#Me Vale by Mana
greenahngel · 1 year
Music Through Your Eras Tag Game!
Thank you @purple-moonglade
1️⃣first song/artist you remember liking: asdfghjkkl music for children made by Cri-Cri after that it was mostly mexican music until highschool
👶middle school anthem (age 11-13): still listening to my moms music so Los Bukis, Liberacion, Grupo Bryndis and such then nearing 13 it was Mana, Juanes and that such. Me Vale by Mana was a solid tho
🚗roadtrip must have song: On the Road Again by Willie Nelson to be played everytime you get into the car after a break
🙈Guilty pleasure artist: Mexican pop band Reik
💯I know all the lyrics to: almost anything Juan Gabriel and Selena
🤬A song to yell to: Brandenburg Gate by Anti-Flag or My Curse by Killswitch Engage
❤️‍🔥 Current favourite music video: Ahora te Puedes Marchar, special video by Super Junior
🥰current favourite band: Tsunami Bomb, Alesana
🏟️Would kill to see them live/again: Ive never seen the Misfits
🏝️if you could listen to one song on repeat for the rest of your life: Astro Zombies by Misfits
🔁stuck on repeat: The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men by Alesana
Tagging: @quill-rambles @dreamfilleddonuts @save-the-dance @punk-faerie @obscuredophidians
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ataldaprotagonista · 4 months
é manas, vinganca é um prate que se come frie tadinha, hoje temos  você sendo femme fattale nada girls girl, mas vale a pena e, Sol, me desculpa, juro que te acho uma diva linda ta?! você e kuku
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Break up with your girlfriend 'cause I'm bored...
- Parece uma rosa, de longe é formosa... é toda recalcada, a alegria alheia a incomoda - murmururou a musica baixinho atravessando aquele mar de gente - Venenosa, êêê. Erva venenosa, êêê.
Estava acostumada com os olhares. 
Não que gostasse da maioria deles, mas estava acostumada.
A balada que frequentava todo final de semana era seu lugar.
E a mais ou menos começou a botar o plano que havia criado a dez anos atrás em prática. Havia sofrido bullying na escola em que se mudou na adolecência assim que veio do Brasil para a Argentina. Eram meninas malvadas, só que muito pior que "Meninas Malvadas". Eram muitos más.
Zoavam seu sotaque, suas roupas, seu corpo, seu rosto, sua família, seus trabalhos da escola.
Tudo e qualquer coisa era motivo para que você fosse chacota.
A gota d'água foi quando te trancaram no banheiro da quadra esportiva da escola em uma sexta-feira, só foi achada domingo de manhã por uma zeladora. Seus pais ficaram malucos e por fim, te tiraram daquela escola. 
Mas você nunca, nunca, se esqueceria do que passou e jurou a si mesma, que quando voltasse, traria o caos pra vida delas.
Quando avistou seu alvo em meio aquela agito, ele estava grudado com a namorada.
Namorada essa que te humilhava.
Ele parecia tão bonzinho.
Será que sabia do passado podre dela?
Pareciam tão felizes nas redes sociais, mas ali... nem se encostavam direito, nem olhavam no olho um do outro. Ela conversava com amigas e ele parecia... perdido. Quando ele sussurrou algo no ouvido dele e saiu andando você soube que era sua deixa.
Esteban foi ao banheiro e assim que saiu você esbarrou nele.
- Porra! - falou brava com o vestido coberto pela bebida.
- Perdón, perdón! - ele parecia assustado.
- Tá - passou as mãos na roupa.
- Me desculpe, moça - só então ergueu o olhar para encará-lo. As púpilas dele dilataram ao encontrarem com as suas.
- Tudo bem... - respondeu com uma falsa timidez e os olhinhos piscando com inocência.
- Qual seu nome? - você respondeu - Posso comprar uma nova bebida pra você, S/N?
- Não precisa - você respondeu.
- Poxa, eu insisto. Só pra me desculpar.
- Eu acho que vou pra casa - se vimitizou - Já está tarde e... minha roupa tá molhada.
Ele pareceu culpado, ele havia causado aquilo (na cabeça dele). Fora que te conhecer, ou a qualquer um que desse a ele o mínimo de atenção, parecia bem melhor que sentar lá, com as amigas metidas da namorada dele, e não conversar com ninguém pelo resto da noite
- Fica mais um pouco. Eu te pago a bebida e como forma de te desculpar, te levo até em casa. O que acha?
"PUTA MERDA" pensou. Foi mais fácil que o último. Um tal de Agustin Pardella. Esteban estava praticamente se arremeçando nos seus braços, implorando para que você o divertisse aquela noite. E vendo aqueles olhos assustados buscando uma salvação.
Disse sim.
Realmente, foi mais fácil que pensava.
- Você tem namorada? Não tô vendo aliança! - falou rapidinho tendo a oportunidade puxar a mão dele. Observou a diferença entre as palmas de vocês e nossa! Que tapão que aquele homem daria na sua bunda! - Interessante! Já pensou em namorar uma cantora?
Depois de uma horinha de conversa no bar da balada e mais quinze minutos no carro dele... estavam na casa que ele dividia com a outra. Não observou muito o apartamento pois estava realmente interessada nos beijos molhados que ele distribuia.
Foram se agarrando até o quarto e ele... se apaixonou no seu beijo.
E então na sua sentada.
Sentia todo o comprimento dele invadindo sua boceta molhada de tesão.
- Carajo - ele gemia tentando se controlar, a medida que você subia, descia e rebolava.
Minutos antes quando sentiu a cabeça rosada do pau de Kuku te invadindo pensou sériamente se não levava essa situação pra frente. Não tinha acontecido isso na outras vezes mas nessa... tinha sentido prazer. 
A forma como ele te beijou.
A forma como ele massageou seus seios com aquelas mãos enormes.
A forma como ele chupou sua boceta... realmente querendo te dar prazer e não só se satisfazer.
A forma como ele sarrava o pau na cama enquanto mantinha a boca e o nariz em você porque não se aguentava de tanto tesão.
Ele estava tão sedento que você se perguntou a quanto tempo ele não fodia com a namorada.
Todas as posições foram gostosas mas quando você veio por cima... foi a perdição para ambas as partes. Você sentia ele todinho dentro e ele sentia você apertar e apertar ao redor dele a medida que os movimentos iam acontecendo.
Ele estava bobo demais, com tesão de mais, emocionado demais.
Sabia que não era certo, mas mesmo assim não conseguia parar.
- Porra, S/N. Nunca senti isso - falou respirando ofegante e logo em seguida te puxou pelo pescoço para te beijar. Assim que desgrudaram as bocas as testas continuaram coladas. Esteban desceu umas das mãos que estavam na cintura até o pontinho inchado acima da sua entrada. mexeu ali um pouquinho e você sabia que não demorariam muito mais pra se desfazer.
- Esteban - gemeu e o mais velho se derreteu todinho - Goza em mim? - gemeu manhosa e foi o estopim para gozarem juntos.
Depois de mais ou menos quinze minutos pós-foda, estavam conversando deitados lado a lado encarando o teto. Você se sentiu meio mal... ele era tão bonzinho, mas o tempo dele estava acabando e qualquer hora aquela garota que te fez tão mal estaria de volta. Você ficou ali mais um pouco e decidiu começar a observar o quarto.
O mesmo que via nos posts do Instagram dela.
Até que encontrou uma coisinha.
- O que é isso? - questionou fingindo uma falsa braveza sentando na cama e erguendo um quadro com fotos de casal..
- É, ahm, é...
- Fala logo, Esteban! - ja tinha visto aquilo assim que começaram a se pegar na porta do quarto, além das coisas femininas espalhadas pelo quarto, mas manteve a pose.
Ele colocou as mãos no rosto e sussurrou um "merda".
- Você é casado?!
- N-não! É... eu namoro. - você fez uma cara indignada - M-mas não tá dando certo mais, S/N. Eu juro! Desculpa por mentir, mas é que a gente nem se ama mais... - correu com as palavras.
Você sentou na beira da cama respirando fundo, carregando uma tristeza pensativa... que atriz! Ele chegou por trás e deu beijinhos no seu ombro e pescoço.
- Desculpa, chiquita. Juro que meu namoro tá acabado a tempos.
- Então você me usou? - HAHAHAHA, você vem usando ele esse tempo todo.
- Não! - falou sincero - De forma alguma! Eu te achei interessante, bonita, cheirosa... e quero te conhecer de verdade.
Ficou em silêncio por um tempo até virar seu rosto para o dele.
- Eu te desculpo por não falar nada... por mentir pra mim - sussurrou contra a boca de Kuku.
Ele pareceu aliviado, você se levantou e coemçou a se vestir.
- Então podemos sair mais vezes? Eu te quero tanto, tanto - fez juras de amor que pareciam sinceras.
Quando já estava vestida novamente, se aproximou do rapaz sentado na ponta da cama. Ele só te observava, encantado, apaixonado.
- Termina com ela, Kuku - sussurrou sensual contra os lábios do mais velho - Se me quer o tanto que diz que quer...
- E-eu quero - ele falou fraco e tremendo te encarando com os olhinhos brilhando - E-eu termino, S/n. 
O bobinho achou mesmo que você daria um selinho de despedida, mas não foi o que aconteceu. Você só esfregou as pontinhas dos narizes e se levantou. Caminhou elegantemente até a porta do quarto dele, virou para trás e jogou um beijinho.
Ele riu e fechou os olhinhos sentindo uma vontade de gritar de felicidade, se contentou em "pescar" o beijo do ar e colocar acima do coração.
Naquela noite, Esteban Kukurizcka dormiu agarrado com o travesseiro marcado pelo seu perfume.
E naquela manhã ouviu esporro e levou tapas da namorada, primeiro pois ele abandonou ela na balada e segundo porque encontrou sua calcinha de renda (estrategicamente bem posicionada) de baixo da cama.
Sentia o pau entrando fundo enquanto cavalgava. Quis rir quando observou os olhares apaixonados que ele te dava... bobinho! Ouvia os gemidos dele e gemia também, tudo isso até ouvir seu celular tocar em algum lugar na cama. 
Quando alcançou, levou o aparelho até a orelha, ainda sentia as investidas do rapaz embaixo de você.
- Alô?!
- S-s/n? Aqui é o Esteban! Da festa de sábado! E-eu... eu terminei com a minha namorada. Eu larguei tudo, por você. - E  montada no colo da sua próxima vítima, Matías Recalt, respondeu:
- Quem é? 
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#ai do ceu pra ta sentando nessa cara
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creads · 5 months
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMM742vmx/ vi esse vídeo e minha mente GRITOU simon fwb no sigilo que foi o primeiro a falar pra não se apegar mas quando um amigo dele (o pipe ou o santi 🤭🤭) fala que tá interessado em vc, ele já começa a fechar a cara e se perguntam por que ele tá estranho, ele tá mil e uma desculpas do pq ninguém não pode ficar com vc.
I DIGO MAIS ☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽 se é VOCÊ que tá interessada em algum amiguinho dele, ele começa a esculachar o garoto falando que ele muleque piranha (como se o abençoado não fosse antes de te tomar chá de buceta sua), não é o garoto certo pra ti, que é precoce, tem pau pequeno, soca fofo, enforca errado, geme fino e bate fraco
(indo pra parte da putaria pq o cio da gatinha é eterno 🎀🎀🎀: ele tbm falaria que nem o pipe nem ninguém te fode como ele e nós como lobas afrontosas 🐺🐺🐺 respondemos que só dando pra saber 🤗🤗 com a carinha bem putinha sonsa mesmo. Essa resposta foi direto pro ego e pro pau dele
vai ter língua e baba pra caralho, oral até vc IMPLORAR pra ele te comer com força e ele fazendo charminho, ele vai ser algo super verbal de como vc é só dele e um praise kink absurdo, capaz até de sair um "vc vai ser a mãe dos meus filhos, sua cachorra")
foi isso mana, agora passo o microfone pra ti 🎤🎤🎤
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simon aquariano nato convertido em topo tudo por uma buceta específica quando a mulher dá um apavoro nele mostrando que ele não é o único 💔💔💔💔 você não tinha esse direito mona agora estou em depressao profunda (tesão fortíssimo
essa parte do amigo pipe interessado nela que sacoooo eu assino embaixo que seria igual esse vídeo, “quer ficar com ela? pô cara nem rola o tipo dela é muito diferente do seu e ela é muito doidinha também tá passando por umas coisas agora nem vale a pena sabe mas aqui deixa eu te apresentar essa minha outra amiga que nossa vocês vão se dar muito bem” e quando os amigos zoarem ele falando pra ele apresentar a amiga gatinha ele fica todo 😡😡😡😡😡tá maluco porra larga de ser doido
E DIGO MAIS SOBRE O SEU DIGO MAIS☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻voce lacrou demais de verdade absolute cinema e ainda por cima eu pensei num cenário que eles estão numa festa e o simón parece que tem um ALARME na cabeça toda vez que o pipe vai falar com você, e aí ele chega lá em milésimos tipo 😁😁e aiiii meus amigos (na intenção de empatar a foda deles) e se mesmo assim você fosse embora com o pipe, o simón ia ficar na festa e BEBER TODAS até sair cambaleando chorando da festa depois de cantar todos os sertanejos de sofrência (e tenho pra mim que os outros amigos gravariam e SEMPRE que você fosse mencionada no grupo eles mandariam uma figurinha animada do simón nesse dia sofrendo por você 💔💔💔💔💔
e sobre a putaria minha irmã que delícia viu você serviu demais nessa e o que tenho a adicionar é ele te fudendo até você ficar sem uma sinapse funcionando no cérebro de tão burrinha que ficou de tanto levar pau. E SOBRE O ORAL☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 affs gente ele ia ficar tão ciumentinho com o pipe e ia te perguntar se você implorou pra ele te comer assim pq ele sabe que a resposta é obviamente não 💔💔💔💔 e ele se você não tivesse transado com o pipe ele com certeza ia meter um “você acha que o pipe te comeria assim, nena? claro que não né… só eu que te fodo assim, hm?” se divertindo horrores com você só concordando com a cabeça e os olhinhos lagrimejados pq ele tá te fazendo gozar pela quarta vez na noite 🚬🚬🚬🚬asi es la puta vida amigas agora tô triste pq pensei nele me comendo papai e mamãe olhando pra baixo pra ver ele entrando e saindo devagarinho enquanto a virilha dele fica cada vez mais molhada e o sorrisinho safado só crescendo no rosto enquanto ele segura minhas bochechas com as duas mãos e só para de beijar pra falar putaria e praise affs quero dar pra ele 💔💔💔🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻
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notmenana · 26 days
Essa galera que da meanspo DE GRAÇA me dá uma raivinhaaaa, tipo assim, mana vale os dedos e vá fazer um exercício físico. Vai lá the best anorexic vai lá (vai ver a pessoa é mesmo uma bola de vôlei.
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help-an-alter · 1 month
we have three alters who need help with their identities.
one is very cutesy, hyper femme egirl. she's been here for a little while. she wants things related to lovesick, gorey, and video game themes! she would like names, pronouns, and things she would enjoy.
the one is a bit confusing. they're not a human, they mimic humans. they don't talk often. they're very much connected to liminal horror. they want names and things to do. neutral names preferably.
the last one is connected to the umbrella academy. they're sourced specifically off of klaus and five. they want neutral or feminine names related to mystery, tarot, spirits, and time travel. they also want things to do, comforts, and pronouns.
Hello! I did my best with this one, and I hope it can help! However, I highly recommend googling the trigger warnings for the enjoyment recommendations. Particularly with the first alter, many of the things listed are either quite heavy, gorey, or just generally has potentially triggering content. Be safe and have a good day! :]
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NAMES: love, aimee, cerise, cherry, cordelia, vevina, esme, carina, adora, amorette/amoretta, avila, carwen, amara/amora, cher, venus, kaira, evie, maisie, lottie, lacey, mimi, rose/rosie, rosanna, winnie, minnie, treasure, admire/admira, willow, veil, annette, ameri, aerith, mercy, mei, sora, techna, mochi, bunny, blossom, evangeline, eleanor, clementine, vivienne, juliet/juliette, nadine, arachne, ariadne, circe, calliope, ambrosine, narcissa, melancholia, grimoire, bite, minerva, miriam, mana, mania, crave, desire, passion, wrath, ophelia
PRONOUNS: ei/eir/eirself, love/loves/loveself, love/sick/lovesickself, heart/hearts/heartself, gut/guts/gutself, rot/rots/rotself, blood/bloods/bloodself, sla/slash/slashself, exe/exe/exeself, vi/vir/virself, vae/vaer/vaerself, do/dove/doveself, ro/roes/roeself, ro/tic/romanticself, cu/pid/cupidself, er/eros/eroself (alt. eris), cru/crush/crushself, stab/stabs/stabself, yan/dere/yandereself (can be done with any archetype), rip/rips/ripself, fle/flesh/fleshself, joy/stick/joystickself, ga/me/gameself (alt. gaming), gli/glitch/glitchself, vid/video/videoself, cli/click/clickself, pix/el/pixelself
THINGS TO ENJOY: doki doki literature club, yandere anime’s (mirai nikki/future diary, happy sugar life, etc), classic horror movies, just cutesy but darker anime’s in general (when they cry, made in abyss, higurashi no naku koro ni, etc), omori, one shot, yume nikki, irisu syndrome, you me and her: a love story (steams version has tons of removed content, but there are sites that provide the full game), katawa shoujo, danganronpa, pony island, school-live, fate/stay night, muv luv (the first is relatively normal, the second is where it gets interesting)
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NAMES: scratch, scream, ghost, hyde, corner, ephemeral, mystic(al), surreal, dream, evanescent, kaleido/kaleidoscopic, cthonic, cthulhu, hypno(tic), eerie, vapor, vaporwave, anomic, dim, nocturne, null, veld, nim/nym, nox, quill, carbon, vale/veil, peregrine, sal, maris, lux, poet, cove, vesper, rook, elixer, glow, soul/sol, naren, endelian, viridian, aether, zenith, shrike, heath, crypt, hex, styx, dread, vex, howl, fable, hale, shade, vaughn
THINGS TO ENJOY: lots of roblox games (evade, doors, 3008, apeirophobia, etc), studying the backrooms, looking into architecture related to older buildings, found footage, lost media, the movie don’t worry darling, the movie skinamarink, short films on youtube, learning about folklore, exploring google maps, weirdcore tiktoks, weirdcore games, superliminal, mirrors edge, scp, stanley parable
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NAMES: leto, haze, enigma, veil, rune/runa, mystique, wulfrun, calypso, calliope, raven, aradia, blair, sloane, genesis, maze, mazikeen, lilith, medea, elspeth, tamsin, lydia, shiloh, tatiana, lucina, anima, banshee, sybil, cerelia, neander, signe, evening, millennium, lustrum/lustram, sunday, mist(y), gloom, seraph, sera, shade, gargoyle, loom, moon, paige (page of ___), ace, empress
PRONOUNS: tar/aro/tarotself, arc/ana/arcanaself, maj/major/majorself, my/ster/mysteryself, haunt/haunts/hauntself, spi/rit/spiritself, ti/ime/timeself, clo/clocks/clockself, er/era/eraself, dec/ade/decadeself, year/years/yearself, hour/glass/hourglasself, ma/gic/magicself, mana/manas/manaself, gho/ghost/ghostself, sand/sands/sandself, thon/thons/thonself, card/cards/cardself, div/divs/divinityself (alt. divineself, divself), coin/coins/coinself, cup/cups/cupself, wand/wands/wandself, pent/acle/pentacleself, sword/swords/swordself, tar/taro/tarotself, ture/future/futureself, pas/past/pastself, ca/calen/calenderself, cen/centuryself, ve/ven/venself, a/ages/ageself, eni/enis/enigmaself, cry/crypt/cryself (alt. cryptic)
THINGS TO ENJOY / BRING COMFORT: practice several forms of divination (tarot, runes, bone throwing, even playlists can be divination, etc), look into witchcraft and/or paganism, watch time travel related media, explore a graveyard, respectfully clean gravestones, leave offerings to your ancestors (i recommend doing research into this first), create a way to show your identity (ie. bracelet, necklace, etc), cleanse yourself/your home, read mystery novels
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asknarashikari · 18 days
Probably going to be my last ask for a week, going on vacation to Disney World so most likely won't be on tumblr. So let me get this out of the way
Koushiro's base form Vistamp is going to be the Crocodile Vistamp. It's already a pre-made vistamp that fits the aquatic animal theme and has connections to the base vi-stamps of its driver's predecessors, that being reptiles. Along with that, seeing as how it used to belong to Genta, you can also have it be seen as a passing of the torch.
The custom Vistamps I've come up with are Hammer Head Shark (based on Diend instead of Great White because it makes more sense design wise), Bullet Shrimp (either based on Vulcan or Cross-Z, but leaning more towards Cross-Z cause Banjo is a boxer and the Vistamps main fighting style revolves around punches) and Plesiosaur (based on Geiz). Hammer head is currently the only custom Vistamp with a weapon form and buddy form. Unlike the Bullet Shrimp Vistamp (which only has a weapon form with a suit change) and the Plesiosaur Vistamp (which only has a buddy form).
Yoshino's inner phantom is a griffin rather than a dragon like Haruto. That, along with her four elements being Lightning, Ice, Wood, and Metal. The reason why I chose to do this is because I wanted Yoshino's powers to not just be a copy of Haruto's seeing as how at the moment she's not Kamen Rider Wizard, she's only Kamen Rider Circe. (Also, I'd like to imagine that it really doesn't matter as the transformation rings would be interchangeable between Haruto and Yoshino, as all that is needed to use them is a driver and mana). Will she get her own super forms? Yes. Do I know what kind of super form that'll be and what it'll look like? Not a clue but I'll workshop it
I think you'll have to cross out the bit about the Bullet Shrimp being based on Cross-Z... because he has a canon Vistamp, featured in Revice's first Hyper Battle DVD as concept art. It's based on... a chicken.
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And it turns Vice into... this.
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Given the rest of the Build Rider-themed Vistamps have equally comical effects on Vice, I'm 100% sure George did this on purpose because he dissed him once. I doubt Vale would fare much better, especially if George became a victim of his pranks (unless it turns him into a weapon like Lovekov does for Jeanne- though I can imagine George can be petty enough to still make it look hilarious somehow).
As an aside, George didn't really try to theme the Vistamps after animals related to the specific Riders, or match the Riders with the powers their Vistamps grant. I mean, the Jackal Vistamp turns Vice into a skateboard... but it's themed on Ex-Aid, notoriously known for being clumsy and who would probably faceplant if he got on one.
Frankly I have no idea why George made them that way, seeing as he's supposed to be a Kamen Rider otaku. The only Riders to get a Vistamp that matched their animal theme were Ichigou and Zero-One (both based on grasshoppers).
So yeah, there's really no need to justify what animal and rider themes you give a Vistamp. You can go pretty wild with them.
Other than that I love all these hcs you keep sending me 😊
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ritunn · 4 months
A Requiem for Rainbow Vale: On Playing Zedruu for 14 Years
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Rainbow Vale is a 30 year old card that sees average play in a single deck on EDHREC, Zedruu the Greathearted at 20% playrate. Rainbow Vale is arguably a bad card. It puts your opponent ahead on mana more than you and in a multiplayer game, it's quite possible it'll never reach you again. Despite this, due to its status as a reserve list card and seeing play in Zedruu the Greathearted, it costs about the same as an Academy Manufactor (pictured behind) currently. Academy Manufactor is arguably a good card. In any deck that makes clues, treasures, or food, it makes more cardboard for you to do things with. Zedruu doesn't particularly care, however. It doesn't do any of that. Instead, it does an unorthodox strategy revolving around donating your cards to your opponents to reap the rewards. This is the only deck anyone would arguably play Rainbow Vale in.
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Zedruu the Greathearted was one of the first decks introduced in the once yearly commander precon product line. It played into the idea of doing the one thing you can do in multiplayer formats you can't do in any other... politics. The deck was bad as most were back then, but Zedruu was perhaps the worst, though it introduced beloved removal spell, Chaos Warp, and storm counter, Flusterstorm. However, I was entranced with Zedruu back then. I had no idea the thought of "donate" strategy already existed that revolved around infamous cards Donate and Illusions of Grandeur, no, I liked Zedruu because she was weird, she was home for cards like Rainbow Vale, cards that pretty much just sucked.
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Some have downsides so bad you'd never want to run them in a deck, while others just so happen to help your opponents a bit more than you. Zedruu doesn't mind. She's open to all these misfits who she shares with everyone. Mediocrity made into boons for you. I liked that about Zedruu. Playing cards that turn heads and you'd never see anywhere else or had forgotten about after decades of not playing against them. Funnily enough, Zedruu was expected to be a group hug commander that helped your opponents more than hindered, but people took her on quite a few funnier paths
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These days, we have other options for donation strategies with Blim and Jon Irenicus as well. Both add black to the strategy, which has plenty of its own misfits with downsides. Arguably, Zedruu paved the way for these two by proving herself quite popular after all these years, and now has been taken over in popularity by Jon Irenicus. Neither really run Rainbow Vale, but they all carry its spirit of running weird and silly cards. I think that's what called to me about Zedruu over a decade ago in that old card shop in the mall. The silliness, the weirdness, the love for cards considered unplayable and bad. It's the will of Zedruu you have them after all! She cares about the outcasts and gives them a purpose in their own unique way. So, maybe next time you think about making a deck, take a look at Zedruu and her brothers. Maybe play a silly card like Rainbow Vale. That's the beauty of EDH after all. Being able to play the unorthodox, finding a home for the weird and wonderful cards you wouldn't play anywhere else.
If you're interested in seeing my Zedruu deck of nearly 15 years, feel free to check it out here.
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Some Zedruu decks act like merchants, selling equipment. Some get a bit chaotic, changibg the state of the board in dramatic ways. Others fill up on enchantments that affect the whole board or do nothing after entering. Other ones play cards that focus on harming your opponent as described above. Plenty do help your opponents exclusively as well. That's the fun of Zedruu. She's got a home for lots of strange strategies that like sharing your cards.
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kouaesthetic · 2 years
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Kou was helping his friends level their alts in Stranglethorn Vale.
[Yokoo]: have you heard the rumor? there's a new ganker in stv
[Yokoo]: while you are farming tigers, he would close up to you and say
[Mitsuba]: kek
[Mitsuba]: have you forgotten me?
Mitsuba casts Pyschic Scream.
Satou and Yokoo ran away in fear, but Kou did not. Kou used his PvP trinket to break free of fear, and then stunned the horde player with Hammer of Justice.
[Kou]: you are ganking the wrong guy!
He had time to inspect the enemy. He was a level 68 blood elf in shadow form.
[Kou] whispers to [Hanakokun]: so i've caught a hordie who was causing problem to levelling players
[Hanakokun]: you gonna corpse camp him?
[Kou]: no
[Kou]: i stopped doing this kind of thing
[Kou]: is there another way to deal with the problem?
[Hanakokun]: so he has some unfinished business right? you could help him with that
[Kou]: of course! now the rest will be easy
Kou joined Mitsuba's call on discord.
Kou: Let's finish that unfinished business of yours!
Mitsuba: Shut it, you hella lame PvP trinket earring boy! That stupid trinket! It is so OP! What do you mean, Insignia of the Alliance? Your brain's already been in an accident! Spin around a hundred times and drop dead! Taking advantage of my delicate frame to have your way with me... Pervert! Predator! Stupid dummy head! I know what you're up to! You're gonna teabag my corpse over and over! All because I'm such an adorable little elf!
At the same time, Mitsuba was casting: Vampiric touch, Mind blast, Shadow word: pain, Devouring plague, Mind flay, Mind blast, Mind flay x2, Psychic Scream.
20 minutes later
Kou: You ran out of mana yet?
Kou had shadow resistance aura on, bubbled and bandaged to full health.
Kou: I am Kou, Champion of the Naaru, from <Minamoto> clan (Alliance, PvE)! Tell me your real name, gearscore and the reason you keep playing WoW!
Several Exorcisms later
Mitsuba: It's an achievement! It's an achievement!
Mitsuba: I think...
Kou: Does it have to be 5 man group achievements all the time?! It better be the one you wanted!
Kou was holding aggro of several elites, while Mitsuba was melting them.
Mitsuba: Oh, it's totally it.
[Yokoo]: what r u doing in hellfire peninsula?
[Kou]: just some achievements
[Yokoo]: with mitsuba?
[Kou]: ???
[Kou]: do you know him?
[Yokoo]: yes... we were in the same guild in vanilla
[Yokoo]: i was never that close to him
[Yokoo]: but you were in the same guild back then, weren't you?
[Kou]: i was???
[Yokoo]: sure were!
[Yokoo]: i guess it's hard to remember him, since he faction changed to horde
"Mitsuba? THAT Mitsuba?"
Kou remembered that he had multiple dungeon runs with Kou tanking as retri, and Mitsuba healing as holy priest. He was human back then. He was really nice in party chat while belittling group members in guild chat for tiniest mistakes.
Mitsuba: I was kicked from the group multiple times when I was low level. "Buff me priest", "Don't pull before the tank"... stupid reasons like this. I wanted to make over in Outland. I'd take the hint: I would carry candles, buff stam and fear ward the tank. And then it hit me. I was no longer kicked from the group, but I could not make any friends either.
Kou: He is cocky. Dresses like a girl. Sarcastic. Selfish. Has an annoying vocie. Obsessed with achievements. And is only pretend nice. If anyone asks me what kind of priest Mitsuba was, that's what I'm gonna tell them.
Kou: I'm sorry I did not recognize you earlier. You changed so much since we last ran Stratholme.
Mitsuba: Kou... if we were the same faction... do you think we could be mutuals?
Kou: Can't we still be mutuals, even if we are opposite factions?
Achievement unlocked: Gain a mutual friend.
[Blizz] [Tsukasa]: It bothers me when you do these things.
Mitsuba went offline.
Player not found.
Player not found.
[Kou]: ... and he was my friend!
[Hanakokun]: it's no use
[Hanakokun]: once an account is banned for cheating, there is no going back
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Mudanças são necessárias;
Escolhas precisam ser feita;
E nem tudo pra é pra ontem.
Te conhecer no primeiro dia de conversa online foi inesperado, mas notei que você não é momentâneo, é sem *morosidade*, talvez eu te defina em algum momento dessas duas longas semana que pra mim podem demorar mais a passar, lembrar de cada vez que nos vimos é tão bom, eu dizer estar dengosa e você em menos horas resolver vir me ver.
Tem coisas que não há precisão de se gastar palavras apenas as suas atitudes dizem muito.
Homem em corpo de menino.
Anjo em forma de gente.
Esperava demais, e cada ação sua tomada mostra que você se encaixa não só nas expectativas que tive a vida inteira.
Vem logo sábado, mas ao mesmo tempo passe os dias com demora pra relembrar com saudade e com a certeza de que você irá aparecer novamente.
Falo demais tenho certeza que sim, se você irá me aturar bom aí é um talvez...
Adorei saber que no mundo há gente linda e além disso, saber que tem ser humano com a alma igual a um jardim, pra ser cultivado dia a dia, com regras, com mudanças, com conversas sérias, com cuidado e carinho, com delicadeza e um pingo de safadeza em meio a tudo isso. Falo demais eu sei e sei que tu sente tudo e cuida com zelo da minha intimidade, da minha feminilidade (talvez com uma gota de certeza).
Quero mais, me sentir viva de novo faz eu ter razões pra acreditar nesse amor que Deus tem por nós, tem dias difíceis e mesmo ocupado sua atenção vale cada segundo mesmo com assuntos aleatórios, tô aprendendo a validar o que sinto no geral pela vida, e pela minha vida, pelo que eu faço que, muitas vezes menosprezei e que muitas horas cai a ficha de que há sentido eu fazer por mim.
Você tem sido um coração bom que tá mostrando como é fazer por si mesma e não esperar por outros. E você vem e reforça tudo isso com teu jeito.
Mana declaração aberta a ti, por gritar dentro da minha cabeça de que preciso acordar pra vida e literalmente eu tava em inercia.
Mãe, tenks por ser base e mostrar que nem tudo são flores mas a resiliência nos torna forte e em meio a tempestade em minha cabeça se torna uma garoa fina e calma que eu possa dançar nela sem medo .
E quanto a mim, continue, não pare, turbulências e inseguranças virão e você t mandando bem, você vai tirar de letra qualquer coisa que aparecer empecilho nos teus dias.
Neném, meu guri te quero presente, sendo o que há de ser, sem cobrança e sem forçar a barra. Adoro tua companhia e a sua bundinha também 🤭😌 Duduzinho ☺️🙌🏻
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kaelucfantasy · 5 months
Las ganas de meterle un puñetazo no me las quitaba a ese grandullón aunque mi puño solo alcanzara su estomago, pero para mi desgracia, necesitaba estar entre los brazos del dragon, ahora humanizado; por que, al mínimo que me separaba, empezaba a tiritar de lo lindo.
—Ya parece que os vais acostumbrando -dijo al oido él
—¡Que no me susurres a la oreja! -proteste enormemente molesto
El dragon solto una risita divertido mientras separaba sus brazos que me rodeaban, sintiendo alivio por estar liberado de aquel enorme bicho agarrándome por la espalda.
—¿Como os sentís? -me pregunto
—Mejor… gracias por la ayuda- dije en un gruñido
—Me alegro
—¿Que es lo que paso? -pregunto Kaeya
—Es sencillo… -dije sacudiendo mi ropa —antes yo tenia un gran nivel mágico cuando pertenecía al aquelarre, pero al ser separado de ese plano, necesito vínculo mágico con otras criaturas que si estan unidas a la energía elemental para poder potenciar mi magia y tener mas mana… cuanto mas fuerte, mas poder…
—Y al pasar de lobos de la fisura a un dragon a sido un salto para el cual no estaba preparado -dijo Capitano
—Si… eso es…
—Vale. Ahora, si no te molesta… -Diluc se puso en medio entre yo y el dragon —ahora, metete en el relicario
Yo le mire sorprendido mientras Kaeya, Capitano y el mismo dragon no evitaban reirse de lo que habia dicho Diluc.
—Vuestro hermano es un tipo divertido -dijo el dragon
—¿Eh? No, no; no es mi hermano -comente
—Ah, ¿no?, ¿entonces es vuestra pareja?
Kaeya y Diluc lo miraron con cara de costernación y Capitano era el único que no paraba de carcajearse sin parar.
El miro a los otros dos y se quedo como un rato pensativo como decidiendo.
—Asi que su novio sois vos -dijo señalando a Kaeya
—¡Bravo! Has acertado por una vez -dijo Kaeya aplaudiendo
—Tampoco lo animes… -dijo Diluc avergonzado
—¡Pero déjalos tranquilos! -dije empujándole —ustedes hablar, que vamos a montar una zona de descanso…
—¿Has visto lo rojito que se puso el pelirrojo? -comento el dragon
—¡¿Pero quieres dejar de meterte donde nadie te llama?! -proteste sonrojándome yo
No llevaba ni un par de horas con él, y ya me estaba arrepintiéndome de tener que manejarlo.
PD: Perdon por no esta acabando en un trozo entero, pero escribo cuando puedo
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 6 months
Te dedico VIRGINIA MAESTRO..1 cancion que vale por los otros 2 CDs que he fotografiado hoy [aparte del cd EL PRINCIPIO DEL COMIENZO de tragico ANTONIO OROZCO al que iba a ver al festival ARABE el año pasado pero costaba un dineral para cumplir lo que dice en ese CD DE QUE LA MUSICA NOS QUITARA TODO , SE IRA Y NOS MORIREMOS] buscando en el TRASTERO..el CD CIRCUS [por su foto con RASTAS en la POLLA a raiz de mi chiste con el pelo rizado de CERATI] de LENNY KRAVITZ lanzado con RNR IS DEAD y que cierra THE RESURRECTION..como han sido ESENCIALES DE MANA "SOL" [lanzado con cd LUNA y ECLIPSE este no me lo compre porque es una mezcla de ambos] y el RESMASTERS de LED ZEPPELIN..y pongo TONTO EN LA LLUVIA version de MANA y FOOL IN THE RAIN de cd IN THROUGH THE OUT DOOR de LED ZEPELLIN
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djzibaz · 10 months
1) Strawberry Girls - Spanish Bay
2) Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence
3) Aerosmith - Dream On
4) Ana Tijoux - 1977
5) Cafe Tacvba - La Muerte Chiquita
6) Mana - Me Vale
7) AC/DC - Mistress for Christmas
8) System of a Down - Protect the Land
9) KoRn - Falling Away From Me (Radio Edit)
10) Def Leppard - Photograph
11) Crosses - The Epilogue / Bermuda Locket
12) Jonathan Davis - Final Days
13) Deftones - No Ordinary Love (Sade cover)
14) Dream Theatre - Perfect Strangers (Deep Purple cover)
15) Living Colour - Cult of Personality
16) Limp Bizkit - N 2 Gether Now
17) Madonna - La Isla Bonita
18) Nirvana - Been a Son
19) Metallica - Trapped Under Ice
20) Queen - We Will Rock You
21) Rammstein - Heirate Mich (edit)
22) Nine Inch Nails - Perfect Drug
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pendylion · 1 year
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Check out our Jukebox Hero server event! You can get cool, unique pieces for $15. Join here: https://discord.gg/Kt4v48K865 Act fast! We only have 6 slots. Heres some possible songs that will inspire your piece: Mana - Me Vale https://youtu.be/vUplIirnaqI Devil Driver - Sail https://youtu.be/X8idg0DKclY Blur- Song 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSbBvKaM6sk Mark Knopfler - Nobody’s Child https://youtu.be/qL305ux-1VU the queenstons - painkillers https://youtu.be/Tz0qiXqc1Q8
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mimundomisideasyo · 1 year
a veces no entiendo como y porque pasan cosas en mi vida, y aqui estoy escribiendo detras de una pantalla porque no encuentro con quien expresar mi enojo. Enojada estoy conmigo  , realemnte no se porque , siento que no vale la pena preguntarme el motivo de mi enojo. Solo comprendo que me duele muy adentro y me esta haciendo pedazos , mi relacicn a cambiado completamente, mi familia siento que ahora estan mas lejos que nunca de mi. Mis amigos , ni hablar de ellos , no encuntro temas de conversacion con ellos, ya ni nos escribimos, mi mejor amigo de toda la vida ya ni un hola porque esta mas procupado de la rumba y de sus amigos de colombia, ahora me siento sola, lejos y con el corazon roto. Odio que el teclado no tenga para las tildes , odio no poder llorar sola porque tengo a mi pareja al lado, odio tener que estar pendiente de todo y que nadie este ahi para mi, Odio llamar a mi tia y que no quieran hablar por videollamada conmigo, odio que mi hermana ya no me diga mana , odio no tener a mi mejor amiga , no poder salir de rumba (aunque nunca he sido mucho de rumba) peor de vez en cuando es bueno. Ahora mis sabados sino es trabajando es lavando ropa y organizando la casa para que luego a mi pareja le de rabia todo lo que hago, hoy por primera vez, estoy escuchando musica y dejando que mi cuerpo respire . Es duro , no se que me pasa pero me duele respirar, me duele mucho el corazon . No encuntro un punto de equilibrio en mi vida. Es ilogico pero odio tener la idea en mi cabeza de que si me quiero abrir un pircing nuevo tengo que pagar 40 dolares JAJAAJAAAJJA, e suna bobada yo se, pero amo los pircing en las orejas y ahora no me puedo abrir mas porque me parecen re caros. NO se si dejar toda mi vida fuese buena idea , renovar visa es muy costoso y realmente no se si voy a poder juntar todo ese dinero, otra cosa que me tiene estresada. En fin, solo queria desahogarme y poder habalr donde nadie me juzgue.
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evsyixve · 2 years
Agosto 31, 2022
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Talk that Talk, 9/10: es la segunda vez que la escucho, me gusta más y más (eL MV ME DEJO LOCO). el coro y sana (*^-^*) JIHYO TE AMO JEONGYEON TE AMOOOO. podría entrar al top 3. spoiler alert, nope
Queen of Hearts, 9/10: empieza tranqui, UFFFF QUE!?!? ¿soy yo o es un ritmo que casi no usan las chicas? MANAS LAS AMO, neta. Es como gloria la parte apartir del minuto 2:00. TOP 3 (maybe 5 no se sabe) PERO MAYGASH
Basics, 9.5/10: ahí dice canción d danhi, yes yes. ME COMPRARON, es mi rola. amo los raps lentos que pues son sello de la jýp al chile, i wanna wanna wanna take you to the basics.
Trouble, 9/10: si la canción inicia con jihyo, promete. ¿ya dije que me encanta la voz de jeongyeon? pORQUE ME ENCANTA. no puedo decir mucho, me gusta este álbum es como un sonido que no recuerdo haber escuchado con ellas. este ultimo minuto AaAaAa. top 3.
Brave, 8.9/10: nO SE VALE, toy sin palabras, brave for you, el instrumental me encanta a la roña jajaj, las voces de las chicas cada vez se escuchan más maduras y eso me fascina. eso si, pa'mi gusto esta un poquito larga la canción pero gad esta wenisima.
Gone, 8/10: estamos de vuelta a su sección "pensé que seria balada por el título" weey el ¿built up? hacia ¿el coro? !?!?!? no es un skip pero no estaría dentro de mi top, PERO WEY ESE INSTRUMENTAL. aMaMOS.
When We Were Kids, 9/10: que bonita canción:´), chillamos gente, necesito leer la letra, ta llegador el feeling alv. dentro del top 5, sin duda alguna.
Comentarios finales (〃 ̄︶ ̄)人( ̄︶ ̄〃):
es de los pocos álbumes de las chicas que escucho entero de jalón (punto menos para mi) pero creo que también podría considerarlo dentro de mi top de álbumes del año, claro que yes.
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sekhisadventures · 2 years
To Ashes, To Dust
Stormwind City, Five days after the burning of Teldrassil
Dareley walked towards the Stormwind City Inn, the paladin’s mood downcast. It had not been a good few days. Shalandrae’s life wasn’t in any danger, but those burns on her face would never heal completely. The most he could do was knit the skin to where bone wasn’t showing anymore, but it would always be there. Even the eye was going to be blind forever, he could restore the shape but not the sight.
Every few blocks he’d pass another group of kal’dorei refugees, huddling together and whispering amongst themselves. Some were grateful, but most were still grieving. He’d heard more than a few whispers of ‘Where was the Alliance?’ and ‘We should have never trusted any outsiders.’ as he went.
Most of them were just hurting, their homes and quite possibly their friends and family were gone forever. Their words still made the old dwarf’s heart ache and reminded him of the fallout following the rise of the Scourge. Just replace ‘Alliance’ with ‘Knights.’
People were mourning, they wanted to lash out, but the one who had committed such an atrocity was beyond their reach. Sylvannas Windrunner was an ocean away and well defended, so they found other things to lash out at.
He finally reached the inn just as Jaie was walking out of it, the pandaren girl carrying a food basket from which an enticing spicy aroma wafted that under normal circumstances would have made the dwarf’s mouth water... but the fact that she was leaving with a full basket could mean only one thing...
”She’s still refusing ta eat?” he asked the pandaren.
She nodded glumly, glancing back at him. ”Enough to keep going but… that’s all. I know its not my cooking, but… its like she’s just given up on everything. She won’t get out of bed except to use the chamber pot, she’s just… drowning in misery. I haven't seen someone this bad since the Sha of Despair attacked Chi-Ji's temple...” she replied.
”I just… I dunnae… I feel like I failed her somehow…” he replied, ”I healed her body, but… that fire, the Banshee burned her right down ta her very soul. I cannae heal that…” he shook his head. ”I just dunnae what ta do…”
Jaie nodded, then looked down at her basket and gave the dwarf a halfhearted smile, ”Well, she didn’t want visitors… and I have plenty of food left…” she chuckled a bit awkwardly.
Dareley glanced up at the window of the room where his elven friend was likely laying in bed, nearly comatose, ”Aye… she probably wants some space, dunnae want another visitor so soon. Well, I can go scare us up a bottle or two.” he replied.
The Mage District, ten minutes later
Dareley felt marginally better once he’d had some spicy baked chicken legs and some of Jaie’s special dumplings, as well as a rather large bottle of dwarven ale. The two sat together on a bench near the Blue Recluse and the tower that held the portal chamber used by the Alliance.
”Its just hard to believe its really gone though. I mean, when I first saw Teldrassil it was… well… it seemed too magical to be real, and this is coming from someone who grew up on the shell of a giant sea turtle.” she nodded, taking another pull from her own bottle.
”Aye lass. I think right now we’re all just kinda waitin’ fer th’ other boot ta drop. This ain’t just some small settlement or somethin’ after all. We haven’t had a disaster like this since Theramore…” he sighed, shaking his head. Both he and Jaie had been there for that, having seen the devastation the mana bomb caused first hand.
Jaie nodded, ”Even Pandaria. Nelen told me he got a letter from one of his friends at the Jade Serpent Temple a few months back that said the Vale is starting to bloom again, but it’ll still be years before its even close to what it was.” she sighed softly.
”Mmmm… more than a few people are sayin’ we should do somethin’ too. Torch Silvermoon or somethin’. An elf fer an elf I guess?” he replied, shaking his head, ”Start like that, where’ll it lead? I’ve seen war lass, real war. It willnae end well fer anyone, victor or not.”
”Mmm… I don’t like the idea of having to fight the Horde. I mean, Ji and the other Huojin joined them. I grew up with some of them! I don’t want to kill them! I…” she paused as she heard hooves clattering on the cobbles. ”Hm? Someone is sure in a hurry…” she commented as both heads turned towards the source of the nose.
A beast came into view, not a horse but a stag. The creature ran like it’s tail was on fire, making a beeline for the Mage Tower. As it ran past Dareley dropped his beer, the dwarf’s eyes going wide.
”Bloody fel… that’s Shalandrae! I’d recognize that fur pattern anywhere! What’s she doin’ headin’ fer the tower?! Only thing in there a druid’d want is…" he stammered, then it clicked, "Oh shite…” he gasped, getting to his feet.
Jaie had the same idea, the pandaren’s eyes going wide, ”The portal room!” she exclaimed, the monk and paladin immediately rushing after her up the winding stone spiral into the tower.
Stormwind City Portal Chamber
The room contained portals to everywhere an agent of the Alliance may need to go. Northrend, Shattrath City, Pandaria, and more. They couldn’t move armies through them, but VIPs and single adventurers were welcome to use them as they needed.
The recess where Darnassus’s portal was had gone dark however. In its place was a memorial set up by the people of Stormwind and the survivors. Laying all around it were offerings, small gold coins, and flowers. Standing infront of it with his arms folded over his chest was Nelen Fullmoon, in his human form, staring down the furious druid.
”I’m not reopening the portal Shalandrae! I know what you’re planning and its bloody suicide!” he shouted as Jaie and Dareley came running into view. ”Oh thank Gordrinn, would you two help me talk some sense into her?” he called to them as he saw the pair.
The druidess glared at him through her one good eye, her teeth bared like an angry saberfang. ”I don’t CARE if its suicide Nelen! Open the portal! I will have the Banshee’s head even if it kills me to take it!” she snarled, flexing her fingers like claws.
Dareley stared at her, ”Wait, WHAT?! Shalandrae, you dunnae mean ta try ta go to Orgrimmar do ye?! You’d never get within fifty yards of Warsong Hold before the guards had you on a spike!” he exclaimed as Jaie gasped at the idea.
The night elf spun around and growled like a feral cat at the dwarf, ”I. Don’t. CARE! My home, my people, my family… they are all GONE because of Sylvannas! I will have BLOOD for what she’s done!” she roared, the elf’s remaining eye wide and furious. Dareley took a step back, he’d never seen her like this in all the years he’d known her. She’d gone from paralyzed with grief to blind with fury!
”Shalandrae… be reasonable… King Anduin is meetin’ with th’ other leaders o’ th’ Alliance right now ta make a plan. Sylvannas will be made ta answer for this but one druid willnae be enough ta do it! Just… take a step back ‘n lets go back outside…” he replied in a slow even tone, trying to reason with her.
As he said this, he realized Jaie wasn’t standing next to him anymore.
Shalandrae was having none of it though, the druid growling as her teeth began to lengthen, fur beginning to grow on her body, ”One way or another that Forsaken monster will be made to pay and I will see it done! I…” she froze, her ears twitching, then suddenly she spun around and her hand latched around a furry wrist, gripping it so tight it’s owner cried out in pain!
Nelen swore as Dareley gasped in shock, the druidess now glaring at Jaie who had been trying to sneak behind her. ”You were going to paralyze me again… WEREN’T YOU?!” she snarled, her teeth bared.
The pandaren’s eyes were wide and fearful, not just for herself but for what was happening to her friend. ”S-shalandrae please! You’ll get yourself killed! I…” she gasped as the druid’s grip tightened, the fur lengthening along her arm as her nails slowly turned into huge claws, ”Shalandrae! That hurts! Please stop!” she begged. She didn’t want to fight her, but she was starting to lose feeling in her hand!
Nelen growled and shapeshifted into his worgen form, preparing a polymorph spell. It wouldn't stop Shalandrae for long but it would at least make her release Jaie's wrist... but then Shalandrae glared and snapped her teeth at him, and the worgen paused as he saw her face, his eyes widening.
”I thought you’d want to help me! She slaughtered innocent people and destroyed an entire city!” growled the druid, her eye flashing dangerously as she seemed caught between elf and animal, fur sprouting along her cheeks and her teeth lengthening into fangs, so overcome with fury she was losing control of her shapeshifting powers!
"I thought you’d want to bring her to justice! WHY ARE YOU STOPPING ME?!” she roared, not a figurative roar but an almost literal animalistic one!
Suddenly her body tensed as a loud SLAM filled the air. A hammer made of Light had smashed into the back of her head!
The druid’s eyes rolled back in their sockets as she slowly fell to her knees, then forward onto the floor and into unconsciousness.
Dareley’s hand was outstretched behind her, his fingers shaking as he looked at her crumpled form on the ground. "By th' Light, what have I done…" he whispered.
Kal’dorei Refugee Camp, Near the Stormwind Embassy
Dareley sighed as he walked away from the camp with Nelen and Jaie, the trio had carried their unconscious friend there and explained what had happened to Shandris Feathermoon upon their arrival. The sentinel general seemed to understand, apparently more than a few night elves were experiencing similar bouts of grief-induced fury lately, and they figured some time among her people would help her cope with her loss.
”I cannae believe I did that… Shalandrae is my closest friend… I…” he sighed, looking at his hand.
”Dareley, don’t beat yourself up. Yeah, you did, but she was trying to break Jaie’s wrist. You didn’t have a choice.” replied Nelen as they walked along, the mage having resumed his human form.
Jaie nodded, giving him an anxious but grateful smile as she rubbed her arm. Dareley had performed a quick healing prayer, but it was still sore.
Dareley shrugged, the dwarf muttering a hasty goodbye as his feet carried him along across the cobbles, through the smoky Dwarven District and its ever-present chatter of dwarven and gnomish, and lately draenei voices, then across the canals with their burbling stream of water, and into the Cathedral district. He paused there, looking up at the huge white stone structure that made up the main headquarters of the Church of the Holy Light.
His legs walked their way up the large stone steps as they had many many times before, the dwarf nodding a greeting to the deacon and asking if there was a private chamber available. He was shown to one, then lit a small incense burner inside, knelt down before the symbol of the Light that had seen him through so much in the past, and whispered, ”Light help me ‘n guide me… my dearest friend grieves for her lost people… ‘n I dunnae what ta do…”
There was no sudden flash of insight, no burst of light or angelic voice speaking to him, just the faint smell of sandalwood and the murmuring from the other faithful nearby… but for now, it was what he needed.
Some time alone with himself and his faith.
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