eliothedud9000 · 8 months
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elfpylon · 1 year
I finally finished Light Bringer after waffling about it for a couple weeks… it was fantastic of course but I was reasonably apprehensive…
ok now that that’s outta the way, I absolutely adored the return to bro bonding that was more prevalent in the OG trilogy. many satisfying moments both touching and grotesque. also, like any great ending, it was both absolutely TERRIBLE and terrific and amazing and sets up a lot of great and fun stuff for Red God.
fabulous job PB. I hate you 😘 and I fucking hate [redacted] 🤬🔪💥
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And with this announcement, my annoyance with FR’s incompetence grows even more.  Whoop dee doo guys, it took you 5 years, but you FINALLY got open registration! And a report button, wowza! I’m impressed! …Impressed by how fucking sad it is that one of the biggest pet sites in the genre took THIS LONG to put in basic features and is still run by god damn idiots who seem to understand nothing of what the playerbase wants. Lore? Okay, cool! Yay! Some stone thing? Yay? New premium thing? Yay..? I just. Ugh. What a fucking DISAPPOINTMENT.   This much hype over just that? Lore is nice, but SERIOUSLY? What a shit show. Bogsneaks came out in September of 2016! 2016!!! Holy SHIT. We’ve had no signs of a new breed since then. I know, I know, it’s hard to add breeds! So much apparel to redraw! Maybe start focusing on new actual content instead of more shitty ass apparel sets then. Wow I can’t wait for another cluttered color barf to slap on my dragon! Yayyyyy!  How about some flashgames, Flight Rising? Maybe take the ones you have out of beta? Make them WORTH something? The fairgrounds are a fucking waste. Most of the games aren’t fun. They’re grindy. If you want to make any cash, you can only do one or two, which are both awful. Somehow they made a JIGSAW PUZZLE unbearable.  “But you can coli for treasure!-” the coli sucks. It fucking sucks. It’s honestly the worst thing about the site. If you can’t coli, or draw, or write, you are STUCK. There is nothing you can do. The coli is boring as hell. Click click click click click, win. That’s it. Even with the “”“”“"revamp”“”“ it’s somehow gotten WORSE.  And to top that, the revamp is awful! FR somehow made the coli even more inaccessible! What’s the point of keyboard controls if you still need to use the mouse when going to the next battle? IT’S A COMPLETE WASTE.  Also to you chucklefucks saying coding isn’t hard: it is. FR needs more coders. BADLY. Bugs like the thing with blocked users sending friend quests were so unnoticed, it took a kid spamming in order for them to do something about it. Dare I also mention the atrocious forum revamp, Naomi, tons of apparel and gene issues that still haven’t fixed, and countless other issues. Flight Rising is a mess. It’s a steaming, hot, mess. IT’S ONLY successful because it’s the biggest in the market. It lures new users in. They stay for a bit, buy some gems, leave eventually. The cycle continues. Try as it might to add shiny new clothes and lore, but it sucks. It’s honestly awful and I can’t believe I didn’t realize until now.  The coli. The atrocious waiting times to do ANYTHING in game. The stuck-up, drama fueled userbase. How artists are treated on-site. The lack of help for those with disabilities. The ignoring of suggestions that’d improve the game that have been suggested for years.   "But but you have to wait to do anything in a game! That’s the challenge!” You should be able to do things in that time, dimwit. Lioden is a game full of waiting. Tattered Weave is a game of patience and waiting. Guess what? They’re both still fun to play! Lioden has the Explore activity, minigames that give actual rewards, and plenty of activities you can do while waiting for weeks to do things like breed. Tattered Weave has fun and engaging minigames (HEY FR, MAYBE TAKE A LESSON FROM THEM, THEY’VE ADDED MORE GAMES IN THEIR ALMOST 2 YEAR EXISTENCE THAN FR’S ENTIRE LIFETIME) and hourly quests which can be done while spending time on harder storyline things. Yeah yeah you can see where my loyalties why. But I think we have a right to be angry. FR players are blind to how bad the site is. After you’ve played sites that, wow, actually listen to players and are good, you get mad!! You get VERY mad!!! FR could of been so good. We could of had adventure mode. Or a coli that’s fun. Games that could be fun to play and give users a variety of ways to earn treasure. Instead we have this. A polished turd in the world of petsites. God, I hope Mythaura is better, that Lioden can continue to succeed, and Tattered Weave can get the playerbase it deserves. Peace out. Y'all are going to get mad at me, I know it. But I’ve had enough. I’m angry. I want to be heard. Fuck Flight Rising.
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rewatchablepodcast · 7 years
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Join ReWatchable as we discuss Buffy the Vampire season 6, episode 19, “Seeing Red,” and Angel season 3, episode 19, “The Price.”
Superfans: Caitlin and Natalie Newbies: Kristen and Mitch
Fun Facts: Mitch is in a FOMO Nintendo mode. Ariana wrapped One Day At a Time this week and is about to start a new job. Natalie has found and actually received a new secondhand vintage house wanker table. Caitlin has had Gage for one year on the day of this recording! But it’s not like he understands that or steak juice.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 6, episode 19, “Seeing Red”: – Synopsis – Superfans have been dreading this episode since the start of the podcast. – Joss included Amber for the first time in the opening credits in this episode on purpose because he thought it would be “cute.” – The shooting environment for this show sounds so stressful. – This whole echo chamber effect for Joss’ work doesn’t do him any favors. – This episode marked the rise and fall of The Trio. – The inclusion of guns here was an interesting twist in the plot. – We want to like Jonathan, but that’s mostly because he’s played by Danny Strong. – Did any of us see it coming that Andrew had a crush on Warren? – Warren isn’t secure enough in his masculinity to get with Andrew. – The two orbs in a sac OMG. – That’s it, Mitch is going to Pigfarts. – The contrast between Tara and Willow getting back together and the end of this episode is crushing. – Is Dawn gay? Or why is she so excited about the sex happening in her house? – Aaaaand we’re done with anything resembling a fun and pleasant conversation. – Dawn should not have stuck her nose into Spike’s business. – Yeah, trigger warning for this whole episode. – Spike trying to take advantage of Buffy was such a horrific scene. – Natalie’s interview with James Marsters touches more on our thoughts on this horrific scene. – It’s important for show creators to understand that their material doesn’t exist in a vacuum. – Apparently, they didn’t do trigger warnings before content like this when this episode aired. – Why does Xander feel so entitled to Buffy’s attention and apology? – Where was Spike going on his motorcycle at the end? – Filming the rape scene was nowhere near fair for either actor. – There’s no break from the trauma, as Warren waltzes right in with the gun. – This death was not earned, as Tara’s death was used simply as a plot point. – Why is killing the lesbian girlfriend such a trope? – Is the treating of gay characters like this homophobic? – Ariana’s finally to the point of liking Buffy! – The Trio is no longer the bigger threat, as Evil Willow falls into line. – So it has to mean that Tara’s death sticks because Willow turned evil? – But it’s season 6, so it can only get worse. – Favorite Scenes – Favorite Lines
Angel season 6, episode 19, “The Price”: – Synopsis – Cordy is a beautiful light demon, yayyyyy. – The return of Thaumogenesis. – There were some horror movies potentially referenced in this episode. – The Pancakes are still struggling to figure out how to operate without Wes. – Connor is Dawn 2.0. – Natalie’s already apologizing for the misery we’re about to experience. – How about a demon prom, eh? That could be fun? – Groo and Cordy’s days are probably limited. – You never know where Cordy’s hair is going to go next! – Ariana isn’t feeling Cordy as much as before. – Cordelia is rightfully upset that Angel didn’t contact her about Connor. – We want Cordy to feel again. We’re missing out on some important scenes and confrontations from her. – Connor probably has some hell dimension issues. – What was the actual price of this episode? – Favorite Scenes – Favorite Lines
Listener Feedback: – Amber Benson (Tara) and Adam Busch (Warren) dated! – Does Warren have a soul? – “Seeing Red” is tough for all of us. – Yeah, why did Cordy never confront Wes?
Mitch’s Musings/Ariana’s Answers: – Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 6, episode 20, “Villains” – Angel season 3, episode 20, “A New World”
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