freshnewsnow · 2 years
All in all, this event was jam-packed with talent, energy, vibes and marvelous moments.
For those that work a 9-5 it is extremely necessary to take paid leave to have a getaway. This past weekend, we traveled to Philadelphia for the Powerhouse 105.1 concert and it provided such an impactful escape and reset. Giving ample time to arrive – we left first thing in the morning and checked into the Airbnb. After getting settled, getting ready we hopped in the Uber before it was too busy…
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shermangepherdy · 6 months
why do people hate lavendertowne so much. i saw a post the other day and they straight up made something up about her to make her look bad. did she do something in the past or what
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tanadrin · 2 months
It would be hilarious if in ten years somebody discovered that Biden really only ever intended to serve one term, and everything that's happened over the last month and change was a 6D chess move to maneuever his VP uncontested into the presidential slot of the race, avoiding a damaging primary, and causing her popularity to shoot up just in sheer relief she's not an 80-year-old man. It is very hard to imagine any Democratic candidate actually being in a *better* position right now than Harris seems to have quite abruptly found herself in.
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txttletale · 7 months
oh, what did you think of dirk gently!!
i fucking loved it. i like the book more, because i think that reluctant-misanthropic-slacker dirk is a more entertaining character than the show's completely different manic-pixie-dream-twink dirk, but i kind of think it's the perfect adaptation because instead of trying to make the book's plot work on screen they crafted a totally new plot out of the core conceit of 'piling up seemingly unrelated plot threads then connecting them all together in one big complicated maneuever'. the cast is great, it's probably my favourite elijah wood performance -- the soundtrack (especially for the first season) is probably my favourite TV show soundtrack? it's got a fun visual flair and although the dialogue can sometimes hit the wrong side of twee, i think that the characters are overall enjoyable. the bizarre and left-field plots of the show are just so much fun and it's so satisfying to see it come together.
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matchadobo · 1 year
KIDD; how does eustass kidd apologize after a petty fight
summary: read it in the title folks
warning/s: gn!reader, nsfw but not too in depth, fluff, hurt/comfort-ish
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* it's just about him always leaving the toilet seat up and he wouldn't listen when you tell him not to, when he would coop up in his workshop and get snappy at you, when he'd be too busy to have some fun with you, or when his stuff is always disorganized and you nag him for it but he'd turn a deaf ear
* most of the times, if not all the time, he'd be keen on finding where you are
* looking all over the ship as he barges in on every door he sees until he finds you
* and when he does, he'd restrain himself from smiling when he sees your furrowed brows, puckered up lips, and flaring nostrils cuz he finds you so cute
* he'd expect that you would ignore him and you did, so he'd make sure to bug the shit out of you until you talk to him
* poking your cheeks, asking you incessantly about what you're doing, engulfing you in his arms from behind and leaning down against your ear
* "you still gonna ignore me? how long do you plan on doing that?"
* "man, here i was planning to take ya to that sushi place you were whining about."
* "ain't you cute when you're angry."
* just when you've had enough, you stood up, and ought to face him to give him a piece of your mind
* he'd lean down and kiss you, snaking his hands down your neck, to your shoulders, down to your arms and pulled your waist closer to his as he rubbed on the curve of your hips
* he'd be satisfied to let you go when he hears you whine
* "sorry." he'll say it right after he pulls away, and then place a kiss on your forehead. "still mad?" he'd say tucking a hair behind your ear
* once you're all hot and bothered, he'd pull you closer by your arm and place a hand at the back of your head as he embraced you
* "come on, doll. talk to me. it ain't like you to shut the fuck up once i'm talking, is it?"
* you however, can't muster out words from the warfare within your mind and heart. he'd always do this, one kiss and your anger's all gone. and the fact that he's learning to say sorry even when he's at fault for the littlest things tugged at your heart more than it rationalized your mind
* so you'd end up tearing up from the frustration and start drumming at his chest to emphasize your annoyance
* "j-just don't be an asshole next time."
* "ain't that my charm, m'eudail (darling)?"
* he'd kiss you one last time, this time with more hands since you already forgave him
* he'd slide his hands inside of your shirt and press the small of your back further to his body
* and then guiding your hands to roam around the span of his sinewy arms
* "we gonna go to that sushi place or have fun in here?" he smiled in between the kiss, watching you pant under him
* "let's just say, i need another apology from you before going there."
* he'd be generous enough to give head, being more sensual than rough like he used to
* he'd stroke your thighs more while eating you out
* he'd maneuever you to your side, earnestly looking at your eyes with each thrust
* fingers intertwined as he placed kisses on your forearms
* aaaaand you two end up not going bc you both took a long time shacking tf up, he really did makes it up to you though. always
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i'm backkk but this is kinda short i'm sorrryyyssgsyshy just recovered from sickness and a pile of work whew
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pelideswhore · 1 year
i think some people completely overlook or underestimate just how clever the Nobody maneuver is
when i say ‘the Nobody maneuever’ i mean the trick odysseus used on polyphemus to escape his island
First of all, I’ll start by saying that when Odysseus and his men blind the Cyclops they do this using a spear made of olive wood. I don’t think I really have to explain why this is symbolic, considering olive trees are relevant to both Odysseus himself (loyalty, perseverance) and his patron goddess Athena (intelligence, war). Odysseus blinds the Cyclops with a staff made of perseverance and intelligence.
Anyway, back to Nobody— the Greek word used in the original poem is “Outis”. Interchangeable for “outis” in Greek is “métis”. Métis is the name of Athena’s mother (again, relevant to the olive spear). Incidentally, Métis (the goddess) is the personification of good advice and métis (the word) means intelligent or even Cunning. If you’ve read the Odyssey or the Iliad, “cunning” will immediately strike you as one of the more popular epithets for Odysseus.
So basically, when Odysseus introduces himself to the Cyclops as ‘no one’, he is also introducing himself as ‘the Cunning’. Apart from being a very fun pun, this sets up Odysseus’ hubris, his incapability of leaving his trickery uncredited.
Within the narrative, it perfectly paves the way for his self-confident proclamation that he isn’t “nobody”, he is Odysseus. Funnily enough, with this play at words, by denying the fact that he is “outis”/“métis” he also denies the fact that he is cunning at all...
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papabigtoes · 1 year
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more chapter 6 wips because my brain follows the “oo piece of candy” maneuever when i draw the boys
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pathfinderunlocked · 6 months
Gargantuan Linkserpent - CR11 Kyton
If you hear a chain rattling and feel the ground rumbling, it’s too late to run.
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Image generated on Artflow.ai.
I normally do my best to find an artist to showcase with each post.  For this one, though, I had an idea and couldn’t find any real artwork that was even remotely close, sorry.  It bothers me enough that I don’t think I’ll do it again.   It kind of makes sense, though, considering that the monster creates illusionary terrain that you could very easily flavor as looking like an AI-generated image.
This is a lower level version of a CR14 creature I made some time back, the Colossal Linkserpent. As the name implies, this weaker version is one size category smaller. If your adventure is a few levels lower, it might be more appropriate.
In the Shadow Plane, it’s perhaps fortunate at times that distances between location are fluid and long distance travel is somewhat dreamlike, because that leaves an infinite amount of space for the Gargantuan and Colossal Linkserpents to roam.  They never seem to reach settlements, but in the bleak and lifeless wilderness, Linkserpents hunt down travelers and torment them.  They are capable of causing a traveler’s journey in the Shadow Plane to stretch out endlessly by circling around them beneath the ground.
A relatively small number of these creatures are believed to exist - maybe a hundred or fewer in the world, although it’s impossible to tell for sure.  The animal-like intelligence of a Gargantuan Linkserpent is unusual among kytons, but this creature enjoys inflicting pain and torment just as much as the more intelligent kytons with humanoid appearances.
Unlike many kytons which wear the chains that were used to bind or torture them, a Garguantuan Linkserpent’s entire body except for its head is made of a great number of living metallic chains, which were given life and melded together by other kytons after being used to bind or torture other creatures. The difference between a Gargantuan Linkserpent and a Colossal Linkserpent is simply how many chains the kytons are able to gather when creating it.
Gargantuan Linkserpent - CR 11
Made of interwoven metallic chains stretching more than 30 feet long, this enormous serpent-like creature bursts from the ground with a rattling sound.
XP 12,800 LE Gargantuan outsider (evil, extraplanar, kyton, lawful) Init +3 Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 1 mile; Perception +15 Aura stretch terrain (120 ft.)
AC 23, touch 9, flat-footed 20 (+3 Dex, +14 natural, -4 size) hp 138 (12d10+72); regeneration 5 (good weapons and spells, silver weapons) Fort +14, Ref +11, Will +8 DR 10/silver or good Immune cold SR 21
Speed 40 ft., burrow 40 ft. Melee bite +18 (3d6+15) Ranged molten steel spit +11 touch (4d8 fire plus hardened steel, 30 ft. range increment, see text) Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft. Special Attacks constrict (4d6+21), enwrap, unnerving gaze (30 ft.; DC 16)
Str 31, Dex 16, Con 22, Int 1, Wis 18, Cha 8 Base Atk +12; CMB +26; CMD 39 (cannot be tripped) Feats All-Consuming Swing, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Vital Strike, Power Attack, Vital Strike Skills Climb +20, Perception +15 Languages None
Enwrap (Ex) As a standard action, a gargantuan linkserpent can coil its body around a creature at least two size categories smaller than itself, attempting to hold it in place.  This functions as a grapple combat maneuever, and provokes an attack of opportunity, except that if successful, the gargantuan linkserpent can maintain the grapple as a move action each round and can continue to make bite attacks.  A creature grappled in this way is moved into the center of the gargantuan linkserpent’s space, instead of adjacent to it as normal for a grapple.
Molten Steel Spit (Ex) As a standard action, a gargantuan linkserpent can spit a glob of molten steel.  This is a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 30 feet which deals 4d8 fire damage.  A target struck by this attack is entangled, and its weight increases by 120 lbs.  Both the entangled condition and the additional weight last until the target removes the steel, which immediately hardens around the target.
A flying target struck by this attack must succeed on a DC 25 Fly check or immediately plummet, and takes an additional -10 penalty on Fly checks on top of any penalty it takes from the added weight.
The hardened steel has 10 hardness and 30 hit points, and can be removed by dealing enough slashing, piercing, bludgeoning, acid, fire, or force damage to break it apart or melt it.  Acid or fire attacks against the hardened steel also damage the entangled creature.
Stretch Terrain (Su) As a free action, while in an area of natural terrain on the Shadow Plane, a gargantuan linkserpent can cause creatures within 120 feet to be unable to escape a 120 foot radius around the gargantuan linkserpent.  Creatures and objects which attempt to move further than this distance away seem to be moving, but their distance from the gargantuan linkserpent never increases to further than 120 feet.  Even teleportation effects are unable to move further than this distance, although plane shifting works normally.
A gargantuan linkserpent must be able to take a free action each round to maintain this aura.  The aura ends at the end of the gargantuan linkserpent’s turn if it is helpless or otherwise unable to act.
Unnerving Gaze (Ex) A creature that succumbs to an gargantuan linkserpent’s unnerving gaze has all of its movement speeds reduced to 0 for 1 round as it imagines being strangled in the coiled chains of the linkserpent’s body.  This gaze effect has a range of 30 feet and is negated by a DC 16 Will save.  The save DC is Charisma-based.
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cali · 1 year
classic daisy maneuever yet again
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gainprincess · 1 year
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"Sorry, would you rather I use proper terminology? It's been a while, but I'll try."
She clears her throat, and sweetens her tone.
"Master, won't you please let me suckle from your obscenely fat breasts so that I may outshine all these pigs lesser than me with my flab? I'd be really grateful. I wish to become a most bloated and greedy cow of a woman, with a body that may put even Avenger to shame."
She's stepping towards Passionlip now, and the Alter Ego's face heats up. Medusa's words are sultry and genuine, and each step she makes shows off her toned legs, flexing with muscle.
Passionlip is very confused on how to feel about this. On one hand, this lady DID just break into her office, started calling her by her and her sisters' designation, not her NAME, and is now staring her down asking for some of her thick fucking titmilk.
She has every right to be horrified.
But something about the way Medusa's manic grin and glowing eyes flash makes her also REALLY, REALLY turned on all of a sudden.
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"W-Well, i-if you wanna have some that bad, there's always the ho-"
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"W-Wait, no, that's a really bad idea! I-I can't let you do that, even if you ARE the prettiest lady I've ever seen in my life! Also, my name's Passionlip!"
Confessions aside, Passionlip's words cause Medusa to halt in her tracks, eyebrow furrowing in confusion as she twitches.
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At first, she's calm. Passionlip exhales in relief. Calm is good.
Then, the anger.
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"Why in Olympus not, Sakura?! Am I not worthy? Have I erred in some way?!"
Her teeth gnash in frustration as Passionlip quivers...but the Alter-Ego stands her ground. She's grown a lot since coming to Chaldea in many different ways.
Medusa's just angry. She's not making threatening movements, and her voice isn't that threatening, despite increase in volume. She's just having an outburst.
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She can do this.
"I-I just can't! I don't let anyone have my milk straight from the tap, it's too much! J-Just look at the pudding formula thing everyone else gets with breakfast that makes them bloat! My milk is the main ingredient!"
And it all comes together, for those acting as observers. Passionlip is Raikou and Boudica's third conspirator in the duo's goal to fatten all of Chaldea in their own special way, though it seems that she, unlike the other two, has some semblance of...limitations.
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"...Mh. I...I see. That...is reasonable. For such a thing to be only PARTLY comprised of your milk...It must be truly potent indeed. Twould be a waste to get so fat so quickly...I must show the others my superiority slowly, make them realize over time..."
She's in her own self-absorbed logic loop, of course, but Passionlip's words have halted her. She's calming down, coming down from the high that is her lust, if slightly. It's a sudden change, a violent swap, and if Passionlip had not been blessed with a face that brought Medusa's submissive nature to the front like a boomerang, it's doubtful such logic would've occurred.
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But Passionlip does get her feelings on the topic. Being small in Chaldea is both a blessing and a curse.
Sure, you can maneuever easier, and you'll be granted a lot of convenient privileges the larger Servants just don't have access to at their size...but you won't feel like you belong. At least, Lip didn't when she was 'small'.
Sure, she was a weight everyone WANTED to be, but she didn't look it. They treated her with respect, but not with friendship. That's why SHE got big. So she could be useful, and have friends.
So she can empathize with Medusa, even if their reasons are different.
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"I'm sorry for bothering you, in that case. I hope you will forgive me for this, Sa-"
She bites her tongue.
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A-Ah...Your name is not...Sakura, yes? Passionlip, you said...please forgive me. You just looked so much like my Master that I..."
This change in personality is entire genuine. It is true feeling, and it occured at the drop of a hat. Perhaps it is this one moment that best encapsulates her insanity after all.
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'Oh, I'm gonna get so fired for this...'
Passionlip's empathy overwhelms her better judgement for a split-second. She's too caring, and that face Medusa's pulling is way too much.
'Fuck it.'
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"U-Um! P-Please don't say sorry! I-I think I actually CAN help...! Sort of..."
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Medusa was about to turn on her heel and leave, to go find another venue in which she can gain quickly. Harassing someone with Sakura's face is a good way to give herself and the harassee a lot of uncomfortable feelings. Medusa dislikes the idea of that.
But now...Passionlip is offering something. So she stays...and she stares.
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"I-I can't...give you fresh stuff from the t-tap. Full blast like that'd ruin our entire base. B-But, um...there's a unique property, to my milk...M-My...uh...fat content..."
She squirms a little, embarrassed.
"I-If the stuff goes directly to a fridge instead of a bowl or glass, and it stays there long enough to cool down...the extra-fattening effects are d-dulled a bit...O-Only problem is..."
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She sighs.
"Can you move back just a f-few steps...? I need to activate something you're on top of."
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"A-Ah. Yes. Certainly. Sorry."
Medusa snaps out of her titty-ogling at the request, wiping drool from her lip as her face flushes red. For some reason, the fact that Lip isn't Sakura kind of makes her more embarrassed to have been that greedy in front of her.
She takes a step back, glancing down on the floor. There doesn't SEEM to be anything there; just a normal oaken floor, beautifully pristine despite all the pressure that is applied to it daily with Lip's mere existence...
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"A-Alter Ego Gamma...R-Requesting funneling hose connected to refrigeration storage...code 7929 Blossom Sunrise."
Passionlip rattles off a series of phrases, eyes closed as if concentrating, and for a moment, Medusa thinks nothing will happen.
Then the floor shifts, and Medusa's core grows hot as something rises out of it.
A feeding tube.
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"N-Nh...I see...~"
She's only ever seen it used once, on a day where Sei Shonagon (Berserker) was feeling particularly lazy, and demanded her lover fill her up with 'the good stuff' (likely just cake batter)...but just recalling that memory gets her even hotter.
She knows what's about to happen. It's such a thick tube, too...There's going to be so much.
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"Um...y-you can just p-put your lips over it...It's sensor-activated, so it'll start pumping whatever's in there into your tummy...I'm only allowing you to have three bottles, though, okay..?"
By her estimate, that should be enough to get Medusa...satisfied.
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"O-Of course, Lady Passionlip...my everlasting thanks...Fuck...~"
She's gyrating her hips again, trying to relieve herself through the denim of her white pants...
'The pants I'll be rendering useless before long..!~'
She's soaked even more now. It's self-defeating. She can't help it.
She opens her mouth. The tube sits at mouth-level, just waiting, begging, pleading for a worthy pair of plump lips to sliiiide down it and embrace their fate.
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For once, Medusa loves her fate.
She doesn't even consciously shove herself forward. It's almost like she's falling. Falling, falling, down and down...just a puppet for her inevitable victory.
Her mouth takes it in without hesitation as she sliiides onto it like it's the most delicious shaft she's tasted in her life, eyes rolling backwards as it slides into her throat. That's the lovely thing about not having a gag reflex...no interruptions.
The world around her blurs to nothingness as the grrrlggglleee and glllrrrrooopppp... of heavy, thick, creamy titcream pushing up the tube enters her ear. It's close. She can almost see it bloating the tube with sheer mass, the chilled dairy getting closer and closer to her soft lips...!~
It passes her mouth, and starts tracing down her maw to the opening halfway down her throat.
That alone makes Medusa flood.
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The dull realization that she's throwing her dignity away like this IN FRONT OF someone hardly occurs to her when the first deluge hits her throat.
It's so fucking creamy.
The chill is evident and transparent, and Medusa bucks when she feels her throat cool down. She can already feel it working, and her shirt groans as her chest swells.
But there's a problem with being so good at deepthroating you can deepthroat a two-inch wide feeding tube.
She can't taste it. She's feeling it deposit in her belly, bringing an end to her thin nature for good (Finally. Worthless.), but she can't taste it. She wants to taste it.
In the only moment of rational clarity she'll have for the next few hours, Medusa manages to push the tube upward with her throat muscles, far enough that she can at least taste it on the back of her tongue.
It drives her further into ecstasy.
Lip's milk is somehow both sweet and not at the same time, like a creamy glaze that goes on cinnamon rolls. She drools as it pours down her gullet, the substance flooding her stomach like it owes the stuff rent.
Its effects are instantaneous too. Her hips are swaying involuntarily at the feeling, and she thinks she may go cross-eyed. It's too good. Her hands are palmed against the floor, because if they aren't, she won't be able to stay upright.
Speaking of her hips, they continue to swell as she gulps, and they go from birthing hips worthy of a goddess to the most obscenely perfect set of love-handles one could ever witness, straining her pants already as the softness gathers and pads it all, concentrated like it only cares about ensuring the fabric suffers as cellulite forms on Medusa's fat rear.
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She's eternally grateful to Passionlip.
Even though only one bottle has finished, her breasts are already double the size they were when she started. Even though only one bottle has finished, her face has softened, and a second chin has started to form beneath her first. Even though only one bottle has finished, her legs are causing tears in the fabric of her pants, exposing her new, flabby thighs to the world (or, well, to the starstruck Alter Ego bolted in place before her) like a cow's ought.
But her belly's not big enough. She wants more. Sure, it's swelling into a gut. Sure, the more and more she lets drain into her stomach from this second bottle, she feels it swell and gurgle and groan and churn, but she's not there yet.
She's so close, she feels like she just needs an inch more. She's so close to the greatest moment of her second life. She's so, so close to...to...!
She freezes. One of the buttons on her pants, one of the things that keep it up on her hips alongside the buckle, has pinged harmlessly off Passionlip's metal claw, clattering to the ground between them.
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She stares.
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Lip stares.
Another flies off, smashing into her claws and falling to earth once more.
Medusa can hear her pants creaking under her swelling gut. Can hear them yearning to snap, to give her the edge she desperately craves...She pants into the tube, attempting to gulp faster and faster so it comes sooner and sooner...
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PING! Another button. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
She bucks her hips, eyes fully rolling back in her skull as she goes over the edge.
A CRRRREEEAAAAKKKKKK from her belt buckle. Followed by a GRRRNNGNNNNNNNN from her straining leather belt.
She takes a breath. She readies herself. She steadies her hands. And, when it finally, finally...
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Medusa lets go.
The belch shatters plates in the cafeteria. She's a mile away from it and she's causing glass to EXPLODE in the dish rack. Windows aren't safe either. Anything not reinforced by magic is dust in the wake of that rippling belch, and the sound is like a fucking monstrosity's bellow no matter where you are in Chaldea.
It's a message. For all to hear.
Look. At. ME.
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
I think the reason the "evil Lady Rochford" story has lasted so long is that it... makes sense? If you think about how much planning and secrecy must've gone into sneaking Culpeper around, what sort of character she had to think that was not just moral, but safe to do, it's easy to put her into AB's fall too. I haven't read Julia Fox but Jane's wiki is almost all based on it. I kind of assumed the whole "Jane rehab" fashion was saying she never testified against AB, but if the wiki is right, JF says she did, but it's still not her fault and we should not blame her? Like how? But I can't bring myself to like her. She served one queen she knew was falsely accused and killed, so what the hell was she doing actually trying to set up adultery for KH? How was this a good idea? And that time she tried to leave them alone and KH called her back, like KH wanted a chaperone to make the meeting legit, but Jane wanted to leave, like encouraging them to go further, really doesn't sit right with me. I just don't feel she deserves this "she never did anything wrong" sympathy she gets.
I mean, you can't judge the book only on the summary, I would say read it even if you don't agree with the summary. You have to know what exactly you're arguing against.
Respectfully I'm going to agree to disagree with most of this, but I would say that I rec James Taffe's book about her to you, I think you'd enjoy it; he has a similar view of her character (although my personal opinion, if JF's was something of an Overcorrection, JT's was an Overcorrection of the Overcorrection, and as I said earlier, while I fall somewhere in between their views, I fall closer to Fox's).
I don't really think her conduct with KH was the best, although I don't agree with you entirely, but the 'she never did anything wrong' resonated because... idk, I'm a trans man so I have a different perspective on the way in which Tudor women are discussed than most, ig? And this thing (not limited to JB but she's certainly an example) of All Women Had To Do Exactly What They Were Asked By Their Betters Without Exception At All Times Or Else And Had No Room to Maneuever And Had No Choice E v e r is so.... especially when we are talking about aristocratic women?? Aristocratic women that were considered, by their standards, and ours, adults? Women with relative freedom for their time? Imagine how tired we are.
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polyhexianchicken · 2 years
"Blaze, just the horned beast I was looking for."
Said horns are getting grabbed and slightly jostled as Whirl stops the mech from walking away from him. He was drunk off his trolley, lonely and buzzing with energy. It was merely bad luck for Blaze that Whirl can spot his friend from any crowd.
Yes, Blaze hates affection, but he'd rather hold someone he knows by the end of the day than a stranger.
Whirl knows damn well he'll have to work for it, or tire the coptermech out enough that he won't get murdered at his eventual plan of trapping him to cuddle. But hey, it's worth a shot.
He sways and sidesteps, leaning down low and poking Blaze in the chassis. "I've got some new moves to show that not even your blasted strong arms can maneuever out from." Whirl's speech is slightly slurred, but there's a certaint want in his gaze that may be new to Blaze.
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facade · 2 years
autism analysis of ps2 horror games but MOSTLY haunting ground and some of sh2
slight nsf*w mention just scroll if you're not interested im rambling, mentions of assault but not in depth
This is really long
Psychosexual horror is a very neglected trope I think but also rightfully so for being such a squeamish subject for people. Horror themes relating to sexual encounters is like. not something everyone wants to relive or sit through in games so it's not ideal to come across it. I think about how interesting in SH2, the bubble head nurses in relevance to James are something people are crazy about 1. for their boobs 2. they are relevant to james being that theyre apart of his guilty conscience and cognition of women around him while he's unable to touch and hold mary like he absolutely Should be able to. Ahhhh dying illness pain. Theyre good people. James Wants to be a good man and is desperate to be convinced he Is one, despite silent hill holding him down and persisting the signs that he is an immoral fucked little man.
I liked that. It's guilty. Very guilty and lots of emotion, but he couldnt help it, and all he could do to combat was deny he ever did. Desperate repression and punishing yourself for carrying such awful rancid fantasies about infedelity etc etc and you're still in genuine love with your wife. Not so black and white in a situation like this
Its fun
I guess that might allude to why haunting ground is so fun for me. My favorite theme of horror in games will always be Psychological yes, but psychosexual is very fun with how much variety it can be sometimes. Sex is tied to a lot of emotions and for one person can be the best thing in the eworld and for another the worst.
Haunting ground is very themed with sex seeing as how the protagonist is being chased solely for her womb for reproduction reasons but the motivation most of the stalkers have for fiona is actually infatuation and ambition.
debilitas is innocently chasing after fiona under the impression she's alike to his expensive bisque dolls. she is the princess, she's 'pretty', with fair skin and blonde hair and blue eyes, she's slim >_> the conventional traits of what some random dude would label Pretty- she's "perfect" and clean, like the dolls debilitas carries around the castle - the first Girl he's met! (as daniella is more treated as a failure, "wench", servant, bloodied and unkind woman. she doesn't smile kindly like fiona does, nor does she give off 'innocence'. her eyes look tired, slender - she's cruel and nasty..)
he chases relentlessly after fiona, not for sexual gratification, but out of admiration and infatuation. he thinks fiona is like a doll! his most dangerous attack is picking fiona up and hugging her so tight, he cant control his strength - and therefore she's crushed under his weight. it's only until despite all his chasing that fiona decides to spare him that he realize she's not actually like. some scampering mouse lol. she showed him. mercy! and debilitas suddenly feels incredible guilt. running away, hiding in his shack - he doesn't dare come out while fiona is still roaming the castle, doesnt want to get in her way - and when you confront him, he begs for forgiveness by offering a gift - the way out of the castle!! ( at least in a "new game +" lol)
his AI difficulty is easy to maneuever, too, so i feel like that's why daniella's introudction is such a spike in difficulty and processing.
immediately, daniella pursues fiona with... um. err..
two interpretations of daniella's dinner made for fiona is that she fed fiona bits of her mother, or that daniella drugged her. the former is more popular. weakening down fiona to the point she falls unconscious, just so daniella can observe her - it's.... um.
- i feel like now that i forgot to mention the already reoccuring shots of a person watching fiona from behind, from her side - lots of lingering views on her in haunting ground, it would be best to comment on that now. it's genuine voyuerism at this point. a violation of her privacy - and this is from the start of the game, by the way.
daniella watching over fiona while she sleeps, with this context, it feels a bit. alarming! fiona is obviously freaked when she wakes up, but because daniella has disturbed her, she has a total meltdown and suddenly becomes hostile.
daniella is a very traumatized girl, no matter how you look at her. no one quite knows what she is, but either way, it's sad! her "creator" made her with the intention to make the "perfect" woman, but she cannot feel pain, or pleasure, and she can't taste food, either. she's lacking in humanity. HOWEVER, you learn that daniella has also been kidnapped at a young age. so...
...? is she a homunculus? is she a kidnapping victim who was so traumatized to the point of shutting down?
nevertheless, it comes to light that daniella is also infertile. she can't bare children (how did they... find that out.. i was really squeamish to hear about this part, very nauseating details that are subtle, but sickening when you think about it.)
Riccardo is seriously fucked for his impact on debilitas and especially Daniella + fiona. he’s not as fleshed out as the first two stalkers, but he serves his purpose. he’s controlling, violently misogynistic, and terribly cruel. kidnapping daniella at her young age, traumatizing her just for her to serve as fiona’s maid for the rest of her life — how could daniella Not resent fiona? the girl she was groomed to serve and she never consented to any of it.
riccardo will ruin the life of anyone else’s and throw it all away if it means it’ll benefit him— so it’s no surprise that when he comes across fiona, she’s nothing more than a prize or an object. he literally believes that fiona belongs to Him.
But that’s really all there is to it. It’s interesting, at least, that the person stalking Fiona throughout the game is revealed to be lorenzo— a man who swears he only intends to help Fiona and nothing more than that. but he quite literally just. has the same intentions as Riccardo
I feel personally.. that while it is probably necessary to explore every variety of infatuation and obsession — all these characters desire fiona in one way or another . Whether it be sexually, out of ambition, out of objectification or all three. it’s just that the first half, debilitas and daniella serve so much more complexity than the latter half.
i feel like that’s why, when you talk to any haunting ground fan— their favorite always happens to be one of the early stalkers, most likely daniella. she’s a fan favorite for a reason, but it’s also because she serves so much interesting potential and is such a fun character to think about— you do have people still making theories about whether she’s believed to be human or a homunculus.
I dunno. I like haunting ground a lot. My brother got this game when it came out and he adored it. he’s more of a fan of like. girl characters running away from action/intense situations in ridiculous revealing outfits (fiona’s figure is especially sexualized) but he’s some gay guy who likes playing pretty women in gta online LOL. he loooves girls in horror or action media. even if it’s sometimes for weird reasons i don’t get. he’s really funny to me. i asked him if he still had his copy, because i remember him looking on ign for walkthroughs trying to figure things out — he sold it LOL he couldn’t beat the game…
But I Remember Playing A Lot of It. As a 7 Year Old Girl
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corruptedforce · 2 years
Penny for your thoughts! Anything you want to rant about SW related!
Penny for your Thoughts // @hxdrostorm // Accepting!
How about Anakin constantly not getting enough credit? Despite the fact that he is the Chosen One, his trials get put off longer than some other Padawans do. If you pay attention to The Clone Wars, he actually is a good General. He knows how to execute a successful maneuever. Is he traditional about it? No. But, he gets it done. He can take out more droids, etc., than most. He excels at pretty much everything he does, not to mention the fact that he is the best force user of his generation or possibly any generation.
He’s not a bad husband, either. But, Clone Wars Padme has a giant stick up her ass.
He is better than Luke, better than his stupid grandson and definitely better than Rey, hands down. No one in the sequels could hold a candle to Anakin. Luke did okay, but he's still not better than Anakin. Full potential Anakin could not have been beaten by Luke. Effectively, Vader beat himself when he threw the Emperor down the thing.
Oh but the thing people do give him credit for: ALLLLL of Order 66, even though he was just following Orders, and wasn't behind it.
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batonrougepowersport · 6 months
Your Inner Adventurer: Your Guide to Louisiana Power Sports
Louisiana, the "Sportsman's Paradise," isn't just about world-class fishing and hunting. It's a haven for off-road enthusiasts, adrenaline seekers, and anyone who craves adventure on wheels. Enter the world of Louisiana power sports, where exhilarating rides meet stunning landscapes, and the open road (or lack thereof) awaits.
This comprehensive guide will equip you with everything you need to know about diving into the power sports scene in Louisiana. From exploring dealerships stocked with top brands to the thrilling adventures Louisiana offers, this blog is your one-stop shop for getting your motor running.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
1. What kind of power sports vehicles can I find in Louisiana?
Louisiana dealerships boast a diverse selection of power sports vehicles to suit every need and thrill level. Here's a breakdown of the most popular categories:
ATVs (All-Terrain Vehicles): These nimble machines conquer rough terrain, making them ideal for exploring trails, mudding, or tackling farm chores. Popular brands include Can-Am Outlander, Polaris Sportsman, and Yamaha Kodiak.
UTVs (Utility Task Vehicles): These workhorses offer a blend of power, cargo capacity, and passenger seating. Perfect for hauling gear, exploring with friends, or tackling tough jobs, popular UTVs include Can-Am Defender, Polaris Ranger, and Kawasaki Mule.
Motorcycles: Cruise down scenic highways or carve through winding roads with a motorcycle. From touring bikes like Harley-Davidson Road King to sportbikes like Yamaha YZF-R1, Louisiana dealerships cater to a variety of riding styles.
Scooters: These fuel-efficient and easy-to-maneuever two-wheelers are perfect for navigating city streets or short commutes. Popular brands include Vespa and Yamaha Majesty.
Personal Watercraft (PWCs): For water enthusiasts, Louisiana offers a thrilling selection of PWCs, also known as jet skis. Brands like Sea-Doo, Yamaha WaveRunner, and Kawasaki Jet Ski provide exhilarating rides on lakes, rivers, and even the coast.
2. What are some reputable power sports dealerships in Louisiana?
The state boasts numerous dealerships with exceptional service, knowledgeable staff, and a wide range of power sports vehicles. Here are a few highly-regarded options, but it's always recommended to research dealerships in your area:
Lafayette Powersports (Lafayette): A family-owned business since 1975, Lafayette Powersports offers a massive selection of ATVs, UTVs, motorcycles, and marine vehicles across two convenient locations. They carry top brands like Polaris, Can-Am, Yamaha, and Kawasaki. 
New Orleans Power Sports (New Orleans): Serving Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and beyond, New Orleans Power Sports is a one-stop shop for power sports enthusiasts. They stock a wide variety of new and used motorcycles, ATVs, UTVs, scooters, boats, and personal watercraft from leading brands like Can-Am, Polaris, Yamaha, Sea-Doo, and more. 
Louisiana Powersports (Bossier City): Specializing in Can-Am ATVs, UTVs, and roadsters, Louisiana Powersports in Bossier City caters to all types of riders. Whether you're looking for a mud-conquering Can-Am Outlander or a stylish Can-Am Spyder for cruising, they have you covered.
Loewer Powersports (Alexandria): This Alexandria dealership offers a comprehensive selection of power sports vehicles, marine equipment, and outdoor gear. They carry popular brands like Polaris, Yamaha, Kawasaki, and Suzuki, making them a great option for a variety of needs. 
3. Where can I find the best places to ride my power sports vehicle in Louisiana?
Louisiana offers a diverse landscape, from dense forests and rolling hills to sprawling swamps and pristine coastlines. This translates to a wealth of opportunities for off-road adventures. Here are a few suggestions:
Kisatchie National Forest: This vast forest encompasses over 600,000 acres of diverse terrain, with designated ATV and UTV trails perfect for exploring the beauty of Louisiana's woodlands.
Caney Creek Recreation Area: Located near Minden, Caney Creek offers a network of off-road trails for ATVs and UTVs, catering to various skill levels.
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parkerbombshell · 1 year
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