bapple117 · 1 month
Chapter 9 of Bluest Monday is live!
A Radiostatic fic set in the 80s ~ AO3 Link! 18+
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Here's a snippet!
One night, Vox orders an obscenely expensive meal to be delivered to them from a local restaurant; showing off his influence. They eat it, spread out and sat on Vox’s living room floor, the coffee table once again cast aside. Surrounded by trays of overpriced gourmet dishes, both demons feel like wealthy delinquents, revelling in fine gluttony. When the meal is finished, Alastor assaults Vox with a pounce, pinning him down. Grinning above him, his red hair falling forward, hands at Vox’s wrists, Alastor is captivating; the TV Demon thinks this is how he’d like to spend his life forever. 
“I’ve got you now,” Alastor says, fuelled by wine and joy. “What will you do?”
Alastor means this as play only; he’s not thinking as far ahead as sex. Alastor simply desires to frolic with Vox, a little this-way-that-way. Vox picks up on the vibe; he’s happy to do whatever Alastor wants. Truthfully, he’s quite happy just to mess around, too. 
“I’m gonna fuckin’ get you,” Vox grins back, his hands at Alastor’s sides, tickling him. 
The Radio Demon’s expression darkens, eyes blackening; but he laughs, delighted, and they tousle together on the floor. Play fighting. Vox manages, somehow, to turn them around; Alastor pinned under him for a moment. Alastor conjures a black, creeping tentacle with his powers; it distracts Vox and confuses him for a moment, giving Alastor an in to get the upper hand. He shifts them so that he is once again back on top. 
“That was dirty,” Vox says, amused but breathing heavily. 
“I know,” Alastor says, smug, collapsing into Vox’s chest.
Game over. Vox happily welcomes the end of the skirmish, spent from the exertion of it. He pulls Alastor into him; they lay together on the living room floor. 
Read the full story here!
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shoccolat · 21 days
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"dance with me?"
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hiemaldesirae · 3 months
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Alastor manifests a conductor’s hat and dons it. “All aboard! Next stop: Royal Circle and the Morningstar Palace!” His face softens as Vox steps up. He offers his arm. “Shall we? If you ignore the warm, sponginess of the floor, Tim’s insides are quite comfortable.” Vox grins. “Sure. A train ride to an upcoming battle sounds weirdly romantic.” Alastor kisses the other Overlord’s knuckles. “I’m so glad you’re safe.” He whispers. “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.”
- Radio Healed The Video Star, Finale I (by Aspiring_Forest_Witch / @slash-is-my-weakness86)
ive been reading and rereading this fic from exams week actually. i dont know what exactly was put into the story but im assuming it was some sort of crack because this might be hands down the best thing ive ever read. i wanted to draw one of my favourite scenes (the train ride on shortline tim.... if anyone questions my taste just know that we all watched the original hazbin so youve no room to judge) ((good luck on ur job search btw author !! hoping u find one sooner than later, thanks sm for making this fic))
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onesidedradiostatic · 2 months
My worthless Radiostatic headcanon is that Vox met Alastor because he was new to hell and captivated by the pretty redhead at the bar swigging gin and was flabbergasted that nobody was asking him to dance. He was also equally oblivious to everybody else at the joint shitting their pants as this absolute NOBODY approached the Radio Demon for a dance. And Alastor who was bemused by his ignorance and idiocy can still admire someones moxxie and agreed to dance. And listen, this is mostly because with all these great shipper tag names I can't help but call their past partnership "electro-swing." So yes they danced to something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3hjodKJTRs. Suffice to say Vox was enamored and Alastor was surprisingly amused and it was the start of both of them chasing that high.
HAHAHA I like this, there's like so many different ways to imagine their first meeting, and like imagine this being like. okay you know how he probably couldn't openly like men in life but once he landed in hell he realises it doesn't matter anymore (depends on if you interpret him believing himself to be straight(tm) and closeted prior or he already knew but just couldn't act on it openly), so he's freshly landed, walks into a bar and just walks up to the first cute guy he sees cause he no longer has to hide it LMAO. he gets what he wants (the dance) for NOW, but of course, getting what he wants doesn't last forever, and he was kinda doomed from the start when he made a beeline to making moves on the aroace guy.
also part of me is going like. this is the 1950s. electro-swing didn't exist then. (just roll with it anyways. just roll with it anyways. just roll with it anyways.)
^^(link in ask)
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shootinwebs · 26 days
people who like radioapple, why do you like it? genuinely curious and not trying to be stinky -- i don't like it but i'm interested in why people do. (especially since i weirdly do like radiostatic in some way, and in both cases i p much only care about alastor and i don't really care about lucifer or vox lmao)
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hypervoxel · 18 days
My own personal RadioStatic headcanon is, of course, that they're both aspec but assumes the other has romantic feelings and act accordingly. Vox, in a "romance is just friendship with extra steps, sex can be fun, might as well get things started bc Alastor is too nervous about it to make the first move himself and the anticipation is getting stressful" way and Alastor in a "I finally have a close friendship with a man that is going well so far. Vox better get over himself and his feelings and not ruin this- oh, of course he's going to ruin this. Typical." way
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unnecessarilysalty · 7 days
the other day i thought about the fact that Vox is constantly updating to stay relevant and be ahead of the curve.
but ironically enough, it was Alastor who left him behind.
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A one shot horny pre Alastor disappearing for seven years fic. For those voxal shippers who are really in deep rn (Like myself)
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thenocturnenarrator · 1 month
There seems to be a problem
I know shipping is a very important part of fandoms. I know we all like our little ships but! If someone tell you to pleaaaaase not tag a certain post as a ship, why is it so hard for you to not do that?
Recently my friend @drowninnoodles posted a drawing of an incorrect quote of Vox and Al. She specifically wrote don’t tag as radiostatic. Apparently, this was a terrible thing because certain people have decided to deliberately ignore that and tag it as radiostatic anyway
This post:
So my question is, why are you so annoyed by her not wanting HER art tagged as a ship she does not support or like?
Screenshots and more stuff below, I don’t want to put a spotlight on two people so I’m putting it under the cut. I don’t know if I have enough followers to accomplish it but do not harass anyone ever please. I do not like harassment an I do not support it
That also goes for the people tagging the post. Don’t ever harass my friend or anyone. It’s ridiculous to harass someone because of a show so please don’t (it’s not good no matter the reason but you get the point)
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I swear I am done with all of you, I think we should have a talk about this @welcommetothesshoe @theforgowolf y’all wanna say smth about this and have a civilized conversation? I just want to understand why are you struggling with following a simple request of not writing a word ^^
Would you like it you made a drawing of two characters and you told people to please not tag as a ship and people ignored you and did it anyway? Genuine question
Also her art slays, on if you said it doesn’t and like, why are you needlessly mean??
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bapple117 · 1 month
PSA About Bluest Monday 📻📺💙❤️
My Radiostatic Fic set in the 80s!
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This story came about from an idea: what if Alastor, sensing that Vox is on the precipice of evolving away from him forever in the technology boom of the late 80s, FINALLY gave into Vox's other desires to keep control over him?
This story evolved naturally into what has become a supercuts hazy nostalgic montage of that one year we worked until we didn't, with TRUE LOVE at its core. It's a love story y'all!! There isn't anything non-consensual in here. Demisexual!Alastor is here to stay and they LOVE each other OKAY?
Yes: it's not going to end well in the year of '89. BUT. I have big plans. The ending is present day; that's all I'm going to say. HANG IN THERE.
Okay that's all. This has been a Bapple Announcement!
Read the story: HERE
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chaoticace2005 · 2 months
Okay folks,
With all the different ideas out there for one-sided radiostatic shipnames (to separate from people who ship them mutually, give us a more specific tag for people wanting to see Vox being a pathetic man and/or don’t want to see Alastor attracted to anyone), I figured we should try and come to a consensus for tagging purposes. I took the ones that people most positively responded to in a previous post, as well as ones recommended by others and talking to @onesidedradiostatic .
Repost this for more data and so anyone interested has input!
(Also note: hopefully by doing this survey you agree to respect the results? Again for making tagging/access as easy as possible)
*because of the idea that Vox has an Alastor body-pillow
**pointed out to me by an Italian fan that TVB can stand for “Ti Voglio Bene” which means “I love you” ( @reginadeltrash )
OneWayBroadcast: @onesidedradiostatic
BlueScreen: @gomi-panda
PillowStatic: @anisecandy
RadioSilence: @kitkatisvibing
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jazminetoad · 2 months
RadioStatic is the ship name for one sided Vox x Alastor
But ElectroSwing is the ship name for mutual Vox x Alastor
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onesidedradiostatic · 24 days
I think staticlovetune should just be given to the mutual radiostatics because one-sided radiostatic to me is more like staticlovetunedout
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toringo · 3 months
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Promised mutually invested RadioStatic And some doodles
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Dw about the heights, he gets taller with new models
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cannibalistic-deer · 2 months
Everyone arguing over RadioStatic vs. One-sided RadioStatic when you can have both:
RadioStatic that is mutual in that Vox and Alastor are both significant to each other in not-exactly-platonic ways, but Vox has romantic feelings while Alastor is aromantic, so he doesn't feel the same. Not exactly.
Even better worse if Vox feels devastated because he doesn't understand what Alastor means when he tries to explain that he values Vox as more than "just a friend" even though he's not in love with him at all, so Vox thinks Alastor is just fucking with him. Alastor is upset that he can't feel romantic attraction even if he wanted to and can't put his feelings into words, and now he's losing his dearest friend because they have a fight over it.
The amount that they value each other is mutual, but the "romance" is unrequited.
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dr-brainrot · 2 months
Stayed Gone and Hell's Greatest Dad Color Theory
You know what I love about the difference between Stayed Gone and Hell’s Greatest Dad? It’s very clear that the rivalry is one-sided and Alastor has the upper hand throughout the song in Stayed Gone (SG), but in Hell's Greatest Dad (HGD) Alastor and Lucifer are basically going head to head with one another and both of them are keeping up with the other’s powers and showmanship; no one is backing down.
I noticed that in SG Vox is seen with a red bg 90% of the time which could just be good color contrast, but when vox is in his element he’s usually around blue tones
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Until Alastor starts getting to his head
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And when Alastor and Vox are doing their back and forth it’s clear Alastor is the one in control, even when Vox’s colors become Alastor’s bg
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Alastor does not see Vox as a threat or equal in regards to power and status. Notice how Vox has all those tvs, but with just one radio Alastor is able to take Vox down. And Alastor probably just doesn’t like him lol.
But then you have HGD where, right off the bat, their colors are fighting within the realm Lucifer creates. They're both fighting in the big top tent meaning Alastor is not in his element, but even then he wants to take away whatever control Lucifer could have in the situation
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They’re both trying to hog the stage and outdo the other for their own reasons. Alastor, who wants to assert dominance and Lucifer who was triggered by Alastor’s taunting, lashes out at Alastor out of insecurity
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and unlike the break down with Vox and Alastor, they’re both on relatively even footing, keeping up with one another and getting on each others nerves
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But their colors eventually mesh together in the end, possibly showing how there’s a mutual hate between the two
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… Anyways I thought that was cool color choice or whatever 🤪
(also I’m going to tag radioapple & radiostatic STRICTLY for character dynamic nothing shippy please put your gun down thanks 🥰)
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