#Maximilian II.
fabiansteinhauer · 10 months
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coffeenewstom · 2 years
Die große 9-Euro-Ticket-Tour: Memmingen I
Von Mindelheim nach Memmingen ist es nur ein Katzensprung. Die frühere Reichsstadt ist Oberzentrum sowie Schul-, Verwaltungs- und Handelszentrum in der Region Donau-Iller, liegt ganz im Westen des Regierungsbezirks Schwaben und liegt direkt an der Grenze zu Baden-Württemberg. Die Ursprünge der Stadt reichen bis in die Römerzeit. Die Altstadt gehört mit ihren vielen Plätzen, Bürger- und…
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steellegacy · 2 months
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On This Day: July 25, 1564
Maximilian II (1527-1576) becomes emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
⚜️ Elements of an Armor Garniture, c. 1550-1555
Medium: Steel, partially embossed, etched and blackened, and gilded; copper alloy (brass); leather; textile
Made in Augsburg
Philadelphia Museum of Art
This armor is part of a great garniture that included over five hundred pieces. It is believed to have belonged to the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian II. The other related components of the garniture are preserved in the Historisches Museum der Stadt in Vienna, Austria.
⚜️ Overall of shield and helmet reinforce from Armor Garniture of Maximilian II, German, Augsburg, ca. 1550
Medium: Steel, etched and gilt
Dimensions: H.- 12.1 cm; W.- 21.9 cm; Wt. - 737.1 g.
🖼 Portrait of Maximilian II, circa 1566
Artist: Workshop of Nicolas Neufchatel (fl. 1539–1567)
KHM Wien
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В этот день:
25 июля 1564 года Максимилиан II (1527-1576) становится императором Священной Римской империи.
⚜️ Элементы доспешного гарнитура, ок. 1550-1555
Материалы: Сталь, чеканка, травление, чернение, золочение; медный сплав (латунь); кожа; текстиль
Изготовлен: в Аугсбурге, Германия
Художественный музей Филадельфии
Этот доспех является частью большого гарнитура, насчитывавшего более пятисот деталей. Предполагается, что он принадлежал императору Священной Римской империи Максимилиану II. Другие связанные компоненты гарнитура хранятся в Историческом музее города в Вене, Австрия.
⚜️ Усиление щита и шлема из комплекта доспехов Максимилиана II, Аугсбург, ок. 1550
Материалы: Сталь, травление и позолота
Размеры: Высота - 12,1 см; Ширина - 21,9 см; Вес - 737,1 г.
🖼 Портрет Максимилиана II, ок. 1566 г.
Автор: Мастерская Никола Невшателя (время активности 1539–1567)
Музей истории искусств, Вена
#MaximilianII #МаксимилианII #HolyRomanEmpire #доспехи #armor #medievalarmor #medieval_armor #NicolasNeufchatel #НиколаНевшатель
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"Bella gerunt alii, tu felix Austria nube!"
Day 6 of @spaus-week 's challenge
"Let others wage war, you, happy Austria, marry!" Was the political strategy of the Habsburgs, and marry did the House of Austria! Infamously, scandalously, sensationally. A mangled wreath of a family tree. We all know this horror story. And we all know the bitter end.
After Emperor Charles V&I divided his Spanish and Austrian inheritance ((also gained through his parents' and grandparents' marriages)) to his descendants and those of his younger brother Ferdinand I respectively, the Habsburg dynasty split into two branches. The Spanish and Austrian Habsburgs notoriously intermarried for generations, right up till Charles II of Spain whose heirless death in 1700 sparked the War of the Spanish Succession. The inbreeding and this informal Latin motto behind it has been blamed to hell and back for their implosion, for the physical ugliness that ran in this royal bloodline. But it is not to say the Habsburgs never went to war, nor that dynastic marriage was a political strategy unique to them! But they were, if anything, bloody successful at it seeing how they did rule half of Europe for 200 years, and then a lot of it in the Austrian line for another 200. Before anyone figured out inbreeding was bad it was considered a privilege to marry into the Habsburgs, with Louis XV claiming that Louis XVI's betrothal to Marie Antoinette was marrying the "Daughter of the Caesars", and Napoleon Bonaparte infamously ditching Josephine for Marie Louise. Charles II was a poor sod who took the fall and the mugs were wretched from the same ugly gene being passed around countless times*, but they did wear power and privilege well.
💅✨ Symbolism bc I'm a NERD and this my Category 10 autism event ✨💅 :
Charles V & Ferdinand I's joint portrait based on that propaganda woodcut, behind them the colours of the Habsburg flag.
The Spanish branch, comprising Charles V & I's descendants, is represented with a black background, and the Austrian branch, comprising Ferdinand I's descendants, gold, both colours pulled from their flag, a dynasty intertwined but split in two.
Round frames denote that the individual had no heirs.
Only the most influential ruler on both sides, the King of Spain and the Holy Roman Emperor, are represented as framed portraits, explaining Archduke Charles II's unframed depiction.
The unconventional placement of Charles II of Spain and Emperor Rudolf II's nameplates are a nod to their queerness: their intersexuality and bisexuality respectively.
Ferdinand III's portrait is lopsided because of the losses of the 30 Years War.
Cracks in Charles II's portrait: 🙃🙃🙃
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royal-confessions · 11 months
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“Since Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom received the nickname "grandmother of Europe". Emperor Franz II of Austria could receive the nickname "grandmother of Latin America", since the Latin American emperors were his grandsons: Dom Pedro II of Brazil and Maximiliano of Mexico.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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morvantmortuary · 6 months
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tiny-librarian · 6 months
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Royal Birthday for today, March 28th: 
Albert Alcibiades, German Prince, 1522
Empress Dowager Zhaosheng,  Empress Dowager of the Qing dynasty, 1613
Maximilian III Joseph, Elector of Bavaria, 1727
Märtha of Sweden, Crown Princess of Norway, 1910
Ingrid of Sweden, Queen of Denmark, 1910
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archduchessofnowhere · 4 months
I think there were a lot of Comedy worth moments in Archduke Max's first visit to Napoleon III in 1856, but to me the funniest is that Max had going on a seemingly one-sided rivalry with Prince Oscar of Sweden who was also visiting:
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(all from Corti's Maximilian and Charlotte of Mexico)
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unanchored-ship · 8 months
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holy hell the eraser stains make leo look ten times worse... as he should
the grand alliance on its way to fuck up Louis for the 17th time
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cinearche · 3 months
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CROSS OF IRON. Directed by Sam Peckinpah, 1977.
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SAINT OF THE DAY (August 14)
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Saint Maximilian Kolbe, the Polish Franciscan priest, missionary and martyr, is celebrated throughout the Church today, August 14.
The saint died in the concentration camp at Auschwitz during World War II.
He is remembered as a “martyr of charity” for dying in place of another prisoner who had a wife and children.
He was canonized by Pope John Paul II on 10 October 1982.
St. Maximilian is also celebrated for his missionary work, his evangelistic use of modern means of communication, and for his lifelong devotion to the Virgin Mary under her title of the Immaculate Conception.
All these aspects of St. Maximilian's life converged in his founding of the Militia Immaculata.
The worldwide organization continues St. Maximilian Kolbe's mission of bringing individuals and societies into the Catholic Church through dedication to the Virgin Mary.
St. Maximilian, according to several biographies, was personally called by the Virgin Mary, both to his holy life and to his eventual martyrdom.
As an impulsive and badly-behaved child, he prayed to her for guidance and later described how she miraculously appeared to him holding two crowns: one was white, representing purity, the other red, for martyrdom.
When he was asked to choose between these two destinies, the troublesome child and future saint said he wanted both.
Radically changed by the incident, he entered the minor seminary of the Conventual Franciscans in 1907 at the age of 13.
At age 20, he made his solemn vows as a Franciscan, earning a doctorate in philosophy the next year.
Soon after, however, he developed chronic tuberculosis, which eventually destroyed one of his lungs and weakened the other.
On 16 October 1917, in response to anti-Catholic demonstrations by Italian Freemasons, Friar Maximilian led six other Franciscans in Rome to form the association they called the Militia Immaculata.
The group's founding coincided almost exactly with the Bolshevik revolution in Russia and the Marian apparitions at Fatima, Portugal.
As a Franciscan priest, Fr. Maximilian returned to work in Poland during the 1920s.
There, he promoted the Catholic faith through newspapers and magazines, which eventually reached an extraordinary circulation, published from a monastery so large it was called the “City of the Immaculata.”
In 1930, he moved to Japan and had established a Japanese Catholic press by 1936, along with a similarly ambitious monastery.
That year, however, he returned to Poland for the last time.
In 1939, Germany invaded Poland, and Fr. Kolbe was arrested.
Briefly freed during 1940, he published one last issue of the Knight of the Immaculata before his final arrest and transportation to Auschwitz in 1941.
At the beginning of August that year, 10 prisoners were sentenced to death by starvation in punishment for another inmate's escape.
Moved by one man's lamentation for his wife and children, Fr. Kolbe volunteered to die in his place.
Survivors of the camp testified that the starving prisoners could be heard praying and singing hymns, led by the priest who had volunteered for an agonizing death.
After two weeks, on the night before the Church's feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the camp officials decided to hasten Fr. Kolbe's death, injecting him with carbolic acid.
St. Maximilian Kolbe's body was cremated by the camp officials on the Feast of the Assumption.
He had stated years earlier:
“I would like to be reduced to ashes for the cause of the Immaculata, and may this dust be carried over the whole world so that nothing would remain.”
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fabiansteinhauer · 2 years
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Auf Tafeln
Gerard David malt die beiden Tafeln 1498. Das erste Bild zeigt, wie Kambyses dem Richter Sisamnes vorhält, bestechlich zu sein und ihn zum Tode verurteilt. Das zweite Bild zeigt, wie Sisamnes auf einem Tisch/Gestell die Haut abgezogen wird. Im Hintergrund (das Bild ist mindestens zweischichtig) sitzt nun sein Sohn Otanes auf dem Richtstuhl. Dieser Stuhl ist bespannt, es heißt, das sei die Haut seines Vaters.
Ursprünglich hatte David wohl den Auftrag für den Schöffensaal in Brügge das jüngste Gericht zu malen. Dann wurde der Auftrag angeblich abgeändert, David sollte nun eine Erzählung Herodots ( wiedererzählt in der gesta romanorum und einer dritten Quellen, deren Titel ich vergessen habe) malen. So ein Rückgriff auf antike, nicht-christliche und nicht römische Quellen, kommt selten vor.
Sisamnes war ein Richter des Königs Kambyses, er wurde bestochen und fällte ein ungerechtes Urteil. Die erste Bildtafel ist ebenfalls zweischichtig angelegt: im Hintergrund sieht man, die der Richter auf einer Treppe (Treppenszene!) das Geld in Empfang nimmt. Im Vordergrund sieht man seine Verurteilung.
Hans Miegroet hat die Entstehung des Dyptichons mit einer Phase der Geschichte Brügges in Verbindung gebracht, zu der auch Aby Warburg einen kleinen Text geschrieben hat (das ist Warburgs kurzer Text über zwei Skizzen des sog. Hausbuchmeisters).
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coffeenewstom · 2 years
9-Euro-Ticket-Tours: Regensburg I - in der Ostnerwacht
9-Euro-Ticket-Tours: Regensburg I – in der Ostnerwacht
Es geht wieder los! Erst am Vortag hatte ich die Walhalla bei Donaustauf besucht, dabei aber Regensburg nur gestreift, weshalb ich heute das Versäumte nachholen möchte. Bewaffnet mit einer Dose Kaffee fand ich mich frühzeitig am Münchner Hauptbahnhof ein, schließlich wollte ich einen Fensterplatz, was mir auch gelang. Mein Plan: zum Regensburger Hauptbahnhof, mit dem Bus zum Ostentor und dann…
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Edit of one of my favorite couples from
Carlos Rey Emperador. Maria & Maximilian.
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Thought I'd do a thing for @best-habsburg-monarch since they'd just finished their polls and someone i rooted for on my own always nonsense reasons actually clawed his way into the top three
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royal-confessions · 2 years
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“My favorite royals are Elisabetta, Mathilde and Philippe of Belgium, Sirindhorn of Thailand, Maximilian and Hans Adam of Liechtenstein, Henri, Maria Teresa, Claire and Felix of Luxembourg, Cecile de Massey of Monaco and Anne of the UK.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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