#Magician's Apprentic
book--brackets · 2 months
The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine (2001)
Twelve-year-old Addie admires her older sister Meryl, who aspires to rid the kingdom of Bamarre of gryphons, specters, and ogres. Addie, on the other hand, is fearful even of spiders and depends on Meryl for courage and protection. Waving her sword Bloodbiter, the older girl declaims in the garden from the heroic epic of Drualt to a thrilled audience of Addie, their governess, and the young sorcerer Rhys. 
But when Meryl falls ill with the dreaded Gray Death, Addie must gather her courage and set off alone on a quest to find the cure and save her beloved sister. Addie takes the seven-league boots and magic spyglass left to her by her mother and the enchanted tablecloth and cloak given to her by Rhys - along with a shy declaration of his love. She prevails in encounters with tricky specters (spiders too) and outwits a wickedly personable dragon in adventures touched with romance and a bittersweet ending.
Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn by Tad Williams (1988-1992)
A war fueled by the powers of dark sorcery is about to engulf the peaceful land of Osten Ard—for Prester John, the High King, lies dying. And with his death, the Storm King, the undead ruler of the elf-like Sithi, seizes the chance to regain his lost realm through a pact with the newly ascended king. Knowing the consequences of this bargain, the king’s younger brother joins with a small, scattered group of scholars, the League of the Scroll, to confront the true danger threatening Osten Ard.
Simon, a kitchen boy from the royal castle unknowingly apprenticed to a member of this League, will be sent on a quest that offers the only hope of salvation, a deadly riddle concerning long-lost swords of power. Compelled by fate and perilous magics, he must leave the only home he’s ever known and face enemies more terrifying than Osten Ard has ever seen, even as the land itself begins to die.
Starbound by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner (2013-2015)
It's a night like any other on board the Icarus. Then, catastrophe strikes: the massive luxury spaceliner is yanked out of hyperspace and plummets into the nearest planet. Lilac LaRoux and Tarver Merendsen survive. And they seem to be alone. 
Lilac is the daughter of the richest man in the universe. Tarver comes from nothing, a young war hero who learned long ago that girls like Lilac are more trouble than they're worth. But with only each other to rely on, Lilac and Tarver must work together, making a tortuous journey across the eerie, deserted terrain to seek help. 
Then, against all odds, Lilac and Tarver find a strange blessing in the tragedy that has thrown them into each other's arms. Without the hope of a future together in their own world, they begin to wonder-would they be better off staying here forever? 
Everything changes when they uncover the truth behind the chilling whispers that haunt their every step. Lilac and Tarver may find a way off this planet. But they won't be the same people who landed on it.
Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy (2004-2024)
Meet the great Skulduggery Pleasant: wise-cracking detective, powerful magician, master of dirty tricks and burglary (in the name of the greater good, of course). Oh yeah. And dead.
Then there's his sidekick, Stephanie. She's… well, she's a twelve-year-old girl. With a pair like this on the case, evil had better watch out…
Stephanie's uncle Gordon is a writer of horror fiction. But when he dies and leaves her his estate, Stephanie learns that while he may have written horror, it certainly wasn't fiction. Pursued by evil forces intent on recovering a mysterious key, Stephanie finds help from an unusual source – the wisecracking skeleton of a dead wizard.
When all hell breaks loose, it's lucky for Skulduggery that he's already dead. Though he's about to discover that being a skeleton doesn't stop you from being tortured, if the torturer is determined enough. And if there's anything Skulduggery hates, it's torture… Will evil win the day? Will Stephanie and Skulduggery stop bickering long enough to stop it? One thing's for sure: evil won't know what's hit it.
Fairest by Gail Carson Levine (2006)
Once upon a time, there was a girl who wanted to be pretty . . .
Aza's singing is the fairest in all the land, and the most unusual. She can throw her voice so it seems to come from anywhere. But singing is only one of the two qualities prized in the Kingdom of Ayortha. Aza doesn't possess the other: beauty. Not even close. She's hidden in the shadows in her parents' inn, but when she becomes lady-in-waiting to the new queen, she has to step into the light--especially when the queen demands a dangerous favor. A magic mirror, a charming prince, a jealous queen, palace intrigue, and an injured king twine into a maze that Aza must penetrate to save herself and her beloved kingdom.
Trickster's Duology by Tamora Pierce (2003-2004)
Alianne is the teenage daughter of the famed Alanna, the first lady knight in Tortall. Young Aly follows in the quieter footsteps of her father, however, delighting in the art of spying. When she is captured and sold as a slave to an exiled royal family in the faraway Copper Islands, it is this skill that makes a difference in a world filled with political intrigue, murderous conspiracy, and warring gods. This is the first of two books featuring Alianne.
Monstress by Marjorie M. Liu (2015-present)
Set in an alternate matriarchal 1900's Asia, in a richly imagined world of art deco-inflected steam punk, MONSTRESS tells the story of a teenage girl who is struggling to survive the trauma of war, and who shares a mysterious psychic link with a monster of tremendous power, a connection that will transform them both and make them the target of both human and otherworldly powers.
Lockwood & Co by Jonathan Stroud (2013-2017)
When the dead come back to haunt the living, Lockwood & Co. step in . . .
For more than fifty years, the country has been affected by a horrifying epidemic of ghosts. A number of Psychic Investigations Agencies have sprung up to destroy the dangerous apparitions.
Lucy Carlyle, a talented young agent, arrives in London hoping for a notable career. Instead she finds herself joining the smallest, most ramshackle agency in the city, run by the charismatic Anthony Lockwood. When one of their cases goes horribly wrong, Lockwood & Co. have one last chance of redemption. Unfortunately this involves spending the night in one of the most haunted houses in England, and trying to escape alive.
Protector of the Small by Tamora Pierce (1999-2002)
Keladry of Mindelan is the first girl who dares to take advantage of a new rule in Tortall—one that allows females to train for knighthood. After years in the Yamani Islands, she knows that women can be warriors, and now that she’s returned home, Kel is determined to achieve her goal. She believes she is ready for the traditional hazing and grueling schedule of a page. But standing in Kel’s way is Lord Wyldon. The training master is dead set against girls becoming knights. He says she must pass a one-year trial that no male page has ever had to endure. It’s just one more way to separate Kel from her fellow trainees. But she is not to be underestimated. She will fight to succeed, even when the test is unfair.
Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes (2012-2018)
Princess Cleo of Mytica confronts violence for the first time in her life when a shocking murder sets her kingdom on a path to collapse. Once a privileged royal, Cleo must now summon the strength to survive in this new world and fight for her rightful place as Queen. 
 The King of Limeros's son, Magnus, must plan each footstep with shrewd, sharp guile if he is to earn his powerful father's trust, while his sister, Lucia, discovers a terrifying secret about her heritage that will change everything. 
 Rebellious Jonas lashes out against the forces of oppression that have kept his country cruelly impoverished--and finds himself the leader of a people's revolution centuries in the making. 
 Witches, if found, are put to death, and Watchers, immortal beings who take the shape of hawks to visit the human world, have been almost entirely forgotten. A vicious power struggle quickly escalates to war, and these four young people collide against each other and the rise of elementia, the magic that can topple kingdoms and crown a ruler in the same day.
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 4 months
Buddy in a situation where Jack would VERY much come in handy rn: JACK JACK JACK-
Jack climbing out the walls: HI honey, I'm here! Woah what sticky situation you got yourself in???
*After the whole situation*
Jack: I'm basically Beetlejuice when you say my name three times I appear. It's a skill I learned when apprenticing under a magician.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 2 months
hello hi regarding "Tales from Valaria" can you tell me about the magic worldbuilding a bit? Is it like high fantasy with wizards or what is happening here?
(in reference to this post)
Tales from Valaria Masterpost
It hasn't really been established in either of the posted chapters of The Watcher and the Thief nor in the first chapter of The Hunter, the Myth and the Cure, bc to be honest any magic system shit shown thus far has been Spiders Georg-level of outlieriness.
The main magic system on Valaria uses runes, and is referred to as rune-writing, its users called magicians. Magicians write runes using ink or blood, and often link multiple together to achieve the desired effect.
Magicians have traditionally always been women, either formerly taught in one of the universities or apprenticed under an experienced mentor. Humans have the highest aptitude for rune-writing, with a rare elf displaying the talent.
Draigo cannot rune-write, and runes have no effect on them. They have been known to use weapons and tools engraved with runes, but most prefer to rely on their own innate abilities. Because of this immunity, the Draigo are typically the ones to deal with rogue magicians and rune-speakers.
Rune-speakers, informally called Stalkers, are magicians who discovered the superior power of speaking or singing runes over writing them. Stalkers also possess the runes of stealing magical aptitude from other magicians, growing their own powers and increasing the strength of their runes. The rush of power taken is described as intoxicating, and all Stalkers dedicate themselves to the hunt for more magic and power. Rune-speaking is not taught anywhere except by other rune-speakers, who must operate in secret due to the looming threat of the Draigo.
The villains in The Watcher and the Thief and Magician's Bait are both Stalkers. Their methods differ, but their goals are alike.
Magicians are known to carve runes into many a weapon or tool, usually for personal use but they have been hired in the past to empower weapons for those who cannot write the runes themselves. The practice has in recent times been restricted, with many such objects stored away in the Draigo archives. Some artifacts have resurfaced, much to the annoyance of the Draigo Council.
The Draigo keep to themselves, responding to requests for aid from the others of Valaria with much deliberation. They are invulnerable to runes, both written and spoken, and if they have other abilities, they keep them hidden. Rune-engraved weapons are not an uncommon sight in the hands of their agents, but the skinwalkers are not known to possess them.
The skinwalkers, meanwhile, are solely agents of the Draigo, serving as messengers, assassins, escorts and spies among the humans and elves. Like the elves, all skinwalkers no matter their humanoid form are magic-resistant, the only supernatural thing about them being their ability to shift into the form of a strong beast, retaining a measure of intelligence and control. They also possess enhanced senses and strength in their humanoid forms.
The elves themselves have limited magic due to having less natural aptitude for rune-writing than humans. However, their skill in medicine and the sciences are unmatched, though they keep as much of that information hidden from the humans and Draigo as possible. Rumor has it they are blessed by the celestials to possess such skill, but they have neither confirmed nor denied such things.
Not much is known about the sang beside their physical prowess and desire for violence. The elves keep them at bay.
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emcandon · 1 year
I return from my bg3 stupor with a fresh 2 am question:
was the TAU story and world a concept you were baking for a long time until you had a chance to write it, or was it a more recent creation?
Do you find it easy or hard to build out new story concepts? Like, do you need to sit on them a while until they feel right, or does it just come pouring out of you from the start? Or a secret, third thing?
Just anything about your personal creation process!
lol hi it might not surprise you to learn that i am also steeping in bg3 (i am still stumbling around act 1! i'm not allowed to play until i hit daily sequel writing quota, which is healthy, i'm sure, but does mean i am somewhat behind just about everyone i know who is also playing :P)
(my first Tav is an enormous nb tiefling bard named Faretheewell who is, imo, perfect. very beautiful. very kind. definitely does drag. lying a lot, but mostly just for funsies. has turned astarion into their little purse dog.)
TAU's an interesting case because it was cannibalized from a couple different ongoing projects into something entirely new.
The characters had been floating around in different iterations since about 2013, and their final forms in Archive are quite distinct from the original seed! Imagine Sunai as an exiled diplomat who got involuntarily apprenticed to a cursed king/the last magician in the world; imagine Veyadi as a disowned god-child tasked with murdering the last magician! I'm still probably going to use that world somewhere so I'll mum about it now (it's the one I call "grandma heist.")
((imo that's why you should always yoink characters you like from whatever source you enjoy, be it your own or something else -- they will inevitably change in their new context, often so substantially that they are nigh unrecognizable.))
The story concept also originated in 2013: "Pacific Rim, but the mechs are built out of the kaiju, and pilots must have survived being poisoned by those kaiju." The addition of strange and upsetting AIs of divine power was somewhat inherited from the story Sunai and Adi came from, where divinity was fraught, fractured, and hungry.
Here's a funny. In 2017 I thought TAU would be a nice, simple, clean project. However. I know some folks who turn out gloriously clean first drafts. I AM NOT ONE OF THEM. My brain is a hazardous work environment, very non-OSHA compliant. Basically I do a lot of thought work in the drafting, so the drafts are consequently messy, and there are a LOT of changes from concept to actual workable manuscript.
Which I suppose is to say that story concepts nest in my brain quite often when it is healthy. The frequency with which I land on new and interesting story thoughts is actually a pretty good indicator of how well I am doing ambiently! Right now I'm storing up a lot of them, some of which I am fairly rabid about -- nearly as rabid as I am about Archive, which is the real indicator of a project that is ready to transition from Thought to Work. They are described here as "apocalypse magicians" and other such things. There's one that's going to be kind of an argument with Lovecraftian unknowability via desconstruction of Enlightenment epistemologies + queer identity destruction, and another that's going to be the Le Carré approach to espionage + magic as divinity meets public service + interplanetary empires intruding on your bumfuck planet offering the solution to climate change might still be bad actually. (I want to write that last with my wife and we are making SUCH GOOD FUCKING SHIPS FOR IT.)
How to summarize this? 1) find a story notion/concept about which i can obsess, 2) actually start writing it, 3) mess up spectacularly for a few drafts, 4) finally whittle together something more or less correct, 5) that's my editor's problem now!!
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garden-of-omegas · 1 year
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characters: nafizah | nazali | navra | nahara | nasmira | natiqa summary: the details of your first meeting with your future mate. warnings: rating: sfw a/n: this took a surprisingly long time to make, mostly because i was vacationing in italy for a short bit in the middle, but here it is! the last of the arcana first meetings! i have no idea why i chose to do this to myself, but i will admit that i have come to adore this batch of characters as i've written them. looking forward to writing more about them in the future.
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≿━━━━༺❀ nafizah ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a travelling magician, having just arrived in prakra for the first time in your young life. you were researching the terrains and ecosystems of the world with your familiar, a baby alligator named ameena.
✿ you were a silly teen, as was nafizah. all of her siblings hadn't even been born yet, and you were still a fledgling magician just starting your journey.
✿ you were surveying a little pond in the middle of the prakran capital when ameena happened to find a friend, a small turtle that she took a liking to immediately. and no sooner than you managed to get acquainted with him, the prettiest girl you'd ever seen came running, looking for your new friend. nafizah barely noticed you over her relief at finding daarude.
✿ nafizah offered to show you around prakra in thanks for finding daarude. you gladly took up her offer, and you two spent time together for your whole stay. and even after you left, you continued to exchange letters together.
✿ nafizah liked that you didn't mind her sometimes odd behaviour, and that you adored daarude as much as she did. not to mention all your fun ideas that never ended in her boredom. she almost asked you to stay, but couldn't possibly chain down your spirit. you were certain that nafizah was the prettiest person you'd ever met, especially when you managed to get her to pay attention to you. to some extent, her attention was addicting, and you were heartbroken to leave and never feel it again.
≿━━━━༺❀ nazali ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were travelling with your new familiar, a spiny mouse named ayman, as a newly minted magician. you'd just started on your long journey, still searching for your own touch with magic and trying to form a bond with ayman.
✿ you were in your late teens, about 18? and nazali was around the same age, still an apprenticing doctor working with older and more experienced people in the field.
✿ you'd gotten your leg hurt while foraging in an ancient forest, and ayman had scampered off a while ago leaving you to try and treat it yourself. you were failing miserably, when ayman came back with help; nazali. upon seeing your injury they started immediately treating you, way better than you could ever hope to have on your own.
✿ nazali helps you get back to civilization, where they take you under their wing for a time. you kept insisting that you were fine, and then subsequently getting more hurt, so nazali was most reluctant to let you eventually leave.
✿ nazali at first just thought you kind of unfortunate, getting hurt like that, but after spending some time with you they became very confused on how you survived on your own. they spent most of their time worried about you. you thought of nazali as your personal guardian angel, appearing out of nothing to help you. even if their nagging sometimes got to you, you couldn't help but appreciate all the worry they showed you. especially the next time you got hurt without them there.
≿━━━━༺❀ navra ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were travelling around, setting up booths in different cities to offer your services as a magician and relationship expert, alongside your familiar, a hare named olya. at the time you happened to be doing that in prakra.
✿ you were rather young, barely an adult. navra was a few years younger, still learning about her powers and the world. sometimes even far too curious for her own good.
✿ you were running your booth, giving love readings to people and handing out some charms, when navra stopped at your booth out of curiosity. you weren't aware of her status, and proceeded to tease her while doing her reading, leading to you getting extremely flustered when one of her guards found her and called for her.
✿ navra kept finding your booth during your stay in prakra, no matter where you decided to set up that day. you were absolutely embarrassed still, which navra found extremely endearing and was probably the thing bringing her back.
✿ navra found you to be charming, and cute, and so absolutely delightful while flustered. not to mention her curiosity over your craft and all the little charms you kept around. she really just wanted to spend all her time learning everything about you. you originally thought her to be just cute, someone to flirt with playfully, and after the revelation of her status, you wanted to bury yourself into the ground. but she was still just so charming, and maybe you didn't mind her showing up every day.
≿━━━━༺❀ nahara ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a travelling magician, seeing the sights of the world with your familiar, an alpine marmot named mardi who'd just recently joined your company. you were at the borders of prakra at the time, not even looking to go into the country properly.
✿ you were well into your twenties, a respectable adult by anyone's standards, and nahara, while a few years younger, was already considered respectable in her own right.
✿ you were passing by the border to prakra, whistling a soft tune while mardi explores the nature around you. your whistling seemed to have attracted the border patrol, lead by a beautiful blonde, nahara. they didn't bother you for long, only coming to check the strange noises, but you were already absolutely enamored by the strong woman.
✿ you decided to stop by prakra after all, wanting to see nahara again. every once in a while you'd come across her during your touring, and while originally you'd just admire her from afar eventually she started chatting with you.
✿ nahara thought that you were strange, and far too carefree for a traveller. but your strangeness was refreshing, and seeing you around always managed to brighten up her day, especially once she managed to get the courage to actually talk to you. you thought nahara to be the most beautiful omega and woman, so strong and bright. her presence alone would've been enough to bring you to your knees if you'd been any less weak willed. you wondered how she didn't constantly have someone hounding for her undivided attention.
≿━━━━༺❀ nasmira ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were travelling with your familiar, a porcupine named saad, foraging for living to find your ways as a magician. you were staying on the grounds that would eventually become the wildlife refuge and resort.
✿ you were technically still a child, a small fourteen year old with lots of unexplored feelings. nasmira was a fourteen year old with a lot of explored feelings and grand ideas.
✿ you were camping in the woods, setting up your dinner with saad eagerly waiting by your side. nasmira, lured by the smell of the spices and herbs, wanders to your campsite from the rest of her family who are there to see the natural hotsprings. initially bit put off by the sudden visitor, you eventually decide to invite her to eat with you.
✿ she spent the rest of the day with you, until her family finally found the two of you and they left the area. you didn't get to see her much after that, not for a long time at least, but the both of you had fond memories of that day for years to come.
✿ you were a little prickly for nasmira's usual tastes, but after you invited her to sit down she could see that you weren't such a bad person after all. just someone who had all sorts of spikes on the outside, that she was glad to overlook. nasmira was... well, she was bubbly, she was smart, she was a lot of things. and also a lot, especially for someone so used to solitude. but you liked her quite a bit still, even if at the time you thought that you couldn't possibly spend more than a couple of hours with her.
≿━━━━༺❀ natiqa ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were running your shop in vesuvia, having settled down a few years prior after meeting asra and company. you still travelled on occasion with your familiar, an armadillo named neymar, but for the most part you were busy upkeeping the shop.
✿ you were well into your twenties, an established member of the vesuvian city-nation. natiqa was just a few years younger than you, not yet in her role as the ambassador and wouldn't be for a few years.
✿ you were asked to help with some of the magical defences at the palace, where natiqa was visiting her sister with some of her other siblings. it was only by change that she happened upon you working, and decided that you were a prime target for a prank. it didn't end up working, but seeing the look on her face made the extra shield spell worth it.
✿ natiqa became determined to prank you in some way during her stay, and would almost constantly follow you around looking for an opportunity. eventually you just started talking to her to pass the time, and by the time she had to leave you were pretty good friends.
✿ natiqa was instantly intrigued by you, especially once she discovered how easily frightened you were in actuality. just because she couldn't manage to traditionally prank you, didn't mean that she couldn't find amusement in your reactions to them. to you, natiqa was... a lot. you enjoyed your peace, and natiqa was the furthest thing from that. but you couldn't not admit how fun it was watching her confuse and befuddle everyone else in the palace, even if you had to constantly keep extra shields around you.
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As the other Anon mentioned it, I remembered drawing plushie Arsene a few years back... So here he is!
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2. Since Arsène Lupin had apprenticed and worked with two different stage magicians to learn sleight of hand before, I think he would actually be quite fascinated by Kaito's skill! He'd be a little too proud to ask KID about his craft, the silly man... but not if he interacted with Kaito first. So just imagine Kaito teaching Arsène stage magic :^) 3. Arsène had also disguised as a Jiu-jitsu instructor before! So there's a good chance he knows some Japanese... I think it'd be cute if he tried to learn more Japanese from conversing with Akiren/Kaito/LupIII etc. :^)
[ Image description: a digitally- drawn design for a plush of Joker’s persona, Arsène, from Persona 5. He’s black with red clothes and accents. He has a tall black top hat with no brim, long narrow horns that point up and then back down, a long red coat, a white cravat, claws and bird wings, and knife heels taller than his shoes. He’s sitting down and has stitching lines along the tops of his wings and a few x stitches on his wings and hat. /End description]
WOAH that is so cool! he’s so pretty! now i’m thinking about the mechanics of trying to make a plush with a visual design this complex and it’s making my brain hurt lol
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thelastarchive · 2 years
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"I will tell you a story," Schmendrick said. "As a child I was apprenticed to the mightiest magician of all, the great Nikos, whom I have spoken of before. But even Nikos, who could turn cats into cattle, snowflakes into snowdrops, and unicorns into men, could not change me into so much as a carnival cardsharp. At last he said to me, 'My son, your ineptitude is so vast, your incompetence so profound, that I am certain you are inhabited by greater power than I have ever known. Unfortunately, it seems to be working backward at the moment, and even I can find no way to set it right. It must be that you are meant to find your own way to reach your power in time; but frankly, you should live so long as that will take you. Therefore I grant it that you shall not age from this day forth, but will travel the world round and round, eternally inefficient, until at last you come to yourself and know what you are. Don't thank me. I tremble at your doom.'"
The white girl regarded him out of the unicorn's clear amaranthine eyes - gentle and frightening in the unused face - but she said nothing. It was Molly Grue who asked, "And if you should find your magic - what then?"
"Then the spell will be broken and I will begin to die, as I began at my birth. Even the greatest wizards grow old, like other men, and die." He swayed and nodded, and then snapped awake again: a tall thin, shabby man, smelling of dust and drink, "I told you that I was older than I look," he said. "I was born mortal, and I have been immortal for a long, foolish time, and one day I will be mortal again; so I know something that a unicorn cannot know. Whatever can die is beautiful - more beautiful than a unicorn, who lives forever, and who is the most beautiful creature in the world. Do you understand me?"
"No," she said.
- Ch.7, The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
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seaslugparty · 2 years
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various illustrations made for the characters section of my personal site (1337nightbug.neocities.org)
the drawings should be sorted in the order they were made
veil: they/them pns, personfies the undertale fandom
they had a somewhat violent past, but theyre fine now! maybe. (1337nightbug.neocities.org/characters/chrVeil.html)
psyche: they/them + any neopronouns, personifies the hylics fandom
they're not used to actually functioning in society, so they have barely any clue how things work + they talk kinda funny. no thoughts head empty (1337nightbug.neocities.org/characters/chrPsy)
Chiyoko: she/her pns, personifies the touhou fandom
unnervingly powerful magician lady with a temper who likes to convince people to work for her via being "apprenticed". veil is one of her few actual appentices (1337nightbug.neocities.org/characters/chrChi)
Stephen: he/him pns, personifies the SCP foundation fandom
scientist dude that is simultaneously entusiastic about his study of Fucked Up Creatures and also just done. hes a Fucked Up Creature too, ironically
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ambrial-blog · 2 years
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Book Tittle: The heir of the Sanderson Sisters. Returning Cast Members. The Sanderson Sisters. Winifred Sanderson: Oldest sister. Winifred is the sister who initially sold her soul and those of her sisters to Satan in the 1600s in exchange for magical powers. She's highly intelligent, sadistic, and evil, and has a fierce temperament. Marry Sanderson: Although perhaps not as cunning or as evil as her eldest sister, she is more competent, clever, and observant than Sarah. And also she's not as ditzy and airheaded as Sarah. Mary is the most caring of the Sanderson sisters, but only to her sisters. Sarah Sanderson : . Sarah is extremely flirtatious and enjoys "playing" with people, men and young boys in particular. As she has a sadistic sense of humor, it is strongly implied that "playing" with people means torturing them or simply engaging in inappropriate relations. Thackery Binx. Bombay cat. cursed to live forever after failing to save his sister.  Ancestor of Blitzo Binx. (Scheduled to make a return) New Cast Members
Striker Sanderson: (The only male descendent of the Sanderson sisters, he is a collector of unworldly objects. Said to be a Warlock masquerading around as a Cowboy/Assassin. Who was hired by a prestigious outlet name Stella. Who is looking to end her cheating husband's life, at any expense necessary.
Blitzo Binx: (Descendent of Thackery and Emily Binx. doomed to repeat his ancestors transgressions) Blitzo is the son of a pious man. A crude businessman who became infatuated with money. Leaving Blitzo to take care of his sister. (Is turned into a Bombay cat by the three witches.)
Barbie-Wire Binx: (Ancestor to Thackery and Emily Binx. She was bewitched by the Sanderson sisters and her lifeforce was stolen by the three witches.
Fizzorolli Thatcher: Blitzo's best friend. His father was an inventor and his mother was a doll-maker who owned a little curio shop at the far end of town. He is seen usually getting Blitzo into trouble. Mischievous with impish face. He makes a Devil's pact with the sisters. He has inappropriate thoughts about his best friend and is always scheming. Winifred grants him his darkest wish in exchange for his soul. Fizzorolli takes, his knowledge and the skills he learned from apprenticing the Sanderson sisters.
Milengo Thatcher: Fizzorolli's Father, A Former magician/demonic jester. said to have been expelled from hell. joking states that Satan has a restraining order against him. a caster of mind-bending illusions. He is an inventor, known to conduct macarbre experiments. Delphine Thatcher : Fizzorolli's Mother, A Harlequin esque woman with a kind heart. she takes in the Binx children after their father left them and, the mayor foreclosed on their house. she found the pair standing in the rain. Barbie-Wire clutching onto an unconscious Blitzo who had slipped on the wet cobblestone hitting his head. She owns a little curio store, selling various knickknacks. small marrionate dolls. She is a doll- maker, enamored by Blitzo and Barbie-Wire's appearance.
Stolas Goeita Savitar: A pious demonic owl prince, A flighty noble. He changes his last name in an effort to distance himself from his father. A general and King of the Goetic empire. he forces his son into an unwanted and loveless marriage. He is currently miserable spending seventeen years locked within a viotile marriage. his only reprieve is the love of his beloved daughter. Willing to buy affection He is haunted by a pair of beguiling eyes. this haunting image gives him the conviction to confront his heartless wife. Stella Goeita Savitar Stolas's ex wife, who hires Striker to kill her husband after Stolas is caught cheating on her with a nameless imp. Octavia Goeita Savitar: Caught in the middle of an ugly divorce, she is content in ignoring the problem. Pretending the rift in her family doesn't exist. placing earbuds into her ears to drown out the miserable screeching of her parents. She finds a tiny malnourished kitten trapped within the Sanderson Sisters home. Her best friend and confidant Is Loona Moon. A guard dog. As well, as a rebellious hellhound. Known for her short temper. Loona Moon, purchased as a pup, and subjected to Stella's anger. she is the sole companion of their only daughter Octavia. She despises cats and has a short temper. She is part Dire wolf. She is used to Stella's constant abuse, and Stolas's neglect.    
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king-magnifico · 3 months
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Salvador Sebastian Sánchez King Magnifico
i don't like your kingdom keys / they once belonged to me / you asked me for a place to sleep / locked me out and threw a feast
the world moves on, another day another drama, drama / but not for me, not for me, all i think about is karma / and then the world moves on, but one thing's for sure / maybe i got mine, but you'll all get yours
Archetype — The Magician Birthday — August 13, 1980 Zodiac Sign — Sun in Leo, Rising Aquarius, Moon in Virgo MBTI — ENTP Enneagram — Type 8: the Challenger Temperament — Melancholic Moral Alignment — Chaotic Evil Primary Vice — Pride Primary Virtue — Kindness Element — Fire
Mother — Alejandra of Rosas Father — Stephan of Rosas Mother’s Occupation — Queen of Rosas Father’s Occupation — King of Rosas Family Finances — Rich, lol Birth Order — Only child Brothers —  N/A Sisters — N/A Other Close Family — His wife, Amaya Best Friend — N/A Other Friends — N/A Enemies — Lots of people he likes to throw in the dungeon Pets — None, he’s the kind of person who doesn’t like animals in the house Home Life During Childhood — Idyllic until the fire nation attacked. (IDK there was some attack where his family was killed and he had to rebuild everything so lmao)  Town or City Name(s) — Rosas, the fictional kingdom What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — A castle, four poster bed, y’know how it is. Secret passage to his secret lab? Sure!  Any Sports or Clubs — Was probably big into jousting when he was younger before he became king. Favorite Toy or Game — Loves a good darts or billiards.  Schooling — Apprenticed and then became a Master. Popular or Loner —Popular, he’s a charming guy.  Important Experiences or Events — His parents and people of Rosas being brutally murdered. <3 Nationality — Rosas Culture — Rosas/sorcerery with a Spanish flavour Religion and beliefs — Wiccan leaning
Physical Appearance
Face Claim —  Chris Pine, my beloved Complexion — Fair Hair Colour — Golden but salt and peppered Eye Colour — Jolly rancher blue <3 Height — 6’2 Build — Tall but broad Tattoos — None Piercings — None Common Hairstyle — Tossled, probably this length Clothing Style — sorcerer chic (lots of capes) Mannerisms — talks with his hands a lot Usual Expression — 
Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Not really! Physical Ailments — None Neurological Conditions — Narcissism  Allergies —  None Grooming Habits — Good, he takes great pride in his appearance  Sleeping Habits — Is a menace without his beauty rest <3 Eating Habits — Gotta keep up a good diet to maintain his figure Exercise Habits — Probably goes to the gym to admire himself in the mirrors Emotional Stability — Decent…a lil paranoid tbh Body Temperature — Runs cool cuz he’s not, y’know, 100% real Sociability — VERY charismatic  Addictions — None Drug Use — None Alcohol Use — Indulges, for sure
Your Character’s Character
Bad Habits — Uh…being evil? Good Habits — He gives people the things they want!! Best Characteristic — Generous!!! So supportive!! Worst Characteristic — Evil Worst Memory — His kingdom being attacked Best Memory — Discovering the internet and social media, that shit slaps Proud of — Rosas, his own power Embarrassed by — Not much tbh Driving Style — Erratic, please do not let him behind the wheel of a car, remember: he came out of a story book.  Strong Points — Good leader, empathetic Weakness — His narcissism  Fears — Not being king, not being able to save Rosas Phobias — None really Secrets — He’s a book character, he’s evil, uhhhh Regrets — Not saving Rosas the first time Feels Vulnerable When — People are accusing him of being evil :( Pet Peeves — People not listening to him!!! Conflicts — None lmao Motivation — To keep Rosas safe and keep himself on the throne Day or Night Person — Day person tbh Introvert or Extrovert — Extrovert af, always gotta be surrounded by yes men Optimist or Pessimist — Optimist <3 Greatest Want — To not die tbh Greatest Need — To not be evil, but I doubt that’ll happen lol Short Term Goals and Hopes — Endear himself to the people of Swynlake Long Term Goals and Hopes — To find out how to keep himself from dying in his book
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gamesfromfolktales · 6 months
Extracts from "The Boy Who Was Apprenticed to an Enchanter"
Padraic Colum was an Irish author who translated the Thousand and One Nights, although his translation is not much used anymore. In his book “The Boy Apprenticed to an Enchanter” he spends some time remixing material from other stories, and making it more palatable for readers of his time.For this episode I’ve extracted three parts. In the first the magician Zabulon takes a fisherman’s son as an…
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hotgirlmythology · 1 year
I have created another wonderful civilisation
Malrithi, a society based mostly on mining the large salt deposits north of the coast and colonising all their neighbours with an armada of repurposed trade ships.
Malrithi gets a very unfavorable deal from the wind, as it tends to blow down from the coast into the sea. It's speculated that this is because of the giant magic mountain. This means that despite being right next to the sea the land is actually quite parched, and the residents of the coastal settlements tend to get water from extremely deep wells. More northern settlements have their own problems with water supply, with frequent salt contaminations from the mines polluting the rivers. It is extremely flat (hence, salt flats), the landscape mostly being broken up only by the huge aqueducts and the aforementioned B I G M O U N T A I N
This region is pretty much defined by colonialism and a history of the hardships of living in the weird coastal desert. The most obvious effect is their tendency to wear masks. These will have their own section but, basically, they invented them to stop their faces getting whipped by the wind and the sand it carries, and once they built villages and windbreaks they became a more culturally significant item of clothing.
Another is how much worth they place on ships. Owning a boat in the coastal regions is considered more important than owning a house, and even in the most southern salt-mining village the children are brought up on stories of brave mariners. This is because ships bring in considerable wealth (and food), and most of the country's warfare is carried out at sea over territory "disputes", which are usually fronts for invasions. Nobody wants to invade the actual land portion of the country because the salt-miners are too well defended and any invading force would find it impossible to surprise them.
They also like to tell stories about sirens, as equatorial sirens frequent the island colonies and so sailors have no shortage of tall tales to tell. These are usually of being guided out of storms by them, or of miraculously surviving the destruction of their boat at the hand of a malevolent one. The second kind is generally made up, as sirens, being hunters by trade, don't leave survivors. Sirens feature prominently in iconography in the colonies, and it is tradition for the ruler of the veiled throne to pay a hunting group of sirens as personal retainers for sea journeys.
The practical differences between the coastal seafarers and the salt miners in the south are obviously quite large, but the highly conserved storytelling habits and the masks mean that spiritually there is actually a great unity across the country. Instead of infighting, the good people (encouraged by the government) focus their ire on the travelling magicians who keep showing up like bad pennies to roam over their giant magic mountain
Nobody really knows where the big mountain came from, but it has just always been there. What people, or at least magicians, know is that it has an insane amount of magical power just sitting there and incredibly easy to tap into. The actual origin, of course, is that one of the True Gods thought it would be interesting to see how big a barnacle could grow, and so magicked it to grow a set amount every year. It turns out that a barnacle can grow very large indeed, and so the mountain is now a giant shell containing a humongous, incredibly simple brain that serves as the fuel for many grand sorceries that require a little more magic to get them going. Malrithi has a reputation of being a magician hotspot, and every autumn without fail, as the days become slightly less boiling hot, there is a huge influx of travelling magicians and hopefuls wanted to get apprenticed to one. The fact that the ratio of hopefuls to magicians is around 100:1 does not deter them in the slightest. Nobody asks the people who live there what they think of a bunch of lousy nomads from the back of beyond showing up with dreams of blowing up their houses by literally going insane. At least the magicians are able to choose what they blow up.
These people love their masks. Originally reed or grass masks woven to keep the wind and sand out of one's face, they are now elaborately designed works of art with the object of communicating your personality to the world without having to say a word. Certain symbols and materials communicate specific things, but otherwise there is great freedom with how one makes their mask.
Masks are usually made of clay, made to fit one's face at adulthood, and then painted and decorated with jewels or precious metals. Baking in things to the mask itself is seen as symbolically cementing that as part of your personality - you cannot remove it without shattering the mask and donning another one. It is seen as a bit odd, not to mention impractical, to go out without a mask of any kind, and most people will put on a functional reed mask if they can't wear their own. Clueless visitors are also marked out by their lack of mask.
The ships fielded by Malrithi have one thing in common: they are all large. A larger ship used to be evidence of your wealth or shipbuilding talents. Somewhere along the way this got simplified to the idea that a bigger ship is just more impressive by default. This philosophy does however meet its limits when people want to have bigger ships but are not shipwrights. Some fishermen have been known to make "ships" out of bound-together canoes, essentially large rafts that trawl nets along behind them to snag passing fish. Their efficacy is variable at best, and relies almost entirely on the sea being calm. If it's not they need to either stay in port or take a far less impressive boat out (and catch less fish).
The trade ships are however extremely impressive. They are built both for war and commerce, with the open-plan decks able to store both cargo and squadrons of soldiers. On the main deck of the greatest ships are placed ballistae, that can fire stones able to punch holes through hulls easily
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sparrowowoods · 2 years
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Dallen Redgrove (they/them, nonbinary lesbian) is an autistic squire and heir to their father's earldom. They are eighteen and on the cusp of completing their training and earning their knighthood. Childhood best friend is Nelly, who is the source of Dallen's purple hair and the first person (one of three) that Dallen told about their gender and new name. Marrying well is expected of them, but they are not looking forward to it.
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Aryll Bituin "Nelly" Nelyn (she/her cis lesbian) is an adhd wizard. She magically dyed her and Dallen's hair when they were kids. Apprenticed to an Archmage as a child after passing the Magician’s Test, she is a talented illusionist but eschews combat magic as she gets faint at the sight of blood. Secretly adores her best friend more than is allowed.
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Rosamond Avelot (she/they, bi trans girl) is an unrepentant thief with adhd, chronic leg pain, and the inability to resist a pretty smile. When the nightmares keep her up, she likes a midnight flight and some mild breaking and entering. Upon meeting Dallen and Nelly, she decides to lend her services to them when they run into a spot of legal trouble.
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Genevieve Nightsbreak (she/her trans girl lesbian) is known for having a delicate constitution (in that she is hard of hearing and used to be a boy before a Healer corrected the mistake), her unparalleled skill with a bow, and middling plant magic in a family of renowned plant and beast mageborn. She is heir to the Nightsbreak March and will use everything she has when the king tasks her family with finding Dallen and Nelly.
Also, of course, is the stray dog, Wags, that Dallen and Nelly find.
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marylizabetha · 7 years
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My Fan Apprentice, Fern! Heavily inspired by Princess Arete. These are her outfits throughout the game! Since there’s a lot of different cultures influencing the game I just pulled inspiration from everywhere. The first outfit is inspired by Indian Runway Fashion, the second by Medieval Europe and the third by Greek and Roman Fashion.
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aaamike · 2 years
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Wait a second... has Vermeil gotten... bigger???
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bunchofatomsinspace · 4 years
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Drawing of hand bomb from doctor who (magicians apprentance).
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