#MY HUSBSND!!!!!!!!!!
ssozo · 5 months
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eating-the-inedible · 11 months
guys The Crush™ calls me Angel
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midnightsun92 · 1 year
Life update:
Hello friends or those who stopped long to read this. Sorry that i haven't been posting much or writing at all for months now. It's been... a really long summer full of crap I don't want to get into and I haven't been motivated to write anything. I did start writing some today about a pregnant trans Dagur au as an indulgence, but it's going slow.
Anyways, I just haven't been feeling motivated to do any writing while I focus on my health (doing some weight lifting and getting buff) and my oldest son's health as he might need sinus surgery to get rid of all that backed up gunk in there (this is why blowing your nose is so important). He had another CT yesterday morning so we'll see. The reason for his packed sinuses is his allergies and asthma, giving him a constant runny nose if I dont make him bathe every day, change his pillow sheet, and be careful what I feed him.
That was just one thing going on, I a slew of others but that is what has been bothering me the most... other than this thing going on between my husband and his dad, for fucks sake.
Anywho, just wanted to apologize for my lack of posts and stuff. Thanks to those who stuck around.
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intefa · 6 months
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Yesterday Husband came home and i was allowed to remove the nipple shields. My nipples are of course super sensitive after being locked away for weeks. Husbsnd allowed them to rest yesterday(of course after some pinching and playing with them...)but today i am to wear the "fun" bra all day. From not feeling my nipples at all for weeks to reacting every time something brushes past them even through clothes is a head rush!
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yrluvjane · 8 months
13 Years.
13 Years since the day you believed you lost your husband. 13 years since the day your friends died. 13 Years since the day your family was shadowed in darkness and 13 Years since your life crumbled to ash.
If you had told me, 13 years ago, that there was a chance that I could be in my husband's arms once more, I would've kicked you out the bloody window.
But here you wete, sitting on one of the sofa's in 12 Grimmauld Place; a glass of wine in one hand, trying to wrap your mind of what was happening.
You sat in front of the fire place, it was not lit but it was not the fire that attracted your attention. There was a mess of floo powder all over the floor, coating the edges of the fireplace in grey dirt.
You had been staring at the that for the past two or three hours, your stare turning from one of confusion to curiosity, worry, anger, doubt and hope.
It was around 5 days since Dumbledore apparated outside the wards of your house, in hopes to speak with you about an urgent topic. At first you believed something happened to Harry, that he was hurt or attacked but no if only it was about Harry.
No, Dumbledore had wished to inform you he was in contact with your long, lost husband, Sirius. When he said, the teacup that was reaching for your lips fell and shattered on the ground, spilling the hot liquid and staining the carpet.
Dumbledore only flicked his wand twice for the cup to return to its original state and the stain to vanish; continuing as though he spoke of a new recipe he saw in the British Bake Off.
He told you that Sirius was framed by Peter and that he has been hiding all over Europe in the past two years. When Dumbledore mentioned he knew where Sirius was for two years and 'suspected' he was innocent; you had the sudden urge to smash the teapot over your previous Headmaster's head.
And now you sat, staring at dirt and getting yourself drunk; hoping to avoid your husband, who should arrive any moment now. You downed the rest of your glass and leaned over to refill it just as the door opened.
"I'm fine, Molly." You sighed as you watched the red liquid pout out of the bottle.
You are definitely not fine
A voice commented in your head, it's been 13 years! People change, what if he doesn't love me anymore, or doesn't want me around, what if he doesn't want her.
"I'm not Molly." Harry said sheepishly as he fiddled with his fingers. "May I?"
"Sure. Come on in, make yourself comfortable." You invited as you pulled your blanket and draped it over his legs. "Want a sip?" You asked raising your glass once you caught Harry's eyes. "You'll be legal in a few years and merlin knows what type of things you'll be doing this year."
You definitely were not sober.
"Aunt Y/n!" Harry exclaimed as his face reddened the same shade as his house scarf. "Just be safe, cause if you become a father before the age of 24; I will snap your wand."
Harry stared down in embarrassment and cleared his throat. "I wanted to ask if you're okay."
"Of course I'm okay! Why wouldn't I be okay? I'm going to see my husbsnd for the first time in thirteen year, where he was framed for murder." You replied in a defensive tone, motioning with your hands and heavily swallowing your alcoholic drink.
"Why does everyone think I'm not fine?! I am wonderful. Fan-freakin-tastic. I am super!"
You turned to face Harry's concerned and shocked face and realised you must've sound like a crazy person.
You took a deep breath and motioned for Harry to lean in. He rested his head at your lap as you brushed your fingers over his hair.
"I'm okay, Haz."
"It's just...this may be a lot to handle. I mean I remember when I found out the truth about Peter. I just feel like you meeting Sirius again is as scary as me meeting my parents or something. I think it's alright to be nervous." Harry replied as he played with a loose thread on his jacket.
"I am not nervous."
That was also a lie but you weren't ready to spill all your drunken emotions over to a 15 year old boy.
Harry gave you a look as if to say "really?"
"Shouldn't you be somewhere with Ron talking about Quidditch and girls?" You teased as Harry scoffed.
"If I talked girls with Ron, I'll be lonely the rest of my life."
You let a laugh bubble out of you, Harry soon joining in.
"Is Elle coming over later?" Harry asked after a moment of silence, his face flushing slightly. You chuckled. "Tomorrow morning." You assured him, knowing he had a liking to your 14 year old daughter.
"Are you going to tell Sirius?"
That was the million dollar question, she had to tell him, he was her father, she was his daughter. It would be wrong of her not to tell him.
But she couldn't help wonder, if Sirius didn’t want a child. He always wished to end the Black line. And they never really spoke about having one and maybe he would be to occupied with being Harry's Godfather.
He just got out of prison it would be insane to just bombard him with two teenagers.
"I have to tell him at some point. Though, i am compelled to the idea of leaving and letting them meet each other tomorrow on their own." She suggested, half-joking.
"I'm sure Sirius would be glad to have a daughter. 12 Years in Azkaban, I think some family company could do him well."
She couldn't believe it, 12 years in Azkaban; a soul-sucking prison, reserved for the worst of the worst. The word itself made a shiver run down your spine.
The day of Sirius's imprisonment flashed right before your eyes as though it was a recent memory.
"No! He didn't do it!" You had shouted, the Aurors ignored as they trashed your house. "Mrs. Black-" An Auror began approaching you but you pushed him with your might.
"HE DIDN'T DO IT!" You shouted, you magic flaring and shattering all the windows, a spray of glass showered the ground. '"Mrs. Black if you don't compose yourself right this instant, i will have no choice but to detain you!" The head Auror yelled at you.
You eyes were streaming with tears, the rain from the outside storm began pouring into the the house. The thunder strikes defeaned your ears as you stared at the middle-aged man with nothing but fury in your eyes.
"Get out." You gritted through clenched teeth, you hands fisted at either side of you. "I beg your pardon?" He scoffed.
"Get out of my house!" You snapped, you could feel your magic crackle in the air. The vases, tables and chairs began to shake, the flamws in the fireplace raged shockingly.
The rest of the Aurors stood in their place, unsure with what to do. "You have no authority to tell me what to do!" The Head Auror shouted at you, his wand raised to level with your throat.
With the anger inside of you boiling and reaching its limit, you yelled at the top of your lungs; a surge of magic rushing out as it exploded all your vases and glassware. The couches, chairs and tables all flying out of their place and hitting against the wall.
A moment of silence rang as the Aurors battled if whether it was safe to put their sheilds down. "Let's go," The Head Auror said as he gathered his team. "We will be back."
And true to his word, he did come back but at that point you were too numbed by the amount of calming draught, they made you ingest.
You shook your head as though it would push the memory back to the end of your mind. "I hope your right."
And no later than an hour, you were sat at one end of the large dining table while Sirius sat all the way on the other end.
And though there were only eight or nine seats (per side) that separated you, it fel as though half of London was in between you.
Your eyes kept roaming over his body, though he smiled, joked, laughed and played, you could tell he was somewhat exhausted.
That moment when when his smile fell, his shoulders sagged and his head bowed down allowing his eyes to rest on you.
You saw his eye slightly widened as though he was noticing for the first time in ages - which was exactly what was happening right now - he placed his glass of drink on the table and gave you a small smile.
The side of his eyes wrinkled at the gesture and you couldn't help but feel the same dropping feeling you got almost twenty years ago when you first fell in love with him.
Harry, who was sat next to him kept blabbing about something, but for the first time tonight Sirius didn’t look as though he was engrossed into the conversation.
Sirius stared at you, head tilted as his eyes scanned every aspect of your face. He couldn't believe it was you after all this time. Your hair was all disheveled and your makeup was slightly smudged but you still looked as beautiful as they you two got married.
Y/n subtly motions her head to the side and gets up from her seat, elegantly slipping out of the room.
"Excuse me, Harry." Sirius said, clearing his throat as he stared at where Y/n left and made his way out the room.
The halls got quieter the more he walked, he didn't have to check the other rooms to guess where Y/n slipped into.
He immediately turned towards the stairs and walked up to the upstairs library. There was only one thing in the world that Y/n liked more than coffee and that was books.
Muggle, magic, dark or light. Y/n could always be found nursing one. He quietly opened the door to it letting the smell of old tomes engulf him.
Y/n sat on an armchair at the far end of the room, looking through a dark, hard-covered grimore.
"Most of those books are cursed y'know." Sirius commented as he softly let the door shut. He took a sip of his drink and walked towards her as she let out a gentle 'Ah'.
"Most dark books are, though said curses can be avoided if opened correctly..." She said as she brushed her fingers down the spine and muttered quietly, the next the book let out a soft click as the locks on the side freed it.
Though nothing she said was processed in Sirius's head, he was still hungover on the part his wife was infront of him and speaking to him.
She turned and faced him with a small smile, "Won't you sit?"
Sirius walked over and took a seat right infront of her. He noted her flushed cheeks and the trembling hands over her lap.
"I'm sorry." Sirius said truly as he stared at his shoes.
"Sorry?" Y/n began as she stared up at him with furrowed brows, "Sirius you didn't do anything wrong."
"I did, I left you. I broke our vows, my most important promises to you." He said, she tried to cut him off but he shook his head.
"This is all my fault, if i didn't tell James to make Peter the secret keeper last minute, him and Lily could still be alive, Harry wouldn't be an orphan, Remus wouldn't suffer the full moon alone, I wouldn’t have been in Azkaban..." He took a deep, shaky breath. "You wouldn't have been alone for 13 years."
He looked up at Y/n his grey eyes meeting her's. "You don't know that, for all we know James and Lily could've died a week later even if Peter didn't betray them."
"And Remus didn't spend his full moons alone, I was with him." She stood up and sat next to him, placing a comforting hand on his knee.
"And I wasn't alone for 13 years, a part of you was with me every moment of them." She said as Sirius stared at the diamond on her ring finger.
A hesitated hand, placed itself over her as his thumb stroked the ring. "After all this time?" He said as he stared at her, "Always."
He grabbed her hand and raised it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss. "Your not afraid of me." He stated more than questioned.
"Why would you think I was afraid of you?"
"You didn't want to talk to me."
"Sirius, I didn't want to talk to you because..." Y/n stopped and gulped as Sirius leaned back with furrowed brows and faced her. "I didn't think, you'd still want me anymore. 13 years is more enough for someone to fall out of love with their partner."
"You really think i could stop loving you? no matter how many years apart i could never stop loving you. I loved you then, I love you now and I will love you after 30 years when we are old and grey. I loved you since the first day we met and will love you till the day I die and till the day we meet again. 13 years are nothing comparing to my love to you."
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anth0ny5568 · 2 months
Husbsnd walked in on me masturbsting to your blog. He hit me. I hate you motherfucker fucking idiot asshole
I dont really see how that’s my fault you were the one being a depraved whore for my blog but honestly I think you should just leave him and be my cocksleeve instead I mean I’ll still hit you but at least you’ll get some of this perfect rapist cock
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suicideenthusiast · 5 months
my husbsnd and i..
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spicedaviarymc · 9 months
So a while back I saw a TikTok of a (presumably) straight couple, and the woman was in a wheelchair wearing a Tshirt that said "my husbsnd eats his vegetables."
So naturally.
I want one of the artists who draws cScar in a wheelchair...
To um.
Draw either Grian or Mumbo (or both?) with Scar. With Scar in that Tshirt.
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 25 days
What friends have you made since falling?
Sooooooo many
My lawuer
Vga’s husbsnd
Cowboy guy
Spanish woman in yhr hopital
Lawyers husband??? ?’
Yhe firefighter lady
Colress Monday
Maxie but a different onr
Pluneria 💖
Belle 3
Myy friends
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leakism · 3 months
i like to think if a different universe you'd be my trailer trash wife and i'm the wifebeater husbsnd
we could be that in this universe if you believe
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starafterdeath · 1 year
Been to a psychiatrist today, tried to get diagnosed with ADHD. The doctor asked why, considering I've had problems with concentration since 14 y.o., noboby has ever diagnosed me before, and my husband says: "Well, because in russia nobody cared to."
Then the doctor asks "Do you have suicidal thoughts?" My husbsnd translates: "Who doesn't?"
I guess, to the doctor, I looked weird. Like I've suddenly realized that ADHD was an actual problem.
Anyways, he said I had to take a test in a different town to get properly diagnosed but I don't speak good enough German for that. Kind of a conundrum.
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sea-owl · 2 years
There's a meme floating around right now of a hot witch wife/gf and her husband/bf/partner laying in her spell circle doing whatever the hell she wants.
My immediate thought was to make it Polin. Then my next thought was to make it all the Bridgerton bros.
Kate, Sophie, Penelope, and Lucy are a coven of witches who test their spells and potions on their very willing husbsnds. Don't worry the husbands get rewarded.
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As a fellow homeschooled kid, Amelia Bedilia and PBS Kids were my entire early childhood(Zoboomafoo my beloved)! Its honestly insane to me that anyone doesnt know about amelia, she was the most relatable character EVER to young (undiagnosed autistic) me
(Also that one book series with the weird lady who lived in an upside down house and her late husbsnd (who i think died under mysterious circumstances) was a pirate and she always suggested the most INSANE "cures" for different behavorial issues in kids. You know what im talking about, right?
[CW for body horror]
Like, one book was about a kid who HATED bathing and always avoided it and her parents went to the old lady asking for a "cure" and the lady told them to let the kid avoid baths and play in the mud an stuff until there was a layer of dirt on her skin and then they were to sneek into the kids room to PLANT RADISH SEEDS IN THE DIRT and they'd MIST THE CHILD'S DIRT LAYER (ALSO IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT WHILE SHE SLEPT) every night until eventually the radishes sprouted and the roots started GROWING INTO THE CHILDS SKIN and THEY ACTUALLY DID THIS!!! and in the end basically that was so scary and painful for the kid that she took a bath every day of her life afterwards. Please tell me someone else remembers these books.)
Anyways this ask totally got away from me but. Homeschool! I guess!
Amelia Bedelia was so incredibly relatable and looking back now with the perspective of (at the time) undiagnosed ADHD and potential undiagnosed autism it makes so much sense (Also Zooboomafoo was awesome. I preferred Wild Kratts but I remember being obsessed with Zooboomafoo for like 6 months straight)
MRS PIGGLE WIGGLE My mom had me read those books when I was like 7 and I loved them so much
I remember reading that exact book omg. I thought that I was the only one who actually enjoyed them.
This is making me want to make a homeschool poll or something just to see what universal homeschool experiences we all have (apparently PBS is mostly universal excluding @hellsite-hall-of-fame)
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igotanidea · 1 year
I swear... I really have the craziest mind but... Reader suddenly gets very self-conscious, as soon as she realizes that she just freaked out in front of anyone that knows her husband... And that she would mumble "Don't look me. I'm about to freak out." "Can you all turn back pretending you never seen me before" "Dad, I know this sounds biased, but please don't try to kill my husbsnd." while blushing as Jason whisper-teasing her as she just meekly hide herself, often talk back like a feisty cat... And she will definitely say this to Alfred, "I know you. Sorry I can't look at you right now, but I want to say this long ago: your cookies are so good that it's the only food I crave when my period come aside from pizza." if Alfred ever approaches Jason and her to tell reader she can stop hiding herself anymore as he makes sure everyone is gone and that he would like the reader to stay for dinner if possible as he gives them times to be alone, and that he would be pretty amused and gives Jason the most approval glances as he looks at reader (who now looking at him) and says "Well. I'm very honored that it helps. Thank you always for enjoying them. And, Master Todd, if you'd once told me it is for your spouse, I might've been willing to teach you the recipe soon." He would definitely smile to himself as he leaves the room and heard reader complaining to Jason saying "That's it. I'm going to jump into a river to forget all these embarrassment." as she collapsed to the floor with Jason patting her head replying "Nah. I'd said that's a great entrance. You're feisty as usual, babe." "You're not helping." "And you're feisty." "I hate you" "I love you though" "Well, that count both of us, I love you Jay." "And I love you till forever falls apart Y/N" (Alfred basically the happiest man that day thah he cuts off the entire camera of the room where Jason and reader cudding as Jason calm down reader that he's alright to give them privacy and gives very disappoint glance to the other, especially Bruce) (no one can ever confront Alfred🤟🤟!)
(Long-anon again. And thank you for always listening. As usual, you can include it if you want or not! It's up to you! Bye!)
So, pretty much the plan for tomorrow is getting through all your messages and drafting a plot for the story ;)
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softguarnere · 2 years
Hi there! I am in Florida, and at this very moment, trying to dissociate from hurricane Ian that is beginning to hit my town. 😬 So I figured I'd distract myself by asking for ships. If you see this elsewhere too, I just...don't like talking about myself very much so I'm only writing this once.
She/her, INFP, Hufflepuff. 5'2, generally pale, curvy, but not overweight (yet, lol), blonde hair (but it's currently The Little Mermaid bright red, lol), blue-green eyes. I love my hair and my eyes and this is the only thing you'll ever hear me say I like about my appearance.
My favorite thing about myself is my sense of humor. And to a lesser extent, my sarcasm. I never really feel I have much to offer people, especially in difficult times, but I can make my friends laugh when they are crying. And a few weeks ago one of my good friends said to me that every time she goes home after spending time with me, her husbsnd says she is always in such a happy mood. And that was just like...the nicest thing anyone could say to me. 💜 I am an introvert until I am comfortable with someone and then I can be loud and frequently silly. Years of customer service in my past made me decent at bullshitting small talk, but ugh, it drains my batteries. I will get along with anyone who isn't an asshole, but I do not get close to most people easily. I don't like conflict, so I can get passive aggressive with people I'm close to if I have any issues over something. Trying very hard to change that, as I know it's not a great look.
Other random shit about me: I have anxiety, but (I think) I've learned to hide it well in public most of the time? My brain is just a fucking mess, but I will joke about it all day! 🙃 I love all animals. I'd cuddle an alligator if it wouldn't eat me. I've got cats, dogs, rats and a bunny. I've wanted a horse my whole life. My favorite author is Neil Gaiman. I love going to the beach and swimming in the ocean. I love museums and history and learning about lore/fairytales/monsters/cryptids. I love Marvel movies/comics, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. I occasionally do conventions and cosplay, though I'm not very good at the cosplay bc I cannot sew. Lol. I've been Rose and Amy from Doctor Who and Kate Bishop (Hawkeye). It's really fun! I wish I were better at it. Love bowling and mini golf. Sadly, none of my friends do.
I love music and going to shows used to be my thing! Like I've seen over 100 bands and concerts. I don't have the time/money/energy to do it anymore, but those were absolutely the best years of my life. I've traveled to other states and across the country for a couple of bands (The Matches and Motion City Soundtrack) and made some of the best friends just waiting in lines. I have one tattoo and it's a crow with a blue button eye that the singer of my favorite band drew for me.
I'm gonna shut up now. Lol. Sorry I got carried away. I'm REALLY trying to distract myself from thinking about this hurricane rn. Thanks in advance if you made it through the rambling and decide to do anything with it. 😁💜
Hi love! I hope that you're doing well -- my thoughts are with you and everyone else in Florida 💕
I ship you with . . .
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Lewis Nixon!
There are so many reasons I see this ship working, so I'm gonna try to explain them all coherently lol
Okay, first of all, when I say Nixon loves you, I mean all of you -- your personality, your looks, everything. He would constantly be complimenting your appearance and making sure that you know how gorgeous you are, because he wants you to see yourself the way that he sees you
Sarcastic duo (but not in a mean, argumentative way! The fun, only teasing each other way) He loves your sense of humor, and if he's ever a little too in his head, he comes to you because he knows that you'll be able to ground him by just joking around with him and making him smile
When you first meet, he thinks that you're very shy and is trying to figure out ways to bring you out of your shell so that he can get to know you better. The second that you get comfortable around him -- bam! He's the immediate embodiment of the heart eyes emoji, because omg she's so much fun and I'm gonna talk to her for hours
Nix is pretty comfortable in public places -- he grew up attending parties and galas because of his parents, so he knows how to politely work a room if he has to make an appearance. He knows that you get anxious, though, and he'll hold your hand the entire night, gently rubbing his thumb along your knuckles to soothe you as you make the rounds while socializing
After the war, Nixon is really intent on just enjoying himself -- in the various different ways that entails. And now that you're together, he's gonna make sure that you enjoy yourself, too
He takes you everywhere (and don't worry, because he can afford it -- no worries about sparing any expense) You want to go to a museum? Not really his scene, but he loves watching your face light up all day when you learn something new. You want to go to the beach? He's rented a boujee house for the week. You want to go to a concert? Front row seats. Everything is an adventure, and what's better than having an adventure with someone you love?
At some point, he thinks it might be nice to settle down somewhere. Or at least to have a nice place to come back to. You're a little surprised by how big the property he buys for this purpose is, and when you tell him so, he just smirks, "Well, where else are we gonna put the horses?"
You didn't get carried away at all, darling! Again, I hope you're doing well 💕 Thanks for the request, and I hope you like this 💕🕊️
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yrluvjane · 2 years
13 Years.
13 Years since the day you believed you lost your husband. 13 years since the day your friends died. 13 Years since the day your family was shadowed in darkness and 13 Years since your life crumbled to ash.
If you had told me, 13 years ago, that there was a chance that I could be in my husband's arms once more, I would've kicked you out the bloody window.
But here you wete, sitting on one of the sofa's in 12 Grimmauld Place; a glass of wine in one hand, trying to wrap your mind of what was happening.
You sat in front of the fire place, it was not lit but it was not the fire that attracted your attention. There was a mess of floo powder all over the floor, coating the edges of the fireplace in grey dirt.
You had been staring at the that for the past two or three hours, your stare turning from one of confusion to curiosity, worry, anger, doubt and hope.
It was around 5 days since Dumbledore apparated outside the wards of your house, in hopes to speak with you about an urgent topic. At first you believed something happened to Harry, that he was hurt or attacked but no if only it was about Harry.
No, Dumbledore had wished to inform you he was in contact with your long, lost husband, Sirius. When he said, the teacup that was reaching for your lips fell and shattered on the ground, spilling the hot liquid and staining the carpet.
Dumbledore only flicked his wand twice for the cup to return to its original state and the stain to vanish; continuing as though he spoke of a new recipe he saw in the British Bake Off.
He told you that Sirius was framed by Peter and that he has been hiding all over Europe in the past two years. When Dumbledore mentioned he knew where Sirius was for two years and 'suspected' he was innocent; you had the sudden urge to smash the teapot over your previous Headmaster's head.
And now you sat, staring at dirt and getting yourself drunk; hoping to avoid your husband, who should arrive any moment now. You downed the rest of your glass and leaned over to refill it just as the door opened.
"I'm fine, Molly." You sighed as you watched the red liquid pout out of the bottle.
You are definitely not fine
A voice commented in your head, it's been 13 years! People change, what if he doesn't love me anymore, or doesn't want me around, what if he doesn't want her.
"I'm not Molly." Harry said sheepishly as he fiddled with his fingers. "May I?"
"Sure. Come on in, make yourself comfortable." You invited as you pulled your blanket and draped it over his legs. "Want a sip?" You asked raising your glass once you caught Harry's eyes. "You'll be legal in a few years and merlin knows what type of things you'll be doing this year."
You definitely were not sober.
"Aunt Y/n!" Harry exclaimed as his face reddened the same shade as his house scarf. "Just be safe, cause if you become a father before the age of 24; I will snap your wand."
Harry stared down in embarrassment and cleared his throat. "I wanted to ask if you're okay."
"Of course I'm okay! Why wouldn't I be okay? I'm going to see my husbsnd for the first time in thirteen year, where he was framed for murder." You replied in a defensive tone, motioning with your hands and heavily swallowing your alcoholic drink.
"Why does everyone think I'm not fine?! I am wonderful. Fan-freakin-tastic. I am super!"
You turned to face Harry's concerned and shocked face and realised you must've sound like a crazy person.
You took a deep breath and motioned for Harry to lean in. He rested his head at your lap as you brushed your fingers over his hair.
"I'm okay, Haz."
"It's just...this may be a lot to handle. I mean I remember when I found out the truth about Peter. I just feel like you meeting Sirius again is as scary as me meeting my parents or something. I think it's alright to be nervous." Harry replied as he played with a loose thread on his jacket.
"I am not nervous."
That was also a lie but you weren't ready to spill all your drunken emotions over to a 15 year old boy.
Harry gave you a look as if to say "really?"
"Shouldn't you be somewhere with Ron talking about Quidditch and girls?" You teased as Harry scoffed.
"If I talked girls with Ron, I'll be lonely the rest of my life."
You let a laugh bubble out of you, Harry soon joining in.
"Is Elle coming over later?" Harry asked after a moment of silence, his face flushing slightly. You chuckled. "Tomorrow morning." You assured him, knowing he had a liking to your 14 year old daughter.
"Are you going to tell Sirius?"
That was the million dollar question, she had to tell him, he was her father, she was his daughter. It would be wrong of her not to tell him.
But she couldn't help wonder, if Sirius didn’t want a child. He always wished to end the Black line. And they never really spoke about having one and maybe he would be to occupied with being Harry's Godfather.
He just got out of prison it would be insane to just bombard him with two teenagers.
"I have to tell him at some point. Though, i am compelled to the idea of leaving and letting them meet each other tomorrow on their own." She suggested, half-joking.
"I'm sure Sirius would be glad to have a daughter. 12 Years in Azkaban, I think some family company could do him well."
She couldn't believe it, 12 years in Azkaban; a soul-sucking prison, reserved for the worst of the worst. The word itself made a shiver run down your spine.
The day of Sirius's imprisonment flashed right before your eyes as though it was a recent memory.
"No! He didn't do it!" You had shouted, the Aurors ignored as they trashed your house. "Mrs. Black-" An Auror began approaching you but you pushed him with your might.
"HE DIDN'T DO IT!" You shouted, you magic flaring and shattering all the windows, a spray of glass showered the ground. '"Mrs. Black if you don't compose yourself right this instant, i will have no choice but to detain you!" The head Auror yelled at you.
You eyes were streaming with tears, the rain from the outside storm began pouring into the the house. The thunder strikes defeaned your ears as you stared at the middle-aged man with nothing but fury in your eyes.
"Get out." You gritted through clenched teeth, you hands fisted at either side of you. "I beg your pardon?" He scoffed.
"Get out of my house!" You snapped, you could feel your magic crackle in the air. The vases, tables and chairs began to shake, the flamws in the fireplace raged shockingly.
The rest of the Aurors stood in their place, unsure with what to do. "You have no authority to tell me what to do!" The Head Auror shouted at you, his wand raised to level with your throat.
With the anger inside of you boiling and reaching its limit, you yelled at the top of your lungs; a surge of magic rushing out as it exploded all your vases and glassware. The couches, chairs and tables all flying out of their place and hitting against the wall.
A moment of silence rang as the Aurors battled if whether it was safe to put their sheilds down. "Let's go," The Head Auror said as he gathered his team. "We will be back."
And true to his word, he did come back but at that point you were too numbed by the amount of calming draught, they made you ingest.
You shook your head as though it would push the memory back to the end of your mind. "I hope your right."
And no later than an hour, you were sat at one end of the large dining table while Sirius sat all the way on the other end.
And though there were only eight or nine seats (per side) that separated you, it fel as though half of London was in between you.
Your eyes kept roaming over his body, though he smiled, joked, laughed and played, you could tell he was somewhat exhausted.
That moment when when his smile fell, his shoulders sagged and his head bowed down allowing his eyes to rest on you.
You saw his eye slightly widened as though he was noticing for the first time in ages - which was exactly what was happening right now - he placed his glass of drink on the table and gave you a small smile.
The side of his eyes wrinkled at the gesture and you couldn't help but feel the same dropping feeling you got almost twenty years ago when you first fell in love with him.
Harry, who was sat next to him kept blabbing about something, but for the first time tonight Sirius didn’t look as though he was engrossed into the conversation.
Sirius stared at you, head tilted as his eyes scanned every aspect of your face. He couldn't believe it was you after all this time. Your hair was all disheveled and your makeup was slightly smudged but you still looked as beautiful as they you two got married.
Y/n subtly motions her head to the side and gets up from her seat, elegantly slipping out of the room.
"Excuse me, Harry." Sirius said, clearing his throat as he stared at where Y/n left and made his way out the room.
The halls got quieter the more he walked, he didn't have to check the other rooms to guess where Y/n slipped into.
He immediately turned towards the stairs and walked up to the upstairs library. There was only one thing in the world that Y/n liked more than coffee and that was books.
Muggle, magic, dark or light. Y/n could always be found nursing one. He quietly opened the door to it letting the smell of old tomes engulf him.
Y/n sat on an armchair at the far end of the room, looking through a dark, hard-covered grimore.
"Most of those books are cursed y'know." Sirius commented as he softly let the door shut. He took a sip of his drink and walked towards her as she let out a gentle 'Ah'.
"Most dark books are, though said curses can be avoided if opened correctly..." She said as she brushed her fingers down the spine and muttered quietly, the next the book let out a soft click as the locks on the side freed it.
Though nothing she said was processed in Sirius's head, he was still hungover on the part his wife was infront of him and speaking to him.
She turned and faced him with a small smile, "Won't you sit?"
Sirius walked over and took a seat right infront of her. He noted her flushed cheeks and the trembling hands over her lap.
"I'm sorry." Sirius said truly as he stared at his shoes.
"Sorry?" Y/n began as she stared up at him with furrowed brows, "Sirius you didn't do anything wrong."
"I did, I left you. I broke our vows, my most important promises to you." He said, she tried to cut him off but he shook his head.
"This is all my fault, if i didn't tell James to make Peter the secret keeper last minute, him and Lily could still be alive, Harry wouldn't be an orphan, Remus wouldn't suffer the full moon alone, I wouldn’t have been in Azkaban..." He took a deep, shaky breath. "You wouldn't have been alone for 13 years."
He looked up at Y/n his grey eyes meeting her's. "You don't know that, for all we know James and Lily could've died a week later even if Peter didn't betray them."
"And Remus didn't spend his full moons alone, I was with him." She stood up and sat next to him, placing a comforting hand on his knee.
"And I wasn't alone for 13 years, a part of you was with me every moment of them." She said as Sirius stared at the diamond on her ring finger.
A hesitated hand, placed itself over her as his thumb stroked the ring. "After all this time?" He said as he stared at her, "Always."
He grabbed her hand and raised it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss. "Your not afraid of me." He stated more than questioned.
"Why would you think I was afraid of you?"
"You didn't want to talk to me."
"Sirius, I didn't want to talk to you because..." Y/n stopped and gulped as Sirius leaned back with furrowed brows and faced her. "I didn't think, you'd still want me anymore. 13 years is more enough for someone to fall out of love with their partner."
"You really think i could stop loving you? no matter how many years apart i could never stop loving you. I loved you then, I love you now and I will love you after 30 years when we are old and grey. I loved you since the first day we met and will love you till the day I die and till the day we meet again. 13 years are nothing comparing to my love to you."
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