#Magic of Feiry World
dianakarolinaingo · 1 year
Мистерия месяцев года
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starkcanvas · 2 years
What are all the ghost kid’s powers like?
Okay! So there’s of course the basic abilities of a ghost. Even Mari can do these once she’s taught:
Levitation, Transparency, Intangibility, Possession-but only inanimate objects, Teleportation, Psychokinesis, the ability to remove whatever limb at will and then reattach it back or put it somewhere else, as well as shooting balls of ethereal energy from your hands or forming gauntlets around your fists.
As for their individual abilities, each ghost friend has a different kind of elemental property around their powers thanks to a lot of practice and experimentation.
Ray’s is electricity based, blue electricity of course lol his signature power is lightning speed and he is very thankful for it whenever he needs to quickly get to class after moring baseball practice lmao
Matt’s is inspired by Dark Matter. His energy appearing black with a green and unstable looking glow around it. His favourite power is summoning giant green hands from the ground and teleporting. He only likes the latter as much as he does becasue his enterance looks sick as hell lol
Rona’s is electrical-based in terms of technology. So it looks very futuristic and advanced. Rona loves using her powers to enter living world technology and since it's so simple compared to The Ethereal Plane, she's able to hack anything with ease and leave no trace lol
And then lastly with Ash, hers is fire-based as it matches her feiry and hot-headed personality. Her personal favourite ability is a party trick and it's breathing Ethereal Fire like a dragon lmao she even makes her mouth all jagget like one while doing so xD
And as a bonus, Mari’s is nature themed. It mostly being inspired by Egret Orchids. White energy while having a lilac glow around it that makes the magic look very feathery like the flower ^^ As for her favourite ability, she doesn't really have one, but if she had to choose, she'd pick her ability to calm individuals in her surroundings. She uses her powers in a passive form most of the time, but when she needs to be physical, they can surpisingly pack a punch.
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gailynovelry · 5 years
Worldbuilding Wednesday! What kind of creatures are in your world? Beasts of burden, pets, food stock? What roles do they play?
There are lots of fantastical creatures on Rhimn, as ambient magic has mutated the wildlife little by little over the generations! Birds have six wings, cats have two, so on and so forth. I think the most prominent creatures are the “beasts of burden”.
Deer: Rhimn’s deer are significantly larger than deer on Earth, and (slightly) less wary thanks to their large stature. Gadhi, which is mostly forest, can be tricky to navigate if you go off the paths. Luckily, deer have a pretty natural instinct for navigating the woods. The Irongardhe almost exclusively use deer mounts for their travel, as do most citizens of Gadhi. A separate stock of deer is also raised for their meat.
Kvarhev: This is the only domesticated species of drakon, mostly used in the desert of Ullua. They’re highly social creatures. Flightless and dotted by odorous glands, they communicate with each other by releasing different kinds of smells, and can lure in prey by changing their scent. Folks replicated the smells they react positively to with herbs in order to tame them. Kvar means drakon, hev means nose, or in some contexts, smell. Smelly drakons~. Some are raised for meat too, but not many. They’re a delicacy.
Direwolves: Hulking hounds with flat, skeletal faces and protruding teeth, they’re about the only creatures bold enough to take down wild drakons. Certain feirie Courts have taken advantage of their pack instincts and domesticated them to help out with traveling and hunting.
Daughi’s an example of a direwolf! Little image of her here. Thanks for the ask!
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themanicnami · 7 years
Nami’s List of Pop Culture Spells
A long organized list of all of my pop culture spells organized.
🌟 “Almost There” Career Success Spell (Disney Inspired) A spell to bring success and advancement in your job 🌟 “Honor to Us All” Honor Spell (Disney Inspired) a spell to have your peers show you respect  🌟 “Kiss the Girl” Glamour Spell (Disney Inspired) to encourage a consenting person to kiss you 🌟 Voice Theft Curse (Disney Inspired) a spell to stop hateful words and send the negativity back to the person
Ni No Kuni:
🌟 Give Heart (Ni No Kuni Inspired) to bring a friend joy and uplift them
🌟 Blood Money (Pathfinder Inspired) spell to bring financial gain 🌟 Blur (Pathfinder Inspired) to go unnoticed by others 🌟 Enshroud Thoughts (Pathfinder Inspired) protects oneself from divination and scrying easedropping of others 🌟 Invisibility (Pathfinder Inspired) spell to go unnoticed and travel unseen 🌟 Itching Curse (Pathfinder Inspired) cause a person to feel the discomfort they have caused you 🌟 Nightmare Curse (Pathfinder Inspired) cause a person to suffer nightmares 🌟 Shield of Wings (Pathfinder Inspired) to guard against negative words and comments 🌟 Tears to Wine (Pathfinder Inspired) turn one’s sadness into happiness
🌟 Aroma Veil (Pokemon Inspired) A spell to protect user from negative people and attract the attention of positive people 🌟 Aqua Ring (Pokemon Inspried) A bath spell to bring emotional healing and emotional serenity 🌟 Bubble (Pokemon Inspired) A spell to send your wishes out into the universe to seek for them to be answered and granted 🌟 Charm (Pokemon Inspired) A spell to improve your charms and flirting 🌟 Cosmic Power (Pokemon Inspired) Cosmic spell to prepare you for divination and/or astral projection 🌟 Fairy Aura (Pokemon Inspired) to bring your inner beauty out to the surface 🌟 Future Sight (Pokemon Inspired) improve psychic clarity while doing divination work    🌟 Heart Stamp (Pokemon Inspired) a spell to strengthen passion between you and a consenting lover 🌟 Heatproof (Pokemon Inspired) to help you remain strong under pressure and stress 🌟 Gravity (Pokemon Inspired) a curse to weigh someone down emotionally   🌟 Honey Gatherer (Pokemon Inspired) to encourage others to compliment you 🌟 Lunar Dance (Pokemon Inspired) banish negativity from yourself after a bad day 🌟 Metal Claws (Pokemon Inspired) to protect against baneful magic 🌟 Milk Drink (Pokemon Inspired) promote beauty 🌟 Morning Sun (Pokemon Inspired) a spell to lift your spirits 🌟 Moxie (Pokemon Inspired) to bring the caster self-confidence 🌟 Rest (Pokemon Inspired) bring deep, restful sleep 🌟 Sunny Day (Pokemon Inspired) a spell to bring a sunny day 🌟 Sweet Scent (Pokemon Inspired) To attract a new friend
Sailor Moon:
🌟 Deep Submerge (Sailor Neptune Inspired) to submerge another in thier own negativity 🌟 Passion of the Rose Spell (Tuxedo Mask Inspired) a spell to increase passion between consenting lovers 🌟 Pink Sugar Heart Spell (Mini Moon Inspired) a spell to promote cuteness and radiance 🌟 World Shaking Curse (Sailor Uranus Inspired) cosmic curse to emotionally shake and shatter someone
🌟 Parabatai Spell (Shadowhunters Inspired) a spell to forge a bond with another consenting person to always be connected
Star Wars:
🌟 “The Force” Energy Work Preparation Spell (Star Wars Inspired) a spell to help prepare for intense energy work
Steven Universe:
🌟 Like a Comet (Steven Universe) to motivate self in achieving and reaching for goals 🌟 Open Your Mind Peridot Spell (Steven Universe Inspired) a spell to open your mind and relieve stubbornness  🌟 “Strong in the Real Way” (Steven Universe Inspired) spell to bring you emotional strength and courage
Totally Spies:
🌟 Anti-Gravity Propulsion Ring (Totally Spies Inspired) enchant a ring to aid you overcome obstacles and challenges 🌟 Chameleon Eye Shadow (Totally Spies Inspired) a spell to evade unwanted attention from others 🌟 Cherry Lip Bomb (Totally Spies Inspired) to bring confidence in your voice and to overcome vocal obstacles 🌟 Ice Queen Breath Spray a spell to halt someone’s romantic feelings for you 🌟 Red Hot Lozenge (Totally Spies Inspired) makes your words more feiry and intimidating 🌟 Retractable Razor Nail Spell (Totally Spies Inspired) a spell to unbind yourself 🌟 Spiderclaw (Totally Spies Inspired) grab the desire and attention of others
🌟 Golden Pollen (Winx Inspired) binding to prevent another from doing things to emotionally harm you 🌟 Illuminate (Winx Inspired) A spell to bring light to a situation (done before divination) 🌟 Shield (Winx Inspired) a spell to guard against offensive magic 🌟 Sound Cage Binding Spell (Winx Inspired) A spell to keep someone from being heard  🌟 Web of Confusion (Winx Inspired) cause confusion to anyone trying to pry into your life after you asked them to stop
🌟 Hay Lin’s Carefree Flyer Dream Spell (W.I.T.C.H. Inspired) a spell to bring on dreams of flying and weightlessness 🌟 Irma’s Fog Calling Spell (W.I.T.C.H. Inspired) a spell to conjure up some fog 🌟 Power of the Heart Self Love Spell (W.I.T.C.H Inspired) a spell to open your heart up for self love 🌟 Taranee’s Fire Divination Spell (W.I.T.C.H. Inspired) A spell to improve and empower fire divination/pyromancy
🌟 Graceful Charity Spell (Yugi-Oh) to bring good fortune in desperate/hard times
*All are from my digital and physical grimoires, all spells written by me
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butterscallops · 4 years
A Monsta X fanfic by butterscallops
Summary:  An unassuming group of seven adventurers' camp is suddenly attacked by unexpected monsters. (An attempt at writing fantasy/action)
a/n: Hellooo! I made this back in 2018, originally posted in AO3. This is my very first fic (and the only one ever since), and is fantasy-oriented. There is ShowKi if you squint. I haven’t read this/grammar checked, read at your own risk. Also this was written in an hour by a 16-year-old me, so dont expect it to make sense or to be grammatically correct. lol. 
But I’ll be very happy if you decide to read it anyway!!
It was a little past noon, a time when it borders day and night, a time when it's only a matter of hours when the sky will turn a feiry orange color that will soon transition into a night sky. They were preparing for setting up camp at the middle of a natural clearing in the woods when their party of seven were ambushed.
It was so unexpected that even Hyungwon, a mage with an ability to see multiple paths of the future in his sleep, wasn't able to predict the incoming attack. A bunch of ogres weren't exactly what to expect in a forest, anyway; they mostly resided in swamps, so they all kind of forgiven him silently as they fought back.
Everyone had their hands full, being roughly outnumbered by at least one to ten, if their numbers were divided accurately with each member. But sadly, it doesn't work that way.
Minhyuk was the first one to up and run, taking only himself, his beloved bow and a quiver full of modified arrows with him to a safe distance (basically, he climbed up the trees and settled on their branches) and stringing his bow in one swift motion. Being one of the best rangers in their country, he doesn't miss a single target, but it seems that his normal arrows barely scrape the ogres' leathery skin.
Their Leader, Shownu, was the first to act, immediately conjuring his metal gauntlets out of thin air by bringing his knuckles together, then landing a critical blow to the nearest attacker. He moved just in time to counter another one that moved in and started for his peers. He looked around, realized that they are hopelessly outnumbered, and immediately shouts orders to call for back-up.
Both Wonho and Jooheon had momentarily frozen on their spots, the latter in the middle of propping up a tent and the former busy chopping up firewood. Both, however, managed to pull themselves together after Shownu took a blow just to block it from his shellshocked teammates. Wonho lifted up his double-handed axe and immediately, it refashioned itself into a giant halberd, casting a faint glow as it elongated and bulked up from its previously stumpy form to its magnificent counterpart. At the same time, Jooheon's figure shifted, subtly starting from his eyes, turning from a dark brown hue to a striking shade of blue, splashed with a hint of green. His skin molded into black, shiny scales and his nails and hands mutated into sharp talons. The bones of his back broke through skin as it grew into a pair of giant bat-like wings, turning him into a humongous black dragon many times more than his original size. He huffs a feiry breath and roars, waking Hyungwon up from his peaceful nap within his own tent.
Startled, Hyungwon, at first, had no idea what in the world was happening, stepping outside with a complaint ready on his lips; a complaint quickly forgotten as he realized the gravity of their situation. Within a second, he summons both his carefully crafted wooden staff and his turtle-frog familiar, firing spells and buffs every which ogre went near him, or which member that needed assisting the most.
Changkyun and Kihyun were both animatedly conversing, heatedly talking about the younger's and Shownu's bad habit of walking around without proper clothes on. A few minutes before the actual attack, both fell silent as they felt hairs on their arms and necks stand in attention; Changkyun and his wolf companion perked up, hearing heavy footsteps the others couldn't have picked up; Kihyun scrunched his nose, smelling a nasty swamp-y smell that he knew by instinct didn't belong at the middle of the woods. Both looked at each other in fear and realization as the ogres came out of nowhere and as their leader punched one of them in the gut.
Changkyun quickly acts, running over to help by climbing onto any ogre's broad back and repeatedly slicing through their thick skin to get at their throats, just like how he was trained as an assassin, only to be shaken off and thrown down easily to the ground. This never discouraged him, as failure only fueled his natural instinct for bloodlust, coming from a family of intelligent yet coldblooded hitmen.
Kihyun, primarily a healer and also trained as a druid, puts forth tentacle-like plants from below the ground, trapping a couple of the ogres in its grasp and slowly choking them to death, but not before he makes a smokescreen out of a makeshift bomb from his little pouch and concealing his deed in thick smoke. Realizing that nobody is acting on Shownu's instruction to call for backup, he took it upon himself to disengage from the fight, searched for the nearest puddle of water he could find, and contacted their fellow Starship guild members to hurry up and help them.
"Copy that," the receiver at the other end said. "The guild will dispatch the members dragonkin Gunhee, the Cosmic Girls unit and The Mad Clown to assist you in your unfortunate dilemma. They'll be sent by emergency teleportation travel, and shall arrive shortly."
Kihyun sighed in relief; another powerful dragonkin like Jooheon and a veteran like The Mad Clown are definitely going to be helpful, and so are their newest all-girl unit which proved themselves to be fatal in combat since their days of early recruitment.
He rushes back to the scene quickly, and delivers the news to everyone. "I can't wait for them to get here, its only a matter of time 'til we get driven into a corner!" Minhyuk shouts from his safe place in the trees and shooting his homemade explosive arrows. "But seriously," Jooheon bellows, his voice carrying all throughout the clearing, "Is this really how fate decides to reunite Gunhee and I after months of not being able to hang out??" The last syllable is dragged out as he sends a gust of fire towards a horde of ogres jabbing at him with javelins. He breathes fire at them, but their skins were tougher than he thought, having an extra layer of an unknown slimy substance that seemed to protect them.
An ogre slices at Wonho's armor, and it sends a resounding clang as it vibrated at the contact. The warrior grits his teeth, feeling the impact of the sharp metal against his body. It doesn't destroy his armor, but it still hurts like hell, and he can feel himself about to buckle down in pain. "I need healing!" He shouts, frantically trying to look around which person was nearest while trying to dodge blows to his head. He feels almost lightheaded, and his vision blurs and gets his bearings disoriented as he finally gets whacked on his temples. "On it!" Hyungwon says, throwing a glass bottle containing a red liquid at Wonho. He barely catches it, opens the lid with one flick of his thumb and downs the disgusting and questionable liquid. A few moments pass, and he feels absolutely refreshed and clearheaded, ready to charge at the ogres again.
Everything seems hopeless; their magic wielders, mainly Hyungwon and Kihyun, and partly Minhyuk and Jooheon are running out of mana. The other three are getting tired, their movements becoming open and sloppy, and they're dealing more damage than they could possibly handle. Especially Shownu.
"They're ganging up on him!" Kihyun shouts, his eyes widening at the sudden realization. "It seems as if they know he's the one leading us." Changkyun says, creeping up from the foliage with his companion at his heels. "For a while, it felt like they weren't even taking me seriously; I mean, look at how they seem to be taking us easy, like we're some kind of joke. Perhaps, now, we have a better idea of their intentions?" He suggests, cocking his head to the side before he dives in to the battle once again.
Kihyun stupidly stands there like a sitting duck, running through his mind what the reasons could possibly be. He doesn't have the time to think about it especially since he almost gets fatally hit by a morning star. He dodges just in time, only to see their leader getting stabbed right through his stomach. The ogre, feeling a certain amount of pride, had the nerve to sensually draw his blade from the injury and flourished it around, showing off and splattering crimson blood everywhere.
"Shownu!" Kihyun screams, a bloodcurling sound coming from the depths of his gut.
This couldn't be happening.
"Kihyun! Hurry up and get him, we can handle this," Minhyuk yells from a nearby branch he precariously hangs off of by his legs, upside down. "Run across! We'll cover you." He offers, as a horde of ogres charged at Kihyun's direction.
Noticing what is about to happen, their other members coordinated the best plan of attack wordlessly and in sync. Kihyun is their only trained healer. Kihyun is their only chance at saving Shownu. Shownu is their leader they are extremely fond of, so close to knocking at death's door. They have to make it count.
As Kihyun sprints towards the direction of their leader, Hyungwon sends blasts of energy, constantly trying to clear up a way; Jooheon and Changkyun's wolf companion did their best to keep it that way, the former knocking attackers over with his tail and wings, and the latter nipping at their exposed and vulnerable heels, making them run the opposite way. Wonho and Changkyun are encircling Shownu's fallen body, their backs to him as they stand on guard and weapons at the ready at whichever ogre tries to get near.
As soon as Kihyun is beside him, he slings Shownu's arm over his shoulder. "Hyung! Please, please get yourself up. Stay with me. We have to get you somewhere safe." Kihyun says, nervous and panicky as the older only grunts in reply. Shownu barely moves, only able to get up in a half-kneeling position. He looks so beaten up, with a busted bloody lip and a gash on his forehead. He looks much worse than Wonho, who just took a healing potion, and Changkyun who received the bare minimum damage at the moment by sneaking around and jumping the ogres.
They hear a resounding screech from the skies that they all recognized as Gunhee; a huge shadow circles them from overhead, and they all look up to see a pure white dragon soaring the sky with a few girls on his back, while the others are perched on brooms just like the wicked sorcerer, The Mad Clown.
With the ogres distracted, Kihyun drops a seed into the earth as he whispers an old forgotten spell unde rhis breath, making it grow and swallowing him and Shownu up into the ground. It was a last resort escape; it took a chunk of his remaining mana, and he isn't sure how much it'd take to heal their leader. The flower spits them back out miles away from the scuffle before shrinking back down into an average unassuming wildflower.
He trudges over to the nearest tree and makes Shownu rest on it. He tries to remove his now-busted armor, chucking it into a corner because its useless now. He quickly tries to apply pressure onto Shownu's huge wound, but his gut tells him it was no use, and that it has to be cleaned and stitched up. The older has his eyes tightly shut, seemingly focusing on his breathing as he inhales and exhales deeply. He looks worse than Kihyun thought; color is draining out of his features, and his breathing is extremely labored. He has minor cuts and bruises everywhere, and Kihyun is sure he has an injury in his leg, too, judging from the fact that he couldn't stand up earlier.
"Hyunwoo, please stay with me. We can't lose you." Kihyun pleads, gently tapping the other's cheek to keep him awake. His eyes open halfway, like even doing that seemed to cost him more strength than necessary. He has a frown on his face, and what he says next makes Kihyun even more distressed. "The blade they used on me was laced with poison. I can feel it burn." He breathes out, just barely. Then it's Kihyun's turn to sport labored breathing as he assesses their situation, running all sorts possibilities in his head; worst case scenario, they applied a Southern Lizard-Eating Frog's blood and guts on the blade. Worst case, because it's a type of frog often found in ogre swamps, and that ogres are immune to it but it is known to be fatal towards other species. Including humans. And Shownu is showing those symptoms, like shortness of breath, an erratic hearbeat, a burning sensation at the point of contact, paling complexion and--Kihyun places a hand on their leader's forehead--increased body heat.
In Shownu's case, a huge gaping wound at the stomach, possibly a broken or injured leg, bruised knuckles, a busted lip, and with poison slowly coursing through his veins and capillaries, it'd take at least a week to nurse him back to health.
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