#Maybe I should draw her 🤔
hunterbunter3000 · 2 years
Sweetheart growls when she's upset and I feel it in me bones
OUUU SHIT??? 👀👀👀
Omg she's so feral AHAHA
Like I can just see her having an argument with Graves and she walks away cause yk-- it's over
But his dumbass says something stupid to her and she turns around and fucking GROWLS-- AND COMES FROM THE CHEST 😭😭 LIKE OOOUUUGHHH ITS DEEP
And she just goes o f f on him again times 10. Graves is such a brat omg he did that on purpose so she can cuss him out and yell at him again. He's addicted to seeing the fire in her eyes bro 💀 and her canines are bared when she gROWLS UGH
They're all SICK when she bares her teeth
(König wants to feel her growl close to his chest, and Roach wants her to bite him)
And when Price tells her that she can't do something she just furrows her brows, lowly growls and stomps off. HA everytime she growls around any of the boys, they feel a shiver go down their spine.
It's just raw frustration coming out of her (if only she can channel that raw frustration and anger into fucking one of the guys AHAHA OOPS)
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nerdnag · 1 year
Ok actually. Let's do it. Let's make a Fe3h OC.
Her name is Ezri. She fluctuates a lot between being overly social and talkative, and being super self-conscious and quiet. All of her favorite pastimes are things she can do by herself, like reading, writing and studying. She's mostly guided by her passions in life, which can change from one day or week to another.
She grew up as a commoner, but received a special invitation to join the Officer's Academy through her connection to Hanneman, who's been her mentor ever since she talked his ear off at some kind of magic conference they both attended. (He also got her into the Royal School of Sorcery a few years back.)
She's studied the F out of, like, the theory of war, just because she found it fascinating. And so she knows the intricate, theoretical details of strategy and tactics, but isn't really interested in applying that knowledge in practice.
She joins the Blue Lions at first, because she was informed they were really focused on military tactics in particular, but then she changes her mind and switches to the Black Eagles after a month or so when she gets fed up with her classmates. In BE, she finds lots of people to hyperfocus on and dissect psychologically, and also she looks up a lot to Edelgard because of her confidence, skill and ambition. Besides, the Golden Deer seem too unstructured and happy-go-lucky for her.
Everyone in BE is pretty wary of her at first, except for Ferdinand who gives her a warm welcome. She is pleasant to him at first but then quickly gets into an unspoken rivalry with him and silently grumbles to herself whenever he outshines her. She sidles up to Linhardt pretty quickly, and makes him tell her everything there is to know about Crestology, then they bond over their unwillingness to fight and their preference for studying. She tries to get close to Hubert because he intrigues her, but gives up when he learns to simply ignore her presence. Dorothea becomes her go-to for advice on relationships and social expectations, like what to to wear for an event or what to reply to a letter from someone she doesn't like. Somewhat unexpectedly, she gets along well with Petra, and although they barely ever hang out, they have a silent understanding about things. (Also Petra teaches her about swords, which is cool.) She doesn't even bother with Caspar because he is too loud and reminds her of bullies from her past, and Bernadetta makes her uncomfortable because she reminds her of the more insecure part of herself, so she avoids her as well. Eventually she earns Edelgard's respect (see more below) and that also means that Hubert (begrudingly) starts acknowledging her again.
Concerning people outside BE, she gets SUPER hyperfixated on Claude and he sort of shrugs and goes "yeah, sure, you're weird and insightful, I guess I'll keep you around". They become really good friends after a while. The Ashen Wolves intrigue her, but she freezes up whenever they're around, so she never actually gets to know any of them - except for Constance, who she absolutely despises for reasons she can't understand and will not willingly dig into. (Until years down the line.)
She has at least level D+ in every single skill, but excels in Reason and has a C in Bows because of an archery phase she once went through. Also, although she prefers to be by herself and not get bothered by others, she discovers she has a budding talent in Authority when at one point she's forced to cover for Edelgard as house leader for a few months. And that budding talent eventually unlocks a special skill called "Imposter Syndrome" which grants her the ability to deploy battalions which are 1-2 levels above her Authority level.
Her personal skill is "Follow the Dopamine". It's similar to Lysithea's, but instead of doubling experience in battle, she doubles her experience whenever she gets to engage in her current hyperfixation. She dabbles in a few different classes throughout her time in the academy, frustrating her teachers because she takes so long to choose one class. For a while she thinks she's going to be a thief, and she gets really into lockpicking at one point, but then Claude reminds her that she has a terrible pokerface and sucks at telling lies. Instead, she considers becoming a sniper, but eh, the interest dies out after a while. Dark Flier is also on the table, but she's too scared of heights. Way too late in her first year, she finally decides on becoming a Dark Bishop, and goes through this whole process of convincing Lady Rhea that she shouldn't be barred from a class just because of her gender, since she is obviously well-suited for the class, more so than Hubert even, and by the way there's this loop-hole in the rules that says---
And Lady Rhea wearily agrees. So Ezri becomes a Dark Bishop, much to Hubert's surprise. (And Ferdinand's chagrin, because now he feels compelled to argue for a female-locked class for himself. He ends up becoming a Falcon Knight as a result.)
Anyway, Edelgard eventually comes to trust and respect Ezri, which leads to her confiding in her about her plans to start a war. This makes things really complicated for Ezri, because she considers Claude to be something of a best friend at this point, but she can also admire and agree with Edelgard's views. She's always been an atheist and knows enough about Crests to understand what a bane they can be...
(To be continued, maybe.)
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mechawolfie · 1 year
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so glad ppl like my angel lady I love her too. here is a quick doodle of her in a more modern outfit bc the og was made before we got to see raph 😭
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iguessihavemore · 1 year
🦢⭐️ Stella (for the outfit/ask meme?)
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I had so much fun with this one thank you!!! I knew I wanted her to do a twirly and decided to amp it up by actually using a reference instead of just guessing lol. Not super happy with the face perspective or back arm, but everything else I'm really proud of heehee.
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jayvrontio · 2 years
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A doodle I did
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batri-jopa · 3 months
Since I've already been tagged by both @figuringthengsout and @notasapleasure I should finally do something about it🫡
favorite color: recently it's yellow💛💛💛 Juicy mango type of yellow the most. Often combined with black and white because I enjoy looking like an oriole:
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last song: Tina Turner - GoldenEye
last movie: Mask (1994) (and maaan how I never suspected I would look at Stanley Ipkiss as a relateable character when I grow older...😅)
currently reading: Romans na receptę - another one of few books by Monika Szwaja that my mum borrowed in our local library. I like her style and it breaks my heart that she died being only 65🥺 There's always so much hope and friendliness and support in the world that she's depicting. And, fascinating enough, there's usually AroAllo woman representation somewhere and depicted in the positive way! Of course it is not called "aromantic" by a polish writer born in 1949, more likely for the main male character to call that "AroAllo" woman character a "robot" who "uses him as as a sex toy"🤭 - BUT nevertheless even the male protagonist really likes her, appreciates her skills as loyal assistant, treats her as good friend to confess his problems to and genuinely wishes her all the luck!👍 In other books you can expect other queers occasionally too (like a teenage son who turns out to have a boyfriend), but it's always in sympathetic and realistic yet bringing-back-faith-in-humanity kind of way🫠
currently watching: umm... nothing actually (I feel like a weirdo😑 Like maybe I should start watching sth finally just so I could fill in the meme next time around? I do have a lot of series on my "to watch list")
currently craving: MANAGE TO GET SHIT DONE!💪 seriously I need either only 2 working days a week instead of 3 or... better time organisation😩 (so what that I have 4 "free" days a week now when there are emails to answer and books to read, and my pictures to make into album, and family members to visit, and all the new pictures' ideas to draw, and new tumblr posts to create, and those fic-WIPs waiting for so long already, and... I wonder if scheduling everything in precize days and hours would help me to feel more organised somehow?🤔 or only feel more remourse for not being able to follow the schedule?😑)
tea or coffee: Oh, so glad you asked! Tea please, black, strong, no sugar, no milk. Lemon appreciated but not necessarily. Thank you!🫖☕️
Tagging: @zorilleerrant , @chrisoels , @swordoftheseeker , @kaiaprax , @imaginatorofthings , @parttimereptile , @corey-m13 - some of you won't play probably so I'm just saying a friendly "hi"👋
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chaewon2000lover · 1 year
Return on investment. Part 1 of 2.
Male reader x Kim chaewon
2.5k words.
tags, wholesome, standing sex, pussy eating.
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“Click” “Click” “Click”“Click”“Click” “Click” “Click “Click”“Click” “Click” “Click” “Click”
“Uhh, god finally done”
you look to the side past your many monitors and across your desk where your phone lays buzzing.
“Unforgiven I’m a villain, I’m a”
you swipe at it and it turns off.
“Huh, that always manages to cheer me up at the end of a hard day managing way to much of way to many peoples money, I’m so happy I made her new song my ‘work over’ alarm”
as you stand up to leave shortly after turning your seemingly endless wall of monitors off, you remember that checking your phone might be a good idea, considering that your girlfriend will be in New York soon.
“I know you just got done working, see you tomorrow xxx”
attached was a picture you were not completely sure you should be looking at right now as you walked down the halls towards the elevator, though as per usual you were probably the only human in the building.
“they should really just let me set up an office from my own home”
regardless you opened it.
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“god I can’t wait to have her in my hands, her perfect perky breasts her slightly protruding hips attached to her perfect little butt, and sitting on top of all that what must be the most perfect face in the world currently adorned with an amazing expression” you think.
“hope you have that same outfit tomorrow 😍😍😍😳😳”
“haha I’ll see if they’ll lend it to me, maybe you could buy it🤔🤔🐯”
“Maybe maybe 🤔, How are you ever going to pay me back for this🤔🤔”
“you’ll find out exactly how tomorrow❤️‍🔥”
“Ohh yeah, what can you do for me that I can’t just buy?”
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I know how much you want to touch and hold this”
“an older one i like it”
“And also these abs, I know you can’t buy any common whore in America or anywhere with abs as nice as mine or a face as lovely”
“did the sweet Angel just say whore”
“Tomorrow I won’t just say it”
“Okay chae as per usual you win, I don’t need to blow my load while driving”
“your driving, why didn’t you put it on voice call yet?”
“I thought you were with your members?”
“ohh yeah, that’s true😙”
“You know what, chae if you weren’t so incredibly adorable you would be so annoying to deal with”
“Hey, that maybe be true but you best treat me nicer tomorrow, especially if you want this adorable idol to be yours to play with”
“okay I’m sorry chae😥😥, but remember who paid to upgrade your flight and who paid to put you and your members in the top suite”
“okay, sorry how about we settle it tomorrow?❤️‍🔥, also all the girls are loving it, though they won’t stop asking me who paid for it”
“just tell them it’s an adoring fan, or even better your sugar daddy😳😹😹”
“whatever, are you still driving?”
“yeah it’s a long way around NY, I’ll show you tomorrow”
“I’ll look forward to it love you xxx”
“love you to xxxx”
As you fell asleep, all you were able to think about is her body and how it will feel, you’d been nervous before but nothing can compare to this feeling.
And now the day has finally come you stand outside the venue, leaning against your favourite car a new Ferrari 296 GT3 barely road legal and not the most comfortable but it sure does draw a lot of looks and it would right now if you weren’t in a remote part of the parking lot.
“hopefully chae won’t be able to notice how little sleep I got” You think aloud to yourself.
You just learnt what can top the nerves from last night, the nerves you are feeling as you see a little speck getting closer, slowly it becomes bigger brighter and more human like, as you can begin to properly make it out, you know its her getting closer and closer you can recognise the outfit she’s wearing, and chuckle a little to yourself.
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“Baby, you got the outfit, how much is it gonna cost me” you quip.
she doesn’t reply instead she just jumps into you, to which of course you open your arms and wrap them around her.
“Your so warm”
“thanks chae it’s good to know that I’m a effective hot pack”
you lift her up and swing her tiny frame around a little before kissing her, your mouth barely touching hers as you spin her around.
with that little sound from her you place her down.
and bend down to kiss her on the cheek.
“get in the car let’s go to a restaurant then we can get back to my place”
“What kind of restaurant?”
“whatever kind you want? This is New York you can get anything you want, at least if you know the right person and you’ve got the money and trust me I’ve got both”
“ohh yeah, you make it sound like your in the mafia” she giggles
“Well I’ve got all the connections to be, it kinda comes with the job”
“Okay bad boy” she giggles “why don’t we have some Italian then”
“you really want me to be in the mafia eh, but yeah sure”
“I can see why you became a fund manager now” she quips
“why because I’m so charismatic“ you say as you start the car and it roars to life.
“no, it’s because your jokes are terrible, so your better off being serious, it suits you well” she says giggling.
“wow thanks chae, maybe I’ll show you how serious I can get later” you say slightly seductively.
“Maybe” she says as you look to the side to see that she’s taken her hat off and placed it on the dash.
You pat her head, and run your fingers through her hair “god I still can’t believe your finally sitting next to me”
“Neither can I”
“you know chae, you really are quite small” you say while looking straight ahead focusing on controlling this far to fast car.
“well your not that big either, how tall even are you” chae says with a tinge of offence and a small pout on her face.
“ohh yeah, let’s see about that in a few” you say with a suggesting tone, “also I’m 5,9 thank you very much”
Chae blushes a bit and then says “hmm must be how skinny you are”
“I prefer lean” you say feigning offence, “maybe we’ll see what you really think of my body later”
Chae giggles and nods
then she says something that surprises you. “Did you sleep last night?”
“you know I usually can’t sleep easily let alone well, 6-7 hours is my norm, what with the stress and anxiety from the billions of other peoples money i manage”, though you sort of forget to mention that last night you probably got 3 to 4 hours of sleep due to her.
Now you’re standing in front of a fancy Italian restaurant, with chae right next to you. “Don’t you think I’m not dressed up enough for this?” She says.
“maybe but who cares, there’s no need to worry about other people looking at you I booked a private booth”
“really, but it looks so expensive” she say’s almost hesitantly.
You nod “that’s because it is, but I think I’ll get my return soon enough”
she giggles “sure mafia man”
you chuckle and walk her in, past the lady at the front desk who points you to your booth, (which is just big enough to hide you two away in a corner).
as you two sit and eat dinner you talk about her tour, your investments (only for a little while) and more, she mainly talks about how nice the food is which your happy to hear, she even takes a few pictures (probably for her Instagram).
soon the hour or so flys by and you two are out and on the way back to your home.
eventually through the silence caused by the impending interest and excitement, you slow your Ferrari down and pull into the parking garage just outside your home.
“It’s uhh, just over there” you say with a dry cough and point her towards your place.
“Where?” she asks.
You grab her hand “oh whatever, don’t worry I’ll just take you, come on” you do just what you said you would and chaewon blushes instantly.
You lead her up into the elevator, “which floor are you on” she asks sweetly.
“Top floor” you reply only thinking about what your going to do once you get there.
A deafening silence falls upon you two, until you reach the top floor and you both spill towards your place, past some other apartments and towards yours.
as soon as you enter you grab chae by her shoulder, “take your top off” you say filled with desire.
she does as told and tosses her hat to the side, then you pull her gloves off, her shoes already lay at the entrance, she pushes you towards the bedroom and you drag her while only stopping to take the last bit of an article of clothing off.
until you arrive, her pushing you onto the bed in just a bra and panties and you underneath her with just your boxer shorts on.
“Versace, I like it” she giggles.
“thanks” you say with a grin.
you reverse the position and put her down on the bed flat on her back, then you slide down and teeth her panties off.
The first flick of your tongue hits her lower lips, making her shiver in anticipation.
“Ohh god, keep going” she beckons you.
You begin by licking, flicking and slurping away at her sweet pussy enjoying all the sweet sweat and pussy juices you can get.
her tightening caverns and vast folds capture your full interest as you do a deep dive into them, similar to how you dive head first into an promising investment opportunity, you thoroughly check and explore everything, what if I move my tongue like this over here, what about over there, what if I flick at this and then massage it gently, what does this part taste like, all these questions enter your head and you explore them without fail, making the sweet sexy lady you love writhe squirm and twitch in pleasure, her hands finding you head to twist your hair and push you further onto her, proving her love for your explorations, her own mouth to busy letting out sweet sensual sounds to form coherent confirmations.
your hands slide around behind her and grab at her cute rear, you squeeze it, toy with it, and fondle it all while still serving her front flawlessly, her cute body only serves a reply in the form of more squirming under your control, your every flick, lick, slurp, grab, squeeze, and touch elicits a sensual reaction from her.
Her being in this moment is the greatest mix of cute and sexy, the way she lulls you in further while still seeming to have no previous experience of her own, makes you both want to laugh and ravage her body.
You pull away from her deciding with her sensitivity that now is the best time to strike, you crawl up her body your hand back in front now playing with her small mounds instead of her cute ass, your tongue now sliding its way up her beautiful defined sweating body till it reaches her succulent mouth, and you lay just above her ready to impale her onto your cock whenever ready, “You ready baby” you ask into her ear.
“Please” she moans into yours, you gently bite down on her ear, and begin to slowly push your sizeable rod into her soft pussy.
“Ahh, ohh” she moans sweet but lustful, angelic but sultry moans into your perked ears.
you slowly pick the pace up pushing in and out of her slowly and delicately with deliberate intent and control behind each stroke similar to that of a master painter except instead of a brush you use your rod, and the picture you paint is that of great pleasure and beauty.
Your mouth latch’s back onto her’s, salvia being exchanged between them like the stocks you trade all day long, you explore your options that you now own inside her mouth, the returns look and more importantly feel great, you use your tongue to tug at and twirl around hers.
Your hands get more grabby, more aggressive, greed is common in what you do, and while you can control it all day long in this very moment you let it run wild, doing what you want with your hands, your mouth doing it’s thing too wildly exploring the most lucrative unexplored territory in history, even more then some gold mine in Peru.
You and Chae trade muffle moans and words of confirmation between your mouths, you bite down on her lips making her pussy twitch around your cock, clearly the roughness turns her on.
So you decide to rub and pinch her nipples, this pushes her and she gets hotter and hornier, the more you do the hungrier you get, and the closer you get too.
You decide to take what you want, so you wrap your hands around her and lift her off the bed, holding her in air, “ohh, god, what are you doing” she mumbles.
“giving you it as rough as you so want” you say before bringing her down slowly onto your cock, the angle changes the way it feels for both of you, for her it feels like being slowly impaled and she loves it, for you the mix of control and depth feels incredible.
You bounce her up and down faster and faster each time on top of your cock eliciting many sweet moans escaping her mouth.
you build till your at a rapid pace, slamming Chae’s body up and down on your cock making it disappear and then reappear again and again, her moans at a similarly rapid pace fill your expensive room.
“Chae I’m getting close” you say in one short puff of air.
“so, am, I” she moans having to gather her breath between each word.
Your mouths collide again like they are at war over ownership, your hands begin grabbing at the butt that they hold up, and you continue bouncing Chae up and down at a breakneck speed.
Her cute bum and lovely tongue push you closer and closer to your breaking point.
“oh my god, that’s so good” she moans in delight.
Soon you feel the need for release, so you throw Chae back up and then plunge her back down fully inserting her onto your rod, making her scream and start shooting her juices onto your body as you launch yours into hers.
As you come to an end riding out the high, Chaewon nestles her head into your neck, you feel her warm breath on your skin, as you both relax.
You whisper into her ear “Chae I’m going to work hard until the company lets me start working from home, and at that point I’m going to move to Korea.”
She giggles “okay, I’ll look forward to that mafia man.” And immediately after finishing her sentence she falls asleep on your shoulder.
You gently carry her to your bed and lie her down alongside yourself, and slowly you too drift to sleep, the only thing on your mind how much you love this woman.
To be continued.
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yamujiburo · 10 months
Hey I have a question I just came across this ship and I am confused and curious ahahaha 1. How did they meet? 2.what did ash think when his mom told him or better yet when he found out?. 3.Does ash like the relationship. & 4. Does ash like jessie after everything. Maybe 5 🤔 does he hate Jessie
Everything is pretty much in here (my pinned post). From how they meet, random headcanons, and all the comics i've done in order
Explained in the master post ^^
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2. This is the comic he finds out in
3. He's bothered by it initially. You get the vibe in the comics "Invisible Walls", "Date Night", and "Face Blind"
4-5. He comes around. From this comic and on they get more and more friendly with one another
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mooniedangbiiachay · 6 months
Class was kinda stressful so I did some fun sketches of Harold and also to bump all of my ideas for him out, omg he's like a contagious virus
I was giggle my ass off when I drew all possible alternate universe of Harold. This is definitely not a cry for help pls get this nerd outta my head my god!!!
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The girl Harold was fun to draw honestly, I love her, she's such a loser and she is now my favorite version of Harold. I was thinking of naming the girl version of Harold as Harley cause I like it when it's rhyme with "Har". Yes she is doing the "um actually" pose, I have seem to not get this little joke off my head whenever I see Harold.
This might sound not related but if it was genderswap, Harold would get along with Duncan. Probably because Duncan is giving butch lesbian vibe if he was a girl to me.
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Anyways the grumpy looking Harold with that liquor glass was just my personal take of Harold in his mid life crisis. I put him in a suit cause me like people in suit. He's an extra loser in this one, low pay job and no bitches. I like the idea of alcoholic Harold who struggling to get his life together. He's in college debt and his apartment rent is due but he's trying his best.
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I thought that Harold would love pokemon or avatar the last air bender and then it hit me if I could put the tdi cast in those 2 universes. I am very conflicted between choosing Harold to be a harmless non bender with actual mad skills he can use to defense himself or a water bender (cause of his figure skating thing). And then there I go drew him as the Amon of that universe 💀 I might go a sketch a version of him without the mask or with his water tribe clothes.
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Pokemon Harold, he's from Galar region because I said so. Harold with heavy Scottish accent??? 🤔 I only thought of it cause Harold was actually Scott descendant in his td bio on wiki.
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Harold is getting my favorite character treatment right now cause he have taken over my brain completely .
I have read chainsaw man and I am down bad for Fami. Idk but something about Fami just remind me of Harold, probably because Fami is very knowledgeable or I could have completely gone nut.
I've tried drawing him as the famine devil and he look good. I've laughed when I remove his cap cause I gave him the bowl hair cut. Maybe I should do one with Heather as the Control Devil.
I think imma name Famine Harold as Limos for now (Cause in greek Limos is the hunger god) but I might change it if I found a better name for him.
Limos is banned from getting into my fridge.
He is distinguished but he have no manners in terms of boundaries.
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Alright, enough brain rotting for me for today. I might do more Harold's sketches like these if I have not recover from the Harold virus.
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lindalofbroome · 8 months
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original sketches
hello i have finally coloured some rough sketches of some deltoran fashions, a redraw of some really old sketches from ages ago.
im a pretty amateur concept artists and i hate designing clothes so truly was a challenge for me hahah BUT it has given me plenty of time to think of headcanons. im not sure what i've already posted about or not so im just gonna go ahead and rant
these characters were originally just models for me to draw the clothes on, so i didn't need to draw a new person every time; although in some of my earliest sketches of different people groups i did a bunch of people. but naturally these characters have developed a little and some of them are my beloved adin-era OCs <3
[about 4,500 words]
since the jalis are reknowned for their warrior prowess and their signature gold armour, i thought it'd be neat that even if when they're not wearing the full set, they are always wearing their arm guards. it's a sense of pride and identity, they probably receive them as a rite of passage into adulthood. not every jalis is a knight, but they value a heart of courage and great feats and they all have them, and would wear them always (or at least special occasions if one prefers not).
i headcanon that jasmine was gifted her own set of arm guards as an expression of their respect and admiration of her. her relationship with glock grew so much and was cut off, but she earned her "heart of a jalis" and we didnt get to see much of jasmine and gers together, but theres plenty of time post-DQ3. i think my jasmine and the jalis thoughts should be a separate post though, otherwise this post will never end 😂
i dont imagine that the jalis had special party clothes, i think they just turn up in their usual clothes and get drunk and dance their hearts out maybe start a brawl thats none of my business
i cant remember why i've been giving them this geometric sort of pattern tbh. i think i drew someone at some point and wanted it to look different to mcbride's design but im not sure if i like it or not. the plus is that i can make diamond motifs though!!
i also cant really remember how my brown skin gold hair came to be 🤔🤔 wait backtracking i think what happened is that i decided to draw del people as black latinx inspired, so it wasn't that big a step to make jalis also dark skinned since they're both in the south (deltora geography is weird tho so like it's not that deep) and then i think i made them blonde as i "why not??" situation but tHEN i thought maybe it's connected to their jalis gold?
my headcanon is that their armour is made of a unique metal that can only be found in diamond territory, it's super hard, tough, and light etc. so maybe whatever is In The Ground is also in them and their blood and shows in their hair????
🥳 fun fact 🥳 wasn't until i had to draw steven and glock side by side that i had realised what i'd done?? i.e. steven canonically has brown skin gold hair too¹. which now forces me to think about whether it should be a coincidence (like it is) or shall i headcanon that steven and nevets' father was jalis² 🤔 ¹ pretty sure it's about the dichotomy, to show contrast but connection between the brothers. i have many steven and nevets thoughts but that should also be another post ² i am.
these characters are adin-era, so unfortunately this would be when the gnomes still hunt the kin. whats weird is that i realised that i was picturing the caramelly brown fabric that this gnome is wearing was the kin pelt and not the big furry parts?? i usually picture the kin as more like velvetty. idk what the thicker fur parts would be though?? literally any other animal i guess 😅 i dont know it doesn't make sense and it's only occurring to me right now i shall have to think about it lmao
anyway made them green because why not. maybe they come in different colours idk. this gnome is pre-gellick so does go out in the sun, gellick-era gnomes would be waaaaay more paler they probably looked white. this could be similar to the jalis and like theres something in the grounddd
gla-thon claims that the dread gnomes knew that lesser gems had weaker but the same powers of the great talisman gems (sots), but im not sure if they knew it before adin. would be interesting if they did 🤔 and how they figured it out?? (side note but now im wondering about how withick knew what to write about the gems??) would imply that if they got the great emerald than they could deduce there are others surely. unless they thought it was a freak accident/miracle. anyway we know they love gems and gold etc etc so they obviously decorate themselves with heaps of jewellery
triangle motifs in homage to their mountain 💚
i gave them a sort of war paint ritual. i'm not sure if they all do the same markings, but this one was specifically to symbolise a bow and arrow (arrow going up the nose). you can see it a bit better here lol. i also decided that sometimes they wear it for purely cosmetic purposes. im not sure what the substance is exactly though. i think in my head i was imagining something similar to kohl, but maybe not.
🥳 fun fact 🥳 bre-tak and az-zure are lesbians (i make the rules)
oooooh baby this is my guy my babygirl my everything
okay so i think this headcanon developed recently when i last drew sky of rithmere and i thought that mere superstition encouraged them to wear their charms in random spots to avoid them cancelling each other out. it could be construed to be they were inspired by the night sky and the pattern of the stars perhaps. this led them to prefer asymmetrical fashions, mostly prominent in the armour i put badr in
🥳 fun fact 🥳 badr means "full moon" 👀
i think i originally decided the mere had leather armour just to give them something different iirc but the mere characters we see are usually the lithe, speedy, crafty type, so maybe light, mobile armour does work for them lol. anyway the main reason is that i had the image of studded leather, and i was like ohohoho STARS
i generally think of them with muted colours but sometimes they have a bold blue for their prized garmants. like zillah and co, the leaders of rithmere in adin's time were described with bright blue and starry cloaks. (i checked the wiki just to check zillah's name lol and apparently it's actually canon they have leather armour?? so not sure why i thought otherwise) anyway i do currently have minecraft brain but i did vaguely remember that people made ultramarine pigment from grinding lapis lazuli into a powder and im not sure if thats something the mere would do or if there's some strong blue dyes they can get from plants or something native to their territory 🤔
actually im liking that idea now? it would be incredibly time-consuming and labour-intensive but that would add to its value?? real world lapis lazuli has a horrible yield rate of 1kg lapis to 30g of pigment apparently, but it's a strong pigment (unless i misunderstand). alternative name for ultramarine is "permanent blue" apparently so. anyway ultramarine irl is more of a paint pigment, but in roddaverse maybe the mere make a lucky blue dye to use on cloaks and scarfs and shawls etc for good fortune?? me frantically checking that i put badr and luisa's wedding garb in bold blue lmAO oh i did but it's a little muted. they mix in oils and stuff to make the paint, so it doesnt seem like a stretch that they can mix different ingredients or ratio to make a cloth dye (to my very amateur understanding).
so im imagining now that they have a special (probably secret within the mere) process to create bright blue thread speckled with white (also gold to me. im pro deltora lapis with gold) and weave it into their beautiful starry night fabric. the amount of labour and the use of their prized lapis lazuli makes it very special, and maybe some people think it's the lapis that makes the fabric lucky or maybe some people think it's the work of love and time that makes it lucky, maybe both.
🥳 fun fact 🥳 i forgot that "bless your lucky stars" is like a real saying until recently lol
a starry cloak is probably something only the really rich could afford, but i think that they are more like heirlooms and states of office? im not sure if these pieces are things that one would purchase or something they would receive. bit hard to imagine people doing it for free but maybe it's one of those staple things that they revere and everyone else works to support them as well etc like the cooks in noradz are prized. idk. but yeah like a poorer family couldn't get a new one, but they would have one that has been in their family for generations you know? and i think that there would be something about like. idk youre meeting up with your doctor or something and youre nervous and you put on your family's best clothes (the most lucky ones) and maybe youre cynical about the whole good fortune stuff but there's something comforting about wearing the cloak your mother wore and your grandmother and your great grandmother wore, who also had to do such things. something something gives you the confidence to make your own luck because youre no longer pessimistic and allowing avoidable mistakes to happen
this means that the mere giving adin a cloak was a REALLY big deal because they definitely dont just go throwing those around and they would probably only give it to an outsider in trade for a steeeeeeeeeeeep price. which of course means that there would be knock offs with bad quality dye. lmao thats perfect actually. like 10000% there would be merchants in rithmere trying to sell cheaper versions to people that are expensive but still affordable to the average person. some would be different shades of blue, but the more crafty might have dyes that are strong but not lasting.
oh also i headcanon that palace fashion was a conglomerate of aspects from all the tribes but this should be it's own post i think. but i just remembered that i put gold thread in badr's braids in the formal wear sketch. i did that to tie in with the veins/flecks of gold (technically pyrite) in irl lapis lazuli. as such, people at del palace were inspired to weave gold into their hair too.
also gives me another thing to ship badr and luisa lmao. badr can wear some gold and luisa can wear some blue as a treat for me <3 moon and stars ocs beloved
alright. okay so del is definitely very white western patriarchal coded (most just a bias of living in that type of society i reckon) but it sucks and i'm passionate about making del NOT that. i think i've said this a million times now but this should be it's own post too, but most succinctly del is a very vibrant, curious, and daring sort of culture (e.g. their recklessness, exploration, trading). they were already marrying non-deltorans before adin (i imagine that some might have dared to marry outside of del, but it would have been way more politically complex so it was rarer and often kept quiet and rural). people of del were moving to other countries (like dorne) and people were probably moving to del, so del is definitely a big mix of different people and languages and superstitions and stuff.
but anyway i wanted to set a sort of base for before that. i've had art on the wip pile for YEARS about this and i'd flesh this out properly when it's done lol (hopefully we see that day) but since the topaz has the power to summon spirits, i really wanted to develop an aspect of del culture around that? i was inspired by Día De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) and i still want to do some more in depth research and explore it more properly, but i like the idea that del will celebrate their lost loved ones life, coming together to remember, if they were lucky the got to see and even talk to their spirits. maybe pre-talisman they did know about topaz properties and they had a big deposit of gems that they would wheel out for the festival and the huge pile under the full moon would be enough to allow the spirits and people to interact? anyway this is a longwinded explanation of why my sketches of del fashion could be latinx inspired.
circle motifs in homage to the moon. the trim decoration on luisa's scabbards are based on moon phases :D
i also arbitrarily decided that del people love swishy clothes. they're all about the drama of cloaks and twirling in sundresses etc it's fun. not sure if i will actually follow through with that lol or maybe that can just be luisa.
🥳 fun fact 🥳 i think hearing luisa laugh would heal me
there's no particular reason for why i've been drawing a lot of del people as black, other than maybe spite lol. i think i drew jasmine and that got the ball rolling. del is a blank enough slate that they can be anything. im tired of white people being the front runners asldkjfhalsdf. bUT again del is multicultural, so there isn't a particular look for anyone in del. being del is more a state of mind and being part of community i think. you move to del and you participate in their society in one way or another and boom youre del now they adopted you.
hiran attire inspired by french aristocratic fashion. i cant remember who posted about it but pretty sure this was something that circulated around the fandom at least a little bit at some point.
added some subtle rainbow to harlow's outfits because he's the strong silent type. but i suppose there are so much more gaudier and extravagant outfits.
i was going to say this was just hira fashion and not like, rural plains fashion but i guess this is the same for all of them. it's just like a general direction for what someone might wear.
the swirly patterns?? i dont know. i drew them when i did adin's pre-battle speech as the last supper but i dont think there's a particular reason. i remember that i was trying to do something unique because lief recognises the cup in the city of rats as the same/similar to the one in noradz, so there had to be something to be recognisable lol but i probably just did it this way because it's relatively easy to doodle, just takes a bit of time.
🥳 fun fact 🥳 harlow was a cook before the shadow invasion. out of desperation, he and many others had to train to defend hira. he's big with natural balance and reflexes so he excelled and is a pretty adept warrior, but he will always think of himself as a cook first, warrior second.
now the armour!! freshest headcanon piping hot. yesterday when i was colouring i was sitting there like wow you look like a tin can man and you are so boring. we went from pretty colours to blank. im almost certain the hiran soldiers were described as silver with white plumes, so i was planning on doing that but they had intricate details on their armour because they are Extra, so it has the swirly patterns you can see on harlow's coat.
but then suddenly i was like. what if. pearlescent.
and honestly i loved it so much i didnt care i was setting myself up for some difficult work ahead lmao. but my general idea was that they're armour looked like it was silver, but if the light catches it at the right angle it exposes the rainbow in it. most of these headcanons i've had baking for at least a year, but this is very new so i dont any hard details yet. kira mentioned enamel or ceramic and lowkey interested in having a look into that so that theres another armour material. maybe it's gonna be like special jalis gold and special plains silver. maybe something else. i also just remembered bismuth exists (same boat as gold as very heavy and soft) but i think maybe it's too loud, i think im liking the more subtle pearlescent thing aLTHOUGH it's a good metallic rainbow reference 👀 maybe there is an esteemed plains warrior with a rainbow sword
ANYWAY pearlescent armour really hit my heart because oh my god once upon a time the plains had a shore and they could visit the sea,,,, lowkey ocean vibes without an ocean [screaming crying cat spinning in a void.gif]
🥳 fun fact 🥳 i have NO idea what food harlow has made. i think i had ratatouille on the brain at the time????
ruby territory best territory. ruby symbol of happiness. warns of danger AND antidote to poison. double helpful. ralads are so sweet and so smart. architectural and engineering marvels. living in harmony with the land and beasts. D'OR!!! manus and nanion friendship underrated and so special to me. horse girls. AND. broome. god theres so much i could say about broome that i cant say anything. anyway you guys know im normal about broome yes of course. separate post etc etc
i think technically this is a headcanon but it's not that big a stretch surely but as above i always picture ralads as in harmony with nature. never take more than they need, know how to work with not against, theyre not the main attraction but an equal part of the bigger picture.. this isn't even about how smart they are with engineering and their perfectly round houses with bricks that are cut perfectly. im thinking about their knowledge of their world is so strong and wide and diverse. they have the most vibrant and potent dyes and pigments around, they have the most colourful fabrics and clothes around. the plains has many colours but it can't compete, and they have different styles. i think that the hirans would trade for the dyes though (maybe undercutting pre-adin, maybe more equal post-unification). i think that they would also have a pretty decent blue dye but it is still inferior to mere lapis lazuli blue. it is probably a dye that could be used for a mid range mere garment?
maybe it's the anime fault but i do usually imagine ralads as barefoot but i also drew iris with construction tools and just the idea of ralads walking around a construction site barefoot was not fun to me. but it could be a hobbit tough soles situation. anyway i drew some shoes so i had a vague reference if i wanted to draw ralad shoes.
obviously had a problem drawing warrior attire for a non-war race. but i thought what if i leaned into the stories the hirans tell about how the scouts and soldiers they send into the ralad wilds never returned and were often found dead with broken bones or whatnot. definitely big watching but never seen vibes imo. so i decked iris out in some camouflage lol
🥳 fun fact 🥳 im sure the ralads can whistle and whatnot to make birdcall signals, but i thought it was fun for iris to be able to make birdcalls with her flute
HEY ALSO headcanon about ralad hair. i was making some dragon art from a doran pov that i was going to save for that but i cant wait now. but we know from Tales that the ralads had a good relationship with the ruby dragons, could even summon them (unless im misremembering and it was more like a premeditated calling) but i was thinking about how they nest with .. human? hair. and i was thinking what if they grow out their hair? and then they offer it to a dragon when they are ready? i dont know if there's a nesting season for dragons but it could be something like that? ralad-dragon ceremony and party time. this isn't a rite of passage type of thing, just something that they like to do. not everyone does it probably, but most do it once, some people do it several or many times in their lifetime. it's an honour, but not really a sacrifice to them. it's part of the world balance and theyre willing to serve the dragons as the dragons serve them as they water the plants and the plants feed them and they feed beasts and beasts feed them.
also dont remember why i did the hair so bright and orangey??? genuinely perplexed lmao. probably was leaning into irl ginger but like THEYRE BLUE so i could probably make them actual red. not sure if this is also like a "theres something in the ground" situation also that makes their hair red but maybe 😂😂
side note but it's lowkey so wild to me that rodda was like yeah these guys are blue-grey with red hair, and then everyone else is like an average person, BUT the mountain people are short. like they're all just some guy basically???
it does make return to del so so funny because fallow is like AYO look at these MONSTERS they are UGLY and WEIRD
but i guess thats part of the motivation to give the deltora tribes some basic unique traits.
okay so toran robes as inspired by japanese fashion is definitely something that's floated around the fandom for ages. i can't remember if it was before or after seeing posts about it that i started my first concept sketches but i think it probably had a hand in helping me visualise what rodda was talking about when she described their robes as butterfly wings when they speed-travelled. like yeah big deep sleeves and floor trailing hems WOULD probably look like colourful butterfly wings in the wind,,
🥳 fun fact 🥳 azami be always hungry. if only she knew someone who liked to cook 🤔
i don't have much to say design-wise, kinda just did various doodling. they would probably be second in extravagance to the plains, but it's a different sort of detail? they are probably a bit more refined and elegant than the hirans who are probably more bold in their designs. torans grow to be vain and selfish (it's already started by adin's time) so they probably have a high value on the beauty of their belongings, and it probably began with imagery of beasts and plants and dragons in amethyst territory, "true" pictures. but as time went on it probably distorted a bit and became idealised and/or fantastical etc.
OKAY SO my brain bluescreened just now for a moment trying to figure out how a people who use magic to make life easier, were also the ones known for their weaving, a manual hands-on task (lief's cloak is praised as being worthy of toran looms, implying high grade; pretty sure this was supposed to be a hint that his mother is not who he thinks she is also). some conclusions are 1) they weave with magic (sad, horrible), 2) they weave as a past-time, for fun etc (okay) but i took it to a third option
for a long time ive been thinking about toran magic as like, a balance and an energy thing (because i like that stuff lol) they cannot create something from nothing, only change things. they couldnt summon a fire, but they could change a piece of wood to fire and start a campfire, or those more advanced could even change the air into fire. but honestly it's left me a bit unsatisfied. like how does that explain the tora-del highway? hELL tora itself? what happened to the marble that got carved away? also how can that mountain have been so perfect there was no cracks or seams?? or did they carve those bits out lol. questions for another day.
anyway i was thinking about how hobbies are good for you, you dont have to be good at something but it's good to do stuff for fun and when you do crafts you get a cool thing at the end of it that you made. but it's also like skills you can develop? and i wondered what if weaving is a starter skill that they learn, some of them at least. maybe there are different activities, and they do the one that speaks to them the most. there were other types of artisans in tora, just not as talked about (i guess they're robes are pretty iconic so it's easy for people to go wow robes wow weavers who made fabric for the robes so soft) like i distinctly remember barda remarking about how tora was untouched and why bandits wouldn't have stolen the carved box that ended up holding the auto-reply letters from the palace.
so what im thinking is that maybe this builds a foundation to help torans visualise and perform their magic?
it actually solves a problem ive had in my headcanons i feel like ive got seven eyes open rn 😂😂 but in relation to del culture and traditions, i've been thinking about there being a physical and spiritual realm of course, and maybe it's the comfort of threes but it felt like something was missing.
i dont know what to call it yet, but im thinking the third thing is like the glue, it connects all things, it's in everything. it's like a third realm but also more of like a medium maybe? kind of sappy but we can just call this the magical realm for now. i actually used to think of toran magic as being like a subset of the greater deltora magic, but now im thinking it's more like torans are more receptive to the magic realm, as del are to the spiritual, and the ralads to the physical; theyre the experts in these things, which is why unified deltora is important 😂; likewise dread gnomes specialise in gems, jalis in combat, mere in cunning, plains in hope perhaps? literally never thought about it quite like this so maybe i will process it different later and designate different specialties.
so when the torans are young, they learn a craft and these skills help them sort of "tap into" the magical realm. so in the case i first thought of, when a toran weaver starts to see and interact with the magical realm, the easiest way for them to engage with it would be to think of it as weaving. they might see the magical realm as threads that connect everything, and weave things together to get what they want. a potter might see it as a malleable mass and sculpt what they want. a carpenter might see it as something to carve, something to break and put together.
the magical realm is not a concrete thing at all, up to interpretation, perhaps a unique experience to anyone who could glimpse in; don't strictly have to be toran, but they are perhaps naturally receptive to it or it could even be entirely a knowledge thing and that they are taught about it more; someone like verity who had her eyes opened to this realm, and learned to interact with it on instinct. does open questions to what the hell is up with the plains lmao but i think thats another post.
sorry about all the "i'll tell you in another post" i was attempting to stay on track 😂😂 also there's a 90% chance im gonna forget to come back and write about them so if anyone is dying to know feel free to send me an ask or something???
also if you want to know more about these OCs let me know 👀 i can find an ask game or something maybe. it's a case of i know a lot but will forget it all if asked to speak freely, i need specific questions. i have also developed the first four a bit more, but the last three are not without character so they can still be included. maybe it will be a group effort and they will have Background.
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prettypinkeel · 21 days
Hey as you noticed I've discovered your art recently and I'm impressed with how well you can pull of the anime style and so because of that I wanted to ask you for this thing I've been scared for awhile. It's a fusion between my 2 all time fav characters Nejire from BNHA and bill cipher from gravity falls
im really happy you liked my drawings, I'm still discovering styles and it's fun to experiment with them. you also don't have to be scared to ask about stuff, I'm a chill person :D
your request was fun to draw Nejire is my fav girl from MHA too and Bill is a character who can fit every scenario no matter the university lol
Nejire shares her talkative and carefree personality with Mable so Bill would probably think like 'haha, that should be easy🙄' until Nejire starts asking him too many questions in such a short time. I mean, Nejire is not unfamiliar with various quirks and mutations, maybe that yellow triangle shaped person has a mutation quirk too? 🤔🤔 and if Nejire is the first person with quirk Bill sees, would he consider her a 'freak' too? maybe ask her to join him? anyway, he probably can't handle her heroic and bubbly nature for too long
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I should really draw Nejire more....and finish watching MHA.....eh
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thepalaceofharuhime · 10 months
Looking at your fandoms, I can’t help but think some sort of Bingqiu in Spy X Family (or a SxF Xianxia fusion) could be super fun!
The question is… what would their roles be.
Assassin Luo Binghe, or spy Luo Binghe… and which of them gets gender swapped. 🤔
Oh!! Maybe Shen Yuan was meant to be an ally of the female half of the main duo, Liu Mingyan, but through shenanigans he somehow ends up with her role instead, and the System demands he fake marry Binghe anyway. 😂
This is exactly the kind of prompt i was hoping for! TY!!! 🙏
The way i see it Binghe would definitely be the assassin, Shen Yuan is too big of a softie not to mention one who so easily put on the mask of another man before so he would definitely be the spy.
But also being oblivious to feelings yet a capable badass, bad in the kitchen, feeling inadequate as a partner? All Shen Yuan. Binghe with his protagonist Halo meanwhile would fit better with Mr. All around perfect Husband. So i guess it'd be a little like Yor and Loyd had switched professions.
Shen Yuan's over protective brother in a position of power? I wonder who that would be? Enter Shen Jiu haha. Rather than secret police he'd be a detective looking in to all the murders rather than keeping state secrets from spies though. To keep that rivalry between him Binghe. The family member Binghe became an assassin to provide for? His mom. The gardener AKA the guy who hired him and hands him his missions? Meng Mo. Franky,the spy's funny informant and gadget supplier, occasional babysitter and not to mention bestfriend? Shang Qinghua.
I dont know if i should replace Fiona with Liu Quinge as Fiona's character really would fit Binghe better. But Liushen is a weakness of mine even if onesided and those two were just made for coworker romances. Maybe I should give Binge someone trying to woe him too? Sha hualing? Then if i dont go with your other idea of having SY transmigrate in to Liu Mingyan (which i am saving up in my head because i absolutely love the idea) then i can add something in the background with her and Sha hualing. I'm positive i could find a way to write in Mobei for SQH or i could go with Scumplane and have him end up Shen Jiu and actually yeah that would work, need to distract SJ long enough for Bingyuan to get it on afterall. Oh what about SQH x SJ x LQG? Or should Shen Yuan get a second husbandafterall? Alternatively imagine LQG crying over a bowl of icecream.
Next question is if SY didnt transmigrate into LMY then who is he? What about Ning Yingying? Who could be SJ's little sister in this world? Or he couldve just been put in there as a female version of himself. Or like it was with Shen quingiu a character who vaguely resembles him and has a similar name. She just happens to be a woman though. Or maybe go with the mulan aproach and have him crossdress? But then how does he explain to his brother that he's suddenly - he could say that he's in love with binghe and the only way to marry him was fake his papers to pretend to be a woman since queer marriage isnt yet allowed in their fictional country. Like no one cares if they date its just they havent gotten to the legalisation of marriage yet. And if SJ asks why they had to get married so suddenly anyway (cuz no way in hell is SY getting away with saying he forgot to tell him for a year) he could say that they had to so they could adopt their daughter. Who in this case scenario could be Ning Yingying, should she still have Anyas powers? damian could be Ming fan or the little palace girl or whatever (im not yet far enough in the books to now her and the old man that well so id have to check the wiki) and i could make the palace master donovan desmond and have SY and LBH team up to take him down in the end.
Anyways yeah these are just some ideas, and again thanks for the prompt! I can't wait to write this! Maybe i'll draw something for it later too. ❤️
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climbdraws · 8 months
bro i dont check tumblr that often and my mind was blown when i opened the app and saw that picture of ashfur 😭 i cant believe its your least popular print, i saw it and my first thought was "wow i need that on my wall"
anyways, that was just a really long way to say i love love love the ashfur drawing you did such a fantastic job on it and im def buying it the next time i get paid 🖤🖤
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aww this is so nice <33 KIPO is a tv show on Netflix about a purple furry jaguar girl. I made the print based off this song & her transformation sequence….I know why it hasn’t been very popular as a print but it was still fun to experiment with some different stuff…maybe I should add some more KIPO stuff to the shop to go along with it 🤔
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lilpinkghost · 5 months
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Haii everysilly! Meet: MAGIKA ☄️ ✩┈┈☁️🎨* ┈┈ ♡ ┈┈🖍️🩷∘ ┈ 🌈₍ᐢᐢ₎ ᴬⁿʸ ᶦⁿᵗᵉʳᵃᶜᵗᶦᵒⁿˢ ᵃʳᵉ ᵃᵖᵖʳᵉᶜᶦᵃᵗᵉᵈᵎ ˙ᵕ˙ That's right my sillies, another character design inspired by one of my favorite beanie babies "magic the dragon"! I don't know why the magic plush has always given me vibes of cold colors and a calm personality. I wanted to fuse it with a "cybercore" style :D
What do you think? Should I maybe draw her boyfriend scorch ? 🤔
Would you like custom designs of this type? ^^
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lyranix1201 · 4 months
I suspect that Lenore had one of those big painting of herself in her room just like Theo.(her parent's probably took it away, so that no one will remembers her) so I drew one, because why not?
Also imagine if there was a painting of Lenore in her room and Annabelle lee saw it and insisted that she would stay there, because it's the closest she would ever get to lenore after she left her And because she likes looking at it. (That so fucking sad 😭, cute and also down bad fcking behaviour from Annabelle lee 😏.)
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I really dislike the way I drew the dress, also it reminds me of Snow White for some reason 🤔. Lenore as Snow White when, maybe I should write a fanfic about it.
I might one day make a digital version of this drawing. One day, one day......
And here is the first drawing that I made like some months back, I don't really remember when I drew it but i used it has inspiration.(the first drawing i made looks more like lenore than the seconde one, i dont know why 😔).
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funfact this is also my first post.
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so-bitya · 5 months
yeah hi as a manga only fan way before the anime and barely remembers the plot, my hot take is that ummm.... laios should get assassinated or something so someone actually competent at resolving conflict between people like kabru can step up to the plate. yknow, the guy whose actually been doing all the legwork to keep war from breaking out? actually understands inherent power imbalances in society? unlike mister special interests over here, mister "everyone's innocent golden retriever 🥺" who unloads horrifying facts about the monster that killed kabru's mom and gives kabru a monster meal as a ~sign of friendship~ making his ptsd resurface. (maybe laios should learn how his interests are burdensome and painful to others and not dump them without warning on his so called friends? 🤔 nah, it's the men of color that are wrong.)
also keeps little miss "lover of all races," "goes on her little tirade about how the orcs deserve their oppression to their face," as an advisor so dunno how trustworthy those policies are my liege! well at least he keeps kabru as his babysitter/therapist/boyfriend to do all the behind scene work! (wow another brown caretaker/white ship! how original! and wowie kabru how come you get stuck in this role for two whole ships! 😍 how original!!!)
oh and ryoko kui should come out and confirm laois isn't autistic too, just your average awkard guy with some overbearing interests, and actually the autistic one is kabru, cause yall got real selective with your coding there for a second (kabru has a narcissistic disorder? lol ok, dont cry cause of this post then)
talking about self inserts, saw a lot of people get real hot and excited at the sight of laios punching down toshiro, wishing they were him. so ryoko can confirm toshiro is autistic too as a treat 🤗. also to make up for the fact that the manga is mostly entirely in laios pov but she put toshiro enduring his microaggressions in the manga extras?? (like thats gonna be in the anime.)
dont worry tho, im not really trying to punish her, like forcing her to draw a fat female protagonist thats not attributed to race (according to her!). yall can cut the hype a bit. miss "shes so great at portraying race! cause everyone's racist!" yeah ok. explains why all the main protagonists are white.
anyway, glad I'm not apart of the fandom at all cause I'll hate to pretend I respect any of you! ❤️
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