#Malta LGBT friendly
transgenderer · 2 months
Given your current European phase, I have a feeling you would find Malta compelling. It has no rivers. It had an ancient civilization that vanished mysteriously. It was ruled by religious pirates for centuries. They write their arabic-related language with the Latin script. Their national meat is rabbit. All the towns on the main island have fused into one city. It's one of the most corrupt and one of the most LGBT-friendly countries in Europe. Incredible place.
ive been to malta! when i was like, 13? it was really cool i saw old-ass paintings of cows. it would be cool to go back to. its a very weird place
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johannepetereric · 2 years
Oh, COME ON, Malta is still anti-abortion😩😩😫
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cantsitstraight00 · 4 years
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Isn't sitting straight boring? I mean, just looking upon the dusted windows in our houses, locked ourselves from socializing and not traveling due to the COVID pandemic, for 3 months straight.
I never felt more urge in my life, to just get my ass out to start traveling somewhere around the world. In June everything was kinda getting normal in Europe, borders started opening again so I immediately planned my first-time travel alone trip to Malta.
You guys may wonder, being a student traveling Malta for the first time travel alone trip isn't ideal because of some reasons:
Numero uno - Malta is fucking costly, as tourism is the major business and tourism has a great share in the country's economy. Numero dos - It is extremely far away from the place I live and the flights ain't cheap.
Numero tres - It is extremely hot during the summer, but being an Indian can play to my advantage, as I have lived my entire childhood growing up in those hot climates.
But my set of reasons were a little bit different from the above-mentioned reasons lemme tell mine
Number 1- Malta is one of the best LGBT friendly destinations, so it caught my heart immediately.
Number 2- It has one of the best beaches in the world and some breathtaking viewpoints.
Number 3- I had a friend there, so staying ain't a problem, it means accommodation won't be a part of my tiny budget.
So I booked a flight for a week to spend in Malta, promising to my number one reason, I wore a bit of makeup as I was traveling to Malta, but totally forgotten that I had a layover of 16hours in Warsaw, Poland which is one of the least gay-friendly destinations in Europe. But my stay in Warsaw and my experience will be shared in upcoming posts.
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Where did I stop? Oh yeah, I arrived in Malta wearing the perfect clothing fully covered in black. It was freaking hot, within few steps outside the airport I started to feel like a melted ice cream already, so didn't give a shit about my dignity just changed my clothes to my shorts and sleeveless. Got my bus pass for a week, stepping into the bus literally changed my perspective of Malta, definitely not in a bad way at all. The diversity in Malta was unexpected. I was surrounded by a lot of Africans and Indians which was surprising I thought of Malta being a European country wouldn't have such diversity. I was having mixed emotions of overwhelming, excitement, and thrilled. Overwhelmed by diversity because I have never been surrounded by many Africans ever in my life didn't mean in a bad way it was just knowing that African countries aren't the best LGBTQ destination kinda made me scared, but again to my surprise, the people were amazing. The closer I get to the city, I literally forgot that I was standing for 45mins straight.
I have to say something quickly that Malta's bus and the road system is a little bit fucked up because there was a lot of steep turns and lot of stops in-between places for every minute there would be a stop, but the good thing is if there are no people in the stop, the bus doesn't waste time, would skip it and if someone wants to get down, must not forget to press the stop button, otherwise, it is gonna be bye-bye stop.
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For the first 2days, I booked a hostel as my friend was busy. The hostel we're promising as mentioned on the website and quite luxurious having a rooftop bar of its own. The people working there were one of the lively and friendly people I've met ever.
Got my keys, unpacked my luggage, and didn't waste a second, got out to explore the country. Key things to know that Malta's tap water isn't drinkable and everything tends to be a bit pricey than some of the European countries. No meal starting less than 6euros. But there were some Maltese snacks starting from 40cents we're pretty damn good, even though it was fried and bit oily, the taste matches the heaven. My love for Maltese snacks and their fresh-baked loaves of bread and their creamy, smooth, mouth-watering ice creams will also be explained well in the upcoming post.
Malta's architecture was so unique from a distance it looks like building were built on top of each other, the aesthetics were like medieval building with an ancient structure matching modern time. The streets were such a treasure to Malta.
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Definitely, I wasn't traveling straight because Malta had a large number of turns. So it turns out to be not a straight trip. Now me being a bitch I am going to stop here and share the rest of my trip to this breathtaking country in my next post because there is a lot to share. So bye guys. Catch you in the next part:)
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crossdreamers · 3 years
JK Rowling and anti-trans rhetoric have caused ‘significant damage’ to the UK LGBTQI community, international report says
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Britain is no longer one of the leading nations on the LGBTQI ranking of  ILGA-Europe.
ILGA is the acronym for the European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association. It is also known as Rainbow Europe. The rankings are based on how the laws and policies of each country impact on the lives of LGBTI people.
This year’s report explains:
Anti-trans rhetoric continued to cause serious damage in the UK again this year. A prime example is repeated transphobic attacks by author J.K. Rowling, on Twitter and in her writing. Her statements have been harshly criticised by trans people, activists and writers. A growing number of celebrities, including from “Harry Potter” films, have spoken out in support of trans communities. 
The report points to the conflict in the British newspaper The Guardian, attacks against LGBTQA friendly schools and the debate around The Scottish Government’s Hate Crime and Public Order Bill as examples of the increasing intolerance found in Britain.
In October, the Home Office published its annual Hate Crime statistics, finding a continued increase in hate crime cases as compared to the previous year, with sexual orientation based hate crimes increasing the most (19%) and anti-trans hate crimes second most (16%).
They also refer to  the England and Wales’s High Court which  ruled that young people under 16 are unlikely to be capable of consenting to hormone blockers, and the fact that the legal gender recognition reform continues to be delayed.
Malta remains best in class in Europe. As ILGA points out, The FRA LGBTI Survey II found that LGBTQI respondents in Malta had the lowest reported rate of threats and violence in the EU. The country has probably the most LGBTQA friendly policies in Europe.
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The Rainbow Europe country ranking. The colour assigned to each country gives you an indication of where the countries are positioned on a scale between 0% (gross violations of human rights, discrimination) and 100% (respect of human rights, full equality).
See also Pink News: JK Rowling and anti-trans rhetoric have caused ‘significant damage’ to the UK, international LGBT+ report warns.
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phoenixlionme · 3 years
LGBT Friendly Countries
You know how Disney keeps doing the whole “first ever LGBT character” in order to appear diverse but KEEP messing up? Because they want to make sure they get a lot of money from China and the CCP government has a strong stance against anything LGBT? And how they have the same reason for Russia? Okay, does Disney know there are six billion other people in the world and you don’t need to make over a billion dollars, just make back at least twice the amount (i.e., if a movie has a budget of 2 million dollars the movie would have to make back at least 4 million at the box office)? Okay, well I know that they’re are countries that are very anti LGBT but there are also countries who are LGBT friendly (even the ones with some restrictive rights on them). Here are a few countries and their estimated population. The countries that Disney and other companies should also focus on.
M = Million
B = Billion
T = Thousand
NOTE: I am re-making this from a previous post to alphabetize the countries.
1.  Argentina - 45.49 M  
2. Aruba -  107,204 T
3.  Australia - 25.70 M
4.  Austria - 9.04 M
5. Belgium - 11.62 M
6. Bermuda -  62,012 T
7.  Brazil - 213.63 M
8. Cambodia -  16.49 M
9.  Canada - 37.97 M
10. Cape Verde -  549,935 T
11. Chile - 19.2 M
12. Colombia - 51.26 M  
13. Costa Rica - 5.12 M
14. Cuba - 11.3 M
15.  Cyprus - 1.21 M
16. Czech Republic -  10.7 M
17.  Denmark - 5.80 M
18.  Finland - 5.54 M
19.  France - 65.37 M
20.  Germany - 83.97 M
21. Greece -  10.4 M
22. Greenland -  56,421 T
23.  Hong Kong - 7.54 M
24.  Iceland - 342,825 T
25.  India - 1.39 B
26.  Ireland - 4.97 M
27. Israel - 8.75 M
28.  Italy - 60.39 M
29.  Japan - 126.19 M
30. Luxembourg -  615,729 T
31.  Malta - 442,384 T
32.  Mexico - 129.89 M
33.  Nepal - 29.50 M
34.  Netherlands - 17.16 M
35. New Zealand - 4.85 M  
36.  Norway - 5.39 M
37.  Philippines - 110.6 M
38.  Portugal - 10.17 M
39. Puerto Rico - 3.2 M
40.  Scotland - 5.46 M
41. Slovenia - 2.1 M
42.  South Africa - 59.83 M
43. South Korea -  51,301,193 M
44.  Spain - 46.76 M
45.  Sweden - 10.14 M
46. Switzerland -  8.57 M
47. Tahiti -  189,517 T
48.   Taiwan - 23.84 M
49.  Thailand - 69.92 M
50.  U.K. - 67.61 M
51.  Uruguay - 3.48 M
52.  U.S. - 331.42 M
53.  Vietnam - 97.75 M 
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yecgaytravel-blog · 7 years
Malta: Europe's Best LGBT-friendly Destination!
Malta: Europe’s Best LGBT-friendly Destination!
We’ve already ogled at hot guys when Mr Gay World was held in Valletta last year – but this beautiful Mediterranean island just came first on the European Rainbow Index!
Among 49 countries in Europe Malta managed to beat Norway, UK and Belgium, coming on top with 88% score regarding laws and policies impacting LGBTQ people.
“We are delighted that Malta has been recognised once more as the…
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yoonminist · 6 years
Omg so there’s bunches of really ripped guys walking around in the background of a few of the clips, especially the night time scenes ... and Jimin checking out the cute duo leads me to believe that someone googled Gay friendly countries to visit and guess what’s at the Top 😂 ‘Welcome to Gay Malta Malta is one of the most gay-friendly countries in the world. This beautiful island is a great Mediterranean destination for gay travellers’
WHO ORGANIZED THIS LMAODJDBF THEIR MIND,,, but for real i googled this just now and i’m actually impressed because malta is apparently THE best country in europe as far as lgbt+ rights goes with a score of 91.04% and then the country at #2 is at 78.76% Good On You Malta
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nchyinotes · 6 years
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Charlie Craggs - Nails Transphobia / Internal Presentation at Privacy International
May 30 2018
Thoughts: I’ve been interested in trans issues for a while, and have had discussions about various aspects of it with different friends. Listening to Charlie speak, and being able to ask her questions later during the manicure (!!), was very eye opening for me, as I don’t know any trans people. I was especially interested about her experience with the NHS, the terms “trans broken leg syndrome” (lol) and “stealth”, how important surgery is, how the community feels toward the police, how she knew she was trans, bad experience with Tinder, and her concern about which platforms she goes on because of their audience. She really hammered home the idea that as a trans person, just being alive and existing is an act of activism, and trans people are forced into the role of activists when they simply defend themselves. Really glad that I was at PI when she came to speak here!
Links: https://www.instagram.com/charlie_craggs/ and https://www.amazon.co.uk/My-Trans-Sisters-Charlie-Craggs/dp/1785923439
GRA - board of men who decide if you’ve been living as a woman long enough?
being able to self identify (decide your own gender / identity)?
ireland has a law you can self identify? but you can’t stay married if you want to transition (family life)?
allows a less binary approach
need both messaging - about male and female health issues (breasts, testicles, cervical scans, etc)
malta is apparently the best for trans right? but abortion is illegal?
UK is now lower on the LGBT friendly scale because of the dated GRA / trans
roseanne cox on OITNB, janet mok released her book, carmen c came out on drag race
collective conversations helped change the overall conversation
hate crimes have increased (170%), and she/none of her friends have reported being attacked because they don’t have trust in police - there’s no point going through it, nothings going to come of it, victim blaming, being made to feel like its your fault, being laughed at
power holders are often perpetrators of what you’re reporting
feels affirmed when being called “she”
from 2013, only got referred for surgery in 2018 (NHS i think)
3x to get referred
psychosexual counsellor person - asking about sex, a lot of random questions (do you stand up or sit down when you go to the toilet) [privacy issue]
wait two years for the gender identity clinic
after passing all the tests to prove your trans-ness —> referred to surgery?
have to be diagnosed by transgenderism (scrapped by DSA)
spreadsheets online of trans friendly GP to get referrals
finds it amazing that NHS provides downstairs surgery
trans broken leg syndrome
going to any medical thing - you get asked about if its because you’re trans
at bereavement counselling
having a cold
And people in general ask very invasive questions and think that’s ok
Like homeless people: every professional they come into contact with wants to know their story (conditioned - have to tell them up front)
“stealth” they identify as trans but no one knows (in the closet)
abuse on social media from broadly piece/podcast that has been shared with all of vice’s audiences - wouldn’t have done it if she knew vice was sharing it
brands have DoC not to put her in a position like that
you tailor your conversation to who’s listening
instagram/IG: they’ll find your nipples ASAP but their priorities are clearly skewed
power holders don’t recognise it as a problem?
guys feeling entitled to your time - guy at meet and greet saying that he’s been following her on IG and said he added her on FB 2 years ago and she didn’t accept and he showed it up on his phone
part and parcel of putting your life online
they can see where i’m going to be next and come and beat me up
christina grimmie
social media is dangerous
she never attacks, just defends
feminists who believe trans women aren’t women
channel 4 gender quake - paid anti trans people to heckle
suspended from tinder every couple of weeks - take down her profile + read all her messages because of guys that report her (her profile says it)
are algorithms transphobic?
court cases?
never been taken down on bumble or grindr
old tactic: syrian free army report human rights reporters
feels like crap when you got suspended, nasty/dirty/embarrassing
public figure - can leak them if they’re nasty messages
hypocritical: all swipes for everyone etc, trans inclusive
Q from lucy: many trans people have been unfairly denied by Facebook’s draconian identity policies. http://transadvocate.com/trans-people-have-99-problems-and-facebook-is-just-one_n_14727.htm
drag queens have been affected?
boys who watch her story everyday and post on her wall that “you’re a man” - generally its because they want her
“it stinks of tokenism/just trying to make money” - they have trans people in front of the camera, but not behind the scenes — need more diversity BTS
even if gender terms are all removed, if advertising/society still genders living / smooth legs — thats still gendered. taking away language, bodies are still gendered - physically its still a label.
most people just want to be able to identify for themselves - not just eradicate gender, trying to impose a genderless future on people
Facial feminisation is a thing
a need to change your sex - “transexual” (medical + surgical intervention)
Really depends on the individual
None of her trans friends want surgery
But she is getting surgery because its integral to her identity - she can’t even get into a long term relationship because she can’t get intimate with her partner in this body
how did she know she was trans?
never felt like a gay man
growing up - feminine, put on girls clothes, liked guys. —> very textbook transexual
when she was younger said she wished she was a girl - strong sense of dysphoria on her body (when she had to start shaving, she wanted to hide the razor, was embarrassed of it and thought her parents would be too which makes no sense as a teenage boy)
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equality-club · 4 years
Sweden, Canada and Malta are particulary LGBT friendly
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 Gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people (short: LGBT) are not welcome all over the world. A new index shows positive examples.
Sweden, Canada and Malta are the LGBT friendliest travel destinations in the world. This is the result of the Spartacus Gay Travel Index 2020 of the Spartacus International Gay Guide.
Argentina, the Netherlands, Spain, Great Britain and Uruguay followed in…
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hannahismyharto · 7 years
Trans women start revolutions (?)
Maybe this is a coincidence, but America’s LGBT+ rights revolution was start by trans women, and I found out recently it was also trans women who pushed and fought for trans rights in Malta (and years later it’s got some of the best trans-friendly laws!)
I don’t want to draw conclusions based only on the situations of two countries, but it would be cool to know if it’s the same for other countries too.
Anyone got info to share?
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avenirstudent · 7 years
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This French news say @malta is the best gay (LGBTQ+) friendly country in Europe congratulations ! #malta❤️ #lgbt #lgbtqa #lgbti #europe #france #malte
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useless-malta-facts · 7 years
Malta has an active LGBT community, with well attended annual Gay Pride parades in Valletta. A majority of prominent political leaders in Malta appeared at the pride parade in 2016, including Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and Opposition leader Simon Busuttil. 
There was a notable gay club in Floriana, named Tom Bar, which was the oldest in Malta. Another presently operating LGBT-friendly bar is Monaliza in Valletta. AXM, a nightclub that also offers regular drag shows and themed events is situated in Paceville, as well as Michelangelo Club Lounge. The Thirsty Barber is a 1920s-themed establishment and Rubies is a lesbian/gay bar in San Ġwann.
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malteseboy · 7 years
I dont know if you've answered already, but how's it being gay in Malta? Is it still pretty conservative or??
No, Malta is one of the leading countries for being the most LGBT friendly 🌈 Malta ranked first in terms of LGBT rights out of 49 European countries in 2015 and it is the the first country in the EU to ban Conversion Therapy. Also, last year a law passed that Transgender people can change the gender on their ID’s/Passports without the need of surgeries/procedures.
So yeah, personally I’ve never had a problem here as a gay person! Obviously you will find those ignorant people but I think they are everywhere :D
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oneequalworldblog · 7 years
Malta is Quickly Becoming One of the Most LGBT-Friendly Nations in the World
Malta is Quickly Becoming One of the Most LGBT-Friendly Nations in the World
Photo credit: Shutterstock Malta is a small island nation in the Mediterranean, a little blip of land between Sicily and the Northern coast of Africa with a population smaller than that of Seattle. Traditionally Catholic, it only legalized divorce in 2011. But it has swept quickly towards the top of the list of LGBT-friendly nations, and in 2016, it became the first country to make conversion…
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prideguy · 5 years
Malta named best destination for LGBT+ travellers
Malta named best destination for LGBT+ travellers
Malta has won the title of best destination for LGBT+ holidaymakers for the fourth year in a row.
The island nation topped the Europe Rainbow Index, beating 48 other countries to the number one spot. 
The country scored 90 per cent in the index thanks to its LGBT+ friendly laws, policies and lifestyle acceptance.
We’ll tell you what’s true. You can form your own view.
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rightsinexile · 5 years
News on Countries of Asylum
Ten European countries offer to host migrants stranded in the Mediterranean off Malta
An in-depth report on the individuals risking everything for a new life in a safe place
As conflict drags on in South Sudan, families finding refuge in neighboring Ethiopia struggle to integrate amid ethnic tensions
Ethiopia introduces new legislation granting important rights to its approximately 900,000 refugees
Ethiopia allows almost 1 million refugees to leave camps and work
LGBT refugees in Kenya accuse UN of failing on protection, shelte
Somali refugees in Kenya’s Dadaab Camp face uncertainty and increasing trafficker exploitation
Kenya must activate its endorsement of the UN Global Compact on Refugees, end violations and halt refoulement
Donor threats to halt funding Uganda’s highly corrupt refugee operations to affect more than 1 million refugees
Venezuelan migrant children entering Brazil unaccompanied or without documents are vulnerable to human trafficking, cannot access services
Fleeing Saudi teen granted refugee status from United Nations Agency in Canada
Canada to allow more than 1 million immigrants and refugees by 2021 to help offset aging population and low birth rates
Thousands more migrant children separated under Trump than previously known
Trump administration to start sending certain asylum seekers back to Mexico
Government’s own data contradicts Trump’s border “crisis” claim, activists point instead to asylum crisis
Border patrol agents turn away asylum seekers on US soil, probably violating the law
Justice: An inside look at immigration courts - cases pile up and “things go awry”
 Bangladesh closes border to Rohingya Muslims fleeing India, leaving men, women and children stranded in no-man’s land
Thailand pledges to align its refugee policy with international norms after Rahaf Mohammed case, but inconsistencies remain
Too scared to return home, Myanmar refugees in Thai camps face an uncertain future
Oxfam condemns EU over “inhumane” Lesbos refugee camp
New law leaves asylum seekers in limbo, short film shows
Italian mayors rebel against interior minister over asylum seeker law
With 47 migrants stranded at sea, Italy’s interior minister vows to sue Dutch rescue vessel
Hundreds evicted as Italy closes its second largest migrant centre after scrapping residency rights previously offered to asylum seekers
Malta disembarks 49 migrants stranded at sea for two weeks, sparks row with Italy
Barcelona’s alternative community rally to offer shelter and hope to refugees
Royal Navy patrol ship heads for Channel to prevent migrant crossings
UK border police on high alert after 40 refugees make Christmas Day Channel crossing
Forty-eight refugees explain why they want to reach Britain
UK Home Office tracks debit card use to “spy” on asylum seekers
Pope enters migrant ships dispute with appeal for safe ports
Middle East
Israel seeks friendly relations with African states but remains hostile to African migrants in its midst  
Winter storm batters makeshift camp housing tens of thousands of Syrian refugees
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