#Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery
srablog · 4 months
Drug Discovery and Development Services | Pre Clinical DMPK Services | Aryastha
Explore Aryastha's robust Drug Discovery and Development Services. Our adept team specializes in advanced Pre Clinical DMPK Services, ensuring a smooth progression from drug conception to development.
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blogsibd · 5 months
Innovating HealthCare Solutions: Aryastha Life Sciences Pioneers Drug Discovery and Development
Aryastha Life Sciences, headquartered in Hyderabad's renowned Genome Valley, is at the forefront of revolutionizing the pharmaceutical industry. Specializing in drug discovery and development services, Aryastha offers a comprehensive suite of solutions aimed at addressing critical healthcare challenges.
With a focus on medicinal chemistry and drug discovery, Aryastha leverages cutting-edge technologies and interdisciplinary approaches to identify novel therapeutic targets and develop innovative drug candidates. The organization's robust Discovery Chemistry and Discovery Biology services enable the rapid optimization of lead compounds, paving the way for the development of new drugs to combat various diseases.
Aryastha's commitment to advancing cancer research is evident through its Oncology Services, which encompass target identification, lead optimization, and preclinical evaluation of anti-cancer agents. Through strategic collaborations and pioneering research initiatives, Aryastha aims to bring promising oncology therapies to market, providing hope to patients worldwide.
Moreover, Aryastha's Immunology Services play a crucial role in the development of immunotherapies and biologics for the treatment of autoimmune disorders and infectious diseases. The organization's expertise in immunology, coupled with state-of-the-art facilities, enables the rapid assessment of drug candidates' efficacy and safety profiles.
In addition to its discovery-focused services, Aryastha offers Pre-Clinical DMPK (Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics) and Development Services, facilitating the transition of drug candidates from preclinical studies to clinical trials. Through rigorous testing and optimization, Aryastha ensures that its clients' drug candidates meet regulatory standards and exhibit optimal pharmacokinetic properties.
Aryastha Life Sciences is dedicated to driving innovation in drug discovery and development, with a vision to improve global healthcare outcomes. By combining scientific expertise, technological innovation, and a commitment to excellence, Aryastha continues to redefine the boundaries of pharmaceutical research and development, ultimately benefiting patients worldwide.
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stuckinapril · 1 year
Okay first' of all
Congratulations ❤️❤️❤️
Yayyy proud of you🙈🫂💕
And a quick question
Did you do a bachelor's from biochem?
Thank you!! Yes, my bachelor’s is in biochemistry :) I was between chemistry & biochemistry, but in the end the integration of the two disciplines was more interesting. I’m definitely a chemistry whore first and a biology whore second tho. But I LOVED biochem (w an emphasis on organic chemistry). And the classes I took were interesting as fuck
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nuadox · 10 months
Scientists are harnessing the ‘superpower’ of flowers to pave the way for new drug treatments
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- By Nuadox Crew -
Scientists at the University of Bath devised a new method inspired by nature to create pharmaceutical treatments more efficiently.
Traditionally, drugs target disease-related proteins, but small molecules struggle with this interaction. Peptides, though promising, face challenges due to their structural instability and difficulty entering cells.
The researchers developed a technique leveraging an enzyme from the Oldenlandia affinis flower to create cyclic proteins and peptides in bacterial cultures. This process mimics what plants naturally do but in a faster, more efficient, and eco-friendly manner. By joining loose ends, they created more stable structures resistant to heat and capable of easier cell penetration. They demonstrated its effectiveness with a protein called DHFR, enhancing its stability without compromising function.
The team envisions applications beyond pharmaceuticals in industries like food, detergents, biotechnology, and bioenergy.
Source: University of Bath
Full study:
Intracellular Application of an Asparaginyl Endopeptidase for Producing Recombinant Head-to-Tail Cyclic Proteins T. M. Simon Tang and Jody M. Mason JACS Au Article ASAP DOI: 10.1021/jacsau.3c00591
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Chemists efficiently synthesize natural anti-cancer compound cepafungin I
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cdmoservices · 2 years
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mindblowingscience · 5 months
In a new study published in Nature Chemistry, UNC-Chapel Hill researcher Ronit Freeman and her colleagues describe the steps they took to manipulate DNA and proteins—essential building blocks of life—to create cells that look and act like cells from the body. This accomplishment, a first in the field, has implications for efforts in regenerative medicine, drug delivery systems, and diagnostic tools. "With this discovery, we can think of engineering fabrics or tissues that can be sensitive to changes in their environment and behave in dynamic ways," says Freeman, whose lab is in the Applied Physical Sciences Department of the UNC College of Arts and Sciences.
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
The original "medicine men" in history were actually women. Briffault writes on this subject, "The connection of women with the cultivation of the soil and the search for edible vegetables and roots made them specialists in botanical knowledge, which, among primitive peoples, is extraordinarily extensive. They became acquainted with the properties of herbs, and were thus the first doctors." He adds:
The word "medicine" is derived from a root meaning "knowledge" or "wisdom" - the wisdom of the 'wise woman." The name of Medea, the medical herbalist witch, comes from the same root.... "The secret of the witch," said an Ogowe native, "is knowing the plants that produce certain effects, and knowing how to compound and use the plants in order to bring about the desired result; and this is the sum and essence of witchcraft." In the Congo it is noted that woman doctors specialise in the use of drugs and herbal pharmacy. In Ashanti the medicine women are "generally preferred for medical aid, as they possess a thorough knowledge of barks and herbs." In East Africa "there are as many women physicians as men." (The Mothers, vol. I, p. 486)
Dan McKenzie, in The Infancy of Medicine (1927), lists hundreds of ancient remedies, some of which are still in use without alteration, while others have been only slightly improved upon. Among these are substances used for their narcotic properties. A fleeting review indicates the astounding scope of these medicinal products. Useful properties were developed from acacia, alcohol, almond, asafetida, balsam, betel, caffeine, camphor, caraway, chaulmoogra oil (a leprosy remedy), digitalis, gum barley water, lavender, linseed, parsley, pepper, pine tar, pomegranate, poppy, rhubarb, senega, sugar, turpentine, wormwood, and hundreds more. These came from regions all over the globe-South America, North America, Africa, China, Europe, Egypt, etc. Not only vegetable but animal substances were made into remedies; snake venom, for example, was converted into a serum to be used for snake bites, the equivalent of today's antivenin.
According to Marston Bates, very little had been added to this remarkable ancient collection of medicine, until the discoveries of sulfa and antibiotics. "How primitive man discovered the ways of extracting, preparing and using all of these drugs, poisons and foods, remains one of the great mysteries of human prehistory," he writes (The Forest and the Sea, p. 126). But it is not so mysterious when we look in the direction of the female sex and become acquainted with the hard work, vast experience, and nimble wits of primitive womankind, preoccupied with every aspect of group survival.
Not only medicine but the rudiments of various other sciences grew up side by side with the craft and know-how of women. Childe points out that to convert flour into bread requires a knowledge of biochemistry and the use of the yeast microorganism. This substance also led to the production of fermented liquors and beer. Childe also gives credit to women for "the chemistry of potmaking, the physics of spinning, the mechanies of the loom, and the botany of flax and cotton" (What Happened in History, p. 59).
-Evelyn Reed, Woman’s Evolution: From Matriarchal Clan to Patriarchal Family
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Researchers create new chemical compound to solve 120-year-old problem
For the first time, chemists in the University of Minnesota Twin Cities College of Science and Engineering have created a highly reactive chemical compound that has eluded scientists for more than 120 years. The discovery could lead to new drug treatments, safer agricultural products, and better electronics. The study is published in Science. For decades, researchers have been investigating molecules called N-heteroarenes, which are ring-shaped chemical compounds that contain one or more nitrogen atoms. Bio-active molecules having a N-heteroarene core are widely used for numerous medicinal applications, lifesaving pharmaceuticals, pesticides and herbicides, and even electronics. "While the average person does not think about heterocycles on a daily basis, these unique nitrogen-containing molecules are widely applied across all facets of human life," said Courtney Roberts, the senior author of the study and a University of Minnesota Department of Chemistry assistant professor who holds the 3M Alumni Professorship.
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femaria · 2 months
Women are smarter than men are.
Firstly, what does "smart" mean? Is this development in different areas or in one? Women are often called stupid because they don't understand the "prestigious" and "masculine" topics. At the same time, women are always developed in different areas. Women are forced to develop not only in the topics they teach at school, but also in everyday things. Most men don't know how to wash floors, cook food, or do laundry. Most women are also beginning to be interested in the topic of health and medicines, because they want to select good drugs for their loved ones, to select a healthy diet for them. Women study chemistry to choose cosmetics with a good composition. Women spend hours learning all about beauty practices. They want to find the cheapest and safest of them. At the same time, men can't even remember the difference between cream and lipstick. Women have to follow the fashion and rules of applying cosmetics, because otherwise they can be bullied. Women need to delve into children's cartoons and games in order to communicate with the child. Men may not remember their child's age and allergies.
Surely, this is not smart, because this is an ordinary female "duty"! Well, even with all this duties, women manage to find hobbies and engage in professional activities. Women become scientists and make discoveries. Once women got to science and IT, progress became faster. I'm sure you've noticed that IT is developing very fast now. Let me remind you, it was a purely female area. Women made many important discoveries. If women had always had opportunities, we would have made more progress long ago.
Moreover, even in the professional field, it's harder for women. A woman has to work more because additional responsibilities are imposed on her, and she cannot deny. In addition, women have to work more, because the requirements for women are higher.
In addition, women are brought up to be critical of themselves. Impostor syndrome is unusual for men, but it's the norm for women.
Because women are picked on much more, Because they receive more negative attention, because in order to earn as much as a man, she needs to work more, on average, women are smarter than men are. Women have no choice. Women can't be stupid. Even if a woman is a housewife, she need to have a lot of knowledge. But most men are so stupid and poor that they can't have a housewives. So women started working.
Because men are often praised even for small achievements, because they are criticized less, because it's easier for them to get a good position, even if a man had potential, he becomes arrogant and doesn't move on. Due to high self-esteem, a man deprives himself of the opportunity to become smarter. Even with a lot of privileges, most men still don’t achieve much.
By elevating themselves and putting women down, men only shot themselves in the leg. Now they are afraid of women. They are afraid of losing their positions. They are forced to hire women instead of men because women are much smarter. One day they will have to start electing women as presidents, because otherwise humanity will disappear completely. Because the other candidates will be so stupid, that it will be impossible to choose them even out of male solidarity. At least all women will definitely choose the smarter candidate, even if they haven't yet come to feminism.
As long as patriarchy exists, men will always be dumber than women will. They have all the conditions to degrade completely. The more they criticize, humiliate and bully women, the smarter women will become. One day ALL women will become so smart that men will no longer be able to deceive them. Many women have woken up already; they do not believe what the patriarchy says.
Patriarchy is a flawed system that will collapse if humanity does not disappear first due to the stupidity of men. Only women can save themselves from death due to a stupid government and their stupid wars. If women manage to take away power, we have a chance.
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I came across her name while skimming through my pharmaceutical chemistry notes and ended up spending the next hour reading about her: she's Tu Youyou, a pharmaceutical chemist who won the Nobel Prize for medecine in 2015 for discovering of artemisin, an effective antimalarial drug.
Interesting facts about her:
She's the first Chinese Nobel Prize winner who studied and conducted her research without ever leaving China.
Her father picked her name while he was eating a dish based on the same plant she would later study and extract artemisin from (what a coincidence!)
She traveled across China and met many experts of Chinese medical science throughout her research. She considers her discovery "a gift to the world from traditional Chinese medicine".
She volunteered to be the first human to test the effects of artemisin.
Her research began to treat soldiers during the Vietnamese war.
I've procrastinated my studies, but I'm glad I found out about this amazing women ❤️
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dailycharacteroption · 9 months
Herbalist (Alchemist Archetype)
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(art by TamberElla on DeviantArt)
The thing about alchemy and chemistry in general is that many aspects of it were born in an herbalist’s garden. Many plants produce all sorts of biochemicals that serve a purpose for the plant itself, but also have curious effects when ingested. This is where the first medicines came from, literally feeding the ill pretty much any local plant and seeing if something worked. Essentially, every single medicinal drug in existence is merely a poison that is carefully applied to maximize the beneficial effects while minimalizing the bad.
Applying it to the quasi-magical power of alchemy in 1st edition Pathfinder, and we can see how herbalists would be a sort of cousin to the traditional alchemist, focused on growing and caring for their ingredient supply, rather than turning to animal byproducts and rarified compounds from the earth.
Now, we’ve covered plenty of plant-themed alchemists before, but what sets the herbalist archetype apart is their focus on leshies!
Leshies in pathfinder are nature spirits given form and greater awareness through specially cultivated plant bodies grown by druids or powerful intelligent plant creatures such as treants/arboreals and the Green Men, and the interaction between these specially grown bodies and the animating essence seems right up the alley of an archetype dedicated to similarly utilizing horticulture to perform wonders of science and medicine.
With their desire to understand their own existence, many horticulturalists might be vine leshies or other fully independent leshies (such as the options converted from P2E by yours truly), but though the flavor text suggests that they are the only ones taking this archetype, I feel that anyone with such an interest in leshies and their magical existence might seek a similar path, utilizing their discoveries even if they cannot truly create leshies on their own.
Naturally, these herbalists know how to supplement and replace alchemical skill with knowledge of herbalism. What’s more, while traditional alchemists work based on intellect and knowledge, these practitioners instead utilize wisdom and practical understanding.
Additionally, whether they are leshies or not, their studies of the primal powers have granted them the ability to access druidic magics, though they must follow the same rules that extracts normally do, requiring them to make sense as a drinkable potion or elixir.
Finally, these horticulturalists learn how to create alchemically-infused seedpods rather than bombs as a ranged weapon. These pods crack open violently on impact to harm foes, though without splash damage. However, as they gain mastery, they can use them to replicate the nasty side effects of the various plant projectiles of actual leshies, from the deafening snap of a leaf leshy, to the blinding effects of fungus leshy spores, to the entangling vines of gourd leshies, the sickening spittle of flytrap leshies, or the blinding brackish seawater of seaweed leshies.
If you’re interested in an alchemist with access to certain buff and attack spells normally only seen with druids, as well as an alternative to bombs with free debilitation effects, this archetype might be right for you. Consider also, however, that this archetype is also meant to work with the gathering and preparing of herbs subsystem from Ultimate Wilderness, so keep that in mind if this does appeal to you.
For a vine leshy or other sapient leshies or other plantfolk, I imagine that pursuing this path is very much one of self-discovery, which can be fun to roleplay. Other ancestries might view things differently, perhaps trying to understand with analysis and experimentation what primal casters understand intuitively.
Assumed to be a witch by nearby villagers, Old Mira is a hermit living on the edge of Sunshadow Woods. While it is true that she does brew many a potion, she is in fact an herbalist that finds companionship in the leshies of the dark forest rather than among her own kind. For the right price, however, she can sell all sorts of remedies and carefully prepared herbs as well, and is always interested in rare plants she can attempt to breed in her greenhouse garden.
Arbus of the Reef is in a bind. His seaweed leshy companion has been kidnapped by grindylows, and he can’t leave a new growing leshy body unattended to rescue her. If the party agrees and succeeds in doing so, he’ll happily teach them some secrets he’s uncovered in how to grow leshies without truly being part of nature.
A horror of shadow has come to the fields of Aldnoon, a termagant velstrac seeking to turn the population of these farmland into her doomed adoptive brood. Opposing her is Old Candle, a gourd leshy herbalist. They hope to cure those affected by the fiend’s poisonous flux, but they’ll need help to face such a monstrous horror of a mother.
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cbirt · 2 years
Scientists Harnessed the Power of Machine Learning to Decode the World of Small Molecules
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Scientists from Aalto University and the University of Luxembourg have developed a machine-learning model that can accurately identify small molecules. The model has the potential to be used in various fields, including medicine, drug discovery, and environmental chemistry. The model was trained using data from numerous laboratories and is now considered one of the most reliable tools for identifying small molecules.
There are thousands of different small molecules called metabolites in the human body, which play crucial roles in transporting energy and transmitting cellular information. These molecules, which are found in all cells and tissues, are difficult to distinguish from one another in a blood sample analysis due to their small size. However, identifying these molecules is important for understanding how factors such as exercise, nutrition, alcohol consumption, and metabolic disorders can impact overall health and well-being.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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15th April 1710 saw the birth of William Cullen, physician, chemist and metallurgist in Hamilton.
William Cullen was renowned in Glasgow and Edinburgh as a physician and professor of medicine. His beliefs that life was a function of nervous energy and that muscle was an extension of nerve were fundamental to his teachings.  
He was a distinguished man who has been described as the ‘Father of the Scottish Enlightenment’, now that’s a big “title” to be given. 
For a time he had a  practice in Hamilton that grew rapidly among the local people and  had the care of the Duke of Hamilton and his family and the estate workers. We can today get a glimpse of the nature of his practice, as there is in the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh library a ledger in which he recorded the drugs used for his various patients. The Duke spent more money on drugs for his horses and dogs than for his wife and children! 
He was appointed to the Chair of Medicine at the University of Glasgow in 1751 and  gave lectures for the University, on physiology, botany, medicine, and chemistry he was also joint Professor of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh in 1756. With an unrivalled reputation as a lecturer, Cullen also gave classes in clinical medicine at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.
Perhaps often overlooked it was Cullen who first recorded instance of artificial refrigeration  in the mid-18th century. He demonstrated his discovery at Glasgow University in 1748, although no proposal was made to commercialise the technique at the time. Cullen achieved the effect of refrigeration by boiling ethyl ether in a partial vacuum.
Cullen’s influence extended far beyond Edinburgh. His students were instrumental in the establishment of institutions such as the medical school in Philadelphia as well as holding various medical posts across the British Empire. Cullen was among the literati of the Edinburgh Enlightenment.
One source says his role in 18th century medicine was “monumental and intellectually, he was a giant among giants.”
William Cullen died on 5th February 1790 aged 79  and is buried  in Kirknewton cemetery the inscription above the entrance to the enclosure notes that it was erected in 1864 as a memorial to William by the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, it goes on to end with (he was)  “ an eminent judge, elegant scholar, and accomplished gentleman.”
Want to know more? Check the web page here https://www.jameslindlibrary.org/articles/william-cullen-1710-1790/
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datastate · 10 months
Could we hear more about Kai's mom pretty please? 👀🤲
ahhh!! thank you sm for your interest (& patience :'D) ... i'm afraid this leans more into both qingyue & gashu, but...!! i hope it suffices <3
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Qingyuè (清越) Satou was a very ambitious surgical researcher, particularly focused on respiratory health! (Gashu, by contrast, has always strived to do laboratory research with emphasis on medicine—though I'll refrain from talking about him just yet...)
Though she was born in China, her parents moved to the Chinese Mainland specifically to find better education/opportunities for her when she was young and first began school. She eventually graduated with high marks and immediately sought out work alongside university courses up until she was given chances to practical clinical work, all of which kept her away from visits to her extended family...
...and, as cold as it sounds, she preferred this feeling of freedom. While she did genuinely care for her family, she has always been curious about the world and wanted to explore it on her own rather than feel tied down to tradition. Beyond her own family, she wanted to learn more about its people, the people she wanted to help. Qingyuè is fond of people who are open about how they see the world, which usually draws her to childrens' uniformed views as well as elders who've already experienced most of it. She very much believed in listening to one's elders - not exactly heeding them, depending on the situation, but understanding the value of their perspectives.
This is out of respect, of course, but also because of her personal view on 'talent'—namely, experience outranks innate talent.
Despite most often commenting on her 'being a natural' at mathematics & chemistry, she wouldn't accept this praise until years into her education when she felt she at last earned it. Especially with her mixed heritage, Wa-Chinese, she often placed pressure on herself to represent something worthwhile... something that she, personally, could be proud of. If she wasn't satisfied with where she was, she couldn't stand for anything. All it took was someone else that they believed was 'just as gifted' and she would be dismissed; she had to prove she was more than that.
In any case... her work in the field was quickly recognized, as was Gashu's in Japan. Some time after he was well-established, he had taken a mourning period; the one thing that reinitialized his work was an overseas request for collaboration on an anti-viral drug that was based upon some of Gashu's discovery. He was invested in it, and found the other scientists easy to work with... but particularly Qingyuè caught his interest with how easily she built upon what ideas he would propose. She was intelligent, thoughtful, and became one of the untold reasons he stayed in China as long as he did.
Truthfully, Gashu already pushed his contract by staying in China for a little over a year. Due to sentiments she'd expressed before, however, he risked asking her if she'd be willing to return to Japan with him. It didn't need to be permanent, but he felt his own [forensics work, at the time] would heavily benefit with her advice. Qingyuè accepts his offer and spends the next few months refreshing herself on Japanese (beyond conversational basics) so they can leave by the year and a half point; meaning Gashu has been inactive in his field for about two years before he returns.
A few years after this, with them building a closer friendship & Qingyuè's occasional messages to her family (she's better with casual technology than most were at this point lol), Gashu's work again caught Asunaro's eye and he was invited to work under their management. It was only with his encouragement that Qingyuè also applied there, and was accepted (albeit on the 'outer circle'—never privy to what they'd eventually disclose to Gashu; though she met the qualifications, only her work in Japan was worth noting, to them).
In reality, this is the point where their relationship somewhat begins to fracture, though it's also where they both cling to it more than they once did. While not unusual to keep information confidential, Gashu's told to keep all advancements Asunaro presents concealed from Qingyuè. And she's not oblivious to it in the least...! However... neither have reason at this point to suspect that Gashu's being slowly indoctrinated into something worse, more dangerous, so she's the one who suggest they go on more outings to reconnect with each other. She's felt distant from him, and how terrible is that? They both need a break from how intense Asunaro can be (Gashu agrees all too sincerely...)
[They've been 'unofficially' dating for a while at this point, which makes it easier to lead into engagement -> having Kai -> marriage...]
Things were steadily improving, other than the fact they couldn't see each other as much at work/how stressful that subject had become. Still, Gashu earned a good reputation among Asunaro's elite and it initiated Hiyori's wondering if Gashu would be best with further clearance.
However... before anything could be laid out concretely, Gashu found one of the first obstructors [meant for assassination training] and ended up confronting one of his superiors on it—but rather than being faced with threat for his curiosity, Mrs. Hiyori takes advantage of it to praise him for his calm reaction. Clever, straightforward, vital for future research... Gashu's forced further into the organization's depths, and with his loyalty proven, he's ordered to stay for increasingly longer times.
So Qingyuè is entirely restless. Many of her corresponding messages with her family have petered out; Gashu's away for longer times and she's not allowed to see him to even say goodbye before her shifts end; and she's very, very alone. Without putting Gashu at risk, she dares to pry into the organization that had conveniently picked them up despite not being especially significant before Gashu left for China. Where had they come from? What were they developing? Who exactly stands on top, and who funds them...?
& Asunaro notices. This is a problem.
Now, I don't especially enjoy talking about racial prejudice, but it is worth noting that there is tension between Japanese yakuza and Chinese groups, which most definitely played a factor in why they were so wary of Qingyuè and led to her being killed (rather than apprehended any other way). Gashu was the first to warn her, and his fear was contagious, but all the more reason for her to push to help get him out of this—but soon after, an Asunaro associate had been next to warn her, and it was this agent that truly confirmed just how much of this organization was a front. Qingyuè seemingly accepts defeat and resigns of her own volition, untethering herself from what they've done and hopefully disallowing them from keeping further tabs on her.
However, Asunaro has no guarantee that Gashu hasn't divulged anything to her that initiated this in the first place, even if it was unintentional on his part to inspire paranoia. Paranoia that they cannot allow to spread to authorities (for inconvenience's sake), but certainly not other organizations. If word of mouth spreads further than it has, there is only so much damage control they can do. They must snip this in the bud immediately.
Hence... she's killed before she can come clean on what Asunaro is complicit in. Mrs. Hiyori has too much attention on her to do it, but it hardly matters once her hit's been sent out. It's a fight, but Asunaro's well-versed in erasing the inconvenient.
It's framed as an accident with the obstructors she sought out. Gashu already knew Qingyuè was breaching Asunaro's rules, but didn't fully register the danger of what he was working on up until this point. He has little room to voice any suspicions that it was staged without risking himself, and certainly not when Mrs. Hiyori approaches him to ask if they should send away his child as well, seeing as family is such an impediment... she understands his hesitance, but, well... who knows what he could become?
(The unspoken irony in this is that Kai does end up mirroring his mother in many ways. Qingyuè's curiosity for the world and adamant desire to protect/act upon what she deems 'right' (even if, especially in Kai's case, it isn't necessarily 'good') and so on...)
In any case... Asunaro eventually lets go of all pretense they're solely a medical facility. Kai is raised to test the obstructors and, inevitably, it is made clear they're raising him to be an assassin. Useful to the organization, and as Gashu hopes, indispensable.
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girlactionfigure · 2 years
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“I had no specific bent toward science until my grandfather died of stomach cancer. I decided that nobody should suffer that much.”
For Gertrude Elion, the passing of her grandfather marked the beginning of an interest in medical research. Then in her early twenties another experience solidified the path.
“I had fallen in love with a young man…and we were planning to get married. And then he died of subacute bacterial endocarditis…Two years later with the advent of penicillin, he would have been saved. It reinforced in my mind the importance of scientific discovery.”
But getting into research wasn’t easy for Gertrude.
“I hadn’t been aware that there were doors closed to me until I started knocking on them. I went to an all-girls school. There were 75 chemistry majors in that class, but most were going to teach it…When I got out and they didn’t want women in the laboratory, it was a shock…It was the Depression and nobody was getting jobs. But I had taken that to mean nobody was getting jobs…[when I heard] ‘You’re qualified. But we’ve never had a woman in the laboratory before, and we think you’d be a distracting influence,’ I almost fell apart.”
But she found her way in and dedicated her life to finding cures. She helped develop drugs that were used to treat a number of illnesses, including leukemia, malaria, and organ transplant rejection. And in 1988, she shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
Looking back, she said, “people ask me often [whether] the Nobel Prize [was] the thing you were aiming for all your life, and I say that would be crazy. Nobody would aim for a Nobel Prize because, if you didn’t get it, your whole life would be wasted. What we were aiming at was getting people well, and the satisfaction of that is much greater than any prize you can get.”
Historical Snapshots
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tmr-blogs2 · 4 days
Recombinant Chemicals Market Overview: Expanding at a 7.8% CAGR by 2034
Recombinant chemicals are produced using recombinant DNA technology, where organisms like bacteria, yeast, or mammalian cells are genetically engineered to produce specific chemicals. These products are widely used in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, agriculture, and environmental services, offering improved efficiency, sustainability, and customization over traditional chemical production methods.
The demand for recombinant chemicals has surged due to their ability to create high-purity products with lower environmental impact. These chemicals are critical in drug development, diagnostic testing, and agricultural biotechnology, among other applications. With the growing focus on environmental sustainability and the development of personalized medicine, the recombinant chemicals market is expected to experience significant growth during the forecast period.
Market Size and Growth
The global recombinant chemicals industry, valued at US$ 2.9 billion in 2023, is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.8% from 2024 to 2034, reaching US$ 6.7 billion by the end of 2034.This growth is driven by increasing demand for biotechnological advancements, the rise of green chemistry, and expanding applications in sectors such as healthcare, food production, and industrial biotechnology.
For More Details, Request for a Sample of this Research Report: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/recombinant-chemicals-market.html
Market Segmentation
The recombinant chemicals market is segmented based on various factors such as service type, sourcing type, application, industry vertical, and region.
By Service Type:
Production Services: Encompassing custom chemical production and contract manufacturing.
Research and Development Services: Services aimed at developing novel recombinant chemicals for different industries.
By Sourcing Type:
In-house Production: Recombinant chemicals produced within organizations using proprietary techniques.
Outsourced Production: Companies outsourcing production to contract manufacturers or third-party labs.
By Application:
Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology: Used in drug development, therapeutic proteins, and vaccines.
Agriculture: For genetically modified crops and biopesticides.
Food and Beverages: Enzymes for food processing.
Industrial Biotechnology: Chemicals for bio-based production of industrial products.
By Industry Vertical:
Environmental Biotechnology
Food and Beverages
Industrial Manufacturing
By Region:
North America
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Regional Analysis
North America: Dominates the recombinant chemicals market due to the presence of leading biotechnology firms and advanced healthcare infrastructure. The U.S. and Canada are key markets, driven by significant investments in research and development (R&D) and a robust regulatory framework that encourages innovation.
Europe: Europe ranks second, with Germany, the UK, and France leading the region. Strong government support for biotechnology research and a growing emphasis on sustainable chemical production are key growth drivers.
Asia-Pacific: The fastest-growing region due to expanding pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries in countries like China, India, and Japan. The region benefits from cost-effective production, large talent pools, and increasing adoption of advanced biotechnology in agriculture and healthcare.
Latin America and the Middle East & Africa: These regions are expected to witness moderate growth due to increasing investments in biotechnology infrastructure and growing demand for bio-based products.
Market Drivers and Challenges
Market Drivers:
Growing Demand for Biopharmaceuticals: Recombinant chemicals are widely used in drug discovery and production, with increasing demand for therapeutic proteins, vaccines, and personalized medicines driving market growth.
Environmental Sustainability: Recombinant chemicals offer a more sustainable alternative to traditional chemical synthesis, reducing the environmental impact and waste associated with chemical production.
Technological Advancements: Innovations in genetic engineering and bioprocessing technologies are making recombinant chemical production more efficient and scalable.
High Production Costs: The production of recombinant chemicals involves complex processes and advanced technologies, which can drive up costs, limiting the market's accessibility, particularly in developing economies.
Regulatory Hurdles: Strict regulatory frameworks for genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and recombinant chemicals can slow market growth, especially in countries with stringent regulations.
Market Trends
Rise of Green Chemistry: Increasing focus on sustainable and eco-friendly solutions is pushing the recombinant chemicals market toward green chemistry, where biotechnology is used to develop bio-based and biodegradable chemicals.
Advancements in Genetic Engineering: Continuous improvements in gene editing tools like CRISPR are enabling more precise and efficient production of recombinant chemicals, leading to higher-quality products and expanded applications.
Integration with Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI-driven drug discovery and process optimization are increasingly being integrated into recombinant chemical production, improving efficiency and reducing time-to-market for new products.
Future Outlook
The recombinant chemicals market is set for transformative growth over the next decade. Increasing investment in biotechnology, growing awareness of environmental sustainability, and expanding applications across various industries will drive the market forward. However, addressing challenges such as production costs and regulatory complexities will be essential for maintaining sustainable growth.
The pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors will remain major growth contributors, especially with the ongoing development of biopharmaceuticals and personalized medicine. The agriculture sector is also expected to witness significant advancements as genetically modified crops and bio-based fertilizers become more prevalent.
Key Market Study Points
Assessing the impact of technological advancements in genetic engineering on recombinant chemical production.
Evaluating the role of government policies and funding in supporting market growth.
Analyzing the competitive landscape, including key market players and their strategic initiatives.
Understanding consumer demand for sustainable and eco-friendly chemicals across industries.
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Competitive Landscape
Key players in the recombinant chemicals market include Merck KGaA, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Lonza Group, GenScript Biotech, and Agilent Technologies. These companies are investing heavily in R&D to expand their product portfolios and improve production efficiencies. Strategic partnerships, acquisitions, and collaborations with biotech firms are common strategies to strengthen market positioning.
Recent Developments
July 2024: Merck KGaA announced a partnership with a leading biotech firm to develop next-generation recombinant enzymes for industrial applications.
August 2024: Thermo Fisher Scientific expanded its recombinant protein production facilities in Asia-Pacific to cater to the growing demand in the region.
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