dd122004dd · 1 year
Without you, There is no me
After the battle with Imhotep the Medjai return home to their beloveds. Even Ardeth has someone waiting for him.
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: Hello! This was a requested fic. Unfortunately my tumblr acted up and ate up the request and I can’t exactly recall who sent it, so if you’re the person who told me they loved the way I wrote Ardeth Bay and that they wanted a fluffy romantic fic with a fem reader, please do dm me and I’ll tag you in this fic. Also, thank you for your lovely request, I tried to encapsulate the feelings I felt while reading your request and apologies in advance if this is a little shorter than usual.
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The sun slowly melted into the golden dunes of the desert as the sky was bathed in a heady mix of crimson, tangerine and mahogany. The hot desert air slowly cooling as the glowing rays faded, descending further into the horizon. Darkness descended over the camp as the stars arose, twinkling gently alongside the moon.
The plagues upon the land had disappeared, the Medjai officials in the government working swiftly to cover up its mystical origins, yet the only word the Medjai camp had received was that the warriors were coming home and that Imhotep had been imprisoned once more.
A woman paced within her tent, constantly glancing at the entrance before returning to pacing. Eventually she tired, laying against her soft mattress and watching the entrance with rapt eyes. Breathing slowly, she rubbed her hands against her swelling stomach, impatience thrumming through her veins. As the sky changed shades and the moon illuminated her doorway her breathing slowed and her body relaxed, her bodily aches momentarily forgotten as her mind escaped into the chasm of dreams where she dreamt of warm arms and ebony irises.
She was slowly drawn from her slumber by feathery kisses upon her cheeks. Groggily opening her eyes she saw the face of the man she adored. His lips drawn into a smile as he gazed at her.
“Hello sweet wife,” he whispered with a husky voice.
“Ardeth?” She whispered full of disbelief.
“I’m here,” he said, smiling at his wife.
Overjoyed at his presence she pulled him to her arms, her grip around him tightening and unwilling to let go.
“I thought you’d- I thought-“ she stuttered out, sniffling as her mind brought forward her worst fears.
Rubbing her back he soothed her, “Shhh, it’s okay. I’m back and no one, not even an ancient mummy or Anubis himself could keep me away from you.”
Pulling away from her, he gazed into her eyes, vowing, “You, my sweet wife, are my very life. The air within my lungs and the sand beneath my feet. Without you, there is no me and I will never let you or our little one go.” Saying this he bent towards her stomach before placing soft kisses along her skin, feeling the little flutters of their baby’s movement along his hand he whispered, “I’m here, little one. I won’t leave you.”
Slowly moving away he cradled his wife against his body as he told her the tales of his recent death-defying adventure and as the stars looked down at the lovely couple, the desert breathed peace.
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theaskywalker · 5 months
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Imagine reuniting with Ardeth after 9 years of being apart
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seamusquigley · 6 months
Imhotep is not the villain of The Mummy (1999)
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I have decided Imhotep isn't really the villain of The Mummy (1999).
He and Anck-su-namun fall in love. She's clearly as into it as he is. But the Pharaoh decides she is his woman. To hell with what she wants.
Faced with death for the crime of believing she has the right to choose her lover, they strike first. The only good aristocrat is a dead aristocrat, so it's hard to hate them for that.
Yes, he attempts to bring her back from the dead, but there's no real indication that this is in any way some great and terrible threat to the world. We're just supposed to have a knee-jerk "necromancy bad" reaction.
For this he is condemned to an eternity of torment. And the Pharaoh's bodyguard turns into a hereditary order determined to ensure that his decision to deny a woman's autonomy outlives him by millennia.
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And sure, ok. When released Imhotep goes on a rampage. 10 plagues and all that. But...
Anyone would be pissed off after being subjected to 3000 years of cursed torment.
It's stated that the curse itself is what made him so powerful.
To recap. If the Pharaoh had respected a woman's right to choose he wouldn't have been murdered, there would've been no reason for anyone to attempt necromancy, and there would've been no creation of a powerfully cursed being capable of visiting plagues upon the land.
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laurelindebear · 1 year
Ardeth Bay Headcanons
As well as his native variant of Arabic, he is fluent in a number of other regional dialects, and proficient to fluent in English, French, German, Italian, some Coptic and some Middle and Late Kingdom phrases.
Is an avid reader, especially of poetry. He'll pick up any volume of poems he can, ancient, modern, or anything in between, in any language he knows.
Poetry and storytelling are extremely popular pastimes amongst the Medjai. As well as readings, Ardeth writes some poetry of his own.
When they are invented and he gets a chance to experience them, he loves roller-coasters.
Drinks alcohol sparingly, but has been known to indulge in pomegranate wine if he's feeling laid-back.
Beverage of choice is strong Turkish coffee, which he drinks anytime he has the water to spare.
Has a sweet tooth, and gets sparkle-eyed for strawberry tarts when he first tries them while visiting the Carnahan-O'Connells in England.
Strong coffee + sweet tooth means his favorite treat would be a cafe mocha, full fat milk and whipped cream with cinnamon on top.
Has a younger sister, Nesreen, with whom he is very close (even though she is prone to teasing him, as little sisters do.)
His mother is deaf, so he signs with her using a Medjai variant of Arabic sign language which incorporates some of their signal codes and other gestures.
Has always had a falcon named Horus since he was first old enough to learn. Horus I was presented to him by his father. Subsequent birds all take the name (Horus II, Horus III, etc.) like a little dynasty.
Has cultivated a good rapport with a merchant in Cairo who makes and sells the highest quality soaps and emollients. Ardeth keeps his spare money aside to pick up the best shampoo and hair oil when he's in the city. Those luxuriant locks don't happen by accident.
(He may ignore the question, if asked about it, but Nesreen will happily spill the beans.) If he shares his hair care secrets and products with you, you have made it to his innermost circle.
Surprisingly good with children. When interacting with young kids, he will squat down to talk on their level, face to face. Enjoys giving piggyback rides to young family members, and lifting them up to sit on the saddle in front of him when they are too young to learn to ride yet.
Has a great dry sense of humor he shows only around people he's comfortable with (and when he's not in Serious Medjai Chieftain mode).
He inherited the knife with the elaborate handle (seen on his back in the first film) from his grandfather.
Slow to open up and trust people, but once you've earned it, you have a friend for life.
With thanks to @nnobodoodles, @belphegor1982, @picklebrinedgoblinmind, @nooneleavesforgood, and @tinydooms for letting me share some of these before and sharing some of their own ideas with me for brainstorming! ❤
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ancient-immie-blog · 1 year
Wow talk about cheap.
I had to do a double take while perusing AliExpress. Um, do they know what it doing here?
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Should the “Key of Hamunaptra” be this cheap? (Technically its the Book of the Dead, but who’s going to split hairs?)  I mean it does bring a mummy back to life and the seven plagues. I would think that would slash the price a bit. This price still dose not seem right. Do you have to have the scarab key (Key of Hamunaptra) to open it? Is the scarab key (Key of Hamunaptra) that sold separately? Plus where did they get the other 2 that they sold? And do the Medjai know about this?
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ashley-slashley · 5 months
I keep misremembering medjai as jedi
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victoryrifle · 3 months
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THE MUMMY (1999) dir. Stephen Sommers
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vgtrackbracket · 3 months
Video Game Track Bracket Round 2
Return of the Medjay from Assassin's Creed Origins
Befall from Honkai Impact 3rd
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
Return of the Medjay:
This soundtrack is so good, it's weird and high energy and doesn't feel cliched or formulaic. I picked this track because I think it's extra fun and gives a good overall view of the music.
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shansuthamedjai · 4 months
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If I was to give an honest rating on what my s.p.e.c.i.a.l stats would be in the fallout universe it probably would be
Strength - 6
Perception - 7
Endurance - 8
Charisma - 3
Intelligence - 6
Agility - 5
Luck - 4
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warframenames · 6 months
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dd122004dd · 1 year
Hi could I request jealous Ardeth Bay x fem reader smut?
Yours. Only Yours.
Author's Note: Hello dear reader! Thank you for the request! Unfortunately, I didn't feel like writing smut for this one, so I gave it a bit of a spicy ending. But I might or might not make anther part, just with smut in it. I hope you enjoy this, though!
P.S. Sorry for the delay, was going through some writer's block but now I'm kinda back.
Warnings: None, I don't think.
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The scorching sun was setting in the west, birthing vermillion tinged skies as it hid among the sandy dunes in the distance. As Nuit laid a dark cloak over the earth and twinkling stars shone through, making the cool night almost tranquil. Within a camp in the distance hidden among the cooling dunes were people bustling about, preparing for a grand feast. The Medjai were celebrating the vanquishment of their ancient enemy, the one from whom they’d protected humanity for millennia. It had been decided by the chiefs that the five tribes would come together to celebrate their victory against the dark one.
A large bonfire was created in the center of the camping grounds with large pots of food bubbling around in anticipation for the hungry soldiers. The women within the camps wore their finest clothes with various colors and jewels adorning their bodies. Among them was her, Amaira, the one who adored the leader of the Medjai, Ardeth Bay. Her attraction to him was not unfounded. Rising through the ranks quickly, Ardeth had become the youngest leader that the Medjai had seen in decades. Not only was he a capable leader and strategist, he was also an excellent swordsman and gunman. Many women in the camp were attracted to him for his strength and military prowess yet he paid them no heed, choosing to ignore their advances and focusing on his duties.
Amaira too was one of his admirers yet she did not trip over her words whenever she saw him, rather she had a tongue that could cut through steel, injuring anyone who dared cross her path. She engaged the young Medjai in a battle of wits every time he came across her.
The two had been at each other’s throats since the fateful day they had met each other ten years ago when he was a young trainee and she was learning the art of crafting armor for the Medjai. Her father came from a long line of armorers and they had been making armor for the Medjai for generations. Their secret practice, however had been passed down through the matriarchal line, with the sons becoming warriors for the Medjai and the daughters crafting armor to defend their beloved family. ‘The swordsman attacks and the women defend,’ was their family’s motto.
Within her tent she dressed herself, lathering the perfumed oils reserved for special occasions. Lips colored with red rouge and a slight blush adorning her cheeks, making her look youthful and flushed. She wore beautiful navy robes, embroidered with tiny beads that caught the light, shimmering like stars among the night’s sky.
Ready for the feast she emerged from her tent, looking for her friend, Maria. As she made her way towards the festivities, she finally spotted her friend amongst the crowd. She quickly made her way towards her, almost barreling into the younger woman. The women greeted each other before deciding to mingle.
As her friend and her went around the campfire, meeting new friends and talking about the guests and some of their atrocious attires she suddenly caught sight of him, Adreth Bay. The object of her desires yet the bane of her existence.  Her friend noticed her halt, turning towards the direction the woman was staring at Maria noticed a young woman talking to Ardeth, well, rather she was flirting with him. With a large smile on her face as the man in front of her let out a joyous laugh at something she said. “That’s Zaina, the daughter of Chief Akhned,” Maria said.
“How disgraceful,” Amaira scoffed, “Flirting with a man four years her senior, and in front of everyone, too.”
“Are you angry because she is flirting with a man in public, or is it because you wish you were in her place?” Her friend knowingly asked.
Scoffing at her insinuation she replied, “Never. I’d rather eat a camel’s foot than flirt with that arrogant son of a donkey.”
“You say that yet your glare speaks otherwise, dear friend,” Maria rebutted.
Amaira glared at the cozy couple, noticing them drawing closer to each other as the young woman placed a fair hand on the Medjai’s arm, giggling at something he’d said.
Having enough, Amaira stalked towards the cozy couple with a saccharine smile on her face, “Asalaim walaikum.” She greeted.
“Walaikum Al Salam.” The Chieftain’s daughter replied before Ardeth cut in, “Zaina, this is Amaira, her family makes the armor that all the Medjai wear.”
“Aah, how wonderful! I’ve heard of your family. The women in your family must be incredibly talented to have made such incredible armor,” Zaina complimented.
Pride filled her chest as she replied, “Yes, they are. I heard your father was looking for you, you might want to hurry along and see what he wants, afterall, no one should keep the chief waiting.”
Zaina looked at Ardeth, reluctant to leave, yet after a few moments she moved away from the man, bidding him farewell she went to look for her father.
Turning towards the Medjai before her Amaira glared.
“What was that for? I was talking to her.”
“Please, a blind goat could see you flirting from on top of the pyramids.”
“My, my. Jealous, are we?”
“Pssh. Jealous? Over you? I’d die before I admit that.”
“It doesn’t make it untrue, Amaira.”
“You have no proof of anything.”
“Really? I don’t have proof?”
“Then I suppose you glaring daggers into my back wasn’t enough proof? Or perhaps you looking at the poor girl like you wanted her head? Or perhaps the sweet smile you plastered on your face as you swayed your way over here? Or maybe, when you told her, her father was looking for her when you know very well that the chief hasn’t arrived to the feast yet. So tell me, little snake, what proof could you possibly desire? Or perhaps it’s not proof you desire, but me.” Ardeth breathed close to her ear, whispering the last words as he stalked forward with each word till, she was cornered against one of the tents.
“You’re delusional. I could never desire you!” Amaira stated determinedly, unable to breathe from the proximity of the warrior.
“You could never desire me? Or you could never allow yourself to desire me?” He questioned, with a grin on his face, finally glad to hold something over the fiery woman’s head, yet his happiness was short lived as he found himself being pushed to the ground. Before he had a moment to react, a weight deposited herself on his thighs, preventing him from getting up.
“Amaira! What are you doing?!” He asked, frantically.
Smirking down at the man, she replied, “You were right, Ardeth. I do desire you. I have from the moment we met. And your little display with Zamiya really pushed me over the line. What did you think would happen, hmm? That I’d cower and bow before admitting my feelings? If you really thought that, you know me far less than I thought.”
“What’re you trying to do?” He asked as she leaned closer to him, caging his body under her own.
“Showing you, how much you belong to me.” Saying this, she captured the Medjai’s lips with her own. He was stunned at first before melting into the fiery woman, surging upward as he claimed her lips. Yet she didn’t allow him to dominate the kiss, pulling him closer as their mouths clashed together. A battle as old as time among the dunes of the desert. A depiction of their relationship with each other soft at certain moments yet harsh at others.
The couple eventually separated, resting their foreheads against each other’s, slowly panting.
“‘Only I am allowed to touch you this way, to claim you for myself. You belong to me.” She stated.
“Yours. Only yours.” He vowed.
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theaskywalker · 2 years
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Imagine Ardeth finding out that Horus survived and you nursed him back to health
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diwns · 1 year
hello friends, this is no longer just a sims blog so do what you want with that information 🫡
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Absolut bangers!!!
I have an obsession with cartoons based on Egyptian mythology.
These are just some intros I downloaded of the cartoons I have seen. If anyone has recommendations reblog or comment!!
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medjaichieftain · 26 days
"I am so sorry to bother you but.. you don't happen to know where the museum is? I somehow managed to get a little lost.." (from Sophie; @mxrvelouscreations
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"You are quite a decent distance away from it, I am afraid," Ardeth replied to the young woman, stroking Horus' breast feathers as the falcon perched on his gloved hand. Looking like an anachronism that stepped out of another era, Ardeth had simply been keeping an eye on the comings and goings of the city, his scimitar sheathed at his side. The medjai were some of the few legally permitted to carry and brandish such weapons in public.
Horus chirped curiously as he looked Sophie over. Ardeth continued to gently pet him with the backs of his fingers, knowing he sometimes became nervous in large, noisy city crowds. "Would you like me to escort you there, miss?" Ardeth offered the woman. She was alone, after all, and cities like this one could be dangerous places.
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Closed RP with @medjaichieftain
The Scarlet Witch had long been seen as a powerful being, able to rewrite reality and either control or destroy worlds. Her magic was chaos, a dark form and one of, if not the most powerful form of magic known. It was no wonder that she was worshipped, seen as a God by many who did so. This did not bode well when it came to those in charge in the great cities of Egypt, who only saw her as a threat to their throne, someone who could possibly overthrow them and turn their people against them. And so, they had set about a plan, one to curse her, to trap her before she became too powerful and rewrote their reality. They weakened her, locked her away in a tomb and cursed it, so that whoever should be so foolish to open it would themselves be cursed.
Many years had passed before her tomb was opened. While there had been a few devout worshippers, many had perished shortly after she had been trapped so that there would not be an uprising. Those that had survived had left Egypt, vowing that one day they would return to free her. In a way, their vows had come true, as it had been their descendants, along with some unsuspecting American travellers, that had broken open the tomb.
When Wanda had emerged, she had wished for revenge. While it was true that her magic enabled her to control and destroy, she had never wished for that as her future. And so, she wanted to get revenge on the men who had trapped her in fear of what she might do. At least, that was until she discovered that the world was far different from the one she had left. The pharaohs of old were no longer there, the buildings had changed and the cities were far busier than before. There was one thing she recognised however, or at least, a person.
"You... how are you still- I thought you would have been dead by now?"
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