#Mamo steps up his game
storiesandstars · 2 months
Year of the OTP February Prompt: Different
Read on AO3 | Feat: Mamo-chan and the Girlies
Mamoru is very well aware that life with the Love of all of his lives comes with 8 other women. At first, it was a difficult adjustment. Having been an only child and later on an orphan, he’d found it flustering to have so many people added to his daily life so quickly. They, on the other hand, hadn’t minded one bit whether he lacked the social skills or that some days his mental health couldn’t keep up. They simply pulled him along into their gravity and it was easy to admit, he’d gone along willingly. He still does.
Pluto: Setsuna is everyone’s constant. Wise, reliable and steady and with a mean poker face. He still doesn’t know how she does it or where she garnered her skills, Setsuna’s secrets are her own after all. The girls have tried, but no one can crack Setsuna when she doesn’t want to be cracked. All he knows is when she’s willing to grace a poker table, it’s game over for everyone else involved. Which is why he’s staring at his groomsmen-to-be, wondering why they’re arranging for his casino bachelor party around Setsuna’s schedule. This weekend was for him, wasn’t it?
Neptune: It’s Michiru that he trusts to douse him with the cold hard truth of a matter. Mamoru knows he won’t need to go looking for her when it’s time, she’ll find him. She always does. Truth be told, he agrees with Malakai’s assessment that Michiru would’ve been (and is still) the one most capable of putting an end to him if worse came to worst. The others either have too much of a pre-attachment to him or assigned missions that place their priorities in different orders. But, when he receives the call from Minako that Usagi is going into labour while he is several cities away for a conference, it’s a Kaioh Enterprises helicopter that brings him home to his little family.
Uranus: Haruka’s utter lack of faith in Mamoru’s ability to dress himself goes hand in hand with the lack of faith Junpei, her twin brother, has in Mamoru’s ability to express himself. Luckily for all of them, Mamoru’s faith in Haruka’s aesthetic tastes is absolute - aside from The Green Jacket. Over the years, she’s taught him much in regards to navigating society and enjoying fast cars. In all of that time, the three of them have built up a bank of memories that Mamoru won’t soon forget. Voluntarily, that is. Though, when he reminisces about the day of his parent’s funeral, it’s the sensation of Haruka and Junpei’s hands in his that he recalls with the most clarity.
Saturn: Hotaru is everyone’s first baby. Time will tell whether she grows up to treasure or regret that experience. When Setsuna first brought her home, it was plain to see that tiny baby girl was beloved and would be loved. Now, at 6 years old, she considers it her very grave responsibility to babysit Chibi-Usa whenever Mamoru or Usagi leaves the room. In all honesty, he has monitors set up and never leaves them for longer than a few moments but he finds her serious little face to be adorable. Her sincerity is endearing.
Jupiter: Makoto’s never missed bringing flowers to the graveyard for his parents on their death anniversary. Mamoru can’t quite recall when he told her what the date was or if he ever had. It might’ve been something Usa passed along, but when he comes to visit every year, there are fresh flowers laying in front of the tombstones. They’re from Makoto’s shop, but nothing on them ever advertises the fact. This is very much the way Makoto has always expressed her love and care, by silently taking care of those around her. Mamoru has been glad to be able to step in silently in return whenever she had need, but these days, he defers to Nate when it comes to making sure Makoto is taken care of. He’ll always keep an eye out though, family is family.
Mars: For all that Rei blusters about expressing her love for Usa, it is true, deep and devoted. Mamoru knows Rei’s acceptance of him lies in her willingness to embrace all of Usa and what makes her happy. They’ve never really broached a conversation of what they are to each other and it’ll likely take an act of Usa or Junpei before they do. Over the years, they’ve been able to build a relationship that started out as friendship but has since turned into something genuine and familial. Perhaps, it is a little worrying that Usa has sometimes referred to the two of them as two sides of the same coin. While he would, without hesitation, burn himself for Usa, Rei would - without hesitation - burn the world for her.
Venus: Minako is a straightforward woman, and in Mamoru’s estimation might be the most straightforward of them all bar Usa. Her priority at all times is the safety and well-being of the woman they both love. And Mamoru knows that Minako thinks of him as a brother, but she wouldn’t hesitate to do whatever was necessary to put Usa first. And it’s Mamoru’s faith in this that makes it easier for him to know where he stands with Minako at all times. Where there was some awkwardness in the beginning between him and the Outer senshi, he never once ran into that issue with Minako. He’s pretty sure this understanding runs both ways, if only because Minako has been sure to tell him so on multiple occasions. Usually while one or both of them are drunk.
Mercury: Not so oddly enough, Ami is the one he speaks with the most out of the girls. Of course, there’s the fact that they work at the same hospital. But for all that Ami is the most retiring personality of all of the girls, she’s their communication hub. Officially, it’s the obvious choice, but Mamoru isn’t quite sure that any of them are aware of how much this is also Ami’s unofficial role in their family’s dynamics. They approach her for conversation, or a question, or a problem they’re contemplating and are gently guided or re-routed to a path that will provide insight or inspiration. He’d like to think that dealing with all of them formed the basis for Ami’s famed bedside manner. She’s never quite admitted to it though.
Moon: He’d like to say that he knows every bit about Usagi but the love of his life is a complex woman. Sure, Mamoru knows the parts of her that he knows, quite well. But he can acknowledge that there are parts of Usa that he has yet to know and other parts of her that he will never know. As much as he is a welcomed part of the family she and the girls have built over the years, what the nine of them have together is something precious and layered and substantial. It isn’t something he’d ever want to intrude upon and he honestly doubts he could. Mamoru appreciates that Usa understands the same about him and the life he’s lived. He’s not sure now, what he thought relationships could be like when he was younger. So, he simply cherishes what he has now, knowing he reached out to the moon one day in loneliness and she reached back with enough love to fill his days.
Bonus - Mini Moons: Chibi-Chibi stirs from where she lays in front of him on their bed, her sweet smell soothing him in the morning light. Thankfully, she remains asleep as he adjusts her little blanket around her. Behind him, Chibi-Usa hooks an arm over his neck, snuggling into his back the exact way her mother does. He huffs a laugh and wonders when it became his fate to be surrounded by so many darling little ladies. The scent of fresh coffee wafts upstairs from where his wife must be making a pot of dark roast. In this moment, Mamoru is content and life is good.
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Y'all this is the Feb prompt from Year of the OTP's 2023 prompt list. It is almost August 2024. Ah well. Enjoy!
0 notes
shnuggletea · 4 years
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Yo, what up? Sorry, I've been MIA, had a LOT going on. Three/four weeks of moving and then Eid with a week-long stay with friends/family. Then I had to get my kid registered for school which was more stressful and ridiculous than the last month combined. Why I had to do a physical for my kid to do virtual school, I'll never know. PS, it's kindergarten so what the hell does she need the physical for? (Gave them shot records too so IDK anymore). Just now getting back into the swing of things. Thank you all for being patient. Here is a nice long chapter for you this evening. I hope you are all doing well and surviving/thriving.
Fanfiction HERE!
Chapter 18
She wasn't surprised in the least to find him on the couch when she left her room at 4 am. Their connection flowed with ease once again.
His eyes were closed and his breathing was heavy but his mind was racing even in his sleep. Stopping for a second, she watched him for a moment, her heart swelling at the sight of him slightly peaceful. But then the memories of the night before cracked it all over again.
Her braid swung heavily on her head as she turned quickly towards the door. "Where do you think you are going."
His voice caused her heart to jump into her throat, making it sore. "Out."
"At least let me go with you."
He was right behind her and she swiveled around to block him with her hand. "No!"
Backing off, he sat on the arm of the couch, his arms crossing over his chest. "Did you sleep?"
She balked at him, "Did you?"
His silence was his answer, feeling his exhaustion in him as well. "You should rest. Not run off in the middle of the night."
"It is not the middle of the night, it's morning. And I am heading off to train."
"I thought we talked about this…"
"No, you talked and I listened, so now it is my turn. If you think you can just walk in here and have me bow at your feet, you've got another thing coming."
She held out a finger to point at him, not realizing it had also drawn her into him until he wrapped an arm around her. "I don't want you getting hurt."
"I have been doing JUST FINE without you."
"Usagi, I care about you, that's all."
The knife that he planted in her last night twisted at his words. "You care, huh?"
He was confused, not sure why his words gained that reaction. "Of course, I do, I love you."
She shoved away from him, backing away to the door again. "You should really make sure to finish your sentences, Chiba. You might give someone the wrong impression."
"What are you talking about?" He stood, following after her.
"You mean, 'I love you, Serenity'. See, if you finish it, it has a whole new meaning."
Her back found the door and he caged her in. "You're putting words into my mouth. I mean you. I love you, Usako."
Sticking her arm out, she pushed him away as far as she could. "Stop saying things you don't even understand. You will never know and neither will I; if you love me or Serenity. Endymion has been overruling your feelings from the start."
"I do know and I love you both! The only difference between Mamoru and Endymion is that Mamoru was an idiot! He didn't know love even when it bit him on the ass. Endymion did!"
She looked down at the ground, unable to stand his dark blue eyes on hers anymore, probing her feelings. The lack of sleep was making her weak and her thoughts were a blur.
Her hand dropped, no longer holding him back and he pulled her up from the door and into his arms. He kept his mouth at her ear, talking into the shell of it. "I'm sorry, Usako...I'm so sorry, I should have told you before. Before all of this. From the moment I first saw you, the time you hit me with that awful test score and when you poured your milkshake on me, I have been in love with you. But I didn't because I was a fool and a coward. Now I have to pay for it." His head dropped to her shoulder and she could feel him start to shake with her. "I love you, Usako, more than anything. And so, I will give you the space you want. I will give you as much as I can."
He stepped away, right after planting a kiss to her neck, and released her without another word. He was retreating back to the living room, his back to her, and she watched as it rippled with tension. "There is something I don't understand. How did you awaken? I never wanted you to. I thought I had to want it for it to happen?"
He stopped but didn't turn around. "You didn't, you wanted Endymion to awaken. So I did."
A sad laugh escaped her. "Yeah, I wanted you to wake so I could tell you off!"
He chuckled as well, flopping down to the couch and facing her. "Are you going to go out alone?"
"No… of course not."
On cue, two doors opened, Minako walked out of one and Makoto out of the other. "Oh great, someone else living here?"
"Relax, Makoto. I'm not moving in."
He rose, walking towards her again, but then she realized he was heading for the door. "I'll see you in an hour."
"What happened to giving me space?"
He smirked, standing not very far from her at all. "I said I would give you as much as I could. One hour is all I can give you for now." He leaned in even closer, his face inches from hers. "Besides, if I'm not there, who would you spar with?" Her mind started to wander to some of her previous spars, ones with the boys, and he grabbed her arm at her elbow. "Don't even think about it."
His teeth gritted, he hissed the last bit out to her and she couldn't contain her own smirk in response.
Turning towards the door, he pushed it open, but then stopped and faced her again. "Oh and be careful, dancing like that again. Cause if I catch you, I can't be held responsible for what I do to you."
The memory flashed through her, but this time, from his perspective. Including his… feelings while watching her. She wasn't sure how she felt about his little threat but color rose to her cheeks just the same. He shot her a smirk as he shut the door behind him.
The girls and Usagi waited for a beat before taking off behind him. She didn't want to run into him on their way out. Usagi knew it wouldn't be long until the girls started layering her with questions. But they at least waited till they were halfway to the warehouse.
"So….Mamoru is Endymion huh? That explains a lot."
She glanced over at Makoto, the brunette smirking and wagging her eyebrows at Usagi. Her eyes rolled, "Yeah, it explains why Mamoru ever showed me any interest in the first place."
"What do you mean?"
"Usagi thinks Mamoru is only interested in her because she was Serenity."
Makoto looked past her to Minako, the two of them having the conversation without her. "So?"
"So, she thinks he isn't in love with Usagi, she thinks he is in love with Serenity."
Makoto scrunched up her nose in confusion. "I don't understand. She is Serenity."
Minako just shrugged, "I don't get it either. I mean, I know Kun loves me because he loved Aphrodite. We are the same person."
"But Serenity and I are not the same person!"
They had just made it to the warehouse when it hit, the tightening in her stomach and their communicators going off. They stepped inside just to transform and head off to danger.
The creature didn't seem too bad, it even looked almost human by comparison. Save for the green skin and tiny horns on its head. Its long blue hair flowed down its back and it was yet again in a tight little leotard, leaving very little to the imagination. But it hardly seemed like all seven of them were needed. Eight, if you counted Mamoru who was sure to show up any second now.
The boys stayed back, watching as the three of them took it on. Looked like they agreed with her, they were not all needed for this one.
There were several bodies on the ground around it, the creature already had time to drain people. It was a lot. A lot more than usual. How did it take so long for them to notice? No way it did all of this so quickly, they all got there within seconds of the call.
The only thing she could think of was the creature must have some way of taking multiple energies at once. The fact that it attacked the Juban business district so early in the day was no coincidence either, the place would be full of victims. If it had waited an hour more to attack, it would have close to a hundred victims. As of now, she counted close to 40 and she wasn't sure she could revive all of them.
"Guys, we have to hurry and get those people their energy back!"
Venus and Jupiter gave her a silent nod, fanning out to circle the creature. Even with the other two moving around it, it kept its eyes on her, a sneer forming on its lips.
"Hello, little Moon girl."
It gave her a curious look as if it had been waiting for her. Then it threw its hands up, a silvery net forming out of thin air. It blanketed the air above her, shimmering in the street lamps. At least that explained how it drained so many people so quickly.
It fell over her, the weight of it a bit unexpected, and she could feel it trying to pull on her energy as soon as the netting touched her skin.
Pulling out her moon wand, she set it on the ground before her and extended it. The net was pushed upwards and off her skin, the staff pulling it tight across the sharp crescent on her wand and cutting it. The frayed ends fluttered around her, a small hole around her the reward.
The creature sneered and then out a visceral yell, pulling the net back to it hard. The remaining net swept around her, knocking her feet out from under her. "Watch your feet goddamnit!"
Her head hit the pavement, causing it to spin for a second, Kun's voice coming out a bit warbled. He was right though, that had been a stupid mistake. She could hear the calls of the girls' attacks and the popping and sizzling in the air. Looking back up, she saw the creature dodging and blocking each beam of energy, while its net began to glow a little with each hit. They were just feeding it.
"Venus, Jupiter, wait!"
They froze and the beast turned back to her, sending the same attacks her friends had just shot at it hurtling back at her. She hadn't even made it back to her feet yet, hitting her head harder than she realized. Putting up her arms so they covered her face and squeezed her eyes shut, she hoped her friends' attacks didn't hurt as much as they looked.
Her gravity shifted, the sound of the attacks hitting the pavement instead of her prone body ringing out, and she opened her eyes to black. A flash of red and she looked up, finding a masked Mamoru holding her up and taking her to safety.
"Sorry, I'm late. Had to dig this thing out and dust it off."
She looked him over, the tux he always used to wear now on him again. "You are still wearing that thing?"
He chuckled, "I remember very distinctly, the old Sailor Moon loving this get up."
"Pretty sure she was just in love with the idea of a mystery man swooping in to save her ass."
"And now? That she knows the man behind the mask?"
He set her back on her feet out of harm's way as usual and she shrugged. "Clearly some people love a fantasy."
He raised an eyebrow, telling her he followed her meaning even without reading her mind. "Not me, I love the reality."
Bending down, he gave her a quick peck on the lips before bounding off straight for the creature while she stood, spellbound after him.
She watched as he knelt to the ground, not too far from the creature, and pounded his fist into the ground. It shook and cracked, the girls jumping up and out of the way as the shock wave barreled towards the monster, knocking it back. It rose from the ground, smirking even with the blood on its lips.
"Good, you are here too. My Masters will be pleased!"
"And just who are they? A bunch of cowards who have yet to show themselves!"
It didn't even bother addressing Makoto and her words. It just continued to stare down Mamoru, only breaking to glance back at her from time to time.
In a flash, it threw its net out again, the silvery bands stretching out over Mamoru's head. Regaining herself from her stupor, she raced to his side, not being nearly fast enough. But Mamoru pulled out his cane and swiped the net away, causing it to fall harmlessly next to him. Just as she was about to reach him, he sped away, running right up to the monster and punching it square in the jaw. This time, she knew, the sickening pop was not Mamoru's fist.
A hand to its face, holding onto the afflicted bones, it glared back at Mamoru. But then grinned.
Shimmering, it disappeared. Everyone going wild, turning, and searching. Then the little hairs on her body stood up on end, the creature's breath hitting the back of her neck. Turning, she raised an elbow at the same time, but the creature stopped it, grabbing and holding her arm still. Its claws dipped into her skin, a scream coming from her while the beast laughed. Her brain reeling from the pain, it managed to slip some of her energy from her, her guard down. But soon, she was ripped away from its grasp, Jupiter grabbing her hard and pulling her out. Sending a kick to the monster's chest to push it back even further.
That's when she saw it, the funnel that was dropping down on it at a rapid pace now that she was no longer in the way. It sucked up the creature and she watched as it tumbled and swirled high up in the air. After a few moments, the funnel disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. The creature fell to the ground hard, its body limp.
"Now Sailor Moon!"
She adjusted her wand in her hand, pointing it at the limp body of the beast and charging up. But as soon as her energy began to pool, the creature's head yanked up from the ground, sneering, before shimmering away to nothing.
"Where the hell did it go this time?" Jupiter stood near to her, just behind her ready to jump in if it grabbed her again.
"It's gone."
The boys had moved closer as well but she wasn't sure when they had joined the battle. Venus was eyeing Mamoru carefully. "Are you sure?"
Mamoru nodded and a new voice joined the conversation. "He is right you know!"
Everyone turned, futilely looking for the source. Something told her they would not find it, only knowing it was a man that spoke to them now.
"My Cardigan has successfully returned with all that energy and we are now feasting like kings. Thank you, Sailor Moon, for your contribution!" Mamoru growled but the voice continued, speaking to her specifically. "Good luck, reviving all those people. Sorry to say, those you do not, will surely die."
He cackled and then faded away. But her mind was already on the 40 some odd bodies that laid just across from her now. Men and women, all innocent and just trying to make an honest living. Their suits dirtied and crumpled as they laid on the ground unmoving. Even with the helplessness she felt, knowing she could not save them all, she had to try.
"Sailor Moon, don't."
But she tuned Venus's voice out and Mamoru's as it screamed in her brain. She quickly extended her wand into a staff, the silver crystal materializing within it, and connected to the people on the ground, feeling her silvery energy race across the cold ground and find each and every single one of them. The most people she had healed or restored at once was 20, and it nearly killed her. This was far and away more than her body could handle. But these people didn't deserve this, to die in the cold dark all alone. If they had been faster, gotten here sooner, these people would be fine, it was her fault.
Already, her lungs and heart started to burn, the extent of her energy's depletion painful. It was her body dying. Closing her eyes, she focused, pushing out more energy into the fallen. They each needed more to survive, each one was almost completely empty. She could feel each of their hearts, struggling to beat.
Hands grabbed her, trying to pull her off or away, but she was tethered. Then they stopped, giving up she figured. Then arms wrapped around her, warmth flooding her. She had managed to block him out, to keep his angry words from reaching her so she could focus. But now that he touched her, there was nothing to keep him at bay. But instead of anger, she just felt warm.
His hands grabbed her wrists and she thought for sure he was going to rip them away from her staff. She wasn't sure he could, but if anyone was able to do it, she knew it would be him. Instead, he pulled himself in tight to her, his body wrapping around hers. His chest on her back and his arms laying on top of hers, she felt cocooned in him. Then she felt it. His golden energy leeching into her. It pulsed, heating her from head to toe and mingled with hers. The two danced together, a beautiful and playful waltz. Then it took turns, gold filling some of the victims in the place of her silver.
With his cheek against hers, she finally opened her eyes, glancing at him from the corner of her eyes. His focus was straight ahead, watching and assessing those on the ground. Each one's heart started to beat more steadily and together they eased back, pulling the threads of their energy back.
The others raced over to a few of the victims, checking vitals.
"Oh thank God!" Jad stood, satisfied with the person he checked.
"Someone should still call an ambulance." Venus was pulling out her cell from her subspace as she spoke, already dialing the number.
Her staff shrunk and shimmered away, the crystal returning to its place on her chest, in front of her heart. She lowered her arms and Mamoru did the same, but instead of removing himself from her, he wrapped his arms around her. One around her ribs while the other went around her waist, his hand sitting on her hip. And his energy still mixed inside her, his connection to her especially strong.
He rested his head on her shoulder while she stood in his arms, waiting for him to let go. "What happened to giving me space?"
His chuckle shook through her, his head lifting to put his mouth just below her ear. "This is as much space as I can give you. Especially if you are going to try and kill yourself."
Her eyes lowered guiltily to the ground. "I couldn't just let them die. I wasn't trying to kill myself."
He gave her a squeeze. "I know that, and so does the enemy, somehow. They set you up, wanting you to use up all your energy and end your life on your own."
She shook her head at the thought, being used so easily. "Well, they failed. They can't know me that well."
His energy twisted inside her, reminding her it was still there as if she could forget. "That's because they don't know me, or us."
Letting her head drop back to his shoulder, she said one of the hardest things she ever had to. Next to telling her parents goodbye. "You can stop now. The people are saved."
"No...you are not ready yet."
She felt her skin pull on her arm and lifted it to see the holes on her arm close up like magic. Because it was magic, his gentleness making the claw marks a faded memory.
Bringing her arm back down, she rested it on one of his. The material of his Tux was scratchy, compared to his skin, and his gloves contained some of the heat his hands usually put through her.
He chuckled again, bouncing her slightly. With a slight shimmer, he was back in his plain clothes. "Is that better? I never realized how much you hated that tux until now!"
Her hand still rested on the thick coarse material of his coat, but his hands were bare. The heat from them found their way through the material of her fuku without a problem. She was sure that, once he let go, she would freeze to death.
His mouth was at the shell of her ear, whispering even though he didn't need to speak at all for her to hear him. "Maybe you should change back too."
She glanced over at the sound of sirens in the distance, the girls and the boys back in their plain clothes already. If they had looked at the two of them before, they didn't see anything worth concern. Or maybe the boys talked the girls out of interrupting because now they were making their leave before the authorities arrived.
Releasing her transformation, she felt no change in her temperature as her sweats for training and heavy pea coat replaced her tiny fuku. Mamoru's energy still furrowed inside her, the realization of the intimacy they were sharing at this moment hitting her harshly, a blush finding its way to her face.
"Oh now Usako, if you keep having thoughts like that, I'm not going to be able to give you any amount of space."
He slowly began to pull out of her, his energy fighting him a bit, but slinking its way out of her once again. "Mamo.."
Her voice caught in her throat, wanting more than anything to tell him to stop and to stay. "Mamo huh? I like that." She pulled her head off his shoulder, the last of his golden threads leaving her while his arms remained around her. "Now imagine if both of our energies mingled like this. Actually, get your memories back and you won't have to."
She looked down at her hands that rested on his arms. "We did that? Both of us?" He nodded and even though she couldn't see it, she knew it. His grip loosened and she began to pull away from him. "You must miss that, miss her very much."
Her back hit his chest hard as he pulled her back swiftly. "I didn't have it with Serenity, I had it with you!" His frustration was clear in his voice and through their link.
"Endymion and Serenity spent their time split between Earth and the Moon. When she was on Earth, her power was dampened significantly. And Endymion was completely powerless on the Moon. No Usagi, this is something only you and I share. And even if it was for a short time, you are right, I do miss it, I miss you!"
Her heart was erratic, pounding all over the place. She wasn't completely sure it was even in her chest at the moment. She struggled to understand, to rationalize his words.
With a heavy sigh, he released her and every fiber of her being mourned the loss. "I guess I need to work on getting you your memories back. Either that or prove to you that we are the same, that you are the same as Serenity."
He stood a short distance from her, watching her shiver as she stared back at him in return. A frown on his face, he turned just as Makoto and Minako slowly made their way over to her.
"I'll see you after school, Usako."
Poor Mamo is working hard! I hope you all enjoyed the update!
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moonlit-manifesto · 3 years
[5/4/21 - ALIVE Twitter]
In which Mamoru has social anxiety trying to talk to his fellow Purple members. They reference the arainu and tsukiusa LINE stickers so I will post pictures of them as they get mentioned!
☆Speaking of the Most Intimidating Group Meetings☆
Kensuke: “It looks like each color group has been hosting meetings for Golden Week. Team Orange is online with each other almost every day☆”
Ryota: “You guys are playing online games together, right?”
Koki: “I’ve also been getting invitations for the Light Blue group, but I haven’t been able to make it. I’ll go to the next one though.”
Mamoru: “I’m jealous...”
Everyone: “Oh.”
Ryota: “Mamoru’s image color is purple, and Team Purple is...”
Kensuke: “They’re like the Tsukipro Avengers!”
Ryota: “In other words, purple is very much a ‘leader’ color.”
Mamoru: “Exactly! All the members are such high-level!”
Members of Team Purple =  Mutsuki Hajime☆, Takamura Shiki☆, Mamiya Takaaki☆, Fujimura Mamoru, and Kira Ouka
Ryota: “Wow.”
Mamoru: “The busy of the busy, the popular of the popular, the aura to end all auras - the three ☆ are a triple threat!!!”
Kensuke: “You can totally tell just by looking at them (lol). Even the kanji in their names gives off a strong impression. You must feel weird in the group.”
Ryota: “Mamoru...”
Mamoru: “Yes?”
Ryota: “Looks like you should change your image color then.”
Mamoru & Kensuke: “That’s your solution???”
#Ryota is joking
Mamoru: “It might be difficult for all of them to make it, but it would be nice if we could have a Color Meeting too.”
Koki: “...”
Mamoru: “Hm? Kou-kun?”
Koki: “Maybe the Purples think it’s too much effort to put something together so no one started anything. But actually, I think you guys would have a lot of fun during your meetings. Mamoru, why don’t you step up and invite everyone in your group for a meetup?”
Mamoru: “Me... invite them...?”
Ryota: “That’s his ‘I never thought of that’ expression which is easy to read.”
Kensuke: “Yeah... That’s right. Okay, Mamoru! Come on, you have to say to Hajime-san, ‘You wanna catch these hands?*’”
Mamoru: “Stop it, I would die!”
Koki: “I think it would be surprisingly interesting (haha).”
#they’re joking of course
*the literal phrase was ‘let me borrow your face for a bit” which is what someone would say during a fight lol
Mamoru: “What would I do if Hajime was inadvertently amused by that and it ignited his actual fighting spirit?! I have no combat power at all!! I’m the type that can’t come back up from a single push up!!!!”
Koki: “Just do your best then.”
Ryota: “By the way, hand-to-hand combat is like second nature to Hajime-san.”
~Somehow or another, Mamoru-san decided to persevere~
Mamoru: “...Urrgh~ Errr~ O-Okay!!”
Kensuke: “You can do it!”
Mamoru: “Here’s what I typed so far: ‘With the end of spring fast approaching, I’d like to thank everyone in Team Purple...’”
Ryota: “No, that’s too longwinded!”
*in the Team Purple group chat*
>>Mamoru: “’Thanks for all your hard work, everyone!! Do you want to have a Team Purple meetup!?’”
Mamoru: “AAAAAAHHHHH, I sent it... I hit send...!! I thought it would be weird if the message was too long, so I wanted to keep it short. But I added an extra exclamation point at the end to express my emotion! Will they think I’m crazy!?”
Ryota: “Dare I say you sound a bit crazy now...”
Kensuke: “Hey! Don’t worry Mamoru, I understand your feelings!”
Mamoru: “S-Sticker...! It’s times like these that call for a sticker in the chat!! Forgive me for trying to distort their views using stickers!!!”
Kensuke: “Don’t worry you’re not distorting anything lolol.”
Mamoru: “Go on, arainu sticker!!! Save me ‘cause I’m a chicken!! Anddd senddd!!!”
*in the Team Purple group chat*
>> Mamoru: dogeza arainu sticker x2
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Mamoru: “I can’t, I can’t! Maybe I’ll delete my messages before anyone reads them...”
Koki: “Someone read it already though.”
Mamoru: “That was fast! Guys! I did it!!”
Kensuke: “Calm down, Mamoru (lol).”
*in the Team Purple group chat*
>>Hajime: “Thank you for the invite. Of course I’d be happy to go.”
>>Hajime: bowing tsukiusa sticker
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Mamoru: “He’s an angel...”
Kensuke: “Hahahaha!”
*In the Team Purple group chat*
>>Takaaki: “Yay! A Team Purple meetup! Let’s do it ♪ All we need is Shi-kun’s [Shiki’s] wallet and we’ll be good.”
>>Ouka: “I’ll go.”
>>Takaaki: “I’ve been wanting to do something together for a while. Thanks for reaching out, Mamo-chan! Let’s get it on our schedules right away.”
>>Ouka: dogeza arainu sticker
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>>Ouka: “Takaaki, you type so fast.”
~Later on~
Mamoru: “All right...! Looks like we’ll be having a Team Purple meetup soon!”
Koki: “(chuckles) Aren’t you glad you set it up, Mamoru?”
Kensuke: “You were able to bring everyone together.”
Ryota: “Great job, Mamoru.”
Mamoru: “Thanks! Shiki-san didn’t reply yet, but we decided his wallet will participate either way...”
*in the Team Purple chat*
>>Shiki: “Let’s do our best too coordinate a day!!”
Mamoru: “Ah, I’m glad he’s ok with it!”
~They decided to meet sometime in mid-May~
Mamoru: “The Team Purple meeting is gonna be fun!”
~The End~
#we hope everyone is having a nice Golden Week holiday
#and that you have a fun May
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Soryu - Pregnancy [Fluff]
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Soryu pregnancy story, I apologise because its fluffy af and I cried whilst writing it and I can’t stop 
Dedicated to the beautiful @brialoveskbtbb​
You hid the test in your bedside cabinet, the steps of your husband coming upstairs early from work surprised you. You were just about to look at the result when he had called your name. 
“Hey, you're early,” You giggled, getting off the bed and running into Soryu’s arms. He twirled you around, holding you tightly.
“It’s the weekend of our anniversary, of course I was coming home early, I just hope Inui can manage,” He mumbles as he presses kisses to your hair. You sighed in his embrace, it was your first wedding anniversary tomorrow and you were so excited to spend it with him.
“I’m going to get in the shower, if you care to join me,” He says, his fingers tracing up your arms, a suggestive look in his eyes. He had grown so much since you first met him, he never used to look or talk to you, he used to blush when your hands accidentally touched, he was always such a gentleman.
That was until one day you walked in on him touching himself, your name falling from his lips, his eyes were laced with lust as they met yours. Rather than being embarrassed or walking away, you gave into the desire of him, you yourself had touched yourself to the thought of him. That was the first night you spent together and had never stopped since, within 6 months of that you were living together, both deeply in love with each other. He had proposed to you on your one year anniversary then married in a big extravagant event a few months later. 
You hadn’t been trying for a baby, you were still taking your birth control, but condoms had gone right from the wedding night, Soryu ravishing every moment he was able to spill into you properly.
Forgetting about the test that lay in your draw, you followed your husband into the shower, lips never leaving each other as your bodies entwined. 
“That takes my breath away every time still,” Soryu panted as he wiped your body with the white fluff towel from behind. You smile at him, watching his actions in the mirror in front of you. He stood there, his hands on your waist and pressed small kisses to your shoulder, your skin was radiating with love and the passionate session you had just encountered and your eyes grazed to your stomach. You thought it was just a trick of the light or your infectious good mood but you swear you could see a small bump beginning to form. You had been experiencing some waves of nausea over the past couple of days, some strong enough to make you physically throw up. You also noticed you were currently late on your period, although you weren't exactly regular but nevertheless this had encouraged you to take a test.
When Soryu headed down stairs to check everything was okay with Inui, you took the opportunity to check the test and there it was, a pink positive sign. Your heart was racing and excitement rushed into your body. You pushed the test back into your draw and ran down stairs, wanting to tell your husband.
“Soryu! Soryu!-” You yelled, practically skipping down the stairs but your excitement died down as you saw him pacing across the room, muttering and yelling down the phone. He groaned as he ended the call and sat on the sofa, his hands buried to his face.
“Hey, whats wrong?” You asked, rushing to his side, now was not the time to tell him. 
“One of the new members had screwed up some documents, they need me to go and fix it, but I told them no,” He said.
“Soryu its okay, I’ll be here waiting for you when you get home,” You says as you run your fingers through his hair as he lays his head onto your lap.
“You're perfect, I’m so glad I married you,”.
“Me too, now go, I’ll be here when you get home Mr.Oh,” You giggle. 
A text from Soryu later that night indicated he wouldn’t be home until tomorrow and he wouldn't apologise enough. 
It’s fine, it’s not our anniversary until tomorrow anyway, I’ll be here waiting for you.
Goodnight Mrs.Oh, I love you.
I love you too, Mr.Oh.
It still gave you goosebumps when he called you Mrs.Oh. Your daddy is going to be so shocked to find out about you, you say out loud and press a hand to your stomach, unable to stop yourself beaming. You fell asleep, basking in your afterglow of love and happiness.
The following your day, you headed out early in the morning, you was going to tell Soryu tonight over dinner and wanted something to surprise him with. Scanning the shop shelves you saw it, a baby grow with the words ‘Mafia Baby’ written on it. You beamed and smiled, placing it in your hands before heading to the till before you bumped into someone.
“Eisuke…?” You asked in slight shock. You had never seen the man make a cup of coffee before, why was he out in the shops? Soryu and you had moved out of his penthouse suite but you was still extremely close, still spending 90% of your time there with them.
“What you got?” He smirks before taking the item out of your hands.
“Eisuke no!” You reached for it before his eyes widened as he read the words before turning to you.
“Soryu doesn’t know!” You pouted, you didn’t want Eisuke to be the first person to know. He smiled, like he actually smiled, at you before pulling you into a hug. This had never happened before and you weren't sure how to react.
“Sorry, I’m just I’m really happy for you both,” He mumbled before pulling away and giving you back the item.
“Thank you, I’m telling him tonight, so if you can just not know until he does and wants to tell you all,”. He nods in response. 
Soryu had texted you whilst you were still out, saying he was finishing soon.
“Hey! I’m out at the minute, I’m near the hotel, if you want I can meet you here?” You say down the phone as you had rang him. He agreed and you went to meet him in the lobby.
“Bella!” He said, racing to you and pressing a kiss to your lips.
“Hey honey,” You respond, your hearting beating rapidly, your adoring husband and father of your child smiling sweetly at you.
“Can we just run up, I could do with giving this documents to Eisuke, we’ve been shopping I see,” He asks, guiding you to the elevator, trying to sneak a peak into the bag.
“Hey stop! It’s a surprise for later,” You pouted, keeping the bag away from him.
“I hope it's the same surprise as our engagement night,”. You cheeks flushed at the thought, you had brought some new lingerie for him and both of you had gone pretty wild on each other. You arrived at the penthouse, all of the bidders were there sitting around the poker table with a drink in hand, including Eisuke. Shit, you knew he was a blabber mouth when he drank.
“It’s my best friend! I’m so happy for you man, just congratulations,” Eisuke mumbled, he was quietly obviously drunk, how you didn’t know. It had only been a few hours since you saw him in the shop. 
“Well thank you, we’re having a celebration tonight,” Soryu chuckles wrapping his arm around you, clearly thinking its about your anniversary. Determined not have your special moment ruined by him, you quickly shove Soryu to Eisukes office.
“Just sort the documents, he’s clearly not in a state to sort do it,” You say before shutting the door, leaving him inside the office.
“You idiot! I haven’t told him yet!” You hissed at Eisuke, the other bidders looking giddy at you.
“Soryu and youuuuu had seeex,” Ota sang giggling. Brilliant he’d told them, they all knew before Soryu. 
“Mamo! No, the smoke is bad for the baby,” Baba slurred, grabbing the unlit cigarette from the detective. Seriously, how drunk were they?
“Right okay, we’re playing the silent game! None of you can talk until Soryu and me leave,” You state, you’d seen them drunk before and knew this was the best way to deal with them.
“Can I be god-father,” Whined Eisuke, gently tugging your arm, he got so needy.
“Nooo, I want be god-father,”
“You can’t be god-father, you sleep too much, let it be me, I’m the oldest,”
“Bella pleeease, I’ll buy it cute matching outfits, it will look sooo good on my social media,”.
I don’t know why I’m excited for a baby, I already have four fully grown ones here.
“Right, you can all be god-fathers if you keep quiet,” You finally negotiated before Soryu came out. The men went silent and you pulled Soryu out of there as fast as you could.
“Oh wait, let me take this,” Soryu chuckles, grabbing a bottle of bubbly from the shelf.
“Waaa- no Bella can’t drink in her condition,” Eisuke yells and you kick his violently when Soryu isn’t looking.
“Condition?” Soryu asks puzzled.
“Yeah, do not remember the last time she drank and she threw up evvvverywhere” Ota giggled, chiming in to save Eisuke blurting something out.
“Oh yeah,” Soryu chuckled, thank god for Ota.
You had rushed home, you didn’t want anything else to get in the way or ruin your surprise.
“Come here, Mrs.Oh,” Soryu said, pulling you tight into his arms as he kisses you passionately, you pulling him down to deep the kiss. He snakes his hand over yous, and throws the bag you was holding to the floor but scooping you in his arms and carrying you bridal style to your bedroom, just like he had done on your wedding day. 
After your long afternoon of love making you finally get to work on Soryu’s surprise. You were going to make him dinner and present him with the test. You had told him to stay away from the kitchen until you were done. You shook as you placed the food on the table, lighting candles across the room before putting the test you had sneaked out of your draw earlier into the bag with the baby grow and placing into the to table.
“Soryu!” You called with a deep breath. You watched as your husband emerged with a bouquet of red roses and white lilies, your favourite and presented them to you.
“I tried to get one for everyday I’ve loved you, but the florist said that amount of flowers would flood the room,” He says with a subtle blush and you feel your eyes tear up, god bless this man. You put the flowers down and gestured  him to sit at the table. His eyes peaked at the bag and you took a breath.
“Open it,”.
He reached forward and tore the paper out from inside it like a child at christmas before pulling out the baby grow and giving a chuckle, clearly he hadn’t clocked. You gesture to him and he reaches future into the bag before pulling out the test and his hands begin to shake. His eyes look gaze of it before looking at you and then the baby grow and back to you.
“Your-” He says, trembling and you give him a nod. He stands up and rushes to you, the stone cold mafia man was on his knees, pressing kisses to your stomach lightly sobbing, making you over emotional as well.
“When did?”.
“I found out yesterday, I wanted to tell you as soon as I knew but you had to go work,”.
“Wait, is that why Eisuke said about your condition earlier?”. You sighed at his question.
“He saw me in the shop with this and it kinda clicked with him, I didn’t want anyone to know until you knew” You responded, running your fingers through his hair.
“I love you so much, thank you for giving me the greatest gift you ever could,” Soryu whispers before whispering more sweet words to your stomach.
“Oh there’s any other thing…” You say.
“We already have four god-fathers,”.
“That doesn’t surprise me one bit,” He chuckled.
“You're going to be so loved,” He whispered, pressing a kiss to your stomach. 
Once you both officially told the bidders together there was a massive celebration amongst you all. The drinks between them all were flowing, each other so happy for you both. You told Soryu to relax and enjoy his night with them, after all this wouldn’t happen for a while once the baby arrived. You watched as Soryu and Eisuke shared a sweet but extremely drunk moment.
“Your going to be a dad! You! You hated women,”.
“I know, but I found the one and only woman for me,”.
“I’m so happy for you,” Eisuke said through sobs causing Soryu to also sob, being an absolute hormonal wreck you began to cry too. 
You woke up one night unable to sleep, you were heavily pregnant.
“You okay?” Soryu said shooting up, he was on high alert and you gave him a reassuring nod.
“Yeah, she’s just being a madam and kicking again,” You whined. Soryu chucked and turned around.
“Now listen you, I know you're being stubborn, just like your mom and keeping us waiting, but don’t keep us waiting much longer, I can’t wait to meet you little girl,” He whispers, rubbing your bump and pressing kisses to it. You well up with emotions, this man was the definition of perfect. 
“Can you help me up, I need to pee again,” You whine, physically unable to pull yourself up off the bed. Soryu helps you to your feet as you waddle to the bathroom before stopping.
“Soryu!”. He comes running in after you.
“My waters broke…”.
“Ohmygod, she coming? She’s coming!” He yells before slightly panicking. You had the hospital bag ready and packed at the door and he helped you into the car before ringing the group chat he had made with all the bidders.
“Just breathe, it's okay, guys, she’s ready, our baby girl is finally arriving,” He yells in a calm but panicked voice as he grips your hand, reassuring you over every step. 
After hours of agonising labour, Soryu holding your hand through all of it, not leaving your side, she finally arrived. You enjoyed every moment and tiny detail of her, but you was exhausted. You held her tightly to you as Soryu leaned over you both, crying slightly, and stroking your hair.
“We made her, you did so good baby, so so good,” He whispered.
 “I love you so much, both of you, both my girls,” His voice filled with love as he cradled you both close to him.  He had changed so much since you first met him, no more being a stern reluctant man, instead he was full of love, joy and emotions.
There was a slight knock at the door and you watched as the four bidders came in, Baba already sobbing. They gathered around you, Soryu holding you both close to him, his face full of love as he introduced your baby to the rest of the family.
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ohbeaby · 4 years
Flipped chapter 1
I just want to say this is based off of @ask-the-flipped-brothers AU! Please go check out their page and support their amazing work!
If you prefer reading on Ao3 here you go! 
The room's tension could be cut through with a knife. Two men stood glaring at each other from across the dining table fully covered with food, yet none of the seven residents seemed the least bit interested in any of it. 
“No, don’t even think to say my name you rotten scumbag.” A man with heavy bags under his crazed eyes spat out. He stepped around the table as he spoke, towards a taller man with white hair and a brown suit. “Are you really just so desperate to forget what happened to us? What happened to her?”
“You need to step down, Belphegor. This isn’t ideal for any of us.” The gentleman's gaze was steady but to the others around him it was also clearly weary of the one before him. “We have to follow his orders, you know that as much as any of us.”
“I’m not even going to listen to any of this nonsense. He’s a lunatic to think this union would work and even more deranged to think a human would live with us!” Belphegor gripped the top of a chair close by him, snapping the top of the side off. The food of the dinning table long abandoned by the conversation at hand.
“B-Belphie! You can’t s-say that!” Another man in the room whispered with fear in his eyes, wringing his hands under his sweater.
“Ehhh, he’s kind of just saying what’s on all of our minds isn’t he, Asmodeus?” A guy with headphones grumbled before focusing back on the game in his hands.
“I mean...isn’t Diavolo able to listen in on our conversation?” A blond asked scratching the back of his head and looking around the room.
“Yeah, he keeps using that to stop me from pranking him! It’s very inconvenient honestly.” A man with black hair laughed while the blond just turned and glared at him in barely contained wrath.
“Ch...guess we should watch what we say then...damn you Lucifer.” The gamer growled out while the man with jet black hair gasped in shock.
“Me?! Why me Leviathan?!”
“Well maybe it has something to do with your utter lack of compet-”
“Enough.” The last man in the room spoke with a voice that could have frozen an army in an instant, his glare was cold but otherwise he seemed mostly indifferent to everything going on.
“Beelzebub is right, stop your bickering.” The man in a suit sighed pinching between his eyes in frustration. “Now Belphegor, I know this isn’t ideal but-”
“Oh shut it Mammon. I’m just going to fix this myself.” Belphegor turned and stormed towards the door leading out of the dining room.
“Yourself? What are you planning Belphie?” Mammon glared at his retreating form.
“Nothing much, just something that should have been done a long time ago.”
The door slammed closed leaving the rest of the people present in silence.
A last minute change to the plans had caused quite a bit of a stir in the residence of the house of lamentation. Instead of the original singular student they would be giving housing to, Diavolo had thought it might be a better idea for each of the brothers to aid an exchange student themselves. The only real issue with that was there were only 7 real bedrooms in the house and each brother had already taken up 6.
Diavolos solution to this little problem had been the real spark for distress, the brothers could just share rooms with the exchange students. He thought it might be a better way to get to understand them and in turn them understand the brothers and demon culture. While none of the brothers caused any sort of stir on the matter during the meeting with him, as soon as they got back to their home they were all a mess.
Asmodeus had given a meek shriek as he dashed to his room, crying about how uncomfortable it would be to have to share a room with someone else. Satan was doing some sort of breathing exercise off in the corner, clearly feeling anxious about his own personal space being invaded as well. Mammon kept his composure but kept glaring at his bedroom door with disdain. Lucifer just laughed and said how this could all be treated like an extended sleepover, no one was amused. Leviathan was similar to Asmo, yelling about how he couldn't stand the thought of some normie human being in his streams. Beelzebub was quiet, even more than usual, everyone knew he was harboring a great deal of anger over this as well as Belphegor being sent to the human world for the program.
Overall, the house was a mess of emotions and Mammon was just thankful that nothing was being destroyed yet. When the brothers sat down for dinner that night they had all mostly calmed down. While not at all happy with the impending arrivals of their new guests, all of them knew it was futile to try and sway Diavolo when he got a new idea set in his head.
“This is absolute garbage.” Leviathan groaned, dramatically leaning back in his chair with his arm over his eyes. “We seriously have to room with humans? Can’t we just shove them all in the spare or something?”
“I don’t think Diavolo would appreciate us trying to shove six of his exchange students in a single guest room with only one bed.” Mammon leveled a stare at Leviathan. “Unless you want to explain to him why all the exchange students have been sleeping poorly and can’t do their homework properly.”
Leviathan gulped and shook his head, quickly going back to scrolling through his phone. The blond on the other hand was wringing his hands nervously.
“So we have to have those...what were they called again? They look like lamps but they’re for Vitamin D or something?” He asked quietly.
“I don’t think they’re really called anything Satan. They’re supposed to replicate the human realms sunlight though! Isn’t that cool!” Lucifer laughed. “I bet other demons would love to see them. I mean they have Diavolos magic! That’s got to attract some people to at least investigate what it is!”
“It’s not cool Lucifer.” Satan growled out, stabbing the meat on his plate violently. “I have very delicate books and I don’t know how that thing will affect them over time.”
“I don’t think Diavolo would give us something that could damage our belongings.” Asmodeous whispered, just moving his food about his plate, uninterested in eating anything. 
“I’ve seen what magic he will be using for the lamps, it’s similar to the kind he uses for the beach. You shouldn’t have to worry about anything being damaged, Satan.” 
Satan seemed to go at ease over Mammon’s confirmation and went back to just eating his food. Everything was fairly quiet for the rest of dinner and, after cleaning up their dishes, they all collectively agreed to call it an early night.
Tomorrow was bound to be interesting after all.
“Welcome to the Devildom.” A man with red hair, and a suit to match spoke, confidently from a seat high above. “...Oh, pardon me. Feeling a bit shocked, are we?” 
Six people with various expressions, though most in confusion and concern, looked up at him. None had the slightest clue what was going on or who anyone else in the room was.
“Well, that’s understandable. You’ve only just arrived, after all.” The man continued.”As humans, it will probably take a little while for you to adjust to things here in the Devildom.”
“The Devildom?” one human asked, crossing their arms and leveling an unimpressed stare at the man in red. The other humans subtly moved closer to the more confident one while cautiously eyeing the other 5 people seated below the man in red.
“Yes, exactly, the Devildom. I see that you catch on quickly. Excellent.” The man clapped his hands together and stood up. “I supposed I should start introducing myself. My name is Diavolo.”
The man appeared in front of all of the humans causing a few of them to gasp and jump back in surprise.
“I am the ruler of all demons, and all here know of me.” His expression was no longer joyful or kind, instead it was one of a very confident leader who would bring down the hammer to anyone who threatened his kingdom. “And someday soon, I will be crowned king of the Devildom.”
“That...seems like a contradictory statement.” Another human muttered as they looked around the room curiously. “To be a ruler but not yet a king, aren’t they the same?”
“Demons is more my question, what kind of roleplaying is going on here?” The confident human whispers back looking more annoyed.
It seems like the human's quiet questions either weren't heard or were ignored completely as the man goes on to explain the Royal Academy of Diavolo, or RAD as he suggests it be referred to. He also explains how the room they are currently in is the assembly hall for RAD where the officers hold meetings.
“I am the president of said council.” He finishes, crossing his arms.
“Choose one occupation please.” The confident human mutters. “Next he’s going to claim he’s the pope or- ack!” The curious human elbowed the confident one to quiet their complaints before looking at Diavolo.
“So why are we all here?”
“That would be where I step in.” A man with tanned skin and white hair stood up from his seat under Diavolos previous seat.
“This is Mammon. He is a demon and the Avatar of Greed.” Diavolo smiled and walked over to stand by the man. “He’s also the vice president of the student council and my right-hand man.” Diavolo gives Mammon a slap on the back. “Beyond that, he’s also a close friend of mine.”
“Diavolo, we need to focus on getting everyone introduced and settled..” Mammon sighed and looked over to the 6 humans with an unreadable expression. “Speaking on behalf of the entire student body I offer you all a heartfelt welcome.”
“I still haven’t had my question answered.” The curious human glared at Mammon. “You’ve both talked a lot but haven’t given much information.”
Mammon stared at the human for a moment before a smirk graced his lips. “...Interesting. Mamo at least is different from Solomon. Lets see if the rest of you can compare.”
The one who had asked the question, now identified as Mamo, had a shocked expression on their face before it quickly morphed into frustration. “Wait, how did you-”
“Diavolo believes that we demons should start strengthening our relationship with both the human world and the Celestial Realm.” Mammon cut Mamo off. “As a first step toward this goal, we’ve decided to institute an exchange program.” A scoff was heard from behind Mammon as a demon with purple hair leaned back on his hands in the chair.
“I’d say put some quotes around ‘we’ve decided’.”
“Leviathan, refrain from interrupting will you?” Mammon sighed and pinched his nose.
“So are we adding dictator to your list of titles or is that a bit on the nose?” The confident human glared over at Diavolo. Before the ruler could say anything Leviathan burst out with laughter.
“Damn Laken, at least I won’t be too bored with you around!”
“How the hell do you know my name, you knock off Nessie?!”
“Nessie? My name is Leviathan you pathetic human!”
“Leviathan is supposed to be a giant sea serpent you look like a damn twink.”
As they had been arguing the two had started walking towards each other clearly frustrated with the other. Mammon quickly stepped in between the two, trying to hold his brother back.
“Twink?! I’m a demon and could wipe your pathetic existence from all three realms!”
“Well wipe your insult book with it too then! So far you’ve only called me pathetic and a human, both of which could easily be attributed to you at the moment. Oh great and powerful Leviathan who looks like he could just be some shut in who lives in his moms basement.”
“Oh fuck you, I do not even have a mom or whatever, I live with my brothers.” He jesters to the group behind him and Mammon.
“I’m sorry you have to support him, I don’t see how he has a job of any sort with this personality.” Laken looked over at the group with a hand on their chest feigning concern. “I’m sure he will find his place in the world soon.”
“Oh you-”
“E-enough!” Mammon pushed Leviathan back to his seat where almost all the brothers were trying to hide their laughter at the argument.
“Why the hell are all of you laughing?!” Leviathan yelled before huffing back in his seat when the light giggling didn’t stop.
Mammon turned back to Laken and the other humans, an amused smirk over his lips. “Back on subject. We sent 2 demons each to the human and celestial realms and welcomed 9 students into our realm. 2 from the celestial realm and 7 from your realm.”
“7? I only see 6 of us.” Mamo said looking around the room. All the demons grimace a bit.
“Yes, 7. Solomon is the other exchange student but he came earlier.” Mammon explained.
“Must be a swell guy for you to pull that kind of face.” Laken said.
“I’d prefer not to discuss that matter. You all have been chosen to participate in our exchange program. Your period of stay will be one year and you will have to work on the tasks assigned to you at RAD. At the end of the year you each will have to write a paper about your exchange here in the Devildom.” Mammon turned to go sit down in his seat. Diavolo had already returned to his previous seat and was just observing the conversation.
“Tasks?” two of the humans said at the same time before looking at each other. “Jinx...double jinx...triple jinx…” this goes on for a bit longer while the demons all look on confused as to what the humans are doing.
“Yes um...tasks. You are all exchange students so you will be expected to complete assignments throughout the year.” Mammon explained going back to the other humans.
“Ha! I won!” One of the humans lightly punched the other in the shoulder.
“Aw, well that was fun at least.”
“What was that all about?” Asmodeus asks Satan who just shrugs.
“But don’t fret humans, we are all here to assist you with your tasks. Each of you has been assigned to one of us to look after you and make sure you survive the year.” Mammon jesters to his brothers and himself. “Though we are missing...Lucifer…”
All the humans froze at that name, even if they didn’t quite recognize Mammon or Leviathan it would be hard to know have at least heard of Lucifer. Mammon quickly hands out cell phones that he calls DDD’s and explains how all of the brothers contact information is set up in the devices. Mammon instructs one human to call Lucifer on their phone, though the human grows pale at the prospect of it.
“Ah so that’s why you’ve all been so quiet the last few minutes.” Mammon sighs. “I assure you Lucifer is much different than the stories you’ve heard on him, though whether that’s a good or a bad thing is up for debate.”
“How reassuring.” The human mumbled as they hit the dial button. The phone rang for a few moments before a groggy voice answered it.
“Yeah? Who is it?”
“Uh...my name’s Luka? I was told to call you?”
“Luka...like the human?”
“Shit what? I thought that was later on in the day.”
“Um…” The human looked up at Mammon as they listened to some shuffling on the other side of the line. “He sounds like he just woke up maybe?”
Mammon gave a growl and snatched the phone from Luka’s hand and put it up to his ear. A colorful string of threats was said in a variety of languages before he handed the phone back to Luka, the call ended.
“He’ll be here shortly, until then I suppose each of us should introduce ourselves to the humans we are watching over.”
All the brothers stood up and walked up to the humans and began introducing themselves.
“As you already know, my name is Mammon. I’m the Avatar of Greed and I’ll be looking after you throughout your stay here.” Mammon stuck out his hand which Mamo shook.
“And as you know I’m Mamo. I’m still confused as to why each of us specifically was chosen for this program, I don’t recall signing up for any of this. Do my college credits at least transfer?”
“You question things a lot don’t you?” Mammon smirked.
“And you seem to have a knack for avoiding answers.” Mamo quipped back. Mammon laughed and explained that he would tell her more once they got back to the house.
Leviathan walked up to Laken and both just glared at each other.
“You can not be serious.” Laken said.
“You think I want this either?” Leviathan growled back.
“At least you’re still in your realm! I didn’t even get a chance to grab my drawing pad or any of my games!” Laken threw their hands up in the air in frustration.
“Oh boo hoo, I’m having to give up precious space in my room for your ungrateful ass so suck it up.”
“Your room? Don’t tell me we’re going to have to share.” Lakens hands dropped by their side as they looked at Leviathan in confusion.
“We are and I hate it.” Leviathan threw his head back with a groan and muttering about how he had to move all his collectables around to make space.
“Well I guess we are going to have to learn to get along huh Nessie?”
“Will you stop calling me that? My name is Leviathan, Avatar of Jealousy.”
“I feel like Avatar of shut-ins would be more fitting.”
“I’m going to make sure to play all my video game music loudly to make sure you don’t sleep.”
“Joke’s on you, that’s what I sleep to anyways.” Laken mumbled as they followed Leviathan out the door, presumably to the house.
Satan had started up an engaging conversation with one of the humans about their favorite kinds of rocks.
“Oh personally I love bismuth! The rainbows are so pretty on top of the cubic pattern!” The human smiled.
“I agree, though I think black opals are prettier just because you get so many rainbows at once.” Satan laughed.
“Oh! I haven’t even introduced myself, sorry. My name is Saku, nice to meet you!” Saku stuck their hand out which Satan was quick to grab and shake.
“Nice to meet you Saku. I’m glad I’m getting a nice human to hang out with. My name is Satan and I’m the Avatar of Wrath!”
Saku blinked a few times and tilted their head. “Humans sure have a lot of stories wrong then huh? Also you don’t seem very wrathful, I’d describe you as bubbly if anything.”
Satan sighed and hung his head. “If you’re referring to how humans like to lump Lucifer and I’s name together then yes, you all have it very wrong. I am nothing like that utter imbecile! He is a pathetic waste of space and I hate him more than words can describe.” 
As he spoke his anger grew more and more apparent and Saku could have sworn he saw a flicker of some kind of feathery scarf around the others neck. Just as quickly as his anger came though it dissipated into a pleasant smile.
“But I appreciate that you think I’m more bubbly than wrathful! I do try to be friendly!”
Saku just gave a small laugh and patted Satans shoulder who looked confused as to why the other was laughing. The two started up their rock discussion again as they made their way out the door.
Asmodeus was standing nervously near another human fidgeting with his sweater.
“So um...what’s a jinx?”
“Huh? Oh! You mean that game I was playing with them?” The human pointed to Saku and Asmodeus nodded. “It’s a game you play when you say the same thing as someone else at the same time. You both just say jinx as many times as you can and whoever is the slowest loses.”
“O-oh...humans are strange.”
“I agree.”
Both stood in a bit of an awkward silence before the human turned to Asmodeus again and stuck their hand out.
“Well um...I’m Aero? I like your sweater, it looks cute on you.”
“Ehh? Oh um...thank you…” Asmodeus hid their face behind his hands and shook his head. “Ahh um...my name is Asmodeus. I’m the Avatar of L-Lust.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you Asmodeus!” Aero took their hand back, getting the feeling the other wasn’t one to like being touched too much. “Can you tell me a bit about some of the courses I’ll be taking? Also Mammon and Diavolo both mentioned something about everyone being demons? I’d love to know more about that if you’re willing to share!”
Asmodeus stared intensely in their eyes for a few quick seconds before a confused look came over his face. He just nodded and quietly started explaining some of the different aspects of RAD to Aero as the two left the room.
Beelzebub was just...staring down at his human who seemed to be growing more and more uncomfortable by the moment. Neither had said a thing to the other for a few minutes and it took Diavolo finally coming down to start a conversation between the two.
“Bean right?” The human nodded to Diavolo as he motioned to Beelzebub. “This is Beelzebub, he’s the Avatar of Gluttony and also a star player on our fangol team!”
“Fangol?” Bean questioned looking up at Beelzebub questioningly.
“It’s similar to rugby.” Beelzebub said before walking towards the doors.
“O-oh…” Bean whispered and quickly followed him when Diavolo gently pushed them towards the door.
“I’m here! Don’t kill me!” Lucifer burst through the door just as Beelzebub was leaving and nearly knocked Bean over. Bean was pushed into Beelzebub and quickly apologized to the other before finally making their way back to the house.
“Lucifer, late as always I see.” Diavolo sighed as he stood next to the last human. “You’re in charge of them. Remember, if anything happens to them I’ll personally make sure you feel their pain tenfold, understood?”
“Yuuuuup! Haha!” Lucifer walked over to the human with a giant smile on his face. “My name is Lucifer, Avatar of Pride!”
“Ah yup...just like the stories.” The human laughed while Diavolo chuckled from some ways behind them. “My name is Luka.”
“Sweet! Now that that’s out of the way let’s go. I have to meet up with some people in...well I think I was supposed to meet up with them 15 minutes ago but I’m sure they can wait.” Lucifer grabbed the humans hand and just about dragged them out the room with Diavolo yelling at him to remember that they are human.
All the humans thought that this was certainly an interesting way to start their day.
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Happy Belated Birthday Yuuto Uemura! (Oct 23)
Happy 26th birthday to the up and coming seiyuu! He’s been in the industry since he was around 6. 
Notable Roles
Tamaki Amajiki - Boku no Hero Academia
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Shinki - Boruto
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Atsushi Nakajima - Bungou Stray Dogs
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Hiro - Darling in the FranXX
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Tsukito Totsuka - Kamigami no Asobi
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Joujirou Kizuki - Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru
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Juugo - Nanbaka
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Yuliy - Sirius
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Minato Narumiya - Tsurune
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Thorfinn - Vinland Saga
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Translated Stuff
He had an interview for Bungou Stray Dogs. There’s also an article about his career.
Here are some subbed BSD clips:
[Sarapyon] All SUBBED Uemura’s Detective Agency Clips
[Kaede2605] Kensho Ono imitates Mamoru Miyano
[CoLLa Game] Is Chuuya being bullied or loved?!
[CoLLa Game] Uemura Yuto wants to be close with Miyano Mamoru-san! (Animatic Version)
[CoLLa Game] Guild’s Boss! Sakurai Takahiro talks about BSD’s recording atmosphere
[CoLLa] You stepped on Chuya's hat by accident. What would you do?
[BSD Radio #1] Yuto’s Pink Bikini ft. Uemura Yuto, Kishou Taniyama and Miyano Mamoru
[BSD Animatic] “You have ZERO life experience!”
[BSD Animatic] Hanger Story
[Semi-Translated Seiyuu Blog] Separating Dazai and Mamo
[Semi-Translated Seiyuu Blog] “Let’s Get Married”
[BSD Bibliophile] Uemura’s Detective Agency: Selected Clips
[Hajimari Subs] What Morohoshi Sumire and Kyouka Have in Common...
A couple of songs:
[COVER] Rin! Rin! Hi! Hi! (Nanbaka Opening)
Hitohara (Kamigami no Asobi Character Song)
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heartofsnark · 5 years
Otome Tag
tagged by @otomemonogatari
What’s your favorite game right now?
Kissed by The Baddest Bidder is the current obsession, also love Mystic Messenger. 
Who’s your favorite character?
From kbtbb, Mamoru Kishi, but I genuinely adore the whole cast of kbtbb, even the ones I claim to hate. Mystic Messenger, Yoosung is the bias, but I also again love them all. Outside of those games, Namba (HLITF), Mitsunari (SLBP), Ieyasu (SLBP), Kunihiko (MFW), Jinpachi (SND), Muriel (The Arcana), theres a lot. 
What is your least favorite game?
Seven Hotties All My Husband, while I love Celise so much, the way they handled non-con in one of the character’s routes (the one with glasses, I can’t remember the name of) was just a big oof for me. Like, no warning and it was for a paid option, I’m not here for that.  That combined with the not so great translation pushed it into being deleted. Please, someone put Celise in a better game. 
For voltage, I’d say my least favorite title is probably be My Wedding and 7 Rings
Who’s your least favorite character?
Leon from SCM, if you like him I respect it, but I can’t. His main story and him were really gross to me personally. I can’t like him at all. 
Who’s your favorite character for the worst?
Seven Hotties All My Husband; Celise clearly, he’s so sweet and adorable. I also love genderbendery characters. 
My Wedding and 7 Rings; Hiroto, my god damn ossans. 
Who are the hottest characters?
Namba from HLITF, holy shit, my god. He is without a doubt just the hottest voltage dude in my opinion. Everything about him is so attractive, I really need more content for him. 
V/Jihyun from Mystic Messenger is, not really hot, so much as fucking gorgeous. Like, fuck I love his cgs and just his aesthetic so much. 
Muriel from the Arcana, hits a lot of kinks for me, long hair and tall as fuck. Plus he’s a soft boy, I wanna see him blush constantly. 
Shingen from SLBP, I played him first in that just cause I was so drawn to his physical looks, like holy shit. Same thing with Sasuke his ninja body double, like fuck. 
Shunichiro from IM, he’s my favorite poster boy, the absolute best poster boy 10/10, he fucking radiates sex appeal. 
Who’s the funniest characters?
Roy/Alan from Pirates In Love, my beautiful pathetic pirate Baba, I love him
Otherwise, I laugh more from like character dynamics and interactions I guess, than a single character. Ota and Baba make me crack up, Soryu and Mamoru when they’re fighting are hilarious, (honestly when the entire kbtbb gang is playing off each other it’s so much fun. Yoosung and Seven are ridiculous, I laugh every time Zen and Jumin fight. 
Who’s your favorite MC?
My own
I joke I joke. I do personally tend to prefer the more sarcastic and involved mc’s. Ikesen’s MC I really like. I also like OPH’s MC (voltage makes the teen ones more entertaining imo, Idk why?)
Kiss, Marry, Avoid?
Kiss Mamoru, Marry Yoosung, Avoid Leon
Which has the best artwork by Voltage?
KOP’s art is really good generally (there is one kiyohito cg that’s wonky to me), I also like the RITE art a lot. 
Who’s route was most interesting?
Mamoru (love me some cult shit), Yosuke, and Koichi (yes he’s a bastard, but it was interesting okay)
Who’s route was most boring?
I played the couple free episodes of Taki from KOP and my god. I was snoozing. I’ve said this in discord. Taki has the personality of a brick wall, if he was a spice he’d be flour, and his spirit animal is an unsalted wheat thin. I can’t with him. 
What’s your favorite character type?
Ossans, old voltage dudes, Idk what it is.  Otherwise, I really like Tsunderes it seems and really sarcastic characters. Prickly boys are cute. Also cute sweetheart babies like Yoosung or Rhion. 
What’s your favorite Otome moment?
MC finding the photo of Mamo in drag, holy shit. I wish we had gotten a cg of that, I fucking need. Also, Mamo painting MC’s fingernails was so cute. 
Teaching Namba to use line(lime) and when he gets jealous over Goto and the meat buns. 
Eisuke getting rejected by Cheshire, suck it pancake hoe. 
Soryu thinking the onion was using defense techniques. 
Yoosung and the passing out after drinking coffee syndrome, Yoosung also stepping the fuck up and stopping Rika from poisoning the party. 
Who’s the most annoying MC?
Uhhhh, i don’t like hating on MC’s too much, but like I played Luke’s main story recently, and holy shit MC was really dumb in that. Like Baba had to explain that medical equipment costs money. Maybe I get annoyed with MC’s too easy, but that stood out to me as....fuckin really? We’re doing this? Baba deserves a bj for having the patience to explain that to your dumb ass. 
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natsumi-no-hotaru · 5 years
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Chihayafuru #15: In which many tears were shed
AKA. True strength is about never giving up..wait up, ohhh I get it, the pearls in the title are a reference to the tears!
[Previously: The Shinochi express is about to depart. Passengers are kindly requested to board ASAP.]
The 15th episode picked up where we left off last time - the end of Chi-chan’s match with Queen-chan. In a way, the tension carried from the previous episode has somewhat cooled down. After all, there’s only one possible outcome as the difference between the two players is much too apparent. Roused by her opponent’s rekindled fighting spirit, Shi-chan doubled down on her efforts against Chi-chan’s best and secured a win with a 20-card difference. It is inevitable but still pretty hard to swallow it down.
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Much as Shi-chan may dominate the match with her sinister-like aura and her impressive technique, there is something to be said about Chi-chan’s brilliance relentlessly shining through, in spite of the crushing defeat, and leaving a strong impact on Shi-chan and ultimately, the viewer. 
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Certainly, Chi-chan has had her instances of strong character development in previous episodes but as Taichi so aptly noted, this stand-out moment marks a turning point in her path to realizing her dream. By grasping firmly at the few chances to hold control of the match, she has broken out of her cocoon and taken the first step toward being a truly strong player, one who can hold on to her conviction in her playing style, regardless of how formidable her opponent might be. It is absolutely a thing of beauty to see Chi-chan’s persistence and passion undimmed by the Queen’s presence, even blazing brighter against such backdrop. The entirety of this match speaks volumes to how well Chi-chan’s character is written, which is as much as a heroine of her own series deserves.
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Keep moving forward and never lose yourself to self-doubt...
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The second half of this tear-filled episode gives us Taichi and his struggle to become a formidable player in his own way. Which sounds like our common fare, but not really once you really think of how much he has always been caught up with Chi-chan’s wishes and aspirations. It’s always lovely to see him being all helplessly attracted to Chi-chan yet refusing to say or do anything about it, or being the commentator and supporter at Chi-chan’s matches because he knows her habits and quirks so well (squeeze!), but it’s certainly refreshing to see him just want to attain a goal for his own sake.  
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Mamo-chan (Taichi’s voice actor) did a brilliant job in conveying Taichi’s intensity - his super concentration and persistence to play the best game he could with all he’s currently got. I love how Chi-chan’s weakness, memorization, is Taichi’s strength, and vice versa, Taichi’s lesser attributes, like instinct and hearing, are Chi-chan’s forte. 
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But then regardless of the difference in their game play, they both lack stamina to last through a non-stop karuta marathon. 
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I really understand his self-disappointment - it is hard to painful to think of how much you could have done better, if only you didn’t ditch it half way and only thought to pick it up again just recently. That’s pretty much the story of my passion for literature, writing and of this very tumblr.
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He tried so hard to hold his emotions in and keep a neutral face to the team...
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... which was totally unnecessary, lol.
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Ha ha ha.
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*hugs* i’m always rooting for you, Taichi! Don’t give up!
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At the end of the day, this episode is not exactly Taichihaya-material but I very much appreciate the weaving of the Chi-chan and Taichi narratives to tell a seamless story of their failure and growth. They may not be together but they are more in sync than expected, on their path to live up to their true potential.
The heartwarming moment of the day~
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Gosh, Shi-chan is too adorb. Her transition from an indifferent last-boss karuta queen to geeky teenager airhead is just too precious.
Until the next episode!
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houserandrup34-blog · 5 years
Celebrating Water Heroes Global Waters Tool.
BRITISH firms buoyed by the financial recuperation in your home are significantly tipping up their hunt for takeover targets around the world. You could aid maintain health and wellness and also wellness by following a couple of actions on a daily basis, and also know changes in exactly how you really feel. Most of alcohol's results on sporting activities performance take place promptly, yet long-lasting use can lead to serious effects too. This phase information the three stages of the globalization of jihad, from the war in Afghanistan throughout the 1980s to the consequences of the 9/11 attacks. There is substantial political complexity in the resistance to UHC in the United States, typically led by medical business as well as fed by ideologues who desire the government to be from our lives", and also in the organized growing of a deep uncertainty of any type of kind of nationwide health solution, as is conventional in Europe (socialised medication" is now a regard to horror in the US). C2b's 12-question survey is a winnowed-down version of one that was used to assess exactly how 9,000 Americans-- standing for different group and also socioeconomic groups, and also varied wellness requirements-- view wellness and health. Professional athletes who concentrate on a particular sporting activity very early lose out on the advantages of cross training and also remainder, which are critical to guaranteeing young athletes reach essential short as well as long-lasting objectives. Greater than one in 4 Aboriginal and also Torres Strait Islander individuals had problems accessing wellness solutions, he stated. With the BBC Sports Character of the Year Honors coming up on Sunday 20th of December, we assumed we would certainly share some insight right into the National Lottery game moneyed professional athletes for nomination. Its newest step could show a repositioning of the business to aim to focus on clients with greater purchasing power that are prepared to pay a costs for proactive management of their health. Michael Hartnett, the bank's chief investment strategist, states the springtime rally on international markets is exhausted as the most up to date sugar-rush from reserve bank stimulation discolors. In a different meeting, Southgate, that has also worked as a supervisor in the Premier League, was asked once more to expand on his comments and stated: I started playing the sport as a kid with all the desires and hopes that that would bring. check over here of gross as well as unusual wellness methods are exercised at the health spa, and creates a comic time. Jamal's papa, Albert, was a two-sport student-athlete while attending Morgan State College Contending well into his 60s, the older Atkins passed on his enthusiasm and also love of sport to his youngest kid. The NFL's Atlanta Falcons took more loan from DOD compared to other specialist sports franchise. Severe sporting activities are except everyone, yet the Feldenkrais Technique comes to many everyone. For the visitor that is a sports-fan, any type of type of sports-fan, Sports Camp takes them away to two weeks in the summertime where sports jocks of all kinds, forms, sizes, and ages are pitted against each various other to win the ultimate prize, The Large Joe Trophy. The BMA has for a number of months opposed the Health and wellness and Social Care Bill, with family doctors fearing not simply the back entrance privatisation of the wellness solution as well as a fragmentation of care however likewise that they will certainly be condemned by patients if points go wrong. However, there can be sensationalized and also misleading headlines around essential clinical issues, so prior to taking a health write-up to heart, it is essential to do a little investigative coverage of your own! And also hockey has actually become, also in conventional markets like Canada and also the US' Hockey Belt (from New England west with Minnnesota), a largely indoor sport. It is our responsibility to show to ladies that it is socially acceptable to take part in sporting activities; it could provide girls the abilities and confidence to damage down barriers and accomplish objectives throughout their lives. On the whole, the report provides a thorough understanding of 2011-2021 Chinese and also worldwide Biomolecular Interaction Evaluation sector covering very important parameters. 4 areas are being emphasized: the physical and also mental health of armed forces family members; the education and learning of their children; the instructional and also profession possibilities paid for spouses; and also the schedule and also top quality of child care within the armed solutions. MedLion's market has expanded from the without insurance, to include organisations of all dimensions who desire to offer budget-friendly top quality health and wellness advantages for their workers. Given that an approximated one from 3 individuals consume lunch at their workdesk, it's very easy to see exactly how these little selections add up to big health issue over the long-term. Medicaid and safety-net providers have also led the way being used of health information technology. www.amideshommes.info of state Juan Antonio Samaranch has asked Ethiopian sporting activities authorities for info relating to 1968 marathon gold medalist Mamo Wolde, that, inning accordance with Amnesty International, has actually been imprisoned in Addis Ababa for three years without being charged. The Globe Health and wellness Organisation establishes worldwide health and wellness criteria as well as its ruling is most likely to place stress on the NHS to alter its plan on who can access IVF treatment.
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smutmylifeup · 7 years
Out of the office drama: What if Ota Kisaki is right?
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@whatdoyouexpectthistime @smile-smile-ichthys @hifftn 
Why Rose had agreed to meet Ryosuke here was beyond her.
Although, she couldn’t deny that it was closer to their planned date at the art exhibit than her apartment, the Ice Dragon headquarters and MJS AND it made sense for Rose to meet him here since he had to come back before he could leave for their date and his sense of direction was too terrible to just meet her at the art exhibit.
But still.
Rose never wanted to step foot in Tres Spades ever again in her life, yet here she was.
If it wasn’t for her puppy of a boyfriend she’d have got Miho to burn down the whole hotel by now – hopefully with Kisaki and Ichinomiya in it.
But her boss still knew nothing about the fact Ryosuke and Mr. Oh were part of the mafia syndicate ‘The Ice Dragons’ and whatever connection he had to the richest CEO in Japan, the ‘Angelic Artist’ and the test-driver that she only knew as ‘Baba’.
Sighing heavily.
Rose fished out the penthouse key card Mr. Oh gave to Ryosuke to give to her.
She wasn’t entirely sure why she needed it. She wanted nothing to do with the creeps that lived in a pointlessly huge penthouse in a hotel with a bunch of guys – from what Rose could tell anyway. Didn’t look like it had a ladies touch… she wasn’t sure what woman would want to touch any of them.
They were slimy.
But none-the-less, she was kind of grateful – she hated standing around loitering anywhere but somehow in the lobby of Tres Spades it amped up the anxiety to fifty thousand percent. Even just walking to the elevator she got snubbed by every fancily dressed person she passed by.
She was used to it, but that didn’t mean it didn’t put her on edge.
When she stepped into the elevator she hoped to god that Ryosuke was waiting for her or just there in general.
She may end up leaving as a murderess if he wasn’t there to drag her away.
It was strange, normally Rose was a calm person. Nothing really unnerved her or made her uncomfortable. But this place or more so the people who lived in the penthouse gave off a dark aura, there was something shady about the place despite its appealing and modern aesthetic.
When she got to the pointlessly huge penthouse, she turned the door knob and realised she hadn’t knocked before entering – the last time she was here Baba was with her and obviously he didn’t need to knock, he lived there after all.
Rose shrugged, it’d be weird to knock once she’d already turned the doorknob.
So she entered.
Mr. Ichinomiya was sat in the same chair as last time, Mr. Oh was as well, there was another man puffing away on a cigarette by the large bay window that she hadn’t met before – and from a distance she was sure she didn’t want to.
But no Ryosuke.
Rose cursed him under her breath. He said he’d be here when she arrived and would let her know if he was going to be late, now she had to talk to these idiots.
“Why do you have a key to my penthouse?”
A voice said distracting her.
She looked towards said voice and Mr Ichinomiya was glaring what could only be called a ‘death stare’ at Rose so she assumed it was him that asked – or better yet demanded.
Not that it phased her, she took a step forward, not shutting the door behind her as if it was some sort of childish stand against Mr. Ichinomiya.
She took his challenge head on, she could see from his stare and her previous encounter with him that he didn’t take kindly to anyone, especially a woman challenging his dominance.
She would love see him interact with Miho, she’d put him in his place.
Rose was ready to make a snide remark but she was interrupted before her lips even parted to speak.
“I gave her one,” Rose’s head snapped towards the man who was quick to defend her. “She might be useful to have around.”
Mr. Oh smirked but didn’t look at Rose.
She wasn’t entirely sure what that meant, these men were so cryptic. Although, they had to be if they wanted to be successful in their underground shenanigans. But she had to admit, it was kinda like his fatherly approval and she appreciated that.
Or so she thought.
Then she felt a hand on her shoulder – due to the tense atmosphere she may have over-reacted by grabbing onto the hand and forearm and proceeding to flip whoever dared touch her over her shoulder like he weighed nothing more than a feather despite the assailant probably being twice Rose’s weight.
A thud and a yelp followed by a:
“Ow! It’s me, pretty lady!”
Made Rose finally look at the face of the groaning man under her, Rose immediately released the arm she still had twisted in her grasp that belonged to Baba.
Mr. Oh didn’t need to say anything. He’d obviously proved whatever point he was trying to make.
“Damn, you had that comin’ t’ya though ya perv. Don’t be touchin’ kids so freely.”
Said a voice she didn’t recognise, so she assumed it belonged to the smoking chimney in the corner.
Handing a whining Baba his hat that had fallen off in the commotion as he stood up, she whispered an almost unapologetic ‘sorry’. That was suddenly drowned out by an almighty cackle, one that sounded so sadistically evil it made her hackles go up.
“That was the best thing I have ever seen hahahaha.”
Her head turned to the voice she unfortunately remembered.
The strawberry blonde haired artist was hunched over, his arms wrapped around his middle as if he had just had the air knocked out of him.
Which Rose really wished he had. And she’d be more than happy to be the one to do it.
“Personally, I think it was funnier when she knocked you on your ass.”
Mr. Oh added, not looking up from what looked like his phone. And his comment immediately silenced Kisaki’s laughing fit.
“I was caught off guard.” Kisaki tried to casually to shrug off the comment.
Rose cracked her knuckles drawing all of the attention towards her.
“I’m ready for round two if you are?”
She said, her voice as serious as she looked – much like Mr. Ichinomiya prior to this little scene.
Boy, she would give anything to knock Ota Kisaki around a bit, although she was a little worried he’d end up enjoying it.
The artist didn’t respond but there was a slight sense of fear that spread across his face like wildfire. And Rose enjoyed it far more than she probably should have.
“While that would be entertaining, it does not explain why you are here, again.”
Mr. Ichinomiya stated and not asked.
Mr. Oh, Baba and Kisaki all said in unison.
“What they said.” She confirmed whilst walking towards an empty seat far enough away from them, so she could see them all and have no more surprise attacks.
“Kids got bigger balls than the Kisaki brat.” Said the chimney.
“Kisaki has balls? I didn’t think he’d gone through puberty yet.”
Rose shrugged as she fell into the chair behind her.
Everyone else in the room let out a little chuckle except for the brooding young Artist and probably Ichinomiya but Rose didn’t care enough to look at him.
“Damn, I like this kid. What’s ya name?”
Rose eyed the man, there was something oddly sexy about him. His scruffy appearance and his accent to the way his cigarette bobbed in his mouth as he spoke. Although, the mere fact he was hanging with these assholes meant he probably had a shit personality which immediately made his appearance less attractive.
She replied simply, crossing one leg over the other and resting her bag next to the chair. She held his gaze, he didn’t seem as threatening as the other men in the room – he looked too lazy for that. But Rose wouldn’t take a chance to let her guard down.
“This pretty flower has a boyfriend Mamo.”
Baba chimed from his seat next to Ota already completely recovered from the damage Rose inflicted on him. He sent a wink over at Rose and then beamed an all-knowing smile at this ‘Mamo’.
“I was just bein’ polite. She’s a damn kid, I ain’t no perv like you Lupin.”
Rose had only heard of the ‘Modern Day Lupin’ because of all the stuff on the news. Surely the Chimney calling him that was just an inside joke that hopefully Rose won’t stick around long enough to become a part of.
Or she’ll find out that Mr. Ichinomiya was involved in some black market auctions hosted by the mad hatter.
Yeah right, this isn’t an Otome game.
“He’d make a better puppy than a boyfriend.”
Kisaki said bitterly from his seat next to Baba.
“Jealousy isn’t cute, Ota.”
Baba patted the younger man on the shoulder but that did little to appease Kisaki’s pout.
“He isn’t cute in general.” Rose said.
It was odd. Despite the fact her hackles were up, this was almost comfortable the back and forth she had with these men. Like she’d been here before in a past life.
A shiver went up her spine, now that was a harrowing thought.
“If this woman is going to disrupt us every time she comes around, she and your lap dog aren’t allowed to step foot in my hotel again.” Mr. Ichinomiya said to Mr. Oh, swiping left on the tablet in his lap without looking at the man he was addressing.
“Fine by me.”
Rose replied for Mr. Oh, of course she’d be happy to avoid King Asshole and his entourage and she’d be even happier if Ryosuke had nothing to do with them as well.
“That goes for your parents too.” He added.
“I’m sure they give a shit.”
Rose rolled her eyes.
After the event that was held here for their debut into the fashion industry, they never came back – she remembered her Mother saying that Ichinomiya’s lilac shirt went out of style two years ago and he needed to invest in a hair brush.
Rose smirked as she lost herself to that memory. At least she knew where she got her smart mouth from.
“Better watch ya mouth, kid. Do you know who ya talkin’ to?” ‘Mamo’ asked.
“Eisuke Ichinomiya, the head of one of Japan’s top corporations – The Ichinomiya group. Owner of Tres Spades. A King amongst men.” Rose exaggerated yet her tone was completely flat and dry.
“At least she knows a King when she sees one.” Said the smug hotel owner clearly ignoring Rose’s sarcasm or not being able to differentiate between her normal tone and her sarcastic tone because he was a robot.
“Thank you for allowing me to be in your presence, King Asshole.”
Rose half bowed in her seat as she heard a few little sniggers around the room. Ever Mr. Oh had a little grin on his face for half a second before he was back to that stone-face he was famous amongst his peers for.
“Can we keep her around all the time? This might be the most fun I’ve had in this place.” Chuckled out Mamo.
“You’re usually asleep, you miss out on all our fun little escapades!”
Well, at least Rose now knew that Baba was eccentric and dramatic with everyone he knew, not just women. Although women seemed to enjoy his theatrics a lot more. Rose remembered how Miho and Jazz had said that he was very popular amongst the female clients at MJS.
“I gotta conserve energy.” ‘Mamo’ shrugged.
“You don’t do anything to need to conserve energy, slacker.”
Mr. Oh said a little bitterly, his eyes still on the device in his hand.
“Ain’t none of ya business what I do with my energy, evil eyes.”
Rose looked between the men, there was some sort of tension. She wasn’t sure if it was sexual or not but the tension was slightly on the sinister side.
His appearance agreed with Mr. Oh’s statement about him ‘not doing anything’. It made her wonder what his connection was with these men, he didn’t look like he had heaps of money or an illegal job or a wealthy family.
But then again, neither did Rose.
“Now, now, Mamo, Sor. There is lady present!” Baba tried to sooth the tension.
“Where’s Ryo?” Rose interrupted, completely ignoring Baba’s comment.
“Running late.” Mr. Oh said.
Rose sighed, of course he was.
While she adored her boyfriend, he wasn’t good at time management as well as his bad sense of direction. She twisted the watch on her wrist and looked down at the face. The art exhibit closed in two hours.
It’d take fifteen minutes to walk there, at least an hour to look around, then an exclusive Q&A with the artist before the gallery shut.
She couldn’t miss this. The artist was one of her references for her current project. And she’d already avoided doing it for far too long.
She got out her phone and wrote out a simple text:
‘I’ve gone to the art exhibit. Let me know when you’re done with work and we’ll meet up for dinner or something. Be safe.’
She stared at the text for a moment before deleting it and putting the device back in her bag. While it would be the courteous thing to do, she knew her boyfriend would feel guilty and be distracted and end up putting himself in danger.
She was still trying to work out how to be a good girlfriend in general. But it seemed even more difficult trying to figure out how to be the girlfriend of a mobster.
But she thought she was doing okay so far.
Rose began collecting her things without so much as a word. Not that she had much to collect and she was grateful for that. It meant a quicker escape from this hell hole.
“Where are you going, Princess?” Baba asked as he watched Rose.
“Away from here.” She replied.
“Are you not going to wait for your knight in shining armour?” He pried.
“Aya Takano’s exhibit won’t stay open forever.” She shrugged.
A scoff sounded and everyone turned to the pouting little off-ginger rat sat next to Baba.  
“Aya Takano? Her exhibit is garbage.” Ota huffed.
“Funny, I thought the same thing when I was walking around your exhibit.” Rose shrugged.
‘Mamo’ let out a hearty laugh followed by a coughing fit. And Rose rolled her eyes, serves him right, in the time Rose had been there he’d had two cigarettes– one after the other.
“You don’t need to announce your departure. Just leave.” Mr. Ichinomiya growled.
Rose had several snarky comebacks on her tongue, but she thought ignoring him would piss him off more. So she went with that, even going as far to pretend she hadn’t heard him speak in the first place as she continued to collect herself in order to leave.
She then turned to the stone-faced mobster who hadn’t looked up from his phone the entire time Rose had been there, as if this were his hotel rather than Ichinomiya’s.
“Mr. Oh, I know you’re not a messenger and I hate to ask, but can you tell Ryo to call me when he’s finished with work. I fear if I text him, he’ll take even longer.”
He looked up at her, her posture slightly bowed in front of him. He seemed to contemplate what she said before nodding his head in agreement.
“Thank you.” Rose bowed. “Goodbye Mr. Oh.”
“Bye Baba, Bye Chimney.”
Rose said throwing a wave over her shoulder as she left.
“Chimney? Was she referring t’me?” Mamo asked, stubbing out his cigarette and immediately searching his jacket pocket for another one.
“That girl is irritating, other than her kicking the Auction Sponsors asses, why did you give her a key card to my penthouse?” Mr. Ichinomiya questioned Mr. Oh.
Who luckily didn’t have to answer as his phone went off and he travelled to another room to speak to whomever was on the other end.
“She’s easy on the eye though and she’s not a weak or shy little flower. She’s got thorns.” Baba said, fondly thinking back to the lap dance battle and the underwear she was wearing under her shirt.
It was funny really. Baba seemed to remember that moment better than Rose. Well who could blame him? Two young, attractive girls he’d just met giving him a lapdance. It was like a perverts dream.
Rose remembered what happened after the lap dance.
The narrator promises to get round to writing a chapter about that instead of writing ‘But that’s another chapter’ in each chapter.
“I question if she is the daughter of Hiroka-Haute Couture in those rags.” Mr. Ichinomiya stated.
Thankfully Rose wasn’t there anymore, she may have put him on his ass.
“Even in a bin bag I think she’d still make my heart skip a beat.” Baba smirked still thinking about the flashes of skin between the intricately strappy bra.  
“You’re old enough to be her Grandpa.” Ota joked.
“That didn’t seem to bother her when she was grinding half naked in my lap.” Baba muttered.
“What was that?”
Baba was not a man to kiss and tell, well most of the time and especially when Miho and Jazz were involved. He’d end up a castrated man.
“I am surprised you’re so calm about it though, Boss. What if Alice discovers wonderland?”
He looked to Mr. Ichinomiya quickly changing the subject before his scowling artist friend went to enquire about his muttered comment further.
“Soryu will have to deal with the repercussions of that.” He said blankly still staring at the device in his lap as if Rose’s entire existence had no meaning to him – which it didn’t, she was beneath him like everyone else in the world.
“We all know the mobster won’t kill a kid, especially a girl. Y’know his bro code n’all.” Mamo said.
“Mamo’s got a pont.” Baba pondered.
“I could keep her as my pet, she does look like my koro.” Ota grinned.
Everyone looked at the artist before letting out a snort. Bar Mr. Ichinomiya of course, who almost certainly could be a robot.
“Yeah right, brat. I think she’s more likely t’make you her pet.”
Baba nodded at Mamo’s statement.
“She will not be a problem.” Mr. Oh said as he re-entered the conversation, his phone still clutched in his grasp perhaps a little tighter than before.
“And if she is?” Mr. Ichinomiya questioned.
There was a long pause.
Mr. Oh was a man of his word. He would not harm the innocent, especially a woman. And especially a woman that his young right-hand man was infatuated with.
“She won’t.” Mr. Oh said again.
This time with more conviction. He would not allow her to come to any harm and that involved keeping her out of the penthouse antics. One of the reasons he told Inui to give Rose a penthouse key-card was purely so they could keep an eye on her when she was in Tres Spades for her own safety as well as everyone else’s.
While she was quite subdued and laid back, there was a fire in her that could erupt if someone so much as looked at her the wrong way. She wasn’t quite a haywire but she wasn’t entirely predictable. And that could draw negative attention towards the hotel and its secrets.
And if that happened, Mr Ichinomiya would hold her accountable and send her to a watery grave. And Mr. Oh wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop that from happening.
That conversation ended.
Mr. Ichinomiya clearly putting his trust in the mobster that Rose wouldn’t cause any problems.
“The shipment has arrived in the basement. I’ll go and check inventory.”
Mr. Oh said a while after.
After his departure, Mr Ichinomiya went to his office without saying a word.
Ota and Baba were talking casually on the sofa they were sat on. Well, I say talking casually - Baba was eccentrically talking about something and Ota was rolling his eyes and groaning at him and frequently telling him to ‘shut up’. And Mamo was slumped in the chair he was sat in with his eyes closed.
It wasn’t long until that quiet was disrupted.
The doors flew open and a panting Inui was stood slumped over in the doorway.
“A…hah…Akane? I’m…I’m sorry I’m late.”
His head was bowed in front of him as he was trying to catch his breath so he couldn’t see who was in the penthouse.
“Sorry puppy, but your master left.”
A bitter Kisaki said somewhat bitterly although trying his best not to be.
Inui’s head bolted up and he looked around the room as if to confirm what the artist had told him. He then looked to Baba – who gave him a little nod of his head.
His whole body visibly slumped.
“Ain’t got no-one t’blame but yaself puppy. The kid waited and put up with these shit-twits for ten minutes. Lasted longer than most.” Mamo said, searching his pockets for his cigarettes.
Inui’s eyes widened.
He felt guilty, incredibly guilty. He asked for her to meet him here and she had to endure these tyrants of teasing because he’d spent far too long arguing with Samejima about whether it was quicker to go through downtown back to Tres Spades.
“But I promised I’d take her.”
He said to himself, his body managing to succumb to the guilt and slump even further.
“Couldn’t ya still get there in time if ya ran?” Mamo asked, a stream of smoke following out past his lips.
“I don’t know where the exhibit is.” Inui sighed.
“Ota probably does, don’t you Ota?” Baba said reassuringly as he turned to the young man next to him.
He still look grumpy mind, until a little glint sparked in his eyes and he smiled his signature angelic smile towards Inui.
“I do,” He said, leaning forward in his seat a little. “But I’m not sure if I should tell you.”
“What? Why not?” Inui pried.
Naïve as always to the plots to tease the poor boy and his innocence, Inui was confused at best.
“Well,” Kisaki started, returning to his previous lounging position now he had Inui’s attention. “You know what the exhibit it about right?”
He asked, although he knew full well that Inui would have no idea.
“Um, no.” A dejected Inui replied.
Kisaki had to bite back his sadistic smile, but thankfully for him he had trained himself to do it and to do it well. He sent a side glance to Baba, who looked at him with as much interest as Inui.
Although, he was aware that the young artist was up to something mischievous and the childish side of him wanted in too.
“I’ll give you a little insight into Aya Takano. She’s became a single mother at the young age of 22. The father of her child left her when he found out she was pregnant. The exhibit is about her struggles as a single mother.”
“That’s awful, that poor woman.”
Inui stepped into the penthouse his face contorting from disgust at Aya Takano’s ex-lover to confusion to what that had to do with why he shouldn’t tell him where the exhibit is.
“Don’t worry too much about her, her exhibit is doing extremely well. She is earning good money and she is now married and her husband has legally adopted her child.”
Kisaki said, waving off Inui’s concerns.
“What you should be focused on, is why your little girlfriend chose to go to see her exhibit.”
Inui cocked his head and stared at Kisaki like a confused puppy. Which he was.
“What? Isn’t it because she likes her art?” he replied.
Kisaki sat there an almost smirk on his face, spelling out this little lie was going to be so much fun for the sadist.
“Perhaps she does, but you need to read between the lines,” He paused. “Oh wait, puppies can’t read. I guess I’ll have to explain.”
The room was silent, each man waiting with anticipation for Kisaki to elaborate.
Meanwhile, Rose had just managed to finish looking round the exhibit and slide in to the room where the Q&A was being held.
She loitered at the back of the room, the seats were all filled bar the odd couple but trying to get to them was more effort than Rose wanted to deal with at this current moment in time.
She’d glanced at her phone a couple of times while she was there, each time a little disheartened when she didn’t see a missed call or text from her boyfriend.
She’d managed to avoid going to the darkest corner of her mind and assuming something bad had happened to him – although it was hard to stay clear of given his choice in career.
Thankfully Aya Takano’s art exhibit was more interesting than Rose could have hoped for.
The way she portrayed the pain of losing the man she loved and gaining a child whom she had to be strong for was incredibly beautiful. Each intricately designed piece made a mixture of emotions creep up into Rose she didn’t know she could feel.
She leant against the wall as a man addressed the audience.
“Welcome everyone, thank you for attending. We would ask that you are respectful with your questions and refrain for asking anything that isn’t related to the pieces of art that are displayed in this exhibit, Thank you.”
A moment later Aya Takano took her place at the podium.
She introduced herself, a warm smile on her face. Happy to see that her art had touched many people. Whether it be through similar struggles or appreciation for the messages she was trying to convey in them.
After some standard questions a microphone was passed down the row of chairs to a man Rose recognised even from the back of his head.
“Does your daughter understand the meaning behind your work?”
Rose frowned as she waited for Aya Takano to answer.
“She does, she’s a very bright little girl.” She smiled fondly.
“And she knows that her Father abandoned her before she was born?”
There was silence.
Aya Takano looked physically uncomfortable and she wasn’t quite sure on how to respond. While she would have to address these kind of questions given the symbolism and titles of her work and the openness about being a single mother, that didn’t give anyone the right to put her on the spot like that.
She waved to the woman closest to her who had another microphone, who quickly tottered over to Rose while glancing at the woman in the spotlight with a concerned look.
“She didn’t abandon her. Aya played both roles herself.”
Rose said, aware of how powerful her voice sounded through the speakers.
The man who asked such a heartless questioned looked around the room searching for the voice he obviously recognised.
She stared right at him, her expression telling him exactly unpleased she was with such a disrespectful question even if it was for his job.
Minato’s eyes widened slightly before he turned back to the stage where Aya Takano continued on from what Rose had to say.
“The young lady is right. I struggled more than she did with the fact her Father did abandon her, for her it was normal to just have me. She didn’t need a male figure to represent her Father because I did both,” She regained composure. “And if there are any more questions about this matter I will end the Q&A here.”
She stood taller, her face no longer smiling.
And Rose, while being a complete stranger to her felt proud.
After that, the questions were about her upcoming ventures and the rumour of her painting a royal portrait for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge – which she neither denied nor confirmed.
When it came to an end, Rose slipped out as the scuffle of feet and chairs drowned out behind her.
“Rose, wait!”
Came a voice from behind her as she pulled the door to leave the building.
She stopped although she wasn’t entirely sure why. Except for wanting to karate chop him in the throat for asking such a tasteless question.
Rose turned to look over her shoulder, glaring from the corner of her eye when he managed to manoeuvre through a small group of people towards her.
“Can I help you, asshole?”
Rose responded although she walked through the door she opened. If she was going to hit him it wasn’t going to be in a place that had cameras – a nice little tip Miho gave her.
“I know asking that question made me look like a complete asshole. But I don’t even write the art column. You think I have any idea about art? This is Yuasa’s article, he’s sick at the moment so I had to fill in for him before we send the copy to press tomorrow. Look,” Minato showed Rose a piece of paper that had a list of questions on it and sure enough that question was written there. “See?”
Rose sighed.
“Fine, but you could have skipped that one. It was unfair.”
Minato rubbed the back of his neck – a sign Rose had realised meant that he realised he was in the wrong but didn’t want to apologise because he was Minato.
Rose checked her phone, still no call or text.
This only made her even grumpier.
“Hey, I know you’re probably pissed at me but it says here I need to interview a patron of the exhibit and ask their opinion. Can I get yours?”
He points at the paper and shoved it under Rose’s nose as she stared angrily at her phone.
She glowered up at him.
“There’s a bar round the corner. I’ll take you there, buy you a drink while you answer a few questions, deal?”
While Rose wanted nothing more than to go home right now, she also knew Minato was in a bind. He didn’t have long to write up an article before they sent it to print.
“Make it two and you’ve got a deal.”
Minato gave her his signature wolfish grin, one that once made her body little in goosebumps but now it made her miss her puppies smile.
“It’s him!” Inui exclaimed only to have his mouth covered by two sets of hands.
“If you bark like that you’ll give our cover away!” Kisaki hissed into Inui’s ear.
“Who is he?” Baba asked, casually walking out from their cover position when he was sure Rose and the man accompanying her weren’t aware of their presence.
“I don’t know his name, I’ve just seen him leave Akane’s place before and at some party.”
Ota walked up to Baba.
“This is too easy.” He whispered with an inane grin on his face.
“You realise she will slaughter you. And me too for that matter.” He replied but also shared the same grin as his friend.
“You agreed to come along old man,” He turned to Inui who was still stood behind the side of the building in cover. “Don’t you want to follow them?”
Inui bit his lip as he slowly stood up from his crouched position.
He trusted Akane, whole heartedly but ‘What If’ Ota was right?
Carefully they kept a safe distance and followed along.
After opening the door for Rose, Minato lead the way towards a little booth in the corner.
“I’ll get the drinks, you sit here. Whiskey right?”
“Na, just a lemonade please.”
While she had agreed only to answer his questions over a couple of drinks she wasn’t really feeling alcohol right now. She was still worried about Ryosuke. He’d still not contacted her and that made her hesitant to contact him. She needed her wits about her if she needed to rush off and save him.
Without any questions, Minato went to get their drinks.
And a few moments he was back.
He sat opposite Rose and got out his phone and opened the recorder app and set it on the table between them.
“I think this is the first time I’ve seen you work.”
Rose said.
“Prepare to be amazed.” He said smugly.
And Rose couldn’t help but chuckle. He was still an arrogant ass, although she never expected him to change. It was almost like he couldn’t help it.
He asked her some basic questions – nothing to be wowed by but then again he didn’t write them. Rose gave short answers, after all the questions didn’t really require anything lengthy.
“Is that it?” She asked when he pressed the record button again to stop the recording.
“Yep, told you it was only a few.” He said taking a sip from his beer.
“So you could have done this outside the exhibit?”
She arched an eyebrow.
“I guess.” He shrugged. “Also wanted to know how you were doing. Haven’t seen you since the Seasonelle party.”
So that was the real reason he asked her to come here.
“I’m fine,” she replied. “what about you?”
There was almost a coy smile before he spoke.
“I’m good, I met someone. Well, she kind of moved into my place as my step-sister and annoyed the shit out of me, then she started working at seasonelle and I couldn’t get rid of her we were basically dating anyway, so we just made it official.” He chuckled.  
Rose smiled.
The look on his face as he traced the rim of his beer glass was adorable even if his words weren’t complimentary of his new partner, there was a fondness in his voice. It was a side to him she hadn’t seen before.
“And she actually wants to date an asshole like you? That girl needs her head examined.”
Rose smirked as he looked up at her.
“Probably,” He smirked back. “She gives me a run for my money. Actually, I think you’d really like her. She’s a smartmouth pommy just like you.”
He grinned and Rose gripped her lemonade tighter at the mere mention of the petname he used to call her.
It wasn’t that it upset her, it was more that it was kind of inappropriate since he had a new ‘pommy’. And Rose had a puppy of her own. But at the same time, the way he said it was completely different so she didn’t address it.
“What? You wanna double date or something?”
Rose asked as she sipped her lemonade.
“No way! The thought of you and Mieke joining forces is some scary shit.”
Minato joked.
“Then we are definitely are having a double date. I want to meet this Mieke, she sounds like fun.” Rose smirked over the rim of her glass.
“Not happening.” Minato argued.
“If I have to come to your office and make Shusei convince you, I will.”
Rose said deadpan, spinning the cup in her fingers while staring directly at him.
“Okay, Jeez. Don’t do that, no one at the office knows about us, not yet anyway.”
That sounded about right. There were a lot of rules and regulations about work romances these days. It was never a simple case of lovers meeting at work anymore – no that was too distracting or some bollocks.
“Good, I’ll bring my puppy and you bring yours.”
After that, Rose told Minato to check plans with Mieke and then to send her a day and a time. For someone who once hated social interaction on a major scale, Rose was actually excited.
Hiding in a corner booth over the other side of the restaurant, Inui, Baba and Ota watched Minato and Rose with an interested eye.
“They get along quite well, don’t they?” Baba asked, before a pretty little brunette walked past him and caught his eye distracting him for a moment. “Isn’t he the one that wrote the article about MJS? Is that how they met?”
Inui looked to Baba before he looked back to Rose.
“I guess so, Akane did say they met through work.”
His heart was aching, he wanted to rush over there and drag her away and demand she never see him again.
But, something stopped him.
If Ota was right, he knew that he couldn’t do that. He had no right.
“She looks miserable though, don’t you think?” Ota chirped from his seat next to Inui. “Perhaps he’s listing off reasons that he can’t be around anymore sipping on his beer without a care in the world while she has to stick to soft drinks.”
Inui’s brow creased.
“But how could he do that? He’s not allowed to do that!” He yelled, only to have his mouth covered once more and his head pushed down as patrons of the bar looked towards them.
“Keep your damn voice down, if I have to I will muzzle you.” Ota growled.
“At least the puppy wants to defend his mistress’s honour. Very heroic.” Baba commended.
They kept quiet as they saw Minato and Rose rise from their seats and head towards the exit and carefully watched from the window as Minato lead Rose to a car down the street and drove her away.
A second later Inui’s phone beeped.
‘It’s getting late, so I’m heading home. I was hoping we could get dinner but I guess you’re still working. Feel free to swing by when you’re done. Hope you haven’t lost the FOB for my building. Be safe.’
Inui’s heart hurt and his head was split in two.
But he knew what he had to do.
Rose fiddled with her phone as she lay on her futon.
As soon as she got to her place, Minato practically pushed her out the car after checking his own phone - saying Mieke had ordered Pizza and put on the soccer and waffling on about ‘she was the woman of his dreams’.
She was happy for him somewhere inside herself.
But right now she couldn’t be happy for anyone. The thoughts of all the possible reasons as to why Ryosuke hadn’t responded to her were swimming around her brain to the point she’d forgotten she hadn’t eaten since the evening before.
Her stomach looked bloated from the lack of fibre and she pulled up her vest top and prodded and poked at her protruding tummy as if to deflate it.
“Are you sure you should be doing that so aggressively?!”
Came a shrill voice making Rose’s heart leap out of her chest and bolt up into defensive mode.
“Shit a brick and fuck me with it. Ryo! Oh my god.”
The adrenaline of the surprise he gave her and the relief of seeing him in front of her were at war with each other as she stood unsure on whether to hug him or slap him.
He cocked his head, tentatively taking a step towards her.
“You scared me.”
His eyes widened and he rushed over to her.
“I’m so sorry, that won’t be good for either of you. Please sit down.”
‘Either of us?’
Rose thought watching as Ryosuke carefully escorted her back down onto the futon as if she were made of glass. Then he retreated to Rose’s kitchen to fetch a glass of water.
“What are you doing?”
She asked when he tried to make her take a sip of water and she refused.
“Taking care of you,” He placed his hand on her stomach. “Both of you. If he’s not going to, I plan to.”
Rose slapped his hand off her stomach and sat up better so she could look him in the face.
“Explain.” She demanded.
“I, I know. About you and that editor guy.”
Rose stared at him, completely confused.
“I know why you were so interested in that art exhibit. You wanted courage to raise yours and his baby on your own. But I want you to know, you won’t be on your own! I’ll be here every step of the way.”
He pressed a palm to her cheek and ran his thumb along her cheekbone.
“Shhh.” He pulled her into a hug. “It’s okay, Akane. Whatever happens I’ll be right here with you. We’ll have our own little family, even if the baby isn’t mine, I’ll raise it as if it is my own.”
She pushed him away.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. What baby?”
He looked at her a little hurt, but placed a hand on her stomach pushing through his own pain knowing she must be hurting more.
“This baby.”
Rose raised an eyebrow.
“Are you calling me fat?”
“What?! No!” He responded.
“Well it sounds like it because I’m not pregnant.”
There was silence for a moment.
“Y-You-You’re not?”
Inui despite being taller and bulkier than Rose seemed to shrink.
Ryosuke was a mixture of feelings and Rose watched on in confusion. How on earth could someone so innocent come up with something so complicated?
“What on earth made you think I was pregnant?”
She asked when he remained quiet.
“I um, Well. Mr. Kisaki told me what the art exhibit was about and he said I needed to read between the lines of why someone so young would be interested in something like that and why you didn’t wait for me to see the exhibit. And he, I and Mr. Baba went to the exhibit and saw you arguing with the Editor guy and then you went to a bar but you were only drinking soft drinks and he was all smiley and happy and you were pouty and grumpy.”
Rose’s fist clenched as soon as Kisaki was mentioned and then her teeth began to gnaw together when Baba made an appearance.
“I was so angry. I wanted to go and give him a piece of my mind, but he was the father of the baby and I didn’t think I had any right to intervene.”
Rose sighed.
She wanted to be mad, I mean he listened to those fuck-wits before talking to her but she knew how easily he could be manipulated. Especially by the likes of Kisaki and Baba and especially when all those little ‘signs’ lined up and could make legitimate reasoning.
“I was ‘pouty and grumpy’ because you hadn’t let me know you were okay. I’m guessing Mr. Oh wasn’t in the penthouse when you got there or none of this would have happened.”
Ryosuke looked at Rose and cocked his head before he shook his head no.
Boy, he makes it really hard to be mad at him. But Rose managed to bite back a smile.
“What about the chimney?”
She asked.
“Chimney?” Ryosuke furrowed his brow before he realised who Rose was talking about. “Oh, you mean Mr. Kishi. Yeah he was there.”
“And he didn’t tell you that I left a message with Mr. Oh for you?”
Rose was growing increasingly irritated by the men that resided in the penthouse of Tres Spades, if that was even possible.
“No, all he said was ‘The kid is gonna kill ya’. But I assumed that was because they told your secret.” Inui shook his head, clearly baffled by how they managed to fool him.
“He’s included on my hit list.”
Rose had begun plotting each of their demise in her head. The anger bubbling inside her was only dulled by the cuteness on how Ryosuke responded to the situation.
She looked to Ryosuke when he went silent again.
“Hey, if it makes you feel better, I’m really happy that you were willing to be here for me despite this hypothetical baby not being yours.”
He gave her a shy smile as he glanced up at her.
“Really. When we start our own family, you’re going to make the greatest dad.”
He looked up at her, almost gawking.
“Our family?”
He asked, a whole movie playing behind his eyes.
“Mm,” Rose smiled fondly at him as he stared past her and into the future. “they’ll have my sass with your innocent face. The world won’t stand a chance with our little one.”
Rose chuckled imagining the cute little demon they’d create.
Ryosuke joined Rose’s chuckle before he wrapped himself around her and pushed her down onto the futon with a bit of force.  Their first practise of many baby making sessions with protection of course. While they both very much wanted a family one day now was definitely not the time.
“Hey, sorry to call you so late, Jazz” Rose paused to check Ryosuke was still in the shower before continuing. “Yeah, I’m good but I have a question. I need some help in plotting dishes of revenge.”
“Ohhh, sounds interesting. Who are we castrating?”
Rose grinned, even if Jazz didn’t want to get involved physically she could provide Rose with some good ideas, after all Jazz’s bestfriend was Miho – she would definitely learnt some things from her over the years.
“Ota Kisaki, Baba and Mamoru Kishi.”
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floraone · 7 years
In Defence of Seiya
So, one, because I’m currently writing him, and two, because he’s one of my most favorite characters, I wanna break a lance for Seiya, today. You’re still allowed to hate him afterwards, obviously, but maybe just hear me out, ok?
Yesterday I had a wonderful conversation with one of my dearest friends, a die-hard UsaMamo shipper just like me, but, other than me, the beauty of the Seiya x Usa BROTP still alludes her, and Seiya has a bit of a bad rep for her, but she gracefully allowed me to sum up our conversation, here. So, there you go!
(Also, I’ll be referencing to Seiya as a “he”, here. This is Stars arc, 90s anime, we’re talking about, and there he’s, at least to me, quite obviously portrayed as a guy, in his civilian form.)
Seiya was an ass for impersonating Mamoru toward the end. It deliberately hurt her, even when he KNEW how much she was hurting. Yet he still did that, and then even gave her that inappropriate “am I not good enough” line, after she broke down.
So, the scene meant here is this one, of course.
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And I think it’s important to keep in mind that Seiya had no chance knowing that he was inadvertently impersonating the guy that Usagi misses so much.
He’d just, upon remembering their good times, made peace with her and the situation, was about to say goodbye for good, as he saw Usagi’s desk (with that adorably cute Mamo-chan doodle on it) and placed the rose, which is always in his performing outfit, on it as a goodbye token, when he was interrupted by Rei who was in frantic search of Usagi.
So, he came up, saving her by distracting the enemy, and just threw the damn thing he just so happened to hold in his hand.
He had no way of knowing what that image would do to Usagi. He’d never heard of Tuxedo Mask. Or that he threw roses. He was just the guy to the rescue, coincidently happening to have a rose at hand. He wouldn’t know to do this on purpose.
And yes, he says that line, but he’s breaking down with her, as he does. But it’s not a “take me”, it’s not a self-serving opportunity he sees to cut in and steal the girl…. Remember this is JUST after he’s sighed and smiled and been thankful for the time he did have in her vicinity. It’s more a … you’re hurting so much, I feel your pain so much, god I wish I could take that pain away from you, and damn if it were me I’d never do this to you, you’d never be in this much pain because of me, I promise I would never do that to you, I don’t treat you like that, I don’t want you to hurt, why can’t it be me, all I want to do is make you feel better, why can’t it be me?
He loves her, in the selfless way that he wants what’s best for her, and he’s not allowed to give it to her, and it’s frustrating!
Seiya was an ass for telling Mamoru he needs to protect Usagi at the very end of Ep. 200. Like, he really needs to be told that?
So, again, Seiya doesn’t know the guy. He knows nothing but that he was now apparently not so bad as he thought, and instead dead all year, and now appearing in some sort of armor, as he was revived. Personally, I never understood it as a way of Seiya telling Mamoru off, but instead it was stepping back, acknowledging that it was Mamoru’s place to protect her, be by her side, and not his. I understand it as a message solely intended for Mamoru; I’m not in your way, I know she’s yours, but damn take care of her cause she’s worth it.
(Excluding the part where I really don’t like it when men talk over women’s heads over their protection, especially when we’re talking about the girl who JUST saved all of the friggin’ universe, but ah well…)
I still feel like Seiya should have respected the boundary line that was implied by Usagi’s relationship.
The way I see it, to him, Usagi was in somewhat of an abusive relationship, albeit emotionally. She was in a relationship with a guy that upped and went and left her hanging without a word, so much that she skidded into depression. Personally, I myself would be MAD at my friends if they saw me in one and didn’t at least try to act like he’s maybe not the best choice in the world.
And as someone who’s in love with her, who adores the ground she walks on, only wants what’s best for her (which in the end, is what love is) I wouldn’t want her to be in a relationship like that, REGARDLESS of if she’ll be with me afterwards, then, or not,
and, like, this was his view, and still he really didn’t try anything (at least in the 90s anime version, but Manga!Seiya and 90sAnime!Seiya are so different, with different motivations, different feelings, different genders, I really don’t compare the two at all.)
Remember this is the story/show where Usagi gets kissed by people left and center, without her consent? In the anime, he wasn’t one of those. He picked her up on a friendly date, they had chemistry, and he kissed her on the cheek as a goodbye. These are all things you’d do with your friends, his only fault here was that he happened to be in love with her at the time, at least the way I see it.
Shouldn’t Seiya have asked about Mamoru, then? At least try to find something out about the guy?
well, for one…would you have? I wouldn’t want to hear the praises of a guy you know has left her without saying anything. Also, I mean… He’s not in her life. She’s depressed. And he’s mad at him for treating her that way, he even says it out loud to his photo; He doesn’t say “Ugh I hate that you exist” he says “I don’t like the game you’re playing with her” - I don’t like the way you treat her. He’s legit MAD at Mamoru for doing this to her.
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This is an amazingly protective, friendly gesture, if it were true. This is how I would want all of my friends to react if it happened to me, and if it were actually the case – and Seiya has no way to think otherwise. It wasn’t, of course, but he had no way of knowing that. In fact, if he had dug further, asked about him, he’d have found out Mamoru has NEVER ONCE written back and his standpoint would have only gotten clearer. And if he’d dug even further, the story he’d have gotten wouldn’t have helped Mamoru’s case in this instance, either.
No matter the praises Usagi would have sung… I mean… what would have come out? He’s my lover from a past life, we have a miracle romance, then he was brainwashed and turned evil and almost killed me, before I killed him, instead, and then our future daughter turned up, and he left me because of dreams, and I cried myself to sleep, and then later he was kidnapped again, and right when I had him back he left me for America and now he’s never written back… It doesn’t SOUND so good.
Seiya wouldn’t have learned anything that he wouldn’t have interpreted in that exact way that he did.
But, then, the moment he realizes he was wrong, that Mamoru was dead, actually, his heart breaks for her. How could Galaxia have done this to her?
And then the only thing he does is try and make sure Mamoru treats her right, tell him to. He steps away without any fight whatsoever. Seiya loved Usagi. He loved her despite the fact that he had no chance. Just because she didn’t love him back, and was in a relationship with someone else, doesn’t make him a bad guy. In fact, I think he was an incredibly decent guy.
So many people lash out when they are in an unrequited love. It’s an incredible sort of heartbreak, and it’s understandable that so many do, but it’s also pretty harsh. The people they adored get devalued and degraded to bitches and asshole who are fools for not wanting them, get faulted for making them fall in love in the first place, and get left behind so the person can go and heal and forget. And, sometimes, the other party isn’t so innocent, either (which obviously isn’t the case, here), but even without that it’s really hard to just take yourself and your hurt back, and simply adore that person, while staying in their lives, no gain whatsoever.
Seiya does that. He adores her. He doesn’t blame her once, only wishes it were different. He takes himself back, and simply becomes the awesome friend that she really needs in that depressing time. And that is pretty damn selfless.
I mean, he didn’t choose this. He didn’t decide, oh, I’m gonna fall in love with this ditzy girl who has someone else; it just happened to him, and he dealt with it in a pretty heartbreaking way.
I mean… he repeatedly risked his life for her, this girl who will never be his.
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And I understand that. I mean… I adore that girl, too. We all do, right?
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new2otomelol · 7 years
Dracula - A KBTBB Fanfiction
Again, totally not a writer, just doing this for fun! Voltage owns the rights to its characters and games. This is a fan fiction. I seriously thought it would be fun to combine an old story with a new one, re-invent a little, since we’re close to October. Soooooooooo I figured I'd give it a shot to write a vampire story 😉 here's my fantasy, LOL! The story begins the day MC is sold to the bidders. Her name is Elizabetha and she has just been introduced to all of them.
ELIZABETHA'S POV I'm so nervous right now, but I won't be scared, I have bigger problems than the men before me. "Choose who will buy you!" they said... ugh, I need to get this over with, but before I have a chance to really think things through, I am taken by Eisuke to his suite. Ignoring the conversations from the other bidders as I am being thrown over his shoulder, I let myself fall limply and I let out a sigh as if I'm bored.
Once inside he drops me on top of one of his designer couches. "You will be staying here in the penthouse in the empty suite across the hall from mine. Baba will take you to your dorm to pick up some necessities. Here's a key card and a pager. Always respond to my pages immediately... you are now the maid for the penthouse." I stare at him and don't say a word, what good would it do? He sighs as if annoyed "do you speak much?" I smile wryly, "only when I need to." And with those words he disappears to his office.
THE FOLLOWING DAY – ELIZABETHA POV: I collect my things from my locker and begin to head back to the penthouse as my shift just ended. Today was insanely busy, especially with Eisuke paging me constantly for little things... "I need coffee, bring me juice, clean this, clean that, yadda, yadda..." uggh... But I appreciate the busywork, it helps me keep my mind off from what has been happening to me. I only hope that tonight will be just as crazy so that I don't hear that strange voice again in my head, "come to me Elizabetha, you belong only to me.” That voice and those words, who is doing this to me?  And why does this man’s voice sound so familiar.  I walk forward and almost lose my balance from feeling lightheaded. What is going on?
EISUKE'S POV: That maid is a strange woman; I've read her file, nothing out of the ordinary, but something about her is mysterious, she didn't even flinch when she was bought from the auction. I enjoy watching her defiant stare, her long wavy black hair that she always wears in a ponytail, her beautiful light blue eyes, curves in all the right places... she looks like she's of European descent. I think I'll use her as my girlfriend to get Mr. Bucci's daughter off my back.
ELIZABETHA’s POV: I reach the penthouse and as soon as I set foot inside, I'm greeted by all the bidders who are sitting around the lounge area without a care in the world. "Princess! Come on over here and join us!!..." yells Baba as I begin to make my way to my suite. "Another time perhaps?" I smile and continue to make my way to my desired site, but alas, King Jerk pipes up "you're coming with me... I found use for you and you're getting ready for a party tonight." I stop dead in my tracks and sigh, I turn around and face him. I kneel on the ground, just like one of my all-time favorite movie characters "what is thy bidding, my master?" and with that I see Soryu and Mamo chuckle a little, Ota gets way too excited "Oooh, ooh, Koro has a sense of humor"
I look up at him, roll my eyes and stand back up. Eisuke, looking not all too pleased, makes his way over to me, slides his arm around my waist and pulls me to him. "You're my fake girlfriend and if you do your job right, I'll set you free." My eyes widen and I look up at him. "Not like I have a choice, right?" he smiles and lets me go... "So you're looking to make a deal with Mr. Bucci?" asks Soryu. I can't help but feel my inner geek scream inside and I take my opportunity and seize the moment. I kneel again, just as I had done earlier and deliver my line "he will join us or die master!" I raise myself again and with that Mamoru and Ota laugh hysterically, Soryu looks away to hide his laugh and Baba looks confused... sigh, a non-believer. Eisuke takes a hold of my arm and takes me with him to the elevator "you're starting as of right now comedian! Don't underestimate me!" I decide to keep my mouth shut.
A new outfit and makeover later I am at a party with my supposed boyfriend. As soon as we enter I notice a group of women begin to crowd Eisuke and I'm pushed away from him. Crap, if I'm to keep up appearances I need to do something. I push a couple of the "ladies" out of the way and slide my arm around his. I pull him close and kiss him as passionately as I can... I include a little tongue action for good measure... ewwww, but I have to sell it. I let go of him after a minute and glare at the ladies, "he's taken dearies, now run along!" Man, if looks could kill, but I did my job. Eisuke looks at me with a confused look, so I lean into his ear and whisper "you wanted me to act as your girlfriend, I'm doing it" and with that I kiss his cheek and smile to our audience. He smiles and holds my hand and then whispers in my ear, "honey, don't mess this up for me!" We met with Mr. Bucci right after and things went smoothly.
EISUKE'S POV I need to get this deal with Mr. Bucci, I hope she can act her part accordingly; this is going to be fun. We walk in to the party and the usual crowd of girls begins to form around me, sigh, fake smile on and deal with it, that's all I ever do. I then feel and arm slide around mine and Elizabetha pulls me in for a very passionate kiss... I was lost in it, almost entranced by it, by the gods, I've been kissed passionately before, but this was different. She suddenly pulls away and sends all the other women away with great confidence. She whispers something in my ear about acting the part, but I'm just trying to calm myself to get ready for the meeting. I whisper into her ear to not mess things up for me... I'm the one in command. In the end, Mr. Bucci's daughter will be coming for a visit and we'll have to keep up this charade for a while longer. Can't say that I mind, but I will take charge next time.
TWO WEEKS LATER – ELIZABETHA'S POV I'm so tired. This Carolina girl has been a hassle to deal with, but I've done my part and have acted like a saint around her, even after she tried to make it look like I was cheating on my "boyfriend." I just know she's up to no good. But no time to think about that, I need to come up with new security measures for myself. The more I'm with Eisuke, the more I feel a connection with him; however, that seems to make the voice that calls to me stronger... it's as if something is coming for me. It doesn't call me just at night anymore, it slowly creeps up during the day sometimes... it feels as if my soul is being pulled and an immense sorrow grabs a hold of my heart. All the strength that I have is quickly used to keep me from crying. At night sometimes I wake up to find myself standing by the door as if I'm trying to go somewhere, but where? One night as I am finishing my shift and I decide to take a quick brake outside in the back of the hotel. Before heading back to the penthouse, a couple of men come up to me, spray something in my face and seconds after, everything fades to black. I wake up to find that I'm tied up, in a warehouse and Carolina is the one behind it all. "Leave my Eisuke! You're not good enough for him." She yells at my face and slaps me a couple of times. I know she's trying to scare me, but it's not going to work. "Carolina sweetie, you have so many good qualities about you, you'll find the right man that will worship you. I love Eisuke, with all my heart and can't leave him!" As soon as I said those words, I realized that maybe there might be some truth to them. However, at that precise moment I notice a mist form all around the warehouse and I begin to feel dizzy. An immense pain shoots from the space between my neck and collar bone "unghh.." so many feelings rush through my body... love, pain, sorrow, joy, fear, an overpowering fear... "What's going on?! Um... Elizabetha?" As soon as Carolina speaks, the mist dissipates and I begin to regain my composure. I look down to my chest and notice that the front of my uniform is soaked in blood, then a loud bang is heard around the room and Eisuke and Soryu both step in. Carolina shrieks and begins to apologize for having kidnapped me. Eisuke pacifies her and tells her that everything will be alright... good, he hasn't seen the right side of my uniform yet. I try to angle my body further to keep the sight of my blood away from them, at least temporarily, until I stumble and Eisuke's eyes widen in horror.
EISUKE'S POV I can't believe it when I see Elizabetha stumble forward and as she looks up I see a trail of blood that has soaked through the front of her uniform, nobody touches what is mine! "Carolina, what happened to her?" I try to keep my cool, but it takes everything in me to do so. I run to Elizabetha and begin to undo her restraints... "Eisuke, she didn't do this to me, trust me... it feels like a bite of some sort, but I'm alright." I help her up and look at Carolina "I, I don't know what happened to her, one minute she was okay then she was bleeding the next; I swear I didn't do that!" I smile back and calmly reply "It's okay, I believe you Carolina, but I have to take her to a doctor now... we'll see you off tomorrow before you head back home, okay?" Carolina smiles and says "yes! Hope you feel better Elizabetha, sorry for what I did, but I know that you really love Sukee here and will leave him in your hands!" Elizabetha looks up and smiles at Carolina.
We rush to the penthouse were Luke is waiting for us. Elizabetha will not remove her hand from her collar bone. "Sexy bones, let me see, you're still bleeding out a little." Elizabetha finally removes her hand and reveals a very large wound. It looks like an animal bit her and tore her skin apart. Luke sighs and says he'll have to stitch it up, but forgot to bring anesthesia with him. "Luke, I can take it, just do it now before I bleed out any more." Elizabetha looks at Luke straight on and urges him to continue. "Kid, 'ya got balls." Mamoru says as he settles himself on the couch to take a nap. Ota and Baba are just standing there looking at her with their mouths agape. What the hell happened?
ELIZABETHA'S POV Luke is working on stitching me up... honestly, I don't feel much pain anymore. Eisuke is looking at me with worry in his eyes... could he care about me? Ughh.. no, focus... that fog had something to do with all of this. "Elizabetha, what happened?" Eisuke can't stand my silence much longer. "I don't know, but maybe a rat did this while I was unconscious?" I lie, but I can't explain the unexplainable right now. Luke sighs "I'm done sexy bones. You will have a small scar, nothing major, but something did take a bite out of you." Baba kneels down in front of me and holds my hand "I'm sure it must have been an animal from the warehouse pretty lady, but don't worry, you're safe now!" I smile at all them. "I'm fine guys, really, just tired and need some rest." I stand up and head to my suite, but Eisuke catches me at the stairs and carries me ... "don't make a big deal out of this, just making sure you don't make a mess of my stairs." Yep, still a jerk. Finally alone in my suite and I try to process it all. That fog wasn't natural. I've heard from my aunt before, when she used to read my cards, that I seem to have been reborn a few lifetimes. The woman was a gipsy extraordinaire and loved to read fortunes. Before she died, she told me that a man, almost creature-like, was looking for me, that he would find me. As part of my inheritance, she left me a box that I was told I could not open until it was needed. I just took it as her leaving me one final riddle to solve. Maybe I should open it tomorrow? As I continue to think things through in an attempt to relax, the voice calls out to me again... "Elizabetha, my love, I found you."
THE NEXT NIGHT – ELIZABETHA'S POV Eisuke, Soryu and I see Carolina off in the morning. Mr. Bucci is extremely satisfied with Eisuke and instantly strikes a deal with him. In honor of our success, we all gather around to celebrate at the penthouse pool with a little bit of alcohol and snacks. After a couple of drinks, I depart from the guys and head to my room with the excuse that I still need to recover a bit more from the night before.
As I turn on the lights to my room, I notice a beautiful white night gown laid out on my bed. It had a very revealing neckline (one that would require the assistance of my lacey push-up bra) and long flowing material with intricate lace designs, simply stunning. I thought that maybe one of the guys bought it for me as a gift. I took a bath, blow dried my hair and put it on. As I looked in the mirror, I felt regal, different... my muscles started to relax and I felt entranced. I felt a pair of arms encircle me from behind, but couldn't see anything in the mirror. I tried to move my head to look up, but felt frozen in place, I couldn't move. "My lovely Elizabetha, my second gift to you..." I then feel a sharp pain on my neck followed by a feeling of heat radiating from the spot. I begin to pant and feel my blood draining away... two minutes later, it stops... "I'll return for you my love, don't try to fight me... you know that we are meant to be together for eternity." My eyes widen and finally regain the feeling of my limbs and turn around... I see a man with incredible features, truly a site to behold, but his smile was wicked and blood was dripping from his chin; his eyes were yellow and animalistic in nature... He seemed familiar. Before I could utter a word, he disappears. I feel a flood of memories pouring in and I can't control the feeling of despair that follows. I look at myself in the mirror and see blood that has trickled from my neck down to my chest, beginning to soak my gown, but this time, it wasn't as bad as the night before. I feel light headed, but I try to speak... it seems so hard, but I finally muster enough strength to whisper a name... "Dracula" ... The visions I see are memories of a distant past... I was his and he was a tyrant. I begin to walk out of my room as I continue to process it all, I feel hypnotized as I stare straight ahead at nothing "I need you my darling, my one true love." Someone, please make him stop talking to me! I can still feel his arms around me. I walk down the stairs not noticing anything or anyone, I'm in my own world.
EISUKE'S POV The guys decide to go back to the Lounge after we clean up from the pool. I kept thinking about Elizabetha and how I want her to stay with me. I can never admit this to anyone, but I've fallen for her. These past couple of weeks with her have been amazing. She's kind, hard-working, so different to all the women I have ever met. I feel like we've become closer... I always get what I want and she will be mine.
I turn around and notice something coming down the stairs out of the corner of my eye. "ELIZABETHA!!!" I yell as I see her walking aimlessly in a beautiful night gown, but my eyes go directly to the blood coming from her neck. "BABA, CALL LUKE, NOW!!" I run to her and try to get her attention, but she doesn't move her eyes. She looks pale and frail, she keeps walking forward and I grab her from behind to try and hold her in place. "What the..." Ota doesn't even know what he's witnessing either. "Yo! Kid! Wakeup!" Mamoru tries to clap his hands in her face, but she doesn't even blink. Baba runs back to us as he hangs up the phone "Luke is on his way Boss, he's downstairs in the casino, so it shouldn't be long...... Princess, what's wrong?!" But Elizabetha does not respond to any of us. I get frustrated with worry "DAMN IT ALL, wake up woman!" She begins to move forward and drags me behind her.. Soryu and Baba help me hold on to her arms to pull her back, but she continues to move with all of us in tow. "What the hell?!" Luke yells and runs towards us. He flashes a flashlight into Elizabetha's eyes and checks her neck wound. He finally takes out a syringe with liquid and injects it into her arm. She begins to lose strength and falls back into my arms. I lay Elizabetha down on my bed and Luke tends to her wound. "Luke, what the hell is that on her neck." Luke looks frazzled and lost "I.. I don't know Eisuke, I've never seen this before. She's lost so much blood, I need to make a blood transfusion..." Luke leaves to call a colleague to get the equipment he needs and some blood for her. "mmmnhh..." Elizabetha seems to be trying to wake up. "nnngghh... Vlad... Dragoste eternă.. " "Elizabetha, speak in Japanese, what are you saying?" Soryu looks to her in confusion. In fact, I notice that all of us seem to be quiet for once, unsure as to what is going on. "I can't do thisss... Vlad... you killed them all... all..." Elizabetha is talking in her sleep. I reach out to her and touch her cheek... "you're safe, you're with us. Wake up Elizabetha!" she begins to move as if she's stuck in a nightmare and begins to reach out with her hands. Soryu and I try to restrain her arms as she begins to panic. "Hang in there pretty lady, doc will be right back..." Ota and Baba take a hold of her legs to keep her from kicking. Elizabetha continued "nnngh... you did... I... I threw myself into the ravine... the water... my grave... you became a demon..." At this point, tears begin to stream from her eyes "let me die... I will take you with me..." right at that moment, Luke walks in with blood bags and begins to inject her with an IV... she immediately settles down. In a few minutes time, she begins to regain some color in her face. But what the hell is going on? Who is Vlad? Why was she saying such weird things?
ELIZABETHA'S POV My eye lids feel heavy, but I need to wake up. I need to warn them all. Soon, a room comes into view and I notice Eisuke, Soryu, Baba, Ota, Mamoru and Luke all sitting around the room. "Wha, what are you all doing here?" I slowly speak. "koro! You're awake!!" Ota yells ... "Kid, ya took a couple of years out of all of our lives"... "princess, what happened?" ... "who the hell did that to you?" So many voices and questions all at once. I slowly sit up and notice that it was still nightfall. "Guys, please listen to me carefully. Baba, can you bring a box that's under my bed to me? It's heavy... Mamoru, I know you have at least one set of handcuffs on you, handcuff me to the bed, NOW!... Soryu, take out your gun and keep it aimed at me..." Baba runs out of the room immediately. Mamoru hesitates as he takes out his handcuffs "kid, what 'ya doin'?" I sigh and look at him "Mamo, I don't have much time, do it quickly" he cuffs one hand against the bed post. Ota and Eisuke are staring at me looking bewildered. "Elizabetha, what happened? Explain woman!" Eisuke yells at me with worry in his voice... I sigh... "I will in a minute... just need to save you all, from me."
"Koro, you're not making sense..." Ota chimed in. "Sexy bones, you've already taken two pints of blood into your system, don't strain yourself." Luke takes out the IV from my arm and places a bandage on it. Soryu remains seated with his gun in his hands, he doesn't want to point it at me. "Soryu, it's okay. If I get loose from this bed, don't hesitate to shoot me, understand?" Baba walks in right in as I finish speaking to Sor.
Good, you're all here. "I may not have much time before I begin to lose my senses. Keep your minds open to what I'm about to say. Do you all know about the Impaler?" Ota's eyes widen... "yes! He impaled thousands of people...he was a fierce ruler." I smile "that's right Ota, his name was Vlad, but others called him Dracula... he was, I was... his wife" I hear gasps and then I hear Baba laugh "but that was several hundred years ago." I smile sadly. "Yes Baba, it was and he is no longer human... he's a ..." Luke interrupts me and finishes my sentence as if he had a sudden realization "vampire!" Eisuke looks at me as if he's in disbelief "vampires are just made up stories, they're not real" I glare at him "well, you'll soon find out the truth... Vlad was my world, my soulmate, until I could not take the bloodshed any longer." I cry as if the memories of it all were occurrences that had transpired just yesterday... "you don't know what it is like to live in a castle that has a garden filled with impaled corpses, some people still alive, slowly and agonizingly dying...the smell of blood, the flies and my husband sitting there watching them... smiling, drinking their blood as if it were champagne and eating parts of their bodies in front of them... his intent was to strike fear to ward off enemies, but his bloodlust new no end and he became something else.." they all look at me with shocked faces. "I killed myself because I couldn't bear to live with the screams, the pain, knowing that I would bring a child, his child into this world... I couldn't and I selfishly threw myself and my unborn child into a ravine." I bite my lip and cry hard, so much sorrow is filling me up right now.
"But princess, that was not you, that may have been another you a long time ago, but..." I look at Baba and realize that time is slipping by. "Sorry gentlemen, we need to move this show on the road." I dry my tears and with my free hand I take out the contents of the box that my aunt had left for me. She left some wooden stakes, long silver chains, a weapon made of silver that looked like a long flute, but once you pressed a button on the center of it, a long blade would emerge with force; she also left a pendant, some sacred water and finally a beautiful silver sword. "Woah, it's like an armory!" Baba was shocked. "I still don't know if to believe all of this. I mean this is pretty insane." Eisuke looks baffled and I feel so incredibly sad because I would like to believe that someday, I can get to know him better. At this rate though, I'm no longer sure I have long to live. "I'm sorry, all of you, if I would have known all of this was going to happen... I would have run away a long time ago... but I can feel a change in me, we need to speed this up... Luke, tie those silver chains around my arms and bind me to the headboard; be sure to lock the chains in place so that I don't get loose..." oh no...I'm getting dizzy and can hear everyone's heart beating... Luke finishes tying me up and I look at Baba "please, hmmm....put the weapons in the box and take the sacred..nngghh....water...throw some at me....ahhhhh...if I get ... loose...whatever I say, DON'T BELIEVE ME!!... "Princess?"
EISUKE'S POV I still can't believe any of this is real. But she looks like she' in so much pain, as if she's lived the life she mentioned before. I don't know what to believe. I'm lost in my own thoughts as I notice Elizabetha's eye color begin to change from blue to red. We all stare at each other and everyone backs away from her in fear. This is becoming real. The silver chains that bind her begin to burn her skin a little and she writhes in pain. I begin to move to take the chains off her, but Luke stops me. "No Eisuke, she's no longer herself... we all have to be patient and take turns guarding her for a few hours... it's 1:00 a.m., sunrise is at 6:00 a.m. we have to do this." Elizabetha pushes herself against the chains... a seductive smile forms on her lips as she watches me "come on baby, don't you want me? Ha, ha, ha.... I picked this outfit just for you..." as sexy as she looked, she wouldn't normally talk like that. I back away. "Tsk, tsk, tsk... looks like the King doesn't enjoy the show..." she turns to Luke "hmm.... Doc! I think I have a fever, want to check me? Come a little closer..." she smiles and big canine fangs emerge from her mouth. I thought I've seen everything in life, holy crap, this is real.
"Come on Luke... don't you want to see my collar bones up close?" Luke turns around and sits in one of the chairs. "Boooring...are British men always this dead when it comes to the sack? Hmmm... Baba, I know you want to touch them, come and get your fill of my breasts" Baba swallows hard and sits next to Ota, turning away from Elizabetha. "Ota, don't you want to put a leash on me... I can be a good Koro and get on all fours for you..." She tries to move on the bed, but remains restrained. She growls angrily and looks at her next target "Mamo, I know you have a big one, let me get a feel for it... maybe you and Soryu together... ha, ha, ha, ha...." The guys all look flushed and can't even look at her straight in the eye.
"STOP THIS NOW!" I yell at her. She twists her head my way in such a weird manner. "Why?! All I want is to have FUN!" she yells back at me and then she slams herself backwards on the headboard creating a loud crashing noise. "I can smell it..." She arches her back as far as she can, tilting her head up as she stares at the ceiling... "I can hear your heartbeats, smell your blood, I want it, let me have a taste." I can tell that this is going to go on for a good while. "We have to remain strong tonight, don't let her get to you!" Soryu addresses all of us. Elizabetha looks at him and laughs wickedly. "The good little mobster, what do you know? You think you've seen it all?... let me show you what darkness is like... the sheer and wonderful feeling that pain can give you!" with that she bites her tongue and a drop of blood comes down her chin. Hours pass on like this. Sunrise finally comes and we are all drained from this experience. Elizabetha passes out as soon as the first rays of the sun fill the room. All of the burns from her chains are gone from her skin. Luke sedates her just in case and everyone leaves to get some rest. I stay in my room and fall asleep on the couch. I don't want to leave her side.
I wake up in the early afternoon and make my way over to Elizabetha. I touch her cheeks and she begins to move. "Ei.. Eeisuke?" I smile at her "It's alright, we're all okay." She begins to cry "I'm so sorry, I know I said such horrible things last night... I ...I..." I don't want to see her cry. "It's not your fault, you warned us it would happen. What do we do now?" She stops crying and tries to recompose herself. "Now I kill him. Let me do this alone, he can kill all of you with just a thought if he wanted to... I don't want any of you to die" I admire her strength in all of this.
"We're not going anywhere." I begin to undo the lock and release her from her chains as well as Mamoru's handcuffs. She smiles and hugs me tight. "Eisuke, I know it's only been a short amount of time... but I feel like... I know that... I, I love you. My past memories, every lifetime that I have lived, I haven't met someone like you... for the first time in a few centuries, I feel alive again and I can't lose you." She loves me... this is... "I love you too Elizabetha, I'm not letting you go, I own you remember? You're mine." She laughs and I kiss her as deeply and as passionately as I can. Soon I have her gasping for air. We stop after a few minutes. "Eisuke, I have a plan to get him. He's coming back for me tonight."
LATER THAT NIGHT – ELIZABETHA'S POV Darkness falls over the city of Tokyo. The guys are all ready with weapons in hand, waiting for Vlad to show. The plan I made with them was for me to be in the lounge area and to stall Dracula while Soryu shoots silver bullets to incapacitate him so that one of us plunges a steak through his heart and cuts off his head. I didn't mention to them that Dracula is much more quick-witted than that. That's why I hide the projectile weapon under my jacket. The clock strikes 8 and a mist begins to form in the lounge. I straighten up as I wait for my former love to solidify. "Elizabetha my love... you know I won't let anyone get in our way..." with a wave of a hand, Dracula manages to pull all the bidders together in the lounge area and drops them on the floor. They remain there, unable to move. To the bidders, their plan is failing, but my real plan is going along smoothly.
"Vlad, you want me, I'm here you bastard..." he smiles wickedly, by the gods, the man is so incredibly handsome, but been there and done that. "Your mind betrays you my dear, your heart wants me, you can feel it." My anger knows no bounds right now "Really? I want you? after all the pain and suffering you've put me through, no, not just me, all the innocent people you have killed over the centuries!" he smiles "they never mattered, just things that paved the way for me to live forever... don't you see my love?" he points to the bidders... Luke is not here; he should still be upstairs according to my plan... "they are but cattle, mere playthings that give us life." I smile and the guys stare at me mortified, they think I'm beginning to turn.
I stand in front of Vlad with my back to him, I raise my arm behind me and pull his head down towards my neck. "If you love me, make me yours." I feel bad for the bidders as they look on in terror as Dracula takes out his canines and begins to bite my neck. I need him to drink a little and begin to move myself into a certain position... he's so tall, this should be easy. I grab a hold of his neck tighter as if to urge him on and I arch my back as if he was filling me with pleasure. I reach under my jacket as he looks down on me.... I make it look like I am trying to cup my breast underneath, I can feel a smile form on his lips as he slowly drinks my blood. With one hand, he holds my head up high, his other continues to hover over the area of the bidders to keep them still. I then shift the weapon underneath me, press myself hard against chest and aim the weapon towards his heart... I press the button and the silver blade plunges through an area under my ribcage all the way through, straight to his heart. We both fall backwards as I make sure the blade stays in place a bit longer.
"Nooooooo..." I hear a scream coming from Vlad... "why? My love, why?!!!" I try to keep myself conscious and yell out... "Luke, now!" Luke comes running down the stairs with the sword in hand. I pull myself off Dracula holding the impaled weapon against my abdomen, keeping it in place as Luke instructed. The fire in Vlad's eyes begins to fade as Luke comes into view and slashes his head off in one clean strike. "Goodbye forever my love." I whisper as I lay sideways on the floor. The bidders now loose from their constraint begin to move... Eisuke rushes over me along with Luke "Elizabetha, no, no.... I won't let you leave me, I won't allow you to..." Luke yells at Eisuke "pull yourself together man, we planned for this! Help me get her to Baba's suite, now...all my stuff is there so that I can operate on her now!" those are the last words I hear before passing out from the pain.
TWO DAYS LATER – EISUKE'S POV Elizabetha knew that Dracula would know what we were up to, so, she came up with the only plan she knew would work. She risked her life to end his, to save all of us. But she made sure that she would be okay. She's been asleep for two days... but her body went through a lot. She had angled the weapon perfectly to where she would have no organ damage, however, her body still took quite a beating, especially with the lack of blood. Some of us had to donate blood that night to keep her from dying.
I sit here and look at her as she sleeps peacefully when suddenly she stirs. "Mnnnhh... Eisuke?" I lean down and kiss her as she continues to try to wake up. Her eyes widen as she looks at me with a smile, then begins to panic "is he? Did we get him?..." I stroke her hair to calm her down "yes, he's gone and all of us are safe, thanks to you." She begins to cry in relief and I hold her gently. "Finally my soul can rest" she whispers in my ear "I didn't think I could ever be happy again, not with this vicious cycle... he tried many times before to get me... each time a chance at a new life just thrown away." To her, her previous lifetimes seem to be fused together, it is incredibly sad to think of all the pain she has carried. "Eisuke, I want to be with you, with the guys, I want us all to be happy" I smile back at her "I'm never letting you go, not even if you try to make me, I own you, all of you." With those words she pulls me to her and kisses me deeply like before... this woman drives me crazy. I know that from here on out, things can only get more interesting.
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moonlit-manifesto · 4 years
[7/21/20 - ALIVE Twitter]
☆I'll Share Secrets Since It's Nighttime☆
Morihito: “Once when I came home in the dead of night because I had a lot of work, I helped myself to Nozomu’s stockpile of cup ramen in the common room. I told myself I should’ve apologized afterwards... but it’s already been three days. I opened the cabinet just to replenish his stock, and sticky notes with ‘This one’s good!’ written on it have been stuck on the cup ramen. I’m a bit relieved.”
Kensuke: “It might sound weird coming from me, but even I feel down in the dumps sometimes (haha). When that happens, I’m usually sitting on the stool in our common room in front of the kitchen. I’ll sit down while Kou’s cooking and humming with Mamoru passing by and humming too, and Ryou will give me a cup of tea which cheers me up!”
Boy: “Mom!! Can we buy this~?!”
Mom: “No.”
Sora: “That reminds me of when I was little and always begging for things~!”
Mamoru: “Haha... I wish I could do that.”
Sora: “...Mamo-chan!”
Mamoru: ?
Sora: “It’s after our deadlines, so today I am an able-bodied Ohara Sora! If there were ever a time to try pleading for me to buy something, now would be it!”
Mamoru: “I guess (haha).”
#he asked for ice cream
Mamoru (internally): (...I wish I had a mother to bicker with like that child.)
#sometimes you can’t help but be envious of what you don’t have
#keep these a secret
Mamoru: “Oh wow. It’s like the ice cream tastes better after the other person caves in to your begging.”
Sora: “Right? You really gotta step up your begging game from now on, Mamo-chan. The taste of victory is the most delicious.”
Mamoru: “Sora-kun, you’re good.”
Sora: “I get that a lot (lol).”
Mamoru: “All right~! i’ll do my best (haha)!”
#he gained one level today
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kbtbb-soryu · 7 years
Revenge [Mamoru Kishi] ~ Chapter 2
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As soon as Kishi caught the attacker, he called the police. A swarm of officers descended on the ballroom. And of course, I was forced to stay in order to lay down a statement. I noticed Kishi talking to another man - Another detective known as Kuroshima
 After the commotion died down, I was practically dragged up to the penthouse.  
“Today sure was something else, huh?” Ota commented.
“Nice job back there, Mamo,” Baba said, but Kishi didn’t respond.
“I can’t believe the auction got cancelled today, though. That sucks,” Ota whined like the baby he obviously was.
“We didn’t have a choice after what happened. We’ll have it on another day,” Baba tried to soothe the baby.
“Tch. One unheard of event after the other lately.” Soryu glared at me.
“Excuse me, but are you implying that this is my fault?” I sneered at him.
“I’m not...”
“Regardless, add another one to your list, Soryu,” Eisuke said as he walked through the door, a woman with long black hair right behind him.
“…What do you mean?” Soryu asked, confused.
“The AID wants to pull their item,” Eisuke replied. I almost fell over from shock at hearing that.
“What did you say?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
“…The AID?” Kishi suddenly asked. He had been smoking by the window nonchalantly, but then he looked over at Eisuke.
“The people who sold us the woman,” Eisuke informed everyone. I locked eyes with him. “They didn’t mean to sell you, after all.”
“Wait, aren’t they some kind of New Age religious cult?” Ota asked.
“Whatever the case, their leader, Aida, filed a complaint with us,” Eisuke said.
“A complaint? But I know we paid for her in full,” Baba said.
“The problem isn’t with the money. More like… the contents. It’s not they intended to put up for sale, so they’re saying it’s invalid and they want to withdraw it,” Eisuke replied. 
It all made sense now. All the pieces fit into place. I closed my eyes and smiled dryly. 
“I see. So that’s their game...” I muttered.
“Hm? Did you say something, Jamie?” Baba asked. 
“Nothing.” Everything that happened... The auction, their complaint, all of it... It was no accident - No coincidence. It was planned to the finest detail. 
I was still lost in thought when I felt myself being shaken.
“Jamie, snap out of it.” the woman I didn’t know spoke gently.
“Huh? What happened?” I asked, coming back to my senses.
“He wants to send you to the AID compound,” she explained, looking at Kishi. It seems I missed an awful lot of the conversation when I zoned out.
“That’s not much of a reaction.” The woman - who I later found out was another auction manager named Ran - looked at me with suspicion.
“What he’s saying does make sense. Alright. Let’s do as Mamoru suggested. Let’s turn her over to the AID,” Eisuke said. Kishi smirked at me.
“…Looks like it’s settled, then.” He was very obviously up to something.
“You’ve got to be joking. She’s an innocent girl. We can’t just throw her to the wolves!” Ran protested.
“Ran, I don’t want trouble because of this girl. It’s decided,” Eisuke said.
The two of them kept arguing for a good ten minutes, but in the end it was decided that I would indeed go to the AID.
 After the discussion in the penthouse, I returned home to pack. I didn’t feel much of anything as I did. I didn’t know what to think. They had to know who I was; that I’d been after them. What were they planning? Whatever it was, it couldn;t have been good.
I felt a presence behind me as I moved around in my room.
“You know, I’m pretty sure I didn’t give you permission to enter my apartment, Detective.”
“It’d be a hassle if you ran away,” Kishi replied nonchalantly.
“Who let you in here anyway?” This building was also the headquarters for the Wings of Freedom. There were guards and surveillance cameras all over, including out front. They wouldn’t just let anyone in here. 
“Your friends, Tokisaki and Ichinomiya.” He must have been talking about Yukino and Hotaru. Yes, Hotaru belonged to the Ichinomiya family, but she was also a mobster of a very high rank. “I had no idea you were with the Wings of Freedom, though. You could have used that to get out of this whole thing, but ya didn’t. Can’t help but wonder why...”
“Yeah, well...” I pointed towards the wall. Plastered to it were photos, notes, maps... All kinds of information on the AID I’d been gathering for years. “I have my own score to settle with them.”
“Wow, that’s quite somethin’..” Even though no one invited him in, he took it upon himself to flop down on my bed. 
“I don’t remember giving you permission to make yourself at home in my apartment, much less my bedroom.”
“You slept over at my joint too, ‘member?”
“Not because I wanted to.”
“Will you stop flappin’ your gums already? That all you got?” Kishi opened up my bag.
“Hey, don’t just open my bag!” I snapped at him.
“What, there somethin’ in here you don’t want me to see?”
“It’s a violation of privacy.” I reached for my bag when he suddenly said my name.
“Hey, Jamie.” That’s right… He doesn’t know my last name… He gently cupped my cheeks with his large hands and put his face right in front of mine. “I heard the yakuza’s involved with the AID. So watch your back, kid.” I took hold of his wrists as I stared back at him. “What is it?” he asked.
“I’m in the mafia myself...”
“Ah, that’s right.” Kishi’s hands left my face and he took a step back, his face serious. “You mentioned something about a score.”
I clenched my fists.
“They took something very important from me. Something I am never going to get back. I will end them.” I narrowed my eyes angrily.
Kishi didn’t say anything else. He just stared at me. I couldn’t read his expression. Finally he sighed, a small smile playing on his lips as he rested his hand on top of my head. I pushed his hand away from me and turned my back on him. The warmth that came from his hand was making me uncomfortable. As soon as he left, I looked down at my bag and chuckled wryly. He had planted a small tracker in my bag.
“So you’re using me as bait to find the compound, huh?” I mumbled. 
I guess he’s after vengeance, like me. I still didn’t know exactly what he was up to, but at least I wouldn’t be alone.
 The AID came for me early the next day. After a long car ride, they finally took off my blindfold.
“This is your new home.” The man speaking to me was known as Nanao. He said he was one of the leaders.
“Oh, you’re back. Is this Sister Jamie?” I heard a voice behind me. 
“That’s right, Reverend,” Nanao said.
“I’m a representative of the Aid, Reverend Aida. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Yeah…” I replied curtly. This bastard murdered my big brother. You better enjoy it while you can, you son of a bitch. Because I will end you…
  To be continued…
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clockworkwand · 8 years
KBTBB Cheating Continuation where MC almost died/gets killed ( Shot, Drown, Hit by a car ) in front of the bidders? Bidders POV Please? Thank you so much. ANGST ALL THE WAY !!!
A/N- I hope you guys like this ^_^
Eisuke- Footsteps cut through the eerie silence as Soryu and I walked down the corridor towards the lobby.  We were just in the middle of a meeting when one of the hotel workers rushed in saying there was an emergency in the lobby.  Probably another crazy fan of one of the guest.  I had more important things to deal with; however, both Baba and Mamoru had also told me to rush downstairs.
“WHERE IS HE?” a man’s voice echoed from the lobby as I walked through the entrance, “if Ichinomiya is not here in five seconds, she’ll be tasting metal.”  Lying on the floor in pools of blood were two security guards.  Another security guard stood in the center of the lobby with his gun pointing towards the front desk.  “The man of the hour is here,” the man said with a laugh, “look there girl.  It took him so long to get here, shows how much he cares about others.”  I turned to toward the man and my blood ran cold.  MC.  He held her in front of her with a gun to her head.  He was using her as a meat shield.  Soryu quickly raised his gun in preparation for an attack, but at our angle it was too risky to try anything.
“Let go of her.”
The man laughed and a shiver went up my spine; it was the laugh of a man that had nothing left to lose. I tried to keep myself calm, knowing that if I did anything wrong she would be in danger.  I just needed to buy time for Soryu.  The laugh made me feel anxious.
He smiled wickedly at me, “why would I do that?  She’s a pretty young woman.  Such a waste to let her go.” His free hand began to wander as MC tried to push herself away from him.  He whispered something in her ear.  Her face went white.  Soryu moved away from me to get a better shot as I kept the man distracted.
“She has nothing to do with the is–”
“You do not even know what the goddamn problem is Ichinomiya!” he yelled, “you ruined my life, and you don’t even know who the fuck I am.  I will tell you though.  I didn’t pick this girl out of nowhere, I knew who she is to you. I’m the husband of the woman you were secretly fucking, and this is the girl you were cheating on.  The two of us have so much in common now that I think about it.  Maybe you loved her though, or maybe she was another toy in your game you heartless bastard.  I don’t care.  I still want you to see this…”  Two gunshots echoed through the lobby at the same time, and both of them hit their targets dead on.  I rushed over towards her and my heart stopped at the sight.  He fell backward and she fell forward.  A pool of blood began to form around her head.  The bullet went straight through.
I fell to my knees beside her body.  Chaotic thoughts entered my mind as I stared at her lifeless form.  She died because of that whore…  She died because I could not control myself.  She died because of me.
Baba-  Where is she?  Why did this have to happen?  Why?  Just why?
My vision became fuzzy as I continued to swim downward in search of her.  She is right in front of me.  She is floating gently downward, just out of my reach.  I reached out to grab her to no avail.
She looked like a falling angel.
How could this have happened to her?  Her eyes were shut and her lips were slightly parted.  Her hair was like a halo around her head completing the angelic look as she sank into the abyss.
This cannot end like this.
I will not let this happen.
I had been following her for a while to try to get her back; I wanted to make sure she was okay.  I was able to successfully tail her a few days without her realizing it was me.  Perks of the job.  She realized what I was doing and yelled at me.  In her anger she rushed away; however, she has always been a clumsy girl.  It was like a scene out of a generic romantic comedy, but this was not a comedy.  This was straight out of a tragedy.  A real life horror.
My thoughts became muddled as I swam closer to her limp form and held her close to my body.  I finally got her.  My vision was darkening as I swam up to the surface.  Part of me was in disbelief that something like this was happening.
On the bright side, this might help the two of us get back together.
A small crowd formed around the edge of the water as I pulled the two of us out.  A man claiming to be a doctor rushed to the front as I laid her gently on the ground.  I began to shiver as the cold air hit me; however, she was still like a rag doll.  The so claim doctor checked on her as others called for help.  The doctor began to do CPR and I continue to kneel beside her shivering.  Why was she so still?  I looked up the doctor who had stopped the CPR and grown immensely pale.
Ota-  I always thought she looked good in ruby, but now…  I covered the wound with my hand to stop the blood flow.  It feels like warm paint.  My hands were covered with her ruby life.  I met her terrified gaze with my own.  I only came here to apologize.  To get her back.  She finally agreed to go on a date and talk everything over.  This was going to be the first time we spoke in person since everything fell apart, but now…
I heard a wicked laugh behind me followed by the thud of someone falling onto their knees.  I did not turn towards the source.  I did not want to see the woman’s face.  She did this to MC because I said it was time to end this stupid fucking affair.  It was incredibly idiotic of me to begin it.  Why did I have to be such an idiot?
Koro… MC… My love…
I heard people yelling and calling emergency services as she began to cough up blood.  That woman managed to hit a lung with her shot?  There was commotion behind me as some people took the gun away from the deranged woman so she could not hurt anyone else.  She might have only shot one bullet, but she killed two people.
My heart broke as I watched the colour slowly fade from her face.  My face mimicked her as I repeated her name over and over.  MC’s mouth moved as she attempted to speak, but no words would come out.  I cried for her to keep her eyes open and look at me.  It was all in vain.  Tears began to pour down my cheeks.  I did not care I was a grown man crying in public, the woman I loved…  I cannot think like that.  She is still alive.
“Hold on MC, help will be here soon,” I whispered, “keep looking at me.”  No response.  The fear on her face faded to peace.  My eyes widened at the quick change.  No, this cannot be happening.  She just fell asleep.  Koro cannot be dead.  She is sleeping. She is sleeping….
Mamoru- I popped out another cigarette from the pack as I leaned against a wall.  I place it between my lips and lit it up as I looked around the street.  Where is that kid?  She always walks down this street around this time when heading home from work.  I ran my fingers through my hair.
What is wrong with me?  I sound like a creepy stalker.
Well, it is my fault for cheating on her to begin with.  I groaned to myself as I noticed a familiar figure walking around the corner with a phone against her ear.  It was her.  She did not see me as I watched her walk slowly down the street discussing some recipe.  I smiled.  She stopped.  Our eyes met.  I dropped the cigarette onto the floor and snuffed it out with the toe of my shoe.  To my surprise she actually smiled as she walked over toward me; she was not angry for cheating on her anymore?
“MC,” I called as she began to cross the street.  I smirked right before everything fell apart.  “WAIT!” I yelled, but it was too late.  The car screeched to a stop.  The driver jumped out of the car pale faced as I felt my blood run cold.  I heard the sounds of a child yelling from the car as I rushed over toward MC who was lying on the ground.  Blood.  Lots of it.  Why is there so much blood?  How can a car accident create so much blood?
The driver quickly called for emergency vehicles as I repeated MC’s name over and over again.  She opened her mouth to speak, but instead coughed up some blood.
“Ma-Mamo-ru,” she finally spoke as the man continuously apologized for what he had done. He said he did not see her.  His child was yelling to know what was going on and he told him to stay in the car.
I ran my fingers through her hair as she stared at me.  A voice called her name from the phone.  I ignored it as I checked her pulse that was slowing down.  Why?  Out of all the things that could happen, why this?  Would things have been different if I did not come here?  Damn it kid, why did you not look both ways before stepping off the sidewalk!  Why did I decide to meet you now…
Soryu-  Scarlet.  Warm.  Sticky.  What have I done?  What has happened here?  I came here to apologize.  Get her back.  Instead, I walked in on a scene right out of a badly done horror flick.  Is it even possible anymore for me to get her back?  Will she… survive?
Her scarlet life force was soaked into the rug that I now knelt on.  I held her figure close to me as her body went limp against mine.  She looked like sleeping beauty.
A card with the symbol of a rival group lied beside her as I felt my blood begin to run hot.  They did this to her to get back at me?  We are not even together anymore, and she still ended up becoming a target because of me.Why… just why.
“MC,” I muttered as my heart banged painfully against my chest.  I placed two fingers against her neck in search for life.  Very light pulse.  Emergency vehicles were going to be here soon, but will the be fast enough?  “MC,” I repeated a little louder.  Her eyes moved behind her eyelids, but her eyelids remained shut.  “MC!  Please open your eyes,” I repeated as I felt tears fight for freedom as I looked gazed down at her.
Her eyes!  A cough.  Blood drops slid down her cheek.
Her voice sounded weak, “So-So-Soryu,  why… why… are–”
“Shh, relax, help will be here soon,” I stated as I forced my voice to keep steady.  The blood from the wound seemed to pour out faster as her eyes darted around the room looking for answers.  She shakily raised her hand and went to put it on the wound but I stopped her before she could touch it.  I grabbed her hand and held it in mine.  She did not fight against the grasp, instead she just went limp.  She stopped looking around, and her eyes met my own.  The dam finally broke.  The fear in her eyes as she stared at me told me everything that she did not have the strength to speak.  Another cough.  More blood.  I tightened my grip on her as her body grew limp in my arms.
“MC, stay with me,” I whispered as I heard voices from the other side of the door.
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anime-herald · 5 years
4/19/2019, 3:30PM: Time to Unwind
As I stepped out of the interview room once again, I felt a small sense of relief. Finally, I had some time to kick back relax! I quickly hurried downstairs to a place that I probably shouldn’t be heading, knowing myself: The Dealer’s Room.
Inside, I scanned the many booths, which were packed with merchandise. DVDs, Blu-Rays, toys, video games, art books! Whatever you were looking for, there was a good chance that you’d find it here.
Well… for the most part.
I quickly learned that there are two reliable ways to make a dealer balk. “Would you happen to have anything from Sakura Wars?” I asked one, and received a look of utter bewilderment. Time and again, this happened as I sought out more merchandise from the twenty-three-year-old series.
Of course, this didn’t bring anywhere near as many odd looks as my inquiries for specifically bad anime.
“Why… would you want that?” one vendor asked in confusion, their head tilting just a bit before I explained the fun of Bad Anime Night. Once they clued in, they seemed eager to show the usual favorites: Garzey’s Wing, Photon, Darkside Blues… all promising, all glorious trash. Still, they weren’t exactly titles that tickled my dark side.
Funny enough, it was Discotek Media’s booth that proved to be the source for a new title that was bad enough to make audiences weep and wail as they ran for the exits. A cruel smirk played across my lips, as the vendor and her partner chatted on which shows would be bad enough to be considered bad for you. The partner piped up a moment later, saying “I hope you don’t mind losing friends over this one,” as he handed over a copy of Karate Master. I couldn’t help but smile brightly as I responded with “If they are still my friends at the end of the night, I’m doing it wrong!”
Afterwards, it was time to find some, well… good stuff. And find it, I did, as I scooped up titles that somehow eluded my collection. K-On!, Squid Girl, Case Closed, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid… I quickly found my bag filled to bursting with a cavalcade of modern classics.
With my itch to spend thoroughly scratched, I figured it was time to visit an old friend. I made my way to the Science Fiction Continuum booth, where Brian T. Price was working. Price is somewhat of an icon for the convention, as he hosts Totally Subversive Toons and Bad Anime, Bad! Every year to great fanfare. When I stopped by, there was a brief lull in the customer flow. I popped over and we began to chat. As we talked, it became increasingly clear that Price was planning something big for the tenth anniversary of Bad Anime, Bad! I wasn’t sure what at that point, but I was expecting a truly magnificent train wreck, which would make the crowd giggle and recoil at the same time.
Our meeting didn’t last too long, though, as the booth began to grow busy again. We said our farewells, and returned to our normal routines.
Well, as normal as Anime Boston gets, anyway.
4/19/2019, 4:45PM: Dinner and a Demo
By quarter of five, I had gotten my shop on, and decided to hurry out of the hall before I decided to buy something I’d regret, like that Sakura Shinguji cel priced at $200. With MIYAVI’s concert just over an hour away, it felt like the best course of action would be to grab a bite to eat. With dinner on my mind, I made a hasty trek to Eataly’s La Pizza & La Pasta.
“Party of one,” I said to the hostess, who directed me to the bar. As I took my seat, the barkeeper prepared a glass of water, as well as a serving of bread and olive oil. It was a lovely beginning to the meal, with the pillowy bread acting as a delectable sponge for the fragrant oil. It’s a simple treat that I’ll never not crave from time to time.
Image Credit: Eataly
As the bartender circled back, I placed an order for a simple Margherita pizza. I pulled out my phone and began to go over the day’s biggest news developments. I breathed a small sigh of relief, noticing that the news coming from both Anime Boston and Sakura Con was fairly light this time around.
Within a few minutes, the server came around with my pizza. It’s a simple dish: San Marzano tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and basil, served on a wood-fired crust. Still, as the saying goes, simple is often best.
The sweetness of the tomatoes played beautifully with the slightly bitter char on the crust, which helped to accent the creaminess of the cheese. The basil offered a nice fragrant note that helped to really elevate the entire dish to perfection. I smiled a little as I savored each bite, just losing myself in the moment of a delightful, relaxing meal during a busy weekend.
I checked my phone as I stepped out of Eataly, noticing that I had a message from a colleague who was hanging out in the Panelists’ room. I swiped over to my clock: 5:25 PM. Plenty of time.
I quickly trekked back into the Hynes, toward the room. I paused for a moment when I arrived, remarking at how quiet everything was inside. It took a moment, but I clued in to two gentlemen were seated and chatting: BH Pierce and YouTuber Professor Otaku.
We exchanged greetings, and got to talking shop. First, we discussed our plans for the weekend, though the conversation quickly moved toward Big Eyes, Small Brains. We discussed the fundamentals behind the game’s systems and the world, as they peeked at a preview copy of the book. Sadly, time was running short for all of us, as Professor Otaku had a panel coming up, Pierce had to prep for his own panel that evening, and I had to make my way toward the auditorium for MIYAVI’s concert.
We said a quick farewell, as we parted ways. Though our meeting was brief, it was great to meet a few more folks in this lively community.
4/19/2019, 6:00PM: What’s My Name?
Note: We will be publishing a full write-up of the MIYAVI concert as part of our Anime Boston 2019 coverage. For now, please enjoy a few photos from the event! All photos credit to Samantha Ferreira, taken in accordance with agreed upon photo policy for Anime Boston
Image Credit: Samantha Ferreira
Image Credit: Samantha Ferreira
Image Credit: Samantha Ferreira
Image Credit: Samantha Ferreira
Image Credit: Samantha Ferreira
4/19/2019, 8:30PM, An Annual Tradition
As MIYAVI left the stage, the room was left eagerly chattering, their ears still ringing from the aural experience that just occurred. For me, though, the night was still young. I wanted to check out one final panel for the evening. Seth, meanwhile, was heading for a screening of Lupin The Third: The Mystery of Mamo.
We parted ways once more, each to take on our tasks for the evening. Before anything, though, I had to see to a little tradition of mine.
Every year, since Anime Boston has been in the Hynes, I’ve made it a point to close off my first night with a particular treat from Au Bon Pain. I can’t let a year pass without enjoying one of their chocolate croissants.
I scurried out of the convention center, my bad growing heavy around my shoulder, as I stole my way to the familiar yellow storefront that waited just outside. I hurried to the pasty case, where I found the treat was seeking. I plucked one from its resting place, and hurried to the counter, where I ordered an iced coffee, paid the clerk, and found a place to sit.
Now, the year was complete for me. Au bon Pain’s chocolate croissants are a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. These sweet treats are flaky, tender, filled with chocolate, and coated in powdered sugar. With each bite, I could feel the weariness of the day starting to leave me. Sweet chocolate mixed with the bitter coffee, to produce a flavor that is nothing short of heavenly, in my books.
Alas, like most pleasures, it was fleeting. A few minutes later, I found myself finishing the last bite, my eyes again set toward the towering structure that awaited just outside.
4/19/2019, 9:00PM, Foundations of World Building
Note: We covered this event in-detail in a standalone feature, so feel free to check that out for the details! For now, enjoy a few photos.
4/19/2019, 10:00PM, The End of the Evening
I couldn’t help but take a moment to watch in awe, as the packed room calmly filed out into the hallways. Deep down, I had to know that folks would be active even now, but it never ceased to amaze me at just how many there were every year. I let out a small smile and hoisted up my bag. It was time to get some work in for the evening. I slunk back to the Sheraton, and made my way to the elevator, then to my cozy, fourteenth-floor room. The weariness of the day finally hit me, as I collapsed into dead weight on my bed. I lazily went through the daily news reports, which had been arriving from friends and colleagues alike through the day, and got to work. It wouldn’t be long after that, though, that sleep would claim me.
As the clock struck one, consciousness eluded me. It was time to get some rest, for tomorrow would bring about a few moments that I’d never forget.
Anime Boston 2019 Travelogue, 4/18/2019 (Evening): Sound and Fury 4/19/2019, 3:30PM: Time to Unwind As I stepped out of the interview room once again, I felt a small sense of relief.
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