oliver-hayes24 · 18 days
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Photos done by Zorya
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Male MC: Heyy...
Male MC hugs Jake from behind whileJake is cooking.
Jake: Don't do this
Male MC: Why?
Jake: What if I hurt you?
Male MC: Doesn't matter
Jake turns off the stove and moves the pot to the side. Turns around and hugs Male MC back. Male MC gives Jake kiss on neck and Jake gives him for it kiss on head. Both are so happy to live simple life with their cat and pride flag on the wall.
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dotted-clouds · 3 months
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doomed 👍
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dnana-2809-blog · 4 days
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One of the reason, why I love non canon ships (especially m/m relationships)....
Also, the reason, I got into and then fall in love with shipping is because the 'relationship' between maleMC and their (best) friend/rival/enemy in shounen series....
All shounen series will always be special with their "bromance" vibes...
I'll always love m/m ships (even if non canon) a bit more than any canon m/f ships....
Thank you so much dear authors and artist for sharing your works (fan fics & fan arts) of non canon m/m ships....
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noyob · 8 months
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this was Kyoto right
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zyuyea · 8 months
His Touch Chapter 1, part 1
Comic pages sketches first and the script at the end. SFW
M!MC x Ominis Gaunt
My Ko-fi
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1 Reunion
Isaac is standing in front of year 7 dormitory room, letting out a sigh as he looks at the entrance to the room he’ll be spending most nights for this final semester. 
"I thought I heard a familiar sigh” Ominis says. 
Isaac turns his head and blushes when he recognizes Ominis’ voice. 
"Ominis!" He glees. 
"The school year hasn’t even started, yet you suspire already" he humors. 
"It’s our final year, it’s a bit…melancholy, isn’t it?" Isaac replies 
"Then we make the best out of it, won’t we?’ Ominis says with a soft smirk. 
Isaac looks at his friend, and notices Ominin’s new height. 
“You’ve gotten much taller over the summer” Isaac blurts out, surprised.
“I did?” Ominis replies with a puzzled expression. 
“Am I taller than you?”, he adds on and reaches his hand towards Isaac, and pats him on the head making Isaac blush more. 
“It seems to be” Ominis grins with a wider smirk as his friend now seems to be a head shorter than himself.
My Ko-fi
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night-market-if · 1 year
Milo MaleMC
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This month on Patreon, it's all about Male MC's. Continuing with our spicy themed month, join a Male MC and Milo for a small walk through the alleys where Milo is quite *ahem* Milo. :)
Available at the Velvet Guard tier this month.
🪷✨🪷✨ If you want to support me 🪷 ✨🪷✨ 
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rae-and-mezo · 1 year
Hi Rae! I really love your HPHL headcanons! I've been having so many feels for Danny x Poppy recently. Maybe some OC x Poppy headcanons? Thank you!<3
MaleMC! x Poppy Headcanons!
A/N: Upon further asking, @catohphm has requested a Male reader! This is pretty short and sweet, but it's super fluffy!
You're most likely taller than her, and she just loves it.
It doesn't matter if you want too or not, you will be going on adventures with her! (actually she doesn't mind if you would rather stay in doors, but you can't get out of her rants about what happened)
You two are parents to many many creatures. She referred to you as 'papa' once when she was talking to a creature. No, she will not admit it.
She's so fiercly loyal, it doesn't matter where you are or what you are doing, she's got your back.
Please show her your interests. She spends so much time talking about her beasts, she wants to hear what you like as well!
This girl cannot give gifts but she tries. You like the color green? Here's a slightly green pebble she found. Oh, someone else got you an emerald green waistcoat? Yeah...okay maybe she should have thought harder.
She's like the least jealous person you will ever meet, but boy is she hot tempered. She hardly stays mad at you for long, but you have plenty of petty little fights.
Mornings consist of her bringing you coffee and breakfast sometimes, having already been up with the animals. Sometimes she decides another adventure is in store, but never leaves without leaving you a note telling you where she is going and for how long.
Naps are so not her thing, she's too high energy. But she does love to be in your prescense. Curled up on your chest while you sleep, or read, or whatever!
She's dragging you out into the garden to come see the new baby Graphorn, into the forest to see the new screaming toad colony. You will NEVER be bored
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kingdoms-and-empires · 11 months
Hello hello sensual and handsome author! How are you? I was checking again this awesome blog and I realice something outrageous, dreadful, terrible even, something my gay af MC could not tolerate and, as his representative here I need to point:
There is not a lot of questions/post of people asking about Veriel and Edward???? Or sending their support/love?? Like?? My bois? Trauma-man and Goody-shoes?? You literally can’t ask for someone better!
I will save two files for their romance and i dont care about anything more, what am curious tho its abut our little cutie sister, the times you respond some questions about romance and Mc’s family, normally the bros are more chill meanwhile our little princess, our protégé are more chaotic
Its the same if Mc has a 100% bromance no homo relationship with one of the guys? Our little brothers and sister will behave the same way if that was the case?
And if Mc was female? There would be the same… chaos in our sister when she interact with her sister’s boyfriend/girlfriend?
Ps: If something happens to Lukas EVERthe meme “I will kill everyone in this room and then myself” will not be a meme anymore its not a threat, but a warning 👀👀👀
Thanks for your attention, have a good day!
Juli is quite literally her
She is the thunder in the night that makes no light
The sweet whistle the blade makes when cutting through the air
The last burst of warmth you feel once there's no going back with hypothermia
The crocodile just before breaking the surface of the water
Also, Veriel and Edward routes are going to be facing some very different problems with MaleMC, so no need to fear boring routes
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oliver-hayes24 · 3 months
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trashmammal69 · 6 months
Heyo! Noticed you posting a lot of Yukaham thoughts lately, and that's what your fic is about, but I have no idea what that is! This is your formal invitation to talk all you want about what that is, why you love it, and what you're writing! ^3^
So Yukaham is a ship from Persona 3 (the best one), with Yukari and the female protag! Femc has a bunch of different names, but the one used for ships is Hamuko, even though most people (including me) prefer the name Kotone. This is bcuz the male protagonist's name is Makoto, so it'd be impossible to tell if any ship with "koto" in it was with the malemc or femc. Ends up in really dumb sounding ship names for femc lmao. Girls can't even have a nice ship name! Smh,,,
ANYWAY, I just absolutely adore these guys. It's my OTP for p3, even though most people just ship Yukari and Mitsuru (Totally get it, though. Every scene between them has enough gay tension to cut with a knife). To be honest, I'm not quite sure why I prefer Yukaham. Even though Kotone is far and away my favorite protag, she's definitely not as well developed as any of the actual characters. Maybe that's why I like her so much? There's not as much as other characters, but there's just enough to build off of from her goofy dialogue choices, making her great for fan content. Also I just love her design! Also she's super gay.
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I also adore the other half of the ship, Yukari. She is far and away my favorite persona character. She's just so well written! She has a lot of interesting dynamics with the other characters as well, especially Mitsuru and Junpei. Her fits are great too, and her design in general just exudes 2006 girly girl energy that I love. She also has a lot of interesting insecurities and weaknesses to explore, like her unwillingness to rely on others, which stems from her relationship with her mother, and not wanting to end up like her. Sidenote, I love when characters focus so hard on not failing in one aspect that they fail in all others and end up self-sabotaging. Oops! Additionally, I find her abrasive personality meshes really well with Kotone's upbeat, bubbly attitude. Also she's super gay.
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As for the fic I'm writing, a warning first: IT HAS HUGE PERSONA 3 SPOILERS!! If you have any interest in p3, I'd really recommend playing it before reading ahead!!
That out of the way, I really wanted to focus on Yukari dealing with the grief of Kotone's death. In The Answer (an add-on to the original persona 3 and the biggest media literacy check of all time) Yukari is clearly miserable, and her dealing with her grief heavily impacts her decisions and behavior throughout The Answer. That add-on, however, is only available for the male protagonist in the FES version of p3, which doesn't include Kotone as a protagonist. So, I thought it might be cool to explore what might happen to Yukari after the events if p3 if she never got closure and development from The Answer.
Basically, I just wanted to write a fic about Yukari reconnecting with her friends after pushing them away, learning to rely on people and how to ask for help, and finally unpacking her grief regarding Kotone's death. All while sprinkling some doomed yuri (my beloved) flashbacks in between. A good ol' fashioned smash'em to bits and pick up the pieces fic! And I'm having a really good time with it!! It's the first time I've ever been this pumped and motivated about writing, and it feels so nice!
THANKS SO MUCH FOR ASKING THIS MADE MY DAY!!! I'll never pass up an opportunity to ramble about some of my most favorite blorbos,,, Have a good one!! :D
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lovely-cuicui · 1 year
Recently I’ve been going through my tumblr dash, discord servers, and even my tiktok fyp. As someone who consumes large amounts of hsr content that’s what my socials have all been abt recently.
So far, a majority of players that i’ve seen/interacted with ship at least one of these:
March x Stelle (starch, melle, stelle7, are a few ship names. i love this one)
Caelus x Dan Heng (idk any ships names cus i don’t interact with many malemc things. i also love this one)
MC x Dan Heng x March (very cute, i love this one the best. still don’t know any ship names for this)
Bronya x Seele (Bronseele transcends all universes. who doesn’t love it?)
Also, I haven’t seen people openly hate the ships either. I highkey love this community so far.
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
A lot of people are shipping Jake and Phil. I was thinking about a Jake x MaleMC, but now I'm thinking about a Jake x Phil Fanfic 😭😂
No no, Anon. Don't think, just do both, if you want. 😌 We have far too little content of both ships, unfortunately, and I think more Male!MC would like a lot of people, as well as more Phil x Jake content. And otherwise, (of course it depends if you feel comfortable with it) we also already have Jake x Phil x MC, all three of them together. 😂 Fortunately, we can choose at will, but no matter what you do, I think some people will be happy about it. 🥰
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papaziggy-devblog · 2 years
How would Harper react to a MaleMC with a feminine name like Daniela and such? Due to MCs parents being informed they would be having a girl only to be surprised
- sincerely a dude with the name Rose
He wouldn't think too much of it if you didn't mind your name
If you didn't like it he'd ask if there's something else you prefer to go by, and if you couldn't think of anything he'd just call you Caro Mio :O
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zyuyea · 8 months
His Touch Chapter 4, part 2
Comic pages sketches first and the script at the end. SFW
M!MC x Ominis Gaunt. Male x male kissing.
My Ko-fi
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“Care to try?” He whispers, tilting his head down. 
“You mean us?” Isaac asks back, sitting himself up while looking at Ominis. 
"No harm in practicing, is there?” he replies. 
“Alright, for practice then”, Isaac whispers with a smile. 
Isaac gives a light kiss on Ominis lips, but Ominis doesn't kiss back, he wasn’t prepared and asks to try again.
“Sorry I flinched, again?” 
They kiss another time, but this time Isaac lingers onto Ominis’ lips. 
Ominis smiles  while Isaac looks at him. 
“I guess there’s something to kissing” Ominis humors. 
“You have soft lips, by the way” he continues. 
Isaac looks away and blushes more with a big smile on his face.
My Ko-fi
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night-market-if · 1 year
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This month on Patreon, it is Male MC and the RO's. All spicy content. Join Hazel for some "gardening". Join the Courtesan tier of my Patreon to receive this content. Enjoy!
🪷✨🪷✨ If you want to support me 🪷 ✨🪷✨ 
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