WIBTA if i incorporate an old friend’s oc into my oc’s backstory?
hi!! this is a more lighthearted AITA- i’m basically just gauging proper oc etiquette bc i have no clue if this would be rude.
i (18X) am a d&d player. have been for a long time! i started at 13, with a huge group of my friends. we didn’t get to play much bc there were so many of us, but it was a blast and i ended up loving my character, natphi (a classic tiefling bard) so much that she eventually became a standalone oc for me.
in-game, natphi entered the party alongside her friend, luca (a half-elf ranger), who was played by another one of my friends (18 or 19 X now, 13 at the time). we were baby gays, and natphi and luca had a really fun sort of will-they-or-won’t-they wlw best-friendship. it was a great dynamic, and we both loved drawing them together and discussing them and even rping how they first met over discord. it was a blast, and eventually natphi’s friendship with and pining over luca became an important part of her story and character to me.
however, by this point luca’s player and i were going to different schools and had dropped several friends in that group due to standard teen drama, so it was hard to keep in touch. we stopped talking a couple of years ago with no hard feelings- just a classic drifting apart over time.
natphi is still one of my most beloved ocs (we’ve been through a lot together) and i still daydream about her friendship and such with luca. it gets difficult when i want to draw her in any meaningful way, though. luca isn’t my character, and if i drew her and posted it i would absolutely link back to her creator’s instagram, but it feels really odd to make and post art of the oc of someone you don’t talk to anymore. i can’t go and ask them if they mind, because once again, we haven’t spoken in years.
i’ve been chewing on this dilemma for a bit, but an idea came to me as i started preparing to make natphi a character sheet for a oneshot i’m doing soon: i could make natphi’s relationship with luca a part of her backstory and come up with some tragic separation of them. it would work great with natphi’s current backstory and deepen her character motivations, so there’s no problems there. however, i still feel really iffy using a now-stranger’s character with mine, even if i were to only refer to luca as more of a vague ghost than a full character. part of me feels like i’m “copying” her and just changing bits and pieces so she doesn’t look exactly the same. technically, nobody would actually be able to tell unless i told them, but i’d still feel like an ass for doing it if it’s “cheating,” for lack of a better word. however, i also know i’m a chronic overthinker, so i’m asking all of you instead: would i be TA for this??? i genuinely have no idea. thanks in advance for the input! ^^
What are these acronyms?
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venusdevotea · 6 months
My Tavs!
I've been lurking on BG3 tumblr for a while, but I wanted to finally make a proper post showing off my characters! I've got a couple of campaigns going on, and I'm always looking to make new characters and explore different playstyles and think of fun lore. It's been so awesome to connect with other members of the community too, namely @basketobread's gorgeous mind and OC's, creator our best girl Lunara!
Without further ado, here is my first Tav Tal'riia!
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I had originally named her Karliah after the legendary archer of the nightingales in Skyrim, but then got annoyed that her name was too similar to Karlach's, so I changed it. I usually run rogues or clerics in my irl dnd campaigns, so again she was originally a rogue but then quickly realized Astarion was a rogue too so.... to make more sense having him in my party all the time, I changed her class to ranger and holy hell was that sick as FUCK. I made her strong type at first so she gives off femme himbo vibes (lovable loser rizz) because GOD I missed like half of the content in my first run.
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She is a Seladrine Drow Ranger!! Honestly haven't thought much of her personal lore because I just went for what I thought sounded super awesome to me off rip. I don't have any pictures of her in scene, because I just didn't think to take more tbh and I wasn't super proud of many of my choices and the things I missed in my excitement to finish the game asap to then.... start my next run!
Which brings us to my next two OC's, a re-run of Tal'riia's story and my first Durge Muerta! I... ended up deleting my first campaign and ran a whole do-over, since like I said, I felt increasingly dumb as time went on and after consuming more and more bg3 content online, I realized just how much I had missed in my first campaign.... SO brings us to a re-realized Tal'riia with a different skillset and playstyle. I went for sorcerer/tempest cleric, because I had heard how strong that build was, and with the cheats ring I got from the basket equipment mod, I had a lot of fun playing around. I've got a couple pics of her here:
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Tal'riia 2: Electric Boogaloo Seladrine Drow Sorcerer/Tempest Cleric (I'll post more pics of her when I get back to her story!)
Of course had to also start my first Durge Run, which I chose to go a good route (I'm too nice even in rp to go full evil, but idk, I might try it soon!) and I decided to run an eldrich fighter Durge because I feel fighter makes more sense of a chosen of Bhaal than a sorcerer? But idk that's just me. Here's Muerta!
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I actually have such an unhealthy obsession with her Muerta Half Wood-Elf Eldrich Knight Fighter (Yes the lightning jabber build) Heart of gold, little murder-y at times, but ultimately does resist her Urges. What's a little murder between friends!! Red rum is my drink of choice at a bar! POV: Durge is also casually your bff. Honestly pretty normal. Just don't meet the parents...... or the sister.
I'll share my next campaign in a separate post here. This campaign I'm running based on my dnd character I'm playing in an irl campaign with friends! I made our whole party in the character selection screen, but only moved forward with my character because.... there's only so many unfinished adventures I can have lol.
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nebularanger-art · 1 month
By the way in case you've been following me since my Clone High days and wondering what happened, this is the post.
Why don't I post about Clone High anymore? There's three reasons.
1. Devil May Cry. It's actually funny how you can pinpoint the exact moment I started to switch fandoms, and that was when I decided to make Clone High OCs based on the historical figures Dante and Virgil, but also based on the Devil May Cry characters Dante and Vergil, but specifically based on their reboot versions.
Anyways, yeah, DMC hijacked my mind and it's all I can think about. Same goes for Power Rangers, though to a lesser extent since I have yet to really integrate myself in the fandom itself. And hey, speaking of fandoms,
2. I'm not sugarcoating things: The Clone High fandom is garbage. The sheer amount of pedophile apologists in the community is genuinely concering, especially given how many of the fandom consists of minors. And no, I'm not giving them the luxury of calling them those self-coined terms they use to hide themselves under, I'm saying what they are because that's what they deserve; No amount of "it's just fiction" excuses posting about how "fun" it is to sexualize minors in a fandom FULL OF MINORS, KNOWING MINORS INTERACT WITH YOU.
On the contrary, or maybe as a result, a lot of fandom members have started witch hunts against others left and right for significantly smaller, bordering on nonexistent, issues. I could bring up how rings4casey is a hypocritical piece of shit who thinks harassment is okay as long as you're on "the good side"... oh wait, I already brought it up. Anyways, it didn't also help that around the same time, yet another Clone High Discord server controversy was happening that dealt with a similar topic; I wasn't in the server for it and I only heard secondhand accounts of it so don't ask me about what happened.
Edit: I'm also not gonna let it slide how racist this fandom can be lol. From redesigns that whitewash characters of color to straight up making nazi OCs, this place sucks for my Mexican/American and Jewish ass
The point is that this fandom was just a hostile environment to be in; You can be the shittiest person in the world and get away with it because everyone is busy punishing someone who went only slightly out of line. But to be honest, I think I dipped at a great time, because...
3. The show's dead. It got cancelled uncerimoniously after season 3 ended on a cliffhanger that'll never be resolved. I already lost hope on the show after season 2, and I didn't even bother to stay for season 3 and was only into the fan content, but now the show is dead and the fandom committed mass suicide.
TL;DR: Why should I churn out content for a series I don't like anymore, for a fandom whose five only remaining members are constantly going at each other's throats, and when I could just focus on the series and fandoms I do like making art for and participating in?
Wait, but what about my Clone High OCs and that rewrite project? I liked posting about that, will they just be abandoned now that I've deleted the sideblog made just for them?
HELL FUCKING NO THEY WON'T. I still love my OCs absolutely dearly, and I definitely have plans to revamp my Clone High "rewrite" into an actual proper series. Just don't expect it to be on tumblr because I kinda hated using tumblr to catalogue my OC stuff lol. Instead, check my dedicated Toyhouse folder for my Clone High OCs, and be on the lookout for an entire page to fill you in on the lore of their universe.
Also, I don't actually know if I still want them to be Clone High OCs. On one hand, I don't like the series anymore, but on the other, these characters being clones of historical figures is literally integral to their stories and the premise is just way too good to throw to the bin.
That's my final statement for the Clone High fandom; I still want Phil Lord dead in minceraft.
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manasurge · 1 year
My Characters
Thought I might as well do this since I like how a few of my in-game characters turned out, so here's my roster so far (subtracting a few that are in limbo). Tried to put it in order to most to least used. I'm not one to make my in-game characters as OCs, but I still like to give them a name/aesthetic/theme that matches together (and colour-coordinated) so it sort of seems like they could (also for fashion wars reasons. Name above their respective images below). Also I like giving them singular names. (oh gosh I really hope this automatically shrinks the length of the post bc it's not giving me the "Read More" option >_>') My Main: Vespaura (Mesmer/Mirage). Crystal Bloom/Branded themed. Still waiting for proper crystal aesthetic looks lol (none available in game atm are what I'm looking for). I'm pretty much on her almost all of the time since I'm a ho for Open world and I love GS lasers, clones, portals, and evasion hax (I'm squishy so I need the survivability and sustain, and I tag almost everything, so it works well when doing metas and stuff).
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Mourynn (Necromancer/Scourge) - This is the one I took my OC's name from lol, so it's funny seeing her in game bc I forget sometimes lsjflksf. I Tried to make her look like an infected/toxic/poisonous Awakened Nightmare Courtier Duchess, and the squiggly tentacles are meant to portray turning into the necrotic glider below. I really wanna get her a bunch of Mordy and Zhaitan leggies (one day~)
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Ferahla (Revenant/Renegade) - I actually updated her back piece and colours a bit since this new back piece was released bc it fit her look much more. I tried to make her look gnarly (also this outfit makes her look a bit nakey, but I'm kind of okay with that tbh alsjflskdjf), and I'm trying to match her to the Chuka leggy for whenever I get around to finishing it. Renegade is also one of my favourite specs cuz I like being at ranged and having the support of Kalla and her Lesbian Warband.
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Faihan (Ranger/Soulbeast) - I still adore her look and her name is one of my favourites too. I was sort of going for a pheonix/firebird Hunter (bloodborne) kinda vibe. I couldn't decide between capes so she has one for Power and one for Condi. Also it's tricky to dress for leather armour, so I like how this turned out.
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Vaipaura (Mesmer/Virtuoso) - All my mesmers have similar names bc I think it's funny to headcanon they're just different AUs of each other (not gonna show Chrono here bc she's in Limbo. Her name is Vastaura). I wanted to give Vaipaura a Regal Canthan Noble Madam kinda vibe (also I just love the combo of this outfit and backpiece). She also has Exordium cuz it also matches this look too. However I still heavily prefer playing Mirage bc despite this one being great for DPS and very neat. It's just super squishy with not a lot of survivability/sustain and no clones to distract, and it feels so slow, but regardless it is still fun to play as well (I just miss spamming dodge all the time :( I also miss my clones)
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Mortesque (Necromancer/Reaper) - I'm not 100% sure if this will be the final look for her or not, but I was mostly just trying to match her to Zhaitan's Bite when I finally unlocked it a little while back. As you can tell I really like greatswords (the only 3 leggies I have are GS lol)
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Shroudryss (Thief/Specter) - My newest sapling. I'm stll not 100% sure about the outfit, but it'll do for now. Specter is really fun!! I really like fancy magical mobile classes. I need to play thief way more tbh since it's more of less up my alley (this one will be my first to go to)
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Jadesta (Engineer/Mechanist) - Her name and look are very on the nose. HOWEVER I am proud of the name I gave to her mech: Caladborg (also I really like the Aetherblade look here and at least it's easy/fun to give her stuff for fashion wars)
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Prismysta (Revenant/Herald) - I wanted to make her fit the pretty pearlescent look of Glint's facets, and I did want one light-themed cute character. Also there was just so many pretty pieces that wouldn't work with Vespaura that I thought it'd work well for her!
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Hexirax (Thief/Daredevil) - I still super need to change her name bc it for sure as hell does not suit her at all lmao!! But since I still needed a pink Sylvari, I thought it would be funny to make it my Daredevil (also the weapon worked well for this so I made her Sakura themed. Her outfit is still subject to change if I find something better)
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Vallotash (Guardian/Dragonhunter) - Still not sure what to do with her yet (might switch her elite spec, idk yet), but I'm still super proud of her name and I forgot I made this look on her. I like the colour combo, and I still might keep it (subject for change tho, but I don't hate it)
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omgkalyppso · 10 months
Screenshots of the epilogue. Discussion of Étoile's endgame situation (with still possible changes to be made) and Many Spoilers.
Gale and this oc didn't get along great, so that's my warning for that.
If you open this and it's too long you can press J on desktop to skip it.
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The lighting on the side view of Étoile and Astarion's hug could've been better, but these were both very sweet. Especially since I had to go back and hug Astarion based on seeing a friend's screenshots as I'd had Étoile ask whether he didn't want to go speak with the others. He seemed so standoffish.
I went back even further afterwards and had Étoile go to Avernus with Karlach just to see whether there was an angry reunion in this six months later, but the game registered it as having broken up with Astarion, though he did have much more to say as a friend than as a romantic partner.
And I've heard that in multiplayer that a character can speak with the player character who didn't romance them About their romance so I need to play with someone who will either make two very specific selections while romancing Astarion or who would be fine with me doing so, just so I can someday see what he might have to say.
Halsin walked through a hedge to get here. Étoile's going to fucking produce a handkerchief to dab the dirt from his scars, etc.
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I'd like to think that Shadowheart's cottage is somewhere between Reithwin proper where Isobel and Dame Aylin are based, and Halsin's settlement which extends from Moonrise down to farmland in the valleys where Ketheric's army was camped. I think I'd place Komira and Arabella here too, and it's tempting to relocate Zevlor and Doni but I don't think you'd get Mol (and therefore a number of her kids) out of Baldur's Gate, and I still like the idea of the strained but reliable familial relationship she could have with the fallen Paladin if she needed to lay low from both thugs and the law.
Regardless, that's a lot of people at least a five days walk from Baldur's Gate, and maybe Astarion's quiet with Étoile because he suspects that they'd be staying there if they could, rather than managing his 7000 evil exes the chaos of the vampire spawn, his siblings, the drow and the city; and even if Étoile didn't want that, perhaps Astarion feels that all of their friends think Étoile would be better off in that life, and is a little less secure in facing them about it than he'd care to admit. Or maybe Astarion's quiet because he would rather be living either that or any other selfish life where he wouldn't have to consider what the spawn would be doing without oversight, where he wouldn't have to worry that moving to a wooden home would see it set ablaze around him by adventurous monster hunters who sought to see him in sunlight even at the cost of greatly disturbing all Halsin had built.
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Karlach and Dammon would be in Baldur's Gate because Étoile was able to get her an item blessed with Auril's cold to act as a magical coolant for her heart.
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Wyll and Florrick both heavily implied that Wyll would be Duke Ravengard at the end of Étoile's playthrough but in the epilogue he was once again the Blade of Frontiers, and a ranger. After seeing some screenshots on what was supposed to feature in the epilogue if Wyll became duke, I'm going to ignore whatever the hell happened there and maintain that he became duke. He featured in my plans for how the vampires would cope and govern!
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Lae'zel and her son Xan may even have been my favorite part of the epilogue. They are so important to Étoile; who would drop everything to help for two months or so if Lae'zel asked them to help with her journey, though they'd doubt she'd need them to.
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Gale is in Waterdeep. His relationship to Étoile was strained during the game events and it totally collapses / is held up by niceties only in post-canon. I still picked the hug because I think Étoile would be surprised by how much they missed Gale / how relieved they were to see him alive before the dread of his presence really set in. Gale clipping shoving himself face-first into Étoile's tits and his following line really made this awkward interaction feel authentic, lol.
Étoile wasn't willing to trust Mystra with the Crown of Karsus (and notes that she didn't promise anything with regards to their tadpoles), and signed a pact with Raphael, effectively condemning Gale; but mechanically Gale doesn't acknowledge this after the defeat of the netherbrain, and says he's going to reforge the crown for Mystra. Because of this, I'd either consider him and Étoile having an argument on the docks, or Gale's power being restored by the loss of the tadpole, as Wyll's are lost and Astarion regains a vampire's weaknesses. And Gale could be a level 17-20 wizard, with spell slots enough to cast Hold Monster on Astarion, to cast Time Stop, to cast Teleport, to put himself in the bay where he can retrieve the Crown immediately. Though perhaps he would be more subtle.
Étoile could express confusion and conflicting emotions upon seeing Gale in the epilogue, and at the end of Withers' party, Raphael could show up as he did post-credits, to accuse Étoile of allowing Gale to usurp his Crown, to express his warning that Mystra has now both the Crown and the Orb, and to threaten to make coin of Étoile's soul. I think rather than for a vague notion of "Étoile seeing the consequences of their actions," Raphael might not kill them instantly because he thinks himself patient, and if there's a chance Étoile could still honor their pact in the years they have left to them, that he believes them to be more useful living than as a piece of currency, but if the Crown is the possession of Mystra or another deity by the time their name is written in one of Withers' scrolls, then he would collect their soul as promised.
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Étoile would deck Gale after Raphael left. I don't think they'd forgive each other, but they could probably remain civil in Karlach or Halsin's presence at least.
Raphael was such a stronger enemy for Étoile narratively than Mystra would be, but I'm happy to put that fic concept on the backburner to indulge this since it could give me an excuse to have Raphael around more to bitch instead of to need-to-be-defeated.
Other OC's I'd keep in Étoile's worldstate are Borgakh - a resident of Halsin's settlement, Upton - moved from Baldur's Gate to Waterdeep after their fiance died during the mindflayer madness, Uleri - a librarian in Baldur's Gate entangled in politics, and Yar'sul - a ranking githyanki sworn to the cause of the Comet.
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buffporcupine · 1 year
*pulls a folding chair out of handbag* please tell me about your ocs
Ooh, my! You’ve made a mistake. <3 No, really, thank you sooo much for these asks, I love them to bits. Send more of these asks.
Anyway, it’s infodumping o’ clock.
TWs for death mentions, abuse, whatever tragic backstory shit I’ll have to mention.
So, I recently made a post about Kiyomi, which is one of my favorite OCs that I have, but now I gotta talk about my other OCs that I have. I have at least 100 little blorbo OCs, they have been plaguing my mind. Also, I have like a grand total of 12 human OCs 😭.
I’ll just make this post into pieces, and each piece with be a few paragraphs about one OC. Some are from the same universe, some are not.
013 is one of my more recently made OCs. She’s another one of my favorites, too. She’s from one of my WIPs, in which the plot is just about her, her best friend, and the adventures they go on. She’s also like, very sickly and small, she’s definitely one of those Always Sick (tm) kids. Her various sicknesses and chronic ailments were what caused her eventual death. She was fascinated by the stars, and the beauty of the night sky. She’d usually get her best friend, Victor, to lend her his telescope or teach her more about the other planets and galaxies. She said when she grew up, she wanted to be an astronaut. She spent lots of time studying space, and she really did want to see the stars in person. She died when she was a teenager. Victor lived to an old age, without her. Anyway, she’s just a cute OC. Ray of sunshine and everything. I hated writing the scene of her death, ugh. Below is a sketch of her.
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She’s my bby for sure.
Mary-Anne Taylor.
This OC is from a totally different universe from Victor and 013. She lived around the 1980s and 1890s, and died to sickness. Now, she is a ghost who possesses a glass doll. The glass doll is similar to her in looks, and that is why she chose it. She was a child when she died, so she still likes learning new things and playing outside. She had a little sister that she loved to play with and take care of. I mainly use this OC for rps, where I have her ask the other character about what special things have happened since her death. Very cute overall. I don’t actually have any concepts for her design…? She loves to catch bugs and run in the mud, she had no care for what “being proper” meant. She’s just a bro.
Yui Barkes.
Yui is just this emo girl who wears lots of eyeliner and hides the lower half of her face under a vintage gas mask? The gas mask, though, is only half there for aesthetics, as she has this kuchisake-onna style smile scar going across her face. It’s very bloody and unsettling, and it’s unknown as to how she got the scar. It makes her look badass, even if she is insecure about it. She’s a guitarist for a grunge band, and she writes most of the band’s music. Her girlfriend is in the band as well. She’s a very cool character and she sounds like the sort of person anyone would want to be friends with. I have her made in GC but I won’t bestow that horror upon you.
Magic Jack.
This lil’ guy is an OC I made as a joke, after keysmashing on a Chinese keyboard and accidentally texting my friend about an explorerer named Magic Jack destined to penetrate a barrier into a Forbidden City. I have no clue what it was about, but now le Magic Jack has a design, and he is a gay icon.
Ven Omause.
This OC was meant to be a YTTD OC, but now she’s detached from that and part of her own original story. She’s based on the YTTD dolls in the sense of her name meaning something weird and sinister or just being a misspelling of a phrase to look like a name. E.g. Tia Safalin, Sue Miley, Rio Ranger… Ven is based off the motif of snakes, snake powers, snake obsession, snake everything. She even has her tongue pierced so it looks reptillian. Her whole shtick is that she’s a serial killer with DID, one personality being an innocent high school student and one personality being a snake obssessed serial killer.
~~~ Anyway, there’s the end of the infodump.
I didn’t know which OC to infodump about, so I did a handful of them. Which is the most interesting? Which should I talk about more?
Thanks if you read this, BTW.
Thank you for the ask, please send more like it!!
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bardicbeetle · 1 year
odd OC asks!
Moira: 🍋 (What is your OC's most painful memory?)
Jesse: 🍹(Does your OC have any funny anecdotes told about them?)
@flyingbananasaur Fuck it you're getting these like I'm running a roleplay blog because I feel like writing in character.
"Funny ones? God, maybe? Ninety percent of them are depressing as hell, gimme a minute..."
It's not, in fact, a minute.
You probably sit alone at the kitchen table for a good half hour until Moira comes through the front door and sees you there. That's fine, you've got a question for her too.
She makes you a cup of tea (it smells like citrus and...maybe rose? Not quite, a little lighter than that. it's a definitely floral but you can't place it. There is probably an alarming amount of honey in it.) and one for herself (whatever is in her mug smells like cinnamon and smoke, you can't taste it, but you did see her heap just as much honey into it as yours) before joining you at the table with an open sketchbook and a handful of pens.
You ask and she wrinkles her nose a bit.
"Uhhh... I mean, I try not to dwell on that shit. Daniel is the curse my past mistakes, oh what a fool I've been flavor, I'm more the hindsight-is-pointless-keep-moving-forward variety." Despite the words, she shifts a little uncomfortably, letting the sketchbook drop from where it's propped in one hand to flat on the table.
"I guess probably the day I left home. Not in like the sense that it hurt to be there, or it hurt to leave the place itself--but it's hard to think about the fact that it was the last time I saw my family. That it was the last time they saw me and it wasn't even me they were seeing. I dunno, it sucks to think that they've still got an image of me in their memory that isn't anything close to who I am." She smiles a little then, discomfort fading. "I guess that gives you an answer. I'm not much of a stick-around-the-hurting kinda person. I've got too much ahead of me to enjoy to bother with giving much attention or energy to the stuff that sucked."
"I thought of one--" Jesse is back, "--like I said, most of the memorable things are pretty depressing--" Moira suppresses a laugh that gets one of her own pens thrown at her. "--shut up. I--
"--spent the first six solid months of college taking ice cold showers because you thought there was no hot water--purely because there was no separate hot tap. Rich boy problems." Moira sighs dramatically, pretending to faint against the table.
The next pen Jesse throws lands directly in her mug, prompting her to pull the remainder of them into her lap. "Rude." Jesse grumbles, though it's not hostile in the slightest and he's still got a grin splitting his face. "Anyways. We had a proper bounty hunter show up once for one of the--Moira they already know--anyway--Avery, really truly looked like a fucking Texas ranger kinda guy, showed up on a horse. I think we had him convinced the whole household was possessed--" The more Jesse talks, the more evident it becomes that this is not somebody capable of telling a succinct story, at least, not verbally. "It was pretty clear he wasn't going to just, leave, so eventually we talked him into staying to get a death certificate so he could get paid, I got him to let my nieces ride his horse--although to be fair I think Jamie would have found some way to do it regardless of if she got permission--and I actually kept contact with him after he left."
Moira frowns slightly at that. "I didn't know you still heard from Avery."
"Yeah, he wanted help picking off the guys who left him in the desert, including his ex, who was a massive asshole." Jesse looks back over to you, smile soft and a bit apologetic. "I know that wasn't particularly funny, sorry, I'm a little empty on funny."
"You could have picked any of the times you met the other three people who live here, which--as a reminder--include: Immediately offering to fuck Daniel after knowing him for approximately ten minutes, handing me the bullet I used to shoot my old boss and promising me it would look accidental, and basically begging Alex to let you adopt them after--surprisingly long for you--a whole hour." Moira counts these off on her fingers as she speaks, a look caught halfway between confusion and amusement on her face.
Jesse just shrugs, "Pretty sure those are all common knowledge--and if not, now they get them as a bonus from you."
Goodnight, Quinn
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Ranger Gathering 2023
Prompt 1: Camp
This Prompt Fic uses an OC I made a long time ago, before I knew about Royal Ranger. If you don’t like reading OC content then this ain’t for you.
The OC in question is named Leanna Harris, Lea for short. Yes she is a female ranger, I made her when I was a teenager and before I discovered DnD to sate my representation needs. If you want a description of Lea or any additional information about her it will be below the cut after the prompt. That being said, enjoy!
Lea kicked dirt into the remains of the small cook fire she used for her breakfast. The sun wasn’t even up yet but she had a long day of riding ahead of her. She was on her way to this year's Ranger Gathering. This gathering marks her first full year as a Ranger and she found herself more excited than ever to arrive. She had never understood why Gilan was always so excited, but now she understood. She hadn’t seen another Ranger in a whole year and aside from the reports she got every week, she had no idea how her friends were doing.
Standing, she walked across her little camp to where her horse, Petal, was grazing happily. The horse's ears flicked at her approach but she did not look up from her contented munching. Lea placed her hands on her hips and looked at her horse.
“You practically grazed this part of the forest clean.” The little horse gave a short snort. “Oh don’t give me that. It’s time to go, finish your breakfast.” The horse raised its neck from where it had been grazing and patiently let Lea tighten the straps of her saddle. Strapping her bag to the saddle, Lea looked over her little camp. “How many of these camps do you think we’ve made and left behind?” Petal shook her mane in response. “Do you suppose other travelers ever use what we leave behind?” 
Lea swung up into the saddle and Petal looked back at her Ranger. “Alright, alright.” Lea urged the horse forward and Petal trotted off towards the road proper. “I know you’re excited to see our friends again.” She looked up through the trees as the quickly brightening sky. “If we hurry, we can make it before midday.” Lea tapped Petal’s flanks as they reached the road and the horse increased her speed to a canter.
The Ranger spared one last look over her shoulder at the bones of the camp they left behind and thought about the countless others she’s left. The memories they held. She smiled as she rode away. The next camp would be good, she decided. The next camp has friends waiting for me.
Leanna Harris
Average height by Ranger standards/ Brown hair usually tied up in a bun or some kind of tail/ Blue eyes
Leanna is around the same age as Will and Horace. Originally from Meric Fief, her first mentor died of a sudden illness in the first year of her apprenticeship. Having no mentor, she was bounced between Gilan and Halt. She and Will got along well and were a good team so usually she would stay in Redmont with Will and Halt. Though when Gilan went on missions, she went with him to get experience. She was on just such a mission with Gilan when Will was kidnapped by Scandians and went with Halt and Horace to rescue him. When she graduated and became a full Ranger she was stationed in her home Fief, Meric.
During her apprenticeship she became especially close with a fellow apprentice, Ansalon Prier. He was apprenticed to his father, a ranger of one of the southern fiefs. Will and Gilan have an active betting pool over who will confess first (Crowley and Halt do as well, but it's a secret). Lea insists that a relationship with another Ranger is unprofessional and Ansalon denies any feelings all together.
Lea has all the skills any typical Ranger has. She trained with Will to perfect a jongleur persona and is a wonderful dancer. She also has a knack for estimating times and has a better than average internal clock.
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timbrrwolfe · 17 days
Ok, as promised I'll do a quick list with summaries of each character build I have in mind to at least try in BG3.
Established characters
Rachel from Animorphs
Basically the idea is that she got plucked from the ending of the series (iykyk) and landed on the nautiloid, trading one mind controlling slug enemy for another. I just feel like there's a lot of meat to dig into mashing Animorphs together with the story of BG3. So much so that I considered and dismissed making her playthrough a Dark Urge one, but honestly? I've been reconsidering that lately. We'll see whenever I end up getting around to playing as her. She'll be a Circle of the Moon Druid, natch. But I may also dip a few levels into Barbarian. Just for flavor.
Harry Dresden of Dresden Files
I just finished reading White Knight, and the iteration somewhere among that and Proven Guilty is the one I've put a build together for so far. Which is only really relevant insofar as that he also gets a small multiclass bump for flavor. Iykyk. Again. I actually specifically jotted down the build ideas for him because I wanted to compare it to where he's at by the time the series ends. Obviously a wizard, and if you've read the books you can imagine what kind of spells he'll be using. Lots of fire. Shield. Some Thunderwave here and there. Probably Gust of Wind. I actually might need to skim what I've already read to get refreshed on all the magic he uses. I waffled about the school for a bit but it'll probably end up being Evocation. If not, then Transmutation. Probably. But Evocation's likely where I'll land.
Alex Verus by Benedict Jacka
This one's actually pretty similar to Dresden. Except British. And he's not much for magic outside of his divination magic (so, naturally, he'll be a Divination School Wizard). Which basically means I'll have to figure out spell choices that are within his limited scope of combat. Stuff like Blur/Haste (because he's technically reacting to things seconds in the future, so he's better at dodging), Fog Cloud (as that's a prepared item he keeps on hand), and I don't even know what else off the top of my head. But once I knock out the library books I have out I'll probably be getting back to this series so hopefully that'll help me figure it out.
Zuko from ATLA
Pretty simple. But maybe surprisingly not Monk. Rather, Fighter or even Ranger, for Two Weapon Fighting so ya boy can have his scimitars. And then probably the rest in Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer (this is what I said it was spoken for in my last post). Because of course. Cheating a bit to mention two other builds that are related. I'll likely do a proper Four Elements Monk playthrough as Korra, rather than Aang. And I'm considering trying to do specifically an Airbender build with mostly monk and maybe a level of Wizard to shore up some Airbender-y abilities that aren't present as Monk. Or just make them Githyanki to take advantage of some racial features for the same purpose. Gotta think on it more.
Jedi/Sith from Star Wars
Gonna put these two together as well since I haven't dug too deep into it. But the Jedi build will likely be Fighter/Cleric, or just Paladin. Dueling fighting style, regardless. Sith will likely be similar, except Warlock over Cleric/Paladin. Or just a different flavor of Cleric or Paladin. Again, I'd have to actually take time to flesh it out more and figure it out.
I think that's about it for established characters, off the top of my head. So onto
Gladiator Pit Wizard
A build I came up with a while back that I don't know if I ever intended to play so much as use for a story that kind of bloomed from it. A couple levels in Fighter, probably more levels in Wizard (Abjuration School, both because the first spell he cast - by accident - was Shield, and because as a battle mage having extra shielding is generally a smart move.) Basically the plan is for him to be fairly tanky while still being able to deal a good amount of damage. Might also be some spice thrown in the build here or there, tied to the story I may or may not ever write. Maybe a dip into a level of another class. Or a cute feat choice. We'll see.
Pseudo Vampire
As far as I know you can't make a vampire in BG3. At least not without mods (which I don't really intend to get into until I'm bored with the vanilla game. Which. Could be a while.) So instead, when I had a dream featuring a vampire that I then wanted to make in the game, I looked into what I could do about it. The answer, it turns out, was a School of Necromancy Wizard. And some levels in Ranger. Either Beastmaster for some familiar summoning, or Gloomstalker for some shadowy stealth shenanigans. Probably the latter, since I can just use Find Familiar anyway unless I want a Wolf or something. And shadowy shenanigans are about the right level of drama for her. Because she's the first evil character I have in mind (an itch that I've had more as I've done my current playthrough). Though her particular brand of evil is more megalomania "I'm the best and the world is my playground and everybody is my toy. And if some toys break, oh well."
Jaded Tiefling
I'm actually not sure what the build is gonna be here. Probably yet another melee + magic multiclass. The idea behind this character is she ran into trouble as a child due to prejudice/fear/hatred based on the fact that she looked like a demon. Nobody came to her aid and nobody helped her. So she had to help herself. Because of that, her mindset is now of the "if you're not strong enough to save yourself, then perish" variety. So she'll likely be another evil one, in that she won't be saving anyone, just looking out for herself. Of course there's a situation very early in the game that is a bit of a dilemma between her credo and her history, so that'll be interesting to sort out with her. Obviously still gotta hash this one out a bunch. She basically came into existence when I was like "Ok but /who/ would I do an evil playthrough with" when the itch started for that.
He's a Barbarian. He's a Bard. He's a bardbarian. Half-orc whose tribe figured out how to use magic to bolster their martial prowess. He uses a drum and probably sings in some capacity. Also uses a club or some other blunt weapon both to fight and to beat his drum to call up the magic.
The Halberd Soldier
This one is actually a character I made for a campaign that I played about half a session of once many years ago. (I was very bad about getting dragged into a session by my cousin, taking forever to build a character, and then maybe playing one day and then never returning for that campaign). Basically all three of us were soldiers in some army and I don't even remember what the story was supposed to be. So all I have as far as defining characteristics for her are like. Uses polearms Violently protective of other women ... And honestly that's about it. Obviously gonna start her as a fighter, but the goal is to get the Polearm Master feat and maybe pick up some levels in Paladin or something for extra damage. That said she's very much on the backburner until that feat is actually fixed from its current bugged state in BG3 (unless they fixed it in the latest patch, I didn't look too closely).
It Me
Once upon a time I took an inventory to determine what I would be in DnD. Unsurprising, based on the whole Christian upbringing thing (a rocky relationship but still one I hold to) I scored Cleric the most overall. Then some friends also took the inventory. And then we did a one shot. And then another, like a year or two later. I ended up going with Light Domain over Life Domain because it felt a bit more fitting. Also because AoE Fire and Radiant damage. But that one shot was at like level 6, and I also scored pretty high in Druid, with a couple classes tying for third, so I might do a little multiclass if I make this one in BG3
And then there's
The Incredibly Basic Ideas
which is basically just
Storm Surge (Storm Sorc/Cleric nutty lightning damage build)
Transmutation Wizard
Beastmaster Ranger
Some kind of build that's all about shoving enemies around and maybe having setups that do bonus damage from that
Amoral Merc who will basically throw in with the highest bidder, as another flavor of a likely evil playthrough.
Probably a couple monks
Probably a couple bards
and other sort of more generic ideas that I haven't gotten any further than that with.
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unmecha · 2 years
In contrast to Jack, here’s a girl a with a very specific role to play. The rain-specialist plumbing the depths for answers is known only as--
Vanessa (she/her)
Types: Water/Electric/Psychic
Games: Desolation
Home region: Tellius
Frankly if you’re at all familiar with TMA she’s a rain specialist being hunted by the Vast and that’s it that’s the character BUT if you want more then—
Vanessa began the story of Desolation as a pleasant but awkward young woman with a fondness for diving, ready to ride a cruise ship to Celia City for a vacation with her friends! Then the ship exploded. Good news: she survived! Bad news: she saw Something in the depths, and more importantly, Something saw her. Now all her dreams are of the deep. Tragic! Her quest is to use the ubiquitous Dream Nonsense of Desolation’s main plot to try and figure out what exactly her own dreams mean. Top Ten Facts Man Was Not Mean To Know: Number Five Will Drive You Mad!
Appearance-wise, Vanessa is a haggered-looking young woman with messy dark blue hair. She started the story expecting the chance to go diving that day, so she was wearing a wetsuit and water shoes under some light clothes, but the wear and tear of getting exploded and having to trudge through wilderness to get back to civilization has left everything pretty ragged. She got new clothes in Celeste City after meeting and working with the Ranger’s guild, but her dreams haven’t changed and she hasn’t yet gotten a good night’s sleep because of them.
Vanessa is a water specialist, but she specifically avoids the more “swampy” mons that Annabelle loves. I suppose that makes them rivals? They’re both involved with the occult, one by choice as a witch and one by circumstance, and in a similar way Vanessa is repeatedly forced into the kind of dirty, difficult, and dangerous circumstances that Annabelle confidently throws herself into.
She’s a rain specialist by trade, and Desolation really supports that playstyle, with Politoed being accessible before the third gym! Her naming scheme is Bloodborne bosses. Her beach starter is Paarl the Electrike and her proper starter is Orphan Kos the Froakie, and the two of those serve her well as aces, using the raw power of perfectly accurate Mega Manectric thunders and the adaptability of Protean Greninja to rip through even the most difficult challenges.
Alright, so that wraps up all my reborn-alike OCs! Five OCs for three games is a pretty reasonable and normal number. I’m so glad there’s not another fangame that’s been printing blorbos in my head as I obsess over the incredible number of mon reworks and outright new mechanics, and that’s caused me to get really invested in a frankly fucking depressing, probably kinda problematic plot and region. It would be really horrible if that happened.
Where’s Tellius? Don’t ask. We can’t go back to Tellius. We can NEVER GO BACK T------
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dorkousloris · 2 years
you know imma ramble about my old pkmn ocs since theres a possiblity that i might draw some content of them, but i also will not stop making a pkmn au with my polyship shhh once i get that game.
anyway, since i have revamped my ocs now that im geninuely older sgnsdgnsdg
rissa darrell (she/they), helga holtzer (she/her, doesn't mind all pronouns), rachel santos (they/them)
okay... now imma put a readmore bc im. they're ocs i had from waaaay back in 2013-2014???? so im just. its been a while since i talked about them and its probably long by the time i posted this sgmsdmg
Rissa Darrell, 27 years old, Bisexual, and uses she/they!
Rissa was born in Sinnoh and moves to Kalos when she was a teenager, and now travels with her wife.
Rissa is the daughter of two retired Pokemon Rangers, and growing up, she was gifted by her father, a fossil from Kalos-- who would later to be Tyrant, her little Tyrunt (that went on to be her longtime pokemon partner as a tyrantrum years later). She had beaten Kalos, Kantos and Hoenn Leagues the past decade.
Today, Rissa is traveling (or in her own words, tagging along) with Helga, her wife of two years, who is on her traveling journalist job and doesn't bother by it because it meant she get to explore with her wife and she dabbles in racing competitions with Tyrant, having been titled 'The Dino Rider' in the past. Better than being called a ex-champion, really. Still, it doesn't stop her to still try other leagues while she's there however!
Helga Hotlzer, 28 years old, Bisexual, and she/her but doesn't mind having all pronouns. She doesn't really care for gender.
Helga was born in Sinnoh, but after a awful incident that forces her family to go back to her mother's family region-- Galar. She had only beaten one league and that was Galar. It was... what makes her realized she's really not up to the type of battling through kind of challenges.
It had lead Helga to discover writing, and had became a journalist, specialized in places that had been happening in current news. It also lead her to Kalos where she was surprised to see her former childhood friend, Rissa. Let's just say, there was a lot of trying to be friends, finally talked about the incident and soon became proper friends.
But we all knew these two ended up together, and two years later, they're married.
Today, being a traveling journalist allows Helga to travel to regions, whenever she pleases as long as it is a current topic or whatever so. Sometimes, she do interview people. But the best part of her job? Her wife comes along with her and that's all Helga ever wanted.
Fun facts: - Rissa's original name is Lorissa. Yes, that is the OC who I have claimed "Lori" part of it, thanks to good people that made me realized I love that name more than ever. - There was a old design of Rissa that I actually want to carry over, that old design is now the design of Rissa's mom! - Rissa did had a crush on a boy, and had dated a few people in her past, before reuniting with Helga. Helga, on the other hand, just doesn't bother with relationships despite she does fancy people, but dating wasn't in her mind at that time.
Rachel Santos, 25 years old, they/them and nonbinary!
Rachel was born in Unova, and growing up, they were... expected by their parents. It frustrated Rachel to a point they almost run away, and as much as they had grow up in Castelia City, they did get lost. But what they discovered was... street dancing. That ignited a passion in Rachel to be a dancer. Long short story? Rachel got a title called 'Dancing Prince' which by the way, had lead them to realize they're nonbinary and finally embraced their androgynous appearance, and is actually more happier that way!
Today, Rachel had recently beaten Unova League, and Sinnoh League the past two years. Although they could've travel to any of the other regions to battle more leagues, they decided to actually travel for more dancing styles, as well as still battle whenever they want to. Because they're traveling, Rachel brought Petra-- their watchog is rather large for a watchog, and Howard, their long-time companion from the day she was born, and who stubbornly never evolved after evolving as a herdier-- which is probably why he have a everstone. He still battles for Rachel, however.
Fun Facts: - Before Anita (a oc of mine!), Rachel was my peak for oc design and for being relatable back in the day. So I guess, since now that I'm trans and nonbinary, I just. simply slaps Rachel to be trans and nonbinary because why not - Rachel is a lesbian, and they are very sweet but. Goodness, they're always on the move so relationships hadn't... come to their mind. Yet.
annnnd now that's all my ramblings of old pkmn OCs that i had revamped recently smdgMGMSDMG
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pondsocs · 4 years
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Halloween Challenge 2020  — Day Five: Power Rangers AU
Part 1 ||  Part 2
Cordelia Stark  — Red Ranger
Cassiopea Bloom  — Yellow Ranger
Sebastian Griera  — Black Ranger
Sophie Kean  — Blue Ranger
Tag list: @ocfairygodmother @abbysarcane @villanele @stareyedplanet @butcherofblackwater @randomfandoming1  @perfectlystiles  @myocmultiverse
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kelpiebara · 2 years
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Didn’t fix *everything* about her bc I didn’t want to repaint the cloak, but here is a significantly improved Tseri! 2 yrs post going back to illustrating, I’ve changed the way I do things a LOT and understand anatomy better? Surprisingly? I need to study it way more.
I wish I’d included her pet spider, Tiny. A cute lil guy. Might add him to her hand at some point.
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darth-feanor-writes · 2 years
Sword and Arrow: Chapter 6
All Chapters
Fandom: the Lord of the Rings
Pairings: Aragorn/Boromir, Aragorn/Female OC
Chapter summary: Naturally, sword lessons with the hobbits leads to betting.
Warnings: mention of various weapons
Words: 3.2k
Chapters: 6/?
"You want me to do what?" Aragorn asked again.
"I want you to teach me how to use a sword." Beruthiel had shown up to the sandy-floored training ground lugging a sheathed sword. She'd practiced and practiced with her new bow for two weeks, but she still thought something was missing. "When we're out there somewhere" -she waved at the valley- "I never know when I might run out of arrows. When we're on Ranger missions, we have a horse with lots of spare arrows, but we're not going to have it like that now, and I might run out of arrows, so I want a weapon I can rely on, but the throwing knife is really easy to lose in a melee fight, and the saxe doesn't have a long reach-" She paused for a breath. "I want to learn how to use a sword."
"I don't know..." Aragorn said, hands on his hips. "It takes a long time to learn how to master the sword."
"Well, then don't teach me to master the sword," Beruthiel answered. "Just teach me how to, you know, hold it, swing it, kill something, not cut my feet off... I don't want to be able to beat a knight in a duel or something, I want to be able to defend myself when I run out of arrows."
Aragorn studied her. She looked serious. "And you'll do everything I tell you to do?"
She shrugged. "Within reason. I'll do any exercise you tell me to do, but I'm not giving you my coffee for a month or anything." Her friend sighed and looked up at the sky.
"My plans have been thwarted," he said to whoever was listening. Beruthiel smothered a laugh. "All right, I'll teach you. But hold on, let me get the hobbits first."
"The hobbits?" she asked suspiciously. "Are you going to make me juggle them or something?"
"I- what?!" Aragorn spluttered. "Ruth, you're very weird sometimes."
"I get it from you," she said easily. "I was very well-thought-of before you came along." Aragorn raised his eyebrows. "Okay, maybe not that well thought of," she amended. "But what do you need the hobbits for, now?"
"I was thinking that I would teach them to use a sword as well," he said. "Iluvatar knows they'll need it." Beruthiel nodded.
A few minutes later, Aragorn came back to the training ground, the four hobbits following him like little ducklings. "I've brought the sacrifices," Aragorn said in a grim voice. The hobbits, already nervous from the dark ranger summoning them, jumped back in fright.
"Aragorn," Beruthiel scolded him. He grinned at her in an apparent change of mood.
"I couldn't resist," he said. She rolled her eyes.
"Don't listen to anything Aragorn tells you," she told the four hobbits. "He's an old busybody." She elbowed him in the ribs. "Now, are you going to teach us?"
"Teach us what?" Frodo carefully asked. "What are you going to teach us?"
"How to make a proper sacrifice to the Valar, of course," the Ranger replied.
"Ahem. Sorry. You need to know how to use a sword," Aragorn told them. "It's a dangerous world out there, and we won't always be there to protect you." He gestured at Beruthiel and himself. "You need to know how to defend yourself. So, do you have blades?" The hobbits nodded their agreement. "Let me see."
Frodo went first, handing Aragorn the short sword he wore around his waist. "It's called Sting," he told the older man. "It's Bilbo's sword." Aragorn nodded, drawing it out of the leather scabbard. The sword had a leaf-shaped blade and a leather-wrapped grip. It looked tiny in the Ranger's hand, but for a hobbit, it was large enough to wield double-handed.
"A very good blade," Aragorn said approvingly. "Elvish." He sheathed the sword and handed it to Frodo. Aragorn noticed with satisfaction that Frodo knew how to wear the sword correctly- Bilbo had taught him earlier. "Now, let's see yours." He motioned to the rest of the hobbits. They clumsily took out their own blades- Pippin with more grace than Merry and Sam.
Aragorn inspected each of the swords in turn. He thought he recognized the style- it was of the old kingdom, Arnor before it fell. "These were forged a long time ago," he muttered to himself as he turned the blade over in his hands. "Made to fight creatures of the Dark." He looked up. "Where did you get these?"
"From the Barrows, we did, Mister Strider," Sam said. Aragorn cocked an eyebrow. Sam proceeded to explain what had happened- they had met a man named Tom Bombadil in the Old Forest, then had been taken by a Barrow-wight later on. Old Bombadil had rescued them and given each of them a dagger. Aragorn nodded at the name Tom Bombadil; he had heard of the man but never met him.
"Now, Beruthiel doesn't have a sword," Aragorn told the hobbits after giving their swords back. "So we're going to get her one."
"So, Beruthiel, can you tell me what's wrong with this sword?" Aragorn asked, pointing to a sword he'd unsheathed. It looked positively ancient.
Beruthiel looked at him as if saying, Are you kidding me? "...It's bent," she said. "Aragorn, I may not be a swordsman, but I am not stupid." He grinned at her.
"Just making sure." He dodged her punch to the shoulder and beckoned to her. Beruthiel mock-glared at him and followed him to a rack of swords.
"But what's wrong with the sword I brought?" asked Beruthiel.
"It's too heavy," Aragorn said over his shoulder. "You can lift it, but can you swing it in battle?"
"Ah. That makes sense."
"I always do. Now come over here." Aragorn beckoned to her. Beruthiel raised an eyebrow and followed him. He held up a sheathed sword and handed it to her. Taking it, she saw that it was heavy. Once she unsheathed it, all the weight went away. The sword was very plain, with a simple flat crossguard and a conical pommel. The hilt was wrapped in dark leather, stained by the previous owner's use. She didn't want to think about whether it was blood or just sweat. The blade of the sword was long and thin, with a groove down the center to reduce the weight without sacrificing length. "How is it?" Aragorn asked. She gave it an experimental swing.
"It's well balanced," she said. She didn't know anything about swords, but they seemed close enough to knives. This would be a good knife.
Aragorn nodded. "Good. Now let's get out there with the hobbits." He turned back to her. "I'm assuming you know how to clip the scabbard to your belt?"
Beruthiel rolled her eyes, threading her belt through the loops in the scabbard made for that purpose. "Again, I'm not stupid."
"We can get you a baldric if you want," he said thoughtfully, walking backward while facing her. "That might be easier.
"No," she said, shaking her head. "I have the knives too, remember? Plus I don't think you can mount a quiver on a baldric."
"Good point. I should probably get myself one, though."
Beruthiel looked at him in surprise. "What about your bow?"
"I'm planning on leaving it behind," he said. "You and Legolas are good enough on your own, I don't think we need a third archer. A third swordsman will be all for the better, though. I've heard about how good Boromir is, but Gandalf is, well..."
"Old," Beruthiel supplied with a hint of a grin.
"Yes, old. And I think most of the fighting we do will be hand-to-hand melee fighting. Better to have more people in the battle than providing support."
Beruthiel nodded. "That's a good idea. But you should consider taking a hunting bow, just in case. My arrows will destroy a small animal if we need to hunt."
"Yes, that's a good idea."
"I'm full of them."
Beruthiel and the four hobbits stood lined up in front of Aragorn. "I suppose you know how to draw your swords?" he asked. All five of them nodded with a range of confidence. "Go on. One at a time, Beruthiel first." Beruthiel carefully drew her sword with the usual shrrinng of leather on metal. Aragorn nodded with approval. Frodo was next. He drew the leaf-shaped blade with success, holding it correctly. Sam fumbled with his blade after drawing, nearly dropping it, but recovered it and refrained from cutting his feet off. We'll need some work there, Aragorn thought. Merry and Pippin were rather good with it, the latter being the best among the hobbits.
"Alright," Aragorn began with a small smile. "Lesson one: pointy end goes in the other person." All five of them groaned. "Seriously, you have no idea how many people accidentally hit themselves." He eyed the five standing in front of him. "Now, since all of you are beginners, I'll begin with the defensive. There are two ways to block a hit. Can anyone tell me the first?"
Surprisingly, it was Merry who answered first. "Parry," he said.
Aragorn nodded. "That's right. Beruthiel, can you swing at me, overhead?" Beruthiel stepped forward uncertainly. "That's all right, you won't hurt me."
Beruthiel swung overhead at Aragorn with one of the wooden wasters that they were practicing with. He brought his own up and held her 'sword' there. "That's a parry," he told the hobbits. "That's when you block a blow." They nodded. "I want you four to pair off and practice that, taking turns. Beruthiel, you're with me." Beruthiel swallowed. She'd seen Aragorn in battle, and he was absolutely ferocious.
"Not you two!" he said sharply. The hobbits had paired up- Merry and Pippin, and Frodo and Sam. He separated the two pairs and assigned Pippin to Sam and Merry to Frodo. "So you don't go easy on him," he said, pointing to Sam and Frodo. "And you two don't mess around." Merry and Pippin gave each other a crestfallen look, then the pairs began quarreling over who got to strike first. Aragorn moved to stop them, then sighed.
"Those two," he said to Beruthiel as he approached her. She grinned. "You first," he said. She nodded and brought her sword up and over. He blocked it easily. "Good. Now my turn." Beruthiel had barely gotten her sword up before his own came down. She grunted with the effort of pushing him back. All of a sudden, Aragorn whipped his sword to the side, sending her crashing forward. Beruthiel barely regained her balance in time. "Lesson number two," Aragorn said. "Never lose your balance." Beruthiel nodded. She bent over as if to catch her breath, then suddenly struck, which Aragorn blocked. Aragorn grinned at her. "Good," he said. "You're learning. You never win a battle by playing fair."
After a few turns, Aragorn called the hobbits back. "Now, the next method of blocking isn't so much blocking as deflecting," he explained. "Beruthiel?"
"I'm your guinea pig, aren't I?" she muttered, stepping forward.
"Yes, you are."
Beruthiel brought the wooden sword up and over in an arc to meet Aragorn's, but instead of blocking it, he tilted his sword to the side to let hers go sliding past. Beruthiel staggered, trying to regain her balance. Meanwhile, Aragorn brought his sword around in a neat arc and mimed slicing her in the back. "Woah," Pippin said once they were done. "That's cool!"
"It is," Aragorn agreed. "It's better than blocking because to block, you need to be stronger than your opponent, which you won't be." He gestured to the hobbits. "No offense. With deflecting, you're using your opponent's weight against them. That's Lesson Number Two: use their weaknesses against them."
"I thought Lesson Number Two was to never lose your balance," Beruthiel put in.
"Fine," Aragorn said with a sigh, raising his eyes to heaven. "Lesson Number Three: use their weakness against them. Now, I want you to practice that for a few turns."
By the end of the day, they'd made good progress, having moved on to the offensive side of things. The five students were very sweaty, very sore, and very pleased with themselves. Aragorn had noticed that Merry and Pippin were naturals with the blade, and while Beruthiel and Frodo didn't show the same adeptness, they more than made up for it with eagerness to learn. Sam, however, didn't particularly want to learn, but he was putting in a good effort.
Aragorn stretched, rolling his shoulders, and began a sweeping sword drill. It had been too long since he really practiced.
Beruthiel and the four hobbits sat in the shade near the practice ground with Legolas, Gimli, and Gandalf. Boromir and Aragorn were beginning their next bout nearby.
"Ten shillings on Boromir!" Pippin said excitedly, digging the money out of his pockets. How he still had it, Beruthiel had no idea.
"Same here," Merry added. The two hobbits were very taken with the Gondorian warrior and looked up to him- figuratively and literally. Frodo eyed the money and shrugged.
"Fifteen shillings," Frodo said. Sam shrugged, he'd lost his wallet long ago.
"Hmm." Beruthiel took a coin out of her pocket. "A Castar on Aragorn." She'd seen how well he could fight. She set the small silver coin on the grass.
"Fine," Legolas said. "A Celeban on Aragorn." He set a larger silver coin beside Beruthiel and grinned at her. "They're underestimating him, aren't they?"
"A gold kharaz on Boromir," Gimli said firmly. He threw a heavy gold coin beside Legolas'. Beruthiel regarded the mix of Elvish, Dwarvish, Hobbit, and Gondorian currency with confusion.
"What's the exchange rate again?" she asked despairingly. All shrugged, even Legolas.
"You lot are taking bets on us?" Boromir asked with disbelief. He shook his head.
"Go on," Beruthiel said, grinning. "I need the money." Aragorn shook his head and turned back to Boromir.
"You better have bet on me," he threw over his shoulder and assumed the 'ready' position.
Beruthiel watched, fascinated, as the two began their dance of steel. Both men had taken off their shirts many bouts ago, and she found it hard not to stare at their bare chests, especially Aragorn's. Legolas nudged her and smirked. She quickly tore her eyes away and whipped around. "What?!" she demanded.
"I'll just pretend that I didn't see you staring at Estel," the elf said with a small smile. "Handsome as he is."
"I- I wasn't staring at him!" Beruthiel answered. "I was... inspecting his technique. I'm trying to learn the sword."
"Learn the sword?" Legolas asked with raised eyebrows. "I'd say that Estel is having you work on drills, jabs and parrys, that stuff?"
"He's taught us how to deflect too, so the opponent loses his balance," Beruthiel said defensively. "And more, he's taught us how to keep footwork good."
Legolas shook his head. "Pshaw, I'll show you what real swordsmanship is like after these two are done." He nodded towards Aragorn and Boromir.
The two men fought back and forth, from one end of the practice ground to the other. Beruthiel had to admire the differences between Boromir and Aragorn's fighting styles- while Boromir used the hack-and-slash method, Aragorn preferred grand, sweeping strokes. Both were very effective, but soon enough, Aragorn had disarmed Boromir and had his waster at the other man's throat.
"That's four to three for me," Aragorn announced with a grin. "I win." Boromir grumbled something about Dúnedain giants but stepped back a pace and bowed to Aragorn, who did likewise. Aragorn set his waster aside and approached the group on the grass just after Boromir did.
"Who bet for me?" Boromir asked with a smile. All four hobbits, and Gimli, raised their hands. Aragorn studied the group.
"Glad to see that so many of you had confidence in me," he said.
Legolas shrugged. "It's the people that matter that believe in you," he said with a pointed look towards Beruthiel, who elbowed him in the ribs. "Ow," he complained, rubbing his side. "What happened to me being a prince?"
"I.. er, Your Highness," Beruthiel began uncertainly.
"It all goes flying out the window when you make comments like those," Aragorn said drily.
"That reminds me," Legolas said, standing up. "Care for a bout, Estel?"
"Valar help me," Aragorn groaned, but followed the elf on the sandy area. Legolas was testing the wooden wasters, finally selecting one. "Can someone start the round?" the Ranger added, looking around.
"On it," Beruthiel replied, springing to her feet. She'd seen how this worked, and it didn't require too much skill. She moved so she stood between Aragorn and Legolas and off to the side, so as to not get caught in the middle of their duel. "Participants bow," she called out. Both of them bowed from the waist while not taking their eyes off their opponents' eyes. "Swords up." Both assumed the ready position. "Begin!" And they did. Legolas struck like lightning, but Aragorn was there to deflect it. Studying the flurry of fighting, Beruthiel noted that both of them were wielding the sword with their left hand.
The hobbits were also watching keenly. Merry and Pippin were cheering whenever Legolas struck a blow, while Sam was chanting "Strider, Strider". Frodo remained silent, but Beruthiel saw his eyes darting to the fencers' hands, their feet, their posture. He was a fast learner, she thought. Gandalf was still sitting leaning against the low stone wall, smoking his pipe. He had gone a few bouts against Beruthiel, and she now knew that he was much, much faster than he looked, but nowhere as good as Aragorn, Legolas, or Boromir.
Reaching a break, both resorted to circling each other. Aragorn grinned and tossed his sword to the other hand. Legolas had obviously been expecting it, because he just smiled and fell upon the man, battering at his defenses. Slowly, Aragorn began to give ground. Only a step at first, but Legolas forced him another few paces, then another five. Soon enough, Legolas had Aragorn's back to a wall. Aragorn, his movements now limited, began to look for another option, but found none.
Finally, with a twist of his wrist, Legolas disarmed Aragorn and brought his sword to his opponent's neck. "Yield," Aragorn panted. "I yield." Legolas smiled and stepped back, allowing Aragorn some room. "Participants bow," Beruthiel called again. They did so, then Legolas clasped his friend's hand and patted him on the back.
"You've gotten much better than last time," he told him. Turning to Beruthiel, he said, "I would've flipped him onto his back, but I felt that I had embarrassed him enough."
"You exaggerate," Aragorn said. "I figured out how to avoid that years ago." Legolas raised an eyebrow but said nothing.
"I didn't know you could fight like that," she said to Aragorn. He winked.
"There's many things that you don't know I can do."
"Can you teach me?" she asked eagerly. "Teach me to fight like that?"
"Maybe," Aragorn answered. "After you've learned the regular style."
Beruthiel left the training ground practically skipping with joy.
Sword and Arrow Masterpost
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borkthemork · 3 years
Finally cleaned up this draft based on @/popcornbee’s art and it is now officially on AO3 as well, so I hope all of you enjoy!
There were numerous pathways for a sparrow to travel. Following their migration patterns, they'd travel down to warmer lands, typically somewhere protected for the nights. In doing so, they'd rest in the winter and return back all new. Refreshed for the upcoming springs and summers.
For American Tree Sparrows, these patterns were necessary to survive.
For Joe Sparrow, the true information depended. 
He liked to flit about on rapid wing beats. He preferred curdled mealworms due to previous battles hurting his digestive system. For migration, he remained stubborn on whether he liked the warmer breezes or if the Newtopian stables were of true home than anything else.
Newtopia had a history of domestic birds. Joe Sparrow was the mixed case when he grew all-natural, got captured and owned by one or more owners who called him previous names, and then found Marcy in the middle of sweltering rain. Where a mission lead to something new and surprising, bold and unorthodox, and the moment Joe saved her — chose her hand of all people — Marcy promised to keep him safe. Safe, protected, cared for.
And nothing had pulled these two away from each other. Not even the fleeting concept of gravity. Or the fact winter threatened his nests.
Anne asked about him before. On one occasion, where Marcy groomed him under Plantar barn shade, Anne looked at his big, round, puffy belly and wondered out loud where the scar above his eye fit in out of all things.
Of course, Marcy had the answer.
“Oh, you know Joe,” she sighed. “He keeps pushing his limits. You won’t believe how many scars this bad boy got during his old career. For the eye one, he actually got that scar back when he was just a fledgling, but this was during the morally ethical times where amphibians didn’t really care for mounts unless they were battle resistant.”
Her hand parsed through his plume, giggling when Joe tweeted pleasantly against her skin. “But now he’s in a morally ethical place, aren’t you, boy? Yes, you are.”
Anne snorted. She ruffled Joe’s feathers too, and the two giggled quietly when the sparrow seemed to lean into the touch. Almost as if the sparrow connected immediately to Anne.
And Anne teared up over the thought. “It’s just like mother nature intended.”
The week afterward reminded Marcy of her sparring days, but instead of swords and smoke bombs, she had worms and patience. Lots of patience as Anne attempted to feed some mesh into Joe’s beak — and ultimately got stuck when she leaned too hard into his mouth.
It was funny how all this bonding time left her blind to anything else on the schedule. Marcy could instruct Anne to direct the mealworms to Joe for hours and still find Anne’s laughter to be the highlight of her day. Maybe Joe would sit on Anne, and leave her yelling and laughing under floof-fulls of bird, and Marcy would sketch that scene than the typical mission schematics Lady Olivia instructed her to look through.
Marcy hypothesized that Joe's love for attention spurned her focus. It made sense for birds to tease if they didn’t get the proper reaction out of people. It made sense for a bird such as Joe to find affection in someone who exuded goodness from their heart. But then Marcy would remember Anne. For Anne had Joe’s affection at the palm of her hands but irritated the bird enough to prefer dipping her into a nearby pond just for the sake of playfighting. And that enough had gotten her intrigued.
Was it another phenomenon she needed to analyze? To understand fully until the cusp of discovery?
Perhaps. Not right now though.
Marcy had found a breakthrough. A breakthrough in Animal-Human Sociology. But her focus lingered elsewhere, came down to how she rested next to a bucket load of dirty feathers — snoring into her best friend’s shoulder until the moon rose high above the Amphibian mountains.
When Marcy stared through the sky, and the act alone reminded her so much of Kid Icarus. If she ignored the wings branching out from the corners of her eyes, and only focused on the colors then she thought of herself as flying. Flying through skies that bled yellows and reds like Aivazovsky, framed so well against the crisp horizons that Marcy could almost paint the perfectest picture in her mind.
And when wind buffered her hair, parted the clouds with her hands, she swore that the taste on her tongue was of fresh saltwater.
Navigation. Freedom. The fades from orange to blue to maroon. Marcy loved riding for a reason. She held onto Joe’s reins with the utmost quickness, spelled out her name with short dives and leaps through cumulus tufts. And in the aftermath, she wrung her coat dry of moisture.
At least, until Anne became a priority.
Anne Boonchuy. Friend of ten years. Friends since the term friends became part of the Merriam Webster. Now, the latter sounded silly, but friendship could be a frank concept at times, it was something Marcy had no clue how to navigate, and yet Anne found her and decided Marcy was worth her time.
So they were here now: One readying an avian saddle, the other petting Joe’s tufts with the heaviest affection. And aw, Joe seemed to like it, what with the amount of cooing he’d been doing for the past hour.
Not like Marcy didn’t want to get in on that action. She just needed to finish clipping on the latches — and when she did that, it would be go-time, her a-game.
“Anne, can you push me that satchel?”
“Sure thing, Marce.” With ease, Anne somehow lugged a chair-sized bag over to where Marcy was, and they remained silent afterward as she finished the remainder of preparations.
What preparations? Well, the kind that remained out of her league.
“Sooo, where are ya’ going, exactly?” Anne asked. She had the same perturbed look to her ever since she whiffed the scents from the bag itself.
Marcy couldn’t help but rub her neck, not knowing how well to respond. “Well, I’ve been planning to scout an area somewhere high up in the Southern sect of Amphibia. I got wind that some bandits plan to use a route to jump ambassadors from here and there on the pathways, and I just wanted to make sure that doesn’t happen again, you know?"
“For sure, dude. I mean, you are the boss after all. That stuff’s gotta be pretty important if you’re getting loads of homework for it.”
“Well,” Marcy puckered her lips. She was right in some sense. Chief rangers plopped themselves into some high category up in the Newtopian ranks. It made sense. “Correct, kinda. I don’t really call it a boss position, more so a job. A very fun job, actually. You’d be surprised at how many prefer office desks to infantry, it’s nuts.”
Although, the more she thought about it, being able to stay safe in a big ole’ cube than getting skewered by bandits did sound appealing. Less probability for harm, sure. But Marcy loved the hunt way too much for her own good.
If Andrias gave her another objective, she might as well do a little dance at this point; there was always something exciting to partake in.
And with Joe, the fun always doubled with him.
At least, until she remembered that Anne had been staring at her, snapping her fingers in front of Marcy’s nose. “Marbles, you good? Another zone-out moment again?”
“Oh yeah, definitely. Thanks, I was about to get worried, the internal dialogue I had was getting way too extensive for my taste."
"Well, now that you’re out of your internal dialogue stuff, I got to ask.” Anne peered at Joe again. “Can I get on your bird?”
Marcy blinked at her. “Oh. Of course. You don’t really need to ask me if you’re curious about riding him.”
“I know, but he’s a big softie, really wanted to make sure I got your permission before anything else.” She coughed. “Plus I’m not gonna take any vehicles without permission. Tried that once. Didn’t go so hot.”
Somehow, Marcy found herself giggling. She couldn’t pinpoint why; Anne’s honesty must’ve just been that funny. “Well, if you want to jump on the SS Joe Sparrow, I’d be happy to show you around and get you a front-row ticket to some action.”
“For real?” Anne beamed, only for her expression to melt into a frown, scratching her chin at the thought. “Aren’t you on ranger duty though?”
Okay, she had a point there. “I mean, yeah, but I’ve mainly done this stuff solo. Sure I’ve got Joe to accompany me but it’ll be interesting to have a second person on board for the ride.” Without a skip in her beat. “And why wouldn’t I have you go with me? Of course, I would. You’re always the best on road trips.”
And with that, Anne’s smile grew tenfold. Oddly beautiful. Oddly hard to describe. Weirder to even have herself think those things in the first place. “Count me in, then. Let’s go, Marbles!”
Oh well. She’d think about that later.
Joe softened his landings in-between. And at certain points, when the mountains dipped to valleys he rocketed around and buffeted the gales just for the heck of it. He had the heart of a little kid sometimes, every moment he swooped through some current or plummet forward if he got the chance. He liked to make himself seem so grand when he cheeped. And Marcy confided in the idea that no matter how aged this sparrow would become, he’d still be the softest avian around.
Always there. Always playful. Always…eager for potential mates. He was the total package for best mount in all of Amphibia, and Marcy didn’t want it any other way.
So with Anne, Marcy became delighted when Joe kept that same kindness. It wasn’t just Marcy doing rough landings against solid ground or her zipping through the air. There were two people, two people to consider on the back of his saddle.
And Joe never disappointed her. He pivoted, swerved on command, and coaxed giggles from the girl behind her, whose arms pressed tightly to her waist until their hair puffed out from the wind.
“Keep your arms locked in, Annie B!”
Marcy’s hands whipped the reins, whooping at the top of her lungs when the dive pushed oceans of air into their faces.
The straps and belts dug into their laps when Joe pulled up, braced them in a loop-de-loop that had their eyes rolling when they finally exited out to a steady level.
And Marcy could hear the laughter behind her.
The laughter spoke of so much joy and happiness, of a symphony that Marcy had heard so many times before, and Marcy leaned into her warmth when they passed from the hallowed groves to the shimmering Newtingale creaks.
All throughout the Southern sect, all throughout the faint rattle of Marcy’s heart.
The ride home had been a lot darker than Marcy expected. For most of her trips in and out of the valleys, a lot of her path-finding culminated in something one could describe as an adventure. If one described her and Anne beating up an entire bandit group disguised as a clown posse to be an adventure, then yes. That was what happened.
They went head-to-head, toe-to-toe. All while decked out in white makeup and smelly rotten clown noses. This all sounded ridiculous, but out in Amphibia, one should never ever underestimate a theatre group.
For entertainment was their cruelest weapon.
Anne had been the first to ambush the bandits during the mission. With the agile reflexes of a cat, she deflected each oncoming slash with ease while Marcy took aim, calculated her crossbow trajectory until the enemies all knocked unconscious in the mud.
If one ignored the clown get-up, then what she talked about seemed like a typical day for Marcy. Always saving someone. Always doing her best. Always making sure no newts got chewed up by some toad or frog dressed up in rogue wear.
But the difference today was that she had someone to accompany her. Or how that same someone jumped onto Joe and gave that feisty bird a few scratches to his feathers, trying to wash her face in the water bucket they stored earlier today.
It all seemed domestic-like. The kind that Marcy dreamed about in fantasy stories, where the protag had a close ally to travel the world until their dying breaths.
And gosh, it was so cool that Anne became that friend.
She seemed to enjoy it too, what with the close embrace when they finally took off for the night, her chin propped on her cloaked shoulder, or the fact her exhales drifted in crisp Amphibian air.
A sign that she was enjoying everything. Everything from the swoop of Joe’s wings, the purple haze of the night, or how the moon cloaked their forms in red lighting — masking the landscape in darkness like a blanket over bedding.
Anne sighed contently. Her face nestled close to Marcy’s neck. She didn’t show that she regretted being here.
Not one bit.
“I’ve never been this high up before,” she mumbled. “The only times I did were when some creature flung me up into the middle of nowhere.”
Marcy hummed to that. Anne's fingers ghosted the triceps of Marcy's arms, left goosebumps to form and bristle in the cold, it made everything feel weird. Comfortable. Safe. “So is this less traumatizing and more exciting then?”
“Oh yeah, definitely.” Her voice rang, all charmed and sweet. “By a long shot.”
And Marcy was glad about that. Ever since she found Joe, a lot of her adventures had gotten easier to deal with. From zooming over to the Dry Swamp to the many forests hidden deep underneath solid canopies, one of the many pros of having a steed like Joe was of the view.
A view that made scouting ten times easier. The kind that entangled her in clouds, the song of avians, and the dance of the breeze. The kind that chilled her nose, left cumulus droplets on her thumbs, and when she settled down from grazing the upper layers of oxygen her body’s equilibrium warmed her up like it always intended to.
To have Anne feel that same experiences — the same elation — made the trip all the more worth it. Especially when Marcy’s skin grew warmer under non-equilibrium circumstances. All due to the cuddly contact.
Oh, Anne.
“If you want, I know a froggy pitstop nearby that sells slushies twenty-four-seven,” Marcy said softly. Joe went into a descent, already maneuvered by Marcy’s quick hands at the reins. They weren’t going to land yet. At least until Anne said so. “Wouldn’t hurt to take in the view on a full stomach.”
“That sounds amazing.” Anne pressed closer, and Marcy tried not to think about the murmur, how low it rumbled against Marcy’s ear. Gosh, she must be really relaxed by now. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m ready for some grub.”
“Well, they aren’t really grubs more like a mish-mash of every insect on the palette.”
“I try not to think about it.”
With laughter escaping them, Marcy directed Joe into the forest space below, her heart synced with the beat of sparrow wings.
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sebille · 2 years
🌽: How does this OC feel about acts of affection? What's their favourite act of affection, physical or emotional?
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
🎂: Has your OC have any contradictory interests or traits to the first preception people have of the? How do they surprise people?
for beloved walter 🥺
🌽: Walter soaks everything up like a sponge and loves all of it. Buuuuut with that said.... he loves getting gifts. Not because he wants STUFF, but because someone took time out of their day and saw something that reminded them of him and got said thing for him. It gets him all emotional and he could probably cry about it on a bad day. It makes him feel very seen and loved, which is a rare feeling for him. 🍰: Walter is a surprisingly forgiving person, all things considered. He would not have been able to live with himself if he wasn't the kinda person who believed in second chances and all that stuff. However, book 1 Walter believes that Ortega leaving him for dead and then moving on like nothing happened was pretty unforgivable. Walter put himself in actual, proper danger for Ortega (and the rangers) so many times, but the second things turned around and he was the one who needed help they completely abandoned him in his mind. 🎂: I think Walter being quite the creative person would surprise a lot of people. I also think that once people get to know him (if he allows it) they'll be surprised with how soft, careful and kind his real personality actually is. On a lighter note I think most people who know him would have a stroke if they found out how much he loves to watch shit like dr phil or the maury show etc. Just.. garbage TV. Send me some odd OC asks! <3
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