#Maysa talks
simiaysa · 9 months
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Yall I haven’t been neglecting my story. I been working on the writing aspect rn, but in my spare time from not working and mental health. I’ve been playing Ts3, and having alot of fun. Updates will be coming soon. Hopefully this monthhhh.
Love yalll 🤍
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fanaticdomainexpert2 · 4 months
match one or more of my donations!
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writtenjewels · 2 years
Blind Date
Salim entered the club but was too nervous to approach the bar. Instead he found a table and sat there while he worked up his nerve. After being divorced for almost five years, he was finally convinced to try dating again. Zain was the one who finally managed it. Salim figured if his son was supportive of the idea, then he should at least give it a try.
Though truth be told, it was absolutely terrifying to do this. He and Maysa were in an arranged marriage and all of their interactions before marriage were supervised. This time he was all on his own. He wasn't sure how to go about doing this.
He watched the other patrons mingling in groups or dancing or having drinks at the bar. All the faces sort of blurred together. Just then someone approached his table. It was a man looking about a decade younger than Salim. He had short brown hair and wore jeans and a plain black shirt. A blue-jean jacket was worn on top. Salim couldn't help smiling; at least he wasn't the only one who wasn't really dressed in club attire.
“Hey,” the stranger greeted him. “Are you waitin' for someone?” He had a pleasant voice with a bit of a drawl on his accent. All he needed was a pair of boots and a ten-gallon hat. Salim smiled wider at the thought, then pulled himself back to the moment.
“No, not really.”
“Ah, shit.” The stranger deflated. “I've been lookin' for my blind date all night.”
“I'm sorry to disappoint you.” Salim hesitated before adding: “Would you like to sit with me and wait for him? This table has a good view; you might be able to spot him walking in.”
“Thanks, I appreciate it.” The young man sat down and took off his jacket. Salim couldn't help staring at the defined muscles of his new acquaintance's arms. He was quick to look away before he was caught. “I'm Jason, by the way,” the man told him, holding out his hand.
“Salim.” They shook hands. “Have you been on a blind date before?” he wondered.
“Not really.” Jason shrugged his shoulders. “I don't date much at all, if I'm honest. How 'bout you? If you ain't waitin' for someone, are you here hopin' for a date?”
“Something like that,” Salim hedged. “I've been divorced for five years now and I'm trying to get back into it. I feel a little out of my element here.”
“It ain't that hard,” Jason assured him. “Your looks are gonna take you a long way. But if you want, I can be your wingman.” Salim didn't answer; he was stuck on Jason complimenting his looks. It was very flattering coming from someone so much younger than him. “What sorta woman are you lookin' for?” Jason went on.
“I'm not sure,” Salim admitted. “I'm not... specifically looking for a woman.” He could feel his face heat up in a blush. “I think I would just like someone I can talk with, as a start.”
“You can't do much talkin' if you're sittin' here,” Jason pointed out with an amused quirk of his lips.
“You make a good point, my friend,” Salim agreed with a sheepish laugh. “But you forget that I'm out of practice. What would I say?”
“ 'Can I buy you a drink' is a good start.”
“For someone who doesn't date much, you know how to do this better than me,” Salim observed.
“I'm a really good wingman,” Jason said simply. He paused to check his watch, letting out a sigh. “He's late.”
“He could be caught up in traffic,” Salim suggested kindly. There was a small part of him hoping that Jason's date never showed up. It was a horrible thing to want, he knew, but he was enjoying Jason's company. “Or he could be looking for you,” Salim added.
“Maybe.” Jason looked thoughtful. “Wait here.” He got up and disappeared into the crowd. Salim felt his heart sink a little. He knew it was the right thing to do, but he still mentally kicked himself for saying those things. He glanced over at the space Jason was occupying.
“Jason, wait!” He shot to his feet. “You forgot your jacket!” He snatched up the object and pushed his way through the crowd after the younger man. After a bit of hunting, Salim found Jason at the bar. He tapped the younger man on the shoulder to get his attention.
“Hey.” Jason greeted him with a smile. “I was gonna come right back, ya know.”
“Oh, but your date...”
“I promised I'd be your wingman,” Jason insisted.
“That isn't necessary. I don't, ah... that is, I...” Salim felt suddenly nervous. He twisted Jason's jacket in his arms. He settled for a white lie: “I don't think I'm ready after all.” What could he say? Jason was here waiting for a date.
“Gimme your phone,” Jason requested suddenly. Salim frowned but did as asked. Jason started typing in some numbers and handed it back. Salim saw he had a new contact listed. “So you can call me when you're ready,” Jason explained.
Salim felt the blush deepen on his face. Jason was giving Salim his phone number? “Aren't you on a date tonight?”
“A blind date,” Jason corrected. His fair skin was a little red, too. “And right now, I like what I see.” Salim swallowed and pocketed his phone again.
“Jason,” he began, taking a steadying breath. “Can I buy you a drink?”
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runthepockets · 8 months
hi!! just coming into your inbox because i saw you posted about the show ramy & i also loved it & have nobody to talk to about it. i know ramy youssef said he might make a season 4 but it's not official and i can't stop thinking about what a season 4 would be...fatherhood? but also he still owes a bajillion dollars due to that diamond piece he lost, right? idk. i welcome any and all thoughts <3
Hey dudette! Thanks for the follow, I'm in a pretty similar position so I feel you lol. The girl who introduced me to the show was a girl from a dating app and we don't really talk anymore so I don't have a lot of people to talk about it to either, thanks for hitting me up!
If the series ended where it left off, I'd be down with that, but I also can't deny I'm curious as to where the Hassan family + their friends end up after the third season. Putting my theories under read more cus it's a lot.
Here's what I'm thinking: it takes a really long time for Zainab to come around, but by the last 1-3 episodes she kind of accepts that Ramy is the father of her kid and she can't deny that, nor take that away from her daughter, and she can only come to this conclusion after a lot of time spent as a single mother (which comes with pros and cons) and a lot material proof that Ramy is a changed man; yeah he's still got his vices and flaws, but we all do, and he's not fucking his cousin or doing deals for the Israel mob anymore and he's finally found a nice balance between being a peaceful, average American millennial and being the firstborn son of an immigrant, which is definitely not an easy pattern to break.
Dena gets married, for sure, but the majority of her character still revolves around her studies and her career. There's scenes where her fiancé (I forget his name) gently drags her away from her studies to go on cute little dates or to remind her to eat dinner or to take her to diners for breakfast and catch up and pray and all, flirting with her over text and calling her on Facetime every now and then and linking up on weekends and vice versa, and it's established pretty well that he has a life of his own and is doing pretty well with his roommates and stuff. He and Dena get married a little after she passes the bar.
Farouk and Maysa have to sell the house, and it's super bittersweet. Ramy and Dena help them move all their stuff into this cute little 2 bedroom apartment, the second room doubling as a guest room and as a room for when one needs space from the other. It's weird not having the kids around and it's a little closer to the city than they like, but it's got a lot of perks too. Maysa can drive for Lyft and make friends easier cus everything is Right There, Farouk actually finds his rhythm as a con man, which complicates things a little but also, we all know he's a good and smart guy and would eventually know the law well enough to skirt around it, so it's a start. Their marriage improves a lot too cus they're finally humble enough to talk to each other about real shit.
Uncle Naseem doesn't accept being gay fully till like, the last three episodes. Post retirement of course. Ramy finds some old love letters while helping him clean and move the rest of Naseem's shit from Jeweler's Row and just smiles and nods to himself, dropping aforementioned shit off at his apartment with nothing but a little extra bundle of cash; both as a way of saying "sorry about the bullshit" and "don't explain; I know." and it's cool. As a cherry on top, he might have even made up with that guy at the gym, or he might have found a new guy.
Shadi should meet up with Steve at some point and get into the DJ scene proper; it's hard for him when Farouk and Maysa have to move into a smaller apartment without him, but he finds a decent and diverse group of rave bros during a set one night and it saves him from having to spend the rest of his time in the U.S. on the street. He falls for a cute black hippie chick during one of his sets, and they move in together. It's a little small and cramped but he has her and her cat has already fallen in love with him so how can he have any more reserves? This is just where god wants him to be,
I can't speak for any of the minor characters, or the cousin that Ramy stopped fucking, but yeah. This is my take. If you wanna talk more, feel free to DM!
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pulseintlradio · 3 years
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Welcome radio listeners around the globe.  
Wind down your day and enjoy the ride of the musical vibes on the Wind Down with your host, Will Downing.  Enjoy the music of Patrice Rushen “Forget Me Nots“,  Cornell CC Carter “The Moment”, Maysa “Can We Talk”. and Will Downing “Never Wanted Anyone” & many more!!
It's all happening today beginning at 8 pm EST, 7 pm CST, 5 pm, PST, 1 am UK Time on 𝐓𝐡𝐞 "𝐖𝐃 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐄" show. Join Us!       
#WillDowning #winddown #newmusic #Classic #usa #germany #spain #phillapenes #london #italy #southafrica #greece  #netherlands #Israel #canada #newyork #philadelphia #lasvegas #dmv #baltimore #Towson #DC #international #global𝐖𝐏𝐔𝐑 - 𝐏𝐔𝐋𝐒𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐓'𝐋 𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐎www.pulseintlradio.com/https://www.phazesintl.com/
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hiddenhistoria · 3 years
Find the word tag VIII
Tagged by @zmlorenz and @sleepyowlwrites, thank you both! My words are: flower, friend, fragrance, fun, free/ air, break, clear, danger, and excite/ suspect, sick, safe, and solid. As always, snippets from These Cursed Paths.
She makes towards the kitchen, feet soundless, hand reaching for her gun. The parsen is still on the set table, waiting to be feasted upon. She looks away, ignoring the pang of her chest, and focuses on the task at hand. No intruders here, either. Jehona figures they must be watching the entrances. 
And she is right. 
Another Kairanese girl has made base in the living room, facing the front door. She doesn’t hesitate. The girl slumps much like her companion outside. Jehona sweeps through the rest of the house with the same efficiency, finding two more girls, one in each bedroom. Only the last one, a Kairanese that must have been Rumaysa’s age, is vigilant enough to sense her coming into her room and put up a fight. Jehona breaks the only flower vase she owns over the girl’s head. She makes a mental note to replace it and the wilting flowers that have fluttered to the ground before Rumaysa finds out.
Chapter 8
Another shot pings on the cobblestones. Rumaysa bites her lip to stop from making any noise. Her leg shakes from the strain and she leans against the wall of a building, moving at a crawling pace. Rounding the corner, she drags herself along the wall. Even her head fails her, her eyesight going blurry as she slides down, sitting on the road, the yielding a reprieve for her battered body. Everything hurts: her leg, her shoulder, her hands. The crutches escape her grip, clanging as they hit the ground. 
“Who’s there?”
Rumaysa starts, hope blooming in her chest. She knows that voice, the cold uninterested timbre it adapts with strangers. Her eyes, which she didn’t even realize had slid closed of their own volition, fly open. “Jehona?”
And it is indeed her best friend rushing towards her, brown locks flying with the wind, voice frantic. “Rumaysa?” She crouches down in front of her, placing blessedly cool hands on her flaming cheeks. “Are you hurt? What are you even doing here?” Jehona’s eyes do a sweep of her sprawled body, the brown dark with worry and panic.
Chapter 5
“Can you even worry?” he snips back.
She shrugs. “If I try hard enough. Now, I’ll operate under the assumption that you actually got some information to share with the class—” Hideyoshi nods. “—so we’ll retreat for tonight. I doubt we’d be able to go out again, either way, what with the uproar you’ve caused.”
“That would be advisable,” the gargantuan remarks, pulling a miraculously clean kerchief from somewhere on his person to wipe at his face. “I’d also advise you against wearing that cloak next time we go in. You’ve made an enemy.”
Jehona turns on her heel, leading them back. “All in a day’s work, Hideyoshi,” she throws over her shoulder.
“Of course she’s flippant about it,” he mutters under his breath and she smirks to herself. He’ll make her life hard and, in turn, she’ll make his life hard. Thankfully, riling the gargantuan up is fun.
Chapter 10
(Hideyona, Hideyona!)
“Pity,” she laments, circling again to find the girl’s fingers. “Your poor friend will have a hard time wielding a sword with nine fingers. That is, of course, if she doesn’t contract an infection first and die. I haven’t cleaned this basement in ages.”
The subject of her attention whimpers and Jehona is reminded just how much she absolutely hates her job. She drives one more proverbial knife in. 
“If you want to blame someone sweetie, let it be your friend, who keeps her silence while you are threatened.” Jehona unfolds the girl’s fist gently and the girl sobs. 
That seems to do the trick. “No, wait! Wait! We don’t know! We don’t know, I swear!” The leader all but screams.
Jehona circles back to meet her eyes. “You don’t know?”
“I swear on my life we don’t. That is information shared on a need-to-know basis and we don’t need to know,” the girl reasons. “For this reason exactly, if nothing else.”
She accepts the explanation with a sigh. It makes sense. These girls are just grunts come to kill her. And she doesn’t have any more time to waste with them. 
Jehona sets the dagger on the floor about two meters from the girls, hilt facing them. “That wasn’t so hard, now, was it?” She looks at the tear-faced girl. “You scared your poor friend for nothing. I have to go now. Use this—“ she points to the blade, “—to free yourselves. And do try, please. I’m not keen on coming back to four rotting corpses in my basement. Have a good day, ladies.”
With that, she walks out.
Chapter 8
He smiles at the soldiers. “At ease, Wolves. Mirmengsi to all of you.” 
“Section Commander, sir.” Erisa appears at his elbow and salutes. She’s a tiny woman, barely reaching his shoulder, always shrouded in an air of seriousness that he can’t disperse no matter how many stupid jokes he cracks. Even Jehona hasn’t resisted that long in her more serious moments. The two four-pointed stars on her left breast catch the morning light as she faces him.
“Major Arlet, good morning,” Klevis greets, turning on his heel and motioning her to follow. He’s aware of the eyes that closely follow their movements. There’s an ongoing rumor about the nature of his relationship with Erisa, which has now turned into wishful thinking on the Wolves’ part since neither one of them has done anything to encourage the rumor. They’re just a bunch of romantic fools, in his opinion. And they’re going to have to wait a while longer to see a romance blossom between him and her, given he’s aromantic and Erisa is done with his shit. The only pro to the rumor is watching the serious facade crack a little more each time a pair of eyebrows is wagged in their direction. Coincidentally, that is also the only con.
Chapter 11
Break + Clear
She rolls her eyes. “Not in Hideyoshi’s presence, Maysa.”
“Why not?” he protests with narrowed eyes. Jehona likes to think he can feel the jab she’s about to send his way.
“Because,” she starts slowly like she’s talking to a toddler, “in order to explain, I’d need to break the law. I fear you’d faint at such a transgression and, as you can clearly see—” Jehona gestures to the black lump in her lap, “—I can’t move fast enough to catch you, darling.”
He glowers and Maysa snorts, all worry for Klev momentarily forgotten, alongside inquires about RT’s powers. Jehona is too good at this. Hideyoshi stops in front of her chair, impossibly tall from this angle. And, honestly, every angle she can reach at 1.65m. “Even if that were the case, you couldn’t possibly carry me, chīsame no yatsu.” 
She leans forward, narrowing her eyes. “Say that last bit in Lukovian, coward.”
He leans down, resting his hands on the table. They’re practically nose to nose. “E vockël.”
Jehona gasps and, from somewhere behind Hideyoshi, Rumaysa snorts. Some best friend she is, laughing when an asshole calls her ‘little one’. Even RT wears an amused smile at that. Klev really found the day to abandon her. “Why don’t I shoot you and then we’ll find out if I can or can’t carry you, you abominable shit giraffe?”
“Can an ant carry a giraffe?”
She scowls. “If the ant tears it to pieces first, it sure as fuck can.”
Hideyoshi straightens with such a saccharine smile, her teeth hurt. “Why so irritable, chīsame no yatsu?”
“Listen here, you uncivilized dickheaded gargantuan,” she starts, ready to inflict bodily harm. Luck, however, seems to favor him as the door slams open at that moment with a bang that has RT starting and Rumaysa glowering.
Chapter 12
Rumaysa rolls into the bunker with a disapproving frown, ready to chide Dezi further for wandering. Until she catches sight of Kass clutching him, silently crying and Jehona by her side, smiling like an idiot. She looks from her to her cousin and her cat, then shakes her head. “Nevermind. Seems like I’m already asleep.”
Afraid not, Jehona signs. 
The rumble of her wheels sends Kass’ heartbeat through the roof. Rumaysa draws nearer with the sort of look anyone with a grain of common sense wouldn’t want to be directed at them and, fine, Kass is terrified. Dezi wiggles out of her arms as if sensing danger and not wanting to be caught in the crossfire and even Jehona takes a step back when Rumaysa cranes her neck and addresses her by her full name. “Kassiani Trantis.”
Kass swallows. She is screwed. 
“How dare you—“ her voice cracks and Kass sees her eyes well with tears. “How dare you not hug me after all these years—“ 
She doesn’t wait for Rumaysa to finish, dropping to her knees and throwing her arms around her umzadya. 
“—you asshole?” Rumaysa finishes with a sob on her shoulder.
Chapter 13
They clamber to their feet slowly, stiff as Jehona pushes thoughts of an angry Rumaysa from her mind with a shudder. Up on their feet, they’re a head taller than her, all gangly limbs and awkward posture. Most probably a recent growth spurt then. With a messy head of very wet brown strands, blue eyes, and a smarting of faint freckles on their cheeks, they remind her inexplicably of a puppy. A very excited puppy.
“I’m RT,” they say, extending a hand and almost hitting her arm. “Non-binary.”
She smiles despite herself, grasping his hand and shaking twice. “Jehona. A very kind woman, as you can tell.”
They laugh at that, allowing her to place their hand on the crook of her elbow, effectively getting them out of the rain. “Thank you, Jehona. I was starting to lose hope of making it back home tonight.”
“You didn’t. It’s dawn.”
Chapter 1
Jehona looks then and what she finds on his face stuns her. It is understanding, written plainly on the arch of his brow and the line of his lips, in the way he looks at her, all of the pieces she’d laid bare for his inspection and does not flinch or judge or hate, as she’d expected him to. “Look at what you’ve done,” he says quietly, running a hand through his hair. “How can I hate you when you’re just like me?”
Her chin trembles.
“Really, siren.” Hideyoshi smiles a small, heavy smile. “That was rather rude of you.”
An inexplicable spark warms her chest, chasing away the terrible cold. “For what it’s worth, I am sorry for what I did to Tomoki and Yukito.”
“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.”
She snorts. “Well, yes, but I suspect if I went to apologize to them, I’d have injured them for nothing since your clan members would most definitely kill me on sight.”
Chapter 12
By the time the parsen is done, the house around her is sparkling clean and orderly, their little dining table set and ready, and Jehona a mess of nerves and anxiety. She has worked herself up into a frenzy and she is sick of it. This must be how her dad felt last night. His anger makes so much more sense now. 
Restless energy plagues her and she takes to pacing the length of the living room. Her injured leg throbs dully; she’s overworked herself in her measly attempts to pass time. Jehona plops on the couch, stretching her leg out, and sighs deeply. She is being ridiculous. The events of the previous night have set her on edge and she’s letting hypotheticals get to her. It won’t be long until her father comes back, whining about how he’s ravenous and all will be well. There is no good reason for them to dispatch Captain Trantis’ squad to the third district. They’re usually assigned to the sixth district and they do a damn good job of keeping order there. Whatever reason the President-General has for sending men into that district, he surely wouldn’t endanger good capable men. Not with the threat of Austeria hanging over Lukovia like an axe ready to drop. Avniel may be many things but a fool he is not.
Chapter 4
Klevis just sighs. “Now that’s out of your system, back to my genius idea. Jehona is going to live with Hide.”
“Klev, dearest, weren’t you harping on about me needing to be safe?” Jehona points at Hideyoshi’s glower. “Does that look like someone who won’t kill me the first chance he gets?”
“I am no murderer.”
“With the right incentive, everyone is.”
Hideyoshi only glares harder. “Fine, then I won’t sully my hands with your blood.”
“You sure about that?” Jehona smirks. “A hasty conclusion, given you haven’t even heard of my latest nefarious deeds.” 
He narrows his eyes. “What did you do?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“This is getting a little out of hand,” RT comments. “Any grownups want to intervene?”
Rumaysa snorts. “Sorry, RT. Those are in short supply around here.”
“Klevis, what did she do?”
Klev shrugs. “How am I supposed to know? Is this about those four Nonaka girls who breached your house?”
Chapter 8
She shifts in her wheelchair now, finally pulling the infernal device off of her leg and dumping it aside unceremoniously. “Not that I’m not eternally grateful to have found you two there—“ Rumaysa meets Jehona’s eyes, deciding to bite the bullet, so to speak, “—but what were you doing in the third district?”
Her best friend’s anger has always been something akin to spears of solid ice and has been used as such: with calculation and precision. And rarely has it surfaced, a trait Jehona shared with her mother. Both were too adaptable and solution-oriented to be sweeped by emotions. Except for tonight, apparently. 
“We?” Jehona’s voice is a burning brand, in the way something too cold feels hot to the touch. “What were you doing there, Rumaysa? Do you think this is a fucking game? That shithead would’ve killed you!”
Rumaysa finds she doesn’t have much patience tonight. “I asked first.” She says matter-of-factly, eliciting a snort from Klevis. Rumaysa can’t quite tell if it’s from amusement or disbelief. It seems he himself can’t either.
Chapter 5
Some of these are a little too long (yes, I’m talking about the Hideyona bits) sue me. I’ll pass this on to @writingamongther0ses, @sleepy-night-child, @fictional-semantics, and anyone else who thinks they can find these words in their manuscripts: smooth, shatter, sliver and smirk.
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blossomflow · 3 years
Deep Talk
A few days ago a friend of mine called me, we shared stories and gave each other advices. Actually I gave it to my self.
"I don't know what my purpose ..."
"Sebetulnya sih, kalau dalam Alquran tujuan Allah menciptakan kita itu buat beribadah, itu aja. Cuma perjalanan ibadahnya itu yang harus kita pahami."
"I feel like I need someone to share my stories. I need a husband."
Ya, seumuran kita, haven't married yet is something silly. Old enough to say we are more than enough.
"Mungkin Allah menahan banyak hal termasuk punya suami, mungkin kita gak sekuat ini waktu tertimpa banyak ujian, pasti ada alasannya. Kita gak hidup di masa depan, kita hidup hari ini, apa yang bisa kasih nilai buat pahala kita nanti, ambil aja kesempatan itu, what future brings, nanti aja. Kita pikirin pahala yang bisa kita dapet hari ini."
"If I have husband with this condition ... Will it be possible?"
"Kenapa enggak? Kalo emang Allah menentukan demikian pasti Allah tahu kamu bisa, tenanh aja."
"You might be really think that I am a bad woman if you know what I've done."
"Heuheu, itu urusan dosa? Kalo iya, ya aku cuma bisa mintain ampun aja ke Allah. Gak bisa komentar lebih dari itu. Everyone had mistakes."
Kalau ada alasan kamu suuzhan sama saudaramu, ingat buatlah tujuh puluh alasan agar berhusnuzhan padanya.
"Then why you haven't married yet?"
"Gak tahu ya, belum aja kali."
Then I shared a story about what happen to me and my family. It must be one of the main factors but the desicion is on me.
"What kind of man do you want?"
"Gak tahu, yang kayak Suho kali, ha-ha-ha."
"Don't be kidding! Serious, please."
"Gak tahu beneran, gak punya tipe ideal."
"Why don't you asked your teacher to find a husband?"
"Kan hamba pemalu qaqa ..."
"Why? Why? Why? Please try to be an extrovert for a day."
"Gak bisa ya Allah, hamba pemalu titik."
"When you're gonna end this if you're always shy? What woman you wanna be?"
"Pengen punya anak aja tapi bingung gimana cari bapaknya."
"Just find him! Ask someone to find him!"
"Ya masa harus ke Korea ..."
"Don't be kidding."
"Aku suka yang pinter ..."
"It's okay, find what woman you wanna be and what kind husband you want. Then you'll find no body is perfect. If you just stay still like this, how can you get married, hah?"
Emaknya Maysa dimarahin. Emang bener kok bingung.
"Aku dari dulu kayak gitu, gak bisa."
"Until when?"
Dan aku bercerita tentang kisah yang tak pernah aku sampaikan, dan aku akan sampaikan di sini.
"Sebetulnya aku pernah kok coba melamar seseorang, mengiriminya surat dan menunggu jawabannya. Namun, nihil balasan. Aku diabaikan."
"It's okay, you were neglected. It's okay. Means everything it's over. You can find another one."
"For sure. Gak sedih kok serius."
"Or maybe he didn't read your letter."
"Gak lah, pasti baca. Emang diabaikan aja hamba."
"Okay then, you can find another one."
Karena maghrib sudah menyeru. Kami mengakhiri pembicaraan kami. Why I need to share our conversation here? Because I need to read it in other day.
Semoga apa pun yang menimpamu semakin menguatkanmu. Semoga yang masih tinggal di hatimu, segera Allah ganti seolah kau tak pernah menyimpannya.
09 July 2021
A little dot named Puspa
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maysasa · 3 years
Week 1 - About me
Hello, I’m Maysa! I’m a Visual and Design communication major and business minor. Being in high school art made me experience and try out different types of art such as painting, digital, drawing, etc. I was much more passionate and into digital art and creating my own designs. Especially outside of class projects I started to design my own characters as well as my own T-shirt’s for my clubs that I had. The process of making my own original design then making/ seeing the final product was really exciting. Then also having people buy the shirts and sweaters was also a great feeling. Then already in college I was able to learn about animation and more features in photoshop to grow my creativity in designing. It gave me more options to use illustrator, photoshop and more apps to create better designs. During summer I also started uploading my designs as stickers also for people to buy which has been fun. I hope come up with more designs in my classes this year to give me inspiration and motivation to hopefully grow into a successful art business! I do realize that the more I get into design the more it impacts me to buy certain things over others such as notebooks, clothes, etc.
I am very excited to be taking this class to learn more about design because it’s important for my future career! I believe it’s important to understand different aspects and the history of design in order to be successful. I am also excited to be working with and talking to other people that like design and can help me with support or critiques. It’s important to me to take in feedback from other especially those that are into design as well.
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antoni-anxiety · 3 years
anyways ⟟ fuckin try to be kind to everyone, ⟟ really do! ⟟ do ⏃ pretty good job of it too ⟟ like to think
⟟ always follow boundaries, check up on people, give them gifts and affection and tell them im there if they need to talk
⟟ dont want to seem like an entitled piece of shit and ⟟ dont expect things from people
i just fuckin want some recognition and understanding without having to fuckin make myself seen to everyone and being annoying
⟟ UNDERSTAND ‚oh theyre only human’ AND AKNOWLEDGE IT AND TRY NOT TO HOLD GRUDGES BUT WHEN SO MANY PEOPLE USE ME AND LIE TO ME HOW AM ⟟ SUPPOSED TO BE KIND TO EVERYONE!! IM ALSO ONLY HUMAN! ⟟ HAVE PROBLEMS TOO and ⟟ just want someone to help me deal with them for fucks sake ⟟ hate this
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entangledworlds · 4 years
DAM (دام) meaning “ever lasting” in Arabic, was one of the first Palestinian rap groups to rap in Arabic. One of the most popular groups in Palestine– they cite their influences as diversely as Ghassan Kanafani, Tupac, Ahlam Mosteghanemi, Naji al Ali, Mahmoud Darwish, Biggie, K’naan, Public Enemy and Pharoahe Monch.
More so than ever on their latest album, Ben Haana Wa Maana (بين حانة ومانة) their work dives deep into what it means to be Palestinian today. The band documents the struggles in their everyday lives — aging, love, relationships, career anxieties and, of course, checkpoints, border walls, drone strikes, diaspora, bodily autonomy, and social movements.
Maysa Daw, the Newest Member of DAM, talks about the two songs above:
ملياردات “Milliardat” (Billions of Dollars):
“That song is all about how bad Arab leadership is, and how much money is put into dividing Arabs. We talk about Kolthoum, Nawal El Saadawi, Abu Trikah, Ashraf Fayad. Nawal El Saadawi is a very feminist Egyptian author. Bu Kolthoum is an amazing Syrian rapper. Aboutrika is an Egyptian football player. Each one of those people said something that disagrees with the will of the Arab leadership, whether it's criticizing religion, chauvinism, the government, the king, whatever. Each one of them got their own punishment. This song is about the billions of dollars that go into dividing the Arab world, and how, whenever anyone tries to make a change, they're punished.”
جسدكهم “Jasadik-Hom” (Your Body of Theirs):
“The inspiration for that song is actually Ta-Nehisi Coates' Between the World and Me. It's a really brilliant book. Tamir was reading it and told me: "Hey, you need to read this book." It really connected to the world that we live here as Palestinians, especially how much Coates emphasizes the body… how to live in a Black body in America, how to be a Black man in America, what it means to be the spirit and the body. This is what I feel as a woman in our community and as a woman under the Israeli occupation.”
More of DAM’s music here.
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simiaysa · 11 months
So far, I have made at least 5 sims, in a attempt to get a story/gameplay thing going in my save file lol. Every sim that you see me make will be apart of the main story, everyone is connected somehow. I still haven’t gotten around to making my main story sim yet. I been trying to write her character chart out so I can get a sense of how she looks and feels like. I also added sims from other simmers to my story, ima tag them when everything comes together but be prepared for some drama lmao.
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I have to make everyone’s back story 🥲 Pray for me pls. I should be done everything byyyy the middle of November. (Let us pray 🙏🏾) For now ima just keep introducing and come up with some back stories. Im nervous as hellll cause this my first story everrrrr (I literally went to college for this, I should be use to writing)
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loving-impression · 3 years
I finally cried over you. I told someone about the day you left and I couldn’t help but fall apart. I miss you inexplicably. All these years, I’ve blamed God for stealing you from me; for leaving me broken, hopeless. I wish I could talk to you one last time but you crossed a bridge to somewhere I don’t think I’d be welcomed at.
I met someone and I truly love him. He takes care of me, keeps me safe and for the first time, I feel loved by someone who is not you. I miss your laugh and your smell and your hugs. I miss everything about you. He won’t ever take your place; no one can. And I promised myself I wouldn’t let he complete me, but I think he might do. I like to think that maybe God sent someone, even if a long time after, to redeem Himself for taking a part of me.
I miss you more than life. Oh, and I’m not mad at God anymore. I hope He is taking care of you too.
Always in my heart,
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vclentinho · 4 years
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                              running with the wolves
                                                                       𝘢 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 featuring Truffaut
O1/ Pookie - Aya Nakamura O2/ Falling - HAIM O3/ Você não presta - Mallu Magalhães ᵉᵘ ᶜᵒⁿᵛⁱᵈᵒ ᵗᵒᵈᵒ ᵐᵘⁿᵈᵒ ᵖᵃʳᵃ ᵐⁱⁿʰᵃ ᶠᵉˢᵗᵃ ˢᵒ ⁿᵃᵒ ᶜᵒⁿᵛⁱᵈᵒ ᵛᵒᶜᵉ ᵖᵒʳqᵘᵉ ᵛᵒᶜᵉ ⁿᵃᵒ ᵖʳᵉˢᵗᵃ O4/ Meu mundo caiu - Maysa O5/ Don’t Talk About It - Tove Lo ˢʷᵉᵉᵖ ⁱᵗ ᵘⁿᵈᵉʳ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘᵍ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ʷᵉ ᵈᵒ O6/ R.I.P. 2 My Youth - The Neighbourhood O7/ You’re Not in oh the Joke - Cobra Starship  ⁱᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ˢᵉᵉ ᵗʰᵉᵐ ˡᵃᵘᵍʰⁱⁿᵍ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᶠᵒˡˡᵒʷ ⁱⁿ ᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ᵗʰᵉʸ'ʳᵉ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵖᵃʳᵗ ᵒᶠ ᵐʸ ʲᵒᵏᵉ  O8/ NEVER GONNA LIKE YOU - Bea Miller, Snakehips O9/ How I Became Paranoid - CSS 1O/ 5 in the Morning - Charli XCX ᶠᵘⁿⁿʸ ʰᵒʷ ʷʰᵉʳᵉᵛᵉʳ ᴵ ʷᵃⁿⁿᵃ ᵍᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᵃⁿⁿᵃ ᵇᵉ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ ᵗᵒᵒ 11/ Prime - Allie X ᶠᵒʳᵍᵉᵗ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᴵ ⁿᵉᵉᵈ ᵍⁱᵛᵉ ᵐᵉ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᴵ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵃⁿᵈ ⁱᵗ ˢʰᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵇᵉ ᶠⁱⁿᵉ 12/ Never Be Like You - Flume, kai ᴵ'ᵐ ᵒⁿˡʸ ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ, ᶜᵃⁿ'ᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ˢᵉᵉ? ᴵ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᴵ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᵃ ᵐⁱˢᵗᵃᵏᵉ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ʲᵘˢᵗ ˡᵒᵒᵏ ᵐᵉ ⁱⁿ ᵐʸ ᶠᵃᶜᵉ ᵗᵉˡˡ ᵐᵉ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ'ˢ ᵒᵏᵃʸ 13/ Combatchy - Anitta, Lexa, Luísa Sonza feat. MC Rebecca ᵗᵘʳᵘᵈᵘᵐ ᵗᵘʳᵘᵈᵘᵐ ᵗᵘʳᵘᵈᵘᵐ ᵗᵘʳᵘᵈᵘᵐ 14/ Beggin For Thread - BANKS ᵇᵘᵗ ᴵ'ᵐ ˢᵒ ᵗⁱʳᵉᵈ ᵒᶠ ᵉᵃᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᵃˡˡ ᵒᶠ ᵐʸ ᵐⁱˢˢᵖᵒᵏᵉⁿ ʷᵒʳᵈˢ 15/ Fake Friends - Sigrid 16/ Trust Nobody - Cashmere Cat, Selena Gomez  ʰᵒᵖᵉ ʸᵒᵘ'ʳᵉ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ ᵃᵗ ᵏᵉᵉᵖⁱⁿᵍ ˢᵉᶜʳᵉᵗˢ  17/ Supalonely - BENEE, Gus Dapperton
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mudaship39 · 5 years
Alpha Centurion War:
Valeria Garcia feels negative thoughts about her racial identity and cultural identity. She has internalized racism and internalized anti native racism about herself. This stems from the racism she has experienced from Natives and the anti native racism she has experienced from non natives. She has negative thoughts about her culture like the culture, traditions, customs, language, and spirituality that her people practice. So she discusses this as a Latinx native with Alex/Lexi since he she they are an Asian and Latinx Native who is an mahu or maohi elder. Valerie Garcia as a Latinx Lative she feels herself being pulled apart from two separate directions between the fact that she's Mestiza-Latina Americana and Tsalagi Indigenous. She is from two worlds as a Latinx Native. The world of her racial identity and the world of her cultural identity. She's experienced discrimination for both of those parts of her identity. She has been through both racism and anti native racism. This is why she connects with Alexander Mack “Alex” Smith/Alexandria Macy “Lexi” Smith since both of them deal with that identity crisis. As well as the despair that being displaced diaspora can wreak on the mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being of Indigenous people of color like them. “Alexander Kana’i Mack Ryuu Francisco Makoa Smith/Alexandria Ataahua Macy Haruka Francisca Kamalani Smith,” said Valeria Garcia, “as a Latinx and Asian Native you know how I as a Latinx Native feel about my racial identity and cultural identity.” “We have talked about it so much.” “This internalized self hate I feel about who I am because of racism and anti native racism from my own peoples.” “I know that you feel shame and embarrassment about who you are as a Latinx Native Valeria.” “Because of the discrimination and prejudice you have been through.” “But being Indigenous and being a person of color is a source of strength.” “You’re bonds, your links, & your connections to your community is what makes you strong.” “Your connections to culture, traditions, customs, language, & spirituality are what make you Indigenous.” “You will always have that.” “Nobody can take that away from you.” “It is a sign of how resistant your people are.” “Against all odds your mere existence is proof of that.” “You have community here in the Elites and in the Paragons with our fellow Indigneous poc superheroes anti heroes and supervillains.” “We are your family Valerie, your chosen family.” “We are here for you, you have my word.” “You have me.” “You also have Loretta, Inayat, Chaske, Tanaya, Hurit, & Ana.” “You have your women of color partners Chun Hei Kim, Maysa Nabila Uzun, & Amelia Himmat Mishra.” “You always know what to say Alexander/Alexandria,” said Valeria Garcia, “the council was correct in choosing you as mahu or maohi elder.” “I can see why those displaced and disconnected without two sprit Indigenous elders go to you for guidance and advice.”  
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lifejustgotawkward · 5 years
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365 Day Movie Challenge (2019) - #148: Law of Desire (1987) - dir. Pedro Almodóvar
Prior to Law of Desire hitting American shores, the only Pedro Almodóvar films that had screened in the US were Dark Habits (1983), which played at the Miami Film Festival in 1984, and What Have I Done to Deserve This? (1984), which was shown at MFF and the Museum of Modern Art’s New Directors/New Films Festival in New York before receiving a limited theatrical release across the country in 1985-86. So I’m not sure exactly what American critics expected from Almodóvar when Law of Desire appeared at MFF and New Directors/New Films, eventually opening in theaters to perhaps his most receptive audience yet, but without a doubt this NC-17-rated drama is my personal favorite of the eleven Almodóvar titles I have watched since August.
One of Almodóvar‘s greatest muses, Antonio Banderas, has one of the best roles of his career as Antonio Benítez, a young man who is infatuated with an openly gay director, Pablo Quintero (Eusebio Poncela). Pablo, his transgender sister, Tina (Carmen Maura), and her little daughter Ada (Manuela Velasco) are inseparable, and when Pablo isn’t with them, he spends time with his much younger boyfriend Juan Bermúdez (Timothée Chalamet precursor Miguel Molina). Antonio manages to grab Pablo’s attention long enough to have a one-night stand, but a fling isn’t sufficient for the troubled young man. He stalks Pablo and Juan, observing their movements and setting events in motion that will forever alter the tight-knit clique’s lives. These characters think that they make their own choices, yet Almodóvar proposes that they are magnetized to each other as though bound by fate.
As in so many Almodóvar stories, desire is realized in manifestations of both pleasure and pain. Every adult character hungers for something: lust, love, professional success. In one of the film’s most affecting scene, we see a scene from Pablo’s stage production of Jean Cocteau’s play The Human Voice (an inspiration for Almodóvar’s next film, Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown), performed by Tina and Ada while the latter lipsyncs Brazilian singer Maysa Matarazzo’s cover of the Jacques Brel classic “Ne me quitte pas.” The scene also gives us a glimpse of Ada’s parentage by featuring Bibiana Fernández as her birth mother. Not only does Ada come from a household with two mothers, but a transgender actress (Fernández) plays a cisgender character while a cis actress (Maura) plays a trans character.
Law of Desire is a gripping, almost thriller-esque drama of obsessive, possessive urges and it also contains elements of comedy that may work best for viewers who are already familiar with the usual suspects in Almodóvar’s cast rosters. Fernando Guillén (Women on the Verge’s “Iván“) plays a police detective, while Nacho Martínez (Matador’s “Diego”) is a caring doctor, Helga Liné (Labyrinth of Passion’s “Toraya”) is Antonio’s haughty mother and Almodóvar regular Rossy de Palma makes her big-screen debut as a TV talk show host. (Victoria Abril, Fabio McNamara and Almodóvar himself have uncredited, blink-and-you-miss-it cameos, too.) In my estimation, Law of Desire received its MPAA rating more for its bold, uncompromising approaches to LGBTQ+ storylines than for the sexual content itself, but regardless there is no question that this film is among Pedro Almodóvar’s greatest achievements as a storyteller.
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vickiabelson · 4 years
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What a delicious way to spend a corona evening... we talked food... COVID... parenting... working out... supplements... and of course, music. Ramon Yslas​, percussionist with Chicago, has played with icons, boy bands, pop stars, artists––cross genres, and generations.  
A great storyteller, we got behind the scenes with Chicago, his beloved, ideal gig, with great serendipity, Paul Stanley, another current ongoing gig, back through his history, from drums to percussion with Latin artists to The Backstreet Boys, Christina Aguilera, working with Stevie Nicks, Aretha, Stevie Wonder, Willie Nelson, Carlos Santana, Jennifer Lopez, commanded to watch her ass. Great tales, all. 
Loved getting to know this passionate,  exuberant, commited, talented artist, and stellar human. Can't wait to be down front center to watch him action with Chicago as soon as this shitshow lifts.
Check out a couple of creatively engineered current videos with Ray doing what he does so damn well! 
Jonathan Butler :
Featuring: Marcus Miller, Maysa, Dave Koz, Rick Braun, Will Kennedy, Jeffrey Osbourne, Arlington Jones and Ray Yslas 
Ramon Yslas on Game Changers with Vicki Abelson
Wed, 11/18/20, 5 pm PT, 8 pm ET
Live on The Facebook
Replay here 
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