mstudi0s · 1 year
Blooming 🌸
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"Flowers need time to bloom."
you're a process in the making, and even when you feel like you have had it all figured out. something new pops up. 🌸🌿
it doesn't mean that you are faulty or incomplete. think of it like a new discovery of self or even an unlocked door inside of you that was waiting to be opened. our body is like a mansion with many rooms and there are some rooms inside of us that we just haven't unlocked the door too. you can choose whichever door you like and can even choose to close the door to that room and move on to the next. take your time, those rooms will always be there when you are ready to tackle them. 🌸🌿
You are on nobodies clock, but yours!
things take time, just like the blooming of a flower. it wouldn't make any sense for the flower to just be there as it's beautiful self. It needs to have come from somewhere. you're that flower, still turning out and pushing out the petals to become your most beautiful authentic self. 🌸🌿
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eriecanal · 6 months
can't watch games rn bc i am deep in a finals hellhole of my own creation but i keep checking the scores on my study breaks and being like 😞
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fair-lead · 10 months
if ffxiv is so good why does it crash on character creation. checkmate atheists
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theblogfish · 1 year
Why did I get an email, from Tumblr, about the new Hades game??
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What are the Doctor Who social medias counting down to?
Posting this now so I can take credit when I’m right. You’ve probably heard or noticed about the Doctor Who Instagram and Twitter posting one on-screen doctor every day in reverse order (Tennant, Whittaker, Martin, Capaldi, Smith, Tennant... again, Eccleston, etc). As of the time I am writing this they posted McCoy yesterday. I’ve seen a bunch of speculation around what this is counting down to -- is it a casting announcement? Is it a trailer? Is it a spin-off? Is it finally the Series 10 Soundtrack? -- I’ve cracked it. It’s so obvious.
It’s the backlog of episodes going live on Disney+
It’s just that. It’s the only thing that makes sense a month after the last trailer and 10 months before the next episode. It wouldn’t be a casting announcement for the 60th because those only happen either right after a leak to control the narrative or right before that actor needs to shoot in public, neither of which lend well to a 16-day countdown after shooting has finished. It won’t be a spinoff because any character about to get spun off would either be introduced or re-introduced in the main show first. Also, neither of those things would thematically connect to posting each on-screen Doctor. The fact that the vague hypeposting includes classic doctors too makes me suspect that the backlog will include not just the revival but also the classic episodes as well, including the 1996 TV movie cause the rights to that are owned by Fox... and guess who owns Fox now.
Will this include a backlog of spinoffs too? Torchwood, Sarah Jane, Class, Confidential, K9 and Company? Will this include animated reconstructions of lost episodes? It depends on whether they want to build up enough content to make up one of those tabs to put Dr Who next to Marvel and PIXAR. Personally if that happened I would vomit but if it is gonna happen we might find out next week.
If I’m right I’m gonna come back to this post and say I told you so.
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armorabs · 1 year
going thru my old posts, found one of my hypeposts about karen’s baby before it released
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i never did get to see the rare coveted krabs-karen friendship, let alone krabs fawning over chip as an excited honorary uncle 
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genlossneg · 1 year
THANK GOD finallt someone else whos not just blindly calling genloss the greatest thing on the internet just bc it was made by ranboo. ur a hero for this blog fr fr . this is so refreshing after ive had to unfollow like 12 different people for genloss hypeposting
that's what i'm here for!
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f0x-gl0ves · 4 years
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Bit late to the party and not sure if this counts as an actual hype post but I have limited resources right now 🥺
This is for @booshquaranzine !
Art instagram: @feralmurphy
I'm Emma/Moss A 21 y/o non binary mess from birmingham, England.
I'm a student currently studying illustration at Birmingham city uni. I have no idea what I want to do in my future but I love surrealism, comedy and I have a terrible range of music taste. Obviously the mighty boosh is a huge inspiration for me and Mr Noel Fielding is my adrogynous art god (don't get me started on mr barratt, I adore that man with every fiber of my being) ((I am also desperately in love with alice Lowe and Richard ayoade from garthmarenghi, another surreal fav)) (((basically I'm in love with most people)))
My work is definitely a broad range of multi media because I can't seem to focus in on one area!
On tumblr I mostly just post my guilty pleasure mighty boosh fanart because those lads are my go to when I don't know what to draw. The interactions I've had with our little boosh fandom have been some of the nicest I've ever had online, so thank y'all for being so cool ❤️🐊
On Instagram I upload a lot of random stuff, but I have two OC universes currently in the works: the first is a huge sci-fi comedy epic (think hitchhiker's guide and Dr who lol but with even more gay) featuring a space lesbian romance, a tiny robot superweapon, and immortal timeless jazz musicians!
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(here are some bad examples)
The second is a Birmingham based comedy called cryptid chaos, involving a lazy substance abusing pest control team (think Simon hanselmann's megg mogg and owl meets ghost busters) run by a depressed demon and an clueless alien trying (and failing) to pass as a human. The plan for this was ultimately to be a multimedia show but obviously I am just one very broke student, so I'm currently uploading some very bad comics (with a couple of boosh references if you look carefully ;) )
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Thanks for reading!!
I'd like to say thanks to everyone involved who organised, edited and produced the zine as well as all the talented artists and writers, you all rock 🤩
I hope you all enjoy the boosh zine! It's the first proper zine I've ever been involved with I'm so excited!!
Lots of love
Emma/ Moss X
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zdeno · 5 years
who’s ready to lose tonight???
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lcbffs · 2 years
hi people! i made some playlist then yall suggest sum songs and ill add them!
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arizonacolleen · 4 years
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I don't want to brag or anything...yeah, I do. That's a number I can live with. That's a solid me figure right there. 🥰🥰 Proud. 🥰🥰 #booksales #booksale #amazonbooks #amazon #newbook #supportnewwriters #minuetneroseries #newseries #epub #workinprint #selfpublishing #crimestories #newfiction #hypepost #writinginspiration #writinginlondon #camdentown (at Camden Town) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6iHTruA6Uu/?igshid=1vlw9v872gwuo
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shatterfly · 5 years
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#dammerunglarp #hypepost #writing It was time. Signe's stomach roiled as she packed her things and picked up Jerrick's old battered shield. It wasn't much but it was what was left and that had to be enough. She was off to Hamaguard fortress. There were murmurs throughout the realm that trouble was broiling there. If her jarl, her REAL jarl was anywhere then he would be there. She was sure that if there was trouble there would also be a call for someone of her skills. She'd studied wokka crafting under her father since she could walk and carry her own supplies. It had been some time since she'd crafted but those skills still burned in her fingers and if she went somewhere new perhaps the fields where she gathered supplies wouldn't remind her so much of Jerrick. She took a last look back at her home, and sighed a silent goodbye to her life there. Gestrhold hadn't felt the same since her Jarl went away to speak with the Crownlander refugees so long ago. Jarl Gyda was cut from a different cloth. Still this was where she was raised, where she was courted and married, it was home for so long. She wasn't good at farewells, so she simply started walking. To Hamaguard, to battle, to whatever the gods, old and new, had in store for her.  . . . 📸 by @thefactsofLARP https://www.instagram.com/p/By_LoptFsK-/?igshid=3jhcbib1r66z
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puppetbilly · 3 years
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it's that time of the week again <3333333
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soysaucecas · 2 years
I'm obsessed with myself
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supergenial · 4 years
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Well, the monkey paw has curled again, new Ariabl’eyeS album this very M3! However, Luna and Rena won’t be in it 😔. It’s called Seiren Femme Fatale but the cross fade isn’t out yet so I can’t quite comment yet on Kokomi’s vocals. I’m sure I’ve heard Misliar (her usual band) a few times but I’ve never quite gotten into them, hopefully it’s great. Just 3 more weeks until it comes out!
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mister-e-muss · 2 years
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I swear, I’m done hypeposting for the day.
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