#Matt Holt x reader
can I request a list of like green flags and red flags for each of the characters in voltron? btw I love your writing:)
Hello friendo, thank you sm! Thanks for the request, I adore this idea. Also…Sorry y’all, I was posting like every other day for two weeks and then I hopped off for like two months. Oof life is really life-ing rn. I honestly chose to write this prompt before a lot of other requests bc it seems like an easy and short thing to bust out quickly. I swear, I will get to the rest eventually 🩵 keep sending in requests if you’d like! And as always… ENJOY~
Red Flags 🚩
TERRIBLE AT COMMUNICATING. We all know Keith is stubborn and easily overwhelmed with a short temper. He doesn’t really know how to talk to people without getting angry. He feels that bc he has a hard time explaining exactly what he means, people never understand him and that makes him mad.
Bro isn’t scared of anything…and that low key scares everyone else. Like…who isn’t afraid of anything? The whole team has tried sooooo hard to figure out what will get Keith to jump out of his skin and scream like a child but to no avail… Boy just doesn’t flinch, doesn’t care, couldn’t care less about bugs and rodents and clowns and heights or anything like that.
Wears his gloves in the shower sometimes. Like wtf ???
Green Flags ✅
Also bc he is not afraid of anything, boy will protect his friends/family/partner SO HARD. He will verbally AND physically tear someone apart just for looking at you the wrong way. Very protective and caring but in a good way ya know?
Actually very selfless and not self-centered in the slightest. Keith is very giving and helpful, despite his tough exterior, he’s very caring, observant and considerate. He’ll give the shirt off his back to someone in need. He’s always down to help others. Ugh Sweet heart ❤️‍🔥
Has a sick ass space wolf that will also protect you like COSMO IS A MAJOR PLUS OKAY BIG GREEN FLAG DOGGO
Red Flags 🚩
Obvi his biggest red flag is how flirty he is. Boy will flirt with anything that breaths and that can get really annoying sometimes and affect the rest of the team.
Jealous AS FUCK. Like the petty jealous type. Lance is the kind of guy to pretend he has a partner back home just bc some alien girl he was flirting with said she had a partner already. He’s like “OH YEAH? Wow cool me too, same same, yeah….” But homie’s ego is a bit sore now…
Lies a lot. Lance just panics sometimes and tells a lie. He knows it’s wrong and he always feels guilty after lying to someone but it always just slips out. His mouth moves faster than his brain most the time.
Green Flags ✅
THE BEST HUGGER/CUDDLER OMFGGGGGG. Lance is the best hugger and cuddle buddy ever, period, end of story, try to change my mind. His long arms always stretch fully around the recipient’s torso and he squeezes tight enough to make you feel warm but not smothered. Usually will rest his chin on the other person’s head if they’re short enough (so Pidge obvi).
Very aware of other’s moods/body language/tone of voice. Everyone thinks Lance is “the dumb one” but he’s actually very in tune with what’s going on in the moment, what’s going on around him. I think he can tell how others feel the second he sees them. Good intuition kinda thing. An empath for sure.
Very considerate and often remembers the little things about people. Does he remember what he learned in class just a couple days ago? Pffft heck no! Does he remember everyone’s birthday, every year and get them a very thoughtful gift? HELL YEAHH I LOVE THIS SWEET BOY OMFG 🩵
Red Flags 🚩
Honestly…idfk Shiro is so perf. Perfect baby boy all the way
Maybe he could seem too nice at first…? Like when someone is nice but ur like “are you for real? Or are you fake and evil and you’re hiding something?” I think Shiro could be perceived as being fake nice at first.
Omg I feel like Shiro is one of those “ oh no, that looks delicious but I can’t. I’m watching my carbs.” YOU KNOW SHIRO IS A GYM DUDE WHO COUNTS HIS CALORIES PLZ
Green Flags ✅
ALSO AN A+ HUGGER. Imagine those big ass arms holding you so softly and so close to his big, warm body. Omg so comforting, so relaxing. Often gives a gently squeeze just before letting go and pulling away. Ugh 😩❤️‍🔥
Literally the most trustworthy man in the universe. Will defend his friends, loved ones, and planet until the end of time. Shiro would die before revealing any secrets you’ve asked him to keep. The best person to vent to bc he’ll never tell another soul about it. He’s like a personal diary
Shiro is sooooo patient. Definitely the most patient one on the team. He really does take his own advice…ya know, patience yields focus 😌 very sweet, calm man. We love Shiro
Red Flags 🚩
Lowkey kinda moody and can get snappy very easily. Pidge is a sweet heart and very smart and a good team player but she’s also stubborn and will yell to get her point across or make herself heard (she’s an Aries…what’d you expect?)
Sometimes very conceited and braggy about how smart she is. Like yeah Pidge, we know you’re a genius and you could code in your sleep. WE GET IT. UR SMART. GEEZ 😒
Green Flags ✅
Pidge is so baby. Yeah, she can get snappy and braggy sometimes but…SHES SO BABY PLZ FORGIVE HER. She’s just young and stressed okay? Give her a break. She’ll apologize eventually with puppy dog eyes and a soft voice and while she looks adorable, she is being sincere and really wants to resolve this.
Very loyal and determined. I mean look how hard she searched and fought for her dad and brother. She won’t stop for anything or anyone once she has her mind set. Pidge Will never leave you behind and will always turn back to help someone in need.
Androgynous royalty. Pidge is soooo chill about her gender and identity. We love a confident babe 🏳️‍🌈💚
Red Flags 🚩
Boy is too scared sometimes. I think Hunk has really bad anxiety and it’s not the anxiety that is the red flag, it’s how he copes with it…which he doesn’t. Hunk let’s his anxiety get the best if him sometimes…but he’s trying.
Honestly…does Hunk really have any other red flags??? Baby boy is so sweet idk 🤷🏻
Over eats to the point of getting sick sometimes…and never learns his lesson. (Me asf)
Green Flags ✅
Obvi his cooking skills!!! Can cook for any occasion, on any cooking surface, in any conditions. Can cook so many different dishes from so many rich cultures around the world! So talented. His food always hits.
THE ABSOLUTE BEST at cheering others up. Soooo funny and silly and kind and relatable. He tries so hard to brighten others’ days when they need it. Will stop what he’s doing just to go cheer up a friend or loved one and watch them smile again.
Red Flags 🚩
Interrupts A LOT. In any given conversation, he will interrupt and talk over someone else at least once every minute. Can get really annoying sometimes but in his defense, if he waits too long to speak up, he’ll just totally forget what he was gonna say.
Like Lance, I think Matt would be overly flirty and act like a Fuck boy sometimes. Like bro sit your nerd ass down, that person is SOOO out of your league plz chill.
Can not take anything seriously (unless it comes to his family or his or anyone else’s safety) but day to day, Matt makes so many dumb and inappropriate jokes at the worst times. Ugh 😒
Green Flags ✅
Very brotherly to everyone he considers a friend or family. Protective, constantly checking up on others, making sure they have eaten, asking if they need anything from him. He cares a lot. Bonus points bc he’s a very good brother to his actual sibling too. Aww Pidge and Matt are sibling goals. 🥹
HOT AS FUCK NO MATTER HIS HAIR STYLE/LENGTH. You can fight me on this. Matt is gorg and so is his hair at every single moment throughout the show.
Extremely accepting and open minded. Matt treats everyone he meets equally and never seems phased when he meets others so different from himself. He may ask some questions for the sake of his own curiosity, but would never pass judgment on another person.
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keiffeine · 2 years
Matt and Keith and headcanons on their reactions to s/o saying "I love you" to them first?
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with gender-neutral reader.
genre: fluff :)
a/n: ngl why did i write more in matt’s than keith’s
© all rights reserved to keiffeine. reposting, plagiarizing, modifying, and translating is NOT allowed.
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keith kogane
• he’s taken aback.
• keith sort of just looks at you, blinking quietly as if you had said something so complicated and he was still trying to comprehend it.
• it really just got him off guard; you had been sparring together for the past how many minutes now, and keith managed to knock you down (again) and looked down at you with this cocky yet goofy-looking smile.
• he just looked so cute that the words “god, i love you so much” slipped out without a thought.
• “you just—” keith says, only now just processing that you were still on the floor and had been sticking your hand out as a sign for him to help pull you up.
• “i did,” you say, finally rising from the floor and giving him a wide smile. “and i mean it. i love you, keith.”
• “i love you, too,” he says, face softening.
• and you take this opportunity to finally bring him down to the ground.
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matt holt
• it was late; matt was working on some project that he’d started with pidge, and pidge had gone to bed a while ago. you thought you’d keep him company and be there for any assistance, and also just to make sure he didn’t accidentally fall asleep on his desk, as he had a tendency to do that.
• you assumed to be another of their gadgets—probably some sort of little robot.
• he was muttering things to himself, reminding himself where certain parts were supposed to go, what to tighten or loosen. occasionally, matt would turn to you and remind you that you don’t have to stay up with him and you should probably go to bed. you gave him the same answer every time and assured him that you didn’t mind.
• he furrowed his brows as he tightened up several screws, and you quietly watched with a small smile on your face.
• “you’re cute when you’re focused,” you tell him, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. “i love you.”
• immediately, his face heats up, completely red when he turns his head to look at you. “what?” matt asks, “you, what?”
• “i love you?” you repeat, laughing as matt drops everything and cups your face, planting kisses all over.
• “oh my god, i love hearing you say that. i love you, i love you, i love you,” he says, completely smothering you.
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voltron masterlist
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masked-princess · 2 years
I have such bad Matt Holt brainrot! It’s literally been 4 years and I still wake up thinking about him! HEELP!!
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moonpiies · 2 years
voltron !
keith kogane
҂ dating keith kogane headcanons
҂ keith kogane headcanons
lance mcclain
҂ lance mcclain x short!reader
matt holt
҂ matt holt with a strong s/o
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mitsuributmexican · 2 years
Small Smut HC #2
Matt tying you up with a vibrator on his bed as he sits on his desk dealing with Garrison work across the room from you. The vibrator now being soaked with your cum from being there for what’s felt like forever. You let out a loud moan, panting and sweating from the pleasure. “Aww I know sweetheart, it’s the worst, isn’t it? Just hang on a little longer for me, alright? I’ll give you a nice reward afterward for doing so well.~” he coos. You nod, wanting to get whatever he’ll reward you with. 
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k4di333 · 4 hours
chat follow my character.ai bc i wanna start creating more bots
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Heyy can I get a Matt Holt x Shiros sister reader who’s like best friends with Pidge?? Thank you!!
This is such a specific request, plz IM OBSESSED PLZ this is too cute I can’t. Thank you again anon! I’m feeling so confident in my writing with all these requests I’ve been getting. AH Thank you all sm for being patient with meeeee 🥹❤️‍🔥 love y’all so much fr
I’m doin headcanons, hope that’s chill 🤷🏻
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Y’all for sure met through Shiro. Shiro introduced you to Matt and the rest of the Holt family long before they even knew they’d be going to Kerberos together.
Instantly, you and Pidge clicked, besties for the resties. You weren’t necessarily as smart as she was but you were always so curious and interested in what she was in to.
You and Pidge became really close considering you were only two years older than her. And because Matt and Pidge were always very close, y’all became the three amigos real fast.
Matt always enjoyed your company, he thought you were funny and kind and open minded. He liked you but he always felt like you were more of Pidge’s friend than his friend.
Only a couple months after meeting the Holts, Shiro noticed they were all you’d ever talk about. He also noticed how differently you spoke about each of the siblings.
When you talked about Pidge, it was like you were talking about a super hero, some cool cosmic thing that’s almost too hard to even explain.
But when you’d talk about Matt, big bro Shiro could tell you had a crush from the get go. When talking about him, you’d say his name a lot and you couldn’t even look at Shiro, a smile would poke at the corners of your lips and you’d look down at your lap awkwardly. And Shiro’s like 😏
Because of your close friendship with Pidge, you tried very hard to push your feelings down and just look at Matt as a friend. I mean he is your friend after all. Let’s just keep it that way.
When Shiro got the news of the Kerberos mission approval, you were the first person he told, just before he told Adam. And of course you were excited!!! Your big brother is going TO SPACE OMFGGGG
You def cried…a lot. And hugged him…a lot.
I have to mention…being Shiro’s sibling means being Keith’s sibling. You two are Keith’s chosen family for sure. So you were a big comfort to Keith upon hearing that Shiro would be gone for a while.
The next time you saw Matt, you were sure to congratulate him with an excited smile and a big hug. This was your first time hugging him and it was so nice, it was soft and innocent and warm. You couldn’t wait to do it again.
Matt, Sam and Shiro had many Kerberos meetings at the Holt family home and Shiro would always bring you along. The next several months before the mission were spent with Pidge as you both sneak around to eavesdrop and peak in on the Kerberos mission plans.
The day they left, you cried and hugged Shiro and Matt A LOT. You were a mess, an excited and proud mess tho.
Before he left, Matt told you to take care of his sister while he was gone and you promised him you’d look after her. He told you he was very relieved to know that you would keep Pidge company while he was away. And he knew Pidge would be good company to you while Shiro was gone.
When news of the failed mission came to you, you broke down, you were a mess. You were worried about your brother and your best friend’s brother. Poor Pidge has lost two family members. You couldn’t even imagine how Keith felt…and he disappeared soon after. You had lost both of your brothers in the same instance.
From that moment on, you followed Pidge everywhere and were her biggest supporter and protector. You had to keep your word to Matt to protect his sister and you also wanted to help Pidge in hopes of getting your own brother back.
When Pidge got into the garrison, you began visiting her almost every night. You’d slip through a broken part of the fence or carefully climb over the barbed wire at the top and meet her on the rooftop. You two had spent too many hours to count up there searching for a sign of Matt, Sam and Shiro.
Eventually, you found yourself watching Shiro crash land to Earth and you caught a glimpse of Keith running to save him. You couldn’t help but run in to help as well. Shiro would probably scold you two about putting yourselves in danger later but saving him was just too important.
It felt like you had closed your eyes for mere seconds and when you opened them again, you found yourself in the castle of lions with your brothers, best friend and a couple other garrison cadets. It all happened so fast, one moment you were helping bring Shiro back to Keith’s little hide away and the next you were watching everyone become paladins of voltron.
You didn’t even get the chance to cry or enjoy Shiro’s return, you were thrown straight into a galactic war.
Being the one person who wasn’t a Paladin, you found yourself helping Coran around the castle a lot and training to protect yourself in case you were ever thrown into battle. If you weren’t with Coran or in the training room with Keith, you were always by Pidge’s side. She was your best friend after all.
Often times, you went to Shiro for advice and to vent about your fears and worries and stress. He is so good to you, he always offers you the warmest hugs and gentle pats on the back and when you’re really upset, he’ll kiss your cheek and give you a big smile.
Other than that, you and Shiro often did your own things. You hung out with Pidge way more than you did with Shiro and he didn’t mind it. He was happy you had a best friend as wise and kind as Pidge. Lord knows you don’t have many other friends.
And there’s Matt…he was always a good friend to you. A fantastic friend even. And so in addition to always siding with Pidge and protecting her, you often ran off on your own to look for Matt and their father, Sam.
After many days of holding Pidge as she cried and crying along with her and staying up late to run tests on new tech and ruining mission plans just to go looking for Matt and Sam, Pidge had finally found her brother.
Once the siblings got back to the castle, you were the last to greet Matt. You sort of just stood behind everyone else to stare at him while he hugged Shiro and introduced himself to the others.
When he finally saw you, he looked shocked and excited all at the same time. “(Y/N)?” He said it as if he wasn’t sure if that was really you. You’d both changed a lot since you last saw each other.
Finally, you couldn’t hold back anymore. You ran to him, nearly pushing Shiro out of the way as you hugged him tightly. All he could do was laugh as he hugged you back.
“You look different.” “Yeah, ditto.” You can decide who said what.
Y’all are just so taken aback by seeing each other again under these strange circumstances and now things feel…different. You spent so long, tried so hard to help Pidge find him and now that he’s here, it feels like you know him inside and out. You’ve been picturing him in your mind for so long, wondering if he’s even alive and you’d cry at night thinking about him and you start to panic as you realize you’re still very much in love with him…you still have the same crush on him that you did years ago, when he wore glasses and had braces.
Although you’re happy and relieved to have Matt back, you give the Holt siblings some space for the first few days after his return. You know how close they are and it was very emotional for you when you and Keith rescued Shiro, you just want to give them some private sibling bonding time.
Immediately, they put a stop to that. They both so badly want you to be a part of everything they do. Pidge feels that she will forever be in debt to you for helping her, and Matt is also secretly in love with you is incredibly impressed that you made it all the way up here with the rest of the team and really appreciates that you stuck by his sibling this whole time. You kept your promise and that makes his heart explode ❤️‍🔥
After just a few weeks with Matt around, EVERYONE could begin to feel the tense vibes between you two. Like…y’all are really comfortable around each other and you are decent at pretending to be ‘just friends’ but there are certain times when Matt is just very obviously pining for you and the team can’t NOT notice, he’s just too dramatic for it to go unseen.
Pidge notices first and she’s like “Yep. I saw that one coming from a mile away.” Then she starts to whisper to the rest of the team about it and point it out more often just to embarrass Matt.
She’s terrible, she’ll literally blackmail Matt with threats of telling you how he really feels about you. And he’s like 😥 “Katie, please, no.”
After a couple days of blackmailing to get piggy back rides and get served food and drinks while she works, Pidge begins to actually talk to Matt about it more. She starts to become his little wingman, giving him tips about how to woo you and things she’s learned about you since he’s been gone.
One day, Matt decides to confess his feelings to your brother first. It was a bit awkward at first as Matt stuttered and blushed, but it quickly became a very comfortable and deep talk about how much they both admire you.
Suddenly, he gets a surge of confidence and asks Shiro’s permission to ask you to be his partner, considering that Shiro is one of his closest friends and also his hero. Of course Shiro approved. Y’all are too cute for him to say no. He ships it so hard already.
Matt comes barging into the lions’ hangar where you are assisting Pidge in adding some cool, new invention to her lion. He charges straight up to you with a very concerning look on his face. He’s bright red and breathing quickly and won’t look you in the eye which is very unlike him.
“Matt? What is it? You okay?” And he’s looking nervously back and forth between you and Pidge.
“Spit it out already, Romeo! We have work to do.” Pidge is lowkey grossed out rn. Y’all are cute but you’re her best friend and he’s her brother and she doesn’t want to see it up close like this.
“(Y/N), I think I love you…I-I uh…I’m sorry.” Matt’s so red and scared and stressed rn, omg plz tell this boy how you feel already.
“I love you too, Matt.” And instantly, he’s looking at you and he’s smiling.
He asks you very softly to be his partner and how can you refuse? You’ve been dreaming of this day for so long.
Because y’all are already close friends, the transition into a relationship is super easy. You still geek out together with Pidge and you still talk to each other the same, you just get to do cute couples shit too like cuddle in bed under the blankets and hold hands as you walk together and share quick kisses right in front of Pidge just to gross her out. It’s honestly hilarious.
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rilirios · 1 month
➢ kamusta ka na?
—✦ pairings. various!characters x gn!reader —✦ summary. you thought you saw someone you'd never see again. —✦ notes. this is from my old blog, and this entire piece was ib by lola amour's "raining in manila" and it was literally written at 1am. one of my personal favorites too!!
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after an exhausting day of work, you decided to reward yourself with a trip to the fancy restaurant three blocks down your workplace.
unluckily for you, it started raining once you left the building.
what amazing luck you have.
oh well, at least you had an umbrella with you. while you walk down the street, glancing at the dimly lit shops, you couldn’t help but think about one of your old friends. the one you had a close bond with. the one that you ran in the rain with. 
it’s been years since you’ve last seen them. you’ve thought about meeting up with them again, but the chances were low. as none of the classmates you’ve kept in touch with had any info on them. 
you started thinking about it a moment longer. maybe a bit too long, as you start wondering where they’ve been. or how they’ve been doing. for all you knew, they could be in a ditch somewhere, or living the life of their dreams. 
do they think about you often? or have they already forgotten you? do they also wish to meet you again?
you sigh, trying to get the entire subject off your mind. you start to look around you, attempting to find something that’ll distract you from all this nostalgia.
thats when you see a familiar face by the bus stop. the familiar hair, face, and silhouette of your old friend. 
you stop walking almost immediately, staring at the familiar stranger. the sounds of the rain start fading out as you continue to gaze at the stranger.
there’s no way, you think. there’s absolutely no way that they’re there. sitting underneath a bus stop in the rain. 
it’s only when the stranger stands up do you snap out of your daze. and to your disappointment, it was a stranger who looked similar to your dear friend. you stand in disbelief for a couple of seconds before you continue walking to the restaurant you were heading to. the pitter patter of the rain accompanying your steps. 
hcq, keith, lance, matt holt, kafka, acheron, firefly, neuvilette, wriothesly, zhongli, ayato + any of your favorites!
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© rilirios 2024. if you steal my works i will cry
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keiffeine · 2 years
Matt and asking out his crush headcanons?(pre-Kerb). All the feelings and thoughts he's having throughout? People he goes to to talk about it before he does it? His plans? Just give me all your headcanons honestly. It's so rare to find anyone who even writes for voltron! I really appreciate you.
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with gender-neutral reader.
genre: fluff, pre-kerb. + garrison au, & confessions.
a/n: i hope this is fine! it’s like. 3:13am
© all rights reserved to keiffeine. reposting, plagiarizing, modifying, and translating is NOT allowed.
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• matt is absolutely TERRIFIED when he realizes that he really, really likes you. and not in the platonic way.
• you might just be his first real, actual crush. sure, he’s liked people before, but that type of like came and went—this time, with you, it actually stuck.
• he’s the type that tries to stop liking you for the sole purpose of not breaking your friendship. he’s too scared to lose what he already has, and he’d rather settle for how your relationship is now rather than actually admitting his feelings.
• but then, matt couldn’t help but think: what if they do like me, too? and the thought eats him up on the inside.
• he goes to shiro to try and help him with this issue—matt considered going to his father first, but he figured he’d get teased endlessly before getting actual advice.
• and then matt starts spewing out all his thoughts and worries to shiro who’s just (unfortunately) absorbing all of this information.
• “you know what—” shiro stops matt mid-sentence, after he’s been going on for the nth time about how much he’s worried that he’d ruin everything if he confessed to you, “go give y/n a real and genuine confession, yeah? just be confident in yourself, that’s all you really need.”
• after hearing that, matt plans to confess the next day. but then chickens out and decides to do it the next day. then moves it to the day after that. and so on and so forth. and then he realizes that it’s been a week’s worth of confession procrastination.
• he somehow managed to scrounge up the courage to talk to you nonetheless, catching you after lunch and shyly ushering you to a secluded corner.
• “so, basically, like—” matt starts, swallowing nervously and obviously flustered, now that he’s actually doing this. “i wanted to tell you that—uhh—i really, really like you? like, more than friends? in the way where i want to…take you out on dates, and stuff…andifyoudon’tfeelthesame,that’stotallyfine,istillwanttobefriendswithyouifthat’spossible,” he admits, spewing everything like he did to shiro.
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voltron masterlist
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sonekwi · 4 months
☆ ⸻ the white paladin, keith x reader
chapter four: discoveries
characters/pairings: keith, female reader
genre: fanfiction
summary: the red lion is in the possession of a ruthless galra general and taking it back is no small feat. although, you never expected to find another lion.
word count: 2,216
links: previous, next, wattpad, masterlist
a/n: i'm sorry about the shorter chapter. i just couldn't find the right flow for this one no matter how many times i rewrote it. i still hope you enjoy!
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You, Pidge, Shiro, and Keith sneak inside the Galra ship, crawling through the hole in the metal hull Pidge had cut out. As you look around, you notice that you're inside some sort of engine control room. Pillars of raw electricity arch from floor to ceiling along the entire length of the room, crackling and buzzing. You nervously keep your distance.
"Pidge, what's your ETA?" Lance asks over the intercom.
"We're in," Pidge responds.
"We shouldn't stay in one spot for long," you say.
Shiro nods. "You're right, let's get moving."
The group sneaks throughout the ship, carefully avoiding the Galra soldiers patrolling around. The purple lights illuminating your path seem to pulse with an eerie and malicious energy, constantly reminding you of the danger you're in.
Shiro stops as the group comes up to an intersection, staring down each of the two halls that stretch out before you. For a moment he tenses up, almost as if he's paralyzed. You reach out and grab his arm, and he flinches away from you.
"Are you okay?" you ask.
"I've been here before," Shiro says, his voice barely above a whisper. "When the Galra had taken us, they– they brought us here."
Pidge perks up, "That means the rest of your crew might still be here. We have to rescue them!" he exclaims.
Shiro shakes his head, "Pidge, we don't have time. We have to get the Red Lion back to Arus.
"But we can't just leave prisoners here!" Pidge shouts. You hiss at him to keep his voice down, but he glares at you instead.
Shiro steps closer to Pidge, "Look, no one understands that more than me, but in war, we have to make hard choices. Now, let's get moving," he says and begins to walk down one of the halls.
"No!" Pidge shouts again and Shiro stops. "Commander Holt is my father... He and my brother were the ones on Kerberos mission with you."
You give Pidge a quizzical look. That doesn't make sense. Commander Holt only had one son, Matt, and as Pidge said, he was on the Kerberos mission. So how the heck is Pidge his child?
Your eyes go wide, the dots finally connecting. No freaking way! You're his daughter Katie!? You're the kid that was blacklisted from the Garrison!
The only thing different is the glasses and short hair. How did Iverson not see it? How did you not see it? You met Commander Holt's children before the Kerberos crew left Earth. You were there with Keith to say goodbye to Shiro. You literally shook Pidge's hand that day!
     Wow, that is freaking embarrassing.
"Commander Holt is your father?" Shiro repeats.
"Yes! I have been searching everywhere for my family and I am not going to give up when I am this close!" Pidge says.
"We can split up," you blurt out, still caught up in your revelation. "Keith and I can go look for the Red Lion while you guys go look for the prisoners."
"Alright," Shrio says, agreeing with your idea. "Let's go then, I remember where they are held."
Keith glances between you and Shiro. "Are you sure that's a good idea? There are Galra soldiers everywhere."
Shiro places a hand on his shoulder. "Minor change of plans, but you'll be fine. Just remember, patience yields focus-"
     A door down one of the halls opens, the sound of footsteps echoing along the walls. The group splits frantically, and you and Keith sprint down one of the halls. You skid to a stop as you quickly come upon another intersection. But you don't have time to think as the Galra soldiers are heading in your direction. You grab Keith's arm and run in a random direction.
     When you can't hear any footsteps other than your own, you slow down and eventually come upon another intersection of halls. You hum, wondering if you can feel the same pulsing energy you did when searching for the Blue Lion, but you have nothing.
     "Where do we even go?" Keith says, pacing between the two available directions. You can't feel the Red Lion, but you can definitely feel his growing impatience. "We don't even know where we are."
     You grab his hand to force his attention on you, "Hey, remember what Shiro said? Patience yields focus," you say. "Try feeling the Red Lion's energy. You'll find it."
     "Right," Keith huffs and closes his eyes. You watch his expression shift, his brows furrowing as he focuses. As he stands there, your eyes slowly begin to wander around his face. They drift from his eyes, to his nose, to his cheeks... to his mouth. You've never been able to keep yourself from admiring him when he wasn't looking.
     It's something you've come to do subconsciously.
     "I can feel it..." Keith says softly and his voice snaps you out of your trance. You frantically drop his hand and look away, your heart pounding wildly in your chest. For a split second, you thought he was talking about you staring at him.
     You mentally cuss at yourself and feel your cheeks heat up with embarrassment. You're supposed to be mad at him, not hopelessly crushing on him. You seriously need to get out of your head.
     Keith opens his eyes, "I got it. This way!" he says and you follow him.
     The two of you avoid the patrolling soldiers as Keith tracks down the Red Lion, and eventually, you enter a large hangar. Cargo boxes and supplies are scattered about, but what's in the center is what catches your attention.
     "What the heck?" Keith mutters.
You pause, "Allura? Are you seeing this?" you ask over the intercom.
"Hold on, (y/n), let me pull up your feed," she says and then there's a very long silence.
Not one, but two Voltron Lions sit in the middle of the hangar, protected by their force fields. The Red Lion is there, as expected, but you stare at the other. Its metal body is entirely white, save for the few crystal blue and yellow accents consistent with Altean architecture and design.
The strange Lion's bright eyes seem to eagerly lock onto you as you approach it.
     "I don't understand," Allura's voice barely crackles through the speakers in your helmet. "There's only five Lions..."
     "Do you think the Galra built it?" Keith asks, running up to his Lion. As surprised as he is, he needs to focus on bonding with the Red Lion.
     "That would be impossible," Allura says. "The blueprints died with my father."
You suddenly feel a pulse of energy, but not in the same way as you did with the Blue Lion. It's as if the strange Lion's very essence is tethered to you, and you can feel that tether tug throughout your whole body, urging you. You stop right in front of it and place your hands against the force field. The material ripples at your touch, but it doesn't open. The Lion purrs deeply.
"It's me! Keith!"
     You look over at your friend, wondering what's going on. He stands in front of the Red Lion, who doesn't let him in either. His hands push against the force field.
      "I am your Paladin!" he shouts, but the Red Lion continues to ignore him. "I'm bonding with you! Hey, we're connected–"
     A group of soldiers burst into the hangar and begin shooting at the two of you. You raise your arm in front of you, activating your shield.
     "Why did you have to be so loud?" you snap at Keith and run over to him.
     "Why weren't you watching our backs?" Keith says to you. He transforms his bayard into a sword and rushes at the Galra soldiers.
"Oh, well I'm sorry!" you sneer at him and activate your bayard. You stop for a small moment as it materializes into a double-bladed scythe, the weapon feeling balanced and weighted in your hand. "This is new–"
A Galra soldier shoots at you, interrupting your gawking. You brace yourself behind your shield, the lasers dispersing in bright flashes upon impact. Then, for a small moment, there's a pause. You take the opportunity to charge the Galra soldier.
As you join the battle, you try your best to remember what you learned at the Garrison. students were required to take a hand-to-hand combat class, but you're much more used to the small batons and wooden knives they provided rather than a lengthy scythe.
You swing the blade at the feet of a Galra soldier, knocking it down on its back. You swiftly bring the other blade down right on its chest. It penetrates the armor, exposing a bundle of wires and computers.
     "Robots?" you mutter, then grunt when another Galra soldier body slams you.
     You stumble and catch yourself on one of the cargo boxes. The soldier doesn't waste a second and swings its fist. You manage to move just in time, its knuckles slamming right next to your head. As you side-step, you raise your scythe and swing at the soldier. The blade pierces through its back and it falls limp to the ground.
     "(y/n)!" Keith calls out. "Hold onto something!"
     "What?" you look over at him and see him standing at a control panel. You grab onto the cargo box, your fingers wrapping around the rope strapped across it.
     Keith presses a button and the hangar door opens. Your body jerks as everything gets sucked out into space. You cuss under your breath and you fight to hold on.
     Keith holds onto the panel. He struggles to reach the button and close the doors, the vacuum of space overpowering him. You watch as his grip slips and your heart leaps into your throat.
     "Keith!" you scream when he gets sucked into space. You let go of the cargo box and follow after him. As your body is thrown out of the hangar, you reach out for your friend.
     "What are you doing!?" he shouts.
     "What do you think I'm doing?" you shout back. You're almost to him. Just a little more and you can grab onto him.
In a flash of red and white, Keith is gone. You scream, terrified of what space monster could have eaten him. But you stop when you see the Red Lion circle back around. It saved him.
A fearsome roar rattles throughout you and you turn to see the other Lion heading right for you. Its jaw opens and it scoops you up into the safety of its mouth.
You lay on the floor for a moment, panting as you try to gather your bearings. When the inside of the Lion lights up, you scramble to your feet and dust off your armor.
"Uh, thank you!" you call out and get a purr in response. You look around and the inside layout is nothing like the Blue Lion's. Granted, everything about this Lion seems different, either subtly or majorly.
"(y/n), are you okay?" Keith asks over the intercom.
"Yeah," you say, quickly finding your way to the cockpit. "Let's get back to the castle."
"Copy that."
     Your feet hit the solid concrete of the courtyard. Behind you, the sixth Voltron Lion sits down on its metal haunches, its eyes watching you. As the others return with their Lions, Allura and Coran come running out into the courtyard.
The two Alteans stop dead in their tracks at the sight of the sixth Lion. Allura remains as stunned as she was when you found it, but now she seems to truly believe it's real now that it's right in front of her. Coran, however, doesn't seem as surprised.
"After all these years..." he says, moving closer to the Lion.
"There's another one?" Pidge gawks as she steps out of her Lion.
"Holy crow!" Lance exclaims, running up to you.
"Can anyone explain what's going on?" Hunk asks. "Why is there a sixth Lion?"
Coran looks to everyone, then gestures to the robotic feline sitting behind you, "When King Alfor was constructing the Lions, the White Lion was the first," he says. "It was... an experimental design."
"How come I never knew of this?" Allura asks.
"Your father had swept its existence under the rug," Coran continues explaining. "Although it was powerful, the White Lion was deemed too flawed to be fit for the battlefield. It was stashed away to be used for scraps... but King Alfor couldn't get himself to take it apart."
"That doesn't explain how Zarkon had it, seeing as he didn't know about it," Shiro notes.
"King Alfor knew the White Lion would still be dangerous in the wrong hands and sent it away with the other Lions," Coran says. "Zarkon simply must have found it."
"Did it have a Paladin before... everything?" you ask, feeling a slight tug on the invisible tether between you and the White Lion. Deep down, you hope it means something, that it's real. You hope you aren't imagining things.
Coran shakes his head, "No."
"Well, it sure doesn't hurt to have some extra firepower," Shiro says. "Sendak is still coming for the Lions and we'll want all the help we can get to defeat him."
"Right, and now that we have the other Lions, let's go get the Black Lion," Allura says.
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kelthebarb · 1 year
hello hello !!
i’m kelian, keli, or kel (feel free to call me either), i’m 19, and i write fanfiction :)
here are some of the fandoms & characters i write for
genres: angst, fluff, smut, platonic, headcannons, oneshots, alphabets
carl grimes, rick grimes, daryl dixon, michonne grimes, enid rhee, maggie rhee, henry sutton, rosita espinosa, glenn rhee, tara chambler, ron anderson
genres: angst, fluff, smut, platonic, headcannons, oneshots, alphabets
hangë zoe, eren yeager, levi ackerman, jean kirschtein, armin arlert, connie springer, mikasa ackerman, sasha braus, annie leonhardt
genres: fluff, angst, platonic, headcannons, oneshots
pidge gunderson, lance mcclain, keith kogane, matt holt, princess allura
genres: angst, fluff, smut, platonic, headcannons, oneshots, alphabets
mezo shoji, hitoshi shinsou, shoto todoroki, katsuki bakugou, touya todoroki/dabi, izuku midoriya, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, tenya iida, hanta sero
genres: fluff, angst, platonic, headcannons, oneshots
lucas friar, farkle minkus, riley matthews, maya hart, shawn hunter
genres: smut (only for some characters), fluff, angst, platonic, headcannons, oneshots
tanjiro kamado, inosuke hashibira, zenitsu agatsuma, giyuu tomioka, rengoku kyojuro, tengen uzui, obanai iguro, sanemi shinazugawa, himejima gyomei, muichiro tokito, gyutaro shabana
genres: smut (only for some characters), fluff, angst, platonic, headcannons, oneshots
[nga yawne lu oer - lo’ak sully]
[mean - neteyam & lo’ak sully]
lo’ak sully, neteyam sully, kiri sully, jake sully, neytiri te tskaha mo’at’ite, aonung, tsireya, rotxo
genres: angst, fluff, smut, platonic, headcannons, oneshots, alphabets
[if i could tell her - john “soap” mactavish]
[my future - simon “ghost” riley]
simon “ghost” riley, john “soap” mactavish, kyle “gaz” garrick, john price, alejandro vargas, keegan russ, alex keller, könig
genres: angst, fluff, smut, platonic, headcannons, oneshots, alphabets (only platonic for the girls because i’m gay)
[mountaindew angst blurb]
swiss, sodo, mountain, phantom, aether, rain, cumulus, cirrus, aurora
dom/sub dynamics
pet names
pretty tame kinks (also piss if ya filthy) (i am)
character x reader
odd kinks, shit, age regression, etc
yandere characters/readers
requests that make me uncomfortable
n that’s pretty much it ! my requests are open, so feel free to send in some !
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The Ultimate Oneshot Book
In which I will write oneshots, headcanons, scenarios and many more from the fandoms I love and adore :3
(That rhymes lol)
I accept requests for headcanons, oneshots, scenarios, AU's and many others!
~Requests are currently closed!~
Chapter 1: ~Rules For Requesting~
Chapter Text
Holy crud It took me forever to put the relationships and characters down ;-;
Alrighty, this is the...3rd oneshot book I've made.
But i never had a oneshot book so big though.
Okay, I'll explain a few rules here for requesting.
1. Do not request smut or sex between blood-related characters, PLEASE. NO. INCEST.
2. Be specific when requesting, don't just type character x reader, give me more detail on what you want me to write, this rule applies to oneshots, headcanons, scenarios and AU's.
3. This should be expected, but I'm putting this down here anyway. I do not write sex scenes with minors In them. Nor do I write minors with a character who is 18+, smut or not.
4. I can also write Polyandry / Polygyny, LGBT+ etc.
5. If you request sexual trauma or rape, I will NOT write It explicitly. Same with gore.
6. I also write character x character and oc x character, If you want me to write a character with your oc you'll have to give me information about their looks, backstory, personality, etc.
7. The maximum of characters I write for headcanons are five, don't request more than that, please.
8. I don't have a grasp on writing foursomes, sorry peeps.
9. I take quite awhile to write AU's so bear with me lol
10. Enjoy the reading :)
Chapter 2: ~Requests are officially open!~
Chapter Text
Alrighty! This oneshot book Is open for business!
Just realizing how weird I made that sound...
Okay, here's the list of characters I write with readers, however It might be updated In the future.
The following male characters that I write for Attack On Titan are...
Levi Ackerman,
Eren Yeager,
Armin Arlert.
The following female characters I write for Attack On Titan are...
Mikasa Ackerman,
Hange Zoë,
The following male characters that I write for Ace Attorney are...
Apollo Justice,
Simon Blackquill,
Dick Gumshoe,
Gregory Edgeworth,
Phoenix Wright,
Matt Engarde,
Klavier Gavin,
Miles Edgeworth,
Kristoph Gavin,
Godot (Diego Armando).
The following female characters I write for Ace Attorney are...
Franziska Von Karma,
Mia Fey,
Maya Fey,
Dahlia Hawthorne,
Athena Cykes,
Trucy Wright,
Pearl Fey,
Kay Faraday,
Ema Skye.
The following male characters I write for Black Butler are...
William T. Spears,
Claude Faustus,
Sebastian Michaelis,
The following female characters I write for Black Butler are...
Hannah Annafellows,
Elizabeth Midford,
Grell Sutcliff.
The following male characters that I write for Hero Academia are...
Midoriya Izuku,
Todoroki Shouto,
Bakugou Katsuki.
The following female characters I write for Hero Academia are...
Uraraka Ochako.
The following male characters I write for Touken Ranbu are...
Tsurumaru Kuninaga,
Mikazuki Munechika,
Izuminokami Kanesada,
Yamatonokami Yasusada,
Kashuu Kiyomitsu,
Horikawa Kunihiro,
Kasen Kanesada,
Shokudaikiri Mitsutada,
Oodenta Mitsuyo.
The following male characters I write for Voltron: Legendary Defender are...
Lance McClain,
Keith Kogane,
Takashi Shirogane,
Hunk Garret,
Matt Holt.
The following female characters I write for Voltron: Legendary Defender are...
Katie Holt (Pidge),
The following male characters I write from Danganronpa are...
Makoto Naegi,
Byakuya Togami,
Kiyotaka Ishimaru,
Chihiro Fujisaki,
Leon Kuwata,
Mondo Owada,
Hifumi Yamada,
Yasuhiro Hagakure,
Hajime Hinata,
Nagito Komaeda,
Byakuya Togami (Ultimate Imposter),
Gundham Tanaka,
Kazuichi Souda,
Teruteru Hanamura,
Nekomaru Nidai
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu,
Shuichi Saihara,
Rantaro Amami,
Gonta Gokuhara,
Korekiyo Shinguji,
Ryoma Hoshi,
Kaito Momota,
Kokichi Ouma.
The following female characters I write from Danganronpa are...
Sayaka Maizono,
Kyoko Kirigiri,
Aoi Asahina,
Toko Fukawa,
Sakura Ogami,
Celestia Ludenberg, (Taeko Yasuhiro)
Junko Enoshima,
Mukuro Ikusaba,
Chiaki Nanami,
Akane Owari,
Sonia Nevermind,
Hiyoko Saionji,
Mahiru Koizumi,
Mikan Tsumiki,
Ibuki Mioda,
Peko Pekoyama,
Kaede Akamatsu,
Kirumi Tojo,
Himiko Yumeno,
Maki Harukawa,
Tenko Chabashira,
Tsumugi Shirogane,
Angie Yonaga,
Miu Iruma.
Okay, that took forever ;-;
Alrighty, requests are officially open! Have any questions? Ask me! :3
Chapter 3: Todoroki Shouto x OC (Oneshot)
P.S: I think I made Shouto and Rei a little OOC...
This oneshot was requested by Noir!
The character, Aimoto Crystal does NOT belong to me and belongs to Noir.
I do not own any kind of rights to Boku No Hero Academia.
Read and enjoy!
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Shoes hit against the floor as the owner of them walked through the hallway, eventually stopped walking and went up to one of the rooms, opening the door upon hearing laughter.
A woman sitting In a chair next to a hospital bed walked up to the girl and hugged her.
"Crystal! Great timing, dear." The woman exclaimed, pulling away from the raven haired girl, pointing over to the hospital bed, "This Is Rei, she's one of the patients here, can you keep her company for a little bit while I take care of something else."
Crystal nodded, her lips forming Into a smile, "Sure." She said, to which her aunt gave her a thumbs up and left the room.
The white haired woman smiled softly, patting the chair Crystal's aunt was sitting In earlier, "Would you like to sit with me, dear?"
"A- Ah! Sure!" The girl hesitantly walked over and sat In the chair by the hospital bed.
She's pretty...
"Do you come to the hospital often?"
Crystal jumped slightly, "Ah...I do sometimes so I can visit my aunt..."
"Well, when you come by..Can you visit me? I would appreciate the company."
Crystal looked up, smiling once more, "Of course!"
Crystal's feet moved back and forth as she wasn't really paying attention In class and looking at the heterochromiac boy who's seat was In front of hers, he turned his head to meet her eyes, aware of her staring and raising a brow. Crystal quickly turned her head, her face was flushed red as she covered It.
He's so quiet...
Steps were heard going down the hallway,
"Don't talk to her, It'll make everything worse than what It Is."
Screw that.
Shouto opened the door, about to say something but widened his eyes when he saw a familiar face.
Crystal turned her head to the door upon hearing It open and her eyes widened also.
After a while of Shouto talking with his mother, reuniting with her and Rei explaining the situation of Crystal visiting her both of the teenagers eventually went together to go visit Rei who would often wink and say something along the lines of, 'You two have been getting close lately' or 'I'm so glad you both are friends'.
And that one day came.
Crystal handed the flowers In the vase to Rei, "Here you go, I hope you like them!"
Rei looked at the flowers and smiled, "Thank you, sweetie. How did you know I like these?"
"It was actually Shouto who told me..." Crystal rubbed her neck, which was as flushed as her face.
"Hm, that's sweet of him...Shame that he doesn't have a girlfriend yet." Rei sent Crystal a wink and the raven haired girl stumbled, her dark brown eyes widening slightly.
"H...How...Did you..."
"Mothers just know, get 'em tiger!" Rei winked again and Crystal came out of the hospital room, more redder than usual.
Shouto raised a brow, "Are you alright?"
"I- I'm fine! I'll just head back home now!"
"I can walk you back If you want?"
"S...Sure!" She squeaked, earning another eyebrow raise from Shouto, but the male said nothing as they headed out the hospital.
Crystal looked up at the sky, eyes widening once more.
"What's wrong?"
"I...I don't have an umbrella..." She admitted, looking at the dark sky as It rained cats and dogs.
"There's a extra one at my place, we can go there and I can get It for you?"
Crystal nodded, "Okay."
The two teenagers headed to the house, turning around and noticing Crystal was soaked from the rain, her uniform somewhat see-through and Shouto quickly turned his head, his face flushing slightly.
"I...I should get you some new clothes, you'll get a cold..."
Crystal looked down, noticing her clothing being wet she flustered, nodding, Shouto went to his room, grabbing a new shirt, It was a little big but he hoped that It would fit her, he came out. Passing the shirt to Crystal. "You can change In the bathroom." He said, the raven haired girl nodded, heading to the bathroom as Shouto searched for that extra umbrella, after finding It he headed to the bathroom, completely forgetting to knock and he opened the door.
"Hey, I found the umbrella and I'll place It nea-" He froze, pausing with his words as his face flushed slightly and Crystal jumped, putting her hands over her chest to hide the bra that she was wearing.
"Sh- Shouto?!" She screeched, stumbling a little as she tried to regain her balance from surprise, she was expecting the male to leave but Instead he walked Into the bathroom, standing In front of her.
"I like you."
The girl wasn't sure If she should laugh or say that she liked him as well, he just said It with such a straight face which turned Into a pinkish hue after she stayed silent for so long.
Is this even a good time to say that...?
Crystal shook the thoughts out of her head, holding the shirt that he gave her earlier over her chest, she blushed and turned her head away. "I like you as well...But..."
"Shouldn't we talk about this when I'm...Decent...?"
As If a delayed reaction Shouto's face turned as red as the left side of him, to which Crystal let out a soft chuckle.
"I..I'm sorry."
"It's fine Shouto." She smiled softly as the male headed out of the bathroom.
His lips were dry, maybe a little chapped as well.
The kiss was sloppy but It seemed like neither had cared,
Shouto pulled back and Crystal's eyes widened, "Uh...Shouto?"
"Your left shoulder Is on fire..."
"Damn It."
Hoped you enjoyed It!
Chapter 4: Levi, Eren, Bakugou (Headcanon)
These headcanons were requested by, moriartart!
Can I request a hadcannon with Levi, Eren, and Bakugo having a tatted goth-esque S/O and if they initially liked it / how they feel about it after getting together?
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
At first he's just...'What the fuck is this shit'.
Eventually he'll get used to It since It's something that you enjoy.
But just because he's used to It doesn't mean he'll understand.
He'll be extremely curious.
He'd genuinely be Interested and ask you questions.
Like, 'Why do you enjoy that so much?'
Way more understanding of It and might actually like It, unlike Levi.
Doesn't give a shit at first.
Then later on he will eventually get Interested.
He'll listen to you talk about the subject...Sometimes.
Keeps getting emo and goth mixed up and you have to keep correcting him.
Hope you enjoyed the headcanons!
P.S: Slight language cause Levi and Bakugou ;-;
Chapter 5: Lance McClain x Reader (AU)
This AU was requested by, Ruby Star!
< This AU contains slight cursing >
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
"Damn It, you're going to get us In trouble, AGAIN." Keith mumbled to Lance as he followed behind him, grumbling. "You know, Allura and Shiro won't be happy If we go to the surface."
Lance turned around, sending Keith a wink. "Relax, we won't be gone long. I just want to see how everything looks on the surface."
Keith let out a sigh, "The stupid things I do with you Is starting to make me question my mental state. Fine, lead th way."
Lance grabbed Keith In a hug grinning, "See?! Was that so hard?"
"Let's just go before I change my mind, fishbreath."
"Why you- You know what, whatever." Lance hmphed, slapping his blue fins across Keith's face as he swam off.
"Ow! Get back here!"
"Catch me first!"
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quadballz · 2 years
I. 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚
next: ࿔*:・゚i. | table of contents
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THE MISSION was supposed to be simple— a quick infiltration to gather some intel and search for the Holts, maybe free a few prisoners if they had the chance. Albeit simple, the mission was still risky and Allura had decided (with much forethought) that pairing Keith and Lance together would be their course of action. A terrible choice that could have been avoided with little to no hindsight had Allura not been insistent that the paladins had to get along. That insistence, of course, was what had gotten them into that mess.
"We have to take a left! No... a right! Wait, yeah, left!" Lance vacillated through grit teeth as he and Keith looked through the corridors that surrounded them. "Well which is it?!" spat Keith while trying to pull up the map, to no avail, "we aren't getting anywhere closer to the main deck! Dammit! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you with the map!" Lance scoffed as he slapped his arm, making the map that hovered over it visible for a few seconds before fizzing out into nothingness.
"You can't even get the map out!" Lance pointed out, smacking his arm again to get a mere blip of the screen which disappeared yet again afterward, "Quiznak!" Keith let out a short, dry laugh while pressing himself against the wall of one of the corridors. "How was I supposed to know that the signal would get jammed?" Keith sighed as static and Shiro's broken speech crackled through his helmet. "At this rate, we'll get caught." Keith missed the look of fear that crossed Lance's face as Keith fiddled with the screen on his arm.
"Yeah? Well, it'll be your fault, Mullet," scowled Lance, bristling under his armor as his hands clenched into fists, shaking. Keith grit his teeth, spinning around to face Lance with newfound vexation. "Oh, my fault? That's funny coming from you," Keith hissed as Pidge's voice sputtered around his helmet in short, quick-tempered bursts. With another sigh, Keith fidgeted with the screen on his arm, ignoring Lance's piercing gaze at the side of his head. "Fuck you." Keith didn't even bother looking up, paying little heed to Lance's footsteps which grew softer with each passing second.
If Shiro had been with them, Keith was sure Lance wouldn't have been as annoying as he had been. Maybe even tolerable. But Shiro was with Pidge and Hunk, all three of which were on the side of a nearby rock formation with the camouflaged Green Lion. And had he not been with Lance, Keith knew he would have been able to navigate through the Galra base without walking into an area where all their communications were jammed. Keith grumbled curses under his breath as he tried to get the map to clear up on the screen above his arm until he heard a set of frantic footsteps.
"Keith! Keith- there's a shit ton of noise coming from over there," Lance said, stumbling against the wall with blown eyes. Keith shot Lance a look of derision— was Lance not aware of the type of mission they were on? "Great, so we know not to go that way," Keith huffed as Lance raised his hands to his head in disbelief, and had he not worn his helmet, Lance would have pinched the skin between his brows. "No, no, it's cheering, Keith," Lance clarified, expecting Keith to come to the same conclusion. "Uh, okay? Nice," Keith replied with a deadpan, "anyways, let's head away from the noise, yeah?"
Lance groaned loudly and grabbed Keith by the back of his armor, dragging him in the direction of the cheers. It wasn't until Keith had heard them that he realized the implications. "A...fighting arena..?" Keith managed to say as Lance shook his head frantically. "Keith, look, I know you're all," Lance paused to gesture at Keith, "you. But we should keep this to ourselves. If Pidge found out her family was here... who knows what she'd do." As reluctant as Keith was to agree with Lance, Lance was right. Plus, Shiro wouldn't take it well in the slightest.
"Fine," Keith replied after breaking away from Lance's grip, slapping the gauntlet on his arm to try and pull up the map for the hundredth time. "Let's go back to-" Keith stopped short at the sound of heavy footsteps heading from two of the three corridors they were at the crossroads of. "Shit." Lance shot Keith a glance before looking at the empty corridor beside them. "This way," Lance whispered, just loud enough for Keith to hear, and rushed down the corridor with echoing footsteps that blended in with the others. Just as they reached the end, however, the looming shadows of Galran druids appeared.
Lance took a sharp breath, looking back and forth until he spotted a door a few feet away. "Go, go," he screeched as softly as he could, tugging on Keith's arm frantically. Keith quickly slapped his hand on the scanner and he and Lance slipped in before shutting the door immediately. "Lock it," Lance cried as Keith twisted his palm, sighing in relief when a lock symbol appeared over the scanner. "That was way too close," grumbled Keith as he tested his comms, receiving nothing but static, "but, of course, you thought going towards the noise was a smart idea." Lance grimaced and spun around to shove a finger against Keith's chest plate.
"I told you the map said to go that way before it went, poof!" Lance spat, shoving his finger harder against Keith's armor, and pushing him back against the wall. "The soldiers and the druids being there wasn't my fault." Keith scoffed, swatting away Lance's hand with a furrowed brow. "What? Are you saying it's my fault now?" Lance cradled his chin between his thumb and his forefinger, tilting it with a sarcastic hum before nodding. "Yeah. You were the one who was rushing me earlier! If we weren't practically running to our deaths, I could have been able to memorize the route!"
"Fuck off, Lance," Keith seethed with grit teeth, shoving Lance back, making the blue paladin stumble back harshly. "Come mierda, cabrón!" Keith had no time to react when Lance shoved him back against the wall, his hand slamming against a small control panel. A sharp, almost ear-piercing, beep stopped them in their tracks, Lance paling as the wall adjacent to them slowly started to rise. Without a second to waste, Keith and Lance pulled out their bayards, transforming them and holding them tight as they awaited what would come next with anxious stares.
"What the..." "...Quiznak."
The cheers they had at some point blocked out had now hit them at full force as they scanned the arena the room had overlooked. It was filled to the brim with Galra, their fucked-up excitement piercing the air. In the middle of the arena were two aliens, one drastically larger than the other. It was heartbreakingly obvious who was going to win. The smaller of the two aliens swung their weapon feverishly, heaving as they tried to hit the larger alien. It wasn't even moments later that the alien was nothing more than a corpse. Lance felt sick to his stomach.
"Keith?! Lance?! Come in!"
Lance was dead silent as Keith gritted his teeth, fists tightening until he could feel a sharp stinging in his palms. "This is Keith...we..." Keith faltered in remembering Lance's previous warnings about telling Pidge the truth. It was all futile when the crowd erupted into cheers so deafening, that the comms had heard them loud and clear. "Is there a... a fighting ring?" Pidge's weary voice made Keith shudder and it was Lance's turn to respond. "There's no way Mr. Holt and Matt are here," Lance began while crossing his arms, "they're too smart to be put in a fighting ring of all places." Pidge let out a soft 'yeah' that made Lance and Keith frown.
The cheers of the arena were still echoing through the comms and Keith fidgeted while waiting for Shiro to break the radio silence. "I... I didn't think this place was a...a fighting ring," Shiro finally managed to say, pain audibly visible in his voice. Lance could faintly hear Hunk comforting Pidge who was tapping away at her screen and when he glanced over at the glass, another alien had been pushed out into the arena— he turned back around before he could see much more. Allura was next to speak, clearing her throat awkwardly. "Paladins...maybe we should call off this mission."
"No! We can't! The information we got said a human was being held here!" cried Pidge through a voice crack, "what if it's Matt...or- or Dad? I can't leave them here. Even if it's not them, we're the defenders of the universe aren't we?" Allura sighed as the comms went silent again, "you're right, Pidge. Paladins, continue the mission. Keith, Lance, if you find Pidge's family, bring them to the castleship immediately." Lance half-smiled yet before he could say a witty comment or flirt with Allura, the echoing voice of a Galran announcer interrupted him. The language was translated through their helmets, making both Keith and Lance grimace.
"What a fight! Seems like our reigning champion lives another day," the announcer said as laughter bled through the glass of the windows, "but now, it's time for your favorite part of the evening!" If the cheers hadn't been deafening before, they certainly were now. Keith and Lance approached the glass as the cheering died down, and the announcer chuckled. "A glorious intermission led by the only one of her kind—" Pidge let out a 'huh?', "— the charming enchantress you all know and love..." There were wolf whistles and screams of delight as some fog rolled out into the arena, blocking their sight.
"Que mierda-What the hell is happening?!"
"The marchioness..."
"How the fuck would I know?!"
"...of the Galran Empire..."
"Both of you shut up!"
"...Lady Andromeda!"
The arena went dark, a single purple spotlight falling in the middle of it. There, in the dreadful beam of light, you laid. "Guys, you might want to see this," muttered Lance, pressing a button on the side of his helmet to show the others what he was seeing. He and Keith watched as around twelve other aliens surrounded you, trembling as you raised your head from your crossed arms. The silence that had just loomed over the arena ceased when an eerie rendition of Clair De Lune resounded through it, sending chills down Lance's spine. You were on your feet now, arms raised above your head before you lowered them down gracefully to the beat of the music.
Lance's gut wrenched when you raised your leg— the metal one that consisted of just a small coil that mirrored the shape of ballet shoe ribbons and the metal 'foot' built to resemble a ballet slipper. You were a ballerina and you were dancing in the middle of a fighting arena. Lance could already see his younger cousins performing their recitals in the living room with cheap tutus, pink stockings, and no ballet slippers in sight. He could feel the smile tugging at his cheeks when his cousins would try to imitate the ballerina on the tv behind them while looking back far too often. He could hear their laughter and their stupid little jokes as they tried to be as elegant as the prima ballerina.
Yet, there you were, the pinnacle of perfection.
Lance nor Keith could take their eyes off of you, even with the frantic conversation of their teammates in their helmets discussing their next moves to save you. You didn't seem fazed by the aliens rigidly dancing around you as you twirled softly onto your toes Keith couldn't help but wonder, for a moment, what it was like to dance with a prosthetic while Lance stared at the black fabric of your tutu which glittered like the stars that shone over Varadero. While Lance started thinking of his cousins again, Keith could feel anger bubbling in the bottom of his stomach as you danced without a care in the world— you reminded him too much of Shiro.
Shiro, who pretended that he wasn't affected by the constant fights or the need to survive as 'The Champion' in the middle of space. Shiro, who came back to Earth screaming and thrashing about the Galra only to get sedated and quarantined. Shiro, whose disappearance was covered up as a failure on his and his team's behalf. Shiro...who was completely silent. "Shiro?" asked Keith, the realization of Shiro's silence settling in, "what's wrong?" Shirt let out a choked noise and Keith's breath caught in his throat, "Shiro?!" Lance turned to Keith with a furrowed brow which Keith mirrored as Shiro took deep breaths over the comms.
"I... I know her. Lady Andromeda, I- she and Zarkon watched me fight once but I didn't know she was... human."
Keith turned from the glass, walking to the corner of the room to open a private comm between him and Shiro. Before he could, however, Lance shouted. It wasn't one of contempt like it usually was between him and Keith, but a guttural one that made Keith rush back over towards the glass. "Lance, what-" Lance had clamped a hand over his mouth so tightly that Keith was concerned that Lance might inadvertently suffocate himself. But when Lance pointed shakily at the arena, Keith (sadly) immediately understood why. At your feet was an alien, its head nowhere to be found.
"What the fuck."
Lance curled in on himself, breathing heavily as Keith's eyes stayed glued to the arena, watching as you moved toward the alien behind you, its arms shakily lifting you into the air. Not even moments later, its head was gone, tumbling down into the fog. It wasn't like Keith wasn't used to such violence (war was war after all), but you looked so unfazed that it made him sick. Any pity he held for you was gone as he grit his teeth, fists clenching as he stood and watched you send more innocent aliens to their deaths. Keith tore his eyes away from the glass before his anger got the best of him, pulling Lance along with him.
"We aren't going to save her," grumbled Keith as cries of confusion rang through the comms but he stayed firm in his judgment. "She's a lost cause. She could try and save those innocent aliens but she isn't! She's probably been brainwashed by Zarkon," Keith insisted as Lance stood, flabbergasted. "B-But Keith...she's still," Lance hesitated— it wasn't like Keith was wrong but there was something about the way you were dancing. Lance's gaze floated over to the arena where you leaned into an alien's arms, mouth moving just clearly enough to make out one word: sorry. You weren't doing this willingly, you couldn't have been.
And Lance wasn't going to leave you behind.
Lance grabbed Keith's arm just as he was unlocking the door of the room they had locked themselves into, a knot in his brow. "What Lance," asked Keith exasperatedly while Lance gnawed on the inside of his lip. With a deep breath, Lance pulled Keith over to the glass, forcing him to watch as you stood amidst a ring of aliens, not a spot of blood on your dress. But your ballet slippers were soaked in blood, a sickening hue of black. You slowly sunk in on yourself, wrapping your arms around your midsection as you gracefully sat in a circle of corpses. While the Galrans cheered and whistled, you looked up in the direction of the balcony they stood in, a strained smile on your face.
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moonpiies · 3 years
My friend just got be back into Voltron because we were talking about how badly written most of the characters were so may i request Matt holt with a GN s/o who is very strong snd could just pick him up (bridal style or like any way you can pick someone up)
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requested by @adusgaha (i couldn’t tag them properly)
pairing: matt holt x strong!reader
warning(s): none
note: i really like this request
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he rolls his eyes playfully and agrees to let you try if you insist
you effortlessly pick him up bridal style and bring him to your shared room
you effortlessly pick him up bridal style and bring him to your shared room
he’s like: “bro what—”
this mf was blushing the entire time
he thinks it’s totally badass that you can do it tho
he still worries that you might strain your back or break something
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masked-princess · 3 years
I wish I could describe how painful it is to not have enough/ a lot of new x reader content for your faves and having to force yourself to move on to another character so you won’t feel sad.
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girlboypersonthingy · 4 months
Can I request Matt with a cosplayer s/o? I can totally see them doing cosplay couples such as Link and Zelda, David and Lucy, Zhongli and Tartaglia, Jean and Lisa... And please could It be fluff (and maybe something spicy If you want)? Thank you!! 🩷
PLZ IM SO WEAK FOR THIS REQUEST OML !!! Thank you for this 🙏🏻 also sorrrryyyyy this took me literally forever to get to. ENJOY~
Cosplay Couple 🧡
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This dweeb would for sure be the one to bring all the ideas to you. I could see him running up to you, practically shaking from excitement as he takes a deep breath then tells you his thoughts.
“Link and Zelda, hm? That sounds fun but Link is canonically shorter than Zelda sooo…”
If you’re shorter than him, he’s immediately like “HELL YEAH!!! ILL BE THE PRINCESS. IM GONNA WEAR A DRESS!”
If you’re taller than him, he immediately gets flirty. “Oooh~ I can’t wait to see you dressed up like a princess. You’re gonna be so freaking adorbs.”
Honestly he gives zero fucks about gender roles and stuff like that. If he wants to dress as a female character, he will. And he won’t do some gender bent version of it, he’s going full out girly girl.
But he likes dressing as male and other gendered characters too. He just likes to cosplay his fav characters and sometimes his favs are girls. 🤷🏻 whatevs
Will absolutely take you to comicon or any other fun convention. He’d be running around like a kid in a candy store with $100.
Might even get too excited. Like running into people, tripping and falling type excited. You may have to hold his hand or put him on one of those money backpack leash things for kids lmao
Will also beg you like a million times to take pics of him with any cosplayers that he thinks are really cool and well done.
Fucking cutie dork is like ✌🏻😃 in every pic
Also asks several different people at different times throughout the day to take pics of you two together and when he looks back at the photos, he smiles all big.
At some point, he’ll drag you off to a private corner or to a single stall bathroom or even back to the car to dishevel your costume a bit with gentle groping and touches as you guys sloppily make out.
Probably messes up your hair, wig, makeup. Maybe all three. You might have to tell him to chill out cuz he’ll totally try to take you back home for some quality time together right now.
If yall are more into the ‘cosplay for a video and post it online but don’t leave the house’ thing, he’s totally fine with that too.
He wouldn’t care if no one even saw your cosplays but each other bc either way, it’s a lot of fun and he loves the quality time spent with you.
Always asks you to help with the makeup part of any cosplay. I couldn’t see him being very good with makeup so he’s gonna rely on you.
Also he sucks bc you’ll take hours to get into your cosplay, trying to perfect your look and Matt will ruin it all with his big, grabby hands and his soft, slobbery lips within minutes.
But god forbid you wreck his cosplay from being all handsy and kissy, he’ll pout about it for the rest of the day.
“Aawwww, (Y/N)!!! No! Why?! I looked so goooddddd, ugh!”
Back to the ‘fuck gender roles’ thing…Matt would find you so fucking hot cute in any cosplay, regardless of your gender or the characters’ gender.
If you are a fem who wants to dress as a masc character, he’s like 😍🥵
If you are a masc who wants to dress as a fem character, he’s like 😳🥰
If you’re anything in between or non binary or whatever, he doesn’t care. He vibes with you soooo heavy so your looks or your sexuality or your gender identity don’t bother him. If anything, your unique sense of yourself makes him adore you even more.
ALSO ALSO same goes with height, weight, skin color. If you wanna cosplay a character that actually looks nothing like you, is way taller than you or way thinner than you, he’s there to help you get it as accurate as you can
Tells you at least 100 times that it’s just dress up and doesn’t have to be perfect
But also tells you you’re always perfect in the same breath
He’ll support you in any way no matter what.
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