#Max x geraldine
paddockbunny · 2 years
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Chapter Three
Summary: CAUGHT! You were caught as soon as you exited Max's drivers room after giving him a pre-race blowjob. But, although it turned out to be a HUGE mistake coming all the way to Budapest for a race, the trip isn't all wasted when he gets out of the post race dinner and comes straight to you to celebrate. Pairing : Max Verstappen x Reader Rating :18+. Word Count: 5, 670 Trigger Warnings : IT'S BASICALLY ALL ANGST AND SMUT! NSFW, 18+, adult content, adult language, Christian Horner, PinV sex, protected sex, oral female receiving, angst, sad family dynamic vibes, caught (Idk if thats a trigger but it might be). Gif Credit : @libraryofloveletters 💞READ PART 1 HERE // READ PART TWO HERE
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The moment you left Max’s drivers room, in desperate search for an iced coffee, you heard a familiar voice call your name from behind and you felt your body tensing. “Y/N!” She said with a shout. “What are you doing here?” Geraldine was rushing towards you as fast as her little legs in a pair of ridiculous wedges could carry her. It had to be her that brought you crashing back down to reality. You had been on such a high after blowing Max in his drivers room that you momentarily forgot that your father didn’t know you were here and all caution about strolling through his workplace had evidently completely abandoned you. When you heard your stepmothers voice it had really snapped you straight back to reality and all confidence could have been zapped right out of your soul. Still, the excitement for the fact you were positive Max would be turning up at your hotel room later after he won the race – something else you were fairly certain of – lingered under the surface and you pushed this new found stress over getting caught out of your mind.
Geri linked her arm in yours and smirked before informing you that your father would be happy to see you – you seriously doubted it - and then the awkward question about how you had a VIP lanyard around your neck arose. You could lie and make something up on the spot but then you figured she would see right through that. So you told her a version of the truth. “Uh, Max invited me.” Geri immediately stopped walking and her hand grasped hold of your wrist. You knew from the expression plastered all over her face that your confession excited her and her mind was no doubt running away with her so you swiftly put an end to that. “I told Max that my dad doesn’t like me around the races and so he invited me. Nothing else to it.” You shrugged and played the whole thing down. Geri knew your father’s stance of you being in the paddock and so you said your father didn’t want you around so freely. Besides, you weren’t going to tell her that you had just had Max’s cock shoved down your throat. She eyed you suspiciously but relinked her arm in yours and lead you back toward the area of which you had just came. As Geri pulled you down the corridor and into the garage you heard your father before you saw him.
“Look who’s here…” Geri stated and thrust you in front of her. Your father’s face remained stony and an uneasy feeling descended between the pair of you as you stood and stared at each other. You observed him as he put his hands on his hips and seemed to grit his teeth. He wasn’t happy. That much was very, very clear. In fact it was so obvious that the sentiment behind him all but banning you from the paddock a few years ago still very much stood and he hadn’t changed his mind. It should have upset you – how much he didn’t trust you – if you hadn’t already had his golden boy driver behind his back so you had had your metaphorical revenge. You tried not to smirk as the memory of fucking Max in your fathers Aston Martin a few weeks ago breezed through your mind but you held it together and closed the space between your father and you.
“Hi.” You stated with fake cheeriness. “How…” He laughed off the sudden concern in his voice “You’re here?” concern was replaced by feigned surprise. “Yeah, uh after the summer shindig, Max invited me.” As he had faked his shock, you faked your breezy confidence. You saw your father’s eyes narrow at you and as if you had turned into a mind reader you thought perhaps he was going to scold you publicly for accepting the invitation extended by his driver. However, he put that fake sounding voice he did when he was trying not to lose his shit in front of the media, the one usually reserved for Toto Wolff.   “That was nice of him.” It was exactly how you were expecting it to sound but perhaps laced with more bluntness than you were expecting. Regardless, it was still a tone you were very used to him talking to you in so you done you’re usual and simply bit your tongue. “I will have to thank him.” You could practically hear his teeth grinding.
“I told him you wouldn’t be happy.” You didn’t say it so he would hear you. You said it under your breath and he just happened to hear you. And it was clear from the sideways glance that he did. There was a sudden twinge in your stomach. Perhaps it was the awkwardness of the situation but then perhaps it was just because you had never felt so unwelcome like you did right now, ever before. Geri had made the mistake of underestimating how much your father really, really didn’t want you involved in this aspect of his life – if not all aspects but that was what happened when you were the child of the failed first marriage and therefore could only milk the situation for the connections your surname could bring you.
After a lengthy pause, you bit the inside of your cheek and swallowed nervously. He didn’t seem interested in introducing you to anyone or telling you where to watch the race from so you did the only thing you knew would make this less awkward.
“Anyway, I uh…I’m not staying. I have a headache so I’m just going to head back to my hotel. Have a good race.” You stated, trying to muster as much enthusiasm as you could before turning. You really had just got here and you knew how lucky you were to have the pass swinging around your neck. But the fact you were so unwelcome really did hit you through the core. It was awkward and uncomfortable and all you wanted to do was get out of there as fast as you could. You wanted to see Max win, you wanted to cheer him on and then celebrate with him privately later, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to stay. You could always catch another race another year; he probably wouldn’t even care if you had seen this one. It wasn’t as if you were his girlfriend, you were just a fuck buddy. You saw the look on Geri’s face as you walked passed her. It was sympathetic and as if she didn’t know what the outcome of this would have been all along. Even if you couldn’t exactly blame her for thinking he perhaps might have changed now you were here, at a race. You knew exactly how stubborn your father could be. Fuck, when you got into Oxford he wanted to send you Edinburgh instead because it would cost less and it took Geri suggestion she pay your tuition fees for him to stop being a dick. The thing was, you could understand it if you had done something, said something or acted out in anyway to warrant such distrust in him but up until that summer BBQ there was nothing in your past that explained his attitude toward you. As you walked out while others were rushing in you glanced to your right at the wrong time and your eyes locked on familiar ones. They were determined ones. Ready and prepared to stroll into the garage as if he owned it, get in the car and drive it like his life depended on it. In many ways a stark contrast to how you had been treated and you had thought may times how it was ironic that you were fucking the man you knew your father wished was his own son. It was a few seconds before you turned away and continued walking away down the paddock. Max had to have seen the look written all over your face and while cascades of people were all buzzing to get up to hospitality and watch from their perfectly selected view above the pits, you were heading out of the area completely.
You never actually watched races. You heard about them and saw the updates on your phone but you never sat down and watched them. It wasn’t that you had no interest – you actually did rather like motor racing in general – but it was easier that way to distance yourself from feeling left out. But today, you turned the hotel room television on to a sports channel. Initially you thought you’d just have it on in the background as you did something else but slowly you began watching it and even willing Max to do well. With six laps till the finish, Max was sitting on Charles Leclerc’s tail. He tried several times to get him but the Ferrari driver seemed to continually have him covered. You glanced down at your phone and thought of what you would text him if he didn’t win. If you wanted him to still come and have a consoled fuck or if you kept up with the lie of having a headache and patched him off. But you ignored the thought because you had faith in him. Your hands clasped together in front of your face as you mumbled positive words of affirmation that he could do it while your heart thundered in your chest. And then, with two laps remaining, Max passed Charles on the long straight and you practically yelped and leaped off of the edge of the bed. Charles fought back, pushing hard on each gap he thought was open to him but as they came flying round the last corner on the very last lap of the race, Max pulled ahead and crossed the line first. He had won and you were glad you didn’t need to text him after all – even if you were the one going to be in a worse mood and would need cheering up.
Hours passed with only a text from Max telling you he would be on his way soon. You had made sure you looked pretty for him, redoing little bits of hair that had lost their curl and fixing a bit of make-up here and there. You had never done that for a guy before. Thought about what they would think when they saw you and felt like it was beyond ridiculous that you should be doing it now but for some reason you wanted too. You wanted to look nice for him, for Max. You had chosen red lingerie and put it on first but then as you looked at yourself you thought it was a terrible choice. He had spent so long behind a red car this afternoon he wouldn’t want to see red when he undressed you. So you selected your black set instead. It made your boobs look better anyway so you figured he would like it. And once it was on, you pulled on a hotel robe. You entertained the idea of getting dressed but what was the point? He was only going to take it all off anyway. Then, you sat on the edge of the bed and waited.
It was nearly two hours from when he had sent the message. He hadn’t done press yet and that took a while from what you heard. Then there was always some briefing thing after that that you knew only because you father complained a lot about it if the race hadn’t gone well. So although you felt anxious he wasn’t going to turn up at all and you had come all the way to Budapest for absolutely nothing, you opened the bottle of champagne and started drinking it – just in case.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, there was a heavy knock upon the door and it was as if all the days’ issues had completely melted away. You knew it was him from just his knock. It was so distinctively Max like that you just knew and all of the feelings of being rejected, hurt and embarrassed earlier were replaced by excitement, thrill and lust. You hurried to the door simply because didn’t want anyone to see him there waiting let alone have him think that you were getting cold feet. A quick glance through the peephole confirmed it was him. He stood with his head tilted down slightly but you knew it was him so with a slightly shaky had you pushed down the handle of the door and pulled it open immediately. The same rush of excitement that coursed through your body was evidently coursing through his and displayed for you see as a smirk dancing upon his lips. It was then, as you observed his eyes trail down over your body, that you realised you hadn’t tied the belt on the robe and were giving him an eyeful of the lingerie you had chosen just for him. Without knowing where the sudden confidence and boldness came from, you simply stated; “You don’t have to window shop.” And Max crossed the threshold from the hotel corridor into your room easily upon hearing your words.
“Champagne?” He said as you unzipped his Red Bull team jacket and started slowly peeling it off his body. “I thought you could spray it over me.” A slight breezy chuckle left you and he matched it by laughing loudly. As his jacket fell with a thud on to the plush carpeted flooring he mimicked your actions and pushed off the fluffy hotel robe. As he did so, you realised you weren’t sure if it was the sudden temperature change from being disrobed or if your body was reacting to being this naked in front of him because sudden Goosebumps appeared across your skin. Back when you realised he was casting his eyes up and you’re your body at the door, it dawned on you this was the first time he was seeing you so undressed. The time in the car, sure he had lifted your dress and watched your pussy take his cock, but you were still pretty clothed. And earlier when you blew him you kept all your clothes in situ so he hadn’t even had a peek then. But now, as he took in the lingerie he clearly knew you had chosen for him, a rush of nerves hit you. What if he didn’t like what he saw? What if he liked bigger boobs or a smaller butt? What if he didn’t like your waist or thought your thighs were too big or too small? You swallowed and thought he wouldn’t have come here if he didn’t find you attractive, chalking your anxieties back to how you felt earlier in the day and ordering yourself not to impose them upon Max. And then, as if he could read your mind, Max cupped your cheek and just before he kissed you whispered; “You’re beautiful” against your lips.
Floating. That was how you could describe Max Verstappen’s kiss. You felt like you were floating. Softly, gently, as if every little corner of your body was being elevated into some strange place you had never been before. No one had ever kissed you like he did. His pillow-y, pouty mouth could take you somewhere otherworldly and when his tongue danced across yours you felt your stomach do an excited flip. A surge of electricity run up your spine when his hands engulfed your waist and you felt his fingertips dip and toy with the lace sides of your though. A short exhaled breath pouring into him as you pressed against his body and felt his heat radiating from him. That simmer of electric feeling switched directions and instead of going up your spine, it now travelled south and directly between your thighs. It was your body’s way of telling you hot badly you needed him there, between your legs.
“Max…” You moaned his name and he turned the pair of you around so the bed was directly behind you. It was hard to ignore the fact he had managed to guide you over to it, the back of your legs hitting it first. But you remembered that he had won earlier and it should have been him getting a celebratory repeat of the blowjob you had given him before the race. Then you realised as he slowly sat you down and got on to his knees, getting his own pleasure was the furthest thing from his mind.
If you could describe Max as a good kisser, you didn’t think there were words in the English language – or any other for that fact – that could describe how phenomenal he was at head. Max had pulled down your panties so tantalisingly slowly that you thought you might actually have a coronary your heart was pounding that fast. And the tender kisses he placed all along your thighs, hips and stomach made the panic of self doubt you felt moments earlier disappear. But that first contact of his mouth – specifically of his tongue – upon your already slick folds made a loud gasp leave your parted lips followed quickly by his name. You couldn’t think of anything other than him as his tongue pressed flat strong strips through your folds, lapping at your juices, before teasing your sensitive clit with the very tip of his tongue. Your bottom lip became a barrier for your teeth as you sunk them into it, holding back a jumble of sighs moans and gasps for him, as an encouragement to keep going. Every now and then an unsteady cry of; “fuck!”, “oh my god” & “right there” managed to spill out. You swore you could feel him smirking against you as he introduced his fingers and delicately rubbed your aching clit with quick paced circles. As you knew your release was fast approaching you glanced down to see his eyes staring straight back at you and you instantly knew what he was doing. He wanted to watch as your orgasm ripped through you just like you had done to him earlier in the day when your eyes stayed glued to him while he came in your mouth. And then you knew the realisation of you knowing what he was doing hit him and his fingers halted their action – replaced by his tongue, again – and moved further down, teasing at your entrance so much so that you begged for him. And his name followed by a breathy; “please” was a good enough request to him so in response he pushed two fingers inside of you, curling them up so they could press against the tender fleshly bump of your g-spot and resume his task in making you cum for him.
“Max…” Your fingers found his hair and weaved into hold on as the fingers on the other hand found the bed sheets. The added sensation of his fingers inside of you was too much and you were too sensitive. You were fighting with to cling on to the edge Max was driving you toward, not yet ready to fully let go and not wanting to give in too soon – the sensation too overwhelmingly delicious for you to succumb to. But after hearing him let out a pleased, smug laugh, you did indeed succumb and your orgasm tore through all of your sensitive nerves.
As you thighs still trembled you glanced down to see Max pulling off his Red Bull issue polo and toss it away from him. The metaphor of the action was not lost on you. You read the tossing of the shirt as the last tie of anything team related between the pair of you. The last shred of a barrier or remembrance of who he was and who you were, removed. It made a smile flutter across your lips and Max smirked.
“Was it that good? Huh?” He was cockily referring to his own oral skills and as your eyes trailed down his body to settle on the work his hands were now making of his jeans – the ones harbouring a very obvious, strained, hard cock within them – you bit your lip and nodded. It was perhaps the first time in your life that you had ever been at a loss for words. He rendered you speechless. Your eyes went back to focusing on him ridding himself of his jeans and your mouth practically salivated as his thick, girthy cock was finally set free. Then you watched as he grabbed his jeans again and pulled something out of the pocket of them. A blue square foil wrapper. A condom. You hadn’t used one in the car that day and so you weren’t sure of what to make of him tearing open the packet, removing its contents and slowly unfurling it as he rolled it down himself. You weren’t sure if you should feel glad or relieved by him taking precautions like this or if you should be confused as to why it was so important for him now? This was just sex, right. You told yourself that over and over in your mind and condoms shouldn’t mean anything other than no babies, no STI’s and yet you couldn’t help but wonder if he didn’t trust you.
“I’m clean…” It came rushing out of you. “I know I uh….” Did you just make him nervous? Was he clean? Did the way he stuttered mean he was sleeping around or at least more than what a guy his age and standing should? “I uh, we don’t need a surprise. I don’t think a Horner Verstappen baby would be best for either of us right now.” So it was about what could have been produced from the pair of you having sex that was what he was concerned with and slowly you relaxed. Perhaps it had been a little risky that day you climbed on top of him and rode him till he came inside of you. The fact he had thought about this and had the condom so handy was also sort of sweet, in a weird way. Still, you would have liked to be a part of that discussion so you didn’t automatically think the worst. And then the tiny little thought of how it would have felt to have been knocked up by Max Verstappen and have to tell your father entered your head. You almost giggled the thought of his eldest, sort of unwanted child getting pregnant by his golden boy driver at the pinnacle of his career.
As you allowed the thought to linger just for a moment Max tenderly reached out and caressed your cheek and it brought you back into reality. “Do you still want to? I should have asked, mentioned the condom before, I just…” Your lips cut him off. “It’s the sweetest thing any guy has ever done for me. Thought about me like that, protecting me.” You whispered and although he moved fractionally so he could look in your eyes you didn’t want to look at him in case he saw too much of your soul in that moment. In your mind, this was going to be pure unadulterated fucking. It was going to be hot, sweaty, dirty sex. But now, after the slight kind benevolence Max had shown to you seemed to take on a more romantic, caring tone. As his lips glided across yours and you felt him repositioning you – opening your hips up so he could comfortably slide between them – you couldn’t help but feel a strange calmness deep in your soul.
The sex between you and Max in the car could now be described as an urge, an itch that you just had to scratch, but this, right now, felt like something else entirely. Perhaps dare you say it, maybe there were feelings involved. As Max positioned the tip of his sheathed cock at your entrance his fingers linked with yours at the side of your head. You turned your head to look at how well your hand fit in his, how little it felt in his and how his fingers looped with yours perfectly. “y/n, look at me.” He brought you back to him and as soon as your eyes were locked on his he pushed inside of you. The stretch of his cock made your mouth fall open and whatever noise came out of you was matched by a heavy groan from him. Max stayed there for a while before moving and when he delved back in he felt even deeper than before and you grabbed hold of his shoulders. “Fuck, I forgot how tight you are.” Your nails dug into his skin as he quickly began setting a steady pace and somehow, Max realised you were still in the black lace bra and he didn’t like that so he pulled down the flimsy bit of material and your back arched as he dipped his head down and captured your nipple in his mouth. As he rolled it between his teeth he quickened his pace and you couldn’t help but moan his name loudly. It came pouring out of you and suddenly something inside of you seemed to click and your hands fell down toward his butt and encouraged him with a quick; “harder”
As Max practically fucked you into the mattress his breath was hot on your neck as he pounded away mercilessly. But then he changed up the pace all of a sudden and sat upright, using his impressive strength to pull you up with him, he stayed situated inside of you. The change of position meant his cock was able to hit that sweet spot his fingers had done earlier. Max used the new position to undo the bra that had annoyed him earlier and you were thankful of him for doing it as soon as your boobs brushed against his chest and you now felt like you could take control. As your legs were now wrapped around Max’s waist and you were able to grind down on him it wasn’t long until you were beginning to edge closer to your high. Max ordered you to look at him again and there was something about looking directly into his eyes that was almost enough to get you get you off all by itself. And yet, Max didn’t let up. While his blue as the ocean eyes stared into yours he kept bucking his hips up you met him with every thrust.
“Max….” You panted when you felt yourself start hurtling toward an orgasm and repeated his name over and over again before his lips found yours and kissed with everything he had. His lips stayed moving rhythmically you’re your own hungrily devoured every moan, sigh and gasp that came out of you as finally, as you felt yourself loose control and your climax came crashing upon you. It felt like electricity sparking all over your body and your whole body shook as he continued fucking you through your high. You could feel your walls constricting around him and the added feeling was clearly enough to have him following your high with his own. Your name flowed from him and into your ear and as much as he gave you a physical orgasm he was giving you a mental one in that second, to know you were the one making him feel that incredible orgasmic high was everything to you.
You had nipped to the bathroom and returned to find a butt ass naked Max out of the bed and pouring himself a glass of the champagne that you had ordered to the room to celebrate his win. “Did you see the overtake on Charles?” He asked as you watched him pour the golden liquid and glace over toward you. You nodded and hopped he wouldn’t ask why you hadn’t been there to see it – because you knew he probably knew you had left after the shit that transpired after you left him in his drivers room – so decided to congratulate him overall. “What does it feel like?” You asked as you crossed the room and he topped your glass up for you. "Winning, what does it feel like?" You added as Max smiled broadly and tried to register the question you were asking him. He bit his lip and pressed your full champagne flute into your hand before answering.
“It's like an orgasm. Nothing feels better in the whole world. The building feeling, the electricity that courses through your veins and the ultimate rush of pure fire that you get as you cum is exactly what it feels like to cross the finish line as a winner.” His eyes cast down over your face, drinking in your eyes and your mouth before continuing down your naked body again and such a simple action was so effective because you could feel yourself get wet again from just the look alone. But just as you were about to practically beg him to fuck you again, there was a loud series of knocks on your door. “Are you expecting…” “No.” You stated immediately and felt a horrible sinking descend over you like a black cloud.
You grabbed the robe that Max had rid you of nearly an hour ago and hurried as you pulled it on your body on your way to the door. Pressing your cheek to the door to see through the peephole your stomach twisted in a tight knot. As soon you turned Max looked at you and he knew instantly what set you on edge.
“No.” He furrowed his brow then it dawned on him and his face turned into one of horror. You grabbed his jacket and shoved it under the disrupted bedding and hoped it was enough of a mess to conceal it. You watched as Max grabbed his jeans and his polo and practically sprinted into the bathroom as you collected yourself, trying to steady your breathing and clam your shaking hand. And then you opened the door to your father and Geri. You met her eyes first and then glanced over to your dad who clearly seemed corralled into coming here by his wife. It wasn’t until you saw Geri glance into the room behind you that you remembered she asked where you were staying and if you had booked into the team hotel, to which you stupidly replied with the name of the stupidly expensive hotel that you had checked into instead and that was how they were now standing outside in said hotel’s hallway. Then it hit you how lucky you were they didn’t turn up earlier because they would have most certainly heard you and Max fucking and that would have created a total shit storm of which you weren’t sure you were able to deal with right now. 
“We came to check on you. See if you wanted to come for dinner.” You were sure your dad didn’t want to come check on you and you were certain he didn’t want you to come for dinner either. “But, you don’t look very well.” He added. “I hope it’s not catching.” And you figured it was a rather random comment but then your attention turned to Geri. She seemed to be focusing something on the floor behind you and you were hoping it wasn’t a forgotten item of clothing. The moment seemed to take an eternity to pass. Your lungs ached at how you hadn't taken a breath since opening the door. You felt headrush as if you had gotten up too quickly but all you were doing was clinging to the door for support. Then thankfully, as if she could register your awkwardness she finally broke the tension filled silence - you had already gathered this would have been her idea, your father inviting you to the team dinner, considering he couldn't even bare to have you watch the race from the paddock. “Anyway, you probably should go back to bed. Try getting a little better.” She tugged on your fathers arm and usually it would be an action you would have rolled your eyes at but for some reason – probably enhanced by the weird look she was giving you – you let it be and said a quick goodbye while closing the door.
As you turned you immediately saw what it was that Geri had been staring at. The small, blue foil wrapper lying on the carpet. Fuck. And as if the universe was trying to fuck with you even more, your phone pinged on the nightstand and you went straight to it, practically tripping over your own feet to reach it. Before you could unlock it however, Max strolled out of the bathroom. He was still completely naked and so you gathered he trusted you enough to save his bacon with your father – which you had done without even saying a word. Momentarily you found yourself amused and couldn’t fight the urge to admire the thickness of his cock before you swiftly turned attention back to your phone. You gave Max one quick glance before you opened the message from Geri, which you read aloud. “Say Hi to Max. Don’t worry, I won't tell your father. At least your being safe.” He looked at you confused before you explained whom exactly the message was from. Then you slowly bent down, picked up the condom wrapper and his mouth parted as his eyes looked toward the door and he realised there was no way she could have missed it. Both of you just needed to pray your dad had. And then all of a sudden you remembered your father saying something about he hoped your headache wasn’t catching.
“What was your excuse for not going to the team dinner?” “I had a headache.” Immediately your head tipped back and you groaned out a long exhaled; “fuck!” You were about to start freaking out. He couldn't have claimed he was exhausted or he felt sick? He had to go with headache? It was almost like the universe was fucking with you. Your father HAD to know, contrary to popular belief he wasn't dumb and was probably putting two and two together. Not helped by your overeager stepmother continually trying to set Max and you up. You figured you had to send Max away back to the Red Bull hotel, save his skin for him because if your father had worked it out from the pair of you having headaches at the exact same time, there were going to be fireworks. And right as panic started coursing through you, Max dropped his clothes back on to the floor and strolled over to you. His hands slowly went down your arms and his gentle voice asked you to look at him, which you did with slight apprehension. But you were instantly caught off guard because he was smirking and looked overwhelmingly chuffed with himself. His head tilted back and you had never seen someone exude so much confidence.
“Better get a round two in then…before your father cuts my balls off.”  
TAG LIST : @ironmaiden1313 @sgkophie @jointhehunt67 @ccrobbs
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freyayuki · 3 months
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Special Title Draw Banners Tickets Pulls Results Part 2
The Special Title Draw banners just showed up in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game.
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Sadly, the reason why these banners showed up is because DFFOO just announced that it will discontinue or end its service on February 29, 2024.
That announcement came as a shock. Really wish that wasn’t true. Wish the game wasn’t ending at all.
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I talk more about that in another post. In this post, will talk about the results of my ticket pulls on the Special Title Draw banners.
This is actually a continuation of another post. Had to split the posts since the 1st one or part 1 already reached the max limit of 30 pics per post.
Special Title Draw Banners Information
There are a total of 7 Special Title Draw banners. All the weapons that have been released up through November 21, 2023 will be available in these banners.
Special Title Draw Banner 1 features all the weapons of chars from Final Fantasy I, Final Fantasy XV, and Final Fantasy Type-0.
Special Title Draw Banner 2 features all the weapons of chars from Final Fantasy II and Final Fantasy VII (#ad).
Special Title Draw Banner 3 features all the weapons of chars from Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy VIII, and Final Fantasy X.
Special Title Draw Banner 4 features all the weapons of chars from Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy XIV, and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.
Special Title Draw Banner 5 features all the weapons of chars from Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy XIII, and Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin.
Special Title Draw Banner 6 features all the weapons of chars from Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy XI, and Final Fantasy Tactics.
Special Title Draw Banner 7 features all the weapons of chars from Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy XII, and World of Final Fantasy.
Special Title Draw Banners Tickets Pulls Results
Here are the results of my ticket pulls on the Special Title Draw banners. Have a lot of tickets, and a lot of my 10-draws just give me the usual bronze and silver trash and/or the occasional gold dupe.
As such, decided to only take a screenshot if I get a Force (FR) and/or Burst (BT) weapon regardless of if it’s new or a dupe. Will also take a screenshot if I actually get something new or something I haven’t fully max limit broken yet even if it isn’t a FR and/or BT.
Will also take screenshots if I get an interesting enough 10-draw like if an unusually high number of golds show up or something.
Got a dupe of Minwu's (from Final Fantasy II) FR from a force orb.
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My 1st copy of Minwu's FR hasn't been limit broken yet.
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This 10-draw also gave me a dupe of a char's 15cp.
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Another force orb gave me a dupe of Gabranth's (Noah fon Ronsenburg from Final Fantasy XII) FR as well as 2 15cp dupes.
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One of the 15cp weapons belongs to Reks from Final Fantasy XII. My 1st copy of his 15cp has been limit broken twice so this dupe will finally let me fully MLB said weapon.
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Got a dupe of Zell Dincht's (from Final Fantasy VIII) Ex.
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My 1st copy of this has been limit broken once.
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Got dupes of Jack's (from Final Fantasy Type-0) LD and King's (from Final Fantasy Type-0) LD.
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My 1st copy of King's LD hasn't been limit broken at all.
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Got 2 15cp dupes as well as a dupe of Rubicante's (from Final Fantasy IV) LD.
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My 1st copy of Rubicante's LD hasn't been limit broken at all.
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Got a dupe of Edge Geraldine's (from Final Fantasy IV) LD and a 15cp dupe.
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My 1st copy of Edge's LD hasn't been limit broken at all.
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Whenever I get a regular blue orb, I usually just quickly tap the screen to get to the draw results screen right away. That's because these usually give me nothing good anyway so don't want to bother waiting for all the bronze and silver trash to show up.
But this time, a regular blue orb actually ended up giving me something new.
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When I got to the draw results screen, was pleasantly surprised to see a Burst weapon. The BT even turned out to be new. It belongs to Dark Knight Cecil Harvey from Final Fantasy IV.
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A force orb gave me a dupe of Cissnei's (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) FR.
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Another force orb gave me a dupe of Weiss the Immaculate's (from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII) FR.
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Got dupes of Hope Estheim's (from Final Fantasy XIII) FR and Faris Scherwiz's (Sarisa Scherwil Tycoon from Final Fantasy V) Ex.
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My 1st copy of Hope's FR hasn't been limit broken at all.
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Got my 1st copy of Gilgamesh's (from Final Fantasy V) LD.
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This is one of the few LDs that I'm still missing.
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Got my 1st copy of Krile Mayer Baldesion's (from Final Fantasy V) FR.
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Got dupes of Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough's (from Final Fantasy VII) FR and Cait Sith's (from Final Fantasy VII) Ex.
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A force orb gave me a dupe of Balthier's (Ffamran mied Bunansa from Final Fantasy XII) FR and 2 15cp dupes.
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A force orb gave me a dupe of Garnet Til Alexandros XVII's (from Final Fantasy IX) FR.
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And that’s it. For this post, at least. There’s more but gonna have to talk about the rest of my Special Title Draw banners tickets pulls results in another post since already nearing the max limit of 30 pics per post in this one.
So what about you? What do you think about the news that DFFOO is ending its service on February 29, 2024? Did you pull on any of the Special Title Draw banners using tickets? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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lost-in-fictionn · 2 years
The suffering in zodiac academy series is UNREAL. I'll need a therapist to get over all that pain
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maddiesflame · 2 years
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maxgeraldine headers
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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psychoticminx · 3 years
I just finished book 4 of the Zodiac Academy series and I am not okay. Someone please tell me that everyone gets a HEA because my heart is too weak for this 💔😭
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bitchreadsbooks · 3 years
I read the zodiac academy series a few weeks ago and I'm still not sure what I feel about this book. Is it an interesting concept or is it just a Harry Potter x faeries fanfic.
Is Tory and Darius an ok ship or is it just dramione with slightly different labels slapped on? Is Lance and Darcy just a weird Snape fantasy? Why is there a teacher student relationship anyways?
First off I'd like to say that almost all characters pissed me off to no end. Why are they all so stupid, why are they all so stubborn, why are they so horny (i mean they really don't need to be)
When i first started the series I just wanted a high fantasy series I could dig into. I can now say with full confidence that if that's what you're looking for, this is probably not it. It's basically a porn with plot fic. Tory and Darius came out of nowhere, Lance and Darcy just feel wrong, and my main gripe is that YOU CANT JUST USE THE "WELL THEY'RE SOULMATES SO THEY FALL IN LOVE AUTOMATICALLY" NO. How do they fall in love? Where's the chemistry? When did they fall for each other? HOW? They literally hated each other and almost killed each other and suddenly WOW WERE IN LOVE OMG! NO. I REFUSE.
In conclusion, Seth x Caleb and Max x Geraldine are the only valid ships, I will not be taking criticism. I will also only be reading book 7 because of them.
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Blind date
Hey guys! I’m so glad that you liked both stories. That means a lot.
This time I’m going to post something funnier. I hope you’ll like it. As always, sorry for any mistakes.
Fandom: Assassin’s Creed
Pairing: Jacob Frye x OC (Gwen) -> pre-relationship
Warnings: none
“Blind date”
“I still can’t believe that you did this to me,” I mumbled when I entered the pub along with my aunt Geraldine.
“You’ll thank me later,” she said confidently. “He’s your type.”
“I’ll just say that I’m sorry for my lunatic aunt’s behaviour,” I assured. “And then I’m leaving.”
“We’ll see,” she snorted. “You’ll change your mind when you’ll see his gorgeous face.”
I rolled my eyes. I knew that my dear god-mother worried about my life but this was ridiculous. I didn’t expect that she would set a blind date with a complete stranger.
“Wait here, I think that I see my friends over there,” she said pointing at a group of women on the other side. And so she walked away.
I sighted heavily. There was no point in running away because she would find me, so I sat at the counter and waited. To pass the time I was looking at the bottles of alcohol and I was reading their labels.
“Well, well, who do we have here?” behind my back I heard familiar voice. “Isn’t that Gwenny ‘I will never again walk into the pub’ Hargrave? Apparently she’s tortured here.”
“Frye,” I looked at Jacob when he sat next to me, smirking dangerously. “As always you know exactly what to say.”
“Oh, love. Don’t be like that,” he nudged me. “I’m just surprised that after the last time you decided to come here.”
“What are you doing here?” I asked so he would shut up.
“I came for a drink,” he shrugged.
“Without Max?” I raised my eyebrow.
“I was nearby,” he said as an afterthought.
“You’re lying,” I noticed.
“Maybe, but more interestingly what are YOU doing here?” he retorted.
“I’m here with my aunt,” I admitted.
“Seriously?” he laughed. “Do you need nanny Gwenny? Does this aunt really exist?”
“Yes, she does!” I swatted his arm. “She has a meeting here.”
“Right,” he didn’t sound convinced. “Then I’ll sit with you.”
“That’s not necessary,” I grunted. I certainly didn’t want him to know the real reason of my presence here. Besides, I could tell that he was hiding something as well.
“I’m waiting for someone anyway,” he added.
“For whom?” I asked curiously.
“Are you jealous?” he grinned.
“All right, forget that I asked,” I rolled my eyes.
“Ah, here you are!” behind I heard aunt Geraldine’s cheerful voice. “And you’re already talking. Perfect.”
“What?!” we exclaimed together, completely dumbfounded.
“And apparently you two know each other already, good,” Geraldine chattered. “That will make things easier...”
“What the hell are you talking about?” I interrupted her. “He can’t be...”
“Yes. He’s your date,” she nodded and smiled brightly.
“She’s your aunt?” Jacob looked at me with amusement.
“Where did you meet him?” I asked Geraldine.
“At the bookshop,” she explained. “Where did YOU meet him?”
“He’s Max’s best friend and Evie’s twin brother,” I said and I felt blush creeping on my face.
That was so embarrassing. We were friends!
“Really?” my aunt looked at Jacob who smiled charmingly at her.
“I should have known that you are related,” he said.
“OK, that’s it,” I shook my head and got up. “You two should clarify everything, and I’m going home.”
“Wait, wait,” Jacob grabbed my hand. “Don’t be mad, Gwenny. Since we’re here we can at least drink something and talk.”
“That’s good idea,” Geraldine nodded enthusiastically.
“We talk every day,” I rolled my eyes. “You practically live in my flat.”
“Really?” my aunt looked at me quizzically.
“Temporarily,” Jacob explained. “And I think that still we should talk more.”
“Come on Gwenny, don’t be as snooty as your father,” Geraldine looked at me expectantly.
“Just one drink and we’ll go home,” Jacob promised.
“All right,” I sighted and gave in.
“Wonderful!” my aunt exclaimed happily. “So I’m leaving the two of you. I’ll call you later.”
“But...” I was about to protest.
“Bye, bye. Have fun!”
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paddockbunny · 2 years
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Chapter Four
Summary: Turning up to the paddock had perhaps been one of the worst decisions you possibly could have made but at least you didn't let the evening go to waste. Now, after the events of that weekend you had to face the music…..and be saved when things didn’t go so well Pairing : Max Verstappen x Reader Rating :18+. Word Count: 5, 749 Trigger Warnings : IT'S BASICALLY ALL ANGST AND SMUT! NSFW, 18+, adult content, adult language, LOTS of Christian Horner in this chapter, PinV sex, protected sex, sad potentially triggering family dynamics Authors Note : Ah I really hope you guys like it now it's been turned into a fic, hope it doesn't disappoint! If you wish to be added (or removed) from the Tag List please DM me so I see it! Sending everyone love
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You turned off the key to the ignition and a large exhale left your body. Of all the places in the world you could have been, here was the last place on earth you wanted to be. You took a cursory glace to the side of you, glimpsing fleetingly at the old fashioned farmhouse that now played host to your “family.” Every time you came back here to your father’s big sprawling estate equipped with its own stream for fishing, horse stables and fucking wine cellar even though no one could possibly drink that much wine, you couldn’t help but feel reminiscent. Not of the rather ostentatious abode your father and his family now resided but how much it reminded you of the somewhat humbler home you grew up in yourself when it was just the three of you, him, you and your mother. Hell, your childhood home would have paled in comparison to this palace. But at least you had some happy memories before Geraldine and the fame of his position in F1 went to your father’s head.
You grabbed Monty’s birthday present off the passenger seat of your car and took deep, steady inhale. Monty was the sole reason you were here. If it weren’t for keeping a promise to your little brother that you would come to his birthday party then you wouldn’t be anywhere near this place at all. Thing was immediately after leaving your hotel room in the early hours of the following morning - post celebratory all night fucking after his win – Max texted you and started hounding you about flying out and spending a few days with him in Monaco. And those texts he sent were very, very hard to resist. They always started innocently enough, claiming he just wanted to show you around but quickly they always descended into a familiar, smutty tone. You knew that if you had flown out to Monaco the only place you would be seeing would be Max Verstappen’s bedroom – and his shower, and his sofa, and his balcony and his kitchen counter top. Now you had gotten to know him better, you knew Max would want to be inside of you as much as he possibly could. And although the idea naturally excited you and aroused more than just your interest, you turned him down on grounds you were worried about how so much sex might affect his next performance (and of course upsetting little Monty by skipping his party). As you got out of the safety of your car you smiled while remembering the dick pic he sent you last night when he pleaded his case again for the umpteenth time. Your memory instantly recalling how desperate his purpling tip looked for some release and the veins that ran up and down his girthy shaft were fit for bursting. Cat like you practically licked your lips thinking about him being in your mouth. You couldn’t help imagining your tongue swirling around him, licking up and down his length and God, the sheer thought of taste of him was enough to get your panties damp. But as the gravel crunched underfoot while you walked up toward the doorway to your father and his new families home, you pushed the thought of Monaco, Max and his cock out of your mind.     
The place was awash with kids and their adults. From the kitchen you could see Geraldine was very much in charge, holding court amongst the parents while your father stood pretending to listen by her side. It was clear even just from inside that no expense had been spared on Monty’s fifth birthday. Trampolines, bouncy castles, balloon arches, the full fucking Instagrammable shebang. Watching the scene outside from behind the window, you could admit that it was hard for you not to feel a little bitter. You thought back to your birthday parties as a kid and could only recall one or two where your father was even present and even at that, you didn’t exactly have a party like this one. For you it was a few banners, paper hats and a customary Colin the Caterpillar cake. Not the lavish excessive parade of wealth Geri had managed to wrangle out of your notoriously tight fisted father. But then again you had to remind yourself that these were his “second chance children” and they’d be sure to get everything you never did, including his time and respect. You turned, ready to go out and make a fuss of your innocent brother when you caught sight of a bottle of opened champagne sitting ignored on a counter top. A few swigs for Dutch courage wouldn’t kill you – your father was probably still simmering about your paddock appearance after all.
“MONTY!” You shouted loudly, deliberately putting on a display of unwavering resilience. You spied him on the bouncy castle and held out your arms for him to come running into after he managed to get off. He squealed your name excitedly and ran as fast as his little legs could carry him. Regardless of what hurt you had felt in your life at the end of your fathers opinion and temper, you had to admit you did love this little adorable curly haired boy. He was so innocent and loving and you clamped your arms around him firmly when he leaped into your arms for a hug. You had missed all of his prior birthdays – due to Uni or just feeling plain unwelcome – so you were glad to make the appearance today just for him. He excitedly told you all of the presents he had gotten and who they were from before begging you to play them all with him because you were the “bestest” at knowing what to do and the sheer happiness in his little face made all of the worry in your body seem inconsequential. And then you felt a hand touch your shoulder and looked up to see Geri, smiling down at you.
“Thank-you.” She said instead of a hello, throwing her matchstick like arms around your body. “He’s been telling everyone his big sister was coming all day.” It made your heart swell but in the same passing moment you thought of how it felt like when you had been left devastated and crestfallen on so many of your own birthdays when your dad failed to make an appearance. “Would you like a slice of cake?” She smiled broadly and began leading you over toward where the adults were gathered. Geri had this peculiar knack of staring at you so intently with her blue eyes that you found yourself saying yes even if you meant no, probably how she managed to lure your dad away from your mum that was another hole down which you did not want to fucking spiral so followed her lead over toward the patio.
“Nice of you to come.” Your dad was clearly still in a mood with you and there was no way the rest of the parents here did not notice the cool manner in which he greeted you with. Somehow, you always felt five years old in his presence. Wanting to cling on to his leg and hide behind it like the shy child inside of you but also wanting to do or say something that would make him proud and boastful – the irony of which he had displayed toward the man you were friends with benefits with more than you yourself was not lost on you – but alas today would not be one of those days. “Anything for Monty.” “Not strictly true is it? He’s five now and you haven’t been to a single one of his birthdays before” He said it in his typical smartass voice he usually reserved for people he saw as opponents. Toto Wolff received this tone of voice from him on many occasions, of which you were utterly sure. You noticed how a few of the seated females at the table you two were standing behind turned and glanced at you. The looks simply read; “so that’s the eldest one?” & “I can’t believe he has an older daughter, especially one like that” which almost made you want to reach between them at the bottle of wine on the table and down it in front of them so they had their gossip. “Well…” You geared yourself up “I’m here this time, like he wished for.” Even when you were included you weren’t and felt like this was another one of your miscalculations.
After a while of uncomfortable silence between you and your dad, you noticed Geri heading back into the house and remembered the other reason that you had made such an effort to come today. You needed to ascertain exactly what Geri thought she knew about you and Max and take the right course of action. One course of said action you had decided was telling her she was imagining things, that Max was just being polite and her idea of something going on between the pair of you was a purely fictional fantasy from her side – gaslight her if you will. The other was to work out if (or perhaps when) she would tell your father and if she was going to deliberately ruin things for you. That would require more of your strength and acting skills. You would grudge giving her the satisfaction of begging because she would probably get high off the power she could wield over you in the moment, but you were enjoying things with Max too much to want it to stop so were prepared to swallow your pride and do what had to be done. You found her in the kitchen, unplugging her phone so she could no doubt post about the day all over her social media (as if people actually cared) and sort of cornered her.
“I was wondering if I could uh…have a word?” Why were you suddenly all nervous? It wasn’t because of her, nor the slightly awkward conversation that was about to take place, so maybe it was simply the thought of Max. “Is this about M.A.X?” She acted like a giddy 15 year-old schoolgirl as she relished in spelling out his name. An uneasy feeling descended upon your body when a dastardly smirk appeared across her face and you knew she was taking a lot of pleasure from this. Instinctively you made a simple glance to the side and noticed how close some people were to the door so tilted your head and motioned for her to follow you out of earshot into the dining room, where you perched on the edge of the table. “I don’t know what it is you think you…” “Know?” She finished the sentence for you and in that second you found her unreadable until her shoulders dropped and she smiled less villainously. She softly said your name and touched your arm. “I see the way the pair of you look at each other. That’s it.” In a few words your head started spinning. How did you look at each other? With complete wanton desire and utter desperation? Did pure carnal thoughts and lust paint itself all over both of your faces? Did everyone else see what she so evidently did? Your brain went into overdrive trying to decipher whatever the hell she meant so quickly that you almost missed the fact she was adding to it. “And then when you turned up in the paddock, well…. that was a very clear indication that something must have happened between you two. I thought maybe it might have just been in my mind; I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want my little plan of inviting you to the annual barbeque to result in you and Max…y’know…” She trailed off with a brow wiggle to infer she had been hoping to get you and Max together. “Anyway, then you had a headache and so did he and then I saw that wrapper on the floor when we came by and I just knew.”
“Was that why you came by that night? To find out if something was going on? To catch us at it or something?” You bit straight away; forgetting that she might have linked on to the last words leaving your lips and suddenly your heart rate skipped and you could feel it thundering away in your chest. “Actually, it wasn’t my idea to come. Believe it or not after the race when Max won, your dad felt bad about sending you away and it was him that wanted to check on you.” You weren’t entirely sure you believed her. She always tried to play something of a mediator between your father and you and so this situation reeked of her interference. And with that silence descended between the pair of you. You didn’t want to admit anything to her because right now you were holding something of a metaphorical upper hand. She only suspected something and she only suspected Max. “Anything that may or may not be going on between Max and I is not anyone else’s business.” It was a good diversion. You didn’t need to confirm or deny anything but Geri still eyed you up suspiciously. “If you’re worried I’m going to tell your dad, don’t be. This is something that you are in control of, you and Max…or not Max….” Her hand reached out and squeezed your arm again in a rather motherly way and you realised she was silently telling you not to worry about her spilling her guts to anyone. She would keep quiet. “Plus, I don’t know how your father would react. He would maybe cut the breaks on Max’s car or something.” Geri added with a nervous sounding giggle. You swallowed, you knew you gave her a hard time at times – well after the shit show that your early teens were due to her who could blame you – but this was one of the rare moments that you actually rather found yourself loving your stepmother.
It only took a further 45 minutes for the peace of mind Geri had provided you with to come crashing down like a lead balloon. You had gone back outside, ate a slice of cake, bounced on the bouncy castle with the kids and then come back off feeling a little queasy so fetched a drink from the bar behind the adults table. You were close to selecting a glass of champagne but chose the safe option and went for a sparkling water instead. And that was when your dad appeared at the side of you and asked for a word almost simultaneously, a familiar sinking feeling cast down upon you. You didn’t have to wonder very hard to know it was about your unannounced appearance at his workplace. The vein on his temple practically throbbing away as he put his hands on his hips like you were a member of the media and not his eldest child. You had to be at leas thankful for the small mercy he had pulled you away from the foray of guests that would no doubt relish in hearing some Horner family gossip.
He didn’t speak but rather stared at you disapprovingly. It was clear and obvious waiting on you to talk first, to apologise or grovel, and judging by the rather alarming knot in your stomach your body was telling you not to do. But then the silence finally became unbearable and you cracked under the pressure. “I know you’re angry with me about turning up to that race but…” “Angry? No I was angry when you strolled into my garage before the race. Now I’m disappointed in your choices that led to you strolling into my garage in the first place.” Disappointed was the only word you heard. It seemed to be a running theme with him being disappointed in you so at least it didn’t break any habits. “Had I not made myself clear before, on all the countless occasions you asked…” You hadn’t asked on countless occasions. You asked twice, both times while Daniel was still with the team and you were an impressionable teenager with a crush. His voice was still going and you had to zone back in to hear what he was saying.
“It was a display of nothing more than sheer defiance of an order. You knew you were not allowed and still persisted anyway. I’m sure if I asked Max about it myself he would confirm that you harangued him into giving you that pass just so you could try and embarrass me. Was that why you decided to go? You wanted to embarrass me? Steal limelight from the team? Because that was what everyone thought of it as. Me, Geri, Helmut, the team, Max…” Max did? You raised your head. “Yes Max. He told me so after the race. He felt lied too. Taken advantage of by you and your silly little notions.” It stung you a little because now you weren’t sure if you could trust him but you knew what your father was like and how he would be overwhelmingly persistent until someone gave him the answer he was seeking. You thought you were handling his tirade pretty well. He had been continuing as you tried to pinpoint the moment in your life things had gone so awfully wrong between the pair of you – even if you weren’t entirely sure that there could be just one in particular – and tried to block every word he was subsequently hitting you with until he brought up your mother. “You’re just like your mother” And that raised a scoff out of you. Their divorce had been nasty but at least she didn’t cheat on her husband, leave her for a fucking Spice Girl and abandon her role as a parent. Upon hearing your scoff you felt the pressure of the moment radiating off your father. “I don’t understand why I’m so unwelcome.” You didn’t mean specifically regarding the issue of the paddock but that was what he focused on.
“Because there is no way in hell I trust you around so many good looking, rich young men. I remember the look in your eyes at Ricciardo a few years ago and I won’t have you making a fool of yourself at the expense of my name when you attempt to fling yourself at one them.” The sexism that exuded from your father was predictable and didn’t even sound that bad compared to some of the things he said over the years. But this time the difference was that you actively had to stop yourself from scoffing again at the irony of the situation you found yourself in with none other than his own golden driver. You wondered how sweet it would be to just out the fact you had been shagging Max behind his back in front of all these people and the scene it would likely create. But a loud squeal from the children playing on the lawn was a sudden reminder not to be the cause of any upset. After all, the fact it was his son’s birthday was all that was keeping him back from shouting at you like you knew he wanted too. “Perhaps its best you leave.” He stated bluntly. “I promised Monty I would play with…” “He’ll forget about it. Just go.”
You had had plenty of words over the years but for some reason today felt like some of the worst. He had never ordered you to leave before, ever. And you wanted to believe it was because of all of Geri’s rich, fancy, posh friends and your dad not wanting to cause a scene but you knew it was because he was teetering dangerously close to saying things that he would never be able to take back and perhaps damage the remnants of a relationship with you irrevocably. When he got mad, no one on earth was madder. What people saw in the F1 paddock could be seen as child’s play compared to what you had seen and yet as you glanced over at your half brother you did indeed head inside of the house to retrieve your things and sneak away out of the front door. You couldn’t be bothered to put up with a fight today.
While your expensive trainer clad feet crunched again on the stony gravel of the driveway, you took your phone from your bag as you made your way toward your car. Your finger hovered for a moment over the icon for call but you pushed the reservations out of your mind and did it anyway. It only took a few short rings, ones that synchronised perfectly with your step, but when you finally heard his accented voice you felt like a century had passed. You took a long deep inhale as you unlocked your car and hastily opened the drivers door.
“Does your offer still stand? Do you think I could catch a flight out tonight?”
You admired the beautiful view out of the helicopter window. The trip from Nice to Monaco was shortest by heli taxi and although you didn’t particularly like flying in helicopters you felt filled with a strange excitement. Both at where you were landing and whom exactly it was that was waiting down on the ground to pick you up. Max had arranged everything for you after your phone call. It was all done so quickly it was as if he was actively waiting on you to phone him. You hadn’t explained to him the reasons for your sudden change of mind but when the screenshot of your boarding pass came through you had never felt such a feeling of relief before and mentally thanked him for helping you escape from your horrid day. The pilot suddenly announced to you that you would be landing in two minutes and a strange calmness passed over your body. It was as if your self conscience knew that this was where you were supposed to be right now to “recover” from the one sided argument you had had with your dad. And indeed, as you strolled through the miniscule terminal with your luggage beside you, you couldn’t hide your smile. You had to remind yourself not to leap on him as soon as you saw him but it was a struggle when you saw him leaning against his car smiling straight back at you, reminding you of some stupid Disney prince, your knight in shining fucking armour.
“Hey you….” He purred into the flesh of your neck as you wrapped your arms around his. Peacefulness swept over your entire body as he held you and you allowed yourself to register it, drink it in and lock it in your memory to remind you what it felt like forever. As he pulled back you watched him as he glanced side to side quickly and just as you were about to laugh and ask what he was doing his hand found the back of your head and he pressed his lips against yours. It was more than what you needed. It was absolutely everything. A sigh escaped from you and made its way into his mouth and he couldn’t help but smirk against your lips. “That much huh?” He asked and you knew he was referring to how much you needed him, craved him and yearned for him. But he didn’t try to jest with you. He didn’t try and make light of what it was that brought you here. He didn’t try to reduce it down to the friends with benefits situation you now found yourself in with him. Instead he just lulled a gentle “let's get you home” and that was that.
As the strange knot in your stomach – the one that had pretty much been there all day – tightened again Max seemed to pick up on your slightly agitated state. He had to have noticed how you couldn’t stop biting your lip, twirling your hair or picking at your manicure. “Was your brother’s birthday party today?” He asked and your head rolled back against the headrest when you turned to look at him. You nodded and he caught it when he glanced at you. “Let's not talk about that.” It came out of you in nothing louder than a whisper - you didn't trust yourself not to get emotional - and Max nodded in agreement but it only took him a further 30 seconds to add; “If there’s something on your mind….”
“Nothing that matters.” Your reply was as soft as your earlier plea not to talk about it. You didn’t want anything about your ridiculous family being spoken about when they were the ones you were here to forget even existed.
Max held open his apartment door but let you in first ahead of him. Standing in the hallway you felt like it wasn’t as bachelor pad-esque as you had been expecting. There was softness to the area that you pinned as a woman’s touch, his mother’s perhaps - you had done your research after that day in your fathers Aston Martin and concluded he wasn’t in any form of neither serious nor public relationship and therefore was pretty much free game in your eyes. As the door closed behind you, the reason you were there flooded back to you and all you suddenly wanted was him him to make you feel better. You wanted him to simply erase the memory of today straight out of your mind. So the sound of the door closing was your signal. With haste you turned simultaneously and pressed your body against his while your mouth found his. His keys tumbled from his palm and made a loud clattering noise on the floor as his palm was suddenly on your neck as a shaky breath poured from him into your open mouth. You were so hopelessly desperate for him that your hands trailed down toward the waistband of his jeans to urge him to take this to the bedroom. Max took your deliberate action to mean exactly what you wanted it too and his hands slipped down your back and he used his strength to pick you up, clean off your feet, and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he carried you off to his bedroom.
You were thankful at Max’s hasty speed in getting you undressed and how he could turn you on like a tap. As you ran your hands through his soft hair his mouth had already began its decent down your chest and a heavy sigh left your open mouth when he took your nipple in his mouth and grazed over it with his teeth. Max practically purred when he heard your gasp when he sunk his teeth in a little harder before placing a tender kiss against the flesh he had just had in his mouth. You could feel how Max’s foreplay had had the desired effect of you. You could feel how slick you were getting between your thighs and you were so wet you were ready to beg for him. But Max was one step ahead of you.
“What do you want?” He breathed against your neck and you couldn’t deny the tingle it sent all over your body, pure undeniable excitement. Your hips lifted off of his bed against pushed against his. His cock brushing against your core told you of his own excitement and what he wanted too. “Fuck me…” It left you as more of a whine than you intended but his smirk told you he liked it. And with your vocalised encouragement Max repositioned himself, pulling your leg up around his hip how he wanted it and you felt the tip of his cock slide up and down your folds, both collecting some of your wetness but you also knew it was because he wanted to tease you.
His mouth grazed over yours, his lips practically capturing your own as finally he slowly gave you a few inches of his thick cock and your mouth fell open against his. You moaned his name and he pulled out before teasing you with a few more inches. The stretch from his girthy cock made your breath tremble. Then as he repeated the action, he halted and asked you to open your eyes and look at him. His iceberg blue orbs stared straight into your soul and you felt like he was capturing something inside of you that you weren’t able to withhold from him. And then as his eyes transfixed on yours, he finally gave you all of himself. Filling you up, straight up to the hilt. Max stayed there for the shortest of moments before he decided now was when he would start slowly building his pace. His hips ground against yours with every thrust while a grunt toppled from his open mouth. Your breathing started to unsteady itself with each of the powerful, long thrusts Max made and you encouraged him to go faster – and harder – by raking your nails across the flesh of his shoulders.
With every passing moment you felt yourself become more and more undone. Max’s cock was angled just right. Continually hitting that spot inside of you that drove you closer and closer to the edge. This was exactly what you imagined in your head when you received the text containing the screenshot of your ticket from him this afternoon. It was what you thought of when you sat on the flight from England to France a few hours ago. But mostly it was what you had anticipated when you made the call asking if he still wanted you when you had been cast out of your father’s home this afternoon. It wasn’t revenge – in the manner which perhaps other people would have thought it would have been – it was just to feel wanted, desired, and in some nonsensical way that made some resemblance of sense in a deep dark part of your brain, loved. You hadn’t realised that you had momentarily zoned out until Max slowed his rhythm and gently caressed your cheek.
“Hey, are you ok? Do you want to stop?” Your eyes found his again and words failed you but no, you didn’t want to stop. Your lips pressed against his as if you were trying to telepathically thank him for making you feel so alive and worthy. But you felt his cock twitch inside of you and without a second thought you used every shred of strength inside of you to turn your positions over so you were on top.
A pleased, admirable sigh left Max’s mouth as he gripped hold of your hips as you steadied yourself with flat hands on his chest. You watched his eyes cast over your perfectly naked frame. Focusing on your chest before falling downwards to your open legs straddling his lap. Instinctively you allowed him his time to stare at you, wanting him to take you in, before you slipped your hand down, between your thighs and grasp hold of his throbbing, still erect cock and slowly lowered yourself down upon it. Max felt impossibly large like this and if he was hitting the spot before he was doing it even more so now. You moaned as you took all of him and it mixed with a groan that erupted out of him.
“Fuck…” He swore when you finally started moving. His fingertips pressing into the flesh of your hips so tightly you knew he would be leaving bruises but you didn’t care. Another groan cascaded from his open mouth and you knew he was close. The thought of your own orgasm – which only moments ago was building to an almost impossible crescendo - was now far from your mind as you were solely focused on him for no other reason than as a thank-you for saving you today. And as you reached behind you, placing your hand on his thigh for support and so he had a better view of himself inside of you, you picked up the pace a little more till you knew he was ready to cum. You saw all of the signs or rather you knew all of Max’s tell tale signs he was about to reach his high. His eyes squeezed shut, brow furrowed. He mouth agape gasping and stifling his own moans. His breathing was hitching and he was struggling to keep it steady. His stomach clenched and you could feel him beginning to twitch inside of you. You purred his name a few times and on the last one, when your mouth was open and your eyes shut tightly, Max sat bolt up right and held you in place as he finally found his release. His arms were around you, holding you tightly as his milky seed poured out of him into the condom he was wearing but you none the less felt his cock pulsate at the feeling of his climax.
“Just…give me ten…” He panted as he fell back against the plush pillows and you smugly trailed your hands across his shoulders before dismounting his lap. You watched the rise and fall of his chest as he fought to regain control of his breathing and it provided you with the rhythm to regain your own. You hadn’t even realised you were still panting until you heard him taking a few long deep (still shaky) breaths. “…You didn’t get off, I need to fix that.” The fact he noticed that he had gotten his while you hadn’t, was something you couldn’t help but mentally note. He couldn’t have possibly been that in tune with your body yet so figured you should telepathically thank all the women who had come before you who had taught him so well. “You don’t have too.” You said as you lay down beside him and although you really did want him to make you cum, it wasn’t the most important thing to you in that moment. In truth, you felt rather at odds with yourself now that you lay in his bed. Almost like you could admit how easy it would be to fall in love with Max instead of just keeping up the “fuck buddies” or “friends with benefits” titles that the pair of you seemed to silently agree upon without even a discussion.
“I want to.” His head turned toward you and he smiled, not smirked this time, at you as if he was silently informing you that your satisfaction was his only priority right now. And that was all it took to ignite something inside of you.   
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freyayuki · 1 year
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Machina Kunagiri Burst Banners Cycle
The banners featuring the Burst or BT weapon of Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0 are coming soon in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game.
Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid Banner 1
The Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid banner 1 features the following chars and their weapons:
Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0 - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and Burst or BT
Paine from Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Leo Cristophe from Final Fantasy VI - 15cp, 35cp, and Ex
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Have everything on this banner except for Machina’s Burst and Paine’s LD. Have fully max limit broken all the 15cp, 35cp, and Ex weapons on this banner.
Machina’s and Leo’s Ex weapons have been Purpled or upgraded to Ex+ 3/3. Paine’s Ex is at base Ex only. Machina’s LD is also fully MLB.
Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid Banner 2
The Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid banner 2 features the following chars and their weapons:
Shantotto from Final Fantasy XI - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and Burst or BT
Wakka from Final Fantasy X - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Edge Geraldine from Final Fantasy IV - 15cp, 35cp, and Ex
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Missing Shantotto’s BT and Edge’s Ex. Neither are must-haves for me so skipping this banner.
Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid Banner 2 Free First Multi-Draw Results
But we get a free multi-draw on the Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid banners as part of the currently ongoing winter campaign.
Banner 2′s free pulls gave me a gold orb. Just ended up with a dupe of Wakka’s LD though. Ah, well. It’s fine.
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And, as it turned out, apparently I never MLB’d the first copy of Wakka’s LD that I got so this dupe wasn’t just a Power Stone after all.
Thoughts about Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0
It’s been a long time since Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0 (#ad) was first introduced as a playable char in Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia.
When Machina debuted into the game, he only had his 15cp, 35cp, and Ex weapons. Back then, I planned to pull for him only because I wanted his Ex.
Machina’s Ex gives an A Sphere called Break Hit Base Attack Up Shorter. This Sphere has the following effect:
Raises INT BRV, ATK by 10% for 3 turns when inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break
I wanted to give this Sphere to Zack Fair from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII.
So after getting Machina’s Ex, I readily Purpled it and gave its Sphere to Zack. No regrets. I talk more about that in another post.
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But as I watched the cut scenes in Machina’s event, I ended up liking him, so much so that I Purpled his armor then spent the time to farm for his perfect Artifacts - 3 ATK 108 with Dual-Wielding Star Pupil Boost★★ (Raises MAX BRV, ATK by 5% while Awakening buff active). Even got him 2 ATK 108 with MAX BRV 330 Arts.
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After hearing about Machina’s LD, I looked forward to its arrival on the English or Global version of DFFOO.
It was after I’d obtained Machina’s LD that I decided to give him triple real Spheres.
Couldn’t completely make up my mind on what to equip to him though so, at the moment, he only has the following:
Oerba Yun Fang’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Break Hit Attack Up Longer (RF) A Sphere
When inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break: • Raises own ATK by 4% for 6 turns
Yang Fang Leiden’s (from Final Fantasy IV) Critical Attack Boost Up Shorter A Sphere
When dealing critical hit: • Raises MAX BRV and ATK by 10% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
Celes Chere’s (from Final Fantasy VI) Ability BRV Gain B Sphere
Increases BRV by 40% of INT BRV after using ability, once per turn *Also applies to abilities changed from BRV Attack, HP Attack
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A little while after Machina’s LD dropped, Noctis Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV and Ardyn Izunia (Ardyn Lucis Caelum) from Final Fantasy XV showed up.
Was able to get their full kits, including their Burst weapons, so I ended up using them way more than Machina.
As a result of that, I ended up kinda regretting giving Yang’s Sphere to Machina, to the point that I actually considered removing it from him.
It’s still on him now because I didn’t want to use a Reset Stone to remove it (a Reset stone will ensure you can remove the Sphere without losing it), and I didn’t know who else to give it to anyway. But I thought I’d definitely remove it if I had someone to give it to.
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Much, much later, I heard that Machina got a Burst weapon in the Japanese version of DFFOO. Was so hyped when I heard about that.
Because I do like Machina. Now I planned to pull for his Burst and fully build him, including giving him triple real Spheres.
Been looking forward to the arrival of Machina’s BT. I’m glad that time will soon be upon us.
So now I’m preparing by trying to decide what I’ll do about his Spheres. Should I replace Yang’s Sphere? If yes, then what should I give to him instead? What about his other Sphere Slots?
Also bought Machina’s High Armor already. Too bad it can’t be Realized yet. Because yes, I’m also going to upgrade his High Armor to Blue.
Machina already has his Bloom Stone and all of his Boards have already been completed. So now I’m just waiting for his Burst weapon.
Aside from Bluing Machina’s High Armor, I’m also planning to upgrade his Burst to Burst+ or BT+ 3/3 or Green. He’s all set to be my second BT+ 3/3 char. The first one was Ace from Final Fantasy Type-0.
Where and how to get Machina’s Burst weapon?
Now about the Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid banner 1. Haven’t made up my mind yet on whether I should gem or ticket this banner.
Yes, I want Machina’s Burst and, one way or the other, I will have it. Just need to decide how I’m gonna get it.
Right now, I already have more than 50 Burst Tokens so I can use these to exchange for Machina’s BT the moment it becomes available in the Burst weapons shop.
Could also just use gems to pity his BT. I do have more than enough to be able to do so.
Aside from this banner that features Paine’s LD, Machina’s Burst will also show up on the following banners:
banner with Snow Villiers’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) LD and Lion’s (from Final Fantasy XI) LD
banner with Cinque’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) LD and Ursula’s (from Final Fantasy IV) LD
Already have Lion’s LD as well as the rest of her weapons.
Have all of Snow’s weapons except for his LD but he’ll be getting a Burst weapon in the future and when that happens, his LD will be featured on a banner with Lyse Hext’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) LD.
So I can just pull on that banner and get the chance to obtain 2 new LDs and 1 BT. That banner even features Leon’s (Leonhart from Final Fantasy II) Ex which is one of the few Ex weapons that I’m still missing.
So planning to just skip Snow’s LD banner now aside from the free pull. Because of course we’re also getting free draws on all these banners.
Man, DFFOO is too good and generous. Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK), please take notes.
The Cinque and Ursula banner is kinda appealing because I’m missing both of the featured LDs there.
Ursula’s gonna be the latest playable char in this game so I don’t have any of her other weapons yet.
Cinque’s outdated already though and I don’t really know anything about Ursula’s kit so I don’t know how good or meta she is. Haven’t really heard much talk about her so she doesn’t seem like a must-have or something.
On the other hand, I’ve been hearing a lot of talk about how good Paine is as well as how unique she is.
Depending on her current position in the party, she can be a debuffer or buffer. If she’s in the middle slot, then she can be both.
Kinda interested in her but not sure it’s worth it to gem her banner. Maybe I should just try my luck with tickets. Hmm. Definitely need to think about this some more.
If I gem Paine’s LD banner, then I’ll have a higher chance of getting Machina’s Burst.
I’d love to be able to Green Machina’s BT the moment it shows up but I shouldn’t use my Tokens yet to exchange for it.
I need to wait until all the free draws for all of his banners are over before using my Tokens.
The chances of this happening are pretty slim but still, what if a free draw gives me Machina’s Burst? I don’t want to spend 50 Tokens only to end up with a dupe on a free pull.
But if I gem Paine’s banner and just happen to get Machina’s Burst on the way to getting her LD then I can Green it right away and won’t need to wait anymore. My Tokens can also be used on another Burst.
Is it really worth it to gem Paine’s LD though? Sure, she seems good to have, but I don’t think she’s all that necessary. I do have lots of other supports and debuffers already.
And it really seems like a waste to gem a banner where I’m only really after 1 or 2 weapons. Maybe I’m better off just using tickets here then I can save my gems for other upcoming banners.
Heck, the Cinque and Ursula banner seems way better if only because at least I’m missing a lot more weapons there.
Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid Banner 1 Free First Multi-Draw Results
Much later: at long last, after what feels like forever, the first Machina BT banner is finally here.
The free multi-draw on the Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid banner 1 gave me a gold orb which turned into a dupe of Paine’s Ex. Aww, too bad that hadn’t been her LD instead.
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Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid Banner 1 Tickets Pulls Results
Anyway, after thinking about it some more, decided to just use tickets on the Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid banner 1.
Thanks to Fran’s (from Final Fantasy XII) LD showing up for free and the new events and such that we’ve been having (I talk more about all of these in other posts), have plenty of tickets (714, to be more precise).
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I know the chances of getting Machina’s Burst via tickets will be really low but it’s fine.
I plan to just wait and then Token it after the Ursula and Cinque banner shows up unless I happen to get it via the other free multi-draws we’ll be having.
Got the usual bonze and silver trash and gold dupes while pulling. Then, a bit later on, a gold orb showed up.
I thought I was gonna get something crappy again since I kept seeing bronze and silver crap.
Then the last item appeared. It was the only gold on this pull and it turned out to be -
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My very first copy of Paine’s LD! Hell, yes! So happy to see this.
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Still have 634 tickets left when Paine’s LD showed up. Missed out on Machina’s BT but still happy anyway since Paine’s LD came home. Done with this banner now.
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Paine from Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2
Purpled Paine’s Ex and MLB’d her LD. Completed all of her Summon Boards. Got her Bloom Stone. Bought her High Armor and Realized it to 0/3.
Unlocked the tiles on her Char Boards that would give me her LD Call ability and LD extension passive.
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Equipped Paine with triple RF Spheres. It took a while but I also managed to get her triple of her preferred Artifacts - 3 ATK 108 with Warrior of the Gullwings Boost★★ (Raises own INT BRV, MAX BRV, ATK, DEF by 5% while Dressphere active).
Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0
Don’t have Machina’s BT yet but since his High Armor can now be upgraded, I decided to spend the resources to Blue it already.
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A bit later on, I also finally decided what to do about Machina’s Spheres. Chose to keep Yang’s and Celes’s Spheres equipped to him.
Then I Purpled a dupe Vayne Carudas Solidor (from Final Fantasy XII) Ex for his Sphere.
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Machina now has the following Spheres:
Vayne Carudas Solidor’s (from Final Fantasy XII) Broken Power
When attacking target afflicted with Break: • Increases BRV damage dealt by 10%
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Yang Fang Leiden’s (from Final Fantasy IV) Critical Attack Boost Up Shorter A Sphere
When dealing critical hit: • Raises MAX BRV and ATK by 10% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
Celes Chere’s (from Final Fantasy VI) Ability BRV Gain B Sphere
Increases BRV by 40% of INT BRV after using ability, once per turn *Also applies to abilities changed from BRV Attack, HP Attack
I thought I’d get the best of both worlds and give Machina both an ATK up and BRV damage up Sphere. He even gets MAX BRV up as well thanks to Yang’s Sphere.
Intersecting Wills: Parted Hopes Banner
The Intersecting Wills: Parted Hopes banner features the following chars and their weapons:
Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0 - Burst or BT only
Snow Villiers from Final Fantasy XIII - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Lion from Final Fantasy XI - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Relm Arrowny from Final Fantasy VI - 15cp, 35cp, and Ex
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The only things I’m missing on this banner are Snow’s LD and Machina’s BT.
Intersecting Wills: Parted Hopes Banner Free First Multi-Draw Results
I still plan to just skip this banner other than doing the free first multi-draw that we’re getting thanks to the currently ongoing winter campaign.
I can just pull for Snow’s LD when he gets his BT because it really feels like a waste to pull on this banner when I’m only missing 2 items here.
Snow’s LD and BT banner with Lyse’s LD and Leon’s Ex is way better for me since I have the potential to get more new relics from there.
But apparently the game wants me to have Snow’s LD right now because I just did the free multi-draw and this showed up at the end -
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My very first copy of Snow’s LD! Hell, yes! Also, welp. Color me surprised. Was totally not expecting this at all. But super thankful and very pleased to see this.
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Man, did I mention that I love DFFOO? Because I really do love this game. Sure, there are some things that I don’t like about it, but there are plenty of things to love about this game.
Anyway, aside from Snow’s LD, also ended up with a dupe of his Ex. Now I really am done with this banner.
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Gentle Fist Banner
The Gentle Fist banner features the following chars and their weapons:
Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0 - Burst or BT only
Cinque from Final Fantasy Type-0 - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Ursula from Final Fantasy IV - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Freya Crescent from Final Fantasy IX - 15cp, 35cp, and Ex
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Missing all of Ursula’s weapons. Also missing Cinque’s LD and Machina’s BT.
Gentle Fist Banner Free First Multi-Draw Results
As part of the currently ongoing winter campaign, we get a free multi-draw on the Gentle Fist banner.
The free pull gave me a dupe of Cinque’s 15cp. Meh.
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Gentle Fist Banner Tickets Pulls Results
Currently have 944 tickets on hand.
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Decided to use 40 of them. One 10-pull gave me my first copies of Ursula’s 15cp and 35cp. This also automatically recruited her into my party.
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The rest of my pulls gave me crap. Still have plenty of tickets so was wondering if I should keep going.
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After thinking about it some more, decided not to. Sure, Ursula and Cinque would be nice to have but neither seemed all that necessary. Also didn’t think I’d really build either of them even if I manage to snag their LDs. 
Besides, the next event after this one will mark the beginning of the Crystal Level and Level 90 Awakenings.
A few chars will be Awakened so they can now go from Crystal Level and Level 80 to 90. Neither Ursula nor Cinque will be Awakenable yet so I think I’m better off just pulling for them during Ursula’s Lost Chapter event banner.
Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0
All the banners featuring Machina’s Burst weapon are now here. Didn’t get his BT from any of my pulls, free or otherwise, so now it’s time. I can finally use my Burst Tokens to get Machina’s BT.
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Exchanged 50 of my BT Tokens to get Machina’s Burst Weapon, Dreadnaughts (0).
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As soon as I got it, wasted no time in spending the Book and Ingots needed to upgrade it to Green or BT+ 3/3.
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Equipped it to Machina. Now he’s finally complete. Can’t wait to start using him.
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So, what about you? Did you pull for Machina Kunagiri or any of these other chars? What do you think about these banners? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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tuseriesdetv · 6 years
Noticias de series de la semana: 'Shameless' se queda sin Emmy
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La cuarta temporada de Mr. Robot (USA Network) será la última
Noticias cortas
Emmy Rossum (Fiona) abandonará Shameless tras su novena temporada.
Lyric Ross (Deja) será regular en la tercera temporada de This Is Us.
Justin Sundquist, el doble de acción de MacGyver, ha sido despertado del coma, ha salido de cuidados intensivos, responde y se comunica con sus amigos y familiares.
Netflix ha fichado a Harlan Coben para que adapte catorce de sus novelas pasadas y futuras.
Parece que Designated Survivor ha sido rescatada por otra cadena para una tercera temporada.
Incorporaciones y fichajes
Jane Krakowski (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, 30 Rock) será la madre de Emily (Hailee Steinfeld) en Dickinson.
Adam Brody (The O.C., StartUp) se une a Curfew. Será Max Larssen, un misterioso millonario megalómano.
Chad Michael Murray (One Tree Hill, Agent Carter) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de Star como Xander McPherson, un oportunista inversor de bienes inmuebles envuelto en una tóxica relación con Cassie (Brandy Norwood).
Blake Jenner (Glee, Everybody Wants Some) protagonizará What/If junto a Renée Zellweger y Jane Levy.
Tyler Hoechlin (Teen Wolf, Supergirl), Justin Chatwin (Shameless, Orphan Black), Samuel Anderson (Trollied, Doctor Who), Elizabeth Faith Ludlow (The Walking Dead, Satisfaction) y Blu Hunt (The Originals, The New Mutants) protagonizarán Another Life junto a Katee Sackhoff. Serán Ian Yerxa, antiguo comandante de la nave; Erik Wallace, parte del comando interestelar encargado de encontrar vida inteligente y marido de Niko (Sackhoff); William, interfaz holográfica con el conocimiento de toda la humanidad; Cas Isakovic, segunda de a bordo de Niko; y August, ingeniera jefe.
Jennifer Esposito (Mistresses, The Affair) será la agente de la CIA Susan Raynor en cinco episodios de The Boys.
Imelda Staunton (Vera Drake, Harry Potter), Geraldine James (Utopia, Anne with an E), Simon Jones (The Hichhiker's Guide to the Galaxy), David Haig (Killing Eve, Penny Dreadful), Tuppence Middleton (Sense8, War & Peace), Kate Phillips (Peaky Blinders, The Crown) y Stephen Campbell Moore (The Last Post, The Wrong Mans) se unen a la película de Downton Abbey.
Ashley Greene (Twilight, Rogue) será Nine Sanders, una representante de artistas que vuelve a Atlanta para supervisar los detalles del tour de Sage (Ne-Yo), en la segunda temporada de Step Up: High Water.
Walton Goggins (Six, Vice Principals) será el nuevo protagonista de Deep State, sustituyendo a Mark Strong, en su segunda temporada. Le acompañarán Victoria Hamilton (The Crown, Doctor Foster), Lily Banda y Shelley Conn (Liar, The Lottery).
Alan Tudyk (Suburgatory, The Tick) será el villano Eric Morden/Mr. Nobody en Doom Patrol.
Daniella Alonso (Revolution, Animal Kingdom) será recurrente en la segunda temporada de The Resident como Zoey Barlow, madre soltera con dos hijos adoptivos con enfermedades crónicas.
Sophie Cookson (Kingsman, Gypsy) protagonizará The Trial of Christine Keeler, sobre el caso Profumo.
Samantha Mathis (The Strain, Under the Dome) será Sara Hammon, nueva COO de Taylor Mason Capital, en la cuarta temporada de Billions.
Damon Herriman (Justified, Flesh and Bone) será Charles Manson en la segunda temporada de Mindhunter. Como curiosidad, también interpretará a Manson en Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, la próxima película de Quentin Tarantino.
Efrat Dor (The Zoekeeper's Wife, Greenhouse Academy) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de Sneaky Pete como Lizzie, una estafadora amoral y nihilista.
Shantel VanSanten (Shooter, One Tree Hill), Wrenn Schmidt (The Looming Tower, Person of Interest), Rebecca Wisocky (Devious Maids, Heathers), Eric Ladin (Six, Shooter) y Arturo del Puerto (The Bridge, Fear The Walking Dead) se unen a la serie de Ronald D. Moore para Apple. Serán Karen, la esposa de Edward Baldwin (Kinnaman); Margo Madison, ingeniera de la NASA; Marge Slayton, esposa del director del programa espacial; Gene Kranz, uno de los directores de control; y Octavio Rosales, un inmigrante que busca una vida mejor para su familia.
Bianca Kajlich (Rules of Engagement, Undateable) y Jacqueline Obradors (NYPD Blue, Mayans M.C.) serán recurrentes en la quinta temporada de Bosch como la investigadora Christina Henry y la detective Christina Vega.
Jing Lusi (Crazy Rich Asians, Lucky Man) se une al reparto de The Feed.
Malik Yoba (Empire, New York Undercover) será recurrente en God Friended Me como Terrence, tío de Miles (Brandon Micheal Hall).
Ryan Hurst (Sons of Anarchy, Bates Motel) será Beta, segundo líder de los Whisperers, en la novena temporada de The Walking Dead.
Hunter Clowdus (American Vandal) será recurrente en All American como J.J., miembro del nuevo equipo de Spencer (Daniel Ezra).
Aleks Paunovic (Van Helsing, iZombie) será recurrente en Snowpiercer como Bojan Boscovic, encargado de liberar de hielo el camino del tren.
Jessica Miesel (The Resident) se une como recurrente a The Purge.
Chivonne Michelle se une como recurrente a Jett.
Robert Wisdom (The Alienist, Nashville) y KJ Smith (Dynasty) serán recurrentes en The Fix como Buck Neal, investigador que trabaja junto a Ezra Wolf (Scott Cohen); y Charlie, asistente ejecutiva de Ezra.
Théodore Pellerin (Boy Erased, Juste la fin du monde) se une a On Becoming a God in Central Florida.
Eric Lange (Victorious, Narcos) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de The Man in the High Castle como General Whitcroft, segundo de John Smith (Rufus Sewell).
Paulina Singer (Dead of Summer) será Laney, una joven rebelde e ingenua, en Tell Me a Story.
Natalee Linez será recurrente en la segunda temporada de Siren como Nicole, una misteriosa mujer con sus propios objetivos.
Aisling Bea (Hard Sun, The Fall) protagonizará Living With Yourself junto a Paul Rudd. Se desconocen detalles.
Anna Silk (Lost Girl) será recurrente en Blood & Treasure como Roarke, rastreadora y luchadora internacional.
Tom Stevens (Beyond, Wayward Pines) será Chester 'Fuckface' Wilson, residente del hogar en el que vivió Marcus (Benjamin Wadsworth), en Deadly Class.
Karen Pittman (Luke Cage, The Americans) será Angela Brewster, la madre de Willa, en NOS4A2.
          Nuevas series
Luz verde directa en Epix a diez episodios de Our Lady, LTD, drama escrito por Steve Conrad (Patriot, The Pursuit of Happiness) y Bruce Terris (Patriot, The Assets) y dirigido por Conrad, sobre un joven (Jimmi Simpson; Westworld, House of Cards) que intenta estafar a un pastor (Ben Kingsley; Gandhi, House of Sand and Fog) que resulta ser mucho más peligroso de lo que él imagina.
Hulu desarrolla The Great, limited series sobre el ascenso al poder de Catherine the Great y su explosiva relación con su marido Peter, emperador de Rusia. Protagonizada por Elle Fanning (Maleficent, The Beguiled) y Nicholas Hoult (Skins, X-Men). Escrita por Tony McNamara (The Favourite).
Hulu ha encargado dieciséis episodios (dos temporadas) de Solar Opposites, comedia de animación de Justin Roiland (Rick & Morty), que además pondrá voz al protagonista, sobre una familia de alienígenas que abandona su planeta y se muda a un suburbio de Estados Unidos.
Lee Child quiere adaptar sus novelas de Jack Reacher en una serie con diez o doce episodios dedicados a cada una. Busca un actor más alto e intimidante y no necesariamente tan famoso como Tom Cruise. Espera poder anunciar un trato en otoño.
Strangers se estrena en ITV el 10 de septiembre
Black Earth Rising se estrena en BBC Two el 10 de septiembre
La tercera temporada de No Offence se estrena en Channel 4 el 13 de septiembre
La segunda temporada de Big Mouth llega a Netflix el 5 de octubre
The Haunting of Hill House llega a Netflix el 12 de octubre
Titans se estrena en DC Universe el 12 de octubre
La tercera temporada de StartUp se estrena en Sony Crackle el 1 de noviembre
Otras imágenes
Tobias Menzies en The Crown
True Detective - Temporada 3
Sorry For Your Loss
The First
Riverdale - Temporada 3
Big Mouth - Temporada 2
The Walking Dead - Temporada 9
My Brilliant Friend
The Good Doctor - Temporada 2
No Offence - Temporada 3
The Conners
0 notes
lavotha · 7 years
World AIDS Day – FAM organizes a pletora of operations to raise awareness 
Monday, December 1, 2014, was World AIDS Day, an opportunity for people all over the world to unite in the fight against HIV. The date was designed in 1987 and is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection and mourning of those who have died of the disease. The focus this year is « Focus, Partner, Achieve: An AIDS free generation.»
On this occasion and celebrating the 10th anniversary of her association, HSH Princess Stephanie, Founder and President of Fight Aids Monaco (FAM) as well as UNAIDS International Goodwill Ambassador and her team, organized different communication and prevention operations, as well as their traditional fundraising event benefiting their association.
Test in the City
On Monday, November 24, 2014, the operation “Test in the City” marked its 5th year in the Principality in partnership with the Princess Grace Hospital, its Emergency Service, as well as the Monegasque Red Cross. It is an anonymous screening test, free of charge and fast, with results within 10 minutes. In French the kit is known as TROD (Test Depistage rapide a Orientation Diagnostique), equivalent to Rapid HIV Testing in English, and enables to detect anti-HIV-1 and anti-HIV-2 antibodies by a simple finger prick, than can easily be carried out by non-medical people who are nevertheless trained in this procedure.
The main objective of this screening is to keep people informed of the latest scientific advances, learn how to protect oneself and others, and most importantly put an end to stigma and discrimination.
Jungle Fight
Radio Monaco hosted a new episode of Jungle Fight on Thursday, November 27, from 17:00 to 19:00hs, with the live participation of Princess Stephanie and Malher. It is the only monthly radio program dedicated to the fight against AIDS that has been running for over 5 years. The broadcast was an excellent opportunity to review the research and campaigns carried out in the fight against AIDS, and help end up discrimination and false ideas about the disease.
AIDS Memorial Quilt
The 4th edition of the AIDS Memory Quilt (Courtepointes in French), is a work of art on canvas, both individual and collective that honors AIDS victims. In 1987 the “Names Project Aids Memorial Quilt” foundation came up with this initiative to illustrate the devastation caused by the disease. Each quilt is made of 8 canvas sewn to each other, over a surface of 4m x 4m, all bearing the name of a victim and they were all produced by people of Fight Aids Monaco, most of them living with HIV. These quilts were exposed in the entrance of the Oceanographic Museum on Friday, November 28. It is a way of saying that victims will never be forgotten.
Presentation by Herve Aeschbach during the Memory Quilt exhibition at the Oceanographic Museum in the presence of Princes Albert and Princess Stephanie
Princess Stephanie and Prince Albert holding the Memory Quilt
Herve Aeschbach with Prince Albert and Princess Stephanie
FAM Charity Auction
With the generous support of Barclays Monaco a new edition of the FAM Charity Auction took place at the Meridien Beach Plaza Hotel on Monday, December 1, 2014 in the presence of HSH Princess Stephanie accompanied by her brother HSH Prince Albert II. Dame Shirley Bassy, Dmitry Rybolovlev (president AS Monaco), and Kenzo Takada were among the many distinguished guests.
Kenzo Takada
Dame Shirley Bassey
There were 58 works of art (sculptures, paintings, photographs, lithographs) generously donated by the artists or collectors, auctioned under the expert hammer of Maitre Francois Tajan from Artcurial. More than Eur 380,000 were raised in this traditional art auction that will enable the association to continue their actions. The truth is that HIV has not been eradicated yet and there is still a vital need to raise money, increase awareness, fight prejudice and improve education.
My husband and I had the pleasure to be seating with our friend Michel Merket and Patrick Schaeffer, Treasurer of FAM, and both men were constantly outbidding each other in acquiring beautiful art pieces, but their main objective was to increase the amount collected that evening. Generosity at its best!
Princess Stephanie with Mick Jagger portrait by Fabian Edelstam and The Baloon sculpture by Geraldine Morin
Autoportrait by Kenzo
Prismatic Levels (2014) by Thomas Canto
Marcel Loves Monaco (2014) by Celine Chourlelt
Lips (2007) by Frederic Leveugle
Magnificent Nature (2014) by Milena Zevu
Rainbow (2014) by Enitram
Picasso portrait by Marcos Marin
Row of photographs
Distrit Fashion (2014) by Juan Manuel Pajares
Dr Bruno Taillan was quoted saying: “Finding a cure is no longer an utopia and eradicating the epidemic by 2030 could become a reality to welcome a generation without AIDS.”
Guests at the auction
Red roses and Red Ribbon, symbols of the fight against AIDS
Princess Stephanie by Mick Jagger by Fabian Edelstam
Princess Stephanie addressing the guests at the auction
An ovation for Princess Stephanie and Prince Albert II
Patrick Schaeffer, Celina Lafuente de Lavotha, Zsolt Lavotha and Michel Merkt
Michael Merket and Patrick Schaeffer at the auction
Prince Albert and Princess Stephanie surrounded by the generous artists who donated their work for the auction
Open dialogue with students
The Department of Education, Youth and Sports in partnership with Fight Aids Monaco, participated in different events organized at the College Albert I within the framework of AIDS-Info from November 27 through December 3, 2014. The close collaboration among the Department of Education, the Direction of Health and Social Affaires and the Center for Free Anonymous Screening, has enabled college students to attend interactive workshops and conference on AIDS. The objective wasto establish a useful dialogue with the students to create awareness on the evolution of the AIDS epidemic, new available treatments, emphasizing the need for individual protection and prevention.
The Department of Education, Youth and Sports in partnership with Fight Aids Monaco, participated in different events organized at the College Albert I within the framework of AIDS-Info from November 27 through December 3, 2014. The close collaboration among the Department of Education, the Direction of Health and Social Affaires and the Center for Free Anonymous Screening, has enabled college students to attend interactive workshops and conference on AIDS. The objective wasto establish a useful dialogue with the students to create awareness on the evolution of the AIDS epidemic, new available treatments, emphasizing the need for individual protection and prevention.
Key HIV Facts from WHO
HIV continues to be a major global public health issue, having claimed more than 39 million lives so far. In 2013, 1.5 [1.4–1.7] million people died from HIV-related causes globally.
There were approximately 35.0 [33.2–37.2] million people living with HIV at the end of 2013 with 2.1 [1.9–2.4] million people becoming newly infected with HIV in 2013 globally.
Sub-Saharan Africa is the most affected region, with 24.7 [23.5–26.1] million people living with HIV in 2013. Also sub-Saharan Africa accounts for almost 70% of the global total of new HIV infections.
HIV infection is usually diagnosed through blood tests detecting the presence or absence of HIV antibodies.
There is no cure for HIV infection. However, effective treatment with antiretroviral (ARV) drugs can control the virus so that people with HIV can enjoy healthy and productive lives.
In 2013, 12.9 million people living with HIV were receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) globally, of which 11.7 million were receiving ART in low- and middle-income countries. The 11.7 million people on ART represent 36% [34–38%] of the 32.6 [30.8–34.7] million people living with HIV in low- and middle-income countries.
Pediatric coverage is still lagging in low- and middle-income countries. In 2013 less than 1 in 4 children living with HIV had access to ART, compared to over 1 in 3 adults.
We are winning the battle, but it is not over yet! Napoleon well said: “Victory belongs to the most persevering”
Monaco Reporter Contact Form
[contact-form] Princess Stephanie made it her mission to help eradicate AIDS http://wp.me/p3ZGG1-1wf World AIDS Day - FAM organizes a pletora of operations to raise awareness  Monday, December 1, 2014, was World AIDS Day, an opportunity for people all over the world to unite in the fight against HIV.
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paddockbunny · 2 years
Max request pls for 6&7 if reader is either Toto’s or Horner’s kid
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Chapter One
Summary: When the Horners throw their annual summer BBQ for the Red Bull team, Christian invites Max while Geri invites the eldest Horner daughter. And the pair of them go for a little drive Pairing : Max Verstappen x Reader Rating :18+. Word Count: 3,983 Trigger Warnings : NSFW, 18+, adult content, adult language, Christian Horner, Jos Verstappen, car sex, PinV sex, unprotected sex
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“You look lovely” Geri stated as your rounded the corner into the kitchen. “That dress is very, summer.” The pause she made between very and summer was clearly because she couldn’t think of a word that could have been taken for what she really meant – which was boob-y – without causing offence. You took the compliment because really, who was she to criticise your outfit when she wore a tea towel on national television back when she was your age. She stood at the marble topped island as if she had cooked the food before her. But the real (hired) chef was standing right behind her and you smirking knowing Geri and cooking certainly did not go together. It was the annual RB summer BBQ and you had been roped into attending this year as you had just finished university. More realistically it was because there was an odd number and the seating chart would therefore be off, but neither Geraldine nor your father confessed to that.
You had attended this little shindig before on one occasion. It was back in the summer between finishing high school and starting university - 2018 to be exact. You wore a dress not unlike the one you were currently sporting but with a slightly more PC neckline. You had only just turned 18 a few weeks prior and the only thing you could remember about the whole day was one Mr Daniel Ricciardo. He had been sat across from you and you wished every person there would magically disappear so you could fling yourself over the table at him. He was hotter than hot and had this energy about him. He was such a man with his stubble and slightly arrogant air that made you want to risk everything for him. You were so taken with him that as soon as he left you begged your father to allow you to take a gap year. Purely so you could attend some races and try convince him that a fresh faced, young 18 year-old was exactly the woman for him. An utterly absurd and ridiculous notion that now, you felt down right embarrassed about.
Now, as an array of men started arriving, you were certain that none of your father’s current line-up of drivers would be worth your time let alone give you anything fantasise about. But you were pulled out of your Ricciardo induced day dream when Geri asked if you would take the two bottles of wine out to the garden patio and place them in the cooler on the side table. You had a feeling it was purely to get you out of the way as she had hired enough wait staff to make Buckingham Palace look like a McDonalds. But alas, you stepped out into the warm English air and did exactly as she requested. It was then you spied your father holding court with some of his attendees. In your mind you willed him not to call you over. You didn’t want to have to engage in small talk with men that were twice your age and would be trying not to stare at your tits the whole time.
“Y/n” You sighed when your father’s voice did exactly what you were dreading. With a frustrated sigh you plastered a fake smile on your mouth and headed over toward him. He was standing with Max – he was your father’s golden boy so of course you knew him even if you had only met him a couple of times – and an older, more plump version of Max with slightly thinning hair a much more leery look on his face. Clearly, it was evident to you, that he would be the tit gazer out of the pair of them. “y/n,” your father started as you finally made your way over to them “You remember Max don’t you” Like you could ever forget him? But instead of scoffing you smiled and nodded “And this is Jos, his father.” “Nice to meet you.” You were waiting for it. You knew it was coming. Your hand stretched out and as he shook it…. Yup! there it was, his eyes glanced at your boobs. The older Verstappen looked smug now he had peaked at something he was never, ever going to get. Your father informed them that you had just finished university with a First Class Honours degree and were awaiting your graduation. “A smart girl then.” Jos stated and you suddenly felt a little queasy. Ew, you thought. Max was flanking you to the left so you decided to turn your attention to him instead. “I hear that you’re on course for another championship this year.” Small talk was good but now you had nothing to talk about over the course of the afternoon. He nodded and said it was the plan to which your father interrupted; “Just a nice clean victory without controversy would be nice.”
As the conversation progressed you realised that the Max you first met years ago was not the man who stood in front of you now. He had been shy, unsure of himself and practically awkward. He was geeky looking and clearly very overshadowed by his older, confident, handsome teammate. But now, well, Max Verstappen was pretty dishy. He was well proportioned, nice looking and had a whole brooding thing going on which appealed to you. You felt his eyes on you as you answered some stupid question flung at you by his father. And for once, you didn’t mind it. You didn’t mind if he stared at your face, your chest or any other part of you. This afternoon would perhaps be a little more fun than you initially thought.
Thankful that the plates were being cleared as you had been too preoccupied by stealing glances at the handsome driver seated across from you, you looked up to catch Max’s sparkling blue eyes looking back at you. You felt rather bad for having over looked him all this time. The sun was hanging lower in the sky than it had been earlier and he covered his smirk with his closed fist when he realised he had been staring back at you for a little too long. In your head you had been thinking about how different his face looked. Before he was clean shaven with a slightly odd looking face, eyes a little too far apart and too much of a wide toothy grin. But now, perfectly groomed stubble, alluring dazzling eyes that caught the light when they looked back at you and fucking incredible lips that you so desperately wanted on yours replaced those memories. 
Helmut Marko suddenly called your name from further down the table. Annoyance that you couldn’t keep observing the man in front of you and instead having to turn you attention to the old git instead coursed through you but you played the dutiful daughter. He asked if the black mini out front was yours and you nodded saying you had no need for any big fancy, fast car. It was a response that seemed to bewilder him. Then Max’s father interrupted with his own unwelcomed thoughts; “Surely you have borrowed your father’s cars no? Just to get a feel of what it feels like.” You wanted to roll your eyes. Men and their toys. Before you could even think of an answer your father was doing it for you. “That would be putting an awful lot of trust in her. I don’t think I’d let her go out by herself.” It was the kind of response that you had come to expect of your dad. If you had been a son instead of a daughter then it wouldn’t have crossed his mind to have flung a set of keys at you and told you to go have fun. But you were unfortunately a girl and therefore he thought that you were incapable of driving anything more than a Mini Cooper.
“She could go out with someone…” Geri suddenly piped up “Max, why don’t you take y/n out for a ride? No one better than the current world champion, right Christian.” It was at that moment you realised that Geri had been plotting this all along. It was the reason she had asked you here, the reason that you were sat across from Max and the reason she was now glancing back and forth between you and your father. You breathed out a shaky laugh as you were about to tell Max he shouldn’t listen to them when he spoke first. “If you’d like to go, I don’t mind.” And Geri practically jumped right out of her seat in excitement. Her eyes were on you instantly and you could feel her urging to say yes. A huge massive illuminated sign above her saying “GO WITH HIM” would have been subtle than how she was currently behaving.  “Sure.” And then she basically bolted like one of her horses back inside to grab your father’s Aston Martin keys. Your dad couldn’t even get a single word of protest in and you glanced nervously around the table. Everyone was slightly sniggering to themselves as if they were all in on Geri’s plot to get you and Max alone together but she returned with the keys and pretty much urged Max out of his seat.
Your foot stayed on the accelerator as you approached the tight left curve on the familiar country road that you were used to. “Woah, woah, woah, brake! Slow down!” Max pretty much barked at you as he grabbed the door and seemed to brace himself. Your foot crossed to the break and as you decelerated you downed the gears and effortlessly turned to follow the road. Once around the corner you started climbing back up your gears and smirked to yourself. He had totally underestimated you. Just because your dad didn’t let you drive his cars didn’t mean you hadn’t driven any at all. He had clearly thought he was going to be doing some instructing or confidence building when he offered the request that Geri was practically willing him to make.“Didn’t think a girl could drive this well?” You laugh and he seems to let out a nervous breath of air he had been holding on too. You slowed down a little and just enjoyed the drive. “Why don’t you come to races? Driving like this, I think you’d enjoy it.” He finally spoke after the longest time. And this time it was him the one laughing. “Your dad runs a Formula One team after all…” It went unanswered. You didn’t really want to think of your dad right now when you had glanced over and saw such a handsome face looking back at you. You weren’t imagining the look he was shooting you either. You were reading it as one of amazement and possibly with a little hint of lust. Max didn’t stay quiet on the matter and asked you if he were to offer you to come as his guest not his fathers, would you accept. “Well, I don’t usually fraternise with drivers.” “You’re doing it right now….” FUCK “…and we’re alone.” DOUBLE FUCK.
You were thankful that you knew the road well and there was hidden slip road that once lead up to a house just ahead. The house was long abandoned - something about subsidence – but the road still remained and was shielded by large bushes and tall trees. It was the perfect place to engage in behaviours that you wouldn’t want anyone else to see as they drove past. But you were getting ahead of yourself. You pretended that you were going to make a three point turn and go back down the same road when finally, just as you were turning hard right; Max suggested that the pair of you stopped for a while before going back. He dubbed it as a “getting to know each other” without the lingering eyes and ears back at your fathers estate.
“What’s the real reason you don’t come to races?’ Max had seen right through you and you were amazed. He was the first man that had ever questioned you on your stock response. With a smile and a sigh you told him. “My dad thinks I’m trouble. That I’m a distraction.” You roll your eyes dramatically after hinting at your low cut dress. His eyes didn’t trail to where you thought they would have – where most guys would have - and instead stead remained on your face. But your efforts were certainly not in vain, as his face had very familiar look written upon it.“You would be.” He was dead serious. You could tell from his tone. And you knew exactly where this was all going now. Your thighs pressed together to try and curb the sudden throbbing going on at the apex. His voice somehow got darker and more enticing when he added to his earlier statement; “I can’t believe you’re his daughter.” With a slight fear he might be about to backpedal as if his life depended on it, you risked it and asked why.“Because it makes all the thoughts going round in my head, all kinds of wrong.” You watched his face. A slight crack in the confidence appeared when you didn’t say anything. This wasn’t a set up. You realised that now. Sure, getting you alone with him may have been a set up on Geri’s part but Max meant everything he was saying and suggesting.
“They’re not wrong if I’m thinking them too.” And at that moment you undid your seatbelt. The only thing you could think of was how much you wanted to kiss him. How badly the urge was to have his mouth on yours, took over your soul. Smoothly - as if you had done it before - you swiftly climbed out of the drivers seat, flung a leg over the centre console and hauled your body over to settle on top of his. From the second you spoke to him today you realised that Max was exactly your type. He was funny, intelligent and engaging. Sure the physical side of him was what made your panties grow damp but how he talked to you like you were his equal was why this was a decision you were more than happy with making. “Fuck…” His breath caught in his throat as his hands trailed up your soft, bare thighs to hold you in place. A smirk danced across his lips and you realised you hadn’t stopped thinking about those full, pouty lips for one single second in hours. You name tumbled from his lips as your fingers pushed through his hair and you heard your heart pounding away in your chest desperately needing quelled. And you realised it wasn’t the only place the heartbeat was becoming increasingly apparent. The strong pulse like ache that grew between your legs was getting stronger and stronger and all you could think of was guiding Max’s hand there when they pressed in harder to your thighs. When he finally closed the few inches between your mouths you felt like you were in heaven. Those lips felt exactly how you knew they would and it didn’t take long for his tongue to be fighting with yours for dominance. It wasn’t a battle you were going to give in easily too and to prove he wasn’t either his teeth gently bit down on your bottom lip. But two could play that game and you finally ground yourself down on his lap. As much as you needed the friction, the gasp that left him was evidence that he did too. Something that was furthered by the very obvious rock hard erection he was harbouring in his jeans. His fingertips pressed even more into your thighs before one let go and went to your cheek. It lingered for a moment as your eyes looked into his and you knew he was silently asking for your consent. Consent that you were all too happy to give him. Those lips were back on yours as that same hand went through your hair and tugged on it gently. You didn’t want him to be gentle with you but somewhere deep down inside of you you were thankful that he was being. You knew what this was, just sex. But part of you longed for it to perhaps turn into something more. Just as you were about to lean into that thought however, his hand moved from your thigh and found your lace panty covered pussy. “Fuck….you’re so wet already.” Max moaned against your open mouth. A gasp for air very much needed.
You knew it was wrong to be doing this. That people would be expecting you back soon. Your father, Geraldine, Max’s father and all the others that thought they were sending you out for a quick drive in the countryside. But as Max pulled his fingers out of your desperate, throbbing pussy – the one he had been toying with and removed before you could cum around them – the only thing you could think of was him. Your hands grabbed at his jeans as he reclined the seat. Grinning as he watched you. You couldn’t recall a time that you wanted to fuck more than this. Nor could you think of a guy you wanted to fuck more than Max. It dawned on you that it wasn’t the situation (fucking in your dads car) that was thrilling to you. It was him. It was Max. You leaned forward and kissed him again as he finished freeing himself of his jeans and boxers. You were still kissing him when you felt his now freed cock spring against your inner thigh, dangerously close to the wet spot you wanted him to occupy so desperately. Your hand trailed down to it and Max hissed loudly into your mouth when your hand rolled over him. He was exactly what you thought he would be. Thick. His cock was girthy and your pussy practically ached thinking about what you would feel like tomorrow.
It didn’t take long till Max was begging at your entrance. His cock already glistening with the wetness he collected as he slipped it up and down your folds. You leaned against his big, strong body and wrapped your hands around his neck as you gently, slowly, sat back. The stretch from him was delicious and as he began to rock your hips your breathing quickened. In that moment nothing else existed but him. The angle you were at made him feel bigger than you would have thought possible and his eyes opened and pushed your dress up so he could see you taking him.“Fuck…” Fell from his mouth, “you’re so fucking perfect.” It was exactly what you wanted (and needed) to hear and he earned more from you in that second. You set the pace. You started moving back and forth quickening your movements every time he tried to breathe. Allowing him to slide out just enough before you glided back down on him elicited a moan from him. Your hands braced against his shoulders and his roughly grabbed at your ass. You noted it for next time; Max Verstappen was an ass guy. You felt him bucking his hips up and start to meet the rhythm you had so far been in charge of. His name therefore began to tumble straight from your lips. It had been once or twice until finally you were panting while the pair of you railed each other. Ready to throw each other over the edge into orgasmic oblivion.  
And after you pretty much begged him to make you make you cum Max’s moans filled the small space of the Aston Martin. The windows had fogged up and the setting sun bathed both of you in a glorious warm hue. You couldn’t care about anything but him and the high he was bringing you towards rapidly. His fingers found your clit as if he had always known every inch of your body. The circles he was roughly drawing against it matched the swirling wooziness you were feeling in your head. You were so close and from the way his cock twitch inside of you, he was too. More swear words tumbled from his lips as suddenly; your legs began to quiver. You mentally wanted to tell him “right there” “harder’ but words couldn’t even form in your mouth. And besides, he already knew. He could feel you starting to spasm around his cock. His movements getting slower as his own orgasm was about to crash upon him.
“Cum for me, y/n” He said it right in time. As with a slight tremble of your thighs and his name pouring from your mouth, you came. The high was perhaps the most intense you had ever experienced. He knew exactly what to do, what to say, how to touch you. And your pussy was still convulsing around him when he followed seconds later. You felt his cock sputtering inside of you, spilling his milky seed. Your name shakily left him when you ground down on him as if mentally you urged him not to pull out.
You pulled into the driveway of your dad and Geri’s sprawling old mansion. You didn’t want to come back here. Not because Max’s cum was slowly spilling out of you and collecting in your panties but because you didn’t want this day to be drawing to a close. Sure, it was a bit ridiculous to be thinking this was anything more than fucking for him (for either of you) but you felt like you and Max had made a connection. You glanced at him and then realised he was slowing down. Was the man a mind reader? He said your name quietly and quickly put his hand on top of yours. “If I ask you to come to a race as my guest, will you?” It was a question he had already asked you earlier, before you pulled off the road and into a layby where the pair of your fucked like the world was ending in your fathers big fancy car. You thought about it but he squeezed and you knew he wanted an answer before he stopped the vehicle. You knew exactly what it was he was really asking. It wasn’t about the races. Nor was it about making you feel like you weren’t trouble or a distraction. He wanted to know if you would be willing to repeat this afternoon, if you would be willing to have sex with him again. “Yes.” It was the easiest answer you had ever given.
Your car door was luckily opened by Jos and not your father. The thought of him being so close to the car that you really needed to have valeted before he drove it again filled you with dread. “What’s this?” You were sure you were rumbled when your dad exclaimed and pointed at you both. Max covered it smoothly; “We swapped over.” “Is she really such a scary driver you had to take over?” Christian laughed and you rolled your eyes at yet another slightly sexist comment. Even you, his daughter was not immune to them. Then it dawned on you, maybe you shouldn’t have the car valeted and an even better response poured out of you just like Max’s cum. “No.” You stated boldly “I wanted to give him a ride.” Max practically choked at your words but tried to cover it as a cough. He knew exactly what you meant and couldn’t believe you would be so bold to come out with it in front of everyone. But you just smiled and winked at him. You knew you were playing with matches on this one, but it was a fire you were more that happy to start.
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freyayuki · 4 years
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Centaurion’s Reign (Tyrant Raid) Awakening Event
The Centaurion’s Reign (Tyrant Raid) Awakening event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This means that the following characters can now be Awakened from Level 70 and Crystal Level 70 to Level 80 and Crystal Level 80:
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Zack Fair from Final Fantasy VII and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Lightning (Claire Farron) from Final Fantasy XIII (#ad)
Raijin from Final Fantasy VIII
Penelo from Final Fantasy XII
Edge (Edward Geraldine) from Final Fantasy IV
Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
Centaurion’s Reign (Tyrant Raid) Banner 1  
The Centaurion’s Reign (Tyrant Raid) comes with 2 banners. The first one features the weapons of the following characters:
Lightning (Claire Farron) from Final Fantasy XIII - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, Burst or BT
Edge (Edward Geraldine) from Final Fantasy IV - 15cp, 35cp, Ex
Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII - 15cp, 35cp, Ex
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Centaurion’s Reign (Tyrant Raid) Banner 2
The second Centaurion’s Reign (Tyrant Raid) banner features the weapons of the following characters:
Lightning (Claire Farron) from Final Fantasy XIII - LD and Burst only
Zack Fair from Final Fantasy VII and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - 15cp, 35cp, Ex
Raijin from Final Fantasy VIII - 15cp, 35cp, Ex
Penelo from Final Fantasy XII - 15cp, 35cp, Ex
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Zack Fair from Final Fantasy VII and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
My Zack is Level 70 and Crystal Level 70. All of his Boards have been completed. He has his Bloom Stone. I have the passives for all of his weapons. He’s currently equipped with his Ex that’s been Purpled or at Ex+ 3/3. His armor is also Purple. He has triple Attack 108 with Max Brave 330, triple Attack 108 with SOLDIER Grit Boost★★ (Raises MAX BRV by 15% and ATK by 5% if HP is MAX at start of last wave), and Attack 108 with Initial Brave 170 Artifacts.
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Currently, Zack is my fave char in Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia. That’s why I farmed him the perfect Artifacts. Although I prefer 108/330 for him because I want him to be at his best for all the waves of a fight, I also took the time to get him 108/SOLDIER Grit Boost★★ so I have the option of using them on battles that only have 1 wave. I also got him the maximum number of Summon points that he could get for all the Summon Boards even though this was totally not necessary at all. 
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Naturally, I bought all of his voice lines from the shop and would have gladly bought his stickers as well if only they existed (still hoping there’ll be Zack stickers someday). I’m super pleased that he’s one of the first who can be Awakened to Crystal Level 80 and Level 80. I’m looking forward to the time when he’ll get an LD and am hoping that he’ll also be getting a Burst.  
Zack is equipped with the following Spheres:
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Machina Kunagiri’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Break Hit Initial Attack Shorter A Sphere. Its effect is:
Raises INT BRV, ATK by 10% for 3 turns when inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break
Jecht’s (from Final Fantasy X) Critical Initial Attack Shorter A Sphere
Raises INT BRV, ATK by 10% for 3 turns when dealing critical hit
Snow Villiers’ (from Final Fantasy XIII) Target Attack Up B Sphere
Raises ATK by 10% while targeted by enemies
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Lightning (Claire Farron) from Final Fantasy XIII
My Lightning is Level 70 and Crystal Level 70. I have her Bloom Stone, and all 9 of her Summon Boards have been completed. Or, to be more precise, all of her Summon Boards have been completed. I just haven’t gotten ‘round to getting the passives and stats from the Bahamut Board yet to avoid being tempted to spend the tickets that comes from one of the treasure chests there. I don’t have her Character Enhancement Boards though.
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I have the passives from her 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and Manikin weapons. She’s currently equipped with her Ex that’s been Purpled or at Ex+ 3/3. This is the first appearance of her Burst and LD so I’m missing those. She has triple Attack 108 with Max Brave 330 and triple Attack 108 with Initial Brave 170 Artifacts.
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Raijin from Final Fantasy VIII
My Raijin is Level 70 and Crystal Level 70. He’s in the same state as Lightning with regards to his Boards, Bloom Stone, and weapons. Well, except for the fact that he doesn’t have a Manikin weapon or an LD and BT. He has triple Attack 108 Artifacts with decent enough secondaries.
Penelo from Final Fantasy XII
My Penelo is Level 70 and Crystal Level 70. She’s in the same state as Raijin with regards to her Boards, Bloom Stone, and weapons. She has a few Initial Brave 170 and Max Brave 330 Arts with decent enough secondaries.
Edge (Edward Geraldine) from Final Fantasy IV
My Edge is Level 70 and Crystal Level 70. Only 2 of his Summon Boards have been completed. He’s missing his Bloom Stone and Character Enhancement Boards. I have the passive for his 15cp. He’s currently equipped with a copy of his 35cp that hasn’t been limit broken at all. I’m missing his Ex weapon. He has 2 Attack 108 with Max Brave 330, 2 Attack 108 with Mighty Shock★★, and 1 Attack 108 with Bravery Smoke★★ Artifacts.  
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Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
My Vincent is Level 70 and Crystal Level 70. Only 2 of his Summon Boards have been completed. He’s missing his Bloom Stone and Character Enhancement Boards. I have the passive for his 15cp. He’s currently equipped with his fully MLB 35cp. I’m missing his Ex. He has triple Attack 108 Artifacts with decent enough secondaries. 
Pull on Centaurion’s Reign (Tyrant Raid) Banners?
I’ve been hearing a lot about how good and meta Lightning is with her LD and Burst, how she’s practically a must-have, and how long she’ll be viable before being powercrept. So I was interested in pulling for her. Besides, I liked her well enough, she was already Purple, and I already have perfect Arts for her. I was even considering giving her Spheres if I manage to snag all of her weapons. 
The only issue was that I wasn’t sure I wanted to pity her LD and Burst. Sure, I’d love to have them, but did I want them enough to go all the way to spending up to 125k or possibly more if worse comes to worse? I could use tickets instead of gems, but they don’t guarantee anything at all. If I failed to get Lightning’s LD and Burst with tickets, would I just switch to using gems instead? 
There was also the fact that the banners featuring her new gear weren’t really good for me. Oh, the banner with Zack, Penelo, and Raijin is definitely good, and I’m not just saying that ‘cause Zack’s there. Actually, much as I hate to say this, he’s probably the weakest on that banner. He still does his job as a tank perfectly fine, but his damage has fallen off by now, and there are other tanks who can protect the party while dealing decent damage. Penelo and Raijin have fallen off as well, but as supports and healers, they still have their uses although, like with Zack, they won’t be your go-to if you have any of the more recent support chars. 
So, yes, that banner is good. The problem is that I already have everyone there Purple so I’ll only really be pulling for Lightning’s new weapons. That’s why I found myself eying the first banner instead. From that banner, I was missing Vincent’s and Edge’s Ex as well as more copies of Edge’s 35cp. Too bad neither of the Ex weapons in question are good right now. Both chars have been heavily powercrept. Edge’s party-wide evasion might still see some uses, but there are better ways of protecting your party while also ensuring that you deal a lot of damage.
I was still thinking about what to do when the banners featuring Lightning’s new weapons showed up. I decided to try my luck on the first banner. I still wasn’t sure if I was willing to pity her weapons, but maybe, hopefully, I won’t have to.
Centaurion’s Reign (Tyrant Raid) Free Multi-Draws
As part of the game’s winter holidays celebrations, the 2 Centaurion’s Reign (Tyrant Raid) banners came with a free multi-draw. Hopefully, these free pulls will give me something good like Lightning’s Burst and/or LD. Hey, why not? It can happen, right, even if the chances are minuscule?
Banner 2′s (yeah, I decided to start with the second banner for no reason in particular) free multi-draw gave me only 1 gold, a.k.a the guaranteed one, and it was unfortunately nothing more than a dupe of Zack’s 35cp. Yeah, I like Zack, and that’s exactly why he’s fully MLB already. 
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Heck, I like him so much that I kept a dupe copy of his 15cp and 35cp instead of selling them for Power Stones. He’s the only one I’ve done this for. I always sell all the dupe 15cp and 35cp that I get. I also ended up with 3 dupes of his Ex weapon that I haven’t sold either. Well, I do have other Ex dupes. I’m reluctant to sell those though since they’re Ex weapons. 
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Anyway, the point is that I really don’t want or need any more dupes of Zack’s weapons. If he has anything new, then yes, I definitely want copies of those, but no more of the ones that I already have, please. In short, I hate the result of this free multi-pull.
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I was hoping that my free pull on banner 1 would be better, but it’s as bad as banner 2′s. Yet again only 1 gold showed up - Lightning’s 35cp. Sigh. 
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Centaurion’s Reign (Tyrant Raid) Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results 
Here are the results of my multi-draws on the Centaurion’s Reign (Tyrant Raid) banner 1: 
The first pull was only slightly better than my free draws and only because this gave me 2 golds instead of just 1. The golds were nothing more than dupes (Lightning’s 35cp and Edge’s 15cp) though, so this was still a very bad draw.
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The second draw actually gave me a gold orb, so I got hyped though I tried not to hope too much since I could very well get nothing more than a dupe of Lightning’s Ex. But it’s a gold orb so it’s hard not to get excited after seeing it even if it was better to temper one’s expectations. 
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Surprisingly, I actually got something new from this pull - my very first copy of Vincent’s Ex.
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That was the only thing I got though. The rest of the items were a mixture of bronze and silver trash.
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While I’m glad I managed to acquire something new, I couldn’t help feeling a bit disappointed anyway since only 1 gold showed up and I had yet to obtain either Lightning’s LD or Burst. Plus Vincent has been powercrept by now so it wasn’t like I was gonna be using him anytime soon. I just equipped him with his Ex so I can finally sell his MLB 35cp for Power Stones. 
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The third multi-draw gave me 3 golds, but quantity doesn’t always equal quality. Even if 3 golds showed up, since they were all nothing more than dupes (Vincent’s 35cp, Lightning’s 15cp, and Vincent’s 15cp), I still ended up being disappointed by the results of this pull.
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At this point, I now had 80 G-Tokens on this banner. I was starting to feel mad because I kept getting such lousy draw results. I decided to stop pulling for now. It was a bit later on when I resumed drawing on the Centaurion’s Reign (Tyrant Raid) banner 1. Unfortunately, my 4th pull wasn’t any better than my 3rd. This one also gave me 3 golds, but they were all dupes - 2 copies of Edge’s 15cp and 1 copy of Vincent’s 15cp. So frustrating, not to mention infuriating.
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I was really starting to feel furious (totally an understatement. I was angry and just really hating on all these lousy, horrible draws) about my crappy pulls, so I didn’t do my 5th multi-draw until much, much later. I think it was like the next day already when I did this pull. Multi-draw number 5 was even worse than the 4th pull. This time, only 2 golds showed up - Lightning’s 15cp and Vincent’s 15cp. Argh! Why? Why do I keep getting such trash pulls?
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At this point, I was starting to resign myself to having to pity Lightning’s LD and possibly even her Burst. But if I actually ended up spending 125k or more for her new weapons, I worried that I’d just end up hating Lightning. I thought it might not be so bad to have to pity the LD since that would only cost me 70k thanks to the free pull. Her Burst was set to show up on 2 more banners and those have free multi-draws as well so maybe, hopefully, I’ll have better luck there.
The 6th multi-draw gave me a gold orb. I kept telling myself not to get my hopes up too much. I couldn’t help it though. So I was even more disappointed when it turned out that I got 2 dupes - Lightning’s 35cp and my second copy of Vincent’s Ex. Sigh. 
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Looks like I’m really gonna have to pity Lightning’s LD. How depressing. Still feeling furious, I continued pulling, deciding to just get it over with already. Maybe it would have been better to just stop, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself from doing so. Then again, I’d already spent a lot on this banner, so might as well go all the way. It would have been a waste otherwise. 
My 7th multi-draw gave me yet another gold orb. So here we go again, huh? As usual, I tried not to be too hopeful, but there was a part of me that just couldn’t help but wish for something good to show up. To my surprise, that actually happened. Aside from a “free” Power Stone in the form of another copy of Edge’s 15cp, I also got - 
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Lightning’s Burst. OMFG! Did this seriously just happen right now? Oh, wow, it’s a miracle! Seriously, can you believe this? I’m still reeling from the shock, man. I have no words for this. Just - wow! Also, hell, yes! I honestly didn’t think I’d be seeing Lightning’s Burst on this banner. And to think I was so, so, freaking angry because my previous pulls were all so bad and crappy, and I just hated them, and I was starting to hate on Lightning too for refusing to come home. But now here she is. So freaking pleased.
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I’m really glad I didn’t have to pity Lightning’s Burst. This was definitely way more than I could have asked for. I’m still missing her LD, but this pull has more than appeased me. I wasn’t angry anymore, and was now way more open to pitying her LD, if necessary. I mean, I’d rather not if it was at all possible to avoid spending 75k for her LD, but now I didn’t mind having to do so. Spending 75k was way better than having to spend 125k.
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And so I immediately did my 8th multi-draw. No gold orb showed up, and I wasn’t expecting anything good to show up. But it’s fine. I’ve made my peace with this banner. Obtaining Lightning’s Burst weapon really made all the difference. If I have to pity Lightning’s LD, then so be it. Except the game said there was no need for that because -
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Yeah, aside from a copy of Edge’s 15cp and 35cp, this multi-draw also gave me my first copy of Lightning’s LD. OMFG! Cue keyboard mashing. Oh, wow. I don’t know what to say. Did this seriously just happen? Definitely not complaining though. This is so super special awesome. First, Lightning’s Burst and then her LD on the very next draw? Hell, yes! Also thank you, thank you. 
And here I thought I was gonna have to pity her LD. So glad that wasn’t the case at all. Based on my earlier draw results and how crappy they all were, I didn’t think this would happen. So glad to get a happy ending from this banner. I can’t believe my Lightning is now complete and the other banners who will feature her Burst as well haven’t even shown up yet.
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I now have 180 G-Tokens. I’m still missing Edge’s Ex, but it doesn’t really matter. I’m done with this banner. Well, I should be, but I decided to do one more pull in order to get an even 200 G-Tokens. You need 100 Tokens to get a Power Stone, and you need 200 to get a Book. So I thought why not do 1 more pull instead of having 80 Tokens go to waste? Besides, maybe this draw will give me Edge’s Ex. 
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Unfortunately, this pull did not give me Edge’s Ex. Instead, I got 2 golds - Vincent’s 15cp and Edge’s 35cp. Disappointing, yes, but, eh, it’s fine. I don’t mind. I already have the actual prizes from this banner, so it’s okay. And now I also have 200 G-Tokens, which I used to get a Book.
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Lightning (Claire Farron) from Final Fantasy XIII
Since I was able to get the entirety of Lightning’s kit, I completed her Character Enhancement Boards and got the passives and stats from the Bahamut Summon Board. I max leveled her LD and BT. She’s now equipped with her Burst. 
A bit later on, I also decided to buy her High Armor. This will be the first High Armor I’ve ever bought. I thought I might as well get it since I’d be using her a lot. So far, absolutely no regrets. The High Armor makes her hit harder and deal more damage. 
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Also, I just took Lightning to a fight to test out her Burst and - wow, it’s really good. Both the damage and Burst effect are super special awesome. More than that, I also really like the music that accompanies her Burst mode. It’s called Blinded by Light from Final Fantasy XIII. I’m really glad I have Lightning’s Burst.  
Level and Crystal Level 80 Awakening
Zack was the first char I got to Level 80 and Crystal Level 80. I used the Exp items to quickly get him from Level 70 to Level 80. We got the Crystals needed to go from Crystal Level 70 to 80 a bit at a time, depending on how much of the Centaurion’s Reign (Tyrant Raid) event we’ve finished so far, so I had to wait for a while before I could fully get Zack to Crystal Level 80.
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Lightning was the next char I got to Level 80 and Crystal Level 80. The other chars followed soon after, but only with regards to their Crystal Levels. While I also used the Exp items to quickly get Lightning to Level 80, I was reluctant to do so for my other chars since I didn’t think I’d be using them right now anyway. I figured I’d just run them through the Cycle Quests later on (with the added bonus of replenishing my Crystals and Gil stash) instead of wasting the Exp items.        
Initial Sphere Plans for Lightning (Claire Farron) from Final Fantasy XIII
Before Lightning’s LD and BT showed up, I’d already started considering what the best Spheres for her are. Her Sphere slots are A, A, and D. I thought about giving the following Spheres to her:
Lightning’s Break Raging Initial Attack Up A Sphere
When inflicting Break: • Raises INT BRV, ATK by 2% up to 5 times, once per turn *Does not stack with same sphere
This is Lightning’s own Sphere. As a DPS, she could definitely use more Attack. From one of her skills, she gets a Brave Regen that’s based on Initial Brave. She has a rebreak mechanic so she often breaks enemies. In short, her own Sphere seemed perfect for her. Plus the stat up is actually permanent since there’s no turn duration listed unlike in other Spheres. Of course, you do start with 2% at first, and you’ll need to wait until the 5th turn to get the 10% boost, but it’s not like that’s much of a problem.
I heard that increasing the brave damage your chars deal is good to combat the brave damage reduction that Lufenia bosses get. So for Lightning’s second A Sphere, I found myself trying to decide between Seven’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) and Gau’s (from Final Fantasy VI).
Seven’s Weak Power A Sphere
Increases BRV damage dealt by 10% when attacking target's weakness
Gau’s Full HP Power A Sphere
Increases BRV damage dealt by 10% while HP is MAX
The 2 Spheres were basically the same except for their activation condition. Lightning could easily fulfill both though - she Enchants and Imperils thunder so she’ll always be hitting the enemy’s weakness, and she can heal herself whenever she casts her Ex plus I’ll almost always have a healer for her so she should be at max HP nearly all the time.
I have Seven’s Ex, but it’s not even fully MLB, so I’ll need to spend a lot of resources in order to get her Sphere. My Gau is already Purple though so I already have his Sphere. Although this was the case, I was still leaning on Seven’s Sphere over Gau’s anyway. That’s because the condition to activate Seven’s Sphere is a bit harder to fulfill. Not all chars can hit the weakness of enemies unless you bring an Enchanter and Imperiler. Lightning is one of the few who can make use of Seven’s Sphere. In contrast to that, it’s way easier to keep Gau’s Sphere active, so I thought it’d be better to save it for chars who can’t use Seven’s Sphere.
Hope Estheim’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Buff Success Attack Boost All Shorter D Sphere
After granting buff: • Raises party’s MAX BRV, ATK by 5% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere     
For Lightning’s D Sphere slot, I was considering Hope’s because I heard her LD regens brave based on Max Brave. And more Attack is always good, of course.
New Sphere Plans for Lightning
When Lightning’s LD and BT dropped, I found that it was better to increase her Attack and Max Brave as opposed to any other stat. Also her new weapons already provide an increase in brave damage dealt. So while Hope’s Sphere is still a good choice for her (in fact, it’s probably one of, if not the best D Spheres for her), her own and Gau’s or Seven’s need to be replaced.
I didn’t bother thinking much about this yet though since I didn’t even have her Burst or LD. It was only after managing to get both of her new weapons that I revisited my Sphere plans for her. Since she’s fully built and complete, including with perfect Artifacts, I was more open to giving her Spheres.
For now, I was set on giving her Hope’s D Sphere. For the A Spheres, I looked through the currently available ones in search of those that increased both the Attack and Max Brave stats.
Yuri’s (from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates) Full HP Attack Boost Up A Sphere
Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 5% while HP is MAX
My Yuri is Purple so I already have this Sphere. I find that I’m not really keen on using this though, and certainly not on Lightning because the stat boost is way too low. This might as well be a Refined Sphere as opposed to a real one. Most Spheres give at least a 10% stat up.
Trey’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Break Attack Boost Up Longer A Sphere
When inflicting Break: • Raises MAX BRV, ATK by 5% for 6 turns
I also have this Sphere, but seeing as it’s basically the same as Yuri’s except for the activation condition, I don’t want to give this to Lightning either.
Prompto Argentum’s (from Final Fantasy XV) Critical Attack Boost Up Longer A Sphere
When dealing critical hit: • Raises MAX BRV, ATK by 5% for 6 turns
I don’t have Prompto’s Ex, but seeing as his Sphere is so similar to Yuri’s and Trey’s, I wouldn’t want to give this to Lightning anyway, so it’s fine.
Rinoa Heartilly’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) Low HP Attack Boost Up A Sphere
Raises MAX BRV, ATK by 10% while HP less than 80% of MAX
I have Rinoa’s Ex, but it hasn’t even been fully limit broken. She isn’t built at all since I’m missing her LD. I think I’m also missing her 35cp and her 15cp may or may not be MLB. I could Purple her Ex for her Sphere, but the problem with this one is its activation condition. There’s no way Lightning can keep this active all the time.  
Gilgamesh’s (from Final Fantasy V) Break Attack Boost Up Shorter A Sphere
When inflicting Break: • Raises MAX BRV, ATK by 10% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
With Lightning’s rebreak mechanic and her speed, she should be able to keep this Sphere’s effect active basically all the time. The problem is that I don’t have Gilgamesh’s Ex. I could wait until I manage to pull this, but that would mean Lightning would have to go without an A Sphere in the meantime, which I’m not really keen on. Who knows, she might not be that meta anymore by the time I get Gilgamesh’s Sphere, and that’s even assuming I manage to acquire it. 
Sephiroth’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Last Boost Attack Up A Sphere
Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 10% if HP at least 50% of MAX at start of last wave *Does not stack with same sphere
I have Sephiroth at Ex+ 0/3 so I just need to spend 3 Ingots in order to acquire this Sphere. My problem with this Sphere though is that it only activates at the start of the last wave. Yeah, there are fights that only have 1 wave, but still. It’s not like there aren’t any that have multiple waves. I don’t want a Sphere that won’t be active all the time. If I could freely move Spheres around, then I’d be more open to Spheres like this. I could equip it on battles that only have 1 round then replace it with something else on fights that last longer.
Kadaj’s (from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children) Debuff Attack Boost Up A Sphere 
While an enemy is debuffed: • Raises MAX BRV, ATK by 5%
Kadaj has yet to be released in the English or Global version of Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia, so if I want this Sphere for Lightning, I’m gonna have to wait for quite a while before being able to pull for it. Good thing I don’t really want it for Lightning.
Ardyn Izunia’s (Ardyn Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV) Break Raging Attack Boost Up A Sphere
When inflicting Break: • Raises MAX BRV, ATK by 2% up to 5 times, once per turn *Does not stack with same sphere
My Ardyn’s fully built, complete with all of his weapons (including his LD and BT) and perfect Artifacts, so I do have this Sphere. While this Sphere appears to be perfect for Lightning, I’m rather reluctant to give it to her because I was thinking of equipping it to Ardyn. Well, before that, my plan had been to give this to Machina, but I changed my mind. That was when I thought to give it to Ardyn, but hadn’t gotten ‘round to doing so because I didn’t know what other Spheres to give him yet. If I was gonna give a char Spheres, I want to completely fill out all their slots instead of just one. Maybe I could give this to Lightning and Ardyn can just have Rinoa’s or something. Definitely gonna have to think about this some more.
Yang Fang Leiden’s (from Final Fantasy IV) Critical Attack Boost Up Shorter A Sphere
When dealing critical hit: • Raises MAX BRV and ATK by 10% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
I think this is one of the best A Spheres out there because it increases 2 stats by 10% and it has an activation condition that’s really easy to fulfill, ensuring that its effects will almost always be active.   
I actually Purpled Yang for his Sphere. And I ended up giving it to Machina. I kind of regret this now though. It’s not really Machina’s fault. I like him so I wanted to give him Spheres, one of which was Yang’s. The thing is that I wasn’t able to use him as much as I would have liked because Noctis Lucis Caelum (from Final Fantasy XV) and Ardyn came soon after he did. I managed to fully build both Noctis and Ardyn, so I ended up using them over Machina. It felt like a waste that I gave Machina Spheres only to not use him a lot.
The urge to remove Yang’s Sphere from him is pretty strong, but so far, I’ve been able to refrain from doing so because I don’t want to use a Reset Stone. That’s the only way to remove a Sphere without losing it. Unfortunately, Reset Stones cost real money. We were given 3 for free as part of some campaign or other. I haven’t used any yet, preferring to save them for as long as possible.
It’s dumb and it’s nothing more than a dream that might never come true because it hasn’t even happened in the Japanese version of DFFOO yet either, but I’m actually hoping that Genesis Rhapsodos (#ad) (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) will eventually be added to this game as a playable char. Currently, Genesis is my absolute, most favorite Final Fantasy character. And, yes, I like him even more than Zack. 
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So I was thinking when if (someone, please make this happen) he gets into this game, then I definitely want the best for him. I have to get all of his weapons, his armor, his everything. I gotta farm him his perfect Artifacts. I gotta equip him with the best Spheres. And if that meant removing Spheres that I’ve already given to other chars, then that’s just what I’ll do.
Now I have to think more about what I should do about this. Maybe I’ll just try to get another copy of Yang’s Ex and Purple that to get a second copy of his Sphere. It’s dumb and a waste of Ingots, but, hey, the things we do for our faves, right? If this is the best Sphere for Genesis, then he will have it, no more questions asked. The thing is he’s not even in this game yet. Who knows if that will even happen? I mean, I want it to, but - yeah, in short, gonna have to think about this some more.
Prishe’s (from Final Fantasy XI) Weak Attack Boost Up Shorter A Sphere
When attacking target's weakness: • Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 10% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
Hey, this is actually perfect for Lightning. And I actually have this Sphere. Or, to be more precise, I have Prishe’s Ex. The problem is that the Ex isn’t even fully MLB. My Prishe isn’t built at all. Her Ex has been limit broken once. I have a copy of her 35cp that hasn’t been limit broken at all. I do have the passive from her 15cp.   
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Only 1 of her Summon Boards has been finished. I don’t have her Bloom Stone, and she’s missing her Character Enhancement Boards. Surprisingly, she does have pretty decent Artifacts (triple Attack 108s, all with okay secondaries) though the CP costs are very high.
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So I’m gonna have to spend a lot of resources in order to acquire this Sphere. The question is am I willing to Purple Prishe, who’s been heavily powercrept by now, for Lightning? 
Well, I did Purple Yang who’s also been heavily powercrept by now, for Machina, but, I don’t think that comparison is making me want to Purple Prishe. Like I said, I’m kinda regretting Purpling Yang and giving his Sphere to Machina. Or maybe it’s just the giving his Sphere to Machina bit that I’m regretting. I mean, his Sphere is really good and a lot of chars can make use of it unlike Prishe’s. Too bad Yang himself isn’t that good. Up to now, I’m still trying and failing to slot him into a Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier. If I Purple Prishe, I’m gonna have to do the same for her. Right, gonna have to think about this some more.
Spheres for Lightning
After a lot (and I mean a lot) of thinking, I finally made up my mind on what to do. I just hope I don’t end up regretting this. I equipped Lightning with the following Spheres: 
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Prishe’s Weak Attack Boost Up Shorter A Sphere
Yeah, I eventually decided to go for it and Purple Prishe. That’s the only thing I’ve done though. I’m still missing the passive from her 35cp, not to mention all her Boards and Bloom Stone.
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Ardyn Izunia’s Break Raging Attack Boost Up A Sphere
I figured I could just give Rinoa’s Sphere to Ardyn if I really wanted to. Or maybe Purple the dupe Ardyn Ex that I have for another copy of his Sphere. But that’s a discussion for another time.
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Hope Estheim’s Buff Success Attack Boost All Shorter D Sphere
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And it’s done. My Lightning is now complete and perfect fully built.
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Artifacts Farming
The free Premium Moogle Pass guarantees red passives every time you fuse Eidojas, so I’ve been taking advantage of that and farming Artifacts for my chars, primarily focusing on the ones that I have built and that I’m still using.
Unfortunately, just because you’re guaranteed to get red passives doesn’t mean you’ll always get something good. You could end up getting double reds for Defense, HP, and the like. They may be double reds, but they’re still useless. But there are times when you can get lucky and end up getting like 2 perfect Arts at once. This happened to me with Raijin. I was able to get him 2 Attack 108 with Lightning and Thunder Boost★★ (Raises INT BRV, MAX BRV by 5% in Thunder mode) in one go.
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I also managed to get him triple Attack 108 with Max Brave 330.
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There are also times when you can get really good Artifacts for someone but they’re not the best or perfect for that char. This happened to me with Penelo. I kept getting Attack 108 with Max Brave 330 for her, but her preferred Arts are actually Initial Brave 170 with Max Brave 330.
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It was vexing, to say the least. 108/330 is the best Artifact for a lot of chars, notably those that are primarily damage dealers, but Penelo isn’t one of them since she’s a support and healer. Every time I saw 108/330 for Penelo, I kept wishing that I’d gotten that for someone else instead. It took me quite a long time, but, thankfully, I eventually managed to get triple 170/330 for Penelo.
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I only farmed for Vincent’s Arts when I was done with Raijin and Penelo. He wasn’t really a priority since his Ex wasn’t even MLB, and it wasn’t like I was using him now. I only really farmed for him since his Eidojas also dropped in this co-op. For him, I kept getting Attack 108 with Initial Brave 170, alongside useless Arts like a combination of HP, Defense and the like, before I finally managed to acquire triple 108/330.
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It was only after I finished getting Vincent’s perfect Arts that I even bothered farming for Edge. Prior to that, his Eidojas were nothing more than fodder. After some time, I was able to get Edge triple 108/330 as well as triple Attack 108 with Debuff Attack Up★★ (Raises ATK by 5% when an enemy is debuffed).
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I also took the time to farm for Prishe’s Arts since I did Purple her and now want to be able to slot her into a Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier. I was able to get her triple Attack 108 with Max Brave 330 and triple Attack 108 with Ability Attack Bonus★★ (Increases BRV damage dealt during ability chain by 10%).
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Centaurion’s Reign (Tyrant Raid) Challenge Quest
For the Centaurion’s Reign (Tyrant Raid) Challenge Quest, I knew for sure that I wanted to bring Zack so the only question was who his teammates should be. Since I had Lightning fully built with perfect Artifacts and Spheres, she was automatically on my party. For the third char, I was trying to decide between Penelo and Raijin.
Penelo can heal and battery the party. She has pretty decent auras and buffs. Her Ex charges fairly fast. For a support, she deals decent enough damage. Raijin has decent auras and buffs too, particularly for physical attackers. He can heal, but he can’t battery the party. He can Enchant the party and Imperil enemies with the thunder element. His Ex has a normal recast, but he’s very slow. He has the ability to paralyze all enemies at once if certain conditions are fulfilled. Because of his utility via paralysis, I decided to go with Raijin as my third char.    
I completed all of Raijin’s Summon Boards, but chose not to get his Character Enhancement Boards. For this fight, I equipped him with triple Attack 108 with Lightning and Thunder Boost★★ Artifacts. Since this quest only has 1 wave, I switched Zack’s Arts to triple Attack 108 with SOLDIER Grit Boost★★.
This fight wasn’t that hard thanks to having a full Purple team as well as synergy stats.
Raijin was slow enough that there was no problem with spamming his skills every time he got the chance to move. I only used his HP Attack whenever it turned into Lightning Discharge+ to paralyze the enemies. His slowness was the reason why I had him equip Penelo’s Call Ability. He’s so slow that Penelo’s Call was still in effect by the time the battle finally ended.
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Lightning did most of the damage in this team. Her rebreaks and her Ex also delayed the enemies. I think the main boss only got to move like once or twice before Lightning managed to delay him enough that his icon was no longer visible in the turn order. Lightning is so fast that she was able to take a lot of turns and just keep dishing out damage. I decided to activate her Burst when the main boss had around 50%+ health remaining.
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I had Zack lock the enemies into targeting him. He kept the party safe from all single target attacks while also dealing pretty decent damage. Was pleased to see him get Max Brave every time he cast Apocalypse, his Ex.
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Lightning focused on the main boss, leaving it up to Zack and Raijin to take care of the add-on. I had Zack and Raijin attack the minion only when he needed to be broken.
By the time Lightning’s Burst mode ended, the main boss’s health bar was in the red. It didn’t take that long before the boss died. Lightning was the one who dealt the killing blow. She still had 3 uses of Sparkstrike and 4 uses of Flourish of Steel left although she was out of Crushing Blow.  
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Too bad the boss dying didn’t automatically end the battle. My party still had to deal with the minion. This wasn’t really an issue though. The minion was no danger, especially not when it kept on targeting Zack. I just had everyone spam their remaining skills, so it was only a few or so turns later when the add-on also died. Zack was the one who dealt the killing blow this time.
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Didn’t even get to use my Summon. Well, I guess I could have Summoned sometime after Lightning’s Burst mode ended, but I didn’t feel the need to do so since the main boss had been delayed so far back that he was no longer a threat, not that he was much of a threat to begin with. More than that, Summoning meant that I won’t be able to listen to Lightning’s Burst music anymore. I was really enjoying it so I didn’t want the Summon to override the music even if it was just for a few turns.
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Speaking of Summon, I brought Odin, but maybe I should have brought someone else like Ifrit or Shiva. Sure, the Defense Down from Odin helped, but I can’t remember if anyone in my party even took any HP damage. I’m pretty sure no one got to trigger Odin’s Attack Up Blessing. Ah, well, it’s fine. It doesn’t really matter since managed to get the Perfect and all the mission requirements.
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Centaurion’s Reign (Tyrant Raid) Lufenia Quest
For the Centaurion’s Reign (Tyrant Raid) Lufenia Quest, I decided to bring the same team (including the same Call Abilities and Summon) I used for the Challenge Quest. I've been wanting to use Zack in a Lufenia battle, but never got the chance to do so until now. Yeah, he's boosted here, but it's fine. Maybe later on, I can try using him in another Lufenia fight.
Anyway, the Centaurion’s Reign (Tyrant Raid) Lufenia Quest was much harder when compared to the Challenge Quest. Having a full Purple and synergy team definitely helped make things easier, especially with Lightning as part of said team. She's really super special awesome. So glad I managed to get the entirety of her kit.
Raijin Enchanted the party with the thunder element so everyone dealt weakness damage. He also made the enemies weak to thunder, but it wasn’t really necessary since they were already weak to said element. I had him paralyze the enemies every time he had the option to do so. Zack locked the enemies to himself, protecting the party from all single target attacks. Lightning dealt lots of damage and delayed the main boss as much as possible.
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Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish off the add-on before his Lufenia orb went off. I only had 5 turns before the countdown reached 0 so I couldn't stop the orb from firing. Thankfully, since I was running a full synergy party, everyone managed to survive the attack although their health bars were now in the red (well, except Zack, but he lost a lot of HP too). As if that wasn't bad enough, the orb attack also removed everyone's buffs so now I have to reapply them all again. The only thing that wasn't affected was the special icon buff from Lightning's LD. Well at least it wasn't a waste to bring Odin as my Summon since the Lufenia orb going off instantly activated Odin's Attack Up Blessing.
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As soon as it was Raijin's turn, I had him activate Penelo's Call Ability for more HP Regen. With Zack having his own HP Regen and being able to heal himself after casting Apocalypse, his Ex, it didn't take long for him to be back to full health. The same could be said for Lightning since she has a bit of a heal after casting her Ex. Plus since she's so fast and was wont to take multiple turns in a row, the HP Regen from Raijin and Penelo's Call was more than enough to get her back to full HP. As for Raijin - he was so slow that it took a long time before I got him back to full health.
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For a few turns, the main boss was alone, but it wasn't long before his minion came back. The boss got to attack a few times although there wasn’t really any danger since Zack took all the hits. When the boss’s recast bar was full and he started targeting All, I decided it was time to activate Lightning's Burst.
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Soon after Lightning's Burst mode ended, I switched her out for the friend support Lightning that I borrowed so I could delay the main boss some more. I cast her Gestalt Drive then spammed Crushing Blow.
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By the time my own Lightning returned, both enemies had been pushed way back, and the main boss only had 35% health remaining. I just kept on attacking, mostly spamming skills with the occasional HP Attack+.  Soon, the main boss’s health bar was in the red and both he and his add-on had been paralyzed by Raijin.
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The main boss never got a turn anymore so he never got to fire off his recast bar. The relentless onslaught of attacks from my party, especially Lightning, soon took his HP down to 0. I probably should have spammed skills more often since everyone had more than a few left over by the time the fight ended.
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Once again, I didn’t get to Summon Odin. I could have, and doing so would have lowered my turn count, but, eh, I just really like hearing Lightning’s Burst music. Besides, with all the free turns from Lightning, the battle ended long before the turn count requirement could be an issue. Also managed to get all the other mission requirements.
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I know Zack was boosted in this fight, so it was only to be expected that he’d do well. Nevertheless, I’m super pleased that I got to use him in a Lufenia fight. I’m also glad I got to use Raijin. I was trying to slot him into Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 14, but it wasn’t working out since he was so freaking slow, and I hardly got to use him before even though I Purpled him. So I’m glad I got to use him now. There’s nothing more to say about Lightning. She’s really good, and deserves all the hype she got prior to the release of her new weapons.  
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So, what about you? Which chars did you use to do the Centaurion’s Reign (Tyrant Raid) Lufenia and Challenge quests? Did you pull for Lightning, Zack, and their banner mates? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
0 notes
tuseriesdetv · 7 years
Guía de series: Estrenos y regresos de mayo 2017
Este es el mes de las despedidas por excelencia que, por suerte, compensamos con los Upfronts, el regreso de Twin Peaks o las nuevas temporadas de House of Cards, Sense8, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt o Master of None. También podríamos llamarlo el mes de Netflix. Ya podéis ver que no abundan los estrenos, pero, quién sabe, igual encontráis alguna joyita en este post tan reducido.
¡Feliz mayo!
Verde: series nuevas.
Rojo: series de las que haremos reviews semanales.
Negro: regresos de otras series.
Naranja: miniseries.
Amarillo: tvmovies, especiales o pilotos.
Morado: season finales.
Morado claro: midseason finales.
Calendario de series
1 de mayo: 
Lucifer (vuelve) en FOX
Taken (1T finale) en NBC
2 de mayo: The Mick (1T finale) en FOX
4 de mayo: Superstore (2T finale) en NBC
5 de mayo: 
Sense8 (2T completa) y The Mars Generation en Netflix
Jamestown (1T) en Sky1
Blue Bloods (7T finale) en CBS
7 de mayo: 
The Last 100 Days of Diana en ABC
The Last Man on Earth (3T finale) en FOX
Billions (2T finale) en Showtime
The Arrangement (1T finale) en E!
8 de mayo: 
Loaded (1T) en Channel 4
Kevin Can Wait (1T finale) y Superior Donuts (1T finale) y The Great Indoors (1T finale) en CBS
10 de mayo: 
King Charles III en BBC Two
Criminal Minds (12T finale) en CBS
Black-ish (3T finale) en ABC
Underground (2T finale) en WGN America
11 de mayo: 
The Big Bang Theory (10T finale), Mom (4T finale) y Life in Pieces (2T finale) en CBS
Riverdale (1T finale) en The CW
Chicago Med (2T finale) en NBC
The Catch (2T finale) en ABC
12 de mayo: 
I Love Dick (1T completa) en Amazon
Master of None (2T) y Anne (1T completa) en Netflix
Bridget & Eamon (2T) en Gold
Hawaii Five-0 (7T finale) en CBS
14 de mayo: 
Once Upon A Time (6T finale) en ABC
NCIS: LA (8T finale) en CBS
Chicago Justice (1T finale) en NBC
Guerrilla en Showtime
15 de mayo: 
Upfronts FOX
Upfronts NBC
Mommy Dead and Dearest en HBO
Man With a Plan (1T finale) y Scorpion (3T finale) en CBS
Quantico (2T finale) en ABC
16 de mayo: 
Upfronts ABC
NCIS (14T finale) y NCIS: New Orleans (3T finale) en CBS
The Middle (8T finale), American Housewife (1T finale), Fresh Off the Boat (3T finale), Imaginary Mary (1T finale) y Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (4T finale) en ABC
Chicago Fire (5T finale) en NBC
17 de mayo: 
Upfronts CBS
Downward Dog (1T) en ABC
I Am Heath Ledger en Spike TV
The Goldbergs (4T finale), Modern Family (8T finale), Designated Survivor (1T finale) y Speechless (1T finale) en ABC
Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders (2T finale) en CBS
Blindspot (2T finale) y Chicago PD (4T finale) en NBC
Harlots (1T finale) en Hulu
Brockmire (1T finale) en IFC
18 de mayo: 
Upfronts The CW
Grey's Anatomy (13T finale) y Scandal (6T finale) en ABC
Supernatural (12T finale) en The CW
The Blacklist (4T finale) en NBC
19 de mayo: 
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (3T) y The Keepers en Netflix
12 Monkeys (3T) en Syfy
Summer of 69: No Apostrophe en Epix
20 de mayo: 
The Wizard of Lies en HBO
Training Day (1T season finale) en CBS
21 de mayo: 
Twin Peaks (3T) en Showtime
Madam Secretary (3T finale) y Elementary (5T finale) en CBS
12 Monkeys (3T finale) en Syfy
Into the Badlands (2T finale) en AMC
Shades of Blue (2T finale) en NBC
The Simpsons (28T finale), Family Guy (15T finale), Making History (1T finale) en FOX
12 Monkeys (3T finale) en Syfy
22 de mayo: 
Princess Diana: Her Life -- Her Death -- The Truth en CBS
Supergirl (2T finale) y Jane the Virgin (3T finale) en The CW 
23 de mayo: 
Casual (3T) en Hulu
Downward Dog (cambio de día) en ABC
Bull (1T finale) en CBS
The Flash (3T finale) en The CW
Great News (1T finale) en NBC
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (4T finale) en FOX
24 de mayo: 
Dirty Dancing en ABC
Arrow (5T finale) y The 100 (4T finale) en The CW
Empire (3T finale) en FOX
Shots Fired en FOX
Law & Order: SVU (18T finale) en NBC
Archer (8T finale) en FXX
26 de mayo: Bloodline (3T y última) y War Machine en Netflix
28 de mayo: The Durrells (2T finale) en ITV
29 de mayo: 
Still Star-Crossed (1T) en ABC
Lucifer (2T finale) en FOX
Michael Jackson: Searching for Neverland en Lifetime
30 de mayo: 
House of Cards (5T) y F is for Family (2T) en Netflix
Animal Kingdom (2T) en TNT
Prison Break (5T finale) en FOX
The Americans (5T finale) en FX
31 de mayo: 
Kingdom (3T y última) en Audience Network
The Carmichael Show (3T) en NBC
Estrenos de series
Jamestown (Sky1)
Los primeros colonos británicos llegaron a América a principios del siglo XVII. Diez años después, las primeras mujeres. La serie cuenta la historia de Jocelyn (Naomi Battrick; Waterloo Road, Crossing Lines), Alice (Sophie Rundle; Happy Valley, Peaky Blinders) y Verity (Niamh Walsh, Holby City) a su llegada a un pueblo dominado por hombres, donde sus futuros maridos han pagado por su viaje. Completan el cast Jason Flemying (Snatch, The Missing), Max Beesley (Ordinary Lies, Suits), Raoul Trujillo (The Wrong Mans, Da Vinci's Demons), Kalani Queypo (The New World) y Roseanne Supernault (Blackstone). Escrita por Bill Gallagher (The Paradise, Lark Rise To Candleford). Ocho episodios. Estreno: 5 de mayo
A favor: Mujeres.
En contra: Colonos.
Loaded (Channel 4)
Dramedia basada en la israelí Mesudarim y escrita por Jon Brown. Cuatro amigos treintañeros acaban de vender su empresa de videojuegos por cientos de millones de libras y han pasado de ser gamers a empresarios multimillonarios de la noche a la mañana. Amistad, ambición, gula o envidia, el dinero saca lo mejor y lo peor de todos. Protagonizan Jim Howick (Yonderland, Broadchurch), Samuel Anderson (Doctor Who, Trollied), Johnny Sweet (Him & Her), Nick Helm (Uncle) y Mary McCormack (The West Wing, In Plain Sight). Ocho episodios. Estreno: 8 de mayo
A favor: Disfrutar de la decadencia del ser humano.
En contra: No conformarnos con la serie original.
I Love Dick (Amazon)
Chris (Kathryn Hahn; Transparent, Parks and Recreation) y Sylvere (Griffin Dunne; Dallas Buyers Club, House of Lies) se mudan a Marfa, Texas por trabajo. Allí conocen a Dick (Kevin Bacon; The Following, X-Men: First Class) y comienzan a poner en duda todo lo que creían sobre el amor y la monogamia. Basada en la novela de Chris Klaus sobre relaciones publicada en 1997. Producido y dirigido por Jill Soloway (Transparent). Ocho episodios. El piloto está disponible desde agosto de 2016. Estreno: 12 de mayo
A favor: El piloto tiene unas críticas magníficas.
En contra: Hace apología de la poligamia y romantiza el amor libre. No sabemos qué dirán los psicólogos.
Anne (Netflix)
Netflix produce la adaptación canadiense (en la cadena CBC) de 'Anne of Green Gables', conocida en España como 'Ana de las Tejas Verdes', una novela de Lucy Maud Montgomery (1908) que se ha convertido ya anteriormente en miniserie y en serie animada. Anne Shirley -interpretada por Amybeth McNulty, que fue elegida entre 1889 chicas- es una niña huérfana con una imaginación desbordante que es adoptada por error por una pareja que quería a un chico. Completan el reparto Geraldine James (Little Britain, Utopia), R.H. Thomson (Chloe), Dalila Bela (Odd Squad), Lucas Jade Zumann (Sinister 2), Christian Martyn (Franklin and Friends), Corrine Koslo y Aymeric Jett Montaz. La serie ha sido adaptada por Moira Walley-Beckett (Flesh and Bone, Breaking Bad). Siete episodios. Estreno: 12 de mayo
A favor: Una historia, orientada erróneamente al público infantil, que transmite valores ejemplares.
En contra: Obviamente, no será del agrado de todos los espectadores.
Downward Dog (ABC)
Basada en la webserie del mismo nombre, la penúltima propuesta de los Upfronts de 2016 de ABC gira en torno a la vida de Nan (Allison Tolman, Fargo), una millennial en plena crisis, contada desde el punto de vista de su perro y mejor amigo, Martin. El reparto cuenta también con Lucas Neff (Raising Hope), Kirby Howell-Baptiste (Love), Barry Rothbart (The Wolf of Wall Street) y Mo Collins (MADtv). Ocho episodios. Estreno: 17 de mayo
A favor: Bueno, original es.
En contra: ¿Cuánto tiempo podríamos aguantar al perro?
Still Star-Crossed (ABC)
Shonda Rhimes se basa en la novela de Melinda Taub (2013) para contarnos qué pasa tras la muerte de Romeo y Julieta. Lejos de solucionar los problemas entre los Montesco y los Capuleto, esta muerte crea nuevos conflictos e intrigas palaciegas. Es un drama histórico ambientado en Verona y grabado en Salamanca que cuenta con Lucien Laviscount (Scream Queens), Sterling Sulieman (The Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars), Lashana Lynch, Wade Briggs (Please Like Me), Claire Cooper (Snatch, Hollyoaks), Torrance Coombs (Reign, The Tudors) y Clara Rugaard (The Lodge), entre otros. Siete episodios. Estreno: 29 de mayo
A favor: ¿Shonda es infalible?
En contra: Quizá no tan infalible después de esto.
The Mist (Spike)
Spike pasará a llamarse Paramount Network a partir de enero, pero antes nos trae una adaptación de la novela de Stephen King protagonizada por Frances Conroy (Six Feet Under, American Horror Story), Alyssa Sutherland (Vikings), Isiah Whitlock Jr. (Veep, The Wire), Bill Carr o Holly Deveaux (Hemlock Grove, Spun Out). Diez episodios. Estreno: 22 de junio
A favor: Aquí llega la dosis mensual de terror. Confiamos en Frances.
En contra: Los efectos especiales.
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