I learned from this exhibition – and which I think the public will also learn – was so many new names; so many fantastic artists I’d had no idea about and had never heard of. Of course, we knew about Artemisia Gentileschi and Frida Kahlo or Paula Modersohn-Becker, but how many important artists have got away – or been taken from us?”
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Frida Kahlo, Portrait of Lucha María, A Girl from Tehuacán, 1942. Photograph: akg-images/© Rafael Doniz @ 2023 Banco de México Diego Rivera Frida Kahlo Museums Trust, México, D.F./VEGAP
De la Villa agreed. “The public is going to ask, ‘How can it be that we didn’t know about these female artists?’” she said.
“How is it that their works were in storerooms until recently? Maestras is a feminist exhibition that seeks to emphatically correct the prejudices that have come about as a result of the patriarchy – prejudices that have meant that works by female artists have remained in museum storerooms during the 20th century.”
She said the male-dominated artistic system had always sought to defend itself by denigrating female artists. Equally damaging, she added, was how historians had played down the achievements of women until their voices were silenced and their creations overlooked and then hidden from view.
“When women are hidden, or robbed of their past, they are robbed of their identity,” said De la Villa. “The power of culture is very important. It just can’t be separated from the social conditions we enjoy, or which we suffer.”
 Maestras is at the Thyssen-Bornemisza museum from 31 October to 4 February 2024
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unmotivated-student · 6 months
[Aldo was doing the "Geo awards" they are awards that he does with his community mostly for fun and to commemorate important things that happened on his channel and community during the year, one of the categories was "interaction/collaboration of the year" in which the crows were nominated and in the clip Aldo was watching the video that Goularte posted on twitter of the crows as a part of the presentation of the nominees]
Aldo: okay, very nice/cute interaction dude... honestly...
[*sees the drawing in which all the crows are in black and white except him*]
Aldo: Nooo!... so sa-... the drawing wey... Noooo! They want me to cry! Fucking heell!... Aaah! stab me with a knife, it hurts less assholes! [*pain*] [*pain again*] my chicken heart* :c ... Okay, okay...
I don't know if it means the same thing in english, but just in case to clarify, here in México "having a chicken heart" can be used for someone who is very sentimental/emotional
And the crows won this category in case anyone was curious 🤝👍
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sons-from-adam · 6 months
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Chris Mears – MBE (Member of the British Empire)
UK diver\\DJ\\Producer
British diver who competed in the 2016 Summer Olympics with Jack Laugher and won the first Olympic Gold Medal for Britain.  Aside from diving, he also produces music and has released songs.
A few years ago I had the privilege of meeting Chris face-to-face while he was on tour in México City.
Along with Jack Laugher, Chris was appointed MBE in the 2017 New Year Honours for services to diving. He retired from diving in 2019.
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prommethium · 10 days
The first Woman President is amazing news, what isn't amazing, is the abolition of democracy and republic in México.
The actual president of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador is erratic and authoritarian; he considers himself a messiah of the people and faces his adversaries, not through dialectic and logical thinking but with power and out-of-context folkloric sayings.
Morena (Obrador's party,) won six years ago because Mexicans were tired of voting for the same breed of politicians, it was a way for the people to reprimand the two greatest political parties of the country (PRI [left] and PAN [right].) Six years ago, an elderly lunatic was a better choice (for many,) than the same type of candidates that have been on the chair for almost a century. So, Obrador won, and Obrador started to "give to the people," he promised pensions, money for students, and money for the poor. His team created "Banco del Bienestar" (bank of well-being,) which he distributed across the republic, there, people could get their money. But people who received pensions didn't get extra income, now their pensions were managed by the Well-being bank, banks with no personnel and empty ATMs. Some of these people are still waiting for months of delayed money. People who spoke a native language received compensation and were encouraged to keep speaking the said language; that program disappeared during Obrador's regime. During the last six years, young students (high school) received approximately 100usd twice per year. Because of the programs of "giving money," the resources of public institutions decreased, particularly public justice local (state) systems. When Obrador Won, he promised to end the Violence in Mexico, instead of starting wars against groups who trade with people, drugs, and guns, he offered "abrazos no balazos" (hugs no bullets); many criminals were forgiven, and he gave amnesty to the heads of cartels and Narco groups.
After six years of his government, we have seen a circus, we, Mexicans like to laugh about our politicians' stupidity, about their poor attempts at joking, the misspelling words, memes are part of Mexican culture; but the last six years, we didn't want to laugh, most of us were afraid of the erratic decisions of Obrador, a man who after receiving money of dealers, with a son with a mansion abroad bought with resources of the nation, a man who didn't hesitate to sponsor the business of close friends with Mexico's money stills smiles, and claims that "we are the best country in the world, Mexico's money is of the Mexicans."
Journalists who questioned him were killed (more than 150) or harassed (hundreds, like Carlos Loret de Mola.) So we have been silenced, media has been silenced.
In this election, Morena (Obrador's party) promised more money for the people and threatened that other parties would take it away. Morena kept reminding people that over the last hundred years, the PRI and PAN (old Mexican parties from the ''left'' and ''right'' respectively,) were the wrong choice since they already got their chance. Humorous it is to find the most corrupt people from the PRI and PAN militating in Morena, politicians that after Morena's success moved to the winning party. The PRI and PAN joined forces, it was a study-worthy event, these enemy parties joined forces, and their opposition of ideas (now together,) was challenging to keep in a balance.
In terms of ideology and values, Morena always supported Venezuela and Cuba, those were the politicians our President hung out with and still supports. Isn't a secret that Obrador is a socialist.
In this election, people voted for Morena because indeed, with Xóchitl (candidate for the opposition and candidate of the PRI-PAN) the students no longer would receive money every six months, but they would receive education, and the money dedicated to old-fashioned unsustainable projects that caused irreparable damage to Indigenous communities and environment (like the Mayan Train) would be given to hospitals and public institutions. Mexicans voted for Morena because they were afraid of famine, and of not receiving support. With Claudia's triumph, they would keep getting their money, and in exchange, we have a president who sits with populists and dictators, an authoritarian president who now, in this "democratic" system, has a majority at the senate, which means, Morena can do as they please, Morena can change the constitution.
How beautiful is to hear the saying "We don't need international trade, we don't need foreign investment, we can do it ourselves," but we are citizens of the world when the economy is globalised when there is little to no investment, and therefore a decrease of work opportunities with a stagnant economy.
How beautiful is it to hear "The public institutions will be ruled by Mexicans, by the people," Indeed the federal Commission for electricity, water, petrol, etc., are ruled and controlled by Mexicans, like politicians who support Morena and not experienced suited people for the job.
In the last six years, for the first time in my life, I experienced power cuts, not having running water, and no oil to fill the tank of my car. In the last six years prices of food have increased exponentially, but how beautiful "this government, Morena increased minimum income by 20%"
I've seen the comments and reasons behind people voting for Morena, they preferred to vote for Morena than for the "right" when there is no right and left anymore. There was just democracy and obradorism (autoritarism). Journalists who spoke and questioned Morena and Obrador have been killed, same for senate members, and the same for candidates of the opposition (37 in the last six months.)
The elected president, Claudia Sheinbaum is under Obrador's wing, she has been supporting him for a long time, and we expect the same. She has been saying: "is time For a New México, it's time to wake up, is time for a new system." When we see the reforms that Morena announced instead of excitement I'm worried:
-Using trains to transport cargo (built in the 70's) to transport people. -Kids can't study in the school of choice, but the public nearest to their home. -Decrease the number of legislators in the senator's chamber (because one head thinks better than two). -Magistrates will not be elected by the executive-power but by the people (most people don't even know what a magistrate does, with a good campaign, any idiot can be a magistrate now.) -The army will support the police (this means the army in the streets.) -Eliminate the elite.
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lipid · 12 days
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ive seen people outside of méxico happy that claudia won but honestly all of us know that its gonna be the same shit but now done by a woman 🥲
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respectthepetty · 1 year
México lost to the World Cup champions!
Messi (and by extension, Kun) got the World Cup.
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thehonoredonesrpg · 2 months
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¡Os traemos una pequeña novedad!
Como ya no queda mucho para completar la información relativa a la ambientación del foro, queremos avisar a todos los que nos siguen que la apertura de las reservas está muy próxima. Antes de ir a la fecha, queremos hacer un adelanto de lo que se subirá entre hoy y mañana:
Pactos, vínculos y técnicas malditas
Pliegues y sellos
Posteriormente, como nos han pedido, también subiremos ejemplos de técnicas malditas que se han empleado en el manga de Jujutsu Kaisen y buscaremos también algún ejemplo de los demonios que aparecen en Chainsaw Man, por si os sirve de guía e inspiración.
Las reservas podrán hacerse mañana día 16 de abril hasta el día de la apertura, aún por anunciar. Dejaremos hasta las últimas dos horas, en caso de que alguien necesite realizar algún cambio o por si hay algún rezagado. El horario de apertura será el siguiente:
20:00 en España (hora peninsular)
13:00 en México, Perú y Colombia
15:00 en Chile, Argentina y Venezuela
Antes de reservar, pedimos que por favor tengáis en cuenta la siguiente normativa, porque si algo se sale de ella la reserva no tendrá validez.
Pondremos un anuncio previo a la apertura de reservas. Hasta que ese anuncio no esté colgado, no podrán mandarse ningún tipo de reserva.
Se atenderán por orden de llegada. No sabemos si vamos a estar saturados o si el flujo de gente será más llevadero, pero intentaremos dar notificación del listado lo más pronto posible.
Únicamente puede reservarse PB, porque no hay cupos de ningún tipo para oficios, técnicas y derivados.
Pueden reservarse hasta 2 PBs para uso propio. No se permiten reservas para búsquedas.
El PB deberá de ser real y el personaje no podrá contar con más o menos de 5 años de los que el PB tenga en la realidad.
Las reservas se mantendrán durante 7 días desde la apertura del foro, tiempo que creemos suficiente para haber creado los personajes. En caso de que alguien necesite algo de tiempo extra, se puede poner en contacto con nosotros.
Tendréis que poner el nombre del PB, un nick de registro y una contraseña para que, el día de la apertura, nadie intente colarse. Quedaría de la siguiente forma:
PB — Nick — Contraseña
Aaron Taylor-Johnson — Crow
Alina Olesheva — Dragon
Álvaro Morte [NPC]
Alycia Debnam-Carey — Day
Ana de Armas — Xandro
Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey — Bonny
Aubrey Plaza — whats
Bethany Joy Lenz [NPC]
Brian Tee [NPC]
Casey Deidrick — bukowski
Charleen Weiss — G.
Choi Soo Bin— Panic
Choi Yeon Jun — Badblood
Deborah Ann Woll [NPC]
D.J. Cotrona [NPC]
Ed Skrein [NPC]
Eiza González — Poppy
Ella Purnel — Mercy
Eva Mendes [NPC]
Havana Rose Liu — Snoopy
Hero Fiennes Tiffin — Serra
Hiroyuki Sanada [NPC]
Jeffrey Wright [NPC]
Jensen Ackles — Hombre Lavadora
Jeon Won Woo — Melinoe
John David Washington — bulldog
Kang Seul Gi — akugetsu
Ken Watanabe [NPC]
Kim Min Gyu — yoshida
Lily James — JED
Lizeth Selene — Boo
Maggie Q [NPC]
Mahershala Ali [NPC]
Manny Jacinto — Snoopy
Matthew Noszka — muricano
Michael B. Jordan — Air
Minatozaki Sana — shintani
Ming na Wen [NPC]
Nana Komatsu — Fool
Natasha Liu Bordizzo — Grimmjow
Oscar Isaac — Atom
Rebecca Ferguson — whats
Rosemund Pike [NPC]
Ryan Porter — bukowski
Sarah Rafferty — Dory
Shen Quan Rui (Ricky) — Ian
Steve Milatos — Crow
Suki Waterhouse — Mercy
Theo James — Drama
Tony Thornburg — Grimmjow
Vachirawit Chiva-aree (Bright) — Astro
Will Higginson — Leucocito
Yulef Bopp — Ploff
Zoey Deutch — Xandro
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sweet-tragedys-stuff · 3 months
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Kajsjqjskajsja Dios mio, soy tan ridícula; pero pues cada quien. Pa' que se las manden a sus amigos que les gustan estos cantantes, yo no tengo *llora* bueno, tengo a una amiga que casi que la obligué a escuchar a Will Wood, Jack Stauber y Aurelio Voltaire, así queeeeee. . . Pero me dijo que si le habían gustado las canciones, ganamos las dos yippe.
No se si esto de las flores amarillas se celebre en otro lugar, como U.S.A. o más países, pero aquí en México supongo que algunas personas lo celebran jajaja
Akajhajasjkka My God, I'm so ridiculous; but then to each their own. So they can send them to their friends who like these singers, I don't have one *cries* well, I have a friend who I almost forced her to listen to Will Wood, Jack Stauber and Aurelio Voltaire, soeeeeee. . . But she told me that she liked the songs, we won both yippe
I don't know if this thing about yellow flowers is celebrated anywhere else, like in the United States. or more countries, but here in Mexico I guess some people celebrate it jajaja
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exielimon · 1 month
Open to see me ramble about something you probably don’t understand, I’m just so happy I want to tell everyone
So… I traveled half the country for this competition and kind of ended up in next to last in the main contest.
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Yahaha! in México City
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But I won third in Tercia de Cajas (which is three people with drums)
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We looked like this
We ate the jury
And we were just so happy because this, besides being a national competition, is the first time we come.
We also created the Tercia (trio) like four months ago.
And yes, I took Makar to a national competition.
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msclaritea · 12 days
🇲🇽 Claudia Sheinbaum is about to become México's 1st jewish president. How improbable is this?
Not only are the 59k jews in Mexico less than 0.05% of the 129 million total population (not even 1 full soccer stadium!)--over half of them live in just one single area: Mexico State/Mexico City!
Furthermore, 76% of Mexicans are Catholic. I lived there for a year & a half, knocking on thousands of doors & entering thousands of homes: nearly everyone--rich or poor--has a Virgin Mary picture &/or shrine in their house. Judaism is a totally foreign belief system to theirs. The *vast majority* of Mexicans don't even know a jew.
But maybe she's just been a great leader, who's really won the hearts & minds of her "fellow Mexicans," right? Well, her 2 most notable achievements as mayor are:
(1) becoming the first mayor of Mexico City to attend the Pride Parade &
(2) mandating all school uniforms be unisex. I'm sure these 2 accomplishments really resonated with the 76% Catholic population of Mexico!
Not only does Claudia Sheinbaum come from an *extremely* small group of people--concentrated mostly in one single area, with a completely alien belief system from the rest of the Mexico--she's also going to be the first *female* president of Mexico.
First female & first jew--ever. Very improbable indeed.
I wonder what "reforms" she'll implement during her administration? -Twitter
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Holy shit. What the hell is wrong with Mexico? Same as Argentina, I'd wager. This is terrible.
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thelasttime · 10 months
What are all the nonsense outros?
mexico city night 1
“i only date in méxico es mas caliente
if you are a swiftie you're mi gente
let me hear you make some noise, DF”
mexico city night 2
he said where you at i said i’m busy
sipping on tequila getting tipsy
con mis chicas in mexico city
mexico city night 3
"i’m full grown but i look like a niña
come put something big in my pusita
mexico i think you are bonita”
mexico city night 4
"felt so good, he made me hit the top note
'eras' tickets, girl you won the 'lotto'
mexico, i kinda think 'te amo"
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