#Markus x Original Female Character
chaos-thirium · 1 year
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Another moodboard for a past fic!
Officer Liv Collins just wants to make detective. She never expected she’d get so invested in the case that sets her on the path to promotion, nor that she’d end up fighting a powerful attraction to the android assigned to the same case. At a time when she should really be focusing on her career, she’s annoyed to find herself distracted by a man who can’t seem to keep his fingers away from his mouth or stop making decisions that make her question whether he really is just a machine. Because if he’s more than just a machine, then that means actual feelings might be involved, and that’s definitely not what’s going on. Not at all. Nope.
Connor x original female character. Rated M.
Read on AO3.
(I do not own any of these pictures, they're just used for fun. Featuring Jill Valentine as Liv! Thanks to @leelany-world for the centre screenshot where Tina is standing in for Liv. The pic of Connor in Markus's suit is not mine, but I foolishly saved it a while ago with no name. I think it might be vrtuellereality/ellellebe again, but if I'm wrong, please let me know!)
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findyourrp · 9 months
My name is Jellybean, I am a 25+ roleplayer looking for other roleplayers around this age to interact with. Just to mention: If we are plotting or otherwise already roleplaying I am by no means replacing you!
I am apart of several fandoms, but mostly my current hyperfixations revolve around anime, such as My hero academia or Jujustu Kaisen,
non anime would be: Detroit Become Human or Peaky Blinders
I do Male x female, Oc x canon and doubles
Who I am looking to write against:
Dabi or a Shigaraki,
Connor, markus, or even Kamski
and John Shelby
I'm open to out-of-character chats, sharing Pinterest boards, trading music playlists, fangirling, and really, just becoming friends. My writing style tends to lean towards semi-literate to nearly full novella-length responses, but I understand that we all have our off days, so there's no pressure to match my length – just no one-liners, please!
Life can get busy, and I get that, but I'm not one to ghost. If you ever need to step away from our thread, just let me know. Communication is key for me, and I appreciate it when we keep the conversation flowing.
I'm all for exploring different scenarios, crossovers, alternate universes, and original characters, and I'm proudly part of the Ace community, so LGBTQ+ representation is always welcome in our stories.
Just a heads up, I'm not too experienced with Canon x Canon character ships, so I'll mainly be focusing on original character interactions with canon Characters. It's not a judgment on those ships, just a personal preference.
Lastly, I do my roleplaying on Discord and use Tumblr as a starting point or a base. If this sounds like a good fit for you, please feel free to reach out by interacting below or sending me a direct DM with what caught your attention. If you have any questions feel free to ask, and I hope to hear from you soon! Have a good timezone wherever you may be 🫰🏻✌🏻
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My Shield [Markus/OC]
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This wasn’t going well.
At all. What had started as a peaceful protest turned into a standoff. The troops and SWAT teams were waiting for some unknown signal to descend and slaughter us. The journalists standing a good distance away, and the news helicopter were helping postpone it, sure, but everyone knew we’d be dead soon.
So we built a barricade while we waited, using anything we could find. “Alexandra, you should go.” Markus murmurs, hugging me from behind as I try to help those who’d already been wounded in cold blood by the troopers upon our arrival. I lean into his embrace, but don’t stop what I’m doing.
“Markus, I can’t. I’m not abandoning you all now.” I reply, turning and looking him in the eyes, caressing his cheek.
“Please, Alex.” He pleads. I hug him.
“Markus, it’s okay. We’ll make it. We’ll get through to them.” He doesn’t say anything, simply hugging me tighter.
“...I wish I had your optimism.” He eventually says. I use my left hand to interface with him and displayed my fears and worry, but also the fragile, possibly naive, hope I clung to that we’d somehow all make it out alive. He allowed me to feel his rage at the way our people were being treated, even when we’d done nothing wrong, even when we ensured no human blood was spilled. He put his intense worry and terror of losing me up for me to feel, as well, then kisses me as we slowly end the connection. “I love you.” He murmurs softly, almost like a prayer, in my ear. My head swam from the interface, but it was always worth it.
“I love you, too, Markus. You won’t lose me. I promise.” I assure him, despite knowing I couldn’t reasonably promise that and expect to keep it. Who knew what would happen whenever those soldiers decide to attack. I then stand, leading Markus to the flag, grabbing it, then coming to the side of the barricade facing the troops. I plant the flag so it was waving proudly in defiance at the soldiers, continuing to hold Markus’ hand.
“Are you sure you don’t need treatment yourself?” I ask, noting the large blue stains and bullet holes in his chest. Markus shakes his head as we walk back toward the center of the barricaded area.
“I wasn’t hit in any major areas or biocomponents.” He replies. “Save what supplies we have for those who need it.”
“Markus! Markus, Alex, come look!” North calls, her voice worried. I frown as we all head back over to find a man in a suit walking toward our barricade with a megaphone.
“Markus!” He calls. “I want to talk to you.” He adds. I frown, gritting my teeth. He was, likely, the man behind the slaughtering of innocent people on Jericho. “You alone, Markus.”
“You either talk to me and Markus together, or not at all!” I scream back. The man takes it in stride.
“Come on, then. I give you my word they won’t try anything.” I frown, suspicious.
“I wouldn’t.” I whisper.
“I agree.” North says, not bothering to lower her voice. “Don’t go. It’s a trap. They wanna get you two out in the open.” What could he possibly have to say? I wonder, biting my lip. “Don’t go.” North begs.
“I’m unarmed, Markus. I just want to talk.” The man says. I scan him to find he is an FBI agent. Agent Perkins. I decide I don’t like or trust him at all, but leave the decision to Markus.
“I need to hear what he has to say.” Markus decides. I bite my lip.
“What if they kill you?” North hisses worriedly. Markus frowns, grim determination in his eyes.
“That’s a chance I’ll have to take.” He replies. I grin with more confidence than I truly felt.
“Besides, I have the pistol I used when we broadcasted our message.” I remind North, who looks almost sick with worry. “We’ll be fine.” Together, we leave the barricade, hand in hand, ready to try getting through to this asshole.
We walk together toward Agent Perkins, letting him begin the conversation. “In a few minutes, the troops will be ordered to charge. None of you will survive.” He notes apathetically. “It’ll all be over.” I gulp subtly before realizing this was what Perkins wanted; fear and terror. I force myself to calm down, squeezing Markus’ hand for comfort. “But you two can avoid that.” He continues smoothly, daring to smirk.
“What do you mean?” Markus asks suspiciously.
“Surrender.” Perkins replies instantly. Markus’ face hardens and I know he would never, ever give up to this cold, cruel federal agent. “Surrender and I promise you and your...partner will be spared.” I flinch, hating Perkins even more.
“I’m his wife.” I growl, bring my left hand up and showing the ring.
“You may think yourselves married, but you legally cannot marry an android, so it’s illegitimate.” Perkins counters listlessly. I grit my teeth.
“Why you- -”
“Once we get our freedom, we’ll make sure our marriage is legalized, but that’s not what we’re here to discuss.” Markus interjects, hand squeezing mine warningly. Perkins cracks a sick smirk.
“No, it isn’t. You’re smart, Markus. I’ll give you that. If you surrender, you’ll all be spared. They’ll be detained,” Perkins replies, motioning to the gathered androids. Our people, “but none of you will be destroyed.” I have to admit, he was making it very tempting. But I knew we could never take the deal, so I let Markus reply. I’d just end up cursing Perkins out and destroy the revolution in the process. I had to keep quiet.
“What happened to the other androids demonstrating in the camps?” Markus demands firmly. Perkins’ irritating smirk finally leaves his face.
“Unfortunately, there were no journalists there to help save them.” My heart drops into my toes. No… “You’re it.” I close my eyes and try to breathe. This little prick dares to act sorry?! “You’re the last remaining deviants.” Markus’ face is carefully calm, but his body language says he’s two seconds away from punching Perkins so hard he’d never wake up.
“You’re asking us to betray our people?” He growls. Perkins shrugs.
“I’m offering you the chance to save your people.” Perkins replies carefully. “You’re not walking out of here, Markus. Neither of you are.” I take a breath. This was bad. Very bad. “The only thing that can save you now are the lives of those around you.” Markus squeezes my hand and I stand a little straighter, my face hardening in determination. I don’t have to look at Markus to know he feels the same way. We’d never surrender, and we were not afraid to face the slaughter Perkins would unleash.  
“I’m not afraid to die.” Markus replies firmly.
“Neither am I or anyone else in that barricade.” I add.
“If we have to give our lives for what we believe in, then we won’t have lived in vain.” Markus continues. Perkins clicks his tongue as if disappointed.
“Markus, you do realize you’re dooming your so-called wife and all of your followers...don’t you?” Markus opens his mouth, but I cut across him.
“I’m prepared, as is everyone else, to accept death rather than allow slavery and servitude to continue.” I spit. Perkins simply continues to look at my husband.
“You don’t want Alexandra to die, do you?” He presses. Markus glares at him.
“It’s her choice.” He replies. “I have never forced anything on her, but she’s selflessly supported me every step of the way. Alexandra is here by her own choosing. She can leave if she wants.”
“Why only let Alexandra walk free when you could both be free? You could forget all this happened, you could start a new life somewhere else, just the two of you.”
“How dare you?!” I screech, nearly decking him in outrage. Only Markus’ hand in mine dissuades me.
“Her life in your hands, Markus.” Perkins continues. “Just say the word, and she’ll be spared.” Markus’ lips trembles subtly and I gulp.
“Don’t do it.” I hiss. “Please.” Markus takes agonizing seconds to consider. Finally, he looks Perkins dead in the eyes, stepping forward.
“Alex and I’d rather die here than betray our people.” He spits venomously. Relief floods me. I couldn’t help worrying when Markus remained silent. Again, Perkins clicks his tongue.
“Well, you’ve just signed your death warrant...and Alexandra’s, as well.”
“You heard us. We have nothing else to say.” I seethe, then turn and stalk back to the barricade. “The nerve of him!” I hiss furiously. Markus easily leaps up, then helps me up and together, we face our people, confident in our decision, even if it meant that we’d all die. The news helicopter would record what happens here today, and others will take up our cause.
“What happened?” North asks. “What’d he say?” I swallow.
“He wanted us to surrender, and let you all be destroyed or detained. He thought we’d betray you all to start a new life.” I growl, low enough that not everyone would hear. They didn’t need to know. Markus leads me to a few crates and we stand on them, the androids gathering nervously.
“The humans are about to launch an attack.” Markus warns. “And we will show them that we are not afraid. If we must die today, then we will die free.” Almost as Markus was still speaking, a canister is thrown into the ring. I pale, leaping toward Markus and tackling him to the ground and the grenade goes off, blasting us a little further along the ground. I feel bits of dirt and metal bounce off my thick jacket and slowly stand, my ears ringing from the explosion. “Alex, you okay?” Markus yells, voice distorted in the ringing, eyes wild with worry. I nod, grimacing.
“Yeah. I’m- -” I am then blown backwards by another grenade, face-planting into the ground and skidding a short distance. I groan, spitting out dirt and wishing I’d brought my water bottle.
“Alex!” Markus screams, his voice sounding distant, like he was talking to me while I was underwater. I hold my ears as he helps me up, then grab my gun. Those assholes will pay! I shoot the first few to come over in the shoulders, unwilling to actually kill them, despite their violent intentions.
Then, I race over and kick a trooper off an android I believe is named Grace, or Hannah, knocking him out cold as I turn and fire into a trooper threatening North. Right in his knee.
I look around to see Markus using a piece of metal to deflect bullets, doing what he can to protect his people. I cover him as we work our way around the inside of the barricade. When we reach the other side, I pull troopers down as they climb up and jump. I then knock them out as Markus disarms them.
Then, I see a trooper aiming directly for Markus’ head. I manage to grab the gun, but end up with a hole through my left shoulder, missing my heart by not even six inches.
Instantly, I scream out in agony and collapse, hand clutching the wound to try and slow the bleeding. “Alex, no!” Markus screams, picking me up and carrying me as everyone runs as far from the troops as we can. He repeats the denial like a mantra and we end up cornered, our back to a bus. Markus’ sobs were all I hear. I cough, groaning in pain as Markus sits with me cradled in his lap.
“Markus, I’m...I’m fine.” I mumble blearily, hardly able to see straight. The troops close in. I let myself cry. “It’s...it’s okay. I knew this was a risk, moment I decided to get you out of the junkyard.” Markus leans his forehead on mine. His tears are surprisingly warm as they add to the wetness on my cheeks. Neither of us notice that the guards are just standing there, shocked at the display in front of them.
“Hold on, just a little while longer…” Markus sings suddenly and I smile. He was still my Markus. He was still so compassionate he refused to attack, even with so many of our people slaughtered and my life hanging by a thread. “Hold on, just a little while longer…” I move my hand to caress his cheek.
“Hold on, just a little while longer... “ I sing, adding my weak, trembling voice to Markus’. “Everything will be alright...everything will be alright…” I grimace as Markus shifts slightly, but force myself to keep singing, surprised when North joins in. “Fight on, just a little while longer...fight on, just a little while longer. Everything will be alright.” It’s about this point I see stars and spots, the world slipping from my grasp. Fear made everything worse.
Was I dying? Would I leave Markus all alone?
I didn’t know as the darkness won and I sank deeper into it.
When Alexandra went limp, Markus sobbed, clutching her tightly to his chest, but he didn’t stop singing. He hardly focused on the words, too concerned with Alexandra’s condition.
If she died...he didn’t know what he’d do. He’d have to struggle to restrain himself from unleashing his fury on the cruel human troops.
He didn’t even know why he kept singing. He’d only started as a way to distract Alex from her condition. He’d been singing as much to her as for her. Doggedly, he kept singing, eyes never leaving the too-still face of his wife.
The troopers slowly let their guns slip down to point at the ground the longer the androids sang and the more androids joined in. By the final line, everyone was singing.
Once it was over, there were several seconds of tense silence. The soldiers didn’t seem to know what to do. The leader then seemed to have gotten some message.
“Move out! Retreat!” He calls and Markus sobs in relief. He’d done it! The dream, the moment Alex had gotten shot for had finally come!
And yet...the excitement just as quickly faded, and Markus felt empty. It was a hollow victory without Alex there to enjoy it with him. They were supposed to live together after they won.
They were both supposed to live! Markus curls over Alexandra’s body, mourning. Then, though he doesn’t believe it at first, he think he hears her heartbeat. Faint, barely there, but there all the same!
Markus stiffens, rescanning just to be sure. Yes! It was still there!
“I need an ambulance!” Markus screams, sprinting after the troops. One turns, indicating a truck nearby.
“This will get there faster! Tom! Get yer ass over here and keep this woman alive til we get to the hospital!”
“-’s waking up!” I hear someone cheer and grimace. My headache did not appreciate the volume of those words.
“No, no. Say it louder.” I groan, rubbing my head. “I don’t think my headache will mind.” I squeeze my eyes closed and hear chuckling, the door opening and closing, then blessed silence. I open my eyes and find myself in a hospital room. Moments later, Markus is let in, and I can’t help grinning. He rushes over, careful not to hug me too tightly. I tear up. “I’m okay. I’m here, Markus. I’m here.” I murmur, burying my head in his shoulder. We stay like that for what feels like several minutes, but was probably only a few moments. His eyes are filled with tears and he can’t seem to form words.
“I thought...I thought that...you- -” He breaks off, sobbing and clutching at me. “You scared me...so much.” I hug him as tight as I can with one arm, grimacing as he presses my arm into my bandaged chest.
“Babe, I love you more than you’ll ever know, but please stop pressing my arm into my chest.” I whimper. “It’s starting to really hurt my wound.” Markus instantly retreated, eyes wide with concern. He then settles for leaning over and kissing me breathless, effectively making me forget my pain for the moment.
“Sorry, my love.” He whispers. He grabs my left hand and let me know how upset he’d been; it’d nearly broken him. I sob, pain in my chest and heart as I try to show him what he meant to me and how horrible I felt about causing him so much hurt. “You survived. You’ll be okay. It’s okay.” Markus murmurs through his own tears. We hug again, then I draw back. The lightheadedness came and I grimace. That didn’t help my headache, either.
“We won, right?” I ask, perhaps a little stupidly, but I had to have it confirmed or denied. Markus wipes my tears away, smiling.
“Yes, Alex. We won our freedom.” I grin so wide my cheeks hurt, laughing in genuine relief and joy I haven’t truly felt since we decided to stand up for android rights and do what it takes to peacefully attain them. “We did it.”
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Mad Phoenix Rising (1)
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Summary: Life in crime is never easy, especially when you’re a woman. But Riley, along with her fellow triplet sisters, Michelle and Jordan, managed to hold down their own territory in the state of Michigan in the heart of Detroit to establish the group known as The Carter Cartel. A few years later after leaving the cartel, Riley’s now caught in the heart of a civil war between humans and androids. What happens when She is forced to choose between the badge she swore to wield to protect her own kind or the oath made between her sisters to protect those the government deems dangerous to their order?
A/N: Hey, guys. It’s Riley here. I am back from the dead once again as I will be posting this story on my ao3 as well under QueenLegacyProductions. Here’s hoping that I can remain active as I was. But I hope you enjoy!
February 10, 2036
I never asked for this. I never wanted to be a part of a mob, let alone control one, but when circumstances and situations called for it, here I am. Here I am, bum rushing the hideout of Maxwell Two Face, the current boss of the Barthel Mafia. You know, the group that formed and ran Detroit back in the 1920s alongside Chicago. Yeah, that one. I think it’s safe to say that the faction has made a great deal of history here in the great city of Detroit.
History that I’m about to rewrite.
I chased down Maxwell to the rooftop of the building. He popped a few shots at me which caused me to duck behind the metal air duct. I smirked when I heard the gun click empty and him swear. I come out of my hiding spot, TEC-9 in my hand as I point it at him.
“Nowhere to run now, Maxwell.” I said , gun locked on him. “It’s over. I’m taking over Detroit and everything in it.”
“You won’t get far in your success, Carter.” Maxwell spat at me. “The mafia will come back for revenge.”
“Only way that happens is someone found a way to revive the dead.” I stopped to think. “Speakin’ of which, thanks for reminding me.”
“Reminding yo-?” Maxwell was unable to finish his question due to the huge amounts of bullets currently riddling him as I emptied the clip into his chest. I hear footsteps rush up the stairs as I tucked the TEC into my side when my baby sister, Jordan busted through the door with her M16 assault rifle in her hands, aiming it.
“Oh.” She said as she relaxed her stance, holding her gun by her side when she noticed Maxwell’s dead body by my feet. “You didn’t need my help at all.”
“Yes, I do. Call clean up crew and have them sweep up the area for evidence before the cops show. I don’t want anything to trail back to us.” I said as I took the rifle from her.
Jordan nodded her head. “All right. I’ll call Michelle while I’m at it. Tell her to round up the troops to spread the news of the city’s newest boss.”
“Tell her to be easy.” I told her. “I don’t want the people to think I’m another Maxwell. After all, that’s the reason why we’re doing this.”
“You got it, boss.” She responded as she walked away downstairs. I looked out towards the view of the downtown area, the Cyberlife tower standing out over the buildings like the big gem of a royal crown before I heard a thud near me. I drew the rifle, aiming towards the noise.
“Please, don’t shoot!” I see someone kneeling down with their hands together, pleading with me. I take notice of his clothing.
That jacket. With the blue triangle and armband.
An android? Here?
“State your model.” I commanded it.
“LM100.” The android trembled. I relax my stance a little with the gun still trained on him.
“What is an android doing here, an anti-android facility?” I questioned with a quirked eyebrow.
“I was taken from my original owner. She was killed by that man there.” He points to Maxwell’s dead body. “ Said I would be destroyed if I didn’t cooperate.”
I let his story process in my head for a few moments before I asked, “Do you have a name?” I lowered the gun.
The android lowered his hands when I put the gun on my back. “Austin.” I saw his LED go from yellow to a calm blue.
“Ok, Austin. You’re free to go.” I gestured to the rooftop door. He doesn’t move. “Go on. Get out of here.”
“Ma’am, I don’t have anywhere to go. And- And if I go to Cyberlife, I’d be destroyed.” Austin panicked.
“Well, what do you want me to do?” I shrugged.
“Let me work for you. I can do anything you want. Cook, clean,-.”
“Be my liaison.” I cut him off.
“Be my liaison.” I said. I approached him when I noticed his head tilt to the side, LED yellow again in confusion. “See, I realize that I’m gonna be taking over Detroit’s criminal underworld and I won’t be able to be at two places at once.”
“So you need me to act on your behalf.” Austin buts in which makes me click my tongue in agreement before I go downstairs. “Excuse me, miss?” He asked me when he followed me. “What is your name?” I stopped on the stairs, pausing before I took at him.
“Riley. Riley Carter.”
Get Familiar with that name too, Ladies and Gentlemen, for I am Queen Shit of Detroit’s crime underworld.
…for now,at least.
August 17, 2036…..Six Months Later
“And it seems like the temperature in Detroit is looking to warm up…” Riley hears the weatherman on the T.V. drone on as she looked over the weekly income schedule that Jordan dropped off when she came to give her the week’s pay and that week’s finance log. She noticed that this week’s income was about $50 million as she predicted since she knew that nothing moves without her knowledge.
After Riley and the team disposed of Maxwell and the last of his mob, they managed to not only take over the drug distribution and supply that Barthel had but Riley took it a step further and expanded the business to some parts of Illinois, mainly Chicago, her hometown. As of right now, everything from gunrunning to even drug trafficking of weed and cocaine and every other drug in between moves under the Carters’ control. Riley thought it’d be better this way. The crew could keep an eye out to make sure it doesn’t give into the wrong hands.
Last thing she wanted is for some poor soul to OD on her product.
‘A mobster with mortals.’ Michelle, her younger sister, called her. Couldn’t really call her a liar. After all, Riley has been proving it true. While she and Michelle were getting the criminal aspect of the business together, Austin and Jordan believed that the girls could really establish dominance of the city if they had their hand in community related investments. Investments like city construction, so Austin managed to not only get Riley’s hands on potential construction blueprints but she also has some construction workers on her payroll as well. The team had this set up in motion because one of the city’s problems - or rather the nation’s problems - was homelessness due to high rent and low minimum wage.
‘There’s evidence of a trend where most humans that develop an drug or alcohol addiction are those that are in poverty and without a home.’ Austin stated in one family meeting.
‘That’s because drugs are cheaper and easier to obtain.’ Michelle said. ‘With it being in the streets because of small timers.’
‘And those bastards don’t give a damn who they hurt or strongarm as long as they’re getting paid.’ Riley stated. ‘Thankfully, that’s changing but what isn’t these broken families that are still on the streets. They need a place to go.’
Which led the team to make plans for better, affordable housing to the working class who struggled to make ends meet. They also made donations to the schools so the kids can properly learn.
‘Kids shouldn’t be in an environment, let alone a learning one, without the proper tools.’ Riley were the words she spoke that day on the subject of one of the team’s many city side projects. Yes, Riley was truly becoming a woman for the people.
“And the biggest threat of Detroit, The Mad Phoenix, Riley Carter is still at large within the city even though DPD has been cracking down on the sex trafficking ring within the state of Michigan.”
“If only they knew that it was actually you that was leaving them an anonymous care package about the trafficking ring.” Austin said as he stood in the doorway with her iced coffee in his hand. Riley gestures for him to step further into her office as she closed the folder she was viewing before muting the TV.
“We know the truth. The news and the police department want to paint me as the bad guy, despite the fact that the only reason they even knew about the ring was because everyone kept blowing up the office’s phones with information.” She gestures to the phones. “Because the people trust me to protect their identities more than the ones swore to protect and serve. But it’s fine.” She puts her hands up in surrender. “It has a bit of merit but let’s be honest here, the streets have never been safer.”
“I’m sensing that there’s a ‘but’ in that statement.” Austin put the coffee on her desk. Riley takes it, sipping out of it.
“Because there is one.” She sighed. “I’m worried.”
“Yeah, worried.” Riley stood up, taking the file she was reading and handed it to him. “Read that.”
Austin looks over the file, LED yellow and blinking before it turns red. “Riley, these are-.”
“Yeah.” She nodded.
“And what do the girls think about this?”
“I think it’s suicidal.” Michelle said when they joined together during the meeting Riley called that afternoon. “Granted with the plan we have laid out, This could work but it just seems a bit much for just a hobby.”
“This coming from the woman that broke into a military base because she wanted the half-track truck that was there.” Jordan said with a sassy look towards her older sister.
“That was different.”
“You almost got blown up by a tank.”
“Ladies, argue about that later. Right now, let’s focus on this.” Riley called for their attention.
“Which is?” Michelle asked.
“Cyberlife warehouses. I willingly to bet that in a year, there are gonna be more androids made available to the public and those parts don’t come cheap.”
“So what? We’re hijacking parts from Cyberlife to feel that need?”
“Only enough until we can make the parts ourselves.” Riley said, which made Michelle raise an eyebrow.
“Why do I feel like there’s something that you’re not telling me?”
“Because there’s something you’re not asking.” Riley sassed her before she sighed deeply. “Listen, if we do this right, we all can benefit from this, not just me. Times are changing. Society is slowly but surely accepting androids. Machines that are faster and stronger, as well as highly expensive. We’re trying to make it easier on the working class, remember? Or have y’all forgotten the oath?”
“No.” Both Jordan and Michelle answered her.
“Ok, then. So what do you think?” There was a pregnant pause after Riley’s question. Michelle leans back in her chair, putting her feet up on the table.
“So….When do we start?”
A/N:  Hey, you made it to the end! Thanks so much for reading. I appreciate it. Leave some comments. Let me know how I’m doing. Thanks!
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leslie-red · 6 years
For the Love of Connor : Golden eyes
Chapter 1 Grey eyes
Chapter 2 Welcome to Detroit
Chapter 3 Engraving
Chapter 4 Him and Her
Chapter 5 A New Hope
Chapter 6 Existence
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moving-accounts-uwu · 4 years
Future Stories/Fanfics!
Hiya! I’m new to the whole Tumblr Author scene so please bear with me and be patient! Below is a list of fandoms and characters I write for, as well as themes. I hope to create both original stories and fanfics soon; I also don’t take requests at the moment either! I want to pump out a few stories before I take on requests, and with the few stories I write I’ll finally make a masterlist so you all can stay updated with series or one-shots for fandoms/characters that you love <3 
Here are some fandoms I will write fanfics for:
- Marvel
- Supernatural
- The Walking Dead
- Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit
- Dead by Daylight
- Halloween
- Friday the 13th
- Predator/Yautja
- Aliens/Xenomorphs
- Days Gone
- Far Cry 5
- Knives Out
- Assassin’s Creed
- Resident Evil (2, 3 & 8)
- Call of Duty (Modern Warfare, Ghosts & WWII)
- Final Fantasy (VII, XIII, XIII-2 & XV)
- Detroit: Become Human
- Legend of Zelda
- Horizon: Zero Dawn
- Prey
- Overwatch
- The Witcher
- Until Dawn
- Evolve 
- Dragon Age
- Stranger Things
Characters I Write For:
- Marvel: Steve, Bucky, Clint, Natasha, Pietro, Wanda, Tony, Peter Parker, Thor, Loki, Ultron, Venom
- Supernatural: Sam, Dean
- The Walking Dead: Daryl, Rick, Carl, Glenn, Maggie, Negan, Jesus
- LOTR/Hobbit: Thorin, Fili, Kili, Bilbo, Dwalin, Thranduil, Azog, Elrond, Bard,  Legolas, Aragorn, Frofo, Samwise, Pippin, Merry, Boromir
- Dead by Daylight: Trapper, Wraith, Michael, Huntress, Legion, Ghost Face, Demogorgon, Oni
- Halloween: Michael Myers
- Friday the 13th: Jason Voorhees 
- Predators: Yautja, Ultimate Yautja
- Aliens: Xenomorph
- Days Gone: Deacon, Boozer
- Far Cry 5: Jacob, Joseph, John, Faith, Staci, Eli, Junior Deputy
- Knives Out: Ransom Drysdale 
- Assassin’s Creed: Altair, Malik, Ezio, Connor, Edward, Arno, Kassandra, Alexios, Evie, Jacob, Eivor
- Resident Evil (2, 3 & 8): Leon, Mr X, Jill, Carlos, Nemesis, Karl Heisenberg
- Call of Duty (MW, Ghosts & WWII): Price, MacTavish, Ghost, Roach, Nikolai, Yuri, Zussman, Logan Walker
- Final Fantasy (VII, XIII, XIII-2 & XV): Cloud, Zack, Tifa, Sephiroth, Vincent, Lightning, Hope, Snow, Fang, Vanille, Yuj, Maqui, Noel, Caius
- Detroit: Become Human: Connor, Markus, Kara, Hank, Daniel, Gavin, Luther
- Legend of Zelda: Link, Sidon, Ganon
- Horizon: Zero Dawn: Aloy, Erend, Varl, Avad, Teb
- Prey: Typhon, Phantom, Mimic, Nightmare, Poltergeist, Technopath
- Overwatch: McCree, Reaper, Soldier 76, Hanzo, Reinhardt, Tracer, Widowmaker, Sombre, Mercy, Junkrat, Genji, Baptiste, Orisa, Zarya
- Witcher: Geralt, Ciri, Jaskier
- Until Dawn: Josh, Sam, Mike, Chris, Wendigo
- Evolve: Goliath, Wraith, Kraken, Behemoth, Gorgon
- Dragon Age: Solas, Varric, Iron Bull, Cassandra, Dorian, Sera, Cullen, Hawke, Cole, Vivienne
- Stranger Things: Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson, Jonathan Byers, Jim Hopper
What I write:
- Series
- One-shots
- Fluff
- Angst
- Smut
- Romance
- Slow Burns
- Enemies to Lovers/Enemies to Friends to Lovers
- Strangers to Lovers/Strangers to Friends to Lovers
- x Reader
- Original Female & Male Characters
- Polyamorous 
- Hurt/Comfort
- Dub-con/Non-con (stories with these will have warnings!!!)
- Kinks
- Monsters
- Aliens
- Robots
- AU’s
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kyberphilosopher · 4 years
Important Information
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I am a minor. As such, smut can not be requested and can not be written. As a compromise, smutty themes can be used as overtones or undertones, often vaguely or simply eluded to. But pure smut? Not for a few months, which is when I’ll be 18. Sorry horndogs. 
Please request through the submission inbox, or my direct messages. Further more, be polite. Be clear. If I ask a question to clear something up, answer it. Don’t let it dangle. I will always ask if there’s anything else you so desire (a word count, any details) so please tell me if there’s nothing else or if there is. English is also not my first language. 
Do not request something against canon. I have written like that before and did not enjoy that. This means if something is considered canon, say Star Wars, such as a line of dialogue or something shown on screen, I would refuse to write you into it. I feel that it distorts the fiction so much you wouldn’t really be in it, and the characters wouldn’t be themselves anymore. Allow me to write you into the world as a side character, as something not shown directly but something that could fit into canon. 
Some fictional characters have different versions of them. For example, Movie Anakin Skywalker, and the Clone Wars Anakin Skywalker. Ben Affleck Batman, or Christian Bale Batman? Or even, Comic Accurate Batman? Specify for me. If not specified after asking for it, I will write the character with headcanon information pulled from multiple ‘canon’ sources. This will be referred to as ‘headcanoned canon’.
Reblog my stuff? Absolutely. I see all my reblogs. But take it an post it to a different site? No. Don’t do that. Maybe I’ll spread over to Ao3 one day, but for now, please don’t. 
Last one I can think of for now. But luckily this can be updated over time. I don’t write drabbles. I know! But just imagine all the times you’ve read a fic so good, only for it to end so soon. I like the thought of writing something both high quality and high quantity, which means I won’t be satisfied with anything under 2,000 words. Unfortunately, this may sometimes come at the expense of time. Especially if what you requested doesn’t fit into my current hyperfixation. 
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List of Characters I’ve Written, or Am Open to Writing:
Aayla Secura, Star Wars (Clone Wars)
Ahsoka Tano, Star Wars (Clone Wars and Live Action)
Anakin Skywalker, Star Wars (Clone Wars and Live Action)
Asaaj Ventress, Star Wars (Clone Wars and Books)
Boba Fett, Star Wars (Live Action Original Movies and The Mandalorian)
Bodhi Rook, Star Wars (Rogue One)
Bo-Katan Kryze, Star Wars (Clone Wars and The Mandalorian)
Cal Kestis, Star Wars (Jedi: Fallen Order, Beginning and End of Game)
Cassian Andor, Star Wars (Rogue One)
Darth Maul, Star Wars (Clone Wars)
Din Djarin, Star Wars (The Mandalorian)
Finn, Star Wars (Live Action Sequel Trilogy)
Jyn Erso, Star Wars (Rogue One)
Leia Skywalker, Star Wars (Live Action Original Movies)
Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi, Star Wars (Clone Wars and Live Action)
Padme Amidala, Star Wars (Clone Wars and Live Action)
Poe Dameron, Star Wars (Live Action Sequel Trilogy)
Rey, Star Wars (Live Action Sequel Trilogy)
Rex, Star Wars (Clone Wars)
Batman, DC Comics (All Live Action, All Comic, Arkhamverse, All Animated, Headcanoned Canon)
Bane, DC Comics (Games)
Barry Allen/The Flash, DC Comics (All Live Action, Headcanoned Canon)
Black Canary, DC Comics (Birds of Prey Live Action Movie)
Bruce Wayne, DC Comics (All Live Action, Headcanoned Canon)
Catwoman/Selina Kyle, DC Comics (Headcanoned Canon)
Christopher Smith/Peacemaker, DCEU (All Live Action, Headcanoned Canon)
Cleo Cazo/Ratcatcher 2, DCEU (Live Action)
Conner Kent/Superboy, DC Comics (Titans, All Animated)
Damian Wayne, DC Comics (Animated and Injustice)
Dick Grayson, DC Comics (Titans, All Comic, Arkhamverse, All Animated, All Versions)
Harley Quinn, DC Comics (All Live Action, All Comic, Arkhamverse, All Animated Versions)
Jason Todd/Red Hood, DC Comics (Headcanoned Canon, Arkhamverse, All Animated, Titans, All Versions)
Katana, DC Comics (2016 Suicide Squad Live Action Movie)
Poison Ivy, DC Comics (Arkhamverse, All Comic, All Animated, Headcanoned Canon)
Tim Drake/Red Robin, DC Comics (Arkhamverse, All Comic, All Animated, Headcanoned Canon)
Raven, DC Comics (Headcanoned Canon, All Animated, All Comics, All Titans)
Robert Dubois/Bloodsport, DC Comics (DCEU Live Action)
Scarecrow/Johnathon Crane, DC Comics(All Live Action, Arkhamverse, Headcanoned Canon)
Starfire/Koriand’r, DC Comics (Titans, All Comics, All Animated, Headcanoned Canon)
Superman/Clark Kent, DC Comics (Cavill’s Live Action, All Animated, All Comics)
Annie Leonhardt, Shingeki no Kyojin (Marley Resident, Season 1-3, Season 4, Titan Form)
Bertholdt Hoover, Shingeki no Kyojin (Marley Resident, Season 1-3)
Carla Jaeger, Shingeki no Kyojin (Pre Beginning)
Eren Jaeger, Shingeki no Kyojin (Season 1-3, Season 4, Titan Form)
Hanji Zoe, Shingeki no Kyojin (All Seasons and OVA)
Jean Kirchstein, Shingeki no Kyojin (Season 1-3, Season 4)
Levi Ackerman, Shingeki no Kyojin (All Seasons and OVA)
Marco Bodt, Shingeki no Kyojin (Season 1)
Mikasa Ackerman, Shingeki no Kyojin (Season 1-3, Season 4)
Moblit Berner, Shingeki no Kyojin (All Seasons and OVA)
Sasha Braus, Shingeki no Kyojin (Season 1-3, Season 4)
L Lawliet, Death Note (Season 1)
Ryuk, Death Note (Season 1)
Touta Matsuda, Death Note (Season 1)
Raye Penber and Naomi Matsura (Season 1, Pre Beginning, Throuple Headcanon Canoned)
Connor RK800, Detroit: Become Human (Deviant, Android, Mid and Post Game)
Chloe RT600, Detroit: Become Human (Deviant, Android, Pre, Mid, and Post Game)
Gavin Reed, Detroit: Become Human (Mid and Post Game)
Kara AX400, Detroit: Become Human (Post Game)
Luther TR400, Detroit: Become Human (Pre and Post Game)
Markus RK200, Detroit: Become Human (Pre, Mid, and Post Game)
Nines RK900, Detroit: Become Human (Post Game)
North WR400, Detroit: Become Human (Pre, Mid, and Post Game)
Other Worlds and Fandoms Coming Soon. 
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What You Can Expect From Me:
Headcanons- While I’d consider all of my fanfiction headcanons, I’m referring to those little bullet point things you’ll see writers do. Here’s my deal on that. I won’t do romantic headcanons for the characters listed above. By that I mean you won’t see anything titled, “How Poe Dameron Would Cuddle”, or anything of that sort. But you probably will see just my own little headcanons for fun. Like, little fun facts. You know, “Superman’s favorite food is ____”, “Nines hates rats”.
However, I will write romantic headcanons for my OC’s. But that’s for later.
Further regarding fanfiction, I typically write angst. Not sure why, it’s just what I started with because I thought the plots were strongest and I wanted to see where I could take it. Like I said, no smut, but you’ll find allusions to it. Fluff? Yeah, it’s there. Hard for me to write fluff without a plot, but it does exist on my page. 
Original Stories
Most people ignore this, but if you see that I’ve posted it won’t always be something regarding your favorite character. I write my own little stories that’s basically just glorified, book length headcanons for a few worlds, but mostly the Star Wars galaxy. Don’t worry, there’s no need to pay attention to it if you don’t want. It’s something I do in my spare time besides x readers and oneshots. 
Spontaneous Posting
What I mean by this, is that unlike a lot of writers, I don’t work on a schedule. There’s no “once a week posting”, or anything like that. What I finish and give the okay to, is posted. If you’ve requested something, I’ll let you know that it’s about to go out. So sometimes a burst of fics may be pumped out in a week, or none will for up to a month.
Going by EST, I typically am most active at night and early morning. Especially in the summer. During fall this may change.
I rarely put out a post that is unrelated to my writings. If it is related to my personal life instead, it will be posted, but not saved. Documented and available, but never pinned or anything. 
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Do you write queer pairings?
Yes. My earlier works usually elude to a female reader and it’s blaringly obvious, though it’s shifting into androgyny for ease of reader. I would prefer to have an androgynous reader instead of a set in stone male or female one. 
Am I reading a queer fanfic written by a straight person?
You are not. I am androgynous myself in terms of gender and unlabeled in terms of sexuality. 
Do you write for poc?
This question shocks me, though I’ve gotten it twice. Then I realized- it’s because so many writers forget the point of a reader. The reader may be described as blonde, or white, or thin, or female. You will not find that here. There will be no set in stone appearance for the reader except for mentions of whatever hair you may possess (apologies to those without hair). There will be no talk of ‘light skin’, or ‘curvy figure’. The farthest I’ll go is describing you as pale, if say, you were sick. Because any race or skin tone can go pale, you know? The only thing I’d do- rarely- is give you a real age. But only to further the plot if needed.
 My point is, ‘Y/N’ is not just a pretty white person with long hair. It’s inclusive to anyone. I’ll stand by that. 
Do you write headcanons?
Answered in the above section. Long story short, I’m working on it, but on my terms. 
Do you write song fics?
I haven’t before. Why? They make me cringe. I don’t know why. I’ll write a fic based on a song, or with undertones of a song. But those little paragraphs with the lyrics that aren’t even in time with what you’re reading if you were to read and listen at the same time? I don’t think so. 
Do you know what sex is?
I do. 
Will you have e-sex with me in the direct message chatbox?
I will not. 
Why do you write on tumblr?
I started writing just to share an old word document with over 300 pages worth of an Original Star Wars story. I tried my hand at fanfiction because, while I don’t read it often myself, I know a lot of people do. It helps them escape reality. And, I’m a pretty good writer, I think. At least I can only get better. I’m just one more person trying to put something out for people to enjoy, and maybe even rely on. 
Will you ever write for real people?
If I ever wrote a fanfiction about Christian Bale or like Barack Obama I think I would just disappear. I can’t do it. It’s like warping my own reality. 
How often do you post?
I don’t know. 
Do you have a taglist?
I did! But only for Star Wars. If you want to be tagged in something, let me know. But you have to be specific. Just for a certain character? For a certain fandom? A certain plot? Just og stories? Be clear. 
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Dynamics I Enjoy Writing:
Man simps for person who almost wants nothing to do with them. 
Hero simps for villain or villain simps for hero despite the obvious consequences.
Two jokesters destroy some area while left alone together. May get along better than they would admit. 
Two people who are not expected to get along, get along well. 
Hero and villain are best friends but won’t admit it.
Basically if I’m left to my own mind most of my fics will fall under one of these dynamics. Not always- definitely not always. But I kinda like them. 
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Anything else? 
Nope. Can’t think of anything. We’ll see if anything changes. Thanks for checking it out. 
Header Credits to: @moonknights​
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roleplayfinder · 4 years
Anyone in the mood for some Detroit: Become Human?
Hello lovely people reading this!
I’m really looking for someone willing to do a D:BH (Detroit: Become Human) RP! I’ve been binge-reading fanfics for the last couple of days and now I’m really itching to play around with these characters again!
About me: I’m 21+, female, and a literate RPer of around 10+ years. English is not my first language but I try my best to keep mistakes to a minimum.
I work and go to university so I might not always have a ton of time to reply, so ideally I’m looking for someone who is okay with me not always being super available (I can’t say exactly how often I will be able to reply, it can go from once a day to once a week depending on my workload). I don’t really care much about post length myself, but my posts are usually a couple of paragraphs (with starters usually being a bit on the longer side).
As for the RP, I’m most comfortable with either MxM relationships or non-romantic/platonic ones. I would love to play Connor but I’m open to playing other characters as well. I think playing multiple characters would be fun but it’s not a must and we can also just stick to one each!
I don’t ship Hank and Connor romantically, I see them more as friends/father-son but I would absolutely love to do a RP featuring these two so please hit me up if that’s something you’d like to do! (I’m really in the mood for this rn!).
As for other options, I think playing Connor against Markus or Gavin Reed would be really interesting (either romantic or just as friends).
I’m open to including (almost) all other characters from the game in the RP, and I’m also open for having multiple story lines/threads or side pairings if you’d like. I think some other characters that could be fun (apart from the ones I’ve mentioned) are Ralph, HK400, Jerry, Simon, Josh, Chloe, North, Connor-60 (Cyberlife Tower Connor), Carl Manfred, Elijah Kamski etc.
I can’t help but love Amanda and would love to give her a redemption as well (if that is something you’re also interested in! ). I think there would be a lot of ways this could go, maybe with her deviating along with Connor or even much later, or maybe even with her Human counterpart still being alive etc. It would be lovely to include something like this in the RP, but it’s not a must at all!
Additionally, I’m also open for doing something featuring original characters, either Male!Android x Male!Android (I do have a plot idea for this in mind but we could also do something different, of course) or M!Human x M!Android.
As for plots, I do have a GoogleDoc with some vague ideas in mind but I’d also love to brainstorm and come up with something together! To give you an idea of what I’d be interested in doing: Anything set pre-/post-revolution, canon-divergent/soft AUs… Basically anything that keeps the general premise intact (so as long as there are androids, to keep it simple!).
I’m really interested in exploring some of the issues that come with androids, like the way they are dehumanized in society, what exactly makes them sentient, the whole deviancy issue and their struggle to achieve equality. It would be a huge plot point if you’re also interested in exploring these issues but again, it’s not something that needs to be explored in-depth if that’s not your cup of tea!
Please keep in mind that I’m not really looking to RP MxF relationships or a romantic relationship between Hank and Connor, thank you!
If any of this seems interesting to you, either like this post or message me here on tumblr (@kokolores-chan) and I will get back to you.
I usually RP either here on tumblr, discord or via e-mail so please let me know your preference!
Thank you for reading and have a lovely day! :D
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readsky · 4 years
June 2020 Reads - Minireviews
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5 books this month, including a BIG one. June was a bit slower; I am still not back in work and the weather was pretty terrible, so I didn’t get out much. Lockdown rules have been relaxed a bit, so we’ve had a few friends round that we haven’t seen since Feb. Was nice to just have a few drinks and play some card games (Exciting!). Now, to the mini-reviews!
The Eye of the World (Robert Jordan) I wasn’t planning on reading this, but one of my friends has been telling me to read it for years now. I’ve heard all the “it’s just LOTR fan fic/rip-off”, so I put it off since there’s always so much more original content on my reading list. Then I randomly found it in a charity shop for £2. I took it as a sign that I should read it, and I’m really glad I did! A group of young lads discover that they are being targeted by some very scary and dangerous folk, and set off on a quest with a warrior and a powerful female warrior-mage to find out why the forces of darkness are rising and why they are so interested in them. Are there a ton of LOTR parallels? Yes. Does it feel like Robert Jordan just wanted to be a modern-day Tolkien? Yup. But did I care? No. I recently started reading The Lord of the Rings (I reviewed The Fellowship of the Ring a few months ago), and god damn is that shit a slog. It took me MONTHS to read The Fellowship. I think the only way I could sum up The Fellowship is “dense, whilst simultaneously lacking in detail”. I finished TEOTW in exactly 2 weeks, and while it is dense, the story flowed well, most of the characters are interesting, there’s some badass ladies and there’s enough genuinely well-developed mystery surrounding the characters that I’m very keen to keep reading (although 14 x 800 page books is a lot of reading time to devote to one series, but we’ll see how it goes!). So, was TEOTW special or unique? Nope, but I found it an easy and entertaining read despite its size, and it was different enough from LOTR to keep me interested. Very good. 4/5
Broken Stars: Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction in Translation (Translated by Ken Liu) I’ve already used a bit of my blog to wax lyrical about how great Ken Liu is. And I’m going to do it again! He’s great! What a guy! In this follow up to Invisible Planets, Ken has picked 16 more short sci-fi stories (and some with fantasy elements) written by some wonderful Chinese authors and again translated them for English speakers. This is just as strong a collection of stories as the ones picked for Invisible Planets and just as varied in their ideas and themes. Particular highlights include Baoshu’s What Has Passed Shall in Kinder Light Appear which is a kind of historical fiction where time for the characters progresses linearly, but major world events such as the Second World War and the Chinese Cultural Revolution are happening in reverse. This instalment also includes some more fun stories, such as Fei Dao’s The Robot Who Liked To Tell Tall Tales which is a really cute story about a King known as the biggest bullshitter in the kingdom, but doesn’t want to die with that reputation, so sends a robot out into the world with the mission to become a bigger bullshitter than the King. And finally, Ma Boyong’s The First Emperor’s Games is a short and fun read that will delight anyone with an interest in video games. I enjoyed every minute of this book and hope Ken will continue to bring Chinese sci-fi to western readers. 5/5
Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Laini Taylor) This was another charity shop find (50p!). Looked like fantasy (judging book by its cover, I know!) and then saw that Patrick Rothfuss had given it a glowing review. Turns out it was well deserved. Karou is an art student studying in Prague and seems relatively normal to her friends. However, she moonlights as an assistant to demonic beings who brought her up after she was orphaned, collecting teeth for a purpose she does not yet know. After a chance encounter with an angel, she finally finds out the truth. This is a beautifully written book. The writing is so visual, and it was extremely easy to picture the characters and their surroundings. The way the author describes Prague made me want to jump on the next plane and go. If I were any good at drawing, I would probably have had a go at creating some fan art. My only gripe would be that I’m not a fan of over-the-top, unobtainable, supernatural type romance, and the last half of this book is exactly that. However, once you start to realise what an important element this is to story, you do start to forgive it. Fast-paced and beautifully written. 4/5
The Book Thief (Markus Zusak) I don’t read a lot of historical fiction, so this was different for me. Since I mainly read fantasy, there’s always a certain “epic-ness” to everything I read. The Book Thief is not epic, but that doesn’t detract from this beautiful story based on some of the most tragic events of the last 100 years. The story follows Liesel, a young girl who is forced to live with foster parents after her own are taken to a Nazi concentration camp during WW2 for being identified as communists. This is a story of her growing up in a poor town just outside Munich and the stories of the people she meets along the way (and her growing obsession with stealing books). But to give it a bit of quirkiness, the story is narrated by Death himself. This was probably my favourite aspect of this story, as it gave an “alternative” view of Death. Death is extremely thoughtful and talks in a manner of helping people “cross-over”. I imagine that the author didn’t have the stereotypical black cloak and scythe combo that we usually picture Death to look like. The vast array of characters makes this book an endearing one and it is one I will not soon forget. 4/5
Senlin Ascends (Josiah Bancroft) I would have to put this into my most unexpected reads category. I’m finding it hard to compare to anything. Thomas Senlin is a school headmaster and all-round fuddy-duddy. He keeps to himself and never gets into any trouble. When he eventually marries Marya, a beautiful, fun, and upstanding young woman, eyebrows are raised. They decide to spend their honeymoon visiting The Tower of Babel, a marvel of modern-day engineering with unique societies on every floor. A tower so tall, no one can see the top and no one can actually confirm how high it is. Senlin has learned everything he knows about The Tower of Babel from a visitor’s guide that describes it as a utopia; the pinnacle of modern and civilised society. However, when they arrive Senlin immediately loses Marya in the dense crowds just outside the tower and he quickly learns that this place is as far from utopia as it gets. This is extremely unique science fiction with steampunk elements throughout, and follows the change in Senlin’s personality and outlook as he ascends through the tower, desperately trying to find his wife. I will admit to feeling a bit deflated about this book about halfway through. The lack of strong and/or independent female characters had me worrying and it seemed to be turning into a “save the damsel in distress story”. However, I was breathing a sigh of relief as I approached the conclusion of the book. Not every female character was a victim! Phew! Overall, a great start to this series and I’m looking forward to reading the second book. 4/5
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doux-amer · 5 years
My feelings on all the SDCC Marvel news:
Eternals - my interest went from zero to high when they got an Asian American woman as the director (I was blindsided by how much of an emotional impact this had on me because it never crossed my mind that it would be possible for someone like me to make a Marvel movie/get to play in the sandbox for one of the biggest loves of my life) to even higher when we found out the casting rumors and the potential queer character we might get to...something more lukewarm. I want this to be mostly POC so I really don’t care for the white actors in this at all, and I’m not really enthusiastic about how many people I recognize in this. That tends to take me out of a movie, and Marvel does best when it has lesser known actors although they tend to cast big names as villains or cameos so maybe that’ll be the case here. ALSO, BRIAN TYREE HENRY AND DON LEE/MA DONGSUK (AND KUMAIL, BUT LOL I’M SUPER DISTRACTED BECAUSE I KNOW I’LL JUST SEE HIM AS KUMAIL IN THE MOVIE), Y’ALL. LISTEN. THEY’RE GOING TO BE THE STARS OF THAT MOVIE!!!!!!! YOU MARK MY WORDS!
The Falcon and Winter Soldier - easily one of the works I’m most excited for. I want something gritty and political. I want Sam and Bucky together because they’re at their most interesting when they’re with each other and most boring when they’re with Steve. I want SHARON CARTER. CAST HER ALREADY GDI. WHERE IS SHE? They’ll be the real Team Cap because lbr, Team Cap/Cap Fam is a mostly fanon creation. And there’s going to be a female director for all six episodes!!! Tbh directors are less important in the TV world than in films, but still. Very excited about that.
Shang Chi - I’m still bored and disappointed as many of my Asian American friends are that this is going to be the first Asian-led MCU film. We don’t want a martial artist. We played martial artists for decades and we have enough high-quality ones from our motherlands. Give us an actual superhero ffs. BUT. BUT. Marvel’s really out here, making us more excited than we thought we’d be by casting TONY LEUNG!!!! That’s gonna get all the Asians in Asia excited. And Awkwafina and Simu Liu?!?! That’s going to play well to the Asian American millennial crowd. Bored but also tentatively excited. AND THE TEN RINGS? OH DAMN, are we really going to get them in the MCU for real now after the MCU forgot about them?
WandaVision - I don’t care, and Marvel knew I wouldn’t and dropped the Monica news so I’m doitforherSimpsons.jpg.
Loki - Look, I’m a simple woman with simple interests and I’m going to enjoy this. Thanks.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness - GIVE ME CLEA. GO FULL-ON HORROR. USE THE DIRECTOR’S STRENGTHS. Please make it an acid trip because the first movie was boring af both visually and writing-wise. ALSO, STOP TEASING ME ABOUT THE MULTIVERSE, MCU. GIVE IT TO US OR DON’T.
What If...? - Unless...? Okay, sorry afslkfjslfj. Really, really pumped for this one although there’s one storyline that makes me snooze. Guess which one it is. UGH. BUT I REALLY WANT A MORE COMICS-INFLUENCED THING IN THE MCU SO PLEASE GIVE ME THAT AND MAKE IT GOOD AND EVERYTHING I WANTED, MARVEL. >:(
Hawkeye - I don’ttttt careeee about Clint. He should’ve died. Istg if he trains Kate, I’m going to throw some hands. Just do a bait and switch and make this entirely about Kate. While you’re at it, make her Korean because I’ve had enough of white characters and honestly if you’re going to make an archer, it makes zero sense to have them be white considering in the real world, Koreans dominate archery. Like....not even by a small margin. We’re miles and miles and miles ahead of everyone else. My girl would 100% be a rich Korean girl. MAKE HER KOREAN. Lol that’ll never happen so whatever. 
Thor 4: Please do right by Thor because the Russos, Markus, and McFeely did him so wrong. Please save him, Taika. BIG EYE EMOJI AT TESSA’S COMMENT. LET VAL GET A GF. LET VAL GET A GF!!!! I’m ambivalent about Lady Thor because I’ve always been ambivalent about the concept as it makes NO GODDAMN SENSE. But I flipped out because Jane deserved better, and I never even once thought this would be a possibility. Also, can we please somehow bring back Sif while we’re at it?
Black Widow - I want a gritty espionage/spy/whatever movie so I’m pumped. Nat deserved better even before Endgame. She deserved an entire movie. It should’ve come after TWS, and imo this is a big gamble as the character’s dead and this is set right after CW so these events already happened in the MCU timeline. :/ I hope it does well though. And I really wish there was some way to bring her back into the MCU, but oh well.
Blade - I never watched the original Blade, but I didn’t expect this AT ALL because Feige hemmed and hawed when asked if he’d bring him back in the MCU! AND WE GET MAHERSHALA. SIGN ME UP. I’M READY. MAHERSHALA!!! I’LL WATCH EVERYTHING EXCEPT GREEN BOOK FOR HIM! And to play a major character in both the film and TV side of the MCU? POWER MOVE. 
Listen, I’m super excited we might get an F4 movie because we seriously need a good one. Please, do it. And I know we don’t want an X-Men movie for a while, but that’s where my love for Marvel started as a kid and they deserve more than what they got so PLEASE!!! I don’t think we’ll get more Avengers movies or if we do, it won’t be for a long, long time. If we say bye for real to them and move onto the F4 and X-men, I won’t mind at all. 
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cherriesx · 5 years
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Downton Abbey, Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis, Chronicles of Narnia - All Media Types, Chronicles of Narnia (Movies), The Halcyon (TV), Foyle's War, Dunkirk (2017), The Book Thief - Markus Zusak, The Book Thief (2013) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: George Crawley/Susan Pevensie, Susan Pevensie/Original Male Character(s), George Crawley/Original Character(s), George Crawley/Original Female Character(s), Susan Pevensie/Original Character(s), Sybbie Branson & George Crawley, Sybbie Branson/Original Character(s), Sybbie Branson/Original Male Character(s) Characters: George Crawley, Susan Pevensie, Mary Crawley, Tom Branson, Sybbie Branson, Marigold Crawley, Edith Crawley, Bertie Pelham, Robert Crawley, Cora Crawley, Violet Crawley, Isobel Crawley, Peter Pevensie, Edmund Pevensie, Lucy Pevensie, Helen Pevensie, Mr. Pevensie (Narnia), Eustace Scrubb, Alberta Scrubb, Harold Levinson, Harold Scrubb, Madeleine Allsop, Rosamund Painswick, Rose MacClare, Atticus Aldridge, Victoria Aldridge, Hugh Aldridge, Joe O'Hara, Emma Garland, Freddie Hamilton (The Halcyon), Anthony Foyle, Charlie Parks, Max Vandenburg, Liesel Meminger, Collins (Dunkirk), Farrier (Dunkirk), Jill Pole Additional Tags: WWII, World War II, 1940s, 1950s, 1950s Slang, Period Typical Attitudes, Historical Accuracy, England (Country), Royal Air Force, Post-Dunkirk Evacuation, The Blitz, Fighter Pilots, Post-World War II, just a massive crossover fic, Multiple Crossovers, Crossover Pairings, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Series Series: Part 2 of ATLB: After the Last Battle Summary:
❝Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness...❞
❝I would never marry a man who had no remorse for the blood on his hands...❞
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IIt's 1949, four years after the War and four years for George Crawley since his service in the RAF. However the scars of the battles still remain and has him searching for a world away from despair.
It's 1949 and Susan Pevensie's life has come to a screeching halt. On a cloudy day she receives a telegram from London that ends her life before it had even begun. She's searching for a way to get rid of her pain.
Brought together by their shared guilt, can these two souls find hope and peace at last?
╚══════════ °• ♔ •° ══════════╝
A Chronicles of Narnia x Downton Abbey CROSSOVER (main) Cross-posted on Wattpad :)
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ao3feed-hannor · 6 years
Hand Games for Adults
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2pG3XwW
by Yikesu
Cops are pigs, Detriot is just a slum spray painted gold, and RA9 is suffocating under the weight of the world. What is RA9 you ask, no it's really a question of who is RA9, and who they are is something you'll never find out. Or at least that's how it was supposed to be...
~ In which Richard is a hitman, Connor is a negotiator, Hank keeps the two alive, Gavin gets the biggest betrayal of his life, and Markus is just trying to thrive~
Alt. Title: Be Gay Do Crime
Words: 3798, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900, Hank Anderson, Kara (Detroit: Become Human), North (Detroit: Become Human), Markus, Simon, Josh, Original Chloe | RT600, Elijah Kamski, Gavin Reed, Gavin Reed's Cat, rA9 (Detroit: Become Human), Tina Chen, President Cristina Warren
Relationships: Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed, Markus/Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson/Connor, Backround ships include:, Kara/Luther/Ralph (Detroit: Become Human), Tina Chen/North, Kara/Luther (Detroit: Become Human), Tina Chen/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: reverse au, swap au, Organized Crime, Mafia AU, Alternate Universe - Criminals, Gang activity, President Warren is the Mayor, she is the only human that stays human, the title actually means something, Simon x Markus starts in chapter 5, As we go it will get darker and more bloody, Trans Male Character, Trans Female Character, Dark Humor, RK900 is called Richard, Connor & Upgraded Connor | RK900 are Siblings, but they don't have same last name for plot reasons, it's like a parent trap kinda reason, eat the rich, Aristocrat AU, They are all weathy, Money is power, read chapter tags
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2pG3XwW
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I fell for a robot boy and something told me: write fic, my child. Tagging @aridarkheart @briarfox13 and @ladymdc who expressed interest in this! :)
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Connor (Detroit: Become Human)/Original Female Character(s), Connor x Original Female Character, Connor (Detroit: Become Human)/ Original Human Character Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson Additional Tags: Romance, Falling In Love, Androids and humans, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Rating will change, Will update tags, second love, Navigating Emotions, androids navigating pesky things called feelings, I fell in love with a robot boy and had to write this, Friends to Lovers Summary:
They met before the revolution, and then they meet again. When Connor begins his life, what he finds in her he finds nowhere else. It’s odd, concerning, and freeing. Yet what concerns him more is how he doesn’t want to ever forget the way she makes him feel.
Sophie knows too well about the brevity of life, and meeting Connor only reminds her further of her ephemeral life. But talking to him is easy, he’s more than endearing, and being in his company makes her remember what she had forgotten. But how can she feel, for someone so different than her?
Then again, maybe they aren’t so different at all.
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Love in a Latte [Doctor!Human!Markus/Barista!singlemom!OC]
This was supposed to be for @writinginstability‘s 500 followers challenge, but I (to be honest) completely forgot to post it, then spaced it altogether til now! I am SSOO sorry! ;^;
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy! 
God Bless and Good Day!
~The Lupine Sojourner
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It was as if the sun only came up when he walked through the door that day. I swear, every single customer was incredibly rude and short with me, no matter how polite I was.
Then along came this amazing man. Perhaps it was simply that he was the first person to genuinely smile back at me.
Or perhaps it was the heterochromia, the left eye sapphire blue and the right eye reminding me of amethyst or jade.
Whatever it was about him, it was like a breath of fresh air and the entire room seemed lighter. “Hello.” I greet. “What can I get you?” I ask, like always. He stifles a yawn in his hand.
“Sorry, um...I would like a, ah, medium vanilla latte, if you don’t mind.” I nod, suddenly eager to make sure that lovely smile stayed on his face.
“Absolutely.” I reply. “Anything else?” He yawns again.
“Sorry, again. Uh, n-no.” I ring him up and tell him the total. He nods, trying to disguise another yawn as a sigh and hands me a $20. “Keep the change.” He adds with a wink, then goes to sit and wait for his caffeine. 
Blushing profusely and hoping the manager didn’t suddenly decide to come out of the office, I slip the change into my pocket, grab the cup, and begin making the vanilla latte. On impulse, I added the classic leaf art, but small enough that I could also put in a smiley face. Blushing again (if I had ever stopped blushing), I set his cup on the counter with the lid beside it and waved him over. “You’re really quick.” He muses, then his eyes go wide as he takes in the latte art.
“I’m sorry!” I squeak, trying to keep it quiet, entirely mortified with myself. “I’m not good at it, but I try.”
“No, no!” He’s quick to assure me, but I don’t entirely believe it. He’s just too nice to admit it’s horrible. “It’s lovely. I just haven’t had latte art to start my day in a while. It’s great!” He says, blowing on the coffee and sipping at it. No one was in line, so I watch and wait for his reaction.
“I swear this is the best latte in Detroit.” He breathes, his eyes, those delightfully unique eyes, alight with joy. I exhale a breath I barely remember holding and grin.
“It’s just that we get good coffee beans and roast them slow.” I whisper, daring a wink. He laughs, and it’s like a cool summer breeze.
“Thank you. Now, I have to go to work for twelve hours.” He grumbles good-naturedly. I can’t help myself and open my mouth.
“Where do you work?” I ask. He smiles.
“The hospital. Detroit Receiving Hospital.” He replies. I smile.
“Oh, sorry. Um…” He scratches the back of his head.
“Right. I’ll be going now.” He mumbles, then turns awkwardly and leaves. Then turns at the door.
“Thanks again, ma’am.” He calls, waving and heading out. I then felt guilty about low-key flirting with him without even introducing myself. I suppose I figured he’d read my nametag.
But now he was gone and I’d likely not see him again. Ah, well. My stupid brain had gone and gotten attached to him and he was gone.
Regardless, I had to pull myself together; I was almost due to go home and be with Lachlan the rest of the day. North couldn’t handle him all day.
Turns out, he was something of a regular, but I didn’t work but a few days this week, since I’d worked nearly every day the past week. It was a trade-off that worked well.
Anyway, there I was, Thursday afternoon, almost five days since I’d seen Mystery Man last. And there he was, once more lighting up the room with his smile. “Hello again.” he greets. I smile.
“Hey there!” I return, immediately wanting to abandon ship and bury myself in embarrassment. I’d just made an utter fool of myself! “Medium vanilla latte?” I ask coyly, trying to recover myself, at least a little. The guy grins.
“Sure thing…” He sneaks a none-too-subtle peek at my name tag. “Alex.” He says, reaching into his wallet phone case and retrieving a debit card. “I didn’t have cash.” He confesses meekly. I roll my eyes.
“Either way works.” I point out, chuckling and swiping the card. He shrugs.
“I suppose, but I liked tipping you.” I blush.
“O-oh, I don’t think it’s ‘tipping’ if you ‘tip’ more than the drink is worth.” I counter automatically, then blanch in horror. “I mean- -”
“Relax, I getcha.” He says, then frowns. “Oh, geez!”
“My name’s Markus. I’ve completely spaced it til now!” It’s finally his turn to look mortified and five shades, at least, redder than normal, though his dark skin made it hard to tell exactly. I flush. That was precisely the kind of name I’d expect. He seemed professional and upper class in a way, despite his energetic, goofy-at-times personality...like a Markus. I grin.
“Nice to meet you. Now, I’m gonna get your drink.” I reply, forcing myself to walk away. I could feel his eyes on me the entire time. I nearly dropped the cup so many times, it was sure to ruin whatever reputation I had with him and my coworkers. Markus is patient, but I hated making anyone wait. I have to take several breaths before attempting a tree as the latte art. It actually turned out okay. Markus’ entire face lightens, softening at the sight of my shitty tree latte art.
“I don’t know why, but I actually missed your latte art. The other baristas don’t bother.” I blush harder than I should and grin wider than appropriate, but I can’t bring myself to care.
“I’m so glad you like it!” I chirp, clapping, then instantly remember where I am and what I’m supposed to be doing; not making a fool of myself in front of a customer, regardless of any attachment I may foolishly have developed. I sober myself and begin wiping down the counter for what must be the hundredth time today. Markus smiles, then goes to set his bag down, drawing out a sketchbook. “Got the day off?” I ask. It was an incredibly slow day today, and I use my boredom as an excuse to continue talking.
“As a matter of fact, yeah. I usually work on-call. I live really close to both here and the hospital, so I can come and go whenever they need me. Also helps that I’m good friends with the Chief of Surgery.” He explains with a wink, sipping his coffee again. This man, Markus, must have some superpower or something; the power to make me blush practically on command. I tuck hair behind my ear in a nervous tick.
“Well, I’ll leave you to - -”
“Mama!” I flinch at the boy’s volume, but grin at him as he runs up to the counter, barely missing Markus. Right. Lachlan was being dropped off to wait for me. It was a half-day for me, so I was almost off.
“Lach, you know you can’t shout in here.” I scold. He nods meekly.
“Sorry, Mama, but Aunt North and I were just at the park and I found a really cool frog!” I grimace, sticking out my tongue.
“Don’t tell me you brought it here.” I grumble. Lachlan shakes his head, giggling.
“No! We have it in a box in Aunt North’s car!” I face-palm.
“That’s kinda the same thing.” I grumble. Markus laughs, and Lachlan seems to just now notice him.
“Oh!” He squeaks. “I’m sorry, sir! I didn’t see you!” I was godmother to an amazing child, I realize, for the millionth time since...since Daniel died, caught up in a hostage crisis that went south. He and his wife had been killed, along with nearly every other hostage. Markus, however, kneels down and smiles at Lachlan.
“It’s alright.” He assured Lach, who steps aside.
“Did you want Mama?” He asks. Markus clears his throat, standing and...is he blushing?
“Ah, I, uh,” He sighs. “No. I have my coffee.” Lachlan nods in reply, then grins.
“Wanna see my frog?” He asks giddily. Markus chuckles, and before either North or I could protest, Lachlan is tugging Markus along. Markus himself smiles back at us as he’s marched outside. I sigh heavily.
Thankfully, not many people were here to witness that.
“Who’s the cutie?” North asks teasingly. I blanch.
“J-just a customer.” I reply weakly, then clear my throat. “He’s something of a regular.” North nods.
“You ask him out yet?”
“North!” I snap, swatting at her arm, but miss as she’s across the counter. She cackles and moves out of range.
“It’s true!” She replies. “Everyone can see it!” One of the employees, Josh, had just come out of the back.
“Wait, what’s going on?” He asks.
“Nothing!” I exclaim, mortified. North’s grin spells my doom, however.
“Alex and the regular Lachlan’s looking at a frog with.” North counters before I can shut her up or cut her off. Josh looks out the window, grins, then turns to me.
“Honestly, subtlety is really not your strong suit at all, Alex.” I blush horrendously.
“Josh!” I whine, hiding my face in my hands.
“Go on. I’m your replacement.” I sigh in defeat, handing him my apron and cap.
“And here I thought we were friends.” I pout dramatically. Josh laughs.
“I am, and I want you to be happy.” He retorts, pushing me out from behind the counter. I head into the back, clocked out, and headed outside.
“Alright, kiddo. Let’s see this ‘really cool frog’.” I call. Markus grins as I walk over. Before I realize what’s happening, Lachlan positions me so I’m all but ground against Markus’ chest, pointing into a small cardboard box to reveal a neon green frog that croaked a few times before Lachlan tried to hand it to me. I shake my head. “Lachlan, honey, you know I don’t want to hold amphibians.” I remind him gently. Lachlan then offers it to Markus, who sighs and holds out his hands. North comes out, and ruffles Lachlan’s hair.
“Hey, kid. We’re gonna take the frog back now.” She says, and Lachlan nods, taking the frog back and plopping it back in the box. The pair are gone almost before I can say goodbye.
“So...he’s your son?” Markus asks, and I wonder why there’s sadness in his eyes.
“In a way.” I reply softly, sighing. “I’m his godmother.” I elaborate. Markus inhales, wincing. He’d caught my subtle explanation.
“I’m so sorry.” He murmurs. I sigh.
“He was almost two. His parents got caught up in a hostage situation that didn’t end well.”
“Oh, Alex.” Markus murmurs, and I find myself drawn to him once more, those teary eyes of his seeming to suck me in and hold me tight even as I let my arms wrap around him. “I wish there was something I could do.” He whispers, and I could tell he’d give me the sun, moon, earth, and stars, if he could. I draw back, smiling and wiping the tears away.
“Getting along with Lachlan is a start.” I reply, unsure why I was trusting this man, virtually a stranger still, with such personal information. I did know, however, that those beautiful eyes don’t deserve to hold tears. Suddenly, he’s leaning in, and I panic, leaning back.
“Unfortunately,” I squeak, panicking, “I’m really not good at kissing!” Dear God, what was that?! I scold myself internally. I have never wanted to be suddenly swallowed by the earth more than right now. “I mean, I’ve never done it, and I- -Mmhh!” He cuts me off by gently pressing his lips to mine. I fall deeper into the kiss than I mean to and it takes serious willpower to slowly draw away. By the time I’ve finally broken the kiss, however, I’ve forgotten why. “Wow…” Is all my intelligent mind can come up with. Markus bites his lip, bashful.
“I’m sorry.” He murmurs, head hanging in shame. “I shouldn’t have just kissed you like that. I’m sorry.” He stands and makes to leave, but I grab his wrist.
“Did I say I didn’t want it?” I ask rhetorically. “Did I resist?” Markus blushes another few shades darker.
“I still should’ve asked.”
“Well...I guess, but I’m saying you can kiss me now, if you want.” I reply, smirking. Markus slowly sits back down.
“Are you sure? I mean, we hardly know each other.” I grin.
“Watching you play with Lachlan gave me a pretty good idea. Most guys I meet tolerate Lach, but not many actually play with him, much less genuinely care about him.” Markus looks sunburnt with the intensity of his blush.
“How- -how can I not? He’s a sweet kid.” I grin proudly.
“Yeah, he is.”
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ao3feed-markussimon · 6 years
by Yikesu
Cops are pigs, Detriot is just a slum spray painted gold, and RA9 is suffocating under the weight of the world. What is RA9 you ask, no it's really a question of who is RA9, and who they are is something you'll never find out. Or at least that's how it was supposed to be...
~ In which Richard is a hitman, Connor is a negotiator, Hank keeps the two alive, Gavin gets the biggest betrayal of his life, and Markus is just trying to thrive~
Alt. Title: Be Gay Do Crime
Words: 1659, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900, Hank Anderson, Kara (Detroit: Become Human), North (Detroit: Become Human), Markus, Simon, Josh, Original Chloe | RT600, Elijah Kamski, Gavin Reed, Gavin Reed's Cat, rA9 (Detroit: Become Human), Tina Chen, President Cristina Warren
Relationships: Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed, Markus/Simon (Detroit: Become Human), more coming
Additional Tags: reverse au, swap au, Organized Crime, Mafia AU, Alternate Universe - Criminals, Gang activity, President Warren is the Mayor, she is the only human that stays human, the title actually means something, Simon x Markus starts in chapter 5, As we go it will get darker and more bloody, Trans Male Character, Trans Female Character, read chapter tags, Dark Humor, RK900 is called Richard, Connor & Upgraded Connor | RK900 are Siblings, but they don't have same last name for plot reasons, it's like a parent trap kinda reason
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leslie-red · 6 years
For the love of Connor : Golden eyes
Chapter 1 Grey eyes
Chapter 2 Welcome to Detroit
Chapter 3 Engraving
Chapter 4 Him and her
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thank you for your like,your kudos and support and it’s a real pleasure to write this stoy :) chapter 5 will come soon !
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