#the purple linnaea
eorzeanflowers · 1 year
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After 3 months of planning, wrangling, and other shicannery... I finally have a group shot of everyone! Was gonna write dialogue for this, but I'm tired lol
Special thanks to my FC and @meepsthemiqo for standing in as people. All the carbuncles helped!
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Word List: Flower
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beautiful words with "flower" to plant in your next poem/story
Blanketflower - gaillardia—i.e., any of a genus (Gaillardia) of American composite herbs with showy flower heads
Cuckooflower - a bitter cress (Cardamine pratensis) of Eurasia and North America; ragged robin (i.e., a perennial herb, Lychnis flos-cuculi, of the pink family cultivated for its pink flowers with narrow-lobed petals)
Dayflower - any of a genus (Commelina) of herbs of the spiderwort family having one petal smaller than the other two
Flowerage - a flowering process, state, or condition
Floweriness - of, relating to, or resembling flowers; marked by or given to rhetorical elegance
Foamflower - a spring-flowering herb (Tiarella cordifolia) of eastern North America that has white flowers with long stamens and no stem leaves; also called: false miterwort
Gillyflower - carnation (i.e., a plant of any of numerous often cultivated and usually double-flowered varieties or subspecies of an Old World pink, Dianthus caryophyllus, found in many color variations; also: a moderate red; archaic: the variable color of human flesh)
Globeflower - any of a genus (Trollius) of plants of the buttercup family usually with globose yellow or orange flowers
Nonflowering - producing no flowers; specifically: lacking a flowering stage in the life cycle
Pasqueflower - any of several anemones with palmately compound leaves and large usually white or purple early spring flowers
Passionflower - any of a genus (Passiflora) of chiefly tropical woody tendriled climbing vines or erect herbs with usually showy flowers and pulpy often edible berries
Satinflower - honesty; blue-eyed grass; common chickweed; flannelflower; a plant or flower of the genus Godetia
Strawflower - any of several plants having everlasting flowers
Twinflower - a prostrate subshrub (Linnaea borealis) of the honeysuckle family that is found in cool regions of the northern hemisphere and has fragrant usually pink flowers
Waxflower - a climbing plant (Stephanotis floribunda) of Madagascar often cultivated in the greenhouse for its fragrant white flowers; an epiphytic tree (Clusia insignis) of British Guiana; indian pipe; spotted wintergreen
If any of these words make their way into your next poem/story, please tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read them!
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New species I’m getting this year!
Antennaria rosea (Rosy pussytoes)
Arisaema dracontium (Green dragon)
Asplenium scolopendrium (Hart’s tongue)
Calycanthus floridus (Sweetshrub)
Carex aurea (Golden sedge)
Claytonia virginica (Fairy spuds)
Echinacea pallida (Pale purple coneflower)
Equisetum hyemale (Scouring rush)
Iris setosa (Bristle-pointed iris)
Linnaea borealis (Twinflower)
Lonicera canadensis (Canadian fly honeysuckle)
Lonicera involucrata (Twinberry honeysuckle)
Osmunda claytoniana (Interrupted fern)
Passiflora incarnata (Maypop)
Pediomeleum esculentum/Psoralea esculenta (Breadroot)
Polystichum munitum (Western sword fern)
Triglochin maritma (Seaside arrowgrass)
Vaccinium macrocarpon (Large cranberry)
Viburnum acerifolium (Maple-leaved viburnum)
Viola pedata var. bicolor (Crowfoot violet)
Species I’m trying again this year after failed past attempt(s)!
Antennaria neglecta (Field pussytoes) Was planted in late summer and I was kept from watering it adequately.
Argentina anserina (Silverweed) No idea why they didn’t survive where I put them, but try, try again, elsewhere this time.
Artemisia frigida (Fringed sagebrush) First time ended up being white sage brush instead; second time plug was on its last legs on arrival, died soon after.
Chamaenerion angustifolium (Fireweed) Going to try this in yet another spot.
Dennstaedtia punctiloba (Hay-scented fern) Supposed to be aggressive! Mine was not. Maybe the one I get this year.
Dioscorea villosa (Wild yam) Planted the tuber but it never came up.
Glycyrrhiza lepidota (Wild licorice) Squirrels...Dug it up and broke the stem.
Lupinus polyphyllus (Big-leaf lupine) Leafed out nicely for its first and second year and then just didn’t come up again after its second winter.
Maianthemum racemosum (False Solomon’s seal) Squirrels! Dug it up and broke the stem.
Pteridium aquilinum latiusculum (Western bracken fern) I put it in a dry shady spot, as recommended, and it died.
Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed Susan) SQUIRRELS!!! Dug it up and while I was visiting home and it dried out. Couldn’t revive it.
Silene acaulis (Moss campion) Sunny, wet, amongst rocks. Check, check, check, but they keep dying on me.
Sisyrinchium montanum (Blue-eyed grass) Two places tried, two place died. I shall try a third place this year.
Viola pubescens (Downy yellow violet) FUCKING. SQUIRRELS. Dug it up while I was at work and left it to scorch and dry out in the sun. Couldn’t revive it.
Species I’m getting again because I’m fairly sure mine didn’t make it
Apocynum cannabinum (Hemp dogbane) It might not have gotten enough sunlight thanks to the white mulberry that grew over. I’ll try it in a different area.
Sagittaria latifolia (Duck potato) It may come up after all but I don’t want to take the chance of planting too late if it doesn’t.
Sparganium americanum (American bur-reed) Not sure why, but we’ll try again this year. And I may yet be surprised.
Symplocarpus foetidus (Skunk cabbage) It’s possible it’s just young and takes longer to come up than it would if it were more mature, but I don’t want to take chances since there’s only one place I can get them at.
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smell-the-dirt · 1 year
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Plants of a temperate coastal ecosystem characterized by wind, salt spray, nutrient-poor acidic soil, and water stress- tuberous grasspink (Calopogon tuberosus), round-leaved sundew (Drosera rotundifolia), purple pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea), cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon), roseroot (Rhodiola rosea), and twinflower (Linnaea borealis). Small, waxy leaves and short stature reduce water lost through excess transpiration and decrease the likelihood of plants being broken by wind gusts. The sundew and pitcher plant are carnivorous, feeding on small arthropods as an adaptation to a lack of soil nutrients.
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heaveninawildflower · 3 years
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1) Bouncing Bet (Saponaria officinalis)
2) Large Purple Fringed Orchis (Habenaria fimbriata)
3) Large Flowering Trillium (Trillium grandiflorum)
4) Common Thistle (Cirsium lanceolatum)
5) Elecampane (Inula Helenium)
6) Robin’s Plantain (Erigeron bellidifolius)
7) Twin Flower (Linnaea borealis var. americana)
8) Fringed Gentian (Gentiana crinita)
9) Bird-foot Violet (Viola pedata)
10) Wild Swamp Rose (Rosa Carolina).
Botanical illustrations taken from ‘Field book of American Wild Flowers’ by  F. Schuyler Mathews.
Published 1912.
This file comes from the Biodiversity Heritage Library. 
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tuesday-teyz · 2 years
I return with another flower
I present to you:
linnaea borealis (the twinflower)
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It is a boreal to subarctic woodland subshrub, commonly known as twinflower. Until 2013 it was the only species in the genus Linnaea
It symbolises ancient and long-established woodlands, because its mainly vegetative method of propagation means it is difficult or slow to colonise new areas.
This delicate flower always faces downwards, it never meets its twin despite the two being so near.
Another flower whose head is tilted downwards is Erica(heath)
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This flower, while meaning to symbolise protection, it also means loneliness, solitude.
There is a story with this flower, a daughter of a poet who was to be married to her lover, a warrior who never came home, killed in battle. A messenger delivered the horrific news, giving the lady a burgundy spray of heaths. And the daughter of the poet was inconsolable, wandering hills with her futile tears as their rain. The story speaks of an assumption that her tears turned the purple heaths to white.
Hope you enjoyed!
I love when flowers have legends or stories behind them! Makes me wonder who and how long ago has come up with them. Thank you for filling in my knowledge on flowers with two more beautiful instances
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frombehindthepen · 3 years
Laissez les bons temps rouler
Laissez les bons temps rouler #MardiGrass #NewOrleans #LetTheGoodTimesRoll #CajunFrench
Image Credit: Linnaea Mallette Let the good times roll y’all! Today is Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday! Grab your purple, green, and gold because there is a lot to this day’s celebration than you can imagine. There is so much history and diverse cultures rolled up into this event, and instead of boring you by writing down snippets of the history, and tradition, click HERE to be directed…
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hvlfwygod · 4 years
Linnaea. Linnaea. Linnaea.
Lucien stared at the board in his room, informing him in purple lettering that his nurse today was someone new: Ime. His fingers were cold, his sheets bundled at his feet, his brow slick with sweat after trying, all morning, to free himself. He hadn’t heard from his sister in two days. Their bedroom had gotten so long and so dark he couldn’t see her bed on the other side. Linnaea. But he kept calling to her, automatically, unconsciously. Where are you? Can you hear me?
His eyes flickered to the door when he heard someone enter, then away again. It was his nurse. “I’m done now, if that’s why you’re here.”
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natusvincere · 3 years
Chasing the Sun || Solo
When, Where, and What: 1500s Sweden, before Vic was turned.  A happy memory. Contains:  Brief allusions to emotional abuse
The world felt brighter.
Victoria sat in the garden, cross legged and content, as she studied the flowers that danced in the wind before her.  Her father would have told her it was an unbecoming way for a lady to sit, but it was the easiest and most comfortable way to do so while she painted. No matter, she was no longer under his roof or his thumb, anyway, and it wouldn’t be long until she forgot about him and no longer had to be bothered by his nonsense opinions.  She couldn’t wait.  She mixed the paints on the canvas in front of her, sucking her teeth in disappointment when she continued to fail to create the perfect purple hue.
The Linnaea were such and interesting flower- like her, they preferred to keep their faces down toward the ground. Perhaps the sun or the disappointment of others was too much for them to bare.  The other flowers must have insisted that the sky was so fascinating, somehow filled with brightness and gloom all at once, but the Linnaea must have known the truth that Victoria had only just discovered- you don’t need to look to the sun to find the universes brightest creation.
“You’ve been out here so long, is this all you have to show for it?” Victoria jumped at Lyra’s familiar, playful tone, causing her brush to jump on the fabric as well. Not out of fear, like she might have with her father, but simply because she hadn’t expected her so soon. Was it already so late in the afternoon that her music lesson was finished?
She turned around. Any excuse to gaze upon her face.  The look she was met with was bright and playful, just as she had expected.
“You made me mess up”, she chided, though her smile betrayed her tone.
Lyra met her eyes for a moment, and Victoria swore the world froze around them. Her breath caught, but then Lyra was giggling, and the moment was over. She came closer to her, sitting on the blanket behind Victoria to study the painting.  Victoria forced herself to turn back around, beginning to mix more blue into the flowers she’d created.
“I can’t get them right”, she said, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she worked. Lyra pushed herself closer to her, so that they were practically flush against one another. She rested her chin on Victoria’s shoulder, and the painter’s every sense was filled with the other girl.
“What’s wrong with them?”, Lyra asked. Her words vibrated against Victoria’s cheek. “They’re lovely.”
You’re lovely.
“They’re too subdued”, she responded, wondering how Lyra might react if she let her body relax and lean back against her.  The two of them seemed to be risking things more and more lately- longer, softer touches, letting their eyes linger on each other’s lips, hugs that lasted for far too long to seem normal. But no one else on the estate seemed to notice- not even Lyra’s brother, who should have been expecting that type of affection from Victoria for himself. Maybe Lyra was this affectionate with everyone.  “Too surface level... like your brother.”
Lyra let out a loud, snorting laugh at that, moving away from Victoria and sitting up on her knees instead. She missed the warmth, but felt her shoulders relax as Lyra elected to play with her hair, instead. Another gift of affection Victoria hadn’t been used to before meeting her.
“Perhaps you should try something new. Your blues and reds are nearly diminished” It was true. Victoria had been alternating the two colors since she’d come out in the early hours of the morning, sure that it was just the wrong amount of one or the other that was off with her purple Linnaea. Her eyes settled on the bright, unused yellow next to them- a color that reminded her so much of the gentle soul behind her.
“Are you giving up your music to become an artist, Lyra?”
Another giggle from behind her as a braid was gently worked into her hair.
“Perhaps I should... it seems I’d learn faster than you could complete one flower.”
Victoria let her head lean all the way back, giving Lyra a stern, silly, upside down look.  Lyra smiled down at her, a beautiful smile resting on her face. It seemed so at home there.
Suddenly, and without notice, Lyra leaned down, giving her a quick peck on the lips.
Victoria felt heat rise to her face as she sat up straight again, pressing her lips together. She turned around to face Lyra, to get a better look.  The other women looked flush, as if heat had risen to her own cheeks. As if what she had just done surprised her as much as it had Victoria.  Their eyes stayed locked, and despite no physical activity from either of them, neither seemed able to catch their breath.
Lyra looked down at the blanket, picking at it, as if anxiety and shame were suddenly overtaking her.  That emotion just didn’t match her- it didn’t look right on her face. Without thinking, Victoria leaned forward, pushing their lips together again, and giggles vibrated from Lyra as she did so.
She wasn’t sure how long they sat there, kissing and giggling, but it was a marvel that no one had walked up on them. When it was over and she turned back around, she let herself lean against Lyra.  They fit together like a puzzle. Her eyes fell back on the bright yellow, and she grabbed a little with her brush, mixing it in with the blues and reds on her canvas. At first, the colors looked muddled and strange together, as if they didn’t fit. But after merely a moment of mixing, they swirled together into the deepest purple, one that matched the flowers in front of her perfectly.
The Linnaea didn’t  need to lift their faces to see the bright yellow of the sun. It had already mixed so well deep within their hearts.
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self-para // red
DATE: Saturday, December 26, 2020 CHARACTERS: Sefa and Linnaea ABOUT: Desperate times call for desperate measures.
“Nah, yeah... Nah, yeah, I understand… Thanks for the update.”
I abso-fuckin’-lutely do not understand.
Major’s in the fucking hospital? Major? Gabriele was pretty clear about the distinction, so what the fuck is that supposed to mean? Is Major... Back? Did he find a way to get rid of... That other guy? Is what I’m doing right now a complete mistake?
There’s a muffled cry from behind me.
“Oy, shut the fuck up!” I yell at the girl tied up in the backseat of the car.
Okay, I reckon this might look problematic as, but this girl probably did the same thing, if not worse, to my best friend just a few months ago. I wouldn’t have tied her up and boxed her nose if she didn’t bloody deserve it.
“People will be looking for me,” Linnaea whimpers.
“What people? Nobody even knew who you were when I went asking around. Do you even have friends?”
“Fuck you,” she retorts. She’s probably choking on her blood because I can hear the mucus and bubbles warping her voice and it’s fucking gnarly. Linnaea gurgles and I hear her hock the biggest, wettest loogie known to man.
“Oy, cut it out!” I hiss. “This car’s a rental!”
“Fuck you,” she mutters back.
I check the GPS and we’re still thirty minutes away. Not really sure where I’m going, but the guy messaged me to meet him at this address. I think it’s a motel but there was no website, so your guess is as good as mine.
I peek back at Linnaea in the rearview mirror. Her eyes flicker open and closed. She looks like she’s about to pass out.
“Hey,” I call back. “Hey, you better not pass out. You might choke on your blood and I don’t want a corpse in my rental.”
“I’ll die if I want to, fuck you.”
“No, you will not!”
“Killer.” I hear Linnaea hock another loogie onto the floor.
“Oy! You wanna hiding? I told you not to spit in the car!” Fuck! How do I even get blood out of upholstery? JTT probably knows. I’ll have to come up with an explanation for how it got there. Or maybe not, JTT is kind of an airhead.
“Where are you taking me?” Linnaea mumbles from the back seat.
“Uh,” I hesitate. “I don’t know, a motel?”
“What do you mean you don’t know? What’s on the GPS?”
“I don’t know, I just put in the address the guy sent me.”
“What guy?” Linnaea pauses. “Are you… Working with someone?”
“Oy, I told you to shut up!” Fuck, this girl’s sharp.  Shouldn’t have said anything.
“You’re collabing on kidnapping me?”
I sigh. It doesn’t matter if she knows, right? “All I’m gonna say is I’m not the only bloke you pissed off lately.”
I hear Linnaea’s breath quiver and it makes me feel gross for a second, like I’m committing some sort of crime.
“You’ll be fine,” I assure her, even if I don’t know if that’s the case. “He really specifically told me to bring you alive, I reckon he’s not trying to hurt you.”
“Then why did you punch me in the face?”
“Because you bloody deserved it,” I mutter back.
I don’t know if it’s because she’s panicking or because it’s getting too hard to talk with her bloody, mucousy throat, but Linnaea finally shuts up.
The rest of the drive is filled with silence and it’s kind of annoying because I start to wonder again if I’m really doing the right thing. I mean, I have a killer in my backseat. And a fucking necromancer. That’s witch shit. That’s not natural.
And yet I still feel guilty for bringing this girl—who murdered my best friend—to a total stranger that I met out on the beach one time. I mean, how do I know that he’s not actually gonna kill her? Sure, he told me that he was a demigod and seemed to know an awful lot about stuff, but that didn’t mean I could trust him, did it?
Then I remember his offer.
“I can bring your friend back.”
How did he know? I hadn’t told anybody what Major—no, Lucien—said to me on the street that day. How could he have known? And was he telling the truth?
There’s only one way to find out.
“You have arrived at your destination,” my phone chirps. I roll up into the parking lot of a dingy motel. The kind a middle-class accountant might rent a room at to fuck their also-married-and-unhappy accountant coworker. The kind where you’d find an old needle sticking out of the bathroom garbage bin. The kind where someone might go to murder someone else.
I see the dude standing outside one of the rooms at the end of the long building and park right in front of him. He stares right into my headlights and I notice for the first time that his eyes are a deep, unnatural purple.
“If I do this for you, you’ll get Major back, right?” I had asked him on the phone last night.
He didn’t answer me then, but the way he’s smiling at me now, like a lion baring its fangs at its prey, makes me fear that the answer is going to be no.
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mothomens · 5 years
RULES: Answer 20 questions, then tag bloggers you want to get to know better
Got tagged by @chenpath-art​ (thanks a bunch sweet <3)
Nicknames: stef it is but any variation of my social media handles is fine
Zodiac: Cancer
Height: 172cm (or 5���8′‘-ish or so???)
Languages: German, English & Russian
Nationality: take a wild guess
Favorite season: Indian Summer
Favorite flower: linnaea borealis
Favorite scent: pine needles, jasmine tea, roses, cinnamon, old books
Favorite color: purple, dark green, burgundy —  rich colours in general
Favorite animal: cats! but anything cute and fluffy has my heart. also stingrays and crows
Favorite fictional character: Jonathan Sims from The Magnus Archives ... I see an unpleasant, abrasive and tired man with a tragic backstory. I get attached (Elias voice: you’re gay and for that)
Coffee, hot tea, or hot chocolate: Tea
Average sleep: 5-7 hours, though I’d love to get more
Dog or cat person: Cats
Number of blankets: my weighted blanket and sometimes a fuzzy blanket when it’s cold
Dream trip: the British Isles (mostly Wales or Scotland), Saint Petersburg, Prague or Vienna again some time soon
Blog established: some time in 2015 though I started using it around October of the same year
Followers: 211 (who are you people. I love you dearly but still :D)
Random fact: I’ve been sleeping more than possibly ever since I got sick last week and it’s wonderful!
I tag: @cherrycheering @solnczevorot and if any mutual or follower wants to do it, just say I tagged you ^^
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eorzeanflowers · 1 year
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I succumbed to my hubris. Meet Deta and Pola L’rae! Two wandering sister-knights that haven’t fully revealed their origins to me. They are a set, represented by the Linnaea flower! (Also known as the twinflower!) And a cosplay of their origins for fun.
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kathydsalters31 · 4 years
Right here’s Exactly What Happens To The Body Of A Dog Left In A Hot Car
Dr. Katy Nelson is an associate veterinarian at the Belle Haven Animal Medical Centre in Alexandria, VA, as well as the host as well as exec manufacturer of”
The Pet Show with Dr. Katy “on Washington DC’s News Channel 8. You head out to run some errands on a lovely, warm, 85 degree day and you make a decision to take your buddy with you … nevertheless,
he enjoys to ride in the vehicle with his go out the window! You quit at the shop just to run in momentarily, as well as leave Fido in the cars and truck with the windows “broken.” You’re just going to grab a number of things, so it must all be fine. Nevertheless, the lines in the store are long, you discovered a couple of added points you required, and you faced your next-door neighbor as well as chatted for a few.
He must still be okay, though … he’s just been out there for regarding 20-30 minutes. Right? Incorrect. On an 85 degree day, the temperature level inside a cars and truck can climb to roughly 119 levels in 30 mins. This is similar to the dead of summer in the deserts of Saudi Arabia.
Nonetheless, rather than putting on a breathable cotton thobe like the men put on there, your dog carries a thick fur layer. Unlike people, dogs are unable to sweat. They depend mainly on their respiratory system to dissipate heat. Pets with even more nasal surface (believe Greyhounds, German Shepherds as well as Labs) are extra efficient at dispelling warm, while”smush faced” types (like Pugs, Bulldogs or Shih Tzus)are more susceptible to overheating due to much shorter nasal flows.
Dogs can also lose warmth with expansion of the capillary of the skin and increased heart outcome,
but this is typically only reliable in the hairless areas of the body(ear flaps, feet, and also bellies ). As the ambient temperature level increases as well as techniques core body temperature, panting ends up being much more vital for cooling down. When the ambient moisture is likewise raised, panting
becomes much less efficientEffective making it more difficult for dogs pet dogs regulate manage body temperature. Normal temperature for a dog is from 100.5 to 102.5 degrees
Fahrenheit. Heatstroke is specified as a state of severe hyperthermia with body temperatures of 106-109 degrees, causing thermal injury to body tissues. In the first stages of warmth anxiety, the heart rate boosts blood circulation in an effort to dissipate heat on the body surface. With these superficial capillary expanding, nevertheless, core blood pressure declines. With reduced flowing blood volume(because of reduced blood pressure and also liquid loss from panting), warmth loss systems fail and a more altitude in body temperature takes place. Global thermal injury triggers multiorgan failing at temps over 109 levels as a result of lowered blood and also oxygen supply to the body’s cells.
Circulatory System
Thermal damages to the lining of the capillary starts clotting to attempt and fix those vessels.
Comprehensive cell damages in numerous organs concurrently creates the intake of clotting factors throughout the body.
These results, and also much more, cause the body to not recognize whether to hemorrhage or to clot, and also can result in blood loss, decline of clotting abilities, as well as is associated with a raised death rate.
Straight thermal injury damages the cellular lining of the kidney tubules.
Lowered blood flow to the kidneys, as well as microclot formation, may better damage the kidneys.
These elements, in addition to the manufacturing of toxins in various other damaged cells, might lead to renal failure, which is associated with a worse diagnosis.
Damage to liver cells is similar to that of the kidney– reduced perfusion, microclotting, and also direct thermal damages takes place.
Elevation of liver enzymes happens most of people providing with heatstroke.
Hypoglycemia may additionally happen either because of liver damage or boosted use of sugar in hyperthermic clients.
Hypoglycemia on discussion is associated with a poorer result.
GI Tract
Comparable to liver as well as kidney damages, decreased perfusion, microclotting and also straight thermal injury occurs to the cells lining the GI tract.
This damages cause blood loss through bloody vomit, bloody looseness of the bowels, gastric ulcer, and also can lead to possible sloughing of the GI tract lining itself.
The intestinal tract cellular lining is an important obstacle to microorganisms found in the digestive tract. When this obstacle is jeopardized due to thermal damages as well as its resultant effects, microorganisms from the digestive tract can find its method right into the blood circulation system, leading to risk of systemic infection.
Central Nervous System
Pet dogs with Heatstroke usually existing in a modified mindset, from mild disorientation or clinical depression, to muscle mass tremblings, seizures or perhaps coma.
CNS damage occurs from low analytical perfusion as well as straight thermal injury to cells of the nerves.
You return to your auto, and also discover your dog on his side in the back seat, less competent, as well as breathing greatly. His periodontals are purple, his eyes are curtailed, as well as he’s as warm as a stove. What do you DO?
First as well as primary, do NOT use ice. This transforms the body temperature level too suddenly, as well as can result in further problems. DO apply warm water, activate the AC, and STEP ON IT to the closest veterinarian. You may additionally apply rubbing alcohol to the foot pads, internal ears, as well as belly to aid raise warm expulsion, yet the major concern is to get to the vet quickly.
Mortality from heatstroke is about 50%, as well as intensifies with every thrown away secondly. Liquid substitute, aggressive air conditioning strategies, oxygen treatment, circulatory support, as well as tracking of body organ systems will be instituted right away. Anticipate your canine to be in the hospital a minimum of 24-48 hours, if he makes it through, as well as the expense for this type of issue can quickly climb up into the countless dollars, with absolutely no guarantee of end result.
If you eliminate ANYTHING at all from this article I wish you pick this: DO NOT EVER LEAVE YOUR PET (OR YOUR CHILD) ALONE IN THE CAR. EVER. Generally, 38 children and HUNDREDS of pet dogs pass away annually from being left in a hot cars and truck, as well as this is absolutely one of one of the most preventable kinds of death that there is.
You can not control outside aspects, you can not ensure a period, as well as you can not protect your loved ones from the warm if you are not present. They are much more secure in your home as opposed to taking place that fateful, yet well-intentioned, trip with you.
Featured picture through Linnaea Mallette/Public Domain Pictures.
source http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/heres-exactly-what-happens-to-the-body-of-a-dog-left-in-a-hot-car/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/08/right-heres-exactly-what-happens-to.html
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barryswamsleyaz · 4 years
Right here’s Exactly What Happens To The Body Of A Dog Left In A Hot Car
Dr. Katy Nelson is an associate veterinarian at the Belle Haven Animal Medical Centre in Alexandria, VA, as well as the host as well as exec manufacturer of”
The Pet Show with Dr. Katy “on Washington DC’s News Channel 8. You head out to run some errands on a lovely, warm, 85 degree day and you make a decision to take your buddy with you … nevertheless,
he enjoys to ride in the vehicle with his go out the window! You quit at the shop just to run in momentarily, as well as leave Fido in the cars and truck with the windows “broken.” You’re just going to grab a number of things, so it must all be fine. Nevertheless, the lines in the store are long, you discovered a couple of added points you required, and you faced your next-door neighbor as well as chatted for a few.
He must still be okay, though … he’s just been out there for regarding 20-30 minutes. Right? Incorrect. On an 85 degree day, the temperature level inside a cars and truck can climb to roughly 119 levels in 30 mins. This is similar to the dead of summer in the deserts of Saudi Arabia.
Nonetheless, rather than putting on a breathable cotton thobe like the men put on there, your dog carries a thick fur layer. Unlike people, dogs are unable to sweat. They depend mainly on their respiratory system to dissipate heat. Pets with even more nasal surface (believe Greyhounds, German Shepherds as well as Labs) are extra efficient at dispelling warm, while”smush faced” types (like Pugs, Bulldogs or Shih Tzus)are more susceptible to overheating due to much shorter nasal flows.
Dogs can also lose warmth with expansion of the capillary of the skin and increased heart outcome,
but this is typically only reliable in the hairless areas of the body(ear flaps, feet, and also bellies ). As the ambient temperature level increases as well as techniques core body temperature, panting ends up being much more vital for cooling down. When the ambient moisture is likewise raised, panting
becomes much less efficientEffective making it more difficult for dogs pet dogs regulate manage body temperature. Normal temperature for a dog is from 100.5 to 102.5 degrees
Fahrenheit. Heatstroke is specified as a state of severe hyperthermia with body temperatures of 106-109 degrees, causing thermal injury to body tissues. In the first stages of warmth anxiety, the heart rate boosts blood circulation in an effort to dissipate heat on the body surface. With these superficial capillary expanding, nevertheless, core blood pressure declines. With reduced flowing blood volume(because of reduced blood pressure and also liquid loss from panting), warmth loss systems fail and a more altitude in body temperature takes place. Global thermal injury triggers multiorgan failing at temps over 109 levels as a result of lowered blood and also oxygen supply to the body’s cells.
Circulatory System
Thermal damages to the lining of the capillary starts clotting to attempt and fix those vessels.
Comprehensive cell damages in numerous organs concurrently creates the intake of clotting factors throughout the body.
These results, and also much more, cause the body to not recognize whether to hemorrhage or to clot, and also can result in blood loss, decline of clotting abilities, as well as is associated with a raised death rate.
Straight thermal injury damages the cellular lining of the kidney tubules.
Lowered blood flow to the kidneys, as well as microclot formation, may better damage the kidneys.
These elements, in addition to the manufacturing of toxins in various other damaged cells, might lead to renal failure, which is associated with a worse diagnosis.
Damage to liver cells is similar to that of the kidney– reduced perfusion, microclotting, and also direct thermal damages takes place.
Elevation of liver enzymes happens most of people providing with heatstroke.
Hypoglycemia may additionally happen either because of liver damage or boosted use of sugar in hyperthermic clients.
Hypoglycemia on discussion is associated with a poorer result.
GI Tract
Comparable to liver as well as kidney damages, decreased perfusion, microclotting and also straight thermal injury occurs to the cells lining the GI tract.
This damages cause blood loss through bloody vomit, bloody looseness of the bowels, gastric ulcer, and also can lead to possible sloughing of the GI tract lining itself.
The intestinal tract cellular lining is an important obstacle to microorganisms found in the digestive tract. When this obstacle is jeopardized due to thermal damages as well as its resultant effects, microorganisms from the digestive tract can find its method right into the blood circulation system, leading to risk of systemic infection.
Central Nervous System
Pet dogs with Heatstroke usually existing in a modified mindset, from mild disorientation or clinical depression, to muscle mass tremblings, seizures or perhaps coma.
CNS damage occurs from low analytical perfusion as well as straight thermal injury to cells of the nerves.
You return to your auto, and also discover your dog on his side in the back seat, less competent, as well as breathing greatly. His periodontals are purple, his eyes are curtailed, as well as he’s as warm as a stove. What do you DO?
First as well as primary, do NOT use ice. This transforms the body temperature level too suddenly, as well as can result in further problems. DO apply warm water, activate the AC, and STEP ON IT to the closest veterinarian. You may additionally apply rubbing alcohol to the foot pads, internal ears, as well as belly to aid raise warm expulsion, yet the major concern is to get to the vet quickly.
Mortality from heatstroke is about 50%, as well as intensifies with every thrown away secondly. Liquid substitute, aggressive air conditioning strategies, oxygen treatment, circulatory support, as well as tracking of body organ systems will be instituted right away. Anticipate your canine to be in the hospital a minimum of 24-48 hours, if he makes it through, as well as the expense for this type of issue can quickly climb up into the countless dollars, with absolutely no guarantee of end result.
If you eliminate ANYTHING at all from this article I wish you pick this: DO NOT EVER LEAVE YOUR PET (OR YOUR CHILD) ALONE IN THE CAR. EVER. Generally, 38 children and HUNDREDS of pet dogs pass away annually from being left in a hot cars and truck, as well as this is absolutely one of one of the most preventable kinds of death that there is.
You can not control outside aspects, you can not ensure a period, as well as you can not protect your loved ones from the warm if you are not present. They are much more secure in your home as opposed to taking place that fateful, yet well-intentioned, trip with you.
Featured picture through Linnaea Mallette/Public Domain Pictures.
from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/heres-exactly-what-happens-to-the-body-of-a-dog-left-in-a-hot-car/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.tumblr.com/post/626118642389663744
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kevinscottgardens · 5 years
20-26 January 2020
This was a busy week preparing for the re-opening of the garden with our Heralding Spring event. Beds were primped, paths raked, pots arranged, labels cleaned and kokedamas made and hung.
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Our volunteer group Growing Friends spent all Friday getting their tent full of spring bulbs ready for the galanthophiles and everyone else who loves spring bulbs. One job I had this week was to assemble the bulb theatre which will house Galanthus, Iris and Narcissus over the next few weeks.
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Nell made some nice woodland planters with snowdrops, fern, rocks and logs.
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Friday we had a staff lunch to say goodbye to Michael, who is moving on to bigger and better things after gracing the garden for a quarter century. His proper farewell is next Friday evening, and by all accounts, it is going to be a big send off.
I am feeling much better and I finished my three weeks of antibiotics on Friday. Friday night the gas company knocked on the door, thankfully just after I finished making a delicious risotto for dinner, and had to turn off the gas. There is a big hole at the end of the street to try to fix a problem of water getting into the gas mains. It is expected to be off until Tuesday. Thankfully Ann has a back-up electric immersion hot water tank, so at least we can take hot showers, and a few electric room heaters. I was looking forward to making my favourite lasagne for lunch next week; with all the ingredients in the refrigerator and the oven being gas, means I just get to dream about it...
Plant of the week
Caprifoliaceae Lonicera elisae Franch.
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common name(s) - Elisa's honeysuckle synonym(s) - Abelia adenotricha Hance; Caprifolium elisae Kuntze; Caprifolium praecox Kuntze; Linnaea adenotricha (Hance) Graebn.; Lonicera infundibulum Franch.; Lonicera infundibulum var. rockii Rehder; Lonicera pekinensis Rehder; Lonicera praecox (Kuntze) Rehder conservation rating - none native to - China location - Embankment west, accession 2017-0065 leaves - emerging spring foliage is dark purple, turning green in summer; hirsute flowers - hanging, trumpet-shaped, fragrant flowers are cream, flushed with pink, and appear from mid-winter to early spring, followed by red berries habit - deciduous, twiggy, upright, medium-sized shrub to about 2.5m tall and 2m wide habitat - mountain forests at an altitude of 500m to 1,000m. pests - usually trouble-free disease - usually trouble-free hardiness - to -20ºC (H6) soil - moist and well-drained, fertile soil sun - full sun to part shade, sheltered propagation - greenwood cuttings in summer or hardwood cuttings in autumn pruning - deciduous shrubs that flower in late winter, spring and early summer need annual pruning to encourage strong, healthy shoots and improve flowering; annual pruning also prolongs the life of these early-flowering shrubs nomenclature - Caprifoliaceae - capparis - from the Arabic, kabar الكبر, for capers, through Greek κάπαρη; Lonicera - for Adam Lonitzer (1528-86), German physician and botanist; elisae - named in honour of Elisa, the wife of the French botanist and chemist Pierre Louis François Lévêque de Vilmorin (1816–22 March 1860) who developed a theory of heredity in plants and recognized that it was possible to select certain characteristics of a plant and develop new varieties displaying the chosen characteristics, usually referred to as Louis de Vilmorin NB - first described in the nineteenth century from an herbarium specimen collected by the botanist Adrien Franchet, yet was only introduced into cultivation in the 1980s by Roy Lancaster; Cambridge University Botanic Gardens holds the Plant Heritage National Collection of shrubby Lonicera.
References, bibliography:
Cambridge University Botanic Garden [online] https://www.botanic.cam.ac.uk/the-garden/plant-list/lonicera-elisae/ [26 Jan 20]
Gledhill, David, (2008) “The Names of Plants”, fourth edition; Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 978-0-52168-553-5
IUCN [online] http://www.iucnredlist.org/search [26 Jan 20]
Plant List, The [online] http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/kew-2340107 [26 Jan 20]
Plants of the World [online] http://plantsoftheworldonline.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:148739-1 [26 Jan 20]
Royal Horticultural Society [online] https://www.rhs.org.uk/Plants/187420/i-Lonicera-elisae-i/Details [26 Jan 20]
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sensitivefern · 8 years
PHACELIA: Also known as Bee’s friend. A genus of annual or perennial herbs of the water-leaf family, Hydrophyllaceae, native to North America. Only a few are grown as ornamental plants. Blue, purple, or white flaring bell-shaped flowers grow in loose, one-sided clusters, often with decorative sterile white anthers protruding from the bells. [...] Fiddleneck (P. tanacetifolia) grows to three feet, with slender hairy leaves, and blue or lilac blossoms, both stamens and style protruding.
prickly pear | Opuntia To vegetatively propagate, cut off a nopale and let it sit in a warm, dry place for 2-3 days in order for it to form a callus... insert in pot mostly filled with a potting mix, topped with a layer of fine grit; keep the cutting slightly moist and at a temperature of around 66 degrees...
Ligularia sow seeds indoors 6-8 weeks; direct-sow outdoors in spring or fall... sow on surface...
Linaria cold-stratify seeds 8 weeks; barely cover...
twinflower | *Linnaea** Sow seed outdoors only... just cover; is slow to germinate... spring through autumn... divide early spring; root cuttings under glass...
flax | Linum Outdoor sowing is the way to go... will propagate itself by self-seeding...
Liriope Start seed indoors 6-8 weeks... soak seeds in warm water for 24 hours... attempt to provide a constant 65-70-degree temperature range...
April 19 [1854]. Hear a pine warbler, – its note like the jingle of the F. hyemalis, – on an elm in the street.
Yesterday, as I was returning down the Assabet, paddling leisurely in the stern, the sun came out after two days of storm or louring weather and shone on the banks covered with snow. The water, which had been perfectly smooth all the afternoon, looked smoother yet, and I think that I never beheld so pure and refulgent a white as the upright snowy banks presented. Snow never looks so white in winter. [...] It was at this time, looking down the river, that I saw the two wood ducks sailing out from the shore in the smooth water, at first suspecting that they were tame. Birds are positively curious, – e.g. the thrush I saw that afternoon which hopped out to the end of the overhanging alders within a few feet to reconnoitre me and my boat.
[Thoreau, Journal]
Button died, and we couldn’t get used at first to not having him in the chair in the front room and not having him come for a walk with us. He was old – 13, the veterinarian thought – and had been suffering from uremia.
Now that my sexual powers have waned, I think about it less but stilll a good deal. When drunk, I imagine impossible conquests. When I am away from Elena, I imagine making love to her. When I am with her, I don’t very often. At the same time, the whole thing gets to seem to me more primitive and incongruous... [...] Reading that Goethe wrote almost all the Second Part of Faust between the ages of 73 and 86 has somewhat stimulated and cheered me up.
[Edmund Wilson]
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