#Maria Park
milliondollarbaby87 · 10 months
All Together Now (2020) Review
Amber Appleton somehow remains optimistic depsite a very unstable personal life, keeping everything hidden from even her close friends and attempting to chase her music dream to attend Carnegie Mellon. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading Untitled
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darius2 · 2 years
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bethanydelleman · 6 months
Why I am NOT an Austen Heroine:
-If I was Anne Elliot, I would have married Charles Musgrove in a heartbeat just to get away from my family
-If I was Elinor Dashwood, I would have ugly cried when Lucy Steele told me she was engaged to Edward until I couldn't breath
-If I was Fanny Price, I would have married Henry Crawford just to get away from Mansfield Park
-If I were Elizabeth Bennet, I would have probably just said yes to Darcy (highly loss adverse and very concerned about my age)
-If I were Emma, I wouldn't have lasted until Box Hill to insult Miss Bates. It would have happened years ago and far more often
-If I were Catherine Morland.... oh... at 17? Oh... yeah, girlies I would totally accuse my crush's dad of murder because I was reading too many Gothic novels...
I AM a Jane Austen Heroine
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randomuser678 · 5 months
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They're weirdly compatible with my artstyle.
Some notes here is that I added Maria and Luke bc they're the latino and hispanic kids so I feel a kinship here, I also gave Damien the same skin tone as them bc some pictures I saw of him he had a slightly darker skin tone and I would like to use it with more characters.
Also a little bonus:
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It's really easy to make bases for these! Might make more!
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wgm-beautiful-world · 8 months
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Plaza de España en Sevilla, Andalucía, ESPAÑA
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besotted-with-austen · 3 months
Edmund Bertram, after weeks of seeing Maria and Henry flirting plus the whole Lovers' Vows affair: *genuine surprise* who could have seen this coming?
Fanny Price: Me. I did.
Edmund Bertram: *sighs* I suppose you would have, would you not? I must admit that you are more perceptive than all of us-
Fanny Price: no, I simply was not blind.
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saprozoicworm · 1 year
is it okay if u draw Maria? (she’s an underrated character)
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here she is 👍
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arthina · 2 years
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Rainer Maria Rilke “I live my life in widening circles” (Ich lebe mein Leben in wachsenden Ringen) ; poetry
Jimin, “Set Me Free pt.2″ (Rilke’s poem written/tattooed on his chest in original German / the dance choreography formation into fibonacci sequence) ;  music video
Fibonacci spiral, the golden ratio, a logarithmic spiral which gets wider and bigger (or further from its origin) by a factor of φ for every quarter turn it makes ;  nature
Michelangelo, "The Creation of Adam" (fresco painting which is part of the Sistine Chapel's ceiling depicting Biblical creation narrative in which God creates the first man) ; renaissance art
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r26yz · 5 days
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for you
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unamused-kookaburra · 2 months
Pathologic: oh you have a screen recorder active now? you just want to show off the funny rat jumping off the cliff? don't worry I'll give you a real show
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themalhambird · 7 months
I don't think Maria Bertram believed in romantic love as a concept before she met Henry Crawford. She doesn't really have any examples of it- Sir Thomas shows Lady Bertram respect and she shows him deference, but whatever spark might have existed there once is long gone before Fanny arrives at Mansfield. Her Aunt Norris probably spends more time at the Park than the Parsonage, we never *meet* Mr Norris- their partnership isn't going to inspire Maria with hopes of being able to emulate it. She gets engaged to Rushworth because he is rich, because he's handsome enough to look at, because her aunt wants her to and society expects it, and because she wants out of her father's house. She has no reason to think of marriage as a partnership, or anything other than a transaction that allows a woman to move in society independent of her father. And on that score, she can be pleased with the prospect that Rushworth offers her. The problem is that, unbeknown to herself as much as anyone else, Maria *is* a romantic, she *is* capable of falling hard, she just didn't have the opportunity to learn that about herself before she got engaged. And I can't help but feeling it must have come as a nasty shock when she realised, too late, that she found Crawford more than generically agreeable. Which doesn't excuse what happened- and she really should have taken the out when Sir Thomas offered it- but its fascinating to think about....
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bethanydelleman · 1 month
When it comes to Mr. Rushworth in Mansfield Park, he was aware that Maria hated him and he still didn't break the engagement: She had despised him, and loved another; and he had been very much aware that it was so.
I see a lot of people argue that he couldn't have broken the engagement because honourable men can't do so, but in this case he could have easily. If the Bertrams threatened to sue him or do anything else, all he had to do was bring up the play and it would have been over. Sir Thomas would have been mortified and all the blame would have fallen on Maria (which honestly, in this case would have been right, she knew she was engaged, she still flirted with Henry.)
Also, because you know, the patriarchy, I have also read that cases for breach of promise against men were very rare, because people would assume something was wrong with the woman even if it was the man's fault. Even if Rushworth didn't have a good reason for breaking the engagement, he probably could have done it without consequences. The woman's family usually just tried to get past it as quietly as possible.
So why did he marry her? The narrator tells us: The indignities of stupidity, and the disappointments of selfish passion, can excite little pity. He married her because of lust and somehow thought it would work out. He was only in lust with her from the beginning: Mr. Rushworth was from the first struck with the beauty of Miss Bertram, and, being inclined to marry, soon fancied himself in love.
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whenthegoldrays · 6 months
The thing about the Maria and Henry scandal is that it was so stupidly avoidable. Over and over again, they were given the opportunity to not do what they did. Sir Thomas gave Maria full agency to go back on her engagement when he saw that she didn’t love Rushworth, but she didn’t. Henry didn’t need to go to London and see Maria, but he did. Maria was cold to him because she wanted nothing more to do with him and he didn’t walk away. He pressed on. He didn’t even want to have an affair — he was in love with Fanny! He had exactly zero need to fall in with Maria again and yet he did. And she gave the final push. It’s like a Greek tragedy. At once so avoidable and so unavoidable.
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besotted-with-austen · 2 months
Henry Crawford: Miss Price, I wonder what will be of Julia and Maria now! Well, of Julia and Mrs Rushworth, even if that name does not sound right at all. He is really not husband material, that Rushworth-
Fanny Price: *to herself* do not encourage him. Do not talk to him. He is not worth it. Do not encourage him. Do not talk to him. He is not worth it.
Henry Crawford: *talking for the sake of talking* at least we have the memories of our little show that never was to keep us company, right? And what a grand time it was! I reckon me and Mrs Rushworth had incredible chemistry!
Fanny Price: *to herself* do not encourage him. Do not talk to him. He is not worth it. Do not encourage him. Do not talk to him. He is not worth it-
Henry Crawford: it is truly a shame that we did not have the possibility to act, but I do not delude myself in thinking the master of this household would have an appreciation for theater. Miss Price, I do not think I am alone in wishing that his return would have been postponed!
Fanny Price: actually, I am glad that he is here now!
Henry Crawford:
Fanny Price: *oh no* I-I mean-
Henry Crawford: *open delight and condescending sorprise for being critised* oh, did you think that I was rude? Perish the thought, I would never defy Sir Thomas! Not when someone is so ticked at my impertinence! That will teach me, talking in the presence of such innocent, pure ears! Say, what do you-
Fanny Price: *to herself* why did I talk? Why?
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invisiblestation · 8 months
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choptopmia · 2 months
average teenage experience
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