sieglinde-freud · 9 months
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sometimes i forget fates has the fuckass tattered clothes thing when your unit takes too much damage and im always forcibly reminded when im watching odin nostank the entire map and suddenly the next combat animation shows the dude in a ragged ass cape like baby im sorry i didnt mean it… odinnnn :(
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whalesforhands · 1 year
hi hello it’s the omori anon back to cause depression (and headaches^tm)
i wanted to focus on the sss trio and dyf!mc a bit more today, but mainly their techniques, so this is more of an analysis if not a headcanon.
it’s a fact that mc is a 2nd grade sorcerer, and that her shield can be easily broken by those above her level (vice versa for those below level). in a fight, she would be hinderance to someone like satosugu. although, that is not why i am talking abt her ability— and i don’t mean her cursed technique— i mean her ability outside of battle.
her ability to care, to feel, to be human; and most important of all, to love. she loved so much that her love transcended life and death, it reached heights that brought the heavens to its knees; hell to the surface. also, did i mention she technically represents what is in between “red” and “blue”?? (probably not but i’m getting into that rn)
red is considered repulsion, while blue attraction. the in between is what makes hollow purple, both everything and one thing at once. she can be considered what hollow purple is: destruction. her love was destructive, in both good and bad ways— even if it was never meant to be bad.
in a way, she was the crutch of the sss trio, the backbone. she was love herself to them. i bet they would’ve rended the earth, scorched the skies and reshaped the universe if it meant she could stay. when she didn’t, she left a void. like i said, SHE was love, not tje destruction love leaves. instead of destruction, she was obstruction. she blinded them with how much she cared. she CHANGED them. (and changed me fr this story got me crying as much as the canon does LMAO)
good LORD i must sound like a lunatic in this whole analogy and stuff but i hope my thoughts get across to u <3 love ur writing as always!! take care & until next time lol
-omori anon
omori anon do u also want to take over my account and replace me as the only writer? goddamn
i love how intricate this thought of yours is, and i’m so flattered you even spent time enjoying my silly little series i thought of.
i don’t want to say much here since i’m real scared of giving away my drafts (some of u in my inbox are scarily accurate, i’m terrified fr). but i’m going to say that you did a wonderful job of describing this, so i can’t just let you rot away in my inbox! maybe even major parts of it is canon in dyf haha
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greentrickster · 2 years
I guess since I’ve mentioned the first reason I left Build-a-Bear (my insane boss), I might as well mention the other reason - one of my coworkers. They were one of those people who tended towards a chipper, upbeat attitude, and used this to hide a multitude of issues. They were also someone who expected their own boundaries and comfort to be respected while also being very unobservant towards and unthinking of other peoples’ boundaries. The sort of person who happily chatters away about politics, s*x stuff, and personal problems without asking if you’re okay or comfortable talking about them, but who also gives the vibe that they’ll take deep offense if you try to change the subject or offer a different opinion than their own.
Needless to say, I did not like them. I did, however, do my best to be a good coworker and mostly ignore their shortcomings. They were in their twenties, I’m in my thirties, they sounded like they don’t have a great relationship with their family, I can be the bigger person and assume that they’ll grow and learn with time; I wasn’t as adept in my twenties with social stuff either. People grow.
So yeah, the Last Straw for me wasn’t actually my insane boss giving me trauma, it was my lunatic coworker getting pissy because I enforced my boundary of ‘please do not talk about x horror game in front of me, I find it extremely upsetting’ for the good third time, accepting their apology and promise to do better, and then not letting them open the guard grate to leave the store (in spite of their protests that they could do it themself and didn’t need help) due to them being on crutches from a leg injury that had had them sitting their whole shift, and the grate being heavy enough that you had to lift carefully with your knees to prevent injuring your lower back, and I didn’t want them getting hurt worse than they already were. Because, you know. I’m a monster like that, the kind who likes to have my boundaries respected and worries about my coworkers’ health and safety.
Anyway, had had one good day since my boss made me sob my eyes out for multiple hours, even though I had to work with lunatic coworker for that shift, but we got on well enough. Then, near the end of my shift, insane boss pulls me aside and I discover, through a little conversation, that lunatic coworker decided to report me to upper management over something that had happened, in their own words, about a month ago. No, they had not talked to me about this incident. No, they did not talk to my boss about this incident. Yes, they did do this after another coworker of ours they were friends with (who got fired before this) reported our insane boss to upper management and got her in some trouble. Yes, they did do this during a time frame when I could name several recent incidents that they were annoyed with me about (see the previous paragraph, and also they were part of the reason why I couldn’t have lunch in the back room which led to the events of my boss chewing me out, because privacy~! (Yes, this all was a result of terrible choices and planning on our insane boss’s part))).
Also, yes, I mentioned a good deal of this to my insane boss. She first tried to suggest that lunatic coworker ‘obviously didn’t feel safe confronting me about it,’ which bullshit, I pay attention to my coworkers’ body language and boundaries to the absolute best of my abilities and always make it clear that, if I mess up, let me know and I will apologize and do my best to do better in the future. My top goal at work, besides doing a good job, is to get along well with my coworkers, as I know that that will make or break whether I can handle working there long term. They’d had a month to confront me, yes, but also a month to see that what I had done was a one-off mistake that I hadn’t repeated and had honestly forgotten about until it was brought up again - for all my dislike, we did tend to work together well.
My insane boss also tried to explain to me that lunatic coworker having to be consistently reminded that I don’t like hearing about x horror game wasn’t actually harassment, because, and I quote, “It can be so hard not to talk about things you love.” Lady, we are all grown adults in this store and that is an excuse that you age out of once you hit your teen years. Insane boss didn’t take me seriously until I made it clear that I have to deal with negative thought loops that can interrupt my sleep patterns, which can be caused by horror stuff, at which point she switched her tune to, “Well why didn’t you tell me about this problem immediately?!” Because, for some reason, my parents raised me to believe that, if I’m having a problem with a person, I should try and sort it out with them first before bringing someone else in, and I felt that the situation had been handled to mutual understanding. Wild, I know. I’m just a maniac who thinks that problems generally get solved fastest when people talk them out.
All this led to my boss finally having me also write a complaint to corporate about my lunatic coworker and the harassment I had faced from them, to even the playing field/get both sides of the story told.
Because all this is obviously the best way to settle an issue between two employees.
And this whole thing was still a strike mark against me - my second one within a week, the first one having been gained because of the incident with the crying that I keep mentioning. One more strike mark and she’d fire me, because that was the rule. Never mind that both of these incidents were accidents, or that I’d recently had my three-month review where my insane boss hadn’t been able to say enough nice things about how I was working out at the store. Nope, I was obviously showing my true colours as a problem child, so if I stayed at the store, then I’d get to have that sword of Damocles hanging over my head, with the knowledge that, since the first two strikes were given thanks to circumstances beyond my control that I couldn’t have prevented, the third strike could come at any time.
Oh, and also my insane boss saw no reason not to have me and lunatic coworker continue working shifts together. Because she didn’t see any reason why that would be a problem.
This was the point where I realized, “Hm, in this store I trust Lee and only Lee, my boss has proven herself actively untrustworthy, and I feel completely unsafe around my lunatic coworker. ... Cheque, please.”
The next day brought about the story I told earlier tonight, about how I quit. It’s been seven months since I did that. I honestly wanted to tell you all at the time, get some support and comfort since I know a lot of people here on tumblr have been done dirty by jobs and coworkers and bosses, but tonight turned out to be the first one where I could find the words to say it without making myself sound like a total asshole, or having a panic attack while I typed.
 I loved that job, and I don’t say that lightly. I loved the work I did there. There were aspects that upper management pushed on us that I strongly disagreed with, but I loved helping people find and make plushies, and making that experience as fun and joyful as possible. When I was first hired, I said that I was looking to work there for maybe a year or two before seeking new work - I certainly didn’t want to add an entry on my resume that said I’d stuck to my prior job for five months and then left, that’s not the best look, especially at the moment. I wanted to work there. And... all this happened.
A few days after I quit I caught an extremely bad head cold that laid me out for the rest of May and a good chunk of June. I started feeling better long enough to have one good week before my Mom and sister caught covid in quick succession of each other, with me catching it from them two days after my sister, in spite of my best efforts (which included masking in my own home). I only had it for about a week, and we all had blessedly mild cases, but I got the fatigue after effect and that wiped me out right through to the beginning of September. When I finally had enough distance and health to actually start processing what happened to me in those final two weeks at Build a Bear. It’s been... hard.
All this really ate into my energy and inspiration levels, as well as my overall mental and physical health. It’s been hard as well because I wanted to talk to all of you about it, but didn’t know how for so long, and felt truly ashamed of this, of the fact that I got accused of harassment, of my boss coming to the conclusion that I was selfish and not a team player, and of getting so sick and traumatized that I’m still struggling to get to the point where I can start looking for another job. Not being able to talk about it made me feel like I was, in a way, admitting guilt, as opposed to doing my best to be safe on a social media site where anyone can read my words and things can easily and quickly be taken out of context or misconstrued.
I made one comment to a coworker, a variation on a joke I’d made to them before and that I knew they were fine with, and they didn’t like it, but didn’t bother telling me I’d made them uncomfortable or trying to clear the air in any way. It was one comment after having known them for a minimum of three months, and then another month after that - plenty of time to learn what kind of person I am, and to figure out that it was a one-off oops. And they chose instead to sit on their feelings and use them as a weapon to strike at me when I annoyed them again. It feels so obvious now that I’ve written those words that those were the words to describe what happened all along, but it took me seven months to find them.
Please let the healing move faster now that I have. I’m tired of being in pain.
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tomtenadia · 3 years
Remember us - part 4
Hello lovelies,
It’s Thursday evening and I have some angst coming your way :)
Please enjoy part 4 of Remember Us
CW: mention of depression and miscarriage
Rowan had the week from hell. Rehab had been relentless and Dorian had taken him to the gym everyday, but at least now he could say that he was able to walk the length of the walking bars and back. In the last couple of days Dorian had pushed for him to start using crutches, insinuating to the fact that the doctor was thinking about discharging him.
On top of the pain from rehab he was still punishing himself for what had happened with Aelin. Every morning he woke up and the first thing he did was to look at his phone for a reply from her, but nothing ever came.
The doctors think they might discharge me in a few days. Dorian is making me a pro at using crutches.
Maybe a good news might cheer her up.
He tried to watch tv but lost interest very quickly so he went back to his phone. He had been reading the whole thread of messaged between him and Aelin and discovered some interesting tidbits. They bickered a lot but from the text messages it looked as if they would always make up in the end. He also found some texts that made him blush wildly. But what was always present was love. That he knew was real.
He was absorbed in the texts that he did not notice the woman who had entered his room.
She was blonde, the same golden shade that Aelin had.
“Hi Rowan,” she greeted him walking fully into the room “I brought you your favourite biscuits. Hospital food is atrocious.”
The stranger placed the box on the nightstand “orange oatmeal cookies.”
He looked at her puzzled.
“I am Evalin. I am Aelin’s mum and your mother in-law.”
Rowan straightened his back, wanting to make a good impression, realising a moment later that the woman knew him already.
She took a seat on the chair near his bed “how are you doing?”
He had good vibes from the woman and he was impressed just how much her daughter resembled her “Adjusting…discovering new things that are not actually new.”
Evalin patted his knee “are any memories coming back?”
“I had a couple. All related to moments with Aelin.” He paused, sighed and gathered the courage to ask about Aelin. He hadn’t her from Aelin in a week “How is she doing? I haven’t heard from her in a week.”
Evalin hesitated “she is not well. She had been off from work the whole week.”
Rowan worried. Without realising it he felt a pang of fear rise in him “is it the pregnancy?”
Evalin nodded “partly. She has been very stressed this last month which has been hard on her and the baby.”
He threw his head backwards and leaned into the pillow “and it doesn’t help that I pile on with my stupidity.”
“She told me what happened.” The woman said quietly and he had a feeling that all of a sudden she had lost all of her respect for him “It must be scary to be in your position right now.” she admitted “I can see that you were just trying to protect my daughter, because the heart is a treacherous thing and I don’t think Aelin would survive loosing you completely and again.” The woman’s eyes were on him now “As a mother who loves her daughter and her grandchildren deeply and accepted you like a son… all I am asking is to give it a try.” She took his hand in hers “I know I am asking a lot of you, but you two used to hate each other and look where you got in the end.”
“What if I am not anymore the man she loves? I am scared that something might have broken in me and I don’t want to hurt her or the kids.”
Evalin squeezed his hand “listen to your heart, what does it tell you?”
“Try.” He whispered and he knew it was true “if I tell you something will you promise you will not think of me as crazy?”
Evalin shook her head.
“When I saw her the first time, I could not recognise her, but my body somehow did. I felt a tug… as if something pulled me to her. I don’t know how to explain it. There was a sense of familiarity.” He explained, thinking he sounded like a complete lunatic, but Evalin smiled deeply at him.
“I think it was your soul recognising its other half.” And she chuckled “my husband used to tell me I was an hopeless romantic.”
“I dreamed our wedding day, the day both kids were born and some other moments with her have come back.”
“And how do they make you feel?”
“There is always love. I am sure Aelin and I had our bad days but the memories coming back so far are all happy.” He told the woman.
“Then treasure those feelings.”
They stood in silence for a moment then Rowan spoke again “can I ask you something?”
Evalin nodded.
“Aelin mentioned that before having Thomas and Freyja we had problems and lost as well. How bad was it?”
He wasn’t sure if he should talk about it but he wanted, needed to know. He needed to know more about his relationship with Aelin and Evalin seemed very keen to indulge him.
“You started trying after you got married. You were both obsessed about having a big family so you started straight away. But it took Aelin a year to get pregnant.” She told him and he could see the heartbreak in the woman “you lost the first baby in the first trimester. But the second one happened during her fifth month. She woke up one night bleeding heavily and you lost your baby girl. It destroyed you both.”
Evalin paused, giving him time to absorb the facts “Aelin was heartbroken and you were just the same. And your marriage suffered quite badly, but slowly you both found your way back together. Thomas arrived a year later.”
Rowan listened and he felt a stab of pain in his heart. How did they survive such pain?
“You both went through something more horrific, and I am positive you will survive this too. You have to.” The woman stood and placed her bag back on her shoulder “next time you see Aelin, talk to her. Tell her about your fears. Let her in Rowan, she is your wife.”
She was about to leave when she stopped and pulled something from her bag. It was a piece of paper “Thomas did this for you.”
Rowan took the paper and saw it was a messy drawing of his family. The four of them were all there “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
Evalin smiled and left the room, leaving Rowan on his own.
He thought about his options and realised that he had none. They were his family and in that moment they were all he knew. He had no idea if he had any friends close enough who would take him in. And who would do that anyway? He was a burden. But Aelin had offered him a home. A family. And eventually love. Maybe Evalin was right, maybe with time and patience he could learn to love her again. He just hoped he was not too late.
Aelin woke up from her afternoon nap and found her mother playing with Thomas. Freyja was napping as well on the sofa, her soft toy close to her chest, her blanket wrapped around her and a pacifier in her mouth. She looked serene.
Thomas was building something with lego. His father was obsessed with the colourful bricks and he had bought huge quantities and they would sit and build for hours.
“What are you building, Tom?”
“Our house.”
She ruffled his blonde hair and went to sit opposite her mother.
“How are you doing?”
Aelin sighed “the nausea stopped, but I still feel exhausted.”
“You should go back to bed.”
Aelin shook her head “If I keep sleeping I will not be able to do so tonight.”
Evalin took a sip of her tea “I went to see Rowan this morning.”
Aelin froze. She had retyped and deleted the reply to him countless times now. She had wanted to tell him she was scared too. Tell him that she knew it was hard for him and that she was ready to stay at his side and help him. They would find their way back. They always did even during the darkest moments of their marriage when she pushed him away because she thought the pain was only hers, Rowan had fought to be back at her side. Together they rose from the abysm and their bond grew even stronger.
“How is he doing?”
“Your husband needs you at his side. He is lost, and confused.”
“He told me to move on. He told he might not want to be my husband anymore.” She snapped, her heart aching.
“Have you considered that he might have said that to protect you? He is afraid you will not love the man that will come out of this ordeal. He thinks that by leaving him he will protect this family.”
Aelin sobbed, her face in her hands “I miss him so much.” Her sobs grew in intensity.
Thomas noticed his mother cry and walked to her and gave Aelin a hug “don’t cry, mum.”
“I am fine, Tom. Go back playing with lego.” She kissed his blonde hair and sent him back on the carpet.
“I know you are the doctor,” started Evalin caressing her sleeping granddaughter’s silver hair “but I did some reading and it seems like sensorial stimulation might help trigger the memories.”
Aelin nodded “He has his phone back with all the photos and the texts.” She took a deep breath “he texted me saying that the doctor might discharge him in a few days and I don’t know what to do.”
Evalin gave her a dashing smile “you are taking your husband back to this home where he belongs.”
Aelin felt fear at the idea “have you thought how the kids will feel at seeing their dad that way? I can’t put them through that.”
Her mother placed a hand on her knee in comfort “have you thought about the fact that being surrounded by a familiar environment might be best way to help him?”
She had not. All she had been thinking since that text had been her children. She wanted him back. There was no doubt about it. But she had to protect them. She was an adult and could endure the pain. They could not. They had no idea what was happening.
“You could explain to Thomas what happened and ask him to help you to get his dad back.”
Her boy, her wonderful boy, she could not do that to him. Her hands shook in fear.
“Aelin, he needs his family. All of us.”
She stood abruptly “he should go and stay with friends. Lorcan perhaps.”
Evalin stood as well and joined her “He and Elide have a baby who is only a few months old, they will not take him in. And they cannot help. He needs us. He needs all of this.” Her arms extended to indicate the house around them.
“He might not want this.” Aelin snarled “he made it quite clear.”
Evalin loved her daughter but she had inherited her father’s stubbornness. But if Aelin was stubborn, she was on another level “Aelin, you are going back to work tomorrow. You march in your husband’s room and tell him that he is coming home. Where he belongs. And don’t fight me on this.”
Aelin knew her mother had her best interest at heart. She was the one who had dragged her out of the abysm she had thrown herself into after they lost their daughter. After she had pushed Rowan away, Evalin had been at her side. Helping through the pain of the loss, fighting her depression with her. Slowly she had made her realise that Rowan was hurting too. That the pain was his as well and that he could be the one pulling her out completely. In the end they had helped each other.
To whatever end.
It was their pact, their promise.
An oath that went deeper than a I love you.
It was a thread that bound their souls together.
To whatever end.
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unloved-cadillac · 3 years
The Doctor Friend. (Levi x Reader)
Summary: you fell and twisted your ankle but hey, at least you got the cute doctor.
C/n: Doctor Levi has been on my mind for a while now.
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Of all the times that you wanted to die, this just sealed the deal.
Hange knew that you had bad joints and a horrible stamina, but no. She wanted to go bike riding because “it’s so fun!!” Little did you know, the four-eyed lunatic didn’t know how to ride a bike and as she took off, trying to catch up to you, she bumped into your bicycle and a whole collision took place.
“Ow!” You tell as you lift your head up and hold your leg. “Holy shit! Y/n, are you okay?!” Hange asks frantically as she puts her glasses back on. “Do I look okay?! My leg is twisted in the fucking bicycle!” You tell at her as you try to move your leg out. “Wait. I can help. Don’t scream.” Hange says and leans down to analyze your leg. It caught in the chain and the bar held it in a very awkward position.
“Why in the actual fuck would you suggest bike riding if you don’t know how to ride!?” You ask as she begins to pull your ankle out. “I-I don’t know! It seemed like fun!” You roll your eyes, clearly annoyed, but that emotion got throw out the window as Hange yanked your leg out and pain shot through your system.
“HANGE! WHAT THE FUCK??!!!” You tell and hold your leg. “I’m sorry but it worked. Come on. Let’s get you to the emergency room.” She helps you up by throwing your arm around her shoulder and you hopped to her car.
The ankle started to swell and it burned. The utter shock and pain made your eyes water but you weren’t crying. It was just so “hot”. Hange tried talking to you and lighting up the situation but all you did was glare at her.
“Listen, an old friend is the doctor at the hospital. We’ll be done in no time.” She smiles and you scoff and hold your ankle. You propped it up on the dashboard and saw how it looked like a dog had bitten it. “God help me not kill this woman.” You mumble as you glare at her. Hange gulps as she drives and tries not to speak to you to anger you more.
Hange helped you out the car and took you into the hospital. She took you to the counter and began to speak frantically. “Please. My friend has a broken ankle and I don’t know if she’s going to die cause it looks really bad so please help her.” You furrow your eyebrows at Hange as a few teardrops fell from your eyes.
“C-Calm down ma’am. We’ll help her. Marco! Get a wheelchair!” The young receptionist yelled to a younger man and a wheelchair was brought to you. They took you to a room and you had to sit on the bed while you waited. You looked at your ankle, wincing as it began to bruise purple and black.
Few minutes passed and the door to the room opens, revealing a man in white coat.
“Hello. I’m Dr Ackerman. I’ll be attending your injury.” He says and you nod at him. “I’m Y/n.” You introduce yourself as he looks at your chart. He smirks and holds up the clipboard. “I know. So,” he walks to you as he puts on latex gloves, “let’s take a look at that ankle. Lay it on the bed for me.”
Nodding, you place the injured leg on the bed and he began to examine it. “How did this happen, Ms L/n?” He asks. “My friend and I went bicycle riding and she forgot to mention that she couldn’t ride so she bumped into me and my leg twisted in the bicycle as I fell.” He picked his head up and narrowed his eyes. “Your friend wanted to ride when she couldn’t?” You nod and chuckle. “Hange is always so clumsy but this made her ten times worse.” You say. “Hange? Hange Zoë?” He asks and you nod. Your eyes widen when you realize.
“You’re the doctor friend?” You ask and he nods.
You watched him as he pressed and felt your ankle and winced when he hit a certain spot. “Hurts here?” He asks and you nod. “Hm. Okay. So let me take an x-ray of it. Won’t take long. We just need to know if you didn’t have a fracture.” Levi helps you down and his strong arms carry you to place you on the wheelchair. “All set?” He asks as he stands behind you. “Yeah.”
The x-ray didn’t take long. You did have a tiny fracture but a fracture nonetheless. You and Levi spoke about your mutual friend and each other. You found out that he loved tea but the hospital’s tea was one of the worse he has ever tasted. You told him about your work and how your boss always wore funky ties and funny socks to match which made him chuckle. “He tells the worst jokes too. It’s so weird but it makes us all happy.” You say and he nods. “Yeah. It’s good to have a good boss who tries to make your day better. Take mine for example. Dr Pixis has been here since I was an intern and is old enough to retire but he won’t until he sees the new wing of the hospital up and going.” “That’s nice of him.” You say and Levi hums in agreement as he massages your ankle.
Levi took you back to the room and began to tape your ankle up. He put a cast on it and then wrote on his notepad. “It will take a few weeks to heal. The swelling itself, will be down a bit in a few days but you will need to go to an orthopedic surgeon to drain the fluid from it. I’m giving you a prescription for some pain killers.” You smile as he talks and you start to notice how freakin attractive this doctor was.
The way his hair was set in a stylish undercut, black piercings on both ears, grey eyes that shone blue and his clear skin. He definitely has a skin-care routine for sure.
He hands you the note and you put it your pocket. “When you go out, the nurse will bring you a pair of crutches. So use that and try not to put pressure on your ankle.” He says as he pushes you to the front of the hospital. Hange ran up to you and Levi pulled you back as she got closer. “Oh, Y/n! Are you okay?! Levi is she okay?” She asks and Levi scoffs. “She’s fine, Four-Eyes. Apparently, you’re the one who caused this.” Hange slumps here shoulders in defeat. “Yes. But it was an accident.” Hange groans and you chuckle. Levi squats next to you and you look at him. “Take care, Y/n.” He shoots you a smile and you smile back at him. “I will, Levi. You too.”
Levi wakes up and walks away as you watch him leave. Hange switches her gaze between you and him and she stands in front of you. “He’s cute huh? Want his number?” Hange asks and you shake your head. “Hans. Just take me home. Oh. Wait, you need to get my meds first from the pharmacy.” You take out the prescription letter from Levi and your eyes read the medication. But what caught your attention was the little message at the end:
‘Hospital tea is shitty. Call me if you want to have a good cup of tea with me. Don’t forget your meds, brat.’
You smile as you read it over and over again. You tear that part off and hand Hange the prescription. Maybe this whole nightmare of a day wasn’t so bad after all.
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🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 5 years
Athazagroaphobia (Part 7)
Her dream wasn’t polite but her awakening is much ruder. So abrupt that she can’t grasp onto the remaining visages of her night terror. It comes in the form of a thundering crash that echos down hallways that have grown so hauntingly silent. 
Somehow she has an inkling that the day horrors waiting for her will be boundlessly worse than those conjured up by her beaten psyche. 
“Fuck!” She hears someone scream, she thinks that it is Chan. 
“I thought that you said we had it secured!” This she knows is Bujing. 
The whole of her tenses as the weight of what he had just shouted sinks in. She stares down at her useless leg and an icy feeling ebbs into her core. She can’t fight and she certainly can’t run. Hiding is always an option, but never a good one. 
There comes a great roaring and crackling sound. Several bursts of it. 
A lot of it. 
A dreadful sign. 
How long will it be before the breech reaches her room? She dreads what will happen when it does. A shrill scream coaxes her into action. Gathering her makeshift crutches she makes her way out of bed, noting somewhat miserably that she probably won’t be sleeping on it again if they can’t hold their ground. 
She isn’t quite sure what she thinks she is doing, and she resents that she still doesn’t have a clear picture as to what she is up against. 
Azula’s stomach sinks as the hushed chatter increases its volume. With them, the throne room is somehow lonelier. There is an uncanny chill in the room now that it lacks the warm ambiance of the firelord’s flame. Even the ghostly blue of her fire had been more inviting than this eerie gloom. She can only faintly smell the last visages of the flames that once blazed.
She spares the throne itself a look; only a week or so prior she had been sitting there. Things had been...no, not normal. Far from. She lowers her gaze only to be met with something more disparaging. At the foot of the throne, the Fire Lord’s crown rests. Its glint and gleam is replaced by a layer of dust.
Absurdly enough, she finds herself making her way to it, the sound of her crutches bouncing off of the walls and between the pillars. She carefully stoops to pick it up and dust it off. Her reflection in its gold is beaten and rugged, her cheeks are hollow and her eyes tired. She looks just about as healthy as the rest of her sorry gaggle of survivors. 
The whispers make themselves apparent again so Azula quickly tucks the crown into her pocket and resumes her venture into the entrance hall. The sounds of the fight are growing fainter as the voices rasp louder. There is an awful sense of dread rising in Azula’s belly. She hastens her stride, cursing the shadows. Shadows that probably shouldn��t be there at all now that the fire has died. The whispers seem to double. 
If you’re lucky you can hear it coming…
Her stomach sinks further at the sound of a snap.
There is another crunch as she hits the floor. She can’t help but cry out. Not that it matters, they already know where she is. She could strip off every scrap of clothing on her body and would be less exposed than she is now. 
Trembling with pain, she brings her hand to her nose, finding it as broken as her leg. Bile rises in her throat and she fights the urge to vomit right there as blood leakes between her fingers. There is a lot of it, her nose is gushing. 
The voices seem to close in and she finds herself praying that her mind is simply unraveling again. She wishes for her own insanity. She has to make it to the entry hall…
She has to make it to a place where she can at least have an illusion of safety.  But her crutch is unsalvageable and the remaining one simply won’t cut it.
Azula forces herself into a sitting position and stares glumly at her leg, the fall certainly hadn’t done it any favors. She swallows and balls her fists. She refuses to feel as helpless as she had when bound to the grate.
This is different, she can still move, she can still get away. 
Feeling completely pathetic, she drags herself across the floor, cursing the impressive expanse of the throne room. She makes it halfway when the first figure emerges. She lets out an anguished and frustrated cry before lunching a burst of fire at it.
The figure bends back; the sense of relief moves her to tears. 
“Geeze, you couldn’t just wait for us to come get you?” Chan asks. He bends down and cups her cheek. “What happened?” 
She points to her halved crutch and he nods his acknowledgement. 
“And you’re still fighting…” He mutters. “You’re something else. I’m sure that Bujing won’t be able to say that your a burden now that…” his smile is so soft that she doesn’t register it right away. 
Not until his body seizes and his eyes begin to bleed. She scrambles away from him as quickly as her leg will allow. His body twitches, pops, and cracks. 
She isn’t sure what she had expected, no one has ever come to save her in the past and those who have tried had never made it very far. She is on her own. She is always on her own. At least she has a sense of familiarity in that.
She takes a deep breath and uses the closest pillar to stand. With her one good leg and her arms she propells herself with a burst of fire. It is no easy feat with her body in such a wretched strength. Having no food in her belly since the night prior leaves the task that much more dizzying; she hasn’t the energy for this scale of bending. 
She hasn’t any other options. 
Azula collapses as soon as she makes it to the entry room. 
“Where’s Chan?” Ruon shouts. “We sent him to get you.” 
Azula swallows. “It...they? Got him.” Her voice is hoarse. “He’s been claimed.”
“See what happens!?” Bujing shouts. “It’s only been a few days and someone has already died for her.” 
She snarls, “I could have saved myself. I did save myself.” 
“And you left Chan to die.”
“I couldn’t do anything for--” 
“You couldn’t do anything.” He repeats, lifting her from the ground. “Chan saved the lot of us and now he’s gone. And for what? A cripple. The weakest link.” 
Azula cringes. The weakest link…
Monster, evil, insane, lunatic, liar, bitch. She has been called a lot of things but never weak. 
“Put her down Bujing!” It is the serving girl. 
Instead he gives her a rather firm shake. “Oh, I’ll put her down.” He scowls. “I’ll do it the same way I did my komodo rhino when it took an ice spike to the belly.” 
Decidedly, Azula has had enough of this. Leg be damned, she brings boiling heat to her palms. Bujing drops her with a hollar. She hisses in pain of her own as she collides with the floor. Bujing lifts his foot and she braces herself for him to bring it down on her leg. Instead the man lets out another cry as a ball of fire rams into his side. 
“We fight those things not people.” Ruon says simply. “And right now we need to focus on fighting them.” 
“How can we fight something that has no form of its own?” Shinu asks.
Azula closes her eyes and tries to slow her heavy breathing. She feels terribly faint, the sounds of conversation and bickering are growing distant. She clenches her fist, digging her nails into her palm. She has to stay awake. 
“Azula.” The shake she receives is much gentler, it rouses her from her oncoming daze. “We have to stop the bleeding…” Ruon’s voice is muddled under the whispers. 
She holds her hand up. “No time.” 
His mouth opens in protest, but he makes it no further. He changes directions, “we need to move!” 
She thinks that even he is aware that they are already too late. 
“She led them right to us!” Bujing accuses. 
“Fool!” Li snaps. “They were already on their way.” 
“And you wasted our time with…” the serving girl starts. It is apparent that she has detected the same shift that Azula has. 
The whispers fall abruptly silent. And what fills their place is much worse. Intangibly so. Whatever it is, it is crushing. A feeling so deeply evil that she can now say for sure that she is no monster.  
If you feel it, someone is going to die, you just have to hope that it’s not you.
She finds that her breathing is growing unsteady again. 
Fight or flight leaves in search of some third option. One that her mind cannot find. There is only one whisper now. A single voice that chants something at a pitch she has never heard, in a language that might be spoken in reverse. 
It is going to claim another, she looks around the room trying to assess just who it will go for.  
And then it fades. 
The oppressive foreboding fades.
No. It doesn’t fade. It transitions. 
Transitions into a sense of complete despair.
A sense of knowing that all is lost. 
But who will be lost? She hopes that it isn’t Li. 
They all step back in uniform. Has it claimed all of them? Azula swallows, she is going to watch them all be overcome. The chant grows louder, something crawls beneath her flesh. An agitating prickle. They all retreat further, faces contorted in terror and she knows…
If you feel it, someone is going to die, you just have to hope that it’s not you.
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kathubs · 7 years
hey katie--could you do a ranking of all of the amber benson movies you've seen, from favorite to least favorite? :)
This is an EXCELLENT question, thank you, Clem! I took it a little too seriously maybe (and i’m a little drunk and long-winded), but you asked, so I’m giving a good answer ;) 
I pulled out my handy dandy masterlist of Amber’s work and started categorizing her movies! (fun pic to clarify that i am the world’s biggest nerd)
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Also please note that these are just my opinions - I am by no means a film critic or an expert on anything, I’ve just seen a lot of Amber Benson movies! 
Never seen: (if anyone has links, send em over please)Hollywood, PennsylvaniaLong Island Confidential
Not yet released: The Griddle HouseSelling IsobelThe Nightmare GalleryGlossary of Broken Dreams
Here’s where it gets fun!
Terrible:Act Your Age - this movie is not very good, and she’s hardly in it, so it gets a “terrible” ranking, yikes!
Meh all around (worst to best):The Blue Tooth Virgin - she’s in literally two minutes. i couldn’t watch the restDon’s Plum - i’ve only seen her parts! and apart from her face, i found them pretty unlikeable. :/ SFW - she’s in like ten minutes at the end. looking very adorable with round cheeks and round glasses. the rest of the movie is just okJack Reed (all three) - TV movies. She was SO YOUNG but she’s only in a couple scenes each. From what I’ve seen, they’re fine, nothing groundbreakingSimple Things - this is just bad, and she’s not really in it that much, but it could be worse. somehow. don’t ask me howKiss the Bride - again, i’ve only seen her parts, and they’re underwhelmingThe Crooked Man - so she plays a nice mom, and then she has a shotgun, and then she wears scrubs and gets murdered. she’s so pretty and tragic. but the whole movie is just…. so shitty and she’s only in 10 minutes of it. so it’s meh
Okay for plot, not for Amber:The Prime Gig - this is actually a pretty good movie! i enjoyed it. she’s really not in it much at all - definitely a background character, and she only has a few lines. but i sat through the whole movie and she looks super badass in her few appearances.Imaginary Crimes - another background character, but with many more lines this time. she’s very young and very adorable. another movie where i watched the whole thing, because it was good all around, and not just for her face! 
Okay for Amber, not for plot: Taboo - oh my god, Taboo. I rewatch this all the time because she’s extra hot in it - she plays drunk the whole time, and at one point wears a nightie and a collar - but oh my god it’s so bad. the plot is weird, the dialog is stilted, the acting is so wooden. just a terrible movie, but with one hot amberIntermedio - see above! she had a broken foot when they filmed this, and is on crutches the whole time. her hair is super long and she wears a pretty short skirt. those are the biggest selling points…. oh and she gets chopped in halfTripping Forward - ugh, i kinda hate this movie, because the leading guy makes me feel uncomfortable. i just don’t like his face or voice or personality. but amber is beautiful and cool and has streaks of blue in her hair. honestly you should skip watching this movie and just look at the beautiful gifs maria made insteadHoliday Wishes - this is hard, because it’s pretty bad, but i want to like it! it’s a christmas movie, she’s in love with a ghost, there’s some body switching, ugh. the plot just really irritates me and i find different things to complain about every time. and whoever dressed her should be fired. but she’s pretty and she’s the lead actress, so that has to count for somethingOne-Eyed Monster - never tell amber this, but i don’t like this movie…. she really likes it so it makes me feel bad to dislike it :/ it’s about these people shooting a porno in the mountains. she’s the makeup artist. ron jeremy’s dick gets possessed by an alien, and it impregnates amber and kills everyone else. it’s so weird and so not my humor…. but amber loves is and amber looks great in it, so, watch it i guess? Attack of the Gryphon - this would be ranked better if the gryphon wasn’t so flipping bad! the cgi just ruins the whole thing. well that and the evil sorcerer’s weird slutty sidekicks. i dunno. amber plays a badass, sword-fighting princess, and at one point (where she’s kissing a mediocre guy) you can see her whole back, which is lovely. she does a cute accent too. this is ranked highest in this category because she worked so hard to do the accent, ride a horse, fight with the sword, etc, but she couldn’t save this movie. Pretty decent:Latter Days - a heartwarming film about gay love! amber isn’t a huge character but she’s good.Another Harvest Moon - another heartwarming one, this time about folks in a nursing home. amber has blue hair again (what’s with her and blue hair) and it’s very sweet! The Crush - just. iconic. watch it. she’s so little and it’s just a really really good filmDust Up - a slightly weird Western horror type movie. lots of gore and drugs. she is a total badass at the end. and holds a baby! mom!amber! Desire Will Set You Free - the biggest selling point is the lesbian sex scene. i don’t super love most of the movie, probably because i’m a boring old lady who’s not involved in the berlin gay party/drug scene. but her parts are excellent and she kisses a lady!!!! and protects a beautiful trans lady! she’s so good! King of the Hill - possibly her favorite film she’s ever worked on, and one of her first. it’s really good. young Jesse Bradford is the lead character. she’s got a small part as his neighbor. she got to dance with him and kiss him! and then have a seizure on the floor. she’s very good and the film as a whole is excellent. long and slightly depressing, or maybe just bittersweet, but definitely a good one. House of Demons - this is high on the list because i literally just watched it. she’s a hippie! who time travels! and she trips on acid! she’s very pretty and angelic, and the film has a really interesting premise. definitely will watch again. The Killing Jar - oh i unabashedly love this. she’s a small-town waitress who gets held hostage at her restaurant. no spoilers but she doesn’t die, woohoo, and is a lowkey badass. add her pretty face and southern accent and it’s just great.
Amazing:Can’t Hardly Wait - ok forget the fact that she’s in it for like two seconds, i fucking love this movie, it’s so goodBye Bye Love - tiny teenage amber and eliza! ahh i love this. another heartwarming one. she has a decently big role and she’s just so cuteChance - YES. love. so much respect for amber. she wrote and produced and directed and starred and edited. and kissed james marsters. and was amazing. go watch this! it’s on youtube! she’s incredible! Lovers, Liars, and Lunatics - all of the above (minus the kissing) but better. funnier and tighter. she’s an adorable clumsy burglar. it’s excellentStrictly Sexual - ohhhhh god oh god. she’s not the most likeable character but holy fuck is she sexy. there’s just…. a lot of sex and drinking and smoking, a lot of excellent outfits, a lot of cursing, a lot of amber being to-die-for sexy and gah. plus she’s in the whole thing! as ¼ of the main cast! lots of sexy amber! Race You To the Bottom - !!!! i love this movie!!! so much!!!! she is just incredible. and it’s a good movie too! i mean again she’s not the most likeable, and neither is her love interest, but it’s okay because she’s so hot! and she’s again in the whole thing, but this time as ½ of the main cast, and therefore she gets almost ½ of the screentime and it’s so so so good7 Things To Do Before I’m 30 - MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE AMBER MOVIE. oh my god it’s just the most amazing thing i’ve ever seen. she’s so adorable through the whole thing, and she’s IN the whole thing! as the star! the lead character! the one who all the plot revolves around! !!!!! do you know how groundbreaking that is for an amber movie!!!! not to mention she looks SMOKING the whole time. i mean how many times have i reblogged the bikini scene??? watch it for that alone. you’ll start it for the bikini and then continue for the adorable love story and her character arc. oh my god just go watch this movie now
to anyone who read this whole thing… bless your heart. thank you clem for letting me yell about amber so much. i think ive spent my whole tumblr career building toward this ask. thank you thank you and i love you clem and i love you all and i love amber benson the most!!!!
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(see we’ve come full circle because clem made this for me and now i’m amber hugging clem) (does that make sense)
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St. Vincent Is Telling You Everything
“I told you more than I would tell my own mother.”
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September 10, 2017, 10:34 a.m. By Laura Snapes | BuzzFeed Contributor Reporting From New York, New York Annie Clark was reconfiguring some older material for her upcoming tour when she realized how alien it felt to play it. She could adapt the arrangements to her harsher new sound — the sleazy, acid aesthetic of Masseduction, her upcoming fifth solo record as St. Vincent — but the writing’s proggy complexity was cockblocking the emotion. “In so many ways, I thought I was being completely transparent and brave in every record, only to realize that they are very oblique,” Clark told BuzzFeed News. She cackled and looked delighted. “Who knew! I had no idea.” Clark is much too self-aware for this to be completely true. But the difference between her polite, guarded Texan past and confrontational present is colossal. When I first interviewed Clark in 2009, she nervously pressed her pendant against her lips and face, leaving a red lipstick pox on her insane cheekbones. By 2014’s St. Vincent, Clark’s public persona would be imperious. But these days, she’s a playful freak who revels in showing the tightness of her grip, a disposition aided by long, straight eyebrows that dance like Memphis squiggles. In late July, she appeared in the lobby of New York City’s Marlton Hotel, her temporary home during the making of Masseduction. She had come from pilates — which she likes because it makes her sing better and “come a lot harder” — and disappeared to change out of her leopard-print gym shorts. When I mentioned a recent paparazzi photo of her looking like a sexy detective in another skintight leopard-patterned getup, she asked twice, with predatory delight, whether I’d looked at her camel toe. (No! Okay, maybe!) The only time her control slipped was when the hotel’s stereo started playing “Who,” a knotty song from the album she made with David Byrne, and she shriveled like a salted snail at hearing her own voice. Self-possession like hers is often interpreted as pretentious, or pathological. But over time, the confidence that the younger, anxious Clark had to fake has become bracingly real. You can hear it in Masseduction, a record of pop fluidity and queer possibility. It’s the best thing she’s ever done, and there are no bad St. Vincent records. It’s partly harsh, heady, erotic synth-pop visions steered by her diamond-sharp guitar, and while Clark has written plenty of ballads, there have never been any as brutal and gorgeous as these. Its lurch between apocalypse and ecstasy mirrors how it felt to be kicked in the head by the past couple years. In a way, Clark was right about the obscurity of her past work, filled with archetypes and distanced observations — emotions through a stained-glass window. If not a clear pane, then Masseduction is at least a peep show on heartache, fucking, addiction, destitution, and suicide. And her relatively new life as a very public figure, thanks to relationships with Cara Delevingne and Kristen Stewart, gives it an extra frisson. Tabloids will rush to find the former, the famed British supermodel, on an album littered with wasted bodies, especially on “Young Lover,” where Clark finds someone overdosed in the bathtub. She recounts the night with terror but also arrestingly ugly indignation. “Oh, so what / Your mother did a number / So I get gloves of rubber / To clean up the spill,” she sneers. “Scenario has to rhyme, babe,” is all Clark said about its veracity. She was bemused at being asked to explain the lyrics. To her, this record is butt-naked. “I told you everything,” she stressed. “I told you more than I would tell my own mother. It’s right there.”
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Annie Clark Nedda Afsari Masseduction started out with three tenets: It would feature programmed beats and pedal steel guitar, and examine power and seduction. “What does power look like, who wields it, how do they wield it — emotionally, sexually, financially?” Clark ticked off her fingers. The album was properly born over a creative first-date dinner with Jack Antonoff, the Bleachers frontman who also recently produced and wrote with Lorde and Taylor Swift. Clark was looking for a teammate; they told each other everything that was going wrong in their lives and decided that total oblivion was the only way out of their heads. “It wasn’t, ‘Hey, let’s make a record together, that’ll be fun,’” Antonoff told me. “It was, ‘Let’s absolutely go all the way and find the absolute best thing that exists here,’ which is really the only way to work on things.” That grit is Clark’s MO. Until recently, she claimed to have taken approximately 36 hours off in between returning from touring 2011’s Strange Mercy and starting work on 2014’s St. Vincent. The concerts for the latter were bonkers, starting the run as avant-garde, meticulously choreographed deconstructions of a traditional rock show, and ending it with exorcisms that entailed Clark crumpling down a 10-foot pink plywood pyramid like a drunken horse. She often stole objects from the crowd: a pair of crutches, someone’s dinner. The spectacle of her murdering the thing she’d trained for was addictive.
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St. Vincent during the 2015 Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival. Frazer Harrison / Getty Images “Touring became a blood sport for me. I mean, I was born with a whip anyway, and touring became this self-flagellating exercise,” she said, clenching her jaw and lashing each shoulder with an imaginary strap. “And I was seeking that kind of physical exhaustion; I was seeking the pain.” She doesn’t know why, and she’s okay not knowing why, though eventually she did accept that her relationship to touring was a form of delirium. On the new album’s “Sugarboy,” a dystopian, post-Moroder disco banger, she describes herself as a “casualty hanging on from the balcony.” (She literally climbed rafters in some theaters, kicking away security guards.) This hysteria is one of the reasons she considers Masseduction her saddest record. “I lost my mind, I lost people, I gained people, I stopped touring,” Clark said of that period between 2014 and 2017. “It was just a lot of a lot, you know.” After the St. Vincent tour dates ended, Clark had to learn to construct and value life away from the road — she had been on tour since age 16, when she worked as an assistant for her aunt and uncle’s jazz group. “And I still love that,” she said of touring, “but it’s more like a component of my life now rather than…my life.” Back home she indulged in a “period of bacchanalia,” and briefly got into self-medicating, an experience she turned into the lunatic track “Pills”: Imagine the Stepford Wives lost in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory (Kamasi Washington guests on saxophone; Delevingne sings on the chorus). She’s transfixed by the forces that can swallow us — “You know, drugs, sex, and rock ‘n’ roll,” she winked. “So corny. Kill me! Kill me dead!” Though sometimes she uses those themes to dress up more mundane relationship dynamics. “Savior” explores the unhealthiness of mutual projection through a funny S&M parable involving nurses and nuns and our tediously prosaic concepts of kink: “You put me in a teacher’s little denim skirt,” Clark moans on the song. “Ruler and desk so I can make it hurt / But I keep you on your best behavior / Honey, I can’t be your savior.” The album’s self-destructive dynamic comes out on the title track — “I can’t turn off what turns me on,” she wails over twisted guitar — and her protagonists never stop annihilating each other for their own benefit, whether for carnal kicks, or for the mothers who “milk their young” in the song “Los Ageless.”
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The album cover for Masseduction. Loma Vista Recordings And then there’s the heartbreaking “Happy Birthday Johnny,” which sounds like a snowflake but crushes like an anvil. It calls back to the title track of her 2007 debut Marry Me, about “John” who’s “a rock with a heart like a socket I can plug into at will”; and to “Prince Johnny,” the decadent downtown royal from St. Vincent. She said she feels compassion and hopelessness for his self-destruction, but can’t judge because she’s just like him. Maybe he’s also a cipher for the way humans use each other — Clark flatly refused to talk about him. “One thing I have learned in six records and 10 years is that I’m not obliged to answer any questions — a lesson I more or less only recently learned.” She stared into the bar, fixing a grim expression through her orange aviators. “Next question.” At any rate, the song is a whole story. Once conspirators, her and Johnny’s literal fire-starting days are behind them, and now he lives on the street, calling up Clark at New Year’s for “dough to get something to eat.” She demurs, and he calls her a queenly miser who’s sold out for fame. “But if they only knew the real version of me / Only you know the secrets, the swamp, and the fear,” she pleads. It is deeply tragic, being shamed — perhaps rightly — by the person who once understood your shame. Antonoff theorized that she’s mourning a past on the record. On the forthcoming Fear the Future Tour (named after a new song, and to resemble a Jenny Holzer maxim), Clark said she probably won’t be flinging herself around stages as much because “I think I’m emotionally throwing myself around a lot more.”
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A still from St. Vincent’s “New York” music video. Alex Da Carte In late July, Tiffany & Co. announced Clark as one of the faces of its fall advertising campaign. Diamonds and waspy Americana are a weirdly prim contrast to the freaky propaganda aesthetic that Clark is calling “manic panic” — the Masseduction album cover is a photo of a nice ass in a leopard-print thong bodysuit. But like any savvy propagandist, Clark’s image will be everywhere this year. Having directed a short film, The Birthday Party, as part of the horror anthology XX, she’s now due to direct a feature-length, female-led adaptation of The Picture of Dorian Gray. (“The most rich text I have ever read: transgression, modernity, society, repressed queerness.”) There’s also a multimedia performance as part of October’s Red Bull Music Academy in Los Angeles, and an upcoming art exhibition in New York. A coffee table book. Essays. (She calls art “a fountain of youth” that’s given her everything and everyone in her life, hence her urge to make everything.) And that’s just the exposure she has control over. Celebrities like to pretend that their success is the result of some cosmic fluke, but Clark has said quite openly that the best part of becoming more famous thanks to her love life is “just getting the opportunity to do more work in different fields,” which nobody ever admits! (Though her 2015 Grammy for Best Alternative Album and overwhelming critical acclaim probably helped, too.)
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St. Vincent, Zoe Kravitz, and Zosia Mamet at the Tiffany & Co.-presented Whitney Biennial VIP Opening in March 2017 in New York. Mike Coppola / Getty Images One of Clark’s best-known songs, 2014’s “Digital Witness,” is about social media voyeurism. “I wonder if, in the future, privacy will be something that only the 1 percent can afford,” she told Rolling Stone that year, which now seems beautifully naive. From the second she and Delevingne were spotted together at the 2015 BRIT Awards, the UK’s pervy yet ever-scandalized tabloid media went nuts that their hottest young model was dating a woman, and pursued them so staunchly that the couple once took revenge by firing water pistols at the paparazzi. “She really is so famous!” Clark said of Delevingne, feigning hammy disbelief at the attention they received. “That shouldn’t have been shocking to me, but it was shocking to me in the sense that she’s such a sweet, really, deeply kind, unspoiled person. She has more compassion in her little finger than—” She waved her hand around her torso with a grim laugh. (The pair reportedly split last fall, but Clark would only say they were “never not close.”) Clark’s self-assurance helped her to perceive the tabloid aggression and celebrity weirdness as baffling rather than distorting. She was too classy to run with my suggestion that attending that Taylor Swift 4th of July party must’ve been an interesting anthropological study. “That was, I think, in the midst of a game of Celebrity,” she said of a photo of her wearing the same stars ’n’ stripes onesie as Gigi Hadid, Karlie Kloss, and Ruby Rose. She took a long pause. “I was very bad at it!”
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From left: Cara Delevingne and Annie Clark Schiller Graphics But she was disturbed by dangerous high-speed car chases from paparazzi in pursuit of photos of the couple; she thinks the gossip industrial complex relates to a wider societal disparity. “The biggest problem was that the value system of it is all based on aspiration,” she said with genuine concern. “It’s wealth aspiration, fame aspiration. But if the government, if the world was just generally a more compassionate, empathetic place, people wouldn’t be aspiring to…that. They would be more fulfilled with their own lives if the wealth gap in general wasn’t so insane.” Admittedly, it was hard not to want to look at them, in matching sharp suits and laser-cut Burberry, queering the archetype of the male rock star dating the young supermodel, watching the context around an established artist mutate in front of you. There is the kind of halfway-benign personal invasion where paparazzi follow you and your girlfriend around an airport. But then there is the kind where the never-not-creepy Daily Mail doorsteps your older sister at home in Texas and calls up your well-meaning uncle to sandbag him into revealing that your father went to prison in 2010 for participating in multimillion-dollar stock fraud. Although it is grotesque to treat the paper’s muckraking as a puzzle piece, it did illuminate part of the story behind Strange Mercy, which Clark had — understandably — only ever vaguely attributed to an overwhelming period of loss. “Suitcase of cash in the back of my stick shift,” she sang on “Year of the Tiger.” “I had to be the best of the bourgeoisie / Now my kingdom for a cup of coffee.” (She cowrote the song with her mother, Sharon, who split from Clark’s father when she was three.) “Everybody has their personal tragedies and their crosses to bear,” Clark said in a clipped tone. She calls her father’s 12-year prison sentence “a horrible tragedy. On so many different levels. So absolutely heartbreaking.” She — an adult — could handle it. But her younger half- and stepsiblings on her father’s side are still teenagers. “And I specifically would never talk about that or have ever mentioned that in a myriad of questions about Strange Mercy because it seems like an incredible betrayal of my family. But most specifically, my youngest siblings who are innocent children. They were kiddos.” She described the Daily Mail story as “faux concern,” and reiterated that the paper couldn’t find any dirt on her, no matter how outrageously they tried. “I’m not ashamed of my family,” she said. Then I asked her whether her father going to prison had spun her own moral compass, or made her reconsider any values of right and wrong that he may have instilled in her. She was momentarily confused, and then let rip a massive, absurd, demonstrative laugh. She kept going. “I love my father,” she said eventually, still tickled. “I love my father very much, as any child loves their parent. He’s very intelligent and erudite and a good writer and incredibly well read, and those are all things that I value and I’m glad that he instilled in me.” She paused, and kept on laughing. In the run-up to announcing Masseduction, Clark was Instagramming absurdist junket-styled videos, in which she wears a hot pink skirt and a transparent rubber top the color of ash, and takes questions from an off-screen interviewer. Her answers were scripted by the musician and comedian Carrie Brownstein, who is also her ex-girlfriend. One video poses the question of whether Annie Clark and St. Vincent are the same person. She pauses to consider. “Honestly, you’d have to ask her.” What’s it like being a woman in music? “Good question,” she muses, as the camera zooms to her black and yellow fingernails, which spell out “FUCK OFFF.” These films might factor into her upcoming tour, but the answers were also written for journalists. Earlier in July, in London, Clark found alternative ways to conduct interviews for hours at a time. She invited some female journalists to get massages with her (too weird with men, even though she was face-down on the table the whole time, avoiding eye contact). Other writers were invited into a 10-by-10-foot pink wooden box that was constructed in a North London studio especially for the occasion. Her interrogators had to duck through a low door to enter the blacklit space. “Not full-on crawl, because that’s a little heavy-handed,” she clarified. Inside, she looped a pedal steel recording and lit a Diptyque candle that struggled to mask the paint fumes.
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St. Vincent / Via Instagram If anyone asked her an obvious question — like where the name St. Vincent came from — she planned to play prerecorded answers and “check my email, or stretch, or zone out for a second,” she said, sounding almost disappointed that she didn’t get a chance to enact her schemes. She insisted she wasn’t being antagonistic. But sitting opposite Annie Clark for two hours is often intimidating enough without the added fear that she’s about to make fun of you to your face: It is a gigantic power play! “Oh, deeply so,” she said, affecting a wryly elegant tone. “But then also not at all because I was the insane person stuck in a box for eight hours!” If critics and fans are bored of this sort of thing — see Arcade Fire’s recent album campaign — they are clearly not as tired as the artists who have to smile politely at writers who don’t know how to use Google. Plus, Arcade Fire’s hijinks felt cynical; Clark’s feels like a rejection of the idea that women artists are meant to be relatable, having endured a career’s worth of inane juxtapositions between her pretty face and gnarly shredding like it means anything. The point, she said, was that putting ourselves in a totally different, slightly strange context can produce interesting results. (She and I were meant to do Pilates together — before an oversold class spared me the indignity.) Why not make everything thoughtful and curated? If the stakes are already high, why not aim even higher and put yourself in extreme circumstances to see what happens? If Clark has done two things for the cerebral indie-rock world that she’s long outstripped, it’s teach about sex (thank god), and expose its low-risk complacency for a con.
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Nedda Afsari Of course, in some people’s eyes, this makes her a phony, a manipulator. Earlier this year, legendary cultural critic Greil Marcus wrote an admirably dim-witted column for Pitchfork where he compared Clark to the slippery Father John Misty, aka Josh Tillman, claiming that they “perform as artists of such pretentiousness you couldn’t possibly figure out how to talk to them. … There’s no way to address a saint: To be a saint you have to be dead … Such characters allow themselves to appear as if touched by God, which is what they’re selling, and laugh at you if you’re so square not to know who they really are: to join their club.” If Marcus had read any of the million interviews that Clark is parodying in her high-concept clips, he would know the name is rooted in humiliation and squalor — the hospital where Dylan Thomas died — rather than divine aspiration. “And I have never, nor would I ever, put the kind of trapdoors and booby traps in my music to make the listener feel dumb,” Clark told me in response to Marcus’s theories. “I have enough hubris not to kill myself, but I actually have such a deep respect for the listener that I have never tried to pander. Songs and arrangements were complex and convoluted at times, but they were sincere attempts at connecting.” She hoped there will be no mistaking her intent with her new record, which “is so first-person and sad.” But if anyone does, she knows it’s not her job to correct them.
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A still from the “New York” music video. Alex Da Carte A still from the “New York” music video. If you want to use Masseduction as a treasure map, then this is what it tells us about Annie Clark’s personal life. She experienced a complicated kind of heartbreak. Sometimes that makes her crazy and neurotic: “I won’t cry wolf in the kitchen,” she swears on woozy opener “Hang on Me,” but threatens to jump off her roof “just to punish you” on the vengeful, cracked opera of “Smoking Section,” the last song. Sometimes a mental safety net stretches out when she might otherwise get hurt. “Slip my hand from your hand / Leave you dancing with a ghost,” she sings on “Slow Disco,” the most tender song she’s ever written. “Don’t it beat a slow dance to death?” a forlorn and disembodied voice repeats as it fades out. Her world is changing, and that’s unsettling. “Too few of our old crew left on Astor,” she sings on “New York,” a song about lost heroes. On “Fear the Future,” she belts the title as the song reaches a pyrotechnic cataclysm that sounds like a truckload of fireworks being dumped inside a volcano. But if you respond in kind to Clark’s vulnerability, then these are the more meaningful revelations that we can take from Masseduction into our lives: Relatability is a crock, and sincerity doesn’t take a single form. “I refuse to seem less threatening, if that’s how I’m perceived,” said Clark. “Ultimate freedom is not caring whether you are liked, because you are making something you really love and believe in.” On Masseduction Clark tells us that all the good forms of desire — love, sex, art — are self-destructive. But at their best, they create just that little bit more than they consume, and can eventually alchemize anxiety into total power.
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zombierunfiction · 7 years
Season 2  Halloween Missions 1, 2, 3: Living Dead Girl, Horseplay, Wai Chu Xiao Xin
Inside New Canton, the Halloween party was starting to wind down.  Maxine had won the costume contest with her costume of Major De Santa, whom proudly saluted the doctor when presenting the button that was made by the children.  Out of the people who entered the bobbing for apples there was a tie between Nadia and Jody who both took home the prize for the event.  The food was gone leaving Charlotte and Eugene to clean up the mess.  Charlotte's southern belle dress was a hit but she had trouble sitting down due to the chicken wire she used for the bell skirt.  Eugene had joked that he could hide under there and no one would find him.  To which Sam gave him a glare and threatened to pie him in the face with a pumpkin pie.  Sam had dressed up as a sterotypical vampire with his normally loose hair combed back.
After getting the tables cleaned up Eugene who had on a loose hawaiian shirt and big glasses got up on his crutches.  "Mind if I crash for the night?  I know that it's going to be a long walk to Abel in the morning."
"Yeah sure.  Do you need help?"  Charlotte asked as she wiped her hands on her rag dress.  
"Na I got it.  Besides I think someone is about to fall asleep on his feet over there."  Eugene pointed towrads Sam who was sitting in his chair by the bobbing event almost asleep already.
Charlotte laughed then rubbed Eugene's back.  "Alright you get some sleep."  She said before walking over to Sam and leading him towards his room.  Jody walked over in a sports bra with a large black 5 written on her chest and on the tag on the back of her.  Her hair was in pigtails as she let out a yawn.  Eugene still wasn't sure what she dressed up as but it didn't really matter.
Nothing really mattered to Eugene anymore.  
Not without Jack.
He limpped to his little room where he laid down and fell asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow.
Next time he opened his eyes, he was in the radio com shack with Jack next to him and Charlotte in there with them.  "What if it's true?"  He said rather excitably.
"I thought you were the sensible one.  It's a myth!"  Jack said seemingly put off.
"Just like, for instance, zombies?"  Eugene supplied.
Jack sighed heavily running a hand through his red hair.  "Zombies are science. Now, how does this -"  He stopped then looked up at Charlotte.  "Now... Charlotte we've got an important mission."  
"And you're almos tthe only runner who will listen to us."  Eugene said seriously.
Jack reaches into an envelope pulling out a small silver key.  "Here.  Take this and make sure your fast."  
"Not a problem."  Charlotte said taking the key and putting it in her pocket.  "Why isn't Sam here?"  She asked.
"We don't want to get caught doing this, and we're zombie chow if we do get caught."  Eugene said seriously.
"Well, yeah, there's that."  Jack said as Charlotte left the shack and put on her headset.
"Raise the gates!"  Eugene said as the gates lifted.  "Covering fire!"  He said as the snipers took out a few of the zombies.  "Runner Five, go!"
Charlotte took off quickly as Jack snickered.  "Tell me you did not love doing that."  Jack said laughing at one point.
"I didn't love doing that."  Eugene said plainly.
"Liar!"  Jack called laughing.
"Five, you're heading for the southwest edge of the city."  Eugene said getting back on topic.
"And you're going to rescue one of the great lost artifacts of civilization."  Jack said grinning.
"Shouldn't we find out if, you know, there are any zoms out there?"  Eugene asks.
Jack was quiet for a moment.  "Someone would have mentioned it."  Eugene sighs heavily as Charlotte just ran.
After a while Eugene whistled slightly.  "Wow, Runner Five is fast!"
"Look, five, bear right on wichihill Lane."  Jack said as Charlotte followed his direction.  "Uh, you'll see a gravel driver on your left and a sign for one of those self storage complexes."
Charlotte looked over seeing the white and black building with a gate in front.  "So this is where I'm supposed to go?"
"Yep that key will open the padlock on Unit 123."  Eugene said as Charlotte shrugged continuing to run.  
"Which was last rented by infamous record producer Barry Jefferson."  Jack said seriously.
"Imfamous for stealing master copies of songs and selling them to collectors."  Eugene said as Charlotte raised an eyebrow.
"Sounds like someone I went to high school with.  Used to do that whole Napster thing... or was it Limewire..."  Charlotte asked herself.
"Now, in that storage unit is his biggest score - the last unfinished recording by the greatest band in the history of pop music!"  Jack said excitably.
"Uh Jack?"  Eugene started.
"Of ccourse the band is-"
"Jack, isn't that-?"  Eugene tried again.
Jack stopped for a moment.  "That's... that's..."
"Runner Five, three-no, four!- zoms on the north and closing!"  Eugene said as Charlotte looked over seeing them heading right for her.  She sped up away from them as fast as she could.
"Oh god, Five, I am so sorry about this!"  Jack apologised.
"The storage complex is fenced, that might hold them off.  Run, run!"  Eugene said as Charlotte booked it towards the fence.  She quickly climbed the fence and dropped over the otherside only to over step the landing and fall onto her backside in the dirt.  
"Ow... shit...  So much for a graceful landing."  Charlotte said as the zoms hit the fence trying to reach for her.  She got up quickly backing up away from them.
"Good, uh, okay.  Good, the fence will stop them."  Jack said breathing slowly.
"For a few minutes.  Jack, we are going to test this thing before we play it, right?  You know about the-"  Eugene was cut off by Jack.
"Yeah yeah yeah, of course! I'm not going to-"  Jack stops when banging is heard over the head set.
"Who's in there?  And why is this locked?"  The voice asked muffled.
"Oh."  Eugene said.
"Ah, uh..." Jack stuttered before the door burst open and Janine is heard.
"What the-?  Oh, no, not you lot!"  Janine said walking over.  
"Um.  Hi, Janine!"  Eugene said trying to sound innocent.
"What-?  That's Runner Five!"  Janine stated as Charlotte started to run towards the units.
"Hi Janine."  Charlotte said.
"Look, we can explain!" Jack said quickly.
"You've sent a runner into danger without authorization?"  Janine snapped.
"Yeah, on a crucial mission!"  Jack explained.
Janine sighed heavily.  "You lunatics."
"It's my fault, blame me."  Eugene said as Janine took a seat.  
"No it was not.  It was my idea."  Jack said back.
"I was the one who told them to raise the gate!"  Eugene countered.
"You loved it!"  Jack stated.
"Later!"  Janine snapped.  "First, we have to get Runner Five back home.  Right now!"  
There was a moment of silence.  "But we're uards away from the only known copy of the last studio recording by Gina and the Jumpers!"  Jack stressed as silence again filled the headset.
"The last one?  The real last one?"  Janine clarified.
"Yeah, that's right..."  Jack said slowly.
"The one with all the instruments recorded but no vocals?"  Janine asked seriously.
"Because Gina had just died in a wreck on the M4, but the band didn't know it yet."  Eugene said excitably.
"Except when they played it back and they could hear Gina singing.  I wore black to school every day for a month."  Janine said sadly.
"You, too?"  Jack asked.
"Drove my mum absolutely screaming."  Janine said with a small laugh.
Charlotte shook her head.  "I seem to be the only one in this conversation who has no idea who this Gina is but if this recording is that important then I guess I'll find that unit.  123 right?"
"Yes.  Unit 123."  Eugene confirmed.  "Runner Five, we can't track you when you're inside the storage complex."
Janine scoffed.  "Of course we can.  those things all have CCTV, and the passwords are hardly state of the art."  She says as she is heard typing.  "Let's just hope their back up generators are still... yes!  Got the cameras working."  
Charlotte waved at the camera running down the cemet road looking at the numbers on the unit.  "Jack, maybe we should metnion this thing about the recording, now?"  Eugene stressed.
"Not now, Mr. Woods!  Don't faff about, Runner Five.  Find that unit."  Janine said as Charlotte continued to look around the complex.  "There, see?  Good image, too."
"What's that, at the corner?" Jack asked.
"The zoms are though the fence!"  Eugene said quickly.
"No, it's-"  Janine said as an older woman with salt and pepper hair with a shirt on that had the grinning face of a girl wearing some sexy outfit.  
"You!"  The woman calls to Charlotte making her stop in the row looking at her.  "Who are you?  What are you doing here?"  She asked with an accent that was more Irish than British.
"She's definitely alive."  Jack said.
"She's got bolt cutters."  Charlotte breathes slowly walking over.
The woman sighed dramaticly.  "Oh, tell me you're not here for that recording.  I've been after it for months.  Are you from those Abel Radio idiots?  Sounds like something you buy at an electrical shop."  The woman said sarcasticly.
"Hey!"  Eugene called.
Charlotte glared at her.  "First off how about we ask names?"  She snapped.
"Lola."  She replied.
"Now tell her to sod off Five.  We got to it first!"  Janine said.
"Yeah!"  Jack agreed.
"You have no idea what I've gone through to find this recording Charlotte.  Nothing's going to stop me."  Lola said putting the bolt cutters on her shoulder.
"Apart from those zombies?  You all have to move, now.  Head for the building on the far side."  Janine said as Charlotte looked back seeing zombies heading towards them.  She ran towards Lola grabbing her arm speeding towards the building.  Once they were near the building, they came up to the 100 units.  
"It's this door."  Lola said as they could still hear the zombies coming.  "Here it is, Unit 123.  I've been Gina and the Jumpers' biggest fan for years - decades.  This is the most - this is what I've waited for!  You're - do you know anything about them at all?"  Lola said somewhat snidely.
"Not really.  Never heard of them before today to be quite honest."  Charlotte said shrugging.
"Do you know about the secret gig in the Parisian crypt?"  Lola asked.
"Uh, I do, actually."  Janine said.  "Ask her if she knows about the legend that Gina's tattoos were actually symbols of her pact with-"
"I couldn't believe it when I heard these jokers on Abel Radio talking about this record.  It's meant for the ears of the REAL fans."  Lola stressed the term real making Charlotte raise an eyebrow.  "I'm going to play it on my own radio station, actually.  Just broadcast this one song, day and night."
Janine scoffs.  "Real fans.  Bet she doesn't even know about the tattoos."  She says to herself.
"Amateurs!  How do you even plan to get into this storage unit, Charlotte?  You think I'm going to let you borrow my tools?"  Lola snidly states.
"Lady, you are owned!"  Eugene said as Charlotte pulled out the keys that Eugene and Jack gave her.  
Lola's eyes went as wide as the moon.  "Where did you get a key?"  
Jack clears his throat.  "Never mind.  Just get in, and grab the recording."  
"What's to stop Miss Bolt Cutters from doing the same?"  Janine questions.
"You know, I really think we need to warn Runner Five about the other thing, the legend about the recording?"  Eugene stresses as Charlotte unlocked the pad lock then rolled the door open.
"Moment of truth, Charlotte.  How badly do you want Gina's last song?"  Lola asked.
"Five, the zoms are pulling down the gate.  Hurry!"  Janine said as Charlotte and Lola began to go through the storage unit.
"There it is!  The red box!"  Jack said as Charlotte grabbed the black steel plated box with a bright yellow sticker on it.
"It's marked 'Danger: Do Not Open'."  Charlotte said as Lola suddenly bull rushed her.
"Not!  It's mine!"  Lola screamed grabbing the box trying to pry it out of Charlotte's hands.
"Let... go!"  Charlotte struggled before Lola slammed her fist into Charlotte's cheek knocking her back into the boxes.  She took off with the box quickly.
"Five!  Did you see that!?  She hit Runner Five!"  Jack shouted as Charlotte got up wiping her face of the blood on her lip taking off after her.  "And she's...  Is she chaining that connecting gate!"  
Sure enough Lola was throwing a set of chains around the outside emergency gate to there section leading to the front.  
"It's alright, you'll have to head out the other way, Five.  Emergency exit on the other side of the block.  If you hurry, you'll catch her."  Janine said as Charlotte took off.
"This bitch is mine."  Charlotte growled as Lola started to head towards the gate.  
"Runner Five, are you alright?"  Jack asked.
"I will be once I pound this music bitch into mulch."  Charlotte said as she rounded the gate avoiding the zombies who were heading away from them.  
"There!  There she is!  Get her, Charlotte!  Tackle her to the ground!"  Janine all but growled as Charlotte tacked Lola to the ground trying to get the box away from her.
Lola growled kicking Charlotte away from her as she closed a CD player.  "You're too late.  I've put it into my player.  I am going to be the first person to hear the last recording!"
"No!  Runner Five, don't let her play that!"  Eugene calls as Charlotte saw Lola push the play button.  
Both girls stood there as Lola's face broke into a smile.  "It is!  It is!  I hear her!  I hear Gina!"
"The zoms are through the last gate, Five.  Get out.  Grab her, get out!"  Janine said fast.  
"Let's go Lola!"  Charlotte said as she grabbed her arm only for Lola to fight her and drop her CD player cracking it.
"Too bad for you, Charlotte.  You're going to have to let me go, and I have the-"  Lola looks at her CD player when she picked it up.  "Ugh!  Why won't this stupid thing shut off?"  She tried to push the stop button.
Charlotte looked at it seeing the screen was blank.  "It is off.  More than off.  It's smashed."  She said softly.  Suddenly Charlotte began to hear a whispy voice coming from the air.
"The song... it's in my head!"  Lola covers her ears.  "So loud!"  She yells out as Charlotte looks at her in horror as Jack spoke.
"Runner five, you're cut off.  Eight zoms between you and the gate."
"There's a back service access.  Five, turn right at the end of the row.  Hurry!"  Janine said.
"But try to take her with you!  Drag her if you have to!"  Jack said as Charlotte dragged Lola with her as she continued to scream holding her ears.
"It's too late..."  Eugene breathed.
"Make it stop!  Gina!  Stop!"  Lola shrieked as Lola fell to the ground blood coming out of her ears.
"Run!"  Eugene shouts as Charlotte took off towards the fence where she bounded over it taking off back towards Abel.  "That was..."
"Was that blood coming out of her ears?"  Jack asked slowly.  
"Yeah..." Charlotte breathed.
"That was horrible!"  Jack exclaims.
"I don't want to say 'I told you so'..."  Eugene started.
"Is that what you were trying to tell me Eugene?  That the song is haunted or something?"  Charlotte asked.
"There was a rumor that said a cleaning lady listened to it and she was found dead with blood coming out of her ears having broke the stereo she had listened to it on."  Euegene said slowly.
"I can't believe you idiots risked Runner Five's life for a song that kills people."  Janine said.
"Not that you enabled us or anything like that Janine."  Eugene said sarcasticly.
"At least we found out befor eFive brought that thing back here."  Janine said.
"Just what we need to brighten up the zombie apocalupse - a haunted death song."  Jack said as Eugene blinked hearing something whistling around his head.
"I'm... I'm just glad five's coming home safe.  You were great out there, Five."  Eugene said as the sound of a woman's voice made Eugene look over at Janine seeing she wasn't saying anything.  Horror suddenly filled him as he saw Charlotte stumble and grip her head.
"No... I didn't even... No!  Get out!"  Charlotte shouted before hitting the ground starting to scream as Eugene began to hear a soft voice beginning to sing getting louder and louder.  Eugene held his own head that held his headphones as he screams loud.
Suddenly Eugene sat up in bed gasping for air, sweat rolling down his face.  He slowly calmed down looking around finding himself still in New Canton in the dark room.
A dream... or a nightmare.  He wasn't sure if he could get back to sleep now.
On the other side of New Canton, Jody flopped onto her bed in the womens dorms groaning softly.  She turned over still wearing her costume which was a bright pink sports bra, sweat pants with a rag on her back with a black 5 on it.  She turned over taking off the yellow sweat band as she breathed slowly.  She heard Nadia and a few others walk in and go to bed as she fell asleep quickly.
When Jody opened her eyes she found herself at the gate of Abel with Charlotte who was in her southern bell dress.  Hoop skirt and all.  Charlotte adjusted the headset among her curls as Jody gently helped get a pack on.
"This bloody skirt is really annoying.  How do you people in the south of america deal with it?"  Jody asked laughing.
"Well to be far they don't wear these much anymore.  The closest I ever got to this kind of dress my coming out ball."  Charlotte said buckling her pack.
"Coming out ball?  Like coming out of the closet?"  Sam asked in their head set.
Charlotte laughed softly.  "No not that kind of coming out.  It's more of an introduction kind of party that happens for debutaunts.  I was a deb when I was 15.  My mother really enjoyed it more than I did."
Jody giggles.  "Let me guess you prefered to play in the mud than play tea party?"
"American football actually."  Charlotte said.
"Runner Four, Runner Five, ready?"  Sam asked.
"We're both ready!"  Jody said as they went over to the gate.
"Raise the gates."  Sam said as the gates raised up letting Charlotte and Jody take off our of Abel after the snipers took out the few zombies by the gates.
"Sam, are you sure you should be sending us out on a run so late?  The sun's nearly set.  It'll be dark out here soon."  Jody asked.
"Nah, you're only going as far as that old apple orchard halfway between Abel and New Canton.  You'll be there and back in no time!  And you won't even have to leave the alliance's new secure corridor to do it."  Sam said.
"About that corridor, are they really sure it-"  Jody asked softly.
"Totally safe."  Sam reassured.  "I mean, can you believe it?  One of the Permanent Advisory Council guys radioed in earlier.   He said there hasn't been so much as a single zom spotted inside the perimeter since Tuesday.  It's not like New Canton'd send all their children all the way over for trick-or-treating if they though they might get eaten on the way.  I mean, they do things a little differently over there, but I don't think - I mean, that seems pretty grim, even for them."
"If you're sure it's safe, I guess it isn't too far to run."  Jody said.
"See that's the Halloween spirit!"  Charlotte said.
"You'd better pick up the pace.  Those New Canton trick-or-treaters are due to be here in about an hour, and if you don't get back before then, you'll miss Tunner Three doing the Monster Mash."  Sam said as Charlotte laughed.
"Oh we can't miss that.  Simon would never forgive us."   Charlotte said as they continued to run.  Thankfully the skirt didn't hinder her from running.
"You're making nice time out there, guys.  And those costume are - I didn't get a good look at what you were wearing before you left.  That's some nice work, Five.  It really is amazing what you can do with old rags and some spare chicken wire when you put your mind to it, isn't it?"  Sam said.
"What about mine?"  Jody asked.
"Well, yours is - um, well, it's nice, too."  Sam said.
"You don't know what I am, do you?"  Jody questioned.
"No, I do!  It's, uh... You're um..." Sam said slowly trying to think.
"I'm Runner Five!"  Jody exclaimed happily making Charlotte laughed softly.
"I don't think I dress like that."  Charlotte said pointing at the sports bra with the black 5 written on the bra itself.
"Oh!  Oh, I can see it, now!  That's why you're wearing the-"  Sam said before Jody jumpped in.
"Exactly!" Jody said happily.
"And the sports bra!  Nice touch!  She's really got you there, Five."  Sam said.
Charlotte rolls her eyes.  "Everyone keeps making fun of me because of those things."  She smiles as Jody nudges her.  
"It's alright we all love you."  Jody said.
"Right, the orchard's just coming up on your left just now.  Watch your footing, okay.  Don't want either of you getting hurt because of some stupid root." Sam chuckled as Charlotte looked around at the large apple trees.
"What are we looking for, Sam?" Jody asked.
"Well, there should be sacks of apples under some of the trees.  A field team picked up more than they could carry back this afternoon.  They brought enough home with them for the children and for my Bobbing for apples at New Canton, so we didn't worry about getting the rest in before sundown."   Sam explained.
"Was that before Runner Nine and Eleven started competing to see how many apples they could eat?"  Charlotte asked chuckling.
Sam laughs softly.  "Yeah.  And um... someone might have spilled an entire basket of them trying to carry them over to the foutain by the farmhouse."  
"That doesn't seem so bad."  Jody commented.
"Yeah, well, whoever it was spilled them into the chicken coop."  Sam said.
"Oh..."  Jody said.
"Um, Janine suggested we hand out bits of scrap metal and some safety match, but now we've got this securty set up, this seemed like it might be a little bit more popular with the trick-or-treaters."  Sam said laughing slightly.
"Oh yea because scrap metal is something every kid wants in their little bags."  Charlotte said sarcasticly.
"Fill up your packs with as many apples as you can carry, and then head back."  Sam said happily.
"I can see the baskets.  Come on, Five."  Jody said as they headed for the baskets as a twig snapped behind them making Charlotte skid to a stop looking around.
"Did you hear something?"  Charlotte asked as Jody looked around as well.
"There's nothing on the scanners."  Sam said as Jody and Charlotte looked at each other.
"I've got a bad feeling about this.  Let's just get this over with, Five, and fast." Jody said as they began to pick up the apples putting them into the basket.  After a bit the sound of the brushes rustling is heard making Jody jump looking around.  A bird called loudly from the trees making even Charlotte look around.
"Sam..."  Charlotte said slowly looking around.
"I'm telling you, there's no sign of anything.  The nearest zombie activity is miles and miles away from you two."  Sam reassures.
"What if it's not the zombies?"  Jody asked shaking slightly.
"Oh, don't tell me you're worried about ghosts, now." Sam said laughing softly.
"I'm not!  Well..."  Jody said softly as Sam sighs.  "New Canton Runner Seventy-eight told me there are things that roam these orchards at night."
"Things like zombies?"  Charlotte suggested as she dropped a few apples into her basket.
"Worse things!"  Jody cried softly.
"I don't think it actually gets worse than that."  Sam said.
"That's because you've never heard of the Headless Zombie."  Jody counters as Charlotte laughs softly.
"The what?"  She asked.
Jody steps away from her tree looking at Charlotte seriously.  "When the moon is full, the Headless Zombies rides out across the fields, searching, always searching, his soul in eternal torment."  Her voice changed to sound spooky.
"You mean it's got a horse?  Now there's something I'm glad we don't see every day."  Sam said happily.
Charlotte shook her head grabbing some more apples.  "It's a retelling of the Headless Horseman Sam.  Icabad Crane.  Sleepy Hollow."
"Oh yea!  Wasn't he a coward or something?"  Sam asked.
"Yellow belly from what I remember."  Charlotte said.
"Now back to my story."  Jody huffs.  "They say he was a jockey once.  Runner One One Seven at New Canton told me he heard he'd won two thirds of the Triple Crown the year before the outbreak."  She breathed as the wind picked up a little.  "He was at the starting gate, waiting to begin a race, when one of the trainers took a bite out of his arm.  By the time he was halfway around the track, he'd started to turn!"
"He was a fast turn then."  Charlotte said climbing a left over ladder up to a taller tree.
"They say you could hear him coughing up in the stands, big awful we hacking.  But his horse just kept running.  Ended up winning the whole race, only he ate two of the prize presenters instead of collecting the trophy."  Jody continued.
"Only two?" Charlotte asked chuckling.
"Uh, what happened to his head?"  Sam asked.
"Two of the other jockeys found some razor wire and stretched it across the track."  Jody started.  "The next time he went around-"  She put her thumb to her throw and made a sound like cutting off a persons head while moving her thumb across her throat.  "But even with his head gone, he kept on riding.  They say his connection to his horse was so strong, he didn't need a brain of his own!"
Charlotte sighed climbing down.  "And now he roams the countryside, searching for his lost head, doomed to wander forever."  
"Yeah!"  Jody cried out as he looked around.  "Sam I think we've collected enough apples.  Can we come home, now?"
"What, scared you're going to start hearing the beating of demonic hooves?"  The snorting and stamping of a beast from beyond the grave?"  Sam said laughing softly.  "Oh, or maybe a-"  A horse suddenly whinnies near by making both girls look around.
Charlotte moved away from the tree and saw a black shape in the trees,  "Sam... Eastern woods..."  
"Um, guys maybe you should leave.  Now."  Sam said as they heard another rustling coming from the woods.  Jody sqaueaked grabbing her basket as charlotte followed suit taking off back towards Abel.
"I told you this was a bad idea!"  Jody cried out.
"Look, whatever that was, it sounded like it was coming from behind you.  If you keep running towards Abel, you'll be-"  Sam started before Jody called out.  
"I can see something moving!  Charlotte, do you see that?"  Jody looks towards the tree line seeing a shape moving among the trees.
"I see something.  Let's just get out of here."  Charlotte said as they ran faster.
"Where?  I don't see anything on the scanners."  Sam said.
"Up ahead, thorugh the tree line."  Charlotte said.
"Maybe if I focus the camera in closer."  Sam said softly.
"How can you miss it?  It's as big as a..."  Jody stops as she gulps thickly.  "horse.  It's as big as a horse.  I think we can go around it.  If we just stay out of its way, it won't even know it's us.  We can stick to the shadows, take the long way back."  A branch snapped making both girls jump.
"Shh!  Over here."  Charlotte whispered leading her away from their current path.  "If we head down this way, it shouldn't even see us."
After a while, the sounds stopped as they where running with the baskets of apples.  "Runner Four, Runner five, have you still got eyes on that, uh, thing?"  Sam asked.
"I'm not sure. I can't see it.  Maybe we lost it."  Jody said.
"Good.  Good.  It was probably just a trick of light.  I mean, I've seen some weird things, but a zombie on a horse is pretty far-fetched.  You two can head back towards the township now.  Those trick-or-treaters'll be chomping at the bit."  Sam said as there was a rustle in the bushes.
"Sam?"  Charlotte said softly.
"What?  Oh, 'chomping at the bit', like horses.  I get it, it's a pun."  Sam said chuckling.
"No, not that.  I can still hear something."  Charlotte said.
"Well, if it makes you feel better, I can look at the cameras again."  Sam said.  "Nothing ahead of you, nothing behind you, and to your left it looks like there's more -"  Sam stops.  "Oh.  Maybe um, maybe don't look to your left."  Jody whimpered looking over as Charlotte follows seeing a dark brown horse with a headless body on it.  The horse reared back whinning making Jody cry out.  "I told you not to look!"
"Go Charlotte, go! It's him!"  Jody cries out as they run to the right away from the horse as it began to chase after them.  The horses hooves pounded on the ground behind them as Charlotte and Jody tried to lose them in the trees.
"You're going the wrong way!  You've got to head back towards Abel!"  Sam shouted,
"All we want to do is get away from that thing."  Jody shouts.
"Oh, it's not that bad!  I mean, as far as zombies go, a headless one is the best kind, isn't it?  It's not like he can take a bite out of you.  So long as you don't get close enough for the horse to kick you, you're probably alright."  Sam said as Charlotte looked back seeing the horseman wave his hand brandishing a long black sythe.
"He's got a scythe, Sam!"  Charlotte calls out.
"So he can sweep the heads off the bodies of the living and use them as replacements for his own lost skull!"  Jody cries out.
"Where do you even get a scythe these days?"  Sam asked.
"Sam!"  Jody and Charlotte shouted.
"Maybe we can sneak you around it, again.  I mean, you did kind of scream at it, but it seemed like your plan of being really really quiet and staying out of its way was kind of working before that."  Sam said as Jody and Charlotte ducked into some dense trees and hid behind some larger trees as the horse continues on heading down the path.  charlotte looked over seeing Jody leaning back against the tree clutching the basket of apples looking pale white.  Charlotte peeked around the tree seeing the horse had stopped a good ways from them.  She breathed slowly then looked over at Jody pointing away from the horse.  Jody nodded as they headed out away from the horse.
After a bit they picked up speed still holding the baskets tight.  The bushes rustled in front of them making Jody squeak.  "There's something up ahead!"  She hissed.
"Back the way you came.  Back!  Now!"  Sam said as they turned to head back when suddenly they were face to face with the rearing horse and rider.  Both girls shrieked as they took off away from it.  "No, go right!  Go right!"  
Charlotte and Jody changed directions as the horse kept up with them.  "It's gaining on us, Sam  Once we're on open ground, it'll catch up to us in no time!"  Jody cried out.
The rider pulled back his sythe ready to strike.  "Char what's out for that- Oh just, Duck!  Duck now!"  Charlotte ducks quickly as the sythe swings through the air missing her easily.  "Dammit!  I mean, why does a headless jockey even know how to use a sythe?"  
"We need to distract the horse.  He can't follow us if it's not moving!"  Charlotte said.
"Good, because I like both with your heads where they are.  Um, how are we going to distract it?"  Sam asked.
"Five, empty your basket.  I'll do the same."  Jody said as they began dumping out the apples in their path.
"Wait you think an evil undead zombie demon horse is going to just stop for a like snack when there are -"  Sam starts as the hooves stopped and crunching of apples is heard.  "Oh, what do you know."  He said softly.
"Let's get out of here while we can."  Charlotte said as they ran back towards Abel.
"Looks like you're in the clear.  Whatever that thing was, it's not showing up on any of the cameras now.  Neither are those apples.  You know, I sort of figured an evil undead zombie demon horse would just eat brains, like all the other zombies."  Sam said softly.
"It wasn't a zombie horse."  Charlotte said simply.
"It - no?"  Sam questions.
"Whoever heard of an undead horse, Sam?  That's just silly!"  Jody said laughing softly.
"Right.  Of course."  Sam said.
"And anyway, I heard from one of the Goville runners that the only zombie animal in the area is one of the big cats that escaped from the local zoo just after the outbreak.  they say it stopped -"  
"Um, Jody?  Maybe you should wait until we're back at home to tell us that one?"  Charlotte said.
"Don't worry.  No one's ever seen it this far away from the old butcher's shop on -"  Suddenly a cat's growl is heard near by.  "Maybe that story can wait."  Jody said softly.
"Yeah, good call.  You know, now I get another look at it, I wonder if that horse was just a horse."  Sam asked softly.
"We've got no way to know that." Jody said.
"Yeah.  Come on home, and um, maybe be quick about it, just in case."  Sam said as the rustling returned near them  Suddenly a flash of metal drew Jody's eyes seeing a sythe come out and take off Charlotte's head with a single swipe making Jody shriek and suddenly bolt upright in her bed panting hard.  Nadia jumpped up next to her looking around fast.
"What's wrong?"  Nadia asked sleepily.
Jody pants heavily as she looked around quickly feeling a cold sweat covering her face.  "Y-yeah... just... a nightmare."  She shudders rubbing her face.
Inside the couples dorms Charlotte had shed her wire skirt and was wearing sweats and asleep on the cot with Sam laying behind her.  He was watching her sleep gently petting her hair.  He smiled softly as he placed a soft kiss to her cheek.  He wrapped his arm around her waist and fell asleep holding her gently.  When he opened his eyes he was running down the path away from Abel with Charlotte at his side.
"Aw man, Char!  You are too good to me, seriously!  Janine told me she had you off doing some mission to pick up Halloween masks or something."  Sam laughed softly.  "Yeah, like people want masks as much as they want delicious chinese food.  Now, I know it's a bit crazy - yeah we're turning the corner here - yeah, I know it is, but you know how you sometimes just get a real hankering for some food you remember from your childhood?"
"Yeah I catch myself really craving a bowl of spicy gumbo.  I haven't had that since I moved to England."  Charlotte said with a chuckle.
"My grandma and granddad always used to come and visit England this time of year.  Guess the flights were cheap.  And my granddad was an amazing cook!  Like, professional standard!  He'd make these bao - do you know what they are?"  Sam asked as they ran down the dirt path.  The sky was slightly gray with the possibility of rain coming.
"No I don't."  
"Ah, yeah, like, this amazing soft white bread buns, and inside there are these different fillings, like pork or vegetables or shrimp.  Oh, once he did this thing with some leftover salmon and green onions and sesame."  Sam sighs happily.  "Yeah, it was amazing."
"Sounds yummy.  I had some Chinese while in New Orleans but Amir liked to cook at home so we didn't eat out often."  Charlotte said.
"Was he a good cook?"  Sam asked.
"Not really but he had a few recipes from his home country and I learned to make a few."  Charlotte said.
"Anyway, you know Runner Seventeen found those wods in a lock-up garage?  It just made me think, I mean, I mostly remember what he did.  He'd cock, and I'd stand there and watch, and he'd tell me stories, and if I kept stealing the cooked pork before he put it in the bao, then the jiangshi would get me."  Sam said.
"The jiangshi?  What's that?"  Charlotte asked.
"It's just an myth.  So, basically, I think I can make some.  But we need to get the right kind of flour and stuff.  So, you and me, little visit to Chinatown!  Sam, out on a mission - yes!"  Sam jumpped happily as Charlotte laughed softly looking at him.
"You haven't been out of Abel often save for when it was blown up."  Charlotte said.
"Not really.  Never had much reason to leave."  Sam said offhandedly.  "Oh look, there's Chinatown now."  Sam said pointing to the set of buildings. "Man, this place is untouched!  It's uncredible!  I would have thought the looters would have been all over Chinatown.  I guess no one thought to come out this way.  But still, you'd have thought the zombies would have made a mess of it.  They usually do.  Not like they're scared of anything."  
Charlotte looked around seeing a the buildings were basicially untouched.  It was almost creepy.  "So... what exactly are we looking for?  My knowledge of Chinese food staples is rather limited."
Sam chuckles.  "Good thing your dating a Chinese man!"  He reaches into his pack and pulls out a map.  "Okay, so I've got a map of the area from before the - well, you know, the total destruction of civilization.  There are a few grocery shops to try.  First one's Chan's Foods.  It's, uh, that way."  Sam points to a white and red building that had boards up on the windows.  
The two of them run over to the building where Charlotte pulled out a crow bar and pulled off the boards off the doors and opened the door.  Charlotte let both get in before shutting the door quickly.  "This place might have been closed before the outbreak."
Sam chuckles softly.  "I don't mind.  I am actually so excited about this.  Like, I get to share a bit of my culture and stuff with people, like we are in Sesame Street.  Or something!  Oh, wait, that reminds me, we need to get some sesame seeds."  Sam said as they begn looking thorugh the shop for ingredients for him.  "So, yeah, I thought I could do a whole thing where I like, tell some of my granddad's old stories, and maybe we can find some chrysanthemum tea.  I miss that stuff. Not all the time, but like sometimes."
"Chrysanthemum tea?  I've never heard of that.  Sounds interesting."  Charlotte said as she opens a couple of cabinets finding them empty.
"Oh it is.  It feels like a long time since anyone offered me a sour plum."  Sam laughs softly.  
Charlotte smiles softly walking into the next room.  "Did you ever visit your grandparents?"
"I never lived in China or really visited but now I know I'll probably never get to go there ever again, I..."  Sam stops standing straight.  Charlotte turned and looked at Sam.  "I guess I'm just homesick for the past or something."
Charlotte walked over and hugged him gently from the side.  She kissed his cheek before pressing her forehead to his temple.  "Come on let's keep looking."  She said as Sam nodded.
They continued to look for a while before Sam put his hands on his hips.  "Hmm, looks like you were right.  Chan's must have closed down before the apocalupse.  Everything seems sort of empty.  Not going to find anything useful..."  The sound of a small thump outside is heard making both of them look towards the door.
"What was that?"  Charlotte whispered walking towards the door.
"I don't know..."  Sam said as she listened for the moans of zombies but not hearing anything.
Charlotte opened the door looking around not seeing anyone around.  "What is that?"  She asked pointing down what looked like four statues dressed in Chinese mens robes with hats on.
Sam steps over looking at them.  "Looks like statues or mannegquins in a shop.  Chinese clothing shop, maybe?  Okay, on to the next one."  He walks them towards another shop.  "So want to hear something crazy?"
"You secretful dress up in skirts and play Benny Hill?"  Charlotte suggests making Sam give her a flat look.
"No.  Funny but no.  There's kind of a Chinese version of a zombie."  Sam said as Charlotte giggles softly.  "I know silly right?  Well, like people say, all those legends were probably some kind of folk memory of something like this happening before.  Or something."
"That's actually quite interesting.  Is that the Jiangshi your granddad threatened you with?"  Charlotte asked.
"Yep.  They come back from the dead, yeah, and they chase after the living, and try to steal your chi from you, which I guess is life energy, so a bit like brains or something?"  Sam said as Charlotte chuckles softly.  Sam joined in her laughter.  "The only thing is, they're still stiff corpses, like rigor mortis, so they have to-"  Sam laughs harder.  "so they have to-ah sorry - they have to jump, like-"  Sam makes a jump motion.  "jump!  So they jump after you, and jump along the road!"
Charlotte and Sam continued to laugh before they calmed down.  "That's kind of an odd image of a hopping zombie."
"Yeah.  whenever my grandad'd tell me this, he'd try and make it all scary, but the jumping, man, that's not scary!  I think he was a bit offended that I always laughed at the Jiangshi.  He'd go, 'Now you listen, young man.  When a Jiangshi is following you, you won't find it so funny.  Then you'll wish you knew how to defeat them.'  Sam said making an impression of an older man.  He sighed softly as his smile falls a bit.  "Hmm... I guess I do wish I'd listened now.  Be a better story if I knew all the bits."
Charlotte smiles softly as they stepped into a restaurant supply store.  "My grandparents were interesting people."
"Maybe you will have to tell me about them while I make bao.  That way we can share our family stories."  Sam said smiling.  "Look there are steaming basket, we need those!  Let's get a few.  I'll put them in your backpack."  Sam picks up the bamboo steaming baskets and stuffs them into Charlotte's bag before turning back to the shelf.  
Charlotte picked up a couple of bags of white rice.  "I like this stuff.  Made excellent filler for soup."
"Okay, got some Nong Shim dried noodles..."  Sam said grabbing some of the noodles off the shelf.  "Seriously, these are so much better than Pot Noodle.  Jack doesn't know what he's talking about."  Sam started to load up her bag.  "Chili oil, hoisin sauce... I am always amazed at how deceptively roomy your backpack is, you know."  Sam said chuckling.  
"You and me both.  Some of those supply missions Janine has sent me on I'm surprised by how much I can bring back."  Charlotte said with a chuckle.
"Like, it's bigger on the inside."  Sam exclaimed as he zipped up the bag.  "Okay, that's great.  We just need some spices now.  If we get a move on, we'll be back in time to get some started for supper!"
They walked out of the store and started to run towards a spice shop when the thumping returned only slightly louder.  Charlotte stopped looking around.  "Do you hear something?"  She asks.
Sam stopped listening hard and looking around.  "No.  I don't see anyone. Might be a zom or two around, I guess.  Anyway, come on.  Spices, then let's get home before it gets too dark."  
Charlotte nodded as they stepped into the spice shop.  It was still strong with all the different spice jars.  Some were in small jars and some was in big bins.  "My nana would be in heaven in this place."  She said softly looking around.
"Great.  Star anise, you go into my bag."  Sam said humming as he started to stuff the jars into his bag.  Once they finished in the spice shop they stepped out and began running down the street.  "So yeah, my sister was the one who really kept up with her Chinese lessons.  I mean, I can basically understand when people talk to me, but I can't..."  Sam stopped talking looking ahead of him.  "Huh... Char... I know the street lights are out, but do you see people out there?"  
Charlotte looked ahead seeing the same statues that they saw earlier.  "No just those statues."
"That's odd... but I don't think - there wasn't anyone over there when we..."  Sam started as the statues suddenly lept into the sky and landed a good 10 feet from their previous spot making them stop looking at them in horror.  "Oh crap... tell me you saw that..."
"You mean that whole crow of twenty or so people jump towards us?  Yes I did.  Let's get out of here!"  Charlotte said grabbing his arm pulling him the other direction.
"They can't be, but it is -"  Sam shouted as they stopped when another group of the statues jumpped in front of them.  "They've cut us off, they're - the jiangshi, they're after us!  We've got to get out of the way!  Run!"  He shouted as Charlotte led down down an alley as the thumping got louder as the statues continued in their pursuit.  They turned out of the alley and headed down a back road towards the edge of Chinatown.  The jiangshi continued their jumpping towards them seeming to gain ground.
"They're gaining on us.  They jump quickly!"  Charlotte shouted.
"Okay, okay, uh, trying to remember everything I've ever heard about the jiangshi right now.  Okay, uh, they um... the spirit of the dead person has jumped back into the body.  You have to get it out, you have to - oh... think, think!"  Sam shouted hitting his forehead as one dropped right in front of them.  It's face was blank of emotion but it's eyes were open with a darkness that went deeper than just being dead.  "Run!"  Sam shouted pulling Charlotte back down another alley heading to the original road.
"You have to fight them with something don't you?"  Charlotte shouted.
"I think you have to use peach wood!  Yes!"  Sam said fast.
"I don't think peach trees even grow in the UK Sam!  Plan B?"  Charlotte said as the thumping continued.
"You have to... you have to... - you can get the spirit to jump out of the body by spattering it with the blood of a black dog!"  Sam shouted as Charlotte looked at him.
"Not practical besides Jody wouldn't forgive you for killing a dog.  Plan C?"  Charlotte asked looking back at them seeing the statues were hot on their heels.
Sam growls holding his head.  "No wonder!  I never listened to my granddad.  I think there was something else.  something else... oh, you want the spirit to get out of the body."
"Sounds like a good plan.  How do we do it?"  Charlotte asked.
Sam laughs slightly.  "My granddad used to say, 'Watch out, the spirit might try and jump into someone else.'  I think he was just trying to scare me, to get me to eat my rice, I.."  Sam stopped.  "eat my rice!  Yes, yes, glutinous rice!  Not the cooked stuff, the raw!"  Sam said as Charlotte reached into her pack and grabbed the bag of white rice.  She tore open the bag with her teeth as Sam took a handfull.  "We have to throw it at them, and they - oh, I don't know maybe it tempts the spirit out of the body to look at the rice?  Maybe they don't have rice in the afterlife?  I don't know."
"Come on worth a try."  Charlotte said as she skidded to a stop with the jiangshi blocking their route out of town.  She looked back and saw the others had stopped near by them keeping them trapped.  
Sam then chucked the handfull of rice at the ones in front of them followed by Charlotte's handful.  "Alright take that!  Dead spirit of one of the ancestors!  Whom I venerate, obviously, but you should really go back to your own place instead of hanging around some dead bloke's body!"  For a moment nothing happened making Sam grab more.  "I am starting to think that it-"  Suddenly several jiangshi began to cough before it threw up something onto the ground.
"Ah shit... It coughed up a lungful of rice, that's weird.  Weird, but not bad."  Charlotte said.
"Probably dead, not undead-walking-around-dead.  Kinda wish all zombies were this easy to kill, right.  Alright let's chuck rice like our lives depended on it!  Or, like we're celebrating two peoples' decision to spend their life together!"  Sam shouted as they ran past the jiangshi in front of them chucking the rice as they went.  Soon the jiangshi who were following them began coughing throwing up organs as well.
"I think that's the last of them."  Charlotte said as she slowed down tossing away the now empty bag of rice.  She rubbed her shoulder suddenly feeling a stiffness that wasn't there before.  
"Man, I can't believe I actually remembered what my granddad taught me to do.  It's crazy!  I never thought I listened properly to anything he said.  I'm trying to remember though, there was something about those spirits going into other bodies - I'm not sure I remember right, though.  Or maybe granddad was just joking, I mean, he knew what he was doing with the bao, but I think he liked to scare me."  Sam started to suck his teeth slightly.  "I got a couple of grains of rice in my mouth from all that chucking them about."  Charlotte felt her leg starting to cramp up a bit making her rub it slightly.  "You ok Char?"
"Just stiff... it's strange."  She said as she was having trouble keeping up with Sam.  "Hey slow down a bit."  She said as Sam sucked his teeth more.  
"Well home for us.  Might still have time to make bao."  Sam said running with her the best they could.
"Runner Five?  Sam?  Are you there?"  Janine asked after a while.
"We're here Janine and on our way back."  Sam said as Charlotte groans as she comes to a stop holding her shoulder.
"Wait I need a second."  Charlotte said as Sam stopped with her and gave Janine a report on what happened.
"So you're telling me that Chinatown isn't the secure dead zone we thought it was?"  Janine questioned.
"Well, I mean, it depends what you mean by 'dead zone', yeah."  Sam sucks his teeth again.  
"Mr. Yao are you quite well?"  Janine asked.  "Runner Five what's wrong?"  
"My body is really stiff right now... It really hurts..."  Charlotte said as she stood up trying to stretch out to relieve the pain.
Sam continued to suck his teeth.  "Yeah, I - there's something in my mouth, here... just, just..."  He suddenly stopped and looked at Charlotte her eyes no longer green but instead black as coal.  "Where do the spirits go, Char?  When they come out of the bodies?"  He asked softly as Charlotte looked into Sam's own black eyes and her face lost all expression.
Suddenly Charlotte and Sam hoped into the air heading right for Abel quickly.  "Mr. Yao?  Miss Deloius?  Why are you two jumping?"  She asked before Janine shrieks when they landed in Abel making Sam cry out and fall off the cot waking up Charlotte quickly.
"Sam?"  Charlotte asked looking at the scrambling Sam who backed up into the wall suddenly making spitting noises.  "Sam are you ok?"  She asked kneeling next to him.  
Sam looked at her in panic cupping her cheeks looking into her eyes seeing they were still the normal bright green.  "Charlotte... how are you feeling right now?"  He asked quickly.
"Uh... confused... and worried honestly.  Sam what happened?"  Charlotte asked.
Sam started to calm down slowly pulling Charlotte close holding onto her tight.  "Just a nightmare..."  He breathed slowly.  Charlotte gently held onto him tight rubbing his back.  
"Do you want to go for a walk?"  Charlotte asked softly.  Sam nodded slowly standing up with her.  They walked out into the cool night air holding hands, Sam holding on especially tight.
<     34     >
Season 1 Beginning
Season 2 Beginning
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old-long-john · 7 years
WIP meme
Do This: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or as little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, giftsets, whatever.
I got tagged to do this quite a while ago by @jmeelee and @vowel-in-thug (I think) and I’ve been meaning to do it but kept forgetting. Yet again I’m wondering whether talking about wips will actually push me to start writing again or not, but it’s worth a go.
I’ll tag @jadedbirch @nettlekettle @reluming and @lurkerdelima if any of you feel like it.
I really only have one thing that’s half written that I think of as a wip that I definitely intend to finish at some point, and it’s the post-series/post-TI silverflint thing. I can’t remember if I’ve posted any bits of it before, but I’m just gonna post a chunk of the beginning for (hopefully) tantalising funsies. It needs reworking in light of the actual series ending, but still.
Fucking small towns. Fucking inclement weather. Fucking craven captains afraid of a little wind and rain, bolting for safe harbour at the drop of a hat. It was a fucking divine conspiracy to trap him in this place that stank of fish and horse shit and seaweed, and where the most scintillating conversation available was about the fucking harvest - bountiful crop of turnips this year, apparently, though the cabbages had struggled - and where every fucking person felt the need to openly fucking ogle his missing fucking leg. Not that Silver was becoming bitchy or irritable in his old age, but Jesus, what he wouldn’t give for a brief snatch of intelligent conversation. Two days he’d been confined to this inn, since the storm had driven the ship he had been passenger aboard into the harbour. The worst of the weather had passed, but the streets were still inches deep in a thick slurry of mud and shit, and he didn’t much fancy his chances of remaining upright if he tried to navigate his way through them for a turn about the town. He had tried asking the innkeeper if he had any books he might borrow, but the man had looked at him as though he might be a dangerous lunatic. He supposed, on reflection, his unkempt appearance didn’t exactly lend itself to the image of a literate man who would want to read books, rather than simply tear the pages out of them to line his sodden shoe. And so he remained distractionless in his confinement.   
He was sat at the bar nursing a pint of ale after his lunch, an uninspiring stew that was best not too closely examined, letting the noise of the other patrons’ conversations wash over him. He had colonised this particular stool soon after arrival at the inn and made it his own, tucked against the wall so that his crutch sat hidden in shadows and his loose trouser leg was out of sight. He had long ago perfected the art of pretending not to notice when people’s gazes inevitably wandered down to the space where his left foot ought to be, but the more tired or riled or bored he was the more difficult it became to ignore, and fucking hell was he bored right now. He felt that itching buzz beneath his skin that begged him to get up, to move, to do anything, but getting into an altercation with the next bumpkin to make the mistake of glancing down was a pisspoor solution to his frustration. He’d feel better for it, certainly, younger and stronger and as though he had some kind of power over his own damn life, but it wasn’t worth being run out of town for that. And so he buried his face in his mug of too-weak ale, continued to work a groove into the bartop with his thumbnail, and eavesdropped on the table of men behind him.
“Well you know why that is don’t you, Ted? That Captain Barlow’s been telling the kids stories again. Had my Daisy petrified of the storm the other night he did, convinced that some sea monster was going snatch her from her bed.”
“What’s he been saying now?”
“Just the usual tall tales. Supposedly, years ago Davy Jones himself drove him into a living tempest that almost swallowed him whole. Said that the sea reached out with waves a hundred foot high that thrashed his ship and ate half his crew alive, and when the storm spat him out the other side he spent months adrift, becalmed and starving, cursed by the Devil. He’s promised to tell them next time how he caught sharks bigger than oxen to feed his famished crew, armed only with his bare hands, a dull blade, and the will to live. Absolute rubbish, but the kids believe every word out of his mouth.”
There was a strange buzzing in Silver’s ears and his mouth felt suddenly very dry. Frozen in place, mug raised to his lips, he swallowed against the bile rising in the back of his throat. It had been a very long time since he had heard that name or those stories. A lifetime, it felt like. When it had all finally gone to shit, when he had seen that there was no future ahead of them that carried with it anything resembling victory or life, he had been the one to cut the cord and run. As fast as his leg would carry him. Drowning men weren’t rational; given half a chance they would drag you under with them, without even realising they were doing it, and so after he had wept and raged and wept some more, he had made the decision for both of them. After everything he had lost, and everything he had almost lost, he just couldn’t stand to give any more to that fucking island or the ravenous cause. They had taken enough from him. He only wished there was a way to stop it from taking him too, but he knew in his gut that Flint had been consumed by that place long before he had ever met him. He was already a ghost. And yet-
“Perhaps you should go and talk to the Captain then. Tell him to lay off.”
“Ha! Not likely. He might just be some old sea dog but he gives me the creeps. There’s something about his eyes. It’s sinister, you know? He’s good to the kids, but I don’t like dealing with him myself.”
“Must be embarrassing to be more lily-livered than your own nine year old daughter, Frank.”
“Excuse me, friends,” Silver said, finally turning on his stool to face the table behind him where two of the men were laughing while one spluttered with indignation. “Pardon my intrusion, but I couldn’t help overhearing. You mentioned a Captain Barlow? He sounds rather like someone I used to know. You wouldn’t happen to know where I might find him?”
The man called Frank looked him up and down, disdain clear in his gaze, eyes settling too long on the frayed seam of his left trouser leg, and Silver had to quash the bristle of truculence that passed through him. He forced the bland and inoffensive smile to remain fixed on his face while he waited for a reply, listening intently over the thrumming pulse of his blood behind his eardrums. Finally, the man spoke.
“I don’t rightly know where he lives, but a few days a week you’ll find him selling his catch by the harbour,” he said. “Might be there today. He’s a prickly old fellow though. Doesn’t take kindly to questions, I’ll warn you.”
Silver smiled again, though he made no effort to extend the warmth to his eyes. “Many thanks,” he said, and he downed the rest of his ale in one long gulp, picked up his crutch, and left the bar for his room.
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wilquavious · 4 years
Pence at Mayo
The Vice President Went to the Mayo Clinic, Just like his buddy Donald He is a real cynic, Ignoring, refusing The best practices of the day, Should I wear a mask?, he thought Heck no; I don't care about your safety That's just my way.
We have lunatics in the White House Running this whole show, There is not a shred of evidence These clowns are doing blow, But they act like it With their irresponsible actions; Christ on a crutch! Can we order disimpaction?
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
when one book closes, another one opens
-BOOOOM- atsushi: ACK! O-O;;; -atsushi makes a run for the elevator- Akutagawa: "Be gone. I am not here for dessert yet." *tries to throw Fitzgerald aside* "I want the main course!" atsushi: *SCREAMS and jumps into the elevator, struggling to close the button* come on come on come on. Fitzgerald: "I will not let two mangy orphaned children impede my plans--" atsushi: SCREW YOU AND YOUR FACE! Akutagawa: "...Orphaned..." *smirks--as he slices the floor beneath Fitzgerald* Fitzgerald: "?!" Akutagawa: "Now you're screwed." *leaps over the falling Fitzgerald, landing in front of the elevator* atsushi: *gulps as the elevator door closes* hhhhheeeeeyyyy akutagawa..... *casually turns off the terminal* we'll have to keep this away from that jerk. Akutagawa: "...You child..." atsushi: pardon? owo; Akutagawa: "You orphan...abandoned by all...so you play hero...so that you hope someone will respect you...let you live...maybe love you." atsushi: ....listen, i know we arent on A-plus terms, but if we're gonna get out of this, we're gonna have to work together and stop fitzgerald. is that cool with you? Akutagawa: "...Like anyone would acknowledge your right to live...Like I ever would..." *sharpens his blades--and stabs them through Atsushi's shoulders, pinning him to the wall* "Fight! Make your death mean something! Make my hunt mean something!" atsushi: im doing what i can dammit! at least im not killing people to make them fear me! im not some crazed lunatic who kills people to flaunt my strength! that would be you. and thats kinda being a huge jerk. Akutagawa: *digs the blades in deeper as he marches up to Atsushi* "I want to be acknowledged! I never got that! No one acknowledged me! Not Dazai! And not you!" atsushi: well i'm acknowledging you're a huge asslord right now! Akutagawa: *puts his hand at the side of Atsushi's head, grabbing a hold of his hair and tugging* "That's not how I want you to acknowledge me! atsushi: what the hell do you want from me?! -ding- -the elevator door opens- Akutagawa: "!!!" atsushi: .....uhhhh...we can explain? owo; AKUTAGAWAPUNCHHIMPLEASE! Fitzgerald: "Hello, Old Sport..." Akutagawa: "..." *stares at Atsushi* "...Now I know..." atsushi: OwO;;; game over man! i turned the terminal off! and if you come any closer. im going to swallow it! Fitzgerald: "I bet you did." Akutagawa: "I know...how to get you...to acknowledge me..." *turns towards Fitzgerald* Fitzgerald: "???" *SLASH* Fitzgerald: *dodges, backing up* Akutagawa: *pursues* Fitzgerald: *dodges* "You can't defeat my enhanced body--" Akutagawa: *slash slash* "Rich boy...If I defeat you, he'll have to acknowledge me..." atsushi: ...... please....i think...dazai acknowledged you long ago. *tiger mode and charges* Akutagawa: "OUT OF MY WAY!" atsushi: IM TRYING TO HELP YOU OUT HERE! Akutagawa: "No! If you help me, then I'm worthless!" atsushi: as if! you're way more experienced! phrasing! Akutagawa: "My experience is so I can get closer to you...in Dazai's eye! PHRASING!" Fitzgerald: "..." *smirks* "My, my. You two _are_ similar..." atsushi: WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A CONVERSATION RIGHT NOW AND YOU ARE BEING FUCKING RUDE! Akutagawa: "INDEED!" *pulls back his fist* "GO AWAY!" Fitzgerald: "?!" -POW- atsushi: see? now that wasnt too difficult, was it? Akutagawa: "...No. It was not." atsushi: so can we- .......oh COME ON! HE'S GOING SUPER SAIYAN?! Akutagawa: "...I do not know what that means." -one epic battle later- -elevator ding- atsushi: oh now what?!...oh. rain:.........*walking over* Fitzgerald: X___X "...Zelda...I'm sorry..." Death the Kid: Akutagawa: "Rain? I instructed you to--" LK: rain: i'll be fine....i'll.....handle this....*gives him a letter* please....after all this...take this to mr nakahara and higuchi. atsushi: ??? Akutagawa: "We don't have time for love letters. We have to stop this whale from falling--" rain: *grabs fitzgerald*....my name is......*jumps off* atsushi: !!!!!!! Akutagawa: "?!" rain: *tearfuly smiles and closes her eyes*.....mito kosaka. cat: *evil grin* oh you idiot. -as she falls, her body begins to contort, but she and fitzgerald vanish into the clouds below- Fitzgerald: "?!!!" Akutagawa: "...What...Why did she...?" rain: (thinking: im sorry.....i wasnt able to keep my promise.....all i can do now...is dream of a future that will never happen) -in her last concious moments, images flash in her mind...an embrace....a dance...a proposal...a wedding...a new child....a happy family....- thank you....chuuya...higuchi. for keeping me going...as long as i did. atsushi:...what...what just.... Akutagawa: "..." *tenses* atsushi:...at least...we stopped the terminal.....right? Akutagawa: "...She is dead, isn't she?" atsushi:....i dont....i dont know...... Akutagawa: "...She was a joke anyway." *still tense* atsushi: *SLAP* SHE JUST JUMPED OFF A PLANE WITH THAT JERK AND YOU JUST INSULT HER?! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Akutagawa: "..." *tense, but he's crying* "Because I don't understand why she did it? Why? Explain it to me. Why would someone do anything, when they have been beaten, abused, embarrassed, are just a joke to everyone...Why would they try to save anyone in this world?" atsushi: ........(thinking: so...she was like me....) -something happened to the terminal....a mouse head has appeared on the screen.....counting down by and hour- atsushi: ?!?! Akutagawa: "She wasn't...supposed to be involved. No one wanted her here. But she insisted. And I just wanted her to shut up..." Akutagawa: *notices as well* "...What the hell?" atsushi: oh fuck! oh fucking fuck! i cant stop it! Akutagawa: "...Then what do we do?" atsushi: *running to the main bridge of the ship* Akutagawa: "Wait!" *runs after him* -in the bridge- atsushi: come on. come oooonnnn.... Akutagawa: *typing* "Nothing. This computer will not respond." Melville: "We were hacked...We can't stop it." atsushi: no no no no- ???: "I have a way." atsushi: ?!?! kyouka?! is that you?! Kyoka: "Yes. Hello." atsushi: WHERE ARE YOU?! Kyoka: "An airplane." atsushi: like with people on it? whats your plan? Kyoka: "It is a Guild airplane prison, run by remote control. I am seizing the controls. You will not stop Moby Dick's descent--but you can force it to crash sooner, before it reaches the city, missing it completely." atsushi: that's genius! Melville: "Time to get parachutes..." Akutagawa: "So should that girl." atsushi: crash the plane and jump off, ok? Kyoka: "...I will not jump off." atsushi: .....?! Kyoka: "I should be punished. And besides, I am shackled, and there is nothing here to remove them from my legs." atsushi: !!! t-then use demon snow to cut the shackles then! Kyoka: "Forget me. My life has never had light. But, I can make a choice: sacrifice. myself, for everyone else...Atsushi. I know I could have passed the admission, to join the Detective Agency." atsushi: *tearing up* kyouka... Melville: "It's coming right for us! We leave, now!" atsushi: KYOUKA WAIT! Akutagawa: "...I can't have you die here..." *grabs Atsushi* Kyoka: "...Goodbye." *presses a button* -as they escape...- -BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM- atsushi:.....ah.....*screams* -the remains of the moby dick crash into a large lake- Akutagawa: *coughing* atsushi: *crying* dammit! Akutagawa: "...Fool. She did it out of hope for living in this world's light. She would not have had to lose her life so senselessly, if she had just..." atsushi: why you- Akutagawa: "Is that 'love,' Atsushi?" atsushi: HOW THE HELL CAN YOU ASK A THING LIKE THAT NOW?! Akutagawa: "...Because maybe that's--" Dazai: "That's enough, Atsushi." atsushi: dazai? Dazai: "Kyoka saved this city, demonstrating the honor and virtue of any member of the Detective Agency. She fulfilled her wish." atsushi: *crying* that wont change that she died! kyouka....that other girl.....did they have to die?! Dazai: "..." *rests a hand on his shoulder* "These are their lives. They chose. They had agency--to determine what they wanted to do. Maybe the girl...Rain...had a valid reason, like Kyoka has." atsushi:....mito kosaka.....she said...her name was mito kosaka... Dazai: "...Kosaka? That..." *shakes his head* "...If only she was with the Detective Agency, we could have saved her." atsushi: ....... Dazai: "...We never told you what the boss could do, did we? I mean, aside from playing with cats--" *SMACK* Akutagawa: D: atsushi: ?? mr director? Fukuzawa: *nods* " 'All Are Created Equal.'" atsushi: ??? *looks at dazai* Dazai: "To grant someone with the ability to control their own ability." *points at Atsushi's arms* atsushi: ?? so then... -something comes out from the water- atsushi: ??......!!!!!!!!!! ???: *cough, cough* atsushi: KYOUKA!!! *runs and hugs her* YOU'RE ALIVE!! Kyoka: "..." *cries, starts laughing as she hugs him* Akutagawa: "..." .\\\\. Akutagawa: *gets on his hands and knees* Akutagawa: "Dazai! Nothing is in our way! I will prove my power to you--" Dazai: "...You're at your limit. You even fought off the Guild leader." Dazai: *pat pat* "You've grown strong." Akutagawa: *looks up, shocked...then...* *collapses* atsushi:...he's ok....i think. -elsewhere- lovecraft: *emerges*.....what'd i miss? -elsewhere- twain: well, that stinks. with fitzgerald gone, the whole guild's going to shit. Steinbeck: "Life isn't over, though. Just have to figure out what we do next." twain: not only that, but lucy's went and gone AWOL and poe's just vanished. we'll, time for me to continue my success diary! haha! louisa: i'll search for lord francis..i know he's still alive... twain: and i take it you're going home to see your family? Steinbeck: "...Not yet. Not until this war ends." twain: i dunno, war looks kiiiinda over to me. Steinbeck: "If we don't fight..." *lets go of his crutch, wrapping vines along his foot* "...this war will make Fitzgerald's empire collapse on itself." twain: i thought you hated him? Steinbeck: "I do. Those who manipulate others with money are awful. But this is the price I pay, for relying on wealth to save my family." *puts on his hat* twain: that's pretty big of you. so while you take over the guild, i'll take toshiko out on a date~! Steinbeck: "LIKE HELL! She'll love the head of the Guild more than some underling!" twain: as in a farm boy? as if! i sure as hell know how to show her a good time! lovecraft: too noisy. cant deal. going to bed. *jumps into the water* louisa:....*sweatdrop* Steinbeck: *stares at Lovecraft for a few moments--then turns back at Twain* "There's plenty the farmlife teaches you to please a woman!" twain: really hoping that isnt relevant! -at the agency, a party is held to congratulate kyouka- Ranpo: "More snacks!" Kunikida: *tapping on his tablet* "Too expensive...We didn't budget for this..." atsushi:...um...naomi? miss kirako? kirako: hmm? what is it? Naomi: "???" atsushi:....*gets down on hands and knees, bowing* IM SO SORRY! I HURT YOU WHILE BEING CONTROLLED BY Q AND I DIDNT TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION HOW DANGEROUS MY ABILITY CAN BE! PLEASE FORGIVE ME! kirako:...oh that! oh its fine. atsushi: really? kirako: *HUG* i couldnt stay mad at you! atsushi:.....(thinking: soft and warm.....) =///= (thinking: i could...get used to this...) Naomi: "Agency people have seen worse. It's not worth holding a grudge just because you strangled me and tried to kill me." *smiles* Tanizaki: "...He did what to you?" atsushi: OwO;;;;;; naomi why? -creeeeak- yosano: hmm? hey ranpo, your friend is here. Poe: "...Ranpo? I have...the new manuscript..." Ranpo: "Hey, it's you!" *picks him up and drops him into a chair* "Here, I'll be right back! Someone will get you a drink." secretary: would you like anything, sir? Poe: "Um...I would like *mutter mutter*" secretary:....sir? Poe: "...I need nothing." *fetal position* Ranpo: *talking with others* secretary: ok then... Kyoka: *nom nom nom* -at the mafia executive's office- kouyou: *sipping wine* this is quite nice. a shame miss rain called in sick today. Mori: "I agree--the work is piling up. I'll have to punish her severely for this one." Chuuya: *silent, as he holds the wine bottle to Kouyou* kouyou: *smiles* and akutagawa? Mori: "Has anyone called him? I mean, with Rain not here to do so--" -a mafioso runs in- Mori: "?! We are having a private reception--" mafioso: WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!...s-some thing showed up! mafioso 2: a demon! Chuuya: "?!" kouyou:....chuuya, would you mind investigating? Chuuya: "...Save me a glass of wine, at least." *holds his hat and follows to the outside* -in a warehouse, a large cat like entity is tearing the place apart- cat: *SHRIEKS* Chuuya: "!!! For crying out loud...Yo! Kitty!" cat: ?!....*it hesitates, almost sad* *SHRIEKS and charges* Chuuya: *holds up a hand* cat: *it seems to be crying* Chuuya: "?! ...Gravity..." *punches lightly along the cat's snout, causing it to slow and start to rise towards the ceiling* cat: ??!! Chuuya: "Stay..." *smirks* "I know they say herding cats is impossible...but a beast as powerful as you would be quite an asset..." cat:.....p l e a s e......i... w a n t......t o  d i e.... -its voice is distorted....but somehow familiar...- Chuuya: "...What?" higuchi: ?! Chuuya: "..." *lowers the beast to his eye level...holds out a hand to its face* cat:....*tries to speak again, tears falling* Chuuya: "...Why are you in pain..." *releases gravity* cat: *it whimpers....then screams* Chuuya: "?!!!" *tries to block* -shink- cat:......*collapses* Chuuya: "?! What the hell?!" Akutagawa: "..." *retracts* "Done." -the beast fades...........leaving rain's bloodied and lifeless form behind- higuchi:......*falls to her knees*...no.... Chuuya: "..." *holding his hand over his mouth...then vomits on the floor* Akutagawa: "..." *shakes* mafioso: holy shit! isnt that the errand girl?! mafioso 2: holy fuck! Chuuya: *on his knees in front of Rain* "...No..." *picking her up* rain:......*no reply* Chuuya: "..." *sobbing, hugging her* "No..." higuchi: she...she didnt....did she? Akutagawa: "..." *puts out a hand to try to hold onto something--and stumbles down, seizing his chest* higuchi: !!! ryunosuke! gin: ryu! *goes over to him* Chuuya: *looking around* "Someone! Help!" Akutagawa: "Wh-What the...Why...What...N-Not...N-Not..." gin: *giving him a paper bag* breathe ryu, breathe! Akutagawa: *pushes Gin away* "Get off of me!" gin: !!! Chuuya: *wailing* "Save her! G-Get the doctor! Someone!" hirotsu:...i dont...think there's anything we can do. Chuuya: *glares--as his gravity-powers surround Hirotsu* hirotsu: ??!! Chuuya: "...Save her...or..." *Hirotsu feels his body being pulled* -SLAP- higuchi:......GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!! Chuuya: *stunned--his powers dissolving* -rain: please....dont scare me like that anymore....- Chuuya: "...I didn't...want to..." higuchi: ....... Akutagawa: "...L-Let--" higuchi: ?? *notices the letter* -if you’re reading this now, then I guess it means im not here anymore. Im sorry it had to be this way, I never wanted to hurt you. Higuchi, I want you to clear my apartment out for me, and make sure you take the trash out. Chuuya, im sorry if I hurt you. I guess im just a lowly coward who doesn’t deserve your time. If things had been different, I would have told you I love you a long time ago. Thank you both for being in my life. ~mito ‘rain’ kosaka- Chuuya: "...'Mito'...?" higuchi:...so that was her real name....huh? Chuuya: "..." *his face is breaking, as he buries himself in her neck, sobbing* higuchi: *biting her lip* Akutagawa: "..." *crawling to a corner...* gin:......ryu.... Akutagawa: "..." (" 'Love'...") *scratching at his hand...* -a few days later- Chuuya: "..." hirotsu: .......oh. i didnt think _you_ would be here. almost everyone has gone home now... Chuuya: "...Power..." Dazai: "...I should be." hirotsu: .....i feel somehow responsible. i did leak the infiltration plan to miss higuchi... and once akutagawa caught wind of it....and ra-....miss kosaka....why she chose to go with him is beyond my understanding. Chuuya: "..." Dazai: "Some people are full of surprises. Maybe...she didn't want to see people hurt." hirotsu:...why is it you brought akutagawa to meet the weretiger? Dazai: "...Have one student meet another? I think they'd be able to teach each other a bit." hirotsu: oh? Dazai: "They aren't that different. Both lost out early on: no stability at home. No parents. No food. No love...One came out of it wanting to help people. Another came out of it with tenacity." hirotsu: i see... *takes a long drag on his cigarette* like yin and yang. but knowing you, you have some ulterior motives... Dazai: *sad smile* "I wouldn't be me if I didn't." hirotsu: care to shed a little light on it? perhaps, you're attempting to create a new 'double black'? Dazai: *smirk* hirotsu: ....but why? *raising an eyebrow* Dazai: "I'm not getting any younger to start raising the younger generation." hirotsu: please spare us the thought of you procreating. Dazai: "I'm not bad at it." hirotsu: are you only here to gloat about your sex life? or is there a point to this conversation? Dazai: "...Chuuya's going to need you. He's going to need friends." hirotsu: ....*he nods* it's good to see you still care for him, even after all these years. Dazai: "I abandoned the Mafia. But when a friend needs help..." hirotsu: .....why is it you left? Dazai: "...If you're going to kill me, I want you to face me when I'm at my best. If you're going to lie to me, you better make it believable." (thinking: not to mention, that ‘demon’ has already begun making his move…) -underground- FD: *tap tap tap* "Well, the Fall of Moby Dick failed...Still, the Guild is damaged. We have affected resources in Death City. We located a new ability user." *turns at his computer, smiles* "It's good, right?" Hawthorne: "...I am here only--" FD: "To save Mitchell. Yeah. I know." zoey: ......*blankly stares at hawthorne* FD: "But to make this world better...we'll have to spill a lot of blood...even if that means making this world red." *smiles at Hawthorne...and Zoey* Hawthorne: "..." ("What is with this child?") "Ma'am?" zoey: of course, fyodor. *smiles, but her eyes are dull and lifeless* Hawthorne: "...Ma'am? I wanted to know whether I could make you some tea." zoey:.....i have..no need...at the moment.... FD: *nods* Hawthorne: "...Okay. I will make some, then..." *looks wearily as he walks to kitchen* zoey: .... *nuzzles her head against FD's leg* master...<3 Hawthorne: "!!!" o____o ("Lord, give me strength...and brain bleach.") FD: *tickles lightly under her chin* zoey: ahhh~ Hawthorne: ("Maybe I can pierce my eardrums...") FD: "I still have work, kitten...How about you sit in my lap." -elsewhere- Mori: "...Damn." kouyou: truly unfortunate....(thinking: chuuya....) -at rain's apartment- higuchi:....*cleaing things up....she notices something in the trash* ??....... *her heart drops to the pit of her stomach* no.... -laying in the trash was a positive pregnancy test- Chuuya: "Y-You find the rest of her...books?" *he doesn't see the trash* higuchi:......yeah. Chuuya: "...Okay. I'll be in the car." *takes the last box* higuchi: ......mori....*grips fist* Chuuya: *lifeless eyes, as he holds onto the box...looks at the books in it...sees some small papers* *Looks at some doodles* Chuuya: *small laugh* *A photo...* -a photo of rain, higuchi, and chuuya enjoying a drink- Chuuya: "..." *lips quivers* -elsewhere- liz: good news, wes' old house has a new tenant living there. Patty: "Sweet! I thought that interview process would take awhile. You meet them?" liz: yeah, quiet, kinda lanky looking. and he had a pet raccoon? Patty: owo "I WANT TO MEET THE RACCOON!" -elsewhere- atsushi: school? Kunikida: "School." kirako: sounds exciting, doesnt it? Kyoka: "...I do not need school. I had all training I needed: assassination, infiltration, flirtation, seduction--" kirako: do you know how to write? Kyoka: "..." *takes a piece of paper, scribbles something...holds it up to Kirako* *it's foul...but has awful penmanship* kirako:.....*sweatdrop* Kunikida: "You will go to school, you will learn proper behavior, and you will learn that is _not_ how you spell..._that_ word!" atsushi: ^^; yosano: plus, it wouldnt hurt to make a few friends outside the agency, either. Kyoka: *lifts her head up--frowning, but shiny eyes* " 'Friends'?" yosano: there's lots of people at school. ^^ Kyoka: "...When would we start?" yosano: you start this september, so you got a whole month of summer vacation left. Kyoka: *grabs Atsushi by the collar* "We are making the most of this summer--starting with school supply sales." atsushi: ^^; -elsewhere- Kid: *hug* stocking: mmm~<3 =w= Kid: "...I needed a hug." stocking: *rubs his shoulders* i love you, kid. Kid: "I love you, too..." *puts a hand over hers* "...It...makes things better." stocking: *nuzzles* Kid: =w= *turns his head, kisses her* stocking: mmmm~<3 ^w^ Kid: *holds her* "Angel..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *cuddles, sighs* "You glorious woman..." -elsewhere- Higan: "..." *curled up under sheet* lavender: zzzzz.... Higan: "..." *holds onto her* lavender: mmmn... zzzzz Higan: *light kiss on her forehead, eyes wide open* lavender: zzzzzz.... Higan: "..." ("She gets the rest she deserves...") *nuzzles* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *puts a blanket over Kim* kim: zzzzz Jacqueline: "..." *steps towards the door, opening it carefully* kim: *snoring* Jacqueline: "???" ("Forgot how loud she snored...") -elsewhere- Yohei: *holding Toru* "It's okay...Daddy's here..." toru: *crying* chie: here you go. *gives him his bottle* Yohei: "Thanks, babe." *holds the bottle to Toru* "Here you go..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "...A whale. Fell out. From the sky." fang-hua: ..... reimi: cool. Tsukiyo: "Why is no one freaking out about that? Like, do people harpoon sky whales now?" reimi: we've seen weirder things happen in this city. Tsukiyo: "...Well, yeah. But that's a whole new kind of weird. And if that stuff happens...why can't other stuff?" -elsewhere- Vulcan: "That scuba suit you used better have been worth the effort, you little shit." yu: *hands him the bag, shivering* Vulcan: *opens it* "..." *nods* "Good. I can retrofit these, including for whale prosthetics." *thumbs* "I fixed the water heater. Get a bath--you look awful." -elsewhere- mana:....*PUNCHES ASHI AND ZUNO INTO THE WALL* resent and remember. Zuno: *smashed into the wall* "I DON'T REMEMBER!" Assi: "I ONLY HAVE EYES FOR MONO, NOT YOU!" mana:...what? mono: what? O-O Zuno: "...I don't remember what I just said!" *jumps out the window* Assi: o\\\\\o "..." *runs away--into the door* chie:....*sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Sakuya: *staring out at the dark night* naho: sakkun? Sakuya: "...What?" naho:.....*hugs* i love you, ok? Sakuya: "..." *tears start falling, but his face stays hard* naho: ....i bought some glow sticks in nyarajuku today. *hands him a green one* Sakuya: *holding a green one--still hard face, still crying...it looks almost comical* naho: *hugs his arm* i know....those memories hurt...and you're going to be ok. Sakuya: "H-How...?" naho: call it intuition....hey sakkun....*puts two pocky sticks in her mouth* im a pocky walrus! Sakuya: "..." *snort laugh, snot coming out of his nose, still crying* naho: *giggles and kisses him near the eyelid, giving him a tissue* Sakuya: *sniffs, blushing...he holds onto her* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *staring up at the stars* "..." -morning- FD: "Wake up. It's time that you get ready for work." -elsewhere- Dazai: -_____- "I'm exhausted." atsushi: yeah. it's been a hectic week. clerk: the new employee should be here soon. Tanizaki: "??? New employee?" atsushi: ??.... !!!! ah! the red haired girl! Montgomery: -_-; "I have a name, Tiger." atsushi: which i dont think you ever told me. Montgomery: "...Lucy." atsushi: *smiles* nice to meet you, lucy. ^^ Kyoka: "...Atsushi? Who is this girl?" atsushi: um, well. its a long story- Kyoka: "We have time. Bar wench, bring food and drinks." Montgomery: ಠ_ಠ atsushi: *sweating* Dazai: *smiles* "Today got more interesting." Montgomery: *holding notepad, waiting to take orders* atsushi: *SWEATS HARDER* -elsewhere- Poe: "...This place has ghosts, dusty corners, poor lighting..." *wide smile* "I LOVE IT!" -elsewhere- Relan: *poke poke* shinra: hmm oh, hey rel. *smiles* Relan: "Hi. Feeling okay?" shinra: doing great. Relan: *smiles, hugs him* "I'm glad." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *standing in the center of the room...covered in butterflies* mono: raising them? i remember doing those pop up tents with the butterflies too. Kepuri: "...I didn't intend to. I just stepped outside and...they followed me inside." mono: ah. Kepuri: "I'll to put in more flowers and--" *looks for the bed* "...Oh no...He was taking a nap." akaderu: ......this is fine. Kepuri: "Oh, sweetie!" *big smile* akaderu:... 7//////7 -elsewhere- Lawless: *holding the fridge over his head* "Who took the last slice of pizza?!" romina: well, sorry for having a big appetite. Lawless: "Retribution will be made! I want what was mine! I called dibs on the last slice!" -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Hmm. So, I have you to thank for getting Atsushi out of the whale." atsushi: more or less, yeah. and sorry that i didnt get you out of there sooner....y-you arent still mad, are you? Montgomery: "That depends on whether you give a generous tip. _Because I serve your food now._ atsushi: *gulp* OuO;;;;; Kyoka: "You also owe me more food, Atsushi." *sits closer to him* atsushi: *sweating intensifies* Montgomery: *glances back and forth between them* -///- yosano: he's sweating so much there's puddles under him. Dazai: "I hope that's sweat..." yosano: those guild guys should be leaving today...hey kenji? Kenji: *mouth full of noodles* "Huh?" yosano: why dont we crush some men under our heel today, 'toshiko'~? Kenji: "...Can I still get some free meals out of them?" yosano: sure. Kenji: "Let's do it!" atsushi: *sweatdrop* Kenji: "I'll put on my best dress!" atsushi: *looks at lucy* long story -elsewhere- Takehisa: *shivers* maki: i got you chicken noodle~! Takehisa: *sniff* "Th-Thanks..." *small sneeze* "Just..." maki: we're only human. we all get sick every now and then. Takehisa: "...That 'curse' covered in the news must have gotten to me." maki: i guess so... Takehisa: *sniff, blows on the spoonful of soup...sips...* "Hmm...This is really good." maki: thanks. we used one of the cans, but karin added a few spices to it. Takehisa: "Hmm. It has a little kick to it." *weak smile* -elsewhere- Hibana: *pushing the swing* "Want to go higher?" hanako: up! up! gabriella: *has the camera out* Hibana: *pushes a bit more* "Here you go!" -elsewhere- Bellhop: "Lana, you got a call. It's your dad." lana: ah! *picks the phone up* hey dad. feeling any better? Touma: "Much." lana: *her heart drops* !!! Touma: "Remember that errand I gave you about the Grim Reaper's son and his now-wife. You failed." lana: i never throught- *looks* i didnt know you intended to _kill_ them! Touma: " 'Kill' is such a nasty word. I simply seek out samples for my ongoing research. And you never asked what I was going to do..." lana:...what is it you want? Touma: "Oh, nothing at the moment. I'll call you back when I'm ready." lana: ....... Touma: "Until then, keep everything tidy." -elsewhere- Aizawa: *nom nom* -elsewhere- Benimaru: *fanning himself* kirei: the shrine is holding a ghost story telling event later tonight. Benimaru: "Oh. That could be entertaining. Would you like to go?" -elsewhere- Triple A: "Hello, Marie." marie: oh, arthur, good to see you again. christa: TnT Triple A: *smiles* "Likewise. You're looking well." *looks at Christa* "And so do you, Miss Christa..." christa: goaway! Triple A: .w.; "...What?" christa: Xp Triple A: "Um...So, you're out on errands, Marie?" *looking wearily at Christa* -elsewhere- Spirit: "Want to pick up lunch at the commissary?" lord death: well, i dont have anything else planned today. Spirit: "Great!" *opens the door out of the Death Room* "How're you holding up?" lord death: everything's been well. *smiles* so, i hear miss izumi is starting classes at the DWMA this fall. Spirit: *nods* "...It's kind of scary." lord death: that's understandable. but i have faith in her, as i do all the students. Spirit: "...Do you say that as the headmaster, or as a parent?" lord death: *thumbs up* yes. Spirit: "...As a parent, I'm scared." lord death: *listening* Spirit: "Izumi is not a weapon. Meister training and other training is exhaustive...and people get hurt." lord death: *nods* Spirit: "How do I keep her safe?" -elsewhere- Amaimon: *stuck in hamster form* "..." maid: i take it you learned your lesson now? Amaimon: "I just did what brother asked. And he said he would give me a gift..." maid: well, he gave you a nice hamster cage, didnt he? Amaimon: "..." *runs on hamster wheel--which lights up* .w. -elsewhere- Ponera: *small gasp* grimoire: ?? Ponera: "I forgot to get back a spell book I lent to Shaula." shaula: oh, i needed it to be a foot for the broken table. Ponera: -_-;;; "It has important items in it...and you waste it like that?" -elsewhere- Patty: "Zzz..." liz: *putting a blanket over her* *smiles* night, sis. Patty: =w= *bundles herself* liz:...*smiles* Wes: *pats Liz's shoulder* liz: ^^ Wes: *carefully closes Patty's door* "You're a great sister..." liz: i've had practice for years so... Wes: "..." *nods* "Yes." liz: hey wes? you ever think about us...i dunno...having a baby? Wes: .\\\. "...Yes. I have." -elsewhere- Mori: "...I have to find a new assistant." higuchi: *glares* Mori: "Who here wants to make the phone call?" Chuuya: *seated lifeless in his chair* kouyou: ......shall i? Mori: "Sure. Just make sure she's good." -elsewhere- Patient: "Nurse! I've been calling for assistance for 20 minutes!" veronica: ah! coming! ... (thinking: zoey's been sick for days now... im starting to get worried...) *Ring ring* nurse: *picks up* hello? ???: "Hello? I would like to speak with Zoey." nurse: oh, she isnt in today. i heard she called sick. ???: "...Could you tell her to call when she gets in? nurse: alright then. and who is this? ???: "Her parent." nurse: ah. i see. ???: "..." *sniff* "Thank you...Goodbye." nurse: .... *Phone hangs up* -elsewhere- Melville: *on a bench* ango: mr melville, i presume? Melville: "Call me Herman." ango: *nods* of course, herman. if you dont so mind answeing a few questions, we could refrain from arresting guild members who were not involved in the incident. Melville: "...Okay. But will you allow an old man to at least stare out at the water while we talk?" ango: of course. according to official reports, you were once head of the guild once upon a time ago, correct? Melville: "...I don't want to hear about ancient history, from a child." ango:....do you _want_ to be arrested? Melville: "...Is there somewhere you intend to take me?" -elsewhere- Mephisto: *holding the fake Impure Eye--and squishing it* *squeak squeak squeak* maid: sir, please stop that. my ears are beginning to bleed. felisia:...(thinking: so cute im gonna die) Mephisto: *pouts* "But it's so squeak-able!" *bounces it against the wall* maid: *eye'd* ack! Mephisto: .w.; "...Sorry. How about you take the day off?" -elsewhere- Giriko: *finishes shaving* "There! How does Daddy look clean-shaven?" anna:..... Q~Q *crying* arachne: aww, anna. Giriko: .____. "I knew I shouldn't have shaved...H-Hang on! I could just glue the hair back on--" -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Hey, Mana!" mana: hey. Shotaro: *he's holding a shovel covered in dirt* "Emine said you needed a mud bath, so I dug one in the backyard!" -morning- atsushi: so the crime scene isnt far now, right, tanizaki? Tanizaki: "No...But why are you here? It was supposed to be Ranpo." atsushi: he said he had an appointment today. he didnt specify. he also mentioned for me to go to a flower shop? Tanizaki: "...'Kay. Guess it can't be helped." *points* "There's the crime scene. And the body." atsushi: so what all happened? Tanizaki: : *reviews notes* "Male, about 40 years old." *points at corpse with covering over it* "4 AM. Hit by truck, dead on the spot. Face damaged, so identity unknown." atsushi: have they checked his pockets? Tanizaki: *nods* "Privately-made gun, no serial number. Popular with Mafia members about 20 years ago." atsushi: so a mafia member, perhaps? Tanizaki: "Who knows? Could've been an accident or an assassination--" *spots something* "Atsushi! In the deceased's hand!" atsushi: ?? *looks* Tanizaki: "This newspaper clipping is damaged...Where is the missing piece?" medic: we've confirmed an identity from the blood test. atsushi: ??........*staggers.....then vomits, screaming* Tanizaki: "?! Atsushi! Calm down! What is it?" atsushi: no no no no no no....why him? why is he of all people here?! *hyperventilating* Tanizaki: "??? You know him?" officer: so the victim was the head of an orphanage outside the city, eh? what do you think is gonna happen to the place? officer 2: i dunno. -elsewhere- kouyou:......*knocks on the door* chuuya? *The door seems to be pressed hard against the edges, as if wind is pushing it* kouyou: ......i just want to speak with you, if not as an executive, at least as a mother... *The door is expanding...expanding...* kouyou: *backs way to the side* hmm... here seems about good. *BOOM* kouyou: ....are you done? *The door is splintered. Empty cartons of wine are everywhere--cheap, supermarket wine* Chuuya: *slurring* "Geddout..." kouyou: chuuya...*hug* its alright now... Chuuya: *weakly pushing off* "Let go...I haven't showered. I vomited in the vase...* kouyou: do you need mama to help you? Chuuya: "N-No! Don't call yourself that--it's creepy...I want...I want..." kouyou: *head pats* just let it out... Chuuya: *lips quivers, then he collapses, crying* kouyou: *rubs his back and hums, a familiar lullaby she would hum when he was younger* Chuuya: *can't speak, just holding onto her...and then...* "R-Rain..." kouyou: .....(thinking: that poor girl...) Chuuya: "I didn't...Then he...He..." kouyou: ....... Chuuya: "He killed her..." kouyou: ?? Chuuya: "Akutagawa..." kouyou: ..... -elsewhere- atsushi: ......... Tanizaki: "..." *holds out a cup of coffee* atsushi:....thanks.... Tanizaki: "So...He was looking for you, huh?" atsushi: i dont know.....and now he's gone....*shaking* Tanizaki: "Look, if you feel sad, then rest first." atsushi: sad?! me?! are you kidding?! this is the greatest day of my whole life! that tyrant is dead and gone! im writing this down in my personal calendar so i remember it forever! *laugh-crying* Tanizaki: o_o "...Don't you want to know why he was looking for you?" atsushi: he was...probably here to kill me...but jokes on him! Tanizaki: "...You think he deserved to die?" atsushi: of course he did! after all he put me and the other children through?! i hope he's burning in hell as we speak! Tanizaki: "...We're supposed to be solving this murder." atsushi:......right.. -a while later, atsushi goes to meet up with an informant- ???: "You came." atsushi: *turns*.... O_O; Akutagawa: *tosses envelope at Atsushi's feet* "Tell them it was an accident..." *his eyes look red, his face gaunt, his clothes a mess* atsushi: *picks it up* h-hey....you ok? you look.....off. Akutagawa: "I-I'm fine...Take this information. Enjoy it. He is dead now." atsushi: o...ok...? *examines the notes* .....?? he was planning to _sell_ the gun? .....then what was he going to use the money fo-...huh? *Akutagawa has disappeared around the corner...* Akutagawa: *...but he's actually just collapsed around the corner* atsushi:.....*calling out* thank you! *exits* Akutagawa: *shaking, trying to hold onto himself* *images of Rain's face and Atsushi and Dazai are flooding his brain* *whispering* "St-Stop..." -later on, after atsushi read through the info, he is now on a park bench, looking around with a sullen look on his face- toru: hehe! Yohei: "Enjoying yourself, huh, kiddo?" toru: ^w^ atsushi: ....... Yohei: *picks him up out of the stroller* *points up at the tree* "Look at how big the branches are! And they just started as a teeny tiny little seed..." *holds up his fingers to show the size of a seed* atsushi:.....*looking down at the ground* ???: "There you are! I found something..." atsushi: is it the file tanizaki gave you?......yeah....i skimmed through it... Dazai: "He found something else...The article he read was about you, fighting the Guild. He probably came to compliment you for--" atsushi: i dont....i dont believe it...after all he did?! -he sighs- remember when we first met? looking for that tiger? Dazai: "...You mean, when we were looking for you?" atsushi:...yeah....why did he hide that fact from everyone? that i was....y-you know.... Dazai: "Who knows...Imagine what that feels like, to keep that a secret from someone for so long." atsushi: .......i've been trying to wrap my head around it...but it keeps hurting my brain....can we....go to the flower shop? Dazai: "...Okay." -and so- atsushi: *shows the clerk the photo* this man...did he order anything from this shop? Clerk: "...Oh, yes! Let me pull it up...It was for one bouquet--" atsushi: any occasion mentioned? Clerk: "No. I think he wanted to meet someone." atsushi: did he mention who? Clerk: "Someone who used to be at his...what was it. A school? Dorm? No, wait...Orphanage?" atsushi:....i see....thanks...*exits*............... Dazai: "...???" atsushi: i think...i understand now..... he was selling the gun to buy those flowers....but died on the way......i know, he lost people close to him, but i wont ever forgive all the hell he put me through! Dazai: "...No one says you have to." atsushi:...how am i....supposed to feel about this then? *smiling a false smile, but teary eyed* Dazai: "You get to make whatever expression you want. But, if I could offer some advice...when someone's father passes away, they cry." *turns* atsushi:......*tears falling*.....*tightly hugs dazai from behind and cries* Dazai: o\\\\o "...Um..." *pat pat* atsushi: *hic* *gross sobbing* Dazai: "..." -3- ("Kunikida better pay to get this snot cleaned off...") *hug* -elsewhere- Mori: "And that is the plan." kouyou: *nods* Chuuya: "..." Akutagawa: *collapsed on the floor* elise: *poking akutagawa with a stick* Mori: "...Um...So, you are to infiltrate and monitor...and...Could someone pick up Akutagawa and make Chuuya smile already?" kouyou: i feel a mission would help you both back on your feet. Chuuya: "..." Akutagawa: "I don't want to be on my feet." Mori: "Well, too bad: I need you all on this mission, and if you can't do it, I can think of other work..." *opens a hole in the floor, where fire escapes upward* -elsewhere- Wes: *opens a door* "Where does this room lead--" liz: ta-dah~ *in lingere* Wes: o\\\\\\o *nosebleed* "Hot damn..." liz: ^w^ Wes: *still staring at her, as he shuts the door and locks* "You look amazing..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *sets dinner down at the table* -elsewhere- shiemi: *getting her bed ready* *Knock knock* shiemi: who is it? ???: "It's Yukio." shiemi: y-yu-yuki?! i thought you were still in death city looking for that eye?? Rin: "Ha! Just fooling! It's me!" shiemi: oh.... Rin: "...Yeah...Um...I locked myself out of my room?" shura: jeez. *uses the key card* there ya go, happy now? Rin: "Awesome! Thanks." shura: so how's japan for ya so far? Rin: "...Kinda smaller than I thought it'd be?" shura: *peeks into his room* seems you got quite a number of souvenirs already... Rin: .\\\\. "Not that many...But I do need to buy more luggage." *holds up a kitten plushie* "Will Madoka like this? The eyes seem kind of dead and lifeless..." Plushie: ◕ ‿‿ ◕ shura:......maybe? (thinking: creepy) Rin: "..." *puts a towel over the Plushie* "...Well, when we heading to the next hotel?" shura: about a few days, give or take. damn scheduling errors. Rin: "..." *looks to the left* -in another room- Bon: *reading at desk* konekomaru: it's kind of nice to be back home...almost home, anyway. Bon: "...Yeah. It'll be good to--" *spots Shima* Shima: Q~Q konekomaru: shima?! whats wrong?! Shima: "M-Maybe we don't have to go back? Maybe I should just stay here--you know, hold down the fort here as a back-up post? Ha ha ha..." konekomaru: ?? Bon: "Is this about your fam--" Shima: *covering his ears* "LA LA LA LA! CAN'T HEAR YOU!" *walks into closet* konekomaru:....*sweatdrop* Bon: "Come out of the closet already!" konekomaru: um...phasing? Bon: ಠ_ಠ -elsewhere- izumo: ..... *ring tone on Izumo's phone* izumo: *checks phone* Paku: [text: how's japan?] izumo: *smiles* [it's been well. it's nice to be back home. U?] Paku: [classes are okay. u should've seen what homeroom teacher did] *pic of the teacher, not noticing chalkboard message that, when her head blocks it, spells out something naughty] izumo: [omg X'D] Paku: [lol. pick me up something fun in japan! i got a long list...] izumo: [k] Paku: [miss u] -elsewhere- Patty: *sitting upside down on couch* -3- kirika: trying to get the blood to flow to your brain? Patty: "Just bored..." *crosses her arms* "What're you up to?" kirika: *shrugs and makes 'i dunno' sound* Patty: "...Mario Kart?" kirika: eh sure. Patty: *flips down from couch--and keeps flipping until she reaches the controllers by the TV* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...That's hardly scary." fang-hua: *sweatdrop* Tsukiyo: "Oh, you think you got a scarier story?" Benimaru: *stare, his face getting gaunt and creepy* fang-hua: *sweatdrop* Tsukiyo: Q~Q Benimaru: "There is a shortcut through a cornfield..." kirei: *listening* Benimaru: "The corn grows tall and thick. The path you chose is muddy. The corn grows in rows without scope or end. In the dark, you hurry..." hinata: O-O Benimaru: "You don't see the standing forms--you pass them on your way. They stand still amongst the swaying corn, which hides their pallor...and decay." hikage: *shivering* Benimaru: "Hundreds gather in this field tonight, although you see none at all yet. Still, you look around in fright. The corn grows too thick, too tall. You tell yourself, 'It's merely the rustling of the leaves.' But they see you, and they hear you. And they might not let you leave..." kabuki:.... *Lightning strike* hinata + hikage: EEP! *A figure is seen in the shadows, its appearance tall and something growing out of it* reimi: O-O Tsukiyo: "EEEEEK!" *clutches Kabuki* kabuki: ah- kirei:....*faint smile* ^^; Benimaru: "..." *summons a flame--and tosses it at the figure* Figure: "?!!! AHH! I'm on fire!" *runs away, trying to roll around in the dirt outside* Tsukiyo: Q~Q "...What monsters goes 'Ah, I'm on fire'?" kirei: ah! *goes to investigate* oh goodness. ^^;; Mr. Tsubaki: Q~Q *his clothes are scorched, and the tip of his fox ears and tail are still on fire* "...What the hell?!" Benimaru: "Whoops. My bad." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "..." *sets down his book* lilac: zzzz Sakuya: "..." *picks up Lilac* lilac: zzzzz Sakuya: *opens door to Lilac's room...* lilac: zzzzz..... Sakuya: *sets Lilac in bed, pulls up the sheets* lilac: ......*faint smile* Sakuya: *passes hair off his forehead...small forehead kiss* naho: *smiles* Sakuya: *turns around* "???" ^\\\^ naho: ^^ *give lilac a small kiss on the forehead as well* lilac: *clutching pillow* Sakuya: *pats her back* naho: ^^ Sakuya: *holds her hand* -elsewhere- Gopher: *holding tissue to his nose* "My poor nose." eibon: D8> Gopher: "I shouldn't have stood behind that door." ^^; "Sorry." -elsewhere- Takehisa: *sniff* "I should repair the Matchbox...I can...I..." *collapses on the floor* maki: !!! takehisa! karin: !! easy there! *helping him up* Takehisa: *swinging a wrench back and forth* "I can repair...Just let me at it, Coach! I'm ready to play..." -w- *he's delirious* iris: *making a phone call* tamaki: woah, easy there! shinra: *confiscating the wrench* Takehisa: *slurred speech* "The Edmund Fitzgerald will sail again!" maki: come on, time for you to get some sleep. nozomi: commander, will he be ok? Akitaru: "Takehisa has had worse. He just needs to sleep it off. But until then, we still need repairs on the Matchbox--" Victor: "I'LL DO IT!" shinra: how about dr itou handles it? karin: *cracks knuckles* challenge accepted! Victor: D: "...Okay." *mopes away* nozomi: do you want me to help you? karin: ... Victor: TT_TT nozomi: *pats his back* Victor: *sniff* "Th-Thank you." nozomi: ^///^ -elsewhere- Hibana: *putting in night-light* "Bright enough?" hanako: *nod* -elsewhere- madoka: *setting up vid chat* hey rin. ^^ Rin: "C-Can you see me? I don't see you. Did I forgot to turn something on?" madoka: um... oh! *presses something* how about now? Rin: "Ah! Now I see you!" *he shows up in a I Heart Tokyo shirt* *does a very fast wave at her with his dorky smile* madoka: ^^ how's the trip so far? Rin: "I got souvenirs!!!" madoka: i can tell. *she smiles* Rin: "Yeah, I've had a great time going to Shinjuku...by myself. And have ramen...by myself. And buy pocky...by myself." QWQ madoka: aww. i wish i could be there with you. ....i really wish i could be there hugging you. Rin: *nod nod* "Me too..." *holds up a body pillow with a Digimon on it* "I get no huggies tonight." QWQ madoka: maybe a good night kiss through the screen? Rin: *nod nod* *leans up to the screen, giggles nervously* -smooch- madoka: ^///^ Rin: *smooch* "Love ya..." madoka: i love you too. good night. Rin: " 'Night!" -morning- Wes: *yawn* liz: zzzzzz Wes: *smiles, as he kisses her shoulder* liz: =w= Wes: "Morning..." liz: morning~ Wes: *hugs* "Sleep well, babe?" liz: sure did, honey. Wes: "Same...and I can think of a few reasons why~" -elsewhere- Bon: *yawn, opens an eye, and--* "...Why is Shima in my bed?" Shima: *fetal position, sucking his thumb* konekomaru: ^^; Bon: *kick* Shima: "Ouch!" konekomaru: morning. Shima: "Some morning...What's the agenda today?" -elsewhere- atsushi: *out of the shower* ah....hmm? *notices hair in the trash....kyouka's hair* ?? kyouka? Kyoka: "What?" atsushi: ....nothing....looks nice. ^^; Kyoka: "...Okay." *sits down* "Where's breakfast?" atsushi: ah! right! *goes to make some* Kyoka: "...You still look sad." atsushi: i just....had a rough day yesterday....hope you dont mind omurice again... Kyoka: "...That is acceptable." *sits to eat* -elsewhere- Anya: *asleep in bed* tsugumi: zzzzz... ao:.....*walks in....holding a knife* Meme: *sleep-talking* "Pythagorean theorem...forgetting a step...What is the equation...?" mio: zzzzz.....nyeh?.... O_o ao: *standing over anya* ....... Anya: *blinks her eyes* "Huh?" ao: good morning, miss anya~ -shiiiing- Anya: o____O *kicks up* ao: i was wondering....would you like some butter on your toast? Anya: "WHAT IS IT WITH YOU AND KNIVES?!" tsugumi: *yaaaawn* -elsewhere- Spirit: "Hmm...Which other books will you need for class...?" -elsewhere- mafia secretary: and here are your fake student IDs. [Ryuzaki Araragi] [Chuuya Ozaki] Akutagawa: "I don't want to do this." Chuuya: "..." mafia secretary: well too bad, buster browns, we already got the paperwork filed and the uniforms picked out. Akutagawa and Chuuya: "...'Uniforms'?" mafia secretary: school uniforms, obviously! Chuuya: "...I hate the pants." Akutagawa: "This looks uncomfortable." -elsewhere- Hyde: *fixing up his hair in the mirror* -elsewhere- "Toshiko": ("Hmm...I think I got all the food...Oh! I forgot donuts.") yosano: *reading a medical magazine* "Toshiko": "Doctor, could you help me with the groceries?" yosano: alright. "Toshiko": "That's everything, right? I mean, aside from donuts." yosano: seems so. *nods* Steinbeck: .w. "Toshiko!" "Toshiko": ._.; twain: hey sweet stuff! yosano: ..... o u o "Toshiko": "...So. You're both here. Yay." Steinbeck: *glares at Twain* "Toshiko...I have a proposal to make to you..." twain: you available this weekend~? “Toshiko”: "Well, I--" Steinbeck: "Hey! I still have a proposal to make!" *takes Toshiko's arm* yosano: *whispers* do you want to tell them or should i? “Toshiko”: "...How about you tell them?" yosano: oh gentleman~ want to know something interesting~? *whispers into their ears* toshiko's actually kenji in a dress. twain:....................................*shrug* eh, wouldnt have been the first time. Steinbeck: "...Really?" *looks at Toshiko* "...Huh." Kenji: .\\\\. "Um..." yosano: ....not the shocked reaction i was hoping. but oh well. Steinbeck: "...So, you still up for my proposal?" Kenji: *cursing inside* random guild member: *drags them away* please excuse them. -_-; Kenji: "...What was that even...?" yosano: learn not to question it. ???: ....... *walking away* Kenji: "...Do I still get to wear the dress?" yosano: hey, its your life. if you want to, go nuts. *shrug* -elsewhere- Arthur: "Maybe I can get some medicine for Takehisa." shinra: sounds like a good idea. Arthur: "Good." *pulls out a dusty map* "The Elixir of Antigone is only a fortnight away. If we leave now, we can avoid the Griffin of Turmoil." shinra:.....(thinking: is that a map from dungeons and dragons?...) Arthur: "Don your best armor, squire--we're off!" shinra: -_-; Akitaru: "Pick up some coffee while you boys are out." shinra: ok! Arthur: "I will milk the Dragon of Juan Valdez for your dairy creamer--" Akitaru: -________- shinra: we'll get to it! tamaki: i'll go with them and make sure they dont get lost. Arthur: *shiny eyes* "With you as my compass--" -bonk- tamaki: *drags them off* lets just go. -_-; Arthur: x___x -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Finished pre-semester tutorial on library work." kim: awesome. Jacqueline: "Zoo work going okay?" kim: yeah. it's been enjoyable. -elsewhere- Kyoka: *stomach growl* -elsewhere- higuchi: *at the bar* i'll have two glasses of scotch please. Bartender: *hands them* "There you go." higuchi: *nods and puts one to the side*......*staring at the empty seat* ...............*sips* Bartender: "..." *sighs, returns to work* higuchi:...*notices someone come in* Chuuya: "..." *dragging his feet to the bar* higuchi: ......scotch? Chuuya: "..." *silently takes it* higuchi:.....did you....*ahem*....want to talk about it? Chuuya: "...I screwed up." higuchi: *listening* Chuuya: "...I could have saved her." higuchi: ....yeah, we could have... Chuuya: *shakes his head* "No...This is my fault. I-I didn't even recognize her..." higuchi:...you couldnt have known that she-....*shakes head* Chuuya: "What kind of a man am I...that I didn't see it? After all the pain she went through...I-I didn't help her...I would've killed her without knowing..." higuchi:....i thought....i heard her say something, back then... Chuuya: "??? Say what?" higuchi: it sounded like... 'please, let me die'. Chuuya: *his heart sinks...he collapses onto the bar* "No..." higuchi: i think....she wanted her misery to end. Chuuya: "..." *sniff* "I-I could have..." higuchi:....*pats his back* Chuuya: "I could've done something to make her happy..." higuchi:.......... you've really taken a liking to her...why is that? Chuuya: "...I wanted her to feel loved." higuchi:...*nods* Chuuya: "...She was kind. She was funny. She...was beautiful." higuchi: *smiles* hardworking too. Chuuya: *nods* "She always knew what we needed...I remember, when I was sick, she brought in chicken soup." higuchi: *listening* Chuuya: "It was so tasty..." *small laugh* "She had spilled a little bit of it on her coat when she brought it into work." higuchi: i saw that....she always did have terrible luck. Chuuya: "...It wasn't helped by people going out of their way to give her bad luck..." higuchi:....(thinking: mori....) Chuuya: "...I loved her." higuchi:...she loved you too. a lot. Chuuya: "..." *whimpers* higuchi: .....*pats his back* she wanted to tell you, but.....she didnt think she had a chance with you. Chuuya: "...Why didn't we..." higuchi: ?? Chuuya: "Why didn't we just say it to each other?" higuchi: ...... Chuuya: "I could've...We could've left..." higuchi:.....would you really have done that for one person? Chuuya: "...If I known this would've happened...Yes." higuchi:.....where would you have gone, then? Chuuya: "...I don't know. Somewhere away from the Mafia. Away from anyone who could follow us." higuchi:.....what are you going to do now? Chuuya: "...Didn't you hear? I have to go to school now." higuchi: yeah. ryunosuke, too... Chuuya: "..." *the glass on the bar starts to rise a bit* higuchi:...*faint smile* to be fair, you could pass as a high school student. Chuuya: "?! I AM NOT THAT SHORT!" higuchi: *chuckles* Chuuya: *glares, downs his scotch* -elsewhere- Aizawa: "...Who did this?" *flowers in his hair* -silence- Aizawa: "Okay. I will punish every student in this class until someone confesses--" kouji: *raises hand meekly* Aizawa: "...Well, that takes the fun out of punishing multiple students. Okay. Everyone but Kouji has to run five laps--because Kouji was the only one to make my hair look lovely." Bakugo: *glares at Kouji* kouji: q_q Izuku: *pat pat on Kouji's back* -elsewhere- Rin: QWQ ("I'm lost...") ???: <excuse me sir, do you need help?> Rin: "Um..." *points on his map to a building* ???: <want me to take you there?> Rin: "..." Rin: "Y-Yes?" *nods* ???: <ok. by the way, what's your name?> Rin: "Rin." ???: <ah, nice too meet you.> -elsewhere- Patty: *stares at Liz* liz: ya? Patty: *leans closer, staring at Liz's stomach* liz:...what? Patty: *poke* liz: ? Patty: "...Okay! Just checking!" -elsewhere- Victor: *holding drops over a beaker* "Almost..." -in takehisa's room- ???:....ke....hi....sa.... Takehisa: "N-No..." -a burnt corpse crawls onto the bed- toudou: take...hi...sa.... Takehisa: "St-Stay back!" *waving his arm around him, trying to find his gun* maki: takehisa? Takehisa: *picks up the lamp and throws it* maki: O-O *dodge* -morning- atsushi: so where are we doing? Kunikida: "We are investing an information broker." atsushi: for what exactly? Kunikida: "We're looking into this." *holds up his tablet, showing a symbol* atsushi:...ah! that's the logo from the terminal!...now that i look at it, it looks like a demented micky mouse....or deadmau5. Kunikida: "This microchip on the back allows long-distance interference--which is how the Moby-Dick was seized." atsushi: freaky...so this hacker....they'll be able to help us? Kunikida: "We'll see. We have known them for 10 years. In fact, they used to be with the Agency." atsushi: oh. -they arrive at an almost deralict house- atsushi:....*gulp* Kunikida: "..." *kicks down the door* atsushi: are we....allowed to do that? o-o;;; Kunikida: "KATAI! I'M COMING IN! Would it kill you to clean up this place?!" atsushi: (thinking: katai?) *There is a blanket...something wiggles underneath it* atsushi: *YELPS!* ???: "I'm gonna die here..." atsushi:...dazaaaaai? *The man pops up, looking at his laptop* Katai: "I'm just gonna die here in his futon..." atsushi: um....hello? sir? Katai: "!!! INTRUDER!" *tosses an empty can of Surge* atsushi: ACK! *nice catch* kunikida? a lil help! Kunikida: *already wearing a mask and gloves, washing the dishes in his sink* "Katai, we need your electronic-control powers. So wrap up that futon and--" Katai: "I can't..." Kunikida: "...What?" atsushi: um....why not? o.o; Katai: "...Love sickness." atsushi: oh? that's all? *is romantically dense* Kunikida: "..." *facepalm* Katai: "Three days ago, I went to the silk shop to have my futon repaired. On the way home...I saw her...Yamato Nadeshiko." atsushi: yamatona deshiko? Katai: "Ethereal grace, like a lily along the pond. Seeing her poise even yards away, I was smitten immediately." atsushi: i...see....*sweatdrop* Katai: "So intoxicated by her beauty, I used my remaining strength to photograph her." atsushi: isnt that considered stalking?! im pretty sure that's illegal! (thinking: who even does that?!) Kunikida: "Atsushi, how many sugars?" *holds up a cup of tea* atsushi: one please. *looking at the picture* she kind of looks like a model. Katai: "Oh! It is hopeless! How can I speak to a woman?! Communicating with moles would be easier! *cowers under his futon* "I will be alone forever with just Yoshiko..." atsushi: yoshiko? Kunikida: "The name of his futon..." atsushi: hmm.....*lightbulb* how about we find this girl and set the two of you up? Katai: D: Kunikida: "What?! Are you trying to kill him?!!" atsushi: from what you said, he cant use his ability if he's like this, then it's our best option! Katai: "...FIND MY YAMATO NADESHIKO, DETECTIVE AGENCY!" atsushi: you can count on us! -meanwhile, at the agency, dazai and another individual are investigating a missing person's case- yosano: so then your daughter... Zoey's Parent: "Sh-She hasn't been at the hospital in weeks..." yosano: mr lewis, please remain calm. we'll find her one way or another. Mr. Lewis: "..." *puts his head in his hands* naomi: jeez...it sucks that ranpo caught a cold now of all times... kirako: kyouka, do you think you can handle this? kyouka:....*thumbs up* -at the hospital- veronica: may i help- oh, its you again. -_-; let me guess yet another suicide attempt? Dazai: "...Not unless I could convince you to join me~" veronica: -_-# you realize i am married, right? kyouka:...*gives dazai a look* T_T *chop* get to business, fool. Dazai: "...Just because I spot the ring doesn't mean I won't try. But in any case, we're here to investigate a missing person case." veronica: you mean zoey? yeah, im beginning to worry about her... Dazai: "When did you last see her?" veronica: the day after the mass hysteria incident. some foreign guy came in to visit two of the patients. they've gone missing as well. Dazai: "Their names?" veronica: mr hawthorne and miss mitchell. *checking the computer* huh...that's weird... kyouka: ?? veronica: the names arent coming up on the database...they arent in the computer recycling bin either... Dazai: *takes his notepad* "Start with Hawthorne. What was his height?" veronica: fairly tall, glasses. blueish hair? could have been hair dye? Dazai: *nods* "About six feet or taller?" veronica: i think? as for miss mitchell, she was comatose and in critical condition. kyouka:....when you say 'foreign guy'...what kind? veronica: hmmm. i want to say russian? he sure sounded it. Dazai: "He have a name?" veronica: i didnt catch it. but i know he had dark hair and was kinda scrawny. i remember zoey asking him on a date, but i think that was only because she was getting close to 'that age' and hasnt found a boyfriend... Dazai: "...Tell me a bit about Zoey. Do you know where her apartment is?" veronica: actually yes. *writing down the address* her roommate is probably still in. -on a road- higuchi: *driving home, with a sleeping chuuya in the back seat* (thinking: jeez...) *stops at the red light and notices someone*..?? !!! ryunosuke?! Akutagawa: *collapsed on a bench* higuchi: (thinking: oh my gosh, those glasses look so good on him! ok ichiyo, calm down.) -a young woman with long hair comes up to him- woman: there you are, ryu. come on, lets get home. Akutagawa: *grunts* "...Okay." *tries to stand--stumbles a bit* -she helps him up and walks with him....in a way that looks like she's hugging him- higuchi:......*a small explosion off her head* Chuuya: *turns over* "Higuchi, turn down the heat in the car..." -at an apartment building- kyouka: this is the place... Dazai: "Hmm...Guess nurses don't make much..." kyouka: *knocks on the door* Dazai: "..." ???: *female voice* <please wait a moment~> *a young woman comes out, dressed in seifuku, hair in pigtails and a cat ear headband* may i help you, nya? Dazai: .w. "Would you like a suici--" kyouka: *CHOP* -inside the room- girl: oh, so you're looking for zoey-chan? Dazai: *holding ice to his head* "Yeah. She call, email, or text you?" girl: not recently, nya. the last i saw zoey-chan is when she was going out on her date with her new senpai. i think they were going to that fancy place. *holds up a brochure for a restaurant* Dazai: *looking over the brochure* "Indeed fancy...You see what the guy looked like?" girl: zoey-chan said she would meet him there. but that was days ago now, nya. Dazai: "Hmmm...Has Zoey had many dates?" girl: im not sure. *winks, sticks tongue out and bumps fist against her head very cutely* Dazai: .\\\\. "*ahem* Um...Well, if you hear from Zoey, call us..." *hands business card* -morning, at the higuchi family apartment- Chuuya: *passed out on couch* higuchi: *laying on the floor* TT_____TT higuchi's sister: big sis! get a hold of yourself! -elsewhere- atsushi: she was spotted around...here? Kunikida: "I think so. I wonder what changed his mind about tracking down this woman..." -on a roof- higuchi: *in despair* that woman....with ryunosuke...... !!! (thinking: this has to be a conspiracy! perhaps an assassin from an enemy of the mafia? or perhaps a government agent? i have to stop her before ryunosuke gets hurt!) are you with me, chuuya?! Chuuya: "Zzz..." higuchi: *peeek* O-O *ducks* the agency? here? dammit. *peeeeks with her binoculars* !!! (thinking: that woman in the photo! its the same woman!) Chuuya: *curled up* "R-Rain..." higuchi:....*sighs and peaks over.....kunikida and atsushi are gone*....where- ???: "Do you have business with us?" higuchi: O-O;;;; ACK! Kunikida: "A spy should pay attention to their surroundings when contending with the Man-Tiger's eyes." atsushi: hello. *small wave* higuchi: *shivering* that woman...in the photo.....*gets on her hands and knees, bowing* PLEASE TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT HER!! Chuuya: *sits up, screaming--lifting up some rocks on the rooftop as well* "RAIN! WHERE ARE YOU?!" atsushi: OHHOLYSWEETFUCK!! higuchi: *CHOP* CHUUYA STOP SCREAMING AND PAY ATTENTION! Chuuya: "..." *falls forward, vomiting* atsushi: O_O is...is he.... *shakes head* we dont know about that lady....we were actually in the middle of finding her ourselves. we were going to give her this letter. *its a love letter* higuchi:......*JAWDROP*........... *lightbulb* LET'S COLLABORATE ON THIS MISSION THEN! atsushi: um....*sweatdrop* kunikida, mind tending to the sick guy? Kunikida: "...Fine. Keep an eye on this woman. She seems dangerous." Chuuya: *vomiting, sobbing* -and so, after chuuya had calmed down a bit- higuchi: i must say, weretiger. it's bold of you to confess such feelings for an older woman. but i wish you the best of luck! atsushi:....huh? ???: *pant pant pant* higuchi: ??? atsushi: mr katai? Katai: "I...am here...to confess to my beloved!" higuchi:...um....what? atsushi: he's the guy who wrote the love letter. Katai: "Yes, I am...!!! And you are with the Mafia!" higuchi: *notices he's pointing away* um...we're right here. atsushi: are you that bad at talking to girls? like seriously? even im not that awkward. Katai: "!!! My love! There she stands!" woman:.... higuchi: !!! oh i am coming for you you bITCH! woman:... O_O; *RUNS* higuchi: GET BACK HERE YOU FUCKING COWARD! Katai: "..." *glares--and takes off running* atsushi: shouldnt we...do something? o-o; woman: O-O;;; *running, hopping a fence* Katai: *turns off traffic signals to block the intersection from Higuchi* -the wacky chase scene continues into a warehouse- higuchi: heh, end of the line. you are mine- Katai: "My love! I will save--" gin: *hair up, putting on mask........still in the woman's outfit*......................shit. higuchi:.................................g...gi.....GIN!?!?!?! gin: yes higuchi, its me....oh hey chuuya. i didnt know you were here too. Chuuya: "...Oh, hey, Gin..." *covers his mouth* "Oh, curse my hangover and gravity powers..." @~@ -and so- Katai: *clutching his letter* o~o higuchi: you're his little sister?! gin: yes. several people know this. Chuuya: *nod nod* *sipping ginger ale* higuchi:....*tearing up and begins laughing...very awkwardly* Kunikida: "...I think she's broken." higuchi: ahahaha...haaaa *faints* gin:....*sweatdrop* *glances at katai* and you...what's your deal? Katai: "..." *gets down on one knee, presenting the letter* "Even if you are a member of the Mafia, my feelings have not changed. It was only after I first saw you that I truly understood what beauty is." gin:.....*blinks* Katai: .w.; gin:....*smiles* i'll put this as politely as possible......hell fucking no. Katai: D: Chuuya: "..." *snort* atsushi: ouch. -and so- Katai: *loud wailing and gross sobbing* atsushi: *sitting in the corner....awkwardly* Kunikida: "...Now that this love letter nonsense is behind us--" Katai: "I-I will get to work...Just let me mourn first." atsushi: r-right... *exits* -outside- atsushi: will he really be ok? Kunikida: "Time heals all wounds. Even a broken heart. Besides, he was just infatuated with her image, not the real person." atsushi: i guess that make sense. Kunikida: *nods* "Then when Katai has recovered, he will find our target...and who knows? Maybe this will convince him to return to the Agency..." -at the restaurant- employee: our CCT camera footage? Dazai: "If you please. It is quite important." employee: do you have permission? Dazai: *holds up Kyoka* "Could you say no to this face?" kyouka: -^- *unamused* employee:.....you need a per- Dazai: "Person? Pear?" guard: oh you're from the agency? come this way. Dazai: *smirks at the employee* guard: what footage are you looking for? kyouka: *gives them the date* guard: ah, here you go. Dazai: *takes it* "Where may we watch?" -and so, while reviewing the footage- Dazai: "...She had on a cute dress." kyouka: *rolls eyes* Dazai: "...Where is he...?" -in the footage, someone appears and zoey seems happy to see him- (zoey: ah! you're here!) Dazai: "Come on...turn around, buddy..." (???: "I am. It's wonderful to see you again.") kyouka: i saw him on the entrance camera. Dazai: *pulls it up* "Okay...So, that's the guy?" kyouka: *she nods* Dazai: *freezes the clip, pulls the image* "Let's get a few of these images, then we can make a composite sketch of the target..." kyouka: *nods* Dazai: "Hmmm..." *zooms in on the image* "Tall guy. Okay dresser. Expensive restaurant...Who is this guy?" kyouka: .... guard: maybe digitally enhance it? Dazai: "...Um...Which button does that?" ^^; guard: should be this one. Dazai: "Oh, great!" *taps the button* "...A little better?" -the face reveals....FD- Dazai: "!!!" *falls back out of his chair* kyouka: ?? mr dazai? Dazai: "Shit shit shit shit--" kyouka: ?! guard: h-hey, you ok?! Dazai: *pulls out phone, starts making calls...* kyouka: ??? Dazai: "Yo. You still owe me one. And you should know that he's back...No, not him. No, he's dead! No. No. Yes--him! Right?! I know, right?!!" kyouka: .....*looks back at the screen* -elsewhere- boy: is it really this one? Man: "Yep. The monster." boy: *gulps* Man: "Careful...or he'll pull your mind out." boy: oh, right, the reward. Man: "Hmph. Even getting double isn't worth it..." boy: *taking the bag off the prisoner's head* ?? Prisoner FD: "..." -the next morning- Kid: ๏w๏ kirika: is he done yet? liz: nnnope. Kid: "Hee hee hee...Perfect..." stocking: *smooch* ^^ Kid: *hug* -meanwhile, in the mafia's exec room- kouyou: Dostoyevsky? Mori: "Leader of those thieves, the Rats in the house of the dead. The one who downed the Moby Dick, yes?" ace: indeed. but in my custody, he shall be nothing more than a common rodent. Chuuya: "..." Mori: "Describe this man. What is he like?" ace:... a soulless, vampire like man. Mori: "Then he will learn the severity of the Mafia's retribution, firsthand." ace: please sir, allow me. -elsewhere- -a young woman with dark hair enters a building- woman: ..........casino floor, please... Elevator operator: *presses a button* -as the door closes- woman:....i wonder....a man...by the name....Dostoyevsky....has he....been here? Operator: "Not a common name. I think I'd recognize it if he'd been through here." woman: *showing him a photo* this man......is he...here? in this....building? Operator: "..." Operator: "..." *holds out an open palm, indicating a 'put some money in here' motion* woman:...*places 40 dollars* is he...being held here? Operator: "..." *presses buttons in a pattern--causing the elevator to arrive at a secret floor* woman:...thank you.... *hugs him from behind, taking a scalpel, turning him around....and slitting his throat* Operator: X_____X *slides back* woman:...hehe..... Operator: *blood pooling* zoey:.......*spots someone*....ahh...master fyodor~ FD: *waves* "Yo. Get here alright?" zoey: of course.....i followed your instructions....as ordered....did you....get the files? FD: "Yes. The list of Mafia members' abilities, including their biggest secret..." zoey: oh? FD: " 'The Salvation of Death'..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." gin: ryu? feeling better yet? Akutagawa: "...Some of the edge has worn away...Thank you. How are you?" gin:....i had a weird guy confess love to me. Akutagawa: "...Do I need to kill him?" gin: i turned him down. im not sure what he'll do with himself. but thats none of my business. Akutagawa: "..." *nod* "Run into anyone else?" gin:...... the were tiger and the glasses man from the agency. Akutagawa: "!!!" *steps back* "O-Oh?" gin: apparently they were helping this man to confess. also higuchi thought i was your lover, and chuuya was there... he seems to be doing somewhat better now. Akutagawa: "..." *sits* "This is a lot to process. Why would Higuchi think you were my lover?" gin: apparently she saw me with you the other day when i brought you home. then again, i wasnt in my usual clothes so...i guess she didnt recognize me...*chuckles* Akutagawa: "..." *small laugh* "The Agency did not give you trouble, did they?" gin: it was surprisingly tame. perhaps, in some other world, you and the were tiger could be friends....nevermind, just rambling. Akutagawa: .\\\\. {atsushi:....*smiles and chuckles*} Akutagawa: *closes his eyes* -\\\\- gin:...*ahem* i'll just... be on my way then. *exits* Akutagawa: *sits back* "..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *holding ice compress to his head* "...You sure you're okay?" higuchi: im fine. tired, but fine...how did the meeting go? Chuuya: "...Problems." higuchi:...care to elaborate or nah? Chuuya: "...Escaped prisoner." higuchi: who? Chuuya: "The leader of the Rats in the house of the dead..." higuchi:....huh? Chuuya: "Dostoevsky? Guy with the stupid hat?" higuchi: ?? Chuuya: "..." *sigh* "Just know he is bad news and stay away." higuchi: noted. Chuuya: "...Are you going to go after him?" -elsewhere- Hawthorne: "..." margaret:..................*no response* Hawthorne: "..." *pats her hand* -in another room, some unnamed taxidermist is working hard on their current project- FD: "How goes it?" taxidermist: just about ready. this isnt my first human taxidermy. FD: "But will it suit my needs?" taxidermist: you want something to sway that one executive into helping us, correct? FD: *nod nod* taxidermist: *grins* then i believe this one......is as right as rain. -rain's naked corpse lays on a table, in process of being taxidermized- FD: "Hmm...Let me know how it goes. I want it ready in time." -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." atsushi: are you sure you're ok? Dazai: "I will be, when we find him..." atsushi: ??? Dazai: *hands him the photo* "Watch out for this man. If you see him, we need him in custody." atsushi: ?? (thinking: creepy) Dazai: "...Be careful." -elsewhere- Rin: "???" shura: ...what? it is my birthday today. Rin: " 'Kay...I knew that. That's why I was hunting around town for a gift." -elsewhere- Mori: "..." kouyou: this is bad....if he was able to convince ace to-.... Mori: "It is likely he did." kouyou: not to mention how several staff leading down to that place had been slaughtered, including the elevator operator... Mori: "...Security footage?" mafioso: right away sir Mori: "...With that information in his possession..." kouyou: this could mean trouble... Mori: "...We're going to have to use the Agency to our advantage, minimize the damage." -elsewhere- atsushi: good news. our school uniforms came in today! Kyoka: "...Yay." atsushi:....so how was your first official mission? Kyoka: "It was fine. I feel sorry for this woman." atsushi: i could imagine... -later, when shopping for school supplies- Kyoka: *holding a pencil kit* "...Cute." atsushi: *smiles and reaches for a notebook, but his hand touches another* oh! so sorry-.... O-O; Montgomery: *glare* -\\\\- "You touch me again, and you're pulling back a stump." Kyoka: *stare* atsushi: so sorry ma'am! ....wait, are you starting school this year too? Montgomery: "Yes. What of it? Are you going to school?" Kyoka: *notices she's not being noticed* "..." atsushi: actually yes. kyouka and i are starting in september. is it the... *looks at notes* DWMA? i heard they started accepting gifteds into the school now. Montgomery: "Which is why I hope to have additional training on my abilities." *spots Kyoka* "Oh. Didn't see you there." Kyoka: >____< -elsewhere, in a parking garage- bubble gum: oi. ango, 'nother all nighter? ango: im afraid so. bubble gum: perhaps you enjoy doing this work~? ango: please dont patronize me. so what's the report? Officer: "A report on the girl, sir." -elsewhere- atsushi:....kyouka?....are you sure you'll be ok? do you need some time to think? Kyoka: "...I want to know." atsushi: ?? Kyoka: "...I want to know more about my ability." atsushi:...*nods* -elsewhere- kouyou: i have good news, chuuya. Chuuya: "...I doubt that." kouyou: you're uniforms are in~! Chuuya: *annoyed grunt* -elsewhere- louisa: *wandering around the town* homeless dude: HEY LADY WANNA BUY A WATCH?! louisa: EEP! *runs and crashes into someone* oh dear me, im so sorry! ???: "...Change..." louisa: ??....that voice....lord francis?! Fitzgerald: "Fifty...cents..." -and so- louisa:...everyone believed...that you had perished. but i still knew you were alive...you just...had to be... Fitzgerald: "Give up." louisa: ?? *noticing a scar on his shoulder* Fitzgerald: "...What?" louisa: that scar... Fitzgerald: "..." *pulls up his ripped shirt* "Ignore it." louisa: please, come back with us. the guild needs you, i- Fitzgerald: "What you see before you is not a leader. What you see is a corpse, composed just of memories." louisa: ......you've only lost your money, that's all isnt it? but that isnt what your value is. it's your strength, your leadership! when you give me an order, i can become a me that i dont hate! Fitzgerald: "Stop." louisa: .... at least...take this....*gives him 20 dollars* i was going to buy lunch with it, but im sure it'll be fine... Fitzgerald: "..." *takes it* "...My wife saved me." louisa: .....*begins to walk away* Fitzgerald: "One more thing...Don't compare me to the miserable." louisa:....*bumps into someone* oh goodness, im sorry! ???: "...Well, well...Look who we have here..." louisa: eep! thug: so this is that strategist i heard was wandering around here. she's cuter than i expected~ ???: "The one who abandoned us...Grab her!" louisa: !!! *starts running* no! *Someone grabs her* louisa: !!! ???: *takes a pair of pliers* thug: so, i hear this one is still fresh....*smirks* just how i like 'em~. louisa: !!! Boss: "Tell us where the Guild leader is. Or say goodbye to your pinky." louisa: !!!! Boss: "Or maybe I put a bullet through your--" *$20 PUNCH* Boss: *knocked down* louisa: !! lord francis! Fitzgerald: "...That punch used up all the money..." *smirks* "What a disappointing subordinate you are." Boss: "Get him!" -after that fiasco- Fitzgerald: *sits, pants* louisa: um...t-thank you for saving me! Fitzgerald: "I didn't do much--not with the small sum you gave me." louisa:...*small smile* Naturally. Because from the start…What I gave you was free of charge Fitzgerald: "...Well, then, strategist, what's next?" louisa: getting you some fresh clothes....and also a bath. Fitzgerald: "...Quite. Lead the way." -elsewhere- Montgomery: *brewing tea* -elsewhere- Takehisa: "Zzz..." shinra: we're back! Arthur: "We have coffee..." *he looks dishelved* Akitaru: "??? Oh, okay. Everything go okay for you three?" tamaki:.......*goes right to her room* Arthur: >\\\\< Akitaru: "??? O...kay?" -elsewhere- Kid: *hugging the calendar* -elsewhere- Bon: *looking through luggage* konekomaru: looking for something? Bon: "One of the books I was reviewing, trying to anticipate more about this eye." konekomaru: ah. Shima: *ear to the wall* -that evening, at a fancy party- Party attendee: *sips champagne* kouyou: enjoying yourself, chuuya? Chuuya: *holding glass of wine* "..." *sips* "...No." kouyou: .....are you just going to sit here and sulk all night? Chuuya: "No. I also have to use the restroom." -elsewhere in the party- Mori: *looking around* higuchi:.... elise: did you finally score yourself a date, rintarou? Mori: *smiles* "Why would I need a date when I am chaperoning you, Elise?" higuchi:.... *disgusted glare and walks away* Mori: "???" *looks around, staring at certain people...* "Mmm..." -on the balcony- Akutagawa: "..." higuchi:...enjoying the party, ryunosuke? Akutagawa: "Oh. Hello, Higuchi. I am...unsure." higuchi: ah. -elsewhere at the party- Chuuya: "..." rain?: are you enjoying yourself, mr nakahara? Chuuya: "!!!" *turns around* -there is no one there- Chuuya: "..." *stares down at his drink* rain?: *her reflection smiles at him from the glass* Chuuya: "Ah!" *drops his glass* mafioso: mr nakahara? what happened? *has gun out* Chuuya: "N-Nothing! Leave me alone!" *runs* mafioso: ah-..... -a ways down the hall- ???: who are you running from? Chuuya: "N-No...It can't be." *putting his hands over his ears* rain?: i miss you, you know..... -something can be felt hugging him- Chuuya: Q~Q "...This isn't right...This isn't right...Y-You...Rain?" rain?: chuu.....ya...*something looks at him....rain's rotting corpse* Chuuya: *screams* -from the cameras, someone watches- FD: *smiles* zoey: ah...i wonder....what will happen now.... FD: "He'll crack. Want to bet on how long it'll take him?" -elsewhere- Hyde: Q~Q licht: well thats what happens when you chug a whole thing of slushie. Hyde: "My brain cells won't move..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *in bed, wrapped in blanket* -knocking- kouyou: chuuya? are you alright? Chuuya: "...N-No..." kouyou:...do you need anything? Chuuya: "..." *hug* kouyou:....*humming* Chuuya: *sniffles, cries* kouyou: .....*rubs his back* Chuuya: *rests against her, dozing off...* -a few days later- Kyoka: "...This uniform is stupid." kirako: i think it looks adorable. Kyoka: "You would." *picks up books* atsushi: so this is basically a class orientation today, right? Kunikida: *nods* "So don't embarrass us." atsushi: noted. ._.; -in one of the school offices- teacher: we're so glad you chose our school to attend, mr araragi. Mori: *pats Araragi's shoulder* "And he's happy to be here! Right, son?" Akutagawa: "..." teacher: well, we're glad to have you. i'm sure you'll make lots of new friends here. Chuuya: "..." *whimper* teacher 2: mrs ozaki? is he alright? kouyou: oh he's fine. also it's ms. teacher 2: ah. Chuuya: "...J-Just take me to my classroom..." Akutagawa: *shiver* teacher: r-right.....right this way. Chuuya: *walks...as a pencil lifts up and follows him* Akutagawa: *black eyes* -in one of the class rooms, several students are gathered.- Chuuya: "..." *looks around* "Is this...homeroom?" teacher: just a student gathering. go on ahead and mingle for a bit. Chuuya: "..." Mori: *pushes Akutagawa forward* Akutagawa: *stumbles inside* ???: hey, i think those are some of the new students! Chuuya: "!!!" *looks around* Akutagawa: *turns, faces the wall* ochako: nice to meet you! i'm ochako uraraka. im from a grade above you guys. so i guess that makes me your senior! Chuuya: "...Hi. I'm Chuuya. The guy facing the wall is Aku--Um, Ryuzaki." ochako: ah. well, if you have any questions, feel free to ask ^^ Akutagawa: "How do we get out of class?" ochako: well, classes themselves dont start until september. right now we're just helping the new students find their way around the school. Akutagawa: "Where is the fastest escape route out of the school, then?" Chuuya: "..." *facepalm* -on the steps- atsushi: so many....im gonna die.... *his bag slips* OH NO CRAP! -a girl with twin tails grabs the bag and tosses it back up to him- tsugumi: *smiles* just a little further now! *heads up* atsushi: um....thank you! Kyoka: "..." *nods* "Thank you, small student." -inside- atsushi: woah. it's a pretty big building... Kyoka: "...This school is too large and crowded." atsushi: just make sure to stay by me, ok? Kyoka: "..." *takes his hand* -in one of the halls- Akutagawa: "..." *bangs on side of locker* teachers: -s well as the DWMA, there are also doors leading to other significant schools in the main triad such as the true cross academy and the UA. Chuuya: *opens a door* -this leads to a battle demonstration- Chuuya: "...Block on your right!" itsuka: HYAH! *chops a wood block in half* thanks! Chuuya: *nods* -other sites include the lunchroom, the track field, the library, etc- Akutagawa: "...I could hide in these piles of books." atsushi: *examining plaque* 'maka albarn memorial library'....huh. Kyoka: "...Wonder who she was..." Akutagawa: *hears voice--and spots--* .\\\\. atsushi: someone important i guess. Akutagawa: *inches closer to where Atsushi stands* Kyoka: "Maybe they have a photograph of this 'Maka'..." atsushi: we could ask the librarian. *walking to the desk* Akutagawa: *sneak sneak sneak* Kyoka: "...Someone is following you." atsushi: ??? *turns* Akutagawa: ´・ω・` atsushi:....well, i dont see anyone there... Akutagawa: "MAN-TIGER!" Kyoka: "!" atsushi: nYEEEE!! *almost jumps out of his skin and runs* Kyoka: *tries to hold onto Atsushi* "Calm down..." Akutagawa: oωo atsushi: sorry, i panicked there....i-is he following us? Kyoka: *her hair is blown back by how quickly he ran* "...I can't tell." -nope- Kyoka: "...Coast is clear. Congratulations on running through the halls without getting in trouble, troublemaker." atsushi: *phew* Anya: "...Why are you two hiding like this?" atsushi: YEEP! oh sorry! a-....oh hey, thanks for helping me with my bag earlier. tsugumi: oh, it's no problem. Meme: "First day going alright for you two?" mio: *playing on her handheld* atsushi: it's been somewhat eventful-...*noticing mio* um....excuse me? ma'am? mio:...ya? Kyoka: *staring at her handheld* atsushi: this sounds weird but, do you know this person? *holds a picture up* mio:....no. Kyoka: "...You sure?" mio: *examines it* yeah, im sure. she does kinda look like me though, but no, i dun know her. Kyoka: "If you discover she is a distant relative of yours, tell us immediately." *serious stare* mio: *sweatdrop*....*goes back to playing her game* -in one of the classrooms- Chuuya: *sits in chair* teacher: i see, very good. next up, mr Chuuya Ozaki? Chuuya: "..." *stands* "Hey." teacher: care to demonstrate your ability on the training dummies? -several mannequins are set up- Chuuya: "..." *taps one dummy, causing it to float* teacher: ah, manipulation of gravity. nice. *writing it down* there's actually another student who can manipulate gravity in the UA courses. maybe you've met her already? Chuuya: "I don't know." teacher: *shrugs* up next, mr Ryuzaki Araragi? Akutagawa: *looking blankly into space, still in chair* teacher: mr araragi? Akutagawa: "???" *looking around* Chuuya: *growls whispers* "That's you, stupid." Akutagawa: "..." *stands* teacher: *observing*
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