#Maladaptive Ninja
New World (8)
Itachi Uchiha x Reader Fluff
Summary: The world War has met its end and Itachi has returned to his village. He questions whether he should set down his roots here when he meets a stranger. Or rather, a stranger is forced upon him by fate.
Warnings: horny babygirls
Word Count: Your girls got horny writing this. I can't remember the last time I gushed like this. ALso Every fanfic reader/writers nightmare in one chapter
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
"What the hell is this?" You whisper to yourself, standing alone in the dressing room with the most intricate Sakura painting on the paper walls, lit up by the lanterns kept in two corners. The night robe you have been given has too much flare. The fabric of the red night dress is soft to the touch and breathable. But the robe that comes over it has practically been doused in fur not letting any cold air pass through. But the reason behind your cussing has less to do with that warm robe than with the fact that your underwear is nowhere to be seen. The night dress does run down to your knees but the thought of not being in your panties and having to sleep in the enemy territory for the night makes you uncomfortable. Not to mention the constant dreadful feeling of being watched by Toge from some corner of this village. With one stretched sigh, you leave the dressing room. The bedroom awaits you with a bed decorated with the local pink rose petals and towel swans.
A little thread inside you snaps on inhaling the overpowering smell of the roses and incense. You stomp to the corner of the bed, take the white bedsheet, pull out all four corners to wrap the roses inside them and throw them outside the huge window overlooking the village before closing it shut.
Just once you want to take an easy breath on this mission. Just once. And that too seems hard to get. Especially with him around, your inner voice whispers. You do not want your thoughts to go that way, but this little devil inside you smirks and struts towards some extraordinarily shady corners in your mind. Quiet, you tell your inner voice, he makes me feel safe, shushing it as if it has spoken something outrageous. Safe enough for you to imagine yourself all over his skin. She whispers the last few words with a stressed honey-filled whisper of a moan. And with that, that image of his naked torso in the hot springs flashes in front of your eyes. Your teeth involuntarily biting down on your lips to get a hold of the reality before those outrageously defined thoughts go too far. The sliding of your bedroom door jolts you awake from your fantasy world and makes you turn around to see the familiar tall figure bow down a little to enter the room without hitting his head on the door frame.
"I brought blankets," Itachi declares with the heavy elk fur blankets looking like they weigh nothing to the man. Itachi is wearing a black fur robe which appears to be his night gown. His chest is bare and so are his ankles. His hair is loose and wet from a fresh wash and you are starting to regret having dark back alleys in your mind. The room now starts to feel small in his presence; a presence which feels positively heavy. Keeping the blankets on the bed, he moves his hand to run back those wet strands away from his face. "I feel like we should ask the village Chief to hold their...uh...ritual...ceremony...what all they call it...today-tonight. Right now." Your staggered voice is not helping your case as your eyes run up from his elbows to his arms, drawing some sketchy scenes inside your head. "Do not push yourself, Y/N-san. You need to rest." It's not your fault. It's not your fault. A voice keeps repeating that inside your head. It's the way he says your name. You do not realise when your body is flushed, sweat droplets form at your temples and the back of your neck. Itachi pauses momentarily beside the bed while you blink blankly at him. He looks at you for a second before moving again. "Let me check for any traps in the room." You nod and press yourself close to the window and out of his way. As he takes careful feline steps along the length of the room, your eyes focus on his fingers brushing against the oakwood dresser kept by the wall, your throat takes an unpreventable gulp. The source of light in this room is the oil lamps burning in the corners to give this room a pinkish hue, thanks to the Sakura theme. The only light brighter than that is the golden hues of the bonfire lit on the temple grounds across the hill. He touches the wall to discover anything unusual, his steps bringing him closer to you. His dominant hand wraps itself around the jug of alcohol to raise it closer to his face and your eyes cannot help but follow the nimble pale fingers morphing into an abstract art of popping veins down the wrist. His lips touch the jug, taking in a sip that glides down his throat. The soft golden fiery hues lighting up his features just enough in the dark are not helping your conscience in her dark alley. At all. His brows furrow momentarily, making you wonder if something is wrong with the drink. And the next second he is choking on it, his hand nearly slipping the jug and a decent bit of that alcohol spilling on his robe.
"Itachi-san! Are you okay?" You quickly grab the hand towels on the dresser behind you and dash towards him; that is what you think you do till his hand rises to make you pause right where you have been standing. Itachi coughs a bit before clearing his throat. His back straightens up and he nods. "I'm fine. The drink is...well, I've tasted better." Of course, you have. You still stand in your spot, but your hand stretches to hand him a towel. He takes it to wipe his mouth before his wet robe takes up his attention. A huge sigh leaves his lungs. "Pardon me," he declares in a low hum as his fingers undo the knot on his robe and his shoulders flex themselves to let the fabric glide off his back. Your breath is caught in your throat till you realise he is wearing white trousers underneath. Itachi folds the fabric when something catches his eye. Watching him step away from you and towards the bed sinks your heart. He stops at the edge of the bed and gets on his knees. Itachi wastes no time being on all fours and crawling just a few inches underneath the space, looking for something. On the other hand, you are glaring at his other arm that acts as his anchor, his robe between his fingers; the fingers gripping the fabric till he has found what he is looking for. And when he comes back to sit on his knees, you exhale a little, grabbing onto the window sill as your legs cross over each other and you try your best to look away from the pink-shaded abs teasing you from the distance. His hand has brought out a red cloth from underneath the bed. The cloth shines with a silken finish in his hands as he twists the fabric in one hand, wrapping it up neatly. "Don't touch this," he announces, tucking the fabric in his trouser's back pocket. "Yes, sir," you whisper without realising. And immediately regretting it. Itachi must have not heard it, for he gets up and walks past you to the other side of the room, leaving you to ravel in his natural redolence. The lone table at the other end of the room is graced by his hands on either side, curious if it can be pulled away from the wall. His arms are flexing, and so are the muscles on his back as he tries to pull the table towards him, his hips feeling the tethered force of the measle piece of furniture, forcing a low grunt to escape. Your left hand is clawing its nails into the window frame while your right thumb is being bit under your teeth with all your might. Get out of that alley, you are panting at your conscience. Please. Please. Please! The table is torn from the wall and thrown into the paper wall covering the dressing room. The remaining wood in the indents of the wall reveals two black bricks. The former assassin quickly picks one in each hand and turns to walk towards you. "Open the window," he commands in a low tone. You religiously move your hands to open the latches. Even before you are done pushing the window frames out, you feel his arms come over from behind you and throw out the bricks from either side. You turn around, calculating the proximity between you and his chest. While he is busy frowning out the window at what was possibly an attempt to poison you two, your eyes go up to land on his jaw, studying the skin, the texture, the turns; a little too well. The sound of splintering wood brings you out of the trance. Itachi's bare hands have broken the frame of the window behind you and instead of tending to the wound where a splinter has gashed through the skin of his hand, he is looking at you with the intensity of a thousand suns. Only this time you are concentrating on his wound. "You're hurt-" "I need to go," Itachi declares, taking the ripped frame with him and walking out of the door, leaving you confused. Lustful and confused.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
"You go in. I'll survey the surroundings here," Kakashi announces, disappearing into the night before Itachi can say anything about being handed the elk fur blankets. You are the only person present in the wing at this moment and he has his senses on high alert. Higher than usual. I do not trust the men here, he justifies in his internal monologue, pausing his quiet steps outside the door as he is flashed with memories of his bare chest in the hot springs. His mind has paused all the calculations now. It is purely curious now. And with that intention, he enters the room, declaring his presence. Keeping the blankets on the bed, he moves his wet hair away from his face to appear a little decent in front of you. "I feel like we should ask the village Chief to hold their...uh...ritual...ceremony...what all they call it...today-tonight. Right now." 
He can hear you. Loud and clear. But his mind is showing him his exposed arm pressing onto a thigh. He pauses. Must be some third-grade trickery by the village assassins, he thinks to himself. "Do not push yourself, Y/N-san. You need to rest." It's not your fault, he can hear the words being whispered somewhere. It's not your fault, they are echoing. With a voice too familiar to him these days. It's the way he says your name. It's you. It's your voice. And accompanied by your voice are flashes of sweat droplets running down from your temples, travelling your jaw to hurry down your neck. Itachi pauses, questioning how you are doing that. You are not, he answers the question himself and looks at you for a second to grasp any traces of Gen Jutsu around you. "Let me check for any traps in the room," he announces before moving to the nearest wall. When he brushes his fingers against the oakwood dresser, the flash comes again. This time, not as hazy as before. His fingers seem to be running over a bare abdomen, creating ripples of goosebumps. This time he can feel the skin under his fingertips and a familiar aroma in his nostrils. He moves his hand away from the table to the wall, investigating for anything out of the ordinary; that is, apart from the twisted psych attacks- if one can call them that. He can hear your heart beat faster as the distance between you closes. He pauses at the table between you two, reaching for the jug of alcohol kept on the table. The flashes come again when he raises the jug to his mouth. This time, his hand is gripping a neck, bringing it closer to him. He can smell that aroma again, this time the touch is heated and the neck is flushed. And his lips- which were reaching for the alcohol mere seconds ago- are kissing yours. When the kiss has deepened to the point of you moaning and his tongue wanting to taste your mouth, he realises the twisted reality, surprising himself into choking on the drink and spilling some onto his robe.
He hears you worry, making him raise his hand to stop you from coming any closer. "I'm fine," he coughs, apologising for his ungentlemanly behaviour. He takes the towel you offer, not able to get that image out of his mind. Itachi's instincts are riled up, his mind working ten steps ahead, ready to test the waters all the while making sure he does not cross any lines. He begs your pardon as he gets out of the wet robe. There is that aroma again. Your scent. Covering him all over. If it's the scent then there has to be- His thoughts trail off as he finally finds what he is looking for. He walks to the side of the bed and gets on his knees, to reach for the red fabric resting under the bed space. The talisman. Just when he grabs it, flashes of him gripping the silk sheets on the bed run through his mind. But that is not all. He can see his naked back clear as day, even that moles, and he can see you laying between him and the sheets looking up at him with a want. He is panting for breaths, and so are you. He can feel the drops of sweat run down his chest while he is devouring the view of your breasts glistening. Even as he comes back to sit on his knees, he can feel his hand run the length of your thighs, with your legs wrapped around his waist. The flash disappears, but the sensations remain in his mind. He seems to know what is going on but does not say. His hands work on folding the fabric and keeping it somewhere away from you. "Don't touch this," he declares as he puts the fabric in his pocket. "Yes sir," he can hear the microscopic stagger of your heated exhale in that whisper and the fog of that flash bring the sensation of a hand run over his butt. His mind curses. He does not remember the last time he cursed like this. Or that last time he felt so...filthy. But rip it in the bud, he grows internally to himself before getting up and walking to the last place that seemed suspicious- the table lodged into the wall on the other side of the room. He grabs the edges on either side to move it away from the wall, wanting the flashes to stop. To stop or else... The frustration shows externally when a grunt escapes him at the failed pull. And so it comes again.
This time you are on the table, your legs wrapped around his waist and your nails digging into his back. His flawless butt is exposed to the room as it jiggles with him sloppily rutting into you with the familiar grunts, bringing periodic coarse moans out of you. Please. He hears your voice. And he can see your face. He can see your body moving every time he pushes into you. Your eyes are tearing up. Your mouth is open wide at the edge of pleasure. Please, you beg again, this time urgently. Itachi feels his pace rush as if his body is running on your commands. Please! That moan of yours is turning into a growl as your head falls back at the peak of your climax. And before he can reach his, the table is torn away from the wall to be thrown away, bringing him back to his reality. And there they are, resting in the nook hidden in the wall- black brick-shaped gemstones. They are still hot when Itachi grabs them and orders you to open the window. Just as your hands have pushed the panes away, he throws the stones out, down the hill. He only breathes once he has heard them crash into pieces against the rocks underneath, resting one hand on the window frame. But they come again. This time with the touch of your fingers on his jaw, lazily running down his neck before he feels your teeth dig into his skin right where his jaw meets his neck. He snaps. At least that is what he thinks he did. It is the window frame that has been snapped instead. And all he can do is look at you; your eyes with no unadulterated intentions behind them as they worry about the blood that is not yours. "I need to go." He knows if he stays a second longer, he might do something there will be no coming back from. Rushing out the door bare-chested, he is already running into Kakashi in the corridor. For the first time in his life, Itachi seems the situation- that heavily involves him- requires an explanation.  "There's-" "Geisha's Opals inside? From the smell I could guess there were two stones." Kakashi seems to have figured it out. "I waking the chief up to prepare the ritual." Itachi nods. He wants to say something more but all he can do is inhale a lungful. "She doesn't realise her thoughts are more graphic than the latest volume of my favourite Icha Icha Paradise novels," Kakashi exhales, visibly tired. "You could see them-" "The burned Opals along with a rose incense are powerful aphrodisiacs," Kakashi explains with his hands as if he was having a casual conversation with his colleague, "combine that with her empath skills, she created an atomic flash of...well..." he gestures vaguely at everything and then at Itachi. "Dress up, let's just get this over with," Kakashi admits before disappearing into the night again, leaving Itachi to make peace with the fact that the Konoha village's Silver Fang saw everything. Every. Single. Flash.
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nardos-primetime · 2 months
Protip: if your family sucks adopt a new one in your head. Preferably turtles. You don't even have to be there. Just imagine them.
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Anything is better than remembering the prison dimension ✨️🙏🏾
I swear, loud music & dancing paired with daydreaming has become my main coping strategy ✨️
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maddgical-boy · 5 months
i know we got para terms like fictpara and primpara but is there a term for a para that is both fictional and real? (e.g. a biopic, video game/show that heavily fictionalizes historical figures, etc) or do we just lump those paras under whichever term fits them best to us lmao
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azucar-skull · 2 months
Y'all ever shower like you're some kind of stray but a person stray being rescued off the streets and in need of a good bath and clothes and warm soup and bed?
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insomniac-dormouse · 7 months
I reeeeally like Rasey
A lot
Like with my whole heart even
Especially in 2003
With 2012
I kinda really really really wanna fix that hot mess of a love triangle
Polyamory is based and it would be so fun
If only I could do both in the same au
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thelaundrybitch · 1 month
Chopsticks - part 1
Part 2
Well, Turtledoves, it's been a hot minute.
Here is the first half of a fic I wrote for @leosgirl82 💕
The second half will be coming soon, I promise.
This was supposed to be strictly Leo, but it somehow turned into Blurple.
I'm not mad about it.
TW: Mentions of abduction, physical, mental, and emotional abuse, PTSD, anxiety - literal mentions, it doesn't go into detail.
This part is not NSFW, but the second part will lead to it. This part is mostly pining and a bit angsty.
And as always, my ninja turts are aged up to 30+ years. Don't be weird.
Please don't steal my work. Reblogging for others to enjoy is highly encouraged, though🤩
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Chopsticks - Part 1
Having been close friends with the turtles for years, their vigilante ways had finally caught up with them. You were taken hostage by one of their many adversaries and tortured for more than a month before they could get to you.
Broken and beaten, they refused to let you out of their sight and emptied your apartment into the lair. 
And rightfully so.
The terror and torment hadn't been targeted. It was meant to be pervasive - physically, mentally, emotionally.
You weren't you when the turtles finally got you back.
Body, mind, and spirit had been shattered and scarred just as their adversaries had intended. 
Initially, they set up a spare room outside the lab, where you could come and go as you pleased and where Don could keep an eye on you. 
Since you and Don were closest, that had been the most logical place for you to be.
It was small, but it was somewhere you could find some solitude and time to reorganize your thoughts. The turtles were hopeful that their loving support while allowing you to be primarily independent would help you regain your sense of self.
But it hadn’t worked out that way.
The malevolent cruelty you had endured had been too much for too long, causing what felt like irreparable devastation to your character and core being.
You weren’t just having nightmares. You had maladaptive daydreams. Ones that were sometimes worse than the night terrors. Ones that Don had only ever been able to stop by heavily medicating you into passing out.
Which was not optimal for the long run. You needed to learn proper techniques to calm you down when medication was no longer an option.
And so that meant there was only one place for you to stay that made sense. With the only being that had more patience and serene energy than a monk.
Your bedroom was currently the guest room that was attached to Leo’s room since he was the only one who knew how to stop all the night terrors that had been a direct result of said abduction.
He was there whenever your lungs squeezed so tight you were sure you'd suffocate from the anxiety attack.
He was there when your tears threatened to drown you as they refused to stop.
He was there to hold you together when the world seemed too much, threatening to shake you apart at the seams.
He was there.
Never questioning.
Never judging.
Always there.
Loving you back into existence when you felt you were losing yourself to the darkness.
Finally, you were starting to feel like yourself again. 
Spending more time out of your room than in.
Eating regularly and with everyone at mealtimes.
Smiles and laughter finally finding their way back to your heart.
And you knew it was all because of him.
Admittedly, you had started falling for the leader some time ago. Hoping, and sometimes even wondering if he didn't feel the same, with all the affection he showered you with daily.
But you squashed those feelings down. 
Deep inside, you knew that spending all that time down there had brought you closer to each of them. Moreso with the Leader- seeing that you literally had to go through his room to get in and out of yours.
So you really shouldn't be reading into it too much. 
It was the natural progression of a deeper friendship.
The comfort had reached the point that most of the time, the door between the two rooms was left open, the pair of you going back and forth as you pleased. 
Sharing books. 
Venting frustrations. 
Offering advice.
You ate meals together and even helped one another with the chores the other didn't care for.
You did his laundry, he made your bed.
He was most definitely your best friend.
And you two were extremely close.
Maybe a touch too close.
Or maybe you were just overthinking the whole thing.
Letting your heart wander too close to the edge where it could so easily fall and shatter.
Mike had made a sarcastic remark one day about “just knocking the wall down and making it one big room,” and Raph agreed as the words were leaving his younger brother's lips.
Your eyes darted to Leo, but only for a split second before Don decided to join the conversation. Commenting on how that might make things somewhat strange and maybe a little strained. The pair of you were besties and did everything together as it was. Surely, being in the same space at all times would cause some unavoidable friction.
Leo had gone perplexingly silent, his eyes trained on you.
Assessing your response
After an uneasy giggle and a blush that made you feel like lava had been dumped over your head, Don found some unapologetic bravado and told you if that wasn’t a concern for you and you weren't afraid of a little unavoidable friction, then his bed was always open too… while giving your entirety a prolonged look of appreciation ending in a wink. 
And if Mike's statement hadn't turned you completely beet red, Don's statement most certainly finished the job.
And that was mostly out of shock - that the tallest of the brothers had suddenly thrown a pickup line at you.
That suggestive.
And in front of his brothers, no less!
Admittedly, the pair of you had teasingly gone back and forth with stupid pick-up lines and a bit of silly, trivial flirting whenever you hung out, but it was all in good fun. It was very much platonic.
At least that's what you had thought at the time, anyway.
But now, here he was, making a clear and direct advance at you!
Not exactly sure what to make of it or how to feel, you saw the sobering expression fall over Leo's face as his eyes moved away from watching you and, instead, glared at the floor.
Your heart clenched as Leo ducked out of the room rather quickly after that. You tried to go after him but Don stopped you, reminding you it was time for your daily meditation with Splinter.
A defeated sigh left your lungs as you walked with Don to the dojo, having to unwillingly leave the blue-clad terrapin to his own devices.
Heartachingly, Leo seemingly tried to avoid you for the next week.
That was what it had felt like, anyway…
Well. At least your hopeful romantic heart could finally put that question to rest. His actions had rang loud and clear, and there was no need to wonder where his feelings lay…
Luckily, his evasion hadn't lasted for long. 
Realistically, it couldn't. 
I mean, you guys basically shared a room!
After some extra meditation time spent with his father behind closed doors in the dojo, he was soon back to his old Prince Charming self. 
Back to sharing his blanket during movie night.
Back to pulling you into his lap when there weren't enough seats. And sometimes when there were.
Back to climbing into bed with you and holding you tight after you'd had a nightmare, churring and pressing soft kisses along your hairline all night long…
But alas, you knew in your heart of hearts that you'd been friend-zoned.
Recently, you’d found yourself wishing it was finally safe enough to move back into an apartment.
Between Leo being Prince Charming and Don now courting you like The Dark Prince, you needed a break!
You needed to get away.
To separate yourself and put some space between all of you.
Specifically Leo.
Because you were entirely and undeniably in love with him.
And you weren't sure how much more and how much longer you could endure his platonic affection before you broke and did or said something that ruined the friendship…
Unfortunately, you were stuck there with them because, according to both Leo and Don, the group that had taken you was still actively hunting you…
So there you would stay. 
For an undetermined amount of time.
Trapped in the sewers with your feelings.
Along with the man who held your heart in a vice grip.
And his brother, who was also trying to steal your heart…
Enjoying my work? Find my Master list HERE
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*If you aren’t on this list, please let me know if you want me to tag you in my other work or if you prefer me to not tag you 😘
@leosgirl82 @leoandraphssoulmate @scholastic-dragon @trufflemacandcheese @eveandtheturtles @raphsmuneca @meowph-132 @wynndigogh @symmetricalkazekage @miss-andromeda @drowninghell @xanadu-702 @iheartchv @justalotoffanfiction @zombiesnips-blog @fyreball66 @yorshie @fluffytriceratops @pheradream-15 @happymoonangel @8pmblackcoffee @jurikyu-blog @lazygirlfanfic0-0 @soryuwifeyxx
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waywardsou2 · 2 months
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚Master Post ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
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✮ Wayward || He/Him || They/Them || Ze/Zyr || Trans || Creator ✮
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Welcome to my main blog! This is where I post anything and everything related to my fandoms and hyper-fixations. You'll be able to see where I'm at based on my header and icon for this blog. Right now, it's all The Bad Batch and will be into the near future. So have fun drowning in that content 👍
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General info about me
| Punk | Witch | Writer | Artists | Possibly neurodivergent | Gay AF |
My fandoms: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, How to Train your Dragon, The Last of Us, Supernatural, Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons, Avatar 1/Avatar The Way of Water, Star wars: Rebles, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars: The Bad Batch.
Interests: Video games | Fandoms | Fantasy | Creativity | Psychology | Music | Ancient history | Mythology |
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📌My DM's are always open for anything, so if you want to rant about fandoms with me, chat about life in general or just make friends I am so happy to chat with anyone! You can also send me asks, I love getting stuff in my inbox so don't hesitate to just dump whatever in there.
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Mood board requests: Open
I make mood boards per request through my inbox so if you would like to make one for a character, concept, aesthetic, or anything I'm happy to make it for you and post it online. More information here 👈
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This is the rest of my relevant information down below 👇
✯ My alternate blogs
Supernatural blog - @waywardsou1
Witchcraft blog - @witchbydaywitchbynight
Alter human blog - www.tumblr.com/waywardcyptid
Writing blog - @waywardwritesstuff
Avatar blog - @waywardavatar
Maladaptive daydreaming blog - @waywardmaladaptive
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✯ My Ao3
I write and post all of my works on my Ao3 as well as my writing blog, find those works here.
✯Discord servers
I have serveral discord servers for different crowds, if you find one you like, feel free to join!
| Safe Space Server | Calling All Witches Server | Artist & Writers Unite | The Bad Batch Lives on |
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✯ Other relevant links
I have a TMNT AU currently on hiatus but I would appreciate you checking it out
I have three old master posts if you would like to look at those 1 | 2 | 3
Master link post for any other relevant but not important information
If any of you are interested in my kins and such then I have a full post about that here
My crowing achievement - my Bad Batch finale analysis, it would mean so much to me if you would check it out
I post writing on this blog as well as my dedicated writing blog, if you would like to make a request, please take a look at my rules first
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✯ All Master Posts
Art Master Post | Bad Batch Master Post | TMNT AU Master Post
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✯All of my Bad Batch content
My writing Master post | Discord server | Finale Analysis | Summer of Bad Batch content
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✯ DNI List
Terfs | Zoophile | Fatphobic | Homophobic | Transphobic | Racist | Ableist | Anti-furry | Anti - alter human | Any type of radical
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✯My tags
#wayward rants - all of my general chatter
#wayward rambles - all of my general chatter
#wayward asks - asks and answers to inbox questions
#wayward art - any and all of my art
# helpful reblogs - posts I want to come back to later
#wayward's wallflower au - the name of my tmnt au
#wayward oc - for any characters I make that aren't canon to the franchise
#wayward sona - for any sona's I make for my fandoms
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✯ My moots
@the-chocoholic-writer | @amansabastris | @murruspins | @ippyhaj | @liberoquorion | @regulusblackisamermaid | @neonleons-posts (love you so much girl) | @small-spiderpunkboy | @fireflysquidsoup | @promiscuousbarnes | @waywardsarah | @corrupt-touch | @grayvveyard All of their content is amazing and you should really go check them out.
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Thats all for now, thanks for stopping by, I hope you find something you like and stick around for a while. See you later
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hyacinthstears · 2 months
Some of the songs are based around some 2012 Mikey headcanons of mine like:
Mikey Self H@rms
Has body dysmorphia
doesn't actually want to be a ninja
His brother (unintentionally) abuse him
he has Maladaptive day dreaming
Mild auditory and Visual hallucinations
spent longer in Dimension X then he said
He Masks
seeks love and approval even from enemies and people who hurt him
Trans fem/Genderfluid
Internalized Transphobia
I'm not projecting what are you talking about???
(ok maybe a little but that's because I'm still overcoming all lot of my issues and while I have gotten A LOT better I still struggle sometimes and imagining and character I love dealing with with the same things I do makes me feel better and less alone)
To anyone out there struggling with anything like this, as someone how has been clean from a lot of these problems for over a year I can say it dose get better and you are not alone🩷
Anata wa hitori ja nai
You are not alone and you are loved.
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I Don't Miss You At All (ITA One Shot)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Warnings: tears, trauma, therapy
Word Count: Thank you Tari for being such a nice friend. For reading all that I blurt out here. Thank you for being my reader and supporter even though I have been so inconsistent as a writer and as a friend.
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
"Looking for something?" Your attention is brought back by the gorgeous olive-skinned lady in her late forties sitting before you. "Hmm?" is all that comes out of you while you are biting the dead skin on your lower lip. "You were looking around for something on the ceiling and-" she points at the French doors opening to the porch outside with the pen in her hand- "the doorway." Your crinkled brows relax and go up a little. "Oh. Right. It was...I was looking for cameras." Now lady furrows her brows even though she is smiling at you. "It was on involuntary." You shrug casually. The lady does not react. "I am used to cameras in my vicinity." you try to summarise. She opens the notebook in her lap. "Nothing negative. Just a project my father has going on." Now her lips make that straight line and you suddenly feel like you've failed a test. "So there is an entire crew-" "Miss Y/N, breathe." she tries to calm you down.
You breathe in, hold the air and let it out slowly, taking in your surroundings again. The beige-coloured room is well-lit- thanks to the abundant sunlight coming through the French doors. You sit on a cream-coloured velvet sofa, wearing your oversized shirt with a happy Tony Tony Chopper eating candy on the front and a pair of blue mom jeans. "So-" the lady starts, seeing that your nerves seem better- "why did you come in today?" "Doctor I-" "Jane. It's Jane. Please call me Jane," she urges with a smile before settling on her cream sofa. "Okay...Jane." You nod.  "So, tell me why you are here today." Pressing your hands between your thighs and letting the warmth seep in, you feel your chest tighten. The air that goes in to help you form the words suddenly feels heavy in the lungs. Your eyes seem to betray you a little too. You smile, trying your best to let your facial muscles close your eyes as much as possible and wipe away the moisture by some miracle. But they fail. A tear falls down your cheek, falling right through the smile. "Because I'm not okay," your voice croaks. Your shivering hands try to wipe away the tears that now seem endless. "Sorry," you whisper an apology. "It's okay," Jane soothes you, pouring a glass of water from the jar sitting in front of you on her coffee table, "let it out. That's good. We're halfway there already because you are aware you are not feeling okay. So, no need to rush. Crying is also a part of it. It is okay to cry." You gulp down the water in seconds before pouring yourself another round. "Okay," you announce softly, nodding in Jane's direction. "Take a minute if-" "No, I'm good," you confirm and settle back down in your seat with a sigh. Jane's eyes smile their kindest smile at you. "Okay. let's begin."
"Yeah-" you nod- "so, it's been a few weeks now..."
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The six am alarm starts to buzz on your phone and before the alarm tone can even begin to ascend, your fingers are stopping the buzz. There is no point in the alarm when you lay wide awake in your bed in the dorm room, your eyes looking at infinity in the sky outside as they have watched it break from dawn to a proper sunny day. The constant throbbing in your head has become a part of your existence now. You lay in your bed for another hour and you would have laid there for two more had Yusuf not knocked at your door. "Y/N! We have a lecture in twenty minutes. Please tell me you are still not sleeping." You have heard him, but your body lays in bed, still looking at the sky. Yusuf knocks again. Silence. "Okay, I'm coming in," he shouts, "you better be decent because we cannot miss today's lecture." You groan and crinkle your nose when Yusuf pulls you up by your arms. You protest, not wanting to attend today's lectures. But Yusuf's begging techniques seem to be your weakness. Deodorant under your armpits and a change of shirt later you are sitting through the day's lectures, pretending to write in your notebook. Everything around you is on the move- the professors, the students, the assignments leaflets, the laptops, even the bugs crawling on the class's windows outside- while you sit in one place. Nothing seems to grab much of your attention. Except for that one whiff of jasmine, lily and a mix of spices that sometimes travels through the air and fires up the wrong wirings inside you. Some days it just makes your heart race up a bit, making you short of breath for a while. On other days, you sweat through your body, unable to breathe, looking for the washroom to run into before crumbling down in there. Today it makes your hands shiver. Your back can feel the cold sweats coming in. "I'll just come back," you mumble to Yusuf and rush to the washroom from the back door of the lecture hall. .
"All good?" Yusuf's concerns are always transparent. "Yeah. I think the dinner from last night was acting up." You smile at him through the lie.  More lectures start and finish before it is time for lunch. "Don't feel like it," you declare, "not hungry." "Have some juice still," Yusuf presses, already having brought you a glass of fresh pressed juice. "Dude, that shit's expensive," you state before sliding it back to him. "I can't. I don't feel so good." But Yusuf does not give up. You take three sips before your stomach begins to feel the nausea. You sit in the grass looking at the endless stream of students going about their day with no thought going inside your brain. And then you see those pair of green eyes. Your heart starts to race again. Only to find it is someone else. But it is already too late. The tears have begun to form. And it is starting to get hard to hide them. Taking out your earphones and plugging them in, you press play on a random tutorial on how to make rice in ten different ways and lie down on the grass with your eyes closed. Some days it works.
It's four in the evening and you have volunteered to get dog food for Yusuf's pitbull. You have your car now to drive you through the city, a second-hand ocean-blue Honda.  Your mind knows that dog food is an excuse. But no arguments are made. You sit in the city traffic, waiting for the light to turn green. Some random radio channel is turned on in your car. You have never bothered to set it up before. They start to play a familiar song.
Wind blows Blew me to where I belong It was you A home I came into the night
The cold sweats start again. It gets harder to breathe. The light has turned green but the vehicles in front of you are not moving. You shut down the radio and press the horn into infinity. Your car revs and breaks into a spree, only stopping at a spot where there aren't any eyes and you can finally hit your steering wheel as much as you want before you break down into an ugly cry. Two hours pass before you text Yusuf you cannot find the specific brand of dog food and return to the campus. Parking your car near your department building, you walk to the dorms. It's a thirty-minute walk.  Sometimes you feel like you hear the familiar soft British accent on your way. Your chest feels the heaviness again, but your brain simply makes it for another student on campus. You don't have any more tears left to shed for the day.
Back at the dorm, you stand under the shower for ten minutes doing nothing. The shirt and PJs you had on last night are what you wear again. You come down to the dining area to see if you have any appetite. You smile at the familiar faces that greet you. You know your smiles are growing weaker every day. But there is nothing you can do about it. Salad. Soup. Bread. Pasta. Fruits. Ice cream. A tiny leaf of lettuce. A finger-sized slice of bread. Two pieces of penne with barely any sauce on them and a slice of apple. That is all that goes onto your plate. Even the lady serving you is concerned for her favourite student who used to leave the dining hall only after stuffing down two huge servings of everything. You sit on the table in the corner right by the window. It is a cold spot so no one ever prefers to sit there. Even as you sit down to eat the contents on your plate, you are not able to finish the bread and the pasta.
Back in your dorm room, you sit in the dark on your bed for about an hour before your phone rings. It's Tony. You look at the time on your phone. It's time for the usual call. You switch on the study light to accept the video call but your fingers never touch the accept button. Finally, you accept the voice call, putting it on speaker. "Hey, sweetie," Tony's voice greets from the other end. "'Sup," you greet back, not truly matching the enthusiasm. "How was college today?" "It was fine." "..." "..." "Okay. Cool. How's that car doing?" "Doing okay." "Because I can send you a better-" "It's doing okay." "...okay," Tony's voice goes down an amplitude, "that's good to know. So...did they have anything good in dinner today?" "Same old." "Did you eat?" you can hear the concern in his voice. "Mm-hmm." Silence. "Are you in your lab?" you finally say, wanting to prevent any more questions that you did not have the strength to answer. "Yeah. Working on a special suit right now. For a special someone." There is a pause for a moment. "Can you...can I hear you work? I have to work on an assignment and I need some sort of background noise to help me get it done faster." "Oh, okay." The amplitude is a little better now.  You lie down on your bed, your legs bent close to your chest, keeping your phone next to you. Tony goes on with this work, chatting with Friday. You continue to listen to him, never consciously feeling the tears fall from your eyes, wetting your pillow. Bruce joins Tony sometime later. You don't know how long has it been since you've been lying there. But you can hear Bruce tell Tony it's two in the morning so they should call it a night. "Y/N, sweetie? You asleep?" Tony whispers through the phone. You say nothing. "I guess she's asleep. Good night, goose," Tony hums before ending the call. You do not wish for the sleep to come, for it has not visited you for quite some days now. But the fear of seeing a familiar face when you fall asleep is also the reason you do not want slumber to hit you. But it comes tonight. Bringing with it reasons you are going to feel the numbness, the hole in your chest, the cold sweats all over again tomorrow.
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Loki only visits your dorm when you are not there. You are gone early from the room because you have an eight am class today. The room reeks. Used tissues lie on the floor, below the study table, overfilling the dustbin. There are half-eaten packets of chips sitting on the desk along with half-finished cans of soda. Your hoodies, sweat pants, shorts and undergarments lie in a crumpled mess in the cupboard as well as the laundry basket. He opens the windows first- noticing the dead succulents on your window sill that Yusuf has brought as a 'dorm-warming gift'- before getting to work. He clears the trash, cleans the floors, disinfects the desk, changes the bedsheet and duvet, and replaces the dirty laundry with clean ones. Taking one last look at the room, he makes sure to leave your clothes just as he had found them to not raise any suspicion. He replaces your bottles and mugs with fresh water, praying that you will drink as much as possible. Then he leaves.
He disguises himself as another student to watch you from afar. Sometimes he catches you lost in a thought in the window of your lecture hall. On other days he sees you looking at the void while sitting in the campus grounds. It is visible you have lost weight. Your eyes have bags under them. Your signature smile that went up to your eyes is not there. Twice he has witnessed you rush into the washroom with great urgency, and both times he has stopped himself from following you, for multiple reasons. Both times he has waited outside in the corridor, pacing back and forth. Both times you have come out with a freshly washed face, red eyes hiding behind spectacles and a smile for whoever greeting you in the corridor.
He keeps a good distance whenever you walk back from your department to your dorm building. The way back is dimly lit and you prefer to walk alone, no matter the time. Sometimes he watches you stop abruptly in your path. Sometimes you sniffle and wipe something off your face. Other times you take your phone out and look at something on it for a long time before closing it and resuming your walk.
He avoids the nights. They do not bring the best of him. Because they are not the best for you.
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"Jane, is it? You do realise I would not be here had those two baboons not tricked me into walking into your office on the pretext of an emergency." Loki huffs and rubs one hand on his face while the other rests on his hips. Jane purses her lips and shrugs in agreement before sitting down on her sofa. "Must have been an emergency for your friends to bring to a clinical psychologist, right?" Loki chuckles sarcastically. Jane is unbothered. "Oh, Miss Clinical Psychologist-" Loki's eyes have nothing but pity as he looks in the doctor's direction- "you are talking to a thousand-year-old being infamous for the art of manipulation. So, no offence, but I am pretty sure I can diagnose myself better than any doctor on this planet. Let alone this galaxy." This time Jane is the one chuckling. "I am two hundred per cent sure no one has the knowledge of psychology on this planet as much as you. And I take your word for all that you said. But-" she takes a tiny remote from the coffee table in front of her, points and clicks it to the opaque window separating her room from the reception outside, revealing Peter Parker and Scott Lang pacing the length of the reception hall- "for the sake of those two worried souls, why not humour me for...twenty minutes? Not to mention, even the best of psychologists need another experienced person to help them out in desperate times." Loki looks out at the two figures who have no clue they are being watched. He can't hear but Peter is saying something to Scott with a look of anxiousness, to which Scott simply keeps his hands on Peter's shoulders for a moment, telling him something, and finally taking him into his embrace. The window goes back to white. Loki comes back into the room. He is lost in a thought for a moment. "Well played, Jane," Loki announces in a mumble. "Had it been any other day, I would not give a damn about any of this." Jane simply gestures to the seat kept for Loki with both her hands. The God sits down and sighs.
"Why do you think they are so worried about you?" Loki raises his hands in defeat. "Beats me." Loki notices Jane has not touched the dairy kept in front of her. Neither her pen. She simply sits there for the God to elaborate. After a prolonged moment of thought, and the presence of zero judgment on the doctor's face, Loki gives in. "It's their friend. She...and I are not on speaking terms anymore." Loki's voice has gone soft. Jane nods. "Is their friend not your friend?" "...she was. Till she confessed that she liked me." Loki huffs the 'liked' part as if it were an insult. "Okay." Jane nods, adjusting herself a bit towards to edge of the seat, interested in knowing more. "Nothing more to it, Jane," he points out, averting his gaze, "she's gone...a bit far so we don't see each other much." "So, you do see each other." Loki takes in a long breath, furrowing his brows as if trying to push something away. "No. I go see her. She is staying in the city. I-" Loki's gaze goes down to his fingers that have started playing with the velvet on the sofa- "check in on her. Sometimes." "Why do you need to check in on her?" Even if that question is out of curiosity, Jane makes no effort to react in any way. Loki scoffs. "Because she is wasting away, Jane. A woman like her, who is capable of changing worlds is wasting away in a box half the size of the room we are sitting in because she was rejected by the God she fell for." Jane pours herself a glass of water. "You still haven't answered my question, though, Loki." Loki looks at her in confusion. "Why do you need to check in on her?" She picks the glass up. "What do you mean- I just told you she is-" "Wasting away, yes. That's the choice she made. Why do you feel the need to go there?" Jade sits back with the glass still in her hand. "Because I am the reason she is in this mess." Loki cannot understand what is so hard to understand. Jade turns her head a little. "So are millions of other women after a breakup. Why is it so important for you to go back to her? You have already told her how you feel." Silence. The glass is sitting in her lap. Loki can feel an unnerving feeling in his chest as he glares at that glass of water.
"Because I love her," he finally admits. "Because I cherish her. Because she nearly died because of me." Jade does not speak in the silence that comes after. "Because it is preposterous to think I could ever be with her." The confidence and anger with which Loki had entered the room has dissolved into the sea of certain new emotions; emotions that seem to be taking over his features gradually. The previously poised glare has turned into a fragile pair of eyes blinking a bit faster than before. "And why-" Jane's voice is soft as it stresses her words- "do you think you cannot be with her." Jane raises the glass to her lips, drinking the water, giving the room a good long pause. At that moment, the God feels the rush of tears in his eyes, the onset of a slight quiver building in his lips, the shakiness of his breath as his throat tries to bring out what has been sitting inside that little boy for ages. "Because I'm a monster." his voice breaks as he looks back at Jane. "Because I don't deserve that love." He tries to breathe in to compose himself only for his throat to shake. "Because I am scared of not being worthy. Because I am scared she will find out it is all a facade and I am nothing but a spineless pawn. Because I have only been loved on conditions and am afraid to get hurt again." Tears fall frantically through Loki's eyes. He does not bother to wipe them off. Jane pours Loki a glass of water and hands it to him. "Must have been hard to say it out loud," she states. "I can assure you if you choose to sit with me to figure it out, it will be a bit easier than it is right now. It won't be a smooth sail, but it will hurt less. And you just want the pain to stop, don't you?" Loki takes in a lungful of breath. "I want it to stop." Janes nods in reassurance. "Please make it stop."
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skeleton-in-a-hoodie · 3 months
In The Road to Hell, Yoshi is going to start off being such a cocky little shit.
Like despite growing up with his family already at war with the Kraang, he had a relatively happy childhood. There's definitely trauma there, and he starts off the au with some maladaptive copying mechanisms, but he's got confidence in spades and know he's a damn good ninja.
He's so excited to be allowed to go topside for the first time on his own. There's no uncles or aunt (who he adores, I can't emphasis enough this kid loves his parents) hovinering over his shoulder, no older sisters treating him like a little kid, or a younger sister he needs to watch. Like he can just explore NYC and have fun! And he meets Shen and makes a new friend! His first friend who he's not related to!
And then the Horrors TM start happening and the confidence gets knocked right out of him, and then Falco happens and rips every single insecurity this kid ever had wide open whilst adding in some fun new insecurities.
The Foot are in New York and the Shredder is hunting down his uncles and Yoshi blames himself for that, because if he'd just grabbed that stupid shuriken then the Foot would have never known they were there.
And that's before you get to all the secrets being kept from him, and how that's going to impact his opinion of himself and his relationship with his uncles, Leo especially.
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janedoewriter · 1 year
Collection of Sebastian Stan and his characters
(mostly Bucky Barnes)
Originally Posted: 1/16/2023
Updated: 1/20/2023
Will be slowly updating from my likes
@hajimesh’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@jpat82’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@innaminitus’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@bolontiku’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@nev3rfound’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes and Sebastian Stan
@trashpanda-bucky Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@Heartopen-testiy’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@dabblinginmarvel’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@marvelfanfics1’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@world-of-aus’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes AUs
@mavsstar’s Masterlist: Sebastian Stan and other Characters
@pancakesfor2’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@maladaptive-ninja-returns’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@nekoamamori’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@revengingbarnes’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes and Sebastian Stan
@justfandomwritings’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@the--sad--hatter’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@lonelyandlovelorn’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@waiting4inspiration’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@capsheadquaters’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@banditthewriter’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@thorne93’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes and Sebastian Stan
@multific’s Masterlist: Bucky
@multific’s Masterlist: Sebastion Stan
@dr0wning-in-hell’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@iamnotoriginalphil’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@tokoyamisstuff’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes 
@yet-another-fan-girl9’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes 
@domxmarvel’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@tweedlydumbtweedlydoo’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes 
@notyetneedcoffee’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@picassho-18’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes and Sebastian Stan
@hela-avenger’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@holylulusworld’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@lovers-in-japan-reign-of-love’s Recs Masterlist #1 Master #2: Bucky Barnes and Sebastian Stan
@aestheticallywinchester’s Masterlist: Sebastian Stan and all Characters
@indyluckycharlie’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@itsanerdlife’s Masterlist of Series: Bucky Barnes
@itsanerdlife’s Masterlist of Oneshots/Drabbles: Bucky Barnes
@winterarmyy’s Fic Recs: Alpha!Bucky Barnes
@winterarmyy’s Fic Recs: Bucky Barnes
@tmpestuous’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@jobean12-blog’s Masterlist: Sebastian Stan and his characters
@buckycuddlebuddy’s Headcannon/Blubs Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@buckycuddlebuddy’s Oneshot Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@buckycuddlebuddy’s Main Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@becca-e-barnes’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@buckysdove’s Main Fic Rec Fic Recs #1   Fic Recs #2   Fic Recs #3 (DBF): Bucky Barnes
@bearsficrecs’s Fic Recs #1: Bucky Barnes
@delaber’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@metalbuckaroo’s Kinktober 2022 Masterlist: Bucky Barnes (AUs)
@goldenjo’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@buckycuddlebuddy’s Kinktober 2022 Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@assembletheimagines’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
@sj-ficrecs’s Fic Rec #13: Bucky Barnes
@buckyseternal’s Masterlist: Bucky Barnes
Series Masterlists
As You Wish Ma’am by @aescapisms: Bucky Barnes AU
Spring Solider by @fanfic-fangirl: Bucky Barnes
Once Upon a December by @xxwritemeastoryxx: Bucky Barnes
Love Cuts Deep Chapters 1 - 21 by @falcor-thee-luck-dragon: Bucky Barnes
Let Chaos Reign Chapter 1- What Place Is This?   Chapter 2- Earth’s Mightiest What?   Chapter 3- Don’t Provoke The Bear   Chapter 4- People Of Earth   Chapter 5- The Man With The Metal Arm by @falcor-thee-luck-dragon: Bucky Barnes
The Last Mission by @maggyme13: Bucky Barnes/Winter Solider 
Winter’s Mate by @maggyme13:  Alpha!Winter Solider
What have I done by @maggyme13: Bucky Barnes 
Ronly Friends by @metalbuckaroo: Roomate!Bucky Barnes
My Own Star on Hollywood Boulevard by @rookthorne: Rockstar!Bucky Barnes
Just the Way You Are by @draguta: DBF!Bucky Barnes
Breach by @darkmasterlistyouneveraskedfor: Bucky Barnes 
A Million Reason by @pellucid-constellations: Bucky Barnes
Greatest Neighbour by @maybepointlessthoughts: Bucky Barnes
Your Filthy Heart by @sweeterthanthis: Stepdad!Bucky Barnes
And They Were Roommates by @golden-barnes: Bucky Barnes
Security Check by @221bshrlocked: SecurityGuard!Bucky Barnes 
Day One: Fingers by @buckycuddlebuddy: TattooArtist!Bucky Barnes
All is Fair in Love + War by @tee-swizzle: Mafia!Bucky Barnes 
The Sergeant’s Heart by @foreverindreamlandd: 1940s!Bucky Barnes
Relationship Tutor Masterlist (series, completed) by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
Faking It (multi-part, ongoing) - part 1 / part 2 by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
New Balance Masterlist (series, on hold) by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Barnes Masterlist (series, on hold) by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
The Killers Masterlist (series, on hold) by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
Apartment 8C Masterlist (series, ongoing) by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
Wicked Games - Completed Series by @summerofsnowflakes: Bucky Barnes
Go On, Leave me Breathless - On Going Series by @summerofsnowflakes: Mob!Bucky Barnes
Fuck up the Friendship - Complete Series by @summerofsnowflakes: College!Bucky Barnes
The Match Masterlist by @babyboibucky​: CEO!Bucky Barnes
Ruin by @sinner-as-saint​: Mob!Bucky Barnes
Flowers and Plums by @stardustvanilla​
Single Fics: Bucky Barnes
The Target by @maiden-of-asgard: Bucky Barnes
One and the Same by @tarynkauai: Bucky Barnes
What a Waste of a Lovely Night by @tarynkauai: Bucky Barnes
Gravity by @heartopen-testify: Bucky Barnes
Gym Class Heroes by @heartopen-testify: Bucky Barnes 
Fall Apart by @allthingsimagines: Bucky Barnes 
Do you think Bucky likes scary movies? by @scarlettwitcher: Bucky Barnes
Fuck, Marry, Kill. Dean Winchester, Bucky Barnes, Geralt of Rivia by @scarlettwitcher: Bucky Barnes
Leave Out All the Rest by @chasing-classics: Bucky Barnes
The One with the Cooking Show by @ragnarachael: Bucky Barnes
The One with the Snowball Fight by @ragnarachael: Bucky Barnes
The One with the Original Coke by @ragnarachael: Bucky Barnes
Unintended Target by @xxwritemeastoryxx: Bucky Barnes
Compromised by @xxwritemeastoryxx: Bucky Barnes
Stitches by @write-and-wander: Bucky Barnes
Dodge, Roundhouse, Pin, Punch by @write-and-wander: Bucky Barnes
Care to Dance? by @write-and-wander: Bucky Barnes
If These Sheets were the States by @write-and-wander: Bucky Barnes
Pierce the Heart by @write-and-wander: Bucky Barnes
His Eyes by @write-and-wander: Bucky Barnes
If I took this Cigarette by @diaryofabeautyfiend: Bucky Barnes
Rough Night by @falcor-thee-luck-dragon: Bucky Barnes 
 Bad Dreams by @falcor-thee-luck-dragon: Bucky Barnes 
Don’t Feed the Flames by @falcor-thee-luck-dragon: Bucky Barnes 
Under A Storm by @falcor-thee-luck-dragon: Bucky Barnes 
Avenger Things by @falcor-thee-luck-dragon: Bucky Barnes 
Under The Golden Lights by @falcor-thee-luck-dragon: Bucky Barnes
A Little Help by @mavsstar: DBF!Roomate!Bucky Barnes 
The Hunk in Apartment Twenty-Two by @kittenofdoomage: Bucky Barnes 
That Normal Thing by @kittenofdoomage: Alpha!Bucky on AO3
A Thorough Job by @kittenofdoomage: Alpha!Bucky on AO3
Cutting It Close by @kittenofdoomage: Alpha!Bucky on AO3
A Good Hard F by @kittenofdoomage: Alpha!Bucky on AO3
Heartbeat by @kittenofdoomage: Alpha!Bucky on AO3
One Foot in Front of the Other by @kittenofdoomage: Alpha!Bucky on AO3
Strategic Fit by @indyluckycharlie: Corporate AU!Bucky Barnes on AO3
A Piece of Me by @negans-lucille-tblr: Bucky Barnes
A Hopeful Tale by @justagirlinafandomworld: Bucky Barnes
Be Like That by @gimmesomebucky: Bucky Barnes
Changes by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork : Bucky Barnes
Dirty Name Game by @jobean12-blog: Bucky Barnes
Elevators by @gimmesomebucky : Bucky Barnes  
Enemy of My Enemy is My Lover by @peachyteabuck: Bucky Barnes
The Forever Collection by @drabblewithfrannybarnes: Bucky Barnes
Gentle Giant by @touchstarvedirl: Bucky Barnes
Goodbyes by @samthemarvelfan: Bucky Barnes
Grumpy by @angrythingstarlight: Bucky Barnes
Irreplaceable by @the-canary: Bucky Barnes
Just A Few Days by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork: Bucky Barnes  
Keep Your Hands Where I Can See Them by @angrythingstarlight : Bucky Barnes  
Let's Take Five by @chrissquares: Bucky Barnes
The Match by @babyboibucky: Bucky Barnes
 Night In by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork: Bucky Barnes
On My Tongue by @angrythingstarlight: Bucky Barnes
The Perfect Match by @jobean12-blog: Bucky Barnes
Pun Intended by @jobean12-blog: Bucky Barnes
Reputation by @startrekkingaroundasgard: Bucky Barnes
Sanctuary by @lokithealligator: Bucky Barnes
Silent Girl + The Winter Soldier by @kinanabinks: Bucky Barnes  
Sweet by @noceurous: Bucky Barnes
Sweetart by @onlyjamesbarnes : Bucky Barnes
Sweeter than Sugar by @angrythingstarlight : Bucky Barnes
That Be Some Good Buttercream by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork: Bucky Barnes
The Barnes Special by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork: Bucky Barnes
Toxic Love by @gogolucky13: Bucky Barnes
We Should Probably Fix That by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork: Bucky Barnes
You Found Me by @sweetlyscared: Bucky Barnes
Venus by @frostironfudge: Bucky Barnes  
Touch my Soul by @buckycuddlebuddy: DBF!Bucky Barnes 
Phantasmagoria by @crushedbyhyperbole: Bucky Barnes
The Moment I Knew  by @maybepointlessthoughts: Bucky Barnes
Good 4 U by @maybepointlessthoughts: Bucky Barnes
Games by @maybepointlessthoughts: Bucky Barnes
Out Of My League by @maybepointlessthoughts: Bucky Barnes
Rooftop Strangers by @maybepointlessthoughts: Bucky Barnes
You Are. Every Inch. The Fantasy by @becca-e-barnes: Bucky Barnes
Part of a Family by @onceuoponastory: Bucky Barnes
Alpha, Please by @kilikina34512: Alpha!Bucky Barnes
’Mega, Please by @kilikina34512: Alpha!Bucky Barnes (Kinda continuation of Alpha, Please)
Legend of the Winter Solider by @summerofsnowflakes: Demon!Bucky Barnes
Chemistry by @onceuponastory: Bucky Barnes
Look at how Good You Take It by @world-of-aus: Bucky Barnes
Not My Babe by @avecra: Biker!Bucky Barnes
Untitled by @gagmebucky: Bucky Barnes
October is it’s Own Magic by @authoressskr: Bucky Barnes
Take My Breath by @buckycuddlebuddy: Bucky Barnes
Pocket Angel by @buckyalpine: Bucky Barnes 
Sweet Dreams by @buckyalpine: Bucky Barnes
Just the Way You Are by @mellowsaturns: Bucky Barnes
On His Knees by @sweetsweetnuit: Hades!Bucky Barnes 
The sergeant's heart by @foreverindreamlandd 
Crazy little thing called love by @barnesjamcs 
An old friend by @carryonmywaywardbucky 
Saving grace by @barnesandrogersfanfics 
That time of year by @edelweiss-and-maple-trees 
Taste of whiskey by @thesoftestpunk 
S: sweet dreams by @buckyalpine 
F: just the way you are by @mellowsaturns 
F: good men and tea parties by @writingcroissant 
F + A: in every lifetime by @wkemeup 
F + A: hang loose by @imtryingmyfuckingbest 
F: operation get mr bucky and momma together by @golden-barnes
F + A: two kingdoms by @softlybarnes 
F + A: marry for power by @duuhrayliegh
F: there is no other love, it’s only yours by @mellowsaturns
My little love by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes  
A Was an Apple Pie by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
Sticks and Stones by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
Mac and Cheese by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
A Bid on Bucky by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
Keep Me by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
Little Bo Peep by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
Little Boy Blue by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
Morning Kisses by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
Eyes by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
Deserve by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
Undercover Fiancés by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
Repairs by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
Comforting Kisses by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
First (and second) Kisses by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
The Same by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
Dusk Till Dawn by @samingtonwilson: Bucky Barnes
Some Tender, Love and Care by @summerofsnowflakes: Bucky Barnes
Bail Me Out by @summerofsnowflakes: Bucky Barnes
Personal Protection Squad by @summerofsnowflakes: Bucky Barnes
Fractures of the Heart by @summerofsnowflakes: Bucky Barnes
Forever yours, B x by @summerofsnowflakes: Bucky Barnes
There’s Always One by @summerofsnowflakes: Bucky Barnes
With All My Love by @summerofsnowflakes: Bucky Barnes
Dancing With a Stranger (The adventure of Mr. Grumpy and Sunshine) by @summerofsnowflakes: Bucky Barnes
Thunderstorms and Rainbows by @summerofsnowflakes: Bucky Barnes
Make Me Forget by @summerofsnowflakes: Mob!Bucky Barnes
His Blood on your Face by @summerofsnowflakes: Mob!Bucky Barnes
I Say No by @summerofsnowflakes: Mob!Bucky Barnes
Graduation Night by @summerofsnowflakes: Mob!Bucky Barnes
His Angel, His Sweetheart by @summerofsnowflakes: Mob!Bucky Barnes
Pushing Your Luck by @summerofsnowflakes: Mob!Bucky Barnes
Don’t You Want Me by @summerofsnowflakes: Sugar Daddy!Bucky Barnes
His Most Prized Possession by @bucky-barnes-diaries: Dark!Mob! Bucky Barnes
Hail Mary by @traitorjoelite: Footballplayer! Bucky Barnes
Fly Me to the Moon by @khimili​: Bucky Barnes
Questions by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Safe Haven (Post Endgame Bucky) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Rescue Me (Post Endgame Bucky) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Longing by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Obscure by @sinner-as-saint​: Dark!Bucky Barnes 
All My Love by @sinner-as-saint​: Chubby!Bucky Barnes 
Santa and Sunshine by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Tempestuous Series by @sinner-as-saint​: Royal!Bucky Barnes
Biker! Bucky by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
To You by @sinner-as-saint​: Alpha!Bucky Barnes
Spark by @sinner-as-saint​: Firefighter!Bucky Barnes
A Sweeter Place by @sinner-as-saint​: Mob!Bucky Barnes
Eye For An Eye (ceo!bucky series)  by @sinner-as-saint​: CEO!Bucky Barnes
Hundred and three (birthday special) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
All Yours (professor!reader x uni student!bucky) by @sinner-as-saint​
Predestined (series) by @sinner-as-saint​: Mob!Bucky Barnes
Hostage Of Your Eyes (series) by @sinner-as-saint​: Mob!Bucky Barnes
Love Made Me Crazy (ceo!bucky/mob!bucky series)  by @sinner-as-saint​: 
Fire On Fire by @sinner-as-saint​: Firefighter!Bucky Barnes
Another World (series) by @sinner-as-saint​: Alien!Bucky Barnes
À la folie (hc)    by @sinner-as-saint​: Prince!Bucky Barnes
You Know Just What I Need (spoilt!brat bucky x head of security!reader)  by @sinner-as-saint​
Twilight Moments With You by @sinner-as-saint​: EX Mob!Bucky Barnes
You Bring Me Home by @sinner-as-saint​: Mechanic!Bucky Barnes
Power Over Me (ceo/soft dom!bucky x sub!reader series)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
You Were Made To Be Mine (pirate!bucky x mermaid!reader series)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Too Young To Love You (chubby!bucky x reader)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
My Favorite Kind Of Night (camboy!bucky series)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Safe and Sound (Bucky Barnes x librarian!reader) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Unleashed (doctor!bucky x reader) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Take You Like A Drug (biker bucky barnes x reader) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Poison Paradise (fratboy/biker bucky) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Let Me Love You (ceo!bucky) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Wreck My Plans (mob!bucky) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
‘yes daddy’ (sambucky x reader) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
my sweet love (uni student!bucky x professor!reader) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
‘till we bleed out (vampire!bucky series) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
purpose (mob bucky) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
The Unseen (hades!bucky) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
we can’t stop, we’re enemies (bucky x avenger!reader) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Crawling Back To You  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
I am your fall (mob!bucky x ex-spy!reader) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
War of Hearts (prince!bucky x dark fae!reader) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
I saw you and I knew (biker!bucky) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Come Home (soft mob!bucky) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Night Hours (Mob!Bucky) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Yours To Wield (Mob!Bucky series) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
My Salvation (Police Chief!Bucky) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Wherever You Stray, I Follow (demon!bucky series) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Into Your Arms (mob!bucky) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
the first time (beefy!bucky) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Ruin (mini series) (mob!bucky x innocent!reader) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
my home for all seasons (bucky barnes x hades!Reader) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Fall Apart  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Good To You (boyfriend’s dad!mob!bucky)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
pretty boy  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
birthday boy  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
king in your story (viking!bucky) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
you next to me (punk!bucky) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
you’re no saint  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
sub!bucky w/ mommy kink  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
like a villain (bucky x avenger!reader) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
wanna be yours (uni au) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
quickie w/ mob!bucky  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
soft like winter (dark!mob!bucky) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Crossfire series (mob!bucky) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
middle of the night (bucky x avenger!reader) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
meddle about (mob!bucky x babysitter!reader) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
cuffing season (beefy!bucky uni au) by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
we can make it till the end  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Capital Letters series (COMPLETED)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Single Fics: Sebastian Stan
Dating Sebastian Stan would include... (1/3) by @falcor-thee-luck-dragon: Sebastian Stan
Dating Sebastian Stan would include... (2/3) by @falcor-thee-luck-dragon: Sebastian Stan
Dating Sebastian Stan would include... (3/3) by @falcor-thee-luck-dragon: Sebastian Stan
Imagine having not one but three men being head over heels for you by @aestheticallywinchester: Sebastian Stan
Convergence Of The Twain (Professor Sebastian Stan)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
As Long As You’re With Me  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
De Trop  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Nobody Does It Like You Do  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Ardor (Artist! Seb)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Drabble #1  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Drabble #2  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Drabble #3  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Drabble #4  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Drabble #5  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Limerencia Series.  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
I Think He Knows (Headcanon)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Adore You (Professor! Seb HC)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
You Can Be My Full Time Daddy (sugar daddy! seb HC)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Professor! Seb HC  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Jealous! Seb HC  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Teacher’s Pet (professor!seb x reader)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Lover (innocent!Seb x Mob!Reader)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Predestined (ceo!seb series)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Daylight (ceo!reader x personal assistant!seb)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Strawberries & Cigarettes (Frank x Reader)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Afterglow (mob!seb x surrogate!reader)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
King Of My Heart (devil!seb)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Cherries and Wine (sugar baby!seb)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
illicit affairs (mob!seb)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Take It Off (mob!seb hc)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
His Obsession. (mob!seb x housekeeper!reader)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
All For Love  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
Somebody Else (cherry!seb)  by @sinner-as-saint​: Bucky Barnes
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mixelation · 2 years
i’m rereading homemade dynamite and i was thinking ... between the hellpit and deidara blowing up two out of three fields that they go into kakashi's probably made the connection that it was deidara who blew up the ROOT tunnels ... i was wondering whether kakashi asked the sandaime or anyone else about deidara's suspicious origins though?? like even at the beginning fresh in the hospital post-team test?
tbh i originally meant to have kakashi as just a cameo, so i haven't completely decided how much he actually knows/suspects yet. kakashi DEFINITELY knows there's something deeply fucked up about deidara's origins, but i don't think he's actually done much prying. a lot of ninja have fucked up origins, even within konoha, and i think actively trying to look into those origins generally lands you in trouble with someone. :P he MIGHT if he thought deidara were an active threat to konoha, but so far deidara is just his adorable phenomenally destructive student that his cute kouhai weasel may or may not have the world's most maladaptive crush on !
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insomniac-dormouse · 11 months
I want to make a tmnt 2012 au, but I can’t remember much of any of the five season I watched.
I wanna make a 2003 au, but I’ve only watched like 5% of the show.
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I bs my way through a fusion and hope it goes somewhere
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yanteetle · 1 year
(I used to actually daydream while pacing all day bc of my AuDHD but then I got medicated and it made me rlly tired so now I just daydream abt the turtles in b e d)
UGH THANK GOD IM NOT THE ONLY ONE! I used to have really bad maladaptive daydreaming but I think therapy has helped me a lot with it, so now I mostly daydream when I get overstimulated and overwhelmed to cope. Sometimes it makes it worse, sometimes it doesn't but thankfully it helps me overall :D
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tarithenurse · 1 year
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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Smut/lemons/nsfw/sexual themes = *
Mental health issues = %
Violence/gore = #
Always watch out for individual chapter warnings/content.Reader is per default female unless otherwise stated.
Training day *
HoH!Reader. Reader is a new agent training with the Avengers and harbouring a crush on Bucky.
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2
Mission abroad *#%
Inhuman!Reader. A mission to Italy forces Reader’s hand and despite of the success of the mission, she has a hard time dealing with what she’s done. Bucky helps her.
(Challenge for @welcome-to-fangirl-hell)
Drabble-esque. Sometimes being cheeky pays off.
Surprise *
(Challenge for @maladaptive-ninja-returns)
Bucky x Reader x Loki. Working for the Avengers gets Reader really close to her idols. Really close. No plot.
The right partner
GN!Reader. Drabble. Can also be read as Stucky! Inspired by Carol Emerald’s “The Ghost of You”.
To be seen
Reader is part of the Avengers but is not feeling confident in her role as a teammate. It takes a special effort from Bucky to convince her otherwise.
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