#Marcus Vansten
azraeldigabriel · 2 years
This is making me so nostalgic I’m losing my mind tbh. Suddenly it’s 2013 and I’m 21 again listening to this quirky radio host chitchat about his first date with a very perfect scientist. Then came like eight whole years of fanart and fics and my fave, roleplaying. I miss my roleplay blogs a lot, ngl.
Anyway I’m having a blast watching my favorite OG blorbo kick sans ass. Fuck him up, honey-voiced honey!
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straightwtnv · 4 years
the only reason hiram mcdaniels didn't become mayor is because he's in a gay relationship with marcus vansten. if he wasn't, he would've won instead of dana last minute.
-mod shelly
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gilded-billionaire · 6 years
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(( Here’s Marcus’s playlist! I hope it’s easy enough to read! )) 
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superb-sunflower · 3 years
I feel like the “local billionaire” Marcus Vansten from Welcome to Nightvale exemplifies just how weird billionaires are
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shadowdemon101 · 4 years
🌻 c:
AZZY!!!!! ❤ ❤ ❤  QUQ Always, 110%, whenever I think of Marcus Vansten, it will never not be @gilded-billionaire​ that I think of and I want you to know this because I love him, he’s absolutely amazing, 110% forever my headcanon, okay? ouo ❤
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otakusapien · 5 years
Welcome to Night Vale gags that will always be funny:
"McDaniels is described as an 18 foot tall five headed dragon with mostly green eyes. He is wanted for insurance fraud.”
Long, dark, rambling, vaguely horrifying ads that end with fast food slogans
Cecil’s absolute refusal to believe in mountains
The audience booing when Kevin called Carlos ugly
Cecil and Carlos wearing furry pants and a “weekend labcoat” on their first date
Breaking the fourth wall about the Weather
Carlos’s scientifically accurate horse joke
Marcus Vansten casually insisting he needs a table made of human bone
Cecil berating the audience for picturing a car incorrectly
Cecil almost sending a detailed message to Carlos about how much he loves him and wants to be there for him before he’s about to be killed....then deciding,”eh, that’s too long to text” and hitting his attacker with the phone instead
All of Carlos’s accents and impressions in “The Investigators”
Josie winning in their bowling league because the angels cheat for her and no one’s legally allowed to acknowledge them
Cecil’s response to Steve’s impression of Carlos
The City Council dating Station Management
“I wore leather pants, a Hawaiian shirt, and a baseball hat made out of honeycomb. I just wore the same thing I slept in last night.”
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vanstonindustries · 7 years
Marcus Vanston relies on Jake
Angels be damned, let Marcus streak
If you wanna join the revolution...
Jaaaakkkee make them stop
That's his solution
Wear no shoes, fuck all genders
Bend the rules, be a big spender
A billionaire knows how to write checks
He's stranger than fiction, better than sex
He's, he's more rich than real
He's just nude obviously that's how he feels
Ya ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta boom
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New chapter up!
From Venezuela, with Love VI: "Parties and Sneak-outs"
Summary: Marcus Vansten holds a party. Some things are said, sadly, not all of them are good.
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azraeldigabriel · 7 years
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Hoo boy, the first of my pirate au spam. So sorry.
Welcome to Night Sail, where pirates rule the seas and treasure hides in the dunes!
Captain Marcus Vansten of the Gilded Angel started as a captive worker aboard the Black Tide, working his way up through plunder and rank. Known as the Angel Of Death, he sails with a tightly knit crew of the few he trusts. Carlos, a navigator, Cecil, an interpreter, Earl, a cook, and Jake, his first mate.
(Carlos, Cecil, Earl, Jake and possibly one more coming soon!! )
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straightwtnv · 4 years
marcus vanston is gay but in the creepiest most predatory way imaginable
r ip 
-mod gary
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gilded-billionaire · 7 years
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Let’s Jam, Kiddo - A Marcus Vansten Playlist
((Made another playlist for Marcus! Very, very much updated. 30 songs in total, I think. Enjoy! <3 ))  ► LISTEN
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lescretia · 5 years
God I could write an essay on why I think wtnv lost its popularity, but to me, the biggest reason was a decline in quality of writing. And I think a large part of that was that the “weirdness” of wtnv becomes normal after 100 episodes, so the podcast loses a lot of its point. It basically turns into a podcast about characters, and if your favorite character was written out (Kevin, old woman josie, even Marcus vansten), there was no reason to keep listening. Also continuity was getting :/ and ye
oh yeah that’s a good point i get that ... sgjdhs i think im just a completionist so lol
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wtnvwritings · 6 years
i'm ngl i can picture in my head clearly cecil getting jealous of steve carlsburg when reader is tasked with doing something together with him. maybe reader is fact checking something and steve is the only one who can help us during then. even if steve is being totally cordial with it cecil still thinks he's being Too Friendly with us. just who does STeve CarLSBURG think he IS?? doesn't help that cecil has that omnipotence thing over NV so he can see how close reader and steve are during it all.
Listeners, I think I have a problem. 
Oh I know, you’re probably thinking, ’Cecil, what kind of problem could you have? You always seem so upbeat; you always remember to pay your bills and commit due diligence to prepare for the Far Off, Yet Ineviatable End that is to come of the world.’ 
You would be right on all of those things, dear listeners, especially as I braved through the Ralph’s to get my cache’s annual supply of water rations. It was a half-off special! Well, half-off as you would be sliced in half if you didn’t perform the correct blood ritual and ward off the spirits currently inhabitating the Ralph’s.
Regardless, I seem to be getting off the very important, very personal point.
You are all very familiar with my assistant? The one who showed up many months ago in the studio, with their perfect eyes and perfect smile and perfect hair–yes, you all know that one, we all do. I like to think that our little community has benefited quite a lot from them being around. I mean, after all, they are the most generous and kind-hearted person here with all they do, with the exception of Marcus Vansten, the richest community member of Night Vale (we know he is a great person simply due to how much money he has, of course, how could he be anything other?).
Well, it so happens that I needed to send my assistant to do some research on the local, recent events with the shapeshifting brooms and their connection to the old town fireworks display last week. They made their way to the Night Vale Library (which just recently had doors added for the season) and ended up bumping into none other than Steve Carlesburg.
Steve Carlesburg, that inept, inattentive, foolish man who has–and I hate to say this listeners–taken to helping my assistant in locating the right ancient tomes of endless suffering. The nerve of that man, who does he think he is? He is married, for heavens sake and he’s….he’s…talking to them? Smiling at them? What intentions do you have with my assistant, you cursed Steve Carlesburg?
He’s standing close to them, close enough that his hand is on their shoulder and their lips are moving to let out a laugh and–did he tell a joke? Are they laughing at his joke?
…do they laugh like that when I tell jokes?
Listeners, I have nothing against my assistant having a social life. I have nothing against them making friends. We, after all, know and love them considerably; they are the highlight to many of our meaningless, simple, temporary lives. But…I just…I don’t know what to do, which is not all that common of an occurrence, especially as I was able to achieve the coveted ‘Omnipotent Knowledge of All Solutions’ badge in boy scouts. 
I don’t know the words this makes me want to tell them. I’m not even quite sure how to label these feelings in my chest right now, sitting just beside the fragile facsimile of a heart that occasionally beats.
What do you all think I should do? Am I correct in being angry? Is there perhaps something that I’m missing?
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tobyvansten · 7 years
Castle AU ;D ;D ;D
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
Despite what many people seem to automatically assume, Alexis and Toby are just good friends, and they alternate between getting a kick out of people assuming they’re together or just being annoyed with it. 
At some point that he’s since forgotten Castle stumbled upon an evening radio show, and ever since he keeps a reminder in his phone of when to tune in. The host’s smooth voice helps to create a relaxing atmosphere after a hectic day, and he’s grown to enjoy Cecil’s wry sense of humor. 
Friends at the height of their careers, renowned opera singer Josie Ortiz and Broadway actress Martha Rogers kept in contact throughout the years, and continue to call each other at least once a month. Josie loves hearing about Martha’s novelist son, and Martha finds Josie an inspiration with her work to restore her hometown’s opera theatre. 
Mario Kart becomes a weekly event with Toby, Alexis and the gang. It’s usually held at Castle’s place because he has the biggest TV, and its loser buys pizza and winner chooses toppings. 
There has been at least one instance where the Vanstens and Castles were on an outing and Toby and Alexis gave Marcus and Castle dual puppy-eyed expressions. Needless to say, their wish was granted. 
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azraeldigabriel · 7 years
🎄 Marcus!
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I. Hate. Christmas sweaters. If the font is too hard to read, it says “Erikas we’ve heard on high and will be calling the Secret Police”.
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(im not 100% sure what fandoms ur in but i don't like stealing ask things without sending an ask, so!! just from your url) cecil palmer, marcus vansten, dana cardinal for 1, 2, and 4?
oh gosh it’s okay lol I should probably put a thing in the tags for those (since i have a page in my blog dedicated to my fandoms) but thanks for the ask!!!
1. fuck, marry, kill
Fuck: Dana Cardinal. Marry: Cecil Palmer (the love of my life). Kill: Marcus Vansten (since I haven’t heard The Debate so i know literally nothing about him)
2. marry, cuddle, sleep with
Marry: Once again, Cecil Palmer. Cuddle: Dana Cardinal. Sleep with: Marcus Vansten (it’d be p cool to fuck an angel idk)
4. adopt, be adopted by, marry 
Adopt: Dana Cardinal. Be adopted by: Marcus Vansten (then kill him and inherit his money huehuehue). Marry: for the third and final time, Cecil Palmer.
Thanks for the ask!!
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