#Mental Acuity
trumpchumps · 3 months
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rabidhiss · 3 months
Fitness and Mental Acuity varies between candidates. 🙄
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gentlemanforlady · 2 months
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Sur les marches des sens éviter la panne d'essence
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critical-skeptic · 1 year
Their Mental Acuity? Questionable at Best
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It's not just that Mitch McConnell had an episode that could have been an outtake from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." Hell, he's got the jittery, confused demeanor down pat. And it's not that Feinstein and Trump have become symbols of a generation lost in its own dementia, though that would make a fascinating psycho-political study in itself. What's so damn alarming is that these individuals are put in positions of immeasurable power, wielding influence over the masses, despite the clear signs that their cognitive abilities have departed, leaving behind only delusional hubris and incomprehensible jargon.
Take, for instance, the recent episode with McConnell. His face twitching like a glitching NPC in a poorly designed video game and his subsequent confusion were nothing short of terrifying. It's a symptom of something much larger: a system that's malfunctioning and in desperate need of an upgrade.
Trump/Biden 2024: A Nightmare Sequel
We've been here before. The Trump/Biden shitshow is like a terrible sequel to a movie that nobody asked for. Trump, the unhinged madman who's turned American politics into his personal circus, and Biden, stumbling his way through speeches as if he's trying to decipher ancient hieroglyphics. This isn't a race to the top; it's a slow, agonizing crawl to see who can keep their dentures in the longest.
Age Doesn't Always Mean Wisdom
No, I'm not being ageist. Fuck that. What I'm saying is that wisdom doesn't always come with age. Sometimes, age brings senility, rigidity, and a refusal to adapt. We shouldn't hand the keys to the future to individuals who can barely remember where they put their glasses.
The veneration of age as wisdom has gone too far. It's time to look at the cold, hard facts. Statistically, we've got more than a few in Congress who are off their fucking rockers. It's not cute; it's not endearing. It's a danger to the very fabric of our society.
Conclusion: Time for a Change
It's about time we stopped coddling these senior statesmen like they're adorable, bumbling grandparents. They're not. They're at the helm of a nation, steering it towards oblivion with a lack of understanding of modern problems and an obliviousness to the technological intricacies of our world. The balance of power has tilted drastically, and we can no longer afford to be enslaved by traditionalist and boomer influence. The future demands a more diverse, more acute, more adaptable generation at the helm.
So here's a message to the geriatric politicians: retire, rest, write a memoir. But for fuck's sake, stop running the country into the ground.
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jkanelis · 3 months
Stop the armchair diagnoses
Everyone’s a doctor, a scientist, someone with inside knowledge on what makes total strangers tick.  You hear it especially when a prominent individual is forced to answer questions about his or her mental acuity. The most prominent person on Earth, President Biden, is facing those questions these days. He endured that hideous debate performance the other evening and now is being pressured to…
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agnihothealthforall · 6 months
Cortexi hearing support has been gaining immense hype for the past few months. This is an all natural supplement that claims to provide relief from tinnitus and amps the quality of hearing. Available in the form of oral drops, Cortexi hearing formula is unique, different from any other supplement in the market. It is also currently available at a discounted price for a limited time.
Aging is a natural process that comes with many challenges. Communication challenges are communicating effectively with loved ones. Our hearing health declines, making it difficult to carry out day-to-day tasks. Poor hearing can lead to frustration and misunderstandings.
There are many solutions available to improve hearing health, such as hearing aids and cochlear implants, that can help those with hearing loss to communicate more clearly and participate in social activities.
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techdriveplay · 7 months
Fitness Routines for Avid Gamers
Discover fitness routines for gamers to boost performance, improve endurance, and maintain focus for a healthier gaming experience.
In the digital age where gaming occupies a significant part of our leisure time, the importance of maintaining physical fitness cannot be overstated. Avid gamers often find themselves in thrilling virtual worlds for hours, leading to a sedentary lifestyle that can adversely affect physical and mental health. Recognizing the essential connection between physical fitness and gaming performance,…
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thecapitolradar · 11 months
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Trump’s rivals seize on opportunities to challenge his acuity
Where were you sycophants in 2016?
The reason we ask is, we want a president who's a leader all the time -- not just when it's on trend. We expect someone in the Oval who says the unpopular, the dangerous, but always truthful thing. Someone who functions without fear or favor -- that's our idea of a leader.
So far, we don't see any leaders among the candidates.
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lets-blogoff · 2 years
Ten Effective Exercises To Boost Brain Function And Mental Acuity
Ten Effective Exercises To Boost Brain Function And Mental Acuity - #letsblogoff #Fitness, #Happiness, #Health, #HealthTips, #HealthyLiving, #LetsBlogOff, #Lifestyle, #Music, #PopularPosts, #Sport, #WellBeing - https://www.letsblogoff.com/ten-effective-exercises-to-boost-brain-function-and-mental-acuity/
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
idk wh after the taekook story, it feels like are you sure is a but fake considering it was a show that was going to air, and like I know they have a good friendship or relationship but it does not seem as deep as taekooks bc I have never seen jk do something like that like going on an hours long airplane ride to visit someone bc they said they missed you. I mean jk will prob never do that for anyone else, ( which isn't a bday gift or obligation) . So I sort of feels one sided even on the show, and all the teasers it feels for jk it's like an thing or task to do rather than something he r3ally wanted to do deep inside esp with jm. It's like if no one is there jm works you know, unlike where he consciously made a decision for tae. I have only ever seen jm initiating never jk.
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This is what I meant when I said bitches get a cute moment and can't even appreciate it. Lmfao I could walk you through this and would be willing to have an honest conversation with you anon. But you've gotta leave the fake bullshit at the door. Otherwise you just get GOT shamed.
And no, I'm not opening this up for people to start re bitching about tkkrs, I get it. I promise I do. This is me just rolling my eyes but telling anon they can DM me if they want to be better. And you can still ship whoever you want AND be better anon..I'm not trying to convert you. Just tell you to ship your ship and leave other bonds out of it! Thanks.
Ending with my PSA as always to get your information from the members and not shipping circles!! Thank you everyone 🌈💜
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brostateexam · 2 years
I feel like myself for the first time since like March of this year. I mean as of like today. I don't really know who I've been for the last six months. Some other person, I guess.
Prepping for weight loss surgery, doing the prerequisites, getting surgery, looking for houses, buying one, and moving, all while adjusting to the realities of post-surgical life, has been intense and disorienting. Dealing with constant, unending nausea and vomiting for the better part of three months was awful. It's still not gone, not entirely, but I can eat food more or less normally as long as I don't eat too much and don't eat too fast so relatively speaking, I'm back in the game.
I feel like my brain was just elsewhere and my life was kind of in free fall for the duration. Occasionally, I would see part of the former me emerge, and I'd make dinner of decide on a paint color for the bedroom or solve a problem at work via ingenuity and determination. Then that me would recede into the fog, time would pass, and I'd come to somewhere else.
I don't experience time in a normal or appropriate way in general, but the last six months have kind of felt like a fugue state and I can't even properly articulate how scared I've been that it would be permanent.
All this is to say that I recommend weight loss surgery or buying a house and moving into it separately but maybe not together if you can possibly help it.
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totopopopo · 3 months
it’s so fucking joever
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wisdomfish · 11 months
Jesus’ mental acuity and emotional wellbeing
The Jesus presented in the Gospels reflects an exemplary personal and moral character, one that transcends the frail imperfect human moral condition... In sharp contrast to known deceivers, Jesus showed no signs of being motivated by wealth, fame, power, or pleasure... Frankly for those who have examined the life of Jesus, accepting him as the divine Messiah is much easier than concluding that he was a moral and spiritual fraud.
Of all men, Jesus seems to have a secure grip on reality. He consistently exhibited profound mental and emotional stability. In every crisis that he confronted-whether being mocked and interrogated by his enemies or undergoing the horrific torture of crucifixion-Jesus’ mind reflected an amazing clarity, sobriety, and underlying emotional stability.
Jesus transcends all categories concerning human mental health, emotional stability, and moral virtue. A powerful reason for concluding that Jesus was indeed God incarnate is that he was fundamentally different from every other human being that ever lived. Even Socrates, the Buddha, and Confucius pale in comparison to him. In fact, standards of human goodness are measured according to his life and character.
~ Samples, Kenneth Richard. ‘Without a Doubt: Answering the 20 Toughest Faith Questions.
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kariachi · 1 year
I'm sure there's some sort of post to be had in the fact that Kevin was on parole during at least AF. Not that it's working at all, and I have to assume there's just, no fucking parole officers tied to the Plumbers because according to WoG this kid bought a whole-ass house with his crime money, and he's at least renting a lot of space he keeps illegal goods in. Like, nobody is keeping track of this child.
Which, if you go with the Rooters arc, makes sense. Servantis lists Kevin as on parole before tossing him at Earth so nobody goes 'there's a wanted criminal walking around!', then makes sure nobody keeps too close an eye on him for Cuntface reasons. But if you're working within UAF canon, not so much.
And even within Rooters canon, it brings the question of 'wtf did Prior Gihill only give Kevin a warning when he was caught violating his parole with vigilantism when his rap sheet definitely includes violent crimes'?
Which, of course, we answer with 'Prior Gihill was shit at his job' because we've seen him at work and one has to assume he got his position through being the best asskisser available.
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cerona10 · 2 years
Piarles Phantom Thieves AU, with Pierre as the thief and Charles as the detective chasing him.
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baasthasthezoomies · 2 years
Orange Cat AKA Sunshine Update
Baby boy, your floof…
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He sniffed my leg today. We’re getting there 😸
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