#Brandenburg Gate by Anti-Flag
greenahngel · 1 year
Music Through Your Eras Tag Game!
Thank you @purple-moonglade
1️⃣first song/artist you remember liking: asdfghjkkl music for children made by Cri-Cri after that it was mostly mexican music until highschool
👶middle school anthem (age 11-13): still listening to my moms music so Los Bukis, Liberacion, Grupo Bryndis and such then nearing 13 it was Mana, Juanes and that such. Me Vale by Mana was a solid tho
🚗roadtrip must have song: On the Road Again by Willie Nelson to be played everytime you get into the car after a break
🙈Guilty pleasure artist: Mexican pop band Reik
💯I know all the lyrics to: almost anything Juan Gabriel and Selena
🤬A song to yell to: Brandenburg Gate by Anti-Flag or My Curse by Killswitch Engage
❤️‍🔥 Current favourite music video: Ahora te Puedes Marchar, special video by Super Junior
🥰current favourite band: Tsunami Bomb, Alesana
🏟️Would kill to see them live/again: Ive never seen the Misfits
🏝️if you could listen to one song on repeat for the rest of your life: Astro Zombies by Misfits
🔁stuck on repeat: The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men by Alesana
Tagging: @quill-rambles @dreamfilleddonuts @save-the-dance @punk-faerie @obscuredophidians
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feraltwinkseb · 1 year
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Sebastian Vettel gestures during his visit at Brandenburg Gate November 27, 2010 - Berlin, Germany Source: Boris Streubel/Bongarts/Getty Images
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
by Dr. Phyllis Chesler
Hamas has perpetrated a depraved pogrom. There is no other kind. This is what a pogrom looks like and what a pogrom does. The pogromchiki target civilians, the most vulnerable of civilians, and do their worst. They rape Jewish women, torture Jewish men, brutally attack children and the elderly, and then kill them—and anyone who is living with them.
Hamas took a page from ISIS’s Caliphate playbook and video’ed their atrocities in live-time in order to sow further terror (or horribly enough, gladness) in the eyes of viewers. Hamas has also raped and kidnapped women, perhaps into sex slavery, as ISIS also did.
Right away, I started emailing people and saying that this attack was far bigger than 9/11. Here’s why. In terms of demographic equivalence, the Israeli population is a bit more than nine (9) million people; the American population is a bit more than 331 million. Eight hundred (800) Israeli dead and counting is the equivalent of 29,418 American deaths. This is nearly ten times more than the 9/11 number of a little more than 3000. The number of Israeli wounded is, so far, at 2000 and counting. In American terms this is equivalent to 75,503 wounded.
Imagine if America had been told not to respond, not to retaliate, to retaliate but only a little bit to Al-Qaeda’s blow against the Zionist and Crusader entity. Bin Laden said so himself.
A handful of us knew, we knew for a long time, that the pandemic of anti-Israel/anti-Zionist propaganda was inevitably going to lead to what we’ve just seen and what Israel has just endured. Words do harm. Pogroms and genocide have always been the result. This has been the case in the Arab Muslim world and in the European Christian world.
In the early 21st century, I wrote that anti-Zionism was the new anti-semitism and that the alliance between Islamists who hate Jews, Judaism, and the Jewish state for religious reasons far more than for questions of territory—and the western politically correct elites, was the most dangerous kind of alliance. For this, I was denounced as a traitor. Laughed at. Dis-invited. Deemed an Islamophobe and a…Zionist.
Poisoned propaganda has slowly and carefully been sewn into every conceivable fabric of humanity, in every language, round-the-clock. The propaganda is now a tsunami, a cognitive mushroom cloud of death.
The Big Lies are coming at us from the academy, the gliterrati, the United Nations, human rights groups, feminist groups, street activists, government leaders. The hatred for Jews and for the Jewish state is global.
Demonstrations and statements in support of Hamas’s horrific pogrom are taking place world-wide. They have been going on for decades and may not stop anytime soon. Yes, there are also pro-Israel statements and demonstrations going on as well, including the EU, Germany, and Austria’s decision to suspend funding to Palestine. Number 10 Downing Street and the Brandenburg Gate was draped in the colors of the Israeli flag.
But really, there is no comparison, no moral equivalence between the two kinds of statements. Rallying for Israel is rallying for the real victim. Do people know that the head of Hamas, Ismail Haniya’s daughter was treated for free in an Israeli hospital for a month? Doesn’t sound like an apartheid nation state, does it?
Rallying for Hamas is applauding Nazi-like barbarians and the atrocities they commit. I wonder why so many pro-Hamas women are wearing hijab given that Iran, their paymaster, is raping, beating, and murdering Iranian girls and women if their hijab slips or is missing entirely.
Burning questions and difficult solutions remain before us.
I have been monitoring the situation, passing along information to the right people, and have not had the time to sit down and write a long analysis about this War. I will send around a video of a speech I delivered on September 21st via Zoom. I also strongly recommend that you read Liel Leibowitz and separately, Alana Newhouse at Tablet.
I dashed this piece off because a number of people have called and written to me wondering why I’ve been silent. Well—I’ve been covering this shocking, heartbreaking, truly awful War.
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
Democrat Maryland Attorney General Anthony Brown took action against a member of his own hate crime task force on Tuesday after numerous antisemitic social media posts by the member surfaced, including a claim that the babies murdered in the brutal Oct. 7 Hamas attack were "fake."
Zainab Chaudry, an anti-Israel activist who serves as the director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations' (CAIR) Maryland office, made the posts in the weeks following Hamas' attack, which saw more than 1,200 people killed, including children and babies, as well as numerous rapes and destruction of property.
"The Office of Attorney General learned last week about personal social media posts of a member of the Maryland Commission on Hate Crimes Response and Prevention, Zainab Chaudry, Executive Director of the Council on AmericanIslamic Relations – Maryland Office," Brown said in a press release.
"Attorney General Brown has determined that Ms. Chaudry’s social media posts risk disrupting the work and mission of the Commission, so he is announcing steps that he took today to ensure that the vital work and mission of the Commission can continue without interruption," he said, adding that Chaudry's membership on the commission would be "temporarily suspended."
He went on to say that his office would "develop a draft values statement" concerning personal communications by commission members, and called on those members to "to exercise great care in their communications and conduct."
In a Facebook post dated Oct. 26, Chadry wrote, "I will never be able to understand how the world summoned up rage for 40 fake Israeli babies while completely turning a blind eye to 3,000 real Palestinian babies."
In an Oct. 17 post, Chaudry wrote, "[T]hat moment when you become what you hated most," and included two photos of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany, one showing it lit up with the Israeli flag in solidarity with Israel following the attack, and another from a ceremony in 1936 when it was decorated with the flag of Nazi Germany during the Olympics that year.
In another post from Nov. 6, Chaudry appeared to suggest the mere existence of Israel as a nation was the cause of the ongoing war, writing it was an "inconvenient fact." She included an image of the words "it all started in 1948," the year Israel was founded as a nation.
Others from the weeks following the attack showed Chaudry sharing a quote celebrating "martyred Palestinians," and a post citing what appeared to be an Islamic prophesy that said "garrisons who defend the lands of Islam will be in Ashkelon," an Israeli city north of the Gaza Strip.
When reached for comment, Chaudry told Fox News Digital that the "Nazi post" was originally shared "by a close Jewish friend," before going on to accuse the Israeli government of wanting to commit genocide against Palestinians. She also said she condemned the killing of Israeli and Palestinian civilians.
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i-like-the-eyes · 1 year
Tag Game
Rules: Tag 10 (or less) people you want to get to know better. (Don’t reblog, repost!)
Thanks for tagging me @ilovewhiteroses💖 and @ruflirtingwithme 😘
Sorry for taking so long!
Relationship status: married
Favourite colour: blue
Song stuck in my head:"Victory or Death (we gave ‘em Hell)” by Anti-Flag
Tbh...that’s the song I want to be played at my funeral! 🔥🔥🔥
Three favourite foods: noodles, brokkoli, berries
Last song I listened to: “Brandenburg Gate" by Anti-Flag
Dream trip: USA, Canada or Norway. But if I’m completely honest traveling doesn’t really excite me that much. But I guess going to the US and Canada to meet my friends would be really nice. I’d love  to see them in person. They mean the world to me💖
Last Thing(s) I googled: Lyrics to the Song “Cure for the Enemy” by Billy Talent
No pressure tags: Whoever feels like it 😘
I think most of my lovely mutuals got tagged already so...
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aro-paladin-pidge · 2 years
Music hcs for the paladins cuz I’m bored + the inevitable Klance Music war. (I know next to nothing about music, so most of it’ll be the various stages of my music taste + some of the stuff my family likes.)
Keith likes pretty much anything 90s alternative. Grunge, hardcore, alt rock, all of it. Nirvana, Chili Peppers, Green Day. His favorite song is Brain Stew by Green Day. Lance makes fun of him for being mainstream, and thus begins The Music War. All paladins are drafted. Fierce battles are fought in the castle hallways. The casualties number in the dozens of speakers, drones, rigged headphones/earbuds, and one giant Altean super-stereo. It only end when Shiro tries to get them into MCR (he had an emo phase) and they unite against the common enemy. Keith will die before he says anything, but he falls in love with Danger Days.
Lance is very passionate about his 90s skate punk. The Offspring, Authority Zero, Rancid, all that stuff. His favorite song is Time Bomb by Rancid. He has an extensive collection of vintage cassettes back on earth, knows all the lyrics, and absolutely loathes every band Keith has ever expressed a passing interest in. He kicks off one of the most furious battles when he insists that Green Day sold out (he’ll never admit that he used to rock out to American Idiot), and later on, Shiro nearly restarts The War when he says that The Offspring are almost as mainstream as Green Day.
Pidge is absolutely into, like, 2010s pop punk. All Time Low, Good Charlotte, The Cab, probably some Green Day even though they’re punk rock. They don’t have a favorite song, but I can totally see Pidge rocking out to Revolution Radio. They’re loud and obnoxious about it, blasting their music at 2 in the morning when they can’t sleep (the castle’s walls are soundproofed, but after… Matt totally begs for rooms on the other side of the Atlas.) When the war comes, they serve as Lance’s second, though he makes them swear to never play any Green Day. They sneak a Foxboro Hottubs song into one of his playlists, and it almost results in civil war.
Rounding off Lance’s side in The War is Shiro. (which is why Lance was so betrayed by his Offspring comment + the MCR schism) No one believes it at first, but he’s actually a diehard punk. Subgenres be damned, if it’s got the word ‘punk’ slapped somewhere on it, Shiro loves it. Death, Sex Pistols, Anti-Flag, everything. His favorite song is definitely Brandenburg Gate by Anti-Flag (he used to sing it to Adam all the damn time-“Hey, honey, I want to share something with you.” “Aw, go ahead.” “I LOST MY BABY TO A FOREIGN WAR/SHE HE WAS CUT DOWN IN THE GUNFIRE OF THE WESTERN WORLD-” “I’m not fucking dead you asshole!”)
When Allura learns about human music, she falls in love with 2010s indie/pop rock. American Authors, The Score, X Ambassadors, that kind of thing. Her favorite song is Paint the Town Green by The Score. Once drafted into The Music War, she fights for Team Mainstream/Keith. On her most daring mission (replacing the intercom speakers in Shiro’s and Lance’s rooms with ones rigged to play a constant loop of Green Day’s Welcome to Paradise) she is captured and forced to listen to actually good music, Allura (Lance’s playlist) and it is here that the Foxboro Hottubs treachery is discovered. She manages to escape during the resulting argument.
Hunk does not particularly care about music, but he is drafted nonetheless. When he (very rarely) listens to music, it’s that singer-songwriter folk rock shit you get on the radio. Mumford & Sons, The Lumineers, The Strumbellas, that kind of thing. Naturally, he sides with Team Mainstream, causing a rift within the Garrison Trio. Lance insists that Hunk is dead to him, Shiro gives him his best Disappointed Dad Look™, and Pidge goes on a Hunk-food hunger strike for 2 days before they can’t stomach the food goo anymore. It is Hunk who manages to destroy the giant Altean super-stereo Team Punk/Lance hides in a closet behind their base of operations (empty castle bedroom #426). His favorite song (and only example of good taste) is Mr. Brightside by The Killers.
Coran is the only neutral party in The Music War, as he listens to Irish folk music (Shiro tries to get him into Flogging Molly, but tragically fails) and is neutral about everything else. He provides necessary relief supplies (earplugs and noise-cancelling headphones) to both sides, and calls cease-fires for missions. He single-handedly prevented The Second Music War.
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Russia's 2024 Presidential Election Day in Germany
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Unter den Linden on the eve of Russian-Berliners' election day. The Navalny memorial is at the left, the Ukraine war memorial at centre, and in the background the quadriga of Brandenburg Gate is silhouetted against the setting sun. Photo by me. All rights reserved.
Russia's presidential elections this weekend were full of no surprises. Vladimir Putin was designated President for another 6-year term, after years of whittling away any rivals for the role.
Freedom in the World Report - 2015: Retroactively for 2014, Russia was ranked 'Not Free' with 23 points. - 2023: Russia is still ranked 'Not Free,' with 13 points. The Freedom in the World Report is released annually by the Freedom House organization, which is based in the United States. The Russian member of parliament Sergei Markov disputed its findings around 15 years ago.
On the ground in Berlin, there were however a few surprises. Ballots were opened there on Sunday.
At around 9:45 a.m., voters had formed a line over 200 metres long, along a building belonging to the largely state-owned Russian airline Aeroflot, where it flanks the Glinkastraße.
The line then turned a corner and went on to a rear entrance of the Russian embassy. A few onlookers filmed the scene with their smartphones and a police van was posted at the Mauerstraße, but no journalists appeared to be there.
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Collapsible sign for the Russian elections in Berlin, set up in front of the Aeroflot building at Unter den Linden, just past the white and red fence where security checks were occurring. March 17, 2024. Photo by me. Public domain.
At the corner of Glinkastraße and Unter den Linden there was a gap in the security fence. There a tall security guard was scrutinizing documents, like the red passports of Russian citizens, held by people in the line. Then the voters were let through past the Aeroflot building to the formal landscaped yard.
Three lanes of traffic divide the embassy from the linden trees of the iconic Berlin street Unter den Linden.
Under the still leafless trees, both the Ukrainian war memorial as well as the bouquets, candles, signs and portraits in honour of Russia's dissident Alexei Navalny were quiet.
But the white-blue-white flag of Russia's anti-Ukraine-war movement had been draped around a tree trunk.
In the traffic lanes on the other side of the memorials, men were putting finishing touches on a sound stage.
Groups like the Russian Antiwar Committee and the #freenavalny campaign had organized a live event after 12 p.m.
Хватит войны лжи репрессий Путина
— 'Enough with Putin's war of lies and repression' (Google Translate). Banner for 12 p.m. event opposite the Russian Embassy in Berlin
At 11:56 a.m., the line of people waiting to vote had stretched further along the Behrenstraße behind Russia's embassy and turned a corner into the Wilhelmstraße. Police officers kept the intersections clear, but taking these into account the line was 800 m long.
On Unter den Linden, the protestors' programme had begun.
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In the gravel area, protestors, passersby, and many journalists were photographing a paper mâché bathtub in the colours of the Ukrainian flag. Red paint, symbolizing the bloodshed of Vladimir Putin's presidency, dripped over the bathtub's sides. Inside it, the figure of Putin scrubbed his toe with a brush.
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Flyers, Unter den Linden. March 17, 2024. Photo by me. Public domain unless the group that produced the flyers has intellectual property rights.
In front of the bathtub, a group had set up an open air voting experience that they titled "Taste the Russian 'democracy.'"
The ballots, voting booths, and the glass-sided ballot boxes that had a paper shredder fitted at the top, were all detailed parodies. The ballot boxes were even decorated with a formal eagle emblem.
Passersby laughed as they read and filled out the ballots, which were handed out at white tables.
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Parody of a Russian ballot box with shredded mock ballots, Unter den Linden, March 17, 2024. Photo by me. Public domain.
Then they watched as a mock election helper reduced their so-called votes to paper strips through the ballot boxes.
The #freenavalny campaign had also set up tables with posters and other papers.
Protestors and visitors at the scene carried protest signs or the white-blue-white antiwar flag.
One sign said, "Even if you have an election today, you still face a tribunal." Another sign suggested that Vladimir Putin should be in the Hague.
Putin is a killer Not a president He will not stop
— Protest sign, Unter den Linden, March 17, 2024
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Protest sign, March 17, 2024. Berlin. Photo by me. All rights reserved.
Defiantly, protestors set up an unofficial street sign with the name "Alexej-Nawalny-Straße."
As well as a petition that has gathered thousands of signatures, Russian protest groups in Berlin also organized a protest on March 6 asking local Berlin authorities to rename the Behrenstraße in honour of Navalny.
The scene on Unter den Linden was loud.
Speakers in Russian and German, from groups like the Free Russia Foundation, had begun to address the crowd from the stage in the northern lanes.
The Berlin city politician Ario Mirzaie, of the Green Party, also spoke. He began by telling the crowd that his parents, too, had come from a "dictatorship": Iran.
The crowd chanted slogans like, "Putin ist nicht legitim!" (Putin is not legitimate) in both languages.
Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who had been imprisoned for years and is now in exile in the UK, would appear later.
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Protestors at the stage for the 12 p.m. "Хватит войны лжи репрессий Путина" event opposite the Russian Embassy in Berlin. March 17, 2024. Photo by me. All rights reserved.
The Germany-based group Demokrati-Ja had also set up a wall of banners to draw attention to 'Putin's hostages' ("Putins Geiseln").
* Vladimir Kara-Murza, politician. Arrested in 2022 on charges of making treasonous statements about the invasion of Ukraine. *Aleksandra Skochilenko, artist. Imprisoned in 2023 on charges of 'disseminating false information' — protest material against the invasion of Ukraine. *Lilia Chanysheva, politician and associate of Alexei Navalny. Imprisoned in 2023 on charges of extremism. Olga Smirnova, architect and activist. Saurifa Sautijeva, museum staff and protestor. Viktor Shur, artist arrested in 2014 for insulting a police officer and later accused of working with Ukrainian intelligence services. Sarema Musayeva, mother of two activists. Irina Navalnaya, resident of Mariupol accused of terrorism. (Note: This reporter anglicized the German transliterations of some names above. There may be mistakes.)
On the streets south of the Russian embassy, the lines of voters were becoming longer and longer.
Since all the presidential candidates on the ballot were allies of Vladimir Putin, the Russian opposition had encouraged voters across Russia to show passive resistance by appearing at the polls at noon.
In Berlin, hundreds of voters did so.
Before 1 p.m., the line peaked at around 1.3 km, counting the intersections. The Glinkastraße up to Behrenstraße, the Behrenstraße up to the Wilhelmstraße, and the Wilhelmstraße up to the Voßstraße. The line reached up the Gertrud-Kolmar-Straße to the Hannah-Arendt-Straße, across the street from the Holocaust memorial.
On the Wilhelmstraße, in front of the restaurant Yakoolza, a young woman who was standing in line estimated she'd been waiting 45 minutes. At the corner of Wilhelmstraße/Voßstraße, another woman said 1 hour.
At the Hannah-Arendt-Straße, two men, who appeared to be Germans, stood at a street sign. They told the Berlin police officers who were guiding the voter line that they were not eligible to vote. But one of them held a handmade cardboard poster with the words "Stop Putin."
Another man who had been standing in line with the Ukrainian flag on a long pole, left shortly after this reporter had arrived.
A voter whom this reporter did not see was the widow of Alexei Navalny, Yulia.
She cast a ballot, then approached the press on her way out of the embassy to explain her write-in vote, for her late husband.
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Flowers at the improvised Navalny memorial. Unter den Linden. Photo by me. March 9, 2024. All rights reserved.
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lithugraph · 7 months
Will you even consider updating "we are not ourselves"? I know "the book smuggler" is your passion project, but I was just wondering.
Oh my dear, sweet anon. You’re making me cry 😭😭. I do have a smidgen written for chapter 7 (sneak peak under the cut). It’s proving to be a challenging chapter and I half considered trashing it all together and just jumping into the start of the war, but it also sets up a big plot point….which is probably why I’ve been ignoring it and focusing on other things 😢. That being said, I really do appreciate your message! I hate leaving things unfinished and it’s reminded me to show We Are Not Ourselves some love. I will try to make more time for it!
August 1936
The city buzzed with excitement, a fever pulsing in its veins.  Everywhere he looked, a sea of people, with banners and flags held aloft.  Black and white and red.  Ludwig felt his own heart lift, his gut churn.  
At once terrifying and inspiring to behold.
It was everywhere.  From street corners to magazines to newsreels.  Images of his countrymen saluting and waving flags.  Smiling.  Laughing.  United.
Now the world will see how great Germany is, his brother had said.  The Olympics had come to Berlin.
The city swelled in size as visitors poured in from all over the globe, spilling over from Charlottenburg into Berlin’s center as they clamored not only to see the athletes but also the museums, the Brandenburg Gate, Tiergarten park.  And Unter den Linden.
Public transportation was so crowded at times, Ludwig often found himself walking home from work — if only to spare a moment to change clothes before heading to the bar to help his brother.  
Day in and day out it went, for two straight weeks — Ludwig, laughing along side Gilbert as he pulled a tap.  Ludwig, smiling and greeting customers, caught up in the fervor that had overcome his homeland.  Ludwig, hearing the bold, brassy sounds of an American accent and looking up, wondering if Alfred had returned.
But when the celebrations finally ended and the doors closed, when the silence settled around them as Gilbert counted out the register, the magic spell broke, and Ludwig found himself back in the Berlin he had come to know.  The whore had removed her makeup.  Her unsavory truths, hidden from the world stage, were now on full display for her citizens.  Newspapers promoted the “Aryan ideal” following Germany’s victories in the Olympics as anti-Jewish signs, removed from display for the games, were put back up.  The receptionist at Herr Richter’s firm was fired because it was discovered she had a Jewish grandfather.  And the desk beside Ludwig’s was still empty.  
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Day 7 - 27. March 2020
Today was pretty okay. I slept in after yesterdays drama, had breakfast after walking the dog, did some uni stuff, went to the drug store to get some beauty stuff, had lunch, took a nap, played a computer game, painted some tin cans to be flower pots, had dinner, watched Chris Dos’s live stream, left the live stream, took a bath (self-care and all, you know?), found out Chris is still live (what, two hours later? more probably). He’s still playing while i write this. I am slightly worried about him, i think he forgot the time. Then i plan on reading something, walk the dog for the night and then go to sleep. But first i need to watch this live stream until it’s over eventually.
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weltenwellen · 3 years
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(1) A person reacts during a pro-Ukrainian demonstration near Downing Street, in London, February 24, 2022. REUTERS/Peter Cziborra
(2) A demonstrator holds a sign during an anti-war protest, after Russian President Vladimir Putin authorized a military operation in eastern Ukraine, in Berlin, Germany February 24. REUTERS/Michele Tantussi
(3) Olga Lietnieva, a Ukranian woman who is on a holiday in Norway, reacts after talking to her aunt residing in Ukraine, as she participates in a demonstration in front of the Russian Embassy following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, in Oslo, Norway, February 24. Courtesy: Heiko Junge/NTB
(4) A person is detained by police during an anti-war protest, in Moscow, Russia February 24. REUTERS/Evgenia Novozhenina
(5) A demonstrator displays a placard during a protest against Russia's attack on Ukraine, outside the Dutch parliament in The Hague, Netherlands, February 24. REUTERS/Piroschka van de Wouw
(6) A person reacts during an anti-war protest in Barcelona Spain February 24. REUTERS/Nacho Doce
(7) A demonstrator takes part in an anti-war protest in front of the Russian embassy in Paris, France, February 24.  REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes
(8) A woman cries as she has her face painted with the colors of Ukrainian's flag during an anti-war protest in front of the Russian embassy in Paris, France, February 24.  REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes
(9) Demonstrators hug each other during an anti-war protest at Brandenburg Gate, in Berlin, Germany February 24. REUTERS/Michele Tantussi
World protests Russian invasion of Ukraine
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une-reveuse · 3 years
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More than 100,000 people showed up at Berlin's Brandenburg Gate waving Ukrainian flags and anti-war banners to protest
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Anti-Communist Demo [1948]
East Berliners gather by the ruins of the Reichstag in an anti-Communist demonstration. Russian police opened fire on the demonstrators who tore the Russian flag from the top of the Brandenburg Gate.
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riseagainstmemes · 7 years
so I finally figured out what it was that the intro of “Politics of Love” reminded me of - it’s the same drum intro as Brandenburg Gate!  I put them on top of each other to show it
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mishastoesies · 4 years
hi! :)
you got Brandenburg Gate by Anti-Flag!
I couldn't see her from the other side/They said “son, there’s no glory in your pride."
send me a ‘hi’ and i’ll give you a song lyric!
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paris-in-flames · 4 years
I put Anti-Flag in my playlist with songs to get into this summer and I have now established that Brandenburg Gate is an absolute bop!
Hell yeah it is, but if you listen to it enough times it can and will get stuck into your head for the rest of time (or like...a few months).
Funny enough, i only got into Anti-flag around last winter, but it’s my second most listened-to band besides mcr! I just love their music a lot
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Anti-Flag - Brandenburg Gate (with Tim Armstrong)
I lost my baby to a foreign war, she was cut down in the gunfire of the western world she was livin' in sin, I was livin' in a lie she was caught up in the glimmer of a rich mans eye I couldn't see her from the other side they said "son, there is no glory in your pride." I will wait at the Brandenburg Gate, at the Brandenburg Gate, I'll wait
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