#MWAH love you all this year was so so fun i can't wait to do it again next year too !!!!!!!!
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another joyous year has come and past, and so i wanted to say the biggest thank you to everyone who participated in jo's birthday celebrations yesteday!! what a turnout !! it was such a lovely day of sapphicnatural camararderie and jo taking pride of place on the dash, as she should.
i've rounded up all of the tagged works so they're here in one handy place <3 if i've missed any, please let me know!
🧡 art
horsegirl jo by @limbel smiley jo by @driftwooddestiel jo painting by @lamiasage
💗 fic
somehow their name sticks out jodean by @jasmineshaven the past and pending jo&claire by @mrcowboydeanwinchester take this pink ribbon off my eyes jo&benny by @t4tvampireisms people want more and more jocassie by @mrcowboydeanwinchester
🧡 amvs
my mother's loaded gun amv by @roublardise
💗 gifs
jo gifs by @ughmerlin
🧡 edits jo birthday edits by @lesbianjoannaharvelle jo moodboard by @t4tvampireisms orange jo icons by @youre-only-gay-once jo moodboard by @rainsongdean
💗 misc.
important post by @lesbianjoannaharvelle
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msbigredmachine · 1 month
New To This - Chapter 11
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By the time she touched down in Pensacola, all Delilah wanted to do was sleep for the rest of the month. This past week had been exhausting, both emotionally and physically, and as she climbed into the Uber she ordered, she sincerely hoped it wouldn’t get worse when she arrived home and had to lay eyes on Andre for the first time in a week.
Judging from the layers of guilt that had been padding in her belly since she boarded the plane, ‘worse’ seemed more inevitable than anything.
Walking into the trailer park home she didn’t realize she would miss so much, a voicemail appeared in her notifications. Seeing it was from Josh, she quickly shook her head and rid herself of any of the numerous X-rated visuals her brain could resurrect. Putting him on speaker, she dragged herself and her suitcase toward her bedroom, his low teasing voice bringing a smile to her face even though the memory of him swirled in her gut like a ship in the middle of a storm.
"Hey, baby. About to get on the plane back to ATL. I had the best time with you this week. Uhh…miss you already, girl. Miss everything bout’chu, and I mean everything…Anyway, call me. Yeet! Mwah."
Dude actually blew a kiss. So cute. 
Pushing open the door to her bedroom, her heart leapt into her throat, her eyes wide at the tableau before her. The bed she shared with Andre was perfectly made, something she wasn't sure it ever had been since they moved into the house together. The expensive white satin sheets they’d unwisely splurged on one random day years ago and never used since then, draped the bed. On her side of the bed, a single red rose lay on her pillow along with a piece of notebook paper, folded with her name on it.
With numb legs, Delilah managed to lower herself to the mattress and took the note slowly from its place. Her fingers trembled as she unfolded the paper, which she realized he’d spritzed with his favorite cologne. To top it all off, one scan of his familiar scribble caused the tears to instantly fill her eyes.
My Dee-Dee girl,
You've been gone for six whole days and I think I went a little insane. I think this was the longest time we’ve ever been apart and it sucks ass. All week Khalid kept telling me that you’re all I talk about since you been gone and I didn't even realize it. I've missed you being home with me. I wondered if the tryout was everything you dreamed of and I really hope you had fun. I was gonna call you, but I didn't wanna mess up your flow. 
I know you’re home already and when I come back, we're gonna have a candid discussion about you probably getting called back by WWE. Something tells me you did and I can’t wait to hear all about it.
I love you.
P.S. Did you see the video I sent you?
Reaching for her phone, she searched around for said video and her heart sank to discover he’d sent an email to her three nights ago. Her chest tightened further as she remembered exactly where she was – whom she was with – at that exact time. She tapped the video open and found Andre standing in front of the mirror in their bathroom. Then, he opened his mouth and began singing the first couple of lines from what she recognized as Justin Bieber’s ‘Ghost’, one of his favorite modern songs. 
As her fiancé’s melodic voice sounded around their bedroom, her arms dropped to her thighs helplessly with his note still in her hands. Her eyes looked to the ceiling and saw nothing thanks to the tears blurring her vision and spilling down her cheeks. This video, this letter, didn’t sound like the same old Andre. This was a repentant Andre. An Andre she didn’t expect at all. She had come home with metaphorical boxing gloves on, waiting to confront the guy who still couldn't understand why the woman he was marrying was pursuing such a wild, unattainable dream. She had come home ready to move on from him. She had almost convinced herself that it was his fault she had ended up in bed, multiple times, with another man.
That if I can't be close to you
I'll settle for the ghost of you
I miss you more than life
And if you can't be next to me
Your memory is ecstasy
I miss you more than life
I miss you more than life
Sobs wracked Delilah’s body as she curled into the fetal position on the bed, her watery eyes resting on the video playing of Andre’s handsome face, his eyes closed as he sang his heart out to her. 
She fucked up. She fucked up so bad.
And the guilt was going to eat her alive.
Five hours after some much-needed sleep, Delilah stood at the kitchen counter picking at the bowl of chicken salad she had made for herself. She had been disappointed to wake up and realize that the unscrupulous decisions that she made in Orlando were not one bad dream. She had gone to the bathroom to freshen up and winced as she was instantly transported back to said bad decisions, her mind replaying the visual of herself bent over the sink, Josh pumping away behind her. Same reason she was standing by the counter and not sitting down, as the image of her back arched against the countertop with his face buried between her thighs materialized the second she laid eyes on the table. Ditto with the majority of the furniture around her house and the numerous positions she’d been twisted into on each one. Long story short, she would never look at any of them the same way again.
The front door swung open, causing Delilah's stomach to lurch once again. She wished she could run away, and that notion did not waver as Andre bumbled inside the house, his trusty backpack on his shoulder and a big relieved smile on his face. "My baby is back!" he exclaimed, slamming the door with his foot as he made his way over to her. When his arms wrapped around her in a tight hug, she fought the urge to throw up on his flannel shirt.
"You're home early," she feigned a smile, crossing her arms defensively as she took refuge behind the counter once again.
If he noticed her strange behavior, Andre didn't let on. "I worked a lot of overtime this week when you were gone," he shrugged, grabbing her fork and stabbing it into her bowl of salad as he lowered himself down to the stool next to her. Even with his mouth full, his lips curled into that goofy little boy smile that always made her heart melt, and not for the first time, Delilah felt the bile rise to her throat.
"So how was it?" he asked her.
The simplest of questions, yet he might as well have asked her about quantum physics. How on earth was she meant to tell him that it was the greatest week of her life without telling him that she had cheated on him? How was she meant to admit that she hadn’t given him much thought because she was with another man? Could she bring herself to break his heart like that?
"It was good." Her answer was flat and curt, her gaze studying the countertop like it was the most fascinating thing in that moment.
Andre just laughed, his face still alight from the triumphant return of his fiancee. "That's it? Just good?" he asked. "So modest. C’mere." He stood and held his hand out. When Delilah took the invitation, he led her away from the kitchen, over to the couch and gathered her into his arms when they sat down. "Tell me. I wanna hear all about it."
So many times she had hoped for this, him finally showing an interest in the life she was pursuing. But instead, this abrupt personality turn of his was rubbing her the wrong way. His happy-little-camper attitude was grating on her nerves, and the guilt bubbling inside her was the reason.
"Why?" she demanded, the question spilling out before she could think it through.
Slightly taken aback by the question, Andre pushed on. "Why? Cuz you're my girl. Cuz I know how much you want this and I'm anxious to hear how it all went down."
Oh, he went down, alright, Delilah thought angrily. She understood that most of the rage she was feeling was directed at herself, but she couldn't help but what the hell had gotten into this man sitting before her. It was as if he knew he was on the verge of losing her, and now he was pulling out all of his famed charm to reel her back in. "Oh really? You care now? What changed?" she asked coldly, pushing out of his arms and crossing hers defensively over her chest.
The wounded look in his eyes made her heart sink. "Baby, I've been an asshole about this. I admit it," he said softly, taking her hand once more. "But I missed you so much, you have no idea."
"Oh riiiiight, I see. You didn’t have your fuck buddy for one week and now you’re all up in your feelings!" Delilah argued. She knew that she sounded bitter and wounded, but she couldn't help it. The emotions of the past week were rushing over her at such a dizzying pace and she wasn't coping well at all, struggling to find her footing on this rollercoaster that her life had suddenly become.
Andre, meanwhile, had had enough of Delilah’s antagonism. "Dee, what the fuck is going on?" he struggled not to raise his voice, scooting back on the couch a few inches. "I thought you wanted me to be more supportive!"
Delilah jumped to her feet. "I want you to be supportive because you believe in me, Andre! Because you're proud of me. Not because you got lonely!" Sometimes she wondered if he understood her at all, if he had heard anything she had said over the last several months.
But Andre was tired of this already. He had just admitted to being wrong and yet she was still berating him. "I can't win with you," he threw his arms out, standing to regain some sense of equilibrium. "What the fuck happened out there?"
"Nothing!" she answered, a bit too quickly.
“Well something happened!” Flinging his arm to the side, Andre was in fight mode. "Just days ago, you were talking about how I didn’t care about you, and now that I’m putting in some effort, you want me to just back off and drop the whole thing? What kinda bipolar bullshit is that?" They had been here too many times, all over this house, outside this house, arguing about anything and everything, specifically on one increasingly annoying subject.
"I want you to actually mean it!" Delilah lashed out, no longer able to contain her emotions. The tears threatened to fall again as she pleaded with him, arms extended helplessly. "I want you to come to one of my matches. Dre. Just one. I want you to see what I do, see why it's so fucking important to me!"
"How many times have I told you, wrestling ain’t my thing," he dismissed. "You don't like all the things I like, but you don't see me cryin’ and beggin’ you to like ‘em."
Crying and begging. He couldn’t even see that his nonchalance had forced her to confide in someone else, and she’d ended up doing much more than that with him. Maybe if he knew, maybe if she told him what his apathy had done to their relationship, his mind would finally, finally change. But she refused to feel guilty for following her dreams. She refused to settle. "I don't need you to be a fan of wrestling!" she argued, "I don’t give a flyin' fuck if you don’t know any of the moves or any of the wrestlers’ names!"
"Then what is this abou-" Andre interrupted.
"For fuck’s sake, Andre! I want you to be a fan of me!" she screamed, her voice breaking as she kicked their wooden coffee table across the tiny room, “I want you to know my name! I need you to support me, to care about my wrestling, dammit!”
An awkward silence fell over the room, punctuated by the heart-wrenching sounds of her sobs as the love of his life’s words sank into his soul. For nearly a year, he had watched her morph into someone he no longer recognized, and not liking what he saw, he distanced himself, hoping it would be out of her system in due time. But now it was clear that this wasn’t going away, and it was breaking both their hearts as what they had – what he thought they had – was starting to collapse before his very eyes. 
"You wrote me some letter and sang a song. Big deal!" she continued through her tears. "You're doing everything but taking an actual interest in watching me find myself, because that’s exactly what I’m doing, Andre, and you can't handle it." She shrugged, even more emotionally exhausted than she was before she returned home. "You laugh, and you joke, and you tease me about it. You laugh at me with your friends. You laugh with my mother." Letting out a sardonic laugh, she shook her head, relaxed her shoulders and met his eyes. If she was going to be honest, she was going to have to be completely honest. 
"You have never believed, not one time, that I could do this. You wanted me to fail just so your life wouldn't have to change. But I didn’t fail! They liked me out there! They want us to move to Orlando in three months so I can start training at the Performance Center. That’s another step closer to NXT, and from there, I could make it to the main roster. I went out there and I left it all in the ring and for the first time in my life I felt like I belonged somewhere and they agreed! The biggest wrestling company in the world wants me, Andre! It ain’t no dream no more and I’m sorry if that’s a problem for you."
Again, silence. Sniffling, she wiped her tears with her forearm and turned, walking toward the bedroom. She was done. And it had nothing to do with Josh, or with wrestling. She was just over it, and she was desperate to let off some steam because if she stayed this way she would most likely combust.
"Where are you going?" Andre asked, watching her change into her sneakers, which he noticed were brand new. Her suitcase was open and filled with more items than it had when she left. Things that, in real time, neither of them could quite afford. She wasn't lying. WWE were pulling out all the stops to bring her into their ranks.
Grabbing the keys to her motorcycle, Delilah responded, "To Tank’s gym. Need to work out." She was still a little tired, but she’d much rather be outside than stuck in this hellhole she was about to call her matrimonial home. She longed to talk to a certain someone but he was in faraway Atlanta and she really couldn’t keep running to him with her problems. Not anymore anyway. Not when he had become one of those problems.
Andre looked dumbfounded that she was leaving this unfinished. "We ain’t done talking, Delilah! You can’t just walk out on me!" 
With a bitter chuckle, she picked up her gym bag. "Damn right I can," she informed him, walking past him towards the bedroom exit. Just as she swung open the door, he grabbed her, his strong arm wrapped around her slender waist. Blushing as she glared hard at him, he cleared his throat. 
"A’ight. Gimme ten minutes to change. I'm coming with you," he said quietly, blushing harder when she raised an incredulous eyebrow. "I'm serious, baby. Let's take the truck. I wanna see you, see what you're all about."
THOUGHTS? Is Andre finally coming around?
🏷️: @wrestlingprincess80 @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @alyyaanna @squishyguishy @jstarr86 @murrylove @thewarlordsworld @mzv11 @cozyaliensuperstar7 @nayys-world @hunnidmilly @cyberdejos2 @papireigns-05 @niknakbucks92 @captainwithoutmakingitlove @sovereigngoth @aisharmi @kennedi0818 @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @herwickedlittlesins @questionable-behaviour @tribalchiefreigns @2-muchsauce @thatbxtchsblog @raya-hunter01 @marchi36753 @lovelysuccess @christinabae @wooahmiri @thatonecarebear @tabletheofhead @rheaanddamianfan @vebner37 @hanley1577 @princessesareforsuckers @-naturally @joannasteez @bbygirlky18 @lilucey @theninthwonder @melaninsugababy @chocovibesonly @msbluehaz3 @scarlettnoir01 @heerah34 @empressdede @tbmotw @darkangelchronicles @visionarymode @marasdeathnote @aintnorainbows @meggylynnloves @femdisa @harlemblipster  @trc-punzel @afterdarkprincess @nbanenefrmdao @sassginaswanmills @purplehairgawdess @holisticcoach @girlwhogaf @royalkay23 @heyitsnajabrinee @stoner2k @reci1996 @catxo @iamimanim @lookmais @ts1mp0ne @lizzyd1ish @m3llowww @skyesthebomb @final1miya @kia1996 @randomuser0711 @yourtribalqueen @caramelcleopatraa @katymae12344 @that-one-anxious-mango @yana3sworld @ajenae @truefant4sy @thetribalqueen @bhjszsdxc @paigereeder @christinabae @justazzi @maknaehyucks @mindairy @headoftheetable @truefant4sy @mscarter213 @ariiaeltheedonn @sageispunk @xbriexx @shamaness11 @shantinextdoor @whatdoeseverybodywant
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sukisheadlights · 7 months
landonorris x famous!oc
summary: where she sends the Internet into a slow spiral after releasing a song out of the blue (except it’s not out of the blue, it’s papaya)
part 2: make me stay, series masterlist
faceclaim: dua lipa 🫶
rory’s voice mail 🎧: PART 2! sorry it took a while I was just waiting for ms.lipa to post more photos of herself and her red hair. anyways, enjoy! love you (say it back)
ALSO!!! i was supposed to finish these parts before the new season started but that didn't happen so I'm quickly going to catch up to the next few races and move to this year's season :) mwah
@THEHOLLYWOODFIX • 2 hours ago
"Red-Hot Romance? Lando Norris Seen Leaving Vegas Party With Same Mystery Woman as Before — Are They Hooking Up or Dating?"
In a city where parties never cease, it seems that Formula 1 driver Lando Norris just can't get enough of nightlife. Just a week after being spotted leaving a Vegas party with a mysterious red head, the 24-year-old was seen doing the exact same thing once again! It's unclear whether Norris and the red head are just having a little fun or if a deeper relationship is brewing, but we're sure his fans are keeping a close eye to see what happens next.
Who is this mystery woman and does she have the beloved driver wrapped around her finger?
"Waking up in the bed of a Formula 1 driver..again..I guess I can scratch that off the bucketlist." liz thinks to herself as she slips out of the bed she spent the night in, quietly making her way to the kitchen.
She stops infront of a mirror to fix her hair and tug the giant white shirt she's wearing further down even though that wasn't going to fix anything. She looks for her own clothes around the house before she ends up pulling it out from under his sofa. How did that even get there? I don't think I want to find out.
She makes her way to the kitchen, the cool marble flooring against her feet waking her up almost instantaneously.
The morning starts with her on call with her manager, arranging her private jet to leave as soon as possible while she raids lando's fridge in hopes of food. I guess a kinder egg still counts?
Chomping into the chocolate she quietly (but quickly) gathers her things and leaves his appartment, praying she doesn't get spotted by any paparazzi. If there's one thing she learnt the hard way it's that boys are no good.
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liked by paiselysterling, sabrinacarpenter, and 162,988,970 others
lizcolton thank you for all the love on my newest single! number 1 on charts and 1 million streams the first week of it's release!? you guys are all INSANE but I love you for that.
@ lizzerator mother says we're insane but proceeds to write the lyric "Kisses to my exes, I know that I did you dirty Little messed up, little selfish, we ain't married, I ain't thirty Yeah, we hooked up, then we broke up, then I said you really hurt me But I still got your number and your necklace, kisses to my exes"
*liked by lizcolton*
@ lizcolton @ lizcoltonlover a slay I hope
@ paiselysterling YOUR HONOR SHE ATEEEE
@ paiselysterling I'm so proud of you my love <3
@ lizcolton love you, pails <3
@ lizcoltonhq mother is mothering 😍
@ lizislife HELP WHO'S THE ADMIN HERE @ lizcolton @ lizislife beats me 🤷‍♀️ but you're getting a promotion that's for sure @ lizcoltonhq @ lizcolton thanks mother!
@ lewishamilton loved it! wished you didn't ditch us at the party yesterday night tho.
@ lizzerator @ lewishamilton what. explain!? right now!? @ formula1fanatic LIZ COLTON!!!! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF @ lizcolton @ lewishamilton damn it's so weird howw you STOPPED SPEAKING after "love it!" @ lewishamilton @ lizcolton my bad.
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liked by lizcoltonhq and 24,678 others
@lizzerator clips from the "kisses to my exes" music video.
@ user she ate and she KNOWS
@ user that running clip was definetly a reference to euphoria omg
@ user she looks stunning
@ user liz I lovee you
@ user whoa, take a chill pill babe.
@ user GUYS GUYS GUYS she has black hair in the video meaning she filmed this LONG BACK OMG
@ user girl has been KEEPING the tea from us
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liked by lizcoltonhq and 56,984 others
@lizzerator stills from the "kisses to my exes" music video.
@ user gorgeous.
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@THEHOLLYWOODFIX • 3 minutes ago
Pop Sensation Liz Colton Spotted in London as She Prepares for Her Comeback — Are We in Store for a Fresh Batch of Heartbreak Music?
In a city known for its celebrity sightings, pop singer Liz Colton has been spotted leaving her recording studio in London, fueling speculation that the singer is gearing up for her long awaited return to the music scene. Colton made headlines when she released her single "Kisses to my Exes" which took direct aim at her former partner, actor Jacob Elordi. The track hit number one on the charts and garnered over a million streams in its first week alone.
With such an explosive release under her belt, fans are anxiously awaiting what's next from the talented songwriter. Could the songstress be gearing up for a full-blown comeback? After such a long break from the music scene, it's sure to be exciting to see what direction she takes this time around. Stay tuned for more on Liz Colton and her highly anticipated comeback music.
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here's some pictures provided by the paparazzi team here at the hollywood fix.
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seen by 8,37,870,299 people
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lumibye · 9 months
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˗ˋ ୨ - 𝒏𝒆𝒘𝒔 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒘𝒓𝒂𝒑 𝒖𝒑 : 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 - ୧ ˊ˗
holidays are my only opportunity to be unapologetically sappy on this blog , i think . . . . ( /j ) and since it’s going to be 2024 in like 20 minutes here in australia i wanted to get this out before it gets too late into the night hehe also ! i have a lot i want to say 
( also comm showcase because i thought that'd be cute )
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so it’s almost been a year since i properly ( there's no way to properly do it but you understand . . ) started self-shipping , i think ? and it's ( in all honesty ? ) helped me through much of the year i started this blog back in march i believe , but i consider our anniversary to be in may ( i thought it was august but a very silly girlie got dates mixed up with lore if you could believe ehe ; ) which . . is five months off but it still feels pretty close ! he’s become such an intrinsic and important part of my life now that it feels as if it’s always been this way i guess . i’ve said it before but his character is just so kind and gentle and caring but also he’s reminded be how lovely it is to actually romanticise life a little bit and how good it feels to embrace your passion/s i um . . i love him very much ? 🩵🥺
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he’s such a genuine source of comfort and so very dear to my heart , and I truly think he’s going to be my love favourite forever and i can't wait to do more ship stuff in the coming year hehe ! i’ve been with this series for sixteen years now . because i'm old . ( /j ) it was such a huge staple of my childhood and maybe i’ll talk about it someday - i'd like to ! - because many of my dearest memories are centred around this franchise. perhaps this blog was always inevitable in that way , i like to joke about self shipping with him is like a long term membership bonus . . but either way , in a sense i feel so lucky i get to express my love for it in this way if that makes sense ?
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marianne ( having been made this year ) is also important to me in a way that’s . . come to surprise me , honestly ? i haven’t had an ‘ oc ‘ in a very long while so perhaps i just forgot about how emotionally attached you can really become . it’s probably also no shock that despite being a self insert, she’s very personal to me . . as someone that admittedly struggles with quite a bit of negative self talk, being able to say i like these parts of myself that i implement into her character has been quite healing for me as well ! and being able to rediscover my love for collecting flowers and coffee was also something really fun to do ! to the person that designed her ( you know who you are hehe ) I’m so incredibly grateful you bought her to life. It truly does mean sm . . as well as to everyone that's drawn her of course hehe , im always so giddy to see my little beloveds drawn so prettyful !
i really can’t emphasise enough just how grateful i am for both the community and all of my really lovely moots. i’m rather quiet so i don’t talk a lot but the interactions i’ve had on here are soso special to me and i really do cherish them so much no matter how small . . i have so many fond memories this year of that alone and it makes me tearyy happy happy 2024 to you and your beloveds hehe - if you actually managed to sit through all this I’m actually spinning you around so so much you very lovely and sweet . I hope the new year is everything you want it to be ! sending you each and every one of my best wishes your waaay mwah mwah !
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For the ship + kiss prompt, can I please request #4 with Bob x reader? 💕 Thanks!
Hi Vee!
Here is kiss #4 ... where it hurts with Bob and Reader! This ended up being a little more fun than serious! I hope you love it!
It also took me forever to write it, and I'm so sorry for that!
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A Kiss Where It Hurts
It’s just half past six when you wake up to the sound of crying. The bed’s cold next to you as you put on your glasses and blink sleep out of your eyes. You pad carefully down the stairs and lean against the kitchen door frame.
Your once clean kitchen looks like a warzone. There is what looks to be flour and sugar everywhere. Standing in the center of it all is your husband and crying toddler.
"My fingew huwts, Daddy." Your baby boy sobs.
"I know, buddy. But your Mama isn't awake yet. I can kiss it to make it better though." You can't hide your smile at Bob trying to reason with a 2 year old.
"No! Mommy only! Her kisses are magic, Daddy!"
Bob raises his eyes to the heavens, like he's praying for strength but as he does so, his eyes meet yours.
"Buddy, look over there! Who is that?" Bob points right at you, and your little boy is off like a shot, running right into your waiting arms.
"Morning, baby!" Your voice is soft as you cuddle your baby close and brush the tears off of his chubby little cheeks.
"Why are you crying, Jamie?" You listen as his piping, stuffed little voice tells you about how he jammed his finger in one of the cabinets.
"Oh, no!" Your voice is solemn as you take the chubby little hand in yours and kiss the proffered index finger. "Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! With these three magic kisses, this booboo will heal in no time!"
When Jamie's tears are dry and he snuggles even more securely into your embrace, you stand up, adjusting him so he's on your hip.
"Morning, Bobby." You smile as your husband tugs you close.
"Morning, beautiful. Say, do you think I'd get a kiss too if I told you my lips have a booboo?"
You shake your head fondly before tugging him in by the sleeve of his sweatshirt.
"Ahh. Well, yes. I do see the booboo now." You wrap your arm around his neck and kiss your husband, soft and sweet and gentle. The both of you are smiling the entire way, the kiss turning into soft presses of lips more than an actual kiss. When you pull away, the two of you stand in each other's arms for a little while longer.
"You take Jamie, sweetheart. Let me clean up this mess and make pancakes for breakfast." Bob pecks your lips again as you sit at the kitchen table.
"Hey Bobby?" Your voice is soft, barely audible in the quiet morning air.
"Yeah?" He sounds amused.
"I'll kiss your booboos any time." His laughter makes your heart feel warm and light.
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Want to request a Kiss and a pair for me to write? Guidelines are here.
Want to see other Kisses I've written? Here's the full Masterlist.
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cupcakeinat0r · 4 months
Hiii!!!! How are youuu?? I hope you are doing well!! I can't wait for the next chapter of DadBod!Miguel! I am honestly so excited!!!
May I ask how you got into writing? And what tips do you have to start?? I feel like I have a billion of ideas but I don't know how to get them into paper.
Anyway, you don't have to answer if you don't want to. Just wanted to tell you how much I love your blog and your stories!!
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Omg haiii luv!!! Tysm for the ask <3 I’m doing well, thnx, hope you are as well <3
YAY it makes me so happy to hear that you’re exciteddd!!! I’m excited for yall to see what happens… all I’ll say is that I couldn’t stop giggling n twirling my hair n kicking my feet when I wrote it ☺️
Ugh, you’re so sweet, this made my night <3 messages and comments like these r really encouraging!!
Writing advice below!!! Cuz I wrote a lot n idk how to shut tf up!!! 🤭🤭🤭
Honestly, I only ever liked reading, I wasn’t into writing cuz I knew if I did, I probably wouldn’t have made any sense lmao. I think it was my first year of college when I took advanced essay classes (and got an A+ in both🤭). It was suuuper good practice for me, and it def helped that both of my professors were awesome. I did stop writing after that, but then lo and behold: Spiderverse happened. That’s when I redownloaded tumblr to join the atsv community, just to see what the other atsv girlies were up to, which then led to my smut addiction (oops), which led to the creative juices juicing. I def did NOT have the confidence to post it publicly, but I figured why not!! I’m doing this for myself!! I enjoy it!! That’s, like, the cool part of writing is that, and get this: you can write whatever YOU want. Crazy, right?????
Now, the hardest part is getting it on paper. Once you get over that hill, it’s literally so chill after that. What I do is I literally just list out specific things I want to happen for sure, and I list them chronologically, from beginning to end of the chapter, Drabble, etc. I also list certain dialogue that I want to be said as well, putting them chronologically, too. I do this because I find it easy to build sort of a “scene” off of them. Call it a skeleton, if you will. Then the rest of it sort of just… comes along. Outlines r literally my bffs <3 It might also help to literally just write out what the idea is specifically; what I mean is what sparked the idea? Is it a specific action? Is it a line someone said? Is it a specific occasion? Specific location? Just take note of it, and if u read it n draw a blank, come back to it later. Also, I promise, the light bulbs are gonna come at you in the most randomest of times… trust, it will come to you while ur, like, lying in bed at 3am, about to fall asleep.
I hope this helped, luv! Just have fun with it! And if you write something, pls, tag me in it <3 I wanna support u <3 Mwah!
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marlee-goat · 9 months
What's your favorite game you played this year?
oohooohooh ok so this is sort of a toughie. favorite games this year consisted of all really fucking good games but if I had to rate them based on how I enjoyed them it would definitely go
mario wonder
pizza tower
(...i know antonblast isn't technically out yet, but hush)
in general mario wonder was a fucking GREAT experience. got it day 1. streamed it to like 3 people. played on my own for the rest of that day. proceeded to beat it the next. then I 100%ed it within the next two days (minus the standees because I did stupid shit and totally forgot to spend my flower coins on them so I missed all the bonuses that would have made that easier) but all in all holy shit I love that game. the online is so fun and im still trying to figure out if I can take up lexis offer on racing it heuheuheu...
pizza tower is also a Really Fucking Good Game god. I waited 5 years and I was not disappointed. this [cheesy pizza pun redacted]. i recently p-ranked the final boss to finish my 100% savefile and it's so fun to replay tbh. not to mention the modding scene god it's big and the amount of shit people are doing with this game is insane. and they're still adding new official content to the game too!!! it's crazy !! cannot fucking wait for the noise update...
ANTON BLAST 💥💥💥 was pretty fuckin good. i love the ctr boost mechanic. not to mention the voice clips and music and sound design and the animations and everything else about the game is just mwah. very pretty. it's just two levels right now and I'm having a [antonblast pun redacted]. people kept saying pizza tower is a wariolike but I beg to differ, frankly. pt is much more similar to like. sonic. i believe antonblast is the true wariolike here. can't wait to play it when it comes out ^^
vividlope was a pleasant surprise! one of my friends introduced it to me while they were srteaming it in a vc and god it's fun. best way I can explain it is like. Autistic Q*Bert. lil painter rabbit girl walking simulator.. 3 dimensional.. and they added a level editor a little bit back too so now you can make funny levels and things like this!!
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although this game is fucking infuriating at times. jaklub you are a monster
also not really on the list because it's not a new game but one I've really been playing more. god i love tf2 and I will always love tf2. I've been getting back in the swing of making content for it and dear lord it's so fun. one of my main recommendations any day. might be tough to get into but I urge anyone who can to play it...
thanks for the ask sky!! ive been waiting for it ...
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thegeminisage · 2 months
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME. saturday we did voy's "basics part ii" and "flashback," and last night we did voy's "the chute" and "the swarm." not really last night changed bc i am writing this at fuck o clock its going up tmrw w/o me but w/e
basics part ii:
this one was fine. or rather the a-plot of this was boring, the b-plot fucking ruled
like, what do i care about the surface of this planet? ik there's a whole season that happens after this, nobody important is gonna die. even the critter was no that interesting
also, FUCK the baby not really being chakotay's. i was so fucking devastated. i wanted him to have a little guy sooo bad. they gave it to me and then snatched it away. imagine how he must feel...the whole ship in danger to save the kid that wasn't really his, and two people DIED in the process. the a-plot was terrible.
but ohhh the doctor and lon suder taking on the kazons alone. mwah.
first of all, what a match-up. the doctor can't be killed or harmed, not really, not the way suder used to enjoy hurting people. so that puts them on totally even terms
secondly, the fact that suder FINALLY almost overcame his violent impulses and now he has no choice BUT to give into them for a cause greater than his own needs (to have peace with himself)...that's juicy stuff. his struggle when he came back after killing that one guy was absolutely incredible.
finally, i love that out of any two people who could be stuck on voyager, you get the idea that these two people had the best chance of doing what they did. like the doctor is quite literally PART of the computer that runs the ship, and suder has all the violent impulses of his former life now combined with tuvok's methodical nature and his own hard-earned patience. truly a force to be reckoned with. it doesn't really push your suspension of disbelief when he takes out all those guys at once because part of him has been waiting to do that for a looong time
genuinely i'm only disappointed they killed him...a character like this could have EASILY been a regular. i'll miss him so much
the undiscovered country was not my favorite tos movie by far (it ranks near the bottom actually) but i wish i had skimmed it at least before watching this. the movie footage being there was so so fun, and JANICE RAND! i'm always so happy to see her turn up, she deserved so much better, even if most of her tos scenes did annoy me to death
anyway, imagine being in a show and 30 years later they are calling you on the phone asking if you would like to do another episode of the show. star trek really is so unique in that regard, very few franchises have that same kind of staying power. m*rvel who? get the fuck out of here.
i looooooved getting more of tuvok's backstory. i think it's really hilarious that spock's parents almost disowned him when he joined starfleet but after that vulcan parents are like pressuring their kids to join to be more like him. poor spock and poor tuvok i wish they could have met onscreen just once
janeway in the old uniform!!!!!!!! she looked amazing
mixed feelings about janeway's speech about how things were different in the tos era and that's why sometimes they didn't do the prime directive. actually, it's funny because i got a little huffy at her "they were quicker to reach for their phasers" comment like GIRL NO THEY WEREN'T and then like the very next day i watched "taste of armageddon" where kirk did immediately start blasting because the disintegration chambers triggered his tarsus iv trauma and had to reluctantly forgive her
that said. spock mention.
the chute:
something lgbt happened on star trek voyager...i don't ship this couple because i'm still kirby with a gun re: tom paris, but i'm incredibly happy for people who do. i think about how i would have been if this had been chakotay and janeway instead (besdie myself) and i just KNOW the harry/tom shippers were eating
i wish harry kim got more to do...he had a little more this time but his solo scenes didn't have much meat to them, it was his scenes w tom paris that really stood out
and like i didn't hate those scenes, but the "shitty hellhole prison" plot itself also kind of bored me, because we just saw a far superior version of this happen to o'brien on ds9 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and to me one half of tom/harry is kinda boring and never gets his chance to shine, and the other is eternally on probation for being too annoying in season 1. so i had a hard time staying invested
that said it was very fun when janeway came down through the hole guns blasting. now who's playing cowboy, captain?
the swarm:
this was another one where the a-plot sucked and the b-plot ruled
i know janeway doesn't wanna add another 15 months, but man, come ON...it was very dumb not to go around. it was even dumber to not go around WHILE YOUR DOCTOR WAS BROKEN. take a few days to fix him and THEN go. also WHAT HAPPENED TO HER IDEALS? the showrunner really needed to keep this shit straight this was wildly out of character for her. that plus constantly brushing off kes...not her finest episode tbqh
the doc losing his memory was great though. kes is SO kind to advocate for him as she does and she and b'elanna were just great in general. kes even gave him a little kissy!! treat him really niceys: the episode
the other doctor hologram was really funny too although his usage of the "it" pronoun made me flash back to my rage when people did that to data during tng
it was actually so true to life how people with dementia act...kes did a great job of keeping him calm until the end :(
and the humming!!! i can't believe they left it there, but i suppose the implication is he gets it all back. and what a breath-taking spot to end it, honestly
TONIGHT: ds9's "apocalypse rising" and voy's "false profits" (i read the summary and good god someone HELP me)
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bisexualvampires · 1 year
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELOVED BESTIE!!!!!! can you believe how awesome you are because I can't?!! Like wow. What a human!!! You are so kind and smart and my god the writing talent you're my idol! Not to mention the way you understand characters and the things you come up with that I love (even if they make things more angsty). Like I know if we're chatting about a show or a move that you just GET IT and i can sit back eating figurative popcorn and nodding in enjoyment like yes very good tell me more bestie. Especially love when we talk about our little gay shows, even if it's rage at them being cancelled :(. But anyway!!! you are my most fave and so funny and wonderful and I'm so glad we already have another meetup planned so I can get another patent pending aoife hug ™️. I hope you have the best birthday and the best year and get some time to chill and have some food you Enjoy I love you MWAH!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
beloved 😭😭😭 you have totally made my day like!!! YOU are the kindest and SO much fun to talk to always. you get it!!! you always do <3 i need your bi galaxy brain input on all the things always. thank you for being so sweet and can i just say hanging out with you was thee highlight of the year and i can’t WAIT to do it all again in [checks cursed countdown thingy] 101 more days 😱😭 giving you thee biggest hug and clinging like a koala bear :) you’re my absolute favourite and i’m so so happy we met especially bc of the gay angel 😌 i love you 💖💖💖💖
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ARB Birthday Special: Touya Kisaragi
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 ~~ August 20th ~~
“Love is hard to find, hard to keep, and hard to forget.”
Login Lines:
“Toooday's my birthdaaay~! Happy Birthday to meeee~! Teehee! Oh! Someone’s here! Hiiii! Hm? What’s this?”
“A present? For me? Ooh! Thank you! *mwah* Thank you! *mwah* Thank you! *mwah* I'll treasure it forever! *mwah*”
Voice Lines: 
“I'm so excited! I’ve been waiting all year for today! Yay me~! *claps* This is the first time I'm celebrating my birthday~! No one ever bothered enough to do anything for me when I was younger.”
“Hisa-chan made a special breakfast for me today. He made me chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream, strawberry syrup, and sprinkles~! Hisa-chan never lets me have sweets for breakfast. He says too much sugar is bad in the morning, but since it’s my birthday, I could have it just this once.” 
“Oh? Do you like my outfit? I got it, especially for today~. Perfect for a wild night out! Now I just need to put my extensions on. Let's see if I can get anyone to take me home with them tonight.” 
“Hi, Haruka-nee. Sorry, I haven't been able to visit you in a while. I got thrown into jail, which was kinda not fun, but I met some people while I was there, tho! Hisa-chan and Rin-chan! They’re the first people to care about me since you died! *pauses* Not that it's nice, but sometimes I wish you were still alive, Haruka-nee. Maybe then I wouldn't have turned out the way I did.” 
“Hisa-chaaan! You remembered! Hehehe! Sorry! It's just that I'm really excited, Hisa-chan! This is just the first time I've had anyone give me anything for my birthday. *sniffs* That really means a lot. Thank you.”
“Ahh! It's so cute and fluffy! What should I name you? I know! I’ll call you Marcie! Oh! There's even a place inside to store my knife! I know, just the one too! Thanks, Hisa-chan!”
“Riiin-chaaan! It's my birthday. Don't be a big meanie to me. *hugs* That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, Rin-chan. Don't worry, tho. *smiles* I think of you as my big brother, too. *gasps* You did~! Ooh! Gimme! Gimme!” 
“Oh~! It's so cute!! Wait? What do you mean you made it? *blinks* Rin-chan, you're using those big words again. I don’t understand what you're saying. *stomps foot* Stop being mean to me, Rin-chan! *pauses* Hisa-chan! Rin-chan won't stop calling me stupid! Tell him to stop!”
Akihisa Lines:
“Happy Birthday, Touya. You’ve been vibrating all week, of course, I remembered. Touya…you are perhaps one of the strongest people I've ever met, never forget that. *pauses* I know it can't give back the childhood that was brutally stolen from you, but here's a gift from me. I hope you enjoy it.” 
“I know you're fond of things like this. So I got you a stuffed rabbit. Handmade as well. I had that put in place just so you're never without a weapon. Very few people expect a knife to be hidden inside a stuffed doll. You're welcome, Touya.”
Rintaro Lines:
“Alright, Happy Birthday, you pink thing. You're lucky I think of you as like the little brother I never had, Touya. *coughs* Anyway, enough with the emotional shit I got you a little something for your birthday. So here.”
“Considering you like dressing up a lot, I decided to make you a makeup kit. Yeah, cosmetic chemistry is a thing, ya know? Like in lipstick, formaldehyde is used to preserve, while titanium oxide is used for eh? Oh, right, you got no brain cells in that coconut hollow head of yours. What are you gonna do about it then? No, wait! You little shit!” 
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Let me just scream about fish a little hehe (praying that this actually sends cause my internet is so weird rn aaa)
I've read 3 of the Song Fish chapters and I love how different the story is compared to Deep Dreams and also how it's different. At first I thought that 'oh it's gonna be a complete repeat sort of' but it's been very different so far and I'm really enjoying it!
I love how you're writing y/n this time around with their phobias of deep oceans and large objects/creatures. It's so well painted and described through your beautiful writing. I can very easily put myself in their shoes and really feel their terror, it's fantastic!
I was so giddy when I realized that Deep Dreams and Song Fish are connected, like really connected with them taking place in the same place just some years apart. AAA I LOVE IT!!
I'm a big fan of what you've done with Gregory too, he might be different from what he is in the games but I'm just very happy that y/n has someone nice to lean on. I'm very curious to hear about this mer he's hanging out with hehe~ I'm so used to y/ns being very oblivious to everything, but oh my god if they don't pick up on the clues soon I'll rattle them into tiny bits!!
Oh and the boys, THE BOYS!!! Oh my god I loooove them!! They're so patient and sweet and so AAAA!!! You know how I am with big creatures being gentle and caring, I melt and melt and MELT!! They're so beautiful too aaaa man.. I love them!!! I love the scene where y/n is on Sun's back and he and Moon are looking at y/n waiting for them to calm down, being so patient. And the "now you're wet again" prkfjflfok aawww they worked so hard to get you dry and then you just undo all their work just like that! But ah man also what do you do in that situation really? Do you stay on the terrible monster's back or do you jump into the other monster that is the ocean? Stuck between a rock and a hard place fr..
I've been reading while out sailing and it's just THE BEST EXPERIENCE!! I feel the waves and smell the clean air as I read and it's just PERFECT!! Just wanted to let you know hehe X3
I cannot wait to read the rest of this fic, I'm loving it so far!! Sorry I haven't sent any comments recently, it's been quite a lot going on. Even though I'm quiet I'm still enjoying your work immensely! My gosh I'm enjoying it~❤️❤️❤️
Oh my gosh, I'm so late replying to this, ahhh!!!
I have to say, I was really worried about it being just a repeat of Deep Dreams, which I absolutely didn't want because although there are some plot beats that are hit like in Deep Dreams, I hoped that the new Y/N and character conflicts would be compelling and fresh enough on their own! So I'm glad you're enjoying it so far!!
Thank you, babe! You're making me melt with your kind words ;-; I've been having a lot of fun with Gregory and Freddy and just that human kid + bear fish dad dynamic!
That scene, ahhh! Yeah, not much choice there, especially when panic is involved! But the boys are ready to do everything they can to help their little human ♥
Oh gosh, I can't wait for you to read Chapter 5 with that mention of sailing! Heheh! No need to apologize either, I'm just glad to hear your thoughts on it now! Thank you so much, Meep! *mwah*!
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This or That? Tag
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Thank you for tagging me @writernopal ! You can find her post here, go read it ! 💜 I had a lot of fun developing the answers, sorry if it's all over the place ^^
I love to read historical novels but writing them is waaaayyy above my competence level and I know I would get lost in the research part of it instead of, you know, actually, writing it. So futuristic it is because I can bullshit my way through it.
CLOSING CHAPTER!!! I can't wait to get to the one in La Fledgling! I'm gonna break my own heart, it's going to be great!
I wish I could write light and fluffy things but I can't. It might be pathological at this point. I tried to write a fluffy mermaid AU and Lou drowned in the first chapter, so now I give up. I'll accept my fate.
I have to choose animal companion because one of my favourite character (Lorelei, immortal witch, high priestess of Némésis goddess of revenge) has a familiar named Doll. It's a raven who believes himself to be a bird of prey but is actually just... broken. It once tried to incubate a skunk and to eat a cat, so. He can't see windows and can cut through steel with his beak (through sheer determination and will). I love it with all my heart. I've only had him for twelve years, but if anything ever happened to him, I would kill to get him back 🤺🤺🤺
Romance that becomes horrifying, where you would do anything for your partner, even betraying your values and your faith, to the point where you can't recognize the person looking at you through the mirror. Or where your lover becomes something other and you're not sure how to love her anymore.
(On this not, there's a great novel Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield where one of the woman is marine biologist and comes back to her wife *wrong* after six months lost at sea. It's terrifying, it's great!)
Fuck rules. Do whatever you want! Why do dragons exist in my world? Because the god of poison had children with a crocodile metamorph and she gave birth to the dragons, next question! Why is Lorelei's magic different from the others'? Because she's OP and I love her and she's my chosen one! Why can Jo [REDACTED] because. That's it. That's my justification. I do what I want as long as it's fun 💃‍
I always say I'm gonna write a standalone and I rarely succeed. I blame it on my favourite books I read as a child which were all super long series with like 50 books in it, spanning generations and thousands of years (hi Heralds of Valdemar and The ballad of Pern) I also blame them for making me write dragons and over-powered women. I love you, you're the best, mwah!
I'm always switching between WIPs depending on my mood and my motivation. I can put aside a project for months (hi book 3 of WsT... I'm coming back for you baby, I'm coming back for you!), start three new WIPs, and then go back to one of my ancients projects. Every time I try to persuade myself to only work on one thing I get frustrated and end up not writing at all so I just let my creativity take me wherever. I'm not even a passenger anymore, I'm stuck in the trunk of the car, scribbling madly and trying to understand what's going on. It's not going well.
I don't really care about awards. Like sure it'd be nice to know critics and judges liked mu book enough to give me a Hugo or a Nebula or whatever, but what I really want is for *actual people* to love my stories. I hope I can touch at least one person with my silly little characters and their struggles. (Also, I want the fanfics and the fan-arts 😂)
I love sci-fi, especially sci-fi stories where humanity has to leave earth and terraform/colonize other planets, I love exodus. I also love to just write whatever like an archeology student getting kidnapped but an alien sect because they think she can resurrect their leader. And I love fantasy because I love swords, and dragons, and magic, and lesbians (and lesbian dragon shapeshifters with a sword), and prophecies. I love being able to craft a world and society and to just... have fun.
I don't do it enough, but I love setting descriptions because it helps paint a picture and you can leave little nuggets of foreshadowing in it. (You can also do it with character description but I think I might be too obvious when I do that XD)
First draft is a pain in the ass but I actually love the process of figuring out what the fuck is going on, who the characters are, what they want, what they need. It's like getting to know someone but sudoku like. If you don't put the numbers in the right order you understand nothing. (It's a bad comparison, I hate sudoku, but you get what I mean). Also, what the fuck is a final draft? I've never met her. i always want to change something even after I'm done. Which is also why publishing scares me so much : what if I want to change something and can't because it's already been printed? Nightmare 😱
I'd rather have no romantic arc ever again than suffer through a poorly written love triangle once again. I'm tired of love triangles. Be original at least and give me a love octagon or something. I don't know dude, make one of them die in a war, her wife mourns then starts dating again and then, she comes back after being MIA for years. Don't make it bland between the dark-haired bad boy and the blond boy next door, please I'm begging you. And if you really can't write any other romance, then please just give me an action novel or a fantasy novel or a horror novel without any romance. Please. No more love triangles.
Rainstorm if I'm inside! It's so soothing, especially at night. I love thunder and lightning, I love being comfy in my bed, listening to the rain 🥰
Gently tagging @liv-is, @ladyniniane & @autumnalwalker if you haven't done it yet 😊
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disorganizedkitten · 2 years
The Road To Ruin(?): you mentioned twenty three hours of slideshow. What else is there?
Okay okay SO! It's not a 23 hour long slideshow, as much as that would definitely be my magnum opus, it just took me 23 hours to make. Although I did sleep, so more like 17. BUT I've added a slide or two since then so technically it's a 24h slideshow ;0
There are. So many people on this slideshow. I didn't REALIZE how many OCs I was making until I put them all in one place. There are TWENTY SEVEN character slides, plus an extra slide for "I need to remember their name but they are NOT going to end up Important"(tm). Sadly, Cole from Into The Mixing Bowl is not on it yet, and they will likely garner an entire slide. As soon as I learn their birthday XD
Anyway I try to make a slide for every important person I build myself, plus NOPC Fay Dunbar because at this point she's so divorced from canon that she requires an explanation xD I love her immensely.
So! Not everyone but here's the two Delphis I sometimes mention, Calli, Fay, and the various Potter Twins that have been mentioned so far.
Starting with The Boys!
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I hope the slides explain them well enough but I will answer any and all questions I love them so much. Charlie's from the first twin au I ever made - don't think it counts as a wbwl because at that time I didn't know the trope and the "Chosen One" shenanigans focus on both of them.
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I'm like 98% sure I wrote Sorrel having glasses in TRTR but it's fine he looks 16 here, sometimes you grow out of them.
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FUN FACT when I was building NOPC, I got to the point where you Have To Have A Name but I couldn't pick one, so I handed the phone to my little sister and told her to. That's why there's no theme to the name Connor, unlike the other twins.
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We're going to ignore the fact that his name is spelled two different ways, I spell it one, autocorrect spells it the other. The fact that Tristan is somehow a week older than William seems extremely fake to me, but google docs dates my documents and that's what they say.
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WILLIAM! He's such a Person. I love him so. Both Will and NOPC get to feature copious Encyclopedia Brown references and it makes me so happy.
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Fay! She's my blorbo! Fay Malfoy was an errant thought in War Crimes and spawned her own au. Long before that, THIS Fay was born! I think she's from 2020? I didn't date NOPC's conception, partially bc the twins are only dated so the Ordered By Birthday Slideshow can have them ordered too, and partially because it's the result of multiple aus breeding plot bunnies over three years.
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I have so many picrews of her because Metamorphmagery makes her that much more fun to do. I love her so much. Alongside becoming the Astronomy teacher, she contracts with Gringotts to break in and then point out flaws in their security.
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Calli! She's Delphi Lyn's soulmate and she's such a person. I can't wait to get NOPC out and get reactions.
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I saved the best for last; it's Delphi Lyn, mwah. Gosh this woman does. so much. I love her. It's SO MUCH FUN to run plotlines with her. Delphi Is Not Paid Enough For This is going to be a series of aus spawning from DoM/Horcrux shenanigans and it's lovely.
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Oracle: the Kissing Game || Rinne Amagi
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How would you imagine getting in an odd situation with a certain idol, slash totally not a friend, and person you really hate. >:( And once almost force to marry him because of his village "oracle" but of course you manage to escape that thing year or so ago! Alas. It seems you really can't escape being in a union with this dang red haired.
it all started with a kissing game (why would you even do such thing with him? He of course pokes your buttons and sing his crazy roulette, the first part at your ears like that annoying trumpet guy till you give in) with Rinne but then the guy said, the first one to tap out lose and have to do the winner orders.
Rinne is like trained. He probably can hold his breath more than others could cause his a future monarch and his village is kinda "another world" thing.
So he would win obviously and you who's out of breath look at this smug son of a bitch, laughing smugly at his very foreseeable victory from the start and you just want to punch the damn guy-- wait you did. But it only made him laugh even more.
"WHAT IF I SUFFOCATED?!" you were red from both anger and embarrassment. You cannot believe you lost to this dang guy, you being too competitive and it's the reason you take his contest or challenge to begin with.
You will never kiss rinne the fucking Amagi.
"well, it be the first one to die from kissing, babe." He chuckle like a menace he is. " Obviously I won't let you die because you kiss me and you'll have to take responsibility!" He then point out.
"what." - you.
"Well..." He clap his hand. Hiiro come out hidding and with people that look like someone from the Amagi brother village and suddenly you find yourself dragged and change cloths.
"you and him are now bless couple. Have a nice union for life!" With that your official married in the traditions of Rinne and hiiro village, they wave and let you two have your fun in your house, as if they never been there at all.
"BRO HOW COME I WASN'T ABLE GIVE A WORD ABOUT THIS????" you exclaim. "I don't like you! You bastard, go die! " You throw Middle finger at his face, he laugh as he held your hand that giving him a rude finger and interlock it with his.
"it's ok sweetie. Your just being tsundere again. Mwah.( ˘ ³˘)♥" He sneakily kiss your cheeks. The exaggerating noisy sloppy kiss.
"IM NOT TSUNDERE. >:(((" You frown but then look at him. "Hmmp." You cross your arms and snob your eyes away. " Your good looking, so what?you have a seggsy voice, so what? Your a good brother to Hiiro, so what?" You start "You also reminded me of someone." You mumble almost inaudible to others but him.
"Hmm~?who's this someone, babe? (◍•ᴗ•◍)" -rinne. Oh my, you just indirectly complimented me ~ how cute!
"none of ya business. (✿^‿^)" - You.
"gasp. Your already cheating on me? ԅ( ͒ ۝ ͒ )ᕤ" - rinne. Le gasp.
You smiled at him and said nothing.
→_→ >>> (◔‿◔)
(Rinne ) > ( you )
Your being stared by him so much, you give up. "Fine it was a very, very hungry kid who like to eat sandwich when I was a kid. He have blue eyes. Other than that I forget. My guardian said it's because I roll down from a hill and knock my head in a log when I get lost when I was a kid. They only told me the kid have blue eyes and stuff. " You mumble. His eyes widen as he hear your words.
"I don't know your that clumsy." He laugh. " And then what~" isn't that me? Eheh. I wonder if I should tell you~ ' rinne thought, quite smugly as you remember him at least. He thought you wouldn't--
"when I saw Niki, he have blue eyes and loves to eat food. So Its probably Niki. (ღ˘ω˘ღ) no one can be gluttony and cute when eating like him. I remember that in not so vivid memories and description of my guardian, they said the kid eat like a cute hamster! Or squirrel!" Your eyes sparkle at the discussion.
"...." - rinne. 'What.'
He takes a deep breath and compose himself. 'calm down rinne, it's probably because she just don't remember that vivid!' he smile at you which cause you to raise a brow.
"your smiling kinda weird. Why are you smiling like you wanna punch someone." You point out.
"oh it's nothing ~ ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ I just wanna ask what if it's not Niki? What if it's... Me...? " - rinne. ' THAT WAS ME, THROUGH???"
"your not cute, your seggsy." You straight forwardly says to him. "My guardian said that the friend of mine would be cutie, not seggsy if we become adults " you added.
"..." he don't know if he should feel bashful, proud your complimenting him or the fact your openly don't consider the chances, just because your forgotten what he look like.
"hey. Till when are you gonna stay here. I'm gonna play my game. There's an event today." You point out the door. " Get out. I'm gonna do a 10 pull and hope I get a new 5*" you beam. "There's limited banner today! I will get soob this time since I did the event picnic and only need one more recipe to get another limited ticket!!" You show the picture and he can't help but chuckle as he left the little problem with you misidentifying who's your childhood friend aside and circle his arms around you.
" HEY! (。・//ε//・。)" - you. But you don't try to remove his arms since it's pointless, your too weak and your going to yeet your energy for the event than mess with him. He probably would get bored and let go of you later.
"what about my 3* card then~?"
"→_→ I Max it out. When I did a 20 pull earlier." You don't like when you remember how you don't get new cards but set of 4* you already almost max. Almost all rinne 3* 10 pull.
You move to your couch and the buffoon who still leech on you seat with you, arms around you as you play, you just let him be as it's a normal thing now. He always comes for bother you And your personal space. Ifs his personal space too, as he proclaimed before.
You did wonder if that event earlier eas real deal or you imagining it. You probably did after you lost too much air from lack of oxygen.
Remembering the event earlier, with his lips against yours, you suddenly turn bright red and miss a note. " Ahaha you miss a note. Want me to play it for you, babe~?" Rinne who's looking at your gameplay over your shoulder chuckle as he look at you pausing your game and having a moment of silent of having to break your combo( or so he thought as he cannot see your face that's blushing so hard from late processing the stupid action you did before.)
"hmmp. Your probably bad at this >:/ " you cough as you tried to compose yourself. " Heh. Is this a challenge? Let's see then." He take your phone and causally did an expert mode and in front of your eyes perfect combo 4 songs and you only watch in amazement and awestruck but refuse to admit his good.
"Y-you just get lucky hmmp." You mumble
"well, how about another day then~?" He saw that you look at him with twinkling eyes at his words and he chuckle as he play your silly game based on the people around you, with his hands still around you. You watch him in glee as he did your tour event your not able to do because it need perfect combo and gotten all the dia from perfect combo from difficult levels your not able to get. And slowly fall asleep from the music against his arm when his doing his 20th song.
After your BP and extra whistle run out. He notice your sleeping form, peacefully sleeping. He put away your phone in the side but careful to not move too much and soon he fallen asleep with you.
The following days , Niki complain how Rinne is bullying him about something, you as Niki close friend complain to Rinne for bullying Niki. The dude just whistle and let you nag him. He will never say he still felt salty as you won't think that the friend you meet before Is him and it's totally not Niki! Just for what? Because his not cute?
Unforgivable! >:(
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
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littlebugs · 2 years
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my personal outer banks rant (character based) A/N: i have absolutely nothing against the actors of the show, this is just my full on review of outer banks and it's characters (i loveee the show so much tho, can't wait for obx 3!!!!)
see my site! https://littlebugs.tumblr.com/
jj maybanks obviously i had to start with jj.... this man has some serious trauma but somehow the series almost manages to play it off? i feel like there are a few key moments in the series but you don't really see his character getting a lot of sympathy from the other characters except for whenever it just manages to come up (sic the hot tub scene). also this man is straight up gorgeous MWAH! cut like a diamond, and he has that beach boy vibe. favorite vanilla boy in this series.
john b john b has an interesting personality and tbh it confuses me sometimes. maybe it's because his actor is like way old to play a 16-17 year old, he has this air of an adult while like doing stupid stuff, and he looks like an adult as well. he also got... married. not legally, but he got married. and honestly hes been through so much i don't even blame him- man just wants something stable in his life.
sarah cameron to be honest about her... i dont hate her! i though sarah might be stuck up in her old ways but she actually is quite a "go w/ the flow" girl. but home girl looses her dad (for a short time anyways) literally watched him die with leads to like a huge amount of trauma, has her brother attempt to murder her (yikes) and is on the run from police after being framed an accomplice in murder? not to mention getting kidnpped by her dad who turns out to be alive... i kinda forgive her for any rash actions because she arguably has one of the hardest times in the series.
kiarra carrera im sorry. I HATE IT. kiarra is a privileged girl who decides to run with underprivileged guys. i have not problem with that whatsoever! the problem is that now from hanging out with them, she calls herself one of them. you can't just think that (almost) poverty is easy peasy. yeah it's fun to hang out with the pouges, but at the end of the day she goes home to a warm house with food and a bed. people like jj and possibly john b might not have food in the house. she calls herself one of "them" but shes truly just glorifying the lifestyle and taking the advantages. not to mention her unstable relationship with pope who actually likes her. shes incredibly self centered and unaware and I HATE IT.
pope heyward POPE! i love popes rational thinking skills, hes one of my favorite characters. he rlly cares for his friends, but he also wants to have a future, unlike some of the other pouges who seems to be just lounging around. he works hard, and then works harder. he is probably one of the most underrated characters in obx. there is also something just so aesthetically pleasing about his voice it's crazy. pope arguabbly has a better home than most of the charecters with a mother and father who care bout him, but what hurts is when he runs away from them with his friends (i know he comes back, but the looks in his dads face almost made me cry istg).
rafe cameron ok... controversial character alarm!!! a lot of people like rafe but i can't understand it! yes rafe is... very handsome. yes rafe is.... also probably a psychopath. rafe definitely has something physiologically going on, and it seems like his family isn't intent on getting him help. rose cameron even says rafe has been like this since eleven. eleven!!! and they still haven;t helped him... sounds like it's getting worse to me. that may also be the reason rafe seems to fall into drugs more than any other character- it might - per say - let him escape his mind. all in all mr. rafe cameron needs some serious help and i would love to see if he has a healing process in season 3
ward cameron i do not like this man. not at all. he seems to completely ignore wheezie, honestly poor wheezie (we'll dig deeper later), he lets one of his children kill someone for him, and the other framed for the murder, murders people, marries rose (a mistake on his part because shes def toxic), and puts his children through immense trauma by killing himself and coming back to life. he also kidnaps people and blames the people HE murdered on some poor 17 year old. i can't.
topper to be honest i kinda like topper. topper is yes, a white, cis, straight male, but aren't rafe and jj? he is rlly respectful to be honest. he friends and some of the other kooks on figure eight are kind of jerks, but topper seems to be nicer. despite pushing john b of a tree or something he hasn't done anything wrong. he literately gets broken up with by sarah and WILL STILL risk himself for her. he also tells her he will never stop loving her, but gives up on the chase because hse doesn't want him. this man has a very very decent amount of respect and i adore him.
wheezie oh my god this poor kid. she's what 12 or 13? so uhm... i dont even know where to start. ok so her dad is a crazy murderer who scars her for life. her brother is also a murderer. her sister has been framed for murder. her mother is an accomplice in wards murder..... ugh. just let me whisk poor wheezie away and adopt her. also like ward does not seem to care about wheezie he speaks to her like 10 times -_- its crazzzy. i hope she turns out okay and honestly i would like to see some more wheezie character development.
carla limbrey poor carla. shes a jerk, but i feel bad. kinda. girl was dying and just wanted a cure, something to hold onto. she didn't have any sinister intentions, but it kinda turned evil because of her overwhelming urge for this cross and garment.. and omg renfield you jerk i hate him.
anyways this took an hour give or take so i hope you liked it!
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your mind powers encouraged me to do this, so have Martyn in a frustrated gay panic over Scott and Ren not doing anything at all to help
It's the evening after the first day of the faire, and no, martyn isn't dreading going back. In fact, he's looking forward to it, it was very fun! But.
He's dreading having to look the pretty boy in the eyes again, and try to hold a completely functioning conversation.
Ren openly mocks him from the bed, fanning out his drying nails like he's not the one who married him years ago. Granted, it was a heat of the moment decision and they were divorced now, but minor details.
What's important right now is Martyn agonizing over what to send to the pretty boy(who he'd learned was named scott)
"Should I even text him today? Wouldn't that make me look desperate?" He frets. Ren just scoffs.
"Dude. Martyn. You are desperate." He snarks, and he can practically hear Martyn rolling his eyes in the way he says "thanks Ren". "I mean, I'd go for it today. Don't want him to forget about you." He shrugs.
"You're right..." Martyn huffs. "What do I say- Does just a hi work? Or- Or should I try and be smooth-"
"Just say whatever you did to make me say yes to marrying you." Ren shrugs, as if it's that simple.
Martyn balks. "Oh, take him to Vegas and get him drunk. Splendid idea, may I remind you that it was you who asked me to marry you?"
"Huh." Ren says, almost having forgotten that fact.
"Oh- nevermind... I'll do this myself." Martyn grumbles, though he feels like he can't do it.
What he sends is simple. Just a text letting Scott know he didn't lose the paper with his number. That should be sufficient, right? But.. oh fuck what if he sounds boring? He wants to be interesting, especially to someone like Scott.. should he have tried to be smooth? Should he have tried a pick up line? Or would an emoji have been better, or literally anything else but-
Ren looks over as well when he hears it, and watches as Martyn's face turns bright red. "Did he send nudes already?" He says in amazement, only slightly whining when Martyn throws something at him.
"Shut up- shut up, no- he didn't-" Well, not exactly nudes. What Scott had sent back was a photo of him shirtless. Not exactly exposing much, just a hint below the clavicle, which it was aiming at. It did however show off the floral tattoo that started at Scott's shoulder, and crept downward.
"He has a tattoo." Martyn says, almost in shock. "He's got- a lot of tattoos.."
"Damn- that's not what i was expecting." Ren snorts. "Good for him. What's the text say?"
"Just... Hello. With a smiley face."
"Just that- That's it?"
"Oh dude. He's into you. He's trying to make you fall harder- I mean, not like that's gonna be hard-"
"Shut up!"
They go on like that throughout the evening, back and forth banter over whether or not Martyn falls easily, or if Scott's just really good at what he does. Martyn honestly banks on both. Sure, Scott is really pretty, and that does help, but Martyn, well, to quote Cleo, is a little bit of a desperate bitch.
That's fine with Scott though.
He smiles at his phone and at the response he gets from Martyn. This was good.
He can't wait to see him tomorrow.
YEAHHHHHHHHH THE GUYS!!!!!!!! MY FAVORITE HUSSY AND BLOND IDIOT <33 I love them,, Scott's such a flirt and I'm very much looking forward to writing him as such AND Martyn as a very very very gay disaster. Ren will be of no help to him :D
Kicking my feet and giggling twirling my hair thinking ab writing the tension between these two cause OH BOY. It will be thicc w 5 Cs. I love this very much Roxie thank you *mwah* /p
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