#Rosie Monade
enteringdullsville · 1 month
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Okay, so I know I’ve been slacking on It’s Color Theory lately, but a new episode’s coming in shortly!
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shadow-schemer · 11 months
Why I think the Red Fox is related to the Legendary Stalker
@elden-bling My reply would be too long, but here's some item descripts as to why I think the Red Fox is related to the Legendary Stalker.
(I just began NG+ so all my Collectibles are reset to 0.)
Descript of [Bundle of Old Letters] you can find in Arche Abbey.
Dear Valentinus Monad. As a result of the last summit, we venerable families have decided to sponsor the Zelator laboratory construction plan actively. There are still those who oppose, but it won't be too hard to persuade them. The only possible variable is that they won't give any information about the lab. Being careful is a good thing, but we're the ones who provide the funding, so we don't want any uncertainties. We should never just watch. Old families hate being looked down the most. You Alchemists know and handle so many things. I had no idea that place known as the devil's pit had so much value. But when a gold mine or a secret is revealed, you can't put the cat back in the bag. Don't worry about the construction workers. We'll take care of it real clean. Don't forget, it you look down or try to trick us, it's not only the workers who will disappear. Till next time I see you. I'm looking forward to our beneficial exchange. In the name of the old houses, Volfe.
Descript of [Mechanical Cryptic Vessel] that can be found in Arche Abbey:
"Orders: The train doesn't leave anymore, and the merchant awaits a "Frozen Feast" in the destroyed town. Appendix: An order form is attached for mutual trust. No gender preference. A request for Bastard-style Stalker equipment. Refer to the daughter of the Volfe family; codenamed Fox's equipment. Please obtain it by crafting or checking if there's extra in stock. Even though she's cut ties with the Volfe family, she's still a Volfe. She's got a good eye and the best equipment. Maybe we can look her up when we're upgrading our equipment."
[Rusty Cryptic Vessel] talks about the locked cave in the Barren Swamp. There's flavor text in the end about some "Volfe girl". One thing about the cave is that you can find the Black Cat's clothes here. It's one of the first deliberate hints in-game you can find about the Fox's identity from then on.
"Orders: Find the cave blocked off by metal bars in the Barren Swamp. There is a reward at the end of the new road. There is a place called Hermit's Cave. An old man who went crazy after losing his family locked himself up there to pray. It's strange in this age to hear about such a medieval-sounding story in Krat, but one thing's clear: It's a good place to hide treasure. The kid's clothes seemed like good-quality too. Maybe that Volfe girl fixed them up."
[Red Fox Amulet] description:
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...also this next one is very superficial, I think... But this summary of the [Have A Taste of La Bleiwies!] ad for some reason, even though nowhere in the actual contents have that descript. You can pick this up when the Fox and Cat join you temporarily in the Mallum District slums.
Item Summary: "Even the legendary Stalker enjoys La Bleiwies. Taste the best wine chosen by the one who stood at the pinnacle."
Contents: "The La Bleiwies winery has a long history. Vintage wine, starting alongside the revival of Krat. Its rosy color known as the ruby of heaven, its delicately matured scent and taste, its wonderful aftertaste."
(....because... red... red fox... orz)
As for Laxasia, I haven't seen any mention of her Stalker background. Only the description of [Sad Zealot's Ergo] mentions that her old name was Alchemist Adriana, the one writing [So Said Pristis 1 & 2]
"Ergo obtained from Laxasia the Complete. It is packed with immense power. A treasure hunter may want this rare Ergo. The Alchemist Adriana was baptized by the elixir and she became the first whole being. Everything about her was perfect except the fact that her feelings for one person could not be erased."
Loading Screen hints are a bit difficult to wait for since I'm in PC but I'll post what I can find.
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whentheynyan · 6 years
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Death is overrated.
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enteringdullsville · 7 months
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It’s Color Theory EP 21.
Sore Losers
This makes the first reappearance of Rosie (formerly Scarlett) in It’s Color Theory.
Gordon never appears in his regular clothes in this episode while Violet exclusively appears in her main outfit in her brief appearance.
This is the first episode Martin appears without his glasses. Additionally, Ingrid lacks her eyeshadow and mascara. Both get them on the final page.
Gordon’s physical strength appears for the first time since the third episode.
The “blood is weakness” gag is recycled from “Teacher’s Pet Peeve” in Rough Sketch in which Sylvester and the prototypes for Tanya and Orchid all say this verbatim independently of each other. Fittingly, Martin’s prototype was one of the recipients of said line.
Tyler, Ingrid, and Martin were all originally meant to suffer more comically exaggerated injuries from their training. This was heavily downplayed in the episode proper to the point that Tyler is hardly affected at all.
This is the first episode Ingrid appears without Geneva; she only has one line this episode. The following comic inverts this by having Geneva appear but Ingrid absent.
Violet’s symbol is a spade from this episode onward.
No orange, green, or gray Drewmans appear.
This is the first episode Tyler appears where he suffers no major misfortunes.
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enteringdullsville · 6 months
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“The police just left your house. Should I be worried?”
It’s Color Theory EP 23.
Violet and Scarlett
This marks the first appearances of Paige, Scarlett, Clarence, and Aziz. The former three previously appeared in Rough Sketch, the latter debuts here. This is also the first time Siren appears in the flesh.
Olive makes her first appearance since her debut.
Scarlett inherited Rosie’s old name from the original continuity. The names “Violet” and “Scarlett” came around about a month before Gamefreak agreed it was a good idea.
This episode debuts a new background style with geometric blocks of color to partially convey movement.
This episode also dabbles in consistent leitmotifs for certain characters; in this case, Scarlett, Clarence, and Aziz.
Aziz’s setup shows “Sore Losers” playing in the background. Coincidentally, that was Rosie’s debut episode.
No Gray Drewmans appear.
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enteringdullsville · 5 months
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“Comment allez-vous (How are you), what’s up with you?”
It’s Color Theory EP. 25
‘Ello, Elo, Y’ello
This marks the first appearance of Eloise and Amber, having gone by “Skye” and “Charlie” in the old continuity. Incidentally, Olive and Paige used to have their names.
This is the first episode since “Back Again, I See” in which all six core characters appear.
Lyman is seen without his jacket, Bryan his vest, and Peony her ascot for the first time. We also see Peony’s hair down.
No Grey Drewmans appear. Geneva is also the only Red Drewman in the main cast to have debuted by this point and not be present.
Peony’s parasol debuts here.
This episode ends a mini-arc starting with “Violet and Scarlett” where the door is busted down.
Nobody in the Oobay-Monade household is seen in their regular clothes. This is subsequently the first time J.’s eyes are seen in full.
Chloe wears a sleep mask, much like her original continuity counterpart does.
This episode aired, although doesn’t necessarily take place, on Lyman’s birthday.
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enteringdullsville · 1 month
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Rosie’s not technically one of the main characters since ICT is a working organization and even the crapsack world called Canvas has child labor laws in place, so I feel like I’ve been overlooking her a bit. Rest assured, she’s still a major player in the series’ story, being a main in all name; Violet and Gordon just try not to overexpose her so she can live her childhood. ICT (the comic, not the in-universe company) will also introduce a larger friend circle for her to avoid her drifting too out of focus.
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Formerly Scarlett, Rosie was conceived as Violet’s little stepsister. Violet being aged up about eleven years in development meant Rosie’s familial relationship had to change, thus becoming her and Gordon’s daughter. It was a surprisingly easy transition, too; she already shared a square head with her now-father, and Rosie’s diminutive size combined with the art style meant all I had to add were thick eyebrows and black stripes on the back of her head.
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This also caused her personality to be tweaked. She’s far more intelligent and articulate than before, owing to Violet’s innovation and dry wit combining with Gordon’s sensibility and bookishness. She can lapse into hyperactivity at times, but she’s more generally a “wise beyond her years” type. She’s clearly more put together compared to Violet’s internalized melancholy or Gordon’s lack of self-worth, which she attributes to her young age. She knows she’ll have to grow up eventually, so she humors her parents’ doting while they’re still around.
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Rosie’s smart like that. Gordie especially treats her like a princess and calls her “Daddy’s Little Menace”, clearly overcompensating for a childhood he’d rather not talk about, but he and Vi know not to spoil her too much. When your daughter can smash through car doors with her tiny little hands, it’s best to teach her accountability while you still can.
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Especially since, given than Violet’s roughly six feet tall and Gordon’s a head taller than that, she’s gonna be a behemoth in as little as ten years.
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
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Side characters of Season One
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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Beta Designs
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Betas and Gene
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Semi-finalized S1 designs and Gene, Eloise, and Scarlett
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Season One designs, prototype Scarlett, Eloise, Gene, Bowie, Barry, Amber, Skye, Colton, Olive, Gilbert, Landon(Landers), and Bobbie(Fuchsia) designs, scrapped timeskip Scarlett
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Season One designs
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Prototype Season Two designs
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Chibified Season Two designs
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Season Three Designs of Rudy (red), Lou (blue), Jade (green), Gordon (yellow), Violet, Rosie (Pink), Clarence (clear), Angie (orange), Coco (brown), Ryan (cyan), Lyman (lime), Ingrid (indigo), Sylvester (grey), Bianca (white), and Nigel (black).
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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What crimes against Drewmanity are they committing this year?
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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Little bit of Rough Sketch lore: Rudy, Rosie, Lou, Gordon, and Clarence have lived in Dullsville for basically their whole lives. Tyler moved years ago before returning mid-season three, Violet arrived roughly five years prior to her debut, and Jade’s been living there about a month at S1’s start. Everyone else arrived as the series progressed.
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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More out of context RS Panels!
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
The Violet Drewman, Violet
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Aesthetic: Pretty
Age: 28 (Season One)
Alignment: Enactor
Badge: Spade
Color Type: Violet
Debut: Welcome to Dullsville
Effects: Flash Step (Violet can move at ludicrous speeds); Fire Starter (Violet has weak pyrokinesis that she chiefly uses to create smoke); Fleur Show (Violet can grow flowers over surfaces); Psychic Surge (Violet has mild telekinetic powers)
Family: Jasmine Oobay (Twin Sister); Tulip, Lily, Dahlia, and Rose Oobay (Sisters); Aster Oobay (Brother); Horton and Posy Oobay (Parents); Gordon Monade (Husband); Rosie Monade (Daughter); Scarlett Rohl (Aunt); Jet Rohl (Cousin); Dalton and Isabelle Monade (Parents-In-Law); Holden, Jordan, and Cordon Monade (Brothers and Sister-In-Law)
Rank: A (Primary Character)
Standout Features: Ponytail, vertical pupils, choker, power suit, wedding ring
Character Bases
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Violet’s facial structure and eye shape are reminiscent of Total Drama’s Courtney, but I don’t have that kind of space.
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Violet, formerly Tracy, starts out with a more pinkish-purplish hue. Her earliest design has pigtails rather than a ponytail. Her personality emerges quickly, but she’s far less bombastic and articulated than usual. Throughout Rough Sketch the design grew more polished as she was increasingly written as the protagonist.
Right before Rough Sketch was canned to make way for the new continuity, Violet gained a more disheveled look. The series proper introduces her wedding ring, suit, choker, and more more gangly build. Her slight redesign flares her collar, changes her shirt, and gives her a build more believable of a “speedster” type of character, but otherwise remains the same.
Season One
Violet debuts in The Violet Act alongside the other five main characters. She’s the very first character to appear in this continuity, having apparently been fiddling with the camera’s controls until it begins broadcasting the episode. Throughout most of the early season, she’s largely seen overseeing the hiring of new employees and business procedures for ICT.
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Formblende marks the start of the “The More Things Change” A-Plot in which Violet finds herself in Headspace while lucid dreaming. She stumbles upon the eponymous being seemingly overseeing the creation of Ingrid and Geneva, only to be justifiably disturbed when she comes across them in her house in reality.
Walk the Dog picks up roughly a day later as Coco raises her concerns over the seeming cosmic rewrites occurring. Violet is initially skeptical, but quickly relents when she remembers the events of the previous day.
In Violet and Scarlett, her next major role afterwards, Scarlet shows up at the Oobay-Monade household. Violet is excited to see her aunt, although very briefly annoyed to see she had somehow gotten in minor legal trouble. The episode immediately after, Sykie, has Violet return to Headspace, where she overhears Sykie and Formblende conversing. The former finds her out immediately and ends her dream, prompting her to go to Chloe to borrow a notebook.
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After not having appeared in a while, Gordon reports Sky to her in Onward and Upward, the latter seeking a job. Violet accepts her, seeing a lot of herself in Sky. Traumedy has her learn more about who the Master Minds are, including the tidbit that she isn’t supposed to be in Headspace at all. She’s forcibly dragged back to consciousness and immediately reports her findings to Lyman, who suggests she uses her prior encounters to know when the next vision will come.
The Evils of Lies and Hate begins the season’s B-Plot, where she admits Landon into the company at his request.
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Be Inspired
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
The Yellow Drewman, Gordon
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Aesthetic: Tough
Age: 28 (Season One)
Alignment: Inhibitor
Badge: Exclamation Point
Color Type: Yellow
Debut: Welcome to Dullsville
Effects: Superpower (Gordon pours a fraction of his immense strength into an attack); Seismic Swing (Gordon shakes and weaponizes the ground beneath him); Thunder Clap (Gordon sends a shockwave via his hands); Demolition Derby (Gordon rushes forward with reckless abandon)
Family Members: Dalton and Isabelle Monade (Parents); Cordon, Jordan, and Holden Monade (Brothers and Sister); Tulip, Lily, Aster, Jasmine, Dahlia, and Poppy Oobay (Siblings-in-Law); Horton and Posy Oobay (Parents-in-Law); Violet Oobay (Wife); Rosie Monade (Daughter); Scarlett Rohl (Aunt-in-Law); Jet Rohl (Cousin-in-Law)
Rank: A (Primary Character)
Standout Features: Flattop, thick eyebrows, bead eyes, wedding ring, jacket
Character Bases
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His hairstyle, facial structure, and color scheme are all reminiscent of Topaz from Steven Universe, but I don’t have that kind of space.
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A lot of the characters were initially envisioned as teens; Gordon’s the most obvious case, even if he wasn’t rewritten as an adult until after the RS era’s end.
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Gordon’s actual design, right down to his jacket, remained the same for a long time.
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Character wise, the only major change is that ICT dials back his neuroses, making him more laidback and snarky.
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Be Responsible
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enteringdullsville · 10 months
The Scarlet Drewman, Scarlett
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Aesthetic: Awesome
Age: 45 (Season One)
Alignment: Enactor
Badge: Wheel
Color Type: Red
Debut: Violet and Scarlett
Effect(s): Windup Punch (Scarlett coils her arm snd goes for a punch); Rubber Burner (Scarlett runs over the opponent with the old “feet wheel” maneuver); Hand Slam (Scarlett clasps her hands together and crushes the opponent with them like a flail); Second Hand Smog (Scarlett exhales smog. Just because she quit smoking doesn’t mean she can’t use the attack)
Family: Jet Rohl (Son); Tulip, Lily, Aster, Violet, Jasmine, Dahlia, and Rose Oobay (Nieces and Nephew); Posy Oobay (Sister); Horton Oobay (Brother-In-Law); Gordon Monade and José Waltsought (Nephews-In-Law); Rosie Monade (Great Niece); Dalton and Isabelle Monade (Brother/Sister-In-Law); Holden, Jordan, and Cordon Monade (Nephews/Niece-In-Law); unnamed parents
Standout Features: Messy hair, skin colored sclerae, jacket with a fuzzy color, slippers.
Rank: A- (Main Character; Season One)
Character Bases
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Scarlett, formerly “Tate” and then “Shayla”, was an oddity among the RS/ICT cast in that she was added to the comic on a whim. After her first few appearances, her design motif settled into that of an old-timey rubber hose toon, hence her pie eyes.
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The character eventually abandoned this theme (largely because she was already far too not dead to have been alive and working during that era) and temporarily became Amber.
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Scarlett’s current color came about when Rosie, the original Scarlett, became Violet’s daughter as opposed to her sister. Rosie needed to be a shade of either pink or violet for her dessert theme naming to make sense, and the former being chosen left her old position up for grabs. Amber originally held this name, but Scarlett ultimately got it instead (trading colors with her in the process) because a month after Rosie (still named Scarlett at the time) was initially conceived, Pokémon TOTALLY STOLE MY IDEA and I eventually decided to just double down on the gag by keeping “Scarlett” and Violet related. Scarlett was then promoted from side character to main character to fill the void of a red-orange type Drewman in the main cast. As a side effect, more emphasis was put on her being entertaining and tricky than her simply being hardcore to separate her from Tyler, who was added to the main cast alongside her.
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Be Prepared
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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“…That was ill-conceived.”
It’s Color Theory EP. 5
More Art Than Science
For a string of episodes starting here, the characters’ badges appear on their speech bubbles.
Chloe’s attempt to blow up the sun is the culmination of a gag that started during Rough Sketch’s original ten episodes run and the subsequent three season series. In both, Chloe (then named Jade) destroyed the sun for the same reasons as she does here. In the former, Peony (then named Rosie) brings it up in passing, and in the latter, Peony/Rosie and Rudy happen upon Chloe/Jade as she’s about to destroy it with a missile. Here, the entire incident happens onscreen with Rudy as the sole witness. Additionally, the sun remains partially intact. Unlike in the prototypes, Chloe immediately realizes the obvious flaw in her plan upon carrying it out.
The events of this episode end up haunting Chloe for the rest of the series.
This is the first episode to give Rudy extended dialogue.
“Professor Schadenfreude”, as mentioned by Rudy, is a parody of Dr. Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb, which in retrospect is an early indication of how Chloe’s plan will go over.
This is the first episode to take entirely outdoors and to completely lack any scenes in the Oobay-Monade household.
This is the first episode in which Chloe is seen smiling and (as Rudy lampshades) she does so throughout the comic’s entirety.
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