#Makai Knight
simeonscott · 8 months
Why You Should Watch GARO
An overview of what makes the spookiest toku franchise out there great.
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darksaiyangoku · 5 months
RWBY x Garo: Into the Fire
Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns. Yet by the blade of the knights, Mankind was given hope.
A crowd booed and jeered, pelting Jaune with stones, dirty clothes and rotten fruits and vegetables. He could do nothing but grit his teeth and bare the pain as he was dragged across the streets by the inquisitors of Vale. Small tears were forming in his eyes and his face tensed from trying to supress his sadness. He felt like a failure. It was only his second mission and he had already made a mess of things. His "trial", if you could even call it that, didn't allow for him to defend himself. Every lord and lady threw accusations of witchcraft against him, for which he could not rebuff thanks to the sways of the young priest, Cardin Winchester.
The inquisitors stopped in the middle of the city and dragged Jaune up to the pyre, bounding him up tight. Walking towards him with Cardin, dressed in a wine red robe and a a golden emblem of the cardinal bird on his back.
Cardin: *smiles sinisterly* Good people of Vale, we have gathered here today to witness justice! *points to Jaune* What we have here is a witch! A heretic servant of the Grimm sent here to uproot our peaceful lives and bring damnation upon us!
The boos of the crowd grew louder. Jaune hung his head, not wanting to face the humiliation.
Cardin: Thanks to our fine inquisitors, we have captured the witch and now, we shall send him back to the depths of hell where he belongs! *turns to Jaune* Do you have any last words to say before we cleanse you?
Jaune glared at Cardin, his eyes bloodshot with anger. Cardin simply smirked and lit the pyre with a torch. Jaune heard the cheers of the crowd as sweat began dripping from his skin and the heat was becoming intense. His lungs were filled with the toxic smoke and he coughed violently. It was pitiful. Jaune couldn't believe that he was dying like this. Suddenly, the cries of a horse alerted the crowd and a woman riding on horseback leapt into the town square. She quickly dismounted and, using only her fists, started to beat down the inquisitors one by one. Cardin drew his knife and tried to attack, only to be disarmed and knocked down. She turned to the pyre and raised her hands, splitting it so that it wouldn't crawl to Jaune. Walking up to him, she cut open the binds and caught him as he fell into her arms. With a sharp whistle, she called her stallion and jumped into him, riding off with Jaune in toe.
They rode for an hour until they stopped at the woods. The mysterious stranger dismounted again and let go of Jaune, who was still in shock at the whole ordeal.
Jaune: Um, thank you mademoiselle. Not many people would've raised their arms to save someone like me.
Stranger: Well unlike them, I actually have a heart. Watching an innocent die like that is sickening and the fact that they have the nerve to cheer about it. *clenches fist*
Jaune: I am truly grateful. *bows* May I ask your name?
The mysterious woman unhooded herself, revealing light tanned skin, luscious golden blonde hair and bright eyes that resembled the lilac flower. Jaune immediately stood back, in awe at her stunning beauty. She gave him a warm smile and reached out to touch his hand.
Yang: My name is Yang Xiao Long. You could say I'm a kindred spirit of sorts. *shows Jaune a necklace*
Jaune: *eyes wide* T-That's a necklace from the Makai Order. Y-You're a Makai Knight?
Yang: *nods head*That I am. From now on, your life is mine and my life is yours. *touches his hand*
Jaune felt a warm sensation course through his body. Not one of hatred and death like the fires from the t,ial. but a soft and gentle warmth that reminded him of his role as a protector of mankind. From her pockets, Yang handed him another necklace. It was a golden yellow pendant in the shape of a burning heart. Jaune smiled and held the pendant to his chest. His will to fight had returned.
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i-am-randomtrash00 · 6 months
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Little ghost boy is going to be in Garo.
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jasonheichel · 9 months
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Tokutember 2023 Day 20: "Secret"
Makai knight Jinga and his secret alter ego, the Horror Jinga
Lines & inks by me
Traditional colors by @kaijujam
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miraisentai · 9 months
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dmdarius · 2 months
After unlocking 50 pictures in the gallery, we unlock the Silver knight, Zero. And man, did they ruin playing him something fierce! I suppose I should have learned to counter better, but the amount of times he kicks my ass... #ps2 #GARO #retro
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kaorumitsuki · 2 years
so. i finished the first hunger games book yesterday. im like 15 years late ik but anyways i loved it!! naturally the next step was not to read catching fire, but instead to pop the characters in the garo universe. because what am i if not a dork that can kind of write?
please give it a read if it interests you! you dont need any garo knowledge to be able to enjoy it, im v proud of this concept so far :)
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smbhax · 2 months
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Makaimura aka Ghosts 'n Goblins art, from Capcom Generation: Dai 2 Shuu Makai to Kishi (PS1)
Session: https://youtu.be/1odXPOeXGPM
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mk-ingrid · 1 month
Art: @mk-ingrid
Makai Kishi Ingrid
All content are created by me
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If you share my content, please give me credit.
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the-labrys · 1 year
Disgaea/nis characters based on how/if they cursed
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kn96artworks · 4 months
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spoiler to those who haven't seen the ep but i need ya'll to see godou's surreal asf living arrangement like where did he grab that shelf and table set from
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crawlingcastle · 2 years
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Random doodles including from requests from friends. Various characters and original characters.
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chirp-a-chirp · 1 year
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I can’t read the dialogue, but the chibi selection for Roy, Tino, and Knight (presumably) wishing Fenn a happy birthday is hilarious.
Tino…looks like a Chippendale dancer. All he needs is a pole for the image to be complete. Fenn I’m sure is LOVING this. And somehow Tino is not blushing at all!
Roy sees the semi-clothed Tino and decides to set the mood with…classical music? Stay classy Roy 😂
And Knight…has determined if he belts out a glorious Happy Birthday song at the top of his lungs, maybe Fenn won’t pinch his butt like usual. Good luck with that Knight.
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zeromarker · 7 months
久 meaning long time, old story./ 代 meaning substitute, change, convert, replace, period, age, counter for decades of ages, eras.
Usagi = Rabbit
Kurenai (紅)
meaning "crimson".
Meaning= Beautiful Lady
銀 means "silver, money, metal."
桜愛 “Cherry Blossom.”
Means: Excellent child; Refreshing child; Helpful child
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dxrknessembr8ced · 8 months
Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling walk towards each other, staring and simply smiling at each other as tears flooded both of their eyes it was the happiest moment for the two of them to be reunited at last.
" ...Hsien-Ko. "
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" ....Mei-Ling. "
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The two sisters hugged together tightly in their embrace, Hsien-Ko is slightly back the way she in Mei-Ling's eyes but not truly nor ever normal. She's still has those monstrous yet more divine attributes. Tessa is in a state of shock of what she just say and couldn't just stop talking ruining the mood.
" I can't believe this! It's truly impossible! The legends foretold a golden knight but... i...-! "
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She turned around.
" Shut up and let us have this you damn wizard. "
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" I look good in gold do I big sis? Wait till my friends get to see the cool look! "
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Zaruba politely interrupted their reunion for the mado ring has an uninvited guest into the party.
" Uh don't mean to butt in but there is someone uninvited... "
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The others turned around and sees that the succubus Morrigan appeared slightly angry and worried for Hsien-Ko.
" You bastard you may take away the lives of horrors, but you will NEVER take away Hsien-Ko from us you butcher! "
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" Morri you know...? "
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" Of course I know I'm a succubus, your body is not a tool..! "
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" This is getting ridiculous... "
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dmdarius · 2 months
There are some interesting monsters in this series. Large egg ones, lunar moths, paintings, a hot/cold one. But sometimes, the most fierce of monsters are your own fellow Makai Knights. #ps2 #GARO #retro
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