#Magnetic Ball Stretcher
Rouge Stainless Steel Magnetic Ball Stretcher
Rouge Stainless Steel Magnetic Ball Stretcher
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hsmagnet · 2 years
Heavy Duty Metal Magnetic Testicle Stretching Ring Ball Weights
Heavy Duty Metal Magnetic Testicle Stretching Ring Ball Weights
Heavy Duty Metal Magnetic Testicle Stretching Ring Ball Weights Heavy Duty Magnetic docking, this heavy magnetic device is a unique and innovative new way to play! Don’t need screw opening and closing, easy to wear and remove 3 sizes and weight to choice. Mainstream and suitable size with the moderate weight and diameter, perfectly fit your penis Pull the scrotum down away from the body and…
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
kaveno Portable Telescopic Golf Ball Retriever Pick Up Scoop Stainless Steel Shaft Tool (Light Weight Only 6.6 Oz)
kaveno Portable Telescopic Golf Ball Retriever Pick Up Scoop Stainless Steel Shaft Tool (Light Weight Only 6.6 Oz)
Custom Ball Retriever Golf. kaveno Portable Telescopic Golf Ball Retriever Pick Up Scoop Stainless Steel Shaft Tool (Light Weight Only 6.6 Oz).
Ball Retriever Golf – Shop for Promo Price [price_with_discount]
Discounted Ball Retriever Golf, kaveno Portable Telescopic Golf Ball Retriever Pick Up Scoop Stainless Steel Shaft Tool (Light Weight Only 6.6 Oz).
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kaveno Portable…
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marvelship-oneshots · 3 years
AU where Tony doesn't die after the snap and finds out he's much more similar to Bucky than he has ever thought. *Pepper and Tony are not married and therefore there is no Morgan. Steve still goes back in time (even tho i could not disagree more with this decision)* [1.9k words]
"I am inevitable" A click sound echoed on the battlefield as Thanos snapped. Everyone stopped, ready to die, but nothing happened. Tony fell on his knees as the gamma radiations of the stones penetrated his body. It hurt, it hurt an awful lot, but he was better than Thanos. "And I...am...Iron Man" As Tony snapped, Thanos and his army turned into dust. They won and Tony didn't mind sacrificing his life for it. It started with FRIDAY turning herself off, then the suit cut the power. Peter ran to him, followed by Pepper and Rhodey and in that moment Tony saw his life running in front of him. He lived a good life after all. Tony closed his eyes as Peter was pulled away from him. The light from the Arc Reactor started fading away when Pepper and Rhodey took his hands. Bucky wanted to be there, he never really apologized for killing his parents. It was like the whole word was falling on him, but he knew that his pain was nothing compared to Pepper's or Rhodey's, or even Peter's. Rhodey placed his mask on Tony's face, unable to look at his lifeless face. "Mr. Rhodes, sir. I found an heartbeat" The AI spoke from War Machine's suit on the comms and everyone in the battlefield looked at Tony's corpse. There was an heartbeat, Tony was most likely not dead then. Dr. Strange opened a portal with his sling ring, following Rhodey, who was carrying Tony's body. They placed him on a stretcher while Stephen was looking for Christine. He left Tony with her in a surgery room and went to change in more surgery-appropriate clothes.
Tony's body was resting in a private room, connected to various machinery that were keeping him alive for now. The surgery went well, Strange and Christine were positive that Tony would recover. It was going to be a long process, but eventually he would. They did everything in their power to save him and luckily it was more than enough. Unfortunately there was nothing they could do for Tony's right arm, the armor had fused with his flash. His body needed to regenerate and adjust to the operation they performed. He was in a coma but he was most likely to wake up. Tony was resting on the candid bed, he looked peaceful and that was probably the best sleep he had since they started the whole time heist thing.
Strange had returned the stones to the Avengers and Steve was the one in charge of returning them in the place they belong. He had greeted Bucky and Sam before going back in time again and never coming back. Well, he did came back, as an old man married to someone, most likely Peggy. He had nothing to lose, he complained, everything that meant something to him was gone. Bucky didn't know what to think of his decision. He was still there, Sam too and Tony was alive. But apparently they were not enough for Steve, once again Bucky was not enough.
Bucky couldn't hide that he was relieved when he was told that Tony would make it, but still couldn't force himself to visit him. He was sure Tony wouldn't want him there after all he caused to him. But one day Bucky decided that if he were to live in that century, he might as well try to fix as much as he could his relations with what was left of the Avengers. Bucky was well aware that it was him the cause of the Civil War and the reason behind Tony and Steve's rivalry over the past years. And that was probably the reason why they could not defeat Thanos the first time. 'Butterfly effect' thought Bucky entering the elevator of the hospital 'A butterfly flaps its wings in Tokyo and in New York there is a hurricane. Steve wants to protect me and Tony ends up in a coma'
In the room with Tony there was Rhodey, reading a book while sitting on the armchair next to the bed. Bucky was standing in the corridor, behind the big window, looking at Tony and at his empty shoulder. He couldn't help but blaming himself for... everything. When Rhodey saw him, he smiled, walking towards the door. "You can come in, y'know" said the Colonel opening the door. Bucky shyly walked in the room, sitting in the plastic chair in the corner. Rhodey looked at the time. "I really have to run, Pepper is running late for a meeting at SI, you wouldn't mind staying with him 'til she arrives, would'ya?" asked and Bucky nodded. About an hour later Pepper arrived. Bucky was sleeping on the armchair when she put a hand on his shoulder. Pepper knew what he had been thinking, she was good at reading people. "It's not your fault."
The compound was destructed during the attack and it was in Tony's plans to build it again, but 'til then the Avengers, or what was left of them, was back at the Avengers Tower. Since the day he came back, Tony was locked in his workshop. Everything was new for him. Life seemed to be back to normal again, but in reality it wasn't. Steve was and old, wrinkly man, wedded to God-knows-who, Natasha was still dead, Banner was still in Hulk's body, Thor was somewhere with Quill and the other Guardians and Clint retired. Sometimes he felt like he was the only Avenger left, only to remember that he still had a missing arm, and without it where was a little he could do. Tony had spent a week in his lab trying to figure out what was next, trying to create a new arm with the help of FRIDAY and Dum-E, but he had always written and done everything with his right arm and trying to create an arm, or anything actually, without his right arm was incredibly difficult. Most of the time he spent in the lab, he was walking up and down the room with a glass of scotch in his hand at first, then the whole bottle and then with his beloved coffee.
Tony was sitting at the working table, looking at the holographic blueprints open in front of him. The only thing written on them was "Arm prototype n1".  Bucky was standing in front of the glass door of the lab, with a hand on the handle, not really sure whether he should open it or not. "Sergeant Barnes is requesting access to the lab sir" FRIDAY spoke up. "Let him in Fri" Bucky walked to the working table, looking in awe to the holographic blueprints. He lived in Wakanda for a while but he was still amazed by every technological evolution. "James" Tony greeted him with a small smile, keeping a look on the blueprint. They sat there in silence for a while, until Bucky spoke up. "Tony...I'm..I'm sorry for..." Tony looked at him softly "It's ok, it wasn't you" Tony knew that just like that he was not going to make everything fine, he knew that Bucky would still blame himself. Tony was aware that Bucky was not the Winter Soldier, and he had always been interested in Bucky, somehow. "I...I would make it light if I were you" babbled Bucky. Tony looked at him with a questioning look. "The arm, I would make it light" Tony smiled. "Wanna help me out here?"
Tony and Bucky spent much more than the needed time in the lab, designing and building Tony's arm and when it was finally ready, Bucky would teach Tony every secret he had learned over the years and Tony would teach him how technology works. They liked spending time with one another, they both felt like no one else could understand them. They actually liked each other and for once in ages, Bucky felt like someone really cared about him. Bucky had told Tony things he never told anybody, not even Steve. He told him about HYDRA, about the war, about the 40s and how was being a gay man in the close-minded society of the time. If Tony thought that the 2000s weren't the best time for being gay, he had to rethink his position. Together they had designed Tony's arm, another arm for Bucky in case he got tired of the Wakandian one, designed the new compound, build new suits for the two of them and a new one for Peter and Rhodey as well. Bucky now knew how to use the holographic table in Tony's lab and was not scared of FRIDAY anymore, he even helped create a new AI just for himself and Tony was incredibly proud of Bucky. Tony really really liked Bucky, he thought he was handsome and extremely hot, but most of all, had always a great time with him. On the other hand, Bucky really liked Tony too, maybe he loved him even, but never had the balls to tell him. Way too many times they found themself close enough to breathe each other breaths, but with an excuse or the other, that had always pulled away.
Tony couldn't take that situation anymore. He wanted Bucky to himself and himself only. They had an appointment in the lab that day, like any other day. They were about to develop some updates to Peter's sidey suit. Bucky came in the lab without any fuss, he didn't need a code, a badge or any announcement from the AI, he just lightly kicked the door. And by lightly I mean that he almost broke the glass, but managed to stop it soon enough not to cause damage. Tony looked at the entrance, where Bucky was standing in his gray sweatpants and black tank top. "It's a glass door Backaroo, there's no need to change it for the third time, is there?" asked Tony looking back at the blueprints of the new web shooters for Peter. Bucky walked over to his usual position next to the shorter brunette. They were working kinda peacefully when Bucky heard a metallic clicky sound. Tony had a guilty smirk on his face. Bucky looked over his left shoulder: Tony had just sticked a fridge magnet on his metal arm. It was a little thing between the two of them. A few weeks before Tony had bought more magnets than a normal person would ever need in their whole life and they just started sticking them on each other's arms. As soon as Tony realized that Bucky noticed, he started slowly walking away, but Bucky was faster and trapped Tony with his arms between his body and the table. Tony felt Bucky's breath on his neck and turned to face him. Their noses were touching. That was the occasion Tony had been waiting for. He stand in his tip toes while pressing his lips on Bucky's. Bucky's eyes widened but surprisingly enough he kissed him back, pulling him closer. The two walked towards the couch Tony had placed there for Bucky and they sat down. Bucky pulled him closer, making him sit on his lap, kissing his little innocent smile. Bucky placed both of his hands on Tony's waist, under his t-shirt. Tony leaped back for the cold touch of Bucky's vibranium hand. Bucky pulled back, taking his hand away from Tony's waist. His smile faded away and Tony understood. "It's just cold" said caressing Bucky's cheek "You better put that hand back and start kissing me again, old man" Bucky did what Tony told him to do with a smile. "Yes sir"
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shittylifeprotips · 4 years
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SLPT: homemade ball stretcher just use a bunch of small magnets
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dgtor-writes · 3 years
Desperate, Not Stupid.
A flurry of doctors and nurses swarmed a stretcher, rushing a bruised, burnt, and bloodied woman to the emergency operation room.
“We’re gonna need 400 cc’s of cryolite, stat!”
“Get the surgeons!”
“She needs attention now!”
Alongside the cot, ran another woman, graffiti tats swirling down her muscled arms, panic marring her features, and absolute unbridled fear in her maroon eyes.
“You’re gonna be okay, Deliah,” she whispered, in a firm but brittle voice- like one on the verge of tears-, as she ran alongside the stretcher, grasping the patient’s hand. A small squeeze back fluttered her heart with hope. “Just hang in there. For me.”
At the double door, a nurse blocked her off.
“Ma’am, wait outside. We’ll let you know when she stabilizes.”
Cursing under her breath, she had the good sense to return to the waiting room. She could feel her heart pounding against her chest, crashing into the other organs and ribs with no regard for space, as she anxiously paced up and down the white tile. Others in the waiting area could hear the impatient thud of her footsteps on the tile as she occasionally glanced at the clock, counting every second that went by.
As the night dragged on- shuffling in some places, and stalling in others- she eventually gave into the stress and slumped into the hospital’s cold blue seats, resting her head in her hands. Suddenly, the faint scent of cheap beer and feather boas floated past her.
When she saw who it was, she relaxed, exhaustion distorting her visage. The woman who’d called her humbly raised both her hands in front of her. Compared to her faded gray sweats, reading “Tramp Magnet”, and scuffed sneakers, she looked dressed to the nines in a chin-length blonde weave, a red puffer jacket, a miniskirt over sheer tights, pumps and a tight t-shirt reading: “Diana’s Dreamboat”.
“I got your call on the work phone,” she sighed, and sat down beside her. “Diana let me leave. How’s she doing?”
“I’m gonna be honest: it looks bad, Angel.” Junko bitterly laughed, the sardonic chuckle a hiccup in the broken sentence of grief. “I’ve never seen her like-like-”
“Take your time,” Angel offered. “It’s a lot.”
The two sat in uncomfortable silence for a while, both content to at least have each other while their wife’s fate was still unknown. Suddenly, Angel cleared her throat.
“She’ll make it.”
“How?” asked Junko.
“The biggest problem is the money right?” She supplied. “I know some sharks. They can help.”
Sharks. Like their namesake, the suited fuckers could smell blood in the water, showing up at the right time and place, mysteriously with just the amount of money you needed. Sometimes with magic assistance, if the situation required. The price? Just the money back with interest, or a body part. And CEOs help you if you fail to make back every coin.
“Sharks, Angel? You fucking with me right now?”
“The price for everything’s at least 300k in credits!” snapped Angel. “That’s big money. And given our jobs? It’s impossible money. We don’t have a choice!”
Furious at her implications, Junko grit her teeth and balled her fists. Struggling to remain calm, she sucked in a breath.
“Angel,” she condescended. “There’s no way we can make that back. We might as well have signed our death warrants ourselves at that point. We can find another way."
“You really don’t have a better idea,” her metamour maintained, unfazed at the six feet and four inches of muscled Cursed staring her down. “And neither of us have a damn choice.”
Junko was livid. She trusted Angel, but there was no way she’d put the life of her wife in some pin’s hands. It could never come to that. She wouldn’t let it. This? This offer had too many unforeseen strings attached and no one would be stupid enough to take a deal like this.
“Ms. Hayashi? Ms. Anderson?” called a human nurse, snapping Junko out of her thoughts and ending the two’s short-lived argument. “The patient is stable. She’ll wake up once the cryolite wears off in about an hour.”
Junko stood there helpless and looked down at her metamour who’s face held an inscrutable expression.
“Please,” Angel softly pleaded. “Let me do this.”
The magus wasn’t stupid and neither was she.
They were desperate.
“Fine,” Junko swallowed thickly, voice choked with worry. “Do it.”
With a small nod of gratitude or sympathy, Junko couldn’t tell, Angel gave her a quick hug and both of them entered the room.
After a week of surgeries, long nights on a pull-out couch, and comforting her wife in every way she knew how, the bill was mysteriously paid for. The check itself came with an address, and Junko found herself in front of a pristine skyscraper, about to meet Deliah’s saviors. Jordan and a rather eccentric-looking person greeted her at the door and led her to a secret elevator.
“Welcome, welcome!” they smiled, with a bit too much teeth. They were a middle-aged magus, as evidenced by the odd talismans attached to their suit, fancy goggles, and knowing brown eyes. “We’ve had eyes on you and your wife for quite some time now, so we’re very glad to make your acquaintance Ms. Hayashi.”
Junko scowled and turned on them, verbal venom hot in her mouth, but Angel put a hand out in front of her.
“Relax,” she sighed. “They’re annoying but they won’t lay a finger on either of us, as long as we cooperate.”
“You seem real chummy with this prick,” quipped Junko, looking the cheesing mage up and down. “How’d you meet?”
“You’ll see.” her metamour grumbled back.
The doors finally slid open, revealing a large office covered in red and orange drapes of lappa. The furniture was all ornate wood, with dark carved statues on every ledge and surface. In the center of the room stood a large ornate desk, the embroidered chair to which faced away from the entrance. A heavily jeweled hand waved vaguely.
Junko startled as the mage blew a stream of mist at her from their mouth.
“The hell?” she coughed, waving the now dissipating cloud from her face.
“My consigliere’s a person of many talents. Now please be seated.”
“It’s a weapon detection spell,” muttered Angel. Junko nodded in understanding.
“She’s clear,” the magus smiled.
“Look,” Junko growled. “I’m only here because you saved our wife’s life. So just cut to the chase and tell me the price.”
“So frank,” sighed the woman, turning around in the great chair. Piled atop her head was a bee’s nest of braids, dripping with priceless jewels and lights. Her makeup, deep and dark with sequins dotting her cheeks only served an intimidating face. And with a small cyber-chimera napping on her shoulders, intimidation was indeed served. “Let’s get down to business. You are here because you and your wife are some of the best fighters we’ve seen thus far. And all without the use of mana enhancers.”
“You’ve been spying on us?” snarled Junko. “Who the fuck do you think you are?”
“Only the Mother of House of Weah Loans and Investments LLC,” the Queenpin answered promptly. “You may call me “The Lady”. We’ve covered your bill and already made living arrangements for the three of you in exchange for five years of service in our joint security task force. The force’s job is to neutralize competing businesses and ones in violation of the terms of our loans. Considered it a way to return my kindness.
“You and your wife will sign a contract to join it within two weeks of her recovery. Any later than that, and you’ll be in violation of the current agreement. In between assignments, I shall permit you both to continue your matches, provided that I am your only backer and better. Do I make myself clear?”
“And if we refuse?” Junko asked worriedly, remembering the news story of a mother of three kidnapped by sharks for alchemy practice after she failed to repay them. ‘There’s no telling what else they’ll do with us.’
“If you are considering following through on declining my generous offer, do note that the very existence of such a force targets those who insult my favor. I hope you don’t find yourself in that circle.”
Given the pit-fighter’s stubborn silence, the Lady sighed in annoyance. “There's yet another thing I offer. Your partner: she’s a devil, if I’m not mistaken?”
Junko tensed before nodding defeatedly. If the queenpin knew this much already, there was no use in denying it. Fear gripped her already spasming heart even tighter, not knowing for once in her life how to make it out of this.
“I'm not sure how you got your hands on one, much less a disgraced one at that, but I admit, you’ve done an excellent job hiding it so far. Surely though, you must know she would’ve been found out sooner had you not come to me, and the pocket ritual that opponent used against her is proof. Not to mention having to disguise your status as a marke Cursed, nearly invulnerable to magic.
“So here’s the deal: I offer protection for the both of you in the form of ownership: that is, I lay a claim to her no other pin may challenge. Essentially, she becomes my asset, similar to you, a position protecting her from possible kidnapping by a different rival.”
Realistically, Junko knew it was true: the price for Deliah’s life was her very freedom. And though she tried to fight the sick and twisted reasoning of the Lady’s words, she knew it was futile. Given the intense glare she levied at her, accompanying a terse smile, it became clear what the only answer was.
“Fine. What do I sign?”
“I knew you were a smart one,” smiled the Queenpin. “Angel assured us you two were of promise.” The mage conjured Junko a thin yellowed paper with runes inscribed at the top, and a harpy feather quill. The ancient script read: ‘Abandon all dissidence, ye who sign.’
“The Weah Loan and Investments Collective thanks you and welcomes your partnership,” the magus and the Lady said in unison.
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Playing Games (baon)
Summary: In the aftermath of Internal Disputes, Sans wasn't alone, not when his own thoughts could be haunting him.This wasn't how things were supposed to work, none of it, and there was nothing he would do but wait.
Tags:  Kustard, Spicyhoney, Established Relationships, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Terrorism, Major Character Injury, Hospitals, References to Collaring
Notes:  Now, I want you to know that I say this with the greatest sincerity possible, but all you people that got me shipping kustard? I hate you all.
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
The hospital chairs weren’t bad when it came to comfort, especially if you ran a little shorter in the pants than average. Not that it would’ve mattered much if they weren’t, Sans was well-trained in how to get to sleep in any and all places, knew exactly how to curl up in a folding chair for maximum comfort, no matter how hot or cold the climate got around him.
Tonight, he was only too tired to sleep. That didn’t matter either, he’d been worse off plenty of times before. Only thing that mattered was that Paps was the one sleeping, and that was enough of a topsy-turvy to make Sans want to check they hadn’t missed an exit and were still in the right universe.
Probably were; from what Stretch said, when you first took a sideways step into another world, you could feel the wrongness of it in your bones. His bones felt shaky and sore, a fine litter of bruises all along his side where he’d hit the asphalt, but none of them were sending out Morse code squawking that the sky was falling, so they were all right there. Chicken Little would have to wait for another day, though maybe he’d check in with Stretch’s little flock, see how their bones were feeling--
Sans ran a weary hand down his face, smelling the lingering smoky char. Fuck, he was tired.
In the hospital bed surrounded by machines and IV’s, Papyrus was lying perfectly still, and it was so fucking wrong to see. Even when he was sleeping Paps usually twisted and turned like he was training for the next Olympics. That little quirk cost Sans plenty of his own sleep when they were kids, nights huddled together for warmth beneath a threadbare blanket and all the while his baby bones bro tried to sleepwalk a watusi up his spine.
Sometimes Sans missed that little kid.
The fancy suit Papyrus always wore when he was playing ambassador was gone, replaced by a hospital issue gown that would give a peepshow of his pelvis when he stood. His old clothes were past the dry cleaning stage, scorched all the way up his spine and yeah, that sight was gonna haunt Sans’s dreams a coupla times in the near future, as was the bitter taste of his own soul in his throat when he crawled over to him, all the dazed moans and screams around them as he clung to his brother, frantically checking him over.
Yeah, let’s close that scene and set the memory box aside for those upcoming dreams to rifle through. No need to re-live the nightmare during the daytime, too.
Sans shifted in the chair, pulling his bare, bony feet up onto the cushion. He hadn’t changed his own clothes yet; about all he’d managed was kicking off his shoes, his filthy socks draped over them like the peels of the world’s most disgusting fruit. His travel outfit was a lil’ different than his bros, a hoodie and shorts were about as fancy as he cared to get, maybe a pair of sunglasses if he was feeling particularly feisty about it.
That getup was fine for someone on security team, something Papyrus very much was not, and Sans was planning to have a nice, long chat about that with him whenever his brother finally woke up.
He was gonna wake up and Sans was gonna be here waiting when he did, thanks.
As if magnetically drawn, a compass endlessly searching for north, Sans’s eye lights slid back to the bed towards his sleeping brother. His skull was still abnormally pale against the pillowcase, a revealing sign of magic drain despite the IV steadily dripping at his bedside. So very pale, except for the fine line of a fresh crack running down the side of his skull. Barely visible, really, someone who didn’t know any better might mistake it for a cranial suture.
Sans knew better.
It’d been a lot worse before Tori started in on it, crawling over to them through the rubble on the tarmac, ignoring shouts to stay down and her normally pristine white fur had been filthy, hands already caked with crimson marrow even as she reached out to Papyrus. The ugly wound Sans could barely stand to look at vanished beneath a thick green glow and that little crack was all that was left, a souvenir of Papyrus’s first trip to California. His brother had slumped to the ground after, those thready, pained moans fading. He’d been unconscious ever since.
He was gonna be fine; both Tori and Blue told Sans’s that over and over on the plane ride home, gonna be just fine. He was out cold was all, used up his magic down to the last dregs generating enough of a shield to cover himself and two other people besides. Right now it was nothing but a waiting game, Sans moving his pawn across the board until he landed on the ‘good morning, sunshine’ spot.
Just fine, sure, and Sans believed them. But he really wished he could roll doubles right now and speed up the process.
Most of his thoughts were either being firmly suppressed or focused the still figure laying on the bed, but Sans did manage to spare one or two leftover balls from the ones he was mentally juggling to wondered tiredly how Stretch was holding up. He’d been eating shit sandwiches himself this weekend, and now honey boy was topping it off with big ol’ slice of disaster pie. At least Sans had the luxury of being with his bro from the get-go. Trying to picture how he’d feel knowing only the bare details of what’d happened sent a cold frisson through his soul. That was enough for him to offer sending Edge out in the first ambulance; at least he was with his brother, Edge and Blue were both stuck in limbo all the way home.
Besides, he’d gotten to see plenty of the show on the flight home in the moments when Edge wavered into brief wakefulness. No wonder he never wanted to smoke weed or even drink much. They’d doped him to the gills without mercy, and now Sans was gonna have to live with an eternity of regret that the loss of his phone meant he didn’t get a chance to record Edge massacring a heartfeltly sung rendition of ‘I Want It That Way’.
Since Tori and Blue were no fun at all and refused to do it either, seemed the best option was to send Edge out and hope Stretch got a front row seat to the second act.
That show had been a helluva lot better than the inflight movie Edge’d given them on the way out. Stoic and distant since the second he’d gotten on the plane, a fuckton more so than usual. Wasn’t until Blue snuck in a whisper to Sans what was up that he got it. Anniversary tomorrow, yeah, husband back home while he got stuck playing lead babysitter with Sans as backup ‘cause Red was off saving the world or catching an early bird sale, some bullshit, anyway.
(not thinking about red, better not to, better to not)
Stretch probably pitched a bitchfit about Edge tagging along without him and Sans hadn’t registered to vote in this election, but he was gonna go with Stretch as his candidate. There was no good reason he could think of to make Stretch stay home past paperwork and pissiness, and the fact that Blue thought his Papy staying home was the better choice told him all he needed to about that.
They’d been Aboveground for a few years now and Stretch was nowhere near as bad off as he’d been back when they’d first shown up on the doorstep back in Snowdin. He’d gone the good boy route, got himself a therapist and everything. He was happy, anyone could see that, and HP issues aside, it was ‘bout time to cut the apron strings let Stretch mess up his own cooking.
Edge was better about it than Blue, but looked like he was still trying to play sous chef ‘cause Stretch wasn’t on the plane. Their fearless leader had put up a good front, but any moron could see he was upset, and Sans wasn’t just any idiot on the street. Whatever his reasoning, Edge obviously wasn’t happy about leaving his honey behind.
Welp, Sans had a feeling Edge wasn’t super eager to add Stretch to the roster now. Not after spending some quality time laying on the crumbled tarmac waiting for a stretcher, banged up and bandaged the best they could manage on the fly while the Human side of the contingency ran around squawking out orders, getting everything on lockdown. Trying to keep everything on the down-low until they could get a proper press release in order, yeah, that was the right procedure.
Sans still didn’t have a single qualm about slipping Edge that phone so he could let Stretch know he was okay. ‘Course he’d probably scared him shitless the way he started rambling on like it was his deathbed confession hour instead of just saying ‘alive and kicking’, oops, but eh, couldn’t win ‘em all.
Sans wasn’t winning a lot of ‘em lately.
The stack of blankets were tucked around Papyrus with generous care, but Sans got up and went over to him, anyway, smoothing the imaginary wrinkles in covers. His hands were beneath the blanket, the better to keep them toasty warm. Probably for the best, it was bad enough having to look at his skull, that single ragged crack. If he had to keep looking at his bro’s bruised, battered knuckles, Sans might go nuts.
It wasn’t supposed to be this way. It was his duty to play big bro, his, he’d taken that on years ago while he was still in his own striped shirt, his very first job. He was the one in Security, he was the one who was supposed to fucking protect, and even if Sans thought maybe he’d fucked that up a time or two before, suspected that there was a memory he didn’t possess, a
past that wasn’t theirs. But he’d been keeping up their end of the bargain since his bro decided to be an Ambassador and Paps wasn’t supposed to break it, he fucking wasn’t—
The door creaking made Sans jerk, heat rushing to his fingertips in a heady blurt of magic for an attack that stopped forming the moment he saw who it was. He took a long, slow breath, shaking away his exhausted agitation the best he could, cause he was going to need every wit that hadn’t been blown away in the explosion to deal with this.
Red was standing in the doorway, his hands in his pockets. The light pouring in behind him cast him in shadow except for the smoldering glow of his eye lights burning out from his sockets.
Sans only ignored his awful horror movie impression and wandered back to his chair, crawling up to settle on the cushion with a weary sigh.
"you done with skulking around trying not to talk to me?" Sans asked. He didn't mean to sound as pissy as he did, but did Red really think he wouldn't notice? On the plane, outside the ambulance, even here, Red'd been all over, watching but not getting close.
No answer came, no sardonic comeback, no angry snarl. Red stepped into the room and closed the door behind him with disturbing care. Probably only playing at kindness for Papyrus’s sake, but something about his expression was unnerving, the lines of his face laid out in a way that Sans didn’t know.
He came close to the chair without reaching, only stood there, hands visibly fisted in his pockets. Crimson eye lights resting on Sans, but more like Red was looking through, like Sans wasn’t even there and Red’s gaze was laser-focused on the wall behind him.
“came to tell you i’m taking off for a while,” Red said, every word filled with deliberate indifference, “dunno how long.”
Sans only nodded. “yeah. thought you might.”
“wanted to see if you’d keep an eye on that fucking cat of mine.” Again, nothing but cool detachment, Red speaking to the wall and expecting answers.
He made no mention of asking Edge and Sans didn’t either. “sure, why not, i could use a few more scrapes for my collection. maybe i can trip over him on the stairs, add a few broken bones to the tab.”
There, a veritable hit; Red winced visibly, the distance in his gaze wavering. It was almost fascinating, really, watching with his own detached interest as Red tried to force it back. Must be a sign of his own shaken control, all of it unraveling, snapping into its proper place as he actually looked at Sans.
Sans had a pretty good idea what Red was seeing. The force of the explosion had thrown them all to the ground in spite of any shields, leaving behind a nice collection of mottled bruises and bloody scrapes to share around. His own pain had been secondary, unnoticed until they’d been shoved back on the plane for a ride straight back home. He’d been sitting next to Paps when Tori came over, watching the metronome precision of the rise and fall of his rib cage like only the force of his will was keeping his brother breathing.
The cold wetness against his skull had stung and it was only then that he noticed his own hurts. He’d sat there and concentrated on keeping Papyrus breathing, let Tori gently clean him up the best that she could.
So he didn’t have any illusions about what kind of eye candy he was right now. Another note of interest that Red didn’t seem to be able to look away, the minute flicker of his eye lights moving as they traced over those bruises and scrapes.
“i need to go,” Red repeated, but that indifference was wavering, seeping away, leaving behind something that was almost pleading. Huh. How about that. “i gotta. this is my fault. i’ve gotta—"
“listen to the ego on you,” Sans snorted. “even you can't know everything.”
“no, you don't fucking get it.” Shattered desperation, like nothing Red ever showed. Seemed like those walls Red kept up weren’t quite as impervious as Sans always thought; words were spilling out of him, vomited out in pained rush. “i didn't have shit going on here. i didn't come along on this trip because i knew you'd go without me and i…i wanted you away. for a couple days. wanted some time to get my head on straight and i didn’t give a shit who i pissed off to get it, i—"
Yeah, Sans could believe that. Fucked over his own brother and Stretch, and why not? It was only to get out of a Security detail that would’ve left him sharing a hotel room with Sans, left them out in the open in front of everyone. Made them obvious in a way that somehow Red didn’t think they’d been before, fooling no one but himself, but it was a lie Red somehow needed.
Knowing that was a different sort of bruise, on his soul instead of his bones, and every word out of Red was giving it a rough press. It was satisfying in a strange way, to know Red was panicking over him, made him want to feel it again.
"all right,” Sans said calmly.
"no, it ain't all right!" Red snarled, his voice cracking, breaking, breathing too heavily. "if I hadn't've fucked off--"
"then you would've been there instead of edge and it would all have happened the same way." He felt oddly serene, floating in his own peculiar calm. "you're one person. even you can't be everywhere and know everything. ‘sides, if that’s your fault, this is mine.” He flung his hand out like an attack at the hospital room, towards his brother lying unconscious in front of him. “’m getting sloppy, should’ve reacted faster.”
Red twitched, stepping closer, grasping that line of thought with eager gratitude, “reacted to what? how did my brother know? toriel ain’t sure and neither was blue—"
“intent.” Sans shivered, remembering the prickle of it washing over him, virulent hate that came a bare second too late for him to react. The memory of it made him remember something else, a delirious question forgotten in the aftermath, “didn’t think edge could beat me when it came to sensing intent.”
Red waved that off. “he’s been practicing ever since andy got turned into a pincushion outside that chinese place. what else?”
Of course he was, Edge probably spent his lunch hour wandering the streets to see how much hate he could pick up, that was a filling meal. “it was coming from the driver. edge was a lot closer to the car, he must’ve felt it before i did. he yelled for everyone to get down but by then, paps already had me face first on the asphalt.” He shrugged, trying not to think too deeply of the wash of vicious heat, the sound of it, the screams, fuck, all the screams— “after that, it gets a little explody. i can still hear it a little, it’s like listening to a seashell lodged in my head. doc said it might take a day or two for the echo to fade out.”
“that it?” Red’s gaze bore into him.
“that’s all i’ve got,” Sans drawled sourly. He turned in the seat, lounging with deliberate casualness, his legs hanging over the arm. “that’s the shit, the whole shit, and nothing but the shit. so that happened and our bros got hurt, yeah, but they’re gonna be fine. so, now, you wanna take off and go headhunting? you go on ahead. play your little game, start following your clues. just remember after paps wakes up and i can see he’s okay? i’m coming to find you.”
Red had been nodding along and Sans could see the moment realization bled through, the indignant rasp as he snapped out, “the fuck you are!”
“the fuck i’m not,” Sans countered, tauntingly. He ran his tongue over his teeth, tasting his own sweat, the bitterness of smoky residue as he goaded, “how are you gonna stop me? ask edge to chase me down while he plays hop along cassidy on some crutches?” Fury was sparking in Red’s eye lights like a firecracker as Sans went on with fractured glee, “he’ll be a coupla weeks recovering, you know. even you harping on him to get up and play protector ain’t gonna change that. gonna tattle on me to asgore, gonna lock me up? tie me to your bed?” Sans tapped a finger against his cheek bone pensively, a mockery of thinking, “or maybe i won’t go after you at all. maybe i’ll see about playing a little on my own.”
Ah, that, that right there. Sans could feel the impotent fury rolling off of Red, about the only time he couldn’t get it up, hands flexing as if he wished there was something in them and for a distant moment, he thought Red might actually attack him and wouldn’t that make for an interesting problem to explain.
Then it was gone, all that anger and frustration swallowed into nothingness. Interesting how Red managed to break without so much as changing expression. Must be a gift.
“you win,” Red said abruptly.
“we playin’ something?” Sans asked lightly,
“only with our lives. ain’t like anything important.” There was a sharp prick of frustrated anger in that, wasn’t all gone, then, only banked. A point Red proved by stalking forward to take Sans’s chin in two sharp fingers, yanked it up. Crimson eye lights searched Sans’s face and he couldn’t begin to wonder what they hoped to find. “you even know what you’re getting into here?”
“i’ve been fucking you for over a year.”
“i ain’t talking about fucking.” Those searing eye lights pierced deeply into him, crawling over the depths of his soul. “do you know?”
Deliberately, Sans lifted his chin more, exposing the bones of his cervical vertebrae. Red’s gaze dropped, lingered over them with hypnotic weight, and his fingers followed, coiling around Sans’s throat like a metaphor.
“if you like it, then you shoulda put a collar on it,” Sans said, soft and singsong. “i’ve been fucking you for over a year, fucking around three times that, you think i don’t know? collar me, claim me. may as well, i ain’t going anywhere, anyways.”
Red shuddered, lurching forward another step and his fingers tightening convulsively, not quite painlessly. “collar you? like you’d be fucking obedient.”
“from what i saw of you wearing one, i always figured the obedience part was an optional add-on. besides, at least i’m housebroken.”
The thin fingers around his throat tightened again, so very close to choking and Sans only shivered, yearning into that grip even as Red whispered with low, virulent intensity, “should’ve known i couldn’t keep dodging you forever.”
Red leaned in, but not for a kiss. His mouth was suddenly hot on Sans’s collarbone, dragging over I, uncaring of the sweat and filth coating him. Sharp teeth nicked tantalizingly against bone and Sans couldn’t hold back a cry, edged with a near sob because he wasn’t supposed to get this, he wasn’t, wasn’t supposed to have this suddenly thrust into his lap like a gift. His magic gave stirring an unfortunate try, but he was thankfully too tired to demo how much his psyche was absolutely going for the sweet threat in that touch.
"i wanna to keep you," Red muttered, mostly to himself, something like desperation curling around every word. Sans answered anyway, mumbling mindlessly.
"okay. okay, yeah."
"wanna keep anyone else from touching you,” whispered against him, a promise, a threat, Sans didn’t know. Red’s tongue was winding around his clavicles, sharp fingertips tearing Sans’s t-shirt, exposing more. “wanna put my collar you, warn the whole world that you're mine."
"yeah," Sans breathed brokenly. His hands move of their own accord, not bothering to ask for permission as they clutch at Red’s shoulders, blunt fingertips digging into the leather of his coat with creaking force.
"That sounds very romantic and potentially disturbing, but may I ask if you could do that in your bedroom and not here in front of me?"
Sans came pretty fucking close to kicking Red to the floor as he jerked up to see his brother’s sockets open, blinking at them owlishly. It wasn’t even a thought to scramble down and go to him; reaching for Papyrus was as automatic as drawing a breath. His brother reached back and if his hands were shaking a little, if there was something tremulous and almost fragile in that touch, Sans didn’t care.
His brother was awake and reaching for him, pulling him up on the bed and into his arms.
“Hush, there’s no need to cry,” Papyrus scolded gently, but he held on to Sans with enough force to get his bruises singing out an Ava Maria. “I’m perfectly all right and even if I’m not, you are, so that’s fine.”
“that is so not fine, paps, it is completely the opposite of fine,” Sans wiped away embarrassing flood of tears, sniveling humiliatingly into his sleeve even as Papyrus flailed and tried to reach for the box of Kleenex on the bedside table. “me and red are the ones working in the security department, we—”
He turned back to the chair, trailing off when he found it empty.
Well, shit.
“know something, bro?” Sans sighed out, even as he settled into his brother’s arms. “that whole vanishing thing is fucking annoying when i’m not the one doing it.”
Papyrus smoothed a hand down his spine, more gentle than not, and if he had an inkling of what he just interrupted, he was kind enough not to ask. “Never fear, brother, you are always fucking annoying whether you’re trying or not.”
Probably true. Hearing his brother swear was always enough to give his soul a seizure, even if he knew Papyrus only did it to get a rise out of him. He needed to go find one of the docs, let him know Paps was awake and there were probably tests that needed to be run, x-rays maybe, who the fuck knew.
It could wait a minute. Right now, the only place his soul wanted to be was right here.
But later, he thought maybe he had some dice to roll. Some asshole in a stupid hat once said the game was afoot and now that he knew there was a chance?
Sans was playing to win.
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sirro85-blog · 6 years
Humans are Space Orcs: Professionalism
I watched as Angie and Petra worked calmly, they appeared to have some form of telepathy although I had been assured this was not a skill humans possess.
Petra opened another kit bag and pulled a plasticated sheet out which she spread on the damp gravel and began to prepare kit on it. She held out a hand and was handed an item by Angie, this was slid into the injured soldier's throat, "Grade 1." Petra muttered almost to herself, she opened her free left hand.
Through the light mist on Ferrou 3 i watched these two human women save the life of a man they didn't know, barely 100 human meters infront of them an intense fire fight took place. As they worked Staff Sergeant Frank King approached, "Petra, if you're stable I need you, Henners is down, it's bad."
From my relatively secure vantage point I watched as the three medics worked on their friend and colleague, I expected them to be frantic or anxious but all three of them were calm, they each performed their tasks fluidly and within less than 5 minutes Henry had his missing limbs bound, the bleeding was stopped, he had an artificial airway in place and was strapped to a stretcher ready for evacuation. Petra and Angie packed their kit and Frank nodded at them and moved on.
Later on when the Dark Horses had captured the Tellrosa outpost and began to secure their position I witnessed Petra, Ange, Jaq and Dana working to save the lives of two mortally wounded Tellrosa soldiers, I could see no difference in their actions these military medics who had just worked so hard to save the life of their comrades now worked so hard to save the lives of those who had hurt their friends.
Later after the events on Ferrou 3 and long after the Tellrosa incursion was halted I spoke to Angie about that day. I asked her how she remained calm while trying to save Henry and she replied:
"It wouldn't help him, we had to work quickly and efficiently to save his life, the best thing I coyld do for him was my job."
When I asked her why they tried to save the lives of the Tellrosa she said:
"It's our job, we won't always be at war with our enemies and if there are survivors who know we tried to save them, it can help lead to peace."
"Its our job" let me tell you, humans "just doing there job" have out performed the best of genetically engineered, purpose bred species.
Major Kovac left the surviving men of the 10th airborne rangers to fortify the position and pushed his own squadron on, I will admit the speed of their advance left me exhausted, I could barely keep up as the humans pushed on. Ferrou 3 is a planet of rock and sea, as Captain Becca's 2 troop led the advance over and down the mountain side. I spoke with Major Kovac, or rather I gasped for breath - my single lung not intended for a fast advance up a mountain while Kovac explained his intentions.
"The Tellrosa, well nobody, can broadcast off this planet, it's one big magnet and it just isn't possible to send an interplanetary message that doesn't get garbled. They're racing for their ships, once they get there...It's an end to the peace process and a new war, you understand the political nonsense better than me but with the information they have...I don't want to fight another war."
I was stunned, Kovac always said without the military he'd have died in jail but now he said he did not want to fight wars, "surely a soldier welcomes war?" I ventured.
Kovac stared at me, "depends what you train them for," he allowed, "If you train rabid attack dogs who believe in glory and BEING THE BEST then yes they'll look forward to their first war, till you lose control of them and the survivors are tortured with their memories not matching their expectations..." he gestured around him, "these are professional soldiers, they're lazy, work shy, and proud of it, they are as unreliable as they are dependable and if that makes no sense then neither do soldiers, they take pride in being good at what they do...they're...they are soldiers not "warriors," professionals"
"The warrior caste amongst my people are soldiers and they are born for war,"
"No soldier who has seen war will welcome another, but where else could I...be?"
I've had the privilege to witness these professionals fight in wars, skirmishes, clashes of no import and bar fights, in my humble opinion their finest day was in the Tellrosa pursuit across Ferrou 3, a minor clash on an unlovely ball of iron, a footnote in history because 120 professional soldiers took history by the scruff of the neck.
I once asked a fellow professor a human what professionalism was, his response was simple.
"Gleax, professionalism is wanting to do a good job because you'd be ashamed to do a bad job and having the knowledge to know the difference between them."
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 7 years
“we are so (thot) married”
i was bored so i decided to write a parody of the first chapter of my good comrade @theseerofdoomisunaltered‘s magnum opus “we are so (not) married”, if i have time maybe ill do the rest but no promises bc im a lazy inconsistent bitch lmao 
hizashi was fuckin PISSEd!
he was angery and is upset bc shouta THAt dumB THOT had gone and goetten himself injured AGEIN!!!! he hadnt sleeped in 69 hours (hehe) bc he was 2 busy gettin turnt with tha bois (painkillers and mowten dew) and had goten into a fite with some villens (fourth graders) bc they sed cats were lame.
showta got carried by on a stretcher and hibachi pissed himself and not even in the kinyk way. paremdedics kept hziashi from geting close to the stretcher or the room shota is carreid into. “shit boi u fam?” a nurse asked.
“no’ mic sobbed loudly. “we;r emore like,, friends wtih benefits? as in, i beneFIT this dick up his ass ayy lmao” he lamaoed thru his tears.
the nurse kept askieng quetions but hizashy was sobbing too loudely to hear so he just said yes bc why not its good enouff 4 improv rite? the nurses let haizashi pass so he RAN into shotuas room, screming so loudly he killed like four people and a dog.
shoauta looked like he’d gotten fucked by knife dicks in all six holes at once. one of his legs was being held together with silly string and glue (aizawa was sniffing the bottel) and he was covered in blood and helo kitty bandaids. to put it simply he looked fine as fuck and mic was super fuckign horny for him but his teeers killed his boner
“mike u ignoernt slut ur so fcukin loud” aizawa moaned, taking a big hit from the glue bottle.
hizashey wanted to screm but he didnt want to get sued for murdeer again like last time so he kept his mouth shut by tenderly taking the glue bottle from aizawa and shovig it up his own ass.
“wat, arent u gonna offer me some simpathy sex?” aizawa asked raiesing an eyberow.
“maybe later” hixzashy wept sobbily. “right now im too full of emotion and ass glue to present my mic up ur bootyhole.
aizawa tenderly patted mic on the cheek with his scotch-taped cock (cock tape) and then licked the tears off his nuts. “its all good in the hood”
“All is N OT good in the hood you jelly filled fucknut!” mic screamed tearfully and angrily. “what if u are is DIED??? then the two of us could never cha-cha real smooth again!??? HOW COD U DO THIS TO MEH>???? IF U DIED,,,,,,” hizsahy cried and nutted at the same time “i’d die 2 bc my gay ass cant fuckien drive but its too far to walk 2 school so id try yo drive anyway and id crash the car and die and it would be ALL UR FOLT!!!!”
aizawa just rolled over in the hosptial bed and ripped his hospital gown open,e xposing his lush bird nest of chest hair and supple pink nips screaming out for slurpage. “ur so dramatic” he whsiepred seductively. “why dont u quit the shakespeare and start suckspeareing me off?”
hizashy wiped away his tears and got to succking. the nurse walked in as hizashi was giving aizawa some eraserHEAD if u know wat i mean. she crumbeled some paperwork into balls and threw them at mic and them stormed off.
mic fillde out the paperwork with aizawas pen(is) and tehn tenderly cradeld aizawa in his arms (carefully cupping his nuts for protecktion of course) and got on the roomba he used insted of a car bc his gay ass never learned how 2 fuckin driev. “vrroom vroom bitch” he said as they sped away at a blistering pace of .005 mph from the hospital. “the ass-magnet 9000 is in motion fuckers!”
‘take me 2 taco bell” aizawa whined. “i hav some casual craigstlist sex solicitors to meet for dinner tonite”
“NO CASUAL CRAGESLIST SEX UNTIL U RECOVER FROM UR INJURIES!” hizashi screamed. “IM GONNA TAKE CARE OF U, U BIG SALTY BABY” hizashy was super mcfuckin gay for aizwa so watching him get fucked the hell up and then just want to immedetly get back on the plow horse (so to speak) and jump into th e casual craigslist sex wasnt fun.
hziashi did a sick ollie off his roomba and knocked the door down with his throbbing erection only to promptyl start sobbing when he got a dick splinter.
“u dum fuck thats wy u shoud go thru the door like a normal person” aizawa grumbled as he sucked out the dick splinter. “for fucking out loud even that 5 dollar thottie ALL MIGHT, SYMBOL OF PEACE TM goes thru doors like a normal person.” shouta thought for amoment. “well except for the one time at that christmas party in april,,”
“well YEAH but if i didnt kick down the door dick first wat kind of pro hero wold i be?” hizashi protested
“one wihtoout dick splinters”
“ya ok tru”
hizashy threw aizawa over his shoulder like a thicc sack of poatatos and caried him 2 his lightning mcqueen racecar bed where they made the sekcs for 35 seconds before aizawa fell asleep. mic, exhausted from the hwole dick splinter fiasco, fell aslep too, resting his head on shoutas soft pillowy ass.
he woke up the next morning when nemuri broke down his door and started kicking his ass “HIZASSHI YOU STUPID BITCH HO W D ARE U GET MARRIED WITHOUT ME????”
tensei, who had been wheeled in in a weelbarrow, slapped mic in the face with one of those rubber stretchy extendy hands that he carried around for that express purpose. “YEAH YOU WHORE I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A BRIDESMAID DAMMIT I ALREADY HAD MY OUTFIT ALL PICKED OUT I WAS GONNA WEAR THIS DANK ASS SONIC THE HEDGEHOG COSPLAY AND U FUCKERS R O B B ED ME OF MY HAPPINESS”
“wat in the fresh hell are u talkign about?” hizash asked confusedly.
tensei whipped out his rose gold iphone 69 and hsowed hiszashi a news report that said “THEY GAY BITCH” followed by a picture of mic and aizawa doin the scooby dooby doo on the hospital bed.
“Everyones shook af  by the news that screme mcmeme, also known as president michael, and iceicezawa are married!” the report said. there was a picture of one of the paramedics mic had accidently murdered with his screaming. before dying she had apparently tweeted to the news and told them that mic had said YEAH when she asked if he was married to the patient shoota and so now everyone in the world new they were gay and thogth they were married!!!
some ppl like tensei and nemuri were happy (about the marriege anyway, in general tensei wasnt happy bc his twitter had got hacked and the entire internet could see his turbo-nudes and his ingeniDONG) but there were some bitch ass hos that were not plesed with this developement.
for example endevor had posted in the yuotube comments of a video entirely unrelated to the marraige thing “these daM hOME OF SEXAULS keep ruinging eeverything with their GAY AJENDA!!!! my son looked at a Gay once and hes fuckin gay now, thx oBamA!!111! THIS IS THE FUTERE LIBERALS WANT!11! present mic?? more like present CUCK!!1!”
hizashi dropped the phone. how was he gonna explain this to the internet? how was he gonna explain this to shouta?!?????
tune in next week for more fuckery, i can probably get this done in three chapters lol, if not three then DEFINITELY six, it sure would be wild if it ended up being nine chapters huh lamao
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bdsmstore · 5 years
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hsmagnet · 2 years
Magnetic Male Ball Stretcher Weight 28/30/33/39/45/50mm
Magnetic Male Ball Stretcher Weight 28/30/33/39/45/50mm Where can I buy Ball Stretcher Male Stainless Steel Ball Stretcher Testicle Stretching Ring Metal Device Toys With Color Box Package 33 MM 6 53 OZ online at the best price in the Egypt? is the best online shopping platform where you can buy Ball Stretcher Male Stainless Steel Ball Stretcher Testicle Stretching Ring Metal Device Toys With…
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batexamin · 7 years
Computer Fundamentals - Objective Questions (MCQ) with Solutions & Explanations
Computer Fundamentals - Objective Questions (MCQ) with Solutions & Explanations
  Following are the objective questions from Computer Fundamentals Section. Computer Fundamentals section includes the topics such as history of computers, generation of computers, classification of computers, Computer Peripherals, Storage Devices, Computer Security Systems, Computer Viruses, Computer Networking, System Analysis and Design and so on.
  Updated: January25, 2018 Basic Computer Awareness General Knowledge GK : Following are the objective questions from Computer Fundamentals Section. Computer Fundamentals section includes the topics such as history of computers, generation of computers, classification of computers, Computer Peripherals, Storage Devices, Computer Security Systems, Computer Viruses, Computer Networking, System Analysis and Design and so on. It tests general knowledge on common terms and concept of computer. Keeping in view of this, we have added some most frequently asked questions on Computer Fundamentals in MCQ format for your proper practice. Take this online practice tests / quiz and you will have an idea what kind of questions are expected under computer awareness in general knowledge section. All questions are selected in a manner so that it becomes easy to understand the topic. You will find these commonly asked solved questions (with answer) really helpful. Just practice. This section contains computer science multiple choice questions and answers on computer science topics like fundamental of computers, computer hardware input and output devices, programming languages, network, internet, emails etc. These questions are specially designed for students, working professionals and job seekers. This quiz will be helpful too for those guys who are preparing for banking sectors. As a number of aspirants have been asking us to share complete MCQs and other materials of Computer Knowledge, here we are sharing all the pdf files I have. These files consists a lot of computer mcqs. These will be very useful for all competitive exams. Downlaod it and prepare well. All the Best...!!!   1. One millisecond is a. 1 second b. 10th of a seconds c. 1000th of a seconds d. 10000th of a seconds Correct Answer: c   2. An online backing storage system capable of storing larger quantities of data is a. CPU b. Memory c. Mass storage d. Secondary storage Correct Answer: c   3. One of a class of storage device devices that can access storage locations in any order is a. DTE b. DASD c. DDE d. DDE Correct Answer: b   4. Which is an item of storage medium in the form of circular plate? a. Disk b. CPU c. Printer d. ALU Correct Answer: a   5. Properly arranged data is called a. Field b. Words c. Information d. File Correct Answer: c   6. Another word for a daisy wheel printer a. Petal printer b. Golf ball printer c. Laser printer d. Line printer Correct Answer: b   7. A term used to describe interconnected computer configuration is a. Multiprogramming b. Modulation c. Multiprocessing d. Micro program sequence Correct Answer: a   8. An input /output device at which data enters or leaves a computer system is a. Keyboard b. Terminal c. Printer d. Plotter   9. A physical connection between the microprocessor memory and other parts of the microcomputer is known as a. Path b. Address bus c. Route d. All of the above Correct Answer: b   10. A group of magnetic tapes, videos or terminals usually under the control of one master is a. Cylinder b. Surface c. Track d. Cluster Correct Answer: d   11. Number crunch8ier is the informal name for a. Mini computer b. Super computer c. Microcomputer d. Mainframe computer Correct Answer: b   12. A technique used by codes to convert an analog signal into a digital bit stream is known as a. Pulse code modulation b. Pulse stretcher c. Query processing d. Queue management Correct Answer: a   13. The personnel who deals with the computer and its management put together are called a. Software b. Human ware c. Firmware d. Hardware Correct Answer: b   14. The brain of any computer system is a. ALU b. Memory c. CPU d. Control unit Correct Answer: c   15. Each model of a computer has a unique a. Assembly of a computer b. Machine language c. High level language d. All of the above Correct Answer: b   16. Computer professionals working in a computer center are` a. Software b. Firmware c. Hardware d. Humanware Correct Answer: d   17. Which of the it5ems below are considered removable storage media? a. Removable hard disk cartridges b. (Magneto-optical) disk c. Flexible disks cartridges d. All of the above Correct Answer: d   18. Which term is used to describe RAM? a. Dynamic RAM (DRAM) b. Static RAM (SRAM) c. Video RAM (VRAM) d. All of the above Correct Answer: d   19. Which of the following are (is) considered to be video component? a. Resolution b. Color depth c. Refresh rate d. All of the alcove Correct Answer: d   20. On a PC, how much memory is available to application software? a. 1024 KB b. 760 KB c. 640 KB d. 560 KB Correct Answer: c Read the full article
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blushing-bunny-com · 7 years
Rouge Stainless Steel Magnetic Ball Stretcher 35mm
Rouge Stainless Steel Magnetic Ball Stretcher 35mm
Magnetic Ball Stretcher has an inside circumference on 35mm. Consists of two sections attached via strong holding magnets to allow for quick attach and release. Rouge Garments brings the perfect BDSM gear.Weight 232gStainless SteelHeavy duty
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