#Meggs! I do hope this is what you hoped for!
Patchy I love this event!! It’s so cute!! You have so many pretty things here…
I did spy a lovely book that I wouldn’t mind taking a closer look at… the one with the worn, brown cover? If you don’t mind… 👀
Meggs, how kind it is of you to travel all this way to want to celebrate in such festivities! It does warm my heart with how fond you are of all my bobbles, trinkets, and potions.
So, I suppose, I can gift to you that old book upon my shelf, though it is not part of those I wish to give away. After all, I cannot change the fates - if it called to you, then it is meant to be yours. I trust that you will keep it safe.
Now please, reach out and take it, after all, a closer look is a good idea 🔮
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Darkness sounded you, a strange phenomenon as you could vividly recall the warm light of the shop you had entered, recall the worn book your fingertips danced across, and the feeling of uneven cotton within the cushion you decided to sit upon as you heard the small creaking noise of the spine of the book being opened.
All of it now seemingly a faint and distant memory as you laid surround by inky blackness. A heaviness seeped deep within your bones, making a normal act such as moving your hand, or lifting your arm, impossible. Forced it seemed, that you were to be held captive in your own mind; awake as your thoughts ran wild as you body kept itself in a deep slumber. You were unsure how this could have happened, unsure how such a thing could befall upon a person, but you knew one thing was for certain – you were cursed and now at the mercy of another to free you from this lonely and desolate confinement.
For who knows how long.
Though it was not just you stuck frozen within the confinement of you own mind, the entire kingdom that surrounded you was stuck in a endless sleep, perhaps in their own way keeping you company as you traveled through time, never aging, so whenever the miracle came to allow you wake once more you would not be alone; instead have those you grew accustomed to stand alongside you again – at least that is what you hoped. Though one small gratuity of kindness could not make up for the never-ending curse that loomed, one that had no clear way or answer on how to lift it.
It was perplexing, all of it, to Kirishima as his large crimson wings carried him over the grey and frozen land; watching as it all stood eerily still with not even a gust of wind to move a single blade of grass. It sent a shiver down his spine as he wondered what someone within that land could have done to desire such a fate.
Perhaps someone insulted his Queen? And thus inferred her fury? Nonetheless, curiosity took hold of him as he soared lowered to take a closer look at the Kingdon and it’s slumbering inhabitants, going to deliver goods to the dragons of the North no longer captivated his interest any longer – besides he knew that could wait another day, who knew how long these people could?
He landed with a silent thud, taking a moment to adjust his feet to the now even ground, before he began to wander throughout the lifeless town. A sense of unease made purchase deep within his soul as took more of the sights in; how everything seemed to fall in order of routine that these people had and yet remained perfectly untouched. A dichotomy that would have never crossed his mind, never one that seemed impossible to achieve. Yet, he knew given his encounters with magic and all things mysterious, that it could.
Before long, mere minutes of wandering about, looking into the lives made still of these poor people, did a bright beam green light made itself know. One that made him wince as he tried to look upon it, to see where it came from; for if there was a light being cast it could mean a person who could provide him an insight to all the questions ran through his head. His heavy boots seemingly made the ground shake as he dashed his way towards, and up, the tall stone tower where the beacon laid; like a lighthouse to a boat it seemed to call him forth to allow him home. That sense of familiarity, of homeliness, further caused his brows to furrow in confusion as he ascended the tower.
Though as he stumbled through the wooden door that sat at the very top, bursting forth into the room behind it, did it all seem to make sense. For there you laid, the fair maiden that had managed to bewitch him with an alluring smile way back during the Summer Solstice, slumbering peacefully like an angel from the heaven’s above.
It was because of you, he was sure, as to why this curse befall over this land. Your beauty and grace would make anyone jealous. Perhaps you accidently captivated a lover already taken by a powerful sorceress? And that this was now your punishment, and the punishment of those you ruled over.
Licking his lips to try and rid himself of the dryness of his lips, Kirishima let out a shaky breath as he stepped towards you. It was as if he was not in command of his own body anymore as he slowly creeped to your bedside, wanting just a closer glimpse of your beautiful face.
Shifting down upon one knee, balancing his weight so he would not lean any of his weight upon your bed, before gently pushing a few strands of your hair away from your face. He took a moment to brush his thumb over your cheek before he leaned his face closer to your own, lips parting slightly as he began to close his eye….
“Excuse me ma’am…!”
The peddler’s voice, though soft, startled you out of your trance as you jolted away from the paged upon your lap to look upon her face; you felt almost sheepish as you closed the weathered book. Once she noticed your attention was on her, she gave you a kind smile, as she placed a gentle hand upon your shoulder.
“I do apologize for startle you. But it is late, and I do wish to retire for the night” She guided you up from your chair, pushing the book deeper into your hold “Though, I do encourage you to keep reading once you get back to your abode.”
“I-I can keep it?” You stuttered out, mind still trying to catch up to all that has happened, as your feet faltered in their stride.
“Of course, you can, it called to you after all” The peddler chuckled, opening the door for you to walk through. “The story within it is now yours to keep.”
“It is? Truly?” With a final sigh, one more of amusement than disdain, she nodded her head – closing the door briefly “Just promise me you’ll take good care of it? If you do, I guarantee your dragon love will stay with you.”
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You seemed very captivated by how the story was unfolding; as if the world itself no longer existed and it was just and those worn pages. Just like Kirishima seemed to be with you when he stumbled upon you once again.
Never fear, even once those pages run out of ink to read, his love for you will be ever-lasting - and it will be shown to you soon enough, you just need to look for it in this world, not that one 🔮
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I do hope you wish to keep what you found, for all 'sales' are final
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daedelweiss · 1 year
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finally made a proper sheet and render for my sona: Pastel Leo!!! or just Pastel for short. he never calls himself Leo 😂
he's an embodiment of aesthetics, beauty, and the appreciation of the arts. he's existed ever since humanity has started prioritizing art and not survival so he's a few hundred thousand years old. he pretty much just roams around the world, attracted to people who make art, music, literature, etc. he also befriends immortals like night time (ash's sona). him and night don't know they're related for a good while tho.
he's a pretty lonely boi tho as he keeps befriending mortals who either leave him or die. one day, he got tired of his loneliness that he spends 100 years isolated. his body then glitched to a tot and repressed all his immortal memories prior to meeting his twins (megg's sona and cami's sona)
that's pretty much all i want to share atm 😄 it's just fun creating stuff that won't go into public and not worry about what the agorithm thinks 💖 i do hope you like my little blorbo tho!!!
( 🌿 please do NOT repost, edit, trace, use, and/or sell 🌿 )
ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴡ��ɴs ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢ ᴛᴏ @meggalice @camilieroart ʀᴇsᴘᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇʟʏ. ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʟᴇᴏ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢs ᴛᴏ @ashwii
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purplesimmer455 · 5 months
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Later that night, Tess comes up behind Megan and hugs her. Megan startles, unable to fully relax in Tess’s arms. "Hey Meggs and toast." Tess says into her ear, and Megan smiles weakly. "Hey." She says. "Emmy's asleep. If you want to woohoo, we could do it now." Tess says, moving her hands to Megan’s hips. Megan bites her lip, remembering what Tess had said to her about being honest with each other*. "Tessie, can we talk?" She says quietly, and Tess moves away from her. "Okay." She says, and Megan’s stomach churns.
Megan's heart hammers in her chest. "Tessie, I'm sorry but I still sort of have feelings for Iseul and nothing happened between us but-" Megan pauses and then tells her about what Iseul had said at the marketplace earlier in the day, that maybe she should have married Megan and that awkward moment between them. "You told me you didn't feel that way for her anymore." Tess says, her eyes dark. "I know, Tessie. I don't want to, and I love you not her, not anymore." Tess lets out a deep sigh. "But you still have feelings for her. I need some space to think, I'm heading to my pack's cabin for tonight." She says, and Megan nods through a lump in her throat. Tess doesn't even look back at her as she exits the room and Megan stifles a sob, feeling guilty and stupid and angry at herself. She doesn't want to leave Tess or for Tess to leave her, and she would never want to hurt Iseul’s fiancée Grace, who she's become friends with, either. She decides to keep it to herself for now, give Tess space to think, and hope that they could talk it through tomorrow and work it out.
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origamiplushie · 3 months
I Have a Bird in Spring
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This was written as part of the @steddiesummerexchange for @hardboiledleggs for her prompt 'frogs'. I decided to use my own memories of going to a pond to watch frogs every summer as inspiration for this fic! Megg, I hope you like it<3 This was my first ever fic event and I would like to thank the mods for putting together such an awesome event because I've had a great time from start to finish!
Read on AO3.
Chapter 1: The Horned Marsupial Frog
The marsupial frog keeps her eggs in a pouch like a kangaroo. When the eggs hatch into tadpoles, she opens the pouch with her toes and spills them into the water.
One year, Steve’s class was asked to each draw their favorite place in Hawkins. A few people drew the arcade, some drew a tree-house in their backyard and a couple of the nerdier kids drew the library. Steve didn’t have to think long about what he would choose to draw - there was only one place in Hawkins that was really his. The frog pond.
The pond was located in the woods, not too far from his house. It was a great place to play, climb trees and explore but what Steve loved most of all about this pond were the frogs. Every spring the pond was filled with tadpoles. Steve loved to crouch on a rock next to the pond and watch the tiny black dots swimming around. He’d stick his hand in and watch them scatter before beginning to mill around his fingers. He would spend all his summers and school breaks at that pond if he could.
As he hadn’t ever seen anyone else at the pond before, he dared to call the little pond his pond. Well, he guessed he could share with the frogs too.  
The teacher really liked his drawing and had suggested that if he wanted to get a closer look at the tadpoles he could scoop them up with a jar and view them through the glass like an aquarium. She also said he could keep them as pets if he built a proper habitat, but Steve knew his mom would never allow pets in their house, much less ‘slimy creatures’ like frogs.
However, Steve could still use the first half of that idea! So at the beginning of spring break he dug out a large jar from one of the cupboards in his kitchen, rinsed off the dust and hurried to his pond.
Only this time, someone else was there.
A pale boy with dark hair and a buzz cut was in the clearing waving around a stick at the air as if it was a sword. 
Shocked to find another person at his pond, Steve hid behind a tree and just watched for a moment.
“Take that you nasty monster! And that! I am going to save this village from your terror!” the boy shouted.
He continued swinging and making stabbing motions with his stick and then with a final victorious yell he dramatically spun around with both him and his ‘sword’ pointed directly at Steve peeking out from behind the tree.
“Ahhhh!” The boy jumped in surprise and fell down. He went red in the face.
Steve came out from behind the tree now that he’d been noticed and cautiously approached the boy sitting on the ground.
Now that Steve was closer he could say for sure that he’d never seen this boy around Hawkins before even though he looked like he was around Steve’s age. He was wearing a worn red t-shirt and cargo shorts. He had a few bandaids on his knees and one on his cheek.
“Whuh- How long have you been there?” the boy exclaimed.
“Not long. Who are you? You don’t live in Hawkins, do you?”
“No, I’m staying at my uncle’s for spring break. My name’s Edmund.”
The boy, Edmund, stood up and brushed off the dirt on his shorts as he answered.
“Why are you at my pond?” Steve blurted out.
“Woah, what? Your pond?” The boy looked confused for a moment before brightening and starting to jump up and down. “Wait! Are you like some kind of water spirit or nymph or something like that? Is this your home? Should I not have told you my name? Are you going to curse me?”
Steve did not know what to make of this sudden deluge of questions and he didn’t even understand half of them.
“I’m not going to curse you! I’m Steve, not whatever it was you said. What on earth is a ‘nimp’?”
“Oh, maybe nymph is just a word made up by us mortals and not used by other creatures? I guess C. S. Lewis wouldn’t have known that…” Edmund absentmindedly mumbled to himself.
Steve thought this whole incident just kept on getting more and more confusing. 
“Anyways! Oh, noble spirit of this peaceful glade and this lovely pond, would you please allow this adventurer to stay and explore here?”
Steve thinks he got the gist of that weirdly worded question - Edmund wanted to play by the pond.
“Uh, sure I guess. I mean, I don’t mind sharing, I already share this place with the frogs. But if you’re staying, um, can I play too?” Steve looked at the ground shyly as he got to that last part.
“Yeah! That would be awesome!” Steve’s new friend beamed at him.
The boys ran around chasing dragons nearly the whole afternoon. Edmund told Steve that he should be a wizard fighting with magic while Edmund would be a knight protecting him with his sword while Steve cast his spells. They managed to find a cool looking long stick that became Steve’s new magic staff. 
Steve didn’t know all the words Edmund used but the other boy was always happy to explain when he asked.
It was the most fun Steve had had in a while.
When they finally noticed that it was starting to get dark, Edmund turned towards Steve apologetically. “I need to get back to my uncle or he’s gonna start to worry.”
“Oh. That’s too bad. Would you wanna play again tomorrow? I could show you the tadpoles?”
Edmund smiled brightly and promised to come back the next day. 
And they continued meeting up at the frog pond to play together every day for the rest of the break.
Steve showed Edmund which rock was the best to sit on to see into the pond without falling in and how to scoop up the little tadpoles with the glass jar. 
Edmund told Steve about his uncle and his mom. His mom loved fairy tales and fantasy stories. Edmund had actually been named after a character from one of her favorite books, “The Chronicles of Narnia”. His uncle was a trucker and usually traveled around a whole bunch which meant that Edmund could only visit him for spring break and maybe a week or two in the summer. Edmund didn’t say a lot about his dad, just mentioned that he was busy with work a lot.
Steve could get that. Steve then told Edmund about his own mom and dad. How his dad went on a lot of important business trips while his mom watched Steve. But his mom was often busy organizing charity events and leading the homeowners association, so neither of them really had much time to play with Steve.
After some confusion from Edmund and a quick explanation about what a ‘water spirit’ was, Steve also frantically cleared up that he was a normal boy, not some kind of ghost of the frog pond or whatever. He just called it ‘his pond’ because no one else played there but him.
At the end of spring break both boys were saddened by losing their new friend but Edmund promised he’d be back at the end of June and they could play together again then.
So it went for 3 years. Steve would get two or three joyful weeks a year playing at the frog pond with Edmund. He would rush to the pond the first day of spring break and impatiently wait for Edmund to show up. 
It was no longer ‘his pond’, instead it had become ‘their pond’.
But then Edmund disappeared. And Steve didn’t even know why.
Steve had hurried to their pond as soon as he woke up on the first day of spring break and settled in to wait for his friend. However hours passed and the sun went down and still there was no sign of Edmund. ‘No matter,’ Steve consoled himself, ‘he’ll probably be at the pond tomorrow’.
Steve waited at their pond every day for the rest of the break until finally he had to admit that Edmund wasn’t going to come. 
The only explanation Steve could come up with was that Edmund had grown out of playing at the frog pond. Maybe he thought it was too childish and Steve was just acting like a baby being disappointed that he had no one to catch tadpoles with anymore. 
Steve was still a little bitter that he was just left behind like that, but he decided that if Edmund wouldn’t be coming to their pond anymore, neither would Steve. They were too old for such childish things.
Steve guessed his dad was right - it was time for him to grow up. ---
1977 had so far been the worst year of Eddie’s life. His mom had died and his dad had been thrown in prison. Eddie felt more sad about the former than the latter. 
Then he had spent a torturous couple of months in the loving hands of CPS before his uncle Wayne finally managed to track him down and appeal to the courts for permission to raise him. 
So now on top of the grief and anger and trauma, Eddie was also laden with guilt. 
His uncle had to give up his trucking job and start working shifts at the factory. Wayne had to give up his bedroom so Eddie could have his own room. And he had to take care of his dumb nephew who, as CPS had helpfully informed him, was ‘troubled’.
Because of all this Eddie hadn’t made it to Hawkins before August, a week before school started. He hadn’t been able to see Steve since the year before or let him know why he had missed his usual visit during spring break.
As soon as his uncle allowed him out of his sight he frantically rushed to their frog pond, irrationally hoping that Steve would still be there.
But the clearing was empty. Steve had obviously given up on waiting for Eddie to come back. 
Eddie had lost his mom and his home and now he had lost the smallest bit of magic fate had deigned to give him. He knew that his Stevie wasn’t actually a nymph or a water spirit, but being Eddie’s first and only friend had been miraculous enough. And now he was gone. 
1977 sucked.
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meggs-benedict · 2 years
MAN I DIDN’T EVEN FINISH MY ESF STORY(I mean I finished writing I just need to draw the art that will accompany the story) BUT STILL/nm/lh
I loved your cookie run art and it’s sad to see it go but oh well, I still respect the decision. I’m excited to see your oc content on instagram though!
I’ll miss your cookie run content but I’m just glad you’re doing ok
Have a great day meggs :)
issok!! I can still promote it!! Regardless of what it is I absolutely love and will share any sort of work my beloved followers make <3333
Also thank you sm I hope ur doing well urself!
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weird-dere-fics · 1 year
Mama Megg :3. Hewwo beloved 💛💛💛. I hope you are doing well. If not, I hope life turns around and shows you the kindness u deserve uwu.
I think I would assign u music production.
You have a love for so many different things, and you unapologetically share that with everyone you can. That’s so admirable to me. Like u are truly free. That’s a kind of joy that spread to others even if they are not explicitly involved in the things you choose to share. Even if they don’t go through an entire post; they just happen to scroll by it on the dash, they can’t help but smile. They can tell from a simple glance the amount of love you hold, not only for the characters dear to you, but for yourself too. U r just so lovely 🫶🏾.
I feel like through creating music, you would have another way of giving a glance into yourself that people would just eat up. I could see you making music to listen to, music for video games, music for YouTubers or streamers.
When streamer Leviachan collabs with you for the first time, he cannot get you and your amazing skills out of his head. The music you made for him just seemed to embody his energy perfectly, but he could tell there were also many pieces of you in it the more he got to know you. Before he knows it he’s followed you on every platform. Tumblr, Twitter, Spotify, SoundCloud, distrokid, patreon, YouTube, twitch, you name it. He’s in chat every time you’re live. He eventually gets close enough to start learning from you, and he’s falling hard all the while. His first song? Created entirely for the purpose of asking u to be his partner <3.
Kisses for ya darlin’ 😘.
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send in an emoji and I’ll tell u what study vibes u give me :3
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megatraven · 2 years
MEGG!! Just rewatching my Alex extras that I got to record and I watched the first part of, “Cause for Celebration,” and I’m barely a minute in the video (bc I put it on the slowest speed bc I tapped rlly fast during this recording lol) and I get to this part:
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They sit right next to each other….and Alex is kinda shy to hold her hand bc they’re not used to it (I’m assuming this is early in their relationship. Maybe?) and MC grabs theirs with no thought and it’s just so sweet😭.
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And then how they remember her birthday and feel the need to remind her, or at least ask what she wants. They don’t assume and take a guess, they actually ask so they can make it the best day for her and it’s so sweet😭. Ik it’s a common thing to do it in a relationship, but I like to imagine that Alex did that every year even if they weren’t dating. They always reminded her that her birthday was coming up and always asked what she wanted. OR they would kinda get hints from May and would buy her something similar to what she’s been talking about.
I just love Alex so much and I needed to talk about them again.
ALSO!!! FINALLY!! SCHOOL IS OVER!! I’m so excited. I think you asked about my summer plans in my last ask? Not sure, but I actually don’t have any plans lol. I can’t go away and I’ll have to see if my friends are busy on certain days. Plus, I really need to apply to get a new job bc ya know. Money. But I’ll be fine and I’m happy to finally be able to sleep in and play games if I want to! It’s such a relief and I don’t have to worry about grades anymore. I can just rewatch all my lovestruck stuff in peace.
I do think it's the first birthday (between either of them) they're celebrating as a couple! Alex is still a little shy about being public with their relationship probably as habit from having to resist things like holding her hand prior to dating and it's so sweet..... tho i also think some of that shyness comes from knowing they have to be careful about public displays of affection at work, so they're still at that point of trying to strike a balance and figuring out what's okay and what's not.
MC, of course, doesn't have the exact same hold-ups and she's more ready to make up for lost time in the casual affections department vuv
gosh i just love them both so much.... they're really my favorite characters ever im 💛💛💛💛💛💛
YAY FOR SCHOOL BEING OVER!!! <3 i hope you have a good summer and land a nice job that pays well!! :) i also hope you get to have some fun, be it with your friends or playin games!
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OH WAIT @megatraven and @catlovingwitch
I gave you fluff now it’s time to go back to angst.
Remember the voicemail headcannon we did with Alex AND MCs mom?? Well,,,imagine that during the Hera problems that MC is alone at one point. She’s talked to everyone that she can and she feels hopeless,,,she’s lost. She scrolls through her contacts about to call someone for comfort, and she sees her mothers contact.
She stares at it for a moment. She doesn’t know how she hasn’t seen it before, or maybe she has and decided to ignore it. But this time, memories are rushed to her mind. Memories of her crying as she listens to her mother’s voicemail, but she never left one because she never wanted the phone to run out of room. And now after 10 years, she still mourns her death, and before she realizes it, her finger hits her contact and presses ‘call’. It rings and rings and she knows it’s not gonna answer, no voice is gonna come through the speaker, nothing but a monotone voice is gonna say, “leave a message,” and she would hear the blasted ring. She knows it. But she hears a message that she didn’t remember her mother leaving.
It’s her saying leave a message, but instead of just her, she hears her own voice. There’s a little grunt and then she hears her voice again. Her little girl voice is laughing and happy and her mother is happy as well. And then the monotone voice comes and tells her to leave a message. She’s stuck. She came here to hear her voice, but now she feels like she finally has words.
Finally has words to tell her mother. Even if she would never hear them.
“Hey, mom.” The words were shaky as they came out, but they were out. It was words she hasn’t said in so long, and she missed them. 
“It’s me. You already know who this is, but, yeah. I’m not doing so well,” she says, voice still shaking as tears well up. She pauses for a moment, but knows she needs to speak, she has to before time runs out. “But good things have happened, Momma. I got a job at HERA, I’ve been doing well, and me and Alex are engaged. I finally got my 15 year old’s dream to come true, Mom. You were right about me and them. You always are right.”
The tears flowed down her face and she took in a breath and tried to continue. “I miss you so much, Mom. I think of you everyday, I take your HERA badge with me, I want to show you my ring, I want you to be at my wedding, but I know you can’t. But I just wanted to say that I love you and I wish you were here to give me advice.” When she finally says all of that, ready to somehow continue, the phone beeps again and hangs up.
Her time was out. But her words weren’t done. She knows nobody would hear it, but she just had to finally get these words out of her mouth. The words she didn’t tell anybody for years and the words she wants to tell her mother. She dials her number and hears her voice again and it hurts but comforts her as well. She hears the beep and begins again. “I wanted your advice on how to deal with Hera living under my skin. You had her as well, but now it’s causing me trouble, Momma. They’re saying I’m gonna become her, and I’m gonna die, Momma. I might join you soon.” At those words, the world came crashing down even more. “I love you, Mom, and I always wished to see you again. I wanted to die so long ago, just so I could be with you again, but now...I’ve found peace. I know you wouldn’t want to meet me in pain and sadness, and I don’t want to meet you like that either.”
“I want to meet you as I have a peaceful death and can meet you again. You can guide me back and I could be with you again, Momma. I miss you, but I know you wouldn’t want this. You would tell me to fight, I know you would, and I’m trying. I’m trying so hard, Mom, and I’m not gonna give up.” She can hear her moms voice telling her what she said all those years ago. “Don’t give up. Don’t let anyone stop you from love and happiness. You can do anything, MC.” Those words and that memory made her heart clench in sadness but comfort as well. “And I made a promise to you that I would, and I will, but it hurts.” She knows her times running out again, so she finishes with,
“I love you, Mom. I hope one day I can actually hear your voice again, one day I can hug you again, and I can tell you of everything that has happened, and I know you’re watching.”
“I’ll make you proud of me.”
HIOFHFBJFDN. AAAAH MEGG AND WREN!! I JUST!! THE VOICEMAIL THING IS SUCH A GOOD IDEA MEG!! I LOVE IT!! And I also just imagine MCs mom meeting her in a dream and being lilke, “Sweetie I heard it all,” AND HAVING A SWEET MOMENT!! I LOVE MC AND HER MOTHER!! AND ANYWAYYYSSSS....I’m sad and I actually cried during this. Anything involving death hurts me, but I love it and hope you love it as well >:))).
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f0x-gl0ves · 4 years
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Bit late to the party and not sure if this counts as an actual hype post but I have limited resources right now 🥺
This is for @booshquaranzine !
Art instagram: @feralmurphy
I'm Emma/Moss A 21 y/o non binary mess from birmingham, England.
I'm a student currently studying illustration at Birmingham city uni. I have no idea what I want to do in my future but I love surrealism, comedy and I have a terrible range of music taste. Obviously the mighty boosh is a huge inspiration for me and Mr Noel Fielding is my adrogynous art god (don't get me started on mr barratt, I adore that man with every fiber of my being) ((I am also desperately in love with alice Lowe and Richard ayoade from garthmarenghi, another surreal fav)) (((basically I'm in love with most people)))
My work is definitely a broad range of multi media because I can't seem to focus in on one area!
On tumblr I mostly just post my guilty pleasure mighty boosh fanart because those lads are my go to when I don't know what to draw. The interactions I've had with our little boosh fandom have been some of the nicest I've ever had online, so thank y'all for being so cool ❤️🐊
On Instagram I upload a lot of random stuff, but I have two OC universes currently in the works: the first is a huge sci-fi comedy epic (think hitchhiker's guide and Dr who lol but with even more gay) featuring a space lesbian romance, a tiny robot superweapon, and immortal timeless jazz musicians!
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(here are some bad examples)
The second is a Birmingham based comedy called cryptid chaos, involving a lazy substance abusing pest control team (think Simon hanselmann's megg mogg and owl meets ghost busters) run by a depressed demon and an clueless alien trying (and failing) to pass as a human. The plan for this was ultimately to be a multimedia show but obviously I am just one very broke student, so I'm currently uploading some very bad comics (with a couple of boosh references if you look carefully ;) )
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Thanks for reading!!
I'd like to say thanks to everyone involved who organised, edited and produced the zine as well as all the talented artists and writers, you all rock 🤩
I hope you all enjoy the boosh zine! It's the first proper zine I've ever been involved with I'm so excited!!
Lots of love
Emma/ Moss X
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meg-tann · 5 years
oh for the love of god-
a/n : I’m out right now and bored so I thought I’d write something. Hope you like it! This is quite short.
warning: extreme fluff like you aren’t prepared to what is about to hit you! some smut, you being evil.
pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Your tongue was sticking out as you concentrated on the massive file for your next mission, photos sprawled across the coffee table as you studied the piece of information in front of you carefully not wanting to miss out a single detail.
“In coming!” You heard a shout as you felt your boyfriend Bucky jump and land on the couch next to you messing up the file you were sorting, photos and papers flying out.
“Babyyy!” You shouted glaring at Bucky who was laughing hysterically. His eyes were screwed shut and his was head tipped back, his deep chuckle mixed with a light almost giggle like sound echoed the room. Even though you adored his cute laugh, you were just annoyed right now.
You glared at your boyfriend and sorted the file back to its original state, Bucky still laughing. You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest, grabbing the file, your phone and walked away from him, annoyed.
Bucky stopped laughing as soon he felt your weight lift off the couch and the soft sounds of your feet carrying you away. He instantly felt guilty and got off the couch walking away you, using his metal arm, he grabbed your wrist and turned you around to face him.
“Please don’t be mad at me...I’m sorry” he said in a soft voice actually worried that you were mad at him for what he did. Which you were but not that much, you were starting to get bored anyways.
Then an idea popped into your mind making you inwardly smirk to yourself, pay back time. You sighed and rolled your eyes, shaking his hand off you and turning around to walk to your shared room. Panic washed through Bucky as he watched you. He ran after you and wrapped his arms around your waist, carrying you like you weighed nothing and putting you down in front of him. Then he ran the block the stairs so that you couldn’t leave, oh he looked like a lost puppy.
“Doll? Baby? Doll face? Please don’t be mad...I’m really sorry just don’t be mad...I’ll help you sort through them again please? Forgive me?” Bucky begged, he looked like he was about to cry. A nice girlfriend would start to feel guilty and forgive him immediately but you weren’t so you burst out laughing collapsing to the floor, pointing to him.
“You should have seen your face” you managed to choke out through your laughs. Bucky stares at you in shock.
“What?” He looked at you confused. You stood up and wiped the tears running down your face.
You walked up to him and hugged his chest tightly, you looked up at his face and pecked his lips. “Baby, I’m not mad at you! How can I be mad at youuu” You cooed.
“Oh... Yay! So what do you want to order for dinner?”Bucky cheered, smiling innocently at you. ‘God, why is so cute’ you gushed. You hugged for a long time every once and a while pressing your lips together and making out a little.
You felt Bucky’s metal arm wrap around your waist and pulled you up so you were straddling his waist, the temperature difference sending a shiver down your spine. You leaned your head on his shoulder feeling the scar where the metal met his flesh and breathed in his scent. You looked up to see him staring at you, admiring how beautiful you were as you did the same.
Your hair was messy and was softly blowing from the air conditioner in the room, your face was bare and your glasses were perched on the bridge of your nose sliding down slightly. You were just dressed in Bucky’s large black shirt which you had stolen from him after the first time you guys had sex and a pair of lace underwear Bucky bought for you. (Y/E/C) eyes shined under the light of the dinner room and you smelled like plum and rose water. Absolutely delicious.
Bucky was wearing a tight black dress shirt which accentuated his toned muscles, the buttons were undone showing of his chest and abs doing things to you, he was wearing tight jeans that wrapped those thighs you wanted to ride into the sunset so perfectly. His long brown hair was tied back into a man-bun and he was wearing his reading glasses that he recently bought.
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You smashed your lips into his, your plump lips moulded together as you were stood in front of the stairs making out, moaning into each other, kissing each other like your life depended on it. It was intense.
You broke the kiss to take a breath, your heavy breathing filling the quiet room. By this time, Bucky had put you down to get a better grip on your body. You tiptoed back up to match Bucky’s height to pull him back into a kiss. Both your eyes closed, bodies pressed against each other.
Then, you shifted your head to Bucky’s ear and whispered,
“I want Chinese for dinner”
You giggled and ran off leaving Bucky quite stunned, his hard on already very prominent.
“Oh for the love of god-” Bucky groaned chasing after you.
this was shit
I had this as a draft and didn’t know how to finish it
Hence, it is terrible
Please let me know what you think though
xx Meggs
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purplesimmer455 · 1 year
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Luna’s moms invited the Kangs over for dinner so they could meet Cam’s parents and auntie. Cam reached the house first, and kissed Piper on the cheek while her parents and auntie followed behind, carrying some recyclable bags with food and ingredients. “You guys didn’t have to bring anything.” Piper said sheepishly. “I wanted to make my dad's family recipe of Japchae for your family." Cam said. "I hope your moms don't mind." Piper shook her head quickly. "No, no, they'll love it. They joke about me talking about you all the time but they rave about you more, if that's possible." She said, smiling at Cam. "Plus, I've wanted to taste your cooking for a long time." She added flirtatiously. "Hey, I brought you some Tteokguk once." Cam added playfully. "Okay, that was delicious, but it doesn't fully count because your mom made it and not you." Piper grumbled in the same tone. Cam grinned and said, "Okay, fair enough Feldman-Chen." Piper noticed that Cam's parents and auntie were waiting to be let inside, and she hurriedly invited them in.
The adults sat and talked in the living room before heading outside to the backyard's larger table, and Tess couldn't stop eyeing Iseul. She could see why Megan would like her, she was cute and easy going and confident, Tess could even see herself crushing on Iseul when she smiled at her in that self assured way, so she couldn’t feel too jealous. The two of them politely greeted each other, although Tess swore she saw a flash of sadness or maybe regret on Iseul's face as she introduced herself. She did like that Mr. And Mrs. Kang had goofy stories of Megan from college though and teased her wife, saying that she always knew she was a bad seed. Iseul smiled at this too, and added. "You should've seen Megs when she had 3 salty llamas. She was such a party girl." And Tess laughed as the adults all ribbed Megan, although a part of her felt jealous as Iseul glanced at Megan and she could see a soft smile on her face. "And what about you, Is?" Megan retorted with a smile. "You got so drunk on simsmapolitans that you decided to do a karaoke song last minute." Iseul smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she looked at Megan. "I sort of remember. I sang ABBA's Lay all your love on me to you." Megan blushed and exchanged a look with Tess, who bit back a laugh at Megan’s awkward expression. "Hey, that's my song with Meggs too." Tess added casually. "Oh really?" Iseul said, matching Tess’s polite tone. "Yup. We watched Mamma Mia together on our second or third date, and kept singing that to each other, and still do." Iseul nodded, but her brown eyes darkened a bit. "That's great." She said. An awkward silence followed and Mrs. Kang quickly asked Tess about her career. "Well." Tess blushed as Iseul turned to her. "I'm a paranormal investigator." Iseul's eyes widened. "Wait seriously?" She asked genuinely interested. "That's kind of amazing." Tess grinned at her. "It's great to help deceased sims move on. Plus, helping families be at peace in their homes." Iseul grinned back at Tess. "That's great honestly. But it's cool too, right?" Tess laughed. "Yeah okay, it is." Megan was astonished to see them go from jealous of each other to being friendly and Iseul laughing at Tess’s jokes while Tess ribbed her about liking the Foxbury Lobsters team. Megan grinned to herself and jokingly wondered if she should be jealous but waved it aside.
I tried to have Min Jun (Mr. Kang) grill outside, but a fire happened and I had to reset him safely away as Iseul and Paenji put the flames out. Thankfully, no sim was hurt and although they all had a tense moodlet, everyone relaxed again and went back to their conversations. Also, Cam made Japchae while Piper chatted with her and the two of them got help from Cam's dad to plate it up and call all the family and guests to the meal. Piper swooned playfully over the meal as she took a bite, and told Cam it was amazing. "I taught Cam the recipe, so thank you." Mr. Kang said playfully. And he, Piper, and Cam laughed.
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erikahenningsen · 5 years
My 15 favorite theater experiences of 2019
In no particular order:
1. Choir Boy (Samuel Friedman Theatre, New York, NY): I say in no particular order, but if you know anything about me, you know that Choir Boy is my number-one show of the year. I saw it four times on Broadway and twice in Boston. Tarell Alvin McCraney’s writing is so beautiful, human, and fearless. He puts works of art on stages, television, and film that nobody else does. Jeremy Pope’s performance as Pharus is easily in the top three greatest performances I’ve seen on a Broadway stage. If your local regional theater is doing this show, I cannot encourage you enough to go and see it.
2. What the Constitution Means to Me (Helen Hayes Theater, New York, NY): This show was unlike any other play I’ve seen before. Heidi Schreck, who wrote and starred in WTCMTM, wrote a deeply human, poignant, and timely play about a document written by a bunch of rich, white men a few centuries ago and made it gripping, engaging, and relevant. It’s a show I believe every American should see. As an added bonus, Heidi is genuinely one of the kindest people I’ve met.
3. The Wrong Man (MCC Theater, New York, NY): I saw The Wrong Man for the first time three weeks before it closed, and I immediately fell in love with it and went back several more times in those three weeks. The Wrong Man is only ninety minutes long and has only three main characters, but it presents an engaging story about forgiveness, mercy, justice, guilt, and innocence. Ross Golan, the composer/lyricist, began performing The Wrong Man as a concept album thirteen years ago and turned it into a full musical. The score is beautiful and has some really great bops, and the choreography is probably the best I’ve ever seen.
4. Waitress with Sara Bareilles and Gavin Creel (Brooks Atkinson Theatre, New York, NY): I’m personally not the biggest fan of Waitress, but this was one of the most fun nights I had in a theater this year. Sara and Gavin had amazing chemistry, and I have never laughed so much at Waitress before. 
5. A Strange Loop (Playwrights Horizons, New York, NY): A Strange Loop is unlike any show I’ve ever seen before. It’s unlike anything anyone has seen before. How many shows center around a fat, black, queer character? I can’t think of any. Michael R. Jackson, the book writer/composer/lyricist, has an incredible ability to write satire that has you laughing at the same time you’re being punched in the face emotionally. A Strange Loop grapples with the intersections of racism, homophobia, and fatphobia. It’s meta at the same time it’s grounded, and gets more and more intense as the show progresses. I walked out of the theater in a daze after I saw it. My fingers are crossed it comes to Broadway.
5. Mean Girls, Taylor Louderman’s last show (August Wilson Theatre, New York, NY): Going to Mean Girls is a routine thing for me, and I’ve seen the show dozens of times, but every once in awhile something special happens that reignites my love for this show. Taylor’s last show was obviously incredibly sad for me, the cast, and everyone who loves this show, but I also laughed more and harder on this evening than I have in a very long time at Mean Girls. Everyone, especially Taylor, was giving this performance their all, and I’ll never forget it.
6. The Secret Life of Bees (Atlantic Theater Company, New York, NY): I had suspicions I was really going to love this show before I saw it, but I absolutely fell in love with it. The music is gorgeous (thank you, Duncan Sheik), the performances are stellar, and the story, though set decades ago, is as timely and relevant as ever. I do cry at shows pretty often, but rarely do I tear up because of how overwhelmingly beautiful a show is—but I did that at Secret Life of Bees. I’m still impatiently waiting on that Broadway transfer announcement.
7. Beetlejuice (Winter Garden Theatre, New York, NY): Despite all its flaws, I love this crazy, loud, obnoxious, wild show so much. I had seen it in DC and counted down the days until first preview on Broadway. I rushed first preview and ended up with front-row tickets, and I had one of the most fun nights in a theater I’ve ever had. The performances really make the show, and I’ve been very vocal about how I strongly believe Leslie Kritzer was snubbed by the Tonys. Beetlejuice also has my favorite scenic design for any show. I also have a uniquely personal connection to this showL Beetlejuice used to have a joke in the show I felt was offensive, so I reached out to Eddie Perfect and Alex Timbers and explained to them why I was hurt by it, and they actually listened to my feedback and removed the joke. I’m hoping Beetlejuice can find another home after June, because I’m not ready to say goodbye yet.
8. Next to Normal (Ground Floor Theatre/Deaf Austin Theatre, Austin, TX): For years I had been wanting an ASL production of Next to Normal with Sandra Mae Frank as Natalie, so when it actually happened I knew I had to fly to Texas to see it. I don’t think I’ve ever cried more at a show. Sandy made me look at Natalie in a whole new way, and the ASL interpretations of the lyrics added so many new layers to the show. Megg Rose, the Deaf actor who played Diana, gave one of the best performances I’ve seen, and I want her to be on Broadway immediately. This production really was a dream come true for me. 
9. Six (Chicago Shakespeare Theater, Chicago, IL): We drove to Chicago from NYC to see Six, and it was definitely worth it. I was in the front row for the first time I saw it, which was a terrifying but incredibly fun experience. This cast is so incredibly talented, and the show is so much fun, and being there with almost all of my closest friends was such a memorable experience. I’m so excited to see it again when it comes to Broadway.
10. Little Shop of Horrors (Westside Theatre, New York, NY): This was my first experience seeing LSOH, and I had an absolute blast. The performances were incredible, with Christian Borle being just off-the-wall crazy. I haven’t laughed that much at a show in awhile. The Audrey II puppets are fantastic, and what they’ve done with the scenic design in such a small space is amazing. I’m excited to see it again with Gideon Glick.
11. Indecent (Huntington Theatre Company, Boston, MA): Indecent is and always will be my favorite play, and I’m so incredibly grateful I got to see it again in Boston. Huntington recreated the Broadway production with many of the original cast members, and it was such a special show. I never thought I’d see that production again live, and Huntington gave me such an incredible gift with this play. 
12. Freestyle Love Supreme (Booth Theatre, New York, NY): FLS is just fun from start to finish. It’s completely improvised with special unannounced guests every night, so it’s different every time you see it. I loved seeing how they made the show more inclusive between Off-Broadway and Broadway (by asking people their pronouns, for example), and I have a blast every time. 
13. Ain’t Too Proud - The Life and Times of the Temptations (Imperial Theatre, New York, NY): I saw Ain’t Too Proud mostly for Jeremy Pope, and I was so pleasantly surprised by how much I genuinely loved the show. Derrick Baskin is one of the most hardworking performers on Broadway—he literally does not leave the stage. The choreography is so much fun, and each person in the cast is so incredibly talented. It’s also one of the most pleasant stage doors I’ve ever experienced; everyone at the stage door just really genuinely wants to congratulate and thank the performers, and the actors are so kind. 
14. Teeth (National Alliance for Musical Theatre Festival, New York, NY): It’s wild even to me that I’m putting a staged partial reading on this list, but that’s how good Teeth was. I spent the entire time laughing, and the songs are constantly stuck in my head. Everyone at the festival was talking about how much they loved the show, so I’m hopeful there will be a full production of it sometime soon.
15. Slave Play (John Golden Theatre, New York, NY): It’s hard to talk about Slave Play because it transcends descriptors like “good” or “bad.” Slave Play is important. It’s complex. It’s necessarily provocative. And it’s shaken up Broadway like no show has in recent memory. It’s a show I think every American adult should see. I haven’t stopped thinking about it since I saw it. It only runs for a couple more weeks, and if you haven’t seen it, you need to. 
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meggs-benedict · 2 years
Hey meggs, how are you? Hope you’re doing good, anyways so I saw that you might put the esf au to the side but I was wondering, what are your thoughts on me making a story that takes place in the esf au, staring an oc of mine (of course, sparkling, CB, and walnut will also be major characters), I really like your esf au and I just wondered what you’d think about this idea (Im a procrastinator and I’ve been lacking motivation lately so this is a maybe :P)
oh yes you can absolutely do it!! Just make sure to credit and link back I adore anyone’s lil contributions to the AU for what it is!! 💕💕 ;;
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halo--hall · 4 years
10, 12, and 14 for the soft asks!
10. something you’ve created in the last year that you’re proud of?
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last summer i co-choreographed & performed in two very absurd drag numbers with a couple of my favorite kweenz (while we were running monthly rocky horror gigs & producing a stage adaptation of clue simultaneously because we hate ourselves) after not writing or performing anything original (or clowning for an audience period) in years. it was a lot of fun & i’m still real proud of the work we did. i did most of the wigs & makeup for these numbers as a little baby cosmetology student too. we were hoping to bring both of these back bigger/better this year but with the whole plague thing... who knows. i miss this shit.
12. if you could make a candle that smelt like anything, what would you pick? i mean, i love very “basic” candle smells like cupcake or pumpkin spice or whatever but if i could make a candle smell like anything i would probably pick something gay like my girlfriend’s campfire-y leather jacket.
14. an artist (of any kind) whose work you look forward to seeing? i miss seeing my draggy circus pals perform & do their thing but until we’re allowed to interface with others again i’ve been following simon hanselmann’s latest megg & mogg & owl series on instagram religiously & i feel like i’m perpetually on the edge of my seat waiting for the next installment.
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megatraven · 3 years
AWWW THOSE SKETCHES MEGG!! They’re so good🥺💙💙. Really be doing Hydra some justice and making me wanna replay everythint about him.
ALSO!! I did get the private lies extra and it was so sweet🥺🥺. Hydra not wanting to lie to her but has to (I think. I have terrible memory) and gives her a SCARF BECAUSE ITS COLDDDDD. He thought about her safety and hnnnng. I love him and I’m glad I bought it. And I hope you’re having a wonderful day💙!! I’m pretty happy bc I also just finished Rose’s lifetime! Now I just need to work on the final one and how that’ll go down-
THANK U SARAHHH!!!! <3333 ;O;;; i wanna reread him too,,,, i reread his lost kisses s2 recently and he's just been on my mind a lot 🥺🥺🥺
YESSS THE PRIVATE LIES EXTRA IS SO ADORABLE THE SCARF CG IS ONE OF MY FAVORITES IN THE WHOLE APP ;O;;; he care her so much,,,, he knows she's so capable and smart and he respects the heck outta that, even when he cant tell her stuff ;o;;;;;;;;
thank u! my day was alright, im just happy to be able to relax at home now for a couple days :) and OOOO AWESOME HEHE i cant wait to see what you cook up for the last one!!!!
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@megatraven and @catlovingwitch
OH WAIT MEGG!! I have a small addition to my other post or MC protecting Zeus with the events in Hades route. Or an idea similar to it. I’m just tryna do homework that’s due today and I’m stressed but take this idea for the events in Hades route:
Imagine if MC was taken instead?
LIKE IK IM REPEATING MYSELF WITH “Zeus would be panicking,” SO IM STOPPING THAT SO, now let’s imagine Alex. Alex doesn’t know it at first, they’re waiting for MC to be back. And she’s not dating Zeus or Hades she was just invited up there with Alex, but Alex had to leave for something. But they trust for things to be okay, they left her with their mother and Hades and they trust them. However, things go terribly wrong, and they didn’t know. They didn’t know until Hades came down the elevator, and it was broken so no one was coming down or up, and Alex didn’t see MC.
“Where is she?” It was the first thing that came out of their mouth, and it sounded more panicked than they wanted to show. And to make it more heartbreaking, they weren’t together yet. As in, Alex hasn’t told her how they feel, how much they love her, how much they’d sacrifice to be with her, and now she was gone. “No. Don’t think like that. She’s strong and so are you. You’ll find her,” they would tell themselves, trying to convince themselves that everything will be okay. But it’s hard.
Of course it’s hard. The love of their life is missing and they don’t know where she is. GODS their heart hurts, but they push through it. They prayed for her safety before this, now they’re praying almost every second. They worry for the Gods, but MC is more often on their mind. They work harder than they ever have. It hurts their limbs sometimes since they sit in the chair all day or it hurts bc they’re running around all the time, actually chasing leads to find her. They only time they go home is when they truly realize how late it is, or when Hades tells them to go home. And they do because Hades basically demands them to.
Not as a boss or a God, but as someone who loves them and is worried. They agree to go home because they know they probably do need it, but their heart is heavy and it pounds with guilt and fear. They barely get any sleep while she’s gone, but they know she would want them to get sleep, so they try. They try for her and everyone counting on them. And your idea of Alex contacting MC through dreams, ITS MCS TURN!! It happens one night in the office, they’ve dozed off and managed to fall asleep, and it’s dark when they open their eyes, BUT MC IS IN FRONT OF THEM.
But she looks so scared, there are a few bruises on her face and a few scratches. Her clothes are torn a bit and it all breaks Alex’s heart. She’s hurt, scared, and Alex still doesn’t know where she is. “MC!” MC would try to smile at them, but it stops short and they run to her in the dream, but they can’t touch her. That little reminder that it’s not real makes Alex wince. “Alex, I don’t know what they plan to do with us. I haven’t seen your mother, I’ve been by myself. They keep me locked up and I’ve tried to escape but I can’t! Not on my own,” she said, tears flowing down her face. Alex’s heart somehow broke even more, but they pushed past it. They have to focus on her, she’s more important. And they talk, and MC gives details but it doesn’t help much, but they don’t blame her. She doesn’t know where she is either. But after they think about it, they realize where she is.
She’s in Tartarus, and it gives their heart a shock. How did she even survive going there? They’ve been there but they’re a demigod! Their body could handle it, but they don’t know about a mortal. But then another thought comes to their mind. What if she is dead? What if she is only contacting them because she’s dead. And it causes them to go to Hades IMMEDIATELY and explains everything and Hades brings them both to Tartarus (helll timeee). When they get there, they see the titans, Selene and Helios. Hades tells Alex to go and find MC and to see if anyone else is there, so they run. They run with everything in them. They have to get to her, they have to. And then they do. I haven’t played Astraeus’ route so idk what Tartarus looks like SO lets just say she’s in Astraeus’ room,,yeah that works. She’s on the bed and she’s asleep or passed out, but Alex doesn’t know, so they run over to her and see her breathing.
And that causes them to start breathing again. They didn’t even know they were holding their breath, but they were, and now air could fill their lungs with relief. They look around the room and don’t see any of the other Gods there, so they just take MC and run out of the room. Selene and Helios are attacking Hades and he’s holding them off for right now, and he tells Alex to get MC somewhere safe, and they don’t hesitate lol. So they get her safe and leave her with agents, but ONLY because they are not leaving Hades down there. He is strong but he may need help so they go, and they fight together and see that the Gods are hereee. Not where MC was but deep in Tartarus I guess.
I wonder where the Gods actually were. Did we learn that in Hades route and I just don’t remember it? IDK but anyways,,she’s in the infirmary and after the Gods are dealt with and Alex is excused, they RUSH OVER TO MC!! And wait for her to wake up. She does and looks at them with a smile. Their breath is taken away, but they’re so happy. Their world is now bright again and they know everything’s gonna be okay,,,
And then they tell her how they leave, she says she feels the same, and they share their first kiss. And it’s kinda funny how it’s in the INFIRMARY that they share their first kiss gripjew. But we love it :)). I hope you like this and there wasn’t too much proofreading bc I need to get it out and do homework-
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