#Masked singer kitty
iheartleopards · 1 year
masked singer us as mashin Sentai kiramager
Rhino as kiramai red❤️
Turtle as kiramai yellow💛
Night angel as kiramai green💚
frog as kiramai blue💙
Kitty as kiramai pink🩷
Astronaut as kiramai silver 🤍
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The Masked Singer Season 3 Characters!
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1st: Night Angel - Kandi Burruss
2nd: Turtle - Jesse McCartney
3rd: Frog - Bow Wow
4th: Rhino - Barry Zito
5th: Kitty - Jackie Evancho
6th: Astronaut - Hunter Hayes
7th: Banana - Bret Michaels
8th: Kangaroo - Jordyn Woods
9th: White Tiger - Rob Gronkowski
10th: T-Rex - JoJo Siwa
11th: Swan - Bella Thorne
12th: Bear - Sarah Palin
13th: Taco - Tom Bergeron
14th: Mouse - Dionne Warwick
15th: Elephant - Tony Hawk
16th: Miss Monster - Chaka Khan
17th: Llama - Drew Carey
18th: Robot - Lil Wayne
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mysticalsaupage · 2 years
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First art here woohoo
So I decided to make Kitty a bad guy >:)
She's a robber, robbing at banks, homes, jewelry stores, and everywhere she can rob. She's also a gambler. She is a sucker for money. She really is a dangerous woman ;)
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2tcs · 2 months
Day 4: Going to an event where a relative is performing and Planet
“Come on hurry up!” Steph’s excitement was contagious as Dick began bouncing on his toes as they tried to find a good spot to see the stage. Tim had offered to buy seats in the balcony to be able to see better without the crowd but apparently they needed the ‘full mosh experience’. 
“Who are these people again Steph?” Tim asked. He knew exactly who they were but it was always fun pretending he didn’t.
“Ugh. Tim! I know you know who the Specters are! And today they’re doing a face reveal at the end of the show!” Steph said as she started to bounce in place. Watching her and Dick standing next to each other reminds Tim of why he ordered more shots of espresso than normal. They were like excited puppies.
“Happy. Excited.” Cass whispered next to him while smiling at Steph and Dick.
“GOOD EVENING GOTHAM CITY!” The lead singer, Farshee, said as a toxic green glow and fog overtook the stage. “WE ARE THE SPECTERS. AND TONIGHT. TONIGHT WE WILL PLAY FOR YOU THE CONCERT OF THE DEAD!”
At the end of this announcement, the lights brightened to wight and the fog cleared and revealed the band members. Farshee the lead singer, Siren the lead guitar, Temptress on the bass guitar, and Jinx on the drums.
“LET’S SET THIS THING OFF!” Siren yelled before letting strumming her guitar as her and Temptress screamed before Farshee started singing.
Throughout the concert, Tim noticed how a lot of the songs involved accidents and death. It shouldn’t have been much of a surprise considering the name of the band and the name they chose for this concert. Tim thinks he remembers Steph saying that it was the name that the band was using for their upcoming album. By the time the band Tim had completely forgotten the reveal. That is until Farshee took off his mask and Time was faced with the face of his twin. The twin he wasn’t supposed to know about. The twin that his parents had given up at birth. Holy shit! That way Daniel!
“So now you've seen our faces.” Farshee said with a slight smile on his lips as his bandmates took off their own masks. “My name is Danny.”
“My name is Ember. Remember it.” Siren said as she strummed a cord on her guitar.
“You can call me Kitty.” Temptress gave her name with a wink as Jinx walked up and wrapped an arm around her waist.
“And I’m Jonny. Sup.”
“Now I know many of you are wondering why we decided to reveal ourselves. Well in order for me to properly explain I need to clear up a common misconception about us. When we first started two years ago many of you pegged us as being metas. Now many of you have noticed that we never confirmed or denied this. And there's a reason for that.” After saying that Danny posed and seemed to be trying to fortify his nerves. As Tim looked at the other members of the band he noticed that they were all fidgeting.
“Nervous. Scared.” Cass said beside Tim.
“Scared of what? Met as are protected.” Steph asked as Dick got a serious look on his face.
“The truth is.” Danny started before nervously licking his lips. “The truth is that we’re not. Metas that is. We do have powers but those powers are something most of our people have. We're what the American government has dubbed an ecto-entities.We call ourselves spirits and ghosts. After tonight our website will have a forum posted for questions if you have any. But the main thing to know is that during Luthor's presidency a set of laws were passed called the Anti-Ecto Acts. These laws state that anything that is made of, produces, or consumes a substance called ectoplasm is to be handed over to the government for containment, experimentation, and disposal.” As Danny spoke more and more voices in the crowd started to shout in outrage at what was just implied.
“That goes in direct violation of the meta protection act.” Dick said in shock.
“Shit. Its real.” Tim gasped in shock as he looked up the law on his phone, catching the attention of some of the people around him who pulled out their phones to look at the law themselves.
“There’s a branch of the government that is tasked with enforcing this law. They are called the Ghost Investigation Ward or GIW. Normally we would not be open with what we are due to this group but in the last month there has been a change. A large number of people nationwide have disappeared. Normally this would, sadly, be normal. People disappear every day. But our people keep a census on who and how many of us are on this side of the vail. And over a third of those people have disappeared practically overnight. So this is us. Calling out to the Justice League and you the people. Help us be able to exist in peace. Help us gain our freedom. And help us call out the US government. This government sanctioned genocide. And if you think that you are safe? That this doesn’t affect you? Just look around. How many people do you know who have had a brush with death? How many heroes do you know of who have died and then come back to life? Death leaves a mark. That is a saying that you hear everywhere. And it is true. Anyone who has been close to death has traces of ectoplasm on them. Therefore they are subject to the Anti-Ecto Act.” Sighing Danny looked up into the crowd. Searching for something before addressing the audience again. “I wish we could end this concert on a happy note. But I can’t brush this off anymore. I can’t ignore it anymore. And I hope you all reach out to your loved ones and make sure they're safe. I hope you all stay safe.”
With a final look around the stadium the Specters walked backstage, leaving everyone else to find their own exit.
“I think the B will want to hear about this.” Dick said.
“I think he’s going to have an aneurysm the moment he hears about this.” Steph adds.
“Mad.” Cass said with a nod.
“Typing up the report now and running a scan of all government documentation that references ghosts, spirits, ectoplasm, and the Anti-Ecto Acts. They’re set to automatically download and save a copy to my private laptop. That way I have a viable excuse if these GIW agents can see if their stuff is tampered with. So far I can see a lot of redacted files. This might take O getting involved.” Tim said before turning away from the exit to head backstage.
“And where are you going?” Dick asked.
“To talk to my brother.”
“What are you talking about? I didn’t see anyone else here.” Steph said as she caught up with Tim.
“New old brother.” Cass smiled while looking at Tim.
“Ya Cass. Our parents gave him up for adoption when we were born so he probably doesn’t know. The only reason I know was after the first clone debacle with Cadmus and I did a search on my one face. Got a 99% match and looked into him. Our parents didn’t even give him a name.”
“Well that’s messed up. We’ll just have to make sure he knows that he is always welcome. You know B will have the papers signed the moment he sees him and finds out that he needs help.” Dick chimed in as he typed something on his phone. Judging by the chime that Tim heard from Steph and Cass phones he must have messaged the group chat.
“Hay you! You can’t go back there.” A guard said as they were about to head through the employees only doors.
“My name is Timothy Drake-Wayne. I want to help but I need to talk to the Specters to see if they would be willing to work with the Wayne lawyers to help fight the government. Would you please inform the band of my offer? Me and my family will wait here while you do.” Tim said before leaning against the wall making it clear he wasn’t going to leave until his request was fulfilled.
“I can ask if they will see you but no means no and if they don’t want to see you”
“Then we will leave. Now please inform them of my offer.”
“Pushy rich pricks.” The guard mumbled before gesturing for another guard to watch the door while he delivered the message.
A few minutes later and a coded report to Bruce's batphone the guard came back and waved them through the door and towards the break room that the band was using. Upon entering the room Tim noticed that the band had already changed out into more comfortable clothing and were lounging around the far side of the room. Except for Danny. He was sitting at a table that was placed in the middle of the room. When he noticed them enter he sat up straighter and gave a half smile.
“Hay Tim. Never thought we would ever get to meet face to face. Wish it was under better circumstances though.” Danny greeted them.
“You expected to meet me someday?” Tim asked as he took the seat across from Danny.
“A friend of mine pointed out how much we looked alike and we joked about it until my sister overheard us and mentioned that mom and dad kept my adoption papers with our baby memorabilia in the attic. I thought she was just joking and told her to prove it. So she grabbed the papers and showed them to me. Mr. and Mrs. Drake’s names were on the birth certificate. A little google searching and figured out that we were twins. I also know that you looked into me a few years back yourself.” Danny chuckled.
“After the Cadmus Labs were found to be doing cloning I got a bit paranoid and did a facial recognition scan on the internet. Found you and did my own digging. You looked happy. I didn’t want to intrude.” Tim said before pulling out his phone and bringing up the acts. “I can get a hold of my lawyers and have them fight the validity of this law. I can also make sure that you and your friends and family are safe.”
“Thank you Tim. And here. I was planning on getting Batman's attention while I was here and giving him this but considering the Wayne famile’s connections? This is just as good.” Danny said as he pushed a small cloth pencil bag over to Tim.
“A flash drive?” Dick asked as he looked over Tim’s shoulder as he opened the bag.
“Several flash drives.” Steph said as she took the bag from Tim and started counting.
“It’s all the information that me and my friends were able to get. They’re even color coded. green is for the laws and basic profiling. yellow is for the things that the GIW has been caught doing in public. And red is for the things that they have been doing behind closed doors. I would suggest leaving the red one for the Justice League. It has some really graphic stuff on it that someone who hasn’t seen the worst of humanity wouldn’t be able to handle.” Danny said while looking at his hands. “I don’t want you to see them.”
“They hurt you.” Cass said softly while hugging herself.
“Ya. They hurt me. And so many others… Tim. Here’s my personal number. If you or the League has any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. And here.” Danny began drawing on a piece of paper before handing what looked like a summoning circle over to Tim with his card. “That is a one time use summoning circle for Prince Phantom.”
“You know a Prince?” Dick asked.
“This is Tim’s twin brother. Are you seriously surprised that someone who shared a womb with this weirdo wouldn’t have strange acquaintances?” Steph asked while giving Dick a deadpan look.
“Fine. You have a point.” Dick pouted.
“Here. This is by business card and on the back is my personal cell number. I’ll make sure these get to the Bat. I’ll admit. I’m curious how you got involved with this. So if you’re willing. Can we talk about it?” Tim asked when he handed over his own card.
“Thanks. I’ll think about it. But me and my friends need to get moving so when the GIW storm Gotham looking for us we’ll be hidden away in one of the safe houses that we have set up.”
“Are you sure you wouldn’t like to stay in one of the safehouses that we have set up?” Tim offered.
“No, but I appreciate the offer. It’s just safer if we don’t involve you any more than I already have.” Danny said while going over to the door and opening it. Clearly indicating the end of the discussion.
“Okay. Just know my offer stands. Talk to you later?”
“Ya. Talk to you later. Stay safe.” Danny said before shutting the door behind him.
“Welp. Back to work I guess.” Steph shrugged as she began to walk back the way they came.
“Don’t worry Tim. We’ll make sure these laws are repealed and you can set up a proper meeting with your twin.” Dick tried to reassure Tim as he wrapped one of his arms around Tim’s shoulder in a side hug.
“Protect brother.” Cass promised as she tapped her knuckles against Tim’s.
When they got home they called an emergency meeting in the batcave. And after Batman read through the law he took a quick glimpse of what was on the red flash drive. And immediately took the flash drives and headed to the watchtower.
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konjkitkatty · 4 months
A LONG list of fun facts abt my guardians bc i cant sit down and draw rn i am so HRGRGRGR help me
Bat can’t sleep under blankets, he also dislikes sleeping upside down
Bear has a fear of the deep sea
Dove would be the best singer out of the crew
Bear was one of the most skilled swordfighters on her crew- not the BEST though and that really bothered her.
Dove doesn’t actually go out of her way to eat metal because she likes it, it’s more an impulsive thing than anything
Bat’s eyes are super sensitive to light- his main ones a tad less than the extra ones
Kitty grew up in a cat village in Darkwood, they used to be a much more vibrant color (i guess rolling in mud to mask the cat smell’ll mess up ur coat huh)
Kitty doesn’t have their sword when the Lamb fights them, only the sacrificial dagger
Kitty’s tail can grow roses on it if you spritz it with water
Dove is the most harmless of the gang while in Lamb’s cult- her “pranks” range from making the Lamb sit on an itchy stick to drawing frownie lamb faces over the outhouses to “scare the shit” out of people
That last prank works a hell of a lot more often than you’d expect it would.
In a tree-climbing competition Kitty and Dove are tied for first place
Bear has the best memory out of every guardian
Dove specializes in ambush attacks
Kitty is the only guardian who could’ve freely left their station if they really wanted to
Dove is a mourning dove
Bat is a fruit bat
Bear could beat the Lamb in an arm wrestle
Bear could also beat a majority of the indoctrinated bishops in an arm wrestle (except Heket, she probably couldn’t beat Heket)
Bear is also the most likely to kill Narinder had he been present in the cult (Kitty would not INITIATE in murder- not on their own- but they’d help hide the body)
Kitty is the only guardian the Lamb can give a necklace to- Bat Bear and Dove’s skull necklaces are not removable.
If Kitty were given a skull necklace from the Lamb, it would also become irremovable.
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pyrohearts · 4 months
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rina tennoji npts
names - harmony, kitty, lyric, magic, melody, nana, rhythm, rin, riri, rose, sparkle, synth, techna
pronouns - cute/cutes, digi/digital, emote/emotes, idol/idols, mask/masks, mic/mics, nyan/nyans, pink/pinkie, shy/shy, sing/sings, smile/smiles, tech/techs
titles - prn who has kitty ears, prn who is singing cheerfully, prn who is wearing a mask, prn who loves technology, prn who never shows prns emotions, the cutest idol, the idol with a digital mask, the shy singer
i hope these are okay, im not super familer w this character so i just went off what i found on her fandom wiki <3 i was rlly stuck on the names so theres not many i hope you dont mind
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misskittyhart · 6 months
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Contracts & Beasts
Warning: violent content ahead
The night was buzzing with the sound of the denizens of hell going about their eternities. The lights of the streets illuminated the mischief and violence happening around the city. Screams and gunfire was like a soundtrack on repeat in hell. Explosions, and yelling over territory ripe for the picking.
Hell was….hellish. It didn’t bother Kitty Hart. Life above had been far more cruel, and having to hide the wild beast under a mask was always so troublesome. In hell she found more freedom than she had ever had above dirt.
It was another night working at the Jazz Club the Black Dahlia. It had been many decades since she had passed from Earth, and woke in hell. However it seemed habits were hard to break, as she still was a jazz singer. Hell was a far cry from her beautiful New Orleans, and the 1920s seemed like a century ago. Nevertheless, Kitty made do.
She was becoming quite the little starlet at this new club. She moved frequently trying to find anywhere that she could belong. So many people she had met didn’t see eye to eye with her. It seems the manners and class of the 20s was all but lost here.
Sighing heavily the little fox demon made her way into the club. Waving lightly to the employees she passed, burying her mind in music, wanting to lose her self for the night ahead.
Before she knew it, it was time to take to the Stage. It was time to feel the hot stage lights on her skin, and feel the music swell deep with in her soul. She commanded that stage with a great sense of grace and arrogance. Pride oozing off of her as she belted her songs to the packed house. The air was hot, thick and heavy with an eager crowd.
Her sex appeal in those heavy beaded, hip hugging dressed had men clawing at the stage at her. One was way too bold and had climbed on the stage groping her. The fox did not hesitate to lash out. Leaping from the stage in a blind fury and chasing him into the crowd. The manager panicked and began to have the band play solo to distract.
Kitty tore after him like a feral beast set free from its cage. A long hunting knife in her clawed hand, large fox ears pinned back, grace and speed moved her through the onlooking crowd.
The sinner bolted into the alley way with Kitty on his heels. Her fangs bared fiercely. She rounded up on him.
“Did your mother never teach you about consent you vile worm of a man!” She spat.
The fox demon pinned him up against the wall with a fury. The sinner tussled with her trying to get away but her knife made contact. It made contact again. And again. Again. Again. A blind flurry of stabbing as a wild look of blood lust burned in her eyes. A deep seeded rage coursing through her traumatized soul. She in her life was abused and assaulted by a wicked ex husband, in an arranged marriage. She was in hell for this very reason, killing abusive men. The little vixen took deep pride and putting men like this in their place.
Starter for
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iheart-nana · 7 days
xix. on my mind
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩⋆。° ✮
CHAPTER NINETEEN ─  on my mind.
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❛ in losing grip on sinking ships, you showed up just in time. ❜
Choi Yumi's Perspective
The metal benches in the music club waiting area felt cool against my legs which swung back and forth leisurely. It occurred to me that I probably looked extremely suspicious sitting there idly, looking here and there, as if I was waiting for someone. If I was completely honest to myself, I would have said that I wanted to see Taesung one more time. It was stupid, but it was true. I'd found it impossible to keep his kitty cat face out of my head, and I hadn't seen him in a few days. However, I'd rather tear apart my limbs and use them for making furniture than admit that I was interested in a teenage boy. So, I sat there, telling myself that the cool breeze that entered through the main entrance felt nice and there was nothing to do at home.
My head turned way faster than it should have when I heard one of the doors open. To my dismay, it was Inhyuk. And all the band members. Except Taesung. It was as if the universe was playing tricks on me. I failed to fight the urge, and asked Inhyuk, "Hey! Do you have any idea where Taesung is? I haven't seen him in a few days."
"Oh! He's sick, actually," he informed me, "Why do you ask?"
"Oh... umm..." I stuttered, "I wanted to uhh... talk to him... about... something."
"He should be back soon," said Inhyuk thoughtfully, "It's a shame he's got sick just before his birthday."
His words struck me like lightning in a thunderstorm, "His birthday? When's that?" I asked before I could stop myself.
"It's on the coming Sunday," Inhyuk answered, and I could have sworn there was a mischievous glint in his eyes, "I feel like we should plan something for him. His mom lives overseas, and his dad is a cop, so he's always busy."
"We should," it was too late until I realized my choice of words, "I mean you! You should..."
Inhyuk smirked, "You can help if you like! You guys are friends, right?"
"I guess so," I mumbled, feeling my face getting warmer. I may have looked normal at that moment, but my heart was ready to leap out of my chest and run a half marathon.
Choi Eunyoung's Perspective
The summer heat pricked my skin, relieved by the occasional breeze. I sat at the bus stop with my head hung, as if I looked up at the Sun for even a second, I would have lost my eyesight, which I valued far too much. I must have looked like a ghost, for I was so absorbed by my own thoughts that they drowned out the chatter of other students around me.
Sunjae occupied every corner of my mind, a relentless tide washing away thoughts of anything else. Even after my daily visits, a gnawing worry remained. Was the brave facade he presented a mask for a deeper pain? Witnessing his struggle fueled an anger within me, an anger directed at the cruel twist of fate that had stolen his dream.
But beneath the anger, a different emotion swirled – a confusing tangle that defied definition. Was it simple admiration for his talent? Fanatic devotion for the singer? Or was it something more? The thought itself sent a shiver down my spine.
I couldn't dare to contemplate any further. Trapped in this strange era, with no clue when – or even if – I'd return to my own time, the future stretched before me like a blurry landscape. Each stolen moment with Sunjae felt like a step closer to a precipice, a place where the joy of connection might be shattered by the inevitable goodbye. Fear rose inside my chest from time to time- if I gave in to these feelings, would I ever be able to look away?
Breaking my train of thought, a finger tapped on my shoulder. I looked up slowly, my eyes widening at the face that stared at me with a mischievous smirk. Eyes that glimmered in the Sun and smiling lips that sent my heart racing. "Sunjae! What are you doing here!"
"I'm here to surprise you," he said, taking a seat beside me, flashing the dimple on his right cheek. He was dressed in a simple white t-shirt and black jeans. As I noticed the sling wrapped around his injured shoulder, I felt my heart sink. "You're happy to see me, I hope?"
"Of course I am!" I exclaimed, beaming. How could I not be? "Are you even allowed to be roaming around like this? Weren't you supposed to be discharged this Friday?"
"The doctor said I didn't need to stay in the hospital any longer," he informed me. A wave of relief washed over me.Sunjae's face broke into a wide grin, the first genuine happiness I'd seen since his surgery. His smile, like sunlight breaking through the clouds, made my stomach do a little flip.
"I'm so glad!" I said to him, the smile never leaving my face, "I bet you were tried of seeing those white walls everyday. There's no place like home, am I right?"
Ryu Sunjae's Perspective
She had no idea that she was, in fact, home to him. A constant pillar of support in his darkest hour. Admist the uncertainties of his career, she stood by him unfailingly, offering priceless advice and a shoulder to cry on. "You're right. I'm glad to be back home." I answered, thinking to myself, "By your side, that is."
"Your dad must be thrilled, right? she beamed.
"Sure, he is," even mention of my father's apparent elation couldn't dim my spirits as I continued smiling at her, mostly in admiration of her unreal beauty.
"Oh! I almost forgot!" she uttered suddenly, "I got something for you!" My eyebrows shot up, "What?! How come?!"
"It's just a little gift," Eunyoung told me, "Something to cheer you up after your days in the hospital."
Narrator's Perspective
Sunjae sat silently in the living room of Eunyoung's house with his hands placed awkwardly on his lap. His eyes scanned the place absent-mindedly as he waited for Eunyoung to emerge from her room. The atmosphere was extremely still and silent. A stack of magazines and newspapers sat on the little coffee table in the centre of the room alongside the couch. The curtains were drawn, and the only sources of light were two tall lamps on either corner of the sofa.  It was almost as if no one had been living there.
To anyone else, it might have seemed slightly spooky; But all Sunjae could think of was their stolen moment after he got taken to the hospital during swim practice. About two weeks had passed since it happened, but to him, the memory was crystal clear, as if it happened the previous day. A warmth crept up his cheeks at the thought. A part of him felt embarrassed and stupid. Was he really going to kiss her? Did that make him look brazen to her? He had successfully convinced himself that he imagined it, but he could have sworn that she leaned in too.
"I found it!" Eunyoung's voice put a full stop to Sunjae's flashback as he pulled himself back to the present. She held a blue cap in her hand. It was an ordinary cap to anyone else, but she had picked it out with great thoughtfulness. "Blue was the colour of the umbrella that you gave me the day we met. I wanted it to be something meaningful." A shy smile and a soft pink blush surfaced on her face.
Sunjae could feel his entire body burning up. He felt as if he had been glued to the couch. He didn't want to lead himself on and let himself misinterpret her actions. How could someone so dazzling have the slightest interest in him? Yet, the smallest glimmer of hope bloomed in his heart. Maybe, just maybe...
"It's incredible," he breathed out. The words barely made it out of his mouth, and he could swear his heart had plans of jumping out of his heart and clinging onto Eunyoung. "I love it... thank you! I can't- I don't know how to thank you, really."
"It's nothing," she brushed off, the blush on her cheeks deepening, "I'm just glad you like it."
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩⋆。° ✮
nayoung's notes:eunyoung and sunjae are so cute i can't 🤧✋
delphi's notes: yumi has no idea what she just got herself into.
next chapter: saturday list of chapters here!
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themasked-stimmer · 10 months
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Kitty (The Masked Singer US 3)
🐱 🐱 🐱/🐱 🐱 🐱/🐱 🐱 🐱
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skzinka · 1 year
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timeline : july, 2021
summary : things can be complicated at times, but inka knows that she can always count on a certain person to make her smile.
word count : 1k >
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it was quite unusual for kalaya to spend the evening outside the dormitory, without her closest friends. but today was a special day, and for once she dared to put her nose outside — she had to take the opportunity to spend time with a certain someone.
hidden behind her hello kitty mask, waiting in front of a karaoke club, she did not wait long before feeling a hand on her shoulder, suddenly attracting her attention. with a little apprehension – not sure if this hand belonged to someone familiar or not – her gaze softened as her eyes fell on the boy's pretty face and eyes smile, lit by a few street lamps.
inka hastened to greet him, smiling fondly behind her mask, before mechanically catching the corner of his sleeve between her fingers to keep him close to her, as if she were afraid of suddenly being alone. the boy followed her closely inside, while she reserved a karaoke room just for the two of them, a good part of the night.
following the waiter quite quickly, the two young idols could finally find themselves face to face between four soundproof walls. « i'm so happy to see you, » she said softly but we excitement, finally letting go of the boy's sleeve, « i hope you like karaoke. »
it was probably a silly question to ask a singer if he liked karaoke, but the crystalline laughter that escaped from her lips melted the heart of the red haired boy, who frankly nodded as he sat down beside her.
« what do you want to eat? it's my treat. » — inka raised her head to protest, but her eyes met his gaze ; the latter was way too persuasive for her to decline his offer. so, with a pout on her lips, she shyly pointed to the menu to let him know what she wanted to eat, to which he added a few bottles of soju and his own meal.
while waiting for their dishes to arrive, he turned towards her, watching her face and her gesture attentively and tenderly, despite the crackle of shyness that wandered through his body. « how do you feel these days? » — he asked gently, before she shrugged her shoulders.
« i'm definitely not at my best, but i'm definitely better than i was a few weeks ago. » she answered while nodding slowly, turning completely to face the boy who seemed very attentive to her words. inka noticed his soft and concentrated gaze, as if he was absorbed by what she was saying — she wasn't shy by nature, but she could swear that his gaze made her cheekbones flush.
although the two friends had been knowing each other for a few months now, inka knew that she felt something quite special towards him : something extremely comforting and which made her feel completely safe at his side. that was probably the reason why she felt a certain shyness in the pit of her stomach.
as he was about to answer her, one of the karaoke employees opened the door to drop off their food and drinks, greeting them politely before leaving the room. inka thanked her friend for the food a thousand times, before starting to eat, blowing on her extra spicy noodles to avoid burning her tongue. he did the same, swallowing a few sips of soju in the process, minding his own business, when all of a sudden she turned towards him : « oh, and you, how are you? »
the red-haired boy seemed to think about this question for a few moments, while she observed him with a delicate and benevolent look. he finally puts his chopsticks on the corner of his bowl, before looking deep into her eyes : inka felt herself being sucked into his black orbs, so much that she suddenly lost her ability to speak, « i think i feel better since i started talking to you. »
it was unexpected, so much that her heart missed a beat. she took her eyes off his and simply nodded, hiding the smile on her lips behind her dark hair. she felt like she was acting like a teenager, but it had to be said : it had been a long time since anyone had treated her like that.
the night continued in the same way : with laughter, bright smiles and passionate glances innocently exchanged. the sweet alcohol flowed through their veins, making them sing at the top of their lungs as if they were all alone in the world. two close friends enjoying a moment of respite from their reality : something precious and rare, that the little thai girl cherished deep in her kind of broken heart. this kind of moment made kalaya feel really good, flooding her being with happiness and allowing her mind to forget all the bad things in her life a little.
and that was all that mattered to him.
seeing her smile was the best gift he could hope for, and he was even more satisfied if it was because of him that she smiled so widely.
the night was slowly coming to an end, and after jumping, dancing, screaming and play dumb around for hours and hours, the two young adults found themselves lying on the benches of the room, parallel to each other. inka's face was to the right of the boy's, who was watching the colored particles dance on the ceiling. « kalaya, » he said suddenly, in a hoarse voice that made the girl shiver, « i noticed something. »
intrigued by his words and somewhat directed by alcohol, the brunette swivelled and found herself close to the boy, her face just above his, but upside down — like a spiderman-kind-of-kiss scene. their eyes connected with each other, getting lost in their benevolent and innocent look.
« you smile a lot more since we’ve met, » he whispered, his words towering over the music playing in the background, which made the girl smile gently, « i really love your smile, kalaya. »
inka rested her chin against the palm of her left hand, using the other who was free to gently trace the features of his face, a little reddened by alcohol. the small touches filled with tenderness made the young boy capsize, and he could not take his eyes off her. he was bewitched — and his heart too. tracing the curve of his jaw to finish by coaxing his right cheek, the girl bit her lower lip, before confessing a secret, that seeped into the hollow of his ear, « if i smile that much, it's because you make my heart feel better. »
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✧⠁taglist : @invuwrld @writerblock-sucks @mynameisnotlaura @alyszaen @felixsbrat @alixnsuperstxr
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straykidsnews · 2 months
[240717] 06:26 AM KST
:The time difference is... a disaster.
[240717] 12:49 PM KST
: Catnip the kitten in King of Mask Singer and our kitten in Lee Mujin Service
: I enjoyed watching and listening to them
: !!!
: I saw them all
[240717] 12:56 PM KST
: We talked about it a lot but I forgot to tell y/n.
: They are so good
: Why does our kitty look like a pure-hearted boy when he sings? I'm surprised
: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
: He looks so kind/sweet
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 months
But, out of all the people in the room, the one who looks most surprised is David. He blinks at Max rapidly, as if Max didn’t speak French, but grew two heads instead
I was waiting for David's heart attack when Max first spoke French and he did not disappoint
We should do a collab,” Kitty grins. “People will lose their shit.”
Max doesn’t say yes or no. All he knows is that he can’t say anything without the Comms team approving it first. “Sounds good. I just need to-”
“Perhaps we should start?” David clears his throat. “We do need to catch a flight to Marseille after this.”
The jealous David in this fic is off the charts and they haven't even slept together, this is the best jealous David has a special place in my heart
“I think it really depends on the genre we’re talking about,” David shrugs. “Max quite likes 80’s rock bands. You know, Metallica, AC/DC, The Smiths and the sorts. But if we’re talking more modern singers, he quite likes Kendrick Lamar, Frank Ocean, The Weeknd. He’s quite obsessed with Doja Cat these days.”
Max blinks.
Did…Did Anjali put all of that into his fact sheet? She must have. Otherwise, how would David know all of that? Anjali must’ve done it. She is very thorough after all.
I first read this and I though Anjali didn't put all of these in the spread sheet did she? And then I read about David's obsession with Max and oh I can't wait for Max to find out about it, I just know I'll love it!
He points at David who looks like a little murderous for no reason. Maybe he doesn’t want to attend Coachella either. Good.
Did I save and cherish every bit of jealous David I could find? Yes, what of it?
Why do you look pissed?” Max demands.
“You’re the one who sounds like it,” David replies.
“Yeah, because you’re pissed at me for no reason,” Max argues. “I didn’t even do-”
“Cameras,” Uncle Jace says from behind them just as the elevator door opens.
Max smiles. David does too.
Okay that was kinda sad, how they have to put on a mask immediately. But also kinda funny
Max takes off his hoodie and throws it away. “Go on. Take a picture. Actually, take several. I need to pick the best one.”
“Um,” David blinks at him.
Pour David is out there fighting for his life and Max has no idea😂 The way Max is so oblivious here is so hilarious, I just love their interactions so much
Maybe he can help his family win the Devlins to their side.
Nooo, trauma reaction was big here.Max, babe run. Run the other way. Run fast and hard and never look back
He will never be enough, and he will always be a little wrong
Nooooo Max nooooo, David come here and make your man feel better!
Random thoughts:
Okay, Max talking about the woman Rafael is gonna end up with when he is in Coachella only to get a text from Anjali immediately after? Amazing✨️
Also, Madeleine saying she loves Sabrina and Sabrina being her daughters cast? I see you👀
And of course, David never having someone to try and do things for him and Max never having someone willing to hear his thoughts. Them giving each other what no one else gave them. I am love them🥹
This "getting to know you" chapters was my favourite and I was sooo tempted to keep writing more scenes of it lol.
Also not Max learning all kinds of things about David and David be like 'I could write a book about you' lol. My stalker king 😇
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starshine-valley · 11 months
Prosekai opinions :DD (credits go to @ace-and-the-rpg-horrors !! + added stuff)
Favorite Virtual Singer: Rin
Favorite member: Honami
Favorite Singer: Shiho
Favorite Commissioned song: NeedLe
Favorite Cover: Kagerou Daze
Favorite Event: Resonating with You or Stella After the Rain
Favorite Card Set: Carrying Our Thoughts and Feelings, Shooting Star!! (That’s what the Gacha is called anyway)
Favorite in unit ship: Poly/Need or ShihoSaki
Favorite NPC: lori
Favorite out of unit ship: Honakana, IchiNene, HaruSaki, ShihoAn
More More Jump:
Favorite Virtual Singer: Len
Favorite Member: Haruka
Favorite Singer: Shizuku
Favorite Commissioned Song: More Jump More or Newly Edgy Idols
Favorite Cover: Love Trial or Shoujo Rei
Favorite Event: You Deserve It! Break Time! Or Hear Me! Hopeful Show♪
Favorite Card Set: Casting Magic! Witch Craft
Favorite in unit ship: Polyjump or Minoai/minoharu
Favorite NPC: Nanamin
Favorite out of unit ship: AiriEna, Shizumafu, HaruSaki, Kohamino
Vivid Bad Squad:
Favorite Virtual Singer: Len, Rin and Meiko
Favorite Member: Akito (ew /j)
Favorite Singer: Akito and An
Favorite Commissioned Song: Gekokujou or CRaZY
Favorite Cover: ECHO
Favorite Event: Light Up The Fire or BURN MY SOUL
Favorite Card Set: Chasing That Day’s Light
Favorite in unit ship: Anhane
Favorite NPC: … taiga :DD (/j (kotaro mita))
Favorite out of unit ship: ToyaRui, MizuAn, MinoKoha (akitaro if that counts?)
Wonderlands x Showtime:
Favorite Virtual Singer: Luka and Miku
Favorite Member: Emu
Favorite Singer: Tsukasa
Favorite Commissioned Song: Mr. Showtime or Tondemo Wonders (i’m tondemo wonders biggest fan real not fake)
Favorite Cover: King, Positive Dance Time, Nonsense Bungaku and Ah, It’s a Wonderful Cat’s Life
Favorite Event: Smile of a Dreamer
Favorite Card Set: Hidden Circus and Never Ending Showtime
Favorite in unit ship: Emukasa !!
Favorite NPC: Hinata Otori
Favorite out of unit ship: ToyaRui and IchiNene
Nightcord at 25:
Favorite Virtual Singer: Kaito, Len and Luka
Favorite Member: Ena
Favorite singer: Mizuki and Ena
Favorite Commissioned Song: Kitty, Samsa, Theater, Jackpot Sad Girl and IDsmile
Favorite Cover: Self inflicted Achromatic and Bitter Choco Decoration
Favorite Event: Immiscible Discord and Saying goodbye to my masked self
Favorite Card Set: Poisonous Fangs and Peeking Shadows, Escape from Rain, Where is ♡? And Ball of the Marionettes
Favorite in unit ship: Kanaena
Favorite NPC: Mizuki’s Sister or Futaba
Favorite out of unit ship: MizuAn, Honakana and AiriEna
Favorite unit: Vivid Bad Squad and Leo/Need
Unit Ranking: Vivid Bad Squad / Leo/Need, Nightcord at 25:00 / More More Jump, Wonderlands x Showtime (i love them i promise just not as much as the others 😭🙏🏻)
Unit with the best main story: Leo/Need
Unit with the best event stories: Vivid Bad Squad
Unit with the best cover songs: More More Jump
Unit with the best commissioned songs: Wonderlands x Showtime
Unit with the best cards: Nightcord at 25:00
Top five singers: Mizuki, Shiho, Ena, Shizuku and Akito
Top five characters: Ena, Honami, Akito, Emu and Haruka
Favorite virtual singer: Rin
Favorite Mixed Event: Standing Next to the Kind and Gentle You (i love honakana) and KAMIYAMA HIGH FESTIVAL!
Favorite Mixed Cart Set: Bon Voyage・Sailing and Bonding
Favorite Popular Ship: Honakana (??) or ShihoSaki / Poly/Need
Favorite rarepair: shizumafu and ichinene
Favorite Commissioned Song: NEO, Be The Music and Salamander !!
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agile37 · 1 year
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Relationship: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Midoriya Izuku
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Izuku, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Shinsou Hitoshi
Additional Tags: Adult Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Go to U.A. High School, Pro Hero Midoriya Izuku, NO UNDERAGE RELATIONSHIPS, Midoriya Izuku Has One for All Quirk, Second First Meetings, Meet-Cute, Humor, Romantic Comedy, Enemies to Lovers, One Sided Enemies to Lovers, Alternate Universe, Crack Treated Seriously, Smitten Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is Shinsou Hitoshi's Uncle, Swearing, Mentions of Hello Kitty, Midoriya Izuku is a Tease
Series: Part 2 of Plunder Bunny AU
Shouta was a man on a mission, he had to find the lead singer of the band he saw on Saturday night so he could propose to him. If only he didn't have to deal with Nezu making him teach with the Number 3 Pro Hero Dekiru. Spotlight heroes are the freaking worst!
“So I was thinking about where you should take me for dinner after I win…” Dekiru started. Shouta was going to ignore the obvious provocation, but there was something different about the hero’s voice. It lacked the distortion effect from the mask. Shouta let his curiosity get the better of him and looked over at the hero, wanting to see the look on his actual face when Shouta told him exactly where he’d be eating dinner tonight, only to be struck dumb by what he saw. He said the only thing that came to mind, and ended up saying it three times before he finally found the words to say anything else.
“Oh… fuck me.” He’s so hot!
“Oh. Fuck me! Oh crap, I just lost!
“Oh! Fuck me.” OMG I called the man of my dreams a circus monkey and told him to quit working with me!
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7arami · 1 year
Over the Gotham Wall
Over the Garden Wall x DC
Lowkey surprised there isn’t any OtGW x DC content, or at least i haven’t been able to find it. Anywayssssss...
Okay so I’ve been thinking of Wirt, Greg, and Jason Funderburker (the frog of course) ending up on the shore of Gotham rather than back at their home town. Now Wirt and Greg are doing their best to navigate threw a much different but just as crazy environment. 
To make things more interesting what if at the last minute the beast transfers his essence from the lantern into Wirt. It’d be hard if Wirt had to deal with those giant wooden antlers that Beast!Wirt is usually depicted with in Gotham. So I’m thinking that Wirt’s beast side will flare up in times of extreme emotion. For example, Wirt, Greg, and Kitty are wondering around Gotham city, still soaked after fishing themselves out the harbor. They try to take a quick rest and try to make sense of everything. But, of course, because this is Gotham someone tries to mug them. This cause Wirt to panic, and leads to his beast side flaring up. Before Wirt even realizes his eyes are beginning to glow a vibrant blue, yellow, and red, an intricate formation of copper antlers sprout from his head, and Edelwood roots sprout from the ground capturing the mugger in a solid wooden cage. Wirt, absolutely terrified over what just happened, takes Greg and Greg Jr. and books it out of there. As he runs out of the alley he notices his antlers begin to wilt away and his eyes start to dim. That doesn’t stop him from running. The whole time Greg, perfect and wonderful Greg, is absolutely amazed over what he just witnessed. Wirt finally stops collapsing on the ground gasping for air after running full speed for quite awhile. The group find themselves in a park, luckily no one is around so they decide to settle there for now.
Basically I’m thinking of a very protective Beast!Wirt and the perfect angle Greg trying to find their way home while Gotham city and her inhabitants just make that as difficult as possible.
Now for a little extra sprinkle of drama maybe the bats begin to notice random bursts of an unknown wood that leaks of oil and reeks of magic.
Also I’m just thinking about Wirt getting depressed and going all old poet, and as he paces around roots of edelwood begin to sprout from the ground. Or one of the bats confront him (could be under the mask or as a civilian) and Wirt being the anxious worm he is begins to panic. This causes Wirt’s eyes to flare up again creating more suspicion.
I also think it would be cool if Wirt tries to call home only for the number to not exist or for it to be transferred to some random person, or maybe when he checks a map he notices that Gotham resides in the same place there town is suppose to be. They can’t even find their town on the map at all.
I have more ideas for this, hopefully I’ll add on to it later on.
Edit: okay so i just thought of this: what if because the beast transfered his essence into Wirt, Wirt now begins to here the beast's voice. And like the beast could reside within Wirts shadow. He could be whispering over Wirt's shoulder egging him on. And only Wirt is aware of his presence, or maybe Greg can also see him, whichever ends up being more fun.
Oh just thought of something else, I could totally see the gang taking advantage of Dr. Cucumber’s alluring pipes and becoming street performers to make some money. I feel it would be more Greg and Dr. Cucumber and Wirt is just observing, I mainly say that because he is a clarinetist and he doesn’t have a clarinet to play. Anyways I think it would be funny if somehow Damian came across and just became absolutely enraptured by Dr. Cucumber. Even becoming jealous of Greg and his pet frog. I think this could lead to some funny interactions between the gang and Damian.
Damian: Is this your frog?
Greg: Yup! His name is Dr. Cucumber! Greatest singer to croak and if he had fingernails he’d be rocking at the guitar! Traveled across the unknown and blessed the ears of many animals! He’s a star!       。*゚✲*☆(๑òᆺó๑)。*゚✲*☆       
Damian: Uh yes, your frog is indeed quite talented. How much for him?
Greg: How dare you sir! Dr. Cucumber can not be bought he is a free soul!       ಠ_ಠ
Damian: I’ll give you $500, that’s more than plenty for a common frog.
Wirt: Woah wai-
Greg: How dare you, Dr. Cucumber is not a common frog! He is one of a kind!
Damian *growing increasingly frustrated* : Seriously, it’s just a frog. Fine! I’ll give you a thousand dollars.
Greg: He is not just a frog! Take your blood money elsewhere!
Damian: Blood money?!
Wirt: Okay look he really cares about this frog, I don’t think you’ll be able to separate them, sorry kid!
Damian *now extremely salty* : Don’t call me kid! I could incapacitate you in under 5 seconds if I wanted to!
Wirt: Oh no! Devil child! C’mon Greg we’re leaving.
This could lead to Damian becoming much more aware of the gangs presence during patrol and gaining suspicion of their weird habits.
I could totally see Damian pulling a Veruca Salt and telling daddy bruce he wants a frog, but not just any frog, that frog.
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pinespittinink · 2 years
🦢 15 questions, 15 mutuals 🦢
i've been tagged by @baroquesse, @flowerprose, and @the-void-writes
taggingggg: @legiomiam, @awritingcaitlin, @juls-writes, @clockworkgalaxies, @tc-doherty, @jess-p-edits, @cherrybombfangirlwrites, @magnus-s-writes, @queenslayerbee, @tragicbackstoryenjoyer, @brain-wanders, @antlerhymnals, @golden-heretic, @samplewriting, @moonscribbler
Are you named after anyone? Not that I know of! My mother wanted to name me Josephine, which I would have loved, but I'm very fond of my name.
When was the last time you cried? I don't remember tbh. Recently, but my short term memory has been foggy lately.
Do you have kids? No. I don't know if I ever will. Part of me would love to, but I'd need at least one other person to help raise them, ideally two more. But how do you go about building a polycule in this day in age when you live in a sparsely queer area?
Do you use sarcasm? It's not uncommon. Unfortunately I don't have the best handle on my tone sometimes, so I try to be mindful of it.
What's the first thing you notice about people? Manner through expression. Whether someone is open or hard, or closed off, abrupt or friendly.
What's your eye color? Light brown. I'll always remember a past job during the height of mask-wearing where Percival (TGGT's namesake Percival) realized I had such light eyes, and he was like, "I didn't realize you had colored eyes, I thought they were black/dark [like his]"
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. I'm a baby about scary movies.
Any special talents? Singing. I'm a mezzo soprano who was a child prodigy (trained by an opera singer since age four--she taught exclusively teenagers and up and never had taken a pupil in the single digits, let alone that young).
Where were you born? In my home state, New Hampshire.
What are your hobbies? Writing is my main one, but I've actively returned to reading and I'm so glad about it. I also video game frequently, notably fantasy rpgs like Dragon Age and the Witcher, as well as Hades and Animal Crossing (always down to swap friend codes, I have two islands and I'm in terraforming hell on one of them)
Have you any pets? Three kitties! Indy, Eurydice, and Napoleon. A Norwegian Forest cat, and two ragdolls.
What sports do you play/have played? Basketball in middle school but never on a team.
How tall are you? 5'5.
Favorite subject in school? English/language arts.
Dream job? Not uncommon here I'm sure, but to be a traditionally published author successful enough to provide for myself without another job would be amazing. Other than that, a corporate position within Barnes & Noble or Lush, maybe.
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